The Story of a Sleep Disorder

Sexsomnia sleep disorder solution

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The Story of a Sleep Disorder

BackgroundAishling O’Brien is a 39 year old bank official who recently got a new boss and is anxious to prove that she is a dedicated and diligent worker who can be relied upon to do a good job. The bank Aishling works in, Secure Homes Ltd., has recently been taken over by the Irish State following the collapse of the housing market and the Irish banking crisis. It is rumoured that job cuts are inevitable and all workers, especially Aishling, are anxious to prove their worth and keep their jobs.

Banking Crisis Ireland

Today Aishling found out on Facebook that her ex-partner is engaged and getting married in the Summer. This was a huge blow to Aishling, as herself and Bobby had been living together for almost five years, before he decided to move to Australia for ‘work-related-reasons’ less than twelve months ago. He worked in the building trade and felt he had no other option, but she hoped he would get home sick and return, so that they could get married some day as planned.

Recent DevelopmentsAt the end of September Aishling’s Polish friend Eva was laid off work, when the beauticians where she had been working for the past six months went bankrupt. This left 27 years old Eva at her wits end, as apparently she is not entitled to any Social Welfare payments. Therefore, she was waiting for her mother to send some money to tide Eva over until she can secure another job. Aishling felt she had to offer her a place to stay for a week or so, but that was over two months ago!

Beauty Salon For Sale

Aishling’s one bedroom apartment is small and rather cluttered (she still hasn’t got it together to throw out Bobby’s stuff). Over the last couple of days the atmosphere in the apartment has been very tense. No money has come for Eva as yet and Aishling is concerned that this addition stress at home might affect her work, but doesn’t now how best to deal with the situation, as she doesn’t want to push Eva to move out.

Feng Shui – NOT!

Aishling is asked to work late Friday evening and gets home at 8pm, to find a note from Eva saying she had gone down to the local Internet Café and would be back before 9:30pm. Aishling went to the fridge to see what was there to eat. That morning she had given Eva €50 to get groceries. The fridge was empty. Aishling was furious!

She paced up and down the kitchen cum sitting room until she eventual burst into tears. Then she decided enough is enough and put on her coat and headed to the Internet Café. Eva was chatting to a guy around her own age when Aishling arrived, so Eva didn’t notice as she approached from behind. Aishling stopped short as she read what was on the computer monitor

“Sexsomnia, can it be


Then…Aishling turned abruptly on her heels and headed straight back to the apartment. Not knowing what to do next, Aishling went to bed. Eva arrived back soon after that, but Aishling pretended she was asleep. The following day Aishling did some research on the Internet about Sexsomnia, its manifestation and treatment. The medication seemed expensive and she didn’t know how Eva would be able to afford it.

All of a sudden Aishling started to question exactly how much she really knew about Eva, her family and her past. After careful consideration she decided that she would have to ask Eva to leave the following day.

There was no other option!

On Saturday Aishling brought home some pizzas and after dinner she told Eva that her cousin was coming over from the US at short notice and she would have to move out the following day.Eva said that that was completely understandable and thanked her for putting her up in the apartment for so long.

Eva went on to say that as well as being beautician she was also a Yoga teacher and that she would really like to show Aishling some yoga movements in return for her generosity. She would also like to help Aishling rearrange the layout of her bedroom, so as to maximize the positive energy of Feng Shui.

Yoga for Health & Relaxation

Simple things like moving the position of the mirror and the direction of the bed would contribute enormously to a good night’s sleep. Eva went on to say that as well as being beautician she was also a Yoga teacher and that she would really like to show Aishling some yoga movements in return for her generosity.

Feng Shui

She would also like to help Aishling rearrange the layout of her bedroom, so as to maximize the positive energy of Feng Shui. Simple things like moving the position of the mirror and the direction of the bed would contribute enormously to a good night’s sleep. Aishling was complete taken aback by this and decided to bit the bullet and confront Eva about spending the grocery money in the Internet Café.

Is this Sexsomnia ? To Aishling’s surprise Eva was completely calm and replied “You really don’t know, do you?”“Know what?” replied Aishling.Eva produced her mobile phone and played a two minute video of Aishling getting out of bed and sleep walking over to the sofa where Eva was lying. http://www.ted.com/talks/jessa_gamble_how_to_sleep.html

What happens next?

Is this Sexsomnia ? Aishling was complete shocked. “What is going on?” “Relax Aishling”, said Eva “this behaviour is brought on by stress and is completely curable. What you are suffering from is called sexsomnia, is a condition in which a person will engage in sexual acts while still asleep. Sexsomniacs do not remember the acts they perform while they're asleep.”

Is this Sexsomnia ? ’Moreover, Sexsomnia can co-occur alongside other sleep disorders such as sleepwalking, sleep apnea, night terrors and can be triggered by stress.”

Aishling composed herself and said “So that’s why you went to the Café?

Sexsomnia – the Solution!“More importantly”, said Eva “you need to de-stress and exercise and yoga is the most wonderful way of combining these. Also, while we rearranging the room, we can engage in another Feng Shui principal, de-cluttering. Its time Bobby’s bags went to the charity shop!”.

Yoga & Feng Shui=Happy Days & Nights!