Setbacks are really setups

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  • 8/3/2019 Setbacks are really setups


    I was befallen by a minor setback recently and I was in the processing center waiting for an answer. Yes I was. And thanks to viraltod, I cut in front of some people. I sure did . I had to. This setback could not have come at a more inopportune time.Or, was it the best time for the best thing to happen ? Throughoutmy journey on the road less followed, I've learned that setbacks are actually setups..... yeah setups. I take those setbacks and turn them into setups for meto create. But I had to fast forward to that part.Thats where viraltod kicks in

    . I had to drop pride and ask.... and be refused.. turned down. Yes me , Tod the maker of viraltod ...Good because that meant that God was paying more attention to me. Thats the setup. These so called setbacks are really set ups for Higher power to work. So I had to allow viraltod to work. ( If you have read previousposts you know that viraltod is a fake placebo that I fake take. If you havent,SHAME!) Dont forget, I am on that' G" list and I have his direct line. (you dotoo). Thats why I cut to the front of the line and practically demanded that the processing chairwoman get me the secretary of prayer approval to see me now! (im jus sayin) I am TOD PARKER !!!!. I am on the G list!!!! It can be difficultat times to keep up such an upbeat attitude when trick hits the fan and you know what I mean by trick.

    But some times that trick that happens, is just the right ingredient you need toseek his presence. At least it is for me. It takes some trick to happen , for God to use me to demonstrate how awsome he is and to show me what it would feellike if it were already alright. It's during those times that I get to take a moment to tell myself "its the attitude during the trick that determines the outcome" Thats why I had to fast forward to what it would feel like if it were already done. Thats my demonstration .That meant faith had to be in action. There could not be any fear, only a little more love to cancel negativity. By the timeviraltod kicked in again, I began to fuel the ambition .I had to keep doing what I always do which is writing , but this time the words in my heart( which were actually me praying attention) had to jump off the computer screen and come tolife. I had to "act as though it were". I had to continue to say thank you justlike I always do. And here's another thing. That does not mean that its goin

    g to go my way. Okay? Through experience I can say it wont go my way . And thank God because ten times out of ten it goes better than I could have expected.

    I'm jus sayin.

    You see, this is how I demonstrate the outcome. I act as though it were....withfervor , perseverance and determination. I create it in my mind . Add a dash ofmy imagination with creativity and humor and this sets the precedent for the outcome,so I don't wait for God to do anything, I just do it. I allow the creative spirit in me to guide me to what it is I need to do in the interim . I neededto cut to the front of the line in the processing center so God could set it off ! Im jus sayin . This is how he works through me. There is a creative extensi

    on of HIM in me which guides me to a solution . So a thankful attitude during itopens a conduit to the higher power in us to create the environment that is conducive to the outcome. Wow!!! I didn't even know how to explain this to myselfso I could do it , but that's the mystery of God. It needs no human explanation. I'm still working on the part where I have to keep the positive attitude. IfI get the rotten feeling ,that is the time to say thank you and know that it ison the way . And no, it aint easy .But check it, the more I apply the principleof gratitude and thanks, the easier it gets. Soon it becomes second nature. Next thing I know the outcome that I've been looking for is there. And it happens while I'm waiting for the prayer approval committee to approve my prayer. I go ahead and approve myself to believe in that Higher Power to sustain me . Okay ?Ihad to go and get the faith and keep the faith by praising him right now in themiddle of the trick and tell the committee to come on and watch what happens no

    w. A lot more setbacks would stand in the way ,but that's a chance for me to beset up for my personal miracle. and allow the enemy to be beat by its own weapon,so that battle is already won . So I gladly accept the victory. If perfect lo

  • 8/3/2019 Setbacks are really setups


    ve can cancel out all fear... then that means he is already near. So near in fact in fact that I found my need already met I just needed to get out of my own way .And of course, as usual it was not the way I wanted it to go . Once again itwent the way it was supposed to. All I had to do was look up and read the writing on the wall . It was staring me right in the face. . It read

    Welcome Tod, I've been expecting you

    (Im jus prayin)

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