1 Introduction to KINEROS2 Running KINEROS2 Introduction: In this exercise you will learn about the files and instructions to run KINEROS2 for a simple single overland flow runoff element representing a rainfall simulator plot Goal: To familiarize yourself with running KINEROS2 and to understand the how various model parameters influence modeled runoff Assignment: Run the KINEROS2 model for a natural rainfall simulation experiments and use parameter multipliers to alter modeled runoff to better match observed runoff A Short Introduction to Files Needed to Run KINEROS2 (K2) There are four primary files needed to run KINEROS2. Detailed descriptions for each type of file and their content are available from the online KINEROS2 documentation at: www.ars.ag.gov/kineros (go to “Documentation” > “Input Parameters”). The main files are: Parameter file (e.g. P205N.par) – This contains global variables that apply to all watershed modeling elements (e.g. overland flow, channel, pond, etc.) and variables and parameters describing the characteristics of each model element (e.g. size, slope, soils, cover, and infiltration, hydraulic, and erosion parameters). Many of the variables in this file were measured in the field. Rainfall file (e.g. P205N.pre) – This file contains data describing the rainfall hyetograph. Run file* (default: kin.fil) – This file contains responses to KINEROS2 prompts and can be edited with a text editor. If it is not supplied the program will prompt you for input. After you run K2 once, the kin.fil file with your prompts is written so you can rerun the simulation with the same responses without typing them in or edit kin.fil to change some of your responses. Executable file (k2.app (Mac); k2.exe (PC)) – Run this file from a: 1) Mac terminal (Go to “Applications” > “Utilities” . “Terminal.app”; or 2) PC command prompt (Go to: “All Programs” > “Windows System” > “Command Prompt”) Running KINEROS2 with Prompts What are you modeling? You will be modeling the runoff from a natural (unburned) rainfall simulator plot on the Empire Ranch located in southeastern Arizona that was conducted in 2005 (Plot2, 2005, Natural: Associated file names P205N). The vegetation in this area is predominantly desert grassland with mixed shrubs, mesquite trees, and cactus. The variable rate rainfall simulator applied rainfall with a stepwise increase in rainfall intensity ranging from approximately 65 to 180 mm/hr for roughly 40 min. Adjacent to the natural simulator plot, a plot was established on ground that was recently burned by a wildfire (Plot2, 2005, Burned: P205B). During the rainfall simulation experiment runoff (discharge – Q) from the simulator plot was measured using a small Parshall flume. The observed rainfall intensity and discharge is contained in the file named P205N_obs.csv and P205B_obs.csv for natural and burned cases, respectively. The observed data from these files can be imported into a spreadsheet or read by a plotting program (Figure 2).

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Introduction  to  KINEROS2  

Running  KINEROS2  

Introduction:   In  this  exercise  you  will  learn  about  the  files  and  instructions  to  run  KINEROS2  for  a  simple  single  overland  flow  runoff  element  representing  a  rainfall  simulator  plot  

Goal:   To  familiarize  yourself  with  running  KINEROS2  and  to  understand  the  how  various  model  parameters  influence  modeled  runoff  

Assignment:   Run  the  KINEROS2  model  for  a  natural  rainfall  simulation  experiments  and  use  parameter  multipliers  to  alter  modeled  runoff  to  better  match  observed  runoff  

A  Short  Introduction  to  Files  Needed  to  Run  KINEROS2  (K2)  There  are  four  primary  files  needed  to  run  KINEROS2.    Detailed  descriptions  for  each  type  of  file  and  their  content  are  available  from  the  on-­‐line  KINEROS2  documentation  at:  www.ars.ag.gov/kineros  (go  to  “Documentation”  -­‐>  “Input  Parameters”).    The  main  files  are:  § Parameter  file  (e.g.  P205N.par)  –  This  contains  global  variables  that  apply  to  all  watershed  

modeling  elements  (e.g.  overland  flow,  channel,  pond,  etc.)  and  variables  and  parameters  describing  the  characteristics  of  each  model  element  (e.g.  size,  slope,  soils,  cover,  and  infiltration,  hydraulic,  and  erosion  parameters).    Many  of  the  variables  in  this  file  were  measured  in  the  field.  

§ Rainfall  file  (e.g.  P205N.pre)  –  This  file  contains  data  describing  the  rainfall  hyetograph.  § Run  file*  (default:  kin.fil)  –  This  file  contains  responses  to  KINEROS2  prompts  and  can  be  edited  

with  a  text  editor.    If  it  is  not  supplied  the  program  will  prompt  you  for  input.    After  you  run  K2  once,  the  kin.fil  file  with  your  prompts  is  written  so  you  can  rerun  the  simulation  with  the  same  responses  without  typing  them  in  or  edit  kin.fil  to  change  some  of  your  responses.  

§ Executable  file  (k2.app  (Mac);  k2.exe  (PC))  –  Run  this  file  from  a:  1)  Mac  terminal  (Go  to  “Applications”  -­‐>  “Utilities”  -­‐.  “Terminal.app”;  or  2)  PC  command  prompt  (Go  to:  “All  Programs”  -­‐>  “Windows  System”  -­‐>  “Command  Prompt”)  

Running  KINEROS2  with  Prompts  What  are  you  modeling?  You  will  be  modeling  the  runoff  from  a  natural  (unburned)  rainfall  simulator  plot  on  the  Empire  Ranch  located  in  southeastern  Arizona  that  was  conducted  in  2005  (Plot2,  2005,  Natural:  Associated  file  names  P205N).    The  vegetation  in  this  area  is  predominantly  desert  grassland  with  mixed  shrubs,  mesquite  trees,  and  cactus.  The  variable  rate  rainfall  simulator  applied  rainfall  with  a  step-­‐wise  increase  in  rainfall  intensity  ranging  from  approximately  65  to  180  mm/hr  for  roughly  40  min.    Adjacent  to  the  natural  simulator  plot,  a  plot  was  established  on  ground  that  was  recently  burned  by  a  wildfire  (Plot2,  2005,  Burned:  P205B).    During  the  rainfall  simulation  experiment  runoff  (discharge  –  Q)  from  the  simulator  plot  was  measured  using  a  small  Parshall  flume.    The  observed  rainfall  intensity  and  discharge  is  contained  in  the  file  named  P205N_obs.csv  and  P205B_obs.csv  for  natural  and  burned  cases,  respectively.    The  observed  data  from  these  files  can  be  imported  into  a  spreadsheet  or  read  by  a  plotting  program  (Figure  2).  

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   Figure  1.    Photos  of  Natural  and  Burned  Patches    The  observed  simulator  rainfall  intensities  and  runoff  for  the  natural  and  burned  plots  are  illustrated  in  the  following  figure.    

   Figure  2.    Observed  rainfall  simulator  precipitation  and  runoff  from  the  P205  natural  and  burned  plots.    Plot   Condition   Runoff  Volume  (mm)   Peak  Runoff  Rate  (mm/hr)  P205N   Natural   60.23   151.33  P205B   Burned   60.48   164.12    Table  1.    Runoff  Volume  and  Peak  Runoff  Rate  for  P205  Rainfall  Simulator  Plot  Experiments.  

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Start  out  by  setting  up  the  model  to  predict  runoff  on  the  natural  plot  (P205N).    To  simplify  running  the  program  without  specifying  different  paths  it  is  recommended  that  you  place  the  following  files  in  the  same  directory:     K2.app  (.exe  for  PC)     P205N.PAR     P205N.PRE     P205N_obs.csv      

To  execute  the  program  go  to  a  terminal  window  (command  prompt  window)  and  type  in  ./k2.app     (./k2.exe)   See  sample  responses  reproduced  below.    User  input  is  highlighted  in  yellow  and  comments  shown  in  blue.   Temps-MacBook-Air:natural dgoodrich$ ./k2.app $ Repeat previous run? (If “Y” the program will read from the N kin.fil file if it exists) KINEROS2 Kinematic Runoff and Erosion Model FESP5 Workshop Version Compiled 1-July-2015 with GNU Fortran 4.9.1 U. S. Department of Agriculture Agricultural Research Service $ Parameter file: P205N.PAR $ Rainfall file: P205N.PRE $ Output file: (printed at top of output file) P205N.TXT $ Description: Plot 2, 2005, Natural $ Duration (min): 50 $ Time step (min): 1 $ Courant Adjustment? (y/n): y $ Sediment? (y/n): n $ Multipliers? (y/n/file): n $ Tabular Summary? (y/n): y + Processing PLANE 1

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Event Volume Summary: Rainfall 78.60876 mm 0.9574548 cu m Plane infiltration 41.59459 0.5066221 Storage 0.00022 0.0000027 Outflow 37.00554 0.4507275 (Make a note of modeled total runoff volume highlighted in green as you will use this number to adjust model parameters printed at top of output file) Error (Volume in - Volume out - Storage) < 1 percent Time step was adjusted to meet Courant condition Total watershed area = 0.0012180 ha  

Open  the  P205N.TXT  file  and  have  a  look  at  the  computer  output.    For  the  current  print  option  the  output  file  is  very  similar  to  the  screen  output  copied  above.  

For  more  detailed  output  select  one  of  the  following  print  option  in  the  P405N.PAR  file  using  a  text  editor.    In  the  “PLANE”  block  look  for:  

PR  =  1,  FILE=P205N-­‐v1.csv            !  print  flag  

  If  PR  =  1  the  summary  output  it  placed  in  the  output  file  as  shown  above  

  If  PR  =  2  the  hyetograph  and  hydrograph  are  printed  in  the  output  file  

  If  PR  =  3  the  csv  file  named  P205N-­‐v1.csv  is  created  with  the  following  columns  

       "Time"          "Rainfall"            "Outflow"            "Outflow"          "(min)"            "(mm/hr)"            "(mm/hr)"        "(cu  m  /s)"  


The  data  from  the  model  output  file  (P205N-­‐v1.csv)  can  be  imported  into  a  spreadsheet  or  read  by  a  plotting  program  to  compare  the  model  simulation  results  to  the  field  observations  (Figure  3).  


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Figure  3.    Observations  and  modeled  runoff  from  rainfall  simulator  plot  P205N.    Original  parameter  file  with  KS=50  mm/hr  and  G  =  50  mm.  

It  is  readily  apparent  that  the  model  is  underestimating  the  observed  runoff  with  the  observed  runoff  volume  =  60.23  mm  (Table  1)  being  much  larger  than  the  modeled  runoff  volume  (37.01  mm,  highlighted  in  green  above).      

Running  KINEROS2  with  the  “kin.fil”    When  you  ran  the  model  in  the  prior  example  it  created  a  kin.fil  file  with  the  values  you  input  at  the  prompts.  Contents  of  kin.fil  file  from  the  natural  simulator  plot  run  above  (explanatory  notes  in  blue  are  not  contained  in  the  file).  

  P205N.PAR         (parameter  file  name)  P205N.PRE         (rainfall  file  name)  P205N.TXT         (output  file  name)  Empire  Ranch  Plot  2,  Natural,  2005                  (model  run  title)  50                                             (simulation  duration  –  min)  1                                               (simulation  time  step  –  min)  Y           (Courant  adjustment  –  y/n)  N           (Sediment  –  y/n)  N           (Multipliers  –  y/n/file)  Y           (Tabular  summary  –  y/n)  

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The  simulation  you  did  above  will  also  create  a  multiplier  file  (mult.fil).    Open  this  file.    It  simply  contains  seven  rows  of  a  single  number  that  are  multipliers  for  the  following  parameters  in  the  .PAR  file.    All  the  numbers  should  be  equal  to  1.0.  

§ Saturated  hydraulic  conductivity,  KS  § Manning/Chezy    § Coefficient  of  variation  of  KS,  CV  § Capillary  drive  parameter,  G  § Interception  § Soil  cohesion  parameter     (used  for  erosion)  § Rain  splash  parameter       (used  for  erosion)  


The  following  table  contains  a  brief  summary  of  how  the  KINEROS2  multipliers  affect  the  model  results.  Even  though  many  of  the  multipliers  have  similar  descriptions  for  the  effects,  the  magnitude  of  the  impacts  can  vary  greatly.  This  point  is  reflected  by  the  intensity  of  the  color  associated  with  each  multiplier  in  the  table,  where  more  sensitive  parameters  have  more  intense/darker  colors.  

Upland/hillslope  hydraulic  conductivity  (KS)  

Increasing  KS  results  in  increased  infiltration,  decreased  peak  flows,  decreased  total  outflow,  decreased  erosion  and  sediment  yield  from  lower  flows.  

Upland/hillslope  Manning’s  roughness  (n)   Increasing  roughness  causes  runoff  to  slow.  This  results  in  increased  infiltration,  decreased  peak  flows,  decreased  total  outflow,  decreased  erosion  and  sediment  yield  from  lower  flows,  and  slows  drainage  times.  This  propagates  through  to  the  channels,  resulting  in  similar  trends.  

Upland/hillslope  coefficient  of  variation  for  KS  (CV)  

Increasing  CV  results  in  decreased  infiltration,  increased  peak  flows,  increased  total  outflow,  and  increased  erosion  and  sediment  yield  from  higher  flows.  

Upland/hillslope  mean  capillary  drive  (G)   Increasing  G  results  in  increased  infiltration,  decreased  peak  flows,  decreased  total  outflow,  and  decreased  erosion  and  sediment  yield  from  lower  flows.  

Upland/hillslope  interception   Increasing  interception  causes  less  rainfall  to  reach  the  ground.  This  results  in  less  opportunity  for  infiltration,  decreased  outflow,  and  decreased  erosion  and  sediment  yield.  This  propagates  through  to  the  channels,  resulting  in  similar  trends.  

Upland/hillslope  Cohesion   Has  no  effect  on  hydrology.  Increasing  cohesion  results  in  decreased  erosion  and  sediment  yield.  

Upland/hillslope  splash   Has  no  effect  on  hydrology.  Increasing  splash  results  in  increased  erosion  and  sediment  yield  on  the.  


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If  you  do  have  observed  hydrograph  data  and  are  attempting  to  calibrate  KINEROS2  using  the  parameter  multipliers  we  recommend  the  following  procedures:  

1. Change  the  KS  “overland  hydraulic  conductivity”  multiplier  until  you  come  close  to  matching  the  observed  runoff  volume  with  the  simulated  runoff  volume.    Increasing  the  KS  multiplier  will  decrease  runoff  volume.  

2. Change  the  “Mean  capillary  drive  (G)”  multiplier  to  alter  the  shape  of  the  initial  runoff  response.    Increasing  G  will  increase  infiltration  (delay  or  decrease  runoff)  at  the  beginning  of  the  event    

3. Change  the  “Overland  Manning’s  roughness  (n)”  multiplier.  Increasing  the  roughness  multiplier  will  typically  reduce  Qp  and  cause  the  time  to  peak  runoff  to  be  later.  NOTE  –  for  this  tutorial  the  runoff  flow  length  is  short  (6  m)  so  changing  “n”  has  a  very  minor  effect.  

 Open  kin.fil  with  a  text  editor  and  change  the  last  N  to  Y.    Run  the  program  and  when  asked  “Repeat  pervious  run”  respond  with  “Y”.    The  program  will  now  ask  you  “$  Use  previous  multipliers?”.    Respond  “N”  and  it  will  prompt  you  to  enter  a  multiplier  for  each  of  the  variables.  

Vary  the  KS  and  G  multipliers  so  that  the  modeled  runoff  volume  and  peak  runoff  rate  match  observed  values.    The  person  obtaining  the  best  match  to  the  observed  runoff  volume  and  peak  runoff  rate  will  win  a  fabulous  prize  !!