A BOOK OF ASTROLOGICA: CO RRECT PREDICTIONS * eatt 1 : with 4,625 Bifth Chatts :PtinclpleSection * hitra Ayanamsz tNiruyana) * :Author,: , M anubhaiS.Shah Sundarlal B. Pancholi 44 ::*4%w . A: ,. :# *:+ > !f wlhsj: *1'! 1t.t kk4 lvitlg l'tinger writes;and havlng writ. k i N1t 'vt's f ln nor Al1 tlly l'iety not W it # ' Sllatl lure itllttck to cûncel halfa line, Nor Allthy Tevrs waslhout a Wotd ofit. Omar Khayyam. û i * SFIAH RIRTH CHART PREDICTION BOUSE Asthfhkdlql C),j ##b:A*(:l . 4 N;:k$CA11QN5v ,#V OICTtQRS. N:Qk1lNGt:t/1'#:$*CkAets. ' fRGOV ' N ( v1A SANJAN.nT.BuusàR. W-''i. 1 ? 6) * ( Rs.15/- PàttI& 111

Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

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Easy system to learn and apply Astrology.

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Page 1: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1



eatt 1 : with 4,625 Bifth Chatts : Ptinclple Section*

hit ra Ayanamsz t Niruyana )*

: Author, : ,

M anubhai S. ShahSundarlal B. Pancholi


:: *4%w .A:,.:#*: +> ! fwlhsj:

*1'! 1t. t kk4 lvitlg l'tinger writes; and havlng writ.ki

N1t 'vt's f ln nor Al1 tlly l'iety not W it#


Sllatl lure it llttck to cûncel half a line,Nor All thy Tevrs waslh out a Wotd of it.

Omar Khayyam.û i*

SFIAH RIRTH CHART PREDICTION BOUSEAsthfhkdlql C),j ##b:A*(:l .4 N;:k$CA11QN5v ,#V OICTtQRS.N:Qk1lNG t:t/1'#:$ * CkAets. '

f R G O V 'N( v1A SANJAN. nT. BuusàR. W-''i. 1

? 6)*

( Rs. 15/- Pàtt I & 11 1

Page 2: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Whpt A'he GmAt Poet: of The World Say !

) WJ)1 , l'ind wllat bign and Constcllation rule,And nyzke tlye ditference between the wise and tbol,M y versc shzll sing what vAtious asptk-ts rt'ign,When kings are doont'tl tf) crowns and' Slttves t(' r-llains.



Fottune ct $ot:.e houts to a11 llis kind;The lucky llave wholt ktû) s, wlhich $ti11 tl 'ey cllflose;Tbe unluck), have but hours znd tlheltî tlhey lost.


ln my stats 1f

kAte botn , pztlt,Some have gttâtntss

k $Fitst Elition

zm âbove thee, somesome lchitve gtevtness.

thtust upon tbem.Sbaktvpeqre

t 10* Copks ) 19664 61: 1b YZR''BC Q6 R

Publisher t Manuhh.l S. Sbâhfor Shvh Blrth C/rt,predsction Houet Nargol,

, ytR kangp. Ds,t. Bulsvr. ( w. a. )Printvd by ) D. K. Modt, Awn Prsnttng Prex:

Bewmpvp, Vfvypgqms Mohpllo, Suot./!

f? e *u ;> * Y

Page 3: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1



CORRF,CT PREDICTIONS.( Part 1 & 11 576 & 326 pages with4625 illustrations of Birth Charts. ) Rs. 15/-EXTRACT OF ASTROLOGICALCOM BINATIONS.( W ith 48 illustrations of Birth Charts ) Rs.CORRECT AND SCIENTIFICM ETHOD (7F YEARLY READINGS.( With full illustmtion ) Rs. 3/-BIRTH CHAR .T 1TS COM BINATIONSAND THE SYRENGTH OF THEHousE s IN PBRCENTAGB.( W ith 12 illustrations of Birth Charts ) Rs.BIRTH CHART AND TZIEPRINCIPLES OF PREDICTIONS.( ln the form of questions and answers ) Rs.BIRTH CHART, RESULT OF THEP .1 ANETS AND 1TS TIME( With 24 illusttations of Bittk Chvrts). Rs. 3/50AN EASY W AY OF CASTING ACORRECT HOROSCOPE.( In two sections : Mathematical Section


.$ .-and Horoscope Section ) Rs.WHY BI>TH CHAKT ONLY ?( Th

r varlous methods of ptedictionsnd 1ts defects according to the ptinc-!lples of Asttology ) Rs.



A1l the ric. ,,e with ost,ge tLttailed pzice lis,t of 32 puges on Jemaa. )

Page 4: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


Nargol ( Via Sanjûn, Dist. Buls:t W. Rly. )SHRI N. M . TH AKKAR & CO.140 Ptincess Street, Bonlbay 2.SI-IRI 1t. 1t. S11ET1-1 & CO.Keslhavbag, Princess Street. Bonllday 2

4. N. b1. TRIPATIII & CO' . (1)ri.) Igtd.Book-sellers :nd lAublishers.Ptincess Stteet, Bombay 2.

SHRI MAHADEV RAMCHANDRAJAGUb'PIIEBook-sellet A Publislneres. Three gvtes, Ahmedalhûd

6. SI'1RI HARIHAR PUSTAKALAYA.Towet Rozd, Surat. .SHRI ACHARYA BOOK DEPOT.O?p. Gandlni Nagat Gtlh, Bzroda.

* Sun> M oon# Mè<ô4 . Mereury% Juplter9 Vequ: ,9 Sàtutn '4 Dratoh', l4eld> Dragon's tajl

$d'Arlz:TaurusOemfnfCancerLqoVfrgoL#br .GorploëgsttariulCaprscorn.

!: Aqtl::fuyPi,ce:

Page 5: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

. av ew / I Q *J > ;.(@: .1 'x -< hG.EN j 5t, , q!)q

,,..-f.' C. k f Qi ï -5K1k %kS% . . . p,.E F A c E.****'#*X WOOW

''Aj'fiö1b-* is a, science. The mysterious lttrac-.>,.- gy'tions hidden in the Solar System which Mallarashis'andk the human beings have so long endeavoutedto intetptet, ate known as the science of Asttology.lt is the opinion the astrologers tlnat anymovement and action of hunnan-being ate induenced.by the attractions of the Solaz System.

of a11

lf this isthen the scientists must step out to

recognize ard study the science of astzology fuzthet.Even though, man is not God, he is God's

.creation 9. e. His child. lf God's


W e>

of our Loxd's powetwe shall be lcknowledgedastrology,

'ss modetn scientists who can setfuture.

Pasty Ptesent andBy reading bizth chatts based on tlae

ptinciples of astrology given in these books, evenln otdinûry man would get high honour fzom the

tlnroughachieve even 30*/0the science of



Rstrology is a holy, puze and pzecious science.,But today there is so much pzejudice, superstitionand cheating in the nûme of this science of astrology,.that wotds ate not tnough to desctibe it. Science ofAstzology is misused not only by dishontst andignotant pezsons but zlso by the leatned class. lttis tevlly a pity. Public has begun to contempt andaedicule asttology and its ptedictions. At such

Page 6: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


ctucial time, we have tried ou'r best to render servtce.to A,sttology by giving new birth to the hiddenmystttious knowledge of zsttology Rnd tried to prove

*its corrtqtness witl) new xefincment for tlle lleneûtof tlae tezdets and pu1)1i(.. After a long,lzbotlr of three solidpublish tbese books. we lhope tvety rcûtler bygoing tbrough thesc books, woultl reûlizt. tlle great

k*tlllstïlntFeûrs. we hAvt. llcen q1)1e to


power and truthfulncss of astrology, ln slhort, thcsebooks will be real guide 1nd will servc as a torchto the astrologets.

It is said tbzt ttuth is always bitter. Accordillglysome of our ptinciples would at ftst glznt-e creattao inypression on the rezders that wt are proud. Butttuth will always temain ttutll znd one c:n notzeject ot Rvoid it whtthet one likts itr ox not. ltis out humble opinion that these books, < A Bookof Astzological Correct Prtdictions' :tt entitely-scientiûc and bzsed on cortect principles of Astrology.

The construction of tbese books lxe entirelyscientiûc andzepetitionsof the 'asttological books. Thebooks is ,to zende: ttue setvice tois. not the slightest

otginwl, fat lway ftom trvnshtions otItom o1d books as one Nnds in mvny

Purposc of theselsttology. 'rhe-

to intoxicste the tt:dcstmtb by mea Ngutes ofxnd lezd them AWRF



Page 7: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Our deep study of Astrologyincident in our early life. Notwith

is by ahavinga' ftiend

SttanRek ; d, '' ' 't -1--7

b' een satlsfedki ' jkPalmistry, we approached to kno'

I # ; : j , :. jsonnething about astrology. Beihg a vain perkop heinsulted us instead of helping us. Thij toùdhddoF out ptide and hence we bought various booksegarding tbis science of Moving Zodiac and FixedtZodiac thtougln themexperience it was found tlaat fotmulas giventhese books wete away from the actuAl happenings.After

and Went minutely. B 'Yin

many Fearsof ttsearch fot Ttuth'' we evolvedsevaral fotmulas, based on fundamental ptinciplesof Asttology. l'aatet on the pred ictions givenaccording to those formulas were tetuarkably cortect.Words of appreciation pouted in abuAance ftomthe fkiend's citcle znd they insisted that we shouldput fotward tbese ptecious principlesof books. Today we feel happy when we see tlnese

in the form

b ooks in the hands of the readers.

attangementsnew :nd otiginal, keeping in mind the modernage. At ftst ghnce some of the teadetswould hesitate ot dislike to read them as ther atein tht hlbit of

of these books is entitelr

reading mete tmnshtions, wbile toothers it will give enlightment, stimulation and :v -



Page 8: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

(8 )

Todvy mzny astrologers consider this valuzbletnowledg: as v private ptopetty and inheritanceftom theit foze-fathets, believing blindly tlhat if theknowledge is shared with othets they would starveto deatla. Gteat harm :od dissetvice is done to thescience of asttology by suchThis is one of the reasons

shott-siglltttdwhich h:s

disctedit to and lessened


tbe impottance of zstrology.who discovers cettkinAny petson or an astrologet

new ptinciples should consider to be his duty to putfotward new pzinciples fot the beneit of theteadets and the public. lf we put fotwvrd ourknowledge of accuzate and cortect predictions tothe wozld, lndian Asttology would surely secure ahigh phce. W ith this intention, we hzve disclosedouz Secret Knowledge, for the bene6t of theteaders. We sincetely hopt that they would value :ndappteciate it.

So Rt, in this knowltdgt, wn hlve pttsetvedouz cedit ând famt in tbe wotld. lt is A misfortunetbzt, some of thr Indignleit? vttentioninvvluvble knowledgesimation wt think it quite esstntivl to publish EnglishF@' jdon of ouz books on Asttology in order toenhlnce its ctedit in the world.

Astrologers are directlngtowatds Wtst, desetting the gtevt

of the Evst. ln such ctitical

Page 9: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

W e are also sincezely thankful to M r. lshwarlalH. Reshamwala and M r. Pritûmlzl L. Shah for thespecial zeal they have shown in tlne publication of'these books. W ithout their help and guidance thework would never have been completed.

Lastly, we ate also gtateful to those personswhose horoscopes have been taken in these books.Readers are requested to draw out attention if thereis a mistake or omission so that it can be correctedin the new editi#nn.



: Instructions :

W e have published Books No.ptediction accozding to this book.interested to hvve these 1 & 4 BooksRs. 3/- :nd zsk for it.


1 & 4 fotlf you azeplease send

Page 10: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

I N D E XChvpter


Meaning of symbols andPlanets and its syfnllolsHoroscope in igutesBenedictoty ptaycr

Page'... 25*#*

zbbreviations 29313233


The impottance of Astrologyhumzn's ups :nd downs

2. The knowledge of tht Signs3. Signs ûnd theit Lords4. Twelve of Birth Cllarts

in the35404142types

5. Bitth Chzrt and Houses ...6. The twelve houses znd their signifcknceBirth Chzrt, twelve houses :nd its Benedc:nd Mzlefc Result ... ...

of the houses...Debilitgted signs

tû. Planets : Ditect :nd Rettogmdt Motion11. Phnets Rise :nd Combust12. Quadtknts lnd Ttines13. Phnets and Aspects14. The ndutzl ftkndship of tht plvnets15. Bizth Chazt znd the mAltfc phnets16 Phnets t Powetful, WeA ot Intfectiv: ?


8. Phnets, the Signifcgtor9. Phnets t Exvlted :nd




Page 11: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( '11 )

17., ' ( 1 ) The caùcéllktion'of.'m ,bilitated jhn4t..., 8:( 2 ) The czncellation of Weak Retrogtade

Planet... 83'( 3 ) The Czncellztion of Teak Beneûc

P1Anet.... 84( 4 ) The Cancellation of Benefc Planet... 84( 5 ) The Cancellation of Maleûc Planet...The natute,personality, infuence, dwelling

business or occupation of signsphces,vnd plAnets( 1 ) 1 + Sun or Leo(, 2 ) 1 Moon ot Cancer( 3 ) Scorpio ... 1O0( 4 ) 1 + Metcuty or Gemini ot Vitgo. 1064 5 ) 1 + Jupitet ot Sagittatius ot Pisces 110( 6 ) 1 + Venus or Tautus or Libra 117


+ M ars or Aties or

( 7 ) 1 Benefc Sututn...( 8 ) 1 + Maleûc Saturn....


Ascendants :nd Disevses... 137


19.20. The results of Transit Planets in g Bizth

Ch:tt.... ... ... ... ... ... 141

21. Som:imyottant ptinciples of Astzology. 14522. The speclal nutute of Mzts And the Moon 15323. TzansitPlanetzty Time ( petiod ) 1524. ( : ) ',Nb1e of Tmnsit PlvnetAty Tim#... 161t

( k ) A Tvble of Trzhsit PlAnetaty Time( peziod ) 164

Page 12: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


PART SECOND t MATHEMATICAL SECTIONChapter Subject1. ( 1 ) How to Cvst : cotrect( 2 ) How to place phntts

in a lkotoscope ?2. How to convett a restern Birth Cllart(Movina Zodhc) into an lndian Birtl:F

ixed zodiac) ?clwtt (*


horoscope ?witll its degrecs




SECTIONChapter ritst : Fitst House.

j P. t87 to 252 with exatmples of 692 Birth Chzrts )plge & no.of B. C.

1. A stout body :nd : weAk body. 187-512. A m:n of dttetmination :nd wekk-mind. 196-513. Soul powez and lacking in soul powp: 2:1-714. A man of self-tealhation and lvcking in

self-tezlizztion ... 209-65. Featless lnd timid. 215-*'6. Tzustwozthy :nd untzustworthy( tzeachttous ) 220-28

7. Sobez :nd Addicted ... 226-318. A bezutiful body vnd ? bevutllqss body 229-509. Swtet voiced lnd tough voiced ... 233-25t0. Att of otatozy. 236-11t. lndemndent life ot deptndtnt life ... * 11712. Whett the life will pkss ? In birth

phct, tutivthnd ot foteign Countty ? 24*88

Page 13: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Chapter Second ; Buqiness or Occupation( 253 to 315 : No. of B. C. 774 )

Birth Chart, inclination of m ind and businessor occupation 253-1*

Business of the Sun1. lnterested in

Jagirdar ot a2. Jnterested in

agticulture : A land lotd,farnaer 26 1-22vegetable products A

grocet, bookiseller ot a metchantdealing in cotton, c10th. tea, grasl,tobacco ot paper 262-21Saints 265-31e@* *** **#

Business of the M oon4. A dtawing, artist, sculptot,actor, actress,

dancer, director, poet or a sweet-voiced

jeweller and a deAlerpezfutpvzy and hot ?ndbr # * *

Business of M arsbvrtistet or solicitot, judge


A hwyer,or : collectot' 275-4$

277-318. An engineet... ... ,1

9. A doc, tor, dentist, vaidp. hakim)nztaropath ot : nurse 279-2%Living on minetzls 281-20,

PetsonPoets ...A photographet,of gtass-wares,cold dtinks ...


Page 14: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( :4

Chaptet11. Living o'n


12. Living tiskr life13. A scientist or zn inventor...14. A sport phyer

Bueiness ofCom. ot M. Com.


Pagr B' . (2.283-15285-45287-24289-

R. .h

A n291- 38293-22Asttologt:

Busines: ofJupiteran tducAtionvl17. A ptofessor, teacher or

inspector18. A broker, commission

ot An impottrr19. A wtiter, jouznzlist play writer 1nd

novelist ... 3*-48

295-27lgent, exN rttr


2O. lntetested in government service21. A socivl wotker ...

Busjne:: of Venus


',22. A chssicvl music23. A spo ,plvtoz ot :

singtr or A plzyeromblet


Buvlneq: of Sltum.24. Living on mzchintc ... 310-$0.25. An a&pimnt (:xdic), yogi, jpgglet,

spititualist ot dtvoted to mystk $d= ce 313-24

Chaptet Thltd t Flhh Houe( 314 to â31 : No. of 3. C. 15û )

1. Complete studye( gzaduzte oz post gmdugte ) 32154

Page 15: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Incomplete study( matzic to undergtaduate )...

3. Fait study ( mattic Riled )...4. Otdinaty Study ( upto std VII ) ....5. Illitetacy to Primary Study.

( Continued )


323-30326-30328-30330- 6

*Chapter Fourth : Ninth House( 332 to 358 : No. of B. C. 358 )

4. The combinztion of fottune 332 to 342,( a s; The combinztion of multi-

nnillionaire, nlillionaite otthousand 332-141

( b ) The combination of unexpectedwealth ... ..- 338-26) The combinations of multi-millionvite ot millionaire inspecuhtion

2. A brezk of wezltb; A break offottune ... 343 to 350


( , ) A Bxeak of wevlth .-. , 343-40(b ) A bttAk of weglth in speculation. 348-26

3. M isfottune .... ... 350 to 355( z ) A yative without wezlth ot Q

natlve of mkfottune ... ... 350-51

( b ) A nktives pussiàg life inuntmploymtnt stvte ... 354-24

4. The timt ( ptrio ) of bentfc ot mvlescresult ,of fortune 355-40

Page 16: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 16 )

Chapter Fifth ) Tenth House( 359 to 378 No. of 11. C. 205 )

A native ofje*xlngs,l1- cttttorsc

power, position and honour. 359-45.queens electcd ttlinisters t'tnd

364-67Tbe lvreûk of powet,lponour

position antlA69-32%# *

*1'he tity:e ( jetitltl ) of tlcnefit- ttntllylttlefqc result of poker, ltonour antlposition 372-3:$Tllc fatherly hzpp. iness and its time 374-28,


Sixth : FourthChaptet(' 378 to 4û7

HouseNo. of B. C. 347 )

1. The happiness of hottse ûnd vehicle ...384-512, T he lhreak of bcppiness of house cndyehicle 388-27

3. 7'ile natives living in their own houses ...788-274. A native without 1:0:.1st 390-. 9,5. The native

hAppinessk i' i flw n t vts otuind-...

ùnhvppiness :nd restless... 396-49

experiencing PSRCC :nd391-59

The time ( pltiod ) , of beneûc andmalefç ttsult, ,, of .hpust, vehicle stcing

,. in own house Q, roted house, W thouthousw pegce, hRppiness :nd its time... '* 82

8. Yke mothtrly hlppinrss 1nd its time... * 2-39

Page 17: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

' Chapter feventh : Third H ouse

( 407 to 433 : No. of B. C. 342 )-1. A man of- real enterptise and adventure... 407-522. A man of unteal enterptise and adventute 411-673. Foteign ttavel4. The break of

414-90foreign tzavel 419- 6

5. *f he time *+*( period ) of real entetptise,xdventure, unreal enterprise, adventureand foreign travelThe brotlnezly happinessBrothers and sisters

and unlaappiness 426-14... 429-46


Chapter Eighth : Seventh House( 434 to 474 ) No. of B. C. 526 )

1. M ale or fenlale -..2. The beauty of bttasts3. Experiencing mattied love4. Blessed love and the

440-11pzin of love

and unhappy life ) ( only fot( Happylndians )Blessed maztied love :


. 434-52e#439-15

Happiness of husblnd and wife...( a ) Blessed mattied love( b ) Love mxtziuge ..,.( c ) lntet-ste Mlttiv e

447 to 452448-46451-1t452- 7

Page 18: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Pain of lov: : Unbappiness of husband:nd wife ... 453 to 468

( a ) NAtives of lute n-ûrriage 457-68ç b Nûtives experiencing pzin of love

in mûtried lifc 460-56c W idowllocd ... 462-36d Nûtives witllout tlqarried love 464-26impossibltty of mzrried love

7. Natives committing debttuchery8. Free from pain of love :


Divotct ot temArrizgt.The time of mvtriuge znd



wtdowhood 477-74474-47


Chaptet Ninth ; Fifih House ( Cont. )( 479 to 492 : No ef B. C. 1$7 )

1. Natives hzving sons.2. Nztives hzving daughters. $*:3. Natives hzving sohs :nd daugbters4. Nltivrs having no sons. ...5. Natives having no d:ughters.


6. Nztives baving no issues.


Chaptet Tehth ) > cond Houee

( 493 to 498 : No. of 3. C. 58 )1. Fzee from wotries ot expetknting

'''wotties of wezlth of Rmily quàtfels. 493 to 48$

Page 19: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( a ) Ftee from wotries of wealth otfamily quatrels. ... ... 494-29

( b ) Experiencing wotties of wealthot family quarrels. 497-29

Chapter( 499 to 503 : No. of B.

+Eleventh : Eltventh House

C. 32 )Free ftom wotties orwoxxies about income

expetiencingor circulation

ofmoney( a ) Free ftom wotries ot citculation

499 to 503

of money. 569-26( 1) ) Experiencing worries kbout

income or citculztion of money 502-6

Chaptet Twelfth : Twelfth House( 5û4 to 511 : No. of B. C. 161 )

expetiencingintexest os

5û4 to 511*.*expenses(z)Free ftom wozzies of debt, loss,

intezest or CXPCnSCS ...wotzies about debt,

596-26b ) Expetiencing

loss, intezest oztxpensesof wotries about


2. The time ( petiod )debt, loss interest, insolvency 0:expenses 509-32

Free from wotries otworties about dtbt, 105$,

Page 20: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 20 )

Chaptet Thirteenth : sixth House

( 512 to 540 : No. of B. C. 585 )1. Getting victory

court czses or

over enemies in wzr,business competition 512-59

2. Getting defevtcourt cvses ot

by cnenlies in wâr,lvusinegs competitifln 517-21

3. Victims of trezchery4. Diseases - Fickness :


1. Patulysis4. white-leptosy

lzcprosy5. Asthm: 6. CAncer

7. Appendicitis 8. Smvll-pox 9. Typboid10. Opetztion 11. Tuberculosis 12.Piles 13. Hysteti: 14. l'lttni: 15. Hy-

2, lqtllitl 3.

dtocele 16. HeArt-ttoublt 17. GAs-Epilepsy 20.

21. Trouble of bones antlMeningitis.teeth 22, Blood-pressure 23. Blvddet-stone 24. Thyroid ghnds

hvndtnd, devf, hunch-bzck,wrgkness of eyes ot blind ot weaknessof btyin ,or m:d 533- 97

524-275j. Lame, cut

ttouble 18. Dkbetes 19.

64 T,he,, time ( peviod ) Qf way, , victozy,dtfeay, Anpoyqp, by entmi4sp, diqevstsznd lype, cyy , kpded, hupchrbqck,

blind :nd mad ..., # 537-97

Page 21: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Chapter rourteenth : Eighth House

( 541 to 5 No. of B. C. 208 )

Human-being and longevity :A natural death.

( a ) Death in Childhood.( b ) Short life.

M edium life.

( d ) Long life.( e ) Very long life.

2. An unnatural deatb.

541 to 56@545- 26

549- 32552- 24

554- 21

558- 22

561 to 573

562- 7( a ) A death by treachety.( b ) A death by poison, fre, watet

or machine. 564- 39'

( c ) A death bv suicide. 569- 10

( d ) Fite, jail, executiontmnspottation. 570- 27

Chapter riftevnth t

Human-being, asttology gpd futuye. 574 to 57G


Page 22: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 22 )



W lly lluntal:study ? Tltey, bejtag

think that tlpete is sollle power, plays a1himportûnt part in sllaping their lives. ( )ne is bornîn a village, wikile another in a citywith a silvetzt a beggat's but !


t 1 ta t

( )ne is lhornin his mouth wllile znothtrOne Achieves best Snurried

happiness :nd anothez exerts in vAin to get it lOne gets pztentAl zfection knd hlppiness, wllilt' Anotber ,is otphvn ! One resides in : big mvnsionwith cats. while another bAs no house even fbr

Astrolllgy ?ate so much interested in its

sheltet t One is constkntly dependtnt on mAdicines,while Anothet nevet stes the fzce of : doctor !W hût :te :11 these mitucles ?

iyïPlezse know yout future Rnd dtstinztion:nd months in tht form of life. advAnce with yekrs

tezding thzough yout hozoscopt i. e. tht Decrtt.of Fvte, pzepvzed by us.

Astrologet: ?te silvnt Afore event o dwlee aftez evpnt l t !

Asttologezs colltct vety tkctfullypzrticuhts of the nktive Kd convty tht

'., on the othez- zhyciAtttologtr, plevse kttp in mind not to spok. oz tell vnythig tegztding yout lif: :nd diëcultks

:11 thtsvmt thlng7ou go tlWAytound. Sowhentver

Page 23: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

and 1et him speûk., lf he iswould for his fulse defence

wtong in pzediction he 'say that the horoscope

is doubtful, Then at once you must realize tlnatyout horoscope is coztect and the astrologetis wrong.

Get your lifedetails with beneic

reading prepared cotrectly intesult in yeat and month in 125..

You can take the mzximumpages in Rs. 50/- only.advzntuge

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Page 24: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

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Page 25: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


l . Please always use ephemetis like Sandesh,

Janlua Bhun7i, l'zahiri or Raphael.2. lf a horoscope is based on Moving Zodiac

( Wcstern Method ) it cAn be changed into FixedZodinc ( Eastern Method ) according to the instructionsgiven in this book.

3. ln India we have slight diFerence of opinionsregarding the degrees of Fixed Zodiac ( Ayanamsa ).In this matter oat opinion fot the Chitta Ayanamsa,which is found to be best fot the cottect predictions;

i. c. ephemetis like Szndesl:, Janma Bhumi, Lahiri atebcst for the correct predictions.

4. lf you wish ot require a rubbet stamp designof hotoscoge, we lxave specidly artanged with thefollowing itm :

Shri Ctumpaneria Rubbet Stamp Works,No avzt, Surat.

On yout sending Money Otdet of Rs. 2/- them bbez stzmp will b: sent to you Undet Ceztiicateof Posting. If you ask by V. P. P., chatge would beRs. 2/95 P. You c1n :sk fot it according to yourconvenience.

Fot tlle model of the m bber somp, please see,t Meaning of Symbols and Abbreviqtions ' section givenhere zfter.

Page 26: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

rcat nccd ot tllc old t-pllttlltt-l-is f'orthe study oî- Astrology. A qpecial zrrttngtflqtlt'ltt l'lus' been nlctle to obtain c clhecp cnd etîsily tlshflt'l-sttntlflephenperis for tlhe use of thc Ftudents, q-l)(t ctlîï r:tsilyfollow the figures xvritten in Itcglisl) R'llt. rpllclylcl-isûte ûS below : '

5. Tllerc is

Colpdenscd Ephetueris l'ztt (.)ney l'ftrt '1'w(1. l':ttThtee and Patt Four. By N . (*'. 'laclliri.

Patt 1 A. D. 1875 to 19()() 11$. 3.5#1Patt 11 A. D. 19()û to 1t)41 ltts. tptlf 1 l).Patt !I1 A. D. 1941 to 1951 Rs. 3.5() 11.Pvtt IV : A. D. 1951 to 1961 lts. 3-5()Ftom the Above one cûn ortler Any

by him. V. P.l'dart rtvtltlircd

P. chztges are extra.ebpemtris, the complete Sigïtt, ttlltl

Degtees :te given. Fot exzmple, today the Sun isshown Sign 2 :nd 4 Degteeg in the tzrly morning5.309 then it is to be unzerstood thkt the Sun 1,:$completed Sign 2 :nd 4 Degrees and entered in 5thdegtee mt:ns tht Sun is in Gemini running 5th degree.ln the $:me w:y degtees of Askendvnt is to bt

6. ln k11 the

considttei.7. Th:sign 4 # ' given in this book, indkztes

thut the plznet is of 29 or 0 degtee, which is uiderz inr:ective ! $tatt ani cznnot fo> :ny < Gective ''cotbinAtion witb Ky pluet oz tht house.

8. Abstnce of tbis siyn $#' inzicztts tbkt the

Page 27: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

t 27 )

laïnets and zscendant are t powetful '.P9. Names of thelqoroscopes of all the well-known

in tlpis book; rest of the names atepersons a:e givennot given. Mostly tlle ccmes oftlpe well-knownPCVSOIIS?te here preferred so tlnst the teaders czn follow tlqeIS and outs of the native by teading the horoscope.

10. T 11e illustration of the lqotoscope given inconveniellce andthese books are chosen fot thc

fvcilities, of printing. lt enables tbe readet to undet-stûnd tasily the con,binûtions, quzdtants, ttines andthe 6, 8 anz the 12th houses.

11. Al1 the planetary positions givenate accotdingto the Lahiri Ephemeris.

12. Appeatance of cettain hotoscope zt vatiousshould not be consideted as a mistuke; but itphces

is phced to state the native's life incidqnts and eventsof difetent houses.

13. The Authoz ûgzees withszint Pazzshat

the opinion of gzeat'No efects ofAsttologez, regzrding

Dtzgon's hezd znd tuil'. They zte the shzdows of theEatth :nd the Moon And not phnets; yet the Dtagon'sbeAd :nd uil :te given fot the convenknce znd studyof the teadets, who difet ftom this opinion.

mlny phnets :nd sub-phnets intbe Sokt system accotding to the views of greatAsttologets; but thç nltives of tlne eazth ate zfectedonly by the xv& phnetsx is also Agteed to by the zutlnot.

14. Thete Att

Page 28: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 28 1

15. When a mAn is in t'rouble or oftenfzilure ' inAstrologetinstead of guidingwotship of God, leads lhin: 4'n thesaying al1 sorts o#- nonscthse.wotsl4ip of God is the (lnly instrunlejlt ol' strengtàto Hght Against Nzturt :nd l4is udverse cirrunhstkncet.

Astrolohinh r'n tllc rf'rrck't' ptttl), i.t.

WrongRelllenhlter tkitll ani


And as the time pzsFes 1)e gtûduvlly overcomts hùdifliculties and lzter on ûclpieves llcppiness. Tlhis kthe only best wûy for them.

1.6. Tbe result of pretlictions in Astrology :ttthe lnost inlportant and it is llecessgry t() :ntnloriathe n:tute of signs :nd pknets gnd the given period( time ) of bene:c ot ndzltlic plknets,

17. The Jeadings of the illustrktive ltoroscop >sbould only be done ûfter observing properly atdundetstanding tbe given principtes.

8e:tLehis undertvkings, l)e tlp. prozclhes

to 6ntl tlle t-uuse and tthe

18. The luthoron the constructionsof tmth he ha$

does not wish to s:r v:y thigof this book, but only the beliefs

published.19. The knowledge

such that if the tczdetpresented in thest books zrtjust skips tht pzgts witlyout

digesting 1ts ptinciples properly, he would not 1')table to gtlsp knowltdge As requittd. (lnly onechaptet of eacln subjet't should b: reâll in : day icotdet to follow tbt subjtcts proptxly xntl to gttbettez tesults.


Page 29: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


The symbols used in this book are explainedbelow. A clekt undetstanding thereof is necessary,otherwise it would be diëcult fot mu to follow.

6 8 ot 12 = The 6th, 8th oz 12thbittll chzzt.

house of the

= When plzced near a phnet ot ascen-dznt, it indicates thût it is in 29 oz 0degree of the sign occupied. Suchhnets ate 4 inefective ' and cannotPnnake contzct with :ny othet planetsot houses by conjunction, opposition

Sun + hloonor ûspect.Tht M oon's

1 + Moon

comzct with the 8unby conjunction, opposition or aspect.

= Tht Moon's contzct with the FirstHouse oz it$ Lord by conjunction,opposition or vspect.L/rd of the First House. ln theszme way 6th Lord

= > rd of the Sixth House etc.

1st Lotd

1st Sun = The Sun, Lotd of the Fitst House.

41 Mvts = Mazs, LQt4 oî the Fourth Hpvse.@ = Througb.

Page 30: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 30 1

1st Mzrs+Moon = The M oon's contzct with MarwLotd of the First HouFe,17 conjunc-Y

1st Mats+4thtioo opposition or aspect.

Moon = The contact of thc 'sloon, th.Lord of the F' ourth l-lousc. withMars, Lotd of the Firxt House by ,

1conjunction, opposition

Mats @ Saturn = The contact ofFirst House ot itsSatuxn.

Or ûSPeCt.Mzts with theLord through

3rd Moon+ 8th Jupiter * Mats = Thethe Lotd of thethe Moon, the

contâct of Jupitet,Eighth House, withLord of the Thitd

House, through Mcrs; inMuts znd Mûts Aspects

other wztds

Jupiter Aspectsthe Moon.

1st House+ Malehc = A maleûc in the First House otit$ contact witb that house by opp-sition or aspect.

1st Lotd+ MaleEc = Contzct of : malefc with theof the First



lozd House by conjun-ction, opposition ot zspect.Malefc's contact with the Fitst Houstot with the Lotd of the First Houseby conjunctièn, opposition oz vspect.The 1st, 4th, 7th, lûth house of kt'birth chzrt.

Page 31: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Trine = The 1st, 5th ot 9th House.

Sun :7th Quldtânt = The Sun in the Seventh House.Su14+ 5th Trine = The Sun in the Fifth Hbuse.

A. or ASc.


= Ascendant ( First House )= Combinztion.

One-sided Aspect= If planet X zspects planet Y, butplznet Y does not aspect planet Xi. e. planet Y is zspected one-sidedby planet X.

Example : lf Mzts in Leo aspectsSaturn in Pisces by itS eight Rspect,it means that Saturn is aspected one-sidcd by Mzts. i. e. Satum iscaptuted by Mar$.

Planets and lts symbols

Sometimes in Asttological book's, Asttonomicalsymbols :te used insteai of the nzmes of the phnets;which :te AS follows :

= Sun= Moon

ax hfltsb =x bftrcuty $)

= JupitetVenus

Sztutn M

Drvgon's lnezd

= Dtagon's tail= Yeats.

= Months.

Page 32: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

The horoscopes slnown in fguzes at vatiousphces ùl this book, are to be understood as fbllows.Here the Tzasit Signs of the planets and ûsccadantxte shown.

Horoscope in Egures

l l t ) :1 t 6'10 u> %-+**- ' ' '' * *-- -@'j

11 5t '---'-F;--! ' ,

it l , tj' l 4lz 1 .. . .. . . . .. . . . .. ' ' ' ' ' ' ' . . .. . . .

Asc. O .((Ascendant) (Sun) (Ntoon)

8 5 12

$ t; 4(Mazs) (Mercury) (Jupiter)6

5 7R f) 4

(Venus) (Szturn) (l7ragotl'sllezd)9

Page 33: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


Btginning of :ny good work is zlways done byevoking the blessing of Almighty. He makes the manftom impetfect to perfect and btings him success inhi$ endezvouts. So before l attempt to write thesebeautiful books, 4 h Book oi- Correct AsttologiczlPredictions ' Patt 1 Pazt 11, 1 Sincetely pzzy and bowmy head in tespect at the feet of God Maluvit,

Buddha and Jesus Chtist.

Ob God, you ure thc father and tlne creztcr of

this wotld. You ure the real hûppiness and pczce.You ate the ocezn xof love, saviour of poots anddestroyer of poverty and miseries. You are pctfect,fotever and there is no end :nd limit of yout zbility.


You :te immottal, perfect, full of knowledge, ntctota d givet of light.

You :re the mpN rtet of this wozld, holy,xdorublc, incompûtzble, with unknown zbility.

Yt'u zte the lift of existings, the protector ofsky, ezrth znd inftrnd zegion. lt is due to yout gtzce

thAt we bruthe :nd livt.

Page 34: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( M 1Oh God, you are full of grgce and virtttc. 1 bow

my head with lovc at Fout holy feet, and 1 sincerelyPrzy to you to guide me to wtite and finisl: tptrbooks perfectly and succcssfully zbout your l4('lyAstrological truth.

Oh, Goddess of Eductttion, f also pray tf1 youh mbly. It is due to your gtace thzt illit'erate tnecomesulearned, well respected znd honouted.

Also 1 bow my head in gratitude to those holyszints and learned petsons, who hc.d tzken deepinterest in Astrology without self-interest :1:41 sprccdit$ knowledge.


Astrology means sevtch of ttuth. Only the zt4t-ietttboly svints und learned pcrsons deserve to manifestthis tmth. Person likcin this knowledgeless and incomplete; yet 1to write these books of

me, a man of wotldly asairs,of Astrology is considered to be

prepare myself to endeAvoutAstrologiczl ttuth with tny

utmost ability with gtace of Almighty :nd great saints.

Page 35: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1



( Part One : Principle S'ection )


The impottance of Astrology in the human's

ups and downs

of Asttology ? W hy humanbeings ïtre so much interested in itS study ? Tlneytlqin14 that thete is sotme

tznt part in shapingvillagc, while another in a city ! One is born with a'

Power, that Plays an impor-theit lives. One is born in a

Wlut is the Science

silvcr spoon in his mouth whilehut ! Onc achieves bvst mattied

another at a beggar'shuppiness and anothet

exerts in vain to get it ! One gets pztent: afectionwhile znother is otphan ! 'One tesidesand llappiness.

i,n a lrpig mznsion with catsj whilc anotlnet hûs no#

house cven fot sheltet ! One is constantly dependent onmadiiines, while znothet nevet sees the fsce of a doctot tTlpû.t are a11 these mimcles ? How f1r lnuman beingsc:n tnAke zlttmtions in these situztions ? . lt pzoves

Page 36: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

I 36 )

that the unknown,Nature is tlnt mainthese. Then what

mystttious power tlttït Iikts inand fundznlental cttuses f'ht' u11is these unknown. nhysttstithus

kntlwletlgt. tpndthe sourt-es antl Nvays

owet ? How fat man can zchieve itsPknow its mystery ? Wllich areto obtzin this knowledgt ?

Asttfllfhgy !staj vvtly ?

and fed refrcsiletl.People enjoy in the moon lightwhile on dark nights they ptefcr to stvy in tht lltluse.rather thzn going out, why ? When one is ezptlseklto middqy summet Sun, hi$ btzin feels tired :ndexhausted and looks for the cool shelter, wlty ?

The ûnswer is ; - tlhe Science ofTides znd ebbs ûre cwsed in tltt

On the othez side when 1 mzn is born, vntilbis dezth, he builds his life stzge byone step of success to teach $ti11 higheron progtessing.hi3 life will % like : $o1id strong wkll

stlye. He usesstep and goes

Side by Sidt he is watchhtl whetlletot just collcpset

i. e. whethtx be would succttd ot end in f:ilure. Astht whole lift :nd ptospetity Andthis foundation and consttuction.wtongy phced ot weAk i. e. ifin his entemzise :nd attempts, hefoxced to Apptxch to tgke vdviceth.e Asttolog:t 1

hoy islf one of thehe $ees 1ny defectsfeels unegsy and îsftom the scitntist-

ba d onbricks is

One would lwzdly:M : mzn vho is not *

Page 37: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

desirous to know his advzncement, pzosperity and'future; and if there is one, 1ne must be mad.

Man is Always ptogtessing steputllyogt desitc, intention to knowsucceed or fûil in histbese fucts and reasons,master the scientiic gtudy of the Solar System andit$ cfects on the human beings, ûnd after 1ot oflvbour, gteat reseatch and observztions, discoveredcertain unknown truth of the Solar System, Theseunknown trutln means the principles of Astzology,wlliclt is considered to be one of the most invaluable

undertakings. To classify a1lthe ancient sûintF started to

by Step. It is hiswhethct he would

di St-overb'.

Starp are of vatious type. Some are constelhtion,sonpe planets and Some suln-planets. These constella-tions, pllnets und sub-plancts move in thc sky dueto tlïc force of gmvitation.

The forcc of gtavitation eserted by innumerablestzts on the Solkr Systcm is known a5 tsigns.' 'fhesesigns:nd

have their own chamcteristics, itduence, businessoccupation. The plznets of the Solat Sptem are

callcd, the EAtth, Moon, Mats, Metcuty, Jupiter, Venus:nd Satutn antl tyzve their own claatactetistics, efect.influcnce, business ûnd occupztion. This is the secondtcat discovety of the ancient Saints.#

'riyc Sun is : stcr. Some of the gepvmted pzrts

Page 38: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

of ti:e Sun becftnpe plunetsEattb, s'loon, hlkrs, sletcuryj Jupiter, Vt-jltlh ttlïtlSztutn. Tltesc ?lalletsconstantly, regularly ltttlvc toulltl tlle St1n. 'l'11k' t .t1': 1)take 365 days to colnplete onc (-irt-lc, hlt-t-t'ttt'l' )48

days, Jupiter 12 yttars, wllilc Sïttutn rtkluil-es ,7(1 j'tiktl'sto conpplete the circlc t'tc.

klitle to tlkc fflrt-c ()f #' :j.,,' rkl ï' 1 t tl t 1t bt) -j

and Ctre knflwll tts $ lte

One zf- the scpctated sulp-planet ftthTll tllc t :ly.tl)is called tlle h'loon. Tlle slûon nyoves rotllytl tllc co rtl)constûntly :nd reyularly t#ac to gravitation.

Tllat is this grzvitation and wllat itFmeaning ? How ûntl what efects are cAuFed 1ïy tlïistgvitation on lpuman tpcings, anilnals, wctt't clttlvegetations ?

Out -ûncknt gaints lhad ieeply stubietl the rFcrtsof this gtlvitûtion on tlle hutnzn life. In sllott, flpisis :11 Science, which is known As the Science ofAsttology.

Ancients begzn to study tht Solzr systtm. After: constant study and obsetvvtion Qf tht Solzr pgth,they discovertd 12 types of efects so they divitleiSolaz Path into 12 equvl pzzts acë found out certéinkinds of efect of tbis part whiclt is czused over theh umanbeings' naturt, iniutnce,vn4 occupztions; which i$ in short calltd 'siyn' :nd it$

persondity, busiteFs

aktute, induence, persflnality, business :td flccupktionp.

Page 39: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 39 )

In the svme way they studied tlleand found outfotce of the ?knets

inûuence, business znd occupation'human beings.

The human lezds his own lifeof the gravitationclmarches fotwzrd with the

l)y tlqe induencefotce of the Solgr System. He

hopes or despaits, wlletlherood ot bad. To summarize) ull tlpe problems andgoccasgions of the human life :re entirely based on thegtavitûtional fotces of Signs and Fknets. As tlpe Sokrtsystem zs well US plznets are constantly moving, oj:et particular moment is not Similat to otbers, Hencenatives born at ëifetent moments znd c,t diferent placesi'hzve diferent lives, and what efect is causetl on tlne' humanbeings'Astrologet.Decree of lhte.

is known only by the Scientist-tlqeThis moment means birth chatt ot the

It is possible to know the sectet, Jnsoluble.pzoblems which beset men through only one insttu-ment, the Science of Astrology, which is also calledthe

Now we $hal1 study the ptecious knowledge ofAsttology, most useful for the human Feings discovetedby ourzchieve the knûwledge of the ptinciples of tbe sign!nd plznets :nd the ptimzry iita of casting z horoscope.

zncient szints and lezmeë PCtsOn$znd Also

hidden sectets of God.

gtzvitationaltlneil. efect,

caused on the

Page 40: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


The knowledge of the Signsis divided intoTlke sky

tlpe principles ofkoown tts ç Sign. 'us follov-s :

twelve Pttrts ttçt*lhl-klitlg toAstrology. làacl) divitled part ksTlhe nûnyes of tlïe 12 Signs ûte

No.t- theO% 'u tgR.-j;1k-#!2.3.4.**>.

Nanheof theSign.AritsTztttusGttuiniCanccrJ

17eg. to l7tg.

() to *31 to *61 to 939'1 to 129121 to 159 .1;.11.12.


151 to 1*181 tf) 21û211 to 248241 to 27û271 tf3 3*301 to 3.30331 to 3&)

Eacln Sign is considered to 1>e of 30 degrees.The sky hz$ 360 degxes, is divided into 12 equAlputs, mzking each 30 tlegtets for every Sggn. 'l'lpi:divided part is called ' Sizn. '

Let)Vivg o) zi14ra

Page 41: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 41 1


Signs and their lords

Just as each sign has itS own special chatacteristics,iniuence, efects, dwelling places, business oroccupations;so hzs each planet. The planetetc. is simikt to certain Sign or signs is called thetulet ot the lotd of thatthis cleatly, each sign has been imagined zs û tHouse'

sign ot sir s. T o undetstand

andpatticular plûnet is imagined as'lord of fhgt lqouse.'

whose charactetistics

The Sun and the Moon eagh tules one sign, whilethe rest of the planets tule two signs each, zs followg :

Aries is the House of Mats.'rcurus is tl4e House of Venus.Getnini is the House of Metcuty.(zancer is the House of the Moon.Leo is the House of the Sun.Virgo is the House of hletcuty.Libm is the House of Venus.Scotpio is tlne House of MAts.Sagittatius Jupitet.

is the House of SAtutn.is thc House of

CzptitrornAquûriuo is tl:e House of Suturn.Pisccs is tlye Housc of Jupitet.Thus Aries is the housc of Mcts znd tlhetefore

5j,u1's is cûlled the rulcr or lllrd of the sign Aries,

Page 42: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

1 42 )i. e. the chztacteristics, influence, epkctssimilat to those of s'fars.

f A l-l-tsF tïrtO ,


Twelve types of Birth Chttrt

given below cre knrlwn tts lsirtl)Chutt otHoroscope. ln tlqe First l-louFr, wlliclk teptescntsthe Eastern horizon at thc tinle of lhirtl) of a1) intlivitlucl,is called thc Asccndant and is gcnerzll) indit.atcdby the letter <Asc.'. ln tlle l'irFt l'irtl) ( llcrt. tllttascendant is of 1 i. e. Azies. '1n tlyc stkcfltbtl l'ittl:clcaztj tbe cscendcnt is of 2 e. Taurus, ln tllt. tllirllbizth cbatt, ascendznt is of 3 e. G ellhilti ctt-.

The illusttations

of thescW hen z mûn is bozn, any onc outtwelve bitth charts applies to him.

Now, AS we See thc Scn rising in the easternkotizon, wûy, mcn w:sbozn at : patticulat time, the Nrst bitth chart i, e.Azies ascendAnt indicates thzt the Aries sign wûszksing ut that time. ln the szme wly, tlte second llirtl'chatt indicates the samt meaning, i. e. v'iqen tlleman waS bozn, tlne sign Tzums was rising it, the

in the svme when z certzin

eastetn hotizon; in the thitd birtl,Gemini was rising in the eastetn llotizon ctc.

cllzrt, the sign

Page 43: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


j, t j g.3 2

4 1û

' '

jl 6 7 8 t 95 , l

j j asc. j jlj 3 I 2 1, 1 .1 .. .1.2- -. ,




11 Il 15 l 1 11-1 Ik --

1ow w *4- -*

6 7 ! 8 9 1û

/ 6 1 Assc. 2 , ! a

f!ll J 111 1111 J 11L 111 J (1L 1;1!1 11L j. . ... j.. . . . ...-....? . 1 . ,. . ,. . .

l 5 1, As4c. / 3 l c6


8 t 9 ! 10 j 11 12

t 4 l A3'c. , 1 ,. I5-. . .. , wvx.- .,t.- uw .s, - ' ,ww m- i.#- -*.'


6 12


7 j 8 ) f.l 19 11

l ? ztsc- l 5 1 48K* '* q .

9 3

' .s ..r l v .,v- . .. v ..ms ... . .xw. 7

l.û j 11 ) la t 1. l,, 2? ' ' '-== ='''==''..' . .

Page 44: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

ASC.9 8 7 6 5

10 4

j Ilt 12 1 2 I 31 't

11 ASC.10 l 9 8 7 6

. y


11 5

! I 112 1 l 2 j 3 4l l I

l lo t A'SE. : ,11

12 6

1 2 3 4 5

1, - ! zsc.2 ) 1 l 12 11 1û

1 1t '1l

3 9

1F#WW ** h + O

' !- 1-4 t 5 6 , 7 8t. . . . . . . ... , , .. ... . 1. . . . . . .... . . . . ....,. . . .... .. ..



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( 45 )


Bitth Chatt and Houses.

As bitth chazt have signs, so have the houses.The First house of the bitth chzzt indicates Eastetnborizon. The othet house viz second lnouse thitdbouse etc. follow in regular ordet.

The 10th house whicb is ovethead, is called the,zenith, the 7th house teptesents the W estetn hotizon,while the 4th house is called the Nadiz. The pointwhtte the Sun tises in the east is czlled Ascendant.o: the 1st house; the Sun is in the 10th house atnoon, it is in the 7th hx se when it sets, :nd itzeaches the 4th house zt the local midnight.

The halfis czlled the

pottion of the chatt on the right sidevisible hemisphete; that on the left is

ckled tht invisible hemisphere. Though the eclipticot the path of the Sun is circuhz in the hezven, the

# ''' 4chazt âze often dtzwn in square forms fot the sakeof convenience.

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( 46 )

East- - .- - d * -**e + * * -4*r3rd 2nd Ast; i 12th 11tl)

j ' '1st )l House t l.louse l IouscHouse House 1

' !

4th 1()thSouth uouse Invisible visible House Nottb

l*. - * # - - ea y- - - . -w . N 4 Mj > e

5th 6th 7th l 8th 1l l

:11Ei'ïh1IE-. . -. .......0.. ... .. .. r'kk:'l.-a . . .. ..1!!;k........dl''::.. -- - ...-...-.........

H.-... ..... -...:::1,-......-.. .-'t.:;l......... .....:11;k.-.... ..::r:.. .. .. . . ... ...,..........

:JIEè'.:1I:)..... . . ....4:::,,-. . . . ..'tt:).,, ... , . 1!51:,.. dt!:,:.......... . . . l ..... . .H.,. .... ....-.:::),-. . .'t-ill.. ... ....-:,E5.. . .,t::::.. , ,, ,... . . j (Iiè --..-11:. ....-.::::,.. .. .. ..u,... . -,..,!F;;.... . .-'t::::.-.......-.-.-.West

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g 47 1


their signifcance

theit own bpecialcharacteristics, inHuence, eFects, dwelling places, busi-ness or occupation; each house is signiûcator of onlyparticular aspect of lnunnan lifk such as 1nea1th, education,matried life etc. The 1st house is the signiûcatot ofbody, mind, soul or tlccupation. ln the same way thecauses of the vatious problems, tise and fall, advanc-ement and hzrdslnips, happiness and miseries in thehuman life, can be seen from tlae twelve houses ofa birtln chart. The answer of

W herc as signs and planets have

any question arising inthe hutlpan life can be seen ftom tlne houses as follows.W hen question atises, it can be solved by the

#consitleration of the sign placed in the relevant houselnd thq position of the planets. At ptesent it is suëcientto know how to iind out the answets of dxezentquestions of the human life fzom diFetent houses.

' The twelve houses and

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( 48 )

asc. left eye. lRight eye, Right eyetBody, mi- expcndi- lhznd, adv- worzies of nd. soul, ture, lossvlink.flnpe wo-,entute, en- family business, interest 'rries left cartezprise, fo- worries of dwelling l'ankcru-. & lltïnd !'ign ttavel fnznce place, 'ptcyyslhort 'ze I

erravrjs.d iseases Il.... - .- .

House, est- 1ef t t'llcst.ate, vehicle lheart, pow-happiness ' er, rep tttttti-ftom ftiends

,on, position,l'

h fanyt, lhono-imDt er, l, aztnerslni 8 ur, protnoti-P J jyapyj. s.peace o on.

ind ' ess fromm yTransfet ' Fztlper


*> * # Y- M E * 1- *

love, 11z- dzatjyl Righ w;.x oo 1. ,'ldztn, foot, PF-CG'O *D ' il right y fortune.: chat )g ,martiededucation diseases jjs secrrt! foot 4. +::1th)

enemies execution totgans ! ,

I i

1st Hoxx- : Physical body, its lppeârznce, pbyskaland spiximvl condiùon :nd ther fypesof servk. or occupation. 'rht typts

Page 49: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 49 )of the condition of tbe body, mind,ûre as underj :nd Same can be under-stood well ufter some experience.

Sttong oz weak body, dwzrf,ideûlist, hot-tenlpeted,weak or good brain,joy-loving, pleasuze-seeket, artistic,simple, lovet of powet, non-lovet of'powet, satisfed, good oz b:d actions,putity, impurity, speakez of ttuth otlier, ttust-wozthy ot unttust-wotthy,heliever in God, atheist, egoist, welk-minded, cowatd, ftztful, kind, cruel,

peace-loving,uddicted or not,

hevttless, plnilanthzopher, optimist otpegsimist, greedy, givez of alms, bezuti-fu1 oz ugly looking, intuitive, sweet-voiced.

Occupation of vûtious types.Business: independent life ot setvice:nd its type. A11 this is to be foundby studying the 1st house, as will beshown heteaftet.

2hd Houee : Right eye, wotties tegazding familyûnd :nznce, Botzowing from Petet toPRF P1u1.

Page 50: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

l 50 )3td House : Foteign ttzvel, long t'ravcls. tttlvctltute,

valour, b' rotherly clttl sistt.rly ltttppincss,tight ear znûl tigllt: ltcnd.

4th House :House, ptoperty, csttttc, A'ktltit-lcs, llappi-ness of luotllur, fricntls. pttrtnersllip,ant! tight ctlcst.

5th liouse Son, dauglpter, leztning. ilïtelligvnce,orûtoty and eductttion cnd rigilt tltigh.

6th House : Enell:ks, court, litigatioît, treacllery,lnreacl: of fzitl), (llseases, right foot,

7th Housesotroq?,Lovt,

l'ck-ness zntl wzt.zssion, conjugal relation, n'lctt-P

izge, happinesF or tltylltlppiltcss of1

husbûntl or wilk, selllcl), witlowllooz,Secretotgans, fkt-ulptlity ot iltlpottltcy.

8th House :Longevity, deûtl), fine, jail. execution,tzAnsportvtion for life Ant! lcft foot.

9th House : Luck, weûlth :nd povtrty qnd ltft tlligh.l@th H ouse :Posting, powct, reputaion, fame, happ-

iness from fztller, lteart and ltft ('l)est.j #

11th House : Wotties zbout income. rotztion of monerznd gûins, left e:t :nd left hvnd.

12th House : Residence out-side tlyt birth phct,shott-ttavels, expenditutt, txttvvzgznce,10$$ of honout :nd ttputztion. loss.debt, insolvency, ltft tye.

Page 51: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


Binh Chatt, twelve houses and its Bene:c orMaleNc result

The answets to a11 kincls of tluestifmsthe human life cûn be found out fronl thehouses 'of birth chart, whicl) is a$ f()11f )wF :

There are two kinds of results of etïrh house,the Benefc and the hlaleic.Example

would tzkelf sonhe ( /,4:

isks, place, ttnd byrefetting the hovoscope, if the 7th llouse is powetful,then the mâtriage would tûke plAce 1nd if it is weakthen the matriage would not take plkce. lt means tlutsome get

wben his martiûge

the bentfc tesults of the 7t1) house wlyiltothers#etmzlefc results.

Thtzr are twelve houses in the birth cbztt whichteptestnt difezent ptoblems of humvn life. Tht resultslte of two kinds, benefic :nd mzlefc.

ttrihing intwelve

FIRST HOUSEBenehc Result

of the existing business with mote ptoit.motion in tbe service ot chAnge for : bettef prospect.Mvntvl worties and unemployment will diszppekr.Yout mind will bt cheetil :nd yout hezlth gxd.New kcquzintznces will ptove ben/cikl.

continuAtionEitber pro-

Yèu will bep'n a new business ot

Page 52: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Malehc Result: new business which will end inYou will begin

failure, or :dd diëcultiesin service. DiHiculties inwill 1)e excited. Peace ofunemploytuent.

in the present one. Disgustthe expected incremtnt. Mind'mind will be lost. Fezt of

*SECOND HOUSEBenefc Result

Yout Rmily quurtcls if any,family hûtmonr will 1)e established.will t,e ovetctlmt cndlcssend. Tllerc will 1)e cn

tlne shottzgeingpimtion

Malehc Result

will end and the'Finûncial wottiesof money will be.fot chatity.

'You will expetience iisputes in family afairs andinznciat worries ot diëculties.

@THIRD HOUSEBenefc Result

You will stutt new enterptises with Leneicialtesults. lncreas: in hzppipess with btothezs :nd sisters.lnëicates possibility of foteign ttavel.

MaleNc ResultNew cdvcntutous Attempts in business will end

in failutc cnd you will find much diëcultks in tlqeundertaken business. Ttavels inlands will clFotrûvel will disappear.

countty or foteignend in Rilure. Chvnces of foreigp

Page 53: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

17(.) U RTl .1 1-1() t.1 S1'',BeneNc Result

You willland, housesship. Youtrznsferted to

havc lnorc velticles a1)(l prf 'pcrt irs ttsetc. Yotl 'svill gail) l'tevv. t-1.it-tltls f'/r !' 'tl-t 1tt.:--,will cnjoy pttfcct pcttcc ttl'ïd v,illthe desil-cd tnlack'.

Malefk Result

Ttoubleshnd, vehicleswith frienës

cnd obstttclcs willzntl houses. Siyuilar

illcrtAlbtb f t-glt l't 1 ingtliflictllties q-ill ttrisc

and pzrtncrs. Ullpcuk-ct-ul J-yliyltl. l'f'Ttl vvillb e ttansfetted to cdverst plûce-


F1FT1.l H()L1S):5Benehc Result

Your knowletlge or cducztion will int-reasr. b'fluwill get happiness fton) children an(1 will haq'e l'ittl)of a child.

Mllehc Result

Yov will ;nd diëculties in studies lntl will l?efozced to lbAndon it. You will experience disputcsand miseties ftom your childten,


Yout direzsts, tntmies ot illness will be overconpeand no futthet signs of it will be seen. rlostly there

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( 55 )

will be no litigation, but if thete is any, you will besuccessful.

MaleNc ResultYou are likely to sufer ftom disezses, illness or

enemies. lpitigation will cnd in failure oz defeat for you.@


Ytlu will matry if you :te unmarried. You will

enjoy matried life hzppily. Union will take place fromsepamtion. lf you have any disputes in love afairs, it'will also entl in llûppy atmospheze.

MaleNc Resuh

You will experience diëculties in love afairs, ot'thete will be inctease in the time of sepatution.Sepûtation will take place from union. Disputes inlove Afg.its, discontentment, divorce ot widowhoodmay take placeot diëcultiesmuy atise fot martiuge.



Blessings of life will be bestowed :nd feAt ofdeûth Fill vznish.

MzltNc ResultYou will experience feat of death and anxiety fot

thc longcvity' of yout life.

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You will get better prosperity, fortunt ayld wealtb.M alehc Result

You will experience set '-llat-kAnacial condition. You will nf't 1)cnnent in ttlc business a$ desited.

in prosperity ::d:1)le to (140 invcst-

*TENTII l l()USEBvneNc Result

You will get better lmsition,ronpotion- Yout fûme Antl lhonourP

t to yout personality.

honour, ptwer ûa2will Atltl ptestim

Malehc ResultYou wilt not be allle to olltzin post, powet.

ptomotioa or fume ot you will expetknce ditlicultisin posts. Honout, power, famt etc. will l?e at stake.

*ELEVENTH 11()DFBBenehc Result

Yout invested Qt lent mnnty will bt rttutned.You will hzve timely circulction Qf money. sfzrrizgeor betrottul of yout $on ot dzuglnter will tzke place

Malefc Result 'Yout invested mnney will be blockez in ctvllit.

Money lent to others will not 1)e receivrd in tinhe ot'it mc Fe lost.

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Benehc Result

You will be ltept Away ftom unnecessaty expendi-ture. Tlnete will be no loss or bankmptcy in youtbusiness. You will be ftee ftom debt. You haveposibilities of sbort ttavels.

MaleNc ResultYou wilt sufer from unaecessaty expenditutt,

loss in busintss and there will be anxieties about debtand banktuptcy.

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Planets, the Signi:cators of the houses.

Just ss each houscpazticulat zspect of hullyzn


is Significatf't of sotntlife, ezch plcnct is ltlsoSignifictor f-lf stdlut. ûFp-t of llllttlttn lifk. '1'lttec

Fun is tltc Signifirtïyylr nfthe 1st lhfhuse.lsrief 1)' thtSun is tllt. Signifit-:tût4.)f body, :lhind kntl soul.1'1etc tlhv stln is rttlltzsignifit-ûtrlr (31- tlhtk 1sthoust unkt ntlt tlte lord

, asc. ) !Mats Jup. Sun l Sst. t Jup.' ' '*-*-+e* - + w / m -1 : $ 4 #

Sun.'Moon Jup.j *,Mer. ! Sat-


-=j hat. j ,. Sun.' ût- Ju?. 1Jup. ;MutS venus S

of the 1st house. ln the szme wcy Jupiter is Signifit'kttorof the 2nd house, Mzts of the 3rtl lëotlFc t'tc.

lmpohaat hint :beneic tesult and is

M:r$ in thc 6tl, lloust givesthe destroyer of tlisezses ttndis the ctezter of disezsts zndenemies, wbile Svturn

enemies, is to be understood. lf Sutarn is in tlle 8thhouse, then the diëculties would arise concerning tllclongevity, is also to be understood.

Thc Sun is thebody, mind :nd soul.

Signiicztor of the 1st hotlsv, ofHe is beneic.

Jupiter is the Signi6cator of thc 2nd housc,dtsttoyer of worries of the fimily conccrns aïtdwealth. He is beneEc.

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5latg is the Signiscatot of the 3rd house, ofqdventute, entetptise, vslour, foteign ttavrl andbrotherly happiness. He is beneic.

Tbe Moon and Metcuty aze tlne Signiicztozs of the4th house i. e. house of vehicle, estzte, ttansfet andeace, They are beneNc.P

Jupitet is the signifcatot of the 5tb house, oftducztion :nd childten. He is beneic.

Mzts znd Saturn :ze'house; MAts is( beneic ) 'while( Mulehc ).

Venus i$ themarried love. He is

Signifcatot of thelhenesc.

7th house, of

the Signiicatots of tlae 6ththe tiesttoyet of distzses. enemiesSaturn increases disezse, enemies.

Saturn is the Signiscator of the 8th house, indi-catot of dezth. He is malefc.

9th house,Jupiter, Suny Metcuty and

catots of the lûth house, of position,fame :nd fathezly hzppiness.

Jupitet, Sun, Mezcuzy ate benedc, whikis mzleûc ad hence czeztes wotties tegatding


honouz, powet, fâme :nd fzthefly hzppintss.Jupiter i$ the Signifcatot of th: 11th house and

the desttoyu of w,otties tegztzing incomt. He is benelic.j


Signifcltors of tlneThey ate benefc.

Satutn :tt the Signif-honout, power.

The Sun :ndJupitez ate theof fottune znd ve:1th.

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I 60 1Saturn is the Signilicztor of the 12th houscj ûf

loss, debt, expenditutej insolvencr. l.1e is nlzle:c.satutn is the Significatflt of the 6th. 8tIh at

12ththe hunnzn

house. These thret llouses are tlle indicztot ûfiseries ûnd sotrfbws; cretïttlr f)t- (lisexstsm

I enenpies. Saturn tlvlaàit-ests tl'e kjrd f)f dectl) atkûnkis the indicator of loss, unnecesszty expenkliturt, reitbion in position, honour, powet, tkmt Aml iktltettyct

happiness.F o rzny tesult the attcmion sltould be pzid tv

e- house, lord of tlle llouse gntl tk.thtec pûrticulats; i.sigttiicutotuny house by concenttatit4g

of the house. We c1n know tlle result 4J

on tl4ese three pzrticulAts, 7If one out of these three pgrticulArs is nhissvd, tllen tht'.


tcsult would be invccutzte. For instancc, the sloon k,

the Signiicatortelated hpuse, then the native gttsjbeautiful bouse with vthicle. tvth though the lurd cftthe 4th house mky bt A àk. So if e mils to cbncec.

his, th n we lhll àot bt zble to give tlp (ttzte on t

of the 4th house :nd if tht sloon iswith the 4th

cor-ct jrrdictie.Fot thequestion of bdoxhg tkh, we $houl1

tefet to tht 9th house, lozd of th4 9th houst àhd tlttSigniEcAtozs of the g'th house viz. Mte $un ând Jupittt, ilThe position of the Sun, Jupittt h tht birtl: theshould ûlso bt obsetved.

Fot the quystion of posltie , powzt etc. vt

Page 60: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 61 )should tefer to the lûth house, its lotd and the Signif-cators sun, Jvpiter, Afetcuty and Svtum.Of which particulats the planets are S lgn* i : c a t o r ?



Marsestate, motlyerly happiness and pezce etc.: The Signiûcatot of adventure, entetptise,valour, foteign tz>vcl, brotlnvrly happ-iness ûnd the destroyer of diseases andenemies.

Mercut.y t The SigniHcatot of house, estate:

: The Signifcatot of body, mind, soul,fortune, honour, power, fame andRthcrly happincFs.The Signiicatot of house, vehicler


velticlt,peace, position, power, honour,Rtme,motlyerly and fathetly lnappiness.The Signidcatorfortune, wealth, honour, powtt, posi-

of education, son,

tion, fAme and fztherly happinessthe desttoyet of worties of family,wealth antl incotne.


Venus : Thesstutn

SigniHcztor of m:tried love.: Tl4e Signifcztot of diseases, enemies,de:th, loss, debt, insolvency, unnecces-$zry expenditute :nd gziner of (illegal)position, honour ûnd power and it$czncelhtiop ûnd the destroyez offzthetly hzppinèss.

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( 62 1

CHAPTER NINTHdebilitated signs.

The planets given below are powerful in thèexalted signs and weûk in the debilitzted signs. Inany hozoscope, the planet of exûlted sign gives benticresult of the house in which it is situzted AS well:$ itS own house. The planet of debilituted Figngives wezk zesult in the house in which it is situltedand in its own house. The debilitvted plantts att

Planets and exalted and

consideted to be weûk.l l .v svt

.Sun Moon Mûts 1 Met. Jup. enus1 I& .

- ! .j qg yAties Tvutus j Czpti- 'Virgo Ckncer j Pisces Libm.-, % t 1 t cotn1 œ y (

> ki) fWll )t l- /-4 ->:- . - ewr.-q Aw e:- p * **4** # * )* *w >- #-** <j j *'******=

> o l*-z a-' % t Libz: Sco- Cvncetlpisces Clpti- Vitgo Arieshm 2 @ mio cotnQ


Exzmple InRny hozoscope, : tht Sun #tS *mthe Atie sign, then he is consideted to be powtrfuk:nd if in Libm sign, ht is considettd to be w-b.The skme intetptetztion applies in czse of rest ofthe pknets.

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Planets t Direct and RetrogradeM otion

Except the Sun and the Moonj other phnets donot have one-ditectional motion. Sometimes they goforward znd some-times backwzrd. ( The pztticuhrsate given in al1 the ephemeris ).

Direct Phnet : The phnet tiut( This is written in ephemetis ).

RettogtAdt Phnet : The phnet thzt moves btck-wArd, ( This is wtitten in ephemetis ).

moves forward.

lf Marp :nd Szturn are direct, they ate considetedto bc powetful and if tetrogtzde, they ate motepowerful. Direct Jupiter, Venus, Metcury ate powttful,but if retrogtûde they ate weak.

The Sun :nd the Moon :te alwzys ditect :ndowerful.P

CHAPTER ELEVENTHPhnets : Rise and Combust

The pknet which is combust ( coveted by Sun'sotb ) gives the tesult of the Sun. Which planet istise or combust, can be known ky teadzg theephemetis.' The planet which is not combust ehould b.consideted as tise.

Page 63: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Rise Planet : The planet which is seen at ttiglltin the Sky, is known a$ tise plznet.

Combust Planet : Generally planets comlnust tOfollows

Moon : temzins combust ( ubout ) 12 degrees forwûrdor backwlrd ftom the Sun.

Mvts : remains combust ( about ) 17 dcgrecs forwttrdor backward ftom the Sun.

Metcury : temûins combust ( zbout ) 13 degrecs ffhrwzrdoz buckwatd ftom the Sun; if retrfygrtttle( about ) 12 degrees forwArtl or backwatdftom the Sun.

J upitet temainscombust ( zbout ) 1 l degrees forwardot backwatd ftom the Sun.

Venus temains combust ( ûlnout ) 9 tlcgrtes f'otwardor backwatd from the Sun; if retrftgtsttle( ûbout ) 8 degtccs fotwztd or backwatdftom the sun.

Svtutn : ttmains combust ( zbout ) 15 degtees fotwardot bzckwatd ftom tàe Sun.



Quadtants and TtinesTht 1$t, 4th, 7th :nd 19th houses of :ny horos-

cope :te czlled quadrants. These houses vre known

Page 64: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

t 65 )Trine for the humans

a dv an c e m e n tI Asc.


progxss and be-1Quzd. , ne:c. They sre

owetful. ThePQuad. Quad. jgth house iSl

consideted to bt' 1 . nnost Powerlul.T

rine # Quad. ' Ttiner ! But according. . . . . . .


. . . . . .


. . . . . .


. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . ' '


' '' '''''''






to our expetience thc 5t1, and the 9th bouseg Seem tobe mote powerful.

houses of any hotoscope1re cAlled trines. These ltouses zte vety powetful and

Tht 1st, 5th and the 9th

beings ûdvancement, pto-ate known fot the humantess :nd lnenedc.êSolne astrologets believe quzdrztAts to be mote

powerful vnd ttines to bt 1eS$ powerful; but as perour experience and opinion ttines :re more powetful,as they :tt tbe foundvtion-stone of the mzn's ûdvvnce-ment, ptogress. Fton: thv 1St house, body, mind andsoul and 5th ltoustknowledge vnd education :nd fot-tunc from tlle 9th :re known. Not involving outselvesin the diference of opinionklso consider thAt the ttines ate

and ctiticism, we shouldpowetful.

lt should be noted thvt the 1st houst is of ttinejs well As of tluzdrznt; which is tht most powcfulm the hotoscopc.

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( 66 1


Planets and Aspects

The phnethouse but also

gives resultof tlye house of

Signidcatot and the house witl)

by conjunctiony opposition or

not only of its ownwllom the p lanct is thewg4ictxï t l's connecttd

tlspect.means vibtztions of theAspect of the phnet

Fot instance, 'ifplznet.it means tlazt the

Jupitcr aspects tlle 5tl) houst,vibrûtions of Jupiter llûve been

ttansmitted in the 5th house. Each plznet throughitsaspect cteates eFect in the house accotdlng to itsnature. The aspect of planet is considetetl to bt themost importunt part in the mztter of ptedktion.

A1l the planets send theit vibrztions in the 7ththe 7th house and cteztt

nztute. Additionzlly, SzturnMars zspects th4

and the 8th house :nd

house; means theyeJect accozdingaspects the 3td And the 10th house,7 lsC- tv 13 2 1 12 1 11(2).

4 10I

t , l*IRY- ** -# *> @ * .# -1 *> - ? *M#- - > m v#- -!f? ' 4 u5 6 7 8 9

4thJupitet aspects the 5th andthe 9th houst :nd crevttesect According to theitnûture.

Exvmplt : In tht givenhotoscope, thePisces

Moon ofth:lsycts 6th

aspectto theit

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( 67 1

house and sends her vibrations and creates her efectaccording to het nztute. In tlne same way, Venus of.i . t( , enlln house, the Sun and Mercuzy('aancer uspects the lûth house and Saturn of Leo

lspectsthe 9th


usptcts tl,e 7th house ( 3rd aspect ), 11th house( 7ti: aspect ) 1nd the 2nd house ( 10th aspect ).Jupiter of Scotpio aspects 12th house, ( 5th aspect )2nd house ( 7th aspect ) and the 4th house ( 9thaspect ) and Mûrs of Libm aspects lûth house( 4th Aspect ) 1$t house ( 7th aspect ) and 2nd house( 8th zspect ) ûnd cteates the efects accotding to theit1own nature ûnd position.

In this hotoscope the Moon, Venus, Metcuty, theSun :nd Mzts do not aspect zny planets, but Satutnzspects Mats by 3td ând Jupitet aspects Moon by5tt1. Mctcuty And the 8un by 9th i. e. Mats is aspectedone-sided by Sztutn and Mercuty and the Sun aresspccted one-sided by Jupiter.

How the telation of any planet is cxatedhouses ?with othe: planet: and

Conjunctionhouse it is called

lf two phnets ate situated in oneconjunction. In the zbove hotosocopej

there is conjunction of the Sun and Metcuty in Canceti. e. the Sun :nd Mttcuty Ate telattd to ezch othet.

Opposition : lf two phntts alpect each othet itis called opposition. ln the zbove hotoscope, if theMoon in Pisces h:d bxn in Aquatius, thea it would hzve

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ë 63 )

been callei the opposition of the Moon ttnd Saturn.ln tbe above hotosctlpe following relûtions ute

cgused which are very inqportant ttllfl sllflulll 11eunderstood ptoperly.

ln the above horoscopc Jupiter zspects fhc slol'nJupitet and the Moon c#e relcted; in tlle sgnle

way Jupiter is relatecl witl) tlqe Sun, sjercuty andSAtutn with Mzr$.

Jupiter has gspected the Sun, tlht. hlof,ll) zniMercury. lt means that Jupiter hgs createtl tht e:èrtin the 5th house whose lord is tlle Sun and 4tb

und 3rd antl the 6tl1house whose lotd is thc Moonhouse whose lord is Mercury.

Moteovet, Jupiter hûr zspectecl tlte Moon cnithe Moon zspects the 6th house, so the eYects ofvibtztions ofJupiter Are sent in tlle 6t1) l'tousrthtough the Moon. ln tht sanle w:y Jup iter zspectstht lûth house thtough the Sun 1nd Metcury.

Jupitet kspetts the Moon, i- e.an efect in those bouses whose lord or

Jupiter rreatttstiqv significator

is the Moon. ln the $:meSun :nd

w:y Jupittr zspects tllecreztes eYect in thoseMetcuty, i. e. Jupittr

houses whose lord :nd the signifcator is tlle Sun'ot Mttcuty. ln th: zbove hozoscope the Sun iF tlhelotd of the 5th house znd signiscvtor of 1st, gth gnd1*h house; :ni Mercuzy is the lozd of Nd znd (lthbovse and tht sigai&ztoz of tht 4th :nd tht llkh

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( 69 1llouse. So tlqe6th, 9th and

lupitet hus efect on 1st, 3td, 4th, 5th,,tlpt lûth house tespectively.it should also be noted in the hozos-Moteovcr,

cope that Jupiter 1)aSMercury, but JupitetNlot'n and Nlercuty.

l-letc the Sun, the Moon

dent or under conttol of Ju?itet.thttt the Sun, the Moon and Mercuty :te aspectedothe-sided by Jupiter.

In the saale w:y please obsetve the position ofsaturn ûnd Mats. Sztuxn zspects Mats but Matj doesnflt aspect Slturn. Here Mzrs is ccptured oz undetcotltl-ot of SAturn. Suturn isindependent, ftee, whileNtttrs it is said that Mats is

aspected the Moon, the Sun andis not aspected by the Sun, the

and Metcuty are depen-ln shott, it is szid

is dcpcndent. In Shortaspectet! one-sided by Sututn.What Is the eFect of the planetwhich aspects ?

'f i:ezspect of planet is consideted to be powerful.Vcnus which ig in the 1st house wantsf''tls instznce,

to crezte lyis own effecttlle 1st house, but if JupitetAspccts Venus in the 1st house, the effect of Venusis cancelled by Jupitet in tbe 1st house; while Jupitetitt tile 7th house wûnts to cteate his own effect intïc 7th house but Venus ftom tle 1st house aspectstJupîtetis cuncelled byF

thetefoze the effect of JupitetVenus in the 7th house.

in the 7th house,

uccotding to his natute inftom the 7th house

Page 69: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

CHAPTER FOUR'IYEN'1'I'IThe natutal friendship of the planets.

' $# e.- lwyqx . 4,

I rqriends j' N eutrals u'.:lety:iesPlanttMoon, Nlars. 1, - tv ykls sat çltrj

,Sun Nlertury es .Jupiter. j ,#- e lV Ob f:' INlcrs, Jupiter,Moon t Sun, Mercuty venus

, sat.lr*-G*Sun, Moon, (vrnus

, suturn. Mcrt-bryMars .Jupiter. ),

slars, Jupiter.t joonMercury Sun, Venus, ,1 5s

aturn.hun, s'loon, suturn ! hlcrk-tlry,Jupiter yjurs. ? , N'ryjjjs-2 i

- - : fA*P*RF k'* iMercuty, l ' ,V

enus suturn l'hlûrs. Jupittr. Sun, Nlof'jt ,Metcury, t jtNr

, stln, Ntoo:).S

atutn vrnus.

j Jup Njurs.j


. r -'--q !> 77 : :E7 J :( E( >' 7 7 !(

1. The lbovt tAble is given to obsetve the frivntls.neuttals znd enemies of the lord of the Ascendclpt.Tf the fziends of the lord of the vscendznt are inhvout i. e. beneûc, they would convty powerfulzesutt :nd if they :te nwle6c, the proportion of thtmaleûc tesult would be ordinaty. Tl4t planrts wllicltate enemies of t14e lord of the vscendant vtttl ifbeneûc, then the ptoportion of tht lAentEc rtsult


would be otdinûty znd if makûc, tbe proportionof the mvlefc zesult would be powtrful.

Page 70: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

E 71 )ln any birth clnart, if a planet is in its own houseor in his friend'snces pleasute and happiness of tbzt planet's housesas well as of the related houses by that planct.W hile if a planet is in his enemy's house, eventhougln it may not be in 6t1a, 8th or 12th house,

lnouse, tben the native experie-

is called weak. So the native would not acquirepleasure and happiness of its own houses as wellas of the telAted houses by that phnet,

3. Looking to tbe tzble of natuml ftiendship of theplanets, the Sun, the Moon, Mats and Jupitet arein the group of Gods and Metcuty, Venus andSaturn Are in the gtoup of devils. Gods ate victo-rious while devils are defeated ones.

4. Accozding to the above table, the Moon has noencmy. as she is favouted by a11 the planets witllthe zesult that she plays an innpoztant part inprediction. Jupiter is not the enemy of any planetand non-zevengeful. He always gives beneicialzesults in evety house.

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Birth Chatt and the maleNc plancts

'f tpcre are twelve lpouseF in t:t ltittl) chûrt'. '1'l)ef; (1''t tlottsc isof disezses and enenties. 8thand 12th lqouse of worries of- loss debt,ttlyd interest. The wllolc nliserics andthc lttyman life depends upon8t1) and the 12tl) llouses and on Svturn, tlle

of lflngcvityexpentlitutt

unllappiness oîthc lllrtls of the 6t1a

Signiicstor of these houses. Here the pesition ofmalefc plznet ( planet wlhicl, is tlhc lord of the 6th.8th or the 12th llouse znd not lheing the lord of znyquadtcnt ot trine, i. e. of lst, 4t1), 5tl), 7ti'), gth Qzttle lûth house ) und Faturn is to t)c considerels. ltbecomes necessary to know the ntvlc6c pllnets ofevery asceniant.

Satutn is zlwlys mzlefc, tven though ht mûybr : Iotd of :ny qulndmnt or ttine; for ht is thesl'jui:cztot of the 6th, stl) and the 12tl) house. Heis-he lotd of ëeath :nd one cannot expect bentfckltegult from him. On thectcate iiEculties znd

Contrkry* *

WOrr1C8 ln

hi$ nvturt is tolqumzn life, ttntl

l'larass :nd kill nlen. On tllis principle, tlle ff,llcwingplanets aze benefc :nd mzleHc in eaclt zsccntlant.

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E 73 )

,Asc. Benefc Planets Maledc Powetful

Planets. Meleic Plûnets.


SztutnTutlrus Sun, Moon, Mats,Metcuty, Jupitet, Venus.

Metcuzy, Mars

Jupitet, Venus, Satutn.Gemini Sun, Moon,

Canrer Sun, Moon, M:t$,Jupitet, Venus.

lae() Sun, N1:t$, àlercuty,


MoonVenusj Jupitcr.Ntoon, Metcuty. Venus, Sun,Jupitet, Sûtuttn. MztsSun, Moon, Mazs, SaturnMercuzy, Venus, satutn.

M oon M :tS ,)Scotpio Sun,Jupiter, Venus.Sun, Mzts, Metcuty,

Jupitet.sAgitt-Atius.Czpri- Moon, Mzts, Metcuty,corn. Jupiter, Venus.Aquar- Sun) Mzt$, Matcuzy,ius. J'upitet, Venus.Pisces Moon, M1t$, Mttcuty,

Mtzcuty,satutnMoou, Venus,1SatutnSun,SztuznMpon,



sun, Vtaus jatuttJu?itet.



Sun, Moon, Mats,

Jupitez, Venus.

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Notes :

1. Mats is malefc in Gemini and Viryo ttht'elldants,hence Sztutn is acting as llcnefic in thest. twouscendûnts. Wlqen hlars is beneiir, Ntktklî:) irmalcic and when slars is lllzlefit: Satutn is llene-:c. Op tbis principle, Szturn lhct-ollyt's l'enelik. inthe above nyentioned Genlini antl Virgo aFt-tsntlttnts.

saturn is benefc in Gemini and Virgo Cthcelltlcnts,*

but bting cn impotent, he is ttnûltlt. tf3 give llcneficzesult in the mstter of mûrried love and cllildtell.

3. lt should be noted thût Sûturn iS powerflll llkaleficin Cûncet, laeo, Aquztivs and l'iFt-es ttsrt:ydttnts,fot he is the lord of tlpe 6t1)d 8t1) or 12t1:houst in these zsctndAnts.

4. Any plznet who is the lotd ofund also the lozd of thehouse is consizezed to be

quaklrgnt or ttitlt6th, 8th or 12tà

bentfc and if tlhis plznetopposition or zspert l)yCApricorn or Aquarius sign

( houseg of Slturn ) then this pl:net cannot givepowetful tesvltzi. e. it is : wevk benefc.

is in conjunction,SAturn ot if it is in

5. S:tutn is the signifcAtot of the 6th, 8th a$)d 12tl)houses, i. e. the Signi6cvtor of disezses. enenlicsdevth, longevity, loss, debt, insolvency, itterest andespeniitute wotties. He is the lortl of (leatl) alltl

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( 75 )devil andhzs got

hence cannot giveone speciality, i. e.and make uSe ofcûn get

when Satutn is aspectedlanets in his hotoscope.P


beneEc tlsult. But hegiguntic capacity. Onethis gigantic capzcityone-sided by beneNc

following is theot mzlehc efect of tlae

method to know the benehcphnets.

-q 1: ,- .-,, jt '--drdflljk--. t:!iEqlk ,41::::::::: -----. kjj'' ! 1'r' (::''- 1j!23 l 2 ! 1 . .12 .11 .q -*:* A*

4 imagined 1û

t+.4 *d+$ ! * ? t o w y- - + k?-' '- 7 .4 j l a I 7 o. t t 8

l --7:;17-- 1' . . . $111E14;-. . . . . . . .. ..... . . . . ... .. -9... ... . .. .... - . . , .. ...5 l 6birth chart as stûted above.

( Mercuty is com-this hozoscope

and test of the planeèsare between 2 to 27degtees ). The givenbitth chart is of Aries

bust in

ascendant, hence Met-cuty and Saturn aremcleic planets in tlnlg

Hete malefc Mezcuzy is combust by benefc Sun,so the cancelhtion of tlne malefc combination is caused.

The S un, tht Moon 1nd Metcuty ate zspectedmâl/ c Sztutn which tties to make tlaemone-sided by

Maleûc; but Mats hksMoon And Jupitez:nd Metcuty, hence

ln the AbaveMars, Mercuty,Sutum is mzleic.

aspecyed oz suppotted tlnehas zspected o: suppotted the SunSztutn cznnot mzke tlcem malefc.hotoscope, the Sun, the Moon,

Jupitet and Venus zte benefc and

Page 75: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Now following is the method to ;nd out tkeFect of houses of each planet. Each planet cteattsrits own eFect by four ways in the houses. ( 1 ) Tàt',house of which it is the lord, ( 2 ) Tlle llouse ûfjwhich it is theSigniûcator, ( 3 ) 'l'l)e house in whicllit is situated and the lnouse in wllit-l) it aspccts api( 4 ) Tbe planet related with tlne houses. witl) wlloait is in conjunction or opposition or aspcct.

Accotding to this methrld. the following plan.ive the beneic ot maleûc results of t14c houses ia

tthis hozoscope. t

Planets Houses Benefcor

M lefic ?h'a




M emvyy



1, #? 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, 101, % 4, 5, 6, 9, 1, O1, .2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 9, 10, 11, 12

lpepefic tBenefk ?i

-Renesc )Benelic rf


12 sfale:c )t

2, 4, 7, 81, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11,

1, 3, 4, 5, 6, 9, 102, 4, 7, 8

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I 77 )CHAPTER SIXTEENTHPowerful, weak ot inelective ?

Tlle planets 1tr powetfu), weûk or invfective atzfetent times. Hence it becomes essenti:l to koowwhether : planet is powetful, weak ot inefective,iken though it n:zy be bene6c, at the time of , birth.1. A planet f)f () or 29 degtces in a horoscope iscalletl tinefet-tivc', Such planèt is called tinefective',e. it has no eFek.tAnd t-annot fortù combination.


it is not ableJf this ineFet.tivcto give benefcor to the houses:nd if mAlest), itit$ own house ot

Plûnet is bentiic,result to its own house or housesof which it is s Signifcktot;Rils to give malefc resulst tohouses znd the houses of which

it is a Signihcator.2. A plznet whicl) is debilitcted in bitth chart:nyis cûlled < weak '. Tbis wevk debilitstedwhethtr benefc ot malesc, cznnot giveresult, i. e- if mak:c pknet is debilitated, thenztive gets legs mvlefc result. Plesse not that thedebilitzted plvnets hAve aspects, c:n form combi-nûtlons :nd hzve weûk efect.


3'. Mercury, Jupiterweuk when retrogmde. At that time tlney txnnotjive sumckni bknetic or mAlefc tesult.

4. Any beneûc plahet ( except M:t$ ) when plzèed ihthi 6th, sth or 12th h-bkse, cznhot glve bentic

and Venus are consideted to be

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( 78 1

zesult to its own houses at; tequited. So the platutwho is lord or the Signiûctttorof particular housts,cannot give benelic result as requittd if it is in tlyt6th, 8th or 12th house. Mats in the 6th, 8th ot12th house is considered to be powetful, wkikothet phnetsbe weak.

( except Saturn ) are considered tû

5. Ezch planet is considered to be weak if it is iathe house of its enemy, which givts weak beneûcot maleic result

6. Any plznet in the Szturn's sign of Capricotn orAquztius is consideted to he ttlzted witly Saturn;so in this wAy zny benefc planet ( without Mkts )in Ckpricotn oz Aquvtius sig' n, beconles defectivt.

lf the Sun, the Moon, Metcuty, Jupiter. Vetwszte of 28 ot 1 degtee, they :te considtred to 1)tweak, whezeus Mazs znd Satutn of 28 or 1 dtgre:ate considered to bepowetful.

8. Satutn and Mats of 1 to 28 degtees and the 8uaund the Moon, Metcuty, Jupitet and Vtnus of j2 to 27 degtees 1te consideted to be powtrful.

is tke signi6cltordeath, wotties etc. So if he is wezkof enimies,

( except Gemini ot Vitgo ascendznts ) lye is consideredto be k$$ tzoublesome, i. t. this wtzk Szturn ketpstht nvtive Awzy fotm entmks, wotties of debt :n4dtlth. If SAtum is of 0 degtee or debilitlted in 1ny

Skturn is the lotd of devils. He

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( 79 1

bittt) chatt ( of Aties sign ). the native experiencesnon-stop progtess and ptosperity and hatdly has tof,ce zny didiculties in life.

except in Vitgo, Capti-cotn and Pisces ascendûnts ot aspected one-sided byMats or Jupiter, Saturn is considcted zs dependentand tlle nztive of such Saturn reaches the peak ofprogress :nd prospetity. ( Sututn is giznt, :nd z hugeproducer ). Htre the gigantic cvpzcity of Satutnsupports the nztive to undettake huge vork with success.

Please rennennbet that :weak ot dependent cond-ot Vitgo sscendant )ition ()f SAturn ( except Gemini

,is good for the ptogtess and ptospetity of : native,wllile ttle powetful condition of Satuta bzingsdiëculties, phiseries :nd downfzll to z nztive.An easy prosperity tluough a weak maleâc planet.

A t4:::: expetiencts non-stop ptogress :nd ptosp-erlty if a ntuleûc plznet is weak in his birth chzrt.

and the

()r if sztutn is combust

Fot instcnce,pknets:te of dcbilitAted ot of < () '

Metcuzy Sztutn ate mzlefcin Aries ûscendznt, znd if these two malefcs

degtee or if they aze

uspected one-sided by Mzts ot Jupittr, then thesemAlcHc plznets cannot givt mal/c tesults i. e. : mancan Achievt non-stop prosgtess and pzosperity,

lt shoutd l)t noted thvt if these wezk Metcury:nd Szturn 1re in the 6th, 8t14 ot 12th house, theybtqotne powetful pllnets, hence 1 m:n would not be

Page 79: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

able to 'zchieve non-stop ptog' ress Antl prosperity, btlton the contrzry he h:9 to fzce diëculties due to tllctesults of these powerf ul mzlefc ' planets.

Exzlted maleNc planet doeslf a male:c planet is

chazt, as fot exahhple, theTauzus :nd Mazs in Czpricorn, tlley klonfvt' g'i ve'

lleic tesult. Exalted mûleicm plûntt llhsts its lyttslefit.eFect. This is also written in the ancient asttolfpgicalbooks, thât the exzlted planet btings nolp-stoptosp' etity.PMAts of Capxicorn does not give malefic efcrt, hent ethe ùAtive becomes ftee ftom tht nhalelic tcsult' of

F6z instance in Gemini ûsccndant ltlktlefit.

Alatà An2 tezches ût the top of prospctity tlttflughthe efect of thit phnet. Fot this the exvnhple ()f Mr.Mdhlfl bi-4d's b'itth chzti should be kept in njind.Bùi if this m:181c plAnet is aspected one-sided 1)ySlhzn, th8h tlàis tkalted pknet ig forced to crtatelilzhi eYett.

not give malesc result.exzltet'! in t't ntttivtt's 1 'ittl)Sun in Xries. tlne 5I('f ht) i1)

Planus : Powerful, Wèak and lntFectjve.The Sun and the M* n

qy pl f yPow .1 .


Accbtdinj to thèSù: ot the Alo6n

givtn principles. if the'is nQt Weak ot ine:kc-

tive, thth he Qr s:tshould be considetedpbkèrful.: lf the Sun or the' 2' oon is dehîlitxte? or

Page 80: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

lneFective :

in the 6th, 8t1: or 12th house ot in hiscnenly's housc or of 1 ot 28 degtee, 1)eo1- sht is calletl weak.lf tlte Sun or the Moon is of 29iegree, he is called inefective.



Mercuryy Jupiter and VenusAct-ording to the given ptinciples, if

Nlercuty, Jupiter and Venus zte not wtzkor ineYective, they should l)e considered


heFective :

:$ powetful.lf Mercury, Jupitet ot Venus is debilitateddf in the 6th, 8th or 12th hoùse otin his enemy's house ot tetzogtzde or of1 ot 28 degtees, is czlled wezk.lf mercury, Jtlpiter ot Venus is of 29 or ûdegree, ig called inefective.


Mars and Satum

Powerful Accozding to the given principles, if Mzts:nd svtutn :re not weak ot ineftctive,then they Should be 'considered powetful.

Wezk : lf Mats ot Svturn is debilitvted Jn hi9

lhéFétiivi' :enenly's house is called wezk.lf Mzts or S:tutn is of 29 oi û degtee:;he is (.alldd inefittive.

Page 81: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


Debilitated Planet. ThvCancellation of Weak Retrogtade Planet. The Can-cellation of Weak Benehc Planet. The Clncellatlonof Beneâc Planet and the Cancelladon of MaleNcPlanet.

The Cancellation of

Now we shall study tïow thc wezk plvnetsbecome ?owerful and powerful plznetF becolue wezkot how the malelic plznets bet-ome bentfit ttnd btnticplanets become maleHc.

1. The Cancellation of Debilitated Phnet.

Even though the debilitâted plAnttto 1)e

is t-onsitlettdwezk, it does not lose thc strengtlh of

aspect, The efect of tlhiF p lanet i$ wezk, but ifthe debilitzted beneic planet ( not nlaltfic ) is inits own signiûcating llouse, it zchievcs the st/ecgtbof this house :nd gives powerful tesults to itsown houses as well as to the relzted houses. Forinstznce, Jupitet of Capricotn in 2nd. 5th. 9th>lûth or 11th houje or MArs of Clncer in 3rd or6th house is called powetful.

The debilitated benelic pknet c:n Also becomepowetful by tht tehtion of :ny bentfic pknetthtough conjunction, oppositioa ot zsptct.

Page 82: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 83 1In tllkt sante way, if debilitated malefc planet orSaturn is in the 6th, 8th or 12th house, thecancellation of debilitated is czusçd and acts as apowerful maledc planet.The debilitated mzleic planet related to Saturn byconittnction, opposition or aspect or if debilitatedSatutn is related to a maleic planet by conjunction,opposition oc aspect, he becomes a powerful maleûc.

2. The Cancellation of W eak Rettograde Planet

Benefic Nlexcury, J upiter and Venusthey zte tetrogtade. Such planets cannot

suflicient beneic xesults to theit own and signi-

are consideredto l)e wezk ifgivefkating lïfluses; but if they :te in theit ownor in tlkeir signi6cating housts, ot exalted ot if theyare supported by ûny benefc planet by conjunction,opposition or aspect, the cancelhtion of weakretrograde plznet is caused, i. e. these weak planets


become powerful.

w:y if maleic Metcuzy ot Venus isit is considered to be z weak mzleictettogtzde,

phnet but if it is relzted to any maleic planet oz isin the (ôth, 8th or 12tl4 house, the cancelhtion ofwezk tettograde phnet is czused, i. e. this weGplânet btcomes powerful malefc.

ln the szme

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I 84 )

3. The Cancelladon of Weak BeneNc Planet.1. Any beneic plznet in the 6th, 8t1) or 12t1)

considered to be a weak plvnet. lnut if it is stlpp-otted by any benefir plznct by ('oniunt'tion,opposition or zspect, tllis wcak plAnet l'et'thlylt'spowerful.

2. Any benescby bene:c

planet of 29 ()t 0 tlegrek-, if (-rv3'111,ustSun or âspected one--sided 1)y lte:lvfit-

plûnet, it tenyains as inch-ective without any t'lyttnge.lf it is of 1 or 28 degree, it is considered to beweak :rd jî comlvust, it also tentttins as wt'zkwithout Any change. Thc Sun, the Moon, Mert.ury.Jupitir ot Venus of 1 or 28 degtee is consideridAs weàk. The clncellution of such wekk p lznetcinnot bè fozled.

3'. bèn/clf anyof Satutn it isjive sumcient

plznet ( exctpt Mzrs ) is in the signcodsidered to be weak. lt t'znnotbenifc result to its own or signip-but if this plvnet is lspect/ byit chgnges into : powetful plznet.

catinj' housej;benefc phnet,

4. The' Cvncelhtion of Bene:c Phnet.lt ' Ifxny bene:c plaet is aspected

Sztum ot lalehc planet, this benlcto @ ialeic plknet.

ao F :nj ben/i plmet is combust zndis maleic, then this benehe phnetmalefc phnet.

one-sided byplanet changis

if the Sunchxnms to ,'

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(f any beneûc planet is the lord of the 6th, 8thor 12th lAoase and if it is related to Satuzn ot totttty tnaleHc planct byconjunction, opposition otaspect or is in tlte sign of Saturn or is in tlne()'tt:, 8th or 12t1) house, then this benefc planetunalllus to give beneûc tesult. Such phnet is calleda welk benelic planet.

J . The Cancelhtion of M aleâc Planet.(f anycoml?ust

planet is combust ot Satutn isif tbe Sun is beneûc, tlle combust

nlalcfik-givesgivelpcitlgaspect and cccotding to tlne principles, whereverit Aspccts tlle beneûc efect of the Sun is ttansfetred.If any lnûlc6c plûnet ot Satutn is aspected one-sided 1hy tt beneic planet, the aspected planetchznges from nlzleic to benefc and gives benefcrcsults to : native. This cbanged phnet frommalefk to benefc plays zn impoxant patt in theprogress znd ptospetity of the native life.If nllelic planet is in its own signifcating house( except Saturn ) ot in the exalted sign, it changesf'rom maltsc to benehc and gives beneichl zesults.'fhis clnûnged phnet, ftom maleic to benefcy

chznges ikom maleûc to benefc andresult. This benefc planet has to

only benefc tesult to z native. Mozeovez bycombust, it does not lose the capacity of



Page 85: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

lzys chief part in tlqe progress zntl prtlspt.rity ofPthe nztive's life.

4. Jupitet never acts cs npûleflc. l lc tl()cF not llavt' lhttllefect even as : lord of tlne 6t11, 8t1) or 12t1: l),'t1F().He is notwise and

an cncnpy of cny planet Hc is N'irttlfltls,impcttial. 11c Always givcs llcnetlcittl rt-sçtlts

at a11 tlpe occassions- But the asccntlants 01- 'l'atl1.us,Libm, Capticornadvzntagt of Jupittt'sabove pknets hzve tlye naturgl tenëcncy of' t'vildeeis. Jupitet sghts ûgAinst Antl tlefeats tltettl,i. e. if the lord of tlyese dtnieh tlît

or Aquarius io coi like t() takvbenehc efect. Btcattsv tllt

Asccntltlntsvittuoustynality of Jupiter, tlpen here l)e acts

Fot instance, if the lord ot- tlttsc c$t'e1l-nâalehc.$

dAntsperforms any illeg al zction, Jupiter ltzlïtlirttpttstheir illegal action And gets then: arrested ot ifthty spend laçishly ancl if they bortow mnney ()ncttiit oz by intetest, Jupittt puts thtm ithtodiëcalties. He Alsoto CQ the wûzk bqyond their capacity. ln the

pulls them bzck if thcy tty

same W1y if the arctnzants of Tlurus, 1.il'l'a,Cericozn :nd Aquûrins accept tlye virtunns quzlityof Jupitet, then, Jupitez Actg Ap benesc lntq takethe nztive to the highest pûict of progtesF gntlpzospetity and crezits him with teputztion.

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The nztutw personality, induences dwelling places,busjiness or occupation of signs and planets.

nature, influence,elect, dwelling plcces, businesses ot occupations oftwelve Signs :nd :11 the siven phnets. During tlleobsetvztion of any birth chûtt, it should be notedthut the sign placed in the ascendant in:uences thehuman being with it$ nzture, efect, dwelling pkces,busintsses or occupktions.

Now we shzll think ovet the

For exzmple, ifof cancet ascendant

ûny one brings you a bitth chzttûnd asks you whzt is the natute,

in:uchce, eYect. dwelling plvces, businesses ot oc'cupa-tions of tlle native. Fot this the Rnswet should be readand given from this very chaptetwith its own nztuze, in:uence,businesses or occupztions.

of Cancet ascendantdwelling places,

Moreover the pknet which hasûscen8ûnt or lozd of the ascendant

been zehted toby conjunction,

the native is also efecttd by theopposition or lspect,phnet's nzture. in:uence. dwelling plzces, businesscsot occupatiûns. Also the nûtive is induenced by thesing's ncture, efect, dwalling plzces, businesses oroccupztions in wlnich the lord of the ascendantis plzced.

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Watning atty birtlt cl4zz, t wbtn tlke tllzlefic

lanet is relatetl to asccndant ot- tlle lord ()f tllt ascry-Pdunt t)y conjunction, oppositicn ot cspect, tlle nativecomesinfluence,

under the e:kct f)f nlclefir planet's tlatute,dwelting placcs, buFinesses flt.

But this nhzlefic cYcct' is lptttlllt-ul to :


4lt'cupâtlocs.nktivt. So tic

: It1

2t1ybirtt) chart the nAtive's ttttention shoultl îtot bedtawn towards malefic pgtute, ilhtluence, dwelling pkcts,businesses or occupwtions. a$ thc pqative woulz kvtempted to uqderuke the maletic planct's chzractttistkand consequently he has to sufer.

ExAmplt :

Ttpe Moon is malefic in ldqo, Sqgittzrius otAscendlnt : lf the native hzs 1 ..i- Nloon.native's attention sltould not be

Aquariusthen theydvised at 1 + Mqon's busip e$s ,or occppztion,such as opening an ice tkctllry, a$ the n:tive would


be put into diëcultks. Fotthis the Astrologers shoul:tzke speciAl caze not to give such pet4ictions.4

drzwn ot8 11 v

2. Atso if the lotd of the Asctndânt is in tht 6th,8th ot 12t,h hogtse, the nztive should not beadvised to undertzke tlle businesqes or the occupa-tions of the sign in which tht lozd of the zsqendactis phced. This is also hvrmful to the nztivt.

'file Advice of a business should not be given to

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( 89 )native in whose bitth chatt the lotd of the

ascendatlt is placed in the house of enemy's planetor il- tIlt' enksnly Planet is relatpd to the ascendantO 1- tf ) the lord of the ascendant. Fot instance,Venus is the enemy of the Sun, so tlae natives ofl.eo's ast cndant sbould not be advised to under-take t'lle l'usinesses or occupations of Venus. Intlpe sanle way, the M oon is the enemy of M ezcuty,so tllt. nztives of Gemini oz Vitgo ascendantslloultl not bc advised to undeztake the businessoi- tlle sloon.

4. Nlorcovur in any birth chatt,is (lcbilltt4tetl or of 0

when a maleûc planettben the native

-cj-k-rs17 tp ltlnet;lalzet. tlle native achieves non-stop ptogress andPprospcrity without ûny difliculties. Fot example, ina l4irtl) t-l.lart of Metcury ot Virgo ascendant, ifmzlcfic Mars is debilitated or of û degtee, the.n thenative leaving aside his own business of M etcuzyatlopts tlpc business of malefic MArs. ln such(lrt-sssions, it should be noted tlnat the nativet'fltyïcs untler, nature, eFcct, influence ot businessf ,r ot cupztion of 1 + s'tars ( debilitated oz 0f 0tlegree nhclefic planct ) snd be becomes a doctot,u lawyer, tls) engincer or c com,nlantlet etc.

degteesto do ttLe business of the same maleûcdue to tltis weak ot ineFective malec

Page 89: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

1 + SUN OR LEO:( Male o: Female )

Who :te qou ?You zte tht knowledge of inner soul. Reader cntl

lovez of holy books. You drive ûway hum= ignorcncc.People get new life and sight from you. You urc inthe fozm of God, ,tht sptezdez of light, dûwn to tllchuman life knd kze tlnt ttue cwlkenetof thc humzn Foul.

Courageous, vûliant and gencrousut heszt. You ûte the btight :nd llmighty of tllefottune.stzong mindei,

Yout life's destination is to see Gfld. Prcyers of

You ûre cvlm ûnd gtave by nuture. You areself confident and full of virtuess,

God is the sole hlppiness of youtsole mighty Pzst, P'esent.zntl futute ûnd thesight of the fqtutt. Whltevet words you utter cometzue, but thete is one defect, viz, you :tehot-temperedznd give cutse to the persons who znnoys you.

You know koly books by hekx. You dislikt

lifc. Yo: cte tllcof the

involvtd, yOu 1rtsute todtvoted to God :nd hve detp teligious Austexity.

-...... ..... . . . . . .... . . . . .

E ((jkkk ....-;. #,/ ,/. pli.- ,,kA1 + Sun or Leo means ( 1 ) the sun ln th: 1,t houyeo: the Sunaspects the 1st house or ( l ) conlunction oropposltton of the Sun wtth the lotd of tbe ascendant. ( 3 )the lord of the ascendant fn Lto ot ( 4 ) L.o as atï

win. You aze the ttezsure offorgiveness, :nd

gscendant $jgn.

teligious discussions And if zt v11

You :re btzve,

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You hateYou aze sobet.

ptopagztots and insult them.You have no patticulaz addiction.

Yout constznt study and meditûtion btings yoû merittettiicates. You are tht prziser of eiucation, mostlesmed, tbe holy scriptuzes gl'e at the tip of youttongue knd ûre the pteaclprt of holy knowledge.

liers :nd

of ptinciples. You see everythingfzom the stzndstd of your ptinciples. You :te ittitedwhen you see : principle is being btezched znd givecutses. Sometimes you think of lezving this wozldlyGzits :nd become : suint.

You ate the mân

You zte : m:n of ptinciple but hot-tempezed,even then we bow ouz heûds ût yout feet in gmtitude.It is becAuse of you tht we :te fottunate enough tosee the precious Sight of God.

You :re the tezl guide to out szlvstion, :nd thepath to heûven. You possess Divine knowledge aboutheûven, how it looks likt :nd ftom wheze one cûnreûch it.

You ate holy :nd z disciple of God. You arethe devotee like Lotd Ktishnz, Rzmv, Buddha, Chitst,Zozovstzl oz Mohsmed, Nmshihs Mim, Tukzram,n bit ot Gutu NânAk.

You liv: :$ z szint. Any cozdial welcome pleasesyou vnd you bestow him with yout blessings, whichnevet Rils. You rewatd him for his best setvices.

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( 92 1


lvst incarnztion. You will go sttziykdezth and will not hzve secoctyout

bitth on the eztth because ofyourFOudeeds that

severe pins in yourquish this wotldly bliss and stay with ntollk-s, if yout

will loweryoutlleztl in sha1ncwitblleart. You would like to reliuz,

fzmily membezs donot act according to plur wislytsjHeace family membets should bcwarc of such persocsof Sun, lest tkcy mzy losc llim zntl nlay lpave

yout fortllet holy deei.childten will df) suct) nototiousOt4e of

This isto heavea

to repent.You bawl

lilt e a litll:,that does not mean thct

top of yout voice. You toatsometimes you teddtn witl) z:lger, llut

you Are foolisl). in tezlitythis only the telezse of yout heatt felt pzilts tllïtt yoacannot endute. You are a man of gteat personclity.

You might not be knowing tllat the Gotldesof 1e:1th is coming behind you wlnerever you go.You eurn much with less eYotts. You havc at: qasyincome ftom yout ptopttties :nd become tich in notimt because you aze a SigniicAtor of wezltl).

You expetience gre:tlectutes on teligion,giving

teligious petformances

enjoyment in your life bygzthering holy sttints fot

ûnd htûrtily welcome tllen, Atyout door. You luve grezt desire it) buillling resthouses, sesetvoits, wells, temples etc. for you arc :zeAl dontr.

at tlâe

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( 93 )

You expetience success in yout life 'by heatingoots and theit pains ate youts. You console yout;.heart by giving cllarity of clothes, money, food tooor accotding to your capicity.P

lt is quite natutallity znd wcalth pcople$uch petsons tllerezttrzctyou. yoube your affectionateholy virtucs. l'lcr lovelove for God.


PetSOna-will gathet around you. Among

may be a beauty who will tty to( i

know the result of it ? She willdisciple aad you w;1 guard hetfot you will be sublimated to

tbat because of your

You nevet dream and if yow at all deam,vill never fzil.

1 ot 10 + Sun ot Leo

Accotding to the above combination in your'hotoscope, you aze a grezt soul and buildez of templeslike Swami Vivekananda :nd Dzyananda.


Sun + Satu:h o: Satutn in Leo

Accotding to the above combinvtion in youthoroscope, you ate Alwcs voiried day :nd night onfettvin social pvobltnys and zte unzble to obtainuniversal happiness.

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( 94 )

W hich is yout existing place ?

The Skty is the signifcatot of plantation. Youlive on vp#table products like clothes, gtocetiesspapers, cotton, ftuits oz you live in the holy placuwheze teligious matetials ate sold or preached orwhere holy messages ate acceptcd.


W hat is your occupation ot buginess ?

You ate œ judge, priest, saint, fattnet an4gatdenez, ftuit-seller oz the dealez of cotton, clotkcotn, papet ot wood.

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( Mzle ot FemAle )Who are you ?You :te the

imagination. YouYou are

lotd of Moon. God oflove, :tt odare young :nd a beauty of 16 yezrs.

the queen of night. You have the sweetexpression of the Moon. People tecteate and tbeithearts dance with joy in yout:te anxious of listening yout

lovely moonlight. Theysweet wotds.

delicate,Couttesy :nd lovely smile is youtin z lneautiful house which is chatming with gatdens,cistetns, fountains, small decotaed bowets with czippets:nd lovely ztmosphete of scented bezutiful dowers.

snow,hvndsome ot beautiful intelligent.

chatm. You dwelland

You zre zs white as beloved, thin :nd

ate the imAg: of humzn being. You *te anzctor or an actzess :nds4zeet voice Adds towotthywhimsical, vctive,ûlso indicztots of

unconttolzble, pzssionzte, which zteyouz down-fzll.

Youtsupet natutz being.beauty, but these ptaiseyout

substAnces bzing you sorrows also. You :re


- * e- 4* <-**- - Ahf * -

* 1 + Moon or Cancet means ( 1 ) the Moon in the1:t house ot the Moon aspets the 1st house. ( 2 )conjunctlon or oppo:ltton of the Moon wtth the lordof the a4ctndant, ( 3 ) the lotd of the k:cendxnt faCancer or ( 4 ) Cvnctr ae qn ascendant sigo.

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You posseps petfect 'mixing natute witl? a11 sortsof people. Nobody knows to whon) you adllttre. Someczll you love blinded ot some call you sculptureof imzgination.

You dislike to be bound l)y at'ly one. Yflu (iespisewhen your fteedom is snatched or ro'lnlhctl. l'eop lezush and buzz like bees nlerely for your contcct.

You hzve gteat intetest in viewing nuture zndmoving atound. You Also hkve vûst pleusure intolming in jungles, huge tivexs znd nlountttins.

You are the love: of adventute. lferoic (qeedsand Adventuzes aze the two speciul intentions of youtfriendships :nd you wish thût yout companions sllouldbe Advotutous znd hetoic z1$o.

You :te without enemies. You make frknkls infmction of a second. Yout contvct cvtn for a monlentis a gzeat remembtznce to othets.

You live in : lovely house Surtoundetl l)y rivets,wells, sev's ûnd nauzal beAuty. Yov :re z trzvqlltt.You ve the lotd of speed, znd do not likt to sit Rtont pszticulu pkct. You ue dw ys moving.

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E 97 1

You ute tlne idol of imagination :nd a poet. Youtimaginat.ion is widely spread even whete the Suncannot teacll. Yout ftiends and telatives have not theslightest idea of your imaginstive powet. They undet-stznd you to be tlâe tepresentative of passion, azt andbeauty. But yout rcaders and admitets are nevec tiredof praising yout quzlitics.

You look beautiful in silkly and vutious coloutedclothes witll attistic designs. But these garmentsindicatcs your set back and collapse.

moon At yout tongue.You infatuvte people with sweet eloquent voice andpeople zte ever-ready to follow yout4esite to be enchained shves with pleasute. You atesupet being And know :11 about humzn existance, butthose zzound do not hzve the slightest ide: of yout

You have tlne praises of the

Nzotds :nd

life.aze not similzt to the ptevious ones.

You move with such difetent steps, that they

You zte vn incatnztion of Ced of love. You at.e> much involvd in love lnd pzssion that it mskesvery diflicult for yx to get telezsed, at h$t you sufeta gtevt downfzll :nd sufc ftom weakness, mental

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debility iue to over sexual pleasutc znd loss of youtvigout. You lose balance of your mind if you do notget sexual co-operation of your patttlet; this mightresult cven in your committing adultery.


3 or Mars + Moon

According youthotoscope, you thomughly enjoy the peace and h:??-iness of house, land, ptoperties, vehicle etc. You lyzv:got the beneft of mothet's love, ftiends :nd pzrtnerships.


to the above comhination in

5 + Moon ot CocerAccording to the abov. combinktion in your

Withouthozoscope, you ate ve@ smart and intelligent.tefeting or zeading any books you lcquire yout desite:position in the examinztions. Yout hlndwritlg i$.very ptetty znd bevutiful.


M- + Mo

yourhotoscope, p u :teelectticityot eithetof the instmmentswhich at: mn with the hel? of ekctticity.

doing the gtottst job of ptoduczgtzking gre:t intettst in tlle ptd uctionlike witekss, tzio ot ttkphone

Accotding tû the lbove combinztioc in

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( 99 1W hich is your existing place ?

You live in a lovely house neat a zivet, tesetvoirot sea, suzrounded by natuze oz in cenemas, dtamassart places, poetties, novels, travells, jewellety, dancesor song must be youz existing place.

W hat is your occupation or business ?

You are an actoz, actress, dancet, ditectot, lovelysinger, paintet, photogtapher, sculptoz, poet, wtiterot a traveller. You take great interest oz like the busi-ness of sweet dtinks, ice-cream, tea, coFee oz coolingintzuments ot spent yout life in a boat or steamer. '

You ate a Jewellez too :nd do the business 'ofJewellery in peatls, sapphites or you ate also occupiedin selling petfumes ot vendot of fragrant atticles,cutleties ot the automobile machinezy and its parts,

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( Male and F elklûlc j

W lyo ûre you ?

l'lcncficittl cttrclthflnies, vvell-arcand horizon ( rtty of lpopc ). You zte tlpe son f'f thcEarth and thc lord of mincmls. You ate thc t-oltl/ncntlctand fghter against odddesttoyer of sinners ûnd

You are tlye lotd of

circumstcnces. Yott t'tre thcvillains.

the mzn ofvklourotts, courAgcous ttndcommûndtr-in-çhief, lecderdetetminstion,

and a man of personzlity. Most of your lifk is pzssedin the battle feld. 'You are zway from your fantilyi. e. parents, wife and children.

You aze udvanturous,

your life is wNt :nd victory. You zredwcs victorious in sghting agzinst nAturc, t'ourtcases, diseases :nd enemics or in busincss compttition.You ight with unpatallel might ûgainst tlle enemitsto yout 11st btezth and obtvin victory.

The aim in

* 1 + Mars or Arje, or Scorpfo means ( 1 ) Mar: fn the1st house or Mars aspects the 1st houae, ( 2 ) cotllunc.tion, oppositjon or aspect of Mar: wlth the lord of theascendant in Arfes or scorpto or ( 4 ) Arte: ot Scorpto,as an ascvndant stgn.

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Severe, hot-tempeted and talk less. lt isvety diff icult to undctstand yout natute. You wotkdzyintelligcnt, featless, btzve, victotious and faithful. Youapply scicncc whctevet applicable and get success.You ttrc tllc ctcater of plans and ûnish the sAme

cnd nigllt and take the least test. You aze

in schcduled tinle.

You :te

XYou :te notnever wortied about

anybody and ateYou don't like

sutxendet. You ûte'Anybody's obligztion znd desliseindepcndcnt-lnined. You ûre oficet, foundet, ptesidentat:d nhanagcr. You arc ltzdct, zmbasszdot, ministeror politicktp..

ovet-awed bythe uttetûnces.

A'ou ûte activc, ccteful and Serious. You ate aman of' gtca nhigllt. You arc a watziot znd protectorof ntttiolt. Yotk donot likc lpettizy ot deftaud, butwish to #igbt in the buttle lield openly to show youtherflistn.

You :rc tlpc lover of frecdflm and ate the bittetcnenly of setvitutlc ot dependence. You are victoriousAnd conhmit suicitle whcn dcfeated.

You posscss gtect logic power. Youto robl?css antl l:turdercrs. You ate full

ûre tetrorof vittue,


Ambûss-philosoplly, snd scientilic invcntions. You ate z,()f l'ïhytitit. sfticnt-c, you ate politician, foreignûdot ot psycllologist.

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Yout :uttering ftiends at once get their problcll)solved througb you, wbether it mc be legsl otillegal. Yout victotious nztute is indicatcd by tlleinstzuments you hold in youz hznds, like rifle, rcvolver,speat :nd poison. You ate ptzised 1)y the pcople,when you tescuc their lives witl: the help of stlcl)instruments.

You hsve grcat control over ûir, watet, andelectricity, and people are surptised, when thcy mûkcuse of the energy produced by you.

Constant thinlqing, ûrdour, ptesetverance, indus-tezious nAtuze Ate the specizl ûnd mzin ftûtures ofyour life. Yout :te engrossed in yout pkns v.l'ltl:people :te sleeping, znd think deeply of thtir success.

Yout second nvme ig 9on of thehave sound knowledge of vvxinus hiddvnthe subtettmeAn sttvta of the e:rth.infatukted zt yout power :nd czpzbilitytited of ptvising you: quzlities when you bring ovtthe minemls like gold, iton, silvet, cozl ot minemloi1 etc.

cvrth. Youminetals inPtople are

:nd :re nevtr

A$ you :te the son of the Eatth, you nyznufg-ctute bticks, or :re : contractot, cannvl builder orpzoducet of the electricity. Less sleep :nd constznt

Page 102: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

thinking :te mkin factozs ofeople hztdly know.P


You do not like to act on some body's advice,

success, whichyout

but zct ûccording to yout own wishes or plans andobtûin success fzom it; but if you See a bezutiful lzdy,you yout impotunt wotk and run aftez het

:nd become a slave of sex and enjoyments.leavt of

Even though youlife, you are defeated stYou nevet get tized ofothetwisechûtâctet.

you speak

:te victoxious in evety Neld ofthe lunds of a bevutiful lady.ptuising : lady, even tboughless. You do not believe in

The lady to whom youdrezm of mRttying you if she isyout ptestige, teputation andwould tell het on the faceftom you becluse thzt yonng :nd awuiting fot me foz : long time ''.

love, would petha?sa vkgin, because ofpezson:lity; but youd' 1 vm tzking leave

beautiful hdy is

7 + sflrs or zkries or Scozpio

According to tht above combination in youthotoscope, you donot like to mAtty evtly and if youzt a11 you would mvzty at the :ge of twenty eightot thitty fout :ûd the bitth of : dkughtet willdismpoint you.

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( 1û4 l

5 Mlts or Aries orAccording to the allove

horoscope, you do not hcve lllaltyson :nd one (laughtcr antl llttvt'their birth.


conhbipûtion in yourcllilklren excelnt onett t l)c paticnt fot

3 ol M ars or

yourhoroscopc, you tttc û, llltln flf ttt'tiot: likc JttwttllztlalNehtu or 'Maltatnyc. Gûntllliji. lf- yott ttrt. tt business.man, your trznsûctions would lle in ttjillions.


(,-fllltlhillltl,t-ifl':l il)According to thc cllovt.

*Azies oF Scorpio

Scorpiottlpovc (-fllltllintttifnl) inAccortling to tllc your

to stAyosscss tt good kcowlctlge of tlanccs.P

songs, acting. lnintltc llantlicsaf-ts (,1- pt-eptlriîlg cllarlningmatirials frolll fcbrirs. You put' peoplt. in grcat sutprise

horosco?e, yourin water. You

nuturc is vlllpthllhtttls. hrtlt) like

by your t't-tttttiol).



At what places you are xen ?You ûre seen zt clhcnlists or tlrtlggists, colour

mutkets, cllcmiczl industties, lhûttlc fittlfls, sezs. seu-shote, szlt cnd gold nptlrkttts.

You vte Scen ût electtic power ltovses t'r stotes.xeseatch institutes or At t'lle t'olttrolillg centrr ot- tlte.uir znd water ntzctlincs ot poisocous illstt.t's lttllottttorits.

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( 105 )

You ate seen wotking at the engineeting work-of vehicles, stezmets ox zt air-ctaft factoties otshops


centres, furnzces, minetal melting centtes,wotkshops, dzngetous itepkces, match-

fzctoties ot powet houses.You :te also seen at the centtes like telephone,

tadio, wireless ot the watch mznufzctuting industtiesOr y0u ûte : gteathistotian.

govetnment jobs,courts, consttuction ' of builëings, btidges, dams


cûnals, powet houses, mills ând at the wotkshops.You are ûlso seen busy planning with youz soldiets,

You :te seen At the Sectetatial

cznnon-bombatdiets, commandet-in-chief, feldmarshal ûnd lieutenant.

yourYou ate z doctor, physicizn, dentist, advocute,

batristet, engineer, contrzctot, commandet-ia-chief,scientist, inventot, ministet ot oficet ot managet ofmanufActuting vehicles, llke Air-cmfts, stezmers,' loco-motives ot you Ate chief of Air fotce ot Nâval forceot yot) ûte û director,sciencc. Youman of cutleties, colouts, oil-paints,

magichn ot possess mysticure a captain of spotts or : buriness

glass-yzates orelectrit û1equipment. You zze a mvnufzcmtet of minutedelicate lnandicrsft equipment, like wûtches etc.

What is business or occupation ?

Page 105: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


( Msle or lkmale )OR VIRGOS

Who aze you ?You :ze ayoung boy of 16 yezrs, Your ncme

is Mezcuzy, which means knowltdge. You ûrc brigl:tin studies znd z man of intellect. You possess a goodknowledge of many languzges. You speak fine, rleatsweet and eloquent.

ltnowltdge oftirmament.

inttresting subjects.you good commvnd ovtr the languages

,that is why you ûtt : seczetzty f)r : interpreter. N'ouate unpamllel in wtiting essûys, critkislt) ot speqcltes:nd an Admiret of poetry at4d vtts. s'ou zte not

A$ have z

intezested in mzchineries, $ti11 you possess : goodknowledge about its mzthemAticzl czlculztions. A$you possess mzny bmnches ofzespects, people are fotcrd to come for

knovledges in CVCJyour zzvice

On mRnysuddenly for : lectut: ot a

mvttets. You att kt the tfllh wllen vskedOn

: # #lt wlthlnpkrticnlar

subject, and without hesitation deziver7Ouy 1 $ r 1're t:

j + Metcury or Gemtni or Vtrgo mevtl: ( 1 ) Mercotyîn the 1st house or Mtrtury a:ptct. the 14t house

, ( 2 )tonlunction or opposltion of Mercury wlth tb4 lord ofthe ascendant, ( 3 ) the lord of tht AdctndAot in Geminior Virgo, ( 4 ) Gemint or Vsrgo a: an ttscendxtlt slyn


Asttonomr :nd Astrology at: your

You zze : scholût and possessmzny subjects. Mzthtmztks and

Page 106: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 107 )s limited time.

You ûte z matlnemzticianintelligence in business is ût

You like to

and economist. Yourthe top.

weat :ne and atttzctive dtesses zndc10th. You art anou chose silk aS yout fzvouzitey

obsetver of people's behaviot.You kte a boy of 16 und do not know the

impottance of weûlth. As you get thousznds so youspend z11 ot give zwzy to any body who vsks for it.You :re l m:n of alms.

By acquizing and possessing wealth, education,knowledge ot genetousity you consider youtself to beindependent, but one thing you have to keep inyour mind that you ate absolutely dependent.

You zte ignotant of love afaits, but :te onlyintettsted :nd engtossed in playing, tating, wulkingoz lorning. You hzve no idea ttgatding happiness otmiseties. You at: always Ahezd in spotts. You likehotse-tiding,ot tAing a comical pztt in cizcus :nd giving enjoy-

compttitions, phys, cinemas ot circus

ment to the vudience. You ,' like =d wish to be ajokez in the ckcus. You know themthet then knowing tlne nqmes of actots ot zcttesses.

You like to play and enjoy with small children

nzmes of comedizns

And yout mixing nature czeztes so much impressionin th: mind of the children that they nevet forgstyout Contact.

Page 107: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 1û8 )You :te timid of coutt and lzws. You do twt

concenttste yout mind in it a.s tequircd and const-uently atc fed up with the ettenlics and sufet :qteat loss.Your sttaight forwatd and frank nattae is the

zeal cause of yout downfall in yotïr lifc. People hwhom you put ttust and faith prove to bc tteb-chetous, which btings yout dawnfall.

*7 + Metcury ot Gemini ot Virgo

to the ûbove combinûtionAccotding in youthotoscope, it indicztes that you are ignotcnt in loveafaits which causes fzilute in love And disheztten. Youwill expetienct bzevk of engAgetnent ot yout mztriagewill tzke place with gteat dimculties or married lifewill not last fot 1 long period or sepkmttd ftom lovtot widowhood or involves in otller tli:icultjes of loveAfgits. Due to the ignorince of your love uTzirs. yQutpzttne/ will quzztel, lezve you ot tvke divotct or yovtpattnek's secret love vFxits will m:ke you suftr.

1 j, *

At whlch phce you ?> seen ?You 'ure 'titn în' bxnks, insurznct compvnies,

or ltovetnment oëces, cnlkges As mzths professorplzces whete 'economiczl discussions :rt htld.

You :te good zt AccountAncy. Compliclted sumssnd its cvlcuhtion :te at the ti? of yout tongue. Yûu

Page 108: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 109 )zre wtll-vezsed in fguzes, and these ate the placeswhete you ate alwûys seen.

You ate also seen at the mathematical tesearch-institutes ot at the test houses, hotels, lodging ot atthe public welfaze centtes.

You :ze also seen in the company of wtitets,ot with ministets.bmin-ttusts, jolly

You ate alsocompûnyhidden in cinemas, dtamas as a

joket or valliant heto. Yout ptesence is sute whenevetthe questions of languzges arise. You ate also seen asa secretary of Ambassadot ot as an intetpteter.

your occupation ?You ate a mathematician, B. Com., M. Com.,

chatteted accountant, actuaty ot economist ot libmtian,ot orztot or accountant or ate setving in bûnks ot

What is*

business ot

insumnce compznies.You ate a wtiter ozan editoz oz ownez of a

hotel ot a bdge, ot asupzintendent of a hqstel,otganiset oz:ttustee of a school. You lte much pleasedto se: the boys and gkls being educzted.

You ate the ptofessozof mathematicsot asttology.You lte aspottsman ot z comedhn, actoz in ;lm$,drcus vr plzys. You are Jnterpletet ot a seczetatr ofa fpttign afaits in the ambyssadot's oëce, ot ypv


aze a sellet of pzoducts fzom the cattle, i. e, milk,hee, buttez etc. *

Page 109: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

1 + JUPITER OR SAGITTARIUS OR PISCES:Who zre you ?You ûre tht spititual

lives, adorable, paciûc. vittuous. honest, quiet vadsimple. You ate a sûint of high otder, ministet ofking of Gods, Loxd of ltnowlcdgc und giver of snns.

You are the lord of humbleness, politenessyafection, and blessings. You atc pmctical, intclligtnt,lesrned ûnd destitute of passion. honoutable, politcnos,

Ied And full of wisdom.self-contzolled, holy souYou ate self-satisfed ttustworthy, ideclist Ambitiouw

teacltct of Gods, lovtr of

lovet of ptogtess and socizl. You ate simple, cleûn,neat :nd a zeguhr wotket. Y ou clwvys ttspectelders. You zte somewlpût fatty. You ûre lover ofnztute, peacenature, full of knowledge :nd A givet of zlms. Youbelieve in manuyl hbout :nd do not hesitzte to dothe work. Yout aim of life is to sptezd cultute in

and loneliness. You :re of cmiztnle

the whole wotld thtough educztion.You atc optimist, genetous, sincete an4

benevolent. You vlwvys ptvy GQd fot the ptogtessx? ' '#+# #- t

* 1 + Jupitet or Sagtttulns or Pl4ce: meAn: ( 1 ) Juptterln tht 1st house or Juptttt Aspttt: tht I8t houx, ( 2 )conjunctton. opposltton ot Rsptqt of Juptter with thtlord of the ascendant, ( 3 ) the lord of th4 ascendant tnSaglttarlu: ln Plsces, ( 4 ) Sqlttarlu: Qr Pl:ces a: anAscend.nt slgn.

Page 110: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 111 )of body, mind

You believeund soul.in cbztactez and lead a holy

YouYou :re wise cnd do not ptefer luxuties. keepyourself awc ftom addiction weats simple clothes,still you are z man of gteat personality.

You are sometimes consetvative :nd orthodox,You always zespeet eldets. You azelearned :nd ate ftee ftom desite,sztisied,have

keep enmity in youz mind. Youhzve an tye of equality towztds tich :nd poot ûndyou do not keep gmdge fot difetence of opinion.You ate economiczl minded and constant worker.

Preceptot ornon-pvssionate,

delightful, idealist, grateful :ndunselish,of mind.Peûce

You do not


Trust, nonviolence and love fot humznity ate thebasis of yout life. You believe in God and:te ttustworthy.

You ate steady-minded, neithet hvppiness notmiseties hzve efect :on yout mind. You have noattachment towztds powet. You :te katned and hencepeople come to you to hve tezl zdvice in theitdc culties.You think ovet the miseties of othets completelysnd give them tight tp e of ûdvice.

You feel pity when you see othezs in pzins andgive them consolztion. You show feelings and khdnesstowûtds the wtetched :nd misetAble people. You atethe winnet of the enemies' heAtts. You :te without

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( 112 )

tevenge znd mix with evetybodyattachment and oblige a11.

You ptesezve yout Sclf dignity. You ezplzin ttuthwith yout sweet eloquence, patiently and in a politemznnez. You ate alwûys aheûtl in holy occassions,

with full of lovc an4

benefchl cezemonies znd vittuous matters.You aze not fzightened by inûnciûl dithcultics,

do not make tetteats in miscties Antl poverty. Youcan digest povetty and you do not accept anybody'shelp.but nevet miss zn

You do not like to discloscyour own chisetyto patticipac inoppottunity

othezs' sottows.You :te dependent in money ntzttets, yet you

keep up yout petsonûlity. A lion will nevtr touchhay, evea if hc is tlying because of llunger. ln theSame w:y you do not sttuggle for .::1th tven whenyou zte in poot condition. You hzve full faith tlyatGod will help you.

of mixing nvtut: and forgive Qther'sdefect. You like to $ee good qualities of othet peson'stzth. th

. ûn thek defects znd give zn

CVCJopportunity tû

ptogtess:Ypu zte doing the teligious ceremonies in tlle

temple ot :te : mxnzger :nd givt sacrifce of yovt

ohe fot futther

time Aadmoney sccozding to,,your capacity.You attzin spititual succrss :nd woyk fot ptltets.

# ' à ve been given the nk me of < social wotker ',ou a

You 1te : m:n

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I 113f

'* phihnthtopist ', and < public wozket '. You do thiswork without uny expectztion. You live fot the wotship'of God.

You fght againstY' ou have teputution inwith the nameobtzin completelezrned people.

injustice and honouz the laws.society. People honour you

lotd of education. Youof Jupiter, theeducûtion andYou ate a

high status among thepzofessor of languzges

ot a lectuter.You are interested in

sfoties and epics and it iswhen you discuss tlaese

histoty, ancient legends,intetesting to hest you

zeligious knowledge,high in evety ûeldconvetsztion people

You :te stmighthave a contempt fo:youbittet cxpetiences.

You like childten,

get exited,but soon get calm and fotget the

WOm Cn? . Cultute, hetmitûge,1vet bûnks, boatding houses,!! ,ayy the lover of pezce znd natute znd like to stay in#

Eelds, gatdcns ot the mûpgo gzpves. ,

Jupitet is the signidcznt' of second, ûfth, pinth,tryth and eleyenth houses. Hence you :te t,he $4gnif.-

k >




ï b d R '--.,y 1 '% à

and knowkdge. You

yant of foztunv),t, # ) . l ' raeducatlon, cultute

wealth. position,I ? , / i. !' '' ,znd sons.

fame, knowledge,

subjects. Youz philosophy'and devotion to God puts youof life. At the beginning of

alwap zddzess you with honour.fotwatd znd a simple man andfzauds and violations. Sometimes

Page 113: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 114 )We have pmised you a lot; shzll wc now

point out yout defects And zeûciencics ?and intelligent persons hzvc some.

defects. You undertake vzzious zctivities in yout lifebut do notpay proper begin-ning you p:y good zttention but hter on you loseintcrest in the work :nd handovet to others.

attention to it. ln the

You :re not aftûid of enemies. You hzvc scveml

Even wise

OnC.znyexpetience greut hatsssment and ttezchety from enemies,ïtnë pezsons of opposite Sex; Still your dignity remvinsthe same. Do you know the toots of a11 these ttoubles ?'Youz blind :nd complete fcith; you make ltAste itïjudging the chAracter of othet people wheteby youcome in tzouble.

foes, though you ate not enemy of Yoa

You :te hzsty cnd in your over enthuoksn) fotyou over u$e yout Power and losehuman welfzte,

your honout.

capzcitywondetful.unpatalleledknowledgehow to keep

You wotk

powerbut with d1

d:y Rnd night. Youpotms :pddonot know

PO$SC$$in zzt of education,

youyout wife hzp y znd do not czre fot

het love, Gections :nd enjoyments; consequentlyyout unsatisied wife fvlls in love with oothtr petson.

thest wisdom

When you come in contvct with zPersln of

cannot do so. Youzindtpendent lift but you

to endute miserics isYou wish to leûd zn

Page 114: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

chatmedby your knowledge, yourinfamy graduvlly statts and severzl yezts devoted workoes to dusts and you ate fozced to leave the place.You show unmunnetly behaviout at the slightest insult'of yours, which is not wotthy of your personality.

You constantly wotk fot day 1nd night but p:ylittle attention to the social duties and ifûnF Onedtzws yout zttention fot this,

opposite sex who is

you suddenly get excitedand pull him down and advice him to work zccotdingto you.

But do OneFOugtves you co-oppemtion duting the time of youtdimculties. Your impmcticul wcs bting you sotzowûnd persons in whom you keep complete faith tutnstheir bzcks ûnd you lose honout and sufez gteat despait.

know the tesult of this ? No

You zre teligious-mindei and ate zlwzys engro-ssed in teligiousteligion to be theoppottunity,people thzt yout teligion is supetior. So in this w:yalso rou lose youz honouz and petsonality.

thoughts. You consideted youtbest and when yO= #et Zn

you ctiticize the othet teligions and tell

1 Plsces

Accotding to the zbove combinztion in yout#


hotoscope, yout natute is cool. You maintzin yourlife by living in watet ot bn se: shotes ot banks oftivets znd do the business connected with water.

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( 116 )At what places you are seen ?

You aze symbol of living things. You ttte secnut the plzces whttt relief is givtn to SuFcring humA-nity ot snimals. You atc zlso scen in collegcs,schools, hostels, teligious places, test houscs, tcllyplesot at religious cercnnonies.

You luve cn ûfection for znilnals, S(1 yotl ZrCseen st the tevting of unimals, wool gûthering, glpccot milk market and its pzoducts. You crc also seep vtthe tdigious ptcûchings, martiagc cetcnhonics andthe plûces of socizl service.

You are zlso setn in export cnd intport oflices otas commission broker or ct oK' ccs- You alsoagent,petform teligious and marriage ccremonies.

secn in articlcs,Yout ptowess isdtzmas und poettywhere business of

novels, storits,clso secnor in zstzolo yg . You :rt

done.zezl peurls isWhat is your busines: or occupation ?

You :tt telchez, Proftssor or A lektned ntkn.Writer ot : Pott. You ûteYou :te editot,

a publishetagenty expottet ot impotter ot $o1e âgent. You :re zjqdge ot kn educltionzl oëctr.

asttologer,ot A cletk. You :te : btokqr,qolnmission

You ût: k tdigious stotptellc, host, stote keepcr,bouping suezintendent, ptrformez of tdigiovs cetem-onies. You do busintss of znimds ot it$ products,milk oz milk ptoducts, boztding, lodging zndsweetmelts.

Page 116: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


( Male ot Femak )You ate benefactot gentle, sweet and hzndsome

ot beautiful. You are coward, sensual, passionate andpleasure sceket, You ate a teachet of devils, You

ate a sage.You Jike sleeping chambers too much. You ate

ûlways hatasseë and occupied with the thought ofsex, pleasute ûnd its enjoyments and unable to,concenttute your mind, which keeps you awayftom wotk.

music, bezutiful ladies And sleeping tooms, ûre.the mûin factozs of yout life. You sufez ftom the'diseases of the seczet patts and you do the things.accordin? to the wishes of women.

hence dissatisfed people :zeundsuttounding you for the consultution, sympathy

inspitation. You instigûte them to ight fot theirtights ûnd 2et success :nd populatity in czeating untiyûmongst why you ate doingsuch things yout ?etsonal intetest l

* 1 + Venus. or Taurus or Llhra means ( 1 ) Venus

them, Do you know? Only becvuse of

in the 1st hpuse or Venus aspects the lst house,'

opposltjon of Venus with the lord( 2 ) conjunctyûn, orof the ascendaàt, ( 3 ) The lotd of the ascendant tn Taurutor Libr:, ( 4 ) Tautus or Llbta as an ascehdant sign. .

You ate intellisent,

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( 118 )You ate passionate also. You PO$$eS$ lllany ways

xnd tricks of aquiring success in Sex. A'ou ate alwûyssuzzounded by the opposite sex. You know tllc ttrtof pleasing unsatissed women. You madclen tllem'thzough the chztm of music, ûrt antl tlznce znd' mukethem dream ($f getting high reputation :nd publicity.Do you know why you :re doing this ? Only becttuseof the powetful atttzction of opposite $ex !

You like to dtink often :nd :re hcbituvted unllxddicted to dtinks, smoking :nd othtr viceg'. lf youhave ftiends sailing in the szme boat, you tlo not'czte foz youz responsibility.

You :re : slave of sex, so that you forget the:time and phce and zt last yoa $poi1 your 1:::1th.

ateWhen you scolded for your conduct youle:v: the phc: and that is the tezson wlly you donot get p:tentAl, btothtzly :nd family love.

You like goûd, beautlful clothes :n8 clzssicalmusic. Youz nzmte is of femvle. You zre extrzvzgzntbut pennyless :nd consequently stretch your hvnds tobeg ftom ftiends :nd :te in the lezst czpacityto tep:y.

You ztt a. man of pomps, with the kppezrznce ofx millionlite but empty-pockettd :nd when tllepeople htet on come to know yout revl condition, tlleyhugh at you but you mtely czte fot such ridicuk.

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( 119 )

You ûte a mûn of strange nature. You getmetvous on tri:ing mzttets and do not compromiseat the people's petsuûsion. In the end you yourselfcome to ptopet sences.

You: ways of living ate so compliczted that itcannot be sûid when ttoalbles would atise. You donot hesitate to leave one town fot another.

separation fromand do not hzve rehtion with them. Youtfamily

ptestigt is spoiled by the company of the lowetpeople. You live with high dignity on the hope ofyout friend! but they themselves aze bzoke and atein debt, with the tesult thzt yOq do not knowwht is ttue und what is false and think to play

ln this wc also you have the

foul games of deceit.1

Ilue to youttoncenttationincidents whether thty ate goodthez: to gtitv: when you youtself became a tezcherof devûs and joined the compzny of lowet people !

negligence :nd zbsence ofon wozk, you do not object to the

of bad. n at is

?te expertfot this.

You :te intelligent :nd the lovet of azts. Youin songs, music :nd thete is no competitor

You :te consideted to be soft-spoken, lovez ofattnet and mitzcle lovez. You zttzact people andPmûke them run aftet you.

Page 119: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 12û )

You ure a gacat lover of jokts. You cut inditectjokcs with the pcople so that they crc unablc to.understund tlnem. You al'e ptoud of your knowledgeand wisl: to livc indcpentlent lifc, but in fact youare dcpcndcntof otlâcts.

antl livc yottt-lifc on tlyc Suppott

You possesscûn defeat you.

ood knowledge of wzrfatc no oceYou wish to givt tlnis knowledgc 6f

to your pupils, but they being dullatd cannotûghtingrusp it, So yout encmies taketzctics Znd Conseqqently you

udvûntagc of youtbecome timitl tînd lezve

7OtTrield.You :te not Afmid ofyout enemies but keep

cotuplete faith in them. Sometimcp intcâdovct yout impottant work to your

of entrusting

on to youtthem. ln this

entmics and

way yourkind at htazt. h'ou

friends, you ?:$sznd benfit fromget success

calculûtions fall to bt cortect.You ate ptzisc the valout of

dtagged vwvy in flvout ûfobserving the principles :n2

become unpopukr Among the people, so thty cgll youunmanneted, seldsh etc.. but you donot cate for :11thest nicname's znd At lzst lostyour ptestigc.

You ptofess yourself to be : m:n of ptinciple,but :te not. You sttess on principles but do not actaccotding to it. You :ze Hxed in encourzging Rndptovoking people AgAinst oppostions. Yo4 are nladcvp

enemies, but you :tekith :nd kin tzthet than

Page 120: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

and a ftiend of ait castle buildet. You wish fot ategutat income, but you are cateless and ate An enemyto rtgularity. When you do not desite to work, withtllc ptetex of fatigue, lezve yout important wotkrocrastinzted.P

vegetable and concenttateon tlle businessclpth, gtzins to the efect of the: h Libra

, you :te inspited to do the business ofoil or of oi1 flout mills.

products, like gtoceties,of vegetation:nd cotns. Due

l'ou ûte intetested in

you hûve good btain, you ate inspited tospeculatc ot gûmbling. With less efotts you wish fota lûrge incolne. Due to uncontrollable state of youtown mind, you wundettake z big business whichbrings diëculties And ruin yourself.


natute inspites you to do thebusiness of cosmetics.Additionally you also like thetrade of attistic/ly designed sztis, btasseties, bvngles,silk lyandketcheifs, petfumes, ftagzant atticles, atticlesof embroidety and household decotztive equipment.

Your fenqale

You io not have the czpacitr to undertake abig business :nd you do not like the small one. Asyou like to show your ceacity in big business, youborrow money :nd ût lûst get tited by paying hezvyintetests, you leave youtskill fot business forces you to Jeave yout

capacity sndbusiness feld.

feld. Lack of

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( 122 JYou are smûrt, clever ûnd Fweet. You Stttruct

eople sllowing moon in yout hand. )'f you get anPopportunity, you do not hesitate to t1o the work ofbetrcul. You are blind in selûshness, tcsulting in tlyeloss of your position cntl ptestige. Due to thesethings you zte wzrncd to keep zway from unneccFsAtyundettakings and if you will do $o, you will t,epmised. The :rt of mzking dezd nhûn Alive ( SûnjivaniVidhp ) will bring good name znd people willworship you.

To over come tllePossessyou to do the business in t Limited Concern ' :nd l'ouwill acheive success one by one with tlle undettckings.

1 + Venus and 1 + Mars

quvlity of weakneps you:nd to hûve silvct clouds, it is ûdviszlble for

Accotding to tlye zbove ctlmbinûtion in 7ODthozoscope, youmvn slive :nd in ordez to make thethis knowledge,have gotcan make

possess the Art of making the deadptoper u$e ofof Mvrs. Youyou requizt the help

b0th the combinztions. With the :rtdishevrtened ot dead m:n alive jugt c$7Ou

Mahatml G:ndhiji did.1 + Venus and 1

Accozding+ Moon

to the above combination in yourof th: hloon :ndhotoscope, you get

that is why you 1teand A sweet singet.

co-oppetztionbotb, 1 gtezt clvssical musicicnPtople vdmia youx Art very much.

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1 + LibraAccotding to the abovecombination in yout

willyozoscope, you will get such a daughtet that youhwe mentzl 'tension tegztding laet muttiage. You Shallnot hzve many sons; and if you have them, you willsot be having good telation with them.

At what places you ate seen ?

You ate seen zt ctt, pictute and embroidetyinstitutions, in schools, book publication depattments,duncing and club institutions, concetts, music gtoupof mdio bzozdcastings, music institutions and utthe dancer's phce.


in felds, fotests and vegetableefect of Tautùs Sign which zepte-

you are inspired to undettûkenuts, gtoceries, gtzins and

are Seen in oi1 mills ot oi1 matkets,

vcgetation ptoducts,the business, thzt ofvegetable, ox you

You are seenWith the

W hat isyour occupatlon ot business ?

inspectoz, a cletk, agtocet or z booksellez, z gmin metchant, an oi1metcbvnt, a chssicul musicians and you do the busi-ness of mAtethls concetning the costumes of dance,lays, Atts, cosmetic oz perfumes, ot Sell ftagzantPatticles like incense sticks ot you zte u Sculptor,photogtzpher or ûn : Attist.

lrou ûze : tegchez ot zn

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l 124 1

1 + BENEFIC SATURN':.( Male or Femalc )

W ho ate you ?

You possess gigûntic power.hsndle slmall thing. s, bttt like to (1o

You do not like tolluge work only.

dcatly, giant, fearfttl, black undbluisl) in appearance. People think you to l?e ttlcitdeûth, snd despise to see even yout ikce, und whcn-evet they see you, they vision theit dcatl'l.

You ûte God of

possess gigzntic powcr. If yot

Mrere wtonjthings. but wllen you cte dcpendcnt or under contfol,

yOuno one possesses. play for you tohzndle huge nplchinety, and thete is no colnpetitorfot your huge ptoduction.

misbehuve af)('l (1oindependent, yott

mzkc the begt use ofyout inlmense power wllicll1 t is a child's

You tetrorise people with the appeav:nce of Godof dezth if you wtte freeybut hctcyOuco not lp:ake

ftightened As you ate caught :nd dtpendent.Hete when : huge wotk is to be done, your gigAntic


powet is needed. This is the only use of you.

* 1 + Saturn or Caprtcorn ot Aqvarlus mtvtw, (1) Satprp


in the 1st hnuse or Svturn a:pects tht 1:t houae, ( 2 3conjunctlon, opposftlon or aspect of Satura wttll the lordof ' the ascendant, ( 3 ) th: lord of the a,cendAnt $n.Capricorn or Aquarlus, ( 4 ) Caprlcorn or Aquzrtu: a, alascendant .lgn.

Yoa ate devil and

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( 125 )Let us S:y

when you tubcommand himfoztunzte. In

you ure . Alladins magic lantutn ' andthis lantutn, a giant a appeats and youto do wondetfulshott

work. You ate tezllywondetfulPossess powet to

of yout wish, and achieveyou

undertake huge wotkcomplete success in it.

Satutn, the conttolled evil,wozk and brings millions ofmachinety and people aresnd think that you havesuccess in yout deeds.

Due to the conttol over

fulfls yout huge desitedtupees by tunning

suzptised and ptaise youmystic powet which btings

Satutn, you ate alwaysftee from disesses und efect from poisonous germs.You ate so healthy that doctor's medicines, :nd diseaseshzve taken leûve ftom you. You achieve an easysuccess in the business competitions ot war. Enemiescznnot hatass you, and you can make progtess in thebusiness competitions without diëculties as desired.

ln additioh to this you ate lucky to have goodznd do not know wht diseases :te !physical 14ea1th,

You have long longevity. Yout mind is alwav cheerfuland tefteshed. You do not feat death. You setve p'eoplelktlessly whete deâth occuts by poisonous mzms..

Thtrt is no word like 'foute' in your life andyou personto incosse the 'honout, fâme :nd teputktioh. You dûnot mzke unnecesszty expenditute, :nd thete is cbustûht:ow of money.

do not know what loss is. You aze the

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( 126 )

You expetienceday withoat any

prosperity :nd progress d:y bydiëculty, and you teach the top of

ptospetity. Yout life cyclc tuns smoothly ûnystop. The Goddess of wealtlt again ctecps in youthouse :nd prefezs to stûy in it permznently.


you possess, Allûdins magic lanturn, you aresuppose to get success in your life with every rotationof business, but along with the business if you do ia'Limited Concetn', you will achieve gtcat and excellentsuceess in it.


You experience pezce and hûppincss in your familylife without uny disputes or wotries.

At what places you ate seen ?

tletyYou ate also Seen whete vegetation products 1techangvd with thc help of the machinery or :te seenat the places of conttacts or insutance.

in wotkshops, mill, iton and machi-noisy plAces und speculation mvtkets.

What isysutbuslness otoccupadon ?doing tl4e busintss

selling of machinezy oz itonhuge wotkshops ptoducingengints ot aetophnes. You tAe intetest in thtbusiptss of huge ptoduction ot tisky contractsu d 'mmmnces.

You aze of pzoducing ozor wozk iaproducts

motot cus, locomotive

You ûte seenmatkets,

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OR AQUARIUS v( Male or Female )

Who ate you ?giant, thr God of

bluish and czuel. People tlnink you to be their deahand do not like to See yout face or even your shadows.They shiver and see theiz death when they see you.

You ate devil, thick-headed, ignomnt and doer

Death, fearful, bhcky

of wrong deeës, You attract people with yout gignaticpower an2 plûn to trap and tuin them. You mainuinyoutself unlawfully und make people ftightened.

Yoa zre a

: Impottant Hints :You are tequested to be ulezt with the Malefc

Satutn's vice, othetwise in the petiod (time) of MûlefcSztutn great many diëculties will arise in yout lifewhich you opposedisgusting one with failute.

have to andyout life will be

lf you possess the Maleâc efect of Satutn, dobusiness in ' Limited Company, ' You will acquitegood success. So you ate hinted that if you at a11

- *--

* 1 A- Saturn or Caprlcotn ot zkquarlus zceans, ( 1 )Saturn ln the 1st house or Saturn aspects the 1st house,( j ) conjunction,the lord of the

opposltlon or aspects of Saturn withascendant, ( 3 ) the lord of the ascen-

dant ln Capricorn or Aquarlus, ( 4 ) Caprlcorn orAquadus a: kn ascendant sign.

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( 128 )undettake any big business, please do it by a11means, but in t Limited Company ' and you willachieve good success in it.

You possess gingnztic power Fut you ccn notmake benefcizl use of yout powcr As you ûte fbll of-vices. You a:e devil und tepzesentûtiq'e ()f (;f)c1of Dezth.

you possess gignanticto setve others. You wish

power, youfor independûnt life llut

You :te ignorûnt,have not got thzt much czpacity.thick-headed, unintelligtnt and doet of wrongadventutes. You hzve no long term policy, which

do not likeAs

Prevents yout Ptogtess.sight of tomottow Also. You do not

like to hzvt.ifty zupees to-mottow if you get ruptes:vebusiness or plan, :nd foz big business ot plzn youhzve no knowledge, czpacity, intelligence or money,:nd you min yourself by pcing intetests.

todky. You have no Attachment towltd smzll

You hâve no

You alwcs wish to comt out with the weongtActics, buë whtn people come to know a11 thesej youlpse put presùge znd zeputvtion.

Sometimes when you get wezlth you mzke :gttAt pomp At once, od spent monty blindly withouttbinkipg of fututt. K'Tpdv people must pzkist me,1et to-mozzow take caze of it-lf '', i$ youz moto. YQu

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I 129 )do not like to takeman without intelligence.your wrong and insensible doings ? You ate cuttingthe sanle btanch on which you :te sitting, i. e. youate tuining yourself and cannot obtzin advantuges ofyout gignatic capacity.

You ateptoud,and full of wotties. You tuzn ovez

unsaisûed, hot-tempered, peaceless,idle, coward, disheattened, hasty, thoughtless

yotlrctedit withthe belp of the pthets. Your inancial diëculties winsovet yout capaclty.

You ate k tmzn

you art aDo you know the rejults of

Advices of otbets 1nd

without detettnination, otgzniza-tion and exactness; lovet ofhelpless, faultYou

'P, Oxvetsinstigate peqple and tty your best to obtain

youtznd if you At a1l acquire it,ate sute to meet unnatutzl death, with dis-unhappiness and disttuction.

andyOucolleaguesp<r Dd

You deny theexistq-e of Godand have no Sttengthi:lyouz feet to go to tvmples. You engross youtselfto fulfl yout destinity with the help of devib, Spitits

And jugglety. People might praise you fot mch capacity,but you will nevet zchitve puce of Soul and sight God.

You att the lovet of dictztotship and mle ovetthe people withAsliked by the

the help of ftat :nd tetroz. You areY ou invik yout own ddeats.People.

owet, dictator, dependant,PNndet of othezs znd clevet in ctaftiness.

You cx centate yout mind in sptcuhtions also,xnd lwve Ambition to swa1'low money without any

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( 130 1

efotts of our own, destroy capitAl und in tlhis w1ryyou become dependent.

You get defeûts in every spheic t'f your lifc cndet the name as < defeztctl onc ', You are tletltory,boaster, zent and intetest pûyct. Sometilmes you sleepin : bed of toses znd Solptctitncs on mttt ! ! Bigand downs, lnappinepsspecialities of your life.

und thc disttessttP$

crt tlle

You are uddicted to drinks cnd tolpccco. Youoften cough. Your hezlth is wezkencd dve to the'cough cnd csthmc. You hûve Sour tcste, tlhat is whryott a:e sufeting 'from cold, gcC :nd rlteumctistn. Youhave Aezk digestive System :nd wclk with tlte 1)elp,of A stlck.

You :re A signi:cztor of debt. You :re not Attcomfozt and eûse unless you have : debt, so youlose your sleep ûnd think of how to be out of hotwatet. You become dishezttened with desplir. sorrow,worties :nd no one tvkes intetest in FOQ' miseries.Thzt is :1l due to yout wrong deeds or ignorlnce.

You luve no hgppiness of tht phpical he:ltb,beczuse of yout ignomnce :nd susmciovs n:ture :ndlead life vccotding to yout own wish mther thn$ou1, atd instezd pf r>1 hzppintss, kre dmggedtowazds unhzppy cltcumstznces.

keeps tmst in you od thlk you to be': bettgyez. Due to youz hilurts, you lose â11 youtkdvantkges = :tt sepzt:ted ftom $xid ttlgtion znd.

lço one

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( 131 )

lWay egg. You always wotrrand cannot obtain the realhappiness of social life.

If you a :1l are the businessman, please see thatyou talte steps according to your czpacity in ûnzncexotherwisePtessure,and loss, intetest oz debt will

will beyouwealth will

ptessed undet the ûnancialcreep away thtough the windows

bting you failure.despair, disheartenment andhelplessness.

lfyou pay accotdingtalent and do not involve in ctuftiness foraze in setvice, wish foz the


like z tottenthrown

youtposts. By your ctaftiness you might secute higher

post, but it will be a temporaty one. Lztez on you'will nevet get :ny highe: job and you would notprefer smzller one and zt hst you will lead znunemployed life.

Duting these diëculties if youwould leave yoirnative place, you will secute a good ptospective seviceor obtzin ptoits in busintss and lead a hsp?yz,peaceful andteputative life and yout ctedit and honouz'


will incresseamong the people,Please keep

discûses ot business competitionr,will be in gteat danget ot you will:nd defeats.

Away youtself from poisonous insectsxothetwise yout lifeexperience failutes

Do not e:t anything that comes within youthands keep Awzy ftom sout tzstes, othetwise you willsufer from zsthmA, coughs, thuemztism, legs =4

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Stifened, heslth spoiled :nd you willwith the help of a gtick.indulge in luxuries, extravagance, wastc

money in unnecessary expenditures or llorrow moneyon ctedit ot you will be dragged in gteat linancial.deptession.

bzzin will bthave to walk

Do not


2 + Malehc SatutnAccoriing to thc above conllpination

hotoscope, you will expetience disputtswotties in fAmily concerns, lose fzmily'sand wotries ovet wealth. You might hAvcsight Dd cAnnot do without spectacles.

in ythurin fzlully,reputationwtuk vye


3 + Male:c Satum

horoscope, you pc for wtonghwe setbzcks in business :nd no ope will

lhpill Advtnturts,give you zrelgtionhelping hvnd :nd you will hAve no good

with bzothets. You will <$h fot : fozeign t'mvtlwhich is tAther imp ssible ot if At :1 you trkvel, youwill not achieve . od h* t by it.


Accotiing to tht vbovt combinvtion in


4 + MaleNc SammAccotding to the zbove combjnktion in your

hotoscb/e, you will experience ziëolties in house,vhnd ând vehides. Thvte will be no hppihess from

Page 132: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

mothet, ftiends and partnetships; disputes regardingpropettks will arise, unpeaceful mind ot if you mot-gage yout house, it will be lost including your happiness.


5 + M aleâcto the abovewill not be able

hûppiness ftom yout*

Satutncombination into obtainchildten.

Accotdinghotoscope, youeducaion and


6 + Maledc SatumAccozding to the above combination in Four

hotoscope, you ate sicily znd will not be able to dowithout medicines or SuYet tytûny from enemies orexpetience failute in unheulthy competitions and willbe known ssTfsilute one'. Yourmoney wili be wastedin litigation :nd disputes, und you will have to loweryour head in Shûme. So keep away from litigation and.disputes or unhezlthy competitions.


7 + MaleNc Saturnto the above

hotoscope, youcteûte despaizEngagementplvce with great diëculties. You will expetience dië-culties due to zbsence of yout pattnet or widovhood.Due to the ignomnce of yout love afairs, your

will be btoken or marriûgeignomnce.will tuke

will not get hûppiness in lovebecause of Sexual debility ot


Accotding combinztion in

Page 133: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

partnez will quarzel, leave you oz take divotrt. or, ' .youz pzrtner S secret love afcirs will nlakc you CuHer.

'The secret part of your llody will be weak or ),-011 willsufer from gas ttoulple.


8 + Malefc SatutnAccotding to tbe above combination in your

hotoscope, theze will crise fezz of your long life. ()y)1y4he pure and substanticl food msy help .your llealtll.


9 + Malehc SutumAccotding to the ûbove combinztion in your

hotoscope, lnowevct hûtd yout eforts mcy 1te tt,)Ichieve ptospetity or luck; you will not getand Suëcient cdvantages. Aftet so nyûny c:-ortsmay Atise a question as to wlly fortune and proFpt'ritydo not come. You will be wotried ovet the questionof pkssing the days of life due to poverty and sccrt'ityof money. There will be ûnticipation of Goddrss ofvevlth, but you will not llave snmcient beneft from her.



10 + Malehc Satumcombinution in

hotoscope, you will sttugglt foz powethzrdly uclpitvtd :nd if you at 111 get it, it will $lipxway within no time. lf you tty to obtlin power Fylitigztion, you wil) soon bt powttless and end in failure.

yourwhich will l,e

Accotding to tlae Above

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You will not be benefted zs required in bonour,ieputation powez, dignity, pzomotion ûnd fatherlybsppiness. You will witness an attack of heart tzoublc.

@11 + Malef ic Satutn

Accozding to tbe above combinztion in yourbotoscope, you Dust tuke Speckl care in ttansactionsofmoney, otlaezwise there will stise diëculties ingetting bzck. Money lent by you will not return inptopez time and you even lose it.


12 + Malehc SaturnAccording to the ubove combination in your

and do nothoroscope, invest motey as tequitedbottow money on ctedit othetwise you will not bq


zble to pay it in ptopet time und get tited by payingintetest, business will be at stand Still ûnd you willbe insolvent.

ptopet?nd do not mûkea spendthtift,othetwise you will get setback in life.


hlake use ofmoneyin social cexemoniesunnecesszty expendituzes, don't be

don't butn the candles at both ends

At what places you ate seen ?You :te Seen in wozkshops, mills, iton and

mzchinety matkets, noisy places and speculatsonmatkets. You :ze also seen whete vegetation products

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( 136 )

Stte processed with the help of mcchinery or ttrc seenttt the places of construction o,r insuranccs.



You htïveg ot intcrest i1thttge protlttctions. A'ou crelpusinttss. I'lcase notc tllut you arkt sllrt. tf) gt't fttilllrc

ë 15lbtlsjnktss orlltlgr, gigntttit-

nt-vcr sctisjictl hvitll slllûll

in hugc or big busincss; so youtûlte any lvusiness according to

yourlf you desite to do big busillcss it is tttlv-isal?le tofloat c, < 'Lilllitetl (,-zoncerl) ', in wl:i(-1) (-cst' y4,3.1 wJ1l

arc tttlvistsd t() undes

best to concentrztc).(1u r ccpit-itl'. n'ry

your nlilltl in slllull lhtlsincss.

olntail) complvtc succcss.

W hat is business ot occupation ?

lf you pcss your life witl) tlye llelp ot- instruluents,you tuight do thc wotk of curpenter. tlilor, sluith, otgoldsonyitly. R'hc Aquarius sign indictttes tlle prtlductof vegetation, so you nlust 1)c a farnyer or t't lasltl lord.

You ure also ït speculfttor or u glnllller. beccflseou t:y to gqt money without eforts or attempksyand lose yout capitll and becomt dependtnt.

lf you ûte doing Rmight be a lnzrdwktcconcetning iton or witb

snlvll business cztefully, youmt.rchvnt. or do tlle workthe help of small nlkchinety

producer ot are amight pzss your lifej ot you :rt astllet of ptoducts m:dt of iron.

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( 137 )


Diseases of

tising as an ascendant..undet zising sign of Arks or

Scorpio, Metcuty :nd Satutn ate the maleNcin yout hotoscope. You will sufet from bminment if


you shout loudly. The onlytemedy to avoid such disezse is to go to bed earlyot in latet age you will lose the sence of temembtance.

think too much ot

You will Also sufet fzom the diseaseslike gonorthoea1

ot Sypbilis.

Aries or ScorpioA$ you :re botn


Diseases ofTaurus ot Libra rising as an ascendant.

You will sufer from piles ot genetal weaknessdue to ove: sexual enioyments. Minot oppetation mnytuke phce zt the :ge of 28, 34 ot 42 or debility ofbzain ot diseases of cancet or tongue ot weakness ofbtain may take place in latet age.


Diseases ofGemini or Vgtgo tising asMats is the maleûc phnet in

you will be hztassed by Mats,blood. Tbe petcentzge of zed-ctlls% ' 7#.yu14 notmal. Or you will Sufez

in ' yout blood isfzom the unsemic

an ascendant.

yout hotoscope, sowho is tbe lord of

Page 137: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

condition or appenklicitis,blootl pressure, diabetes, utinul.trouble ot weak,ttess ofheatt. You may hcve to undergo cn t 'pperûtion at tlttage of 21, 28# 42 ot 56.Moze diseases of W rgo rising as an ascendant.AS Mars and Sun are the mzlcéc planet iït youz

hotoscope, you will suffer from conFtcnt lleatlttclpe ozweukness of teeth ot bones.


stone in blâdder or kitlney,

Diseases ofCancet rising as zn ascendant.

sfetcury atld Saturn plattcts inyouz lpirth clyatt. AF you zrtt St llpcn of 51ttf)1ï, youztc passionate snd sunkr frolll dttllility tltlk' ttk tlvetsexual pletïsure ûnd nervous tlisot-dets 11) t lkt' lkttt't' ttge.''You will suFet fton: decontrthl f)f lvtûilt if l'fhtl clonot get life pattnet in proper tillle or llystericcondition in the ccse of wolltelt.


cte tlte lllclefil.

Diseases ofLeo rising as zn ascendznt.

Moon and Saturn ttrc tllc ntAleif-hotoscope, so l'ou will sufet frottlwûtet. lt indicAtes cncemic t-ontlition,* *tlûsls Or cztaract,

' bronchitip or Rsthtyya. Uses of spices inis advisAble-

deûtly in water or

plunets in youttllv tlisrascs ofcscitt-s, t''lrplyttn-t.o1(I, 4. otlglcsrcgtl lar food

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I 139 )

ou, fegs while wotking onyvehiclts or mAchinçty ot of Cisegses due to poisonousetms. Do not eat sout eûtables like unripe mangoes,buttetmilk, tamatind, mangosteen; otherwise you willsufet ftom zheumztism, pztalysis in o1d age.


ofPlease take cste

Diseases ofSagittatius rising as an ascendant.

Tht Moon, Venus and Satum ate the maleic1:nets in yout hotoscope, So youPdiseases of watez whkh indicatesascites elephûntiasis otcoughs, bzonchitis undtegulaz food is adviced.

will sufet ftom theûnaemk condition,

death in watet ot catatact, cold,asthma. Uses of Spices in

Venus is zlso malefc in yout horoscope, so you

will get the ttouble of pxivate organs, just likehydtocele, weakness of semen, piles, gonotthoea,syphilis ot utinal tzoubles :1So.


Diseases ofCapdcom tising as an ascendant.

The Sun :nd Satutn ate the malefc planets in youthotoscope, so you will get headches, fevet, weaknessof bones and teeth. You will slso Sufet ftom thediseases of cancet ot tongue ot weakness in bzain.

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( 140 )Diseases of

Aquarius tislng as an ascendant.

plznets iawill suFer. frolt) tlle diseasesour hotoscope, so youy

of watet which indicateseieplnantiasis,cougb, Spices i:tegular food is advised. You will zlso suHkr tkom the jdiseases due to poisonous getnys. Do not e:t sour '

al.kzcnlît- contlitiol), ascitvs,or tleatlï in vrater f'r cataract, colz,

bronchitis and asthnla. Uses of

eatablestxmaxinds, otlnet wise

lilktr lemonr,yOu

rzw nhângoes.w111 suFtr ftollt


or theumltism.

The Moon and Szturn are the malefic

Diseases of

Pisces tising as an ascendant.

The Sun, Venus ûnd Sltutn :re the nlzleic plgnet?in your horoscope, so you will get weAkness in tetthoz bones ot bone ttoublew constvnt headache: =4fevet. You will a$o get trouble of private orgzns An&wezkness of stmen, piles, gonotrhœz, syphilis or utlnaltzouble. Do not e:t sout eztzbles like lemons, mvmangoes, buttetmilk, tlmatinds,wise you mzy suffez from patalysis

mlngostetn, otbet-= d g:s troublt.

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I Based on Radical and Signidcating planets )

The Sun

passes thtough the 1st,9th and 10th houses of a birth chatt, the body remainshealthy, mind cheezful, beneft of wealth, fathet's health$,temains in perfect otder, there is an inœease in honour,fame, promotion oz gain of setvice or inczement inpay. Devotion to God, pilgtimage to holy places andperfozmance of religious cerenaonies take place.

W henevet the Tzansit Sun

Mozeover when the Transit Sun comes in conjun-'ction, ot opposition with the tadical Sun, the zadicalSun gives banedc ot maleic results accozding to histehtion with the houses.

Transit planet means the present planets movlng in thesky. For example : ln any birth chart of Cancer's ascen.ydant andlf Transit jupitet passes throughlpjsces slgn, thenit could be said thqt, the Transit Jupite: of thls Cancerascendant ls passing through the 9tb house, ao the Piscessign in the Cancer ascendm t Ss in the 9th house.

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( 142 1

The M oon

Moon passes through tàe1st :nd 4t14 houses of a birth chatt, thr soul, micp:nd body remaihsholy rites, llappiness atlvantagc ()f vehiclt,estate, nnotlnerly hap, piness, friends lhttppiness an1artnersllips antl peûce ot- nlintl. Nvltct) thtt 51oo:P

forlllances nfPCrchercful, the> zreof ly()use,

asses throughPpossibility of trttvcls znd if sllc pzsses t'hrougl) tlle 7tN,house, then tl'ïc dtsise of nhccting life partner arists,

tlle 3rtl and 12t1) ltouses. tlïere is

Whenever the Transit

Morcover wlhen the Trcnsit Moon f-omes in cots

junction ot ophosition witl) flle rûtlit-Al sloon, theNthe rzdiczl Nloon gives benefic or mttlcEc resultsAccording to her relation with the houses.


M ars

pgsses through tlle 3z4and 6th houscs of a llitth ctlatt, thcn thc nat,ixbecomes more adventutous. ' trkvels thmugl) 1=&and foteign countties and thtre is distruction ofdiseases And enemies.

W henever Trânsit sfzrs

Mozeovet whtn theconjunction ot op- itionvspects the mdicvl M:ts,bentfc ot maleûc tesultswith the houses.

Trvnsit Mvts comes ixwith fthe tldical Mvxs orthtn the mdical Mtrs giveszccordlg to the ttlltioo

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( 143 l

M elc-y

W benevez the Transitthe 4th and 10th houses

Mercuv passes tbtoughof a bizth chatt, theh

ome ackeives tbemotherly bappinessobtainF ot increasefzthetly happiness.

lngppiness cf kouse, vebicle, eststè,and buppiness of pattnezship,in power, honour, position and

àfoteover, when the Ttansit Mercug comes inconjunction or opposition with the tadical Metcuty,tlnen tbe tadical M etcuty gives benedc ot maleictesults accotding to his tehtion with the houses.


Whenevet the Ttansit Jupite: passes thzough the2nd, 5tl1, gtb, 10th snd 11th houses of the bitth chattstlnen tlne native becomes free from the wotries ofwealtln, peace in family, beneit of educution andclnildztn, inctease in position, honout, of fatlaetlyhzppiness, zelease o: zetutn of the invested capital.

Moteover, when the Ttansit Jupitez comes inconjunction oz opposition with tlne zadical Jupiter ozaspects the mdicul Jupiter, then the tûdicsl Jupitetgives beneûc oz malefc tesults accotding to his zelationwith the houses.

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( te )


W henevet the Ttansit Venus pusses tbrougln the7th house of : bitth chutt, the desire of meeting thtlife pzttnet urises :nd there is happiness of mArried love.

Mozeovet when tbe Transit Venus t-tttphes inconjunction oz opposition with tlle radical Venus,then the radical Venus gives benefc or mzlcbit' resultszccoxding to his relation with the houses.


Whenever the Transit Szturn pûsses tllrougl) the6th, 8th and 12th houses of z birtl) f'ltttt't resprctively,then the native suFers fton) diseases, enetklit.s, dettth,debt, 10$$, interest ot insolvency.

M oreover when thc Transit Saturn t'ontes inconjunction, opposition with tl4e radicvl Satutn otaspects the rûdical Satutn, then the rzdiczl Suturngives beneûc or npvledc rtsults according to 14i$telation with the housts.

ln addition to tbis it should Also be noted tbvtif Ttznsit mvlefc Satum pusses tbrough a pzrticuhihouse, he ptoduces the mxltfc tesult of thztpztticulat house.

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S- e M m rtant ptinciple: of Astrology

1. lf any planet is the lotd of ttine oz quadrvnt:nd zlso of the 6th: $th ot 12th house, it is consideredto be a beneûc plznet.

2. lf any planet is not the lord of tzine orquzdtznt znd if it is the lozd of the 6th, 8th or isit 12th house, consideted to be : malefc planet.

any bitth chsrt if mvlefc phnet comes inconjunction, opposition or aspect with particularhouses, then the muleic planet desttoys the benedctesult of the same pazticular house and also destzoysthe benefc zesult of the house, whose lozd ot thesignifcatot is zelated thzough conjunction, oppositionot ûspect to the sume malefc planet. FoS instance,if any npvlefc planet who is the lotd of the 8thhouseI

result of the 8th house improves, whereas itdesttoys the benefc tesults of the 10th house and

aud if it is situated in the 10th house, the

jt vlso desttoyshouses with the phnets and of the houses.

the benefc results of the telated

3. In

4. ln the same way if a lotd of ttine or ofquadtant is in the 6th, 8th ot 12th house, it isconsideted welk. So it does not give powetfullbeneEc tesults to its own houses ot to its signiûcating

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houses. But it destroys the malefc remlt of the housesin wlyic14 it is situated or vspects tbe malefic llouses-

Znylyouse, tllc nûtive does notbirtll cllatt if tllc lortl f)f 9th

getlhut heowetful benefc re3ults t)f tlle 9th llouse;P

gets tlqe powerfkl llencfit. rttsult of tlbc 6t 1) llousd:nd the 12th houst also- But if this pluntt is relatedto anotllcr bencic pklletor cspcct,ives llenelic#

by cflnjunction oppllsitionthe p lanct whicl: is in tlle titl), llouse

powerful tesults to its owl) llot)scs,and its Signifkating houses clsyt, due to trzllrellAtionof wec'k conhllinstion-

Example : lnlnouse is in the 6th

5. .If mûleûcthen it givesthe 9th house.

plcnet in situcted in one's 9ti) ltouswpowezful nulelic rtsults connectcd to,ln tlte $:mt wAy by opposition ût

zspect, it klso gives powerful mAledc results.

way if the mzle6c plunet Situgted inthe 9th house, but Mzrs acting :$ the lord of trineot quaztat aspects the mvlehc plznet by the 4th ot8th

At4y mvleic tftct btcvusq Mvts is thesole contxllet of this mvldc plutt. But if this M:tsis in conjunction or oppositbn witll the mxlefc

thtn Mkts does not lllow the mzlticûsptct,pkntt to ctelte

ln tht sacce

plott, thtn Mûts h:s no conttol > tt k. % tlwmllefc phntt would cttktt mlloftr ttsuk in its timt

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,( 147 )

( Period ) and Mats would give benvfc xsult to the'native in his time ( period ).

In the Samethe maleic planetMars and the 9th

way if MarS is in the 9th 'house and.occupying the 3td house aspects.house then the native would obtain

fottune, because it aspectsmûleNc zesult connectingthe 9t14 bouse and Mazs.

Opposite to this if the malefc planetsituated in the 9th house, ûnd if Mztsthe 3td houseexperience malefc tesultthis tesult would be

it, thenûSPCCtSoccupying

the nutive would.of the 9th house. But

otdinaty, because accotding tothe principles of Asttology the eFect of the planetaspecting the houses is considered to be powedul. lnthe Same wzy the sspect of Mats destroys the malefcefect of the 9th house, but he has no complete conttol,zs the maleNc planet is aspecting Mats too. There isgrekt ups and downs in the life of such natives.


Sometimes hek sleeps onsometimes on tbe doot ! !

the bed of toses and.

6. T l:e nzturd friendship of the phnets plzys zn.ejsentizl patt in giving tesults. The Sun, the Moon..Mars ate the fziends of Jupitet. Now the malefcMoon is the lotd of 8th house in S/ittztius ascen-dvnt, she is to give maleéc tesults. But bdng:

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( 148 )

'.a ftiend of Jupitet, she does not give the ntalelicresults as required. But if the sûme Moon is the lord'of 6th housetheenemy of Saturn,

in Aquzrius ascendant, she is lheingowcrful ltltllcicPwould give

tesults, the tesult tl4zt would be unendurttble 1Ay thenative. Tlpenztive would Sufet frfhn: the disttzses of

.ascites, anzemic condition, tleûtll in v'atcr ctc. qvlliclnate known as the diseases of Aquarius asl-cntlttsyts. lnshort, malefic pknet givcs mglefic tesult, l'tlt it slloultlzlso b' e noted thzt the nvtural friendship ol- tlle plttlletsrmay incresse or tltcrezse the tesults accorllijlgly.

7. Plznet stnds its vibrztions 01- ttifect t(' ttn4ltllt:rplanct tllr,ough conjunction, oppositiol) or aspek't , l'orlinstance, if Mars zspects scturn. tlte eYect t'f 51arF iscartied oF by S Atutn kn tbc lyfluses wllere he( Szturn ) is situated or aspects.

8. The efects of the Aspect of plzntt is consitletedpowetful. Fot instlnce, if Venus ocrupying zst.etttlant:nd wishes to ctezte his efftct in tlte 1st hous: l'ttt ifJupitet Aspectsof Venus in

ûscendvnt ftom the 7t11 lmust the tffetthe 1$t hourse is desttoytd $t1:41 the

native's 1st house comes unzet the influence.of Jupitet.

9. Exzlted plvnets ând tht plznets in their own'houses zze consideted to be powerfulj wl4eteas.debilitûted pknets Att considertd to be wezk.

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( 149 )10. Planets of 29 ot 0 degree zte consideted toa

be inefective, cunnot cteate efect and :te in theextinct state. In anyhouse is of û degree, the native would not be.beneited in connection with fottune. In the same

bitth chart if the lord of 9t%'

wzy, if the ascendant oz the lord of the ascendantfO any native is of 0 degtee, the native will be wezkin body, mind :nd soul. If the lotd of 6thhouse is of û degree, it cannot cteate diseases ot'enemies. ln the szme way, fot the 81 house, no.worties of Short life :nd no wotties ofdebt, loss, intetest and insolvencyIt should ûlso be noted Simikrly that the planet of'29 ot û degree cznnot creute its own benefc ormaleic effect.

expenditutey,for the 12th house.

11. Sûtutn bting the signifcatot of the 6th, 8th'(


and 12th houses should be consiiered AS maleEcp( except in Gemini and Vitgo ûscendants ) even thoughhe may be cf exalted.

12. If Suturn ( except in Gemini and Vizgoascendlnt )und if the beneûcnot aspectSltutn

is in the 4th, or 7th or in 11th house,Sun, Moon, Mars ot Jupitet do

the 1st house, the combination of 1 +ut9 the natives into gteatP

cteates blockcde in business or in sezvice.dimcultits and

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13. Now, if SAtutn is in the 1st house ttltd tlle,'Sun, the Moon, sfars or Jupiter tkre also in tlle 1sthouse, tlne cancellation (bî 1 + Saturl: is not (-tcllsetl.

ûspectsMars f)1',Sun) tllc Moon, Jup iter is in tltk.

itself, the cancellction of 1 + Sattlrn in tllcis not causcd lnecuusc tllc asptct ()f.considered to be powetful.

14. lf Svtutn the 'lst' lllluscantl i l t l je1$t l'lfltlsc1st lltltlselgïlt-t isP

15. lf Saturn zspccts Sunthe Moon, Mlts or Jupitcr also aspccts in tllt' 1sthouse, the cancellction o1- 1-h Szturn ttot is t'ttuht'tl ilndif Saturn is i:: the 1st house :nd tlle htlll, tlle hlooa,Matr ot Jupitct vspects tlïc 1st house, thtt cttslrellkttion,of 1 + Saturn is cûused, lyccausc tllc aspet'ts of l'Alktllvti$ consideted to 1)e powetful,

the 1st house cnçl tlle

16. lf Saturn is zspected one-sidedJupiter) thtn he ( Saturn ) is considcred#

l'y 51 ct-$( f)rto 1)e beïtefic.

17. ln the bitth chzrt of l'kurusxscendûnts, if Vqnus And Saturn al'e lc.opposition ot Aspect, then Vecus urts is>rcuusc Venus is the lortl of 6tl) :ndtcspectively- So the relztion of Venus tîy:tl Fattltnjn this bitth chztt is consitlcrvd to 1)e njglefic. ln the;me wc in the zscendlnt ($î Aries :nd Fcorpio,,$hr tdltion of Szturn with Mars is ronsitleted tobe maledc.

und 1 -itht:'onjunlition,tc ntglt-fic,8t11 ltouse

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18. If the lord of ttine, quudtznt or the lotd of3td house is in the 1st house, then it is considered tobe vety powezful, becûuse it gets the strength ofthe 1st house.

19. lf any benrfc planet is in itS own signiicatinghouse, then it is consideted to be powerful; fotinstance,. Jupitet, tbe lord of 7th house is in the5th or 9th house.

any signiûcûtot ( except Szturn or except inthe lnouse 'of 6th, 8t1n ot 12th ) is in itS own laouse,then it is consideted to be powetful, For instance,Jupiter, the Signifcato: of 5tb house is in its own10th house, he is consideted to be powetful as asigniicatot of the 5th lqouse.

20 If

21. If Jupitet is in the Tautus of Libra ascendantot is in the Tautus ot Libta sign, then the native isunable to uchieve the tequized benefc tesult. Tbe

teason is that Venus tejects the natute of Jupitet, as%' is the enemy of Jnpitet.

22. lt shouldalso be notcd tbat the Sun, the Moon,Mzts and Jupitet ate on tbe Gods side, theyatevictotiousà:d powerful, while Metcury, Venus ûnd Saturn ateon the devils side, they zte defeated ones e. in tltemAttet of prediction, Venus, Metcuty znd Sztutaiannot cteate beneûc tesult cs much as created by theSun, the Moon, Mlts ot Jupitet.

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23. If Venus :nd Mzts zte zdkttd to tht 7ththen the native experiences diëculties iu



house,matried life.

117 contrûst to this, if Venus is wtak in zny bittkhurt and if there is c comllinction of 7 ..h Mats,cthcn tlle ntktivc of sut-l) bittlï clhzrt experience ufblesFed nlarrictl lifc.

24. E xAlted mzlefics areconsidercd :$ benelic.

25. 'rhe exzlted Svturnnztive of Sucl) exûlttd Szturn runscaplcity and consequtntly thcyexpetience despairs for ever.

26. 'flte combinltion of exzlted mzleic .,.t- Satumor cxalted luulcûc + mvleûc sltould bt consizeted :$

tlltead lleyond theithzve to retrelt and

is consideted as ntzlt6t-. The

maleéc.27. lf plznet i$ vspected ont-sided by

Sûturn oz nhale6c planet, then th* result of thirbenefc phnet should be tûken as mklefic one; 14ut ifthis benedc plznet is âspected by vny benehc plknet,it should not be tvken :$ mzltfc. i. t. benefqc i,


ûlwzyg benefc.28. szturn,Mttcut.y znd the signs of G pricom,

Gtmini ot Virgo :re considertd to h:Aquûtius,malefc fo: the 7th hoqse :nd the 5tb house, in tlyeqmattet of mlttied love :nd hzppintsszespectively even though they ARbitth cbztt.

ot- childttnbenehc in tbe

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I 153 )


The special nature of Vats apd the Moon

Now we shzll study the specizl nutute of Mzts:nd the Moon.

worth studying. His ,1

nature is to oppose the situztion, go ahead 'butaguinst the cuttents. He is btAve, commznder.victozious in evety feld :nd is of independent natute,People of Mats ate the sole rulets of this wotld,though they mc dictztots, kings ot dectedministezs. Mûrs is vety powerfpl, intelligent, 'wise,politician and beneûcial. The native having theadvantzge of 1 + Mûrs, steps out into the world in


no titne.

The nztute of Mûrs is

Even though Mats h:s uncountable vittues, zetlae has cettain weaknesses also. Mats is commandet,separzted fsom life partnex, so he is lustful. A11 hismighty abilities are ovet-powered in the hands 'ofwomen; thzt is why the people of MAts ate alwaysadvised to keepliving exzmple is of pzofumo, tbe fozmer DefenxMinistez of England Should be kept in mind.

themselves uwzy ftom women. 'The

Mars, the self mlnlng planet

Jf Mlts is vspected one-sided by Satum in 'any

Page 153: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

uspectt h'f:ts kntl 5Iat$doesindepenient nzture ând capturcd 1,), Fkturn ptcfersto commit suicide. The nztives of Saturn trit's tc

satutn, thennût aSPCCt 51ûrs lleitlg Qf

take muzimum advantagc of hlcrs inttlligenre. witkzesult tlâat Mkrs opposcskter on the nûtike has to

birth clpzrt, i. e. i? Sktum

:nd moves reverse :nëexperience great tlcgpaiz

:nd on account of unendurable unhzppiness cndmiseties commits suicice. Tlle ezkmple tllzt zîHitler should be kept in mind.

Whea Mo dot: not 'act to min himstlf ?

lf there istlpe Self

combinztion flf hl1r$,ruining pknet i. e. if- s'lats 1::$ been tcptuted

oce-siied by Sgturn ând becomes deprnflect, lhtjt ifthe bentfcMnz$. the self zqining pknet does nût :ct to commit

Sun, Moon, Jupiter zspects Alqts. tlhen

sukide i. e. M:z$ zcts :$ â brprûc.


When the Movn prefet: yo ruln herxlf :ndwhen not ?

ln tbt $:mt w%y if tht Moen is vpeqtetl on-sidd by Samttl, thtn the M* n becomts dependtnt,Acts just like V4zs, to destzoy hersdf hvt whtn thisztpenzent Moon is Asptcted by tht beneHc Sun. Marsot Jcpiter, then tht Mbûn stops the gct of self-ruin.

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( 155 )


Translt manetary Time ( periods ).

'W hen theof its own kind

Transit planet aspects the Radical planetby conjunction, opposition oz aspect

vith the sign and its degtee, latitude and declinationof the Radical phnet of a birth chart, then the native,achieves its beneic oz malefc zesult, which is calledTransit Phnetary Time ( periods ). ( T. P. T. )

The below given table has been ptepated andtxphined in complete years ?nd monthss when a pxrti-culat planet would give tesults. This table is ,pteparedwhen tlx ttansit planet aspects the radical planet ofits own kind by conjunction, opposition ot aspectwith the sign and its degzee, latitude and declinationof the Radicll phnet in the bitth chatt.

In this w:y the Trznsit Sun. comes in conjunction,with zhe 1a41c41 Sun with his gign and its degree,

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( 156 1

latitude and declinztion at 18 yeArs. ln slme way tLtTmnsit Moon,Szturn comcs in

Mzrs, Mercqry, Jupiter, Vtnus =#conjunction witl) tlle Radical Mûtu

ct 16Jupiter years.YF39 years with their Signs. tlcgrces, ltttitttllcs and decli-nations in tlîtt l'irtl) t-llttrt respcctively.

Mzrs at 28ye:rs,at 12

years, N/ltrcury at 10 yeats,Venus At 8 years Anll Szturn tt

FCûI*Sof the 12 Signs ) eûcl) part ( period or time ) is ixep'for eacll housc. ln tltis wgf by ixing these yezrs :c#

months ( p eriod, timc ) wllen tlhe 'l'rznsit pl:net Aspect,tlpe Rûdif'g,l plznet by conjunction, opposition or Aspectwith tlte Sign And it$ degtte, lltitude ând declinatln:'of tlle RAdical plvnet of z birth chqrt, tlhen tlpe nutivt.t

:re divided illto 12 pzrts ( llecaust

of the birth clqtrt gets mzxlnhum results of the plzntt-.lt is wotth sRying.thAt the tvble of tTrvnsit Plvptto ,Time : is 'scientihc, best in result in the mvtter nT'

'f' llese

Astrological ptedictions.Evcta Trvnsit plAnet creates its own eftct vt th

'!iistznce of 15 degtees forwzrd :nd tuckward fzomthe RzlcAlpknet or it$ own kind i. t. it crektes tlw'


t:ect fot the pezlod ( timt ) of 30 degrtes i. r. tàt.,petiod ( time ) of on: sign etc. ln this w:y the svn 'foz 18 month, the Moon for 16 months, M:r$ for 28months, Mttcbty fot 10 months, Jupltet for 12months, Venus fo< 8 months R d skturn for 3:monthk givetht tesvlts.

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Now, if the Sun gives tesult at the age of 18yeats of 18 months, taking 18 years ( complete ) i:centte, deducting 9 months And zdding the 9 months,the Sun gives result at the age of 17 years 3 months.t() 1 8yeats 9 months in Ttansit Phnetaty Time.

In the szme way the Moon gives tesult at thelge of 15 yezrs 4 months to 16 yezts 8 months.

Mats at the age of 26 years 10 months to 29'years 2 months.

Metcuty gives the tesult at themonths to 1û yeats 5 months.

age of 9 yeuzs 7

Jupitet gives the tesult at the age of 11 years 6months to 12 yeats 6 months.

Venus gives the tesult at the age of 7 years 8months to 8 yeats 4 months.:

Satuzn gives the tesult zt the :ge of 28 years4nonths to 31 yezts 3 caonths.

aspects the 7th house, so the ttansitbun, Moon, Mazs, Mezcury, Jupiter, Venus and Saturn)come in opposition with the tadicûl Sun, Moon, Mars,Metcury, Jupitet, Venus and Saturn with his sign an'hkis degtee, .latitude and declinAtion at the :ge of 9,


B, 14, j, 6, 4 and 15 yezrs tespectively.

Esch phnet


Similarly the Sun gives3 months to 9 yeats 9

the tesult at the age of 8months.

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I 158 )The Moon ,gives zhe result at the age of 7 years

4 months to 8 yeszs 8 months.Metcury gives the result at the age of 4 yors 7

months to 5yearsJupitet gives the ttsult zt the age of 5 yeats ç

months to 6 years 6 months.

5 months.

gives the result at the :ge of 3 yeats8 months to 4 yeats 4 months.

Saturn gives the result at the age of 13 yeats9 month to 16 yezrs 3 rnonths.


Now Mats, Jupitez and Satum havt gOtadditional uspects.

aspectsthe result at the8th aspect givùlg

6 caonths to 12zge

1û naonths andof 10'byof 19

yelrsthe 4thyeats

the result at theuspcct giving10 months to 22


Jupitet asptcts the RAK.I Jts/ttt at rtht9th uspect giving the tesult at the :ge of 3 yezr:

d6 months to 4 y.ears 6 months :nd 9th aspect giviagthe tesult at the age of .7 yezts 6 months to 8 yeus

Transit2 months.

The Transit Mats the Radicsl Mzo at the

.6 months.1

aspectsfhe result At .+e

the Radical Satutn at the10th zspect3 months'giving 'the24 years 3 months.

givipgto 8 yeats'resit at

agt ytvts9 months :nd by the 3 zspectthe 'age of 23 yezts ,9 'months te

of 6Ttansit Satutn

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( 15,9 )According to tkig 'thtxy sftet Nxiag the pclods

of each phnet and ,addhg 18 yeazs in tbe 'medod ,d',Sun, 16 yekts in the petiod ,of Moon, 28 'yers in tbepetiod of- Mzts, 1,9 yaats in ltlx petiod ef Mcc- .12 yeûts in the peziod of Jupitez, 8 years i'n thepetiod of Venus and 30 yeats in t:e petiod of Satum,the table of Ttansit Planetaty Potids fot 80 mats 'hasbeen ptepazed wlnich is as follows :

Note : Sometimes the Ttansitdoes not come into .'uactioncon) ,

Jupiter and Sktumit Aon' o r 'z s p e c tf%pos

snd Saturn g,t the distavwith the Radical Jupiterof 15 degrees forward and backwztd. So in ozdez %

Nx tlpe periods ( time ) of Jupiter znd ùtum 'skouldbe cozrected .accotdipg to the petiod of 15 dqgteesfotwatdand Fûtuzn.

and bzckwatd ftom the rdical Jupitpt

Example : If Jupitc ,of Libm is d 22 degtees inany birth chatt, then the Tz=sit Ju/tet would give tbetesult from 7 degtees of Xirgo tp 7 degtee! of Scqrpio.In this way the Trânsit Phnetaty Periods ( time ) ofJ'mitetphnets give 'ike > ultAKcordi. ng 4o the

md Satutn shluld be Exed :nd rest of thefollowing-table.

Bitth .chart, le tgble .of boec or me Nc Alanetse te ir resuks.

Whts :1. Pltzse 'ind ouththe :ge in complde pars and

months fzom the bitth dste ,of : nsti= and ;nd out

Page 159: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 16û )

the' ThmitPlanetaty Time( petiod ) of : planet orbelow accotding to :ge i. e.plantts from the table given

FGrsthe native

and moéths :nd then whzt kind of tesult would#etcan be known from the time ( petiod )

of this phnet or planetshouses us a lord, signifcztot oz to whom it is in

ronjunction, opposition ot aspect.The pztticuhrs of the houses can be known ftom

who zte telated to the

the Chaptet Stventh of this book.lf thete is no phnetarr time ( petiod ) in a

pm icular age, it must be undetstood thût the timewill pass without zny notable chznges. This timeis mentionedbrthe use of the wotd < no '

2. When sometimes thetemûyat a time, then it should be

be time of twoot thtee planetsunderstood that these two ot thtee phnets wouldcteate theit efects lccording to theit tektion withthe houses of , birth chaxt.

Example t

Find ppt the age in complete ytats aqd monthsof , Ajnative bozn on 8-12-1928 to 54-1965 ?

On dtyuctingtesult will be

8=13-1928 q to 5-8-1965 thecom@e4e,.36 yeats ' and 8 months. Now

obsezing this table of. t Tonsit Planetary Time 'ope cap see . , thjt the native is , now under th:eâct of ihe Sun :nd Sktutnt

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TIME ( PERIODS ).( The Conjunction, opposition

'Ttansit planet with the Radical phnet1. A tqble of the time

'planet or themlanet in a

result givenpanicular age.

I The time given are to be,complete Yts. ,& Months. )Age from complete

0 to 10 yr..Y.M .to Y.M .

'.SunA4oonM azs

understood in


7-8 to 8 -48-3 to 9 -9

Metcuty 9-7 to 10-50-0 to 0 -9 Age from complete0-0 to 0 -8 11 to 20 yrs.0-0 to 1 -2 Y. M .to Y.M .

M etcuryJupiterVenasSatuznJupitez'Venus

0-0 to 0 -50-0 to 0 -60-0 to 0 -40-0 to 1 -33-6 to 4 -6 M ercuzy3-8 to 4 -4 Moon



10- 6 to 15-211- 6 to 12-611- 8 to 12-413- 9 to 16-314- 7 to 15-515- 4 to 16-8

and aspect of theof its own kind. J

( periods ) of eachby each benefc o: m alefc

M etcuzyJupiter'SatuznM oonJupitez4

4-7 to 5 -5 Jupitet5-6 to 6 -6 Venus6-3 to 8 -9 Sun7-4 to 8 -8 Jupitez7-6 to 8 -6 Jupitet

15- 6 to 16-615- 8 to 16-417- 3 to 18-917- 6 to 18-619- 6 to 20-6

Page 161: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 1,62 ,J


19- 7 to 21519- ,'8;to 20-419-1û to 22-2


Mars35- 6 to 36-635- 8 to 36-436- 3 to 38-9A

ge ftom coo lete21 to 30 yrs. 4g

-g' Moon 39- 4 toMoon ,23- 4 zo 24-8 sr 39- ( to 404JupJupiter 23- 6 to 24-6 uesuty g9- 7 to .40-5,Venus 23- 8 to 24-4 vesus 39- 8,to 49-4Szturn 23- 9 to 26-3 A

ge 9om comWeteMetcuty 24- 7 to 25-5 A 40 50 tps.8un 26- 3 to 27-9 Jupitet 41- 6, to 42-6.Mûts 26-10 to 29-2 Jupitet 43

- 6 to 44-6Jupiter 27- 6 to 28-6 ,V enus 43- 8 to G -'4Venus 27- 8 to 28G Sûmrn 43- 9 t0.46-3Satutn '28- 9 to 31-3 S

un 44- 3 to 45-9'Jupitet 29- 6 to 30-6 .' y to 45-jM>=@ #VM

ercury 29- 7 to 30-5 Moon 47- 4 to 484,Age from complœ J. upitez 47- 6 to e '

3: tp 40 yrs. vexus 47- 8 to 48%Moon 31- 440 32-8 Mars 47-1û'to 5ûQ,Jupiter 31- 6,'* 3226 Mc ury 49< 7 to 50-5Venus 31- 8* 32# Age k* m complee''Mats 32-10 to 35.2: :51 .Y 60 yr..,Mercmy 34- 7 to 35.5 J'u#œ 51- 6 * 5M

/'* Mars also #lvu reolt N caue 4 kl4 two type.

Mats 38- 6 to 43-2

rof Jmotiln.

35- 3 to 36->

Page 162: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


JupitetV enusSaturnJqpiterMercutyVenus

53-54- 7 to 55-554-10 to 57-255- 4 to 56-855- 6 to 56-655- 8 to 56-458- 9 to 61-3 yupitet59- 6 to 60-6 venus59- 7 to 60-5 sattun59- 8 to 60-4

SunM oon


Age from complete61 to 70 yrs.

Sun 62-3 to 63-9h:oonJupiterVenusMetcuty


M ercuryJupitetVenusMats

63-4 to 6>8 Jupiter63-6 to 64-6 Moon63-8 to 64-4 Jupitet64 -7 to 65-5 Metcury65-6 to à6-6 Venus66-3 to 68-9 Sun

( 163 j51- 8'to 53* ' M=s5% 3.to 54-9' lo keqr53- .6 to 54-6 Veaus

9 to 56-3 Metcuty

.G -6 to 71-2'67-6 to 68-6.67-8 to 68-4.69-7 to 70-5.

completed from71 to 80

71- 3 to 72-9.'71- 4 to 72-871- 6 to 72-671- 8 to 72-473- 9 to 76-3.74- 5 t.o 75-575- 6 to 76-6.75- 8 to 76-475-10 to 78-277- 6 to 78-679- 4 to 80-8.79- 6 to 8> 679- 7 to 80-578- 8 to 80*80- 3 to 81-+

Page 163: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


TIME ( PERIODS ). ( ; )( ln serial complete age. )


. -7

e * O 4 * : 4. 4no. d e d' 4 4 /# d 2) ' 4 4 4 4 M $ 4

1 yl s'

? 9 Q$ .'T 4 2 # 4 d Jt i ' ' t: '.. i

13 ê & 2 & $ 4 h714 & 17 & 4 & 4 4 4 ê '

î . h % b h

p . Sun we = Moon a - Maa 4 . Mercury

Page 164: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 165 1

Comp. m.Ys. Ol 5

Im . m . m. m .2 3 4 5

4 Ip

m . mt

7 8

- nO. n0. nO.-

20 d t # : ê V 4 V ? ' ê t ê 4 4 &14 : 4 R 4 : u 9 N R u

2 1, e 2 4 & ? ê # 2 & : & T22 4 e m oo. no. no. no. no. no. . no. no. no.,,2$ no. no. no. no. no = w w u w 2f w u e u w 4.

. a : r? y kw u e z; w 4 w > w u w u w u w 1? w 4 4 : 4 1? ç :7 >z Q : î F) e 1) * 9 9 : 17

tl f ) t h b $? 4 b r : : h t 17 9 h : 9 : ' b26 h b 17 9 e * O O O O O O ;'27 e 4 e& O & O 4 O ' O # O # O & O & O & &2J ; 24

14 > ZJ Q 9 k' z; m 4 4 4 a 4 4 u 4 4 e 4 & z & e : a SzQ Q : : R4 1/ & 17 d : & h v 4 t :4 r 4

2J = Jupiter : . Venus b = Saturn no = êeriod withoutcho ge. Yw <' Yèam' çompllœG ' m-= Monls completed

Page 165: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

14 :1L-4:584!9- - (1

m. m. m. m.8 9 10 t 11



w z u 4 w 4 w z w 4R $ 9no. ? #



O 4

# 4& 4 $ tO M O 4


37'3839 #

,40 w t w 4 e 4 w 4 v 4 w 4 w 4 w # w 4 4# % t % # 4 4 M b 4 k 4 4k 7 7 7 Rê. 4 1 # # 4 4 M & 2; 4 4


# 11 # 4 ê M ? % # 4 # 4 # M#


M 4 4 R y 9 4 e4 # #

? :0. n0. n0. . n*.i

44 4 $ M R 4 7 4 $ e 4 m 4 e 4 e h e b O h * & e bb. % % % 4 % .& b

# & # ê ê *4

o. .si ' o = la ê''à ' i * Mvto

Page 166: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 1'6t )

CDYP. m. m. M. m. m. m. m. œ. m. m'.Ys. 0 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 945 O v * 4 * 4 O 4 O r O 4 e h e b e # e b

!46 F? : $ : no. no.$

t47 no. no. no. no. no.1

/' ,-4jj4: k!jjl

%M -

11' 3:,

t49405152)$:j $




1 ')



no. no. no. no. no. > . . no. no.no. no. no. no- no. no. t :: $ $ 4 5 4 4 # 4 4 4 k u

% 9 17 9 1? ' b

4 = Jupiter 9 = Venus % = Satum no = Period withoutcu ne. Ys. = Yeaa completed m. = Montbs completed

Page 167: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 168 )

Comp. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m. m'- m. mk' .Ys. 0 l 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 lt ;

- 't


60 4 4 4 4 4 M 4 u 4 u k z; 4 9 f? ï h b b9 17 : b Q : R ï 9 h :

61 12 % b % no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no.62 no. no. no. no. e O * O * e e O63 e O O O O O k; O k' O w O - O w w 4 w 4

4 4 4 9 9 QG w 4 w > w 4 t, M ty 4 w 4 w 4 w w 4 4 4 :

R e R 9 %

65 ,4 k 4 : # t aO. 4 4 4 4 4.66 4 M 4 4 4 M 9 4 9 4 9 ê 9 4 & & & 2 &67 d 9 4 b ' î? 4 17 ? 67 & 1? ? k ; 2f #N ê 4 & 4 ê 4

68 ê 1$ ê N ? 4 # 4 d M. ? 4 # 4 2 b ? : ? # & :: h : 17 Q 9 e 17 $ 9 17 b

69 & # 4 m ? T $ ? ? 4 4 V m 4 m :7û a 4 d 4 d t # : e #, ? t ' ? ê 4 a m71 a & a no. e O w O w O w e w m w * w o w. x z; y q v q g :


72 m w m w e w O - O w O w e w e w 1 w e no. no.71 9 4 9 X 9 74 e 4 9 4 1J

7$ no. ng. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. no. 9 N' 74 ï % $ % 9 i k i y & y & y f? t y. 7 5 4 b 4 9 t 9 : 9 4 9 4 9 b 4 N 4 & 4 k > k m v


* y y $ y

Page 168: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

1 322: ZF &8TR()120sI21I8 2gRRE2T PRE:ICTIgX!




1. How to cast a cortect hom scope ?

For the preparation of any birth chart only threèpazticulats are requited : ( 1 ) Birth date ( 2 ) Biuhtime ( 3 ) Bitth place.

lf any one of the above tbree particullrs is noiavailable, then the bitth chart cannot be ptepared.

native's birth date, time/mistake in tecordingit is quite natural tbata correct horoscope.llways be adjusted

cottectly theand place. lf thete is any

the date, time and place, tbmit becomes diëcult to pro ate

The time of our watch shouldaccording to Rlilway's clocks ôt

Radio timings. Tbis time is known as the t StlndxtdTime '.

Hence it is advisable to note

Page 169: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

According to astrology, when it is one O'clockin the afternoon, it is written as 13 hours. Tlte timeshould be written accotding to Railwal's time table

,ssy aftet 12 noon, 13 p. m., 14 p. m. etc.

Having wzitten date, time :nd plzce, Staztpzepzting a hozoscope accotding to the followingmethod.

First of z11 fnd out the LocalStandard Time of the birth plzce.A child is born in Ahmedabad

Time ftom theAs for example :

on 18-6-1964 at 15houzs 20 minutes (the Loclllongitude of Ahmedabzd. Please refer our book < AnEasy Way of Casting Cozrect Horoscope ' Patt 11accozding to which Abmedabad is at '23 degzeeshtitude and 72.39 degtees longimde and the difetenctof 39 min.32 seconds for Ahmedabud Local Time is


shown less than theIndian Standazd Time. Now, in thisway we shall fnd th: Local Timç of Ahmedabad.

Standatcl Time ') '1n otdet to ;ndwe have to see 'the latitude and


) .Hts. Min. Sqc,, .6 ') f 'j 1. '' '' ) , : ,

15 - 79 . - 0Qj , ,sto,pdazd Tim'e.-. 9, 0 - 39 =,,4k; ,.D, iFerep/rç , fpz , Ahmedabad.

,. '' . . ' r ' ' J' t .l # ' ' '$ ' ' vi ' ' $

14 - 40 - 28 Local Time ( Ahnpedabzd )

Page 170: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 171 )Having obtain the local time, the Sidereal Time

of a birth should be added i. e. looking Part 11 ofvour book < An Easy W ay of Casting CorrectHotoscope ', the Sidereul Time on 18-6-'64 is 17houts 44 minutes 1 second which is to be added to14 houts 40 minutes 28 seconds, the totalis as follows :

Hrs. M in. Sec.14 - 40 - 28 Local time

+ 17 - <. - 1 Sideteal tinne

32 - 24 - 29

In this way ufter getting 32 hts. 24 min. 29 Sec.the m otion of Sideteal Time at the rate of 10seconds pe: hour approxim ately is to be added,which is known as < the cozzection of Sidereal Timeat the rate of 10 seconds per hour. '

The cozzection of Sidereal Time at the zate of 10j #

'seconds per houz is to be added l4he time of apattkulat bitth chazt being pzepate 0 hout midnight

Example : If any one wishes to prepare a bitthchvtt of a child ,botn 15 houts 20 minutes 0 second


Standztd Time, then 150 seconds fot 15 houts and 3secohds of 20 minutes, ' totaling 153 Seconds = 2minutes 33 seconds jhould be added as cortectionfot Siderul Time

Page 171: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 172 J

HtS. M in. Sec.15 - 20 - 00 Standatd Time.

- 00 - 39 - 32 Diflktence for Ahmedabad.

14 - 40 - XS+ 17 - 44 - 01+ 00 - 02 - 33


Local Time ofSideteal Time.




Coztection fot Sideteal Time( of 15-20 ) at the mte of 10'seconds pet hout.

02 R. A. M. C. ( Right Ascensiontof Maridian Cusps )

00 lf the total is mote than 24houts, then 24 houts should bededucted ftom the total.R. A. M . C.

In shozt fot the pzeparation of any bitth chatt'by ldding ot by subttacting the diFezencef from tbeStandazd Time ( by addition , if ?ny town is beyond

o '82 30' East longitude' lnd by subtmting if any towais less than 82* 30' East longitude the Locil Time isobtained and by adding to it the Sideteal Tlme andcottectiön of Sidetl Tlme at the mte of 10 sec. perhout, of the Standard Time one gets R. A. M . C.

NoF look at 4he Pazt 11 of our book, < An EasyFay of Casting . Corrct , ,Hotvscope ' the tablegivrn of 23 htitude i. e. the tlble of psqendtnt of

Page 172: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Ahmedabad. Findtable of ascendants.of Libta sign10* of Libt:vritten as follows :

t 8 hts. 27 'min.' 2 sec. from theouThe û uze is 'between 10O and 11*ê

i. e. this native is botn in completeascendant. So rhe igures should be


Ascendant : Libta's 10! h. l I

9 l 8 7 ( 6 I 5

10 4

r -7'i 12 / 1 c t 311


Write whete it iswtitten <A.' in the horos-

COPCSetially 8 to 12 and

and from left writethen

1 to 6 as Shown in the

hotoscope.Hsving known how to ;nd out the ascendznt

cotrectly in : horoscope, means you hzve leatnt theétst step of pzepating a horoscope with hundredezcent tesults.

;. How to place planet: with its degrees in ahoroscope ?

Now look in the given ephemeris of the yezr1964 Pztt 11 of out book, t An Egsy Wc of G sting'Cortect Horoscope ', in which on 14-6-1964 and18-6-1964 the planets with its signs :nd degzees zttzten wzitten.

Page 173: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 174 )

Planets with its. degrtds at 5-3: A. M.( Indian stahdatd Time ).

The Sun Mars Mercury JupiterNSn.d-m. Sn.d.m. Sn.d-m. Sn.d-m.

June 14 1-29-36 1-4-9June 21 2- 6-17 1-9-9




June 14June 21

( tettograde ) ( tetfogtade )Now we shall ;nd out the

( rettogzade )with it$planets

ftom the notes of the abovedegrees planets of '18-6-1964, 15 hts. 20 min. ( Std. Time ) ( Not LocalTime ), Before this, we shall fnd out the difereàce.in houts :nd minutes of 14th motning 5 hts. 39 min,A. M. to18th 15 hts. 20 min.

Day hts. min.18th - 15 - 2014th - 5 - 30

I h

4 9 - J0

the above answet,be :pq ,' te#, .),; ) >s#hgpx; : jn, if lt is, . ''z' t ) y,,r t jiinùto

, the minutes should,no( be colnt/' .

thzt lf it i5'1 1)

thvn' thzt in' f 2 ' I z $

lt s h' o' u' f ë .> completeless thun 30'

lqote k Please See30 tcàl, ot tnore

' )In. this .v, fqr the, zbove 50 minutes, we shall

count it. v's a complete hour i. e. 4 days 9 hrs. 5@'min. = 4 dap 1û houts, ( approximûtely ) i. e, in 111:106 houts.

Saturh llragon's hea:Sn.d,na. Sn.d.na.1û-11-41 2-9-571û-11-39 2-8-22


Page 174: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 175 !These 106 hours means, counting, from 14th

morning 5 hts. 30 min. up to t06 hour ( anRrox ) anative is born. '

Now we shall ind out the motion of each planetin seven days. i. e. in# 168 houts.

The motion of each planet in 7 days I 168 houra. )The Sun.

Sn. Deg. Mini2 - 6 - 17

- 1 -29 - 36

Mars.Sm De kM'd'n.1 - 9 - 9

- 1 - 4 - 9

M ercutySh. D.eg...Min.1 - 28 - 36:

- 1 - 14 - 28

g -- 6 - 4j 0 - 1.4 - 08

Jupitet. Venus.Sn. Deg. Min Sn. Deg. Min.


0 - 22 - 38 2 - 8 - 520 - 21 - 11 - l - 4 - 37

SzturnSn . D eg . M. in .10 - 11 - 41

- 10 - 11 - 39

00 - 00 - 02r180 - 1 - 27 0 - 4 - 15' # ? * # d 9 .J ' . . )) ,' .r 'i

The Sun with 1ts degrees.

If the motion of tùe' 'Sui ih 168 hts. ià 6M degteej.60

then ,,416 d


= 4 deg.

tn #) ># :)

V2i *' ' ' im . . gygy, x60

13 min.

106 ,,#:104 . , :g 1 miu.=. 4 deg,. s168*q *

q 4

Page 175: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Sn. Deg. M in.

1 - 29 - 36+ 0 - > - 13

The Sun on 14th at 5 hts. 30 min. a. m.The motion of the Sun in 106 hts.

2 - 03 - 49 The Suu on 18th at 15 hrs. 20 min./@


M az: wlth its degtees.

lf the motion of Mars in 168 hrs. is 5 degtees,tken ,, 106 ,, ,, ?

106 25 deg. x, jjg- = 3 deg. 9y. min. = 3 deg. 9 min.

Sn. Deg. Min.1 - 4 - 90 - 3 - 9

M ats on 14th at 5 hrs. 30 min. a. m.The motion of Mars in 106 bzs.

1 - 7 -18 hlars on 18th at 15 hzs. 20 min.*


Merc- wIG hs degteeg.4 ( y

lf the mofion of Mezcug in 168 hts. isy 1 F !

't k

tben ,, ,s ,, ,, 106

..!. degzees.14 *


8 848 , 1X 1= j4- deg? =, 6: deg. x jyj 8 deg. 55jj min.. @ ' k d YU 1 y8 2e 55 min.= g.

Page 176: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Sn. Deg. Min.1 - 14 - 28 Vezcuzy on 14th at 5 hrs. 30 min.0 - '08 - 55 The motion of Metcuty in 106 hrs.

1 - 2 3 - 2 3 Mercuty on 18th at 15 hrs. 20 min.


Jupiter with its dejreesV degrees

,If the mouon of Jupiter in 168 hts. is 160then ,, ,, 106 ,, ?

27 427 106 25= 1yj deg. = o. deg. x jjj = 54a min. = 54 min.

Sn. Deg. Min.0 - 21 - 110 - 00 - 54

0 - & =

Jupiter on 14th lt 5 hts. 30 min.The motion of Jupitez in 106 hzs.

Jupitez on 18th lt 15 hts. 20 min.$


Venu: vith it: degree..

lf the motion of Venus

1en ,, ,, ,,15 255 1%

= *-. deg. = & deg. x j6s = 2*

< 2 deg. 40 m1.

25deg. 40 jp rnin.

15in 168 bts. is 4 6: degtee6,

106 ., ,, ?

Page 177: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Sn. Deg. M in.2 -- 8 - 5'2 Venus on . t4th atf 5 hts'. 30 min.

- 0 - 2 - 40 The. motion of Venus. ih, 106' hts.

12 Venus on 18th at' 15 hrs. 20 mim,@

Saturn with its degree..If the motion of SYtum! in 1681 h>. is 2

tlAen ,,min,

?106>: >> >y >>106 11 '

= 2 min. x . = 1- . min. = 1 min.. 168 42Sn. Deg. Min. :10 - 11 - 41' S'aturm ou 14th at 5' hrs. 3Y mih.

- 00 - 00 - 01 The motion of Satutn in 106 hts.

10 - 1'1 - 40 Sgtutns oK. 1'K1t' ut 15 he. 20 min.t t?

Dtagon's head < th it. degreee.41

2' - 9 - 5T O a'gv's' 'heidl ödî. 1-6-'ö4. '- 2 - 8 - 22 Dtagon's thead on 1-7-:64.

. . # . ,. ;'0 - 1 - 35. ,w kkee o a 'a-un of Dzagon.s.

' % < tlny 1 mpeth.,r rw#35lf

th4 motion of D. h. in 720 hrs. is 1 u degrœvthea tk4 motion of D. h. in 10,5 hri ?

9 ' f- . -. '' 35 635 106 X

= 14j dkg. = jj deg. x 7jL = l3xmin. = 13 mim

Page 178: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 179 )

D. head on 14th at shts, 30 min.

The motion of D.h. ih 106 hrs.

D. h. on 18-6-:6# 15 hztï 20 min.*

Sn. Deg. Min.2 - 9 - 57

- () - O - 13

2 - 9 - 44

The M ooh with its degreesSn. Deg. Min.

June 19 5 - 28 - 05June 18 - 5 - 15 -' 40

0 - 12' - 23 M otion of the Mooxin 24 hts.

Hts. Min.

15 - 20- 05 - 30

Tk: ti-' of ' bitth on 18th.Th: tiMe of the Moon on 18th.


9 - 50 DiA teM e.

lf the motion of the Moon in 24 hts. is 1225 deg.

'of the Moon in 95? hrs.thèn the motiol

. 6è.25 . 757 590 1 . ; drg. s 39


m'jm= 12g4 deg. = w deg. x ... - x - =* 24 , , 144 ' . .

- 5 4eg.. 5 mh.,

Page 179: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 18û )

The Moon on 18th at 5 hts,30 min.

The motion of the Mofynhts. 50 min.

The Moon on 18th at 15 hrs.20 min.

Sn. Deg. Min.

5 - 15 - 40

-+ 0 - 05 - 05

5 - 20 - 45

Now we shlll s:e how the phnets with its.'degzees c:n be wzitten in a horoscope.

A j w ) Phnets with its deztees1 1 t-..-1 !-- .-k-.-J--l --5- .-

on 18-6--64 15 hz-s. zo

t min. p. m.l Asc. e n a t ,; 7 '? m

10 4 6 2 ! 1 1 0 2 10 210 3 20 7 23 r 6 11 p


l we have seen thzt the& ! - f 4 t & : I e a l Sun

jghs; S aaltaeragd; ocso mopale t4e d,11 1 12 ) 1 l 2 13 4 I 2 s

'minutetj it mqvps thzt the Sun is in 4t.h degree ofl :% #

'Gemink rSo ve have placed the Sun in Gemini in theEotoscope. In the samewzy the Moon is placed in

Page 180: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 181 )

the Virgo, Mats and Metcuty in Taurus, Jupiter inAries, Venus ' in Gemini, Satutn in Aquatius and-Dragon's lnead in Gemini and so on.

Please remember that the signs, degrees andminutes wtitten in every ephemezis ate wzitten ittcomplete signs, de tees and minutes. If it is writtenin Mars column 1 sign 7 degtees, then Mats hasconnpleted 1 sign, means that Mats is in 2nd signi. e. in Tautus and M ats has also completed 7 degteesa.nneans Mats is of 8th degree of Tauzus.

ln t14lS wc one cun pzepate easily a horoscope.No daubt one fnds it rathet diëcult in the beginning,but constant teading and ptactising enables one to',ptepare any horoscope in Nve minutes only !

Accotding to the above method, one canptepare a hotoscope of any native born in any partof the world by studying our book, < An Easy W ayof Casting Cortect Horoscope ' which is written in a.simple language with various examples and, can beeasily followed by any one.


Page 181: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


2. H ow to convett a W estern bltth chatt( Moving Zodiac ) into an Indian bitth chatt

( Fixed Zodiac ):.

Look gt the W estetn hotoscope of M ahatmaGzndhiji given below. Let us see how this Westeznhozoscppe can be chaaged iato an lndian hotoscope.Befote begipning it îs quite necessaty to be familatewith signs used in the hotoscope.

& *5. ()* u %à ,- %

' . . ? *-.T, o .x lx(

7. 4->e. !Q :,! :

'kz.4o ** ,à ., . zo-: . '.1 y


..., fe j I j .) ,j n .,yt .: 1 tk l 1 ' , 6 s.e# 16.: : . z' .5 ,

, , yyw )l1 z w .-v' . ' ',1 t


d A: - 4. *X :

Page 182: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 183 )

T AriesM Taurusc Gemlnie CRncerà). Leo4.x Virgo,> LlbralTt Scorplo% Saçfttarlus1 Caprkorn= AquariusX Pisces

Q SunD Moon4 Marsk Mercury1; Jupiterî Venus12 Saturn4 Dragon's head@ Dragon's tail

The diletence between Moving Zodizc and FixedZcdiac in degrets.

( From Moving Zodhc )Deg. Min.

A. D. 1868 - 22-40A. D. 1886 - 22-15A. D. 19* -22-30

( Note : The Sohr System moves 1 degtee intmezy 72 yezxs. So thtte is zn inctement of one degzeein Fixed Zodiac in evezy 72 yezts i. e. considetingquattet degrte oz 15 minutes motion in 18 yeats. )(


Deg. Min.A. D. 1922- 22-45A. D. 19*- 23-00A. D. 1958-23-15

Mkhatnu ' Gundhiji w:s ' born in A. D. 1,869.During the birth .yezt, the difetence of Fixtd Zodiacwas 'mi% s 22 degtees of Moving Zodiae.

Page 183: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 184 )Now look at the dgures

circular form in the middleline drawn above 1 is5 degrees 8 minutesfrom which deductingLibta ascendant of 13obtained.

wtitten 1 toi 12' in :of the birth chart. The

Eastetn Hotizon and indicûtesof Scotpio's Moving, Zodiacx22 degtees a bitth chatt ofdegtees and 8 minutes is

Now deducting 22 degrees ftom the planetsy. ofM oving Zodiac we shall obtain the planets of Fix:dZodiac.

Planets of4

Moving Zodiac


Planets of

Fixed Zodiac



M ercuty : Scorpio 3 degs. 40 min. =Libra 11 degs. 40 mim'

Jupitez : Taums 20 degs. 8 min. (retro.) =28 degs. 8 min. of Aries,

( tetro. ).

Libza 8 degs. 58 min. =Virgo 16 degs. 58 min.

20 degs. 5 min. -Cc cez 28 degs. 5 min.i y l

Scom io 18 degs. 41 min. =Libza 26 degs. 41 min-'

Page 184: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 185 )Venus : Scorpio 16 degs.


24 mim =Scorpio 24 degs. 28 min.


Sagittarius 12 degs. 24 min. =Scorpio 24 degs. 28 min.

Dragon's head : Leo 4 degs. 9 min. =Cancer 12 degs. 9 min.


y, j : ) ; t j yo j ,910 4ù$ s

l '? l --rr,' l ? I 3171

Asc. Libra. 13 degrees.

In this way a hotos-cope of Moving Zodiaccan be converted into ahoroscope of Fixed Zodiac.

Now v:e slnall learn how to read and convert abirth cbart written in language.'

King Geotge V. Born : 3-6-1865 ( diFetence of- 22* for Fixed Zodiac ) 'Time : 1-18 (a,m.) London.

lrhe Birth Chatt of stovhzg Zodiac.

X XI XI1 A-. 11 1II>e10 :,204 4r140 T 2039' 8 190 / 13Q

z zbqezT'; > ax104'9 y 2406.; o ,1280; u z 25040,

k $ 9 Q ; v 18:30 ' ; 0. r 12930 ' ;

Page 185: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 186 )The same birth chart in Flxed Zodiac.

In the above birth clnatt 1st, 1Otl1, lltlh, 12t1:,1St house ( Asc. ) 2nd lnouse and 3td lltlusc are writtcn.W e shall fzst see tbe signs ûnd degrees of the ascentlant.

ln Moving Zodiac = ln Fixed Zodiatp

Asr'. : Aties 2 degs. 39 min. = Pisces 10 degs. 39 min.Mats : Leo 5 degs. 37 min. = Cancer 13 degs. 3 7 nhin.Moon : Libta 1 deg. 4 min. mvizgo 9 degs. 4 lmin.Satum : Libra 24 degs. 6 min. = Libta 2 degs. 6 min.Dtagon's bead : Libta 28 degs.= Libta 6 degs.

Jupitet : Sagitt. 25 degs. 40 min. = Sagitt. 3 degs. 40 min.Venus : Tautus 9 degs. = Aties 17 degs.Mercuty : Taum s 18 degs. 30 min. = Aries 26 deg. 30 min.Sun : Gemini lzdegs. 30 min. = Tautus 20 degs. 30 min.

In tlais w?y one can convert a hotoscope ofMoving Zodiac into a hotoscope of f ixed Zodgzc.For this it is quite important to remennbez tlae symbolsof' 12 signs ahd stven 'jlahets.

Page 186: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

à 3ggR gl'18T22Lg0ICkL (IIIZIIEI;T ?2E,lCTIgX8


Chapter Fitst : First House


Now we Shall Study how to know the history of

a nutive from the twelve houses of the bitth chatt,

Fitst of al1 we slnall tty to understand the three

main elements of the human existance ( 1 ) the native'sbody, mind and soul, ( 2 ) intelligence, education and.( 3 ) fottune. The whole stem of life is chiedy basedon the above thtee main elements, tlut is we shallleatn to obsetve the 1st house, 5th house and the 9thhouse. It is only, through these thtee main elementsa native is able to build his life and prosperity. Lsteton we shall try to study the secondazy knowledge ofothet houses etc., of the native's life.

Page 187: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 188 )

( 1 ) l'irstcotnbination.

( 2 ) 1St Lotd + benefc or 1Sttrine ot in the 3rd lpousc

( 3 ) Sunin the

+ beneic or Sun in3rd house or exalted.

l.g()rd in quadrant ctor exaltcd.quûdtant ot trine ot

( a ) A Stout body :house + beneûc ot Fitst house witlwut

( b ) A Weak-body :Fitst house + Sûturn ( except the usc. of Gemici& Vitgo ) ( malefic ) ot his signzscendant 4. (, of 0 degtee )

mzlcfic ot

( 2 ) 1st Lord + Satutn ( malefc ) ot his sign otmaleic ot in 6th, 8th or 12th lnouse ot 1st Lotd #oz debilitated.

( 3 ) Sun + Szturn ( malefc ) ot hisot in 6th, 8th ot 12th ot sun %

sign or mâlehcot debilitated.

A Stout body :'1. If there is a

An explanation of itscombinations-benefc planet in the 1$t house or

beneûc planet ûsp' ects the 1st h6uj'e ôt lf ih6/ is'8 1jt köûïe ot' i'f' n6 jlunetro i11y phùtt in th

aspècts< Fizgt hpuse + beneic oz Fitst house withoutcombination-'lf ln'y Vniic planet is ielited to the 1st Lord

tht 1st houstj thiscombination is calld

by tdéjàdtiiön, opjotition or 'zspect ot the 1$iLöid i's'' ln 'qua'dtant or trlne ot in the 3td house,or exalted, yhen tbis combinxtion is czlled < 15t

Page 188: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 189 )

Lord + benefc ot in quadrant or ttine ot in!

the 3rd house ot exalted.'Ifany beneic planet is telated to the Sun byconjunction, opposition ot uspect or if the Sunis in quadtant ot trine ot in the 3rd house otexalted, then this connbination is called < Sun +benedc ot the Sun in quadtant ot trine or inthe 3td house or exalted.'

A Native of Stout body : Observe andthe bkth chatts and read


pe19wPage 14. )( See Exanaple Section :

No. 29-261St , Comb. :( 1 ) Asc. + Mats ( 2 ) Asc. + Moon

( 3 ) Asc. Sun ( 4 ) Asc. + Jupitet, ( through ) Mars.( 1 ) 1Sr Mays + Jvpittr ( 2 ) 1st Mursexakej ( 3 ) 1St Mats + 10th qaydtunt.( 1 ) Sun + Moon ( cancellation ofdebilitatyed copbinaion of the Sun )( 2 ) Sup + 7th quydtant.nztive's body is stout.

;nd Combi

3td Comb.


Please note that the diFerent combinatiops o,f

:nd iven are for the saie of conven-Ge same kl 4ience and uhddrstanding to the reader: but as awhole, one com bination is enough fot the correctpredicdon.

Page 189: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

No. 30-4//

Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Moon ( 2 ) Asc. + Mut,( 3 ) l+lupiter * (through) Satutn auiMats ( 4 ) 1 + Venus * (through) Satumand Mars.

2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st Moon + Mzts ( 2 ) 1st Moon+ Jupiter * (through) Saturn and Mars( 3 ) 1st Moon + Vtnus * ( thtough )Svturn and Mats ( 4 ) 1st Moon + 1stquudrant.

3td Comb. : ( 1 ) Sun in hi$ signiicating house( 2 ) Sun + 9th trine.

Result : The native's body is stout.

No. 29-281st

2nd Comb.

3td Comb.

( 1 ) Asc. + $un ( 2 ) Asc. + Jupiter( 3 ) Asc. + Mûts * ( thtough ) Jupitet.( 1 ) 1st Jupittt + Mvts ( 2 ) 1st Jupitet+ 9th trine.( 1 ) Sun + 7th quvdtet.

Result : The native's body is stout.


No. 30-13TI j 1

1st Comrb,yznd Comb-, :

!,, ( 1 ) Asç. , +( 1 ) 1st Venus

Moon ( 2 ) Asc. + Mzzs.+ Jupitet ( 2) 1St Venus

+ Metcury ( 3 ) 1$t Venus + Mar; *( thtough ) Satutn. ( 4 ) 1st Venus +Moon @ ( thtough ) Mats od sstuzn.

Page 190: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 19 l )3rd Comb. : ( 1 ) Sun without combination znd aot

in the 6th, 8th ot 12th house.Result : The nztive's body is stout.

No. 30-7Comb. : ( 2 ) Asc. + Mars

( 3 ) Asc. + Mercup ( 4 ) Asc. + Venus( 5 ) Asc. + Jupiter @ ( through ) Sun( 6 ) Asc. + Moon * ( thtough ) Jupitetand Sun.

1 ) Asc. + Sun

2nd Cotnb. Sun ( 2 ) 1st Venus +Mlts ( 3 ) 1st Venus + Mexcuty ( 4 ) 1StVenus + Jupiter ( 5 ) 1st Venus +Moon * ( thtough ) Jupitet ( 6 ) 1stVenus + 7th quadrant.( 1 ) Sun + Mars ( 2 ) Sun + Mercue( 3 ) Sun + Venus ( 4 ) Sun + Jupket

3td Comb.

( 5 ) Sun + Moon @ ( thtough ) Jupitet( 7 ) Sun + 7th quadrant.

Result t The nztive's body is stout.

: ( 1 ) 1st Venus +

lko. 29-12+ Alars1$t Comb. :

Jupitet.+ Sun ( 2 ) 1st Jupitet +Jupitet + 7th quzdrant.#

3td Comb. ( 1 ) sun + Jupitet ( 2 ) Sun + Mats( 3 ) Sun + 7th quzdmnt.

Result : The native's body is stout and is a wtestlet.

( 3 ) +2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1$t Jupitet

Mats ( 3 ) 1st

( 2 ) Asc. + Sun1 ) Asc.Asc.

Page 191: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

A Nadve of Stout body : Take down the bitthchatts and make yourself more sure.

( See Example Section : Page 15 )lnsttuction ;f

Please sve < Meaning of Symbols and Abbreviations ' given on pages of this book for the expla-nation regarding how to ptepate a horoscope from

the Ngutes.

No. 1. Mats1'ul Tito, No. 6. Shivzji, No. 9. Stalin,No. 1,1. Geotge Fmnco No. 14. Shiyaji Gayzkwad andNo. 16. is a wtestlet.. No. 1. & 3. Benefc Jupitet aspects 1st Venus *( through ) Satutn No. 2. 1st Lord is exalted. No. 9.The Moon aspects the Sun * ( thtough ) Sztutn.


A Weak body ) An explanation of itscombinadons.

1, If Satutn (or maleûc is

except Gemini and Vitgotelate4 yo th: .1st hùuse

ascendâne )

ction, opposiyion ot Aspectot Aquatius sign in tke 1st hovs: ot the ascendantis of 0 desee, then this çombination is kaowqas ' First house+ Satgzn ( except Gemini ot Vitgovscendlnt ) pt maleûc ot ûscendant + (0 dtgreel.'

by conjun-or if tlte is Capticotn

If Satutn ( excvpt Gemiqi and Vitgo% pvlefc is tvktçd to yhe 1st lord by

ascendants )cqnjunctiow

Page 192: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

(opposition ot aspect or th'e lotd of the ascendantis in Cûpticotn or Aquarius sign or is in the46th, 8th or 12th house ot lord of the zsceadûnt'

is # ot debilitated, thea this combination is knowna,s t Lotd of the ascendant + Satuzn ( except the.1,lord of Getnini ot Vitgo zscendant ) ot mllefic.ot Saturn's sign ot in the 6th, 8th ot 12th house#or lozd of tl4e ûscendant is % ot debilitated '.

)1f Satutn or maleic is tellted to the Sun,conjunction, opposition or aspect.in tkpticotn or Aqkatius sign ot is in the 6th,8th or 12th house ot the Sun is % or debilitated,then 'this combinationi! known aS ç Sun + Satutnot his sign ot maleic or in the 6th, 8th .or 12th

. ot Sun % ot debilitated-'

byor tke Sun is

A 'Native of Wçgk-hpdy : gbservç =4 understaq/the birth charts and tead beloe.

( See Expmple Section : Pag: 16. )teme>bced that if there

s'ignifying weak body?nativè's body may be vety weak, if thete are twocombinations, then the natlve's ' kbody may be weuk, if4k-e îs *ne qombinoùon, then the nztive's body may.be . l'ess weak and if theze nocombination at a11, thenth'e ! sAtivè's body must be kst- :nd hezlthy.

ar>then the

Heze it is to bethtee combinvtions

Page 193: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 194 1No. 27-13

1St C()mb. : (1) ASc.+2nd Comb. : Nil3rd Comb. : ( 1 ) The sun %Result : The native'rbody is weak.

No. 28-1031st Comb. ( 1 ) Asc.

M oon *2nd Comb. : ( 1 )3rd Comb. : ( 1 )Result :

+ Satutn ( 2 ) Asc.(through) Satuxn.

1st Sun + 8Sun + 8

body FaS weak due to ov=

hp beneûc

The native's

sexual enjoyments.No. 27-1*

1st Comb. : ( 1 j Asc. + malefc Mats.2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st Metcury 83zd Comb. : ( 1 ) Sun + 8Result k The nztive's body is too A ork.


lko. 27-141 t Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. '+ maltûc Vlnusss2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st Jupitet * k3#d Comb. : ( 1 ) Sun + tmakfc Venus.Result : Tht qative is alwzys sick.f

No. 27-111st Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Saturn ( 2.) Asc.

M etcuty.

2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st Mats %


Page 194: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

3rd Comb : ( 1 ) San + Saturn ( 2 ) Sun + mslefc'Metcury.

Result : The native's body wzs weak due to oversexual enjoyments.

No. 27-1064

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. +2nd Comb.3rd Comb. :

( 1 ) 1st Saturn( 1 ) maleûc SunAquazius sign.

himself is the 1st lord..

maleûc Sun +

Result : The nztive's body is weak.A Native of W eak-body ; Take down the biêth

charts and make youtself moze sure.

( See Exzmple Section : Page 17. )Nos. 4, 11, 13 and 18 are the hotoscopes of dwatfs.Nos. 4, 5, 8, 9, 13, 15, 16, 18, 19, 20 and 21

have al1 the three combinations of weak body.Nos. 19 and 21, the Sun is maleic himself.

Nos. 1, 2, 3, 10, 12 ?nd 14 hzve no istcombination.

No. 6 no ftst and second combination.No. 7 no second combination.No. 11 no second :nd thizd combination.No. 17 no thitd combination.

Page 195: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


( a ) A Man of determinationMats or Aries or Scorpio.Mats ot Aries or Scorpio.

( b ) A Man of Weak-mindSatutn or G pticorn#


( 1 ) 1st house +( 2 ) 1st Lotd +

( 1 ) 1st houseoz ascepdaqt

( 2 ) 1st Lotd + Satutnmaleûc or in the 6th,debilitated ot Myts #

ot Capricotn ot Aquarius or8th ot 12,th house ot : otot debilitzted.

A Man of determinatipn t An rxpl, anatiop of itsar


lf Mzts i.s tel,ûted to the 1st hoyse by conjunûtion,e

opposition ot aspect or if thete is Aties orScorpio ip the 1st house, then this combinûtionin known as < 1St house +' Mats oz Atksor Scotpio '.lf Mats is tdated to 4he lozd of the ascendûnt:.

opposition ot aspect or if thelotd # 4he gsçeqdaq t is în Aties ot Scorpio,then this comhiptkio,n is #ppFq as d Lotd of theascend>nt + Mats or Atiqs or Scotpio '.

''. 4 b jMlts is a man of detetminayion, hençe if tlxte

by conjunction,

is a relation of Mzts with the ascendant ot with thelotd of the asctndant, he makes the nztivt fully

Page 196: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

detetmined. lf thete is one of the above two.combinations, then the native is iust determined andif there are two combinztions, then the nltive isstrongly determined.

A M an of determination : Obsetve and understandthe birth chatts and read below.

( See Example Section : Page 18. jNo. 445

1st Cotnb. : ( 1 ) Fitst house + Mzts.2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st Venus + Mats.Result The nltive was a mûn of strong determinztion-

He is h'falqltnna Gzndhi.No. 450

1st Comb. (2nd Comb. (Result The

1 ) 1St lnouse + Scorpio.1 ) Mars himself is the 1st lotd.nztive was u man of determinstion. He

is kher.No. 448

1St Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Mars.2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st Venus + Mats:Result The native was à man of Strong detetminztion.

He is Stalin.No. 643-8

1st house + Mars.1st Comb. : ( 1 )2nd Comb. t ( 1 ) 1st SAturn + M:r$.Result : The native was consideRd to

detetminztion. He is Mzvlznkzt.be a mén of

Page 197: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

No. 4521St Comb. : ( 1 ) 1St lnouse + Aries.2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) Mats lyilmself is tllc 1st lord.Result : The native wzs A lllan of dctetminctioth. l-le

is Subzsh Chandt: Bose.No. 39-4

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1St house + Mars.2nd Comb, : ( 1 ) 1st Moon + Mcts.Result : The native is consideted to be sttongly

detezrmined.A Man of detetmination : Take down the birth

chatts and make youtself more sure.

( See Example Section : pzge 19. )2. Nathutam Godse. 3. S. K. Patil. 4.Gadgil. 5.

Kaisat. 6. Motatji Desai. 7. Rzsikhl patikh. 8, AutbindoGhose. 9. Roosevelt. 10. Hitlet. 11. Gokhle. 12.Genetal Fzzncko. 14. Vinoba Bhave. 15. RvjendzzPmsad. 16. Siyaji Gayakwar, 17. Mahvtanz pmtap and18. : wtestlet.A Man of Weak-mihd : An explanation of its

comblnatlons.lf Satutn is rehted to theoppositionAquztiusof 0 degree,< 1st. house + Szturn ot Czpricotn or Aquariusot :scendzntv' %

then this combknation is known :3

lst house by conjunction,oz vspect ot if thete is Cûpticotn otin the 1st house oz if the ascendant is

Page 198: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

2. lf Saturn o!any maleic planet is related to thelord of th6 1St house by conjunction, oppositionor aspect or the lord of the ascendant inCapricorn ot Aquatius or in the 6th) 8th or 12thhouse ot of 0degtee oz debilitated or Mursof 0 degree or debilitated, then this combinationis known zs < Lozd of the ascendant+ Satutnot Aquatius ot Capticozn ot maleûc or in the6th, 8th ot 12th house ot of . ''? or debilitatedMsts 1 or debilitated.'

Sztutn znd hiS sign is supposed to be weukminded, hence the nativeî of the zbove mentionedcombinations become wealt minded.

A M>n of Weak-mind : Observe and understandthe bitth charts and read below.

( See Example Section : Page 2û.)No. 268

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. Sztutn,2nd Comb. t ( 1 ) Metcuty + Capzicorn.Result : The native waS weûk-minded

in ptison.

No. 36 -3

:nd h1d been

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Saurn.2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st Jupiter +( .Aquztius.Result : The nztive was weak-minded and was mined

in fgure gamblings.

Page 199: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 200 )

No. 194-11st Comb. ( 1 ) Asc. + Saturn.2ncI Comb. ( 1 ) 1 Metcury j'p ( of 0 degree )Result : The native is spcnd-thrift AS he Aets tnonep

Ht is losing his stattls in society.No. 71

1$t Connb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Cûpticotn.2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) Saturn himself is the lord of the

1St house ztnd is in tlte 8th house-'Result : The

1st Comb-2nt1 ('.omb.

native is a womAn of weak-nhind.No. 36-2

: ( 1 ) Asc. + Aquarius.: ( 1 ) Satutn himself is the 1st lod.nkltive is weakwmihdez. H.: thinks thztResult : Tlye

hè .is hafàstedby. a spitit.No. $5-7

1st Colnb. ( 1 ) ASc. + Satutn * Moon, Mars.2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) Mars + Satutn * Moon.f

Result 2 The naivle'p pind was veak. He lost all.hi.money in dtimks.

A Native of Week-mind : Take d- n the birthcharts and m ake you- lf more sure.

( See Example Section page 21 )No. 17 is of Malek He believes thqt he is hl-r/sst;

b R , spirit A'nd is smred of hin). 'Y

Page 200: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


( a ) Soul power : Gteat Saints.( 1 ) 1 ( ascendant or lotd of the ascendant ) + Sun. or his sign.

( 2 ) 1 .',' asceadant or lord of the ascendant ) + Jupiteror biS sign.

( ascendant ot lotd of the ascendant ) + Mzts( beneûc ) ot his sign.

( b ) Soul power : Great Souls.( ascendant ot lotd of the ascendant ') + Jupiteror his Sign.

( 2 ) 1 ( ascendant or lord of the ascendant ) + Sunoz his Sign ot Mats ot hk sign.

( c ) Lacking' in Soul powet :( 1 ) 1Ct house + Satnrn or hiS Sign or malefc,( 2 ) Lotd of the ascenëant + Saturn ot his Sign ot

in tlye 6th, 8th or 12th house or malefc.

holy. Soul is a real

moving in lea?sarfzcely engtosseï aqd fascinated to the snares of thes


world :M have lost the real hgppiness :nd puremanifest:tion of soul Whil,e there ure some knowledg-

:ad boand,in this world, rapidlrevetr iadividual is

The Soul of evec native ismanifestation of God. But to-day

Page 201: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

l 202 1

thirsty pcople wl)() tlreout into this wotltl if1

cxtt-ck ilely desir4lus tf) t-ocle

of l'lin),and claildren IIRd worldly l'liss t() leall tt pttre-h f') Ilctlholy life. They are evcr-tcady to tkce lltlrdsllip'r tknë

seatr-l) ('lt- rettl rltigi îltllityleaveing tlleir fttnhil).r cntl tit-s. 'q?ife

Qbsttclts with û stnililïgAstrology such awakcncd soul is expresscd witl) theword $ou1 powet ' and Sleeping soul ïts I aat'kingin soul powet.'

Here ûccotding 'to the natute of tlpe plttltcts, tlxsun is God, Almighty, $o the nAtives of 1 > Suc:re ulways in endeavouting to seek God. Sut-h gteasouls bestow theit whole life in setvice of God. Also

fttce to retk God. i lttrc ic

if theze is a combination of 1 + Jupitet antl 1 >Mûrs, then these nûtivts become t Gteat Saints ', Tiyey

the God An2heat call ofteceive the

knowledge.They messages of God :nd act Accotdingto His messages And are mostly religioug pteachets.Whatever they speak ot tell zlways pzove cotret zndIh this Nvay ther W:ycombinvtion 'of 1 '+ Jupiter gives the nvtives powezto endeavo. ani, roppose miseries, dkects them towotdsth't ,pgttlép of 'Go d; and the combination of 1 +.

Mats ,e kes rthe nvtives stNongly determined, ftm an2pyv uge . jkp,.zclpacity to Rl:l th' tiz aim with successèy wny tiifcultks ot 'citdumstances. ,'fhey become lovet


4.., .ywfktaqd :a .gzeaf .wozshippets.

:nd theit to svlvztion. The

obtain divine

Page 202: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 2g3 j

Soul power : An explanation of its combinations.

If the Sun is telated to the lSt house by cc njun-ction, opposition ot if there is Leo in the 1St


lnouse or if tlne Sun is related to tlne lord of tlneascendûnt by conjunction, opposition or the lotdof the ascendant is in Leo, then this connbination

of tlpe ascendant + Sunis known ZS t 1 ot lordot hiS sign '.

( 2 ) lf Jupitet is tehted to the 1Sthouse by conjun-ction, opposition ot aspect or if thete is Sûgittariusot Pisces in the 1St house ot Jupiter is rehtedto tbe lord of the cscendant by conjunction,opposition ot aspect or lord of the ascendant isin Sagittarius or Pisces, then this combination isknown as < 1 or lord of the ascendûnt + JupitetOthis sign '.

f 3 ) If Mats is telated to the 1St house by conjunction,opposition ot aspect ot if there is Aries or Scorpioin the 1St house or if M ats is telated to the lozd

conjunction, opposition otor the lotd of the ascendant is in Atieslspect

OtScotpiö, then this combination is known as< 1 oz. lotd of the ascendnat + Mats ox hiS sign '.Instruction : As Mûrs is considezed to be malefc

in Gemini and Vitgobeen a cancellation

ascendantsg ào thcte should 'haveof malefc. Mats or .he should

of the ascendant by

be exdted.

Page 203: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 204 )

A Man of Soul power ) Obsetve and une rstan:the birth charts and read below

I See Exanlple Section : I7:ge 22 )l

lko. 4461st Comb. ( 1 )2nd Comb. ( 1 )3rd Comb. ( 1 )Result : The native

life. He is

1 Jupiter + l,co1st house + Szgittûtius1st lAouse + M ztswas teligious and 1edRajendr: Ptasad.No. 043-5


1st Comb.2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st housc + Sugittarius3rd Connb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + iylûtsResult : The native is a man of detetmination, i$. A gxeat

Social worker :nd sûint. He is Vinoba Bhave.


1st Comb. ( 1 )2nd Comb, ( 1 )3zd Comb. : ( 1 )Result : The native

No. 22-121 Venus + Sun1st lnouse + Jupitez1st house + Matswas well known

* A'1ats, Suturn* Satuznas an ascetic.

No. 022-21st Comb. ( 1 ) Tht 'Sun exzlted.

* Satum .( 2 ) A$c. + Sun

2nd Comb. t ( 1 ) kAsc. . + J upitet3td Comb. : . ( 1 )' Asc. + . MarsResult t The native was gtevt teligious :nd a .>4- =

Page 204: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

E 205 )k

No. 953-11St Conib. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Sun2nd Com/b. : ( 1

3 ) Jupiter exalted.3rd Connl). ( 1 ) 1 Jupiter + Mars ( 2 ) Asc. + Mats

* JupitetResult The native :is û desciple of Aurobindo.

Asc. + Pisces ( 2 ) Asc. + Jupiter

No, 22-27Asc. Sun1St Colb. ( 1 )

2nd Comb. ( 1 ) Asc. + Jupiter * Mats3zd Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + MarsResult Th: native is a widow and devotee of God.

h the bitthpower : Take downm ake yourself more sure.

( See Example Section : Psges 23-24. )Great Saints

No. .4. Rzj7. Vidhyananda.

Chandraji. No, 5. Guru Nanak. No.

No. 1.,0. Nrushiha Chuzya. No. 14. Vallabh: Chatya.No. 16. Vivekunvnd: ûnd No. 18. R9m Krishnu.

M an of Soulcharts aM

No. 3. The wotds spoken hy the native alwayscome ttue :nd kx ws some of the events beforehand.

No. 2. 1$t (mmb : 1$t Lord is in Leo.No. 3. 3td 'Otlnb : Asc. + Mats * Jupiter.No. 6. 2 nd' comb : 1st Lord + Jupitez * Szturn,

M eom

Page 205: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 206 )

No. 9. 2nd comb : ; +3td comb : 1 + Mats * Satutn.

Jupitet * Mars, Satutn.

No. 11. 2nd combNo. 13. 2nd comb

: 1st laotd + Jupiter * Mzts,: Asc. + Jupiter * Saturn.: Asc. + Jupiter * Sztutn. 3/* 'Moon.

No. 14. 2nd combcomb : 1st Lord + Mars

No. 15. 1st comb : The Sun is exalted.No. 19. 3td comb : M ats is exalted.

No. 2.Valhbhbhai.

No, 7. Subash Chlndzâ Bose. No. 8. MorajiDèsai. No. 9. Shiva nanda. No. 10. Autobindo Ghose.

No. 11, Mahatma Gandhiji.No. 12. Raman Maharshi. No. 13. Stâlin. No. lt

Khet. No. 15. Sabajananda. No. 17. Atmatam. No. 18.Seva Bhavi and No- 19. Swami Ramtizth.

SztdtGreat Souls t

Tilak, No. 3. Sbivaji. No.

A Man lacking in Soul N wer : An explanatioaof its com binations.

lf Satutn or maleûe is telated to the 1st houstby conjunction, opposition or aspect oz if theztis Capticozn or Aquatius in the 1st house, th<this combination is known as 1st house + Satulot Capticotn ot Aquatius ot mqllc.

Page 206: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

lf Saturn of maleic is rclzted to the lord of the

ascendant byconjunction, opposition or aspect orlord of the ascendant is in tapricorn or Aquariusor is in the 6th, 8th ot. 12th house, then thiscombination is known as < Lotd of the ascendant+ Saturn otin ths 6th, 8th

Capricorn'or Aquztius ot malefc orot 12th house '.

A Man lacking in Soul powet : Observe andunderstand the bitth charts and read below.

( See Example Section : Page 25. )No. 339

1St Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Saturn @ Mats2nd Comb. : t 1 ) 1 Venus+ 12 ( 2 ) 1 Venus+saturnResult : The native is cunning, unttust-worthy and

trezcherous.No. 365

: ( 1 ) Asc. + Saturn @ Mats, Sun, Venus,M ezcuty.

2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Venus + SaturnResult : The native war one' of the czuses of Wotld

Wat and sent millions people to deatht Heis Hitlet,

No. 207Comb. : ( 1 ) 1!t house + Capricorn ( 2 ) 1St house

, + àatuzs

Page 207: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 2û8 )

7nd Comb. : ( 1 ) Satum himself is the 1st lotd.Result : The native is an atheist and known in tlqe society

ls cunning, bettayet and treûchetous ot4e.t

No. 931st Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + S.ûtut'n2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Jupiter + 12Result : The native did not

towards hi9 business,in speculation. Hisdiëcultits.

pay good attentionand he ruined hiluselffzmily waS put to

No. 383$st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1$t house + maleic * Jupitet2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 moon+ Sztutn ( 2 ) 1 Moon + 12Result : The native is too selhsh And for the slke of

money undettakes undesitable work.

No. 15-21st Comb. : ( 1 ) A$c. + Sztutn ( 2 ) Asc. + Maleic@4' Comb. t ( 1d ) 1 Merduty + 12Result : The native believes in drinking as the only

power Take down themake more sure.youoelf

( see Example Section Page 26. )These bitth chatts are of thieves, trezcherous petsons,

liyqrs, dtunkatds and, txtremely selish peopk.

leasute of ltf' e.P'Ar M* ' 1 . - in Soulbilh ch*e. = 4

Page 208: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


( a ) A Manof self-realization.A Man of self-tealization :

cious, theist, self-tealized,unseliish, cultuted, genetous,desires, tegalâr, idealist, fearless in linance, self-satiséed,doubtless, free frotn anxiety, sitnple, no desire fotowet, peaceful, grateful,'Pafectiocate, nonaddicted,

trust-wotthy, faittnful,steady-minded, impattial,

holy, awakened cons-ttuthful, non-violent,ever plezsant, free ftom

constunt wozker andnon-tevengeful.( 1 ) 1st house + Japiter or his Sign.( 2 ) 1St Lotd + Jupitet or hiS Sign.( b ) A Man lacking in self-realization.A Man lacking in self-ttalization : unholy, hcking

in conscience, ztheist, lacking ia self-realization,nlntzuthful, violence, Selfsh, uncultured, netrow-

minded, jealous,tempered, sorrowful,timidaess, dissztiséed) doubtful,full of anxiety, pompus,

unttust-wotthy, faithlessy tteacherous,lovez of power,gteed, feclinglegs, ctael, metciless, zddicted, pactkl,lovet of ease, lazy, idle, careless zad reveagefal.'( 1 ) 1$t house + Saturn or his sign ot maledc ot

blck-bittrt, quatzel-some, taot-desitous, zimless, ûnancial

Libta asceadant.(2 ) 1st Loxd + Satuzn oz his sign or malefc ot

in the 6th, 8t1a oz 12th house.

Page 209: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 21û )

Now we stlall see how the nztives :re ûfected'by their own special qualities and defects.

ln the previous chaptet we leatnt ûbout thenûtive's lnody, mind 1nd soul, but now we shzll studysotne of the ptinciples ofof tlte above mattet withwe shall, for moze detsils,study to (lbserve completelrthe important specimen of tlqe bitth chatts.

The qualities of man of self-tezlization zl'e chieQrdue to the natute of Jupiter. Though the natives ofVenus ate learned :nd educzted, they lack the cultuteof Jupitet. please alwcg ttmembet thzt Jnpitet issteudyminded, impartial and non-tevengeful, hence heis evet-rezdy to ptesent hi9 vktuous qualities to anztive whethet the native be a fziend or an

qualities and sub-qualitieshotoscopes; and later on

mûyto him. Still the efect ofenemy Jupitet's natute is

mostly dependent upon the ) sign pkced in the ascend-ant. lf tbût sign is in Rvour of Jupiter,native gets hold his ( Japitez's ) quzlities, i. e. thenative is iniuenced by the vittuous qualities of Jupitet;aRd if the sign of the ascendunt Tzutus, Gemini,Vitgo o:i L ibt: 'dislikej ot disagtee with the nztuteof Jupitet, then the native is utpuble to hold the

then the

tequized ' qualities of Jupitet, i. e. the native lacks iathe virmous qualities of Jupitet.

distinctly about Jupitepsvixuous qualities, which the publk hopes to be

'Moteover to understand

Page 210: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

imparted to their children, ate possessed by Jupiter( Gutu = teacher ). Hence it undoubtedly pzoves thatJupiter must be of ûbove mentioned vittuous qualities.A Man of self-realization :An explanation of its,

com binations.

If Jupiter is related to the lst houseby conjunction,,or if there is Sagittarius otopposition ot aspect

Pisces in the 1St house, then thisknown a.s ' Fitst house +

combination isJupitet or his sign.'

If Jupiter is related to the lotd of tbe ascenduntby conjunction, opposition ot sspect ot if the.lord of the zscendant is in Sagittatius ot Pisces,tlaen this combination is known ûs t Lotd of theascendunt + Jupitez ot his Sign. '

A Man of self-realization : Observe and undetstandthe bitth charts and read below.

( See Example Section : page 27. )No. 022-6

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Pisces ( 2 ) Asc. + Jupitèr2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) Jupiter himself is the 1si lord.Result t The tutive was : gteAt mzn of tealization,

He is Ramtitth, a well known saint of Jndia-No. 04-8, 1

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc.+ Sagittayius ( 2 ) Asc.+lupîtrr2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) Jupitet himself is the 1st lotd.

Page 211: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Result t Here,The

Jupiter is in ttpe 9t14 house in Leo.native was editot, teacher znd lover of

freedom. He is Tilûltinspitation fot lndependence

No. 92-26

'sfalparzj who gaveof Intlia.

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. .1 Jupiter2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Venus + JupitctResult : The native is highly culturetq, ideal teaciper.

He is favourite annongst tbc students.

No. 943-171st Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc--t- Sagittatius ( 2 ) Agc--hlupitet2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) Jupitet himself is the lord of the


Xesult : Hete, Jupitet is in the 9th house in Leo.The native was simple, well-educated, lovetdf pooz and' freedbm'. He ij Rajldra Pmsad.

No. 043-' 31st Comb. : ( 1 ). Asc. + Jupitc7nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Moon+ Jup itet (2) 1 Moon+ PiscesAemgt r: The pztivy w:s a, good writet. He is Prabhat

Kt/mzt.lço. 043-5

y *

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Sagittvtiusznd Cùmt. 1 ( 1' )''' l'Jupiter exalied. ( 2 ) Jupitet himself

is the lo2 6f the zscendant.A*-1i. t T Hè nztive is' named as a cteatot of Land

Douztion Movement. He is Vinoba Bhave.

Page 212: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

A Man of self-realization : Take down the bird:chatts and make yourself mote sure.

( See Exannple Section : Page 28 1*

Lacking in self-realization : An explanationof its combinations.

Jf Saturn or nnAleéc is telated to tlne 1st lnouseby conjunction, opposition or aspect or if theteis Capricorn, Aquatius ot Libr: in the 1St house,then this connbination is known as < 1st hoase +Satutn or his sign or maleûc or Libra ascendant.'lf Satutn or nyaleic is telated to the lord of theascendant bylord of the

conjunction, oppositîon or aspect orascendant is in Capticorn ot Aquurius

or in the 6t1), 8th ot 12th house, then thiscombinazion is known us < Lotd of the ûscendant+ Saturn or his Sign ot malefc ot in the 6th.8t1: or 12th house-'

A Man lacking in self-tealization : Obsetve andunderstapd hthe birth charts and read below.' ( See Exûmple Section : Page 29. )

No. 67-3k '' .

1$t Comb. : .( ,1 ) Asc. 74- Sztvrn2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Jupiyer'k ( of .û degree )Resuh : .'Evtn tlmq h thç nqtiv: had good facility

for education, he aeemained ignomnt.

Page 213: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

I 2 1 zt 1

No. 29-31Ft Comb. ( 1 ) Asc. + Jtlpitet2nc1 Colnb. : , ( 1 ) 1, Vcntls + Saturn @ Jupiter

( 2'' ) 1 V' u n t t t; -h 1 2Result : The native is ignotant.

No. 31-11st Con'iln. ( 1 ) Asc. + Czpricorn2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) Sztuta hitnself is the 1St lotd''Result : The nztive is cddicted to dtinks.

No. 2-8

1St Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Saturn2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Venus + SaturnResult : The nctive is well-known in

and selfshness.thteatenings

No. 2191st Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Sztutn2nd Comh. : ( 1 ) 1 Mats + SaturnResult : The native is consideted to be a lizr.

No. 70-261st Comb. : Asc. + Satutn

/ I

2nd Colbr. y: ( 1 ) 1 Mitcuty '+ ,Aquariusb l - - 't -- $ .'( 1 ) 1 Mezèùty # Satuta . Mats.

' ') p j9 rResult : The natlve is a theif.

A Man lacking in self-realization Take downthe bie chatts ad' d 'make yourself more sure.

See' G kmple 'Section f 'Pzges 3û, 31. JE*0.' .D' js . Hitler. 'and 21 is Mao-Tse-tung' .

Page 214: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


Featless : Featless, thoughtful, patient, zegulat, deter-mined, well arranged, sure and optinnist.

( 1 ) 1 ( asc. oz lord of the ascendunt ) +his sign.

Timid : Thoughtless, hasty, ittegular, undetermined,disotdered, unsute ûnd pessimist,

( 1 ) 1 ( asc. ot lord of the ascendunt ) + Saturn or'his sign. or malehc ot lotd of the ascendant inthe 6th, 8th ot 12th house ot aSc ot lord of theascendant * ot debilitated ot Mars )/ or debilitated.

The qualities of fezrlessness is depended uponthe nztute of Mzrs. Mûrs is commandet-in-clnief,COut:gCOt1Syopposing and revetse natute,and victotious. One who possessof Mzrs is supposed to be featless, thoughtful, tegukr,atient, well gttanged, detezmined, sute und optimist.P


' ?' f Such petsonalities htet on.We shall temember som o

the zbove qualities

independent,zdventutet enthusiûstic

featless, detetmined,

To leud supetiot life, the ttio of 'M:ts, Jupiterqnd ttne Sun ure tequired. Tke strength of trio in anutive's birth chatt makts the.nztive much stzong. èhilewelkaess of tsio ,,- +&..the pltive .ëeble rand .w:xk. '.;

Page 215: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

11) otller way, z native zlso becomes weak. TlleSun, the Moon :nd Mars are the enemies of Satutci. e. ascendents of Capricotn and Aquarius. TheNloyllA :nd tlpe Sun are also the encmies of Vcnus i.c. zst-enclent of 't-kurus und l-zibra So when tlle Suny'ttle 'lyloon ttnd slatF possesses complete conttoloqrttr thc native's birtll t'llart, ' tlpen the native ofsuct) bitth cllttrt becolne? victotious i'n life :nëreccltcs zt the top of pros?etity; ûnd if the position oftlle Sun, tbkt Moon and Mars tlre weak in thebirtlq f hcrt tltc nativc becotues despaired,and y,crvetted znd leads t: d' isgusting life.


A Fearless native : .,&n explanation of its combinations..1 :'- tNlctsthe aFcendantby conjunction, opposition or aspect()t if tllete is Aries or Scotpio in the )st house

f j jl ' j j jjI jor lord of the asceninat is in' Aties ot sism' 1ô,I

tben this combination is known as < 1 ( sst-. orlord of the asc. ) + sfats ot his sign''. ln Shottit is called '< 1 + Mars-'

teluted to tlht house or lott! of

A Fearlesj native : Ohserve ahd undetsund iebirth chatis and tead below.

( See Example Section t Page 32. )No. 99=3

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. ,+ MgrsRqolt : T1=' nzthe is fearless. .G .is 'Ekenhowerp ,

Page 216: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 217 ) '

No. 43-41St Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Sun + MûrsResult : The native waS fearless. He is Roosevelt.

No. 923-5Comb. : ( 1 ) ASc. + Mars ( 2 ) 1 Venus + Mûrs

Result t The nutive had shown ttemendeous btaveryduring the critical Situution At the risk ofhis own life. He is Stalin.

No. 43-11Asc. + Aties ( 2 ) Asc.Comb. : ( 1 ) Mzrs *

Jupiter.Result : The native hûd shoFn bravety by tisking

his own life. He is Subash Chandta Bose.

No. 943-71st Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Mats ( 2 ) 1 Venus + Mus.Result : The native was : pioneet of W:t of lndme-

ndence. He h:d given us lndependence Heis Mahatma Gandhi.

No. 4571st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Moon + MatsResult : The native has tuken put in the W:z 'of

He was the chief Minister ofIndependence.Saut:strv. lle h:s the capacity to ,qppose


:ny ctiticâl situztion without being scareiHe is Rvsikkl Parikh.

Page 217: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

L 218 )

A Fearless native : Take down the birth chaxtsand makè youvself more sure.

( Ste ExaMple Section : Pûgcs 33, 34. ,1Note : Though some of the nûtives ate quite

brâve :nd fearless: but they zre of hasty nztul'e :1t2thoughtless, hence in otder to acquaint tlle teûéetswith the knowledge of such type of natives, tlnehotoscopes at both the places are given. see such asNo. 2, 5, 1û.

Nc. 22, 27 ûnd 35 are also fearless.

No. 18, 21 and 34 ate zlso optimist.

A Tlmid native : An explanatlon of 1ts ebmbinations.1. If Satutn or mslefc is zelated to the 1st llouse

oz lotd of the ascenzuntby conjunction, oppositionot zspect 'ot if thete (iS Clpticotn ot Aquuziusoz in th: 6th, 8th ot 12th house ot lord # Aeuscendant it % ot debflifàted ot M:t$ is of ï' degzeeot debilitzted, then this 'combitution is knownas < 1 ( asc. or l:td pf the asc. ) + Satutn othi9 sign ot ân th' e 4tho . 8th ot 12th house ot zsc.is of $t dvgtee ot dçbilitated oz Muts is of $

' debilitlyed !.0: .,AjTilld hle e' : Obsewe and understg-d the birth

thatté ahd reâd below. ''( See Exzmp. le Section ) 'Psge .35,. )

Page 218: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

lço. 49-51st Connb.Result :

( 1 ) Asc. Satutn ( 2 ) 1 Sun + 12The native is tinnid.Feating the shortagemoney in later age, he prefetred to marrya woman ten yeats oldet than him.

No. 108-7


1st Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc.Result : The native

Saturnis hot-tempered and is in hubit

of itteguht eating.No. 4-5

1st Comb. :, (1) ASc. + Satuzn (2) 1 Moon dcbilitsted.

Result : The native lacks in coutzge of business. Hepzefets to live his life on the house tenthe gets.

No. 7-124$t Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Saturn ( 2 )

Sututn A MatsXesult : The native is thoaghtless.

saint to wozldly life.No. 4-3

He changed from

Mezcury +

1st Comb. k.(1) Asc.+ Sztutn (2) 1 Mats + Capticotn(3) 1 Mats + Szturn @ Jupiter.

Xesult Even thottgh the ' native inhetited a sum ofthtee to fout million, he w:s not able to Settle

' himsdlf in business, lost a11 h. is money undno> he is worried ab- t the tepayment ofthe debt znd intezest of XS. .25,0*.

Page 219: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 220 )

No. 4-111St Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Satum ( 2 ) 1 Mzts + Satutn

( Mkts is iependent )Result : Even though the native hzd : good inheti-

tance of money and ptoperties, he had c;coutage of business, consequently he lost :11his money znd propetties.

A Timid native : Take down thebihh chattsand make

( See Exampleyoutself mote sure.Section : Pages 36, 37. )

Nos. 3, 7, 12 :nd 3, 8 :te also pzssimist.Nos. 4 znd 2$ zte also timid :nd No. 37 is of

unsute natute.@


( 1 ) 1St house + Atks, Gemini, Cancer, Virgo.r *

Scotpio ot 1 ( asc. ot lord of the asceniant ) +Jupite: ot Ys sign..# ) '

( b ) Untmstwotthy ( treacherous ,)( t ) Asc. + Sztuzn ot hiS Sign ot Libm uscendunt.j 2 ) Jord of the u<cendant + Satutn ot hi$ sign or

Jwibm vsc. or in the 6th, 8th oz 12th house or #oz .debilWfed.

Page 220: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

4 3 ) 1 f asc. otor Libm.

(4 ) 1 ( asc. Ot lotd of the ascendant ) Without: or debilitated otJupitez or hiS sign or Jupitet

Jupitet aspected one-sided by Suturn oz Tsutus,Libra, Capricotn ot Aquatius ascendant.There are two sets of people in this world, one

is ttustwotthy, in whom/ weknothez is unttustwotthy ( tteacherous ).

trust andcan keepThese


xppeatanceln oppottunity comes,strike. Natutally the people who ate ttustwozthywould like to keep themselves at ztm's length ftom

( treachetous ) pezsons keep anof a man of trustworthiness, but when

they donot husitate to

such untrustworthy people. In the science of Astto-logy, Jupitet is known as tzustwozthy, loyal and'honouts the hws, absotbet of povetty and diëculties,vell-wishet and vittuous. Hence the people of Jupitezxte known as ttustwotthy and these ate the peoplewho actually expetience tteacheties ( the victims ofzmstwotthy ateand the detailedh

accommodated in the 6th, houseatticulats ate given in that section )P

ls they keep ttust in othets.victimised by the natives of Venus.'thief, treachetous, bully and eztns by illegal means,puts the people in wrong Loxes by playing zl1 sottsof 'silly tticks and plans and deceives them. But

Specially they ateWhile Saturn is

( 221 1

lotd of the zscendznt ) + Venus

Page 221: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 222 )

he being ignorant, is soon opened in public. So ia.otdet to undeztake Such wotk, he tequites a help of 'Venus ot his Sign Libta. Especizlly the nutivesof Venus befool the poeple in such : wc that theyzealize theit nnistakcs when they ute actuzlly chtatedor trapped. But God has cteated Jupitez inotder tocheck Such illegul misbehAviouts :nd thoughts. IfJupitet is tehted to the ascendznt ot lozd of theascendant, the native is not tempted to undvttakç anyillegzl action of ttezchezy, even though he m:y havv.So many combinations of Venus and Satutn, Henceif thete is no combination of 1 + Jupiter and ifthete is z combination of 1 + Satazn, the native is,divezted toNzatdstrevchetous.

Wto1Ag deeds, i. e. he becomes,

Ttustwohhy : An1. If thtre

explanation ofits combin-ionm'is Aties, Gemini, Cancet, Leo, Vitgo,

Scotpio, SAgittatius ot Pisces in the 1st house orif Jupitet is telated to the 1st house ot lord of 'the ascendantby conjunction, opposition ot sspectot if thete is Sagittktius ot Pisces in the lst houseot lotd of the ascendant is in the Szgittzrius otPisces öt Jupitet is exalted, then this combinûtionis known zs < 1St house + Aties, Gemini, Cancet,Leo, Vitgo, Scorpio,( asc. ot lotd of theoz Jupitet exalted '.

Sagittarius ot Fisces ot 1asc. ) Jupitet ot hiS sign.

Page 222: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

A Trustworthy native : Qbsuvm aadtme rstaqdth: bixh chart. ap,4 ma; bdow.( Sçe Example S4ctîon : Page )8. )

No. 51-51st Comb. ( 1 ) ASc. + Leo ( 2 ) Asc. +. Jup.

1 Sup + Jup.Result : The native is well-known as trustwotthy in

his society.No. 93-1

1st Comb- : ( 1 .1 ASc. + Scptpio ( 3) Asc. + Jvpitet.Rvsult : T he Swtive is well-kgowp as ttustwotthy in

his society.

No. 75-31st Connb : ( 1 ) Asç. + SagittatiusResult : The native is well vknown as

in his society.A Trustworthy nalive : Take downbirih chatts and m ake youself more sua.

( See Example Section : Page 39. )




Untmstwotthy ( tteachexus ) : Anof its mmbinqions.


If Sûtutn is telated to. the l'st houseby conjunctionopposition ot uspeçt oz is there is Clpticom,Aquztiuscombination is known assign ot Libza asc. '

or Libta in the 1st house then thls+zksc. Satuzn oz his

Page 223: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 224 )2'. If Sktutn is tehted tothe lotd of the Ascenëznt

by conjunction, opposition ot aspect ot lotd ofthe zscendknt is in Czpticotn ot Aquarius otLibz: asc. ox lotd of the ûsc. is in the 6tln, 8thot 12th house oz % ot debilitated, tlnen thiscombinztion is known as ' Lotd of the asc. +Sztuzn ot his sign ot Libtû asc. ot in the 6th,8th ot 12th house oz : ot debilitated '.

3. If Venus is tehted to the 1st house ot lotd ofthe asc. by conjunction, oppositionLibta zsc. ot lotd of the asc. is in

ot Aspect otLibta, then

( asc. ot lotdthis combination is known as ' 1of the zsc. ) + Venus ot Libta '.

4. This combinztion means, if Jupitez i$not zehted to the 1st house oz lozd of the asc.by conjunction, opposition ot aspect oz Jupitetis of * ot debilitated ot aspected ont-sided bySztutn oz asc. of Taums, Libta, Capticotn orAquatius '.

Untmetwoe y. ( tteacherous ) native : Obsexve andundersond thm bleh chltts and zead below.

( !eeExvmple Section : pzge 38. )No. 165

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Aquztius.2nd Comb : ( 1 ) Satutn is the 1st lord.

( 2 ) 1 Sztutn + Capticotn( 3 ) 1 Saturn + 12.

Page 224: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 225 )

3td Comb. : ( 1 )4th Comb- : ( 2)Result : The native

known as

1 Sztutn + Venus

Jupitet :is untzustwotthy

tttzcherous.No. 410

:nd is well

1st Comb. :@2nd Comb.

( 1 ) Asc. + Satutn ( 2 ) Asc. + Libta( 1 ) Asc. + Libta

3rd Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Libta4th Comb. ( 1 ) Asc. + Libm ( 2 ) Jupitet is in

the Asc., but is weaken by the zspectof Satutn.

Result The native is untrustwotthy :nd is well'known aS tteuchetous.

No. 98O1st Comb.2nd Comb.

( 1 ) Asc. + sutuzn( 1 ) Jupitet +cted one sided.

Satutn ( Jupitet is aspe-)

3td Comb. ( 1 ) Asc. + Venus @ Satutn4th Comb. ( 1 ) Jupittr + Sztutn ( Jupitet is Aspe-

eted one-sided. )Result : The native waS consideted to be treachetous


so he had to lezve hiS highet post.

Untmstworthy (treacherous) native : Take down thebi% chatts and make youtself more sure.

( See Exzmple Section t Pzge 39 )

Page 225: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 226 )

7. SOBER AND ADDICTED :Sobet : (1) Asc. + Sun, Moon, Metcury or

( b ) Addicted :

(:!)ot Jupiter or his ot her Sign.

(1) Asc. + Mars, Venus ot Saturn ozhis sign.

(2) 1st Lotd + Mars, Venus, Sztum

Jupitet ot his oz htt sign.1st Lozd + Sun, Moon,s'ietcutY

or his sign.sobet : An explanation of its combinations.lf the Sun, Moon, Metcuty ot Jupiter iS relateêto th4 lst hovs: by conjunctîon, oppositsop :4aspect ot if there is 4h: sign of th4 *qn, MoonsMercuzy ot Jupket in the 1st house, i. e. theSigns of Leo, Cqccvr, Gemini, Vkgo, sags,twtiq:ot pisqçs, theg fhis combipAtiov % known q&< Asc. + Sun, Moon, Mçscuzy Qz Jupitet ot hisot hez$%p '.If th4 sqq. Mppv, Mercvsy ot Jupiter is zçlate4to the lotd of the Asq. ky covjunctîon, oppositionot aspect ot lotd of tbe asc. is in kis oz hersign, then thiscombinstion iî known zs % Lotdof the asc. + Sun, Moon, Metcuty ot Jupitet ot


hiS ot het sign ''.A Sobet natlve : Observe and undetstand the bitth

chatts and tead below.( See Example Section : Page 40. )

Page 226: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 227 )No. 943-5

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Sagittafius.2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) Jupiter + Cancez ( exûlted )Result : The nayive is söbqt. Hç is Vivobg shgve.

No. 043-3+ Cancer1st Comb. ( 1 ) ASc.

2nd Comb. ( 1 ) 1 Moon Pisces+ Jupitet.

Result The native was sobet. He


is Tihk Maharaj..No. 97

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Sagitutius ( 2 ) Asc.Jupitet ( 3 ) Asc. + Moon.

2 nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Jupitet + MoonRerult : The native is sobet.A Sober native : Take down the bitth charts and

mak: yçpavlf more sure.( See Example Section : Pvge 41 )


exphnation of itscombinadons.1. lf MztS, Venus of Saturp is telated to the 1st

house by conjunction, opposition ot aspect oz ifthete is Czpticozn, Aquzrius, Tauzus, Libta, Atiesot scotpio in the 1st house, then this combinationis known as 6 Asc. + Sstutn, Venus ot Mk's o:his sign '.

Addicted t An

Page 227: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 228 )

or Saturn is related to the Lotdlf M ats, Venusof the asc. by conjunction, opposition ot aspectoz lotd of the asc. is in his sign, then thiscombination is known as & Lotd of the asc. +Satuzn, Venus of M azs oz his sign '.

If Venus ot Saturn is the lotd of the asc. and ifhe is in 2, 7, 10 ot 11 sign, the natives of suchcombination ate despaited and ate moze addicted.See bit'th chltt No. 15-6.

Besides if the lotd of asc. is in the 6th, 8th ot12th house oz if the asc. is of 0 degtee ot if malefcis in the 1st house, then the natives of such combina-tion experience desplits and ate more addicted.

An Addicted natlve: Obsetve and understand thebitth Charts and tead below.( See Example Section: Page 40 )

No. 15-6

1st. Comb. :( 1 ) Asc. + Capricotn ( 2 )Satutn * Jupiter.( 1 ) 1 Satutn + Tautus ( 2 ) 1 Saturn +Mats.

was dishezrtened and became

',2nd Comb. :/ :

'Resxxlt The Nativedtunkatd.

Page 228: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 229 )No. 15-7

1st Comb, : ( 1 ) ASc. + Scotpio2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Mars + AriesResult : The native was addicted.

No. 418Aries1st Comb.

2nd Comb. :( 1 ) Asc. +( 1 ) 1 Mars Scorpio

Result The nztive chews tobacco beyond limit.

An Addicted native : Take down the bieh charts:and make yourself more sure.( See Example Section : Page 41. )

Compare bizth chazt NosSimillrity ? Nos. 5, 6, 7 & 12

5 & 6. How mucharedtunkards.


( a ) A Beautiful body :1st house + Sun, Moon, Mercuzy, JupitezVenus ot his ot be< sign.

( 2 ) Lotd of the asc. + Sun, Moon, Metcury, Jupiteroz Venus or his or het sign.

( b ) A Beautiless( 1 ) 1 ( asc. + Lotd of the

Satutn ot his sign.

body t

asc. ) or Mereug +

Page 229: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

A Beautiful body : Ah explanation ofits combinatiohs.

( 1 ) lf the Sun, tlhe Moon,is telzted to the 1st

Mercuty, Jupiter ot Venushouse by conjunctiûn,

ot if thete is Leo, Cancet,opposition ot aspectTuutus, Genpini, Virgo, Librc, Sûgittatius ot piscesin the 1st house, then this combination is knownûs 1st house + Sun, Moon, Metcuty, Jupitezoz Venvs ot his or het sign. ' In shott thiscombinztion is zlso called t 1st khouse Sun,Moon, Mezcuty, Jupite: ot Venug',

2. Ifthe Sun, the Moon, Mezcuty,is telaed to the lotd of the asc.

Jupitet ot Venusby conjunction,

oppogition ot aspect or lotd of . thehis oz het Sign, then this combinstion is knownas ' Lord of the ase. + Sus, Moon, Mercuty,i Vènûs er h1$ 'or he# ' Sign '. In shottJup tet ot

this combinitioh is Allo called ' Lord of the

isaSC. itl

asc. + Sun. Moon,1 k 7 ?Mevcuty, Jupiter ot Venus '.l

A native nf Beautiful b2 y : Obsewe:td understand, jhe bieh charts and tead below.( See Exappk Section t Page 42. )

.NO. 7-3/

1st Comb. t ( 1 ) Asc. +aspects

Jupitet ( the phnet whichiis considltd to be powetful-)

Page 230: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 231 )2nd Comb : ( 1 ) 1, Mars + Tautus

Moon exzlted.Result *. The native is handsome. He

star, Ashok Kumat;

( 2 ) 1 Mars

is Indian ;lm

No. 7-4Asc. + MoonComb. : ( 1 )

( 3 )2nd Comb. ( 1 )

( 2 ) Asc. + SunSun.Asc. > Jupitet *

1 Metcuzy + Sun ( 2 ) 1 Mercury +Moon ( 3 ) 1 Metcury + Jupiter

Result : The native is handsome.

No. 7-15( 1 ) Asc. + Cancer ( 2 ) Asc. + Moon( 3 ) Asc. + Jupiter.

2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) Moon hetself is the 1st Lord.( 2 ) 1 Moon + Jupitèr.

Result : The native is handsome.

1st Comb.

h native of Beautiful body : Take down the birthcharts and m ake yourself more sure.f See Example Sçction : Page 43. 1

A Beauti, less body : An explanation of its@ 4* : :

. com bm ations.' ::. ï ,


, . y' ' * - * .. . .1

lf Sâyur.n iS.. rqlatv; ,m the 1st ' hoyse of lotd of4 i' . .

the asc. ot M ercury by conlunction, opposition

Page 231: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 232 .1or aspect or if thete is Clpticom oz Aquarius iatlae 1st house oz lord of the asc. or Metcuty isin this sign, then this combination is known :$4 1 + Satutn or his sign ', ln shozt it is culled< 1 or M ercury + Sûtutn.

A native of Beautiless body : Obgerve andundetstand the birth chatts and zead below.

E See Example Section : Page 42. )No. 250

1$t Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + SatuznResult : The native wz$ beautiless.

No. 1311st Comb : ( 1 ) Asc. + Saturn ( 2 ) 1 Venus

Capricorn ( 3 ) 1 Venus + Saturn.Result : The native was beautiless.

No. 351st Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Satum ( 2 ) 1 Mats

Aiuatius ( 3 ) 1 Mats + Satuzn.Result : T' he native is beautiless.

A native of Beauilless body : Take down the bl'lbchatts and m ake yourself more qure.

( See Exlmple Section t Page 44. )

Page 232: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 233 )9. SW EET VOICED AND ROUGH VOICED :( Taste fot singing and no taste for singing. )( a ) Sweet Voiced : Taste for singing.


( 2 ) 1 + Jupiter or Venus.( b ) Rough Voiced : no taste for singing.

( 1 ) 1 or moon + Saturn or his Sign,The M oon is Sweet

is related to the otvoiced, If the Moon ot her sign

asc. lotd of the asc. by conjunctionot the Moon is in Cancer or exalted inopposition

quadrant or trine, tlnen the nstive is sweet voiced andhûS tgFte fot Singing.

Jupitet is a lover of music snd songs, whileVenuh is musician. It' Jupiter or Venus is related tothe zsc. ot lotd of tlqe asc. by conjunction, oppositionot aspect, tlnen the nstive's bigh cutiosity for singingis zoused and can sing thythmically. The nutive telatedwith tl:e Moon only, has no ability to sing zhythmically.Sweet Voiced : An explanation of its combinations.

Jf the Moon is zelated to the lSt house ot lotdof the asc. by conjunction oz opposition ot Cancetis in the 1st bouse ot lord of the asc. is in Cancet,tlqen tlyis combination is known As < 1 + Moonah'.

lf Jupiter or Venus is rehted to the 1st house or+M

lotd of the asc. by conjunction, opposition .oraspect ot the sign SAgittatius, pisces, Tacus .oz

Page 233: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 234 )Jpibra is in tlye 1st llottse ()1. lord of tlttt ttst-. is inAny ot- theFc Figns. ttqen rllis combinatitln is knownas 1 + Jupiter or Vcnus '.

A native of Sweet Voiced : Observe and understandthe birth charts and tead below.t See Example Scction : Page 45. 1

No. 028-.41st Conlb. ( 1 b 1 M' ars + Cancer2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. VenusResult '1'1ne native is swect voiced.

Jndian ûlt7t stat, Narg is.No. 028-1

1 Mats + Moon exalted.19t Comb. ( 1 )2nd Comb, ( 1 )Result : The


Asc--h Jupitet ( 2 ) Mats -I- 'raurusnative is sweet voiced, He theElm star, Ashok Kumar.

-$ tlle1

1st Comb.2nd Comb.Res/t : The native


No. 26-2( 1 ) 1st house + Cancer: ( 1 ) 1 + Jupiter

is sweet voiced. Listencrs zte

A native of Sweet voiced; Take down bitthchatts and m ake youtself m ore sure.

( See Example Section : Page 46 )

Page 234: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 235 )

IRough Voiced ) An explanation of its combinations.If Satutn is zelated to the 1st house oz lord of the

asc. ot the Moon by conjunction, opposition otaspect ot Capticozn or Aquarius is in tbehouse ot lotd of the asc. ot the Moon is in satuznsign, then this combinution is known as ' otMoon + Satutn '.A native of Voiced Obsetve andRoughunderstand the birth chattsand read below.

( See Examnle Section: Page 45. jNo. 269

1st Comb. ( 1 ) Asc. + Capricorn( 2 -! 1 Satatn + Aquarius.

Result : The native is not Sweet voiced and has noability to sing.

No, 25û1st Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + YatutnEesult : The native hzs no ability to Sing

No. 95

1st Comb. c ( 1 ) 1 Jepitet + Satutn( 2 ) Asc. + Sztum * Jupiter

Result : The nztive nevet sings and has not theiightest 'desire for Singing.

A p-ive of Roe h Voice Take down the birthfharts and make you>elf mote sure.I See ExampleSection :Pzge46. )

Page 235: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

I 236 I


1 ) 1 + Ntars2 ) 1 Jupitct( 3 ) 1 hloon(. )nc tcqttitcs

hcncc it llecolncscllllragc tttld l't.lltlllcss to spcak in pulllk

,,ltecessaty t(' lnûve thc rclation cf

hlars or. lpih sig' 14 vritly tlyks ttsk'. ot lotd of the asc,snd besitles this is 1 N'loon is int-luded, tlpe nativtnot only getF An otûtoty powerztt. This h'Ioon must be benelic

oratotyone, ûnd if slye isbut also zn

mzlefèc, tlnc native infatuutes the audienreby Speukicgmote ttpan required, but latet on when tlle publitlearns tllc uctual ttutb, instead of pruising, ctiticiztshim. Such natives tn #

misguitle ot chezt ttne people, oz if thete is tàt tcombination of 1 + Venug, the nûtives of Vecus k,requites zn omtoty pow't to tell 1ie ûs they 2tjhubituûted towatds it.


ttyOn the Pretex of tmth

Att of otatoty :An exphntion of its combinatinay,p$

lzst house or itS 1ot1lf Muts is telûted to theby conjunciion, opposition oz aspect ot if thett'is Aties ot Scotpio in the 1,St house or lotd nfthe asc. is in these

, signx then this combinktiog

is known as ' Maz$ '.

r ll1-s Fign .O! * .()t ''1 ls stgn ,

or V' entls or lpcr or lhis sign.

If Jupstet is related to the 1st house ot it$ lotdby conjunction, opposkion, ot aspect: or if thete

Page 236: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

is Sagittatius oz Pisces in the 1st house ot lozdof the agc. is in these signs, then this combinationis known as ' 1 + Jupitet ',If the Moon othouse or itS lotd

Venus is zelated to the 1st

by conjunction, opposition otaspect or if there is Cancer, Tauzus or Libtz inthe 1st house or lord of the asc. is in thesesigns, then this combination is known1 + Moon or Venus '.

.Att of otatoty ) observe and understand the bitthchatts and read below.

L See Example Section : Page 47. )No. 98-3

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Mercury Mats exulted.Nd Comb. ; ( 1 ) 1 Mercury + Jupiter exalted.3td Comb. : ( 1 ) Nil. ( This comb. is possible with

1 Mercury exalted Jugiter. )'Result : The native iniktuztes the audience of


lectuting for hours withatt. He can Spezk in fout dilfetent

languages and show his ability in oratoryatt. When lectuting no wotd of the othethnguages comes to his tongue except theone in which he is lectuting. He isMorarji Desai.

Page 237: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 238 )

lpo. 9-121st Comb.2nd Connb.3cd Comb.Result

1 ) Asc. Scutpit)( 1 ) 1 Nfats + Jupiter1 ) Asc. Moon * Sztutn.

The zudienct Swings thcit lpeadsthe native gives a lecture.

lço. 43-6


1st Comb.2nd Cotnb.3zd Comb.

Result : The

ktsc.1 ) 1 Vetws) A5E.2 ) 1 Vinusnative

1 Mats+ JupitetLibra


otatory Art.Gokhle.

+polsessed a higher quality ofHe is beloved Gopal Ktishn:

lko, 98-5ktsc. qc kkties1st Comb.

2nd Comb.( 1 )( 1 )

2 ) Asc. + ManJupitet exalted.Asc. + Jupitez * Mûrs( 2 )

( 3 ) 1 Murs + Jupiter.3td Comb. : (' 1 ) Asc. MoonResult : The native is expett in speaking ûs well u'

in exptessing his ideas.No. 98-4

1st Comb. ( 1 ) 1 Jupittt + Mzts( 2 Asc. + Mzts * Jupiter

znd Comb. : ( 1. Asc. Sagittatius( 2 Asc. + Jupitez

Page 238: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 239 )

3nd Comb. : (. 1 ) 1 Jupiter + Moon( 2 )Asc. + Moon @ Ju?iter.

Result' . The native possess good oratory art, butlqere the Moon being maleûc, he is unzbleto obtain the required tesults.

No. 22-71st Comb. : ( 1 ) 12nd Comb. ( 1 ) 13sd Comb. ( 1 ) 1Result : The

Jupiter + Mars+ Sagittutius

Jupiter + Lilnrunztive ?ossesse'l an orutory powet and

not an otztory att. This was good fot hima.s the Moon is the loxd of the 8th and sheis lcept aloof ftom Caturn. The Sun is inasc., hence the native had become a gteatsaint and fûscinzted the wotld by hisreligious ltnowledge. Only hiS oratoty powerwaS enough to serve the purpose. Heis Vivekananda.

Art of Ovatoty : Takt down the birth chattsand make yourself more sure.

( See Exzmple Section : Page 48. ).No. 1 Subash Chanëta Bose. No. 2, Bernard.

Shaw. No. 5. Gadgil. No. 6. Aurobindo Ghose.No, 9. M:hstmz Gandhiji. No. 1û. Khet ûnd No. 17.Sundetam.

Page 239: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 24û 1


( a ) Living anlndependent lifk( 1 ). Asc. + Sun, sigt).

( the sign of tipe 1st house mtlst be of witlqout:ny phnetaty combinztion, except ('f' tlle Sun,the Nloon ot s'lats. )

M oon ot 51ArS or his or her

( 2 ) Lotd of tbe zsc. + Sun, hloon, :' lttrs,slercuty( thtt lord 0f tht 1stJupitet or lpis or her sign

house must be of witllotltany planetaty combi-nution, except tht above ntentioned planets. )

( b ) Living Dtpendent( 1 ) Asc. + Metcury, Jupiter, Venus or Satutn ot

hiS sign. ( sign of tlle 1st lpouse mustbe without any plûnetary collllhinationexcept Mercuty, Jupiter, Venus or Satutn )

( 2 ) 15t Lord + Venus or Satutn or his sign ( thelotd of tl')e 1st house lllust l7e without

life ;

any planetary combination,Venus ot Saturn ).

One without the combination of


independent lifechûtt, slnould be consideted As livingin his bizth

dependent life.Mzny people live their life based on sockty. Foz

instance, szints and sages, at : itst glznce, do notsetve, hence they Seem to be living independentlife, but as they do not eztn for their life maintenûnce,

Page 240: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

they are to be considered in the combination ofdependent lifé. In the Fame way, women who do notearn, ate also to be considezed living dependent life.

ln PlanetaryM ats ate of free,

System, the Sun, the M oon andindependent nazute, while Metcury,

Jupiter, Venus and Satuzn are of dependent nsture.Metcury and Jupiter ure of dependent nature, but ifthey get a slight help from thc Sun, the Moon orMars, they become independent. Othetwise if theywere to live their lives within theit capacity, they livea life of highet Stzndard, but a dependent one.

Living an independent life : Anits com binations.

explanation of

to thelf the Sun, the Moon or M ats is related1st house by conjunction, opposition ot aspect orif tbete is his or het sign in the 1st house ûndif thzt sign is wittnout the telztion of Metcuty

Jupiter, Venus or Satutn by conjunction, oppositionot aspect, then this combination is known asAsc. + Sun, Moon or Mars ot his or her sign( tlne sign of the 1st house must be of withoutany planetary combinations, except the Sun, theMoon ot Mzrs ).

If the Sun, the Moon, Mzts, Metcuzy or Jupitetis telated to the lotd of the usc. by conjunction,

Page 241: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

opposition or aspect or lotd of tiqe zsc, is in his other Sign without any planetary cotubinûtion, then tlaiscombination is known û,S Lord of thc asc. + Suc,Aloon, Mars, slercury or Jupitcr ot his ot hczsign ( tlnc lotd of tlpe 1St house must 1)e Qfwithout any planetaty combination, except the abovtmentioned plunets )


lnstruction : Now onwards<An explanation ofas the readet,its combinations' will not begiven,

haveobtained enough of its knowledge with thesemuch com binations, as well as it dots not seemfair to increase unnecessatily the thickness ofthe volume.


A native living independent life 1 Observe andunderstand the bitth chatts and read below.

( See Example Section : l7zge 49. jNo. 916-4

Comb. ( 1 )( 2 )( 3 )

2nd Comb. : ( 1 )Result : The naive

1st house Aries1st house + Moon1st house+ Sun.1 Mzts exalted.lives an independent life.No. 934-48

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house > Leo.2nd Comb. : ( '1 ) Sun exalted.Result : The native lives an independent life.

Page 242: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

No 034-501st house + Cancer1st Comb. ( 1 )

( 2 ) 1St house + Mars2nd Comb, ( 1 ) Moon without any planetary comb.Result : The native lives an independent life.

( 1 ) .F Moon( 2 ) Mars

2nd Comb. ( 1 ) 1 Metcury + LeoResult ) t'he native lives an independent


Comb.No. 03*381st house1st house v

life even in

No. 934-431St Comb. ( 1 ) 1St bouse + Scotpio

( 2 ) 1st house + Moon2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Mats without any planetary

combination.Result : Tbenztive lives an independent life.

No. 0344 01st Comb. :( 1 ) 1St house + Cancet

( 2 ) 1st hcuse -h Aloon2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Moon + CancetResult The native lived an independent

Jzwûharhl Nehtu.A native living an indepedent life : Take downthe bitth Charts and make yourself more Sure.

life. He is

( See Exannple Section : Pzges 50, 51 &No. 15. The 1st combinûtion of independent

formed by Mats, as Jupitet isone-sided by him.

52. 1life iszspected

Page 243: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

l 2.4 )

No. 18. SaturnNo. 35. Mars

aspected onc'-sidetl l)y Mars.aspect tlle asc. * S'Ittcury antl Mttrs alsolotd of the asc.aspects

No. 43. Mûtsaspects asc. * Jupiter znd also aspectsSaturn, tlle lord of the asc. * Jupite? and V'enus.

No. 44. Mars aspects Jup. tllc lord of tl-lc asc. @ Saturn.No. 48. Rlûrs sspects sûturn, tlhe lflrd o) the asc. @ Ju?.

The natives without tlotl) tl'ïc cotnbilutions ofindependent life, live a d epcndcllt iifv by scrvice orlive on the income of otlaers.

life Observe andA native living Dependentundetstand the birth

1st Comb.2nd Comb. : ( 1

( Sec ExampleNo.

: ( 1 ) Asc. h J'upiter ( Asc. + Satutn1 Moon + Satutn

Result : Ttpe native lives a. dependent liik.No. 034-12

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) AFc + Tsutus ( 2 ) rtsc. + Satutn2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Venus dependent.

( 2 ) 1 Venus +Result : The native has to live

No. 0-'54-111$t Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Pisces2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Jupitez + SaturnResult : The native lives a dmendent life.

Jupiter.a dependent life.

1st Comb. :No. 91-4+ Sûtutn * MAr$( 1 Asc,-dependent ) ( M'ars is

chatts and read below.Section : Page 53 101-31

Page 244: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 245 j2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 sfars a- Libra ( 2 ) 1 Mars + Saturn'Result : The native lnas to live a dependent life.

No. 034-101st Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Capricorn2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) Saturn himself is the 1st Lord.

( 2 ) 1 Saturn + JupiterResult : The native lives a dependent life.

No. 034-11st Connb. : Nil2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Moon + SaturnResult : Tlne native lives a dependent life.

A native living Dependent life : Take down thebirth charts and m ake yourself more sure.

g See Example Section : Pages 54, 55, 56. )No. 12. The h'Ioon is

No. 17.

aspected one-sided by Saturn.The Sun is aspectedThe aspect of Mars has

cne-sided by Satutn-no eFect on Saturn.

No. 27. The Sun is aspected one-sided by Satutn.No. 28, ifats is aspected one-sided by Satum and

tlne Sun is aspected one-sided by Jupitet-

Page 245: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


Evety humanbeing vety anxiotls to knowwhete he ot she would pass his or Jler lifc. Will l:epass in his own birth phcc, nativeland or foteigncountty ? Hence a clect undetstcnding of the tliFerencebetween the thtec is quite necessuty. 170:. illstance, ifs nativepasses his life within the ûtec of- ffty milesftom his own bitth place, then it cûn l)e szid tllût he

passesmete than

hi$ life in his own bitth pluce. lf l1e staysffty nniles from his own birth place, tlhen

it can be Said that he passes hi$ life in hiS ownnativeland and if he does not stzy eithe: in bittl:place or nativelûnd, then, of course, he spends l:islife in foreign countties.

If, ftom the following combinations of' lifepûssing in bizth place, in nûtivehnd ot in foteigncountzy, the combination of life passing in birth placeis fotmed, then the obsezvation of test of thecombinAtions are notassing in nvtiveland,Pin foteign hnd should not be looked btcause if thenative thinks that he ot she is quite bappy in hi$ot het own bitth place ot nztiveland, ht would notthink of lezving his country and go outside.

:nd if it is of lifenecessatythen the combinztions of life

Page 246: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 247 j'( a ) A native passing the life in birth place.f' 1 ) 1 + 4 otk( b ) A native

Jupiter or Sun or hiS sign.passing the life ln nativeland.

( 1 ) 12 + 12 or Saturn or hiS sign.( 2 ) 1 + 12 or Saturn or his Sign.( 3 ) 4 or Moon + 12 or Sstutn or his sign, or

Satutn exalted.

( c ) A native passing the life in foreign country.( 1 ) 3 + 3 or Mars ot Moon ot his or het sign.( 2 ) 1 + 3 or Mats ot his Sign or Moon + Mars( 3 ) 4 or Moon+ 3 ot Mats ot his Sign oz Mats exalted.( a ) A native passing the life in birth place : Obsetveand understand the bizth charts and read below.

( See Example Section : Page 57. )No. 13-1

1St Comb. 1 ) 1 hienus + Pisces ( 2 ) 1 Venus +

ResultSun ( 3 ) 1

: The native isVenus+lupiter @ Mars.

hiS life in birth place.passingNo. 13-2

1st Comb. ( 1 ) 1st house+sun ( 2 ) 1 Mercuty+Sun ( 3 ) 1 Metcuty + Pisces ( 4 ) 1Mercuty + Jup. ( 5 ) 1St house +

RusultJupiter @ Metcury.

The native is pussing hiS life in bitth place.llo. 13-3

jst Comb. ( 1 ) 1st house+Leo ( 2 ) 1st house+Jup. ( 3 ) 1 Sun+ Szgittatius,

Page 247: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Result ; 'fhe nztiveis ?assing his

No. 1 3-4

life in bittl: plzce.

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st llouse-hsttl) ( 2 ) 1st house >Jup. ( 3 ) 1 N'lool'1-hl'petl.

Result : Tlne native is passing his life in birtl: place-

No. 13-5Coluln. : ( 1 ) 1st housc--l-sun ( 2 ) 1st llotlse:

Jup. * Mats ( 3 ) 1 Mûts-hlupiter.Result : Tlqe native is passing llis lifc in birth plact.

No. 13-61st Clpn7b. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Pisces ( 2 b 1 Ju?. ->

Sun * Szturn. '

Result : The native is passing his life in britl) place.

A native passing the life in birth place : Take downthe bitth chatts and make youtself more sure.

( See Example Sttction : 17age 58. )*

( b '') A native passlng the life in natlveland :Observe and understand the bitth charts and

read below.

( See Example Section1

No. 14-1: Puge 59. )

Comb. : ( 1 ) 12 Venus + Czpticctn( 2 ) 12 Venus + scturn.

2nd Comb : ( 1 ) 1 Mazs + Sztuzn

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( 249 )' ?


3rd Comb. : ( 1 )Result : The nziive

4th house+ Aquatiushis life în: nztivehnd.is ' ss-in

1st Comb. :2nd Comh.

2 ) 1 Mercuty + Czpticotn3rd Comb. 1 ) 4 Mercury + SatutnResult The nztive is passing his life in nativeland.

No. 14-31st 12th house 12 MArs

No. 14-21 ) 12th hogse 4 12 Venus1 ) 1st house + Sat.

1 )2 ) 12 Mûts + Sat.3 ) 12th house + Satutn * Mats.

2nd Comb.

3rd Comb.Resl.lt

( 1 ) 1!t house + Saturn * Jupiter ( 2 )1 Jup. + Sat. ( 3 ) 1 Jup. + 12 Mûrs( 4 ) 1St house + 12 Vazs * JaP.( 1 ) 4 Jupitez + Sat. ( 2 ) 4 Jup. + Mars

The native is passing his life in natigeland.

1st Connb.2nd Comb.

No 14-4) 12th house + Aquarius.1st house + Saturn

3td Comb.1 )1 ) 3 slercuty + 12th house

Result2 ) 3 Metcury + Aquatius

Tlye native iS passing his life in nativeland-No. 14-5

12 Jup. + Aquatius( 2 12th house + Sat.

2nd Comb, t ( 1 ) 1st house + Capricorn( 2 ) 1 Sat. + 12 Jup.

Comb. 1


Page 249: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 2% )

3rd Conyb. (1) Moon + Sût. (2) hloon+ 12 Jup. . Sat-Rmsult : The native is pssiyg his life in nativez,and.

No. 14-6

1st Comb. : (1) 12 Sun Saturn2nd Comb. :(1) 1st lnouse-hlz Sun (2) 1st house + Sat.

(3) 1 Nlercury + 12 Sun (4) sletcut)? ..r Sat3rd Comb. : (1) 4th house + Sat. (2) 4th house +

12 Sun * Sat. (3) 4 Jupiter + 12.Result : Tlne native is pzssing llis life in nctiveland,A native passing the life in nativeland : Take downthe bitth chatts and mqke youtself more sute.

( See Exanlple Section 17cge 60 )*

( c ) A native paesing the life in foteign countty :@Observe and understand the bitth chatts and

tead below.

( See Example Section : Pûge 61 )No. 110-4

Comb. : ( 1 ) 3td house + 3 Met.( 2 ) 3td house + Mzrg.


2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Cancvt( 2 ) 1St house + Mocn( 3 ) 1St house + Muz$ . Moon( 4 ) Moon + M:t$.

3td Comb. : ( 1 ) 4 Venus + Aries

Page 250: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Eesult : The native is pussing his life in foreign countty.

No. 135-6

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 3rd lnouse + 3 Sun2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Mats.3td Comb. : ( 1 ) 4th house + Mats.Result ': The native is passing his life in foteign countty.


3td Conqb.

No. 141-63rd house + Mars

1 Jup. + 3rd house1 Jup. + Mzts1st house + Moon

4 Jupiter + 3rd house4 Jup. -+ Mars

Result : The native is passing his life in foreign countty.

lko. 137-54St Comb. i ( 1 ) 3rd house + Mars

( 2 ) 3 Szt. + Mars2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Moon

( 2 ) 1st house + Scozpio( 3 1St house + 3 Sat.

3:d. Comb.( 4( 1( 2(3

1st house + Mars * Sat.4th hottse + 3 Sat.4th laouse + Mzrs * Sat.4 Sztum + Mars.

Result t The native is pssing his life in foteign countty

Page 251: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 252 )No. 136-6

1St Comb. : ( 1 ) 3rd house + MarsM er. Mars * Sat.

2nd Comb. :( 3 ) 3 Mercuty N'Ioon * Saturn( 1 ) 1st lnouse + Nlars @ Sat. ( 2 ) 1Moon + Aties ( 3 ) 1 Moon + Mûts* Sat ( 4 ) Moon + Mars * Sût.

3rd Comb. : ( 1 ) 4th house + Mats ( 2 ) 4 Venu!+ Scotpio ( 3 ) Moon + Mars * sat.( 4 ) Moon + Aties.

Result : The nûtive is Nssing lxis life in foreign countty.

No. 158-41st Comb. : ( 1 ) 3rd house Mars

+ M ats3. Venus

2nd Coml ( 2 ) 1 Sun + 3rd house ( 2 ) 1 Sun+ Mats ( 3 ) 1 Sun + 3 tvenus.

3rd Comb. : 1 ) 4th house + Scorpio ( 2 ) 4 Mats+ 3td house ( 3 ) 4 Mats + 3 Vetws

Result : The nltive is passing his life in fozeign countzy.

A native passing the life in foreign country : Takedown 'the birth charts and m ake youtself

m lre Sure.

( See Example Section : Page 62. )

Page 252: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 253 )


Bilh chart, inclination of mind and businessor oœupation. '

impossible for otdinzrybusiness tbe native will


ïrhen the people are confussed or puzzled regardingtheir business or occupation, they at once run to theAsttologersshall 1 get Success with ptoft ? By dealing

and ask, ff In which business ot occupationin which

wzres or by dealing in which commodity Shall I bewell rewatded ? Ot << My Son is matticulkted,which patticulatShould he join business ? If 1 send him for futtlze t

line shall I advise him to join ?

education, in whichhim ? '' etc. 1S thete zny posibility for the present

such questions ?

Shall I educateparticular line

Asttologers to unswerto ;nd

It is tatherptedict which

To-day out the business:te mûny incotrect methods in

of a native, theteFot example;vogue.

the ptesent Asttologets give the advise of abusiness based on Navmasa Kundli in which the10th lotd of the bitth chatt is situated. Butthey can hardly ptove itS cotrectness and Such kind ofmany incortect metlnods ate continued by the Asttologers.

While some Asttologezs, aftet cteating codfdencein native, psychologically énds out the business in

Page 253: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 254 )

which the native is intetested :ndszme. ln this wûy, if the nAtivebusiness of a malefc planet, he iszs well as in life.

advise him of thezopts a muliicl'uintd in busines

To-dzy I can bolëly Say saintrhûve left the knowledge by which one e:n SeePtesententhusktic people are able to obtain this knowledgt.Ordinzty people ând critics merely intozicated witb

pûst,Anl.:nd futute. Only fortunate, lezrned

the ' Hrst sightcûnnot achieve

knowledge ', which is incom/lett,perfection in Asttology.

Now we shall come to the point. You c:n knowhow End out business of z cettain nktive attê

thz the ancient

you youtself will be suzprised to learn thût you luvtgot thlt much capkcity of picking u? this knowledge.

Ascendant mezns inclinûtion of mind. Accordicp.'

to this inclinûtion, û nztive not only minds his ow:business but also lives hiS life. Any occkssion ot kuevent in : native's life is due to the inclinztion of hitmind. Henee, theof the ascendûnt

combination of uscendznt ot lotlsuggests the suitable business bt

of a. native, lt is also defnitt that : nativt'occupvtioncannot adopttion of mind

any business which is Agûinst his inclinj.and if he At ull adopts, it will not kst

long. lf you wish to understand the cottect ptincipk:of this, just tty to exphin s native owning : wotkshop'to optn a tea stall and listen what he would sc int

Page 254: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 255 J

return.laundry or explain him the workings of hnks and

ask aK 5T4 grxer to Open :

insurance companies with its advzntages und d'imdvant-Ages, talk to him ubout a business without cûpitzl,the answer given in return would be worth listening.So you will be convinced thzt a m1n mzkes progtessin his business and builds his fortane based on hisown inclination of mind,business or occu?ation, the inclination of native'smind plays ûn impottznt patt.

Now read below, the ptinciples connecting busi-ness or occupation. Tzythis expetiment on any nztiveand Fee whether he answers it ot not. But when

i. e. in the mattet of

ln tbe szme

uestioning, please keepqknowledge of nature ofwil) not be obtcined.

in mind that without tkoroughplantts and signs, this zrtAdhezing youtself to these

ptinciples and with complete conûdence, if you tl togain youand when this success will be obuined,

this att, then and then, will be successful;yOu Astill

dvnce with joy znd dzeam of golden time.lnclination of mind and business( 1 ) Jf maleic phnet is of

sspected one-sided bybenefc phnet,of malefc planet.

( 2 ) The occupation of the sign in which the lotd ofthe ascendant is Situated.

o: occupadon.0 degree ot debilitated orbeneûc .planet ot if it is

then the native doesconvetted tothe business

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( 256 )

( 3 ) The .businçss of the benefc planet vwbo is relatedlto the ascendant by conjunction, opposition otRSPCCt. i t

( 4 ) The business of the lord of the ûsc. or of thtbenefc phnet who is rehted to the lord of the asc.Sometimes in a native's birth chatt, thete :re

vatious combinations occupztions, andthe nztive has the capacity totions of the

undettake more occupz-But he is able to undertûkediferent type.

only two ot three businesses, chooses his own businessin which be c:n and talent. The above

of businesses ot

show abilityate to be considetedfour combinztions

If the nztive is undet the inûuence oftespectively.

1St combination,he adopts the business based on it, :nd if thete is nosuch combinztion in hiS bizth chatt, he ûdopts thebusiness based on the secondbusiness is of mzlefc, he is compeled to leave thatand adopt the business based on the thitd ccmbinationqnd if that business is not suitable to him, he udoptsthe business of the lotd of the ascendant ot th: busi-

combination, but if this

ness of $e ben/cof the ascendant

phnet who is tehted to the lordby conjunction, opposition or aspect.

Always temembez that the efect of the pknetAspecting the houses is considezed to be powetful ûndmote efective. Ohe is well ptofted with the businessot occupation of beneûc phnet, on the othet hAnd ifone does the business of the malefc planet, he is tuined.

Page 256: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 257 Joccupation of life. It means with

which business a native willpass his life. Foz example;two men :re doing the same business of selling books.One is employez while another is employee to packthe patcels. Apmrently both of them touch

kbooks ûnd

pass theit lives in tlut business. Both :ze consideredto be doing 'tlx same business, though one is lnemployet while another is an employee. Hence thediFetence 'of employet and employee can be fxed hezeas one lives an independent life while another leads a

Business means

dependent life.W e shall now obsetve how the native of

patticulat birth chatt would pass his life and in whichoccupation, based on the principles given above.

Cettain business oz occupation are done withonly one combination while some are based on twoot thtee, which will be read luter on with detailed

patticulzts. At present we shall, at drst sight justobserve the bizth chzrts, as to how the natives wereinclined towûtds a patticuhz business ot occupation.

Bitth chatt, inclination ofor occupation. Observe andcharts and zead below.

m 1d and businessundetstand the bitth

( See Exvmple Section : Pages 63, 64 )No. 1

1st Comb. : Ni12nd Comb. : 1 Mats + Vitgo

3zd Comb. : Ni14th Comb. : Ni1

Page 257: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 258 1

Result : 1 Msrs being in Virgo, the native k.interested in the business of Virgo. He iysezving in bank.

1St Comb. : Ni12nd Comb. : Ni1Result : The nztive is interested in the business of Leo.

He is z publisber ûnd a book-seller.

No. 23rd Comb. : Asc. + Leo4th Comb. : 1st Lotd exalted.

1St Connb. : Ni12nd Comb. + VitgoResult : The nztive is interesti

Vitgo. He is B. Com. andlnsutlnce Compzny.

No. 4

1 Moon3td Comb. : Nil4th Comb. : Ni1

in the business of'is setving in un

1st Comb. : Malefc Mars debilitated. 3td Comb. : Ni14th Comb. : Nil'2nd Comb. : Ni1

Result :Mats being malefc but debilitated in thenative's bitth chatt, the native is intetestedin the business of Mats. Mats is the son ofeûe , lord of the minenls, hence the nûtiveeams vell in cozl mine.

No. 51st Comb. : Nil 3td Comb'. : Ni12nd Comb. : 1 Jupitez + Aties 4th Comb. : NûResult : The nztive is intetested in the business of'

Aries, i. e. in medicine. He is a doctor.

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( 259 J

1st Comb. :No. 6

Malefc Mereury combust. ( Benee(1)frcm méleic )

2nd Comb. : 1 Mars + Libza3rd Comb. : Asc. + JupitelResult : The nztive

4th C. omb . : Nil

in two businessès.He haSAstrology,us mude abusiness of

is intetestedobtained u good reputation inthe business of Metcury us wellgood name us c, tescher, in theLibm and Jupiter.Nc. 7

1St Comb. Nil

2nd Connb. Jup. + ScotpioResult : The native is intercsted in

Scotpio. He is an engineer.No. 8

3rd Comb. : Ni14th Comb. : Nilthe business of

tSt Comb. : Ni12nd Comb. : Ni1Result : The nstive

3rd Comb. : Asc. + Mars4th Comb. : Nil

is intezestedMuts. He is a landlotd.from the income of land.

in the business ofHe passes his life

1st Comb.No. 9

Nil 2nd Comb. ( 1 ) 1(2) 1 Venus + Metcuty 3td Comb. : Ni1Result : The nztive is intetested in

Gemini and Mercuty. Heaccountant.

Venus+Gemini4th Comb. : Nil.the business ofis : chztteted

Page 259: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

I 26û )

No, 1û4 st 'Comb. : Alpectznd Comb. : Nil.Result k The native

of nqulefc Mars in tbe asc.3td Cotnb. Nil. 4th Comb. : Nil.is interested in tbe business of

malefc Mats.He latgely deals with sand andStones, but does not Achieve Suëcient guin,hence he is tited and expetiences dilcultks.Here Mazs is powetful. Gtadually it is hopedthat the native will have to lezve thût busi-ness with despair.

No. 114st Comb. : Ni1 2nd Comb. : 1Metculy + Tautus.3td Cor 'b. : Ni1 4th Comb. 1 Metcuty + SunResult : The native is intetested in the business of

Mercuty and Venus. He isptepating toys, but he cannot do anybusiness, as Tauzus inspites him to undett:kebig business so he does not like to dosmzllez one :nd fot big business he llas nocapital, hence he is unemploytd.

well-known in

No. 121st Comb. : Malefc Moon aspects the 1St Lozd.'2nd Comb. : Nil 3td Comb. k Nil 4th Connb. Ni1Aesult : Th' e nativt is interested in the business of

the Moon. The Moon means motion, hencethe native is a driver.

Page 260: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

E 261 )

1, INTERESTED 1N. AGRICULTUREA land-lord, Jagirdar or a farmer.

Sun I(1 Scorpio or Aquatius signu'( 2) 1+ Mûrs or Saturn or his sign.Interested in agriculture-A land-lord, jagizdar ora farm er : Obsetve and understand the birth

1 -l. Sun or Tautus, Leo,( Businesses of the

charts and tead below.( See Example Section : Page 65. )

1St Comb.2nd Comb.

)1 ) 1St house + Aries 2 ) 1st

1st house + Satutnhouse'


slats ( 3 )4 ) 1 Mars Capticotn

The nutive is interested in the business of

No. 616-41st llouse + Sun

agricultutal ptoducts. He is a big hnd-lord.No. 016-5

1st Comb. + Moon: ( 1 ) 1st house2nd Comb. : ( .1 ) 1 VenusResult ) The native okns

most of the pazt

Sun * Jupitet,Capticorn

g, smull piece of land andhas been lost.

lko. 016-11st Comb. ( 1

( 2(1(2(4

2nd Comb.

Result Tlne nztive

1st house + Sun * Satutn, Jupiter1 Jupiter + Sun @ Satuzn1St house + Mats @ Jup.1 Jup. +MatS ( 3 ) 1 Jup.+ Sat.1st house + Sat. * Jup.is a land-lotd.

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( 262 )

No. 016-31st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1St

Sun *2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Venus + Aties ( 2 ) 1 Venus

+ Mazs ( 3 ) 1St house + SaturnResult : The native is a big land-lord.

No. 916%

house + TvutusSat.

( 2 ) 1st lqouse

1st Comb. : t1) 1 Memury+ Sun (2) 1 slezcuty-h Scotpio2nd Comb. : (1) 1 Mercuty+ Sat. (2) 1st house + MAtSResult : The native is a land-lotd., He interested

in agricultute.No. 16-7

1St Comb. : (1) 1 Venus + Sun * Sututn.2nd Comb. : /1) 1 Venug + Sat. (2) 10t bouse+ MazsResult : The native is a land-lotd. JIe is itnterested

in ûgricultute.k

Interested in agriculture-A land dord, jagirdar.or a fatmer : Take down the birth chatts andmake yourself more sure.

( See Example Section : Page 66 )@

2. Inyerested inbook-sener or

teg, gzass, tobacco ot paper( Businqss of tbe Sun )

f 1 ) 1 As or Taurus, Leo. Scorpio or Aquatius.2 ) 1 + Jupitet 'oz Venus ot hk sign.

vegetable ptoducts : A gtocet,a metchant dealing in cotton, clbth,

Page 262: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Tbe following partkulars ate wotth tememberingin sstzology, as the lnuman beings choose their ownbusinesses based on it.Signs and Elements :-

'The signs 1, 4, 7, 10 reptesent - Metal.2, 5, 8, 11 - Vegetation.

3, 6, 9, 12 - Life.


The signs 1, 5, 9 reptesent - Fite.2, 6, 10 ,, - Earth.3, 7, 11 - Air


4, 8, 12 - Watet.


reptesents Vegetation and Fite.M etal and W ater.

Mercuty :



sletal, Vegetation and Fire.

Life, Ait and Easth.Life, Fire and Water.Vegetation, Metal, Earthand Air.Vegetation, Metal

,and Air.


Mars and Jupiter are fery and watezy planets.Mercuty, Venus and Satutn are earthy and

aity planets.

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( 264 J

2. INTERESTED IN VEGETABLE PRODUCTS.grocer, book-sellet or a merchant dealing ia'cotton, c10th, tea, grass, tdbacco or pa- .

Observe and understand the bir'icharts and read below.

( Sec Example Section : Page 67. ):No. 030-4

1St Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Mezcury + Sun( 2 ) 1st house + Su<

2nd Conlb. : ( 1 ) 1st house > JupiterResult : The native is a gruin metclnant.

llo. 030-31 ) 1st house + Sun( 2 ) 1 Metcuty Sun

2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Jup. * Mûts2 ) 1 Mec. + Jup. * Mars

*Result% Tlle native is a c10th npezclnant.

1st Comb.

lko. 932-41st Comb. : 1 ) 1st house + Leo ( 2 ) 1St house

+ Sun 3 1 Sun + Leo.2nd Comb. : (1) 1St house + Jup. (2) 1 Sun + JupiterResult : The native is u cotton merclnant.

No. 058-11st Comb. : (1), 1st house + Leo#

2nd Comb. : (1) 1St house + VenusResult : The nztive is a book-sellet and a publisher.

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( 265 )

No. 30-1

1st Comb. : (1) 1 Venus + Sun (2) 1 Venus+ Scorpie2nd Comb. : (1) 1st house+ Jupitet (2) 1st house+ LibnResult : The native is a tobacco metchant.

No. 030-6

1St Comb. : (1) 1 Venus + Sun2nd Comb. : (1) 1St house + LibtaResult : The native is a dealet of gtzss.

Interested inbook-seller or atea, gtass. tobacco or paper :charts and make yourself more sure.

( See Example Section Pzge 68 )

vegetable ptoducts : A gtocer,metchant dealing in cotton, c10th,

Take down the birth


3. SAINTSI Business of this Sun )

( 1 ) 1 + Sun ot hiS sign.( 2 ) 1 + Jupiter or his sign.( a ) 1 + Mats ot his Sign.

If Jupitet, the Sun ûpd Mûts come in telationwith the asc. ot lord of the ascendant, then the nativebeconnes û gteat saint znd his life becomes an exampleto the humanbeings. Hetein' if Jupiter is not tehtedwith the asc. ot lord of the ascendant, then thenative remains illitetate but worships God; if' Mats

Page 265: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 266.) ,

ss not related, then the tnative becomes irregulat iaworshipsthen 'theatheist or tbe .,cteation

und. .devotion and if the Sun is notnxtivie becomes : Socicl worket or

telated, t:; .'

of the wotld appears to Limr:scientifc rather than godly or moves asttay in tàeworship of God.

combinations have been formel''completelya greût

in the native's bitthchstt, then he becomep'God, teceives voicesmûny

from the inner soul and whutever hettue. He becomes expett in Seeing pusty ptesent anëfuture, a messenger of truth, lover of non-violence,foundet of zeligion ot wtites zeligious books or

leam ed realizesspeuks comes

alters them. The main business of Such nctiveto thtow light on ot spteûd religion by means of


teaching, creating conception towotds it. To bestowPtbe tottuted :nd despaited souls with peace anidivett them towatds the wotship of God with fullconfdence. lf z combination of 1 + Mooninstead of 1 + Sun h:S been fotmed, the the nutiveinsteld of becoming a devotee of God, worsàipsGoddessk

lf the Above

Saints :t Obsuve ' and undcstand the birthcharts and fread below.'

g see Example Section : Page 69. )

Page 266: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 267 )No. 922-51st house + Leoq st 'Comb- : ( 1 )

2nd Comb. ( 1 ) !st house + Jup. @ Mzrs( 2 1 Sun Sagittarius( 3 ) 1 Sun +

3rd Comb.Jupiter @ Mats

( 1 ) 1st house + Mars( 2 ) 1 Sun + Mats.

Resul t : T1v native is a Jain sûint,lko. 053-1

1St Comb.2nd Comb-

11 ) 1St house + Pisces

1st house + Sun*

2 ) 1 Jupiter exalted.3 ) 1st house +1 ) 1st house +2 ) JuP. + Mvrs

Comb.JupiterMats *Jup.

Result : The native is a Saint, studious of religiousvolumes. He is Sundztam.

No. 922-41st Comb. t Ni1

2nd Comb. ( 1 ) 1st house + Jup.( 2 ) 1 Mars + Sagittzrius

3td Comb. : ( 1 ) 1St house + ScorpioXesult : The native wzs the fouadet of , Swami

ThisNztzyana religion. He isbirth chax can be said

Sabzjananda.of a gttzt Saint.

1st Comb. :No. 922-7

( 1 ) 1st house + Sun

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( 268 )

2nd Comb. ( 1 ) 1st house + Sagittatius3rd Comb. ( 1 ) 1 Jupiter MarsResult The native was a saint. He had famel

Hindu religion in inland as well us in foteigncountries, He is Vivekanandu.

lko. 922-38

1St Comb. ( 1 ) 1st house + Sun2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1St house + Jupiter3rd Comb. : ( 1 ) Mats exalted.Result : The native w:s a great saint. He

Ramktishcn Putzmhansa.No. 022-21

1St Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st hoase2nd Comb. ( 1 ) 1 Sun +3rd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Sun +Result The native waS

+ LeoJupiter * Saturn, MoonScotpio (2) 1 Sun + Matr

a Saint. He was thegreatfoundez of Sikh teligion. He is Gutu Nanak.

Saints : Take down the birth charts andm ake yourself m ore sure.

( See Example Section : Page 70 )No. 1. A gteat worshippet.No. 3. Autobindo Ghose. N.

No. 2. Swami Shivanania.

4. R# Chandta. No. 5 Agteat yogi. No. 6. Ntusbibachtya. No. 7. A gteatwotshippet. No. 8. Rsman Mabashzi. No. 9. VallabhAckahrya. No. 10.No. 1,2. Rvmatitth.

Vallabh Achatya. No.11. Attmutam.

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( 269 )



I Business of the Moon j

ot her sign ot Venus ot hiS sign4 1 ) 1 Moonot scorpio.

( 2 ) 1 + Mars or his Sign or Mercury or hiS sign.

with the ascendantoz lotd of the ascendant by conjunction, opposttionot aspect, then the native becomes an artist, sculptor,gctor, actress, dancer, director, poet ot a sweet-voicedltson. ( singet )

If the M oon comes in rehtion

An actot,determination

an actress or a dancerund fearlessness of Mars

requites theto overcom e

the shyness :nd netvousness of giving petformznce1 public, othezwise due to shyness, he or She wouldbe inclined to sing or dance in a closed toom.

A &awlng artist, sculptor, actov acttegs, dancer,Hl- tor, pxt or â sweet-voiced person : Observeu d undetstOd thc b< h charts and read below.

( See Exumple Section : Page 71. )No. 025-3

lst Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Czncet( 2 ) 1 Mœn + Venus

Page 269: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 270 1

Nd Co.mb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + MaO * ,J'up-( 2 ) 1 Moon + Gemini

Result : The m tive w:s a well-known attist as wellûS a Poet.

No. 021131 ) 1st house + Venus( 2 ) 1 Saturn Venus( 3 ) 1st house + Moon .Mars

2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Mats

Result( 2 ) 1st house Met. @ Murs

The nûtive waS a fzmous Sculptot. He w:s

expett in preputing the hqmun images.No. 028-1

1st Comb. :

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Mats + Moon2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1St house + AtiesResult k The native is a well-known Indian R'm Sur.

He is Ashok Kumat '

1st Comb.

' 2hd C omb.' ?Re:' u1t : 'The nAtive is a

- tqzcttess'. ' She

( 1 ) 1st( 2 ) 1(. 1 ') 1st

Riell-iknown'' ClY ian z''>iis Natgis.

.No.' .027-11st Comb.

2nd Comb,

( 1 ) 1st . house, .+ Moon( 2 ), lo Sat. .+ Yçnus( 1 ) .1 Satum , + t Mars

No. 028-4house + VenusMats + Cancerhouse + , Aties

Page 270: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( '271 )Result : The native is a, Rmous lédian dlmthdirector.

He is dways occupied with the thoughts ofatt and acting. He is V.. 'SW ntmam.

No. 05-91St Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Moon

( 2 ) Jupiter exalted.2nd Cotnb. : Ni1

Result : There is no Second cdmbination in thisbirth chart. Poets donot teauire thiscombination. The native is a wotld's W e1l-known poet. He is R abindranath Tagote.

A dtawing artist, sculptor, actot, actress, dancer,ditector, poet ot a sweet-voiced , petson : Takedown the bitth ch- s and l ake youtself mot? sure.

( See Example Section Pages 72, 73, 74. 1@ *

5. POETS( Business of the Moon )

( 1 ) 1 + Moon or het lign.( 2 ) 1 + Jupitet or Venus oz his sign.

Poets : Obsetve ,'and ,.llndersiand : the bizth ; cu ttst' aod .road below.

t. (, See Exam'ple Section : Ragei 75z )No. 05,-9

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) lst 'zhouse + Moon(. 2 ) 1 Jup. ' + Cancer.

Page 271: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 272 )

2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Pisces( 2 ) 1St house +' Jup.

Result : The native wzs a great poet and h:d wonthe Nobel Prize. He is Rabindtznath Tagote.

1St Comb.No. 05-17

1st house + Cancer(1)znd Comb. ( 1 ) 1 Moon + JupitetResult ) The native h:d composed the Nationzl Anthem.

No. 05-18

1st Comb. ( 1 ) Jupiter Cancer( 2 ) 1 Jup. + Moon * Mats

znd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1s4 house + Pisces ( 2 ) 1sthoust + Jup. ( 3 ) 1st house + Vecus* Mats, Jup. (4) 1 Jup. + Venus * Mkzs.

Result : The native is û well-known poet of Gujamt.No. 05-6

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Venus + Moon * Jupitet2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1St house + Taums

( 2 ) 1 Venus + JupitttReeult k The nztive w:s : fsmous poet.

No. 05-161st Cnmb. : ( 1 ) 1st hxse +znd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1$t house +Result 1 qThe nvtive was a world

MoonT:umsfamous poet. He is

Lord Tennyson.No,, 05-19

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Moon ( 2 ) 1 Sat. +

Page 272: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Moon ( 3 ) 1 Saturn + Cancer2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Jupiter * MzrsResult : The nztive is Europe's well-known poet,

T. Bzook.*

Poets : ToV- down the bitth chatts and makeyourself m ore sure.

( See Example Section : Page 76 )*



I Businessh photogmphet

of the Moon ): ( 1 ) 1 + Moon oz Venus ot

her or hiS sign.( 2 ) 1 + Mzrs or his sign.

A jtwellet : ( 1 ) 1 + Moon or het sign.( 2 j 1 + Mars oz his Sign.( 3 ) 1 + Saturn or his sign.

k& glass-svaze dea%z ( 1 ) 1( 2 ) 1

h dederof perhmel : ( 1 ) 1A dezltz 'of :ot xnd ( 1 ) 1

'cold dzinks :( 2 ) 1

+ Moon or het sign.+ Muts oz his sign.+ Moon ot her Sign.+ Moon ot Mats or het

ot his sign.

+ Metcug or Jupiteror his sign.

Page 273: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 274 JTh: Moon is a .watery ,' planet. , Cancer indicates

metal, silvet rd art. Mars and Aries is a jewellez =d'a gold-smith. Jupiter and Mercuc represents life.

A photographer, jeweller . and p a. dealer ofglass-ware, pedl% ery and hot and cold dxinks.Observe and understand the 'birth charts and tead'below.

( See Example Section : Psge 77. JNo. 40

1St Comb'. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Cancer2nd Comb. ': ( 1 ) 1 Moon + AtiesResult ':'T.he native is a t photogtapher.

' ' No.' 026-11st C omb. Jttpkerk,saturx

( 2 ) 1 Sun + Moon @ Jupitet, Mzts2nd Comb, : ( 1 ) 1 Sun + Mars3rd Comb.Result

( 1 ) 1St house + Saturn: The ' native is z jeweller.

( 1 ) 1st house + Moon *

. No. 93-11st bouse + jGncet1st Comb. ; (. 1, )

znd Comb, ,q. ( 1 ) 1 Moon, (. 2, ) 1 Moon

Result : The nauve is p

+ Scotpio+ ,V,prs

glass-wate .mezchant.t No. 03-2

.,1st fomb. A ( , 1: ) 1st kouse: + MoonResult : The 'mgtivç, ,is. g dealet of incense sticks.

Page 274: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

No. :03-3.1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1' Mercury + 'Mats2nJ Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Jupiter

( 2 ) 1sb house + ',GeminiResult : The native deals with cold' dtinksx

1St Comb. 12312

2nd Comb.

No. 056-31St house + Moon1st house + Azies1st house + Mats1St house + Jupiter1St house + Gemini.

Result : The native is an owner of hotel.

A photogzlpher, jeu ller,' and a dealer bf'glass-were, pezfumety ' and hot and colddtinks : Take down the bkth ç%rtsdxnd.

make yourfelf m ote sute.

( See Example Section : Pao 78 )*



( Business of Mats )1 + Mats ot his sign ot maledc , Muts : .or

debilitated ot beneûc ftom matefc. 'Mzts oz,.his t sign.

Page 275: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

A lawyer, 'batrister, solicitot, judge or a collectot :'Observe and undetstand the birth chatts and

read below

( See Example Section : Page 79 )No. 015-2

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Jupiter + Mats.2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 6th house + Mzrs

( 2 ) 6 Venus + Mzrs * Jup.a'Result : The native is a barristet.

llo. 916-28

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1St house + Scotpio( 2 ) 15t house + Mats

.2nd Comb. .: ( 1 ) 6th house + Aties( 2 ,) $th house + Mats * Satutn, Sun


.Result : The 'native is a B. A. LL- B.

1st Comb. : ( 12nd Comb. : ( 1

, ' ( g-'Reeult : The native is a bartistet.

No. 015-20

) 1 Venus + Mats * Jupitet, Moon) 6 Venus + Mzts * Jupitet, Moon) 6th house + Mats * Jupitet, Moon

lço. 017-7. 11st Comb. : ( 1 .) Mzlefc Mzts debilitqted.,2nd Com'b. 't ( 1 ) 6t: house + ScomioA eeult : The nvtive is a solicitor.

Page 276: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

E 217 )

No. 017-41st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Venus + Mats * Moon2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 7 Venus + Mars @ MoonResult Tlle native is a solicitor.

1st Comb. ( 1 ), M er.

2nd Comb. : ( 1 )Result : The

No. 017-54Mxledc Mats debilitateà.+ Mars6th house + Seotpionative is a solicitor.

A lawyet, barristery solicitor, judge ot a.collectot : Take down the bitth charts and makeourself more sute.y

Page 8û, 81. )Judgebatristers :nd solici-I

knowledge regatdingtors have to obtzin the completelaws entitelyThe onlyhave to be loyal to the lûws while gi,vingIStheir hands. Hence the obsetvation of1 or (1 + Sun is zequited'.

engzging their minds towards its studies.diference between. these two is that they'

the entite reins ofPelcejudgement

pf the countty lies inthe combination

Sucla natives like, adkocates,

( See Example Section :A Collector and a


8. AN ENGINEER( Business of Mars, Moon ot Mars, Saturn )

( 1 ) 1 + Mzts or his sign or maleic Mats % ordebilitûted o't exûlted ot brnefc from maleic.

( 2 ) 1 + Moon ot SAtufn. or het < his. sign. '

Page 277: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 278 1

An enginevr : Obsetve and undetstand the bitthcharts' and read 'below.

( See Exlmple Section : Page 82 J

4st Comb. : ( 1 )Qnd Comb. : ( 1 )

( 2 )Aesult : The native

No. 029-131st house + Mars1st house + Suturn1 Sun + Aquztiusis an engineer.

1St Comb. : ( 1 )2nd Comb. : ( 1 )X esdt : The native

No. 920-141St house + Maxs ( 2 ) 1 Jup.-i-Nlats.1 Jupiter + Saturnis an engineet.llo. 020-21

4st Comb. ( 1 ) 1st house + Aties( 2 ) 1st house + Mats

znd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st hlluse + Sututn . Venus, Mars( 2 ) 1st house + Moon * Satutn,Venus, Mats ( 3 ) 1 Mats + Sat. *Venus ( 4 ) 1 Mars + Moon @ Satuxn,Venus, Mats

Result t The nztive is an England tetutned engineer.

lfo. 020-21st Comb. :. ( 1 ) Beneic Mars from' mallc..2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Metcury + Capticotn

( : ) 1 Mar ' + Sat.Kesult : Thel'nativer' is an e%ineer. '

Page 278: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

No. 020-31st Comb : ( 1 ) Beneic Mars from maleEc.2nd Comb. : Ni1A, esult : The native is un engineer.

No. 920-41st house +Comb. : ( 1 ) Scorpio ( 2 ) 1 Mazs

exalted. ( 3 ) 1st house + Mars @ Jupiter2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Mats CapticotnResult : The native is un engineer.


An engineet : Take down the birth charts endmake yourself more sure.

( See Exzmple Section : Page 83 j*


I Business of Mars j4 1 ) 1 + Mars ot his sign or Mars exzted.( 2 ) 6 + Mats ot his Sign or 6th Lozd : or debilitated.f 3 ) ,6 + 1st lotd or Mars or 6th Lotd in Mars

sign or ,? ot debilitzted, if Satutn is the1st lord, then 6 + Mars.

A doctor, dentist, vaidyl, hakim naturopath or asutse I Observe and understand the bitth cltarts and

read below.( See Example Section ) Pzge 84 )

Page 279: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 28û )

No. 018-201st Comb. k ( 1 ) 1 Jupiter + A'ties2nd Comb. t ( 1 ) 6th house + Mats3td Comb. : ( 1 ) 6th house + 1 JupiterResult : The native is a doctor. He is M.B; B. S.

No. 018-81st Connb. ( 1 ) 1St house + Aries2nd Comb. ( 1 ) 6th lord s3rd Comb. : ( 1 ) 6tb lord %Result The native is a doptor.

lko. 018-141St Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Mats2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 6th house + Mars3rd Conpb. : NilResult : The native is a doctot.

No. 018-151 Sun +1st Comb. :

2nd Comb. :((( 3 ) 6th Saturn debilitatedl.


3rd Comb. : ( 1 ) 6 Saturn + Aries( 2 ) 6 Sst. debilitvted,

Result : The native is z doctor.

Scorpio6th house Mats6 Satutn + Atits


lço. 018-1,6.A ;1st Comb, . : ( 1 ) 1 Saturn # Mars .,p12ûd Comb. : ( 1 ) 6 Mercuty + Mats3td Comb. : ( 1 ) . 6 Metcury + Mszs. ( Satuzn himself

Page 280: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 281 )

is the 1st lord ).: The native is a doctot.Result

1st Comb.2nd Comb.3td Comb.Result

lço. 018-23: ( 1 ) 1St house + Mzts: ( 1 ) 6th house + Scorpio: ( 1 ) 6th house + Scotpio: The native is a doctoz but wotks inthe reseazch depattment.

A doctor, dentist, vaidya, hake , naturopathor a nurse : Take dowh the bitth chloq and mak.ourself m ore sure.y

( See Example Section : Page 85 )No. 19, 20 nutses. No. 21, 22 naturopaths. No.

23 vaidyû.

10. LIVING ON MINERALS( Business of Mars )

dcalet of colouts, medicines, salt,oils, a ptinter, doctot, vaidya,

chemical znalizer, mine wotker, Stone bteaker, mine, ,' j.owner ot a technologist. )


(1 + Mzts ot his sign ot mclefc Mars : otdebilitated ot benefc frotù malefc.

( Producet andcoal znd mineral

Living on minetals : Obsetve and undetstand thebirth chuts and read belkw.

( See Example jection : Page 86 )

Page 281: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 282 )No. 96G1

1st Comb, : ( 1 ) 1St house + Mars 'Result : The nztive .is interested largely in chemical

compunies. He is Kgstuzbhai Shetl:.No. 0-64-7

1st Cotùb. : ( 1 ) Vtnus + Mats * JupitetResulr : The native is a chemist.

No. 964-51st Comb.Result k9

1 ) 1 Jupiter ScozpioThe native hzd been t? Amezica and deeplystudied iechnology.

No. 964-21St Comb. ( 1 ) 1st house + Aties

( 2 ) 1St house + MatsResult t The nativt is a dealet of salts and gains

millions of zupees.No 32û

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + MazsResult : The nztive is a dealer of mineral oil.

No. 64-31st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1St bouse + MarsResult : The nstive is the ownet of medical stott.Y

Living on minetals : Take down the bitth chax:and make youtself mote sute.( See Example Section : Pzge 87 J

No. 1. The ngtive ha$ passed the technogolyrxams in higher chss. No. 2. is : compounder.

Page 282: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 283 )

,N dealer of land, bricks, tiles, cement, sand orstones : Take down the bitth charts and

m ake yourself more sure.

( Business of Mats : Mats is the son of eartln )( 1 ) 1 + Mars or his sign.

( See Example Section : Page 87 )


( Business of Mars )41)1 Mûxs ot his sign ot malefc Muts

debilitated or beneic fzom maleic.j 2 ) 1 + Moon or Satuzn ot het or hiS sign.Living on electricity : Obsetve

the birth chatts and zeadan4 understandbelow.

( See Example Section : Pûge 88 )No. 07-2

1st Comb.2nd Comb.

: ( 1 ) BeneNc Mats ftom malefc: ( 1 ) 1st house + Satutn( 2 ) 1 Mezcuty + Sztutn

Xesult : The native is an electticzl engineez.

No. 07-41st Comb. ( 1 ) 1st house + Mzts2në Comb. : ( 1 ) 1$t house + Satutn

+ CancetXesult : The nativeis an electtical engineer.

2) 1 Venus

Page 283: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 284 )No. 07-1

1St Comb. : ( 1 ) Malefc Mars aspected one-siëtêbr Jupitet changed to beneic.

2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Metcuty + SaturnResult : The native is a wireless inventot.

1st Comb. ( 1 )2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1St house + Sat. @ Mars

( 2 ) 1 JuP. + Slt.Result The nutive is the Directoz of powct station.

No. 97-31st house + Mats

No. 1531st houseJup.house+ Moon

1St Comb. : ( 1 )( 2 ) 1

2nd Comb. (1) 1st(2) 1

+ Mzts * Sat. Ju?.+ Mars @ Sat.


Ju?.Jup. + Moon .M:tS, Saturn (3) 1St

house + Szt. * Jup. (4) 1 Jup. + Sat.: The native is an electrical engineet.

No. 2023( 1 ) 1 Satutn + Mats1St Comb.

2nd Comb. (1) 1st house-h Cspr. (2) 1 ' Sat. + Aqù.Result : The native owns a zadio repaiting Shoj.Living on elecGcity :' Take down the birth charts

and make youtself more sute.( See Example Section : Page 89 )

No. 3. A zsellet of gtamophones, elrctticAl equip-

mepts and a radio tepuiter. No. 4. An agent ofdectzicalhotoscopes

equipments. No. 6 A welder. Rest of tlaeaze of ,electrical etgineets.

* Murs, Sat.

Page 284: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 285 )

12. LIVING RISKY LIFE( Business of Mats )leadezs,( Wartiots,

=ztshzls, bombardiets,ilots, motor dtivers,Ppoliticians, revolutionlists( 1 ) 1 + Mats ot Saturn ot his sign.( 2 ) 6 + Mats ot Situtn ot his sign.

commandet-in-chief, feld-police supezintendents, :itnaval captains, wtestlets,and zebels. )

Living risky life : Obsetve and undetstand thebirth charts and read below.! See Example Section : Page 90 )

No. 06-1

1St Comb. (1) 1 Saturn+ Aries (2) 1(3) 1 + Aquurius

2nd Comb. ( 1 ) 6 Moon MatsResult t The nztive is a commandet.

No. 043-7

Satutn+ Mats

1. st Comb.2nd Comb, :Aesult The

(1) 1st house + Mars (2) 1 Venus-h Mars(1) 6 Jup. + Mats (2) 6 Juy. + Atiesnutive at the risk of h1s own life

fought with the powetful nation. He isMahstm: Gandhi.

1st Comb. : (1)(3)

2nd, Comb. ; (1)(2)

No. 043-21 Mer. + Mats (2) 1 Met. + Capr.1 Metcuzy + Sztutn * Jupitet6th house+ Scotpio6 Mazs + Szt. (3) 6 Mats + Aquatius

Page 285: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 286 )

Result : The native has zlso fought with the povet-fu1 nation. He is Morarji Desai.

No. 018-20+ Aties1st Comb. : ( 1 ) Jup. ( 2 ) 1 Jup.+ Satux

2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 6th house + Mats ( 2 ) 6 Sun >Satutn ( 3 ) 6 Sun + Capticozn

Result The native drives hiS own czr in big city.

lko. 957-16(1) 1st house+Aqu. (2) 1 Sat. + Mzr!(3) 1st house + Mats(4) 1st house + Sat. @ Mats

2nd Comb, (1) 6th housr + Sat. (2) 6th house+ Mats.(3) 6 Moon-h Scozpio

Result : The native is a dzivet.

1St Comp.

1st Comb.2nd Comb.

11 2 ) 6t.h house+ Szt. * Moon ( 3 ) 6 Venus + Szt..

Result ) The native zisked his life by travelling 1.cats and aetoplanes.

No. 446) 1st house + Mzts) 5th house + Mzts (

Living risky life : Take do= ie bi% charts ln4.'m ake youtself m ore suie.

( See Example Section : Pages 91, 92. )No. 1. Subzsh Chandta Bose. No.

No. 3 Colonel. No. 4. Service in zizUnknown. No. 6. S. K. Pztil. No. 7.

2. Unknown.line. No. 5..Amzithl sheth.

Page 286: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 287 )

No. 8. Dr. Gadgil. No. ' 9. Kaisat. No. 10. Colonel.No. 11. Rasiklal Parikh. No. 12. Tilak. No.13. AutobindoGhose. No. 14. Roosevelt. No. 15. Shiy>ji. No. 16.Gokhle. No. 17. A police oëcet. No. 18. Stalin. No.19. M ussolini. No. 20. Khet. No. 21. Vinoba Bhave.No. 22. Unknown. No. 23. A national tevolutionary.No. 24. Mavlankar. No. 25. Mao-Tse-tung. No. 26.Unknown. No. 27. Sit Eisenhower.


13. A SCIENTIS; OR AN INVENTOR( business of Mars )

Scientists( 1 ) 1 + Mats ot bis sign.( 2 ) 1 h Jupitet o: his sign.

Inventors( 1 ) 1 + Mats ot his Sign.( 2 ) 1 + Jupiter oz his Sign.( 3 ) 1 + Venus ot 'Moon orA Scientist ot an inventor:

Scorpio.Observe and undexstand

the birth chazts and tead below,( See Example Section: Page 93 )

ScientistsNo. 040-3

1St Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Jupiter + Aties2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1St house + PiscesResult : The native is intetested in science. He is B. Sc.

Page 287: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

E 288 )

No. 10-4

1st Comb. : (. 1 ) 1 Venus + Mérs ( 2 ) Mzrs' exzlteëznd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + JupitetResult : The' nztive is intezested int Science. He is B. Sc.

No. 0404

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1St house + Mzts2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Jupitet @ MatsResult : The nztive is intezested in science. He is M. Sc.

lnventotsNo. 02-4

Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Metcury + Matj ( Mats is beneicand aspected one-sided by Jupitet. )

( 2 ) 1 Metcuty + Scotpio2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Metcury + Jcpitet * Mats3td Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Metcuzy + ScozpioResult : The native was an inventot.

-1st Comb. : ( 1 )%d Comb. : ( 1 )3td Comb. : ( 1 )Result : The native waS


No. 92-31 Svtutn +1 Satutn +1 Szturn +



Jupitet * MztsVenas @ Mzts

inventot of scouting

llo. 02-2.1

1st Comb. : (1) 1st house+ MAts (2) 1 Jup. + Aties

Page 288: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 289 )2nd Comb.

(2) 1st house+ Jup. * Mars3:d Comb. : ( 1 ) 1St house + VenusResult : The native waS the inventot

was well-known in Russia.

(1) 1st house + Pisces

A scientist or an inventor : Take down the birthchatts and m ake youtself more sure.

( See Example Section : Pzge 84. )No. 13. Jzgdish Chandta Bose. No. 14. lNewton.15. Shott hand inventot. No. 16. Boggy bodyNo.

hventot.No. 17. Edison.*

14. A SPORT PLAYER.I Business of Mats & Saturn J

( 1 ) 1 + Ma'Sor Moon or Saturn or hiS or hez Sign.( 2 )( 3 ) 6 q- Alzts ot his sign.

A gtezt coutage andsports. Mats and Saturn ate the signiécatots of the

1 + Mars ot Saturn oz hiSSilrlt.

activeness is tequited in

6th house. They zre feztlessj Active, coutageous andof bold natute. Remembet that Sztutn is not znenemy

to Sstutn. Hence onof Mats but Mats is anenemythi! ptinciple, Mûts is wholly

The combinations of theActivityis exzlted ot of û degzee, then the native takes moteinttzest in spotts.

powetful znd victotious.Moon and Mzts, btings

in the nutive and if lotd of the 6th house

of India and

Page 289: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 2% )

A sport playet : Observe and undetstand the biechazts and read below.

( See ExampleNo.Section : Pzge 95. J048-5

1St Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st bouse + Mzrs( 2 ) 1st house + Moon

2nd Comb. ( 1 ) 1St house + Mzrs ( 2 ) 1st house+ Satutn

3rd Comb, ( 1 ) 6th house + MzzsResult : The native h:S gained good fame in cticket.

No. 948-7Mats ( 2 ) 1 SunMoon (4) 1 Sun +

2nd Comb. ( 1 ) 1st house+ Mats ( 2 ) 1 Sun3rd Comb : ( 1 ) 6 Sstuzn + MatsResult : The native is q

Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house +( 3 ) 1st house +

well-known top

CF hlzrsAlooa

FF àlztsN

tankingcricketer. He is L, Bradman.

No. 948-11st Comb. ( 1 ) 1St house + Cancer

( 2 ) 1 Moon + Mzts @( 1 )( 2 )( 1 ) 6

znd Comb.JUP.

1 Moon + Mats * Jup.1St house + Sat.

3td Comb. Jupitet + MarsResult The nztive is well-known as a b:dminton


phyet. He is Nand Kumaz Natekat.No. 048-8

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Msts (2 ) 1 Sun + Moox

Page 290: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 291 1

2nd Comb. : (1) 1st3rd Comb. :

house + Mars

6 Satuzn + Mars(2) 1st house + Sat-

( 1 )( 2 ) 6th house + Mars * Sat.

Result The native is famous as : tennis playet.

A sport player : Take down the birth charts and!make yourself m ore sute

( See Example Section : Page 95 )No. 4. Tennis expett, The twin btothet of'

No. 048G . No. 5. A Good cricketet. He is Devedhat.

Economist,15. B. COM ; M . COM;Chartered Accountant ot a.n A'ctuty.



( Business of Metcury )Mercury or his sign of maleic Mercuty % ordebilitated or beneûc from mzleic.


( 2 ) 1 + Satuzn or Venus ot his sign.( 3 ) 1 + Jupiter or Venus or his sign.

Metcuty is zn economist, a bank, Chatteted accoun-.tant and expezt in uccounting and money calculations.B. Com .; M . Com -; Econom ist, Chartered Accountant:or an Actury Observe and undezstand the bleh.

charts and tead below.( See Example Section : Page 96. ),

No. 042-11st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Moon + Vitgo

( 2 ) Mllefc Mezcuty combust.

Page 291: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 292 )

:2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Moon + Satutn.3rd Comb. : Ni1

.xesult : The native is B. Com.; and setves in aninsurance company.

No. 042-31St house1st Comb. Metcuty

2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1St house + Sat. * Mercuzy( 2 ) 1 Jup. + Tzutus

3td Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Pisces( 2 ) 1 JuP. + Tûutus

Result : The native is M. Com.; and is the highoëcet in one of the Cigatettes manufacturing


COmPOy.No. 042-6

1 Venus +1st Comb. ( 1 ) Metcuty2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1St house + Libra ( 2

Jupitet ( 3 ) 1St house..3zd Comb. : (1) 1st house+Libta (2) 1Result t The native is an zccountûnt.

) 1 Venus+ Satuzn

Venus +Jup.

No. 042-4?! I

1st Comb.:, (1) 1 Mars + Vitgo.2nd Cvmb. : (1) 1 Mats + Szt. (2) 1st3rd Comb. ( 1) 1st bouse+ Jup. $)

.Result : The nativt is B. Com,; :nd setves h bank.

house+venus.1st house+venus.

No. 62-3'.1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Vkgo.

Page 292: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 293 )

2nd Comb. : (1) 1st house v Sat. (2) Mer.+ Taurus-3td Comb. : (1) 1St house + Jup. * Sat.

(2) 1 Mez. + Tautus.Result : The native is a cletk in an insutance company.

1St Comb. : ( 1 )2nd Comb. : ( 1 )3rd Comb. : ( 1 )

( 2 )Result The nztive


No. 042-51st house + Gemini1st house + Venus1st house + Venus

1st house + Jupiter.had won noble ptize in mzthe-

B. Com; M. Com.; Economist. Charteredor Actury : Take down the birth

charts and make yourself more sute.

( See Example Section : Pages 97, 98. )No. 21. A munzget

27 serve in bank. No. 24, 29 :re thein bank. No. 22, 25, 26 &'

inspectots in.bank, No. 32. An oëcet in bank. 23. WaS the.


managing Ditector of an insurance compzny. No. 28.L$ ?

An accountznt. No. 30. An economist. ' No. 31. Acletk in insutance company.

*16. AN ASTROLOGER( Business of Mercury )

1 + Mercury ot hi$ sign or mzledc Metcuty+.or debilitated ot benelic. from malefc. '

( 2 ) 1 + Jupitet o: his Sign.

Page 293: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 294 1

An Astrologer: Obsetve and underm nd the birthcharts and read below.

( Ste Example Section : Page 99. )No. 03-9

1st house +1St Comb. : ( 1 )

2nd Comb.( 2 ) 1 Sun + Vitgo( 1 ) 1st house + Jup.( 2 ) 1 8un + Jup. * Szt.

Result : The native is z good asttologet and haswritten books on astrology.

No. 03-11


1st Comb. (1) changedMalefc Metcuty combustto beneûc.

2nd Comb. : ( t ) 1St lnouse + Jupitet.Result : The nztive i! a good astrologet :nd lus

written many books on zstrology.No. 03-13

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Met.( 2 ) 1 Sat. + Met. @ Jup-y. Mzts

2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Sat. + Jup.( 2 ) 1st hopse + Jup. @ Szt.

Aesult : The native is an astrologet :nd haswtittenbooks on uttology as well aS he is an editotof amonthly ssttological magzzine.

No. 03-31st .comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Mercuty2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Jupiter

Page 294: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

3, esult : Tht native is an astrologer. He is good ztmathematical section than ptediction Side.

1st Comb2nd Comb. :

No. 03-5t ( 1 ) 1$t house + Gemini( 1 ) 1st house + Jup.( 2 ) 1 Met. + Jup. * Moon

Result : The native took deep intetest in zstrology.He was the foundet of Bombay Asttological

Society. He is J. T. Chitnis.No. 03-10

1St Comb. :2nd Comb. )

( 1 ) 1 Venus + Metcury @ Jupiter, satum( 1 ) 1 Venus + Sagittarius( 2 ) 1 Venus + Jup. * Sat.

Result : The native was a famous astxologet and hadained much teputation 'fot Starting themonthly asttlogical magazine.

Ax Astrologet : Take down the bivth chatts andmake yourself more sure.

( See Exzmple Section : Pzgt 1*. )*


( 1 ) 1 + Jupitet ot Venus ot his sign.The nztives of such combination hwe an inclina-

tion of Sezvice, htnce thty pass a dependent life.

Page 295: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

E 296 )

Jupitez is a teacher of Gods and teaches in a citjwhile Venus is a teacher of devils and teaches in z

village; in genersl b0th do the same job of teaching.Ptofesgor, Teacher ot an Educational Inspector:Observe and undetstand the bitth chatts and .

read below

( See Exzmple Section : Page 101 )No. 01-14

1St Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Slgi. ( 2 ) Asc. + Jup.Result t The native is interested in the business i

Jupitet. He is intetested in educztion. .'

Comb.No. 1û-20

1 ) Asc. + Jupiter ( The planet whichaspects is powetful. )

Result : The native is interested in education as wellas in cburm, the businiss of Ssturn snêAsttology. He haS bbtained good popularitrin a11 the three.

lço. 01-23' t 9

1st Comb-' : ( 1 ) 1 Men-hpisces ( 2 ) 1 Mer.+ Ju?.,j

Asc. + 'Jupittz ; ' ,Result : The native is . intetested in the

ûeld znd . ,$s a ptiacipalq N foreun Edaçationql lnspector.

educatioànlthût he w:s

Page 296: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 797 )

1St Comb. : (1)Result

No. 0,1-16I l

Asc.+Tautus (2)The native took intetestfeld. Passed his B. Sc. B.ene of the commercizlwas a vety clever teachet.

1 .venus +Jup. .in the educaionvlT. and joined in

contructor's irm. He

No. 10-131St Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Jupitet ( 2 ) 1 Mats + LibrzResult t The native is a teacher.

No. 01-181St Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + PiscesResult ) The native is a lady teacher.

A Professor, Teachet, or an Educational Inspector :Take down the birth charts; m ake yourself more sure.

t See Example Section : Page 102 j@


( Business of Jupitet 1( 1 ) 1 + Jupiter or lnis sign.( 2 ) Asc. + Sun, Moon ot M1tS oz

ot zsc. without :nr planetatr

( 3 ) 1st Lotd + Sun, Moon, Mars,oz 1st lotd in lnis oz herplanetaty combination.

his ot het Sigacombination.

Metcuty, JupitqrSign without :ny

Page 297: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 298 )

a broker, commissiccexpottet or an impotter. The combination ufklnt,

delndent life is also tequited with the above secocëud the third combinztion in such bitth clutts. Evtcthen if this combinution is notmatter as agentfor he scts accozding to the rules of the

complete, it does notitself' meansdependent on complny


Comp:ny.Such natives

business or setviceget their uims fulflled either ivbv an otatoty, ûuency of languages


lazve been formed

petsonzlity and intellegence.A broket, com m ission agent,importer : Observe and undetstand

exportet or anthe bitth chatts

If the above combinAtionnative's birth chart, he becomes

and zead below( See Example Section . : Page 103. j

No. 066-11st Comb. (1) 1st house + Jup. (2) 12nd Comb. : (1) 1st house Moon3td Comb. : (1) 1 Mats > Jupite:Result : The native is a Shate bzoket.

' No. 966-131$t house +Comb-, p ( 1 ) Jup. * Sat

+ Pisces( 2 ) 1 Vepus2nd Cozub. : ( 1 ) 1st House + Nfazs; ' ' f'-'''3td Comb. t ( 1 ) 1 Venus, + MoonResult : The native is an importer.

Mars +Ju?.

Page 298: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

1st Comb- : ( 1 )2nd Comb. : ( 1 )3zd Comb. : ( 1 )Result : The native

No 066-41st house + Jupitet1st house + Mats1 Mercury + Sunis an insurance agent.pfo. 066-8

1st2nd Comb.

( 1 ) 1st house + SagittariusMars( 1 ) 1st house

( 2 ) 1st house + Moon3zd Comb. t ( .1 ) 1 Jupitet + MarsResult The native is an agent of mill-gin


naachinery.lko. 066-11

1St Comb. ': ( 1 ) 1st house + Jupitet2nd Comb. ( 1 ) 1st house + Mars3nd Comb. ( 1 ) 1 Mars + LeoResult The native is an agent for mill chemicals.

No. 066 .31 Satutn + Jupiter

Satutn + Jupitetis a shaze btoker.

1st Comb. : ( 1 )2nd Comb. : Ni13rd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1Result : The native

A btoker, com mission agent, exporter or an importet :Take down the bitth chatts and m ake yourseb

lm ore Sute.

'( See Exvmple Section t Page 104. J

Page 299: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 30O )A Confecdonez : Take down the bilh charts ae

make youtself mote sute.( Business of Jupiter : Jupitez represents life. J

A Confectioner

( 1 ) 1 + Jupiter or his sign.( 2 ., 1 + Mars or his sign.

( See Example Section : Page 104. )@


( Business of Jupiter )( 1 ) 1 + Jupiter or hiS Sign.( 2 ) 1 + Mzrs Ot hiS sign.( 3 ) 1 Moon ot Venus or het ot hfs sign.

A good wtitet tequires the imagination of theMoon, Phnning of Mars and the p' erseverance of Jupiter.Hence, in the native's bitth chatt, if Jupitet, the moolor mazs hzve fotmed the tehtion to asc. or 1st lozd

'unction,1 y conl opposition or sspect, then the nativebecomes a wtitet, joutnûlist, phy wtiter ot a novelistnd the atchitect of society.aA writer, journalist, play writer and novelist:obsewe and undetstand the birth chatts and

read below.

( See Example Section : Pzge 105. INo. 04-3

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Venus + Jupher

Page 300: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Mars3rd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Tautus ( 2 ) 1st house

+ Moon ( 3 ) 1 Venus + Cancet.Result : The nztive wzs one of the greatest writers,

novelists znd play wziters. He is Bernatd Shaw.

No. 07 -191it Comb. 1st house + Jup. ( 2 ) Venus + Jt1P.2nd Comb. ( 1 ) 1st house+Mats ( 2 ) 1 Venus + Mats:zd Comb. ( 1 ) 1St house + Libra

( 2 ) 1st house + Venus.R esult : The native was a gteat writer and through

his books he planted the Seeds of culture tothe citizens of Indiz. He is Mahatma Gandhi.

No. 0*91st Comb. t ( 1 ) 1 Sun + Sagittatius2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Sun + Mars3td Comb. : Nil

Result : The native was a wtiter. She is Austin.No. 0*22

'1st Comb, . : (1) 1st house + Jupiter2nd Comb. : (1) 1st house+Mats (2) 1 Moon + Azies3td Comb. : (1) 1st house + GncezResult : The nztive was a writez. He is Nrushih Kelkez.

No. 07-41st Comb. : (1) 1st house+pisces (2) 1st house+lup.

Page 301: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

2nd Comb. : (1) 1St house+ Murs (2) 1 Jup.+ Scor.3td Comb. (1) 1 Jup. + Venus

(2) 1st house + Venus * Jup.Result ) The nztive is : famous writet. He is

Kanaiyalal Munshi.

No. 04-101St Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Jupitet2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1St house + Mats3td Comb, : ( 1 ) 1st house + Moon/


Result : The native was a wzitet. He is John Ruskin..A writer, journalist, play wtitet and novelist :Take down the bitth charts and make yourself '

m oêe Sute.

( See Exzmple Section : Pages 1û6, 107 )*

2û. INTERESTED IN GOVERNMENT( Business of Jupiter )'

( 1 ) 1 + Jupitet ot Venus ot hiS Sign.( 1 ) 1 + Mats or Sûturn or his sign.


lmetested in Government setvice : Obsetve an&undetstand the bitth charts and mad below.

( See Example Section Wge 108. )No. 1

1st Comb. : (1) 1 Sun+Jup.-(2) 1st house + Jup.*Mats(3) 1 Sun + Scotpio

Result : The nztive is : Goveznment setvant.

Page 302: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 303 1No. 2

1St Comb. : (1) 1s, t house + Jupiter . . z ,#2nd Comb. : (1) 1 Mer. + Scor.' (2) 1 Mer. + MkrsResult : The nztive is a Govetnment servant.

No. 31st house1St Comb. : ) Taurus

2 ) 1st house + Jup. * Mzts, Sztutn2nd Comb. 1 ) 1st house + Sat.

2 ) 1st house Mars @ Sat.Result : The native is a Government setvant. He is

an EducationalInspector.No. 4

1St Comb. (1) 1st house+venus (2)(3) 1 Moon + Tzuzus

2nd Comb. : ( 1 1st àouse + Mats( 2 ) 1 Moon + Saturn

Result The native is a Govetnment Setvant. He is

tst house+lup.

a State Ttsnspott lnspectot.N0. 5

1St Connb. :(1) 1 Mars +lwibra (2) 1 Mats + Jup. * Sat.(3) 1 Mars + Venus @ Saturn.

2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house+ Scop. ( 2 ) 1 Mzrs+ Sat.Result : The native is a Government servant. He is

an Income-tax oëcez.No. 6

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Vtnus2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Capzicom

Page 303: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 304 )

Result 1 The native is a Govetnment setvant.(

lmerested in Government serdce : Take down thebi% chlrtg and make youreelf mol'e sure.

( See Example Section : Page 109 )@

21. A SOCIAL WORKER( Business of Jupiter )

( 1 ) 1 + Jupiter ot his sign ot exalted.( 2 ) 1 + Mars ot his sign or exalted.

If the asc. ot 1st lord comes in rehtion with

Jupiter and Mats or if they ate exalted, then thenative becomes a social worket. His life sets anexample to the humznbeings.

Sueh nztives ate genetzlly have thecharacteristicsof Jupitez. They ate bestowed with the powet andthe determination of Mats to fght agzinst povetty,ignoxance, to lead a simple non-addicting life, thitst fotknowledge, thewelfzte of thedespite

inclination of to do ot die fot thcpoots and to obsetve the ptinciples

obstacles lnd enduzances.Bat if Mats is weAk, then the native is mettly

iniuenced with the chazacter ofJupitet i. e. hebecomes a teachez and passes his life in that pezsuit.A social worker : Obseae u d undetstand the

bi% charts and read below.( See ExampleSection : Page 110 )

Page 304: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 305 )

No. <5: ( 1 ) 1St house+Mats( 2 ) 1 Venus + Mats1st Comb.

2nd Comb.Result The native was z

Thousands of peoplehis wozds. He

Clrry Outencoutzged the poots and

made them courageous. For the welfareof the people, he has often gone to prison.He is Mkhatma Gandhi.

social worket.gteztzwaited to

: ( 1 ) 1St house+ Jup. ( 2 )1 Venus+lup.

No. 943-51st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st 'house + Mars2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + SagittatiusResult : The native

Bhave. He,ment gave

is a great szint. He is Vinobawith his Land Donztion Move-away millions of acres of hnd to

the poors. He is consideted to be a greatsocial worker of India.

No *3-181st Comb. : ( 1 1st house + Mazs2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Venus + JupiterRegult : The native was the Social leader of lndia.

He is Gopal Ktishna Gokhle.

No. 4461st Vomb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Mats2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Szgittarius

( 2 ) 1st house + Jup.

Page 305: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Result : The nutivethe citizenswell as he

( 16 1wss well-known :nd liked byof lndia as a socizl leadet aswas the President of India. He

is Rajendrababu.

1st Comb. : ( 1 )2nd Comb : ( 1 ) 1 Mer.-hsagi.Result The native has endured

( 2 ) 1 Mer.+ Mats( 2 ) Jupitet exslted.vatious troubles :nd

obstacles in giving Social duties. He isMomrji Deszi.

No. 4491St house + M ars

No. 4501st èomb. ( 1 ) 1st house +2nd Comb. : t 1 ) 1st house +Result : The nutive was the



social wotkez of Indiaduting hiS Social duties, he had often

gone to jail. He was the chief Minister ofBombay Stûte. He is Khet.

A social wotker : Take down the bletb charts andmake yourself mote sute.

( See Example Section : Page 111. )@


1 + Venus or àloon ot his or hetMetcuty ot Jupitetsinger ot a phye

undetstlpd le birth chatts and( See Example Section : Page 112 )

( 1 )( 2 ) 1 lrenus,zk classical tnusic

sign.ot his sign.: Obseae aa4tead bdow.

Page 306: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

llo. 046-1

1st Comb. (1) 1st houseM-Moon (2) 1 Mars + Cancer2nd Comb. : (1) 1st house + Jup. (2) 1 Mzrs-h JupiterResult : The native is a chssical singer.

1st Comb. : (1)2nd Comb. : (1)

N 046-21 Satutn +venus (2) 1 Szt. + Moonlsthouse-hlup.*Mzts (2) lsat.+venus

sweet classical singez. He isResult : The native is a

Gajznznda Valve.plo. 046-3

1st Comb. : (1) 1St house+Moon * Jupiter2nd Comb. (1) 1 Sun + Venus (2) 1 Sun+pisces

(3) 1st house + Jup. (4) 1 Sun-hMetcuzyResult : The native isa classical singer. He is Vidbya

Sagar Putushottam,

No. 046-81st house+venus1st huose + Moon * Sat, Marslsthouse + Sagi. (2) 1st house+venus1st house-hMercuty * Srturn, Mats

1st Comb. : (1)(2)

2nd Comb. : (1)(3)

Result : The nztive is a classical singet ss well ZS anactot. He is Rajhansa. (Balgandharvel.


llo, 046-101st Comb. : (1) 1 Sun + Venus2nd Comb. : (1) 1 Sun+vvnus (2) 1Sun+Gemini

Page 307: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 308 )

Result : The native is : chssicûl singer. HeGovind Navreker.

No. 46-17(1) 1st house+cancet (2)(3) 1st house+venus.

1St house-hMoon

2nd Comb. (1) 1St house + Venus (2) 1St house + Jup.(3) 1 Moon + Sagi. (2) 1 Moon + Met.

Result The nztive is a chssiczlsinger.


h classical music singet or a player : Take downthe birth charts and m ake youtself mote sure.

( See Exumple Section : 113, 114 )

23. A SPECULATOR OR A GAMBLER( Business of Venus )


+ Venus or Saturn or his sign.natives of Venus and Satutn zte of the

hclination to become tich without anyendeavouts ot pains. H, ence they ate chiedy intezestedin speculation and consequently tuin theit lives.A speculatot or a gambler : Observe and understand


the bieb charts and read below.( See Example Section Pzge : 115. )

No. 933-21st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Venus

+ Sat. ( 3 ) 1 Moon +Result : The native 'is intetested in

( 2 ) 1st houseAquztius.Fotwaxd-mazket.

Page 308: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 309 )

No. 933-71st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Mats + SatumResult : The native is interested in Fotward-market.

No. 033-111st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Mzrs + CapticornResult : The native dezls in Fetwatd business in

Shate-matket.No. 033-21

1st Comb. : (1) 1st house+Tautus (2) 1stResult : The nutive deals in Fotwatd


house+ Sat-business in

No. 033-441st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1St house + TauzusResult : The native is interested in Fotward-matket.

No. 033-46

1st Comb. : (1) 1st house+ Sat. (2) 1 Mûrs: Sat.Result : The native is a big dralez in Forward

business in cotton mazket.A speculator ot a gambler : Take down the biri

charts and make yourself more sute.

( See Example Section : Pages 116, 117. )

Interested in the business of oi1 : Take down thebitth chatts and make yourself more sure.

(Business of Venus : Venus indicutes oi1 or oil mills J( 1 ) 1 + Venus or his Sign.

( See Ezample Section ) Page 117. )

Page 309: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 31û )


I Business of Saturn )

( Wotkshop ownets, dealets of nnetal ot hatdwares,machine zunners, technicians, tailors, bhck-smiths,hait dtessers, gold-smiths oz carpentets, )

( 1 ) 1 + Saturn on his sign.( 2 ) 1 + Mazs oz Moon or the sign Aries, Cancer,

Libta ot Capticorn.

Living on machinety : Observe and understandthe bitth charts and read below.

( See Exzmple Section : Page 118. )No. û10-1

1St Comb. : (1) 1St house+ Saturn2nd Comb. : (1) 1St house+ Scor. (2) 1st house + sfatsResult : The native owns one of the biggest caz

ptoducing wotkshops. Hs is Henty Fotd.

lfo. 010-91

1st Comb. t (1) 1st bouse+satutn, 2nd Comb. : (1) 1st house+Marsh

Result : The mtive is an adventurous petson. Thepeople d England take gteat ptide in usinghis ptoducts from hiS huge wozkshop.

Page 310: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

1st Comb. :2nd Comb. :

( 311 )No. 010-11

(1) 1 Jupitermczpticom(1) 1st house+ Moon (2) 1st house Z-MatS(3) 1 Jupiter+ Capticornnative is intezested in selling millResult : The


No. 010-121st Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Aqaarius2nd Comb. : ( 2 ) 1 Saturn + Libra

engineer and isResult t The native is a machznicalinterested in machinery.

No. 01(J-131st Comb. :2nd Comb. :

(1) 1St house+ Saturn(1) 1st house + Mars (2) lsthouse + Cancer

Result : The native is the organizet and takes greatinterest in vatious mills and chemicalsptoducing factories. He is Kasturbhai Lalbhai.

No. 046-13

1St house + Satutn1st Comb. : (1)2nd Comb. (1) 1StResult : The native is

house+ Libta (2) 1St house+sfatsexpett in tunning a machine

of daily news paper. He is not intetestedin anything except machinery !

Li#ing on machinety : Take down the birth chaxsand m ake yourself more sure.

( See Example Section : Page 119 )

Page 311: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

No' 9. A huit dtesser. No. 10, 11, Tailors. No.15. A deslet of hatdwates. No. 17. An ownet ofûour mill. No. 23. Works in machinery workshop.

Rest of the NoS. ate either workshop owners orwotk in the workshops.

@A printer t Take down the birth charts and make

youzself m ore sure.

( Business of Saturn )(1(2(3

1 + Saturn ot hiS Sign.1 + Mars or his sign.'i + Jupitet or Venus ot( See Example Section :


his sign.Pûge 12û J

A contractot : Take down bitth charts andm ake yourself more sute.

gBusiness of Ssturn : Saturn is the signiicatot of risklA contractor

( 1 ) 1 Saturn or his Sign.( 2 ) 1 + Mats or hiS Sign.( 3 ) 1 + Mercuty oz hiS sign.

( See Example Section*

: Page 12û )

An insurance agent t Take down the biuhchals and nlake youtsel naote sure.

An insurance agent

Page 312: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 1 ) 1 + Saturn or his sign.( 2 ) 1 + A1ztS or hiS sign.( 3 ) 1 + Jupiter or Venus ot hiS sign.

( see Exzmple Section : Page 120 )@


SCIENCE.I Business of Satmn )

Generally men wotship God to get an enlightenment,vision, HiS otiginality or to get divine power. ln thesame way some people wotship Goddess with a. desite

powet.: devotees to God,to attain

wotship Goddess oz they takeinterest in Spititualism and get success in obtainingmystic powetspiritualism,interested inthe public.manifest their tecbnique of spizitualism

and with tbeitSectet mystic powet oz byfascinate people. Such people ate onlyachieving mystic power and display it toMostly Such people have the inclination to

nOt by themeans of tlnei: knowledge but by theizspititual powez.

Such people instead of becomingdivine

(1) 1+ Saturn ot bis Sign.(2) l-hMats or lnis sign. (This combinztion is voluntaty.

Satutn is of obstinate nature, hence tbe absenceof tbe combination 1 + Mzrs M il1 do. )

(3) l + Moon ot Moon + Satutn oz his ot hez sign.

Page 313: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

An aspizant (ascetic), yogi, jugglet, spiritualist ctuevoted to mystic science, Obsetve and underst

andthe bixh chatts and read below.

( Ste Example Section : Page 121. )No. 053-4

1St Comb. : (1) 1 moon+ Satutn2nd Comb. : (1) 1st house + Mazs3zd Connb. : (1) Saturn+ MoonResult : Trte native, all of a sudden, waS engtossezi

n perfotming teligious tites and became adisciple of Goddess. He is Aurobindo Ghos


1St Comb.2nd Comb.

3td Comb.

llo. 053-2(1)1 Jup.+ Szt. (2) 1St bouse+ Sct.*Ju?.(1) 1 Jupitet+Aties (2) Jup. + Mzts(3) 1st house+ Mâtsllupitet(1) Moon+satutn (2) Cancet + Saturn

Result : The native is intezested in obtuining mysticpowet. He is : disciple :nd the wozslli?pezof Autobindo Ghose.

No. 955-11st Comb. : (1) 1st house+ Aquatius2nd Comb. (1) Szturn-hMgrs3td Comb. : (1) Cancet+ SaturnResult : The native

as spititualist.being LL, B., is well-known

Page 314: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

No. 954-21Stznd Comb. : (1) 1st

Comb. :(1) 1st house+ Satutn * Marshouse-hMuts

3td Comb. (1) Cancer + SatutnResult : The native waS knownas a < Magnetic Heuler '

and claimed to avoid the miseties of tht'poots and people h1d faith in his powcr.

No. 954-51St Comb. (1) 1 Jupiter + Satutn * Mats2nd Comb. (1) 1 Jupiter+lfars (2) llupitet + Scotpio3td Comb. : (1) 1st house + MoonResult The nztive waSwell-known us the possessoz

ot mystic power.No. 054-6

Comb. : (1) 1st house+ Eat. e Moon, Mats(2) 1 Mars+ Satutn * Moon

2nd Comb. :3td Comb. :

(1) 1st house+ Aties (2)(1) 1St house+Moon @ Mars

1st house+Mats

(2) Moon + Mats.Result : The nztive is a disciple and the wotshipper

of Autobindo Chose.

An aspirant (ascetic), yogi, jugglet, spiritualist orfl

devoted to mystic science : Takeldown the birthcharts and make yourself more sure.

(. See Exûmpk Section : Page 122 )

Page 315: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

CHAPTER THIRD : FIFTH HOUSEEducation - Knowledge

Education ot knowledge is essential for the uplifiof a humanbeing.

The nztives who have education ot knowlezlgenerally rule over the illetetates :nd uneducatei.They live their lives on intellegence while thelabourezs live theit lives by theit physical efotts anëcarty out the otders zccording to the insttuctions ofthe educated people.

Whût is the difetence between : managet anë :peon ? Whut is the diFetence between a metcbunt =4a coolie ? What is the difetent between a mill-ownerand labourets ?

To-day, evety individualundetstands that, to4

ptosperous and a huppy life, he mustlead a well,attain a higher stzndard of education. Some of thenâtives due to theit poverty ot other circumstuceîate fozced to give up theiz studies and considtrthemselves as unfottunate ones.

Education - Knowledge1. COMPLETE STUDY

( 1 ) 5th house+ 5 ( exce/t Satutn ) ot Sun,oz Jupitet ot his ot het sign.

( 2 ) 5th Lotd + 5 ( except SAtutn ) or sun, MoonyMats ot Jupitet ot in quadtsnt, tzines3td house ot 11th house ( except


Page 316: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 317 )

Cvpzicorn or Aquarius ), if Mstsis the lord of the 5th house, in anyhouse. if Saturn is the lotd of the 5th

( 3 ) Jupiter +

house, then Satutn+ Sun, Moon, Mats

ot Jupitet or his ot her sign (exceptin the 6th, 8th or 12th house ).5 ( except Saturn ) or Sun, Moon orMats ot his or het sign ot Szgittatius,Pisces except in 6th, 8th or 12th house.-t 5 except Saturn ) or Sun, Moon,Mars, Mercuty, Jupiter oz Venus orhis or her sign.

+ 5 ( ot 5 + 1st lord ) ot Sun, MoonyMats, Metcuty, Jupiter or Venus othiS or her sign ( except in the 6th,8th or 12th house ) or benlc Mazsin any sign.


( 4 ) 1st house

( 5 ) 1st Lord

2. INCOMPLETE STUDY( from matric passed to undergraduate ).

BtneNc Combinations.( 1 ) 5 + 5 ( except Sztutn ) ot Sun, Moon, Mats ot

Jupitçt or his ot het sign.( 2 ) Jupitex + 5 ot Sun, Moon or Mzts o: his ot

her sign oz in Sagittatius or pisces.except in the 6, 8 ot 12th house.

( >' ) 1 + 5 ( / 5 + 1 ) ot Sun, Mats, Metcurr,Jvpltet ot Venus ot his sign.

Page 317: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

MaleNc Combinations.( 4 ) 5 + Sztutn ot 5th locd in the 6th, 8th or 12th

house ot * or debilitated or in the sigaof Satutn.

+ maleûc ot Satutn or 1St lotd in the 6th,8th or 12th house ot : ot debiliuted or iathe sign of Sstutn.


3. FAIR STUDY : ( MATRIC FAILED )Bene:c Com binations.

( 1 ) 5 + 5 ( except Satutn ) or Sun, Moon, Mats otJupitet ot hiS or her sign.

( 2 ) 1 + 5 ( or 5 + 1 ) ot Sun, Moon, Mats? MetcuzrjJupiter or Venus or his or het slgn.

M aleic Com binations.

(3) s+saturn or lotd of the 5th house in the $h,8th or 12th or * or debilitated ot in the slgnof Saturn.

(4) 1+ malefc ot Sztutn ot lotd8th or 12 house oz : orsign of Satutn

of the zsc. in the 6th,debilitated ot in tht


4. ORDINARY STUDY :(upto Std. V1I)

Bene:c Com binations.

(1) 5+5 ( except Satutn ) ot Sun, Moon, mats orJupiter or his or her Sign.

MaleNc Combinations.(2) 5+ Satutn or 5th lozd in the 6th, 8th ot 12th dr %

or debilitated ot in the sign of Samtn .

Page 318: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 319 )

(3) Jupiter + Satutn oz in the 6th,ot + debilitated or in

(4) 1 + npaledc ot Satutn ot lord6th, 8th ot 12 house or $:the sign of Szturn.


8th or 12th housethe sign of Saturn.of the asc, in theor debilitated or in


M aleNc Combinations.(1) 5 v Saturn or lord of the 5th house

8th ot 12th ot ,lt ot debilitated orof Satutn.

in the 6th,in the sign

(2) Jupitet-h Saturn o: in the 6th, 8th ot 12th house otxt ot debilitated or in the Sign of Satutn.

(3) 1 + mzleic ot Sututn or lotd of the asc. in the 6th,8th on 12th house or % ot debilitattd or in thesign of Satutn.


the above ûve combinations of com-If one has a11plete study in hiscomplete study and if thete istions, then his ot hez educaticnFot this we shall obsetve the

ot het bitth chatt, he o: she is ableto doany defect in combinu-will temain incomplete.following bitth chatts.the bitth churts, theBut before observing

following particulats are to be noted.lf Saturn comes in telation with zsc. or lotd of

the aSc., then the nutive refuses to take education orknowledye, Such native, due to obstinzte nztute,temaing lllitezate.

Page 319: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 320 )

The exalted planet does notto its own house i. e. if the lotd

requite any relationof the 5th house

( except Satum ) is exzlted in :ny birth chatt, it is tobe undezstood that the telation of the lotd of the5th house with the 5th house is cuused.

Moteovez it is to be noted thzt if the lord ofthe 5th house isot 30 degrees, healso to be noted8th ot 12thto be weak.

of 0 degree, i. e. he has completed 29is considered to be inefective. lt isthat the planets Situattd in the 6th,

house or debilitzted, ate also consideted


Education-Knowledge, Natives of Complete Study;Observe and undetstand the bitth chatts and

zead below.

( See Example Section : Page 123 )No. 33-7

1st Comb. :(1) 5th house + Pisces (2) 5th house + Moon(3) 5th house+lup. (4) 5thhouse+ Msts

2nd Comb. : (1) 5 Jup. exalted. (2) 5 Jup. +9th house3td Comb. : (1) Jupitet+ 9th house (2) Jup. exzlted.4th Comb. : (1) 1st house + Scorpio (2) 1st house + Jup.

(3) 1st house + Mars (4) 1st house+ 5 Jup.5th Comb. : (1) 5th house + 1 MatsResult : The native is B. A. LL.B.

No. 33-15Comb. : (1) 5th house + Scotpio

Page 320: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 321 )

N'd Comb. : (1) 5 Maxs + 4 quzdrant.3zd Comb- : (1) Jupiter + Leo (2) Jupiter4th Comb. : (1) 1St bouse + Czncer5th Comb. : (1) 1 Moon + Vitgo


Result : Thenative is B, Com. withNo. 36-4

foreign degtees.

1st Comb. ; (1) 5th house + Leo2nd Comb. : (1) 5 Sun + Pisces (2) 5 Sun + Jupiter

(3) 5 Sun + Mats3td Comb. : Ni14th Comb. t (1) 1St house '+ Aries5th Comb. : (1) 1 Mzrs+ szgi. (2) 1 Mats+9 ttineResult : The native is M. A.; Ph. D.

1St Comb. : (1)(3)

2nd Comb. 1 (1)3td 'Comb.

(3)4th Comb. : (1)

(3)51 Comb. 1 (1)

(1)Jupitet+5th houleJupitez +M:ts1st house+ Aties (2) 1St house + Jup.1$t house+Mats * Jupiter1 Mzrs+ Jupite:

No. 36-155th house+ Leo (2) 5th5th house+ Mzts5 Sun + lûth house

house+ JuP..

(2) Jupiter+Leo

R- .lt : The native is B. A. znd has been to ovetseastwo to th= times.

No. 36-91st Comb. : (1) 5th house+ Scot. (2) 5th house + Sun

Page 321: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 322 1

2nd Comb.3rd Comb,

: (1) 5 Mars + Cancer (2) 5 Mars + 1st hous:(1) Jupiter+ Leo (2) Jupiter+ 2nd house(3) Jupitet-h San @ Satutn

4th Connb. : (1)1St house + 5Mats (2) 1st house+ Cancer5th Comb. :Result : The

Ni1native is Nf . A.; Ph. D.

No. 36-16

Comb. 5th(1) bouse+lup. (2) 5th house+ SunlMats, Jup. (3) 5th house+ Marsmlupiter

2nd Comb. ) (1) 5 Metcuty+ Cancet (2) 5 Met.+ Jup.(3) 5 Met.-l-Marsllup. (4) 5 Mer.+ Sun

* Mats, Jup.3rd Comb. (1) Jupiter .f. Mzrs (2) Jupitet + Sun*.Msts

(3) Jupiter+pisces (4) Jupiter+ 114th Com. (1) 1st house+Tzutus (2) 1st house +

Jup. * Sat. (3) 1st house + St'n * Mats,house+Msts*lup.

house-hvenus*lup. Sat.5th Comb. : (1) 1 Venus +5th house (2) 1 Venus + Jup.

(3) 1 Venus + Matsllup. (2) 1 Venus +Sun @ Mazs, Jup.

Result : The native is B. A. B. T.

Jupiter, Saturn (4) 1$tSat. (5) 1st

Education-Knowledge :Study. Take down the

The native: ofbirth chatts

Completeand make

yourself more sure.

( See Example Section : Pages 124, 125. )No. 1. B, A. No. 2. Complete Study. No. 3. B. E.

Page 322: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 323 )

No. 4. M. B. B. S.No . 7. B . E. N o .No. 10. LL. B. No.No. 13. Complete Study. No. 14. Solicitor. No. 15.LL.B. No. 16. B.A. No. 17. M.I.LL.B. No. 18. B.E.

No, 5. LL. B. No. 6. Solicitor-8. Solicitor. No. 9: LL. B'.

11. LL. B. No. 12. M . B. B. S-

No. 19. F. R. C, S. No. 20. Batristot. No. 21. M. A.Ph. D. No. 22. B. A. No. 23. Complete Study.No. 24. Bastistot. No. 25. M. A. B. T. No. 26. B. A.No. 27. Complete Stud. No. 28. B A. No. 29. B.E.No. 30. Bzrristot. No. 31. B. E. No. 32. B. A. B, T.No. 33. B.A.B.T. No. 34. Solicitot. No. 35. M.A.B T.No. 36. B. A.No. 37. B. E. No. 38. M. A. No. 39.Complete Study No. 4û. A gteat engineet, No. 41.LL.B. No. 42. B. A. No. 43. B. A. Tech. No. 44-Doctot. No. 45. M. Com. No- 46. Batzistor. No. 47.F. R. C. No. 48. M. B. B. S.

2, INCIIMPLETE STUDY :( From Matriculate to undez Graduate )Sometimes due to domestic rezsons, cettzin natives.

hzve to lezve theit educûtion unwillingly and latteron if specisl eFotts ate made, they c:n completetheit education.Education-Knowledge : Natives of lncomplete study.Obsetve and undergtand the bi% chaxs and

read below.( See Example Section : Pzge 126. )

Page 323: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 324 )

No. 33-4

1st Comb. : (1)sthhouse + Pisces(3) 5th house + sun

(2) 5th house+ 5Jup.

2nd Comb. (1) 5 Jup. 5th house (2) 5 Jup. + Pisces(3) 5 Jupitet + Sun

3rd Comb.

4th Comb.5th Comb.

(1) 1st house + 5 Jup. (2) 1st house + Sun(3) 1St house+ Moon (4) 1st house + Scor.(1) 5th house -!- Sat. (2) 5 JuP. + S:t(1) 1st house + Sat.*lup. (2) 1 Mars +Sat. * Jup. t3) 1 Mars debilitated.

Xesult : The native is LL. B. failed.

1st Comb.2nd Comb.3rd Comb.

No. 118%

( 1 ) 5 Saturn + Sagittatius(1) Jupitet-hscotpio t 2') Jupitez+3td house(1)(3) 1 Mercuzy + Moon (4) 1 Mer. + Sun(1) 5th house+capticozn.

1st house + M oon (,2) 1st house-h Sun

.4th Comb.5th Comb. (1) 1st house + Sat. (2) 1 Mezcuty+ Sat.Result ) The aative isIntet Riled.

No. 31-11st Comb. : (1) 5th house+ 5 Venus2nd Comb. : (1) Jupiter+ SunAd Comb. : (1) 1 Samrnm Sun (2) 14th Comb. t .Ni15th Comb. (1)1st Muse + CzpzicotnAesult : The native is matzic mssed.

sat. + Jupite:

(2) 1 Sztutn+ 12

Page 324: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 325 )No, 414

1St2nd Comb.3rd Comtn.

(1) 5 Satutn+ Moon(1) Jupitet+ Scerpio (2) Jup.+3td house(1) 1st house+sun (2) 1St house +Mer.(3) 1st house Yvirgo

4th Connb. : (1) 5th5th Comb. : (1) 1St

house + Capticotnhouse-h Mats (2) 1 Met-+Mats.

Result : The native i! mattic passed.No. 70


1St Comb.2nd Conab.3rd Comb,

4th Comb.5th Comb. :Result The

Ni1(1) Jupiter+ Sun ''s2)(1) 1St house zt-vitgo(3) 1 Mezcury + Sun(1) 5th house+ CapticornNi1native has studied upto lnter.

Jugitet+scot?io(2) Mer.+Ju?-

No. 1291st Comb.2nd Comb- :3ri Comla.

4th Comb.5th Comb.

(1)(1)(3) 1 Venus + Moon(1) 5 Metcutyl



Jupitex+lzeo1$t house+ Taurus

Result : Ttne native is mattic ?a$Svd.Education-Knowledge : Natives of lncomplete Study.Take down the birth chatts and make yourself

m ote Stue.

'E See Exûmplesecion : Pége 127.)

(2) 1 Venus + Sua

Page 325: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 326 )3. FAIR STUDY

( from std. VIII to matric failed ) Education-Knowledge : N atives of Fair Study : Obsetveand understand the birth charts and

read below.

g See Example Section : Page 128. )No. 86-1

1St Comb.

2nd Comb.

3rd Comb.4th Comb.Result : The nztive lnûs studied

(1) 5th house+lup. (2) 5(3) 5th house+Moon(1) 1st house + Jup. (2) 1st

Venus+ 8un

house+Muts(3)(1) 5 Metcuty+ 6 (2)(1) 1 Venus + 6

1 Venus+sun5th house-h Satutn

upto t d Xs . .lço. 89-2

1st Comb.

2nd Comb.

(1) 5tla house+Moon (2) 5th house > Mats(3) 5th house + Jupket * Mats(1) 1St house+ Scot. (2) 1st house+lup.(3) 1 Mzts + Jupitet

3td Comb. : (1) 5thhouse+ Sûturn * Mats4th Comb. : (1) 1 Mats + SaturnResult The nltive has studied upto std. X.

No. 33-21St Comb. : (i) 5th house 4- Scot. (2) 5th house+ Jup.zndrtcomb. : (1) 1st house + Cancez (2) 1st house + Jup.

(3) 1st house+venus

Page 326: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

3rd Comb.4th Comb. :

(1) 5 (Matsl(1) 1 Moon-h 8 (2) 1(3) 1 Moon + Satutnnative hAs studied

Moon + Aquarius

upto std. X.llo. 33-3

Result : The

1st Comb. Ni12nd Comb. (1) 1st house+Moon (2) 1st house+ Sun3nd Comb, (1) 5 Venus-h84th Comb. : (1) 1st house + Cap. (2) 1st houseH- Sat.Result : The native has studied upto std. IX.

1st Comb.No. 33-20

5th house + 52nd Coaab.3rd Conlb.

(1)(1) 1



4th Comb. (1) 1st house-h Capt. (2) 1 Sat-+Aqu.Result : The native lus studied upto Std. IX.

No. 89-5

Satucn+lupiter5th housem Sututnwvenus, Mercury.5 Venus + Saturn

1st Comb. (1) 5th house+ Sagi. (2) 5th house + Jup.2nd Comb. (1) 1st house+Leo3zd Comb. : (1) 5th house + Sat. (2) 5 JuP.+ Sat.4th Comb. : Ni1Result : The native has studied upto std. lX.Education-Knowledge : Natives of Pait Studp Takedown the birth charts and m ake yourself more sute.

I See Example Section : Page 129. 1

Page 327: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

t 328 )

4. ORDINARY STUDY : ( UPTO STD. VII )'Bducation-Knowledge : Natives of Ordinary Study.

Obsetve and undetstand the bixth chartsand read below.

( See Example Section : Page 13û. )

1st Comb.2nd Comb.3td Ccmb. : (1) Jupitetvv4th Comb. (1) 1st house+ CapricornResult : The nltive ha$ studied upto

(1) 5Venus +Mars

(2) 1 Sat.+6std. VI.

No. 89-35 Venus + Sun (2)Ni1

1st Comb. ( 1 )2nd Comb. : ( 1 )3rd Comb. ( 1 )4th Comb. ( 1 )Result The native

No. 90-75th house5th house +Jupiter 121 Moon + Satutnhas studied upto Std. VII.


No. 90-6house + Moon1st Comb.

2nd Conlb.

3zd Comb.4th Comb.

( 2 ) 1 Metcuty + Szt.Result The native bas Studied upto std. V.

( 2 ) 5th house +( 1 ) Jupitet 12(1)1 maleic Mats

( 11

5th5th house Capticotn


No. 32-11st Comb. : 5th house + Sagittarius

Page 328: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 329 )J

( 2 ) 5th house+ Jup. ( 3)2nd Connb. : ( 1 ) 5 Jupiter + Sat.

( 2 ) 5th house + Sat. @

5 Jup.+ Leo.

Jup.3td Connb. ( 1 ; Jupiter + Satutn4th Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Szt. ( 2 ) 1 Sun:+ 12Result : The nztive hzs studied upto std. VII.

1St Comb.No. 47

( 1 ) 5th house+ Cancet ( 2 ) 5 Moon+Pisces ( 3 ) 5 Moon + Mats ( 4 ) 5Moon + Jup. @ Msts

2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 5 Moon +3rd Comb.

Saturn . Jupitet, Mars+ Satutn( 1 ) Ju?itet

4th Comb. t ( 1 ), 1 Jup. + Sat,( 2 ) 1st house + Szt. @ Jup.. Muts

Result The native has studied upto std. Vl1No. 41

5th house1St Comb. 1 ( 1 )+ hlûrs


2nd Comb.3rd Comb.4th Comb.Result

+ Moont 2 ) 5th house( 3 ) 5 Jup. + 1st house ( 4 )+ Jup. ( 5 )5th house + Sun5th house

( 1 ) 5th house+ Sat. ( 2 ) 5 Jup.+ Sat..( 1 ) Jupitet Satuzn( 1 ) 1st house + Saturn

The nûtive has smdieduptostd. 5!11.Education-Knowledge.' Natives, of Ordinaq Study.Take down the bitth charts and make yourself ',

m ore Sure.

( Sre Example Section : Pzge 131. )

Page 329: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 330 )


Education- Knowledge : Illitetacy to Prim ary Study.Obsezve and understand the birth charts and read

g See Eximplebelow.Section : Page 132. )

No. 3t51st Comb.2nd Cotrb.3td Comb.Result

( 1 ) 5 Mercury( 1 ) Jupiter ,''( 1 ) 1st house-l-Aqu. #2) 1st house+ SunThe native is not able to read and wtite.

No. 89-71st Comb. 1 ) 5th house + Szturn2nd Comb. Ni13td Comb. ( 1 ) 1st hoase + Sat. @ hfoon

( 2 ) 1 Mars *Result : The native lnas not studied.

No. 13-5

( 1 ) 5t14 house + Capricoxn: ( 1 ) Jupiter + Aquatius ( 2 ) Jupite: + 6: ( 1 ) 1st house+ Sat. (2) 1 Metcuzy + 12: The native has not studied.

' No. 37-21st Comb. : ( t ) 5 Venas %2nê Comb. ) ( .1 )t '. J upiter *'3rd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + sat. (2) 1 Mercury+sût.

lt : Th'e 'native has studieb' ùpto std. 1V.Resu

1st Comb. :2nd Comb.3td Comb.Result

Page 330: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 331 )

No. 29-8Nil1st 'Comb- z

znd Comb. ( 1 )3rd Com'b. 4 ( 1 )

( 3 )Result J The native

Jupitet + Saturn1st lnouse+sat. ( 2 ) 1 Venus + 121 Venus + Sat. * Jupiter.has studied up to std. 1V.No. 13-11

4St Comb. : ( 1 ) 5 Venus + Sat.( 2 ) 5th house + Sat. . Jup.

2. nd Comb- : ( 1 ) Jupiter + Capticotn( 2 ) JUP. + Saturn

3rd G mb. ( 1 ) 1st house + Capricorn( 2 ) 1st house + Saturn

Result J T he native is not able to study due to hisunsteady, mind-


1 Continued k1 Achaptet Eighth tegarding cbildren.)

Page 331: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 332 j


'm illionaire.

materiulistic zge, the entite humaalife the pivot of nnoney. In Asttology tàeNinth lnouse is considered to be vezy important as a,


1. (a.) NativeToday in thisD OVCS On

m ulti-millionaite or

House of wealth, House of fottune.

ptogtessThe nztive's

of life is shaped into tlaree mainbody, knowledge and fortune, Of.parts.

the above thtee atts, the most impottant is fottune, c,sPthete i! a provetb, I'Unfortunate lnas no huppiness.'wIf the native is lame, but is tich, theze will be nocause for his unsatisfaction: if he illiterate or


lacks in Senses, also tbere will be no cuuse fot hisunsatisf âction, if he is wealthy. but if he is quitehealthy and leatned but luckless in evety eFozts, i. c.if the 9th house is weak in his bitth chatt.he will evet zemuin unsatisfed, will pass hisdays in despait and miseries. Hence tlne House offottune is the main key of human life.

We shall, fot the present study the bitth chartsof fortunate :nd unfottunzte ones and then later oastudy the time of the tesults tequited in ptedictions.

Thete ate fout types of fottunzte natives (male,female) (1) Business entezptisets (3) King (3) Dictators(4) Elected Ministers.

Page 332: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 333 )#

For ul1 tbis, it is speciallc requiredthe House of fortune. Moteover a great

obsetveenterptise in

'business cnd itscompetitlon is tequired, hence tbe3rd house or the position of Mats is to be obsetvedand ftom the 6th house, whethet the native will besuccessful or end in fsilute in bis businessand from the 12th house, whetber heposition of loss or debt ot not is also to

competitionwill be in

be observed.fortune andKings mostly depend upon their

So their 9tln house to be obsezved and fot'POWCCS,their bteak of

is known as the bteak of powet.Dictators in critical cizcumstances, Suddenly man-

ouver :nd get possession of the powets, so theit 6th,.9th and 10th houses ure to be observtd and fot tbeit

tbeir 1st and 10th houses arepowet,'to be obsetved, which

break of 10th houses :te to bepowet the 1St :ndwhich is known us the break ofobserved,

Ministets :re elected.powet.

are leatned, adventu-Theyfoitunzte ûnd constant wotkets; sotous, valorous,

'theit 3td, 5th, 9th and 10th houses are to be observedand ftom tlne 1st and 10th houses their bzesk ofpower is czused.)


'The com binations of fottune : Combinations of thenatives of m ulti-millionaire, m illionaite or a m an'worth million or thousands.I 1 ) 9th house + 9th Lord ( except Sûtutn ) ot Sun,

Moon, Mats ot Jupiter ot his ot hetsign or Aqucrius in the 9th house.

Page 333: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 2 ) 9th lozd + 9th house ( except Saturn ) orMoon, Mars otor trine in or

Saturn's Sign )Lord, anywhere, if 9th Sutuzn, then

9 Saturn + Sun or Jupiter or ia

SAm.Jupiter or in quadtantthe 3td house ( exceptif Mazs is the 91

hiS sign ( except12th house ).

the (tb, 8th or

( 3 ) 1St house + 9

( 4 1 1st Lotd +

( except Saturn ) ot Sun, MoonsMars ot Jupiter ot his ot het sign.9 ot 9 + 1St Lotd ot 1st Lotd + Sun,Moon, Mats, or Jupiter ot his orhet sign, except in the 6th, 8th or12th. Mats in any house.

(5) 3 ( except Satuzn ) ot Mats ot Moon if not3 oz Mars ot Moon + 1 ( except Satutn ).,

If one has a11 tbe above ive combinations, he iseithet Dulti-millionaire or millionaize but if theze ka slight defect, he is man of thousands. Fot this, weshall obsetve Some of the given birth chatts.

Before obsetving the bitth charts, the patticuhmgiven below are also to be noted.

If Satuzn is zelated to the ascendznt ot lord ofthe' ascendant, he ( satuzn ) conttols the native znd.instead of the native becoming a multi-millionaite ormillionaite, he is compelled to seek employment an*

Page 334: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

g 335 )

in tbis way through the service, collects fewthousands. This combination is known as thecombination of dependent and if nois formed in : nztive's birth such combinûtion

it is calledus combination ofindependent.the combinutions of fortune,independent life are also to be

AsitS breakshall keep ourselves within limit of thc ptopet subjectand not involve ourselves in the breuk of thecombinations, just concentrate oat mind, whethet the

the combinations ofof fortune are alto

fortune are formed. socaused. Bat at ptesent we

combinations of multi-mll' lionaire ate fotmed oz not

chatt,Hence while observingthe combinations oflooked.

with the above ;ve combinations. It is not necessûtyat ptesent to obsetve how the nztives have lost theitwealth due to the bteak of fortune combination, butthis will be read in the htet chapter.

Tlne exalted planet does not require any relationto its own house, i. e. if the lord of the 9th house isexalted in any bitth chatt, it is to b: understood thatthe relation of tbe lord of the 9th house with the9th house is cuused.

M ozeovet, it isthe 9th house ot the

to be noted thzt if the lord ofphnet reluted to that house is

of 0 degree, i. e. he is complete 29 or 30 degrees,being ineFective, cannot form any combinations with zny

lanet ot house by conjunction, opposition or aspect.PN adve-M ulti-millionaire or M illionaire : Obseweand understand the bieh charts and read below.

( See Example Section Page 133 )

Page 335: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 336 )

No. 157-1

1st Comb. : (1)znd Comb. : (1) 9 Moon + Sun (2) 9 Moon + 3

,9th house+ Sun (2)9th house +9 Moon

3td Comb. : (1) 1St housem Scorpio4th Comb. : (1) 1st Lotd + Leo5'th Comb. : (1) 1st house + Scorpio (2) 1st house-h MatsResult : The native waS one of the zichest man

(2) 1St house + Mats

of the wotld. He is Henty Fotd.No. 157-4

9tb l'zouse + Moon1st Comb. : (1)2nd Comb. : (1) 93rd Comb. : (1)


4th Comb. : (1)5tb Comb. : (1) 1St house + Mars ( 2 ) Moon + 3Result The native is a multi-millionzire. He is :

Jupiter + Sun (2) 91St house-h Cancer (2)

Jupitet + i'Iats1St house+Mazs

1st house+lupiter * Satuzn1st house+ Sun @ Jupitez, Szturn1 Moon + 9

gteat industrialist. He is Kastutbhaifwalbhai.lço. 157-8

1st Comb. : (1) Jupitet (,2) 9th house + Maxs2nd Comb. : (1) 9Moon + Scorpio (2) 9 Moon + Jupitet

* Satutn (3) 9 Moon+Mats*lupiter, Sstum3rd Comb. : 1st house+ Scotpio (2) 1st house + 9 Moon4th Comb. : (1) 1 Mzrs + 9 * Jupitet

(2) 9 Moon+l Mats * Jupitet, Satutn.3th Comb. : (1) 1st house + Scotpio

(2) 1st house + Mars @ Jupitet, Satuzn.

9th house+

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g 337 )

Xesult : The native is a well-known millionaire.No. 157-11

1st Conib. :( 1 ) 9th house( 2 ) 9th house + Jup. * Murs( 1 ) 9 Sat. + Leo ( 2 ) 9 Sat + Jup.( 1 ) 1St house + Sun( 2 ) 1st house + MoonNil. ( Venus is in the 12th house )( 1 ) 3 Moon + 1st house


2nd Comb.3rd Comb.

4th Connb.5th Connb.

( 2 ) 1st Venus + AtiesResult : The native became millionaire at the age of 28,

No. 157-51St Comb. : ( 12nd Comb.3rd Comb.

4th Comb.5th Comb.

) 9th house Sagittarius( 1 ) 9 Jup. exûlted ( 2 ) 9 Jup, + Muts( 1 ) 1st house + Azies ( 2 ) 1St house+ Mzrs ( 3 ) 1st bouse + Jupitet ( 4 )1st house + Sun ( 5 ) 1St house+lloon( 1 ) 1 Mars + 9 Jupitet( 1 ) 1st house + Aties ( 2 ) 1st house+ Mzts ( 3 ) 1st house + Moon

Xesult : Even though the native being a bazzister, yethe is a businessman and a millionaite.

1st Comb. :No. 157-2

(1) ?th house + Aties ( 2 ) 9th house +Juplte: ( 3 ) 9th house + Msrs ( 4 ) 9thhoase + Sun * Mazs

2nd Comb. : (1) 9 Mats + Sun3td Comb. : (1) Nil. (1St Lozd + Moonl but is maleûc)

Page 337: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

4th Comb. : (1) 1 Sun + 9 Mars5:h Comb. : (1) 1 Sun + Mats (2) Asc. + 3 VenusResult : The native is a millionaire :nd u gteat


Native Multi-millionaite orMillionaire; Take dowsthe birth charts and m ake yourself m ore sure.

( See Example Section : Pages 134 to 141 )No. 21. Mzlefc Mzts being in lnis own signifcating

house, is changed into benefc :nd during his owa

time (period) with hiSa 1ot Jlence itsigniûcûting

proves tlpat, maleûc being in hi$ ownhouse, iS changed into benefc :nd mzkes

own business thenative had eutned'

the natiee prospetous.No. 28. Even though the 9th Lord is in the

8th bouse, the native is a millionaite because thecombinztion of fortuoe has given him wealth.

No. 38, 59 :nd 60 are dependent millionûires.The bizth chatts ate of Indian :1m stars.


unexpected wealth.:11 the above :ve combinations, if theHaving

native has following udditional combinvtions ofunexpected wealth in his bitth chatt, he is beneûte;thtough unexpected wezlth in inhetitance, Ptize Bonâot Lottety.

( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ) accotding :$ above.( 6 ) 1 or 9 + Moon

The combinafions of

Page 338: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 7 )or Aquatius

No. :25. The native being adopted :1l of a sudden,was multi-m

, illionaite in no time.

No. 126. The native is inberiten with the sum ofRs. 1û million from his mûtetnal grsndfathet's.

No. 127. The native has won Rs.7,000 in footballpools.

No. 128. The natyive is inherited with Rs. 70,000from hiS wife.

No. 129. The native bas zeceived a large amount'from his wife.

No. 130. The native hadNo. 131. The native has

Rs. 25,000 ftom his wife.No. 132. The native has won Rs. 50,*0 in ctoss

unexpectedly won prize.received the sum of

( 339 j1 + Venus or Suturn oz Virgo, CvpricotaaSC.

puzzle.No. 133. The nztive haS teceived Rs. 1 million from.

his wife.No. 134. The native has received Rs, 3 mzion from

his wife.The native haS teceived Rs.No. 135.his wife.

1 (a) The combinations of multi-millionglroor millionaix in speculadon.

( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ) accozding as above.

10,10 from.

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( 340 )

t' 6 ) 1 + Szturn or Venus ot hiS sign.( 7 ) 1st house + Mars ot hiS sign ot 1st Lotd

in the sign of Mats ot aspected one-sided by Mars.If one has a11 the above seven combinations in

his birth chart, he becomës multi-millionuire inspeculations and if one connbination is fotmed fromlrst und second and if one from thitd and fourth :ndéfth, sixth and seventhbecoming multi-millionaiteA native of multi-millionake or >millionairs in

combinations, he instead ofis nnillionaire.

Obsetve and undetstand the birthcharts and read below

( See Example Section : Page 142 )No. 033-8

1st Comb. : 9th house +Moon * Jup.

2nd Comb. : (1) 9 Mercuty-h Sun+ 4 quzdtunt

3rd Comb.: (1) 1St house + Jupitet (2) 1st house +Moon * Jup. (3) 1st house+ Mars @ Jupitet

4th Comb. :(1) 1 Saturn + Scotpio (2) 1 Satutn +Jup. @ Venus(3) 1 Saturn + Moon @Juyitet, Venus(4) 1 Satutn + Mazs * Juplter, Venus

5th Comb. : (1) 1st house + 3 Jup. (2) 1st houseM pts * Jup. (3) 1St house+ Moon c Jup.(4) 1 Sat.+ 3 Jup. (5) 1 Sat-+Mzts * Jup.($ 1 Sat.+ Moon * Jup. (7) 1 Sat.+ Scot.

Jupiter ( 2 ) 9th house(3) 9th house + Mûts @ Jupitet

exûlted (2) 9 Mercuty

speculation :

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( M1 )

6th Comb, : (1) 1sthouse+cup. (2) 11st house Saturn

satll.rn + Venus,(3b(4) 1st lnouse + Venus * Sat.

Comb. : (1) 1st house + Mars @ Jup.(2) 1 Saturll + Scorpio(3) 1 Sztuzn + Mars @ Jupiter, Venus

Result : The native earns thousands of rupees .in.Specuhtionl.

No. 033-23Comb. : (1) 9th

+house+ Sagittarius (2) 9th house

9th house + Mats2nd Comb. : (1)

(3)Comb. : (1)

(3)4th Comb. : ( 1 )5tb Comb. : ( 1 )

( 2 ) 1st house + Mars * Jup.6th Comb. : ( 1 ) 1St house+ Sat. ( 2 ) 1 Murs+Tauzus.7th Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Aries

( 2 ) 1st house + Murs * Jup.Result : The nstive earns hundteds of rupees ia

Speculations. Sooetiwes he expetiences diëxculties but not much.

JUP. (3)9 Jupiter + Mzts9 Jupitez + Leo1st house+Aries1st house +slars * Jupiter1 M ars + 91st house + Aties

(2) 9 Jupitet + 9(4) 9 Jupitez+ 5 trine(2) 1st house +9 Jupt

No. 033%Comb. : ( 1 ) ?th house + Gncet ('2 ) 9th house

+ Mzts ( 3 ) 9th house + Sun * Jup-

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( 342 )

( 4 ) 9th house + Jup.Qnd Comb. ( 1 ) 9 Moon exalted

( 2 ) 9 Moon 7 quadrant..3:d Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Moon ( 2 ) Asc.

Jupiter ( 3 ) Asc.+ Jup. ( 4)4th Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Mats + Jup. ( 2 ) 1 Mars + Sun

* Jupitet ( 3) 1 Mars + 9th house..5th Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Scorpio ( 2 ) Asc. + Moon.16th Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Venus ( 2 ) Asc. + Sat. *

Jupiter ( 3 ) 1 Mars + Saturn * Jupitet.*7th Comb. : ( 1 ) Asc. + Scorpio.Aesult : The native eatns in speculations.

tko. 33-21

Sun *ASc. + Scot.

1st Comb. : Nil..2nd Comb. ( 1 ) 9 Saturn + Mars ( 2 ) 9 Sat.-hlup.

( 3) 9 Satutn -h Leo..3td Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Mars..4th Comb. : ( 1 ) 1 Venus + Moon ( 2 ) 1 Venus

exalted ( 3 ) 1 Venus + Plsces.5th Comb..6th Comb.

(1) 1st house+Mars (2)( 1 ) 1st house+Tau. (2)

7th Comb. ( 1 ) 1st house + Mars.Result : The native had eazned millions

1st house+ Sat.1 Venus+ Moon.

in speculations.ot m illionaire inA nadve of

lpeculation :m ulti-millionaireTake down the birth chatts andm ake yourself >ote sure.

( See Example Section : Page 142 )

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E 343 )

2. A BREAK OF W EALTH :A BREAK OF FORTUNE2. ( a ) A Break of wealtb; Multi -millionaire,

Millgonairey Kings, Queens, Dictators qnd ElectedM inisters.

.. W e have sighted the Goddess of Wcalth. i. e.we have got sumcient wealtb, but will she ever stayin our house as long as we live or will she creepgw. through our doors and windows ? '' Such type ofquestions are asked by many natives. In shott themeaning of such questions are, we have got theoombinations of wealtb, but is there any break of thatzombination ? Hence the Astrologers have not only tostudy the conabinations of wealth but also abouttheir breaks.

The break of wealth are caused in twoErst the desttuctionkaving the worldlyis also called the

ways,of wealth and secondly the nativeOkirs and becoming a saint, whichcombination of saint. W e shall

study here only the bteak of fortune.A Break ofwealth: M ulti-millionairs, Mllliona-

ire, Kings, Queens, Dictators and Elected Mlnisters.(1) 9th house + Satutn or malefc or his sign in the

9th house oz 9th Lord in the 6th,8th or 12th (without the relation ofany planet) or debilitated or O degree.

I2) 1st house + Saturn or malefc or his sign in the1st. house (except 1st house + Sun.

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( 344 1

Moon, Mars ot Jupiter) or l'st Lotd,in the 6th, 8th or 12th or dbbilitatedot û degree.

Please remembez thzt Mzrs Stops the break offortune, i, e, if there ure Such breaks of fottune,MArs keeging hinyself independent, aspects the 1sthouse or is Situated in the 1St house, the native doe:not expezience any bteak of wealth.

The comb, of wealth issttong umong the ftiendly.planets and the bzeak of Wealth becomes slight witbthem, But if the comb. of break of Wea1th is done''by the enemy planets, then the tesult of this bteak ofWea1th turns out to be very disastrous one.

Jf the plunets which form the combinations sre.debilitated, the combination of fortune is consideredto be weak The lives of Such native zze full ofups'und downs, tlyey have to pass thtough mzny hopesund despairs and are unable to obtain the desired.zesults.


we, , 4l1all look at the N#thNow charts of1

successful combinltions of fotiune :nd the bteqk .of fottunv so that we can have the clear idea of itu

A native of bteak o! wealth: Obsetve andunderstand thè bitth chutts ahd zead below.

( See Exatple Section : Pajè 143, 144 )lt is to V nded thàt tlnète must be both thel

combinatiO s of bteuk of wealth and the natives who

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( 345 J

have not got these two combinations, do notexpetience break of wealth.

The following birth chatts are the combinationof fortune and we have looked their combinationsbefotehand, so hete only its break of fortune remainsto be obsetved.

No. 166-21st Comb. : Ni1 ( here there is asc. + Saturn, but

one-sided the asc.Mars have aspectedand stopped the bteak of wealth )

Result The native has nevet experienced any bteakof wealth in his life.

No. 157-61st Comb. : Ni12nd Comb. : NilResult : The native has not expezienced any brezk

of wealth in his life.No. 165-2

1st Comb. : Ni1Result : Thè native has nevet experienced any break

of wealth in his life.No. 157-5

1st Comb. : Ni12nd Comb. : Ni1( Here there is asc. + Saturn, but

Mars hàve aspected one-sided the asc.and stopped the break of wealth. )

Result : The native has not expetienced any breakof wealth in his We.

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( 346 )

No. 157-4tbere is a comb. of1St Comb- Ni1 ( Here

+ 12, but theJupiter

ssgect of the Sun andMars, Saturn have stopped the break ofwezlth acd the position of 9 Moonis

2nd Comb.very powezful. )

Ni1 ( Here tbete is asc. + Satutn, butMats hsve stopged the bzeak of wealth.

Result : The native lncs not experienced any breakof wealth in his life.

llo. 157-2

1stConlb. : Ni1 ( Here tbete is 9 + Satutn but Suturnis beneic. He (Saturn) cannot form thebteak of weûlth because he is one-sided zspected by Mars. Satuln alsodebilitated.

2nd Comb. : Ni1 ( Hete thete is asc. + malefc Moonbut Moon is the ftiend of 1st Sun and

bitth clnart. )Result : The nstive lnas not expetienced zny bteak

possibility of such.A native of bteak of wealth :obsewe >nd understand

1e. bllh charts and re* G low.

of wedth and thete is no

Saturn is benefc in this

I S= Enmple Section : Page 14t )No. 168-3

1st Comb. : (1) 91 house + Sztutn t2) 9 Satutn + 3znd Comb. : (1) Ni1 ( Here the 1st Lord + Malefc

Page 346: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

g 34 7 )

Mars is not proper. )' xesult : The native Md lest his kingdom by falling

ù: love with a dancez ûnd had experiencedbreak of w>lth.

No. 169-31St Comb. (1) 9th bouse + Saturn (2) 9th l:ouse +

maleic Venus (3) 9 jun + 6.cnd comb, (1) 1st house + Sztutn (2) 1St house +

maledc Venus.Xesult The 'native had donethe business of maieic

Venus i. e. tunning oi1 mill, lost millions ofrupees in it tad was ruined.*


No. 169-81st Comb. (1) 9th house

house +msleEc àloon (2) 1st

Rtutn * Moon.2nd Comh. (1) Asc. + Saturn.Result The native had obtainedlarge sum of money

than expect/, but had lost a1l. He hadexpetienced a gteat bteak of wealth.

No. 169.-51st 'Comb. 4

znd C= b.+ > lic Mercuty. (3) 1 Moon + Satutn

> * : T1 M ive has lost his ctpiul in sgeculztion.He is pzssing :iS days in poverty. He laas



exmri=cezl a ,gzea bzeak of wmlth.,

(1) '9th * % + Saturn (2) 9 Jupiter + 9(3) 9 Jupitu + Aquatius.: (1) 1st house + Samtn (2) 1st house

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ë 348 j

No. 169-7,'

1st Comb. (1) 9 Venus debilitated (2) 9 Venus + p2nd Comb. : (1) 1st house + Aquarius (2) 1st honst'

+ rnaleic Moon (3) 1st house + SatutcResult The native had lost millions of rupees aaëj'

was a debtot of Rs. 15 million. Tlne nutivegthad experienced a grezt bteak of wealth

. çNo. 169-10 1

1St Comb. Sun $ p2nd Comb. : (1) 1 Jupitet + 6 (2) 1st bouse + MootResult : The native haS lost bis money as well as lyis


ropetties. He is put into great dimculties.PHe lnas expezieneed a good bzeûk of wealtà.

A native of break of wealth : Take down the birth jcharts and make yourself more sure. 1

!( See Example Section Fgge 145 ) )


2. (b) A Bteak of Wea1th : A Bteak of Fortune

+ Satuznç1) 9th house

j in specuhtion. )people ate exttemely uttructed towutis

speculation matkets. Sometimes people quickly becomemillionaites, but lives of many people are zuined inspeculztion mutkets. Thete is a provezb. %< Tbe motua gamblet loses, the mote be plays ''. Hence he triesto tecove: the loss and fnally zuins bimself. Only.tben he undertakes pt concentzates kis npind ic


anothet pursuiy.

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( 349 )

Now 1et us come to the point. We know that.tlne Speculation is the business of Ssturn and Venus.Jf a combination of 1 + Satutn or Venus is formedjn a nutive's bitth chatt, he is inclined towatdsspeculetion and gannblings and according tc theirnature, Satutn and Venus bting despait and ruin etc.in hiS life. Fot all this the nature of Saturn or Venusis solely responsible.

Saturn signifes,muchine. He is alneaded, illtieratemillionaite witbout


i:ercules, gaguntic cupacity andproducer as well zs thick-gambler. He wishes to beeforts. Besides thut he isany

devilish and manifests death. We cln huveignorant,dezrunderstanding by observing tlte fstes and livesof despetate speculators, who moved according to.the natute of Suturn ot Vcnus.

Moreover, the powerful phnets like the Sun, theMoon, Mars, and Jupitet zte the enemies of Satuzn.These powerful planets tuin the native who tzies toact according to the natute of Saturn or Venus, i. e.the Sun, the Moon, Mars :nd Jupiter being theenemies of Saturn und Venus and victotious, a nativtwho lives his life bvsed on Saturn ot Venus, specially'experiejxce such bzeak of wealth.

A native of break of wealth ( in speculation ) : Takedown the birth chatts and m akç yourself more sure.

I See Example Section : Puge 146 )

Page 349: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 350 j)No

. 31 4û, 41, 42 and 49. The natives luytlost millions of tupees in speculztion and test hpklost thouscnds. i'

$No. 34. The lord of the 9th house is Satutn sztt-siruated in the 9th house, still the native, instud 4, ,

experiencing a good fortune, had, to sell his otnamectto pay loss in speculation and becamepenniless.



3. ( a ) A native without wealth ot a native of 'm isfortune.

( Livicg lower standatd of life )not fotmed klt

one's birth chart and if only two of the followiq:combinations havv betn fotmed; such natives ure of

unfortunate and they lpave to experience fnanckdiëculties scatcity of moaey aad unemploymtnt. ,

If s combination of wealth is

The eatives with a bteak of fottune,degzee should be consideted as the. nûtives 9f:misfortune. Few out of these tvmaia in otdinurcondition. When, tbry are tuinvd, they shed teats o:theit past life andof misfoxtuae.

subsqc ntly live like the nztivw

lat cettniyp r

A nasivp W tkout Fea1th ot a > ttve of misfoxpp, %( 1 ) 9th house + Satutn ot hiS sign or maleic oz

Page 350: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

9th Lotd in the 6th, 8th ot 12th ( without therelation of :ny benedc plaet ) oz # or debilitated.

g 2 ) 1st house + Suturn or lais sign ot malefc (except1+Mars, Sun, Moon ot Jupitet) ot the 1St Lord inthe Jth, 8th or 12th oz debilitated oz of % degtee.A native without

fortune : Obsetve andand read below.

wealth or aundetstand

native of mis-the birth charts

( See Example Section : Page 147 )No. 175-1

1st Comb. (1) 9th house + Szturn (2) 9 Venus + 8(3) 9 Venus debilitated(4) 9th house + maledc Moon.

2nd Comb. : t1) 1st hoase + Aquatius (2) 1 Sat. + 12(3) 1 Saturn + Capricotn(4) 1St house + malefc Moon

Result : Out of the above ûve combinations olfortune, the native haS three of them in hisbirth churt, but thereis a bteak of these combi-tions by Satum :nd malefc Moon. MoteovetSaturn being the 1st Lord :nd in the Capti-cotn sign and in the 12th house, hetsatum)hinders the desire in nztive to make the bestuse of combinationshûs to undetgo manyhis daily bzead.

of fortune. The nztivediëcultks in eatning

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I 352 )

llo. 175-241st Comb. (1) 9th house + Satnrn (2) 9 Venus+z

(3) 9 Venus + Satutn( 1 ) Asc. + malefc MztsNd Comb.( 2 ) 1 Mer. + mzleûc Sun

Result : Thete is no ftst and second combinûtionexcept third, fourth und fftb of the :vecombinations. But Mats and Sun huvecancelled these tbree combinations. The

month :nd passesnative earns RS. 60/-his life with diëculties.

1st Comb. (1)2nd Comb. (1) 1st house+ Capticorn (2) 1 Satutn:Result : Out of the Nve combinations of fortune,

not a Single combination bas been formed

No. 175-89 Mercury 280

in the nztivt's bitth chart. The signifcatotof fortune, the Sun and Jupitez are in the6th, !th houses tespectively. Mats is of ûdegtee. The native maintains hiS life with

the income of Rs. 6û/- a month and passeshis life with diëculties.

175-91st Comb. ( 1 ) 9th house + Sututn

( 2 ) 9 Mats Sat. ( 3@ Jup.) 9 Mats + 8#

2nd Comb. : ( 1Result : Al1 the

) 1st house+ Sat. ( 2 ) 1 JuP.+ Szt.fve combinations of fottune h:s

Page 352: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

g 353 )been formed in the native's bitth chart, butSatutn has cuncelled them and creuted hispowerful efect on the native by zs?ectingone-sided asc. and the 1st Lord. Saturnbeing in the Capticotn is powetful. Thenative earns only Rs. 6û/- a month withgreat diëculties.

No. 175-261St 'Comb.: (1) 9th house+capticozn (2) 9th house

+ Sat. (3) 9 Saturn + Czpticorn2nd Comb. t (1) 1st kouse+ Satutn * Moon, Jupitet

(2) 1 Venus + Capt. (4) 1 Venus + Sst.Result The fve combinations of fortune has been

fotmed in the native's bltth chzrt, butSatutn hzs cancelled them cl1. The 1st Lordbeing in the house of Saturn, the nativeacts accotding to tlae ideas of Sûtutn, Thenative earns only Rs. 1ûû/- a month.

Note : Though the 9th Lotd Satutn being in the9th houst, still the foztune of the nativedoes not rise, hence it proves that Satutncunnot fotm any combination of fortune.

No. 175-25

1st Comb. : (1) 9 Moon + 82nd Comb. : (1) 1st house + Ssturn (2) 1 Mzts+sat.Result : Theze ute thtee combinations of the ;ve in

Page 353: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

the natives birth chart, but Saturn àa&- cancelled them a1!. 1St Lord Mats is in tàehouse of Venus is also not good. The nativeearns only one rupee a day.

A native without wealth or a native of misfortune:Take down the birth chazt and make yourself

nlore sure.

g See Example Section : Pages 148-149 )The hotoscopes of women have also been

included, who hzve to live their lives undet theincome of Rs. 100. 'No. 8. A hotoscope of : woman dead by starvation.No. 9. A horoscope of a poor native.No. 10. Her husband dtserted hez and she had to

maintain the Rmily.A hozoscope of : nztive of misfottune. Mazsand Jupiter are debilitzted.

hotoscope of a native of misfottunmVenus, the 9th Lord aspect the 9th , housefzom the 3rd h'ouse, still the native hadtemained' unfottu>te.

No. 23. A

3. ( b ) A native without wealth or a native ofmie ttune :

( Nutive passing theit lives in unemplomeat state)Some natives, due to the bteak of' wealth zte so

much confounded' that they lose the attkude of mind

Page 354: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

towatds business or services andday decrease theit capital.big business znd winding up of it ot disability to

business but csnnot ado, the smallet'undettake bigone or disliking of services orbut have nohimself to beund cunnot

guttsvety clevet, do not prefer smqllet jobs

possessing gov sums.the businesss thiakingto unieztake

get the higher job or becûuse of hisunfvithfulness ot ttezchety otundezt:king of wtongadventutes oz loss ofptestige zre umble to obtainany service or job ot tunning away of life-pattner-or life-pzttcez's death. Cetuin natives have to passtheit lives unemployed, which is known zs <blockûde iabusiness oz service or income.' These citcumstances

consequently dsy brThe rusons ate failure h..

are created due to the bteak of wezlth combination:nd tlne natives are under the inûuence of such btezks-

An unemployed native without wea1th or anunemployed native of misfortune: Take down the.

bizth chatts and make youtself more sure.

( See Example Section : Page 150 1


Humenbehgs, exert tbxoughout theit lives forood fortuae. A pzovetb says <d Unfottunate haS no#happiness ''. Every native sttuggles &y and night forthe szke of wezlth, and also ties ? special ' cate of

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( 356 )

not being the victim of break of wealth and misfortunein his life. For this, now we slnall Sctutinise diferentbitth chatts based on the ptevious given tuble ofTtansit Planetazy Period, ut which time whicln sott.of result is given.

The time ( period ) of benehc result of fortuneObsetve and understand the birth charts and

read below.( See Example Section : Page 151. )

TNo. 162-19 ln asc. Vitgo, the 1st Lord Mercutygives the native tlnousands of rlapees atthe age of 45.

No. 332 In asc. Sagitturius, Jupiter and exûlted Sungive the native : good amount at theage of 36-37.

No. 3û1 ln asc. the maleic Mzts isGemini,

one-sided zspected by Jupitet thtoughSaturn, so Mats and Jupitet give thenative millions of tupees at tlae age of 42.

'llo. 157-11 Inat

asc. Tautus, Mars gives benefc resultthe age of 28. The 1Ft Lotd is in

Mats house. Mzts aspects the 9th house.Moon, lozd of the 9th house and

Mats, lord the 1st house h:s made thenative multi-millionsire ut the age of40 and 42.

No. 162-5 The

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No. 165-1

r 357 )

At the uge of 42, in the time ( petiod /of Jupiter und Mzts the native hadbecome king and bad experienced acombinztion of fottnne.

The time ( period ) of misfortune.( See Example Section : Puge 152. )

No. 033-9 The nutive gets z mzlefc result of theMoon and Jupitet at the age of 32.

No. 033-17 The Sun and Jupiter give the malefcresult in their time ( petiod ) at the age.of 36.

No. 033-23 ln asc.Aries, Mercuzy and Saturn givesmaleûc result ut the age of 30 and 60-Hence in tbis way the native gets maleEcresult at the age of 60 and 61.

No. 033-27 The Moon and Mzrs give malefc tesultof 4û. 1st Lotd is in theat the age

Satutn's house, henke the Moon gets a.support ftom Mzrs, the lord of the 12th.so tbe native, at the age of 40, loses his,

No.money in Speculation.

169-7 The Moon and Mazsat the age of 56/572 yts & 4 months ).8th house. Saturnhence the native isin debt of sciDons.

give maleic tesult( MatJ gives tesult9th Lozd is in thesspects the Moonp

losing millions and i&

Page 357: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

No. 169-9 Mxrs gives a great loss ct the age of 49.The 9th Lord is Satutn and is in the6th house.

'The time ( period ) of beneic 'and maledc tesult,of fortune t Take down the birth cM tts and make

yourself m ote sute.

( See Exzmple Section : Page 153. )Benefc Result

No. 1.A lsme gitl, at the age of 21 mûttied umulti-millionaite boy and her fortune waschanged ul1 of a Sudden.

2No. 2. The native at tlqe age of 21 l:zd efttned

.No.Rs. 13,000 in one day.The native at the age of 36 & 37 had earnedmillions of tupees.

.NO. 4. The native eztned well at the age of 32 & 36.

.'NO. 5. The nstive eatned one million tupees at tlpeage of 21 & 22.

N O. 6. The native had earned 4 million tupees ûtthe age of 28.

No. 7. The native had eamed Rs. 75,600 at thtage of 28.

Z;G 8. The nzdve ha4 eztsed v=l130 dt 50.

at the age of

' Mde:t R- lt('See E=mple Section Page 154. )

Page 358: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 359 )

Chaptet Fifth ! Tenth House1. A NATIVE OF POWE ,R POSITION

AND HONOURW ho are called the natives of Powet and Honouz ?

W hat is the limit of Power and Honour ?Those persons who command, order or rule over

the people and people always await their orders and?ct immediately according to their orders, are said tobe the ratives of Power and Honour, i. e. enjoyingthe Royal power.

A certain petson who employs a sezvant and getshk work by otdeting him is not.said to be a nnun ofPowet and Honour. We shall call PetSOnSof Powerund Honour only to those who at least command ot wotkunder whom thete azetwenty petsons or mote. Suchtype of petsons ûze inclued in Kîngs, Queens, Dictatots,Ministers, Chief Justices, Managers, Pzincipals, HeadMastets, Supetintendents, Supetvisots, Editots, Hugevorkshop ownets and gteat business men.& native of Power, Position and Honout : The

com b. of Power,Positiop and H onour

(1) 10th house + 10th lord (Mooy, Matsher slgn.

(2) 10th Lord lotb house

except Satutn ) or Sun,ot Jupitet ot his or

( except Saturn ) ot Sun,Moon, Mats, or Jupiter or inuzdrant, trine or 3rd house (exceptQSaturn's sign) 10th Mars in any

Page 359: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

(3j 1St house

I4j 1St Lord

( 360 )

house, if 10th Saturn then Satutn+Sun or Jupitet orin the 6th, 8th or10 ( except Saturn ) or Sun, MootsMar or Jupiter or his or her skn.10 ( except Saturn ) (or 10 + 1st lorë)or Sun, Moon, Mzts or Jupiter orhis ot her sign except in the 6tk

12th. Alats in Rnyhouse.

in his sign (except12th house).

8th, otsign ).

(5) 9th house + 9th lord ( except Saturn ) or Sun,Mazs or Jupitez or hiS otMpon,

het sign.who lâave a11 the above combins

ate Sure to he the nutives ofThose persons

tions in hiS bitth chatt,Powcr ard Honour ûndfrom frst znd second

if one connbination is formeèand one from third and fourth,

tbe nutives of Powet :nithen Such natives beconle4

Honour of lowez grude.A powerful fottuneis clso requited for a native

of Powet :nd Honour, otherwise it would be justlske a supetvisor of hundred luboutets with cettaisauthority, getting ? slight higher paylabourers. Hence the c6mbinAtion of Powetdo zequite the combinations of fottune.

ûnd Honourthan thosp

We shzll now obsezve the lnotoscopes of thosehatives in whom a11 tbese 6ve cobinztions ate foupd.

Beforegiven below


obsetving the horoscopes, the purticulursshould be kept in mind.

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( 361 J

lf Saturn is tehted to asc. oz lotd of the :sc..such nativesbecome dependent and hzve to serve. Theyalso enjoy the powet and honour, but it should benoted thzt thepowet and honour, of indejendentpersons are moze valuable than those of dependent ones.

Besides considering the combinations of Powerand Honour, we bave to considet the cancelhtion ofthese combinztions.outselves in limitoutselves in the czuse of bzeaks. Let us concentrlte

But atptesent we shall keepof the subject :nd not involve

whethet a nztivç is able to attain the power oz notand then latet on we shall study the break of Powetand honour.

The exalted planet does not require the relytionof its own bouse oz its signzcating house. If the lotdof the 10th house is exalted, lt is to be undetstoodthat itS relation with the 1û house is caused. As wellas exalted malefc planet is not considered as defectiveone. Moteovet the lozd of the 10 house ot a planettelated to the 10th house is of 29 or 30 degtees,being ine:kctive, cannot give any result as well ascannot fotm any combination by conjunction, oppositionor zspect wkh the 10 house.A native of Power Position and Honour TheCom b. of Power, Position and HonourObserve and undezstand the bitth

charts and read below( See Exatnple Section : Page 155 )

Page 361: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

k62 )( :

No. 30! i.

1st Comb. : (1) lûth house + Sagi. (2; lûth house-h Moon(3) 10 house+Mats.

2nd Comb! : (1) 10(2) t0

3rd Comb. ( 1) 1st

J/P. +MatsJnpitet+ Moon * Mats.house+ Pisces (2) 1sthouse+lup.

1st house+(3) 1st house+Mars@lup. (4)Moon * Mars, Jupiter.. (

4th Comb. : (1) Jup.+Mars (2) 1 Jup.+Nfoon * Muts5th Comb. : (1) 9tht

Result : The native was ai y

mahy awkited his

house+ Scor.highet oëcet in Bank andorders.

No. 179-21st ()orcb. :#41)lotb house+ 10' Mo= (2) 10th House

2nd Comb.Sun (3) 10?JLP. * Xa:S.

hd Comb. : N'il

+Spn (3) 10th bouse+ Mars (4) 10th house+JuP. * Mzrs #

(1) 10 Moon+ 10th house (J) 10 Moon+Moon+ Mars (4) 10 Moon+

4ah Comb . :' N il5th Comb. (1) 9th house+ Murs (2) 9th house + Jup.

(3) 9th house+Mer.Result ) The Native possesses a higher position in

one of the well-known banks.No. 179%

1st Comb. : (1) 10th house + Aties (2) 10th house+

Page 362: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 363 1$

Jup. (3) 10th house+ 1û Mats (4) 10thhouse+Moon * Mzts.

2nd Com'b.': (1) 10' 3zd comb- c (1) 1st


Satuzn, Maa.

4th Com'b c (1) 1 Moon+ 1st house (2) 1 Moon+ Mats(3) 1 Moon Jupiter * Saturn, Msrs

5th Comb. : (1) 9th heuse + SuhX' esuh : The nnzive is xhigh oëcer.

No- 26

Mars exalted (2) 10 Murs + Afoon.house+ 1 Moon (2) 1st house+

exalt/ (3) 1st house + Jupiter *

lst Comb. c(1) 1:@th house+ 1û Mars 42)Jup-@%t. (3) 16th

10th house +hcusem Sun*lup. Sat.house (2) 10 M/rs2nd Comb. : (1) t0 Mars + 10th

Jupo@sat. (3) 10 Mars+ Sun*lup., Saturn3zd Comb. : (1) 1st houx + Cancer4th Comb. : (1) 1 Moon + 3rd house5th .comb. : (1) gth lxouse + Pisces

(2# 9th bouse + 1 MoonRe-h c The nAtive is considered to be a millionaire.

H'mdrzs ef pee le awak his order.

N o. t61-13

1st Comb-t ( 1 ) 10th Youse + Pisces2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 10 Jupitet + Sun3zd Cnmlx : ( 1 ) 1st house + 19' Jupitet

.( 2 ) lx loux + Sun

Page 363: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 364 1

4th Comb. :5th Comb. :

( 1 ) 10thhoyse '+ 1 Mercuty'( 1 ) 9th house + Sun ( 2 ) 9th' house +Jupiter

Result : The native w:s a millionaite, had a hkk,reputation 5n society cnd wus a mun ofgreat powet. He is Amtitlal Setln.

No. 57-11st Leo ( 2 ) 19th housrComb. : ( 1 ) 10th house +

+ M ars

2nd Comb. : ( 1 )house

( 2 ) 1@. Sun + 9tk1û Sun + 9 Moon

3zd Comb.(3)

ktsc. #F 1 Alzrs(1)4th Comb. (1) 1 Mars + L* (2) Mars + loth house5th Comb. : (1) 9th house + Sun t2) 9th house + Moo.Result : The native waS a multi-millionaire ani z

1û Sun + Cancet

A native power; positioncomb. of power, position and Honour :' Take dowa

industriulist. He isgteztof

Fhnry Fgtd.and 'Ionèur : The

fNe bilh charts and maakeyoutself mote sure.( See Example Section : Pàges 156, 157. 1



W e have studied the combinztions of Powet ûndHonour. Now .we shall see witln which combinatio.


of phnets the nstiyes become Kings, Queens, Electe:Ministets ot Dictators.

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( 365 j

In the questions of Kings, Queens, Elected Mini-tsters or Dictatots, below combinations are tequired1 addition.

The comb. of Kings, Queens, Elected Mlnistersand Dictatots

Kings and Queens$( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ) According to the comb.

of Powet and Honour.6 + M ats or 6th lotd exalted.

Elected M inistets

( 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 ) According to the comb.of Power and Honout.

+ Mars ( 7 ) 6 + MatsDictators

,4 1 ) 10th house + Satuzn of his sign.'( 2 ) 10th Lozd + Saturn or his sign 10th

( 3) 1st house +;( 4 ) 1st Lord +( 5 ) 6 + Mars or

Kings and Queens require the conttol ovet thepeople, hence the combination of 6 + Mats is also'essential.

Lord 0 degtee.Saturn or hiS sign orSatutn or Venus orasc. Libra.

asc. Libta.his sign.

Elected Ministets must be adventuzous to win'the afection of the people, hence tbey zequire theçcombination 3 + Mars and to maintain theit powers4he combination of 6 + Mars is also necessaty,

Page 365: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 366 J

Dictators requite the 1 to 7 to havethe complete control by people.

Kings, Queens, Elected Ministets, and DictatorxObserve the birth chatts and read bebw.

( See Example Section Page 158 1No. 148-10

1st Comb. (1) 10th house + Mars (2) 10th house >Moon * Mars (3) lûth house + Jupitet

2nd Comb. : (1) 10 Saturn of 0 degzee.3rd Comb. : (1) 1$t house + Mars (2) 1st house + Mona4th Comb.5th Comb.

(1) 1 Venus + Mats (2) 1 Venus + MooyNi1


combinztionsforce over the

6th Comb. : (1) 6Result The native

Venus + Mztswas tbe king of Sweden.No. 147-11

1st Comb. :(1) lûth house + Jupiter(2) 10th house + Mats @JUP..

2nd Comb.3rd Comb.

4th Comb.

( 1 ) 10 Sun + Sagittatius.( 1 ) 1st house + Mats( 2 ) 1st house + Scozpioh( 1 ) 1 Mazs + Scotpio( 2 ) 1 Msts + 1st house:( 1 ) 9th house + Cancerk5th Comb.

6th Comb. ( 1 ) 6th house + Aties.Result : The native was a king.

No. 155-84

1st Comb. :( 1 ) 10th house + Leo

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( 367 J

( 2 ) 10th house + Sun.( 1 ) 10 Sun + 10th house.2nd Comb.

3rd Comb.

4th5th Comb. : ( 1 ) 9th house + Czncer

( 2 ) 9th house + Jup.

( 1 ) 1st house + Scomio( 2 ) 1st house + Jup.( 1 ) 1 Mzts + 12th house.Comb.

6th Comb.7th Comb. : (1) 6th house+ Mars (2) 6th house+ AriesResult The native w:s an elected Ministez of Bom-

(1) 3rd house + Mcrs.

bay province. He is kher.No- 155-1

1st Comb. (1) 10th house + Mzts (2)+ Aries (3) 10th house + Jupiter

2nd Comb. : (1) 1û Mars + 3rd house3rd Comb. : (1) 1st house + Moon4th Comb. (1) 1 Moon + 1st house5th Comb.6th Comb.

(1) 9th house+pisces (2) 9th house+Mats(1) 3td house + Mars

7th Comb,

10th house

(1) 6th house + MarsResult : The native was an elected ptime Ministet.

He is Jawahatlzl Nehru.

1st Comb.2nd Comb.3td Comb. :

No. 151-5

lûth house + Satutn: (1)(1) 1û Vênus @f1) 1st house + Capticorn(2) 1st house Sat. * Moon.

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( 368 j

4th Comb.5th Comb.

(1) 1 Saturn + Libra(1) 6th house + Murs (2) 6

Result : The native is Dictator. He isMetcuty + hlzrsMao-Tse-tung.

1st Comb. : (1) lûth house + Sztum2nd Comb. : (1) 10 Moon + Saturn3td Comb. (1) 1st house + Sztutn * Moon, Muts,

M ez. or Venus.4th Comb. (1) 1 Venus + Satutn5th Comb. : (1) ASc. LibmResult : The native was Dictatot. He is Hitlet.

Kings, Queens, Elected Ministers and Dictators :Take down the bitth charts and make yourself

m ore Sure.

( See Example Section : Pûge 159, 160, 161. )Elected M inisters

41. Mr. Motatji Desai42. Pzesident of Ftance.43. Mr. Rasiklul Patikh.G. Sit Anthony Eden.45. Pzesident of Austmlia.46. Mr. Ttuman.47. Mz. Kennedy.48. Mt. Roosevelt.

49. Mt. Ktislwa Menon.5û. Rajendta pzasad.51. Ptesident of Ftance.52. President of France,53. Eloyd George.54. Clement Atley55. Eisenhowet.

56. Mztshal Tito.57. Kaiser


58. Nspoleon 60. Mussolini59. Stalin 61. Generzl Ftancko.

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( 369 )


As the combinatious of powet are formed intbe birth charts of Some natives, so theirbreaks ure also sometimes caused. Such nativeswitness ups znd downs in their lives.

principles, thosebreak ofPOWC: is

caused, they experience breûk of powez,honour. Such nztives experience the brezkto treacheries or becauserise in business ox due to other reasons.P

position andof power due

of undertaking wtong enter-

Accotding to the ubove ststedersons in whose birth chsrts theP

When a millionaire becomes poot, he experiencesnot only the break of fottune but also the break ofpower, position and honour because he will lnuve noservants to carry out hiS orders.

of Power, Posidon or Honour

(1) 10th house+ Saturn ot his Sign or malefc or lordof the 10th house is in 6th, 8th or12 house ( without the relation ofany planet ) or is of s ot debilitated.

(2) 1st house+ Szturn of his sign or maleic ( except1st house + Sun, Moon, Mars orJupiter) ot lord of the 1st house in6th, 8th or 12th house or is of + ordebilitated.

The break

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( 370 )

Please remembtt that Mars stoy the brezk ofositjon and honour, i. e. ii' the breuk of powet huPbeen caused according to the above principles but ifMzrs being independent, zspects the 1st house ot issituated in the 1st house, the native does not axpeticnceany break of power.

The combitutionof power is strong among ftiendlyplansts and the break of power becomes Slight withthem. But if the combinution of power is fbtmed byenemy planets, then the xesult of this combinztion ofpowerbe very diszstetous.

is weak and the bteak ofPo>er turns Out to

The bteak of Powet : Natives with the breakof power, Position and Honout. Obsetve andunderstand the birth charts and tezd below.

( See Example Section :It is to be noted that both

Page 162. )the above nqentioned

combinztions ate requited fot the bzok of powet.The nûtive who has not got the above combinations inhis bitth chatt does not sufer ftom the btezk of powet

No. 83-11st Comb. : (1) lûth house + Sat. (2) 1û Venus +12,znd Comb. : (1) 1st house+ Capr. (2) 1st house+ Sat.Result : The native waS a Minister of cextain stzte.

But due to hiS illegal undettakings he wasfotced to leave his high post, he waS alsoinvolved in a ctiminzl czse.

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( 371 J

No. 68-7) 10th house + Cap.

( 2 ) 10th house + Maleic Mercurp2nd Comb. : ( t ) 1st house + Saturn @ MarsResult : The native wûs chief Minister of a Sute-

He Nzas forced to resign all of a sv den.

Comb. :

: (1)(2) 10th house + malefc Metcury.

2nd Comb. : (1) 1st house + Sat. * Mats

Result(2) 1st house +maleic Mer., * Sat. Mars-

The native was a high omcet. After a lon:strvice, at the age of 40, due to cettsindisputes with the highet oëcu, he was.compelled to leave thzt high post.

tlo. 170-4

Comb.No. 4

10th house+ Saturn

1st Comb. :2nd Comb. :


(1) 10th house(1) 1St house

SaturnAquariusS:t(2) 1st house +

The nztive lost his poweryhonout due to othet's mistake.

di> ity andt

1st Comb. : ( 1 )( 2 )

2nd Comb. : ( 1 )Result : The native

He lost his

No. 169-410th house + Sat.lùth bouse + Aquarius1St lozd Venus + 6was debtor due to speculation.car and at last to escape froa

Page 371: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 372 )the creditots, he left his home as well asfamily.

lço. 170-11st Comb. : ( 1 ) 10th house + Saturn2nd Comb. : ( 2 ) 1 Mercury + Saturn'Result The native lost millions of rupees and had

to sutrender himself to poverty.

A native with the break of Power, Positionand Honour. Take down the bitth chatts and m akew urself m ore sure.

( See Example Section : Pages 163 )@

4. The time (period) of beneNc and malefc resultof Power, Honour and Position : Observe andunderstand the birth charts and read below.

( See Example Section : Page 164 )BeneNc Result

No. 170-6 The native's yeats ftom 28 to 42 were'of continuous zise gzined much honourqnd dignity. The position of the native's Moon, Mzrs.znd Jupitet gave laim a constant rise in their yeats.He did not had any do cultie! in Metcuty's 35 to 49

and he

yeazs because Mercuty being in his own signifcating.4th house, the break of maleic is caused.

No. 170-5 The native became the Ptime Ministetnf India at the age of 57. In the bitth chatt, the lûth

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( 373 J

lord is Mars and is situzted in the 3rd bouse sspects.the lûth house, hence tbe nûtive gets behefc tesultin the time of Mars. .

lko. 152-10 ln the years of Saturn and the Sunpat 45, the nutive achieved great power by theirconjunction and opposition. The combination of'powet is complete in th: birth chart. He is Hitlet.

Malehc ResultNo. 151-3 The native was a bigh oëcer and is

tbe years of malefc Mats, ut 68, he h:d to tuaaway leaving his powet.

No. 97 From the yezrs 32 to *, the native had:to Jeave hiS power duzing tbe yeuts of the Mooaand Venus. Look at tbe condition of malefc Moon,und Venus in thezscendent Sugittztius.

No. 152-10 The powets gained by45, ended a11 of a sudden in hiS 66thhad to commit Suicide. In this birth

the nvtives zt

being mûlefc, aspectsbreak of powet. Hencewar in his 56th year,suiciée. He is Hitlet.

yelrchart, Jupitercausing thedefeated in

Mars one-sidedtbe native beingends his life by commiting'

and he

The time ( petiod ) of beneEc xnd maleNc tesultPower, Honour and Position : Take down thebitth chals and make youtself more sute.( See Exzmple Section : Page 165 )

Page 373: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1



Every native is keen and anxious to know his'happiness of fzthet; because when a native loses hi$'fatherly happiness in his child-bood, he is consideted4o be tsn unfortunate one and people pity him.

Looking to the condition of the 10th house, its.lord :nd the Sun, signikasoz of the 10th house,,( The Sun is father ) the time of fatherly happiness,cAn be ascertai,ned.

The combinations of Fatherly happiness.

'( '1 ) 10th house + 10 ( excmt Venus ot Saturn ) ozSun, Moon, Metcuty or Jupiter or hi$ or het sign.

1 2 ) 10th Lord 10th hoase ( except Venus or Suturn )ot Sun. Moon', Metcuzy or Jupiter or his orhet sign.

tl 3 ) sun + 10M ercuzy .orLeo. ( 'this

( except Venus ot Saturn ) or Moon,Jupiter or his or her sign oz signLeo should not be in 6, 8 or 12th. )

( 4 ) lûth house + Saturn or Venus oz his signoz malesc.

k( 5) lûth Lord + Saturn or Venus or his Sign ozme ûc ot in 6th., 8th oz 1Ah ot # ot debilitzted.

,(,6 ) Sux + Satutn or Venus or hiS sign ot mslefc- ia 6th, 8tls oz' 12th ox % ot debilitated.If there ate three of the above combinsdons, û

:native fzom each O mbination gets ten l-ears of fathetly

Page 374: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

k:ppiness and if there is cn absence of fourtb, ûfth.or the sixth combination, evcn then, a natiee from'each combinadon gets ten years of fztberly hzppiness.In this wap a native gets 60 years of fatberly happiness.

1. lf tbe S> Metcury ot Jupitçr is in the signof Taurus, Libza, G pzicorn oz Aquuius, he cannotfosm any combination of fathetly happiness.

2. Venus had left his fathez and mother, hence'the combination of 1 + Venus is considered zsdevoid of fatherly and motherly happiness- He hûdenjoyed his pzrently happiness in young age only( up to 15 years ).

3. Satutn is without mother and father, hence in'the ascendant of Czrieorn and Aquarius, if there isu combination of 10 + Saturn. the native does notuperience fathetly happiness.The Fatherly happiness and its time : Observe and

understand the birth chu s and read below.g See Example Section : Page 166 )

No. 177-1

1st Comb. :Areats

(1) 10th housv+lup. but being inany comb.

(1) Satutn+ Sun, but being in Aqu-arius cannot form any comb.

(1) Sun + Metcury, but being ia

Taums cannot fozm

Aquarius cannot fotm any comb.(1) 10th house+ceticorn

2nd Comb. :

3zd Comb. :

4th Cam b. :

Page 375: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

5th Comb. : (1) 10 Saturn+ Aquarivs6th Comb. : (1) Sun+Aquarius X

X ,T' o t a lfailure in the matterResûlt : The hative gets complete

of fathezly happiness. He h:dhappiness in childhood.

No. 177-3

lost his fathetly

1St Comb. : Ni1 '2nd Comb. : (1) 10 Saturn+virgo3rd Comb. : (1) Sun + Metcuty (2) Sun+Moon

exalted 1:4tln Comb. 1 (1) 10 Saturn + Capricorn5th Comb. : (1) 10 Saturn+ 6


étb Comb. : (1) Nil, hete maleic Moon beingexalted, the Sun is not afected. 1û

Result : TheTotzl

native obtains An otdinaryin tbe mutter of fatberly happiness.31 yeats of fatherly happiness.

No. 177-2

36happinessHe got

:St Connb. :2nd Comb. :3rd Comb.4th Comb.5th Comb.6th Comb.

(1) Ni141) Ni1 ( Venus is + )(1) Sunf+lup. (2) Sùn+ Moon: (1) lûth house + Libra: (1) 1û Venus +(1) Sun + 8


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( 377 )

Result : The native obtains failute in the matter offatherly happiness. He received 9 years offatherly happiness.

No. 175-51st Comb.2nd Comb. :3rd Comb.4th Comb.5th Comb.6th Comb.

: (1) 10th house + Leo 10(1) 10 Sun + Mer. Cancer 10

: (1) Sun + Mer. Cancer 10: Ni1 10

: (t) 10 Sun + Satutn(1) Sun Saturn



Result The nutive obtains a goodmattet of fatherly happiness. He h:s35 years of futherly lnappiness.

No. 177-81st Comb. : Ni1 ( There is 10th house+ 10

Alars but being in Tuum s,

cannot fotm any comb. )

Total 40success in the


2nd Comb. : Ni13rd Connb. Ni1 ( There is Sun + Jupiter.

but being in Aquarius, clnnotfotm any comb. )

4th Connb. : (1) 10th house + Saturn5th Connb. t(1) 10 sfars + Taurus, Saturn

(1) Sun6th Comb. Aquatius


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( 378 )

Resuh : The birth chzttis situated in the

is of usc. Aquatius. Satutn'loth house, So in all the

way, tlne native obtains complete failute inthe matter of fathezly happiness. He l:as losthis fzthetly lnappiness in child-hood.

llo. 177-9Here the asc. is of Libra. Satutn aspects

the asc.tbe lozd

of the asc. :nd through him aspectsSstutn is related to the 10th house, lnence the

:nztive cannot obtam fatherly hûppiness. Tlne positionof the Sun, Jupitet und the Moon, the lotd of the


lûth house being quite good, eventlten, the native wasable to obtuin only 1û yezrs of fûthe:ly happiness.The Fatherly happiness add its time Take downthe bitth charts and make yourself m ore sure.

( See Example Section ) Page 167 )@


impoztance of 1st, 5th :nd tbe9th house. Besides tbat the 4th house is also ofimpottcnce.the huppiness of house and vebicle, :re deinitely telattdto the 9th house and if the 4tb house is weak, there

gteztThose persons who are foztunate to have

atises some suspecionsminute obsetvation

regstding tlne 9th house, henceof the 4th house is nacessaty.

We hAve learnt the

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f 379 )

The combs. of House

I 1 ) 4th 'houseMazs,

I 2 ) Imtd ,of the

+ 4 ( except Satutn ) or Sun, Moon,Jupiter or his or her sign.4th house + 4 ( except Saturn ) or

Mzrs or Jupiter or in quadrant,Sun, Moowttine or 3rd house ( except Satutn's sign ).lf M ars is the lozd of the 4th house, thenilt1ny houx. If Saturn is the lord of tke4th house, then Saturn + Mercury or Aloonor in his or her sign. ( except 6th, 8th or12th house.

I 4 ,) Lord of the 1St house + 4 or 4 1st Lozd+ Sun, Moon,( except Suturn ) or 1st lord

Mzrs, or Jupiter or his or her Sign exceptin 6th, 8th or 12th. Mars in any house. )

'f 5 ) 9th house 9 ( exceptMzzs ot Jupitez or

Saturn ) or Sun, Moon,his or her sign.

:velf thete are a1l the above combinations inone's bizth chatt, the nltive obtzins ? highet standztd ofkzppiness of house and vehicle and if there is onecombination from the ftst :nd second and one com-bination from tbitd qsnz foutth, tlnen the native obtainsan xdinaty standard of happiness of house and vehicle.

To obtain the higher standztd of huppiness ofhouse and vehicle the fortune must be sounda ' other-wise one who gots the hua iness of house and if the

Page 379: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 380 )#condition of that house is poor ot merely a hutj themSuch hoppiness of house has no meaning. Henc: foythe higher standatd of happiness of housq tkt:conmbinations of fortune ate also requited.

The combs. of Vehicle.( 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ) accozding to the comb. of house,(6) 1 ot 4 or 9 + Moon or Cancer.(7) 1 tasc- or lotd of the asc ) + Aries.. Cencets

Libta ot Czpzicom or Moon.The native with happiness of House and Vehiclec

Obsezve the birth chatts and xead below.

( See Example SectionNo. 79-4

: Page 168:)

2nd Comb.3rd Comb.

( ,') 4th house+cancet (2) 4th house +Jk?:(3) 4th house + Mars(1) 4 Moon + Sun (2)4 Moon + Wqusdtacy(1) 1st house+4 Moon (2) 1st house 1Aties (3) 1st house+ Mars (4) 1st house+Jup. (5) 1St house+ Sun(1) Mazs + Jup. (2) 4th bouse+ Mats9th house + Szgi. (2) 9,th Jbp. exalted

4th Comb.5th Comb.Result : The native owns besutiful houses.


The combs. of Vehicle( 1 ) 1st house + Moon( 2 ) 4th house Cancet( 1 ) 1$t houst + Aries( 2 ) 1 Mars Copticotm.

6th Comb.

7th Comb.

Page 380: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 381 )

Iesult : The native enjoys the happiness of vehicle.No. 79-2

1st Comb. (1) 1$t house+cancer (2) 4th house+ Sun..2nd Comb. : (1) 4 Moon +Mzrs * Sat.

(2) 4 Moon+ Jup. * M azs, Szturn.3td Comb. : (1) 1sthouse+ Aries (2) 1st bouse +JuP.

1st house + 5IUrS * Jupitet.4th Comb.

(3)(1) 1 Mars + Jupiter(2) 4 Moon + sfars * Sat.

5th Comb. (1) 9th housem Sagitt. (2) 9th house+lup.(3) 9th house + Mars

Result : The nztive possess a beautiful bunglow.The com bs. of Vehicle

6th Comb. : (1) 4th house + Cancer'7th Comb. : (1) 1st house' + Arie!,Result ) The native enjoys the lnappiness of vehicle.

No. 79-1

1st Comb.2nd Comb.

(1) 4th house+Mars

3td Comb.

.4th Comb.

(1) 4 Venus + Sagitt.(3) 4 Venus + Jup.(1) 1St house+ Cancer (2) 1st house + Murs(3) 1st house + Jup. * Szt.(4) 1St house + Sun @ Jup. Satutn.

(2) 4th house + Jup.(2) 4 Venus + Sun(4) 4 Venus + Mats

Nil5th Comb. : ( 1 ) 9th house + 1 Moon

.A. esult : The native owns beautiful houses.

Page 381: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 382 )

The combs. of Vehicle6th Comb. : ( 1 1 9th house + Moon

( 2 ) 1st house + Cancer7th Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st housc + CancerResult : The native enjoys the happiness of vehicks..

No. 80-111st Comb. ( 1 ) 4th hoase zt Venus2nd Comb.

3td Comb.4th Comb.

( 1 ) 4 Venus 4th house( 2 ) 4 Venus + 4 quadtant.( 1 ) 1st house Moon( 1 ) Moon Cancet

5th Comb. (1) 9th house + MatsResult The native owns beûutiful houses.

6th Comb.'/-th Comb.Result :

The combs. of Vehicle(1) lsthouse + Cancet (2) lstllouse+Mooa(1) 1st house+Moon (2) 1St housemcancetnative enjoys the happiness of mauyThe

vehicles.No. 8:-8

4th house+ Sun1st Comb. k1) (2) 4th house+ Mooc

2nd Comb.3rd Comb.4th Comb. : (1) 1 Moon + Jup.

(2) 4th house + 1 Moon * Sût.5th Comb. : (1) 9th lnotlse + 9 Jup.

(2) 9th house + Moon * Sat.

* Sat, (3) 4th house + Jupiter * Satutu.(1) 4 Venus + Mats (2) 4 Venus + 5 trint(1) 1st house + Moon (2) 1st house + Juz.

Page 382: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 383 )Result : The native

houses.enjoys the happinessof beautifi

The Combs. of Vehicle6th Comb. (1) 1st house + Cancez

/2) 1st houseN Moon7th Comb.


(1) 1St house + Czncez(2) 1 Moon + Czpricorn

The nutive enjoys the huppiness of vehicle.No. 79-5


2nd Comb.

3rd Comb.

4th Comb.

5th Comb.Result : The native

(1) 4th house + 4 Jup.(2) 4th house + Moon (mûleic) * Jupittt.(1) 4 Jup. Cancer(2) 4 Jup. Moon ( maleûc )(1) 1st house Sagitt.(2) 1st house + Sun @ Sat..(1) 1 Jup. Cancer ( exalted )(2) 1 Jup. Moon ( malefc )(1) 9th house + Mars

enjoys the happiness of house.The combs. of vehicle


6th Comb. : (1) Jup. + Cuncer (2) 4 Jup. + Cancer7th Comb. : (1) 1 Jupitet + CAncetResult The native enjoys the happhess of vehicle.The natives with happiness of House and Vehicle :

Take down the bilh charts and makeyourself m ore sure.

( See Example Section : Pages 169, 170, 171, 172 )

Page 383: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 384 J


As in the bitth cbatts of certain natives, thecombinations of house and vehicle zre fotmed, sobtezk of house and vehicle ate also cuused. Suchnatives expetience rise as well as fall in tbeit lives.

V accozding to the above principles, the combi-nations of house and vehicle have been fotmed :n2if according to the below combinations the bteak Qfhappiness of house and vehicle have ulso been caused,then the nztives of such expetience the bteak of houseûnd vehicle. We Shsll now obsetve the btezk of llouse:nd vehicle.

The bteak of House4th house ot lord of the

and Vehicle.4th

Venus or hislotd of tht12th ( withoutot * ot debiliuted.or lotd of the 1st house + saturn,Venus o: his sign ot in tbe 1st house

house + Sutuzn,sign in the 4t14 house ot4th house in 6th, 8th otthe telation of any planet)

( 2 ) 1St house

or malefc (except 1stMoon, Mazs or Jupitet)1st house in 6tb, 8thdebilitlted.

house + Sun,oz lotd of theot 12th ot # or

( 3 ) Moon + Satuzn,house

Venus ot his sign in the 4thot malefc or tlne Moon in 6th,

Page 384: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

I 385 )

8th or 12th house (without the relationof any planet.ï

The natives with the bteak of House and Vehicle :Observe and understand the birth charts and

read below.( See Example Section : Page 173 )

W ith the ubove two combinations, the breuk ofbouse is caused and with the three combinationsone who owns a vehicle, then the break of vehicle iscaused. One who has not got such combinutions in hisbitth chart, the break of house ot vehicle is not czused.

No. 4ûJ1st Comb. : (1) 4 Moon + Capticorn2nd Comb. : (1) 1st house + Sautn (2) 1 Mats + Libra3td Conab. : No vehicle.Result : The native had sold his house due to debt.

No. 130

1St Comb. : (1) 4th house Czpricotn(2) 4th house + Venus(3) 4 Saturn 6

2.nd Comb. : (1) 1 Venus + Capticom' (2) 1St house + Libm

3td Comb. : No vehicle.Result : The native had lost his house And ornaments

for the suke of his son's marrizge with pomp.No. 413

1st Comb. : (1) 4tb house + Capticotn

Page 385: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

(21 4th house + Szt,2nd Comb. : (1) 1st house+sat. (2) 1st3rd Cornb. : No vehicle.

house + Libtz

Result : Even though the native being well educatei,uts himself in great trouble by ttying to,Pbe rich quicllly. He cqnnot do any setvicenor any business. Most of his life has beenpassed in unennployment.jobs and does not get higher one. He is :.debtor, cunning and wrong doer. Many cases.

He dislikes smaller.

have been fled against him.No. 4û8

1St Comb.2nd Comb.

( 1 ) 4 Moon w Tauzus( 1 ) 1st house + Sat. ( 2 ) 1st house +Venus ( 3 ) 1 Mzrs ,î( 1 ) Moon + Tautus3rd Comb.

Result The native was involved in debt due te,luxutious living and lnad to sell hiS house.He even lost his horse-cattiage.

No. 24-4

( 1 ) 4th house + Sat. * Mazs ( 2 ) 4 Mars,+ Sat. ( 3 ) 4th house + Venus

2nd Comb. ( 1 ) 1 Sun + Tauzus3zd Comb. ( 1 ) Moon + SûtutnResult : The native had to sell his two cats due to

debts and had to live in tented house. H:is a debtoz and an insolvent.

1st Comb.

Page 386: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 387 )

No. 20021st Comb. : ( 1) 4th house + Ce. ( 2 ) 4 Sat. + Libtm2nd Comb : ( 1) 1st house+ Libru ( 2 )Srd Comb. : ( 1 ) Moon + CupticornResult The native bas lost his car. He is not able'

1St house+ Szt.

to live in his own house nor is able to getthe house tents und bas to live in atented house.

The natives with the bteak of House and Vehicle :Take down the birth chatts and mA e yoursef

m ore Sure.

( See Example Section : Page 174, 175. )No. 1. The native has ruined himself in speculations,

and sold his houses.No. 2. The native sold hiS houses ut the age of 48.No. 3/4 The native's houses were sold due to debt.No. 5. The native ruined himself in Speculation and.

sold houses.

No. 6/7/8. The native's house was sold.No. 9. The native sold hi$ house at theNo. 10. The native has mottgaed his house.No. 11. The native sold two houses at the age of 2T.No. 12, The native has sold hiS house at the age of

age of 14.

27 and is tezdy to sell another oneNo. 13. The native's two houses were sold.No. 14. The nutive wunts to sdl house due to debt..No. 15. The nutive lived by selling his houses.

Page 387: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 388 )

3. THE NATIVES LIVING IN THEIR OWN HOUSESliving in theit own houses should not Lerich men beczuse z poor man can also

his life in a small mud house. tn shott one lives'passhis lifezccording to one's fortune. One czn live in asplendidly built bouse while unother can live in a nludhouse. One lives in his fathet's or grzndfathet's lpouse.or hiS own house or lives in : tented house insteûdf hi s ovk 11, o house outside the native place due tobusiness ot setvice. W e shall catefully obsetve suchcombinations and study them one by one. We Shall atptesent only think about the natives passing theklives in theit own houses.

Petsonsconsideted as

living in their own houses.I 1 ) 4th house + Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercuty ot4

Jupitet or hiS or het Sign.( 2 ) Lotd of the 4th house + Sun, Moon, Mats,@


Mercuty or Jupiter oz his or het Sign.The natives living in theit own houses : Obsetve'and uhderxtand the birth charts and teûd below.

( See Exzmple section : Page 176 )No. 144

2nd Comb.

( 1 ) 4th house + Jup.( 2 ) 4th house + Moon( 1 ), 4 Sat. + Pisces ( 2 ) 4 Slt. + Mzts( 3 ) 4 Sat. + Sun ( 4 ) 4 Sût. + 'Mer.

Result : The native passed his life in his own house.

1st Comb.

The natives

Page 388: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 389 )

No. 2371st Comb. : ( 1 ) 4th house + Sagitt. ( 2 ) 4th house'

+ Jup. ( 3 ) 4th house + Mars ( 4 ) 4thhouse + Sun * Sst. ( 5 ) 4th houseMexcury * Satum .

Result : The native passes hiS life in his own housc-No. 441

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 4th house + Jupiterznd Comb. : ( 1 ) 4 Venus +M:rs ( 2 ) 4 Venus + Aries.Result : The nstive had passed his life in his own house.

No. 1661St Comb. : ( 1 ) 4th house + Sagitt. ( 2 ) 4th house.

+ Sun ( 3 ) 4th house + Mars ( 4 ) 4thhouse + Moon ( 5 ) 4th house + Metcuzy'

2nd Comb. ( 1 ) 4 Jupiter + GncerResult : The native hzd passed his life in his own house..

No. 408l st Comb. :2nd Comb, :


( 1 ) 4th house + Cuncer( 1 ) 4 Moon + Sun ( 2 ) 4 Moon +Mercuzy ( 3 ) 4 Moon + Jup. ( 4 ) 4.Moon + Mars * Jup.

The native passes hiS life in his own house.No. 155

Comb. : ( 1 ) 4th bousr + Virgo ( 2) 4th house+ Sun ( 3 ) 4th house + Mezcury

2nd Comb. ( 1 ) 4 Mercuzy+pisces ( 2 ) 4 Mer.+ Sun.Result The native passes his life in h, is own housqy

Page 389: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 39û )

The natives living in their own houses k Take downthe birth charts and make yourself more sute.

( See Examjle Section : Page 177. )@

4. A NATIVE WITHOUT HOUSEof happiness of house

.ot the luppiness of vehicle in one's birth chatt an2if the following formed, the.nutive is without house. He does not possess his cwn'house and has to

combinutions have been

PISShis life in the tented house.

If there is no combination

A native wgthout house

'( 1 ) 4th house + Satuznj Venus ot lnis Sign or malefc.r'( 2 ) Lotd of tbe 4th lnouse + Saturn, Venus ot his

sign or nnalefc ot lord of tlne 4th house in 6th8th ot 12th ot * ot debilitated.

A native without house 1 Obsetve and undetstandthe bitth chatts and read below.( See Exvmple Section : Page i78 )

No. 165'lst Comb. : (1) 4 Venus + Capticotn (2) Venus + 12'2nd Comb. : (11 4th house *+ TaurusResult : The native does not posSess his own house.

No. 251'lst Comb. : (1) 4th house + Aquarius'.2nd comb. : (1) 4 Sztutn + Venus * Jup., Msrso-zResult : The nztive does not possess his own house.

Page 390: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

No. IMl

1st Comb. : (1) 4th house + Tzurus2nd Comb. : (1) 4 Venus + 8 (2) Venus debilitated-Result : The native does nct possess his own house.

No. 3864th house + msleEc Mûrs4st Comb. : (1)

2nd Comb. : (1) 4 Mercuzy VenusResult : The native does not possess his own house.

A native without house : Take down the bixhfharts and m ake yourself more sure.

( See Example Section : Pzge 178 )


( Including happiness of friends, pattnershipand desired trznsfet. )

N/e have learnt from the 4th kouse, the connbi-ratiocs of happiness of house, happinesg of vehicle,living in own houses or living in rented houses etc.Now we shall think mote ovet the most impottanttopic of the human life, < Happy und Peaceful mind. '

The 4th house means apezce. The signiûcator of thevho is considezed as the givetThe hûppiness of friends,desired place vlso included

house of hzppiness and4th house is the Moon,of hzppiness and pesce.pattnership, transfer to

in the 4th house.

Page 391: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 392 JWho are lled the natives of happiness an:C:


mind ? Who are called the nutives ofund restless mind ?

Tbe entite happinesson his own inclination

and peaceof mind :nd Soul. Ifcheetful, he is counted

of lwman life is

based#One S ind and soul ûte zlwzysm

in the gtoup of people of bappiness :nd one whnsràl

mind and soul are unpleasant, gl, oomy, despaiteâ anyrestless, he is counted in the group of people cf

unhepinessThe natives experiencing

and restless mind.

Livmg in a fair houseeace and happiness.Pund freely maintciniug

himself with the existing necessities.2. Maintaining himself as well as his family with

suëcient income.3. Keeping himself ûwzy from debts.4 Keeping himself away from Rmily disputer

and enjoying huppy married life.5. Jteeping himself away from dzinks, debzuches'

amblângs or extrlvûgûnce.Keeping himself awûy ftom criminal natuze or6.

coutt litigations.Keeping himself away ftom wzong

misbclnzves as not to cause uny peaceless mind.The natives expetiencing peaceg Including hzppiness of friends,

znd desited. jausfœ

deeds or

and happiness.pzttnetshi?,

Page 392: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 393 J

( 1 j 4th house + 4th lotd ( except Venus ot Saturn )or Suna Moon, Mats, Mercuzy, Jupiter orhis or her sign.

( 2 J 4th Lord + 4th house ( except Venus or Ssmtn ).oz Sun, Moon, Mats, Mercury ot Jupitet orhiS ot her sign or 4th lord exalted.

( 3 ) Moon + 4 ( except Venus o: Saurn ) ot 4 +M oon ot Moon + Sun, Mats, M etcuzy,Jupiter or his sign.

( 4 ) 1 ( asc. or lord of the asc. ) + 4 ( except Venusor Saturn ) or Sun, Moon, Mats, Mercutyor Jupiter ot his oz her sign. '

The natives expetiencing peace and happiness : .( including the happiness of Mends, paM etship,desired transfet ). Obsewe and unde-and le bixh'.

charts and tead below.

( See kxample Section : Page 179 JThose natives having a11 the four combinations

in theiz birth cbatts, expetknce theit lives with com-plete bappiness and peacdul mind. Those with thzeecombinations, experioce gov Lppiness znd peacefulmind, those with two combinztinns, cpetience fairhappiness %p: poY nl miM '=d those with onlyone combH ticw expetience o/lmvty bxpphos =d'peaceful mind.

Page 393: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

2 394 )

1st Comb. ( 1 ) 4th+ Aloon

2nd Comb.

3td Comb.

4th Comb.(3) Moon + Jup. (4) Moon + Sagittarius(1) Venus + Mats (2) 1 Venus + Aries(3) 1 Venus + Jup. (4) 1Venus + Mooc

happinelsResult : Tlne native expeziences :nëpeaceful cnind.

( 1 ) 4 Sun + 'Gemini ( 2 ) 4 Sun +Moon ( 3 ) Sun + Jup. ( 4 ) Sun+Met.(1) Moon + 4 Sun (4) 4th house + Mcon

house + Jup. ( 2 ) 4t1n house

No. 83

1st Comb. :2nd Comb.

(1) 4th house + Jup. (2)4t1n house + Gemini

3rd Comb.(3) Moon + 4 Mercury

4th Comb. (1) 1st house + Pisces (2) 1St house+ JupResult : The native expericences happiness c:ë

(1) 4 Mercuty + Sun (2) 4 Mercury + Moon(3) 4 Metcuty + Mats(1) .Moon + Mars (2) Moon + Sun

d l

eaceful ccùad.P - .w k , 1- t

No. ..124lst: Comb. :;

znd Comb.

(1) 4th house ' + Mzts(3) 4th bouse +' Jup'. @ Mazs

. (3) .4th house' + Moon * Jup, Mzts.:2(1) 4 Venus + Mercul (2) 4 Venus + Sun(3) 4 Venus + Leo

Page 394: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

3td Comb. :

#th Comb. :(1) Moon + Jup. (2) Moon+sagittarius(1) 1st bouse + Jup. t2) 1st house+ Sun(3) 1st house + Moon * Jupiter.

experiences hephess undAesult : The nativepeaceful mind.

1st Comb. :#'

2nd Comb. :d Comb.3:

#th Comb.

No. 11

(1) 4th house + Cancer(1) 4 Moon + Mars(1) Moon Mars(3) Moon exalted.: (1) 1st house+Aries (2) 1st house+lup.(3) 1 Mats + Moon (4) 1 Mars + Sun

(2) 4 Moon + Sun(2) Moon + Sun

expetinces huppiness and peacefulResult : The nativemind.


No. 8

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 4th house + Scorpioznd Comb. : ( 1 ) 4 Mats + Jup. ( 2 ) 4 Mars

Sun ( 3) 4 Mats + Virgo3td Comb.: ':Ah Comb


: ( 1 ) Moon + Leo: ( 1 ) 1st house + Moon ( 2 ) 1st house+ Mer. ( 3 ) ,1 Sun + 4 Mars( 4 ) '1 Sun + Jup. ( 5 ) 1' Sun + Mer.(4) 1 Sun + Vitgo

R'ee lt 4 The ' nltlvepeaceM mH .

. expetiences happiness andf e' hl k

Page 395: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 396 J

No. 153

1st Comb. :2nd Comb. :

( 1 ) 4th house + Gemini( 1 ) 4 Mer. + Sun ( 2 ) 4 Met. + Mooa( 3 ) 4 Mercuty + Mats

3td Comb. : (1) Moon + 4 Mer. (2) Moon + Mats(3) Moon + Sun.

Comb. : (1) 1st house + Mats * Sat., Jupiter(2) 1st house + Moon * Mats, Satutn, Ju?.

Result : The nztive expetiehces hzppiness é:dpeaceful mind.

The natives experiencing peace and happiness :( including happiness of ttiends, palnership, desired.transfer ). Obsetve and understand the bitth chartsand 'tead below.

( See Example Section*

Pages 18û, 181. )


The natives

of ,ftiendsi partnetship,ttansfer.l

of unhappiness gnd peaceless mind :1. Diëculties in getting : house to lead ?

pezceful life and unuble to obtain existlg necessitks.

unhappinosot undeéted

( Including

2. Maintaining himgelf as wtll as. his family withgteat diëcultiej with inkuëcknt lcome ot upabk tp!

stay with fzmily.

Page 396: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

j 397 j3. Himself being a grezt debtor.4. Family disputes and dishatmony with life pzttnet.5. Himself being dtunkatd, debauclnerous, gamblet

mr extravagant.6. Himself being

by court litigations.7. Undettakings of

of criminal natute :nd hatassed

wtong deeds oti1l bebaviouts'causing anxieties.The nativesof Unhappiness and Restless mlnd.( lncluding unhappiness of fxiends, pattnezship,

disliked ot undesited ttansfer. q',1 1 ) 4th house+ Saturn ot Venus oz his sign ot malefc.'( 2 ) Lord of the 4th house + Saturn oz Venus oz his?

sign ot maleNc ot in 6th, 8th or 12th house ot$ ot debilitvted.

:1 3 ) Moon + Sstum ot Venus or his sign ot malefc8th ot 12th house or % oz debilitated.oz in 6th,

( 4 ) 1 ( asc. ot lotd of the asc. ) + Satutn ot Venusot hjs sign or lord of the asc. in 6th, 8th ot12th house ot * or debilitœted.

The natives of Unahappiness and Restless mind :(lncluding uhhappiness of ftiends, pattnership,disliked or undvsired transfet.h Obsewe andundetstand the bizth chatts and read below.

( S:t Example Section Page 182 )No. 2G4

1st Comb. : (1) 4th house + Venns

Page 397: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 398 1

(2) 4th house + Szt. * Mûts2nd Comb. : (1) 4 Muts + Saturn3rd Comb. : (1)4th Comb. :Result : The native had

1 Sun + Taurus (2) 1 Sun + Venus(1)experienced a great deal of'

unhappiness and peuceless mind due to thefailure in business.

Moon + Saturn (2) maleic Moon

No. 24-64th house+ Libra1$t Comb. : (1)

2nd Comb- : (1) 4 Venus + Saturn * Jupitet3rd Comb. : (1) Moon debilitated4th Comb. : (1) 1st house + SûtutnResult : The nctive hzd lost hiS

(2) 4th house + Satp,

money in speculation,and had to sold his house and had expetiencel.unhappiness ûnd peaceless mind.

No. *3

2nd Comb.

(2) 4 Moon + Venus * Jup.3rd Comb. (1) Moon + Cupticotn

(2) Moon + Venus * Jup.4th Comb. : (1) 1 Mats Libr:Result The native wasexpetiencing : great unhzpr

iness and pe:celess mind.No. 34

(1) 4th house + Venus *(1) 4 Moon + Cvpticotn

Jupiter, Mool1st Comb.

1st Comb. : (1)2nd Comb. : (1)

4th house+ Cap. (2) 4th house + Sât.4 Sztutn + Venus @ Matsy Jupitet,

Page 398: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 39? )

3rd Comb. : (1) Moon Satutn4th Comb. : (1) 1st house Libr:Result t The native is expetiencing

pezceless mind iue to debt.unbappiness and

lko. 75-2

1St Comb. (1) 4th house+Libra (2) 4th house+ Sat.2nd Comb. (1) 4 Venus + Cupticotn3rd Comb. : (1) Moon + Aquatius (2) Moon + 84th Comb. (1) 1St house+ Venus (21 1st house+ Sat.Result The nutive being wealthy, cteated interest in

speculations and w:s tuined. He passes hislife full of unhappiness.

No. 24-61St Comb.2nd Comb.3rd Comb.4th Comb.

(1) 4th house + Capticom(1) 4 Satutn + Libt:: (1) Moon + Cayricotn(1) 1st house+ Llbta (2) 1sthouse+ Sat.

f:milywife was

Result : The native h:d tensedue to his own bad

vtmosphete incharzctet. Hi$

1) nwilling ttltzlk with him.

The nativesof Unhappiness and Reetless mind( includingdisllked or

unhappiness of friends, paM ership,undesired trosfet ) Take down the

bitl chaxs and make yourself more sure.( see Ezvmple Section : Pzges 183, 184 )

Page 399: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 400 J

7. The time ( period )of H ouse, Vehicle,

of beneEc and maleNc tesultStaying in own house or rented

house, Without house, Peace, Happiness aadTransfer Obsetve and undetstand the bitth

charts and read below( See Example Section : Page

BeneNc ResultNo. 139. Jupitet is tlne lord of the 4th

ln the 6ûth yeat of Jupitet, the native buildsNo. 253. satutn is the lotd of the 4th

hence he cannot give lnouse. Duzing the petiodthe Moon, the nûtive built a beautiful house at theage of 40. Look at the horoscope No. 130 and teadits desctiptions. We c:n see ftom the hozoscope, themajoz patt played by the Moon in the 4th house.

No. 359. Venus is the lotd of the 4th house,He is aspected one -sided by Mars :nd is in the lûth'house of Mats. Hence the native builds z house inthe time of Muts.

bouse.u houst.house,


M alvfc Results :No. 207 Mzzs is the lozd of the 4th house with

'the Sun, Venvt and Samtn. Hete Saturn is the lozdof th e Att. The native is ignotûm. The Sun is mûlefc.Samtn is with Venus. n e nztive had lost hi$ housein timt ( peod ) of Mats, Jupitet, ât the ûge of42. Heze tht Moon cahnot give beneûc tesult becausethe native's attitude of mind is mean.

Page 400: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 401 )No. 130. Saturn is the lotd of the

which is in (th house. The Mercutysituated in the 4th house cannot increase

4th house,and Venus

the nutive at the(period) of JupitexThe reason is that thesnd possessing theacted as malefc.


house, butof 36, 44 and 48, in timeSututn, has sold his houses.native being of mean ûttitudenatute of Venus, Jupiter has

No. 233. Look at the opposite given bizth chattand see its similarity. Only the difetence of the Moon !

One zchieves a house while another loses the houses.The time ( period ) of beneNc and maleNc resultof House, Vehicle, Staying in own house otrented h' ouse, Without house, Peace, Happinessand Ttansfer : Take down the birth chatts

and m ake yourself more sute.( See Example Section : Pzge 186 )

Bene:c Result

No. 1. The nztivebuilds a house atthe age of 23/24.No, 2. The native builds a house ut the :ge of 48.No. 3. The nztive builds a house ût the age of 40.No. 5. The nAtive builds a decent house at 36.No. 6. The native owned : cat zt the1geof 41.No. 7. The nvtive buys â house ût the age of 3û.No. 9. The native owned : c:z vt the zgt of 35.

Malehc ResultNo. 1û. The native's estste w:S auctioned at 48.

Page 401: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 402 jNo. 12. TheNo. 14 The

native sold his properties ut the age of 49;native left hi$ lrouse at 27 dae tl

eaceless atmosphere.PNo. 15. The native sold his two cats and was bankrupt.No. 16. The native left his house at 24, due to

$peaceless atmosphere.

No. 18. The native experienced peaceless mind in his,24 and 32 years

No. 20. The native sells bis house at 14 and hisornaments at 28.

No. 21. The native sellshis house at 27.No. 22. The native sells his houseNo. 23. The native sells his ûeld

age of 36 and 44.

at 16-:nd house at the


8. THE MOTHERLY HAPPINESS AND 1TS TIME.Every human being is anxious to know his ytars

of happiness of mothez. W hen a native loses hismotherly happiness in cbild-hood, he is considered asunfortunate one and people look at him with pity.

The condition of motherly happiness is indicatedftom the 4th house, its lotd and the signiûcatot.Moon. ( The Moon is mother. )

The combs. of Motherly happiness.( 1 ) 4th house + 4th Lord ( except Szturn or Venus )

oz Sun, Moon, Mtrcuc ot Jupiterot his ot htt sign.

Page 402: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 403 )

( 2 ) Lord of

(3) Moon +

the 4th houseSaturnMetcury or Jupiter ot ki's or her sigm

4 ( except Saturn or Venus ) o: SunpMoon, Mercury, or Jupiter ot his orhet sign or Cancer. ( This si>Cancet sbould not be in 6tby 8th or

+ 4th house ( exceptot Venus ) or Sun, Moon.

12th house. )( 4 ) 4th house + Szturn ot Venus ot his sign or malefc-( 5 ) Lord of the 4th house + Satutn or Venus or

hiS sign or nnzleic ot4th house in 6th, 8th ozot % oz debilitated.

lotd of the12th house

( 6 ) Moon Satutn or Venus ot lais Sign or maleûcot the Moon in 6th, 8th ot 12thhouse or $ ot debilitated.

If thete zte thxee of the zbove combinations, anutive from euch combination gets ten yeazs of mothezlyhppiness and if theze is an absence of foutth, ffth:nd the sixth combinations, even then : nztive from evchcombination gets ten yeats

1. lf the Sun,of mothetly happiness.

ot JupitetTaums, Libra, Czpricorn oz Aquatius,

Moon, Metcuryis in the signhe cznnot fotm :ny combination of mothetly happiness.

2- Venus hai left his fzthet and mother, hencethe combinztion of 1 + Venus is destitute of mothetlyhppiness. He lws enjoyed pattntly hppiness up to

Page 403: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 404 )

young age only. ( 16 yeats )3. Saturn is without fatherand mothet. Hence in

'the ascendants of Capricon and Aquarius, if thecombination of 4 + Saturn is fotmed, then the nativeis not able toenjoy hiS mothetly happiness.The combs. of Motherly happiness : Obsewe andunderstand the birth chatts and read below.

( See Example Section : Page 187 )No. 77-1


1st Comb. : Ni1 ( Moon and Jupiter ate inthe 4th house, but being in Libta,cannot form any.comb. )

2nd Comb. t Ni1 ( 4 Venus + Moon, Jupitetbut being in Libza cannot formany comb. )

.3td Comb. : Ni1 ( Moon + Jupitet, but beingin Libta csnnot ftom any comb.)

4th Comb. : (1) 4th house + Libta5th Comb. : (1)4 Venus + Aquarius (2) 4 Venus

+ Sat. (3) 4 Vvnus + 84th Comb. (1) Moon + Libta

TotzlResult : The nztive had enjoyed only thzee

yeats of mothetly happiness.


No. 77-31st Comb. : (1) 4th honse + Moon * Mars 10

Page 404: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

2nd Comb.3rd Comb.4th ' Comb,5th Comb.6th Comb.

( 405 ): Ni1(1)(1)Moon+ Sagitt. (2) Moon+lup. 10)4th house+capzicorn x

(1) 4 Sat.+ Libt: (2) 4 Sat. + Venus x: (1) Moon + Sat. x(2) Moon + Venus * Sat.

Total 20,Result : The native

happinessenjoyed 16 years of mothetlyaccording to the rule no. 2.No. 77-4

4th house + Gemini 10'1st Colr13,2nd Comb.3td Comb.4th Comb.5th Comb.6th Comb.

(1)(1) 4 Met.+ Cancer (2)4Mer.+ Sun 10.(1) Moon Jupitet(1) 4th house + VenusNi1Ni1 ( The Moon is exalted )



50'Result The native had eojoyed


motlwzly happiness.No. 78-4

Comb. : (1) 4th house + Vitgo(2) 4th house + Moon 10'

2nd Comb. (1) 4 Met-+ Sun (2b 4 Met.+Jup.,(3) 4 Metcuty + Leo 10

3zd Comb. (1) Mobn + 4th house 10.14th Comb. : (1) 4th house + Saturn x5th Comb. t Ni1 11

Total46 yeat.s of

Page 405: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 406 1.6th Comb. : (1) Moon + Satutn

Total1st house + Venus and 4thResult : Being

house + Saturnthe ngtive hadof motherly

in the birth chart,enjoyed only 13 years

happiness.No 18-9

house + Moon1st Comb. (1) 4th2nd Comb.3rd Comb.

#th Comb.

5th Comb.6th Comb.

(1)(2)(1) 4th house(2) 4th house(1) 4 Venus(1) Moon

+ Sat.+ Tauzus.+ AquatiusSatutn

NilM oon 4th houseM oon exalted.




TotalAesult : Being 1st house + Aquatius, Venus

and 4th hoase + Satuzn in thethe native had enjoyedof mothetly happiness.No. 78-5

4th house + 101st Comb.znd , Coib.

(1)t1) 4 Moon + Sun(2), 4 Mooa, + Jup.

3: d Comb. : (1) Moon + Spn(2) Mbon + Jup.

:4th Comb. : (1) 4th house + Satutn

birth chatt,only 9 yezts

Page 406: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

,( 4û7 )

5. th Comb. : (1) 4 Moon + Safuzn,6th Comb. : (1) Moon + Saturn X

Total 30Result : Being 1 + Venus and 4 + Satutn,

:nd the Moon, lotd of the 4thhouse in Càpzicozn, the native badenjoyed only 18 years of motherlyhappiness.

The Motherly happiness and its time : Take downthe birth charts and m ake yourself more sute.

t See Example Section : Pzge 188 )*

Chapter Sevehth : 'rhitd House1. A MAN OF REAL ENTERPRISE

AND ADVENTUREThe human nztute is full

Those who ate fond ofof zdventures andadventutes and victo-vvlours.


zies, shine out

Real Adventutes types : (1) businessenterpzise or induittial adventuze (2) war adventute,whete the politicians :nd leadets Aze , mojtly needed.We $ha1l think ovet b0th the typej of advrntutes.

vt the sligbest oppoytunity.aze of two

.. ' ' Real Adventuter. '#(1) 3 + 3 ot Mats ot Moon , , ' ,,. ; ,1, (' 2) -. t : +, ,$3, oz Mkzs. ot. .Moon z if-. :ot ,.3t,ot Matk. .+ 1

Page 407: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 408 j

(3J 6 + Mzrs or his sign or lotd of 6th houstexulted or * ot debilitated.

(4) 9th house 1. Sun, Moon, Mars ot Jupiter ot hisot her sign.

A man of real enterprise andand understand the birth

advenmte ) Observechals and >ad below.

189 )( See Example Section PageA Business entetprise

No. 157-41St Comb. (1) 3td house +

(3) 3 Mep. +Moon (2) 3 Met. + Mus

2nd Connb. :Scozpio

1 Moon + 3zd house(1)M ars

(2) 1st house +1st house + Cancer

3rd Comb.(3)

(1) 6th house + Mazs * Sat.(2) 6 Jup. + Mars * Saturn, Sunt1) 9th house + Moon4th Comb.(2) 9th house + Pisces

Result : The native is z gtezt business Adventuter.He h:s obtaintd a good nvme in India vswell as in ovezseas. He is Kastutbhai Sheth.

No. 157-11st Comb. : ,'(1) 3rd 'house + Mo=znd Comb. : .(1) 1jt house+scor. (2)3td 'Comb. : (1) 6th house + Aries

1$t hous: + Mârj,F

4th Comb. : (1) 91 .ho.%e,+.C:> r (2) 9th house+ Sun(3) 9th house + Mpoh

Reyult..: T:e .neve was ,x e mf tbelte st busine

Page 408: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 409 )industtivlists. Rising fromwith his business valours

zn otdinary posidonhe had fzscinzted

cat in oneroducing << OnePis Henty Fotd.157-11

2nd Comb.(2) 1 Venus Aties

3rd Comb. t (1) 6 Venus + Aties4th Comb. t (1) 9th house Mars

(1) 3rd house + Cancet(1) 1st house + 3 exzlted Moon

Result : The nztive is a millionaize businessmzn

1st Comb.

expetiencing constant tise.

the wotld byminute '' ! He


Political AdventurersNo. 043-1

1st Comb.2nd Comb. :

(1) 3td hcust + Mats

3rd Comb.4th Comb.Result : Tlne native h:d plunged lnimself into poli-

tical feld :nd fought fot independtnce. Hehad become Ptime Ministet of lndh. He is

(1) 1st house+cancettz) 1st house+Moon(1) 6th house + Mats(1) 9th house+pisces (2) 9th house+Muts

Jzwahatlal Nehzu.

1st Comb. : (1)(2)(3) 3

2nd Comb. : (1)

llo. 943-23td house + Moon3rd house + exzlted MvtsSun + exzlted Mzts * Moon

1 Metcuty + exalted Mzts.

Page 409: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 410 )

3rd Comb. : (1) 6th house + Scorpio- (2) 6th laouse + Mqrs * Jupiter

(3) 6 Mars exalted.4th Comb. :(1) 9th house + Sun

(2) 9th house + Moon(3) 9th house + Mats * Moon(4) 9th house + Jup. * Mars, Moon.nativv has plunged himself into

political Eeld and fought for Independ-ence. Lûtez on he became tqe FinanceMinister of India. He is hlomtji Desai.

No. 043-4

Result : The

Comb. : (1) 3 Venus(2) 3' Venus

Mars+ sloon * Alars.

2nd Comb.: (1) 1 Sun Mazs(2) 1 Sun + Moon * Mats.

3rd Comb. (1) 6th house + Mazs(3) 6 Sat. debilitated.

(2) 6 Sat. + Azies

4th Comb.. (1)Result : The

9* bovse+Aties (2) 9th house+lup.native was beloved Presideut of

America. He is Roosevelt.A Map of reql enterprise and adventure : Takeaogp the ,b1e charts and m ake ypurself more sure


g $=k Exalplo Section : Pkges 190, 191. J'

Page 410: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

No.No.No. %, Rasiklal Parikh.No. B. TilakNo. %. Shivaji.No. 31.No. 32. Kher.

Mahatmz Gandhi.

No. 33. Krishna Menon.No. 34. Rajendta PmsadNo- 35. Sayaji Rao.No. 36. Rana Pratap.

27. Amrithl Sheth.


>' . S. K. Patil. No. 37. Ptesident of Frlnce.No. 38. Anthony Eden.No. 39. President of

Australia.No. 4û. Ttuman.No. 41. Stalin.No. 42. President of Fxance.No. 43 Mao-Tse-tung.No. 44. Lloyd George.No. 45. Ptime ministet.No. 46. Eisenhower.


Theteunknoq'inglyvëventuresafection of the society. Due to theit unteal entezpzise.oz adventutes, thty gte distvputed od ptople lookzt them with contempt. They become victims of coutt

p. toceedings, jail, execution or Suicide.

who knowingly orunzeal entetptise orlose the sympathy and

lttempt zntheyand hence

:re cettzin natives

Thete z:e ûve tlpes'zdventute :- ( 1 ) theft, plunder, treachezy, mutdet,fght, thttateninAs ot suicide. ( 2 ) doing speculationot Smuggling to become 'a quick millionaire. ( 3 ) Nlingcases ot Nghting in coutt without :ny ability and

of unteal entetptise ot

Page 411: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 412 ):er defeut and tetteat. ( 4 ) Misusing of othtt's wealiiSud involving into dimculties. ( 5 ) To sttengthea otlanincrease his own powet and position, manoeuvetyjtoresulting into failures and loss of previous 'powtt:

and position.

A Man of unteal enterptise and adventure.

( 1 ) 3 + Satutn or Venus or hiS sign ot maleûc.( 2 j 1 + Satutn or his sign ot maleûc or asc. Liba.( 3 ) 6 + Saturn ot his sign or maleic. l


h Man of unreal enterptise and adventure ; Obsetnand undetstand the birth charts an4 tead below.

( See Example Section : Pzge 192 )No. 69-32

1sd Comb. :(1) 3rd house + Sat. (2) 3rd house + Lik:(3) 3rd house + mzlefc Moon(1) 1 Sun + Sztutn(1) 6th house Czpticorn(2) 6th house Svt.

2nd Comb. :

3td Comb. :

Result k The native whetevezdisctedits the personzecommended him.

iv setvict st>ls :c1wbo might hve

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 3td house + mzlrfc Moon2nd Comb, : ( 1 ) 1st house + Aquvzius3td Comb. : ( 1 ) 6th house + samrn

Page 412: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 413 )

Resuit : The native being ctiminal had gone to jzil.No. 69-11

1st Comb. ( 1 ) 3 Moon + Aquarius( 2 ) 3 Moon + Sat. *Mats

2nd Comb. : ( 1 )2 ) 1st house + Sat. @M:ts, Sun

3rd Comb : 1 ) 6 Venus + Satutn

1 Venus + Sat.

Rgsult : The native was a mutdeter and was lnzngedat the age of 2û.

No. 69 -343 Mars + malefc Sun1st Comb. :

( 2 ) 3td house( 3 ) 3td house + maleic Mars

2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 1st house + Sat.( 2 ) 1 Mercuty + maleéc Sun( 3 ) 1 Metcury + malefc Mars

3rd Comb ( 1 ) 6th house + Aquarius

1 )male:c Sun *Mzts.

Result The nztive wzs : ievolutionist, hsd blownbomb and wAs hznged.

1st Comb. : ( 1( 2

ld Comb. : ( 1( 2

3td Comb. : ( 1( 2

No. 1613td house + Skt.llupitez, Mats3 exalted Msts + S1t *lupitet1 Metcuty + Capticotn1 Met. + Szt. *Jup.6th house + Szt. *JUP.6 Mvts + Szt. @lupiter.

Page 413: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 414 )

Result : The nAtive w:s the Finance Minister ht.due to his unzeal adventure he lost hi$ post,

No. 252

1St Comb : (1) 3rd house + Aquarius (2) Sgt. + Liba(3) 3 Sat. + malefc Venus.

2nd Comb : (1) 1 Jup.+malefc Moon (2) 1 Jup-+szt.3td Comb : (1) 6 Venus + SaturnResult : The nztive was the D. efence Minister cf

India but due to hiS tkilutes in fulNlicghis duties, was fotced to resign. He isKrishna Menon.

A man of unreal enterprise and adventute : Takedown the birth chatts and make yourself mote sute.

( See Example Section : Puges54. Minister of Utter Pzadesh.55. Subash Chandra Bose.

56. Ptithvimj Chauhan.57. Kviset.

193. 194. 195. )58. RAsiklal P:tikk59. Napoleon.60. Hitler.61. Mussolini.


To day in this atomic and cuckzt age, the wotlihas become smzllez, It was consideted thlt to movetound the wotld w:s vs good as plunging into fte,and while , doing so, mzny zdmèntutets hlve mtftheit duth. But to d:y zftet .constant :nd hbotious

Page 414: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

yorts znd experiments, mankind lyas succeeded ineoving round the world in only 4 to 5 days !m

T iae ezrth is tound which was fotmerly tobe imagined, can to day be experienced and seen withour own nalced eyes.

Every human being, by natute has a special quest:nd desire to ttavel tound the world to achieveceytain practicul expetiences and doing So, muny hadmet obstecles and sufeted. Such examples can bezead in histoty.

A question c:n be put, x'Why : humln being isbotn in this world ?'' For an atgument one wouldsay, wotshi? Him, but goingthtough tlle llistoty pages a m:n comes aS an unit,born to cteatepeopleeach had played

something in this wotld. Billions ofwere botn ûnd hzve died in this wotld and

*1tSPlttwell to add new ideas in

to manifest God or to

cteation znd devetopment. Some hâve built huge 1û8stotied building, some btidges, some love memozivl likeTaj Mahzl, some bezutiful temples and some even 'discoveringearth, segarated

the most useful madicine like POicillin. n epatt ftom the Sun, was once, mcttlr

: burning globe but to dc it is entitely cbanged. Manp.'huge stezmets moves in the ocean. Many huge andbelutifui cities h ve been etected on the bvrren hnd.Who ute the cteatots of such novelties ?

Page 415: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 416 jbotn, he knows his pztt to Le

pkyed in this world. Mozeover, Nztute has made himmore cutious znd he mzkes constznt efotts to fn2un oppottunity to .addworld. These efotts ateeazning millions of

somtthing in the creation ofquite petsonal one. some

tupees build schools in theitmemoty :nd pass sway. some build a beautiful houseson hill-tops :nd die leaving behind theit cteations.

Hence what pûtt is played by Asttology in thehuman being's existence :nd hiS pzogress, is now onlyleft to be observed.

Then a child is

Human being always desizes to lezve behind himkis creation and wishes that it should be:nd the most powetfulhe knows thzt he requites : highet standard ofknowledge. Whattvez sutpzising and Rscinatlg creationhe sees, he intends to have in his own hnd :nd h:s

unpartelledone. Hence in otdet to create

a jhup deske to ltave behind his memory fozever inthls wozld.

tzavels and theitFot this, one rtquires foteignexpetiences. Many educated as well a$tbe Asttologers, '< 1 bvve a sttongforeign countties. will 1 be able to do so ? '' OtdinatyAstzologvts can Grdly answer this question cvrtectly.

TNe questions which weze hatdly zsked to theAstzologers, now pouz in zbundznce :nd one ofthem is that offozeign ttzvel.

:skyoungstetsdesire to tmvel in

Page 416: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

According to the above reasons, we shall obsetve'how the combinztions of foteign travel are formed inz bitth chatt. Befote this we shall obsezve cettainrinciples of astrology.PThe 3td house in a bitth chutt is consideted to

be house of adventure and foteign travel. Mar! is the'signifcator of that house. The Moon is also attavellet. Hence if the condition of the 3td house,.or its lord and of Mars is sound in anythen the native gets powet of adventute and foteignttsvel. But thzt does not mean that he wishes to

birth chatt,

undettake sucln attempts but lnis mind is solelytestonsible fot this. lf the 1st house and 3td house'lte telated to ezch other, then theforeignzelvtion of the 3td

cutiosity fot atravel arises in the native mind. Hence tbe

houst, its lord ot the signiicztozMzts with the zscendant by coniunction ot oppositionis quite nectssazy, so if there aze two of the followingcombinztions in one's bizth chtt, then he ttzvelssuccessfully.

Foteign Tmvvl

(1) 3+ 3 ot Mzt$ or Moon or his ot het Sign..(2) 1+3 oz Mzzs ot Moon. (ot 3 ot Mzrs ot Moon+ 1)

Now we shall observe few hotoscopes of the'nztives who hve zltekdy tzavelled in fotein countties.vnd see how it5 combinations :te fotmed.

Page 417: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

A natives of Foreign Travel : Observe andunderstand the bitth charts and read below.

( See Example Section : Page 196 )No. 55-3

1st Comb. : (1) 3rd house + Mars (2) 3 Sat. + Mars2nd Comb. : (1) 1St house+ s'fars * Jup.

(2) 1 Jup.+ Mars .Result : The native is a great traveller. He is always:

moving, though he is û businessman,No. 55-4

1st Comb. :2nd Comb. :

3td house + Moon (2) 3 Met.+MArs(1) 1st house +cancet (2) 1st house+Mats (3) 1 Moon-h 3rd house.

Result The native has often travelled in foreigccountries.

1st Comb. : (1)(2)

2nd Comb. : (1)(2)

No. 55-53 svt.+Aries3zd house + Moon1st house+ Scotpio1st 'house + Mvs

* Jup.

Result t Tke natsve h1d gone to Amexic: with gteztdio ujti..

. ,.,). j , ,, ' ,,/,; , No. 55-6@ ,copb 4 (1) ïd house + Mats * Jup.

(4 3 Venus + Mats * Jupitev.

Page 418: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

2nd Comb :

( 419 )

(1) 1st house +Mats * (3) 1

3 Venus (2) 1st house +Jup. Jupitet + Mars.

nutive h:d been to Enghnd. The Moosfotms many combinutions. )

llo. 55-7

Resalt : Thealso

1st Comb : (1) 3rd house + Mats * Sat.: (2) 3rd house + Moon

2nd Comb : 1St house + Mats,Result ) Tine native had twice been to Africa during

diflicult citcumstances.No. 67-1

1st Comb : (1) 3rd house + Mazs.2nd Cotnb : (1) 1 Saturn + CancerResult : Tlle native llas often ttavelled ovetseas and

has Altmost travelled the world,

A native of Foreign Travel : Take down thebirth chutts and m ake yourself m ore sure.

( See Example Section t Pages 197, 198, 199 & 200. J

4. TH E BREAK OF FOREIGN TRAVEL.ln cettain bitth clnztts the combinvtions of foteign

ttzvels :te not fotmed, bence the native is not ableto ttavel qbt- d while in ceztain bitth chxtts th:combin:tions of fozeign trâvel c:n be seen, but the

Nnztive does not trzvel. The regson fot this is that the

Page 419: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 420 )break of foteign ttavel has been caustd inb/tth chatt. Hence as wz look for the

the native'scombinations

of foteign ttavel ks breaks should also be obsetved.lf such bzeaks ate left aside without being checked,the native will engtoss himself in happines of foreigntravel, but later on if the native is not able to go tofoteign countries, he will be disheartened

The break of Foreign Ttavel.

.( 1 ) 3 ot Mats + Sztutn ot malefc.( 2 ) 1 + Satutn or maleic.Note ) If there is 1 + Mzts *nd 1 + Satutn,

then this Satutn cannot break the combinations offoreign ttavel as M ats is victotious over Satutn.

Now we shall obsezve few bitth charts of thenltives who have not tmvelled foreign countties :ndate not in a position to travel.

The foteign tzivels ate caused in t<o wiys. Fitst,thete mc not be any combinvtion of foteign ttavelAnd secondly thete may be the combinvtions, but itmight have been cancelled by 3 ot Mats + Satutn otmdefc and 1 + Satutn ot malefc.

Now we shzll obsezve both the type of bitth chatts.

T:! b4eak of Fotelgn Travel : Oberve and undeo, m nd the bllh ch- : and te:4 below.

( See Evpmple Section : Pvge 201. )

Page 420: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

No. 35

The foreign travel.

1st Comb. (1) 3 Metcuty + Mars(2) 3 Mercuty Scorpio

2nd Comb. ) (1) 1st bouse Aties(2) 1st house Mzts * Sat.The break of foreign travel.

1st Comb. : (1) 3 Mezcuty + Sat. (2) Mzrs+Aquatius;(3') Mats + Saurn

2nd Comb. : (1) 1 Murs + Sat. (2) 1st house 4- Sat.Result : The nztive hzs the combinûtions of foteign,

ttuvel but there being a bteak of fozeignftravel, he will not be uble to travel.

No, 5

The foteign travel.

1st Comb. ) (1 l 3td bouse + Mats (2) 3rd house +CAncer (3; 3td house + Moon * Jupitets.Mats

2nd Comb. : (1) 1 Vtnus + Aries (2) 1 Venus + Mnts(3) 1 Vtnus + Moon @ JupitttThe break''of foteign travel.

1st Comb. : (1) 3:d house + satuzn2nd Comb. : (1) 1st house + Sztutn

Page 421: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 422 )

Aesult : The natgve has tbe combinAtions of foreignttavel but theze being a bteak of com-binations, he will not be ûble to ttavel.

No. 58.

The foreign travel.

4st Comb. : (1) 3zd house + Mats * Sat.(2) 3 J1)p. + Mûts * Sat.

.2sd Comb. t (1) 1st house + Mats(2) 1 Venus + Mvts * Szt; Jup.The break of foreig'n ttavtl.

1$t Comb. : (1) 3td house + Sat (2) 3 Jup. + Sat.(3) Mats + Sztutn

2nd Comb. : (1) 1st house + Sat. (2) 1 Venus + Sat,Aesult : The native has the combinztions of foteign

tmvil but thete being z bzeak of foteignttavel, he will not be zble to trzvel.

No. 32The foreign travel

1st Comb.znd Comb. :

: (1) 3rd house+Mats (2) Mer.+ Scorpio(1) 1st house+ Czncez (2) 1 Moon+ Azies(3) 1 Moon + Mzts 'The bteak of foreign tmvel

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 3 Merçuzy + Sztum.2nd Comb. : ( 2 ) t 1 Moon + saturn

Page 422: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

2R, esult The native has foreigntzavel but thezettavel, he vill not be zble to

being a bteak of foreignIlete,travel.

Satutn of Aquarius being in the 8th houseis

aspected one-sided by Jupitet, theVety PoWerful. Moreover Saturn being

Jupiter has no efect as tequited,Jupiter is situated in the 12th house.

ûspect ofbecause

No. 3

the combinations of

The foreign travel

-1st Comb. (1) 3rd house + Mars (2) 3td house+Moon * Mats

2nd Comb. (1) 1 Jupiter Aties.The btelk of foteign ttavel

1st Comb. : (1) 3Venus + Sat.(3) 3 Venus + maledcAquatius(1) 1 Jup.+ Satutn (2) 1 Jup. + mal/cSun * Szt.

(2) 3 Venus + Capr.Sun (4) Mats +

',2nd Comb,

'aesult : The nutiv: has the combinztiona of foteigntzavel but tbere being a bzekk of foreignttavel, 1ae will not be able to ttzvel.

No. 6The foreign travel

1st Comb- ' : (1) 3 Jup. #- Aties (2) 3zd '.house-hMoon.., ' (3) 3zd house + Mezs * Mèon

Page 423: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 424 J

2nd Comb. : (1) 1st bouse + Jupiter

Comb. :2nd Comb. :

The break of fotelgn travel

(1) 3 Jup.+ Sat. (2) 3td house+ Sat. * Ju?.( 1 ) 1st house + Sat. * Jup.( 2 ) 1 Venus + Sat.

Result : The native has the combinations of foteigctzavel but there being a bteak of the foteipttavel, he will not be able to ttavel.

5. The Time ( petiod ) of Real entetptise, adventuteUnreal entetprise, adventure and foteign travel.

Now we shall think ovez tbe time ( period ) ofthe result of the 3td house, i. e. zeal entezptise,sdventure--unreal enterptise, adventuze :nd theforeign ttavel.

The time ( petiod ) of Real entemrise, adventure,Unfeal vnterprisey adventute and tbxign travel :Obsetve and undetstand ie bieb chatt: andtead below.

( See Example Section : Page 202, )Real Adventuter..

No. 157-1 The sign Clpticom being in the 3td house,the nztive, at the :ge of 30, entetptisesto set a workshop of motot cgr ggainsthk fathez's wish. He h:d f:scinzted the

Page 424: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 425 )h

wotld by ptoducing a car in a minute. Heis Henry Ford.

No, 70-8 The native at the age of 21/22, in threeinstalmenty h:d eatned mpees one million.

Umeal Adventuters.

No. 69-29 On38,

39-11-1948, the native, at theundertakes one of the

:ge>0ne Sof

wotld ûnd w:s hangedgtektin his39th yeût.

No.69-21 The nRtive in the timeat the

(petiod) of Metcuty,undettzkes An untealage of 5û,

adventure :nd putting his nation andhimself into ttouble, st the :ge of 55,commits suicide. He is Hitler,

adventute to ccutdet agreatestman of the

No. 69-18.

Foteign Travel

In the time ( period ) of the Moon :ndJupitez, the nvtive at theage of 23/24,

foz educztion.tmvels to foteign countryLozd of the 5th house is 1 the Jupitet'shouse, Jupiter is in the 3td house andthe Moon; lord of the Asc. is also in the3td house.In the time (petiod) of Metcuty, the nativezt the zge of 25, travels to Americ: withher llusbznd. ' lt ' w:$ on her bitthdar,22-7-1957 $1ne stazted foz Ametica.

No. 67-.15.

Page 425: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 426 )

The time (period) of Real enterptise, adventute-Unreal enterprlse, adventute and Foreigntravel ) Take down the bitth charts

and make youtself mote éure.

( See Exzmple Section : Ppges 203, 204, 2û5 )


Evety human being wishts the lnappiness of hisb/others because they could be helpful to him inctitical circumstances. Sometimes we See incidents likequarrels, disputes and enmity berween brotlnezs, cteatingtense ata:osphete in the 'family. Hence the hap?inessand unhappiness of bzothets plays an impoztant paztin the human life.

( a ) The Brothetly Happiness.or Jupiter or his( 1 ) 3zd house + Sun, Moon, Mars

ot het sign.( 2 ) Lotd of - the 3td houst+ Sun, Moon, Mazs,

Memuty or Jupiter ot his or het sign.( 3) Mqzs + Suh, Moon, Mazs, Mercury oz Jupitet

ot hi$ oz her sign.

( b ) The brothetly UOapyine:s.( 1 ) &d hovse + Venus ot Sztutn oz maleûc ot bis


Page 426: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 427 1

c ) Lotd of the 3td house + Venus ot Svtutn or(maleic or his sign or in the 6th,8th oz 12th or * or debilitated.

3 ) yiars + Venus ot Saturn ot his sign ot malefcfor . ot debilitated.

The natives of Brothetly Happiness t Ob.erve andunderstand the blrth charts and tead below.

( See Exzmple Section : Page 206. )Brotherly Happiness :

No. 8

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 3td house +( 2 ) 3rd house +( 3 ) 3td house +

Ma'rs @ Szt.Sun @ MatS, Skt.Jup. * Mûts, Sat.

2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 3 Venus bb3td Comb. : ( 1 ) Mvts + Sun ( 2 ) MzzsResult ) The nztive enjoys the btothetly

No. 166

+ Jupiter.happintss,

lst Comb. t ( 4( 2

znd Comb.3td Comb. :Result : The nvtive enjoys tbt bxothetly hepiness.

No. 17

) 3td house + scotpio) 3rd house + JuP.

: ( 1 ) 3 M:r$ + Vitgo( 1 ) Mzrs + Vitgo

lst Comb. 1 ( 1 ) 3td house + JUP.

Page 427: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 428 )

2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 3 Sat. + Canct( 2 ) 3 sat. + Mer.

3zd Comb. : ( 1 ) Mars + Moon'( 2 ) Mats + Jup.

Result : The native enjoys the btotherly happiness.Brotherly Unhappiness :

No. 68-2

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 3td house + Cap.( 2 ) 3rd house + Sat,

2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 3 Saturn himself.3rd Comb. : ( 1 ) Mars + Venus.Result : The native has not got good relation with

his brothets.

No. 2*2

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 3zd house + Satutn2nd Comb, : Ni13td Comb. : ( 1 ) M:ts + Szturn

?Result : The nztive has not got goQ telztion withhis bzothet. Here the asc. is of Libta. Venusznd Satutn ate without the btotherly hzppiness.

No. 1132-6.1st Cohb. 't (1) 3:d housè+ Svtuth2nd Comb. : (1) 3 Mus+ Venus (Mars is mvlefc).3zd Comb. : (1). Mzrs + Vepus (M:ts

,i$ qtakfq)

Page 428: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 429 1

Rrsgtt : The nztive has not got good tehtion withhis bzothets.

The natives of Brotherly happiness and Unhappiness)Take down tbe birth chatts and make

yourself more sure.

( see Example Section : Page 2û7 )%


It is : deep desite of : human being to knowthe happiness of how many btothers and sistets. If ative hûve two to thtee daughtets znd when thenz

zaughtets gtow u?, they alwzys desite to have atkast one btothet. Some of them even petfozmrdigious obsezvznces for having bzothets. But if Godhas not given them any btothers, they zte woztiedgs to who would help them in theit unhuppiness :ndcxiticzl citcumstznces.

Befote leatning how mzny btothets :nd sistets znxive hzs, the >tive ha$ to think ovez the limitztignof brothetly aM sistetly hzppiness.

The death of zny bzothet or sistet befote sevenis not considertd zs z bzothezly ot sistetly happiness.

lf the total is of thtee btothets. then it couldbe szid thzt the ' nztive h:s two btothets. Hencetctozding to this mle, the following chart indicateshow many brothets and sistets a nvtive will hzve.

Page 429: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1




f 430 JI . . l& o o o

, p* * i l< w a !'m > + + + + + + <w =

U < X o o o o = o cl1

- ,-. --- i -.. -. tu = ' & m o o o < o

'- oac o )=.x . + + + + + + +w m x 1A - n

- ! o = o c*- - -*- *** ****e * -* * ** '' ' ' '- -

w #- -- ..+ ' l'< o ' o o & = = &, &i'-

, yQ y: . + + + , + + + +Q > ' 1* * o o o '' = = o o

l ...,.- - ,-..- . . .. a .. .... ....,.,....># f .m . o k . o o t o. o ::::::::::::::;:1.1


:,111-,----,----11- :!,1.,-----------11


-'::::::--1:::'..:7. -111::::::::::::::::::::7:::111 114






> m + + + # + ' +d * - .s < rr o o o l= o = !o

'-*>( O OWejO o .9 o l o o v- j oA * *8 *=

a 1 $. .: y. l + + + u-- o +< y œ' .. o .j r - I - o o1.

- - w.'.- -ww.e.-- ..- w-ee .--* - - - - E '' t '''' m- -- .- ---*-- . o m - i= = e o>=Q l+ + + + +

+k ,* o o c oU o o o

. ww w- - ew

> >> >>i = = - .. V - oo a+ + + + + + +; .*

- - . m- * e- - - q%- #

> .. p o u a< u o x pj 8 +w : ' m g a> > x*2 : > >*

Page 430: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Nz c:n know the total of btotbers and sistersftom the 3td house, its lozd :nd Mzts, the égnl-6cutotof the 3zd bouse.

If the Sun or Mars is telated to the 3td houseor to th'a lord, of the 3rd houseby conjunction,sition ot aspect, each planet gives only oneor a Sister. Mars ot the Sun being aware of the dië-


culties of the excessive btothers ûnd sistets, keepsconttol ovet the numbet.

Saturn obiects the birth of a btother i. e. he ismaleNc fot the brother and not for the sistets.

Btothers and Sisters : Observe and understand thebitth charts and tead below.

( $ee Example Section : Page 298, )No. 11

1st Comb : (1) 3td house + Jup. ( $ brotbet ) ( bqing3 Mer. + Sun, Mazs ) = 1 bzother. ..


2nd Comb : 3 Metcury + Mzts ( 1 btothet ) + Sun(1 btothet) + Tsutus = 2 btothets & 3 sistezà.

3td Comb : (1 ' Signidcatot Mazs+ Sun = (lbtother) +Mezcuty (1 bzothet) + Moon ( 1 sistet ) =; btothvts & 1 sistez. ' ,

Re.ult : The nAtive hœs 4 brothets :nd 5 sistets.No. 412

Page 431: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 432 J

1St Comb : (1) 3rd house + Mercvty = 3. sistets2nd Comb : (2) 3 Szt. + Aquarius, Sun = 0 btotàet.3zd Comb : (1) MatS * = 0 brothet.Result : The native ha$ no brothet and 3 sistets.

No. 343I

1St Comb : (1) 3rdhouse+Moon= (1 sisterl+lup, .suc= (1 btothez) = 1 sister, 1 brother.

2nd Comb : (1) 3Metcu#+Moon = (1 sistet) +Jup. =(1 bzothet) = 1 sistet, 1 btothet.

3td Comb. : (1) Mats + Libta = 9 brother.Result : The native h:$ 2 btothtts and 2 sisttts.

No. 79!

1st Comb. : (1) 3td house + Jup. ( 1 brothet ) + Met.( 1 sistez ) + Sun ( 1 brothet.) = 2brothets & 1 sistet.

.2nd Comb. : (1) 3 Mvrs + Libzz, Szturn = 0 btothet.3td Comb. : (1) Mvts + Libm, szturn = û btothez.lReeult : The nztive haS 2 btothets knd 1 sistet.$

No. 2* 1

1$t Comb. : (1) 3td house2nd Comb. : (1) 3 Jupiter

+ Cap; Moon

3td G mb. : Mits Moon

Sltutn = û btothet.

+ Clp. Mzz$ (û btothez)(1 sistet.) = 1 sistet.


Page 432: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

I 433 )

Result : The native has 2 sistets and no brothers.

No. 251

1st Comb. : (1) 3rd house + Moon (1 sister) + Mats'

. Jup; Sat. (1 btother) = 1 sister,1 brothet.


znd Comb. : (1) 3 Jupiter + Mats = 1 btothet.3td Comb. : (1) Vars of Cancet = 1 sister.

Result : The native has 2 bzothezs and 2 sistezs.

The Brothers and Sisters t Take down the birthcharts and m ake yourself more sure.

( See Example section : Pages 209, 210. )

Page 433: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

'Chapter Eighth : Seventh House


Tbe asttologets must know bow to fnd outwhether the given laotoscope is of a male or a female.Tbis is considered to be quite a, tough job. Hence theastzologets, when ptepzting : birth chatt, in ordet toascertain whethtt the bittln chart is of : male or :

female, adjust the(fennale) even bytzick enables tlwm to know

Nzvamansu to odd (Ma1e) ot eveachanging the time of birth and this

imnltdiatelywhethet thenative is male or femze. Thistechnique impresses thepeople gzçatly, but the astrologets themselves knowtheir weakness qaitt well.

Now 1et uscocae to the point.

The Sun, Mars and Jupiter indicateSzturn, Venus and Moon indicate female

male geniergender. Ah

independent Mezcuty indicates male gender. Metcutrwith Satum oz Venus indicates female gender and withthe Sun, Mats :nd Jupitet indicatez male gender.

lt is to be noted tht the planets of male signi. e. the Sun, Mats :nd Jupitet ate moze powetfulud victotious thanthe phnets of female sign. (exceptthe Moon) It is also to be noted thzt the planetswhich aspects the house ot a phnet is mote powetful.

Page 434: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 435 )The Moon is loved und honouted by evec

phnet. Hence other planets allow hez to act accotdingto her desite. if there is comhinafion of 7 + Moonthe native is female even if thetc Ate othet comoina-tion of male sex. ln the slmewc tbe signs zulçd by

the plznets, tlne Sun, Mazs and Jupiter i. e. 5, 1, 8, 9i:nd 12 ate considered to be male signs and 4, 2, 1.1û cnd 11 as female signs. Gemini sign is to beunderstood AS male while Virgo aS female.

The combinations of Male

( 1 ) 7th house + Sun, Mars ot Jupitet ot his sign.( 2 ) 7th Lord + Sun, Mats, Jupiter ot his sign.

The comblnations Qf Female

(1) 7th house+Moon, Venns, Metcuty ot Sayutn other ot his sigs.

(2) 7th Lotd+Moon, Metcuty, Venus ot Sztutn orhet ox his sign.

Male :

Male : Obsetve and understand the biOchatts aud teAd below

( see Emmpl: Stctioq, : hge 211 )No. 125-1

1st Cvms, : (1) 7th house + Jupitct * satutn2nd Comb. : (1) 7 htumq- Jupifer

Page 435: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 436 )

Result : The nztive is male.No. 125-3

1st Comb. t (1) 7th house + Scorpio(2) 7th house + Mats

2nd Comb. : (1) 7 Mkts > AtiesAesult : The native is male.

llo. 125-5

1St Comb. : (1) 7th house + Gemini2nd Comb. : (1) 7 Mexeury+ SunResult : The native is male.

No. 15

1st Comb. : (1) 7th house+ Jup.(2) 7th house+Mzts * Szt. Venus, Moon.

2nd Comb. : 7 Saturnm MzrsReeult : The native is mvle.

No. 12house + Aties (2) 7th house + Jup.

(3) 7th house + Mus @ Jup.2nd Comb. (1) 6 Mzzs 4. Leo (2) Mlts +Jup.Regult ) The nltive is m:e

Comb. : (1) 7th

No. 24

1st Comb. t (1) 7th house+Aties (2) 7th houst+lup.(3) 7th house+ Snn

2nd Gmb. : ( 1 ) 7 Mars + Leo ( 2 ) 7 Mats+ Jupiter( 3 ) 7 Mzts+ su: * Jupitet

Page 436: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 437 )

Result t The native is male.

Male k Take down the birth charts and makeyourself m ore sute.

( See Example Section : Page 212. )#

Fem aleFemale : Observe an4


understand the birt:chatt: and read below.

( See Exzmple Section : Page 213. )No. 126-2

1st Comb. : ( 't ) 7th house + Cancet2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 7 Moon-hAquatius

( 2 ) 7 Moon+ 1 SatutnItesult : The Seventh

of thezsgect PlAnet. Hence the aspectMats, Jupitet Over the Moon h:s no efect.*

The zspect of Saturn, the lotd of the asc.over tbe Moon indicltes female.


llo, 126-16

house of female is without

1st Comb: : ( 1 ) 7th house + Moon2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 7 Moon + TauzusResult :' The


1st Comb.2nd Comb. :

nvtive is femzle. The Moon in the 7tbclearly indicvtes fem:le.

No. 126-9t 1 ) 7th house + 'Sututni( 1 ) 7 Met.+ Gnce: (2) 7 Mez. +Moon

Page 437: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 438 )Aesult : The native is female. Theze is An uspect d'

Mazs ovet Saturn, but M ats is in femalesign. hence Mzrs cannot cbange the nativeinto female.

No. 126-141st Comb. : ( 1 ) 7th house + Cancez

( 2 ) 7th house + Mezcuzy2nd Comb. : (1) 7 Moon + Tautus (2) 7 Moon+ VenusResult The nltive is female. Mats and

aspectsb'ectO )

Jupiterthe 7th house, but they donot

M oon.No. 126-6

4st Comb. : (1) 7th houseVanus (3)

2nd Comb. : (1J 7 Jupiter + Scotjnio (male)


(2) 7th house +house + Satuzn * Venus

Result The native is female, beczuse Jupiter nevetgo against the M oon.

1st Comb. : (1).2nd Comb. : (1)

No. 126-117th house + Szgittazius (m?1e)7 Jupitet + Sztutn

A4sult : The native is female beczuse Jupiter, the7th Lotd is lspected one-sided by Satutn.

rem ale : TA e down the bltth charte andm ake youreelf mote sute.

( See Bxlmple Section t Page 214. )

Page 438: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 439 )



bringsetsonalityPand results in hvppy mztriage,

tbe natute's gift :ndwomvn. The well-developed btezsts

out the impressto the woman, vtttacts the

womanhood, znd addopposite sex

*The bezutyof a

of bteasts is2. THE BEAUTY

The beauty of bzeats is indicated from the 4th:nd the 10th houses. The Moon is the Signifcatot ofthe 4th house znd Venus is the Signifcatoz of love;lwnce if Venus of the Moon ot the 4th Lord comesin relation with the 4th house ot the lûth house, tbewomanhood is mote imptessive.

Womanhood : The beauty of bteasts :

( 1 ) 4th house + 4 ot Moon or Vtnus( 2 ) 10th house + 10 or Moon ot Venuswomanhood : The beauty of breasts. Observe andunderstând the birth chvtts and read below.

( See Exzmple Sectlon : Pzge 215. )No. 127-1

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 4th houst + Libm2nd Comb. : ( 2 ) 10th house + 1û MztsResult : The nztivt is full of bezuty öf bzezsts.

No. 127-7

1st Comb, : ( 1 )' 4th' house + Czncer2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 10 Svtum + exdtd Venus

Page 439: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 44û )

Result : The nativè isfull of beauty of bzeasts.*

Womanhood: The beauty of breasts. Take dowathe birth charts and make youtself more sure:


( See Example Section : Page 215. )*


and gmdually it gtowsUPfzomchildlqood to youth and at this age he ot she zequizesa life partnez. Natute slso creates ûn urge in him othet to become father ot mothet, bence duting youth


he ot slae search for alife-paztner.

A child is botn

The çombinationsof matzied love :

( ) 1 + 7 ( except Mercug ot Sztuzn ) ot Venusot Moon if not 7 ot Moon ot Venus + 1, ifnot, 1 + .btnefc planet zelattd to the 7tàllouse or its Lozd ( except Mezcury or Satutnoz his sign ).

( 2 ) 7th house qc 7 ( rxeept hletcuyy ot Sztutn ) otsienus p? hloon ot beneic,t except sfetcuty ztSaturn ot his sign ) ot the 7fh Lozd exalteë.

Natives expetlencing mvttied love : Obsezve andundetstlnd thç bitth cha,s = d read below.

( See E>mple Section ki Pzge 216. )

Page 440: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 441 )

No. 209

1St Comb : (1) 1st house + Taurus

2nd comb : (1)7t1a house + 7 Mars (2) 7th+house+MoonResult : The native hRd mattied at the age of 24.

No. 219

1st Comb. : 1) 1 Mats+ Moon (2) 1(3) 1 Mats + Cancet

2nd Comb. t (1h 7th house+ Libta

Mlts + Venus

Result : The nztive had martied in young age.No. 211

1st Ctlnnb. : (1) 1st house+ Cancer(2) 1st house+ Moon

2nd Comb. : (1) 7th ltouse-h MoonResult : The ntttive lnad married at the matured age.

No. 130

1st Conpb. : (1) 1st house + Libta (2) 1st house+Mooa2nd Comb. : (1) 7th house+ MoonResult : The native h:d mkttiad at 14.

Natives experiencing martied love : Take downthe birth chatts and m ake youtself more sure.

( See Exvmple Section : Pzge 216 J

Page 441: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


g Hallpy znd Unlnappy lnurried Jife )( Only for Indians )

Usually happy or unhappy matriage is founk'l outzeferting to the tahle of mattiage and tlpc potgitiocby

of AlursFollowing these ptinciples, a m:n and ûbut Aftet Sometitne, thev lnuve

Won3:11 mlrtyydisputes, quatrels,

disharmony and pain of love in npatrivd life. Hencethe questionOn tbe whole the science of cstrologl' is conpgletebut the ltnowledge of lâuman beings iF inconlpletc.lt is necessary to cûst û, searcl'p light on tlpeir lllistakes

arises wllcte tlte actual lnistake is done ?

and investigate tlneit defects.

claarts of tbe malc and female.in birth

Foz the solution of this dc to dky questicc,strictly adhering myself to tbe ptinciples of aFttology,I statted a deep study ttnd observctions. Consequentlycertain impottant principles were sotted out.

Evety asttologer knows thAt without u hotoscope,tlne ptediction based only on tàe Moon placed incettain stg:, Gan nevet be cotrect. Applying the satnepttswiple, kptedictions given tegûtding mazrkge, llasezonly on the Moon cAn nevet be correct. Fot instance,ceztain inan named Mt. X is a millionaite whiletlaet person with tbe Szmc name is struggling tbzano

Page 442: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

jstence 1 A woman enjoys tlte full martied love'dIfzom her nlûrriag'e up to lner death wlqile anothtrvwsth the Svme nûme is a widow !

Moteovet the ptedictlon giveu regardingjessed love when the Moon is mzle:c amounts tobidiculing the scienct of a sttology.z

Accozding to the principles of zsttology, theàkssed love-happy mattied life can be uscertainedfzom the 7th house of a birth chart, its Lord and

ivenus, the significatot. Not only tlpese ptinciples :redistegsrded in ûpplying fot tloth the sbove metbods,but they are also reiccted.

According to the chart of friendship, Mazs hqsso esmity with Venus, the signifcztor of the 7thyouse, so it is as goed as bteaking tl:e ptinciples ofzstrology to Say that h/lats is maleiic fot the 7th laouse.

Afars in'This name is given becûuse of his chatactetistics.But accotding to Ptesent wrong method Msts i$spoken AS zn evil planet wbicln JS against his cbaza-ctezistics. This is no bettez then bteaking tLe ptinciples

sanskrit means' benefcial or welfare.

of zsttology.sztutn is the significatoz of 6, 8, :nd 12t1a houses,

signi:cator of disezses, loss, debt, intttest :nd death.Jn Shott he is the signi6mtot of deatln. Moteovet he

Page 443: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 444 )is impotent, loveless and without life partner. Hexethe action of zsttologers in plqcing sueh plactt( Satutn ), against Mars and expecting a ftuitful resnltof blessed martied love is entirely unscientifc.

Moreovet the maleûc planets in the bitth chatt,which are considered to bting misezies and sottowsare not tûken into ûccount anywbete. The ptesectastrologets leûve aside such important fuct wàilt tconsidering the Suitability of two petsons fot mattizgt.

If lotd of tbe 7th house is in 6, 8 or 12tb laonst,ot Venus, the signifcatot of the 7th house i! in (, :8 ot 12tb bouse or the malefc of the bitth ckatt istelated to the 7th house ot 7th Lotd, or Venus, itssigni:cutoz bz conjunction, opposition ot uspeet et'

'-*2ï bitituted ate mujot factots whkà7th Lord is eindicate unhappy mattied life. lf ptoper attentlon isnot givento be dtastic and the natives ate mzde to sufer pin

to such connbinations the tesult tutns ent

.of love.

If the majot factots of unhappiness :re not fouclin bitth clnâtts of u couple, they pass a huppy muryitdlife even if the table of mattiAge hsed' only on Sipof the Moon does not adjust. On the otbet handeven if the table of mAttiage bzsed only on the Sip

of the Moon does ldjust with Mats still the muziedlife passes unhappily and sottowfully.

Page 444: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Now observe the following bitth chatts. Thetem.erous such birth chatts in our collection butAe nu

apue to ,the shortage of space and keeping undet thelimjt of the subject, only few bitth clnztts ate givenlyere zs exannpleg.

Matvied according to the adjustment of thetable of marriage ( based on only the sign of the

) but the wife took divotce !Moon

Asc. Sun Aloon Mars s'ler. Jup. Venus Sat. RahuHusband 3 5 2 6 5 8 6 2 12Tife 4 11 12

Mattied accotding to the zdjustment of theuble of martiage ( based on only the sign of theMoon ) but could not enjoy the married life !

Husband 't

TifeHusbznd 12

Tife 7




r Matrieu accotding to the adjustmem of thtr f mazziage ( based on only the sign of thwble ol

,r ,M*n ) but the wife does not go to the husband

Asc. Sun Moon Mat$ Met. JuP. Venus Sat. Rahu5 7 6 1 1

4 8 5 7

9 7 7 45 2: 10 11

Page 445: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 446 J

Asc. Sun Moon Mars Mer. Jup. Venus Sat zxlutHusband 6 9 10 5 9 6W ife 5 1 8 6 8* 10 11

Married according to the adjustment of the.table of marriage ( based on only the sign of the,Moon ) but the wife became widow !

Asc. Sun Moon h'fars Mer. Jup. Venus Sst. RalwW ife 1 4 4 6 4 5 5* 10

The table of matriage ( not based on the sig:of the Moon ) still the native married and achievedblessed m artied love !

Asc. Sun Mooll Mars Mer. Jup. Venus Sat. Xk ûhuHusband 4 4 11 7 4 5 3 10 16W ife 11 12 9,

Hete, could the happiness of blessed marzied lovtbe said to be due to M ars ? Hete Mars is benefc iocase of husband while malefc in case of wife.

Now we sball study thotoughly, how a nativr.with which combinations enjoys his mattied life, basedton the ptinciples of asttology.

Page 446: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


Before obtaining the thorough knowledgc lboutblessed matried love, it becomes quite necessazy toknow its nnezning Erst. '

Blessed nlartied love nlcans-blessed love of husbandsnd wffe. Both should be ofgood claarzctet, agreeuble,loving each otber, shating

petplexedtogethez happinev andand uneasy when one ofrrows, lkelingso

them is out, loving znd cating fot children with al1the possibility and avoiding zll disputes znd quarrels.

Blessed love nlcans : love of Romeo and Juliet, e:chone evereutly to die foz tbe other.

The Moon is a lovet, Romeo and Juliet, pzlsionxtebut vittuous.

Venus is also a lovet, but his lov: is mean, oflower standard :$ l)t is sensuq lustful aad of loosechatacter.

Murs is coutageous, victorious, fcatless :nd iu2of self-conidence with go-ahead spitit. Hence theconhbinztion of 1 + Mars indicates lov: maztiage; thecombination of 1+ SAtutn ot Venus indicûtes intvtczstq-mattiage. ln czFe of combination of 1 + Sun ot.Jupiter, the mzrtiage takes place with full mutualunierstûniing and co-opetztion of the pztents.

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( 448 )

t a ) The combinations of Blessed married love :

( 1 ) 7th house+ Moon, Sun, Mzrs ot Jupitet ot hetor his Fign.

Mars oz Jupitet ot het( 2 ) 7th Lord + Moon, Sun,or his sign.

( 3 ) Venus + Moon, Stln, Mats or Jupiter or het othis sign.

(b) The combinations of Love martiagf) :( 1 ) 1 + Nloon ot her Sign.( 2 ) 1 + Mzrs or hi$ sign.( 3 ) 7 + Moon ot het lign.

( c ) The combinations of lntetcaste mz-iage :( 1, 2, 3 ) zs the above combs. of lovc tnartiûge.

( 4 ) 1 + Satutn ot Venus ot his sign.

5. ( a ) Blessed married love t Obsetve andundetstand the bitth chaxs and tead below.

( See Example Section : Page 217 ).Male :

No. 118-1

1st Comb. : ( 1 ) 7th house + Mzts2nd Comb. : ( 1 ) 7 Satutn + Moon3td Comb. : Ni1 ( Venus : )

Page 448: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

xesult : The native haS mattied an educated ( B. A. )and a beautiful womûn. He has obtained asupet blessed martied love.

No. 51St Comb.

2nd Connb.(1) 7tln house Scotpio(1h 7 Mats + Azies (2) 7 Mats + Jup.(3) Mats Afoon

3rd Comb. r1) Vellus -h Mars (2) Venus Moon(3) Venus + Jupiter

Result : The native has marriei un agreeable womanand obtained Super blessed mattied love.

No. 116 1

1st Comb. : (1) 7th house + Jupiter2nd Comb. : (1) 7 Mercuty+ Leo (2) 7 Metcuty-h Sun

(3) 7 Mercuty + lVats3td Comb. (1) Venus + Moon * Saturn ( Saturn is1

dependent, ûspected one-sided by Jup.)Result : The native haS msttied An agreeable, well

mvnneted :nd a beautiful womzn :nd obtainedbest blessed martied love.

Female :No. 152

1st Comb. : (1) 7th house+Mars (2) 7th house+ Sun2nd Comb. ) (1) 7 Szturn + Czncet (2) 7 saturn +Muzs

(3) 7 Svturn + Sun

Page 449: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

3rd Comb, : t1) Venus + Sagittarius (2) k-ttrtus+lup..(3) Venus + à'Iars * Jup.(4) Venus + Sult * s'fars , Jup.

Result : The native has married a quiet, educated axd.an agreeable person.


1st Comb. :(1) 7t14 ltouse .q- Sagi. (2) 7tln house +Jup.t3) 7th llouse + sloon

2nd Comb, : (1) 7 Jup. + Sagi. (2) 7 Jtlp. -> Moon.3rd Comb. : (1) Venus+Leo (2h Venus + Jup.

(.3) Venus + hlats.Result : The native ltad mazried a well educatcd m:h

and enjoyed super blessed married love.No. 117-5

1st Comb. : (1) 7th house + Moon2nd Comb. : (1) 7 Satutn + Leo3td Comb. : (1) Venus + Jup. (2) Vesus + SunResyzlt : The native has married an educated petson

and enjoyed blessed matthge love.Blessed m atried love : Take down the bitth chatts

aad make youtself m ox sure.

( See Example Section : Plges 218, 219 )

Page 450: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

5 ( b ) Blessed matried love : Love matriagevObserve and undetstand the bitth chatts

and read below.

: Puge 220 J

marrjage in hi9 bitth chatt, goesand if the combinations of blessedresent, his lovePends in failure.

martiage lasts

combinutions of lovein for Jove mâttiagemartied love are zlso'

with suceess othetwise

( See Example SectionOne who lnûs a11 the

No. 55-:5

1st Connb. : (1) 1St house + Moon2nd Comb. : (1) 7th house + Moon3td Comb. : (1) 1st house + AtiesResult : The native has done love

wu$ quite û successful one.No. 4-25

mstriage whieh

1st Comb. :2nd Comb.3rd Comb.

(1) 1st house + Moon: (1) 7th housn + Moon(1) 1st house'+ Aties (2)native had done lovequite : Successful one.

1st house + Mars

mzttiage whichResult t Thewa$

No. 1-5

1st Comb. : (1) 1 Venus + Moon * Jlpilet2nd Comb. : (1) 7 Muts + Moon3td Comb. : (1) 1+Venu$ + Mzts (2) 1 Venus+ Atiel

Page 451: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

g 452 )Result : The native h:d done love nnartiage which

was quite a successful one.Blessed m arried love : Love marriage. Take downthe birth chatts and m ake yourself mote sure.

( See Exannple Section : Page 221 )*

5. (c) Blessed married love : lntetcaste love martiage.Observe and und' erstand the birth chatts. read below.

( See Exumple Section : Page 220 1No. 534

1st Comb. : (1) 1st house + Mzts2nd Comb. ; (1) 7th house + Mats (2) 7 Moon + MztsReeult : The native lnad done intetcaste love mâtriage.

No. 60

1st Comb. : (1) 1st house + Mars2nd Comb. t (1) 7th house + MatsResult : The native had done intetcvste love martizge.

No. 56-21st Comb.2nd Comb.

Result :Bleseed love : lntetcaste love m auiage. TA e downthe bi:th chart: and make youtself m ote sure.

( See Example Section : Pagt 221. )

1 (1) 1 Saturn + Mats) (1) 7 Moon + Mats *lupitez

The native hûd done inteteaste love mzrtiage.

Page 452: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1



Every human being desires andbettez and ptospetous life. Butdteams are tuined ûnd sbattered.énd : man who is not anxious tognd blessed mutried life.

dreams to live asometimes al1 his.One would hardlylive an ideal, hûppy'

There :re ;ve types of pain of love.

( a ) No martiage takes ?hce ut the suitzble ageor are not able to ;nd a pzopet life patter in pzopet'tinle. Such natives ûze called, <Natives of lzte marriage'.

( 1) st'ccessfulin gettinglife partner bLt theit mazried life is not happy due

to certain teasons Such as difetence of opinion, thebusbcnd is debaucherousy drunkard, hot tempered.uarrelsome, weak,qor sezvice, unable toPûrtnetis ignotant

stcing zt distsnt glace fot businessgive ot take divotce ot the life.

of martied love ot the wife doest give co-opetztion or go neat him ot vice vezsa.no

Such nûtives :te called as tNaives expetiencing pzinof love in marzied life.'

W hile cettain nczives ate

( c ) Cettûin nvtives do matty, but ah eatlyëezth of the life plttner czusts widowhood or pain,of love.

Page 453: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 454 )

( d ) Thete zre cexain nztives who are not uLk'to ntarzy in their 'youth but mzrty lAtc i e. aftet tlye'age of 40 with great diëculties. Sucl) natives atc'called d natives deprived of married lavc '.

( e ) While thete are cettzin natives who nevetmatry in their life due to onc reason or the anothet:nd aze not zble tohusband is impotentïhusband. Such natives

getor the wifetlte mztticd love. Eithet tlae

gets and impotentzze cclled, ' Natives of

rimpossibility of mattied love '.

Note : 1. lt is to be noted that if the berieiicplanets ate in the signs of Cûpticorn, Aqucrius,'Gemini ot Virgo, they cannot form any conhbination,of muctied love eithet with tlne 7th .house or lcrti of'the 7th house or Venur.

2. The combination of 7th house + Saturn otMetcury causes disputes ot quattel ot diference of.opinion in mattied life.

3. The beneûc plsnets aspected one-sided bySatutn cznnot form tbe combinûtion of mazried love.

4. Venus is sn enemy of Jupitet and th: Sun,hence if they are 1St Lotd :nd if they art in tllehouse of Venus, Tautt)s ot Libta thc nztive can not.obuia the tequized matried love.

5. The natives with%1 the combination of 7 + h/rnus

Page 454: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 455 )

d 7+ Afars aze ûlso Seen expetiencing pain of love.As

lais is bccause hlars gentrally goes against Venus.T( a ) Pain of love : Natives of late matriagv1 + Satutn ot Rletcury 6i his sizn.( 1 )

j g ) 7 + Sztuzn ot Metcuzy oz his sign oz 7th Lord +ordebilitated or in 6th, 8th ot 12th house


3 ) Venus+ Satutn ot Mercury or his Sign or venus(# or debilitated o? in 2nd, 6th, 8th or 12th house.

( b ) Pain of love : Natives Experiencingpain of love in married life

.( j ) 1 + Satuzn ot àlcrcurr, or his sign or malefc Mars( 2 ') 7+ Satutn or hlercury or l7iS Sign ot nnalefct

Mars ot 7tl) Lortl $. ot debilitated or in 6tl:, 2thot 12th house.

'( 3 ) Venus + Satuxn or Mercuzy ot his sign ot Venus: ot in 6th, 8th or 12th house.

( e ) Pain of love : Widowhood+ Capr. or lqu. ot 1st Lotd + Capt.oz Vixgo ot Gemini ot 1st Lozd zsgectedby Satutn oz 1st Lotd $: or debilitated.

4 2 ) 7th house + Capricorn or Aquatiu! ot 7th Lord+ Capticorn, Aquatius, Virgo or Gemini or the7th Lotd aspected one-sided by Satutn ot 7thLotd * ot debilitûted ot in the 2ni, 6th, 8th ot12tb house.

'( 1 ) 1st houseAquztiusone-sided

Page 455: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 3 ) Venus +capticorn, Aquarius, Virgo ot Gemini otVenus + Saturn ot Mercuty ot Venus # crdebilitzted or in tlle 2nd, 6th, 8th or 12th Lousrot the sign Capricorn, Aquarius in the 7th house.

( d ) Pain of love : Natives without mattied love :

(1? 1st house + Saturn orMercuty or his sign.(2) 1st Lotd + Slturn ot Metcuty ot his sign ot .> ot

debilitated or in tlne 6tb, 8th ot 12th house

(3) 7th llouse+ Saturn or Metcuty or llis sign ormalefc Mats.

(4) 7th Lotd + Suturn or Metcury or his sign ot $t crdelhilituted ot in tbe 2nï (th, 8th or 12th house.

(5) Venus + Ssturn ot Nletcuty ot his sign oz 4. otdebilitated or in the 2nd, 6th, 8th or12th lnouse.

( : ) Pain of love : Natives of impossibility ofmatried love.

1st house + Satutn o: Mercuty1st Lord in t14e signMetcuty ot ûsptctedSaturn.

or his sign orof Fztutn otone-sideï by

ot hi$ sign ct( 2 ) 7th house + Saturn ot Metcurymaleûc Mats.

Page 456: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

7th Lord + Capticotn, Aquatius, Vitgo oz Geminiot aspected one-sided by Saturn or thesign Capticotn,Aquatius in the7th house.

Venus + Czpricorn(4)o: Venus +

Aquarius, Vkgo or GeminiSaturn ot Venus in the

or 12th house ot Venus # or6th, 8ththe sigu Capticorn, Aquzrius in the7th house.

:. ( a ) Pgin of love : Natives of late martiage:obsetve and unnerstand the birth charts

and tead below.

Example Section : Pagc 2Q. )No. 111-2

1st ccmb. : (1) 1st house +2nd Comb. : (1)

3rd Comb. :

Capt. (2) 1 Sat. + Mer.7th house + Saturn (2) 7th house +Mer. wsat. (3) 7 Moon + Vitgo

(1) Venus Gemini (2) Venus + 6Result : The native had ex?erienced diëcultks in the

muttet of marziage. He had not mzrtied upto the ûge of 36.

No. 3-1

15t Comb. : (1) 1 Moon+vitgo (2) 1 Moon+satura, 2nd Comb. t (1) 7th house+capr. (2) 7 Sat. + Vitgo3td Conab. : (1) Venus + Mezcury

Page 457: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 458 )

Resul't : Tbe n:tive had experienced diëculties ic tlumktter of matriage. He lqad not matried ujto the age of 36.

No. 2-7

1st Comb. : (1) 1st house+ Satutn (2) 1st house+Me.2nd Comb. : (1) 7th house +Mer. (2) 7th house+ sat.

(3) 7 Mars -y Gemini3rd Comb. : (1) Venus + 8Result : The nAtive is male'. He is not able to matty


1st Comb. : (1)2nd Comb. : (1)


No. 11-5

1 stoon + Aquarius

7th house +capricorn (2) 7 Sat-+ Vitgo7 Satuzn + hletcuty

Venus + Vitgo (2)Venus + Szturn

Venus + MercutF3td Comb. : (1)(3)

Result : The native is a wonlan. She is Ph. D. sàew:S experiencing diëculties in the mattet ofmzrti/e.

No. 471

1st Comb. : (1) 1st house + Capticorn(2) 1st house + Satuzn

2% Comb. : (1) 7 Moon+ Satutn (2) 7 Moon debilit:tti.3rd Comb. : (1) Venus + Aquarius (2) Venus + 2

Page 458: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 459 )

lesult : The native is a woman.was experiencing diëcultiesthe end she nnarried a personthan her.

She is B. A. Shefor marrizge. In6 years younger

No. 57-4

jst comb. : (1) 1 Sun + Virgo (2) 1 Sun + Satutncnd comb. : (1) 7tb house+ Aquarius (2) 7 Sat.+ Wrgo3td G mb. : (1) Venus + Satutnaesult : The native is a woman. She was expetiencing

dimculties fot marriage. She was able to marzyat the age of 34.

paia of love : N atives of late m atriage. Take downhe bitth chaXs and make yourself more sute.T, see Example Section : Pages 223, 224, 225 ).Unabled to matry at the given age :


3. - 37No.No. 6. - 31No. 7. - 26No 8. - 35

No. 9. - 28No 10. - 26

No. 17. - 30

lço. 26. -- 28lço. 35. -- 28

tlo. 36 -- 32llo. 38, -- 45kko. 39. -- 26

AgeNo. 18. - 30

No, 44. - 28

No. 53. - 32No. 56. - 31

No. 60. - 32No 61. - 30

AgeNo. 40. - 32

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( 460 )

No. 3, 6, 9, 10. 17, 19, 26, 30, M, 34, 35, 43 xj55 ate the hotoscopes of women.

No. 34. The woman's engzgement was twktlbzoken and she is not able to marry.

6. (b) Pain of love t Natives experiencing Pain qflove in married life. Obsetve and underst:nd tk

birth charts and read below.

( See Example Section : Pzge 226. ):

tlo. 115

Comb. : (t) 1st house + Metcuty2nd 'Comb : (1) 7th house + Metjuty (2) 7 Mals .#3zd Comb. : (1) Venus + 8Result : The native does not like hiS wife as he k

not able to get the mutzied lovt of his wisàfzom het. Having illegal tehtion with anotklwoman, he is experiencing pain of love,

No. 119

1st comb. : (1) 1st boùse + SAt. (2) 1 Moon + Aqqit2nd Comb. (1) 7th house + Czpt. (2) 7th house-Fs:t.3:d Comb. t (1) Venus MetcuzyResult : Tht native ha$ desetted his wife.. He t

experiencing pain of love.

Page 460: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 461 )No. 122

jst (1) 1st house + Vitgo (2) 1 Mercuty+ Capticotn (3) 1 Metcuty + Satutn

2cë Comb. : (1) 7 JuP. + Capr. (2) 7 Jupiter + Sat.3td Comb.


(1) Venus + Capricotn (2) Venus +Metcuty (3) Venus + Saturn

Result : The nutive, llarassed by the itst wife, mlttiedSecond time at 37, but she w:s foundtagnent and debaucherous. He is expeticncingPain of love.P

No. 125

1st Comb. : (1) 1 Sun + Vitgo2n2 comb. : (1) 7th llouse + Aquarius (2) 7 Satutn

+ Czpricorn (3) 7 Satutn -# 634 Comb. : (1) Venusl# Result ) The native has not got good telation with

the husbvnd. She is experiencing pain of love.

No. 126

1St Comb. : (1) 1st house+ Gemini (2) 1st house+ Saturn2n2 Comb. : (1) 7th house + Sztutn3td Cnmb. : (1) Venus + 6t> sult : The nztive has not got good rehtion with

het husband. 8he is experiencing pain of love.

Page 461: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 462 J

No. 1241st Comb. : Ni1

2nd Comb. : (1) 7th house + Gemini (2) 7 Mer. & $(3) 7 Metcury + Saturn

3rd Comb. : (1) Venus %Result t The nztive is : mattied woman and she k

in love with another person. She i's not lkto get thc mzttied love of her wish. ske kexperiencing pain of love.

Pain of love t Natives expetiencing pain ntlove in martied life. Take down the bitth

charts and m ake yourself m ore sure.

( See Example Section : Pages 227, 228, 229k )

6. (,c ) Pain of love ) Widowhood. Observe ax(undetstand the bltth charts and read below.

( See Example Section : Page 239. )No 41

1st Comb. t (1) 1 M:r$ aspected one-sided by sztuta2nd Comb. : (1) 7 Venus + 83td Comb. : (1) Vtnus + 8Result t The native h:d beçome : widowet wt 26.

1st Comb. : (1) 1No. 42

Moon + ' Vitgo

Page 462: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

2nd Comb. : (1) 7th Lo/ is Satum himself.3zd Conâb. : (1) Venus is aspectvd ont-édtd by Satutn.Resuit l The native had become widower at 26.

No, 43

15t Comb.2nd Comb,3rd Comb.

: (1) 1st Lotd is Saturn himself.: (1) 7 Moon + Aquarius: (1) Venus + Satutn

Result : The native hâd become widower at 24.

No. G

1st Comb. : (1) 1 Venus2nd Comb, : (1) 7 Mkrs +3td Comb. : (1) Venus +Result : The native had beconhe widow st 14.

No. 45

+ GeminiAquzriusGemini

1St Cocjb. : (1) 1 Mars is aspected one-sided by Satutn.2nd Comb. : (1) 7 Venus is asgected one-sided by Sa tult3td Comb. : (1) Venus is uspected one-sided by Satutn.Result : The native hzd become widow at 22.

No. 46

1st Comb. : (1) 1 MAts + Cpticom2nd Comb. : (1) 7 Venus + Cupticorn3td Comb. : Venug + CzpricotnResult : The nztive had become widow at 25.

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( 464 )

6. (c) Pain of love t Wldowhood. Obsetve aniunderstand the bihh charts and tead below.

( see Exzmple Fection : Pzges 231, 232 1@

6. ( d ) Pain of love : Natives without matriedlove. Observe and understand the bitth charts

aqd read below.

( See Exzmple Section : 17ûge 233 ).No. 21

1st Comb. : (1) 1st house+ Mezcuty (2k '1$t house-h Sut.2nd Comb. ; (1) 1 Moon+ Aquatius (2) 1 Moon + 83td Comb. : (1) 7th house + Czpticotn

(2) 7th house + Mercury4th Conlb. : (1) 7 Satutn is himself5th Comb. : (1) Venus + Capricorn (2)Result : The native is not able to marty.

Venus + Mer.

1st Comb. : (1) 1st2nd Codb. : (1) 13td Comb. : (1) 7th house +

(2) 7th houseAquatiusSat. * Venus

No. 73-2house + SztuznSun -!- Vitgo (2) 1 Sun+ MetotF

41 Comb. : (1) 7 SAturc is himself5th Comb. : (1) Venus + SatumResult k The native is not able to muty.

Page 464: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

No. 264

1$t Comb. : (1) 1St house + Vitgo2nd Comb. : (1) 1 Mercury + Aquarius (2) 1 Mez. + 63yd Comb. : (1) 7th house + Saturn4th Comb. : (1) 7 Jupitet-h Aquarius (2) 7 Jupitet + 65th Comb. ) (1) Venus + SatutnResult : Thenative is notable to nnaxty.

No. 25

1st Comb. : (1) 1st house + Sat * Jup.(2) 1st house + Mercuty, * Satutn, JuP.

2nd Comb. : (1) 1 Venus + Capricozn (2) 1 Ven.+Met.(3) 1 Venus + Saturn

3td Comb. : (1) 7tb house + Sat. (2) 7th house+ Met.4th Comb. : (1) 7 Mats + Aquarius5th Comb. : (1) Venus Capr. (2) Venus + Met.

(3) Venus + SaturnResult : The native is not zble to matty.

No. 26

1st Comb. : (1) 1st house + Aquzxius .,2nd Comb. t (1) 1 Saturn is himself. Hete Saturn iï

of : hence he is inefective.

3td Comb. : (1) 7th house + Metcuty * Mats(2) 7th house + malefc Moon

4th Comb. : (1) 7 Sun + Mercuty

Page 465: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 466 1

5th Comb. : (1) VenusResult : The native is not able to matry.

No. 8

1st Comb.Jup. 8 (2) 1 Jup. + Mer.

3rd Comb. (1) 7th house + Vitgo (2) 7th house+ sat.4th Comb. ( 1) 7 Mercury + 8th house5th Comb. : (1) Venus Saturn


1st lwuse + Slturn(1)2nd Comb. : (1) 1

Result k Tlne native is notzblc to mztry.

Pain of love : Natives without married love. Takedown the bitth chatts and make youtself more sute.

( See Example Section : Page 234 .1

6. ( e ) Pain ofmarried love.



love t Natives of impossibility of'Obsetve and understand the

chatts and read below.

( See Exttmple Section : Pagt 235 )No. 111

1st Comb. : (1) 1St house + Saturn2nd Comb. : (1) 7th house + Szturn

3rd Comb. : (1) 7 Venus +vkgo (2) 7 Venus + 64th Comb. : (1) Venus + Vkgo (2) Venus + 6Result : The native is impotent still he is mattied.

He is not able to enjoy mAttitd love.

Page 466: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

1st Comb. (1)2nd Comb. (1)3td Comb. (1)4th Comb. (1)

No. 112

1 Jupittr + Satutn7th house + Vixgo7 Mercury + SatuznVenus + 8 (2) Venus Satuzn

Result : The nktiveThe MoonassionatePmastetbation.matried love.

is impotent $ti11 be is mgzried-being in the 1St house, lne is.and became impotent due toHe is not able to enjor

lço. 113

1st Comb. : (1) 1st lpouse + Saturn2nd Comb. : (1) 7th house Gemini (2) 7th house

+ Sztuzn3rd Comb. : (1) 7 Mer. + Vitgo (2) 7 Met. + Sat.4th Comb. : (1) Venus + Vkgo (2) Venus + SltutnResult : Tipe native is impotent :nd without martied

love. He is unzware of the matried love.

1st Comb.2nd Comb.3td Comb.4th Comb.

' Result :

No. 114

: (1) 1$t house + AquvtiusNi1

: (1) 7 Sun + Vit'go (2) 7 Sun + 8: (1) Venus + Virgo (2) Venus + 8

The nûtivt is impotent :nd without martiedlove. He ig unawsre of the matried love.

Page 467: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

t 468 J

No. 115

1st Comb. : (1) 1 Mzts + Vitgo.'2nd Comb. : (1) 7th house + Svtutn3rd Comb. : (1) 7 Venus + 84th Comb. : (1) Venus + 8Result : T he native is z beautiful woman, 17ut she is

without married love. Het hustland is impotent.

No. 116

1st Comb. : (1) 1 Jupitet + Aqcarius2nd Comb. (1) 7th house + Gemini3td Comb.4th Comb.Result : The native is impotent and is without mattkd

love. He is unawate of the mvttkd love.

(1) 7 Metcuty + 6(1) Venus 1

Pain of love t Natives of lmpossibility of mariedlove. Take down the bitth chatts and make

yourself more sure.

( See Example Section ) hge 236. )Nos. 163, 166, 169, 170 and 172 are the hotoscopes

'of maztied impotents, test of tht hotoscopek ateof impotent.

No. 168. is z hozoscope of A marzied womzn.Het husband is impotent.

No. 171. is a mlttkd pttson but dut to htzztdisease he is without mztried love.

Page 468: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


entitety bzsed on the iniuence.of the planets. He leads his life byosition of the planets in his hotoscope. The entirePfutute i. e. the Dectee of Fate, is wzitten, in his.


the induence or

by the will of God, Hence whatevet evilts aze done by the native, the zsttologer does notzc

feel happy or sortowful, but he remaining impatthksticks himself to the principlesof 'asttology.

The humsn life is

is the Otlotdtion or opposition, the nûtives become passionute.Such natives are fond of sexual pleasure. They cannotkeep control ovet tbeit mind. They uze lustful.

Same is tlneand

case with Venus. He is also,

assionatePhe asc. or lozd of the asc,, mâkes the natives.with t

sensual. Hence the relation of Venus

Symbol of passion. If asc,f the asc. is telRted to tlne Moon by conjunc-o

sensual and passionate.

The Moon

Mars is commzndet-in-chief :nd coutageous one.but being sepamted ftom the life paztner ot the lovery,is witbout chzrûctet ûnd debaucherous.

Even though a nûtiv: may be passionate but ifhe hûs no courage he will hasitate to go on the puthof debûuchety. Natives who go on the wrong puth.tequites tht combination of 1 + Mats.

Page 469: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

f 47 û )

Moteover, in a horoscope, if Mars is not relateëtto tlae 7th house or itS Lôrd, the native is aept awayftom Such thoughts. Hence the combination of7 + Mzrs makes z man debzuchetous.

Satutn is the man of Street, foot path dweiler,.despezate i. e. he is witlaout life pattner, impotent otthe habit of mzstuzbation. Hence with the combication.of 1 + Moon oz Venas in a nztive's bitth chûtt ucdif there ate combinations of 1+ Sûtutn and 7 + Sûtutn.instead of 7 + Matg the native pmctices mzstutbctionand tuins his hezlth, mind etc. and i.n the enë'becomes impotent.

Now we $h:ll pzuse htre to think. why doesnative move astzay on tlle pûth of debzuchery ? Doeshe ot she like it ? Does not ipis ot 1:er conscience bite ?

the ignorance of- lifepzttnet's mattied love aFaits. When a person does'not get staisfzction of his wish from hi$ life pattnet,he zemains unsûtisded znd Stzuggles outside to Nlslhis desire of mzrtied love, i. e. he tries to move'towztds' dtbzuchtry. This ptoves thvt b'efort one'mzzzies petfect knowledge of svtisfying the life'pzttnet is necessaty. Lack of knowledge in mazritdwlove gfaks, tuins the lives of the couple.

The main reason for tkis ig

Heze ânotbez qv-stion mzy ztise, bow to understûnd'the standvtd of imaginvtion of individukl's mztried love ?

Page 470: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 471 )Fot this it becomes necessaty

of the 7th èlouse. If a wifeto know the

tzength gets 5Z motesthan the husband, they live a lnappy married life withcess. W e tequest out readers to read out booksuc

. Bjtth Chatt, its connbinations and the strengyh ofHouse in percentage '.4he

Paln of love : Natives of Passion and debauchety.

( 1 ) 1 + Moon or Venus or het or his sign.( 2 ) 1 + Mars or his sign.( 3 ) 7 + Mars or hi$ sign.

#ain of love : Natives of Passion and debauchery.obsetve and understand the birth charts and

read below

( See Excmple Section : Page 237. )No. 123-11

1st Cosab. : (1) 1st house+Tautus (2) 1st house+ Moon2nd Comb. ) (1) 1st house+ Mats (2) 1 Venus + Aries3zd Comb. : (1) 7th house + Scot (2) 7th house+sfarsResult : The native is : vety debzucheous person. So

flt he lnas done hundreds of sexual telationswith otbet womtn. He drs not cazz evenif his wife is ptesent.

Page 471: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 472 )

No. 123-7

1st Comb. : (1) 1 Sun + Moon * satum2nd Comb. : (2) 1 Sun + Mars * Jupitet, Satutn3td Comb. : (1) 7th house+h'lars (2) 7 Sat. + Mats . Jpk

Result : 'f he native spends majotincome in debauchety.


portion of ki;

Comb. ) (1) 1st house + hioon

2nd Comb. : (1) 1$t house + Mzrs

3fd Comb. : (1) 7th house + Murs

Result : The nztive befote his death prepared : Willthût a1l his wealth should be given to àiskept insteûd of his wife !

llo. 124-3

1st Comb. : (1) 1!t house+ Libza (2) 1st house+ Vencr2nd Comb. : (1) 1$t house > Mvrs (2) 1 Venusi Mvts3rd Comb. : (1) 7th house+Aties (2) 7th house-hMzts



Result t The nûtive is : womzn. She pzssed Lttwhole married life in dtbAuchtty in sucka wzy thpt het own husbznd h:d not theslighest doubt of the deeds.

Page 472: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 473 )No. 124-7

1st Comb 1 (1) 1 Saturn + Moon2nd Comb. : (1) 1st house+ Mazs (2)3td Comb. : (1) 7th house + Mars

1 Sat. + Scotpio

Result : The native due to het debauchetous life.was the lezding woman in a mystetious murdez.

No. 124-1*

1st Comb. : (1) 1st house + Libra(2) 1st house + Moon

2nd Comb.3td .comb.

: (1) 1 Venus + Mats: (1) 7th house + Aries

Result : The native was very sensual and a debauche-zous woman. She had sexual relztion witha1l sotts of petsons.

pain of love : Natives of Passion and debauchety :Tske down the birth cbarts and m ake yourself

m ore eure.

( See Example Section : Pages 338, 239. )


Page 473: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

j .174 j8. FREE FRO5I 17AlN ()i7 L(.)VE : DIVOREE

()R RESIARRIAI;E.zl1 tllc llunpalt laeings to btin?Sometinpcs Nvlpen his owcln

calculations o wrcng, l7e wakes ftom tlle slve? :në

putsof prcspcrity. Tbe Same arplies to the

Human beings martylove and lsfe, But d'ue t() one reason or tlle

cn eatnest eiorts to recch buck tl:e same 2oa1pain of love.

to obtûin lnlessetl mattitiotl:et,

tbere may zriseunexpectctl cvents to cause all tlytrniheties and pain of love.ovetconac sucl: pain, is a divorce or remarriagc. Icbricf divorce or remarriagc btingF an cnd of paicof love and llrings lyopes of c blesFcd married Iove.

The NnclStcp tclcen to

To get release fron: tlye pûin of lf74'e meat-,s to

get supporttlne Moon,thc lovcz of fteeiom, whereûs the Sun brightecs tht

ftom thle victorious plûnets, like the Snn,Mcts and Jupiter. Mars :nd the Moon ate

humzn life.The diëculties and obstacles crtated in nyûttiei

love by M ezcurythe help of the Sur, the Moon, Mars cnd Jupitet. Bctthis pain of love c:n be ended only if the benticlanets ztc nat in tlne 3rd, 6th, 10th or 1ltlt sign.PMars is'' not efected by the maleûc efect cf tlle signg

and Szturn ate put to an eni by

capricotn, ot Aquatius. Mats of tllis sign cûn avoiithe gftla of love.

It is tlëe ncturc ofend to diëculties.

Page 474: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

I 475 )Tlae pain of love is created from the 1st and tbe

.yth houses. Hence the telation of these beneéc planets

.wjth the 7th house, IS qulte necessary to cvoid suchi of love.ip: n '

' The Sun, the Moon and Mars can remove theMaleéc efect of Saturn and the Moon can4he malefc eFect of Metcury powetfully because they

victotious and endmies cf Satutn and Mezcuty..:rC

1em OVC

of Dlvorce orRemattiage

..( 1 ) 1st house

y 2 ) 7th house

Moon, Sunj Mats ot Jupitet other or his sign. or 1st Lord +Mooly


Sun, Alats ot Jupiter.Moon, Sun, Mûts or Jupiter other ot his sign ot 7th Lord+ Aloon,Sun, 5lztS or Jupiter.

Tree from Pain of love : Divorce or Remarriage.obsetve and understand the birth charts and

Pain of .love : The combinations

read below.( see Example Section k Page 240 ).

No. 184st Comb. : (1) 1st house-h Cvnces (2)

(3) 1st house + Jupitez.'2nd 'Comb. : t 1) 7tb ltouse + Jup. *

t2) 7th house + Mats @Result ; Tlne nativeY

hinaself fret

Sat.Jup. Sat.

At 24, took divotce and Setftom the pain of love.

1st house 4. Mats

Page 475: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

No. 19

Saturn hlars1st Comb. (1) 12nd Comb. (1) 7 Sun + hfûtsResult : The native taking divorce

of love.released his pai'u

1st Comb.2nd Comb,Result :

No. 20: Nil. 1st l'aord Satutn is ,p: 7tl.t house + Cancet

The nûtive is a woman. She zelitved hetsrlffsom pain of love by means of tkking dixoxtftom bet husband.

No. 21

1st Comb. (1) 1 sztutn Jupiter2nd Comb. : (1) 7th house + LeoResult The nztive, to bring an end

pzin of love, did a second


of het widowelmktthge.

No. 221st Com. (1) 1st2nd Comb. : (1)Result : The


house+ Jup. (2)7th house + Mzts

nvtive to bting vn endof love, mvtried thrice.

No. 23

of het widowel

1st house+Mats.

1st Comb. : (1) 15t house + Mooh (2) 1$t house 4.M:t$ (9) 1 Mats + Moon

2nd 'comb. : f(1) 7th bouse + M:t$ (2) 7 V> s iMuzs (3) 7 Venus + M4on

Page 476: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Aesult : The native is :times to bring

woman- She married fout#

an end of hez pain of love.

yree from Pain of love : Divorce or Remazriage.Take down the bltth charts and make youxself

m oêe Sure.

j See Exannple Section : Pages 241, 242. )No. 3 and 5, at the age of 26, No. 6 zt the age

.of 28/29.No. 9 at theage uge

of 41, took divotce.No. 2, 4, 8, 12, 13, 14 snd 15 ate tlne horoscopes

of women And rest of the hotoscopes ate of men.l

of 30 and No. 14 at the



Now we shall tlnink ovet the time ( petiod ) ofmatziage and widowhood, which is also seen fronn the''7th house.The dme (petiod) of marriage and widowhood :Obsewe and understand the birth chatts and

tkad below.

t Set Exqmple Sectioq : Pag: 243,. )Martiage :

No. 413. Mats is the 7th Lotd. The native marzietat the age of 21.

Page 477: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

7th Lotd, but he is, weqk

eonttmgtkHere the native mattiek

and debilitated. The native of asc. Taurus

the beneûc result of Jupiter.in hiS 33/34th yeur in tlye time t)f Mars. T1zcombination of 7 -i- Satuzn is double. Satutn kGemini is powetful. Ti:e native in the fitst totatbcof Satutn is not able to marty.

No. 425. Mars is the

No. 3 The combination of 7th house + Mooc ,and Jfats. the native marries at 27/28 in the tim:(petiod) of Mars.

Widowhnod :

No. 413 The native in the ttme ( petiod ) ofJupitet, at 42 becomes widowet :nd is not :b1e t;marty again.

No. 128-5 The native is a womzn. $he becamt

widow at 25t17 yeat in the time ( period ) of Sztutn,7th Lord Venus is in tht house of Satuzn with Satutn.

No. 212 The native in the timv ( petiod ) nfmaleûc Mats at 35 :nd 41, became widowet. Oksetvethe position of the makûc Mats in the hotosco?e.

The time (. period ) of Mattiage and Widowhond.Take down the birth charts and make yoursdf

m ote Sure.

( See Exzmple Section t Pages 244, 245, 246. ),

Page 478: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

. ( 479 I

Chapter Ninth : Fifth Housr ( Cont. )CHILDRENûstrology thtows c. dood of lightchildren, ''HowOn many

ëaugl:tezs will 1 llcve ?'' is the question usked by manynatives to tbe asttologets. Those wbo bave not gotclaildren cre considered to be unfortunate in ttne Society.

sons :ndthe

Befote learcing ilow nlany sons and daugbters anative will lpave, one haS to think ovex t8e limitatiovof the happiness of Sons and daughtets.

The dezth of a son orshoulithe native.

z daughtet before 7 yeatsnot be consideted as giving happiness to

Tlqe study ofquestion of

The combinations of Sons and Daughterslaeo Cancer Aties Tuutus Gemini Sagitt. Capri.

Scorpio Libra Virg.) Pisces Aquz.S. J). S. D. S. D. S. D. S. D. S. D. S. D.

Sun 1+û0+ û1+ û 0+ ûû+01+ ûû+ ûMoon 0+ 10+ 59+1 0+ 3û+û0+50+ 0

û+0MztsMercutylt + û û .j- û 1t+û û + 3 û + û lt + 0 û + 3Ju?iter 1 + () 5$+ 0 1 + 0 3t+ 0 0 + 0 5 + 0 û + 0Venus û + 1 0 + 3 û + 1 û + 3 û + 5 0 + 5 û + 3Satutn û + 0 0 + 5:û +t0 0 > 3Aû + û û + 0 0 + 0

- - eAe * W*#

tMercuryçives xhe above sons.

*saturn as the 5th Lord

Combust, tlupiter aspecting tbe 5th house

gives the above daughters.

1+ 00+ 11+ û û+ 10+ 01+û

Page 479: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 48û )

Wt can know the total fot sons :nd daughtets

fzom the 5th house, its Lotd ûnd Jupiter, the Signiécatotof the 5th house.

If the Sun oz Mats is related to the 5thoz 5th Lotd


planet givesSun beingkeeps

Fatutn objects for the birth of a son i. e. tne isrnaleic fot the son and not for the daughter. Heteinthe rehtion of Saturn with the 5th house ot lotd of

by conjunction, opposition or aspect,only one son or one daughter. Mars or tàeawzte of the diëculties of exessive childtec

the control over the numbet.

the 5th house is considered to be mzleic fot sQ;$jbut not for dzughtezs.

Mozeover befotemany Sons andshould know

answering the question llowdkughtets a nztive will have, clne

whethez the nvtive is matried ot not ?not ? WitboutDoes he stay with his life pzttne: ot

union one cannot have childzen.By obsetving the bitth chatt of fathet, tàt

hgpphes! 6f sons :nd daughters should be considereë.lf a autive desires to hAve mote then two ot threewives, the totgl of sons$ht bizth chltt of th:

and daughtets by the observicyptesent wife would not tally

:nd hence the doabt is t/sed in the ngtive's minzwith the impression thzt the wife would dit etc.Henct tht considtmtion of sons znd daughttzs is onlypossible thtough the obsetvation of the Rthet's bitth

Page 480: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

chazt, The namethe chzistian namvobsezvation of the

( 481 )

of the fathet is always written afterof a son ot a daughter, hence thefathet's birth cbatt is mote cozrect.

1. Children : Natives having Sons. Observe andunderstand the birth charts and read below

( See Example Section : Puge 247. )No. 93-3

5th5th Lord Comb.Signifcatoz Jup.Reslzlt t The native

house Comb. Nil.(1) 5 Moon + Jupitet

: Nil.Son

hAs got the happiness of 1 son.No. 93-12

(1) 5th house + Met. combust =5tl1 house Comb.5th Lozd Comb. : ( 1 Son.'signifcatot Jup, (1) 1 Jupitet + Leo = 1 Son.Result : The nvtiv: has got the hzppiness of 2 Sons.

No. 247


5th house Comb. : (1) 5th house + Tautus, Jup.* Mats = 3 Sons.

Virgo @ Mzts = Ni1

5th Lortl Comb. (1) 5 Jup. + Tzurus Nil.Signiicûtor Jup. ; (1) Jup. + Tauzus = Nil.Result The nztive ha$ got the lnappiness of 3 Sons.

No. 4265th house Comb. : (1) 5th house+laeo,Jup.= 1 Son.5th Lotd Comb. t (1) 5 Sun + Sagittazius = 1 Son

(2) 5 Sun Jupitet = 1 Son.

k2) 5 house +

Page 481: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

(3) 5 Sun + Met, com. = 1 Son.Signiscator Jup. : (1) Jupiter + Leo = 1 SonResult : The native laûs got thc llappiness of 5 Sons-

No. 13û5th bouse Comb. :(1) 5t17 house + Sun ( The Sun is

beneéc by the aspect of Jup.) =1 Son.r2) 5th lpouFe + Jup. = 1 Son.

g1n Lord Cotnb : (1) 5 Sat Mars. = 1 Son.(2) 5 Sûtutn 4- Leo, Jup = 1 Son..

SigniEcator Ju?. : (1) Jupitet 4. Leo = 1 Son.Result : The nltive haS got the happiness of 5 sons.

No, 1445th house5th LotdSigniEcatot

Result : The native has got the hûppiness of 2 sons.Children : Nltives having Sons. Take down the

bitth charts and make youtself m ore sure.

( See Example Section : Page 248 )

Comb. : Ni1Comb. : (1) 5 JupitetJup. : (1) Jupiter

+ Mars = 1 Son.+ Mats = 1 Son.

2. Childten : Natives having daughtets. Observeand undetstand the bi% chatts and read below.

( see Example Section : Pzge 249 lNo. 87-14

5th bouse Comb. : Nil.5th Lotd Comb. : (1) 5 Mars + Cancer= 1 daughter.

Page 482: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 483 )

Signiicatot Jup. Ni1Result : The native ha$got tl:e happiness of 1 daughterz

No. 93-75t1n house Comb. : Nil.5tl) Lord Comb. : (1) 5 Met. with Sun + Taurus = 1

daughter.signihcator Jup. : (1) Jup.+ Aries Venus= 1 daughterResuit : TtAe native has got the hzpginess of 2 daughters.

No. 87-95th house Comb. : Hil.5tl: Lotd Comb. : (1)5 Sun + Libza Moon

daughtets.signifcator Jup. Nil.Result The native hls got the hepiness of 3daughtets.

No. 8-75th house Comb. : (1) 5thlpouse+venus = 1 daughtet

(2) 5th house+ Moon = 1 dzugbter5th Lotd Comb. : 5 Jupitet + Venus = 1 dûughtet.SigniûcatotResult : Mats zspects the

Jup. Jupiter + Venus 1 dzughter.hence ezch5th house,

planet gives one dzughter. The nztivegot the happiness of 4 daughters.


tlo. 93-45th house Comb. ) Nil.5th Lotd Comb. : (1) 5 Venus # Moûn. 5 dzugktets.signifcztoz Jup. : Nil.Result : The nztive has got the happiness of sdaughtets.

Page 483: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 484 J

No. 31-4

Lozd house

(1) 5th house Mooo * Jup.= 1 daughtet

(1) 5 Jupiter+Moonrm 1 duuglpttt(2) 5 Jupitet+cancer= 1 daughttt

Signifcvtor Jup. : (1 Jupiter + Cuncet= 1 daughtet(2) Jupitet + Moon = 1 daughtez

5th house Comb.

Result : The nztive b:s got the happiness of sdaughtets.Jupiter of Cancet does not give one daughtet,but hete being Jupitet + Moon, the combi-nation of dûughtet is powetful.

Children : Natives having daughtets. Take downthe bkth chatts and make youtself mote sute.

( See Example Section : Pzge 250 )@

3. Children : Natives Sons having and daughtets.Obeetve and undtrstand the birth chatts

O d read below.

( $tt Exzmple Section : Pagt 251 )No. 93-3

5th bouse Comb.5th Lord Comb. :

Ni1(1) 5 Moon + Jup. = 1 Son(2) 5 Moon + Leo = 1 daughtet

: Ni1Signi&ztot Jup.Result k The native has got the happinqss of 1 son

:nd 1 daughtei.

Page 484: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

E 485 )

llo. 93-125th lnouse5th LordSignifcator Jup.Result The native

Comb.(1) 5th house+sfet. com. = 1 soa(1) 5 Mars + Libt: = 1 daughter(1) Julniter + Leo = 1 Sonbas got the happiness of 2 sons,

and 1 dzughter.


No. 975tln bouse Comb. : (1)

5thSigniscator Jup.Result The native

and 3 daughters.No. 144

Lord Comb.

5th house + Mars = 1 Son(2) 5th house + Jup. = 1 Son.(3) 5th house+ Moon= 1 daughtet(1) 5 MârS + Moon= 1 daughtet(1) Jupiter+ Moon = 1 daughtethzsgot the hzppiness of 2 sons.

5th lqouse Comb.: (1) 5th house + Mzts = 1 Son(2) 5th house + Sun = l Son.

5th Lord Comb.(3) 5th house+venu's = 1 dzughter-(1) 5 Sat. + M1t$ = 1 Son(2) 5 Sat, .h Sun : Mats = 1 soa(3) 5 Szt.+ Vtnus = 1 daughtetNi1 ( Jupitet is debilitated )Signifcator Jup. :

Result The native h:s got the hzppiness of 4 sonsAnd 2 dAugbters.

5th lpcluse Comb. :No. 8-7

(1) 5th house+ Jup.= 1 Son(2) 5th houst + Mvts = 1 Son.

Page 485: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 486 J

(3) 5th house+venus = ldauylltet.(4) 5th l'louse+Moon = 1 dquglltet.

75t1n Lotd Comb. : (1) 5Signiicvtor Jup. : (1)Result : The nûtive has

Jupiter+venus = 1Jupiter+ Venug = 1got the lzzppiness

and 4 daughters.No. 93-7

dauglytetdaughtetof 2 sot:s

5th boude Comb. (1) 5tb house-h Jup . Mzts = 1 Son(2) 5t1) heuse + Mars = 1 $on

5th Lord Comb. : (1) 5(.2 ) 5

'Nfercuty+ 8un = 1 Son tyiMetcuty ( without the 8un )

+ Taurus = 1 tlzughtet.'Signifcutor Jup. Jupiter Aties


Result Here Mats of Gemini aspecteclone-sidedbyJupiter, is witlnout ccmbinztion. Hence Jllllitet,gives 1 son. The native hûs got the happine3sof 3 sons and 2 daughters.

'Children : Nadve having Sons and daughtets.Take down the bitth chztts and make

yourself m ote sure.

( See Example Section : Page 252. )

,(1) 5th.(2) 5th


4. Children t NativesThe combinations of baving no Sons.house + Saturn oz Metcuty or his sign.Lotd, + Saturn or Metcuty ot hi$ sign ot ic

hlving no Sons.

Page 486: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 487 )

6th, 8th or 12th house otdebilitated.

(3) Jupiter Saturn oz Mercuty or bis jign or6th, 8th ot 12th house ordebilitzted.

4) 7 Saturn or Mercuty ot hiS sign,'(chjldren : Natives having no Sons. Observe andunderstand the birth charts and read below.

( See Example Section : Page 253. )No. 91-2

5th house + Gemini1st Connln.2nd Cotnb.

(1)(1) 5- sletcuty + Vitgo

3zd Comb. : (1) Jupitet Satuzn4th Comb. (1) 7 Sun VirgoResult The nûtive hc$got

in hiS birth chaft. He hasa1l tlne fout combinations

gGt no sons.No. 91-3

1$t Comb. (1) 5th house + Capticorn2nd Comb.3rd Comb.

(1) 5 Satllrn + Aquatius(1) Jupitet + Gemini

4th Comb. (1) 7 Ju?iter + GeminiResult t The nztivû bas got al1 the foutcombinatioss

in hi$ birth clnvtt. He lnasgQt no sons.No. 91-7


1st Comb, : 41) 5th house + Satutn2n2 Comb. : (1) 5 MAt9 + 63td Comb. t (1) Jupiter + Satutn

Page 487: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 488 J

4th Comb. : (1) 7th house + Aquatius(2) 7 Satutn + Vitgo

Result : The native haS got :11 the four combinztiocsin hi9 bittb clqktt. He 1)as got no sons.

1$t Comb. )2nd Comb

No. 91-9(!) 5tla house + Aquûrius5 saturn + Gemini

3rd Comb Jupiter + Aquzrius4th Comb. : (1) 7 Mars + saturn, MezcuryResult : Tht native has got a11 the fout combinatiocs

in lqis bitth chzrt. He ha$ got no sons.

1st Comb.2nd Comb.

(1#(1)(1) Jupittt Aquatius(1 3 7 Murs + Gemini

3td Conpb.4th Comb.Result The aative has got ûl1 the fout combinatbcs

in l4is birth chûtt. He thAs got no Sons.

No. 91-125th house + AquzriusSatutn himself is the 5th Lord.

1st Comb. :2nd Comb.3zd Comb, :4th Comb,Result The

(1) 5th(1) 5(1)

Metcury *

Jupitey + Sztuzn(1) 7th house + Svtutn'native hz$ no sons.

No. 91-13house + Virgo

Children': Natives having no Snns. Take down thebitth chatts and mzke youtself mote sure.

( See Examplt Section : Pzgt 254 )

Page 488: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 489 )

5. Natives having no daughters.The combinations of having no daughters :

(1)(2)5th Lord+ Moon

sign.ot Venus ot without het or his sigm

3) Jupitet+ Moon ot Venus or without het ot his sign.(4) 7th Lotd + without the sign of Tautus, Cancez(

ot Libta.

5th house+ Moon otVenus ot without het of kis


5. children : Natives heing no daughters. Obseaeand undetstand the birth lhlex and >ad belom

( See Example Section : Page 255 )No. 95-1

1St Comb.2nd Comb.3zd Comb. (1) Jupitet + Vizgo4th Comb. (1) 7 Moon + At'1tsResult : The nztive h:s no dzughtets.

No. 418

(1) 5th house Jupitet(1) 5 Venus + Scotpio

house1st2nd3rd Comb. :4th Comb. :

Comb. :

Result t The

Comb. :(1) 5th(1)(1)

5 Venus + Scotpio

lu,pitet + scomio(1) 7 Venus + Scotpionative h:s no daughtets.

No. 95-3

+ Leo

1st Comb. : (1) 5th hoast + Vitgoyd Comb. 1 (1) 5 Metcuty + Aties3td Comb. (1) Jupitet + Aties4th Comb. (1) 7 Mats + Scorpio

Page 489: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

I 490 )

Result : The native hasNo.

1St Comb. (1) 5th house + Jupiter2nd Comb. : (1) 5 Moon + Mats3rd Comb. : (1) Jupiter + Sccrpio4th Comb. t (1) 7 Metcuty + GeminiResult : The native has no dzughters.

no daughters.87-10

1st Comb.2nd Comb.

(1)5: (1) Mercuzy+

3rd Comb. : (1) Jupitez + Aties4th Comb. : (1) 7 Sun + LeoResult : The native hœs no dauglntets.

. No. 91-2.

No. 685th house + Gemini

1st Comb. ;2nd Comb. :

(1) 5th hbuse + Geminl/1) Ah Mezcuzy Vizgo

3zd Comb. : (1) Jupiter + Scozpio4th Comb. (1) 7 Sun + VkgoResult : The native bas %- no daugbttrs.childzen : Natives having no daughters. Take downthe bitth chatts. and makeyourself moreSme..

( See Exgmple Stction : PAge 256. )*

6. Childxen ) Nadve. kaving ho lssues.Thtze aze cettak mtivts who tlnnmughly enjoyhappiness of maztk: iife, stiz thty aze withoutthe

childzen. The reasx 'for this is, tbzt dthet. the man

Page 490: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 491 )

sperm or wife hasundetstand in tlais,tZSF to

the majot steps are taken toThile there are cettainoperated ! This is also to'of women.

lacks in no ovum. This is quitescientifc age. Now-a-daysstop the excessive births.

nztives who arebe undexstood in the case


Hence we can have athe << combination of noin the 7th bouse.

clezx undetstanding thatissue '' is a11 due to. defects

The comb' inations of having no issue :'41) 7th house +,(2) 7th Lord +(3) 5th house or

Saturn ot Metcuty oz hiS sign.Saturn ot Metcury oz lais sign.5th Lord + Sat. or Met. ot his sfgn.

childten : Natives having no issues. Observe andundetstand the bitth charts and tead below.

( See Example Section : Pzge 257. ))ko. 87-1

1St Comb. ) (1) 7th house + Metcury.2nd Comb. : (1) 7 M::s + Satutn3td Comb. : (1) 5th house + MetcutyResult t The nltivt is without child.#

No. 87-3houst + satuzn1st Comb. : (1) 7th

2nd' Comb. : (1) 7 Mats + Gemini. 3td Comb. : (1) 5th house + Vitgo..Result : The native is without child.

* Moony. Sun

Page 491: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 492 j

No. 87-61st Comb.2nd Comb,3rd Comb.

Result : The

(1) 7th house + Gemini(1) 7 Mezcuty + Saturn * Mats(1) 5th house + Satuzn(2) 5 Mars + Saturnnative is without child.

lko. 87-81st Comb. :2nd Comb. :

(1) 7th house + Gemini(1) 7 Metcuty is himself and is itttb

( Note that the 7th honsris without plznetzry combinations.)

3td Comb. : (1) 5 Mats + GeminiResult : Tht native is without child.

6th house.

1st Comb. : (1)2nd Comb. : (1)3zd Comb. : (1)Result : The nztiveis without child.

No. 87-101st Comb. : (1) 7th house + Virgo, Satutn2nd Comb. : (1) 7 Metcug + Gemini3zd Comb. (1) 5th house + SvtumRe:ult : The nztive is without child.children : Native: hzvihg no i-ues. Take dnothe bkth chgrt: and make you>elf mote :ua.

( $ee E, Bmple Sction : hge 253. )

No. 87-117th houst + Mezcury7th Lord Jupitez + Aqugtius5 Venus + Gemini, Metcuq

Page 492: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 493 )chapter Tenth : Second House


In this materialistic age,votried zbout wealth. Hisnz mote as the standatd of living gzows highet :ndàighet d:y by day. When a peTson is wottied aboutthe shoztage of money, one bzs to refer to his 2ndhonse in the birth chatt

evety huïan being is seenwotties :re increzsed moze

petsons-ste seen,voiding the worries of wealth, by upplying thethod of 'Bottow ftom Petet to pzy Paul.' Suchmcetsons experiencing wotties of wealth come undet?the induence of the 2nd house, which is known as

People-businessmen to otdinaty

èehouse of <Botrow ftom Peter toPRyPau1.'Sometimes : petson eaxns a 1ot and saves, but

hen he is wottied dûy ztAdvhe tzkes a spechlment kvishly oz

pttson.:1So known as the house of

night zbout his wealth,cate thzt the obtained wealth is notunnecessatily, he is called a, stingy

Foz this, the 2nd house is obsetved which isïGteed znd worties of



80th the type of persons, poor as well as rich:te wottied About wealth. Sometimes a person enjoysqulte z hvppy Rmily life but when the question ofwealth atises, the fAmily unity btezks and fzmily

Page 493: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

t 494 )uartels und disputes begin. Fot the solution of tkirqmattet the 2nd house should be obsezved which is alsoknown as the house of <Family quatttls and disptesj:

( a ) The combinations of free from wotties cf#

wealth ot family quatrels.1 ) 2nd house Sun, Moon, Mars or Jupitet or

( 2 ) 2nd Lotdhis or her sign'Sun, Moon, Mzrs ot Jupitet orbis ot het sign or 2nd Lotd k:hi$ own signifcating house (ezceptSatutn, Venus) ot $t or debilitatei

( 3 ) 1st house Sun, Moon, Marsthe asc of hi$ ot her sign.

ot Jupitet nt

( b ) The combinations ofexpetiencing worrie: tfwealth ot hmily quattels.

( 1 ) 2nd house ot the 2nd Lord + Satutn ot Vecusoz hi$ sign oz mvle:c or the 2n1Lotd in 2nd, 6th, 8th ot 12tb

Jupitet).Venus .

his sign ot 2n; Lord or maleitoz 1st Lotd in 2nd, (except Jvpitë6th, 8th ot 12th house.

house ot 2 ?F 2 (exctpt1$t house ot 1st Iaotd ?F Svtutn or(2

Free ftom wotries of wealth otObsetve gnd undetstand

famlly quaral: :the bkth chatts

an4 te* below.( $ee Example Svction : Page 259. J

Page 494: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Ftee from wottio of wealthNo. 247

1St Comb. :(1) 2nd house + Sagittatius(2) 2nd house + Mars(3) 2nd house + Jupitet * Mats2nd Jupiter is himself. ( Jupiter is#

tbe desttoyet of wotties of weûlth zndfamily quartels )

2nd Comb. (1)k

3rd Comb. : (1) 1st house + Scotpio(2) 1$t house + Jupitet

Result : The native is ftee ftom wotties'-Yf wealth.No. 251


2ni Comb.

3td Comb.

(1) 2nd house + Jupitet(2) 2nd house + Mats(1) 2 Sat. + Jupittt(2) 2 sat. Mzzs @ Jupitet(1) 1st house + Mxts

Result ) The native isfzee ftom wozrks of wedth.4

No. 31$t Comb.

2nd Comb.

3ti Comb.

(1) 2nd house + Aties(2) 2nd house + Jupitet(1) 2 Mvo + Moon(2) 2 Mlts + Jupiter * Nioon(1) 1st house + Pisces

Result : The nûtive is freeftom wozties of wealth.

Page 495: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 496 )

Ftee from worties of family quarzels.No. 153

1st Comb.2nd Comb.3zd Comb.Result

(1) 2nd house + Jupitet(1) 2 Sun + Svgittatius Q)(1) 1st house + Czncet

2 Sun+ Jupittt

The nûtive is fzee fzom worries ofquazzels. flmk

No. 971st Comb. :(1) 2nd house + Jupiter * SRtutn

(2) 2nd house + Mzts @ Sztaznznd Comb. (1) 2 satutn+ Mzts (2) 2satazn+ Jupittt

( 2 ) 1st3td Comb. : ( 1 ) 1St house + Sagittztiushouse + Jup. (3) 1$t house + Mkts

Result t The native is ftee ftom wotzies of family

quzttels.llo. 212

(1) 2nd house + M:t$2nd Cpmb. : (1) 2 Vtnus + Scotpio3td Comb. : (1) 1$t house + Aties

MutsReault ) The native

(2) 1st house Y(3) 1st house + Juyitetis ftee ftom wotnes o% Rmily


1st Cpmb. :

Ftee ftom wottie: of wealth ot family quuttls :Take down the birth chart: and make yourst:

m Dre eute.

( See Exzmplt stction : Pagt 260 )

Page 496: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

f 497 )Bxpetiencing worries of wealth o: famlly quattels :

observe and understand the birth chartsand read below.

( See Example Section : Page 261 )Experiencing wotties of wealth :

No. 383

Sun LibzaComb. : (1) 2(2) 2nd house + maleic

2nd Comb. : (1) 1 Moon + Satuzn (2)Result : The



Met. @ Mats1 Moon + 12

native being millionaite worries deeplywealth.

No. 425

1st Comb. ) (1) 2nd house + Saturn(2) 2 Metcuty + Aquatius

2nd Comb. : (1) 1st houst + Tautus (2) 1 Venus + 12Result ) The nRtive always zuns in shottage of wealth.

He is wozried about wealth.pko. 2-2

(1) 2nd house + SAt. * Mars, JuP.(2) 2nd house + Tautus(3) 2 Venus + Satutn(1b 1st house + Venus (2)(3) 1 Mazs + Satatn

1st house + Sat.znd Comb,

Reaalt Ttae aatige is a.leays worried aboat wealth.

1st Comb. :

Page 497: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 498 )Experiencing worties of family quartels :

No. 2-5

2nd house +1st Comb. : (1) Saturn2nd Comb. (1) lsth housc + Aquarius

(2) 1 Sat-+capricorn (3) 1Result ) The native is

Saturn + 12helpless due to family quzttels.No. 130

1st Comb. :2nd Comb. t

(1) 2 Mûts + Szturn(1) 1st house + Libt:(2) 1. Venus + Capticotn

Result : The native is considered to beRmily quatrels by swallowingptopetty.

the cteztet ofhis btothet's

No. 413

1st Comb. : (t) 2nd house + 2 Mzzs(3) 2 Mats + Taurus

2nd Comb. : (1) 1st house+ Libtz (2)

(2) 2 Muts + 4

1st house+ Szt.Resuk ; The native's pxpetty is swvllowed by his

btotlwt so he is expetiencing family quktzels.

Expetiencing wo=its of wealth o: famlly quartelq.Take down the bi% chatts and make youreelf

m /re :ute.

( Set Examplm Section : Pagt 262 )

Page 498: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 499 )Chapter Eleventh : Eleventh llouse


OF MONEYthe coutse of humanSometimes duting

eztns enough of wealth while sometimes ont haslife, one

evezyright to get possession of hiS money oz ptoperts buthe is not able to possess it in due time which latet onbecomes tlpe question of wotties to poor as wdl as rich.

A person who does not get hiS money fot his*

labouz ot service, is then wozzied about his incomeproblem. In the same way evea a mll' lionaize busine-ssman when he invests a11 his capital oz his capiul isblocked in ctedit, he is wottied about the zetutn of

moneyin citculation ofteatlyFtom the zbove

blocked in ctedit, othezwise due tothe blockademoney

efected in business.oz dnance, he wodd bt

emmple, wt cAn guess thzt pootsand rich both have the circumstances atised aboutworties of income.

Eleventh house is consideted to % the house ofwotzies of income ûnd money citcuktion, telease otteturn of the invested capital in ptopet time.( a ) The combinations of ftee fmm wo=ie: ot

Citculation of money(1) 11th house or 11th Lotd + sun, Moon, Mzts ot '

jupitez oz his or het sign ot 11th

Page 499: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

g 5ûû )

e'#2) 1St honse

Lotd in its own( except Saturn,ot debilitated.

signi:cating housrVenus ) ot of :

Sun, Moon, Mats ot Jupitet ot Lisor het sign.

( b ) The combinations of experiencing worriesabout income or citculation of money.

. ( 1 ) 11th house ox 11th Lotd + Saturn ot Vetwsor his sign or maleic or 11th Lotdin 6th, 8th, 11th ot 12tb house ot11 + 11.

' ( 2 ) 1st house or 1St Lotd sztutn ot Venus11th Lotd ot makfc6th, 8th ot 11thot 12th house.or drculadon ûfthe bilh Chatt:

( except Jupiter )rtee from woxtles abdut incomem*ney : Obsewe and undeotzhd

oz his sign otoz 1st Lozd in

and read below.

( See Example section : hge 263 )No. 157-1

1st Comb. : (1) 11 Metcuzy + Sun' ld Comb. (1) 1st house + Scorpio

(2) 1st house + Mzts.Result : The nAtive is ftee ftom.woztks zbout income.

No. 157-41st Comb. : (1) lltb house + MAts * Metcut'y

(2) 11 Venus+ Sun (3) 11 Vtnus+ Jup.

Page 500: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

g 501 )

(4) 11 Venus Mats * Sat.2nd Comb. : (1) 1st house + Cancer

(2) 1st house + MztsResult : The nztive is ftee ftom worries

No. 157-8about income-

(1) 11th house + San(2) 11 Metcuty + Jup. @ Sat.(3) 11 Metcuzy + Mars * Jupiter, Sat.

2nd Comb. : (1) 1st house + ScotpioResult : The nztive is ftee ftom wottks about incomt.


llo. 157-91st Comb. (1) 11th house+lup. (2) 11 Mer.+sus

(3) 11 Mttcury + Leo (4) 11 Mer.+Mats.(5) 11 Mercury+ Jupitet * Mars

2nd Comb. : (.1) 1st house + Scotpio(2) 1$t house + Mzts (3) 1 MatS+ Jup.(4) 1st house + Jup. * Mars

Result The native is fzee ftom wotties about income-lço. 157-5

1st Comb. :2nd Comb. :

Ni11st house +


(2) 1$t house +Sun (3) 1st houst + Moon (4) lst'house + Jupitet (5) 1st house +Mus (6) 1 Mzxs + Jupite:

: The nztive is fzee ftom wotties vbout income..4 #No. 175-2

(1) Atks

1$t Comb. (1) 11 Metcuty + Len

Page 501: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

2nd Comb. : (1) 1 hlars + SunResult : The native is free ftom worries ûbout inccme,rree from wotties about income or circulation nfmoney : Take down the birth Charts and make

youzself more sure.

( See Example Section : Page 264. )Expetiendng wotties about income o: citculatiohof money k Observe and understand the bitth

Chatts and read below.

t' See Example Section :No. 11-1

1st Comb. : (1)

Psge 265, )

11th house + Sltutn (2) 11th house+ Venus. (3) 11th Lotd + Capricntu(4) 11th Lord + Venus (5) 11thLozd + Sâtura (6) 11th house

2nd Comb. (2) 1 Mvts +Venus (3) 1 Mvrs + 11 Metcury

1 Mzts 1.1Xeqplt

(4)The aatix is zngent of speculztion mazket.He is txpetiechg worries about income.

(1)11' Alezcuty1 Afvt: 9- Szturn

, , k jj-zk1st ïComb ' '.' z

2% H .

(1) t1th house Venus(2) 11 Ju/ittr + Szturn: (1) 1st hous. + Tzums

,,(2) 1st house + svmtn ,

Page 502: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Result t The nztive h:s given a11 his savings to oneof lais zelatives and he is expetiencing worrieszbout it.

No. 11-3(1) 11th house + Saturn (2)Capticozn (3) 11 Jupitet +

2nd Comb. : (1) 1st house + AquaziusResult t The nvtive h:d blockade in

Comb. 11 Jupitet +12

business andcitculation of money.

No. 11-41st Comb. (1) 11th house + Satutn * Jupiter

42) 11th house + Venus * Jupiter2nd Comb. : (1) 1 Sun + Venus (2) t Sun, + SazurnResult : The native laad blockade in business due to

citculation of money.No. 11-5 i'

1st Comb. : (1) 11 Sun+6 (2) 11 Sun+ Satuzn * Mars2nd Comb. : (1) 1st house + satutn .Resit : The nvtîve hzd, blockade in business ëue to

impropet citculution of money.No. 11-6

1St Comb. : (1) 11' Metcuzy + Satutn2nd Comb. : (1) 1 Sun + Taurus (2) 1Result z Tne nztive did not demand

business znd 'eontinued the

Sun + Venushis money inEitcuktion of

money on intetesf, consequently he lkuiiated.

Page 503: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Chapter Twelfth : Twelfth House



get proft in the undettAken business ? '4 Shall I get success in my new business ot lose icit ?' etc. ate the puzzling questions asked by moypeogle to the ûstrologets. The only petsons to satisfysuch znxieties :te the zstrologets, but thty can hatëlyanswer cortectly these questions. The combinatiots cf4 Free from wortks otexpetiencing worties about debt

,loss, interest ot expenses ' is the head light of asttology.If a native has the combinktion of millionaire aualso tlae combinztion of debt, loss ortxtmvvgvnct, h

of wevlth fot z shottwould enjoy hi3 happinesspeziod only. Hence the combination

wozrks or expetkncing wotties vbout debt, losqintexest or txpenses, phys vn imN xgnt patt h fithuman lift.

of fxet fzox

' sipall 1

Loss in the ftst stzgemoney and hence tecome;


of dtbt. A mvn loses ki$: debtot.

Thtxe :re cetfain natives 1. the socidy wlm edçbtots,, mzking loss in busintss, p:y ltezest otb. ecome spendtktify an4 fnzlly suftr bcvust of shottûgtof money and disczedit themselves. '

Page 504: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 5û5 )

Thile fiaete are cettain natives who ate w8ll tododezl. But theythe benefc combinAtions

position byin his bitth chatt If they

sufet ? gteat

have the combination of debt, loss interest andthtiftness in theit bitth cbatt, theyit$ result.

spend-are bound to sufet

in inance but due to a !sudden loss,can be back in the szme

Now we $h:11 study the bitth qtnatts of certainnatives who ate fzee ftom the wotties of debt, loss,

iintetest or expenses.

( a ) The combinations of free ftom worrse: ofdebt, loss, interest or expenses.

( 1 ) 12th house-h Sun, Moon, Mats or Jupiter ot hisor her sign.

( 2 ) 12th Lord + Sun,or herOWn

Moon, Mats ot


Jupiter ot hissign ot the 12th Lotd in hissignihcAting houFe. ( exceptSatutn ) ot of * or debilitated.

( 3 ) 19t house > Sun, Monn, MAts ot Jupitet or hisot hez sign.

( b ) The combination: of upetiexcing wortiesabout debt, loss, interest, insolvency ,ot expenses

( 1 ) 12tl) llouseot 12th l.otd + Satum ot Venus ot.bis sign or malesc 6t the'' 12th Lozdin ft1,, 8th ot ,'12th house.

Page 505: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

I 5û6 )

(2) house ot 1st Lord + Sûturn or Venus cthiS sign or 12th Lord or malefc ot 1stLord in the 6th, 8th or 12th bovst


Free fzcm wotties abcut debt, loss, interest ctexpenses : Take down the bitth charts aad

read', bvlow.( See E xample Section : l7age 266. )

No. 8house Cancet1st Comb. (1) 12th

2nd Comb (1) 12 Moon + Leo5zd Comb. (1) 1st house -h MoonResult : Here tlne Moon is malefc and isrelateé to

nutivt is frre ftûminttrest ot expecsts.

the 1st house, Still theworries sbout iebt, loss,

No. 4Con-.b. Pisces(1) 12t14 house +

2nd Comb.3cd Comb.

(2) 12th l'Touse + Mars *I3) 12th house + Jupitez! t) 12 Ju?. exzfted (2) 12 Jup. + Mats(1) 1$t house + Azies (2) 1st houst >

M:r$house + Moon (5) 1st hous: + Stm.

t3) + Jup.* Mars (4)1st


Result : Tht nAtive is free from wotries about iebt,loss, intetest oz expenses.

No. 31st Comb. : (1) 12th houst + Llzts (2) 12th lpoustl

Moon (3) 12th hnuse+ Jupitet * Moon.

Page 506: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

: 507 )

'2në Comb. : t1) 12 Saturn Sun$

3rg comb. : (1) 1St bouse Pisces.aesult : Tbe native is free from wotries about debt

,loss, interest cr expenses.

No. 157-4

1St Comb. (1) 12th house + Jupiter (2) 12th house +Sun (3) 12th house+Marg * Sat. Sun

cnd Comb. : (1) 12 hler. + Sun (2) 12 Met. = Sagi.t3) 12 Mer.+ Jup. (4) 12 Mez. + Mats * Sat.

3zd Comb. (1) 1St house + Cancet(2) 1St llouse + Mars.

>. u 1 t The native is free from wotties about, debt,loss, interest ot expenses.

No. 157-1,1st Comb.2nd Comb.3td Comb.#Xesult

(1) 12th house + Jupiter(1) 12 Venus debilitzted(1) 1St house+ Scor.native is ftee ftom

(2) 1st houseq- Matswottks zbout debt,The

loss,intezest otCXPCnSCS.No. 121

4st Comb.'2nd Comb.3td Comb.

: (1) 12th house + Sagittztius(1) 12 Jupi-+ Moon (2) 12 JuPi.+ Mars(1) 1st house + Jup. (2) 1st house +Moot4*lup. 3) 1st house > Mats*lupitet

Xesult : The nAtivt is fxee from worties About debt,loss, intertst ot expenses.

Ftee from wouie: about 4ebt, loss, interest or

Page 507: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 508 )

expenses : Take down the bitth chatts and m.yourself more sute.

( See Exzmple Section : Page 267 )@

Expetiencing wotties about debt, loss, imerests,

insolvency ot expenses : Observe and understaaqlthe birth chatts and read below.( See Example Section Page 268. )

No. 198-61st Comb. :

2nd Comb.

(1) 12th house+ 12 JuP. (2) 12th honseiSutuzn * Mazs, Juy. (3) 12 Jup.+ satutu.* Mars (4) 12 Juplter + 6.(1) 1st house+ Sat. (2) 1st house+ Vecns(3) 1 Mars + Szt. (4) 1 Mûrg +Vtnus @ Szt.

Result The nAtive lyas passed most of his life iclwotties of debt, hzs lost ptestige knd sold àù.fotefathet's propetties onc by one.

No. 198-71St Comb.2nd Comb. :

(1) 12 sun+ Szt. * Mazs (2) 12 Sun+Mats(1) 1$t house+malefc Mzts (2)1$t houst:sst. (3) 1 Met.+ Mzrs (4) 1 Met.+ ht-

Result ) The nztive w:s : debtot :nd spendthtift.No. 12-1

1st Comb. : (t) 12th house+ Capt. (2) 12th house+ Szt.2nd Comb. : (1) 1$t house q- Aqugtius.Result : The nztive zt the :ge of 30, h:d lost one

million tupees.

Page 508: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 509 )

No. 12-2comb. : (1) 12th house + Venus. (2) 12th house+

Sat. * Venus.2nd Comb. : (1) 1Re:ult : The native

Jup.+ 8 (2) 1 Jup.+ maleûc Moon.had lost his cat, house :nd

wealth by falling in love with another womangnd was unemployed.

No. 12-31st,2nd Comb.#

(1) 12th house + Sat. (2) 12 Mazs + Sat,


(1) 1st house + Sat. * Mazs t2) 1 Vvnus : 8(3) 1 Venus+, Saturn * MazS, Jupitet.

The native h:d to liquidzte.No. 12-4

1st Comb. : (1) 12th house + Szt. * Mats(2) 12 Jup. + Sat.

.2nd Comb. : (1) 1$t house + Sat, * Ju?.(2) 1 Mazs + Szturn

Rmvult t The nvtive had to liquidute.w peritncing worties about debt, loss, interest,iasolvency or expenees t Tpke down the birth

chatt: an4 makv youtself mote svre.( Sx Examplt section Pages 269, 270) 271, 272. )




BXPENSES,Obsetve tht following bkth chAtts with the

Page 509: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 510 )

above tesult given duting the time (period) of satuutor mzleûc.

wbose 9th àousr,is badly aspected and hence they h:d to sufet itr.result fot the. whole life.in the above tesults given during the timeof Svturn or tnaleûc based on tlne Trknsit

Such nûtives sufetmLCY'


certain nativesMoreover there are

Time (Period).Tbe time (petlod) of worries xbout debt, loss, imetesj.insolvency o: expenses : Obsetve ?nd understaal;

the birth chatts and read below.( See Examplt Section : Pzge 273 )

No. 12-11 The :$c. is of Aquktius. Tht lotd of 1sthouse and the 12th house, is Saturn. Tàt.nûtive duting thtt time (period) of Satumh:d lost million tupees.

No. 12-12 The :sc is of Leo. The Moon znd Sltutc:te the malefcs in the bitth chvtt, Tàt.nztive had lost :11 his wevlth in hi$ #,.

No. 12-1355 ûnd 56th year.The Asc. is of Capricorn. The 1st Lotl'is Saturn. Sztuzn ir thick heâded, illitext: ':nd stuborn, The nztive in the time(petiod) of the Moon, by Adopting tkb.business of the Moon, movie Rm$, bst'50 thousund tupees zt the zge of 24. Theplanets plvced in tht 6th house of a biitk.

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( 511 )

chzrt Are considered to be wtak. They:re telated to Slturn as they :te in thesuturn's signiûclting house. Hence Szturachooses the business of the Moon makesthe native to lose his capital in moviebusiness.

N0. The native was ieeply worried zbout hisdebt in his 63:d yeat in the time (petiodjof Mats.

12-15 The native hûd a constant debt in his 2%No.

No. 12-16

to 38th yezr. The zsc. is of Gemini. The1st Lotd Mercury is in the 12th house.Mats is maleic in the :$c. Thete is anaspect of Saturn ovet the M=S. ThenAtive w:s in debt in the time ( period )of Mzxs, Mezcuzy znd the Sun.The asc. is of Tautus. Saum situattdin the lûth house12th lnonse. Svturn

aspects Mars and thesituzted in the lûtit

house fozces the native to leave the place.in the 8th house. The1st Lotd Venus is

v:$ fntced to liquidate in hi$ 45ththe time (peziozh of Szturn.) nf worties about debt, loss,The time ( period

iqterest insolvency otexpeneesbirth chatts and mgke yourself '.more sute.

: Take down the


( See Exzmple section : Page 274. )

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( 512 )

chaptet TMrteen ) 'Sixth House1. GETTING WCTQR 9M VER ENEMIVS IN WAR,

NSINESS COMPETITION.COURT CASES ORThe sixth house govetns enemies. At present vr

shall bnly think abeut enemies. If there is z combi-nation of 1+ 6 oz 1 + Szturn znd 6 + saturn in tàenative's bitth clnztt, the native h:s to fkce enenly, wat,court, competition (business).

Enemies means wat, victoty, teztot ot fezr, Thtstwozds hve the tehtion with the 6th house. If wethink of wat :nd victozy, tLe meaning of z11 the ûbovevotds will be cleariftd in these two wotdF.

Victoty mezns contzol over enemits. T hete is therxd of such victoty ? Is it in httle-itld. spott-felds,coutts oz business ' compttition ? We shzll think heteabout fout difezent typts of victoty :nd defeuts.

MA:S is victozious wbile Szturn is defezted one.Jf M:t$ is telvtedthe bitth chatt, thevheteas if Samtn i$houses, tbe native expetiences fvilutes

The sun, the Moon, M:t$ :ndï ,1he side

,of Gods znd att victoriousVtnus ind Satutn ate on the sidedefeated ont, Jupitet ëoes notand enmhy.

with the 1st Attznvtlve genetzllyielated with tht

the 6th houses inkchltvts victoq1$t :nd tlw #th:nd defevts.Jupiter zte Qgwhile Mercuts

of devils =i zrtbtlitve in wAt

Page 512: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 513 )

chrts of greaChurchillw rtiots of the

od Also of thoseworld, lgke Roosevelt, Stzlin,grtat people, like M:hatmz Gandhi,

Jzwzhatlal Nehtu, hforarji Desai or Rajendra Blbu,who fought against the powetful British Empizevjthout carting any weapon in theit lpands :nd alsoohserve the birth chzrts of sportsmvn :nd of thosevào fougbt in court's casts witln victory.The combingtions of enemies, wzr, coutt cases or

budnvss compethion.or Skturn ot hi$ sign.of victol :

(2) 1st house+ Sun, Mxn, M:r$ (this phnet shouldnot be m:lefc) ot the :$c. of his ot

+ 6 ( exctpt Jupiter )The combinations

Now we slavll obsttve the bitth

htr sign.43) 1St Lord+ Sun, Moon, Mkrs Qr Jupiter (this planet

should not be mzlefc) ot his ot hetsign (the Lord of this $kn should notbe vn enemy to th: 1st Lotd).

(4) 6th house+ Sun, Moon or Mus (this phnrt shouldnot be mvlefc) ot his oz her sign(txctllent if 6th houst+ Mvrs).

(5) 6th Lord + Sun, Moon oz Mu$ fthis plânet $h6u1dnot bt mzlefc) ot in his ot hèr sipoz the 6tb Lotd + or dtbiliuted or i:tntmy's houst (tzœpt i: &h, 8th oz12th * pR).

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g 514 )

(6) Saturn+ Sun, hlooa or 51at$ ot sztutn $$ nrdebiliuted oc in enem,'s house i. e. iathe sign Aties, Cancer, Leo ot Scorpio(except in the 6th, 8th ot 12th houst).:11 tl..e cbove six combinations of'If one' gets

victory, achieves victory :nd if less thvn six, he obtlicsless success in propottion, i. e. it :11 depends uponthe number of combination one in his bitthgetschatt. ln zddition to these ûve combinltions, thecombination of 6 + Mkrs is excellent because Mvtsrelated to the 6th house acts a$ the signihcatot of tkt6th ipouse zlso. 'Getting victory over enemies in wat, coutt caeesot business competidon : Obsetve and understand

the birth charts and re:4 below.Page 275 )( See Example Section

No. 99-21$t Comb. : (1) 1 Sun+f (2) 1 sun+ Szturn

(3) 1 sun+ Clpticozn.2nd Comb, : (1) 1st house + Leo.3td Comb. (1) 1 Sun+ MAts.4th Comb. : (1) 6tb house+ $un (2 k 6th5th Comb. :

house+ Mvts(1) 6 Satcrn + Aties

6th Comb. : (1) Satatn + AtiesResult The native, duting his

(dtbilitvted)(debilitaed)Pzesidtntshj of:nd vchsevedAmerica, fought fot 6 ytzts

victozy. The vnemies could not hzrm Amtticv.

Page 514: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 515 l

l'le is l'rrsident Roosevelt.

No, 99-41$t Conyl?2nd Coml). :31.0 Cotnl).

f 1) 1 Sun Aquzrius(11 1$t houre + Leo (2) 19thouse+ Sun(1)is1$t house +4 Sun (31e comb. of 1+ 1

'ltt) (:ll tïtl).5tln Gomb.

pflwetful)(1) 6tI) ltouse + 51:rs(11 6 SAturn + Sun * Jupitee

6tb Comb. ) (1) Sztutn Sun * JupiterResult Titt nztiv: had pAst

From An ordinvryteputztion, foughtkchieved victories

most of hk lsfe in wkt.kposstion, grvdually he gvlned

vnd terzorisez th: enemiess:nd bec:me : king. He is

shiv:ji tbe grezt.No. 99-9

1$t Comb.2nd Comb.3zd Comb.4th Comb. t5th Comb.6t1: Comb

Ni1(1) 1st house + Moon(1) 1 Moon + Clncet '(1) 6th houst + M:r$(1) 6 Jup. + Mvrs.(1) s:turn + M:r$ * Jupiter

Rtvult The nltive vA$ theyezts. Thtevts :ndcould not shgkevltious zctivitieswide teputktion.

Pzimiet of lndh foz 17wkts ftom tl enemies

his will, ptegressed theof Indi: :nd gkintd' wotldHe is Jvvzhktlgl Nehzu.

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( 516 )

No. 99-1%1St Comb.

2nd Gomb.3td Comb.4th Comb.5th Comb.

(1) 6 Jupitez(1) 1st house + hfats(1) 1 Venus + Mzts(1) 6th house + Sun(1) 6 Jupiter *

6th Comb. (1) SatuznResult The nztivt wzs z

Scorpiom:n of detetminztion, He

fought Agzinst the stitish Empite withoutczttying any wevpon, Achieved victoty 1ndset ftee 40 czotes of lndiûns from bondzge.He is Mzhatma Gandhiji.

No. 4671$t house + Saturn1st Comb. : (1)

2nd Comb. (1) 1st house + Mzts3td Comb. (1) 1 Moon exzlted4th Comb. :(1) Ni15th Eomb. (1) 6 Ju?.+ Sun (2) 6 Jup.+Mzts * s:t.

#4th Comb. (1) Svtuzn + MztsResult : The nztivt hd spent mvny ytlts in w:t of

Icdependence of lndiz. Ht vbolished thezuling of kings in Indiv. He kttt on btcvmethe Home Ministtz of lndk. He is szzdvValhbhbhai Pvttl.

No. 99-81$t Comb. : (1) 1 Mrt. + CApt. (2) 1 M#r.+ Szt. * Jup.2nd Comb. : Nil

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( 517 1

3zë Comb. :4th Comb.

(1) 1 Metcuty + MAts ezalted) (1) 6th house + Scorpio(2) 6th houst + Mkt$ . Jup.(t) 6 Mzrs ex:lted himself.5th Comb.

6th Conll', NilResult ctlntbicution in this bittb

chArt. The nativt hkd spent many yors inwar of Indtpendtnce of Inik. He lateron klcclmt the Finahce Ministet. Ht isNforâr-yi Desai.

There is no 6th

Getting victotyût business campetitlon : TAkt down the bitth

chart: :nd mgke yourstlf moa sure.( Fce llxztmplc Set-tion : plgts 276 to 278, )

No. 1. S. K. Patil No. 8. Khet

ûver ehomlt8 in War, Coutt cases

Nn. 3. Rasiklkl P:rikl) No. 9. MeconNc. 4. Balgangztlhzr TilakNo. 5. (lokllleNo. 6. StalinNo. 7. CllutcltillNo. 2 And No. 13 zte tht


No. 10. Vinoba BhaveNo, 11' Scaji Rao4tNo. 12, MavlankatNo. 14. Rzna PtAtvp.

unkovn victorious.

2. GE:'TING DISFI3,AX' BY ENEMIES IN WAR.CODRT CASII'S (,)R BUSINESS COMPBTITION.Ctrtain nvtives $ufe:s ftom tnemks, wzt, cbûhs.

'ot compttition vbile tbem 1re certqin nvtives who

Page 517: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

1. 518 )

themselves iuvite enemies, war, coutts, orwhich eithet ends in victozy ()t (lefezt.themselves teztotised bylezve tlne tielï. Exgm?les can be hzve oî Kaiser, Hitler,

Mussolini, Mktshal Tojo etc. We s17u11 think here ofthose persons tertotised and defeatetl by enemies. waz,

competitionsThey ute

suc': invitations and lqad to

zcourts or competitions ?bu$ineS$).'The combinationsof enemies, war, court, competition

(business) and deftat :(1) 1 + 6 (except Jupiter) or his sign.

The comblnations of defeat ;(2) 1 + Satutn or his sign ot tlle asc. laibta..(3) 1st house or 1st Lord + 6.(4) 3 ot Mars + Sat. oz llis sign ot sfvrsv/ ot debilitated.Getting defeat by enemies in wat, cûutt cases Qtbusiness .competition : Obsetve and understand the

birth chatts and tead below.( See Exzmple Section: Pzge 297. )

No. 1ûû-1Venus + Sat.1st Comb. : (1) 1

2nd Comb. : 1) 1St*

(2) Asc.+ S:t 4 Venus.

3td Comb.

4te Comb.Aesult Th: nztive ttied hi$ best to gain vlctory in

the w:r but wv$ defezttd :nd hgd to commit

(2) 1$t house+sa.S

Venus, Mats (3) 1 Venus + Sztutn.(1) 1st house + 6 Jup. * Vtnus(2) 1 Venus + 6 Jupiier.(1) Mzrs + Sztutn.


Page 518: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

suicide. l-le is l litlttr,

1 + 6 hlats.

1$t houhe ,> bat. * Jup-, Vtnus, sler.1 slercury .h saturn * Jupitet.1St house + 6 J'fars8un Szturn

: The nztive httd Ftarted the Firstand w:s defevtekl. He is Kaiser.

World War

1st Comb (1)2nd Comb. (1)

( '2)&i Comb. (1)4th Comb. (1) 3Result

Nr). 104)-5(1) 1 Jupitet + 6 (2) 1

2n8 Comb. tt) 1 Jupiter + Saturn3ri Comb. (1) 1 Jupiter -h 64tà Comb. ) (1) 3s(l bouse Aqu.Result : The native being

in the bvttle-fielt!. He is


(2) hf 1rs + Aqu.llrzve, stlll ht w:$ killtd

Ti?u Sultvn.

1st Comb.

No. 054-41st Comb. : (1) 1 Moon + 6 (2) 12në Comb. : (1) 1 sloon + Svturn3td Comb.

Moon+ Sztutn

(1) 1 Moon+ 6 (2) 1st house+f Jupitet4th Comb. t (1) 3rd house+ Svt. (2) Mats debiliuted.Result The nztive lezving z sizt tlpe bzttle of

lndtpendence, suddenly diverted towazdsemzncipktion. He is Auzobindo Ghose.

No. 1151$t Comb. : (1) 1 Mzrs + 6 (2) 1$t house+ Skt. . Mzrsznd Comb. : (1) 1st house+ht. * M:z$ (2) 1 Mar$ + Szt.

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( 520 i

(1) 1st 1st lyouse + 6 MAts4th Comb. (1)Result

MArs.+Sût. (2) 3td houst + Cupticntc.The native w:s defeated in coutt litigatixznd was greatly efected.

No. 10() 7

3zd Comb

1st Comb.2nd Colnb.

(1) 1 lvlars Sat. (2) 1st house + sat.(1) 1st house 9i Sat. (2)(1) 1st house+ 6 Mvts(1) MArs + Saturn t2) 3rd

1 Mlrs + Sltpm3rd Comb.4th Comb.Result Tbe native patticipûted

house + C,?t.in starting tbe Secnaë

Wotld Wat, but tLt situution lleing uncomttollûble, he lost his mentll powet :nd waskilled. l-le is Afussolini.

Getting deftatbusiness

by enemies in war, coutt caes orcompetition : Take down the birth chalsand make yout self mote sure.( See Exzmple Section ; Page 289 )


TREACHERYup, hvA $ tlnt native

his eforts fot motetiz buginess. But At

gtvdually gtowsincome u d

inctezsoptogresses k1:>z tn

this time dutiny tht trûnszctionof money, if he commits : ,slight mistvke, he will bevictimized by treachec ancl put himself into much


diëculties.lt is nof only that û petson is victimgzei l)y

ttezchety in ' money hvtterg but' :1$0 in other m ys.

Page 520: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

j 521 1

Te shzll obrttve few bitth cbzrts of this subjectTlw combination: of victlmlzed by trtzchery :

(1) 1$t ltouse f'r 1$t lzozd + Jupittr or hi$ sign.(2) 1st house or 1st lyord + 6 ot Sqturn(3), 1st lpouse f'r 1st lpord-bvenus or tlle 1st laord tn

tllc sign Venus (1n the zsc. of Tguruszntl I.ibrz. 1st house or 1$t Lord Venus+ Saturn).

g) 6 + 6 or Szturn or his sign.Nztive.. victimized by tteachtry t Ob:ttve :ndundetstand the birth charts and >ad below.

$te Ex:mplt Section : Pvge 28tNo. 244

1St Comb.2n8 Comb.

(1) 1 Sun +lupitet41) 1st 1house+ Sâturn(2)

8ri Comb. (1) 1$t ltouse+ Vtnus * S:tern4ti) Gomb. : (1) 6th housq + Gpricorn

1st house + 6 Saturn

Result t The nvtive was victkmizezttvcszctlon of R$. 1,75,0*returned.

by thezchetr inwhich were not

1st Comb. :2c1 Comb. :3$d Comb4th Comb.

No. 206-61$t lpouse + Ju?. (2) 1 M, etcuc +Jqp.1st hoase+ 6 Mvrs (2) M, ercury+ Sztuta1 Mercury+venus

: 6 M:t$+ s:turn * Jupitet

Page 521: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 522 1

Rusult : T l:e nztive was viqtitlhizey 17ybusiness w:s almost closed'' .

No. 2()6-8

trtûcllery. His

1st Comb. : (1)2nd Comb. : (1)

(2)3zd Coml). : (1)

(2)4th Comb. : 6thResult : The

1st house + Pisces /2) 1St lyousc u-Ju?,1 Jup. + Szt.1$t house+ Scturn. * hfats, :,14)f)n.1 Jupiter + Venus1st lnouse + Venus 4 lupiter.+!

house + Sztutn.nutive wa$ victltnized by treachlety,

became ptagnent Antl put ljerself in diiliculties.No. 206-1

lst Cotnb. : (1) 1st house+l2nd Comb. : (1) 1 Jupiter + SAt.

(2) 1$t house + Saturn * hlarst Jupitcr.3td Comb. : (1) 1st house + Vtnus (2) 1 Jup-+ Venus.4th Comb. : (1) 6 Sun + Sztutn.Rtsult : The native du: to

isces (2) 1st houre + Jup.* Mzts

ovtt confdence wa$ victi-mized by ttevcbezy :nd lost his honout.

)(Q. 206-3*

1st house +1st Comb. : (1) Jupiter2nd Comb. (1) 1st àouse + Sat. (2) 13rd Comb. (1) 1st houst+sgt. (2) 14th Cpmb. .: (1) 6th house + Svtutn

Ventls+ Sat.Venus + Sat.

Result : The nztive h:d collected large sum of moneywith diëculties bt't tlt: qmount w:$ swzlloweiby hi$ , yvphew :nd w:$ victimizei by trea-

Page 522: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

'( 523 'j

chery, 'tesu-ltin'g 1:c had difllculties in gettingdzily bre/ .

Nf, 20() -4

tst Comb. : (1) 1 Venus + PgsccsJnd Comb. :(1) 1st lyous: + Szturn

(2) 1 Ventls + 6 Venus(1' 1st hottse .h SaturnNil. ( 'rlle rth llousebecuure 1st fmrd zn8are tllt. sAnle).

is powerfulthe 6t1: l'aord

3td Coml). ).4th Comb. :

'Req.plt : Htte thete:nd Faturnttzcher keepingzmount for Safc deposit, lput the studentnlisapproptiatell the sutn :nd victimized thettvchtt. Consequently tlle tevcher w:$ tbrown

is tuFsle between th: planet Venus

Ftudent :nd teacller ). 7'l)efaith in his student gkve tlne

into povetty.Nativo vlctlmlzed by treachtry t Take down the

birth chart: and mgke yourqelf mQre sute.t Ste Esvmplt Section ; Pkge 282. 223 )

Tbe human life is zlso victimizedTàis is judgei by tlye plvnets occupyingthe 8th house, which will be delt inchpter cvmed ' Death by trezchery. '

by ttezchety.ot Aspectingthe coming

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( 524 I

4. DISEASES -SICKNESSThete :re various types of disease. The numbet.

of combinations indicates numbet of diseasts. But Letez,

we shall only observc the important diseases and its.combinations.Note : Al1 the combinations

thete, othetwise there()f eAcl4 disease must bewill no such diselse.

2. Polio1. PatalysisSatutn ot his( 1 ) 1 Sign.

( 2 ) 6 ot 8 + Saturn ot his sign.( 3) 1 + 8 or Sûtutn's Sign ot the

8th ot 12th or * o,t debilitatedMzts in Gemini ot Virgtl-

1st Lotd in 6tk.oy the 1st Lntz

Leprosy( 1 ) 1 + Saturn of his sign.( 2 ) M:t$ + Satutn oz Mercuzy oz Mzts in Gemici'

ot Vitgo * or debilitaed.( 3 ) 1 6 ot 8 sign of Slturn ot 1st lord in (tk,

8th ot 12th or # ot debilitated ot 1st Lntz'


( 4 ) XoonMvts in Gemini ot+ satutn ot his


4. W hitt-leptosy :( 1 ) 1 > SAtutn pt his sign.( 2 ) 6 + Satutn ot his sign,( 3 ) Mzts + satutn or Metcuc or Mzts jn Gtmini ot

Vitgo ot + or debilitzttdxo: t+ malehc Mat$..

Page 524: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

l 525 )

5. A:thma :

,( 1) 1 + Szturn or hi$ sign.,(2 ) 1 -F Moon ot her sign.,( 3) 1 + Mglefic or the 1st lord in the sign of Szturn

or in 6th, 8th f)t 12th ot : or debi3itktei.

6. Cancer'( 1 ) l + s:turn or his sign..( ? ) 8 + Sktufn or in his sign or.4.3 ) Mzt$ + Saturn ot Mtrcuty ot

or debilit:ted or 1 +

mâlefic.hi$ $ign ot M:r$:mzlefit M1t$.

7. Appendidtl. :. ( 1 ) 1 q- Svtutn or Mercuty or hi$ sign.' ( 2 ) 1 + mzleûc or 1st lord in 6th. 8th ot 12th ûr #

or debilitzttd or the :$c. Capticom

'( 3 ) Mvts +or Aquvtiut.sktur: or Mercury or his sign ot M:r$.ot dtbilitâtttl or tbe :$c. Ckpricotn otAquvrius or 1+ mgle:c M:r$.

8. Smvllv x :htutn or his' ( 1 ) 1 +

, ( 2 ) 1 +s'gn.

Mvrcury or hi$ sign oz mvlefc or 1$t lozdin 6th, 8th or 12th o: jn the sig, Czptlcomor Aquvtius,

9. Typhol: t,41) 1 + 6 ot 1st lord in 6th, 3th ot 17th oi#

o: debilitvttd,

Page 525: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 52( j;,

(2) 1 + maleic ot Szturn or 1$t lbrd. in 6tà, . 8th Qt-12th ot * er iebilitattd.

10. Operatioa t(1) 1 Sat. oz malefc or 1st lord in 6th. 8th ot 12tk.(2) 1 oz Saturn + Mars or his sign. (' for successfnl,'

opetation ).11. Tubetculosis :

(1) 1 Sûtutn or nnaltfic or 1$t lord in 6th, 8tk,or 12th ot * or debilitAted. or in the sigh,of Cupricorn or Aquarius.

(2) 1 ot Satutn + Moon or Moonby Satutn or Moon in the

zspected one-sideisign of Cvpticotc,

or Aquarius.(3) Mkts + Satutn ot his

12.(1) 1 + Satutn ot 1st Iaotd in 6th, 8th ot 12th ot

* or debilituted cr in the sign Capticotn ûtAquatius or the :$c. Tzutus ot Libtv.

(2) 7 ot Venus + Sktutn or malefc ot Venus * 'oz debilitated or 7 + Vtnus :nd Mvts.

sign ot 4. or debilitated,Piles :

13. Hysteria :1 + Moon or Vtnns ot hut ot his(1)

(2) 7sign.

saturn oz Metcuty ot hi$ sign.14. Hemia :

(1) 1 + Sztutn or mzlefc ot sztutn's sign ot the t1st Lotd in 6th, 8t14 oz 12th.

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( 527 1

(2) ; '+ Satutlt ('r ''Nftrt-tlt) or 1:13 sign t)r 7th Lord%. or tlttthilitûtrd or in 6tl), 8th or 12th.

?3) Vrnus + SAturn ot Ntercury cr hi$ $1gn ot $: ot*

tlelhilitzted or in 6t1?, sth f-)r 12t1:.15. Hydro-le :

Satttrn or nhkletil- or Saturn's hign o: '1st,l .ord in

-t- >'zturn(2)(3)

6th, 8tl) or 12t1:.or Mercuty or his slgn.

or Vtnus + Moon or his or ller sign ormaltûc Moon.

16. Heart-ttouble :(1) 1 Satutn or llis sign.(2) 10 + Saturtl or his sign.

17. Gas-ttouble(1) 1(2) 7

(1) 7

Szturn or his sign.Fûturn or his sign.

18. Dlzbete: :Mercuty or his sign or tlpe gsc, Gemini orVirgo or Mkrs aspected one-slded by satuy?or M:r$ iq the sign of Gemini ot Vizgo or: or dtbilltvted.

(2) 7 Satutn ot hi$ sign.1#. Epilep.y

(1) 1 + Szturn ot Metcury or bis sign.(2) 1 + Mârs or his sign.(3) M:r$ + Metcury or maleic Moon ot his oz hez

sign ot Mvr! * or debilitzted ot mvlrfc Mi2$.

Mzrs or

Page 527: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 528 )

20. Meningiti. :( 1 ) 1 + Moon ot hex sign.( 2 ) 1 + Sâtum or his sign or maledc.( 3 ) Moon -F Satutn or his sign.21. Ttouble or weakness of bones

( 1 ) Sun + Szturn or his sign ot Sunoz 12th ot mAleûc Sun.21. Blood-ptessure :

( 1 ) Mars + Satum or his sign ot inVizgo or mzlefc M:t$.

( 2 ) 1 Mgts

(letnini ot

ot teeth :in 6ttl. 8th

23. bladdet-stont :( 1 ) Mzts Szturn ot bi$ sign or Gemini oz Viqo

oz malefc Mzts.( 2 ) 7 ot Venus + Mvrs

i24. Diëculties of Thyroid gland: :

( 1 ) 1 + Moon or Mezcuzy or her ot his sign.( 2 ) 1 + Fatum oz Mercuty or mklefc Moon.

Diseases-sickness k Obsetve and understandle bllh chart: and read below.t see Example Sectlon : Pkge 284 to 287. )

No. 6-11 M:ts + Svturn * Moon1st Comb.

2nd Comb.(1?(1) 6th house+ Skt.(2) 6 Mkts + Szt, 4

8th houst+svturn * MoonMooc (3)Yd Comb. (1) 1 Mv> + 8 (2) 1 Mgzs + GtmitiResit : The nvtive h:d suftzed pvt:lysis.

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( 529 )

1St Comb.2nd Comb.3zd Comb.

No. 6-2(1) 1st house + Aquatius(1) 6th 1, touse+ Sut. (2) 8th(1) 1 Szturn + 6

Result : The native had suferedpolio,

house + Sat-k

(1)2nd Comb. : (1) Mats+ Sût. (2 '3td Comb. : (1) 1st house-i- 8

hlvrs qp hltz. e SatutnVenus

4th Comb.(2) 1 Jup.+ ! Venus * Szt.(1) Moon + Saturn


1st Comb.No. 6-3

1st house + Satutn

The nutive wasSufeting ftom leprosy.

1st Comb. (1)(13)

2nd Comb. (1)3zd Comb. ) (1) Mazs +Result : The native was

No. 6-41st house + Czpticotn1st house + Satutn6th house + Szmrn * M:tS

SAtutnsufezing fzom white-leprosy.

1st Comb. (1) $'(2) 1 Mer. + Capr.2nd Comb. (1) 1$t house Moon3td Comb. (1) 1 Mdtcuzy + 8

(1) 1$t house 1 maleàc MatsResult The naive *ék suséting from zstàG .

No. 6-61st hoùse + sztûtn1$t Comb. t (1)

2nd Comb. (1) 8th heuFr + Sztutn(2) 8th house + mvleGd Sun

No. 6-51$t house + Svt.

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( 53û 1

3rd Comb. : (1) Mars + AquztiusResult : The native had sufered cancet

No. 6-7+1St Comb. : (1) 1 Jupiter Gemini

2nd Comb. (1) 1 Jupite: + Venus3rd Comb. t 1) Mars + GeminiResult : The native bûd tlyc pain ofappendicitis.

No. 6-81st Comb. : (1) 1st house+ Sûturn * Mars2nd Comb. : (2) 1st house.e Mercury * NtzrsResult : The native had sufered small-poz.

No. 6-91st Comb. : (1) 1 Mzrs +. 62nd Comb. : (1) 1 Mats + 6Result : The native llûd sufered typhoid.

No. 6-101st Comb. : (1) 1 Venus + Jupiter2nd Comb. : (1) Svtvrn + MzrsResult : The nktive h:d to undetgo vn opetvtion

No, 6-111st Comb. (1) 1 Mar$+ Svturn (2) 1 Mzts mzlesc2nd Comb. (1) 1 Mzrs + Czncer3td Comb. (1) M:t$+ Satutn (2ï M:t$ debilit:ted.Result The nvtive had sufered tubetculosis.

No. 6-12Conlb. : (1) 1$t houge + Libm

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( 531 )

2nd Comb. : (1) Venus+ Capricozn (2) 7 Mzts + Sst..Result : The nztive h1d sufered piles.

No. /-13Comb. : (1) 1st house+Moon * Sat. (2) 1 ,sun +

Moon * Sut. (3) 1st house + Venus2nd Comb. ) (1) 7th bouse+ AquaziusResult : The native had Sufered hysteria.

No. 6-141st Comb. ) (1) 1st house h Satutn (2) 1 Sun+ Sûtutn2nd Comb. (1) 7th house+ Sat. /2) 7th house+Aqut.3rd Comb. : (1) Venus + VizgoResult The native had thc tzouble of hetnia.

1st Comb. (1)2nd Comb. (1)3td Comb. (1)Result : The

No. 6-151 Met. + Sat. (2) 1st house-hmalefc Mazs7 Ju?itet + Slturn (2) 7 Jupker+Met.7th house + Moonnative h:d sufeted hydrocele.

No. 6-161$t house + Saturn1st Comb. : (1)

2nd Comb. : (t) lûth house + Czpticorn(2)' 10th house + Szturn

Result : The nqtive had heztt-tzouble.No. 6-17

1st Comb.. : (1) '. st house .#. Saturn (2) 1 Mzt5+S:t.

2nd Comb. : (1) 7th house + SaturnResult : The nztive h:d gas-ttoublt.

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g 532 )

No. 6-18aspected one-sided by svturc1st Comb. : (1) Mars

2nd Comb. : (1) 7 VenusResult : The native w:s


+ Czpricornsufezihg ftom diabetes.6-19

1st Comb. (1) 1st housem Satutn (2) Mzts +Gemini2nd Comb. : (1,) 1$t house + Mzrs3zd Comb. : (1) Mats + GeminiResult t The nvtive w:s suâhing ftom epilepsy.

lko. 6-201St (1) 1st house + Moon @ Mvts

(2) 1 Jupitet + Moon2nd Comb. : (1) 1st house Szt. * Moon

(2) 1 Jupitet + Satutn(1) Moon + Sztatn (2) mvlefc Moon)rd Comb.

Result The native hAd sufeted meningitis.No. 6-21

1st Comb. Sun 6(1) + Satutn (2) Sun +Result : The nztive had the trouble of bones znd teeth.

No. 6-221st Comb. : (t) MAts + Gemini (2) mzlehc Mvts2nd G mb. (1) 1jt house + MkrtResult t The nltive w:s sufètllîg from the w6irlij

of blood-prexsux.No. 623'

1st Comb. (1) Mér$ + Gtmini (2) mvlchc Mvrsznd Comb. : (1) 7th house 1. Mtrs (2) Venùs, + M:8

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( 533 )

Result : The native w:s sufeting the pain of stonein bhddtr.

No. 6-24

1st Comb. : (1) 1 'Mats + Vitgo2nd Comb. : (1) Maleûc MetcutyResult k Thc native remained short due to the

weakness of thytoid glands.

Diseases-sickness : Take down the bitth chartsand mG e yourself more suze.

( Ste Example Section : Pages 288 to 298. J

5. Lam e, cut handed, deaf, lmnch-back, weaknessof eyes ot blind or weakness of brain or mad.

Lame )

(1) 1 SAturn o: his sign ot mvltic oz 1st Lotd in6tb, 8th ot 12th.

(2) Rgght 'foot : 6 + Saturn oz his Sign ot malefc orin the sign of mvleic.

(3) Lvft foot : 8 + Sgtutn oz his skn oz maleic ot intht sign of malefc:Cut handed :

Saturn ot his sign ot mzledc ot 1st lotd in6th, 8th oz 12th.

42) Right bznd : 3 + Sztutn ot his sign ot mileEc orin tbe sign of mzlefc.

Page 533: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

t 5% )

(3) Left hand : 11 +

( Tlnose nâtiveskence dumbs :re the sanqt sortst(1) 1 + Szturn or his sign ot

in 6tb, 8th or 12th.42) Right e:t : 3 + Szturn or his sigy: ot male:c ot

Sztuzn ot his sign ot maleûc ûrin the sign of mzltNc.3. Dumb :who are dumb zte also deaf,

of deafs. )malelic or 1st Lotè

his sign.

4, 3, Left eat : 11 + Saturn ot his sign or maleic othis sign.4. Hunch-back :

d(1) 1 + Szturn ot his sign or mûlefc or 1st laortl inthe sign of malesc,Satutn ot his sign or malefl c or loth Lutë

43)in the sign

4 + Slturn or hisof malcfic.sign or mkleHc or 4th Lord

in the sign of mulefc.#4) Sun + Sktutn ot his sign ot malefic or in it$ sign

oz in 6th, 8th ot 12th or * or debilitatedot in the sign of Venus oz Venus ot Satutnin Leo Qt Leo in (tb, 8th or 12th house.Tieakness ofeyes

41) 1 + Sztutn or hi$ sign ot maleûc ot 1st Lordin 6tb, 8th ot 12th.

42) Rilt eye ) 2 + Sztutn ot Venus or hi$ sign ormzltic ot hi$ sign.

or blindnegs :

Page 534: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 535 J

3) Left eye : 12 + Satutn otfmaleic ot

Venus ot his sign orhis sign.

of brain ot madness :Weakness

41) 1$t house,42) 1st Lord 4-

+ Szturn orSztutn or6th, 8t14 or

(3) Sun + Saturn ot his

his sign.his sign ot the 1st Lord in12th ot 'A ot debilitated.

sign ot 1St Lord in 6th, 8thov 12th ot * o: debilituted,

tame, cut-handed, deaf. hunch-back, weakness ofof eyes or blind or weakness of brain ot mad. :Obsetve and understvnd the bitth chart and

read below.( 8ee Example Section: Pûge 299. )

Note The tesult of the below combination isEnot given, if the Sun, thezelated to the 1$t house byuspect :nd also this planetthe 6th, 8th or 12th house.

sfoon, Mats or , Jupitet isconjunction, opposition otsbould not be the Lotd of)

N.7. 6-251st Comb.2nd Comb.3td Comb.Result

(1) 1 Mtts + 6Rijht foot : (1) 6 MetcutyN11


The native's right foot was weak.No. 6-26

1$t Comb. (1) 1St hous: + sRturn2nd Comb. Ni13z2 Comb. Left hznd : (1) 11th houst + Sautn.

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( 536 )

Result : Thenativi's left lpand was fractured.No. 6-27

1St Comb, (1) 1st laouse+capticorn2nd Comb. : Ni13rd Comb, : Left ezt : (1) 1 ltl) house + saturnResult : The nzyive's ltft ear was weak.

Comb. : (1)No. 6-28

1 Mûzs in Gemitpi (in tht sisn nimale:c Metcury'.(1) 19th house4,czpzi. (2) lûth houk+ùt. (3) 10th house+ Metcuty(1) 4th house+ Metçury (2) 4th house+SAturn (3) 4 Moon + Gqmini

2nd Comb.

3td Comb.

4th Ccmb. (1) Sun+Gemini (2) Leo+venusResplt The nAtive wûs huncb-bzck.

1st Comb.2nd Comb.

No. 6-29Mgzs + Szturn(1) 1

Rigt.t eye (1/ 2nd house + Sat,(2) 2nd house + T:utus.(3) znd house + Venus.

Ltft tye : (1) 12 Jup. + Aquv.(2) 12 Jup. # szt.(3) 12 Jupitet : Venus.htxlyp

native had become blind in childhoni.No. 6-39

1st house : SvturnNi1


3td Comb.

Result : The

1st Comb. : (1)2nd Comb.

Page 536: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

3t8 Comb. Ni1gesult : The native's mind had become unsteady.

Lm e, cut handed, deas hunch-back, weakness ofes or blind ot weakness of btain ot mad : Tak.çy

tlpwn the bitth charts and make youzself m ore :ute.( see Example Section : Pages 30û to 303 )


#. TNe time (period) of war, victoty, defeat, lppoyedby ensmieq, diseases al4 lame, cut hapded,

hunch-back, del, btind an4 ma4.( :ee ExAmple Section : Page 304 )

Aquzzivs. Mursaspects patticipgting wzrybecame Ptesident of chin: at tht :ge of 56. He isMvo-Tse-tung.

Wat No. 6-31. The asc. is ofthe 6t14 lnouse. The native'

Victory : 6-32. Th: asc. is of Lto. The Sun zt63 is to give tesult. At 63:d yot, the nvtive obtzinsvictory in Secohd Torld T:t. He is Roosevelt.':

Defeat k No. 6-33. T% Asc. is of ), dobm.r, Thenvtivc is dtfeated in war in . his 56,h z#C%t. Ht isHitkt,

Victlm of treachee t No. 6G -Thv. ,vsc. .,1s- pf'fGemini. Mzr:is, mqle:c. The nvtiye is ric. t.i,m., iz, jrd by.i . ..j, ' $ 1! j a j j.,.' t r - t.j r , ) j , jjtteAchvty in pvttnership in his 42nd yru! .

, '

. : - < '** lù

Cvpc'r : ' N, p. 6-35.. Th: 'uc.j .,1p- , of, Lvo. TkeTLe Moon is mvlti

yc. T,he 1st L<4 ?i! t, ., ;. wevk, ,T,,he,

Page 537: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( S38 )

native dies by cancer in his 6ûth yecr. Tlyis vvr,thappens during the J'ears ot- Sûturn.

% ' dll-pox : No. 6-46. The *ttFC, IS4 Tzutur.

Sszutn Aspects tlpe 1st house. The nâtive h:dPOX

s oal'l-ct thePatllysis

2geof 8.t No. 6-36. Observe the birtb chtt

No. 6-1 givenxttzcked by

11) Chapter 13/4.in l'és 35 tochzx. saturn

The nztiveparâlysis

malegc in tlne bitthand Mzrs. Ttqe nktive sul rs the attack of pzralysis inthe time ( Period ) of hmrn.

38thAspects the 1$t lpnuse

yests. Mkrs is

Leprosy : Obletve the birth chkrt No. 64 givenin Chpter 13/4. The zsc. is of Czpricozn. Tlz Snnis mvleft. The xtive in the time ( period ) of thSun. in his 36th year, sufers

Astkmm : Obsvtv4 tlytC'hptet j3/4. The :sc. is of Gemini. MAtg js malritj

leprosy.bitth chatt No,. 6-5givtn

The otiv: .,$,u&ts a4thmq in Mar$21x 7>r.A, idd: : Obscve the birth chvtt No. 6-7

giez h Cb> : 13/4. The tvtivt :1 pzin .nfvppendicitis in bis 3ûth yezr :nd in 31st yeu t4rndetge kh e er'@p:.

Ayphold t Obsttve tlpe bintl: chvrt No. 6-9 piven1: I

in cbzptey 13/4. The a$c. is of Aries. 1$t Lotd i$ ink$ oe $d4' h- se. Metcuty i$ mvle&. The nvtive lpad

' .

' k. 7 'suTtttd ty # is '1. i$ :1-6 Jw rs.

Page 538: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

t 539 )

A emtion : Obsetve the bitth clnltt No. 6-9iven in 'Chapter 13/4. 'J'he asc ls of Taurus. The#nitive had to undeqo ûn operation in lqis 30/31St>r. The vspect of Sun ovet Szturn and Mats formTle combination of 1 + Satutn. Hence the nativeàad to undergo zn oyeration in time ( petiod ) ofsaturn. Jupiter being * cannot gipe tesult.Tubetculosis : Observe 4he birth claatt No. 6-11iven in Chapter 13/4 The asc. is of Arits. Metcutyig mallc. The nztive died by T. B. in his 54/55th yeat.

P11> : Obsetve tbe bitth ç14att No. 6-12 yivvnin Claaptet 13/4. The zsc. is of Libra. Tht diseasestatted in his 25th yeat. The l$t Lotd is ip the signfuptkètn :nd sâtuin zspects tbe 7th Lotd Mzts.

Hernia & Heax-ttnuble : ln the same above birthih:rt, the native in his 32nd yeat had the trouble ofhetni: :nd in hi5 41st yezz h:d the hezrt-trouble.

Lame : Obsttve the bitth chvzt No. 6-25 givenThe zsc. is of Aties. The native'sin Chvptet 13/5.

zight foot w:s weaken in h1s 11-12th ye:t due totyphoid. Mttcuty is mâleûc. This hzppencd in thetime ( period ) of Mzrs :nd not in Mezcuty.

Cut-handed tObserve the bitth chatt Nn. 6-26tiven in Chptet 13/5. Tbe Asc. is of Aties. The naive.in his 52nd yevt b1d lost bis hand due to accident.

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( 540 1

neaf : Obsetve the bizth chart No. 6-27 . givcxin Chaptet 13/5. The native had the pain in eats fromchildhood and his eats were weaken.

in Chaptet5th and 10th

givev13/5. The native lost his both eycs in hisyeats.

Observt tlae bitth chattM adChaptet 13/5. The zsc. isbecamt unsteady in his 40th yezt.

No. 6-30 given in)of Leo. The native's miud.

Blind : Obsetve the bitth chatt No. 6-29

The time (petiod) of war, victoty, defeat, annoyed by.enemles, diseases and lam e, cut-handedy huach-back, deaf, blind and mad. Take down tie bixh.

chart axd m ake youtself m o- sute.

( See Example Section : Pages 305 to 309. ),

Page 540: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

j 541 )

Chapter Fouxeenth : Elghth Houee'1. HDMAN-BEING AND LONGEVITY :


The consideration of adiëcult task. One c:n hardly' tàen we Sball here have :

nxtive's longevity is a verysuccess in it. Evenget

Special study of this subject.'since tlne bitth upto dezth, a man fghts zgainst deuth.'Hence thete is tussle lhetween the 1st Lotd and theLotds of 6th, 8th, ûnd 12thhouses. Herein one who isowerful, naturally wins.P

Saturn is devil, cruel, thick-headed and the signi-#

:cator of devth. He is the signiicatot of 6tb, 8tb :nd12th houses. He is known as 'Lord of Death' inastzology.

, So the considetation of longevity is taken

from saturn, tht malefcs :nd 6th, 8th :nd 12thàouses.

longevity is1$t Lord :nd tbe Sun, the

also tzken ftom:he 1$t house,1st house. lf the position of 1$t house, its Lozd and#

tht Sun i$ sound in : bittb chvtt, the native enjoys

SigniNcatot of

long life, with tbe condition tbzt there should be nointezfetence of the mvlefc plznet ot Sztutn or 6, 8ùt 12th houses.

The considetvtion of

Tht phnet who is tbe lotd of 6th, 8th or 12thM use .ppd not tht lord of the ttice oz quvdrvst, is

Page 541: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 542 J

considertd as 'naaleûc'p which c:n be followed fmxthe following asc. tzble. Saturn should be considetelas maleNc in al1 the bitttn chztts.* #<q* * eœ

Asc. AriesMalic Mer.


Asc. LibmMaleûc Venus +

* *>l j i;' cancez Leo vitoTautus ,Gem nVenus+ M ars 1 Mer. Moon Mvfsl

1 u w.,x p :. wgv pf.: yt % dpigq .: ,, o...w > ,;w4;. ...-. . . =....--... . .- e .6 m 9 K r iG .F*

l sagitt. 1 capri. aqua. piscesscozpioiM ezcury Venus, Sun M oon Veavr

tMoon. j j .The natutûl ftiendship of the phnets

useful in considering longevity. For instance, SAturn,Venus :nd M etcuty wotk in one gtoup and M1t$,the Moon, the Sun andgtOuP.enemies, while Mvts,

lupiter wotk in unothergroups behvve with ekch othet othe Sun, the M oon :nd

80th the

Ju?itetfght fot the beneft of the humvn life.

-s Also1

longevity should notsoon as it is botn, because for tbe

be considtted a$The child'speriod of tvù



yeàrs, thete semzins the mzleic eFect of Satutn, tv1

signiEcatot of death. lt is z wise step to consider ihlocgevlty of a chlld whtn lt completes two yezts.

Sometimes one combinvtion of sbort llf: :1$0causes child's death; while thete :re cettain chilite:

* - Ixy*Mlse * Në f*% H#*I#$yI 4 1 :1*7 * ; % /'hy Yz.if 4-8 ? 4 M# ? 7 ( 7

# lh the A:u. l'auru: :nd Libra, tht l:t, 6th & 8*Lord 'Nihg Venas, here Joplter t: tvpl.ted by Venuw,

Page 542: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 543 )

hving one 0: t*0they cross two yegts.of such chiidzen isvàen they crcss twoconsidezation as the

combinatipns Qf shozt kfe,' sti'lTLe comidemtign of longevity

only ziviszble fot the asttologers,ymts. EvO puents think tlyisfak o>.

of longevity :

Sun, Moon, Mào oz Jupitez ( tbisplzntt should be bentic,lotd of the 8th house znd an enemyto the 1st Lotd ) ot tbe asc. of hisot het sign.

not the

(1) 1$t Lotd + Sun, Moon, Mats oz Jupittt ( thisplvnet should be benefc, not the lotdof the 8th hqtuse :nd zn enemy1st Lotd ) ût in the sign Lto ot 1+ 1StLozd or tipe 1st Lord in the slgn Arksoz Scozpb.Mzzs oz Jupiter ( this plznet should

be benefc, not tàe lotd of the 8th

to the

(3) Sun+ Moon,

house ) ot in the sign Leo or in $h4sign Aties oz Scotpio oz in 1, 3, 4, 7,9 oz lûth bouse.


(1) 13t house +The combinations

@) Sztuzn > Snn Moon,s'hould be8th house )the sign Azie,rtxc+ jn 6th,

C?':&t, te6 oi ' Skotpiok


* l f

8th 'ot 12tht hoidd). .

Mkts or Jupitet ( this pknetbenefc, cot the loid 'of th4

, : i'ot # ot dehîlitated or

Page 543: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 544 )

(5) Mzkfc + Sun. Moon, MzT$ or Jupitet (this pktttshould bt bentic, not th4 lotd of thsth bouse) or $, or debilitated.MaleNc combinations k

(6)1st house 8- malefc ot 8th Lord ot S:tutn ot àis

47) 1st Lotdsign o: + ot zn enemy planet in tlle ksc.

-b mvlefc oz 8th lzotd or Saturn ot kissign oz : or debilitvted or in 6t11, 8tLot 12th houst ot 1st Loti ic



tnemy's house.Sun ..F mvlefc ot Satutn ot hi$ sign or # ot

8th or 12th laonstdebilitzted ot in 6th,oz in tbe sign of Sztutn ot Venus,

(9) satuzn > 8tb Lotd oz malefic oz in the sign ofsvturn or in 6th, 2th ot 12th house,

(f0) Mtldc 1 8th Lotd o: Saturn or hi$ sign ot ic1. 6th, 8th oz 12th house.

h:tmction: t

1. lf the :$c. is telvted to tht 1st Lotd, it dûesnot tequize tht htlp of :ny othet bepefc combinqtbn,i. e. by considezing it vs : beneic combin:tion, shoulibe givtn 1û yevts.

2. Whentvtt thete :te two ,:1e&$, evch $1:0718be sivtn 5 ytvts.-

, ,, 3. Ftom the above combinvfions, if 4he 7th oik

the 1û, th combintt/ons :tt formed in v birth chvtt,

Page 544: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 54j )

the child dies eatly, and in the' 7thcombination, if the1st Lozd is .aspected one-sided by .satuzn, th8 powetfulombination of death is fotmed. '1n the same wzy, ifthe maleic is Aspected by Satutn and if it is tehtedto asc. or the 1st Lord, the same result is given.

4. In the :$c. Virgo And Pisces, the Sun shouldmot only be tuken û$ malefic beczuse the Sun is theftiend of tlnese two lotds,in the zsc. Ckpricotn, the Sun is tuken as malefc fot

Mercuty and Jupiter, wheteas

he is theenemy5. lf the 1st Lord

of the 1st Lotd, Saturn,ASPCCtSthe asc. then he does

mot tequite tht help of Anyothet beneNccombination.H: is consideted Aspowetful ( except Satutn ), Shouldbe given 10 yeArs.

lf the plknet is in it$ ownit fotgets a11 zbout tke

signiicating house,enmity. Fot instant, 1he Moonbut if the Moon' is situated

then tht Moon Shouldis the enemy of Mevcutyin het 4th signidcvting house,not be considtted :$ enemy'tule zpplies with rest of the

of Metcuty. The szmeplznets.


Humzn-bting andObxewe o d

between û to 5 yeArs )Longevlty-Deal in oildhood.underm hd le bleb chg-and z>d below.

( S* Ex:mple Section : hge 31û. )

( Longevity

Page 545: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

BeneNc Gomb.( 1 9 1St house # Leo( 2 ) Ni1


( 4 ) Ni1 f slats isdebilitaed)

( 5 ) Ni1 ' Sun isdebilitated)

Totzl Yt$. 2:Result : The birth chztt is of 4short life.' Ther: 1te

loth combinûtions, The nAtive livdonly.No. 131-210 ( 6 ) 1st house#svt. * M:t$,

(7)x (8)x (9)10 (1û)

Jupitet x1 Mvts+Aquzrius, Szt.xsun+mlleic Mtmuty x

Ni1 1$Nil 1û'

( 1 ) 1 + Scorpio

( 2 ) Ni1( 3 ) Ni1( 4 ) Nil.( 5 ) Metcuty : Sun

7th 1ndfor 1 yrât

,,, '.rot:1 Yrs. *'

Reeuk ') The * tb ehzx is of 'medium life'. h)t 1$tLotd Mazs is asycted x e-sided by Satutaznd ht. i$ in tht sign of Swtum. T1w nztive

( 546 1

No. 131-1Yrs.10x

Mlleâc Comb. Ytqk( 6 ) Ni1 lo( 7 ) 1 Sun + Moon,

Sat. * Moon( 8 ) Sun + Moon, Szt.

* 51oon( 9 ) Satutn + 12

( 10 ) MalescSaturn

Page 546: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 547 )

coulz live only for 6 months.No. 131-3

Benesc Comb.1 ) 1st house(( 2 )( 3 )( d. )(5)


lrrs.Leo 1û (6)

( 7 ) 1 Venus iAquarius x( 8 ) Sun # Satuzn( 9 ) Satum + 8 Jup.( 1û) Moon 1 Czpticorn

Ni1YtK .to '

Maleâc Comb.

Total Yrs. 20 'Result : The bitth clutt is of < short life '. Thete is .

7th combinztiûn. The n:tivt lived only fot .15 dzys.

( 1 ) Ni1 (Moon is theenemy of Venus)

Ni1(2)(3)Sun : M:t$, JuP.( 4 ) Sét. # Jup. Mvts,


No. 131-5x ( 6 ) 1st houselsztutn

( 7 ) 1 Venusécapzicozn% ( 8 ) SunAsaturn1û ( 9 ) Venus # Capricorn x1û (1û) )u?. 1 Szt. * Mkts, %


20 .

Kesult : Th4 bkth chatt is7th :nd lûth combinations.livd fot 1

Total Yts.nf <short lift'. Thte ue

The native had

SCR'.No. 131-3 , t : , ). .' .

( 1 ) Ni1 (Moon is tht x ( 6 ) 1!t bwseYMoon %entmr of Venus) ( 7 ) Ni1 10

Page 547: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


Result :


Totzl Yrs. 29life'. Thete kThe birtb chûrt is of .short

10th combination. The nûtive gets 20 yevtsof longevity. The native died at tlae end of9th month.

Beneâc Comb.

(1) Ni1 (Moon is theenemy of Met.)

(2) 1 Metcuzy+ Sun

No. 131-10Yrs. M alefc Com b. Yts.

(6) 1st houst+sfoon

10 (7) 1 Mer. in tntmy'shouse. x

(8) Nil 1û(9) SAtutn-l-Mvts, 8 x

( 548 )

( 8 ) Sun+slturn x( 9 ) Ni1 1û


(10) Maleûc Mats+lz x

(3) Ni1j4) Ni1 (Mats is mde-fc. Jupitet is aspec-ted one-sidtd bySvtum)

(5) Mvts +Jup, Lto 10 (10) Mats + Sztum

Totzl Yzs. 39Re.ult : The bitth cbktt of <shozt life'. Thete :ze

7th and 10th tombinltlons. The nltive liveëonly foz 21 dvys.

Page 548: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 549 1

Hum an-being and Longevity-m ah in childhood.Take down tbe bitth charts and makc

your:elf more sure.

( See Example Section : Page 311 )

( B ) SHORT LIFE( Longevity between 6 to 30 yeazs. )

Hum an-belng and Longevity-shott llfe t Observeand understand the blrth chaxs and read below.

Benefc Comb.(1) Ni1 (Moon is tbe

enemy(2b 1 Venus+ Scorpio(3) Ni1 ( Jup. is 8thLotd)

(4) Ni1(5)Result

of Venus)

Section : Page 312. . )

No. 132-2Yrs. M eleEc Com b.

(6) 1st house+ Saturn(7) Ni1 10 ,

10 (8) Sun+sat-, 8 Jup. 6 x 'x (9) Saturn + 8 Jupiter x(10) Jupitet+ Satuzn



Ni1 x Total Yac 20-.The bitth chkrt is ' of :short life'. Theze isno 7tH' colbination. Th: nativé livid forz14 years. '

( See Emample

lfù. 132-5 , .. ? r' ,%; .r(1) 1st hoùse -F Jup. $0 (6) 1st hous-Moon, sat. x

, , ''e' 2 -*' , l . k J z y '$

j2) ' Ni1 ' -' x (7) 1 Jppx Rqi-enemys. ; -' ;,# t .: house) x .

Page 549: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 55û )

. (3h Ni1 % (8# $un : Vtnus4) Satutn A Mazs, Jup. 10 (9) SAtutn + Moon- (

, (5) Moon 1 Mats, Jup. 10 (19) Moon > Saturn( Venus > Sun ) (no comb. of Venus) 5

Total Yts. 35Result : Tlpe birth chztt is of . sbort life '. There ute

7th and lûth combinzticns. The native iiezat tlle :g: of 16 by itowning. Obsrrve hex,tlye Moon is maleûc.

No. 132-7Yrs. Male:c Comb.Beneât Conzb.

. f 1) 1st Louse > Tu .: lû-(2-) 1 Sat. >sun , glt-td. lû(3) Ni1 x@) Satufn j. 1 5un 10

. (5) Ni1 x

Yfs.(6) 1$t house > Czpticotn x(7) 1$t Lotd Sztum x(8) sun 4. Sztutn x(9) Nil 1û(1û) Mlllc sun: Szturn X

TotAl Yts. *Result The birth thzh is of . jhojt life '. n ete :tt@

7th :nd the lûth comblnvtlons. 'The native1im4 fot 18 yevts.

No. 12-11. ( 1 : ) 1 ,2 hove Y A *%

M:t$, Jupitet. 10' ( 2 ) 1 Mlrs : Jupitet 1û, ( 3 ) Ni1 x

2 4. ( 4 ) Nil x' ( 5 ) Asi. '# Svt. * Mvtj 1û.

( 6 j A ,$c # szt. * M :z$7 ) 1 Mats 4. S:t,3 C:?. x(

8 ) sun + Aquuius xi 9 ) Sztutn + -s x,ttû) MitcuryAAquatiusx

Totvl Yz$. 39

Page 550: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Aesult t The bitth cbzrt is oî t short life '. There aresl5'o 7th and tbe 1@h combinations. Thenative had lived for 1û yeats. Compare birthc17urt No. 26 with this one.

No.BeneEc Comb. Yrs.(1) 1st house + Scotpio 1û42) 1 Mats + Moon 10(3) Ni1@) Satutn +(5) Alercury



Jupiter-F Mûts

132-25M aleNc Comb.(6)( 7 )( 8 ) Sun > Capricorn x( 9 ) Satutn # Metcuty(10) Mercury + Satutn

Yrs.Asc. + sat. @ Jup.1 Mats 1 Szt. Met x

Tetal Yvs. 40Aesult : The birth chart is

also 7th :nd theaztive died

(1)f2) Nil43) Sun exzlted(4)45)

N .jt'Nit


of < Short life '. There ûre10th combinations. The

by dtowning at the age of 27.llo. 123v28/ f tXX

(' 6 ) 1st house 1 Suturn x( 7 ) 1 Mercuty %

10 ( 8 ) Sun exalted + 8(9 ) Ni1(10) N2 ' '




Result t ,T% Nzth clrt7th combination

, t4 t

TptAl Yrs. , 3, 0- f ) t z ,k - . - .

is ,of ' short life '. Thçrç qis. ):nd not lûth combinvtion.


Te nztivedied ztthvagtof z8bytakingpoisoa.

Page 551: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 552 !

Human-being and Longevity-short life : Take 4qwathe birth chatts and make yourself more sure.

( See Example Section : Puge 313. )

( Longtvity


( C ) MISDIUM I.Il7Ebetween 31 to 5()yeats )

Human-being and Longevity-Medium life : Obseaeand undetstand the bitth chztts and tead belnw.

Benehc Conpb.( 1 ) 1$t ,house+svgitt.( 2 ) Xil( 3 ) Sunfupiter( 4 ) Ni1( 5 ) MoonAlupitet


No. 133-2lrts.10

Ytgt( 6 ) 1$t house#venns xMaleft Comb.

x ( 7 ) 1 Jupiter>Moon1() ( 8 ) Sun>Aquatius

( 9 ) sztutn:8(10) Ni1


Tot:l Yt$. *Result : The bitth chvtt is of

is Also 7th combination.itovnlg ât the :ge of

No. 133-9

'medium life.' ThteThe native dieë by32. '

( 1 ) Ni1( 2 ) 1st( 3 )t'4 )4 5) Nil


Lotd#svn 1ûsunAlup, Moon 19Saurn dpbilitvted 10

( 6) 1st house#Mes( 7 ) 1$t Lord112( 8 ) sun#12, 'Nutus( 9 ) Ni1(10) Mkts#svtum


T<d Y>. *

Page 552: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 553 )

Result : The bitth chatt is of <medium life'. Theteate 7th and 1û combinations. The native w:shanged zt 39.


Benehc Comb.1St house-hLeo


No. 133-11lrts.

10 (6)(7)(8)(9) 1û(1û) Maleic Moon + 12


MaleEc Comb. Yrs.1st house+ SatutnNi1 10

Result : The bitth chûtt is ofis no 7th combinztion.suicide at 40.

No.(1) 1st house+Leo(2) Nil (Jup.is 8t14 Lord) x(3) Nil (Jup.iS 8th Lotd) x(4) Ni1 x(5) Moon>4 (beneûc)

1û133-14(6) 1st laouse+ Sat.C) Ni1(8) 1 Sun+ 8 Jupitez(9) Nil

1û (1û) N11


1:X10', ?' t'1:


Total Yts. 40<medium life'. ThereThe native, commited

Totgl Yts. 5:Result The bitth chûtt is of ' zqmedium

ate 7th =d 19th tcombinztions..commited suicide at 42.


hlo, 1,33-19

.1:, e'k, ,vkete'T k: . patiye ,

(1) 1St house+Azies(2) Ni1

1: .(6) Ni1'#

x ' (7) 14 V#:s+ Sat,uzn

Page 553: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

I # #


(3) Stln-bzslkl-j i Slt. 10 (8) $un + Capricotn vi .


$ l . , ' ..!$ à4) Siià'rtn + uqt-otpif) 1û t9) Saturn -F 8 :(5) sfet.>sunyhlars * S at. '1û (10) slercuty>capticrlrn :

y '3

kesuli : Th'iarC

bitthchatt isoi xmidiùm? ! 4:nd lûth cômbinations:7th

died i: zitChandh

etush at 49.Bose.i i

Not 13!-22bene:! ,.comb. Yrs. Malehc comb. yt$.d

( 1 ) ,Yi1 ( 6, ) 1st house + Sat. x' Nii (Sun is thé ( 7 ) Ni1 1û( 2 )


Totàl Ytï- 50flfe-' Tlptt'e! .

jThe nativtHe is Subaih

enemy of S:t.) x( 3 ) Sun : Mars 10( 4 ) Sat. # Atiys 10( 5 ) Ni1 9

( 8 ) Sun + 12( 9 ) Nij(1û) Ni1


lrottl hrts. 59$?,Result : The biqh châqt is of 'medium lifp'. Theze

:se no 7th :nd lûth combinations. Tht nktiv:dkd :1 5û.

Hu-Ant-b.in: ànd L4ngevlty - Medlum llfe : T1#4:1:. t:i' by'e ihx#à' àh'd Vkke yöuidàlf More sute.

( see Exvmp/l spitidà t pkjp. jtj )Y i'

o ) fbpy Lpr:(( t3'kji.:1$ getk-èen 51 to 70ye:rs )

Page 554: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

i '*%$ '?''

1 555 ). ' C 1* $ '

M umsn-beinR and L'oneevitv - Lons life,s-), 9 ujjewe,. .j et y t 4 i, #. ' . / '-'e'k '. . ' .. A 1 f' . W ' e .,k ' 1;1.' . ' ' >d ûnlerstand the birth chart#, and read below.an

( See Example Section : Page 316 )No. 134-7


(9 1st house + Mats(4 1 jaturn + Mats43) Sun + Jupiter(4 Satutn + yats.(5) Sun + Jupiter

$Com b. Com b.

10 ( 6 ) 1st house + Capz,1 t

10 ( 7 ) Satutn himself.10 ( 8,) Sun + 810 ( 9 ) Ni110 (10) Sun .i. 8

k .1 ( k :M aleNc Comb. l .fS.



F )' Jl'otal Yts. 69l j t, ! 4 j - j , j if y j . j $.,j jjX'ésu'lt : The bizth ihart i! of * lony llfe . Theze :ze

, .- y . ..), y





j -7th an'd lûth comb inoatlons. The hktive diedN t *. e z 'in sin's 54th yeat.

41) 1st house + Sunt l .) .$'(2 1 Mats + Leo'r !# r i' 'e ., ' f '' ) ) #


i ''.t * i43 Sun+ 1ji hoûse., gjk l ..u yj j j:r j44h K1l ( .isy F . e1

f5) M1


?t0pt t$0l 110X&X

(û) XiIt j # ,j e d k '(7.) 1 Mjts) + Sat. Mer.' à

) :il1) ,t ,, .?) Slturn > 8, Merqj .$ 4 ', .t l tl10) ATezcury ï Saturn

134-810F )'i.0XX

Totzl Yrs. 50kt/ . t. g'upesult : T bitth chatt is .of < lonz life . Thete re

, > j. ; jd ) ty.) t ' . d - ' t : t J ' ' z / . %-'. -, . t 1 i J - . '-, . s > ''Ftyk btth ln 1 t combmations. The p/tive le/ :? 3 ' h I . ' % 1 f1. k)t - t fJ1 16 h.l t ) ''k),..lat 95 in the perlod of mzlefc Saturnnnd Metcuzy.

Page 555: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 556 )

BeneNc Conab( J ) 1st house:slars,

(2)Sun, Jup-, s'foon1 Venus : N'lcrs.

Sun, Jup., Al.oonSunAMats, Jtlp',

lloon( 4 ) SaturnAsun, Mzts, 1û

Jupiter( 5 ) VenusAstln, Mars, 10

Jupitet, M'eon

No. 134-9Yrs.10 ( 6 )

MaleNc Comb. Yrs-Ni1 (M:r$ & Sat-ate 1:intlepcndent fromtlt4c ttnotller)1 Venuslsaturn( 7 )

1(p ( 8 ) Sun:stttutn( 9 ) Sûturnyvenus .

Mzts(1û) Venuslsaturn

Total Yr3. 6û'Result : Tl)t bittl) chûtt is of 'long life', Thtte

, gte.7th and lûtb cotllbinûtions. The nstivecommitted sukide in Mzts 56tt'1 yeat. Heis Hitler.

No. 134-12( 1 ) 1St houseAlup. Sun 10 ( 6 )( 2 ) 1 Metcuty:Moon 1û ( 7 )( 3 ) xi1 x ( à )


( 4 ) SztutnAsun 1û ( 9 )( 5 ) Ni1 x (1û)

NilNi1 (with Moon)Sun:czpticotnSztutn.fcvpricotn x

Ni1 1û,


Totvl Yt$. 6û,è*

lf : Tht tpitth chatt is of 'long lift'. Thvt: is 7th:Resu'

cotpbinztion. The nktive commited suicid:I

zt 6û.

Page 556: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 557 )

No. 134-14Yrs. M alefcBeneûc Com b. Comb. Yzs

tl 1 ) 1st lnouse + Jup. 10 ( 6 ) 1st houselsat.wlup. x,( 2 ) 1 Mer. + 4th house 10 ( 7 ) Ni1 10( 3 ) Sun + Jupitet 10 ( 8 ) Spn + Satutn( 4 ) Sat. + Sun, Jup. 10 ( 9 ) Ni1 (Mcrs benefc),( 5 ) Mats + Sun, Jup. 10 (10) Mars + Saturn

Total YrS. 70Result : The llirth chaxt js of <long life'. Thete is

no 7th colnbination. The native died at 64.llo. 134-20

(1 1st house+Leo, ( 6 ) 1st house > Saturn xiter, Mats 10Jup

( 2 ) Ni1 ( 7 ) Ni1 10(3)( 4 ) Sat. + Mats, Jup, 10 ( 9 )

Ni1 x (8)Ni1 (Sat. is aspectedone-sided by Jup.) 10

10 ( 10 ) Ni1 10

Ni1 10

# 5 ) Moon + Nlars

Result : The bitth chztt isno 7tb and 10thdied at 67 in the petiod of Saturn.

H um an-being and Longevity-tong life : Take downzhe bitth chatt: and make yourqelf mote sute.

( See Exzmple Section : Page 317. )

Total Yrs. 70of tlong life'. Thete atecombinations. The native

Page 557: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( # 5. 8 1'

VARY LONG IaIFEk . z( Longevlty over 71 ye:ts )

j' ' t j' ' vety' l'Jng llfe : gbsrq.Human-beina an onaev 4y-4 '--'. f /' '''''''-- ' - 't ' - $ '' > ' j p

and understand the blrth charts and read bebp,j


.. 14 $ 1 ' ' ., k .( '$ l( See Examyle Section : hge 318 1* No. 135-1


BeneNc Comb. YrsNi1

Malesc Comb. Yrs,. ,

kj jj(61 N(7) 1 MetcurylAquatius x

(1)(2) 1 51e:. -1- Jup-,

Sun, * Mars(3) Sun+1() Jupiter 10 (8) Nil(4) $at.>Jup,, Sun 1û (9) Svturn #- 6(5) Mltg debilitated. 't0 (10) Nil



Result : Thebitthnative clied

Total Yt$. 7qchatt is of <very long life'. Tiyût 71 in the Lfûrs perioll.

(1) 1st house 4. Jup ,M:t$, Sun

(2) 1 sunllst house$

(3) S:n 1 1st house@) 8:tutq 4. Spn(#) Moon #. $,yn

10 (7) 1 Sun -F Moon10 (8) sun > Moon y1û (/) Nil (S:t. is combust) 1û1û, (10) Ni1 (jat. is combust) 1û

- - jTotzl Yts. ''7ô

Result : Thr bittln chAzt is of <very long ' life'. The9 !


j 1 .4 zt

nitlve iied zt 72 in the perisd 'of the Monm

No, 135-410 (6) l>Moon * Satu,rn9

Page 558: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

# 51.7 1.- K J

Bepe#c Com, ,#.: ! 7 t j z ) ''f ) # ?(1) 1st honse 1 Ualj?',j

-' ', . k' k , ,- !!- . , Ct- 11;,J.upliett Jt1

t2) MoonlAties, lûth$>. ' ttaOUSC(3) Sun > Leo(4) Xi1(5,) Metcuty 4. Suni * #


10 (8) Ni1 (Mez. is combusl) 10x (j) Saturn Y 6 k10 (10) Ni1 10

YP'. 135-.,$** * #

Y?. Mlàez â# 6?P'' YP'lû (i) Yi$ 10

ResultTktal5 e k *

The bizth chsazt iS of T.vety long life-' Thenative died a? 75 in ' the petiod of Metcutym d: d w O d ' ' *

anè Satutn. Heze th, e tst Lozd koop, ls inthe sigà' of Mars atid she-is 'p''owizful.

j' 10No- 13 -

+'Yts. 80

( 1 1St house 1 Pisces ( 6 )Moop 10


( 2 ) 1 JuP Y 1Whlouse

( 3 ) Fi1#( # ) Sat. 1 Jup rvepup,

Mercuc 'k' t : ;

( 5 ) Venus 1 Jupitez: l

( 7 ) Ni1 (Saturp, Vrnps10 :re uspected by

Jup. Mao) 10( l ) kil 19( 2 ) ia,turn 1 k, Venus x

10ï0 (10) Venps 1. 'i yuzn x

, . x. g ( j ,u..j!?,. .

s5*/ #

Total Yzs. .75

Result : T.llç bixk çbgtt is of . vezy long Xe '. Thenative died at 81 $n the petiod of the Sun.

Page 559: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

f1) 1St house

(2)(3) Sun Cancer 10(4) Saturn +. Scorpio 10(5) Jupiter -1. Mkts 10


No.+ MoonM:ts 10

135-12(6)Ni1 (Szturn is in

tlhe sign of Scotpio) 1ûNi1 1û(7)

(8)(9) Nil:10) Jupitcr

Ni1 1û1qX12

Result : Thenûtive

birth chart is ofdied at 83 in tlle

No- 135-13ç 11 1St house + Moon


exzlted, Jupiter1 Venus + Aries

#6) Nil ( Sat. + Mars,no eHkct of S' at.)

(7) 1 Venus + 121û

42)(3) Sun -h 1st house(4) Saturn + Mars(5) Jup, + 9th house 10 (10)

(8) Sun + Satut'n10 (9) Ni1


Total Yrs. 89t vety long lifc '. The

eriod of 'M:rs.P

Totzl Yts. 89Result : The

nativelong life '. Tlqeperiod of Mzts.

Herein Jupitez is in his own9th house, is powerful :nd bene6c.

and Longevlty - 9e%


Human-being4own tht bitth chatts and

long life : Takemlke youreelf m ore sute.

( See Example Section Plge 319. 1

bitth chart is of t verydied zt 84 in the

Page 560: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1


(1) 1+ Satuzn ot CApticotn, Aquazius ot Libta42) 1 + 6 or 8 ot maleéc or 1st Lord : or debilitated.


43) 8 + 8 oz Satutn ot inis sign ot maleic.(a) A death by treachery :

(11 Moon+ Saturn or bis sign'(2) Moon+ Mars or his sign.

by poison, :re, wster or machine kdeath by poison or :re :

(1) Mars + Saturn ot his sign ot Mats aspected one-'sided by Satutn ot Msrs maleic orMûrs in, 8th ot. 12th ot in the signGemini ot Virgo.

42) 8 + Mzrs or hiSsign.A death in watet :

(b) A deathA

(1) Moon+ mvleûc ot Moon+suturn(2) 8 + Moon or her sign.

A death by m achine :

(1) 1 + 8 ot Saturn(2) Mats + Satutn oz Metcuty oz his sign ot Mzts %

ot debilitated ot malefc,

(e) An accident by machihe but escape from it 1(1) 1 + Sun, Moon, Mus) Jupiter ot his or her Sign.(2) 8 + Sun, Moon, Mats, Jupiter or hiS ot her sign.

Page 561: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 562 .)i

(3) Satutn t. 8,,,u,n, sfqo:n, Mars kr Jupy-ter or his Qt)

het sign(c) A death by suicide )

4 % k(1) 3 or Mats + Satutn, htcrk'ury or his sign ot nylleûç.'*'-. t ) . - ..(2) 1+ Moon or 51ûts

(d) Fine, jail, execution orttansportation(1) 3 ot Mats + Saturn, slescury o1: his(2) 1+ 8 ot muletic.

sign ot maleéc.

desth- th b ' oison. (..5) deuthtreaclcery. (2) deu y p

(4) iezth by suiclze and (5) deatlt by

two wttys-Naturgl and unp Atuxqg( l , ,' . 1 ( v.

is cuused 1)y t- k1) death byby ûccidenty



f 1lail, executioc

ot trcnspoztAtion. ( Jail or transportation is slso ocesott of death as the victim is shifted fRt from tLe

it:Death is causcd# N diTJe unnatuml

univetse by the Govetnment. Consequently, the relatives, p

consldered tbis as one sort of death of him ).Death( a ) by treachery :

An unnatural deAuwm afh by tteaçhery : Observe.aad understand the birth chzrts and rea4 belvw,

( See Exappyljr $,, bythsj : Ppgt )2û to 323. 1' ko 143-1

1st Cqmb.2nd Comî.

3td Cpmb.4th Comb. .1. f l ''I

5tk Comb, .. n 1 5.%

(1) 1st house+Libr: (2z 1 Venus +Liby.j(

1) 1st 14ppse+ 6 Jup. (2) 1 Venus + 6 Ju?.(3) 1st houè + 8 Venus.(1) 8th houst + Slyuzn.(1) Mçqp + S' zyuzn.t)) Mogp +, M?t$ * Jvpittt.

Page 562: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

1* 5û, ) )

Result : The nytive died an un .natuml deûth by '.r $ f * t 2 J t' ' * .e, ''. ' .J .trelchety. He 1s h'Iahatma Gandhili.

'*. . h . - a'No 143-5


1st Comb.2nd Comb.3td Comb4h Comb5tb comb.

: (1) 1Mars + Saturn.v Ai 6 î

: (1) 1 Vats + 8.th h' 'ouse/ ex

: (1) 8th house+ saturn (2) 81A .

: (1) Moon + Saturn*@ &' i 1

Mer. +Aqu,* 4 j

Rvsult : The native'i J: . à , h' ! # i

treaclaery.died an unnstural death b,y..'. j . ok ,t7 : '': -.

He waS given poison.4 1 J

llo. 143-74

Satutn1st Comb. t (1) 12nd Comb. (1) 13rd Comb. : (1)4th Comb.5th Comb.


Result : Tlne native died ap unnatural death' byttezchety. The native wa$ mutdetvd.

Mars +k ' + 8 Metcury>ts

8th house + Sat. Q) 8 Mercuzy + Sat,t


l ' ' ,' v '*


* - .

Mqon + Sqtutn * M.. zts, M, etçuzp jy, p? ''Moon + Mars

An unnaural death-Death by tteachety : Takei lf Zore sute'.down the birth chaxs and make your e

See Example Section t Pzge 320. )' '(

A death br ?,0/ ! eo, , n, .t !,t,, b, wazt,.eul, ,0,, t 1, , achjne : obsezvel j': ' J/ ' ' t / , jand ûnderstand, t e 9. irth ch.):.r ! t. yj, read below.t .1 f ' '$ i. k t'6 L, . f ! 4 1 ' , ' '-#' , .1 8ee vlmpytr, ,je..; yctiop : Pg >. jy-gr , 3j :.0. ).

Page 563: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Death by poison :No. 144-5

1St Comb,2nd Comb. :3td Comb. :4th Comb.

(1) 1 Mars + Szttlrn#1) Alats + 8th house(1) 8tl1 ho3lse-h Szt. (2)8 Nlct- .> Aquatius( 1) Mal's ktspuk-teCl otle-sided l)y Satutn(2) Atars -1 8 (3) Mzrs + Gemini

5th Comb. t (1) 8 -1-. M'zt$Result : 'fhe native wûs given poisfm and l)e ëiei

by it.

No. 144 .31st hotTse + Satutn1$t Comb. t (1)

2nd Comb, : (1)1st housc 6 Sat.(2) 1 Mercug debilitattd.

3td Comb. t (1) 8th bouse #. malcûc Sun4th Comb5th Comb. : (1) 8th house 4- Arltr

(1) Mats is npalttic.

Result The native died by poisonNo. 8-4 .

tst Comb.2nd Comb.3td Comb.

t (1) 1st house + Aqultiust (1) 1 SAturn+ 6 (2) 1 Satutn-h Moon: (1) 3th house + 8 Mercury * Mzts, Szt.(2) 8th house + sat. (3) 8 Met. + Sztuzn(4) 8th house + mvleûc Moon * Sztutn(5) 8 Metcuzy + Moon * Satarn: (1) Mazs + satutn4th Comb.

Page 564: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 5(5 )

5th Comb. : (1) 8 Mercury + Mat; (2) 8 Met.+ Aties,(3) 8th house + Mztî * Suturn

Result ) The native died by ûte.

Death in watet :

No. 8-1

1st Comb. :(1) 1$t house + Libra(2) 1 Venus + Sûtutn @ Moon

2nd Comb, : (1) 1 Venus + 8 Venus3td Comb. : (1) 8 Venus .+ Saturn @ Moon4t1a Comb.5th Comb.

(1) Moon + Sztuzn(1) 8 Venus + Moon

Result t The nutive. died by dtowning at 16.No. 8-2

1st Comb. : (1)2nd Comb. (1) 1 Metcury 'debilitated.3td Comb.4th Comb.5th Comb. : (1) 8th house + MoonResult t The native died by dzöwhing at 14.

(1) 8th ' house + Capiicotn(ï) Moon maleic Mvts

't 'lh use-hsût. (2) 1 Mer. + Sztutm.st o


No. 8-3

1st Comb. +2nd Comb.3rd Comb.

4th Comb.

(1) 1àt house + 8 Moon ,'$ ? ,

1) 8th house, # ,datum (2) 81 house +( . A

8 , Moop (3) ,y Moon + Sltvp,' j' é(1.) Moon + Slt, .,(2) Th, r. Moon s mak c

(1) l1St house $Satvm

Page 565: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

14 @ > #

( 566 l

5'tll. comb. : (1) 8tb$ : ' kResult The nati e

' ' t2) st'h lpousc-pytooa''hùuse-.hczn.k $ 4

tlied at 16 by dtowning.$ lDeath by maèhinèx tNo. 8-4

(1) 1 Venus + Sût. (2) 1sthouse + Satutn.Jupiter (3) 1st house + laibtz.(1) 1st house+ 6 Jup. (2)hlmself. (3) 1st hotîàk# 8 Vtnus * sctutn.

t: ti'f'(1) 8 Ven s + Sât n.1) 1 Veâks + 8 Ve'n)' $ himsplf.((?)(1) Mv'ts + Szttirn.

2nd Comb. 1 vehus-yp vetks'

3zd Comb.4th Comb.

1st hoûsk + 8 Vcnus . ç jSaturn, Ju?.5th Comb.Result Thé nktive 8%d i: aix crush kt 47.

No. 144-9

1st Comb. :

)st , çomb. :2nd Comb. :3rd Comb. :4th Comb. :5th Comb.Result The

(1) lj! house+Libtz (2) 1 Venus + Aqc.(1) , 1. Venus + 8 Vtnus himself.(1) 8t1). house+ Svtutn (2) 8 Venus + Aqu.(1) 1 Venus + 8 Vtnus himstlf.(1) Mvts + Mexcuty.ngtive w:: shot dtzd by ttvolvet.

1stNo. 8-6:q %# à

Comb. : (1) îst hpuse+ Liby (2) 1st house: Szt,i f1ë j h 4f3h 1 kinuj + skturn.

b : (tj' 1 #en''us+6 >'p''' (2) lsi bousi+r Jut''2nd Com . . , ,0 f 1 f f * # f* spt. j, 3) 1 V'ékkk + 8 Venud llfmse -')j j r i , j y' r k u ' ' t . , j j' jjou $ N s g y N' uuy .3,d c'oib. : (t) rnMsm

.sqt. 92 8t

')' t . #) sth't h Ju'ê$'t'' +'' sk 'tu 'zn.S . (

Page 566: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 567 )i < ,.j . j i , r 9 4 ' z , 4

Comb. : (1) 1 Vénu' s-h 8 Venùs lnimself. (1) 1st house4th!


4 q


j ) AFF 8 lTenus 4 Saturn.

5th Coiub. : (1J Mars + Sktutn.$ z

xeszlt : Tht native died by motoz cat accident.'A

An accident by machine but escape from it :No. 144-25

1st Comb. (1) 1 Mer. + Sat. (2/ 1 Mer. + Czpf.2nd Comb. (1) 1 Myrcuq+ 6 Sàtztà3rd Co/b, (1) 8th hous'em 8 MIS @ Jupit/r4th Comb. : (1) Mer.-h Sat.(2) Mit.'+ci#,5th Comb : (1b Mzleic Mars.6th Comb. : (1) Mercury+ Sén7th Comb. (1) 8 Mats #Jùp. (2) 8th,8th Comb. : (t) Saturn + Sun


L'''-h the boilerResult : The native w:s saved even t'hö gblewed. , .. . tk

tlo. 144-28l $ J, I1st Comb- #g) 1

, st house+Libtz

)-2nd Comb.**(2) 1st house + Satgjn'; r h ' ... ?'(1) 1 Venus + 8 Venus' k)himself.




5th @*öth Comb.*

. +) j. ..# ?>. ' j .v k ! j )2)' tst house+6 up.f-

fs e ' - ' î t .1 ' û(1) 8th hoùse+ Setutn' ' , ht ' 'k k # ' f l jt''1' '(1) 1Jl- souse + saturn, , , .) k . , , y yzzyl,l(1) 1 zzs+ Sàturn

,, j .) qgy td- ) J -1,. . . . j k tz:(1) tjt höuse+ u aer. y, : r..j .jp)t lz ., . yj y1 Trehus + lhèe

Page 567: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

1l5:1jjt,' i;::::::;:;;,,'--,-


111:2:::jj1!1k.- :121::::r-:j)11* '')jj('

7th Comb. : (1) 8th house + Nloon * 8at(2) 8th housc -h Sut: * Sat.

8tb Comb : (1) Saturn + Sul: (2) Saturn + MoonResult : Thc native was

No.savcd froln car accitlent.144.-32

1st Comb.2nd Cotnl'.3td Cotub.

4th Comb.5th Comb.

(1) 1 hlars .-h ztqtltttius(1) 1 lklzrs -!.- 8 Nlcrs hinlself.(1) 8 Xlats ../ Aquatius(2) 8t14 llouse .i. 8 Mkrs * Skt.(1) 1 Mkrs + 8 Mqrs (2) 1 Mats -FAquatks(1) Mzts 1 Aquzrius

(th Comb, : (1) 1St honse + Jup. (2) 1 Mzrs + Ju?.7th Comb. (1) 8th house + Nloon8th Comb. (1) Svturn + Jupiter * MûrsResult : The nztive was saved from fktel motor c:r

accident.An unnatutal death - Death by poieon, hre, waterot machine : Take down the blrth charts and

make yourself mote eure.

( See Example Section Pzge 321. )No. 11 :nd 13 died by tiie shot.No. 12 died in :ir ctush.Nn. 14 died in tzam's zcciïent.No. 15 died An uinututvl dtvth.No. 16 ditd in txplosion of bomb.No. 17 died due to butsticg of gâ$ tube.

Page 568: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

No. 20 saved from water accident.No. 22 stutnbled but saved with much diëculties.No. 25 Saved ftom eatth-quake.No. 31 saved from ire.No. 18, 19, 21, 22, 23, 24, 26, 27, 28, 29 and

30 were saved from the zccident of machinety.*

( c ) Death by sulcide :An unnatural death - Death by suicide Observeand understand the birth charts and read below

( See Example SectionNo. 137-7

Page 322 1

1st Comb. (1) 1$t iouse + Satutn2nd Comb, (1) 1st house+6 .Sat. (2) 1 Sun+8 Jup'.3rd Connb (1) 8th house + Saturn4th Comb. (1) 3rd house+ Libra (2) 3rd houseè


7 Venusi bouse + Mats (2)5th comb. : (1) St

Result : Tlpelife.

1st house +Moon * Mats

native commited suicide due to despairedI !

; i

No. 137-91st house+ Libta1$i Conlb (2) 1st house+ Sat.Sun, Venus (3) 1 Venus+ Samrn '

2nd Comb. : (1) '1 Venus + 8 Venus himself. r (2),' 1Venus 6 Jup. (3) 1sf houser, +6 Jupitet * Vecus


Page 569: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

g 57Q )

3rd Comb. : (1) 8 Venus + Saturn4tb Comb. : (1) >lars .h Sctttry, (2) h'lcts 4. 1 venus5th Conpl).

JuP.(4)t 1st l'louse 1 5I()oï) * lup-, Venus#.*

pesult : '.I'he 'native llad connnlited stlit-itqe.

Venus + Mzts(1) 1st llouse + Nlgrs (28 1(3) 1 Venus 1 sloon *

No. 137-81St Cotnb. ) 1 Nloon 4. Sâtun)2nd Comb. (1) 1 Moon + 8 Sûturn

(1) 8tl) lltluse + Aqucrit)s(2) 8th lyfluse #- Fct. * 51o()n(1) 3td house 1 ttpale6c 'slercury(1) 1$t ltouse + stcrs (2) 1st llouse : Cvn.

3zc1 Comb.

4th Comb.5th Comb.Re:ult The nktive commifed suicide llue to

in wat. He is Hitler.t'Ies?alt

,An unnatutzl death - Dezth by suicide t Take dnwntbe bitth chatts and make yourself more sure.( See Exvmple Section : lhgt 324 to 326. )

(d) Fine, jail, execution orThete Aze certvin n:tives wlto

ldventee :a/Constqaeetxcutix' J4i1dtlth foz fht$th houst.

:re . 'vxtested bythey :zt punishedi$ ,vlso cunstïtxdtimekKog. Hence it

transpolationundettgke unrealtlhe Governmct.by fsne, jûil ott''n be A sott nfi$ srllted to tlpe

Page 570: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 57 1 )

The combinations of unteal adventut: ate similàtto tbose given in the 3td house. B''at these wrongdoets, when zrtested, ate either Iite , jviled, otexecuted. Now we shvll study zbout it.

An unnatutal death-Death by Nne, jail, executioaot ttanspottation : Obsetve and undetstand the

birth charts and tead below '

( See Exumple Section : Page 323. )

1st Comb.2nd Comb.3td Comb.4th Comb.

No. 69-3

(1) 1st house + Aquatius(1) 1 Satutn 4. 8 Metcuty(1) 8th house > 8(1)(2) Mats 4. Gemini(1) 1 Satutn + 8 Mercuty

Metcuzy * Mzrs3zd house + maleûc Moon

5th Comb.

Result : The native h:d gone Ito jail.No. 69-11

1st Comb.2nd Comb.3td Comb.4th Comb.

(1) 1 Vedus + Samth(1) 1 Venùs + 8(1) 8th höuse + S:turh(1) 3 Moon # Aquxrius(2) Màt6 4. Sât. (aspeeted onezsidkd)(3) 3 Mooh # 'Sztur: + 'Marsft) 1 Vehùs + 85, b Co' * b .

dResult : The nvtive #âj : murddèr. Hd w:s executrd.

Page 571: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

I 572 )No J9 -2(1st fpouse + SAturn1 Mercury 1 Aquarius1st house + 8 Sat. (2) 1 Venus #. sat,* Mars (3J 1 Venus + 6 Mzrs

1st Connb. : (1)(2)

2nd Comb. : (1)

3rd Comb. (1) 8th house -F Czpzit-orn4th Comb. : (1) Mvrs > Sztntn (aspected onc-sideë)5th Cotmb. : (1) 1st Ilouse + 8 SaturnResult : The native had gone to iail.

No. 69-34

1$t Comb.nd Comb. :3zd Comb.4th Comb. :5th Comb. :


Result ) The nûtivthznged.

(1) 1st house -F saturn(1) 1 Metcuty .> Malefic Mzrs(1) 8th house + 8 Mtïts * Jupitet(1) Mûz$ + Mercury(1) 1 Metcury + 8 à'fats

wu$ the ttvolutionist. He WM

llo. 69-21

1st Comb.: (1) 1st house > Aquatius(2) 1st hoas: > Svturn(1) 1$t house > 6 'Moon(2) 1 Skt. 4. 6 Moon *

nd Comb.

3td Chmb. : (1) 8th house .# 8 Mer.

41 Comb.sztutn (3) 8th house :f 1) 3zd houst > Mvl/c(;) 3 Mvr$ 4. Moon

J/P.'2) 8th bouse 4Moon * svtutnMoon * Jvpitet

Page 572: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

j 573 )2 D - .u .5

th Comb. : (1) 1st house +'zliiïlèûc MoonResult : The bizth chart is of a woman. She h?d

gone to jail many times.No. 69-22

st Comb. : (1) 1st house + Satutn r Moonnd Comb. t (1) 1st house + 8 Sat. * Moon

(2) 1st house + 6 Mqts * Moon.3td Conïb.4th Comb.5th Comb.

: (1) 8th house + Capticorn: (1) Mats + Satutn (aspected one-sided): (1) 1st house + 8 Sat. @ Moon(2) 1st house + Mlzs * Moon

Result t The ngtive was an impostet andto jail.

had gone

An unnatuml death - Death by fne, jail, executionor transportation : Take down the birth charts

yand make youzself m ore sure.

( See Example Section ) Page 324. )

Page 573: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

Chapter Fifteenth


Te have completed tlle Ctudy of futurt of tàehumzn-beings whiclt is accotnodûted in ttte TwelveHouses of a bitth chatt such ASj 13e11th,ttutlnfulness,

cultutt,Worslnip znd devotion to God, fortune,

wealth, flme, position, power, honour, poet. att,happiness, mazziage, blessed love, pûin of love. divotce,debauchety, pezce of mind, adventure, enenpies, childreusdeath, diseases etc.

1'n shott we hzve com? letely studietl, with tlxhelp of ' A Book of Astrologiczl Correct Ptedictions ',how to ûnd the cortect ûnswers of :1l the illlpottaatquestions of futute, Atlsing in tbe humân life.

Finally, dealiog with cettkin principles of kstrology,wm $ha11 fnish this book,

One wx ld h:tdly hnd : petsonwho is not Anxious to know his ot httthe tesult thzt mvnyhzv: been wtitten.science of Asttologyany petson, stgnds top

io this wotldfuture, witkthis sciencevolumes tegztding

The satisfvction given by theto envble to know the futurt ofm ost.

But to-dgy peoje zre gtaduvlly zvoiding zstrolocând .losing their Rlth in it, beczuse some of thelsttologers, who :re entitely blvnk in knowledge of

Page 574: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 575 )

the coztect ptrdictions, own persopal interest, Selishness,zesoyt to spilitualism and all Sorts of othet tricks,cause prejudice antongst the people.

Fot an obsetvation of any bitth chûrt given intbis book, refer to the iodex, the chvpters and thecombinations given foz eAch pazticulat. Besides thatulways think of Time (period) of tht plgnets, Whlleobsetving &ny bitth chart, please note that patience,concentration of mind and full conftlence withoqthtsitation or feaz ate tvquirvd for tke cprtvct predictio..

Jf possible, po not ask more then thzee qvtstiogsto any clknt. These questions ate Allowed to verifywhether th4 bitth chatt is correct or faulty ,

Bqfozç . obsezving tbe birth ckprt, the'ue (o Fee ,nd çhçck whethvy

ptimArythe bizthsttps . taken

chazt is cotact oz ,not. sopetime/certain? persons. gottheir bkth chAzts ptepaad by giving wrong time 0/bave. g .wzong impzçssivn tkat the 'bktk çhûtt iFemirely 'coztect > spme of the evests pzepicted pzoteftme. But with mqch expetience, it is fovgd zthat sachbelsçf is tntkely wmpg.

padict the life .of :ny cksld be, ,fp.z# it isthre: yeazs 014.. lf theye prioçl' . es ge oyervtk by *4t14:. Mtmlogegs, it poulk sezvç : ggwt ,purpost m 'tl)e:sqiqynqe of ' 'zsttology apd, thq pçelç rvpuld stqpridiculing thi/ gyegt vscience-

Dp, not

Therem1yarise : vestion, how faz ûnd uptoQ

Page 575: Shah's System of Astrology, Book 1

( 576 )

what percent the Astrology proves its corzectntss inptedicting the humkn life, i. e. upto whct sttengtb.ot- tinc percentage it should be considered ?

100*/0' ? Not At alt, ln that czse people wouldfotget God :nd stktt the wotsphip of asttologezs. Inevery tenhpleof ck'rtolflgers and nothing else.

and churcl) one would :nd the imzges

'1'he astrologtr cknnot compete with Almightyand his wtitings, but with his grzce :nd blessings,wishts to pridict one's futute. But tlle astrologet with

his ezrnest eJorts And âbility c:n achiev: only 50Z oftbe cocrect results. lf we can acbieve say 30Z of thecorrect tesults out of bundred events krising in tbrhuman life, we sbould be contented znd

lt is quitememotise a11 tbestill fo: the convenience

ptoud.ovtural tbzt one would not be vble tocombinations given in this book,

of our rezders, we haveprepured û hândy book, < Yout birth chvtt and it$plznetzty combinations of every tvent of humvn life '.fot quick refetences of the combinations of a11 tbt eventsof buman life. The ptice is onlv Rs. 2/-. Postvg: txtra,

Lastly, : thotough lnd minute study of this bookis advised and the collection of Birth ChArts must bedone ûs mtntioned in this book. Tbe daily obsttvztiön4f . tbese collected Bizth CbArts will greatly belp youto increase your knowledge of Asttology.