Sezona/Season 08/09

Sezona/Season 08/09 - RTVSLO.siWebber, violončelo/cello; Benjamin Ziervogel, violina/violin P. Šivic: Simfonija št. 3 Symphony No. 3 A. Lloyd Webber: Fantazija za violino, violončelo

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    KD_korpo_tango140x210.indd 1 6/4/08 1:34:41 PM


    Every time impeccably played music sounds from a stage, someone from the audience sighs with delight. The RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra can always provoke such sincere sighs – be it the stage of the Bežigrad Stadium, as was the case with Siddharta, or the Cankarjev dom, as was the case with Pogorelić, the stage at the Križanke during summer or one of the numerous stages the musicians have visited on its tours abroad. We, the KD Group, are thus very proud to have established long-term partnership with such renowned artists.

    Our friendship reaches back to 2006, when the insurance company KD Življenje became the first general sponsor of the orchestra in its half-century history. Since then, the orchestra's music enriched many stages and shed its solemn light on many venues, even on such a pearl as the Postojna Cave. And each time a new sigh was heard from the darkness, the generous compliment saying that someone must be on the trail of something great.

    We are thus partners again – as we, the KD Group, also endeavour to establish trust and satisfaction. We both know the real power is in the virtuosity of an individual and the unity of a team. The decision to become friends was consequently not a difficult one, as we both believe that complete com-mitment and lots of good will enable us to improve the quality of life now and tomor-row. What brings us together are our efforts to provide safe future, while our socially responsible actions are aimed at sustained development of the environment in which we live and work.

    At the start of the new subscription concert season, full of promising titles and re-nowned names, I wish musicians and their conductors many creative pleasures and successes. And I wish we will again, in the silence which always accompanies great music, hear a sigh of artistic inspiration.

    Matjaž Gantar CEO of KD Group

    Vsakič, kadar se z odra zasliši brezhib-no odigrana glasba, v občinstvu vedno kdo kar zavzdihne od ugodja. Najsi bo oder na bežigrajskem stadionu, kot pri Siddharti, ali v Cankarjevem domu, kot pri Pogoreliću, v poletnih Križankah ali na katerem od številnih gostovanj v tujini, Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija zna vedno priklicati takšne iskrene vzdihe. Zato smo v Skupini KD izjemno ponosni, da lahko stkemo dolgoročno partnerstvo s tako izbranimi ustvarjalci.

    Naše prijateljstvo sega v leto 2006, ko je zavarovalnica KD Življenje postala prvi generalni pokrovitelj orkestra v njegovi polstoletni zgodovini. Od tedaj je glasba obogatila številne odre in slovesno ožarila mnoga prizorišča, celo takšen izjemen biser, kot je Postojnska jama. In vsakič se je iz teme izvil kak nov vzdih, kot najlepši kompliment, da je nekdo na sledi nečesa velikega.

    Zato smo ponovno partnerji – ker nas tudi v Skupini KD zanima priti na sled za-upanju in zadovoljstvu. Oboji vemo, da je resnična moč v virtuoznosti posameznika in sozvočju kolektiva. Odločitev, da po-stanemo prijatelji, zato ni bila težka: oboji verjamemo, da lahko z vrhunsko preda-nostjo in veliko dobre volje vplivamo na kakovost življenja danes in jutri. Druži nas poslanstvo snovanja varne prihodnosti, z družbeno odgovornim ravnanjem pa si prizadevamo za plemenit razvoj okolja, v katerem živimo in delamo.

    Ob novi abonmajski sezoni, polni obe-tavnih naslovov in zvenečih imen, želim glasbenicam in glasbenikom ter njihovim dirigentom veliko ustvarjalnih užitkov in uspehov. In da bi spet kdo v tišini, ki vedno spremlja veliko glasbo, lahko zavzdihnil od umetniškega navdiha ....

    Matjaž Gantar direktor KD Group

    Na sledi nečesa velikega On the trail of something great

  • En Shaova umetniška pot se je začela strmo vzpenjati leta 1989, ko je osvojil prvo nagrado na med-narodnem tekmovanju dirigentov v Budimpešti. Leta 1990 je postal stalni dirigent orkestra BBC, vodil različne evropske zasedbe, zdaj pa poleg našega vodi tudi simfonični orkester v Macau. Dirigiral je Londonskemu simfoničnemu orkestru, Kraljevi filharmoniji iz Londona, orkestru Hallé, simfoničnima orkestroma škotskega in valižanskega BBC-ja, Češki in Lorenski filharmoniji, filharmoničnemu orkestru v Atenah, Baskovskemu nacionalnemu orkestru, orkestru poljske radiotelevizije, več skandinavskim orkestrom, simfoničnemu orkestru kitajske radiotelevizije, Kitajskemu nacionalnemu simfoničnemu orke-stru in Kitajskemu filharmoničnemu orkestru. V Ameriki je reden gost simfoničnega orkestra v Torontu, Phoenixu in Vancouvru, dirigira pa tudi v Južni Afriki in na Novi Zelandiji. Osrednja kitajska televizija je pred kratkim o njegovem življenju posnela dokumentarni film.

    En Shao’s artistic career began to flourish in 1989, when he was awarded first prize at the Interna-tional Conducting Competition in Budapest. In 1990 he became an associate conductor of the BBC Orchestra and also began leading other European ensembles. Today, besides leading the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra, he is also the principal conductor of the Macao Symphony Orchestra. He has conducted the London Symphony Orchestra, the Royal Philharmonic, the Hallé, the Scottish and the Welsh BBC symphony orchestras, the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra, the Orchestre Philharmonique de Lorraine, the Athens Symphony Orchestra, the Euskadi Orchestra, the Polish National Radio Orchestra, several Scandinavian orchestras, the Chinese Broadcasting Symphony Orchestra, the China National Symphony Orchestra and the China Philharmonic Orchestra. He is a regular guest of the symphony orchestras in Toronto, Phoenix and Vancouver, and has conducted in South Africa and New Zealand. The Central Chinese Television has recently screened a documentary about his life.

    nova sezona velikih koncertov Simfoničnega orkestra RTV Slovenija je pred Vami. Potrudili smo se, da bi bil spored dinamičen, zanimiv in “na kožo pisan” tako Vam, našemu občinstvu, kot tudi našemu orkestru. Izjemnega pomena za naše delovanje v preteklosti, sedanjosti in prihodnosti je tudi razvoj našega sodelovanja s pokroviteljem KD Group, ki bo od te sezone naprej tudi generalni pokrovitelj Simfoničnega orkestra RTV Slovenija.

    Z njegovo velikodušno pomočjo bodo letos za Vas nastopali izjemni umetniki. Tako domači kot tuji. Sopranistka Barbara Hendricks, violončelista Julian Lloyd Weber in Colin Carr, znameniti violinist in dirigent Gordan Nikolić, pa svetovna atrakcija v podobi tolkalke Evelyn Glennie. Predstavili se Vam bodo še imenitni glasbeniki solisti našega orkestra: koncertni mojster Benjamin Ziervogel, klarinetist Jože Kotar, trobentač Matej Rihter ter kontrabasist Zoran Marković. Posebna draž bo nastop Anje Bukovec na celovečernem koncertu. Poustvarjala bo dela iz domače in tuje zakladnice filmske glasbe. Poleg šefa dirigenta En Shaa se nam bodo pridružili še vrhunski dirigenti: Marko Letonja, Evan Christ, Walter Proost ter Lorenzo Castriota Skenderbeg. Ponosni smo, da nas bosta na šestem koncertnem večeru obiskala in naše ustvarjanje počastila legendarni skladatelj Rodion Ščedrin ter njegova soproga, znamenita balerina Maja Plisecka.

    Na spored pa smo poleg del svetovne glasbene literature uvrstili tudi nekaj domačih stvaritev. Posebej se bomo spomnili Pavla Šivica, Uroša Kreka ter Lojzeta Lebiča, dva mlada slovenska skladatelja pa bomo počastili s prvo izvedbo njunih del, in sicer Nevilla Halla ter Črta Sojarja Voglarja.

    Zveneča imena in glasba Vas bodo tako spremljali vse leto. Prepričan sem, da nas boste z veseljem poslušali in nam naklonili pozornost in podporo z obiskom naših koncertov v Gallusovi dvorani Cankarjevega doma v Ljubljani.

    Orkester se pod vodstvom šefa dirigenta En Shaa razcveta in prav je, da ste v tem najboljšem času z njim. Tradicija je lahko spočeta ali pa se nadaljuje samo v Vaši navzočnosti. Ostanite še naprej z nami.

    Obilo užitkov Vam želimo!

    Boris RenerVodja OE Glasbeni programi in glasbena produkcija RTV Slovenija

    Spoštovane dame in gospodje, Dear Ladies and Gentlemen

    The new concert season of the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra lies before you. We have made efforts to ensure our programme is dy-namic, interesting and suitable for our audience and orchestra alike. Of exceptional importance for our work in the past, present and future is also the development of our cooperation with the KD Group, which will from now on be the general sponsor of the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra.

    With its generous help we are this year able to bring you exceptional artists, both Slovenian and foreign. The soprano Barbara Hendricks, the cellists Julian Lloyd Weber and Colin Carr, the famous violinist and conductor Gordan Nikolić and the world-renowned percussionist Evelyn Glennie. You will hear also the distinguished soloists of our orchestra: the concert master Benjamin Ziervogel, the clarinettist Jože Kotar, the trumpet player Matej Rihter and the double-bass player Zoran Marković. A special allure will be the whole-evening concert of Anja Bukovec. She will present works of Slovenian and foreign film music. The orchestra will perform under the baton of the chief conductor En Shao and other top conductors – Marko Letonja, Evan Christ, Walter Proost and Lorenzo Castriota Skender-beg. We are proud to announce that the sixth evening concert will be enriched by the visit of the legendary composer Rodion Shchedrin and his wife, the famous ballerina Maya Plisetskaya.

    The programme includes also some Slovenian musical works. We will pay a special tribute to Pavle Šivic, Uroš Krek and Lojze Lebič, while two young Slovenian composers will be honoured by first performances of their works, namely Nevill Hall and Črt Sojar Voglar.

    The eminent names and music will thus accom-pany you throughout the year. I'm sure you will enjoy listening to us and support us by attending our concerts in the Gallus Hall of the Cankarjev dom in Ljubljana.

    The orchestra has under the leadership of the chief conductor En Shao reached a new level of excellence, and you have the opportunity to wit-ness this. Our tradition cannot be born or carried on without your presence. So stay with us.

    I wish you many pleasures!

    Boris Rener

    En Shao, šef dirigent/chief conductor



    Četrtek, 18. september 2008 Thursday, September 18th 2008


    Dirigent/Conductor: En ShaoSolista/Soloists: Julian Lloyd Webber, violončelo/cello; Benjamin Ziervogel, violina/violin

    Četrtek, 26. marec 2009Thursday, March 26th 2009


    Dirigent/Conductor: En ShaoSolist/Soloist: Matej Rihter, trobenta/trumpet

    Četrtek, 16. oktober 2008Thursday, October 16th 2008


    Dirigent in solist/Conductor and soloist: Gordan Nikolić

    Četrtek, 23. april 2009Thursday, April 23rd 2009


    Dirigent/Conductor: Lorenzo Castriota SkanderbegSolist/Soloist: Zoran Marković, kontrabas/double bass

    Četrtek, 20. november 2008Thursday, November 20th 2008

    IN memorIAm UroŠ KreK

    Dirigent/Conductor: Marko LetonjaSolist/Soloist: Jože Kotar, klarinet/clarinet

    Četrtek, 14. maj 2009Thursday, May 14th 2009


    Dirigent/Conductor: Evan ChristSolistka/Soloist: Anja Bukovec, violina/violin

    Četrtek, 4. december 2008Thursday, December 4th 2008


    Dirigent/Conductor: En ShaoSolistka/Soloist: Evelyn Glennie, tolkala

    Četrtek, 11. junij 2009Thursday, June 11th 2009


    Dirigent/Conductor: En ShaoSolist/Soloist: Colin Carr, violončelo/cello

    Četrtek, 26. februar 2009Thursday, February 26th 2009

    BArBArA heNdrIcKs

    Dirigent/Conductor: Walter ProostSolistka/Soloist: Barbara Hendricks, sopran

    P. Šivic, A. Lloyd Webber, J. Suk R. Ščedrin

    L. van Beethoven C. A. Pizzini, N. Rota, Č. Sojar Voglar, O. Respighi

    U. Krek, R. Strauss, M. Ravel Filmska glasba

    L. Lebič, J. Macmillan, H. Berlioz D. Šostakovič

    N. Hall, R. Strauss, S. Barber, A. Copland, L. Bernstein

    1. 6.

    2. 7.

    3. 8.

    4. 9.


    Vpis od 9. do 13. junija in od 8. do 12. septembra v informacijskem središču Cankarjevega doma.

    Purchase from June, 9 to June, 13 and from September, 8 to September, 12 at the Cankarjev dom ticket office.


    1. Fantazija 1 PhantaSie 1

    Sezona 08/099

    Četrtek,18. september 2008

    Thursday, September 18th 2008

    Dirigent/Conductor: En Shao

    Solista/Soloists: Julian Lloyd Webber, violončelo/cello; Benjamin Ziervogel, violina/violin

    P. Šivic: Simfonija št. 3 Symphony No. 3

    A. Lloyd Webber: Fantazija za violino, violončelo in orkester Phantasia (Musical Fantasy for Violin, Cello and Orchestra)

    J. Suk: Poletna pravljica, simfonična pesnitev, op. 29 A Summer’s Tale, Op. 29

    Po tradiciji se koncertna sezona Simfoničnega orkestra RTV Slovenija začenja s slovenskim delom, uvodni koncert pa vodi šef dirigent orkestra.

    Letos praznujemo stoto obletnico rojstva skladatelja, pianista, zbo-rovodje, pedagoga in družbenega delavca Pavla Šivica (1908–1995), ene osrednjih osebnosti slovenske glasbe 20. stoletja. Izvedba njegove Tretje simfonije bo omogočila doživetje oblikovne urejenosti neoklasicizma, izpolnjene z duhovitimi, nepredvidljivimi modernističnimi vzorci – torej poetike, ki je odločilno zaznamovala slovensko glasbo 20. stoletja. Eden od solistov koncerta bo ugledni britanski virtuoz na violončelu Julian Lloyd Webber, brat še slavnejšega Andrewa Lloyda Webbra, avtorja musiclov Jesus Christ Superstar, Evita, Mačke in Fantom v operi (prav iz te zadnje uspešnice je Andrew Lloyd Webber izbral melo-

    The first concert of the season of the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra traditionally begins with a Slovenian work performed under the baton of the orchestra’s chief conductor. This year we celebrate the hundredth anniversa-ry of the birth of the composer, pianist, choirmaster, pedagogue and social activist Pavel Šivic (1908–1995), one of the central figures of 20th-century Slovenian music. The performance of his Symphony No. 3 offers an opportu-nity to experience the meticulous form characteristic of Neoclassicism, filled with witty, unpredictable modernist patterns – the poetics which decisively marked 20th-century Slovenian music. The soloists will be the renowned Brit-ish cello virtuoso Julian Lloyd Webber, brother of more famous Andrew Lloyd Webber, the author of the musicals Jesus Christ Superstar, Evita, Cats, and The Phantom of the Opera – from the latter Andrew Looyd Webber se-lected melodies for Phantasia. It will be performed, together with Julian Lloyd Webber, by the concert master of the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra Benjamin Ziervogel, who has already several times successfully appeared with our orchestra as a soloist. In the second part of the concert the orchestra will under the baton of En Shao perform A Summer’s Tale, the symphonic poem which is one of the most beautiful works by the Czech composer and violinist Josef Suk, who further developed the Dvorák school of composing and prepared Czech music for the 20th-century trends. The pro-gramme displays a certain continuity as Josef Suk was one of Šivic’s profes-sors at the Prague Conservatory.

    dije za Fantazijo za violino, violončelo in orkester), drugi pa bo koncertni mojster Simfoničnega orkestra RTV Slovenija Benjamin Ziervogel, ki je že večkrat izjemno uspešno nastopil z našim orkestrom tudi kot solist. V drugem delu koncerta bo dirigent En Shao z orkestrom izvedel simfonično pesnitev Poletna pravljica, eno najlepših del češkega skladatelja in violinista Josefa Suka, ki je nadgradil Dvoržakovo kompozicijsko šolo in prip-ravil češko glasbo na moderne tokove 20. stoletja. Spored povezuje rdeča nit: Josef Suk je bil na praškem konser-vatoriju namreč eden od profesorjev Pavla Šivica.

    J. L


    d W




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    in Z






    2. BeethovenSezona 08/09Četrtek, 16. oktober 2008

    Thursday, October 16th 2008

    Dirigent in solist/Conductor and soloist: Gordan Nikolić

    L. van Beethoven: Koncert za violino in orkester v D-duru, op. 61 Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D Major, Op. 61

    Simfonija št. 7 v A-duru, op. 92 Symphony No. 7 in A Major, Op. 92

    Koncert za violino in orkester v D-duru, op. 61, Ludwiga van Beethovna velja za eno najbolj poetičnih del literature za violino. Je izjemen plod apoliničnega navdiha, ki v vsakem od treh stavkov izpoje svojevrstni duhovni modus: svet romantičnega junaka in njegov notranji razvoj v strogi, a vendar v nasprotjih razprti sonatni obliki v prvem stavku, duhovna prostranstva transcendental-nega sveta v breztežni melodiji Lar-ghetta in radostno zemeljsko bivanje v rustikalno obarvanem sklepnem Rondoju. Po odprtosti življenju ter čaščenju ideala lepega in dobrega se tej stvaritvi v Beethovnovem opusu pridružuje iskriva Sedma simfonija, poveličanje ritmičnega elementa, z drugim stavkom pa tudi tudi ena naj-bolj doživetih glasbenih vizij človekove minljivosti, ki jo ozarja pretresenost nad lepoto življenja. Kot solist in dirigent se bo predstavil violinist Gordan Nikolić, eden najuglednejših glasbenikov naše generacije. Nikolić je zmagovalec med-narodnih tekmovanj violinistov Tiborja Varge, Niccoloja Paganinija, Vaclava Hummla in mesta Brescia. Kot solist koncertira po vsem svetu, vodil pa je tudi več uglednih komornih ansamblov. Sedaj je koncertni mojster Londonske-ga simfoničnega orkestra, profesor za

    komorno igro na uglednem london-skem Kraljevem kolidžu za glasbo in na Guildhal School of Music ter umetniški vodja Nizozemskega komornega orkestra. Nastopa z največjimi orkestri in sodeluje z najuglednejšimi dirigenti in solisti, kot so Andre Previn, Bernard Haitink, Maria Joao Pires, Mihail Ple-tnjov in Emmanuel Ax. Gordan Nikolić igra na dragoceno violino Lorenza Storionija iz leta 1794.

    10 11

    Concerto for Violin and Orchestra in D Major, Op. 61 by Ludwig van Beethoven is considered one of the most soul-stirring and poetic works of violin literature, the unique moment of Apollonian inspiration, which in each of its three sentences sings out a peculiar spiritual state: the world of a romantic hero and his inner development in the strict sonata form divided by opposites in the first sentence, spiritual horizons of transcendental world in the weight-less melody of the Larghetto, and joy of living in the rustically tinged conclud-ing Rondo. The work which comes close to such openness toward life and reverence for the ideal of beauty and goodness is his vivid seventh symphony – the extolment of rhythmic element, whose second sentence is also one of the most convincing musical visions of man’s mortality, ac-companied by the awe of life’s beauty. The violinist Gordan Nikolić, one of

    the most renowned musicians of our generation, will perform as a soloist and conductor. Nikolić is a winner of the international violinist competitions Tibor Varga, Niccolo Paganini, Citta di Brescia and Vaclav Hummel. As a soloist he gives concerts the world over, he has also led several renowned chamber ensembles. Currently, he is concert master in the London Sym-phony Orchestra, professor of cham-ber music at the prestigious Royal College of Music in London and at the Guildhal School of Music & Drama, he is also the artistic leader of the Dutch Chamber Orchestra. He performs with the greatest orchestras of the world and cooperates with conductors and soloists like Andre Previn, Bernard Haitink, Maria Joao Pires, Mihail Pletniev and Emmanuel Ax. Gordan Nikolić plays a precious violin made by Lorenzo Storioni in 1794.



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    3. in memoriam Uroš KreKSezona 08/09Četrtek, 20. november 2008

    Thursday, November 20th 2008

    Dirigent/Conductor: Marko Letonja

    Solist/Soloist: Jože Kotar, klarinet/clarinet

    U. Krek: SimfoniettaKoncertna fantazija za klarinet in orkester SimfoniettaConcert Fantasia for Clarinet and Orchestra

    R. Strauss: Kavalir z rožo - suita The Cavalier with a Flower - suite

    M. Ravel: La Valse

    Z uvodno skladbo se bosta Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija in dirigent Marko Letonja, ki zaradi uspešne kari-ere v tujini le še redko zaide na naše koncertne odre, poklonila spominu pravkar umrlega skladatelja Uroša Kreka (1922–2008), ene najuglednejše osebnosti slovenske glasbe povojnega obdobja. Krek je bil učenec Lucijana Marije Škerjanca na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani, pod vplivom klasikov glasbe 20. stoletja pa si je izoblikoval osebni slog, ki ga poleg prečiščene neoklasicistične estetike zaznamuje tudi živa vez z bogastvom ljudske glasbe. Njegova Simfonietta iz leta 1951 je ob jasni in strogi oblikovni zasnovi odprto in komunikativno delo, polno radoživega muzikantstva, zaradi česar je bila mnogokrat izvajana tako v nekdanji Jugoslaviji kot v tujini. Kon-certno fantazijo za klarinet in orkester bo izvedel Jože Kotar, eden naših najuspešnejših klarinetistov, profesor na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani, ki v

    zadnjem času vodi sekcijo klarinetov v Simfoničnem orkestru RTV Slovenija. V drugem delu koncerta nam bo dirigent Marko Letonja razkril dva pogleda na kulturo valčka: spevno in galantno suito po operi Kavalir z rožo poznega romantika Richarda Straussa in sug-estivni poseg v samo bistvo te plesne oblike, ki ga je z mojstrskim navdihom opravil Maurice Ravel s svojo bleščečo skladbo La Valse.

    12 13

    With the first composition the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra and the conductor Marko Letonja, who due to his successful international career now rarely appears on Slovenian stages, will pay their respects to the recently deceased composer Uroš Krek (1922 – 2008), one of the most renowned personalities of Slovenian music after the Second World War. Krek studied under Lucijan Marija Škerjanc at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, under the influence of the 20th-century classics he developed his distinct style marked by refined neo-classicist aesthetics and organic connection with the richness of folk music. His Sinfo-nietta from 1951 has clear and strict form and is at the same time an open and communicative work, full of merry music-making – that is why it had been often performed in the former Yugo-slavia as well as abroad. The Concert

    Fantasia for Clarinet and Orchestra will be performed by Jože Kotar, one of our most successful clarinettists, pro-fessor at the Academy of Music in Lju-bljana, who is now leading the clarinet section of the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra. In the second part of the concert the conductor Marko Letonja will present two views on waltz culture: the melodic and elegant suite from the opera The Cavalier with a Flower by the late-Romantic Richard Strauss, and the suggestive intervention into the very essence of this dance form which was accomplished with master-ful inspiration by Maurice Ravel in his brilliant composition La Valse.



    o L







    4. Fantazija 2PhantaSie 2

    Sezona 08/0915

    Četrtek, 4. december 2008

    Thursday, December 4th 2008

    Dirigent/Conductor: En Shao

    Solistka/Soloist: Evelyn Glennie, tolkala

    L. Lebič: Archifonija

    J. Macmillan: Veni, veni Emmanuel

    H. Berlioz: Fantastična simfonija, op. 14 Symphonie Fantastique, Op. 14

    Lojze Lebič (rojen na Prevaljah leta 1936) je eden velikanov sodobne slovenske glasbe, skladatelj, ki nikoli ni iskal drugačnosti zaradi drugačnosti in do potankosti obvlada odtenke orkestrskega zvoka. Njegova Archifo-nia s podnaslovom Preludij za godala iz leta 2005, hotena raziskava godal-nega zvoka, po besedah kritika »ne išče stika z občinstvom za vsako ceno, temveč žari v svoji lastni lepoti in poti«. V svetovni glasbeni uspešnici Veni, veni Emmanuel sodobnega škotskega skladatelja Jamesa Macmillana, ki si za svoja dela pogosto izbira ver-sko obarvane naslove, bo nastopila Evelyn Glennie, karizmatična britanska tolkalka, skladateljica in publicistka. Evelyn Glennie je dobitnica treh nagrad Grammy in glasbenica, ki presega okvire klasične glasbe, saj sodeluje tudi s številnimi umetniki iz sveta popularne glasbe, kot so Björk, Bobby McFerrin in Sting. Evelyn Glennie dojema ritem dobesedno s celim telesom; z never-jetno življenjsko energijo in predanostjo glasbi je premagala skoraj popolno okvaro sluha, ki bi sicer onemogočila slehernega glasbenika. V svojem družbenem delovanju se zavzema

    predvsem za enakost prizadetih oseb in dostopnost glasbene izobrazbe vsem mladim.

    Francoski skladatelj Hector Berlioz je leta 1829 s Fantastično simfonijo post-avil merilo za zvočnost romantičnega orkestra. Ta vznemirljiva skladba, posvečena skladateljevi veliki ljubezni, irski igralki Harriet Smithson, je ob prvi izvedbi leta 1830 doživela viharen uspeh in takrat do joka ganila velikega Niccoloja Paganinija, danes pa velja za prav poseben preizkus iskrivosti in tehnične pripravljenosti vsakega simfoničnega orkestra.

    Lojze Lebič (born at Prevalje in 1936) is one of the giants of modern Slovenian music, a composer who has never sought to be different for the sake of difference and who thoroughly masters shades of orchestral sound. His Archifonia from 2005, subtitled Prelude for Strings, is a deliberate exploration of string sound, as a critic put it: »It does not seek to establish contact with the audience at any cost, but shines in its own beauty and man-ner«. The world famous composition Veni, veni Emmanuel by the Scottish composer James Macmillan, who often titles his works so as to evoke religious sentiments, will be performed by Evelyn Glennie, the charismatic British percussionist, composer and publicist. Evelyn Glennie has won three Grammies and surpasses the form of classical music as she cooperates also with many artists from the field of

    popular music, such as Björk, Bobby McFerrin and Sting. Evelyn Glennie experiences rhythm literally with her whole body; with her unbelievable vigour and dedication to music she overcame almost total deafness, which would disable any performer of music. She advocates emancipation of the handicapped and access to musical education for all young people. The French composer Hector Berlioz in 1829 set the standard for sonority of a romantic orchestra with Symphonie Fantastique. This exciting composition, dedicated to his great love, the Irish actress Harriet Smithson, became im-mensely successful already with its first performance in 1830, when it moved the great Niccolo Paganini to tears. Today it is considered a very special test of vitality and technical skills of every symphony orchestra.



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    5. BarBara hendricKSSezona 08/0917

    26. februar 2009

    Thursday, February 26th 2009

    Dirigent/Conductor: Walter Proost

    Solistka/Soloist: Barbara Hendricks, sopran

    N. Hall: Luščenje mehke črne vode, prva izvedba Flaking the black soft water, first per-formance

    R. Strauss: Štiri zadnje pesmi Four Last Songs

    S. Barber: Esej za orkester št. 1, op. 12Essay for Orchestra No. 1, Op. 12

    A. Copland: El Salon Mexico

    L. Bernstein: Divertimento za orkesterDivertimento for Orchestra

    V Sloveniji živeči novozelandski skladatelj Neville Hall se je uveljavil leta 2001, ko je bila njegova skladba izbrana med deset najuspešnejših kompozicij mednarodnega foruma sodobnih skladateljev Rostrum, ki ga vsako leto prireja Evropska zveza radijskih postaj. Tokrat bo izvedena njegova najnovejša skladba, za katero je našel navdih v poeziji znamenitega ameriškega pesnika Ezre Pounda. Solistka koncerta bo ameriška sopranistka Barbara Hendricks. Ta znamenita pevka je dosegla vse, kar izvajalec lahko doseže: pela je v največjih opernih hišah in sodelovala z največjimi glasbenimi umetniškimi imeni našega časa, interpretira pa tako klasično glasbo kot jazz. Izvedla bo Štiri zadnje pesmi, skrivnostno, s slut-njo onstranstva prežarjeno zadnje delo

    Richarda Straussa po besedilih Her-mana Hesseja in Josefa Eichendorffa. Maestro Proost, ki je sicer reden gost našega orkestra že od leta 1998, je bil nekoč asistent L. Bernsteina pri Newyorški filharmoniji in ima posebno afiniteto do ameriške glasbe. V drugem delu koncerta bomo v njegovi inter-pretaciji slišali vrsto klasičnih ameriških skladb: Esej za orkester Samuela Barberja, učinkoviti El Salon Mexico, poln iskrivih španskoameriških ritmov in bleščeči Divertimento za orkester, ki ga je Leonard Bernstein leta 1980 napisal ob 100. obletnici bostonskega simfoničnega orkestra.

    Neville Hall, the New Zealand com-poser who lives in Slovenia and made a breakthrough in 2001 at the International Rostrum of Composers, which is every year organised by the International Music Council, when his composition was among the ten most successful. This time the orchestra will perform his latest composition, the inspiration for which was the poetry of the famous American poet Ezra Pound. The solo will be sung by Barbara Hendricks, an American so-prano. This famous singer has reached everything a performer can: she has sung in the greatest opera houses and cooperated with the greatest names in modern music. She sings both clas-sical and jazz music. She will perform Four Last Songs, Richard Strauss’ last work, which is based on the poems by Herman Hesse and Josef Eichendorff – the mysterious work illuminated by a premonition of the beyond. Maestro Proost, who has been a regular guest of our orchestra since 1998, used to be an assistant of L. Bernstein in the New York Philharmonic and has a particular affinity toward American music. In the second part of the con-cert we will hear his interpretation of a series of classical American composi-tions: Essay for Orchestra by Samuel Barber, the efficient El Salon Mexico, full of sparking Latino rhythms and the brilliant Divertimento for Orchestra, which Leonard Bernstein wrote in 1980 on the occasion of the hundredth anniversary of the Boston Symphony Orchestra.




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    6. ščedrinShchedrin

    Sezona 08/0919

    Četrtek, 26. marec 2009

    Thursday, March 26th 2009

    Dirigent/Conductor: En Shao

    Solist/Soloist: Matej Rihter, trobenta/ trumpet

    R. Ščedrin: Dialogi s ŠostakovičemKoncert za trobento in orkesterSerenada LolitaDialogues with Shostakovich Concert for trumpet and orchestra Lolita (serenade)

    Častna gosta/ Guests of honour: Rodion Ščedrin, Maja Plisecka

    Koncert bosta s svojo navzočnostjo počastila skladatelj Rodion Ščedrin in Maja Plisecka. Navzočnost uglednih gostov sta omogočila pianist Konstantin Bogino in Ars management & izobraževanje mag. Aleksandre Alavanja Drucker s. p.

    The composer Rodion Shchedrin (born in 1932 in Moscow) is considered the greatest living Russian composer. He became famous early in life with his richly orchestrated works, which were designed within the prescribed limits of Soviet poetics and often included melodic elements of folk music, later he also applied aleatoric and serial compositional procedures. He became world-famous with the ballets like The Little Hump-Backed Horse and Carmen, which he wrote for his wife, the famous ballerina Maya Plisets-kaya. We will be listening to some Shchedrin’s compositions which have not been presented to our audience: Dialogues with Shos-takovich (2001) are Shchedrin’s artistic confrontation with his great predecessor who headed the Union of Soviet Composers, the solo in the Concert for trumpet and orchestra (written in 1993) will be performed by Matej Rihter, the first trumpet player of the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra. The serenade Lolita is an excerpt from Shchedrin’s opera Lolita (1992), based on the controversial novel by Vladimir Nabokov.

    Vpis od 9. do 13. junija in od 8. do 12. septembra v informacijskem središču Cankarjevega doma.

    Purchase from June, 9 to June, 13 and from September, 8 to September, 12 at the Cankarjev dom ticket office.

    Ruski skladatelj Rodion Konstantinovič Ščedrin (rojen leta 1932 v Moskvi) velja za največjega še živečega ruskega skladatelja. Že zgodaj je zaslovel s svojimi bogato orkestriranimi, sicer v pred-pisanih okvirih sovjetske poetike zasnovanimi deli.V marsikatero je vtkal melodične vložke ljudske glasbe, pozneje pa je uporabljal tudi aleatorične in serialne kompozicijske postopke. Po svetu je zaslovel z baleti, ki jih je napisal za svojo ženo, slovito balerino Majo Plisecko (na primer baleti Konjiček grbavček, Carmen in Ana Karenina). Tokrat bomo slišali Ščedrinova dela, ki našemu občinstvu še niso bila predstavljena. Dialogi s Šostakovičem (2001) so njegovo umetniško soočenje z velikim predhodnikom na čelu Zveze sovjetskih skladateljev Dmitrijem Šostakovičem. V koncertu za trobento in orkester (nastal leta 1993) se bo kot solist predstavil solo trobentač Simfoničnega orkestra RTV Slovenija Matej Rihter. Serenada Lolita je odlomek iz Ščedrinove opere Lolita (1992), nastale po znamenitem romanu Vladimirja Nabokova.






    Ja P






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    Koncert bo neposredno prenašala Evropska zveza

    radijskih postaj.

  • after the Second World War an impor-tant figure of Italian musical life. The impressive sights of the Postojna Cave in 1941 inspired this student and suc-cessor of Ottorino Respighi, who was a representative of eclecticism in 20th-century Italian music (unlike the revolu-tionaries and researchers Dallapiccola, Nono, Berio, Petrassi and Scelsi), to write symphonic variations Le grotte di Postumia. The new work by Črt Sojar Voglar, a Slovenian composer of the younger generation, was last year the winning composition of the orchestral competition of the RTV Slovenia.

    The concert will be concluded by the performance of the famous composi-tion The Pines of Rome, one of the most successful symphonic poems by Ottorino Respighi, the most important creator of Italian symphonic music in the first half of the 20th century.


    7. imPreSija imPreSSion

    Sezona 08/0921

    Četrtek, 23. april 2009

    Thursday, April 23rd 2009

    Dirigent/Conductor: Lorenzo Castriota Skanderbeg

    Solist/Soloist: Zoran Marković, kontrabas/double bass

    C. A. Pizzini: Postojnska jama (Grotte di Postumia) The Postojna Cave (Le grotte di Pos-tumia)

    N. Rota: Divertimento za kontrabas in orkesterDivertimento for Double Bass and Orchestra

    Č. Sojar Voglar: Simfonija 2008, prva izvedbaSymphony 2008, first performance

    O. Respighi: Rimske pinijeThe Pines of Rome

    Spored prinaša glasbo treh italijanskih skladateljev 20. stoletja. Nino Rota je sicer bolj znan kot avtor glasbe za več kot sto filmov, tudi za kultnega Botra in Fellinijevi mojstrovini Cesta in 8 ½, napisal pa je tudi več kot sto instrumentalnih del. Divertimento za kontrabas in orkester je ena najbolj priljubljenih solističnih skladb za ta, do moderne dobe zapostavljani, a za simfonični in jazzovski orkester nepogrešljivi inštrument. Kot solist bo nastopil kontrabasist Zoran Marković, dolga leta solist Orkestra Slovenske filharmonije in profesor na Akademiji za glasbo v Ljubljani, ki v zadnjem času sodeluje s Simfoničnim orkestrom RTV Slovenija.

    Carlo Alberto Pizzini (1905–1981) je bil tako obdobju med vojnama kot

    po drugi svetovni vojni pomembna osebnost v italijanskem glasbenem življenju. Leta 1941 so tega učenca in naslednika Ottorina Respighija ter zas-topnika eklekticizma v italijanski glasbi 20. stoletja (v nasprotju z revolucionarji in raziskovalci Dallapiccolo, Nonom, Beriem, Petrassijem in Scelsijem) navdihnile lepote Postonjske jame in nastale so simfonične variacije Poston-jska jama (La grotte di Postumia).

    Simfonija 2008, novo delo slovenskega skladatelja mlajše generacije Črta So-jarja, je bila najbolje ocenjena skladba na natečaju, ki ga je lani razpisala RTV Slovenija.

    Koncert bo sklenila izvedba slavnih Rimskih pinij, ene najbolj uspelih simfoničnih pesnitev Ottorina Respighi-ja, najpomembnejšega ustvarjalca italijanske simfonične glasbe v prvi polovici 20. stoletja.

    The programme consists of music by three 20th-century Italian compos-ers. Nino Rota is known primarily as the author of music for more than a hundred films, among them are the cult film Godfather and Fellini’s mas-terpieces The Road and 8 ½, he also wrote more than a hundred instru-mental works. Divertimento for Double Bass and Orchestra is one of the most popular solo compositions for the instrument which had been neglected until modern times, but then proved indispensable for symphony and jazz orchestras. The solo will be performed by the double bass player Zoran Marković, who has been for many years a soloist in the Slovenian Philhar-monic Orchestra and professor at the Academy of Music in Ljubljana, lately he has been cooperating also with the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra. Carlo Alberto Pizzini (1905-1981) was in the period between the wars and



    Zo c



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    8. Fantazija 3 PhantaSie 3

    Četrtek, 14. maj 2009

    Thursday, May 14th 2009

    Dirigent/Conductor: Evan Christ

    Solistka/Soloist: Anja Bukovec, violina/violin

    Filmska glasba / Film music

    Koncerti filmske glasbe so že vrsto let stalnica v sezonah Simfoničnega orkestra RTV Slovenija. Tokrat se bo z novim projektom predstavila naša violinistka Anja Bukovec, ki na svojih nastopih virtuoznost in ognjevito muzi-kalnost združuje z neubranljivo žensko očarljivostjo. Z njo bomo zaplavali v svet Čarovnic iz Eastwicka, v noro življenje Adamsove družine in otožno razpoloženje Schindlerjevega seznama ter znova prisluhnili ljubim napevom iz slovenskih filmov Ples v dežju, Vesna, Ko zorijo jagode ... Koncert bo vodil mladi ameriški dirigent Evan Christ, nagrajenec nemškega tekmovanja dirigentov in eden iz peščice mladih dirigentov, katerih kariero podpira Nemška zveza dirigentov. Jeseni bo prevzel umetniško vodenje opere v Bad Homburgu.

    Concerts of film music have been for many years a regular feature in the seasons of the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra. This time our violinist Anja Bukovec, who in her performances combines virtuosity and irresistible feminine charm with fiery musicality, will present a new project. She will take us to the world of The Witches of Eastwick, into the crazy life of Addams Family and the melancholic atmosphere of Schindler’s List; we will again listen to all our favourite songs from the Slovenian films Dancing in the Rain, Vesna, When Strawberries Ripen ...

    The concert will be conducted by the young American conductor Evan Christ, an award-winner of the Com-petition of the German Composers’ Association and one of the few young conductors, whose career is promoted by the German Composers Associa-tion. In Autumn he is taking over the artistic leadership of the opera house in Bad Homburg.

    Ste na točki, ko potrebujete dober fi nančni nasvet?V KD Finančni točki lahko:• pristopite k različnim vzajemnim skladom, • izbirate med življenjskimi zavarovanji zavarovalnice KD Življenje,• dopolnilnimi in nadstandardnimi zdravstvenimi zavarovanji

    Adriatic Slovenice,• sklenete najnovejšo Fondpolico Dirigent ter naložbeni načrt KD Družina

    in KD Pokojnina,• posvet s svetovalcem naročite tudi na dom.

    KD F




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    9. šoStaKovič ShoStaKovich

    Sezona 08/0925

    Četrtek, 11. junij 2009

    Thursday, June 11th 2009

    Dirigent/Conductor: En Shao

    Solist/Soloist: Colin Carr, violončelo/cello

    D. Šostakovič: Slavnostna uvertura v A-duru, op. 96Koncert za violončelo št. 1 v Es-duru, op. 107 Simfonija št. 15 v A-duru, op. 14Festive Overture in A Major, Op. 96Cello Concerto No. 1 in E Flat Major, Op. 107 Symphony No. 15 in A Major, Op. 141

    Zadnji koncert abonmajskega cikla Simfoničnega orkestra RTV Slovenija predstavlja tri skladateljske drže Dmitri-ja Šostakoviča (1906–1975). Ta velikan glasbe 20. stoletja je skladal z lahkoto, čeprav ga pri ustvarjanju navadno niso vodila lahkotna občutja. Kot eden vodilnih sovjetskih skladateljev je moral pomemben del svojih moči posvetiti agitpropovski glasbi – ustvaril je vrsto filmskih partitur, koračnic in himničnih spevov. Njihov naročeni optimizem pa je v svojih resnejših delih ironično preoblikoval v nekakšno ezopovsko dvoumno govorico, ki jo velikokrat zasenči globoka tragika. Bleščečo, virtuozno Slavnostno uverturo, op. 96, je dobesedno vrgel na papir – nastala je namreč v dobri uri nekega jesen-skega dne leta 1954, ko ga je prijatelj, intendant Bolšoj teatra, prosil, naj mu priskrbi slavnostno skladbo za oblet-nico oktobrske revolucije.

    Prvi koncert za violončelo in orkester iz leta 1959 je Šostakovič posvetil Mstislavu Rostropoviču. Za koncert je značilno trpko občutje, ki ga je

    v skladatelju zapustilo dolgo ob-dobje stalinistične diktature – o njem pričajo žalobni motiv z začetnicami njegovega imena v nemškem zapisu D-Es-C-H, citat iz Trepaka, prvega iz Pesmi in plesov smrti Musorgskega, ter ironično preoblikovani motiv iz Stalinove najljubše pesmi Suliko. Koncert bo izvedel ugledni angleški violončelist Colin Carr, zmagovalec mednarodnega tekmovanja v Naum-burgu in tekmovanja v spomin na Gregorja Pjatigorskega. Carr nastopa z orkestri, kot so Concertgebouw iz Amsterdama, Čikaška in Losangeleška filharmonija, ter z znamenitimi dirigenti, tako s Charlesom Dutoitom, Nevil-lom Marrinerjem, Valerijem Gergijevom in Simonom Rattlom. Koncertni cikel bo sklenila interpretacija zadnje, 15. Šostakovičeve simfonije (1971). V to mojstrsko orkestrirano, pred časom “postmoderno” delo je skladatelj vtkal najrazličnejše glasbene citate – tako iz Rossinijevega Viljema Tella kot iz Wagnerjevega Nibelunškega prstana, pri tem pa je s prefinjeno samoironijo uporabil tudi glasbene misli iz svojih dotedanjih del.

    The last of the subscription concerts by the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra presents three composi-tional attitudes of Dmitri Shostakovich (1906–1975). This giant of 20th-century music was composing with ease, though the sentiments from which he drew inspiration were usually not easy. As one of the leading Soviet composers, he had to devote much of his efforts to agitprop music – he made a number of film scores, marches and hymnic songs, in his more serious works he ironically transformed their commissioned optimism into a kind of

    Aesopian, ambiguous speech, often shadowed by deep tragedy. The bril-liant, virtuosic Festive Overture, Op. 96 took him a little more than an hour one autumn day in 1954, after a friend of his, the manager of the Bolshoi Theatre, asked him to provide a festive composition for the anniversary of the October Revolution. Shostakovich dedicated his first cello concerto from 1959 to Mstislav Rostropovich. The concerto emanates the bitterness the composer felt due to the long era of Stalinist dictatorship – testified by the murky musical motif DSCH represent-ing his name, the quote form Trepak, the first of Songs and Dances of Death by Mussorgsky, and the ironically transformed motif from Suliko – Stalin’s favourite song. The concert will be performed by the renowned English cellist Colin Carr, a winner of the Naumburg International Competition and the Gregor Piatigorsky Memo-rial Award. Carr performs solo with orchestras like the Royal Concertge-bouw Orchestra, the Chicago and Los Angeles Philharmonics, and with con-ductors like Dutoit, Marriner, Gergiev and Rattle. The concert cycle will be concluded by En Shao’s interpretation of Shostakovich’s last symphony – the Symphony No. 15 (1971). Into this masterfully orchestrated work, which was “postmodern” before its time, the composer included various musical quotes – from Rossini’s William Tell to Wagner’s destiny theme from The Ring of the Nibelung – and also applied musical thoughts from his earlier works with refined self-irony.


    Lin c




    Koncertna Sezona 2008–2009

    vpis abonmajaSpomladanski vpis bo potekal od po-nedeljka, 9., do petka, 13. junija, vsak dan od 11.00 do 13.00 in od 15.00 do 19.00 pri blagajni Cankarjevega doma.

    Jesenski vpis bo potekal od pone-deljka, 8. septembra, do petka, 12. septembra, vsak dan od 11.00 do 13.00 in od 15.00 do 19.00 pri blagajni Cankarjevega doma.

    Starim abonentom, ki bodo podaljšali abonma v tem terminu, žal ne moremo jamčiti, da bodo lahko obdržali stari sedež.

    preprost nakup

    Abonma lahko kupite pri blagajni Cankarjevega doma ali po telefonu s plačilnimi karticami NLB, Eurocard, Visa, Diners ali American Express.

    Pokličite brezplačno telefonsko številko 080 81 99. Med vpisovanjem abonma-ja se Vam bomo oglašali vsak dan od 11.00 do 13.00 in od 15.00 do 19.00.

    plačilo na obroke

    Plačilo na obroke omogočamo samo v okviru spomladanskega vpisa. S kreditno kartico lahko abonma plačate v štirih obrokih: prvega ob vpisu, preostale tri pa z mesečnim zamikom. Pri plačilu z gotovino obročno odplače-vanje ni mogoče.

    Zavarovancem KD Življenje omogo-čamo 13-odstotni popust za sedeže na prvi in drugi kategoriji. Popusta ne priznamo ob nakupu dijaških, študent-skih in upokojenskih abonmajev. Ob nakupu abonmaja priložite dokazilo o sklenjenem zavarovanju.

    cene abonmaja 9 abonmajskih koncertov

    Prostor Cena Upokojenci, dijaki, študenti

    1. 121 EUR

    2. 97 EUR 53 EUR

    3. 73 EUR 39 EUR

    ***Število abonmajev s popusti za dijake, študente in upokojence je omejeno.

    ***Abonmajske vstopnice niso prenosljive.

    cene vstopnic za posamezne koncerte simfoničnega orkestra rTv slovenija v Gallusovi dvora-ni cankarjevega doma Ticket prices for the rTv slovenia symphony orchestra concerts

    1. 18 EUR

    2. 14 EUR

    3. 10 EUR

    4. 8 EUR Upok., štud. 6 EUR

    cene vstopnic za 1., 4., 5. in 8. abonmajski koncert (18. septembra, 4. decembra, 26. februarja in 14. maja)

    1. 30 EUR

    2. 24 EUR

    3. 18 EUR

    4. 12 EUR Upok., štud. 10 EUR

    prodaja vstopnicInformacijsko središče Cankarjeve-ga doma (Tel: 01 24 17 299, 01 24 17 300), odprto od 11. do 13. in od 15. do 20. ure, ob sobotah od 11. do 13. ure in uro pred začetkom prireditev. Imetniki kartic (NLB, Eurocard, Visa, Diners, American Express) lahko vstopnice kupite po telefonu.

    Ticket sales: Ticket for the concerts at the Gallus Hall, Cankarjev dom, can be purchased at the CD Information Centre (Phone: 01 24 17 299, 01 24 17 300). Open weekdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. and from 3 p.m. to 8 p.m., Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., and hour before the performance. Credit cards are welcome (NLB, Eurocard, Visa, Diners, American Express). Ticket can be purchased by telephone.

    Vse dodatne informacije o nakupu abonmaja vam z veseljem posre-dujemo v Glasbeni produkciji RTV Slovenija po telefonu 01 475 24 69 ali 01 475 24 70; e-pošta: [email protected]

    RTV Slovenija si pridržuje pravico do sprememb v programu. The programme is subject to alteration.

    Gallusova dvorana Parter

    Prvi balkon

    Drugi balkon

  • Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija je bil ustanovljen leta 1955. Vodili so ga dirigenti Uroš Prevoršek (1955-1966), Samo Hubad (1966-1980), Stanislav Macura (1980-1981), Anton Nanut (1981-1998), Lior Shambadal (2000-2003) in David de Villiers (2003-2006). S koncerti po državi in tujini si je že kmalu prido-bil izjemen ugled, v letih 1984-1985 je dobil odlične kritike tudi v Združenih državah Amerike. Temeljna dejavnost orkestra so koncertna snemanja. Izvaja obsežen in raznovrsten repertoar, od baročne do moderne simfonične glasbe, oper, oratorijev

    in kantat, scenske in filmske glasbe, po večini s poudarkom na ustvarjalnosti domačih skladateljev. Za najboljše poustvaritve domačih skladb je dobil številna visoka priznanja. Čeprav je večino posnetkov orkestra slišati na vseh radijskih in TV-programih, sta njegova domača in mednarodna diskografija izjemno obsežni (več kot 150 zgoščenk). Septembra 2006 je mesto šefa dirigenta prevzel odlični kitajski dirigent En Shao. Orkester je v zadnjih sezonah največ pozornosti zbudil z dirigenti in solisti, kot so: Ralf Weikert, Walter Proost, Sian Edwards, Angela Georghiu, Roberto Alagna, Marcello Alvarez, Giora Feidman, Dmitri Sitkovecki, Miša Majsky, Stefan Milenković, Emanuelle Bertrand, Aldo Ciccolini, Radu Lupu in Ivo Pogorelić.V zadnjem času ga je širše občinstvo spoznalo s t. i. »crossover« projekti – v povezavi klasične glasbe z drugimi glasbenimi zvrstmi. Ob tem tudi stalno gostuje po vsej Evropi. V zadnjih sezonah je Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija z velikim uspehom nastopil na več koncertih v sloviti amsterdamski dvorani Concertgebouw. Poleg tega se je predstavil še na festivalu Nomus v Novem Sadu, Svetovnih glasbenih dnevih v Zagrebu, na luganskem festivalu, na Mahlerjevih tednih v Toblachu ter na festivalu Bemus v Beogradu.

    RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra was founded in 1955. The orchestra soon achieved a considerable success by touring extensively throughout Slovenia and abroad; in the years between 1984 and 1985 it performed to great critical acclaim in the USA. The main activity of the orchestra is concert recording. It performs a vast and diverse repertoire, ranging from baroque to modern symphonic music, from operatic music to oratorios and cantatas, from incidental music to film soundtracks, always giving a special emphasis to the creativity of Slovenian composers. The or-chestra has been awarded many prizes for the best performances of new Slovenian compositions. The majority of its recordings can be heard regularly at all radio and TV programmes in Slovenia, while its domestic and foreign discography is quite extensive (more than 150 CDs). The orchestra regularly tours throughout Europe. The orchestra was led by the conductors Uroš Prevoršek (1955-1966), Samo Hubad (1966-1980), Stanislav Macura (1980-1981), Anton Nanut (1981-1998), Lior Shambadal (2000-2003) and David de Villiers (2003-2006). In September 2006 excellent Chinese conductor En Shao became the chief conductor. The attention the orchestra attracted in the past few seasons was due mainly to the conductors and soloists, such as: En Shao, Ralf Weikert, Walter Proost, Sian Edwards, Ros-sen Milanov, Angela Gheorghiu, Roberto Alagna, Marcelo Alvarez, Giora Feidman, Dmitri Sitkovetsky, Mischa Maisky, Stefan Milenkovich, Emanuelle Bertrand, Mate Bekavac, Aldo Ciccolini, Radu Lupu, and Ivo Pogorelić. The orchestra has recently become known to the wider audience through the so-called “crossover” projects, in which it combined classical music with other musical genres. In the last few seasons the orchestra performed at Music Festival Nomus in Novi Sad, the World Music Days in Zagreb, Festival of Lugano, Festival Gustav Mahler Wochen in Toblach, Belgrade Music Festival (Bemus) and at several concerts in the famous hall Concert-gebouw in Amsterdam.

    Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija / The RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra


    En Shao


    Benjamin ZiervogelVasilij Meljnikov


    Marko Fabiani, namestnik konc. mojstra

    Ols CinxoJelka Glavnik BerakSonja TrampevskaMarija NaveršnikSilva KatavićMilko JurečičViktorija Zimšek BerčonTina KrajnikMajda Petrič FacchinettiNina SmejKristupas Keller


    Mojca Menoni Sikur*Ivan Pejić*Alenka Fabiani MulejTjaša SpasićMaja Burger SiličLucija KreuhAndreja ŠkrbecAndrej KopačBrina ZupančičNastja Cajhen


    Katja Krajnik*Alexandre Razera*Yasumichi Iwaki**Tamara TasevMatjaž SekneValentina PasarićDragan RadonićViktor PlestenjakWolfram Wobak


    Igor Mitrović*Stanislav Demšar*Milan Hudnik**Primož Zalaznik**Gregor FeleTomaž SeverTanja Babnik-ŠoštaričUršula Ivanuš


    Zoran Marković*Iztok Hrastnik*Boris Šmon**Davorin KastelecMatjaž ZorkoDamir Rasiewicz


    Matej Zupan*Milena Lipovšek*Brina KafolAnamarija Tomac Krečič


    Jurij Hladnik*Jože Kotar*Bernard BelinaMatevž MercinaAljaž Beguš


    Maja Marija Kojc*Irmgard Anderl Krajter*Miran Bolha


    Damir Huljev*Aleksandar Ranisavljev* Stanko Koren


    Boštjan Lipovšek*Jože Kocjančič*Franci LipovšekGregor DvorjakEdi Pištan


    Matej Rihter*Stanko Praprotnik*Peter Jevšnikar


    Uroš Polanc*Mihael Šuler**Matej KrajterOtmar Senegačnik TUBATUBE

    Damjan Jureš



    Alojz Gradišek*Marko JuvanJernej Šurbek


    Sofia Ristic*


    Žiga Stanič


    Neža Ogrizek


    Ladislav MazovecMilko Silič

    Člani Simfoničnega orkestra RTV Slovenija / Members of the RTV Slovenia Symphony Orchestra

    * solist** namestnik solista

  • Simfonični orkester RTV Slovenija, sezona 2008/2009Izdala Glasbena produkcija RTV Slovenija, Kolodvorska 2, 1550 Ljubljana,zanjo Boris Rener, besedilo Matej Venier, prevod Primož Trobevšek, oblikovanje Pristop,naklada 4000 izvodov.Ljubljana, junij 2008
