Setting Up Libraries for ELDO Simulation with HyperLynx Analog

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  • 7/25/2019 Setting Up Libraries for ELDO Simulation with HyperLynx Analog


    AppNote 10710

    A P P N O T E SSM

    Setting Up Libraries for ELDO Simulation with HyperLynx Analog

    By: Bill BellLast Modified: May 13, 2009

    Table of contents

    Table of contents________________________________________________________________ 1Introduction ____________________________________________________________________ 1Terms and Definitions ____________________________________________________________ 2Library Data Organization _________________________________________________________ 2Property and Simulation Attribute Categories__________________________________________ 3DxDesigner Symbol Properties Directly Used by HyperLynx Analog ________________________ 4Common ELDO Simulation Attributes________________________________________________ 6Element Type Specific Property Information___________________________________________ 8Subcircuit Instances (Macromodels)________________________________________________ 15Conclusion ___________________________________________________________________ 16

    Appendix - Considerations for Defining Properties for Use in Simulation ____________________ 17


    This document describes how to set up libraries for simulation with HyperLynx Analog. It describes therequirements for integrating schematic design information with simulation, and also explains optionalinformation that may be used for more advanced analyses.

    HyperLynx Analog provides a great deal of flexibility for defining the simulation information, so in manycases there may be more than one way to set up the library elements. This document describes theoptions, and outlines the considerations in choosing one option over another.

    This document addresses the property information relevant to the Eldo simulation engine. The informationfor the HyperLynx Analog Simulation Engine is comparable, but differs in the details.

    The information in this document is applicable to HyperLynx Analog and DxDesigner through theEE2007.5 and PADS 9.0 releases. Future releases may change the requirements for setting up thelibraries as HyperLynx Analog evolves.

    May 13, 2009 Page 1 of 18Copyright 2009 Mentor Graphics Corporation

    Trademarks that appear in Mentor Graphics product publications that are not owned by Mentor Graphics aretrademarks of their respective owners.

  • 7/25/2019 Setting Up Libraries for ELDO Simulation with HyperLynx Analog


    Terms and Defini tionsThe following definitions provide help in understanding key terms used in this document. It is important tounderstand these terms and the distinctions between them in order to understand how the information isdefined, and how it is passed through to simulation.

    Term Definition


    These are attributes attached to simulation element instances. They represent theinformation in the simulation netlist, after it has been derived from the Properties.There may or may not be a one-to-one correspondence of properties to simulationattributes. For a more detailed description of this, please see the Property andSimulation Attribute Categories sectionand theAppendix - Considerations forDefining Properties for Use in Simulation.

    Properties These are the properties as attached to the schematic symbols. This represents theinformation that is placed on the design by the user (either explicitly or as part ofplacing the symbol).

    Some properties are used by simulation, others are not (for example, they may be

    used for PCB layout).The properties that are used by simulation will likely map to one or more simulationattributes as discussed below.

    Library Data OrganizationHyperLynx Analog uses properties on the symbols in a schematic design for assigning simulationinformation to individual schematic elements. These properties may be populated in several differentways:

    On the symbol definition directly

    From a PDB entry when using Place by Part

    From a DxDataBook entry when using DxDataBook

    On the individual symbol instance in the schematic

    The choice of where to place the simulation information depends on several factors, and the followingbullets can be used to help determine where the best location in a particular environment is:

    If using DxDataBook, and placing symbols from the parts there, then putting all of theparametric information in DxDataBook will enable more sophisticated searches.

    If not using DxDataBook, then putting the information in a PDB entry will facilitate sharingsymbols among similar parts (for example all NPN BJTs can use the same symbol) and thusreducing maintenance.

    If users place by symbol, then putting the information on the symbol definition will enable theusers to place fully populated symbols. This approach has the drawbacks that it requires

    creation and maintenance of a significantly larger symbol library. Also, the symbol definitionscannot be shared.

    Placing simulation property information on specific symbol instances can be used with any ofthe above approaches and is typically done by the analog design engineer who wishes toextend or modify some of the simulation characteristics for this specific design or analysis.

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    Property and Simulation Attribute Categories

    Many of the symbol properties provide simulation attributes for the element. A simulation attribute is apiece of information on the element instance line in the simulation netlist.

    In many cases there is a one-to-one correspondence of a particular symbol property to the simulationattribute.

    This document uses the terminologies property and simulation attribute separately to indicate how apiece of information is represented through the flow.

    So, a property is a piece of data in a schematic, typically attached to a symbol, and through processingmay be passed through to the simulation netlist as a simulation attribute.

    The simulation attributes are element specific, and are also simulator specific (this is the main variance

    between HLASE and Eldo).

    Properties and Simulation Attributes can be organized into several categories:

    Required These must appear on the symbol in order for the symbol to be processedproperly by HyperLynx Analog.

    Optional These are optional properties that are relevant for PCB design, and can beplaced on the symbol to provide additional simulation information, or to control the behaviorof this element for particular analyses (for example for statistical or noise analysis).

    Advanced These are optional properties that can be relevant for PCB design that probablywouldnt be used by most users, but can provide sophisticated simulation behavior.

    IC specific These properties describe physical characteristics of the element as neededfor IC design. They are generally not used in PCB designs (since these particularcharacteristics arent a PCB design criteria). However, they may be used when creatingmodels for subsequent use (for example when creating a macromodel).

    Similarly to the IC specific attributes, the simulators support a number of element types that dontnecessarily map to physical parts (such as the controlled sources). These types wouldnt be used directlyin a PCB design, but can be used when creating schematics for building macromodels.

    The document below will enumerate the properties and simulation attributes for the various elementtypes, and indicate the category to which each belongs.

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    DxDesigner Symbol Properties Directly Used by HyperLynx AnalogAlthough there is a great deal of flexibility for the properties used by HyperLynx Analog, there are a fewproperties that are specifically referenced by name, and that may be required depending upon theelement type.

    The basic syntax for an element in the simulation netlist is:

    Each of these entries is described below.For more information about these properties, please reference Chapter 3 Product Integration in theHyperLynx Analog Simulation I/F Users Manual.

    DxDesigner Symbol Properties




    Prefix Required This property is used to tell HyperLynx Analog the type of this element.The value of this property determines the other properties that HyperLynxAnalog will use for this symbol.

    ID Required(Generated)

    This is the unique identifier for this particular element. It is not a separateproperty; the identifier is generated by HyperLynx Analog when creatingthe simulation netlist.

    HyperLynx Analog uses:

    1. The Name property of the symbol.

    2. The block value of the Reference Designator if the Name is blank

    3. The instance name of the symbol if the previous values areblank.

    The 2007.3 and 2007.5 versions of HyperLynx Analog ignore the instancevalue of the reference designator as placed by the packaging or REFDESutilities.

    Pin Order Required This property defines the order in which the Pins should be written to thenetlist.

    The contents of this property are the names of the Pins in the order inwhich they should be written to the netlist.

    The netlister then writes the nets connected to each of the pins in order inthe netlist.

    Order Required This property is used to tell HyperLynx Analog about the simulationattributes for this particular element.

    At a minimum, it references either the Value or Model properties (or both

    in some cases).If the referenced properties arent defined on the symbol, HyperLynx

    Analog simply ignores any relevant entries in the Order property. So, it isperfectly reasonable to define the Order property in a generic fashion, andthen just define the simulation attributes of interest.

    Refer to the HyperLynx Analog documentation (Chapter 3 ~page 44) for adetailed specification of the syntax for this property.

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    DxDesigner Symbol Properties




    Value Requiredbased on


    This is the value for the element. It is used with passive elements (such asresistors, capacitors, inductors) that generally dont have models

    associated with them.It is required for those elements.

    Model Requiredbased onType

    This is the name of the SPICE simulation model to use for this element. Itmust match the name of the model contained in the library referencedusing the Spice Lib Name and Spice Lib Path properties.

    It is required for elements that require models, optional if the model isoptional, and should not be used if the element doesnt have a model.


    Requiredbased onType

    This is also the name of the SPICE simulation model. It must match thevalue of the Model property. It is used for certain functions in HyperLynx

    Analog (such as the Simulation Properties feature).

    It is required for subcircuit macromodels.

    Spice LibName Requiredbased onType

    This is the name of the file containing the SPICE model. This is just thename without any filesystem path.

    It is specified as a .lib or a .mod filename.

    It is required for all elements that require models.

    Spice LibPath

    Requiredbased onType

    This is the path to the directory containing the library that holds the SPICEmodel. It should not contain the file name.

    Spice Lib Path and Spice Lib Name are concatenated together to formthe fully qualified path to the SPICE library that contains the referencedmodel.

    It is required for all elements that require models.

    No Pins Optional If defined, and not set to 0 or false (case-insensitive), the netlister will notwrite the nets out using the Pin Order information.

    This is typically used when the Order property is used to define the pininformation.


    Required This property defines the language for the model.

    This property is used to enable the Push Language command; when it isnot defined the command is not enabled.

    Based on the value, HyperLynx Analog uses different properties to drivesimulation.

    Information on HDL and Mixed-Signal simulation will be added to thisdocument in a future revision.

    Allowed Values are (case insensitive): SPICE (this is the default if the property doesnt exist).





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    DxDesigner Symbol Properties




    Exclude Optional This property is used to exclude specific elements from the simulation.This enhances the capability for a single design to be used for both

    simulation and layout.This property will often be used for elements in the schematic, rather thanon library symbols. However, in some cases, if a symbol will never beused for simulation, it may be helpful to define this property on the librarysymbol. For example, it can be helpful to define Exclude on connectorsymbols that will never be simulated.

    The Exclude property supports the following values:

    No The element will be included in the simulation (This is thedefault value)

    Yes The element is excluded from the simulation, and its pinsare not connected in any way. It behaves as an OPEN circuit.

    Shunt The element is excluded from the simulation, and the pins

    are connected together as a SHORT circuit.

    Note: This property is new in EE2007.5 and PADS 9.0.

    Common ELDO Simulation Attributes

    In addition to the required information in the previous section, Eldo has a number of simulation attributesthat apply to more than a single device. If you intend to use this functionality, these may be goodcandidates for individual properties. Depending on your configuration and requirements, these may alsobe assigned using the Order property, or another generic property.

    These are listed here for convenience. Please refer to the individual device sections to see if they apply.Also, properties for some of these simulation attributes are defined in the standard .prp files, and somewould need to be added if you wish to use them as individual properties. Note that the simulation attributenames are case-insensitive, and are listed here as title case to be consistent with other Mentor definedproperties.

    Table 1 TEMPERATURE Simulation Attributes

    Eldo provides the ability to define certain temperature related characteristics on a per device basis. Thisis a powerful capability that provides the designer with the ability to analyze the design under a variety ofenvironmental conditions.

    TEMPERATURE Simulation Attr ibutes


    Attr ibuteName

    Al lowed



    Temp RealValues

    Used to set the specific temperature for a device. It is separatefrom the overall circuit temperature, and can be used to modelheating effects independently from the rest of the circuit (forexample heating due to power dissipation in the enclosure).

    TEMP and DTEMP are mutually exclusive. If both are specified, thelast one is utilized.

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    TEMPERATURE Simulation Attr ibutes

    SimulationAttr ibute


    Al lowedValues


    Dtemp Real


    Used to define a temperature delta for this device from the rest of

    the circuit. Thus the temperature used for this device will track thecircuit temperature and is another way to model heating effects.

    TEMP and DTEMP are mutually exclusive. If both are specified, thelast one is utilized.

    TC1, TC2,TC3


    Used for passive elements (resistor, inductor, capacitor) fordefining the way that the elements value varies with temperature.

    Table 2 ADVANCED ANALYSIS CONTROL Simulation Attributes

    In addition to providing the advanced analyses, Eldo provides the ability to control use of the analyses ona per-element basis. This gives the user even more control over how these analyses are performed.

    ADVANCED ANALYSIS CONTROL Simulat ion Attributes

    SimulationAttr ibute




    Statistical 0 or 1 This attribute controls whether this element should be adjustedduring Monte Carlo, Worst Case, or DC mismatch analysis.

    By using this attribute the user can control exactly whichelements are varied statistically to gain a detailed view of thecircuits performance.

    Nonoise No value Specifying this attribute excludes the element as a contributorin a noise analysis.

    Noise 1 (orsometimes 0)

    Specifying this attribute controls the inclusion of this element ina noise analysis.

    Fmin Real Values Lower limit of the noise frequency band

    Fmax Real Values Upper limit of the noise frequency band

    Nbf Real Values Number of noise sources.

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    Element Type Specific Property Information

    This section provides information for the specific simulation attributes for the various types of elementsused in PCB design. It describes the physical elements first, with the behavioral elements to follow.

    For each element the required properties are enumerated. A minimum and a recommended definition forthe Order property are provided.

    This is followed by a listing of some optional properties. As noted, these are optional properties that canbe added to the symbol, but are not required for correct basic simulation. If they are used, Mentorrecommends defining them as individual properties. If they will be commonly used, then placeholders canbe defined on the symbol with component specific information added from the DxDatabook or the PDB.

    Then if applicable, there is a description of the more advanced properties. Mentor recommends thatadvanced properties should be defined using the generic ELDO_PARAMS property. Assuming that theywont be used on most components, it is simpler to gather them onto the ELDO_PARAMS property, andsimply fill that in with the desired information to include in the netlist.

    Information on IC specific simulation attributes will be added in a future revision of this document.

    Table 3 CAPACITOR Minimum Required Properties:

    CAPACITOR Minimum Requi red Propert ies


    Property Value

    Prefix C

    Pin Order Ordered List of Pin Names for the netlist. (Positive_Node Negative_Node)

    Note: Although Pin Order is not strictly required, it is strongly recommended forconsistency with other element types.

    Order Recommended:Model= Value$ TC1= TC2= TC3= TEMP= DTEMP= ELDO_PARAMS$



    Value Capacitor value in SPICE numerical format

    Table 4 CAPACITOR Optional Properties:

    CAPACITOR Optional Properties



    Model A model to use for this capacitor. For example for capacitors in Eldo, statisticalinformation is defined in the model.

    IC Sets the initial guess for the voltage across the capacitor prior to a transientanalysis. To use this option, the UIC parameter must also be present in the .TRANstatement.

    TC1, TC2,TC3

    Coefficients for the temperature adjusted value.

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    CAPACITOR Optional Properties




    Device specific temperature settings.

    Table 5 CAPACITOR Advanced Properties:

    CAPACITOR Advanced Properties

    Property Name Notes

    ELDO_PARAMS Entered as needed.



    STATISTICAL Device specific statistical variation control

    There are other advanced properties that could be added, please refer to the Eldo reference manual

    for more information. This description is intended to provide guidance, and should provide examplesto allow advanced users to harness the descriptive capabilities that Eldo provides.

    Table 6 INDUCTOR Minimum Required Properties:

    INDUCTOR Minimum Required Properties


    Property Value

    Prefix L

    Pin Order Ordered List of Pin Names for the netlist. (Positive_Node Negative_Node)

    The order is important for inductors as it can affect the way that inductors are

    coupled when using the Mutual Inductor element.Order Recommended:

    Model= Value$ IC= TC1= TC2= TC3= R= TEMP= DTEMP= ELDO_PARAMS$



    Value Inductor value in SPICE numerical format

    Table 7 INDUCTOR Optional Properties:

    INDUCTOR Optional Properties



    Model A model to use for this capacitor. For example for capacitors in Eldo, statisticalinformation is defined in the model.

    IC Sets the initial guess for the current through the inductor prior to a transientanalysis. To use this option the UIC parameter must also be present in the .TRANstatement.

    R R is a resistor that is added in series with inductor L.

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    INDUCTOR Optional Properties



    TC1, TC2,TC3

    Coefficients for the temperature adjusted value.


    Device specific temperature settings.

    Table 8 INDUCTOR Advanced Properties:

    INDUCTOR Advanced Properties

    Property Name Notes

    ELDO_PARAMS Entered as needed.


    STATISTICAL=1STATISTICAL Device specific statistical variation control

    There are other advanced properties that could be added, please refer to the Eldo reference manualfor more information. This description is intended to provide guidance, and should provide examplesto allow advanced users to harness the descriptive capabilities that Eldo provides.

    Table 9 RESISTOR Minimum Required Properties:

    RESISTOR Minimum Required Properties


    Property Value

    Prefix RPin Order Ordered List of Pin Names for the netlist. (Positive_Node Negative_Node)

    Note: Although Pin Order is not strictly required, it is strongly recommended forconsistency with other element types.

    Order Recommended:

    Model= Value$ TC1= TC2= TC3= TEMP= DTEMP= ELDO_PARAMS$



    Value Resistor value in SPICE numerical format

    Table 10 RESISTOR Optional Properties:

    RESISTOR Optional Properties



    Model A model to use for this resistor. For resistors in Eldo, statistical information isdefined in the model.

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    TC1, TC2,TC3

    Coefficients for the temperature adjusted value.


    Device specific temperature settings.

    Table 11 RESISTOR Advanced Properties:

    RESISTOR Advanced Properties

    Property Name Notes

    ELDO_PARAMS Entered as needed.



    STATISTICAL Device specific statistical variation control

    NONOISE Device specific noise analysis control

    NOISE Device specific noise analysis control

    FMIN Lower limit of the noise frequency band

    FMAX Upper limit of the noise frequency band

    NBF Number of noise sources.

    KF Flicker noise coefficient

    AF Flicker noise exponent

    WEEXP Flicker noise exponent

    LEEXP Flicker noise exponent

    FEXP Flicker noise exponent

    There are other advanced properties that could be added, please refer to the Eldo reference manualfor more information. This description is intended to provide guidance, and should provide examplesto allow advanced users to harness the descriptive capabilities that Eldo provides.

    Table 12 DIODE Minimum Required Properties:

    DIODE Minimum Required Properties

    Property Name Property Value

    Prefix D

    Pin Order Ordered List of Pin Names for the netlist. (Positive_Node Negative_Node)

    Order Recommended:

    Model$ Off= TEMP= DTEMP= ELDO_PARAMS$Minimum:


    Model Model name for this diode

    Spice Lib Name Name of the Spice library file containing the diode model

    Spice Lib Path Path to the directory containing the Spice Library file.

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    Table 13 DIODE Optional Properties:

    DIODE Optional Properties



    OFF When set to 1, causes no initial operating point to be calculated for thedevice during DC analysis, i.e. the device is off. When set to 0, the option

    is ignored.


    Device specific temperature settings.

    Table 14 DIODE Advanced Properties:

    DIODE Advanced Properties

    Property Name Notes

    ELDO_PARAMS Entered as needed.



    STATISTICAL Device specific statistical variation control


    NOISE Set to 1 or 0

    There are other advanced properties that could be added, please refer to the Eldo reference manualfor more information. This description is intended to provide guidance, and should provide examplesto allow advanced users to harness the descriptive capabilities that Eldo provides.

    Table 15 BJT Minimum Required Properties:

    BJT Minimum Required Properties

    Property Name Property Value

    Prefix Q

    Pin Order Ordered List of Pin Names for the netlist. (Collector Base Emitter)

    Order Recommended:




    Model Model name for this BJT

    Spice Lib Name Name of the Spice library file containing the BJT modelSpice Lib Path Path to the directory containing the Spice Library file.

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    Table 16 BJT Optional Properties:

    BJT Optional Properties



    OFF When set to 1, causes no initial operating point to be calculated for the deviceduring DC analysis, i.e. the device is off. When set to 0, the option is ignored.


    Device specific temperature settings.

    Table 17 BJT Advanced Properties:

    BJT Advanced Properties

    Property Name Notes

    ELDO_PARAMS Entered as needed.



    STATISTICAL Device specific statistical variation control


    NOISE Set to 1 or 0

    FMIN Lower limit of the noise frequency band

    FMAX Upper limit of the noise frequency band

    NBF Number of noise sources.

    There are other advanced properties that could be added, please refer to the Eldo reference manualfor more information. This description is intended to provide guidance, and should provide examplesto allow advanced users to harness the descriptive capabilities that Eldo provides.

    Table 18 JFET and MESFET Minimum Required Properties

    In Eldo, JFET and MESFET differ by the model level used. So, the symbols are set up the same forboth devices.

    JFET and MESFET Minimum Requi red Properties

    Property Name Property Value

    Prefix J

    Pin Order Ordered List of Pin Names for the netlist. (Drain Gate Source)

    Order Recommended:

    Model$ Off= TEMP= DTEMP= ELDO_PARAMS$Minimum:


    Model Model name for this JFET

    Spice Lib Name Name of the Spice library file containing the JFET model

    Spice Lib Path Path to the directory containing the Spice Library file.

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    Table 19 JFET and MESFET Optional Properties:

    JFET and MESFET Optional Properties

    PropertyName Notes

    OFF When set to 1, causes no initial operating point to be calculated for the deviceduring DC analysis, i.e. the device is off. When set to 0, the option is ignored.


    Device specific temperature settings.

    Table 20 JFET and MESFET Advanced Properties:

    JFET and MESFET Advanced Properties

    Property Name Notes

    ELDO_PARAMS Entered as needed.e.g.


    STATISTICAL Device specific statistical variation control


    NOISE Set to 1 or 0

    FMIN Lower limit of the noise frequency band

    FMAX Upper limit of the noise frequency band

    NBF Number of noise sources.

    There are other advanced properties that could be added, please refer to the Eldo reference manual

    for more information. This description is intended to provide guidance, and should provide examplesto allow advanced users to harness the descriptive capabilities that Eldo provides.

    Table 21 MOSFET Minimum Required Properties:

    MOSFET Minimum Required Propert ies

    Property Name Property Value

    Prefix M

    Pin Order Ordered List of Pin Names for the netlist. (Drain Gate Source [Bulk])

    Order Recommended:




    Model Model name for this MOSFET

    Spice Lib Name Name of the Spice library file containing the MOSFET model

    Spice Lib Path Path to the directory containing the Spice Library file.

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    Table 22 MOSFET Optional Properties:

    MOSFET Optional Properties

    Property Name Notes

    TEMP, DTEMP Device specific temperature settings.

    Table 23 MOSFET Advanced Properties:

    MOSFET Advanced Propert ies

    Property Name Notes

    ELDO_PARAMS Entered as needed.



    STATISTICAL Device specific statistical variation control


    NOISE Set to 1 only to force the device in noise analysis

    FMIN Lower limit of the noise frequency band

    FMAX Upper limit of the noise frequency band

    NBF Number of noise sources.

    There are other advanced properties that could be added, please refer to the Eldo reference manualfor more information. This description is intended to provide guidance, and should provide examplesto allow advanced users to harness the descriptive capabilities that Eldo provides.

    Subcircuit Instances (Macromodels)Subcircuits are unique from a property perspective, in that the parameters arent pre-defined. The

    parameters are defined as part of the subcircuit definition, and so if they are to be passed in on aninstance basis, they must be determined by looking at the subcircuit definition.

    Defining them all as separate properties would create a huge number of additional properties. So, thebest approach is to simply enumerate them on the ELDO_PARAMS property.

    Table 24 Macromodels Minimum Required Properties:

    MACROMODELS Minimum Required Properties


    Property Value

    Prefix X

    Pin Order Ordered List of Pin Names for the netlist.

    The pins must match the order of the nodes defined in the subcircuitmacromodel definition.

    Order Recommended:




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    Model Model name for this Subcircuit

    Spice Subckt Model name for this Subcircuit

    Spice LibName

    Name of the Spice library file containing the Subcircuit model

    Spice Lib Path Path to the directory containing the Spice Library file.

    Table 25 MACROMODELS Optional Properties:

    MACROMODELS Opt ional Properties

    Property Name Notes

    TEMP Device specific temperature settings.

    Table 26 MACROMODELS Advanced Properties:

    MACROMODELS Advanced Properties

    Property Name Notes

    ELDO_PARAMS Entered as needed.



    STATISTICAL Device specific statistical variation control


    NOISE Set to 0 only to force the device out of noise analysis

    Model Specific parameter

    There are other advanced properties that could be added, please refer to the Eldo reference manualfor more information. This description is intended to provide guidance, and should provide examples

    to allow advanced users to harness the descriptive capabilities that Eldo provides.

    ConclusionThis document outlines the recommended information to place on symbols or parts when creating yourlibraries. Some advanced properties are also noted to guide those users who wish to use those advancedcapabilities.

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    Appendix - Considerations for Defining Properties for Use inSimulation

    As discussed earlier in this document, the Order property defines how other properties are used to passsimulation attributes to the simulator. This provides a great deal of flexibility in how the properties and

    their content can be defined. And of course, there are trade-offs when defining the properties in differentways.

    The simplest definition is to have each simulation attribute represented as an individual symbol property.This approach has the benefits that:

    It is easy to define the syntax for the simulator. Each simulation attribute can be specified independently. It is more straightforward to define the property type, since it is a single value. For numeric values

    (most attributes), some numeric processing (for example ensuring that the number is in properSPICE format) can be applied more readily.

    Each property/simulation attribute can be individually filtered if using DxDatabook.

    It has the drawbacks that:

    Each simulation attribute needs its own property. The number of possible property names ishuge, and can be overwhelming for the librarian and the engineer. It is more difficult to group related attributes together. For example, some attributes only make

    sense if another attribute is defined. Since each property can be defined on the symbolseparately, this can be confusing and hard to manage.

    If using DxDatabook, the attributes will need their own entries in the database, regardless ofwhether is makes sense to filter on them individually. This makes the database schema moredifficult to define and the data more difficult to maintain.

    At the other extreme, one could group all of the simulation attributes together into a single property.This approach has the benefits that:

    There are a lot fewer properties on the symbol. There are a lot fewer property definitions needed.

    Since all of the properties are in one place, simulation attributes that are related together are easyto specify together or not at all.It has the drawbacks that:

    This single property becomes unwieldy quickly, making it hard to edit and maintain. All of the simulation attributes are still specified on the symbol (or as part of the PDB or

    DxDatabook entry) making it potentially confusing to the librarian. It is more difficult to have placeholders for, but leave out, optional simulation attributes. If they are

    individual properties, it is easy to just leave them out if the property value is blank. Since the single property is more complicated, it is harder for the software to perform numeric

    processing for the user. The Order property cannot be specified in a generic way on the symbol and would need to be

    updated from DxDatabook or the Parts database.

    Given these trade-offs, it is difficult to have a single solution that works for all users. Some users maynever want to use particular features, and thus their required solution can be simpler, using eitherapproach. And different users may have different filtering requirements, leading to different DxDatabookdata requirements.

    This document provides a suggested approach where the required and optional simulation attributes aresupported directly as properties, and the advanced are supported using a generic property. Of course,there are other approaches that can also be used.

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    Setting Up Libraries for ELDO Simulation with HyperLynx Analog

    May 13, 2009 Page 18 of 18Copyright 2009 Mentor Graphics Corporation

    Trademarks that appear in Mentor Graphics product publications that are not owned by Mentor Graphics are trademarksof their respective owners