Session 2019/20 Forty-first Annual General Meeting Chan Yat Mei Sophie Room, the HKIE Headquarters, 9/F Island Beverley, No 1 Great George Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong on Tuesday, 21 April 2020 at 6:00pm

Session 2019/20 Forty-first Annual General Meeting Report_CV.pdf · Chi Fai, Ir Johnson LEE Kwun Chung, Ir Peter WONG Cheuk Fai, Ir Prof Onyx WAI Wing Hong, Mr Samson PUNG Chun Lok

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Page 1: Session 2019/20 Forty-first Annual General Meeting Report_CV.pdf · Chi Fai, Ir Johnson LEE Kwun Chung, Ir Peter WONG Cheuk Fai, Ir Prof Onyx WAI Wing Hong, Mr Samson PUNG Chun Lok

Session 2019/20


Annual General Meeting

Chan Yat Mei Sophie Room, the HKIE Headquarters,

9/F Island Beverley, No 1 Great George Street,

Causeway Bay, Hong Kong

on Tuesday, 21 April 2020 at 6:00pm

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NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the 41st Annual General Meeting of the Civil Division will be

held on Tuesday, 21 April 2020 at 6:00pm at Chan Yat Mei Sophie Room, the HKIE Headquarters,

9/F Island Beverley, No 1 Great George Street, Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, for the following


1. To receive and confirm the Minutes of the 40th AGM.

2. To receive and adopt the Annual Report of the Division for Session 2019/2020.

3. To receive and adopt the Financial Statement of the Division for Session 2019/2020.

4. To elect the Chairman and Ordinary Members of the Division Committee for Session


5. To elect the Council Member (Division) for Sessions 2020/2021 and 2021/2022.

In case of adjournment of the AGM, members of the Division shall check on the Institution’s website

at http://www.hkie.org.hk and the Division’s website at http://www.hkie-cv.org/ of the revised venue,

time and date for the adjourned AGM.

Ir William LUK Wai Lam

Honorary Secretary

14 April 2020


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Nominations for Division Chairman, Ordinary Members and Council Member (Division)

Division Chairman

The outgoing Division Committee has decided to nominate Ir Paul CHAN Chi Fai for election as the

Chairman for Session 2020/2021.

Ordinary Members – under Clause 7.2(c) of the Division Rules

The outgoing Division Committee has decided to opt for the maximum of 14 Ordinary Members, and

six Ordinary Members in the Committee shall retire by end of the Session, namely Ir Paul CHAN

Chi Fai, Ir Johnson LEE Kwun Chung, Ir Peter WONG Cheuk Fai, Ir Prof Onyx WAI Wing Hong,

Mr Samson PUNG Chun Lok and Ir TAM Ka Yan.

Following the retirement of the above Ordinary Members, there are six vacancies for the Ordinary


The Division Committee has decided to nominate the following six candidates for election as the

Ordinary Members for a three-year term: Ir Peter WONG Cheuk Fai, Ir Gloria TANG Yuk Yee, Ir

Felix FONG Wai Pan, Ir Lesly LEUNG Po Po, Ir Alan YAN Wai Ming and Ir Vincent TAM Wing


The Division Committee has received no additional nomination for Ordinary Members by the

nomination deadline on 7 April 2020.

Since the number of nominations equals the number of vacancies, no ballot is required.

Ordinary Member – under Clause 7.2(d) of the Division Rules (i.e. Ordinary Member of the

Committee who is of 35 years of age or below)

Miss WANG Shanshan shall retire by end of the Session. There are three vacancies for the Ordinary

Members. The Division Committee has decided to nominate the following three candidates for the

Ordinary Members for a three-year term: Ir Zoe LI Shuk Yee, Mr Samson PUNG Chun Nok and Ir

TAM Ka Yan.

The Division Committee has received no additional nomination for Ordinary Members by the

nomination deadline on 7 April 2020.

Council Member (Division)

The outgoing Division Committee has decided to nominate Ir Ian CHUNG Siu Ping for election as

the Council Member (Division) for Sessions 2020/2021 and 2021/2022.

The Division Committee has received no additional nomination for Council Member (Division) by

the nomination deadline on 7 April 2020.

Enquiries: Ir William LUK Wai Lam at 9610 1101 or email: [email protected].

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Appendix 1

Minutes of the

Fortieth Annual General Meeting – HKIE Civil Division

The Fortieth Annual General Meeting (40th AGM) of the Civil Division was held at 6:00pm on

Tuesday 23 April 2019 in Chan Yat Mei Sophie room of the Institution. Ir Alfred LEUNG Wai-ho,

Division Chairman, took the chair. Ir Michael FONG Hok-shing, Division Honorary Secretary, was

meeting secretary. The meeting started when there were 52 members attending.

The Chairman, Ir Alfred LEUNG Wai-ho, briefly read the Minutes of the 39th AGM. Ir Francis

KUNG Wing-chuen proposed that the Minutes of the 39th AGM be accepted and the proposal

was seconded by Ir Simon NG Pak-hung. There was no objection. The Minutes of 39th AGM

were confirmed.

The Annual Report for Session 2018/19 had been uploaded to the Division website. While hard

copies were available for those attending the AGM to collect, the Annual Report could also be

downloaded via scanning a QR code displayed at the AGM venue. The AGM Chairman briefly

read the Annual Report of the Division for Session 2018/19. Ir Victor LO King-yin then proposed

to adopt the Annual Report for Session 2018/19 and the proposal was seconded by Ir LEE

Kin-wah. There was no objection. The Annual Report for Session 2018/19 was adopted.

The unaudited Financial Statement of the Division for the year ending 31 March 2019 was

distributed to the attendees. Ir Paul CHAN Chi-fai, Division Honorary Treasurer, highlighted the

overall income and expenditure account for Session 2018/19. Ir Ian CHUNG Siu-ping proposed

that the Financial Statement for Session 2018/19 be adopted, and the proposal was seconded by

Ir LAM Chi-sing. There was no objection. The Financial Statement for Session 2018/19 was


The outgoing Division Committee had nominated Ir Thomas LAU Ming-yu to be the Chairman of

the Division for the forthcoming Session, and no other nomination had been received from

members by the nomination deadline. Ir Alfred LEUNG Wai-ho proposed the nomination and

the proposal was seconded by Ir Paul CHAN Chi-fai. There was no objection. Ir Thomas LAU

Ming-yu was elected as the Chairman of the Division for Session 2019/2020 by a show of hands


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The outgoing Division Committee had decided to opt for the maximum of 14 Ordinary Members

under clause 7.2(c) of the Division Rules, and four Ordinary Members in the Committee would

retire by the end of the Session, namely Ir Thomas LAU Ming-yu, Ir Aaron BOK kwok-ming, Ir

Sean CHEONG Chin-pang and Ir Alex LI Chun-fai.

There were four vacancies for Ordinary Members under Clause 7.2(c) of the Division Rules.

The Division Committee had nominated the following four candidates for Ordinary Members for

a three-year term: Ir Alex LI Chun-fai, Ir Dr Fiona KWOK Chung-yee, Mr. Samson PUNG Chun-nok

and Ir Tim LEUNG Man-tim, and no additional nominations had been received for Ordinary

Members by the nomination deadline. Since the number of nominations equalled the number

of vacancies, no ballot was required. Ir Alfred LEUNG Wai-ho proposed the nomination and

the proposal was seconded by Ir Thomas LAU Ming-yu. There was no objection. Ir Alex LI

Chun-fai, Ir Dr Fiona KWOK Chung-yee, Mr. Samson PUNG Chun-nok and Ir Tim LEUNG Man-tim

were elected as Ordinary Members for a three-year term.

One Ordinary Member under Clause 7.2(d) of the Division Rules would retire by end of the

Session, namely Ir Kenneth CHEUNG Kwan-wing. The Division Committee had nominated Miss

WANG Shanshan for Ordinary Member for a three-year term, and no additional nominations

had been received for Ordinary Member by the nomination deadline. Since the number of

nomination equalled the number of vacancy, no ballot was required. Ir Alfred LEUNG Wai-ho

proposed the nomination and the proposal was seconded by Ir Paul CHAN Chi-fai. There was

no objection. Miss WANG Shanshan was elected as Ordinary Member for a three-year term.

Due to the resignation of the incumbent Council Member (Division), Ir Aaron BOK Kwok-ming,

the outgoing Division Committee had nominated Ir Ian CHUNG Siu-ping for election as new

Council Member (Division) for the remainder of the term left vacant (i.e. Session 2019/20).

Since the number of nomination equalled the number of vacancy, no ballot was required. Ir

Paul CHAN Chi-fai proposed the nomination and the proposal was seconded by Ir Alfred LEUNG

Wai-ho. There was no objection. Ir Ian CHUNG Siu-ping was elected as Council Member

(Division) for the remainder of the term left vacant.

Ir Alfred LEUNG Wai-ho thanked his committee members for their efforts and contribution

during the session. He also thanked members of the Civil Division, helpers and sponsors for

their supports in the Division’s activities.

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Ir Thomas Lau Ming-yu proposed a sincere appreciation to the great efforts and strong

leadership by the incumbent Chairman Ir Alfred Leung Wai-ho in the session. The proposal was

accepted by all attendance in the AGM.

There being no other business, the AGM Chairman declared the close of the 40th AGM at


Civil Division had the honour to have Ir Jimmy CHAN Pai-ming, the Director of Highways of the

HKSAR Government, to deliver a seminar on “Innovation”.

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Annual Report for Session 2019 / 20

Tables of Contents Page

1. Chairman’s Report ……………………………................................................. 8

2. Report on Civil Division Annual Dinner 2019…………..……..……………… 9

3. Report on Student Liaison Group ……………………………………………… 10

4. Report on Technical Meetings…………………………………………………. 11

5. Report on Local Site Visits …………………………………………………….. 12

6. Report on Mainland Visits, Belt and Road and Big Bay Area



7. Report on Social Events ………………………………………………………. 16

8. Report on Volunteer Service Activities ………………………………………... 17

9. Report of Exchange Camp for Mainland and Hong Kong Young Civil


2020………………………………………….. ………………………………...


10. Report on Civil Discipline Advisory Panel ……………………………………. 19


Appendix A : List of Committee Members

List of Tables

Table A : List of Technical Meetings, Lectures and Conferences

Table B : List of Local Site Visits and Delegations

Table C : List of Mainland Visits

Table D : List of Social Events

Table E : List of Voluntary Service Activities

Table F : List of Report Submissions to Hong Kong Engineer

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1. Chairman’s Report

By Ir Thomas LAU Ming-yu

As the Chairman of this Session of 2019 - 2020, I, on behalf on the HKIE Civil Division, would like to express my wholehearted and most sincere appreciation for your kind support to us, especially during this difficult time of Hong Kong. At the start of our term in mid 2019, we adopted the theme of “Our Commitment for the Future” to focus on activities targeted at young engineers, engineering students in universities as well as the secondary school students. We planned school talks, site visits, mock interviews, mentoring schemes, sport day and overseas delegation, etc. Additional resources were assigned in organizing technical talks in this session with the intention to echo the theme set out by our President - “Knowledge Transfer”. The intention was not only to transfer our engineering knowledge to the future engineers, but also to bring positive messages to our next generation regarding their bright future ahead. Unfortunately, many of our planned activities were affected, deferred or even cancelled, as the city was confronted with a very difficult political situation in the first and second quarters of this session. Though we still managed to organize some technical talks, site visits and mock interviews, one of our key events, the Annual Dinner, was called off in the afternoon of the original scheduled date, 4 October 2019, to ensure the personal safety of all guests and members. With the commendable determination and great efforts of the organizing committee, we managed to hold another key event in the second quarter successfully; to celebrate the 15-anniversary of CEDD, an international conference jointly organized by both CEDD and HKIE was held on 2 December 2019. The conference covered different aspects related to land reclamation, including latest technology of reclamation, economic and ecological considerations for reclamation projects, and more. This full-day event attracted over 370 young members as well as experienced engineers to join, and brought scholars and professionals together to learn, share and network with industry experts. The third quarter of this session was probably one of the most challenging periods not only for the Division, but also for everyone in Hong Kong. The outbreak of COVID-19 in late January 2020 has led to the complete suspension all of our planned activities - technical talks, site visits, mentoring schemes, oversea and mainland delegations, among others. Moreover, our Annual Dinner, originally rescheduled to 21 February 2020, was called off a second time to protect all of our guests and members. Once again, I would like to express my sincere gratitude for your understanding and support on this issue. Stepping into the fourth quarter of this session, our committee members are still working very hard to plan and organize different events. Technical talks, site visits and mainland delegation will be resumed once the situation is recovered. I hope that I can greet you all in our coming Annual Dinner which is further rescheduled on 21 May 2020. Last but not the least, I must thank all the committee members, organizing committee members, helpers and volunteers for their dedicated efforts and contributions to our Division.

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2. Report on Civil Division Annual Dinner 2019

By Ir Paul Chan

It is with much regret that this event has been postponed a few times due to a series of unforeseen

circumstances, initially the public events that had caused safety concerns which were followed by the

major health issues by the novel coronavirus pandemic. I MUST thank you all for your patience and

unfailing supports to this traditional major annual activity that has been very successful in bringing us,

fellow engineers, together for knowledge and experience sharing as well as relationship building not to

mention the inspiring speeches by our Guest of Honour who shed lights to our industry. Now with our

fingers cross and hopes that these unwanted events will dampened down, the Annual Dinner is planned

to be held on 21 May 2020. Let us come together and reflect once again to bring new hopes for this

piece of land where we all call home and recover the lustre of this Oriental Pearl.

Let us also thank all those who have not only support financially to this event but also act as helpers

and OC members without whom this event could be organised.

Chairman of the OC- Paul Chan

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3. Report on Student Liaison Group

By Ir TAM Ka-yan and Ir LI Shuk-yee, Zoe

The Student Liaison Group aimed at liaising with the civil engineering students from different

universities and providing them more information and experience sharing on the responsibilities and

challenges ahead of civil engineers in Hong Kong. This session, Student Liaison Group has arranged

university sharing sessions and mock interviews for students of Technological and Higher Education

Institute of Hong Kong, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, City University of Hong

Kong, Hong Kong Polytechnic University and University of Hong Kong, in order to equip university

students with the practical engineering experience and interviewing skills.

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4. Report on Technical Meetings

By Ir Connie CHAN and Ir Peter WONG

The number of technical meetings held in this session had dropped significantly due to social

unrest in Hong Kong followed by the outbreak of COVID-19. There were only 3 sessions held in

August and September 2019, and we were hoping to resume these technical meetings as soon as

possible, as these meetings provided a platform for members to share the latest development in the

planning, design, construction and operation of civil engineering works. The sessions held in this

session covers different aspects of Civil Engineering, ranging from tunnel works, marine traffic

impact assessment and contractual claim aspects. A summary of events is listed in Table A.

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5. Report on Local Site Visits

By Alex LI Chun-fai and Ir Tim LEUNG

Since the social movement in the second half of 2019 and subsequent Corona Virus outbreak, the scheduled site visits have been interrupted/postponed. However, with the keen support

from the construction industry, the Civil Division managed to organise 5 local site visits in this

session. Some of them will run into the next session since prior planning is required. The visiting

sites covered a variety of infrastructure projects underway from various HKSAR works

departments. Details of the site visits are listed in Table B.

Technical Visit to CKR YMTW

Technical Visit to Tseung Kwan O-Lam Tin Tunnel

(Contract No.: NE/2015/02 & NE/2017/01)

Technical Visit to CKR YMTE

Technical Visit to CKR KTW

Technical Visit to Tseung Kwan O-Lam Tin Tunnel

(Contract No.: NE/2015/01)

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6. Report on Mainland Visits, Belt and Road and Big Bay Area Activities

By Ir Johnson LEE and Ir Simon NG

The Mainland visits organized by the Civil Division aim to provide a platform for members

for exploring the technological advancement in civil engineering and the fast-growing

infrastructure development in Mainland China. In 2019-2010 session, there were two visits

organized with very encouraging responses and active participation from our members. A

brief summary of the events is as follows:

Visit to Pre-insulated Pipe Manufacturing Factory in Taishan (台山)

The technical visit was held on 3 August 2019. Pre-insulated pipes (PIP) are used for heating,

ventilation and air conditioning (HVAC) in building services. The factory in Taishan has an

annual production capacity of approximately 20,000m length of PIP. The pipes manufactured

have been extensively being used in Kai Tak District Cooling System (DCS) in Hong Kong.

Through the visit, members appreciated the manufacturing process of the PIP pipes and various

quality assurance procedures, including hydrostatic pressure test, sand blasting and quality

control checking on exterior steel surface, wet film and dry film checking, and insulation density


Visit to Pre-insulated Pipe Manufacturing factory

Visit to Hoi Lung Precast Concrete Product Factory (海龍預制廠)

The technical visit jointly organized with Building Division was held on 23 November 2019. It

covered the factory visit of the precast concrete factory. Members were able to appreciate the

operation of a precast concrete production factory in Zhuhai and understand the application of

latest technology for Design for Manufacture and Assembly (DfMA) and Modular Integrated

Construction (MiC).

Visit to Hoi Lung Precast Concrete Product Factory

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Report on the Belt and Road Initiative

By Ir Johnson LEE and Ir Simon NG; Event Coordinators: Alex LO and Daniel LO

What is the role that engineers can play, in particular the younger ones, to seize the opportunities

brought about by the “Belt and Road”? And how can engineers strive for new development

momentum while cooperating with China’s development and explore new opportunities in

regional business advancement? To equip our young civil engineers to take up the opportunities

and challenges, the Civil Division will organize delegations to overseas countries and Mainland

China every year.

Due to the successful organization for a delegation to Sri Lanka in 2018, the Civil Division

organized a delegation for engineers from Sri Lanka on 5 - 8 September 2019. In the event, the

Civil Division was pleased to receive thirty engineers from the Institution of Engineers Sri Lanka

(IESL), whom were given the opportunities to visit some of the major engineering development

and infrastructure projects in Hong Kong, including the West Kowloon High Speed Railway

Terminus, Kai Tak Development Project, Tung Chung New Town Extension Reclamation Project,

Electrical and Mechanical Services Department Gallery and Zero Carbon Building.

Delegates also attended various exchange activities with professional engineers and institutional

representatives in Hong Kong and attended presentations on Hong Kong’s engineering services at

various occasions, including the government officials and major public organizations. In the

welcoming dinner hosted by the Civil Division, the Delegation was arranged to meet the Division

Chairman and other committee members and advisors of the 2018 Sri Lanka Delegation, who

shared about how Chinese enterprises and Hong Kong construction companies ran their

businesses in Hong Kong and Sri Lanka. Their first-hand experience and knowledge were

extremely useful for those delegates who planned to start their careers in Hong Kong and other

countries along the Belt and Road corridors.

The Civil Division would like to express sincere gratitude to the arrangement made by various

partner government departments and public companies as they had contributed very much

towards the successful organization of the event. The visits not only enabled the Sri Lanka

delegates to know more about the infrastructure development in Hong Kong, but also gave them

an opportunity to appreciate the multiculturalism of Hong Kong.

Welcome Dinner hosted by Civil Division

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Visit to Kai Tak Development Project

Visit to Tung Chung Extension Reclamation Project

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7. Report on Social Events

By Ir Alex LI Chun-fai

In this session, a 4-class yoga course was organised on 4, 16, 23 and 30 January 2020. This yoga

course was taught by one of our young engineers, who has obtained the Yoga Teacher

accreditation in India. She shared and provided the participants experience in ancient yoga, so

that the participants could relief their stress from work: deep stretch, muscle toning, Pranayama

(breathing exercise), meditation.

Subject to the situation of COVID-19, a Whisky Tasting Workshop and Thai Boxing Course are

tentatively organized in June and July 2020 respectively.

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8. Report on Volunteer Service Activities

By Ir Iman LAI & Ir Gloria TANG

To raise the visibility of the Institution and our Division, the Civil Division has continued to

participate in various voluntary service activities caring for the community.

We formed a team to take part in Sowers Action Challenging 12 Hours Charity Marathon held on

27 October 2019, to raise money for poor children in the Mainland hoping for education


On 19 January 2020, with the support of the Suicide Prevention Services Limited (SPS), we

visited the solitary elderly with emotional distress and sent them Chinese New Year (CNY) gifts

with warm greetings. After attending a briefing, we were divided into small groups to carry out

caring home visit in Kowloon and chatted with the elderly. Throughout this event, we had

better understanding on the living and mental conditions of the elderly, facilitating the SPS to

follow up the special needs of the elderly identified.

We would carry out repair works and house cleaning works for the elderly in public estates, and

visit the Hong Chi Association Centre for the mentally disabled, with a view to fostering the

spirit of harmony in our community.

Sowers Action 12km Team

CNY visit to solitary elderly

Core members of Volunteer Service Team at a

meal gathering to brainstorm volunteer service


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9. Report on Exchange Camp for Mainland and Hong Kong Young Civil Engineers 2020

By Ir Johnson LEE and Ir Simon NG

Since 1998, “Exchange Camp for Mainland and Hong Kong Young Civil Engineers (内地與香港

青年土木工程師交流營 )” has become a regular delegation event for both China Civil

Engineering Society (CCES) and Civil Division. The event is a highlight activity organised by

the Division every session and does provide an important platform for both Mainland and Hong

Kong young engineers to appreciate the latest practices adopted in the civil engineering industry.

Delegates are also arranged to conduct presentations and exchange sessions with mainland

construction companies and universities to explain on the differences between the Mainland and

Hong Kong practices in terms of project management, cost management and technical issues at

the exchange events with Mainland counterparts.

The Exchange Camp 2020 has originally been scheduled to hold from 9 to 14 April 2020 to visit

the latest infrastructure development projects in Beijing city and Hebei Province, including the

stadiums of the 2022 Winter Olympics, highway and railway works, and the state-level’s new

development area in Xiong’an New Area (雄安新區).

However, in the light of the recent outbreak of coronavirus infections, we have decided to

postpone the event to a later date. Civil Division will keep members posted of the latest


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10. Report on Civil Discipline Advisory Panel

By Ir Victor LO King-yin

There were over 6,300 members in Civil Discipline as at January 2020.

Membership application

In session 2018-19, a total of 105 Professional Assessment (PA) was arranged while 170

Reciprocal Recognition Assessment cases was processed by Civil Discipline Advisory Panel. 97

applications were received for PA2019 and around 60 candidates were arranged to sit on the new

form of competence based assessment. In the current session, 141 R.P.E. (Civil Discipline)

applications were received.

A Task Force is formed under the Executive Committee to look into various matters of

membership application process. It is noted that alignment between the requirements for

applicants holding overseas professional qualification for HKIE membership and registration of

R.P.E. under the Engineers Registration Ordinance would also be reviewed by the Task Force.

Competence Based Assessment (CBA)

The competence-based Professional Assessment (PA) and the Scheme “A” Training in

competence-based format target have been launched in April 2019. The Competence Standards,

Guidelines, individual competence requirements, relevant Information Booklets and membership

application forms are all updated and now available from the HKIE websites. A total of 342

Civil Discipline assessors have received training for Competence-based Professional Assessment

in this session. Training would provide to those potential Assessors in next session.


A Steering Committee on the Steering Committee was formed in the HKIE. Two committees,

namely, “Technical Qualification Committee” and “Promotion Committee” under the Steering

Committee were formed and the Term of Reference were being drafted. The Structural,

Electrical and Building Services Disciplines are proposed in the piloting for mutual recognition

in the Greater Bay Area. Other Disciplines including Civil, Gas and Manufacturing and

Industrial would be considered in the next round of mutual recognition.

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Appendix A : List of Committee Members

The Committee of the Civil Division includes the following members who have greatly contributed

to discussions and organizing various learned society activities for the Division in this Session.

Office Bearer

Ir Thomas LAU Ming-yu Chairman

Ir Paul CHAN Chi-fai Deputy Chairman

Ir Michael FONG Hok-shing Honorary Treasurer

Ir William LUK Wai-lam Honorary Secretary

Ir Alfred LEUNG Wai-ho Immediate Past Chairman

Committee Member

Ir Ian CHUNG Siu-ping Council Member (Division)

Ir Connie CHAN Ho-yee

Ir Iman LAI Wai-man

Ir Johnson LEE Kwun-chung

Ir Alex LI Chun-fai

Ir Simon NG Pak-hung

Ir Prof Onyx Wai

Ir TAM Ka-yan

Ir Peter WONG Cheuk-fai

Ir Samson PUNG Chun-nok,

Ir Fiona KWOK Chung-yee

Ir Tim LEUNG Man-tim

Ir WANG Shan-shan

Ex-official Member

Ir Victor LO King-yin Discipline Representative

Mr Tommy CHAN AMC Representative

Ir Joseph CHI Wun-jian SSC Representative

Ir Alan LAM YMC Representative

Co-opted Member

Ir Zoe LI Shuk-yee,

Ir Jack CHENG Chin-pang

Ir Gloria TANG Yuk-yee,

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Table A : List of Technical Meetings, Lectures and Conferences

Date Time Venue Topic CVD Role Speakers &






Vote of




21 Aug 2019 Wed




Chan Yat

Mei Sophie


Bei Heng Expressway

Phase II Tunnel Project Host by CVD

Mr. Xiao

Xiao Chun




Chan Victor

4 September

2019 Wed




Chan Yat

Mei Sophie


Marine Traffic Impact

Assessment Host by CVD

Mr. Wilson



CHAN Iman Ka Yan

18 September

2019 Wed




Chan Yat

Mei Sophie


Preparation of Claim

Submission in Civil

Engineering Contract

Host by CVD FTI Connie

CHAN Fiona




(re-scheduled) Wed




Chan Yat

Mei Sophie


Heung Yuen Wai

Highway Project Host by CVD

Mr. Joe Yip

and Mr. Alan







Lau Levin


(re-scheduled) Wed




Chan Yat

Mei Sophie


Reclamation in Hong


Host by CVD,

EAHK and


Mr. TS





Tong Victor Lo Allison


(re-scheduled) Wed




Poly U Offshore LNG

Receiving Terminal Host by CVD


Daman Lee


CHAN Allison

1 March 2020

(re-scheduled) Wed




Poly U

MiC Based


Approach for Land

Reclamation in Hong


Host by CVD Prof.

Quentin Yue




(re-scheduled) Fri




Chan Yat

Mei Sophie


Implementation of

Recycled Water in

Hong Kong

Host by CVD

WSD - Mr.






(re-scheduled) Mon




Chan Yat

Mei Sophie


Expansion of Sha Tau

Kok Sewage Treatment


Host by CVD DSD Connie


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Table A : List of Technical Meetings, Lectures and Conferences

Date Time Venue Topic CVD Role Speakers &






Vote of





(re-scheduled) Tues





Technical Seminar on

Acoustic Window and


Costs shared

with Building


Division, Civil





Marine, Naval


and Chemical


Mr. AU Wai

Kwong, Elvis,



Director of


Protection (1)



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Table B : List of Local Site Visits

Date Title

28 September2019 Technical Visit to Main Tunnel and Associated Works of Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin

Tunnel (Contract No.: NE/2015/01)

7 December 2019 Technical Visit to Central Kowloon Route – Yau Mau Tei West (Contract No. HY/2014/20)

21 December 2019 Technical Visit to Road P2 and Associated Works, and TKO Interchange of Tseung Kwan

O – Lam Tin Tunnel (Contract No. NE/2015/02 & NE/2017/01)

4 January 2020 Technical Visit to Central Kowloon Route – Yau Mau Tei East (Contract No. HY/2014/08)

11 January 2020 Technical Visit to Central Kowloon Route – Kai Tak West (Contract No. HY/2014/07)

25 April 2020


Technical Visit to Kai Tak Stage 3B project

9 May 2020 (TBC) Technical Visit to Inter-reservoirs Transfer Scheme (Contract No. DC/2018/08)

30 May 2020 (TBC) Technical Visit to CLP Black Point Power Station

April 2020 (TBC) Technical Visit to 1st MiC Pilot Project Site - Construction of Disciplined Services

Quarters for the Fire Services Department at Pak Shing Kok (Contract No. SSE502)

April 2020 (TBC) Technical Visit to Tuen Mun - Chek Lap Kok Link Northern Connection Sub-sea Tunnel

Section (Contract No. HY/2012/08)

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Table C : List of Mainland Visits

Date Title

3 August 2019 Technical visit to Pre-Insulated Pipe Manufacturing Factory in Taishan台山

23 November 2019 Technical visit to Hoi Lung Precast Concrete Product Factory海龍預制廠

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Table D : List of Social Events

Date Title

4, 16, 23 and 30

January 2020 Yoga Course

June 2020 (TBC) Whisky Workshop

July 2020 (TBC) Thai Boxing Course

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Table E : List of Voluntary Service Activities

Date Name of Activtiy

27 Oct 2019 Sowers Action Challenging 12 Hours 2019 – CVD team

19 Jan 2020 Care for the Elderly in the Community 2019

May 2020 (tbc) Project Home Works

June 2020 (tbc) Happy Gathering with Children at Disney

June 2020 (tbc) Visit to Hong Chi Association Centre for the mentally disabled

July 2020 (tbc) See-vil Engineering Programme 2020 – Site visits, workshops and debriefing seminar

Page 27: Session 2019/20 Forty-first Annual General Meeting Report_CV.pdf · Chi Fai, Ir Johnson LEE Kwun Chung, Ir Peter WONG Cheuk Fai, Ir Prof Onyx WAI Wing Hong, Mr Samson PUNG Chun Lok



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Table F : List of Report Submissions to Hong Kong Engineer

Date Title Author

September 2019 Chairman’s Message Ir Thomas Lau

October 2019 啟德發展區區域供冷預置保温管道台山工廠考察 盧敬賢工程師, 盧天祐先生 ,


November 2019 Technical Visit to Contract No. NE/2015/01 – Tseung

Kwan O - Lam Tin Tunnel – Main Tunnel and Associated


Ms. Dolphin Mak

January 2020 Technical Visit to Contract No. HY/2014/20 – Central

Kowloon Route – Yau Ma Tei West

Joint University Mock Interviews

Mr. Patrick Chow and Ms.

Dolphin Mak

Ir Tam Ka Yan

March 2020 Technical Visit to Contract No. NE/2015/02 &

NE/2017/01 – Tseung Kwan O – Lam Tin Tunnel – Road

P2 and Associated Works & Tseung Kwan O Interchange

and Associated Works

Mr. Patrick Chow