Mf ;'!,rff. 1 "! V[ ' "^.11 ^ Sr^l Ifi'l'-, ESTABLISHED MAY, 1895 VOL. XXL No. 1 MANASSAS, VA., FRt&AY, MAY 28, 1915 H.OO A Year A^hFance * HAYMARKET SCHOOLTOSHELD MEETING ON SUNDAY BIG WEEK AT EASTERN efc' Qoainy ExCTcises of Haymarket School Were Held Friday ETening, May 21. Man&tsas Was Meeting PLac< Thi« Week of RaUway Men- Over Fifty Attended. tern College C1OM« Its Sixteenth Sesuan With a Niunber of Interesting imd Wefi^ttendad Event*— U«t of Graduates and Prize Wi^nf^ri, -a£ The r i.u.MKiBiifeb, A meetingfjf the Washington commencement exercises Division Efficiency Association of | Haymiurkwl ;»»ihw«l-wu>o.ti>ti SoafehCTiBriiBBilwaj, was iiBiiJ-^ beidm the auditorium uf Masonic iM MiiimiiiMan on SuiM^ay kist. HaULlsst Friday evening, May 21. Fifty-threeil^bers of the a^so- Thehali was decorated with roses, gRn>AY KVKN1NG —jfifntnr naritai on Saturday tTtiw ^=F CLEAp UP A BIG SUCCESS {MAKES GOOD P^POSITION AcfifftiM on Par^ of .^ Qvic LeagM Give A / OaaiMrTown. When the mayor issued his proc- State Board of Health Makei Fine Propoiition for'Progres- •ive CommunitT'--Act, , , , "'^^.^^ w SSl^nt at the two program"was presented before a \ the orange blossoms^ and clusters uf sessions, on« Of which was held wistaria. The school, which was at 10 a. mr," iiid the other at 2;30 assembled on tiie rostrum with its p. m. The'^two .sessions of the Frida^eveningwa^given overling. In thia recital Miss Portef ^^°* ^^ Manassas to observe the to a re<S!Srt)y thF^Pupils of tbBJtook the role of pianist, a fid»*i 1 **®^ •*' May 17-te S&as "cl«anl Dramatic Art Department. The i which she is not so well kn^ j ilp and paint up" week, and when : ManaasKs music-lolSngl^^ ^!^.*^'*^ €mc League' caijacity audience which was | public as In the fierd-crTocar P^**"^ ita .campaign, little was generous with applause. The! music. The fact that JKi»s fGrter *''^'**"* *^** ^^® P*°P*^ *^^ ''^^ . , , ,. ^ , , ,, performers were screened from [is not 80 well known as a J6iani8t '°*° *''"'^ "*°P®™^*°^^® ^'^^ background ot flowers, presented meeting w«|se held in the new ^.^^^ ^^ ^ voluminous white cur- lis.no argument th^t she^s hot asceoe tha twill be long remem- town hall.^and the associat.on ^ain which was drawn aside after i well aci^mplished in tfi? side of bered by ail who were present, expressed iteeif as deeply grate- The program was as follows: ful for the nse o^ the halL The Song of welcome by the school, association dined at the New Address of welcome by the Prince Widiam where a bounteous principal, M r, Charter, who pointed .dinner was served, out a few of the needs of the The meeting was presided over school. He spoke of the past ses- by Byrd Leavell, agent at Cul- sion's work and asked for the CO- paper, who is president of the operation of the patrons in the association. Several addresses building up of a larger and better were made, two of whjch wfi-gdll school next session. •. make mention of. E. F. Ticer, Miss Nannie Osbourne then re- agent at Alexandria and vice- cited- Jamoo Whitcomb - ftiley'a; president of the'SSsdciaSohV Md famous poem, "Knee Deep in-as his subject "The Prompt June, "which was thoroughly en-; Handling of Con-e[q>eBdence." joyed by the entire audience. The speech of the day, howev^', the program was started, expoa- ioK an attractively decorated platform, with a nuwof foliage in the background. The program opened with a piano duet which was followed by several good dramatic selec- tions. Those taking part were Prof. Willis W. HarrinMm, :direc- tor ofthe'OrainSalic AftTJ^part- ment; Mrs. Harriman, Hisses Garr'ft livt^r'*^,—tiii>rii<t TTiibhw, Ernestine Mozer, ^race Genz- berger, Wdaon, and Ethel ,Hlx- son, and Mr. Hal Ramsey. This was followed by a Tedtation entitled "When the S<±ooI Year is Over," by Thomas Ga-'ietL Misses Margaret Watts, PL lebe Rector, and Bertha Watts then sang the "Spring Song " whiehjtonged applause . . was enthusiastically. applauded Besides thoso montjoned above The children in thejaimary de- the following pmminftTitmpmb«»rB partment followed with a song of the association were in attend- entitled ' The Song of the Blue. ance: W. C. Hudson, of Alexan* was that of J. R Gulp, agent at Remington, Irbo addreasad the association dn 'Tidinevs and Neatness About the Stati(» His speech bfwighfc forth . bird."' Miss Bertha Watts fol- ~ lowed with a recitatioB, ' Besssa brance." The larse bouquet of roses presented her was evidence that she would be remembered by ^^one at least. A wreath daoec y t h e i i followed, given by-the ghli in the fourth agd fifth l^^es. It s6nj:_bi ttiftihQii._"Alma Mater." MiaaliMriwRectorfel- loited ^tii a redMi^n. After her dria, superintendent of Washing- ton division; W. T. ^illiam^ trainmaster of Harria<mburg d> vision; R. F. Beckham, of Alex- aiHbu, route agent; V.A.Slaugh- ter, of Alexdndm, route agent; G. It'KKUUBtU'Of Grt^Miaboro,. N. C., Moek tnapt^ntar; Ti^ # _ DaYia,of Waahington, chief eiari^ auditor of di^Nmements; A. H. Haaiaker, ft«igiu agmt at Bar' recital the «K>lj<w « <»afria<mbo^ and aeeretary nf^tig aaabaaSon; C. A. GaZ^ufh; particular seeljdo of the^oU very proBoanoed. Songbyachool, '*Upldee.**"~"' Then foQowed one of the most roftiR ersning, a debate on consolidated schools. Miss MargaretWatta^iss Christ- ine Bragg, and Mr. Wallace Shumate of^tdd the negative while Mr.Johaa Watts, MiBB Slen- Utterback, and Mr. ParsoBM Rec- tor defended the negative. Dr. H. M. Clarks(»^ Mr Geo. Tyler^_and_Jtobt^: &Ht u^ed aa judges. The debaters showed marked ability and the entire de- bate was very spirited. In the ibbulLala UiedebaUira eame bmA with mach&« and the wiilieriB^I .-.arcasm hu4ed attibeirl9pp(«e&ts uas haOed wit^ ddigfat hy^ tfaa audience. -- White the jadgMnagadiacoa^i- >ng the merits of the qoestioD tiie L.eague Choma sang f o r ^ e « i - :crtainm«it af ^ e andioioe. of Waahingtoa^^^ Htrk, aiMJitor of freight l ^ » e ; Hiftyr Seay, of Washington, formerlyjQf^Manas- aaa, cbi^ dorkj aadtoir~a^ltt»-' tion aceoants; H. J. Batii, of <;harlottesville, t3-av«ymg imdifaw. Measrs. T. F. Coleman and W. H. Clark, both of Manassas, con- stituted the reception committee, and « most eSactive c(xnpiittee they made from the mjuoy Dlef^ : ant rqmrts dreolated afite^the Each performer rejected much credit upon Prof. Harrimpm's trainingv Mrs. Harritoan finding specif fai^orwith th^ sudiehee. MisffCtarip E. Fetzw, of Wi €wi~ ffflrmeriy -OT- usa county, and Miaa EtheLHizawv diu^h^' "&.lix. lod younger MrK £i.'E. fiixson. of MannsaaB, "^JMTBRDAY kSttKaOtM On Saturday afternoon the schools of Art and Home flco- nomicB gave their exhibition and -as,Wft8 her muaitrtJ jeduea well |eattt)pd to evening. ^-,. -•to the opening dhTiber, » ^mata from Beethovferi, Miss Porter displayed good techm\ue, •vhile in a latier number, "Etude lielodiqqe' 'by J. Raff, she played *itb- muia>r fedfaig. Her final tent that they did last week.? ^'^ funds made available by Now that the "clean up" is a | *^® ^°'*"^**^"'"** ^ ^ ^ h Commis- _ thing Qf the past the people of «on, the State Board of Health ^ t ^ ^ ^ ^ t h g t t m n aiB-uuaiiimourin s a y i i ^ i a anxioiia to ioffltf .IhaJ.Virginiji that Man«jaaa is decidely more community which ^ willing to dumber,' "Capprido Brillant*'' by Mendelssohn, in wUch Pixjf. Qoriell look aeegm! piane, btuug^ 9ut her general aUiity and dwwed Very dearly her gvaqt cm musie oftfaepiaflofinte. Miaa Edith Mc-Otto, mezao -^ prtno, moat id^ aanated Miaa Poi1ier< '&sr opening numbof^ waa irell arag and wii mocit an- Qyrecilvedbyt^ad- Teague'a teamloAoied^^o and by yi» HVrmarifM. dlilr to %bom mochcreSt a -aeeompaniat -IBay displayed much ability in t h e i r p ^ ' a beat munber liM "Sii^B«if respected ^ombera - apd graMp^nK warm |o bek (uhnmtaga, aad ablaut "^F* <»,S»ta«^ «P^ porowi to. V^ with rwnaricabki rtraetn—1 «ad leafing. mnouur itoftNiHa green nhwiMwry* artidea oi sEssffiifs mai era) HaU^^ T1» UVtotaenth annoal' eom- moKement of Hebron Seaunaiy ushered in with nnich vim last Satpfday ereniBg wbeu-thg 1 ney were and it waa (mly \g the rftom of th. p judges thac tkey weaflBbved t-- -Stop. Mr. Rost commeBdfid_the de- : a:<rs for the manner in which tr.E deoate^waa lendered and an- .-vv jnced that after earefol eon- .sTnpnition of (Jw a i g y w l iw»a - r ed by both akles, the jodgea u. ,aed ic favor of cooaoUdatkm. ""*» enthusiasm waa aroused in Mr. Tyler then presmted » the membera of the Bible Depart- mer.al. awarded by tbe pMndtwl, |n»«»t when, on Tuesday evening. to Miss Margaret Watta, for de- r.v^nnff the best debate. Tr promotion certificataawere iC''»<i^n to the pupila. Pro- ling procrram. The mi r-^.ixr? of prise eootnt waa hdd. On Son- day Plof. J. A. <kri)er, of Waah-fthia hni; ingt<», deUvered the baeaJao- reate semfon.ia which be pwnted out higher ideals in life. The annual nmaic redtaI~of Monday evening proved to be, aa ]iad_ bees predicted. U^a beat muaacal program <rf the year. itotiie«]dfi]ita.aBdl givm JBP hi^w^y atid two roeraa wer« veer pretty decarated with goaea and T l w varioda V-eSEhnit w^e artssttr cafiy' gT«dpad aaiili were theadpiiration of the maagr' The main room <sa. the IroQi was given op to ^>ecim^4rf Ht woric of the papila.of tbatdopi^^ ^A. Roads and Mrs. J.iC. Dspa Divlie ment daring the cutzent year The work of e^h Aodent waa grooped sepajn^ely, except w h o ^ the stid^.t had only one *x two exhibits. Miaa Ajnelia F. Brown, of ttw^i^aaa, kad oa. esSiibit her W9cj|,^ chiiB deieoratiMi fouTOte yett. All of bar work showedi^]^™*- '^pe into dus world to akiil in execotion and a gift for getflt-bleD^Bg;—Mias Cafrie -Er F^aer, of Waahington, D. C, was the prindpal exhibit(»r of huntings. Miaa Fetzer, who iHver made any attempt at paint- iag until thia year, waa highly eongratolided cm idl adea for the cxodlent work ahe haa done. Her ability aa a draaamaker waa ahw leatiflad-to by a akillful an^ neaUy cxeeated pieee of worit in After leaviiv the art room, andiddieaii tbe way to the borne eftmortnoi exhitnt^" in another j Bra, J. R Leatherman. of Fair- fax, made an excellent address. Wednesday eveninsi: was given [over to the annual alumni me<»t- to inveikl,few RundJ-i.-d dollars in UUB- paiKn ihat wil! ri.; it of hookworm disease, erntlcatp Tty-twroe tjrphaW' iiiid improvL- .gtiitTBl health. Only trtw? DH^ic coui)|ty tni# MVomer* ' Ap- ply to SffarftMinrf^of^tfhM^ Bieh- momli -- i ?"- • / attractive aftd certainly deaner, r i)uringtih*^ first three days of last wedt tije people collected in boxes, barrels and piles their un- burnable trash, so that when the teai«w>f thejeivicjeaague-startedf^phoid and la geuenil m^tayy betterment " Thia^ in subatance, is the spme> what tmusnal proposal made in oh ther^n^s Thursday morning it waa soan found tha^ j^enty of work awaited the leafeoa, ^Tth^ on^half dajor and Jfiiii, G X5 , Meetze fufliiehed a tiMm ^ Fh- V??*"'^ thi^ week day: In all thirteen big two- horae WI«(HI knda of jfarbage wer^rerooyed by thewi two teams to the doBBnos omtmda on Henry N<»na' idae« ha||r 2(hRL In ad- dition several aaft-hprae wagop *he wed(i:|^ hulJetin of the State Ek)ard<tf Health, gtvm out to the Baok of itiaan aani> loa^were 1^^ oat at the^^ during the Praetiefaiy the attk<e town waa Ba Your Pr^pna" by> E i n e F « » i l S ^ « ? * J ^ ^ ^ - i ^ »«^ ** iamafcv Bare voice ahowed ft^^™'**^ 0n» more load of giOtMfe re- OD^tised to be hauled b«ft, t ^ the ka^ by thiaihne^qw in aueh ^t^^oPOMfatopogtaaeerfpoblie finas&I atraita t M H cqrid iM^th work. MmiAt .which waa wall] igherty aaked- B. r t ^ eoBgregatiflpi aangr "AH Power xtfjctraft' !tene' _ _ l^ecipture reading waa'given by nptr-Sanaaoaar ehorua daaa gave anotbir adee- tj0n, a prayer waa grvoite' BeV. sang the tok>, "0 Diviie Re- deemer." f Xhen fdlowed th«bao^a]ii||preate sermon by Preadwj: H. U,;Ro^. Br. Roop had M h& nitiject "Chriat,The Light of the WMI&." He stated in the of which the Mltset ^^taf jiMthrftwaid.teach, and aa hia taUc progreaaed he bioBght out awre folly juafe r:. how Chriat ia the Ught «f the wiMid. To the Claas of 1915 he gave in part the f<^owing kleaa: A life xn not tbedraunstaaee of accident but the golden otyof- (iod jadiie» tumty of parpoae. life by ita tendeDcy, ita motive^ and the plan for oiff KfewiD be reached joat to the extant we live doae to God. ' c£riat makea poaalbie for BMB a aawer and batter fife. The great need <tf the world to-day ia moral hdp -i. re as follows: -T T<^ .SETovn GBJIDK ^ Va -Pi WiriP, G<»orpf W " \S TO ":H.B.ii GRADT I-*t' ^ f^O»rOT;> »> » Tf i- TH (iivAriR Mirv pw.»(»r<'v. LiOUi»t tuibmson, Ever- «>tt<>'TV,or-.a«qB^LoaiIla WlJllB iBdJttei- the faculty were greatly sor- pn>od by a numr>er of uj'ful t"\- pn^s<"'nted th - bv t'-e e-id room, BD ooefaikd.to.9ay their reapecta to the ponch booth where the appetite df the visiter wu^B^ilown 1 httie fcr thr safety of the very tempting ex- hibit of the RonMEconomiea De- partment. This exhibit was varied Mid mrtst care;..ity gotten. ua Canned good*, oread of different kinds, mear.^. iiesserts, etc. presented such a pretty pic- Mrr that the visitor Wu8 ioath to 'uiTjart: So smalt T5«rt isf The v easure derived from the v-iait v^-aa t r.e vei-r cradous gnidanc? ".TTd- me -worris crf^ irjrtsnfctid'n"^ r-vr- ^•.- .Vi;<«° Meth. -.irector of' ^ v e everything dae. The di- vmity of Cbriat is the aP eaaen- txA {mndpie of religion, without it religion degeoerataa. -Christ gffig #orth tb th^Hfe wiwtiif eadi individaal, md each moat do hia duty ot it will remifB un- done throogfaoot theagea. FlaUowing Dr. Roap*a aannoD the coBgiegatioB, whieh was a large and repreaentative coa^ sang "How Firm a teiidafion** and were^tben i. £ Slick :^. SUNDAY ITEJTOfG iuore be halted y^B g q « ^ ^ on tlie varfe af bti<^ finiahed. of garbage jmd juaotfties The-'>iean-op" idea has vgx^ ao tihwt many'tf the aJleyi and "ea<|ah4dls" bdnnd atonftand other boildingtare being deened n^' The heajMi officer haa a - preaaed the Ktpaatm. that Maauk saa is deaner now than it ever to#B aboold be ms^m. Kji!:<^i :-»-. IK ol War* Halad fatoCoart Far OwallrToAaAaaMaL^ ^- - •*•• - • [ » • H«aiaM OkMmr] An. attempt to kiU a beagle hound bekcging to WBhan F. Fhrd, ir., a portal ekrfc Uviog in Oif tMo, in the beU^ that the dag had been amoyingaheep^broagfat W. B. Deak and A. D. fiaoacr- fj^ejOiftoB. neighborhood, before a jostiee eoort in Tuesday night, a wedi ago, on a chajixe of unn^oeaaazr emdtytoammala. - Aftera bear- invest ahoot 11250 ia a aanitary campaign; OB eoj»dition-that ap" proxin»tely $1,000 be spent through the board in eradicating hoQkworm diaease and fiy-bom« m "^S*! 'i^\ Gommiasioai condoled ita yean of work in tbe Sooth iBat idnttir, the International Health ry uu «auiiary^4nveittigaaott !^ Ameridi andabrded. ikftereare- M ^ S ^ oF^mnsear^tewjB^ m|aai(Hi deeidad to h«|ta loten- nte e can^Sa«B8 in ^iiuliiaa-atatos ohiect 9f whidi aiiotald be to illaatrat* bgr the evadieation of certain eoounomcable tBewnGraiiif^^yf 'the' tnaie~ a caapeigB ia A^cginia, onder the ^^cetioBof the board, and to ateTgreater part of rtsat-gsfgntfuf were tackled byH»»#n«^ h«w» iip* greater part lary. jpork TBe" iS^tri^ where a* fa^lniwt h<-lth nffWr anH fW« ««. atotantelive been engaged ina canvaBTof the CDmrnmiity, farm by farm, in tstdee to encoarage thefai^taRationof aanitary devieeB and to iid it of fi^bome di»- This wi^k has succeeded so waa ^before and thia ia a faet o£ ?el^ ^ ^ the eommiasion has iM>w agreed to <H-ganlae another ^^^WBB^ in -a aetoeted Viigima^ conuBonity. The aal»ry and ex- penaee of the health officer in Xduurgeand theaahgiea^ neeea- aary aaaatanta are paid with fonda from the eommission, the iheidental cxpenaea arc borne by tibe states the commonity is only asked to pay the traveling ex- boud of tfa6 asaist- ;>*.;. anto—• totd of about $250 for a eoaapleto campaign. The prfUem n o w before the board ia to adetst that i^rogres- aive Virgini* eooununity whiori ia moat anxkxia f(» a gent.':.. campaign oi aanitary imprcvf-- ment and win~make its contribu- tion to that end. In return board can practi caih gi e a.- - . inglbefore Juatiee B. Sinndle, of CenttfviDe, lastiagaeveral hoars, the two far^an were Aned $12.50 iBKfaawi ebato^ BoA noted an t.-.' jTsther-.r.g of •-r. rr ^ rr.aoe jf c->- .la.-.ie^ :jr :. jaince i^v-ng the walfe : '••rfa. - ••- .-•• i 'epartnoent, and several r»*rf.M^nng pr«'!»«^ rou cjh.n Ot ;ind Car. ucaed or. £igtth Vmf^ ' Kehn->r, ' . Vf" Unuf\. V.I ft-. ? MTss Edna F V Miss Edith M. Otto, ga^e a r.c^- .ta*-! can-.. kir. ariiia*^ .^cr The incident azoosed moeh feeRng amoBK the residents of Cfifton, who openly espoused the and its owner, and there waa a large attendance at iBe trial. Il appeared from f^^^ t>'<' oiHi^Anf^ that Raiiflflrman ^ . i ^ a people forip^t^- ^^-^ ^^^ <^'^ "^ " fo A}n»»ghty h.i .^.. t r : . . . . . .. _. A_:„ tnaa at the.'''^'•^•-•--'••-'^^•'-" • • • ' -""•-"-- ilar. Honcc caiicct it.i a.j».. ^--•< *i ^-^^e afrfflrt .ce hekilit^ ^"^ '^^ -r-arpw •? at -tte tfait with public ^ ' ^ faDokworm (Ksease <:•<.• to disappear, fiy-bcr can be eradicated, in' phdnta can be d»cre.'v.- general health of :.n< can be greatly impr < In order to "playr^ ' the board has a.'-k o i tha 8tat« ^ fn^-r—f" the boards of >Lii» the ..... rs'ar!..,...: .::.-:-. .tv of •-. •.th •< •.•na- and ia wlU tt^- ?*f'.' lOrl/naefi (^ Seco Pa^ '•.•ej.u. Pag-" commur.itv bj June 15 and "wljl;' conLJBue for at. least thra% months.

sEssffiifs mai era) ms^m.eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · Dr. H. M Clarks(». M^ r Geo. Tyler^_and_Jtobt^: &Ht u^ed aa judges. Th debatere s showed marked ability

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Page 1: sEssffiifs mai era) ms^m.eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · Dr. H. M Clarks(». M^ r Geo. Tyler^_and_Jtobt^: &Ht u^ed aa judges. Th debatere s showed marked ability

Mf ;'!,rff. 1 "! V[ ' " .11

^ Sr^l



VOL. XXL No. 1 MANASSAS, VA., FRt&AY, MAY 28, 1915 H.OO A Year l « A^hFance *


School Were Held Friday ETening, May 21.

Man&tsas Was Meeting PLac< Thi« Week of RaUway Men-

Over Fifty Attended.

tern College C1OM« Its Sixteenth Sesuan With a Niunber of Interesting imd Wefi^ttendad Event*—

U«t of Graduates and Prize Wi^nf^ri,

-a£ The


i.u.MKiBiifeb, A meetingfjf the Washington commencement exercises Division Efficiency Association of | Haymiurkwl ;»»ihw«l-wu>o.ti>ti SoafehCTiBriiBBilwaj, was iiBiiJ-

beidm the auditorium uf Masonic iM MiiimiiiMan on SuiM ay kist. • HaULlsst Friday evening, May 21. Fifty-threeil^bers of the a so-Thehali was decorated with roses,

gRn>AY KVKN1NG —jfifntnr naritai on Saturday tTtiw


AcfifftiM on Par^ of . Qvic LeagM Give A / OaaiMrTown.

When the mayor issued his proc-

State Board of Health Makei Fine Propoiition for'Progres-

•ive CommunitT'--Act,

, , , "' . ^ w S S l ^ n t at the two program"was presented before a \ t» the orange blossoms and clusters uf sessions, on« Of which was held wistaria. The school, which was at 10 a. mr," iiid the other at 2;30 assembled on tiie rostrum with its p. m. The' two .sessions of the

Frida^eveningwa^given overling. In thia recital Miss Portef ^^°* ^ Manassas to observe the to a re<S!Srt)y thF^Pupils of tbBJtook the role of pianist, a fid»*i 1 **®^ •*' May 17-te S&as "cl«anl Dramatic Art Department. The i which she is not so well k n ^ j ilp and paint up" week, and when :

ManaasKs music-lolSngl^^ ^!^.*^'*^ € m c L e a g u e ' caijacity audience which was | public as In the fierd-crTocar P^**"^ ita .campaign, little was generous with applause. The! music. The fact that JKi»s fGrter *''^'**"* * ** ^ ® P*°P* *^ '' ^

. , , ,. ^ , , ,, performers were screened from [is not 80 well known as a J6iani8t ' °*° *''"'^ "*°P®™^*°^^® ' ^ background ot flowers, presented meeting w«|se held in the new . ^ ^^ ^ voluminous white cur- lis.no argument th^t she^s hot asceoe tha twill be long remem- town hall.^and the associat.on ain which was drawn aside after i well aci^mplished in tfi? side of bered by ail who were present, expressed iteeif as deeply grate-The program was as follows: ful for the nse o^ the halL The

Song of welcome by the school, association dined at the New Address of welcome by the Prince Widiam where a bounteous

principal, M r, Charter, who pointed .dinner was served, out a few of the needs of the The meeting was presided over school. He spoke of the past ses- by Byrd Leavell, agent at Cul-sion's work and asked for the CO- paper, who is president of the operation of the patrons in the association. Several addresses building up of a larger and better were made, two of whjch wfi-gdll school next session. •. make mention of. E. F. Ticer,

Miss Nannie Osbourne then re- agent at Alexandria and vice-cited- Jamoo Whitcomb - ftiley'a; president of the'SSsdciaSohV Md famous poem, "Knee Deep in-as his subject "The Prompt June, "which was thoroughly en-; Handling of Con-e[q>eBdence." joyed by the entire audience. The speech of the day, howev^',

the program was started, expoa-ioK an attractively decorated platform, with a nuwof foliage in the background.

The program opened with a piano duet which was followed by several good dramatic selec­tions. Those taking part were Prof. Willis W. HarrinMm, :direc-tor ofthe'OrainSalic AftTJ^part-ment; Mrs. Harriman, Hisses Garr'ft livt r'* ,—tiii>rii<t TTiibhw, Ernestine Mozer, ^race Genz-berger, Wdaon, and Ethel ,Hlx-son, and Mr. Hal Ramsey.

This was followed by a Tedtation entitled "When the S<±ooI Year is Over," by Thomas Ga-'ietL Misses Margaret Watts, PL lebe Rector, and Bertha Watts then sang the "Spring Song " whiehjtonged applause

. . was enthusiastically. applauded Besides thoso montjoned above The children in thejaimary de- the following pmminftTitmpmb«»rB

partment followed with a song of the association were in attend-entitled ' The Song of the Blue. ance: W. C. Hudson, of Alexan*

was that of J. R Gulp, agent at Remington, Irbo addreasad the association dn 'Tidinevs and Neatness About the Stati(» His speech bfwighfc forth


bird."' Miss Bertha Watts fol-~ lowed with a recitatioB, ' Besssa

brance." The larse bouquet of roses presented her was evidence that she would be remembered by

^^one at least. A wreath daoec y t h e i i followed, given by-the ghli

• in the fourth agd fifth l^^es. I t s6nj:_bi ttiftihQii._"Alma

Mater." MiaaliMriwRectorfel-loited ^ t i i a redMi^n. After her

dria, superintendent of Washing­ton division; W. T. ^ i l l i a m ^ trainmaster of Harria<mburg d> vision; R. F. Beckham, of Alex-aiHbu, route agent; V.A.Slaugh-ter, of Alexdndm, route agent; G. It'KKUUBtU'Of Grt Miaboro,. N. C., Moek tnapt ntar; Ti # _ DaYia,of Waahington, chief eiari^ auditor of di^Nmements; A. H. Haaiaker, ft«igiu agmt at Bar'

recital the «K>lj<w « <»afria<mbo^ and aeeretary nf^tig aaabaaSon; C. A. GaZ^ufh; particular seeljdo of the^oU

very proBoanoed. Songbyachool, '*Upldee.**"~"' •

Then foQowed one of the most roftiR ersning,

a debate on consolidated schools. Miss MargaretWatta^iss Christ­ine Bragg, and Mr. Wallace Shumate of^tdd the negative while Mr.Johaa Watts, MiBB Slen-Utterback, and Mr. ParsoBM Rec­tor defended the negative.

Dr. H. M. Clarks(»^ Mr Geo. Tyler^_and_Jtobt : &Ht u^ed aa judges. The debaters showed marked ability and the entire de­bate was very spirited. In the ibbulLala UiedebaUira eame bmA with mach&« and the wiilieriB^I .-.arcasm hu4ed at tibeir l9pp(«e&ts uas haOed wit^ ddigfat hy tfaa audience.

-- White the jadgMnagadiacoa^i->ng the merits of the qoestioD tiie L.eague Choma sang f o r ^ e « i -:crtainm«it af ^ e andioioe.

of Waahingtoa^^^ Htrk, aiMJitor of freight l ^ » e ; Hiftyr Seay, of Washington, formerlyjQf^Manas-aaa, cbi^ dorkj aadtoir~a^ltt»-' tion aceoants; H. J. Batii, of <;harlottesville, t3-av«ymg imdifaw.

Measrs. T. F. Coleman and W. H. Clark, both of Manassas, con­stituted the reception committee, and « most eSactive c(xnpiittee they made from the mjuoy Dlef^ : ant rqmrts dreolated afite^the

Each performer rejected much credit upon Prof. Harrimpm's trainingv Mrs. Harritoan finding specif fai^orwith th^ sudiehee. MisffCtarip E. Fetzw, of Wi

€wi~ ffflrmeriy -OT- usa county, and Miaa EtheLHizawv

diu^h^' "&.lix. l o d younger MrK £i.'E. fiixson. of MannsaaB,


On Saturday afternoon the schools of Art and Home flco-nomicB gave their exhibition and

-as,Wft8 her muaitrtJ jeduea well |eattt)pd to evening. ^-,. -•to the opening dhTiber, » ^mata from Beethovferi, Miss Porter displayed good techm\ue, •vhile in a latier number, "Etude lielodiqqe' 'by J. Raff, she played *itb- muia>r fedfaig. Her final

tent that they did last week.? ^ ' ^ funds made available by Now that the "clean up" is a | * ® °'*"^**^"'"** ^^^h Commis-

_ thing Qf the past the people of «on, the State Board of Health ^t^^^^thgttmn aiB-uuaiiimourin sayii^ia anxioiia to ioffltf .IhaJ.Virginiji

that Man«jaaa is decidely more community which ^ willing to

dumber,' "Capprido Brillant*'' by Mendelssohn, in wUch Pixjf. Qoriell look aeegm! piane, btuug^ 9ut her general aUiity and dwwed Very dearly her gvaqt cm musie oftfaepiaflofinte.

Miaa Edith Mc-Otto, mezao -^ prtno, moat i d ^ aanated Miaa Poi1ier< '&sr opening numbof waa irell arag and wi i mocit an-


Teague'a teamloAoied^^o and

by y i » HVrmarifM.

dlilr to %bom mochcreSt a

-aeeompaniat -IBay displayed much ability in t h e i r p ^ ' a beat munber l iM "Sii B«if respected ^ombera - apd g r a M p ^ n K warm

|o bek (uhnmtaga, aad a b l a u t " ^ F * < » , S » t a « ^ « P ^

porowi to. V^

with rwnaricabki rtraetn—1 «ad leafing.

mnouur itoftNiHa

green nhwiMwry* artidea oi

sEssffiifs m a i era)

H a U ^ ^

T1» UVtotaenth annoal' eom-moKement of Hebron Seaunaiy

ushered in with nnich vim last Satpfday ereniBg wbeu-thg

1 ney were and it waa (mly \g the rftom of th. p judges thac tkey weaflBbved t-- -Stop.

Mr. Rost commeBdfid_the de-: a:<rs for the manner in which tr.E deoate^waa lendered and an-.-vv jnced that after earefol eon-.sTnpnition of (Jw a i g y w l iw»a - r ed by both akles, the jodgea u. ,aed ic favor of cooaoUdatkm. ""*» enthusiasm waa aroused in

Mr. Tyler then presmted » the membera of the Bible Depart-mer.al. awarded by tbe pMndtwl, |n»«»t when, on Tuesday evening. to Miss Margaret Watta, for de-r.v^nnff the best debate.

Tr • promotion certificataawere iC''»<i^n to the pupila. Pro-

ling procrram. The mi r- .ixr? of

prise eootnt waa hdd. On Son-day Plof. J. A. <kri)er, of Waah-fthia hni; ingt<», deUvered the baeaJao-reate semfon.ia which be pwnted out higher ideals in life.

The annual nmaic redtaI~of Monday evening proved to be, aa ]iad_ bees predicted. U a beat muaacal program <rf the year.

itotiie«]dfi]ita.aBdl givm JBP hi^w^y atid two roeraa wer« veer p r e t t y decarated with goaea and

Tlw varioda V-eSEhnit w ^ e artssttr

cafiy' gT«dpad aaiili were theadpiiration of the maagr'

The main room <sa. the IroQi was given op to ^>ecim^4rf H t woric of the papila.of tbatdopi^^ ^ A . Roads and Mrs. J.iC. Dspa

Divlie ment daring the cutzent year The work of e ^ h Aodent waa grooped sepajn^ely, except w h o ^ the stid^.t had only one *x two exhibits. Miaa Ajnelia F. Brown, of ttw^i^aaa, kad oa. esSiibit her W9cj|,^ chiiB deieoratiMi fouTOte yett. All of bar work showedi^]^™*- '^pe into dus world to akiil in execotion and a gift for getflt-bleD^Bg;—Mias Cafrie -Er F^aer, of Waahington, D. C , was the prindpal exhibit(»r of huntings. Miaa Fetzer, who iHver made any attempt at paint-iag until thia year, waa highly eongratolided cm idl adea for the cxodlent work ahe haa done. Her ability aa a draaamaker waa ahw leatiflad-to by a akillful an^ neaUy cxeeated pieee of worit in

After leaviiv the art room, andiddieaii tbe way to the borne eftmortnoi exhitnt^" in another

j Bra, J. R Leatherman. of Fair­fax, made an excellent address.

Wednesday eveninsi: was given [over to the annual alumni me<»t-

to inveikl,few RundJ-i.-d dollars in UUB-paiKn ihat wil! ri.; it of hookworm disease, erntlcatp Tty-twroe tjrphaW' iiiid improvL- .gtiitTBl health. Only trtw? DH ic coui)|ty tni# MVomer* ' Ap-ply to Sffar ftMinrf^of tfhM^ Bieh-momli -- i ?"- •


attractive aftd certainly deaner, r i)uringtih*^ first three days of last wedt tije people collected in boxes, barrels and piles their un-burnable trash, so that when the teai«w>f thejeivicjeaague-startedf^phoid and la geuenil m^tayy

betterment " Thia in subatance, is the spme>

what tmusnal proposal made in

oh ther^n^s Thursday morning it waa soan found tha^ j^enty of work awaited the leafeoa, Tth

on^half dajor and Jfiiii, G X5 , Meetze fufliiehed a tiMm Fh- V??*"'^ thi^ week day: In all thirteen big two-horae WI«(HI knda of jfarbage wer^rerooyed by thewi two teams to the doBBnos omtmda on Henry N<»na' idae« ha||r 2(hRL In ad-dition several aaft-hprae wagop

*he wed(i:| hulJetin of the State Ek)ard<tf Health, gtvm out to the

Baok of itiaan aani>


1 ^ ^

oat at the^^ during the

Praetiefaiy the attk<e town waa Ba Your Pr^pna" by> E i n e F « » i l S ^ « ? * J ^ ^ ^ - i ^ »«^ ** iamafcv Bare h « voice ahowed f t ^ ^ ™ ' * * ^

0n» more load of giOtMfe re-OD tised to be hauled b«ft, t ^ the k a ^ by thiaihne^qw in aueh ^t^^oPOMfatopogtaaeerfpoblie finas&I atraita t M H cqrid iM^th work.


.which waa wall]

igherty aaked-B. r

t ^ eoBgregatiflpi aangr "AH Power xtfjctraft' ! t ene ' _ _

l^ecipture reading waa'given by nptr-Sanaaoaar ehorua daaa gave anotbir adee-tj0n, a prayer waa grvoite' BeV.

sang the tok>, "0 Diviie Re­deemer." f

Xhen fdlowed th«bao^a]ii||preate sermon by Preadwj: H. U,;Ro^. Br. Roop had M h& nitiject "Chriat,The Light of the WMI&." He stated in the

of which the Mltset ^^taf jiMthr ftwaid. —

teach, and aa hia taUc progreaaed he bioBght out awre folly juafe r:. how Chriat ia the Ught «f the wiMid. To the Claas of 1915 he gave in part the f<^owing kleaa:

A life xn not tbedraunstaaee of accident but the golden otyof-

(iod jadiie» tumty of parpoae. life by ita tendeDcy, ita motive^ and the plan for oiff KfewiD be reached joat to the extant we live doae to God. ' c£riat makea poaalbie for BMB a aawer and batter fife. The great need <tf the world to-day ia moral hdp


re as follows: -T T<^ .SETovn GBJIDK —

^ Va -Pi WiriP, G<»orpf

W " \S TO ":H.B.ii GRADT I-*t' ^

f O»rOT;> »> » Tf i- TH (iivAriR — Mirv pw.»(»r<'v. LiOUi»t tuibmson, Ever-«>tt<>'TV,or-.a«qB^LoaiIla WlJllB iBdJttei-

the faculty were greatly sor-pn>od by a numr>er of uj'ful t"\- pn s<"'nted th - bv t'-e e-id

room, BD ooefaikd.to.9ay their reapecta to the ponch booth where the appetite df the visiter w u ^ B ^ i l o w n 1 httie fcr thr safety of the very tempting ex­hibit of the RonMEconomiea De­partment. This exhibit was varied Mid mrtst care;..ity gotten. ua Canned good*, oread of different kinds, mear. . iiesserts, etc. presented such a pretty pic-Mrr that the visitor Wu8 ioath to

'uiTjart: So smalt T5«rt isf The v easure derived from the v-iait v -aa t r.e vei-r cradous gnidanc? ".TTd- me -worris crf irjrtsnfctid'n" r-vr- •.- .Vi;<«° Meth. -.irector of'

^ v e everything dae. The di-vmity of Cbriat is the aP eaaen-txA {mndpie of religion, without it religion degeoerataa. -Christ gffig #orth tb th^Hfe wiwtiif eadi individaal, md each moat do hia duty ot it will remifB un­done throogfaoot theagea.

FlaUowing Dr. Roap*a aannoD the coBgiegatioB, whieh was a large and repreaentative coa^ sang "How Firm a teiidafion** and were^tben i. £ Slick



be halted y^B g q « ^ ^ on tlie varfe af bti<^


of garbage jmd juaotfties

The-'>iean-op" idea has vgx^ ao tihwt many'tf the aJleyi and "ea<|ah4dls" bdnnd atonftand other boildingtare being deened n^' The heajMi officer haa a -preaaed the Ktpaatm. that Maauk saa is deaner now than it ever

to#B aboold be

ms^m. Kji!:<^i :-»-.

IK ol N«

War* Halad fatoCoart Far Owal lrToAaAaaMaL^

- - • * • •

- • [»• H«aiaM OkMmr]

An. attempt to kiU a beagle hound bekcging to WBhan F. Fhrd, ir., a portal ekrfc Uviog in Oif tMo, in the beU^ that the dag had been amoyingaheep^broagfat W. B. Deak and A. D. fiaoacr-

fj^ejOiftoB. neighborhood, before a jostiee eoort in Tuesday night, a wedi ago, on a chajixe of unn^oeaaazr emdtytoammala. - Aftera bear-

invest ahoot 11250 ia a aanitary campaign; OB eoj»dition-that ap" proxin»tely $1,000 be s p e n t through the board in eradicating hoQkworm diaease and fiy-bom«

m "^S*!


Gommiasioai condoled ita y e a n of work in tbe Sooth iBat idnttir, the International Health

ry uu «auiiary^4nveittigaaott !^ Ameridi andabrded. ikftereare-M ^ S ^ oF^mnsear^tewjB^ m|aai(Hi deeidad to h«|ta loten-nte e can^Sa«B8 in ^iiuliiaa-atatos

ohiect 9f whidi aiiotald be to illaatrat* bgr the evadieation of certain eoounomcable

tBewnGraiiif^^yf 'the' tnaie~

a caapeigB ia A^cginia, onder the ^^cetioBof the board, and to

ateTgreater part of rtsat-gsfgntfuf

were tackled byH»»#n«^ h«w» iip*

greater part lary. jpork


iS^tri^ where a*

fa^lniwt h<-lth nffWr anH fW« ««.

atotantelive been engaged i n a canvaBTof the CDmrnmiity, farm by farm, in tstdee to encoarage the fai^taRation of aanitary devieeB and to iid it of fi^bome di»-

This wi^k has succeeded so waa before and thia ia a faet o£ ?el^ ^ ^ the eommiasion has

iM>w agreed to <H-ganlae another ^^^WBB^ in -a aetoeted Viigima^ conuBonity. The aal»ry and ex-penaee of the health officer in

Xduurgeand theaahgiea^ neeea-aary aaaatanta are paid with fonda from the eommission, the iheidental cxpenaea arc borne by tibe states the commonity is only asked to pay the traveling ex-

boud of tfa6 asaist-


anto—• totd of about $250 for a eoaapleto campaign.

The prfUem n o w before the board ia to adetst that i^rogres-aive Virgini* eooununity whiori ia moat anxkxia f(» a gent.':.. campaign oi aanitary imprcvf--ment and win~make its contribu­tion to that end. In return • board can practi caih gi e a.- - .

inglbefore Juatiee B. Sinndle, o f CenttfviDe, lastiagaeveral hoars, the two far^an were Aned $12.50 iBKfaawi ebato^ BoA noted an

t.-.' jTsther-.r.g of

•-r. rr

^ rr.aoe jf c->- .la.-.ie^ :jr :. jaince i^v-ng the walfe :

' • •rfa. - ••- .-•• i 'epartnoent, and several r»*rf.M^nng pr«'!»« rou cjh.n Ot ;ind

Car. ucaed or. £igtth Vmf^

' Kehn->r, '

. Vf" Unuf\. V.I ft-. ?

MTss Edna F V Miss Edith M. Otto, ga^e a

r.c -

.ta*-! can-.. kir. ariiia*^ .^cr

The incident azoosed moeh feeRng amoBK the residents of Cfifton, who openly espoused the

and its owner, and there waa a large attendance at iBe trial. Il appeared from

f ^ t>'<' oiHi^Anf^ that Raiiflflrman ^ . i ^

a people forip^t^- ^^-^ ^^^ < ' " " fo A}n»»ghty • h.i . .. t r :. . . . . .._. A_:„ tnaa at the.'''^'•^•-•--'••-'^^•'-" • • • ' -""•-"--ilar. Honcc • caiicct it.i a.j».. --•< *i - e afrfflrt

.ce hekilit^ ^"^ '^^ -r-arpw •? at -tte

tfait with public ' faDokworm (Ksease <:•<.• to disappear, fiy-bcr can be eradicated, in' phdnta can be d»cre.'v.-general health of :.n< can be greatly impr <

In order to "playr^ ' the board has a.'-k o i t h a 8tat« ^ fn -r—f" • the boards of >Lii» the . . . . . rs'ar!..,...: .::.-:-.



•-. • . t h •< •.•na-

and ia wlU tt^-


lOrl/naefi (^ Seco P a ^ '•.•ej.u. Pag-"

commur.itv bj June 15 and "wljl;' conLJBue for at. least t h r a % months.

Page 2: sEssffiifs mai era) ms^m.eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · Dr. H. M Clarks(». M^ r Geo. Tyler^_and_Jtobt^: &Ht u^ed aa judges. Th debatere s showed marked ability



a r

To ilie '» Liters u! rinloe WrtilliMu Ccuiitv

o«D.l iUu.e f jr ilic oSLh* ^if •lienri of aaid «UU^I^ Uibjtn:!. W-tl>«-: iHf i.sfci lhi7 -ur I »«'rj5erliully solicit your ii-..-iiitiiU^e, alii pledKft/uiVseii to ditdurgw lue rjijtiet of «».d cifinta; lo life bSH of n y i.L>iiu_v .1 ;^i-l. -ted. ^fenrltwaJr, fgWifBlljmiid uipttj-tiiili^ tk* i tbe puM.

Sir Johu M. HAo« irUt oDntian* u m j deputy aboT* tfc* ituB, tm^ 1 6 . W. J. Aah^ •8 jailer. ^ P ipylfcOiy


Tu ihe Voters of Prinor Willism OooBty: At tJiia regoeat of mttif friuitla throughout

the county, I have eotaoladed to aaoouDce my fei the uttSat ut AeriB ut wW"

on tbe4«w» of £a»tfm Ooil«g« at 6:45 o'clock Sunday eveninjf was particularly pletuuiK to all those m attendance. T!be main part of the service was that of singring familiar sonsrs Without

._ ftrf*/^\irifirMfnr%iini"tAy»t" • ^ ^ ^ ^ » ^ 4 ^ f c » * g»

aKmjUl pCllUUlCIIve ~ XXt BUUIUUUy tv

few abort remarks upon Ciiristi-anity and some of its a s ^ t s were made by several in the au-^tpn<«fl nn<T htxfnrtf >1iamitigal p

ooKAty, aubiact to a democratic prixaary to be detenained upon ^by the .Coasty Commit-

Sheold I be boaored with the ofiee, it ia my pnrpoae U> aelect aa acceptable deputy l e e iwa l ia tlu I O K U jmriJiL onr wmnly, and if uie pfveeul 'jaiJM will auuftpt the puviliun be now holds, it is my purjxiee to retain him iii itut poeiiisB

I take thi« oftportuoily, in the eveo't I •hooid iaiHo^ae-st^tta Tot«n, to fl»ig» nj best abilitiaa to a faithful and impartial dia-itisrge of (he dntiea of the office as provided by lanr. Beapeotfolly,

D. J. AuaaoToii.

Suparriser To the Votert of BrentsriUe District:

I hereby respectfully snnounce lavself s candidate for tiir o t f e e o f supemsox in Itrentsrills IMstfict, subject to the iliemocratic {jrimsry this year. I eameaily solicit yi Kupport and sbooU I be elected, I {dedi ulywlf -to diseharge tbe daties-ef « « uapsrtiaUy, g m a g to e teh part trf-thr trict it« proportionate share of the fnndsj

Be^ectfnlly, J. F. KCBUlf.

Soparviaor lo tht Voters of Manssssii District:

I hereby announce myself a candidate for reelection fpr Uie oflSoe of saperrispr {or Ma-"llflOH l)iHtrf^ ""hjart to Ihs iinining cjeewi

vote, and Rive yoo the aasunnoeof a SUt-ful performapos of alt duties aoluieoMd i s i ^ the office, if ^telected. Rasp»c«(nlly,

:g JOURNAL, FRIDAY. UAY^WJ 1 ^ - ' as


Continued From First Vagu

two-vets^-pretty lifflfrsofigs, and etnt at the auditorium'Tuesday then Miss Sallie ClaHc sangjevwiinj? when the final concert "Spirit F lower ." WHar Clarkjo f - the advanced s tudents of the

prayer w a s g iven. After about .twenty minutgft'

intormission the e v e n i n g ' s pro> gram in connection witK t h e fyi'

one present. Uia mu^esiyiiaad-ling of his theme, bi|i abie deliv-

' man-

Mani^ & candidate I * _ u Manassas DittrijM, f^Kbit 'W^llum CoonM, subject to th« dem««cr*Bb itfiduoy, to'be hOd in the year l g l 6

It having bee« rMm«»^ ih . t T «m « rmjmti. Ucat), I deiiire tft st iW ^h^^ liH sMenjAiit,^ and have been sffili«1fflt flir iiBlT/ jllltrirliiUli" ihe detnocratic party. > BeeptetfBlljr,

At the tirgent solieitatiso.of a n w a b e i o f voters, I herebTanaoWtee i tyeUni l r i r i iOt for supervisor in BraiU^ibllblgiaMMltSMf' tnct, subject t o ihe demociatic j^n^trf, aad pledge a faithful perfbiniMI) Bibie duties of the OAB*, i f J a H t f

TyfWIto i To the VntAr.1 nf fl<>U- T^- .*^

I iiergby aauouupe m y > U » w s t l J J m j w ' reelection for the <MMilt H^filiniittl' itir Coles District,snbieef to tbe iliiiiwii>ll» i l l niary to be held this year. I e a i M s t ^ tmiat your support aad, i t iMSatatt)^ p M t U e ' t b . Faithfully pgrfrum .11 i1nTiwi i f tr i<nmt»f the office. T. iL BOMMK

"this is a visloh wfaA maay

I hereby « " ' • •••f..lf > o ~ g . » . » - ; _ t ~ ^ t o g e « A p o w t y f o r riUft'w o w n i iut. -election to the flJft» o i CW"""'""itr rJ

revenue for nintrii* Wi?T~<)fl»riMi»" Wijiig^ muuiT. Bubju-t tu tljii J u i i u a a l i r y i , ;>e held this sumoMr. I nerntntft .-o :r support. SeepeaitfaBy, '


vanemtent is' few and deapici^lfc ll^y wininna;

Commissioaer of ;he Voters of D i s t r i e t S o , 2 , Priace Wil

Ham County:- ', 1 hereby respectfully ansoonee myself a 'jl.date for the offiee of coaunissiODer of venue, subject to ^ democratic p r i m u r

tie held this year. I respectfiiUi! solieit ir assistance and pledge myastf to dis-irtre ;he dulies of said onoe tQ tfacrbest of

y abtlitr, if leelected.— ''nji^j^witfuny. S. T. O o o w a u . .

- ™ „ _ j > a i a D i i f l a : I nerebv announce myeel l« canditiate for

-v .ertion for the ofice of sapervisor far airesTilie District, tabject to the juimary i* held this year. 1 reepuulfiay aafc y o w

and, if realectad, in«aaiae • fa i t t iU orm&nee of all d«tiea eotmtetaitnA iha


> Vo Voters of OaiiMaville District: At theVl>c>t*tie» of maMtcma frissdt, I

u-.nmince (my candidacy for aapervisoa. for finesville DistrioW sabjeet Ifr tih

'er-iocratic prinnfry. TMg yooisoppost edge a faititfal jisiliiiiiMmi af aU-da .r.nected with tba aSeab tf aketod.

1 . B. Ooanoa.

SBo! S. WlCnsU), OaaM«.

FRsr lumittt Bioc

iagfcof the Kl. wKKnen Col-

' On all sides the favoralire comment was bfe £ne addz es and all'

w'ei« IbatH to.parlTwifiiouf H IUK ing more. His dtadoui^ in parf eoo&uned tHe foHdwing ideas:

a » .a man's diity te test" Kis

was heavily encored, in response to which she made several baah-ful bows, each bow bringing forth addi^enal api^tise, until finally the next number was ushered in.

The ooHege chorus sang two more songs which were followed by kataris' Tapanese Cycle. Miss Otto, charmiij^y costumed, sang the cycle, whic^ consisted

"Down in the Dewy 'Roses Everywhere."

nuaj address before the Christian tfe^se two songs were ftne^r sung associations was started in the •°*^ ''«' « ^^ ^ ^ <>' « «'«« auditoniiun. The opening nam-ber was'•Twilight" by Abt, which the cborps class sang very effectively. Miss Porter then sang a solo from Haydn's Crea­tion, Mr. T. A, Martin, president, of Eastern Y, M. C. A., gave a scripture reading and Rev. 0. W. Aderholdt gave a prayer.

Dr. Hoop then introduced the speaker ofth&evei^iqr. Tif.B. F. Daugherty, who gave an address on "The Vision of Life." Dr. Daugherty from ffie'lieginnlngi^ , . .,_ ^ , / held the close attcnt>n of ev^ty- ^^^ \^^^ ^ ^^ '^^'^ *"*

Mrs.fioop, played two compositions by J. Raff; tiie fir^ piece she flayed

nf B1Y parts, f>n.ch pyt rftfy''^''^l '""ff'ng""' ^ h«r abiU^«s a pian­ist very convincingly.

Joseph Millares again drew ireat applause on Toealay even-

ita proper rendition. After Miss Otto's singing the Loreley Glee Club sang Dell" and '

were dub's renditions. Miss Porter now sang a scene and aria fipom tha opera "Der Freischutz," whMi was very good.

Mr. Mosber, a favorite on the violin, played in a most excellent manner "Scena Ballet" by De-Beriot la this solo, to wliich an accompanii| cai<^^a8 pifiyed foy^ Miss Mor r, he displaced vezy jki!lful,.execution, and i^ bia.en>. core-number he played jwith de­cided feeliQg and expression.

'T he two coetume numbers lent

both of them were highly com­mented upon. The other costume BUtab^ came now when Joseph imiares sang~ a selectloh Trom the opera' 'Pagleaccii'' Dressed as a down he sang of -the tragie sorrows tad vaancmgi that fall to the down as wdt as to otltersi Host adatk«d»ly di^ .MiU«re> carry oat this nomber, and at its eonelosioo he reedved yrdonged' apphiBae. .HisnunAerwaseadhf

^sions; there are gwd awl ]MS VuibnB in ISte.—goiiwo/ tfe-moF yroiihy visions, oaei vbkh' .we aai^ overowie aw: 1. The Hfe of dkse add decis^. Iduiy have

of Blfnube" b3i(the«dleia!>.ch«ni%, i[_ irhioh^ agun aeoe^ted itfedf ><

this Tisioh tb-4lay, hat in ev^zy ea^ it' \eu3k £» i ^ aeaomtdiBh-m^it-of no ^ood^ many tuaes-ta

Mitt. & Iteaeelangof we^ffi. Wealth m iisdf C8& i^ye no earn-fiidaba. a n J a s a n ^ i m i n itfa iSta afmmnlatapa 6{ wealth lo to -he

Btifatt^ I>u{Hk« ' att of thtf Cttm Bay |M<Nit<iiHiW# R^'^ri4T ta$»day Afi rnooOx Miss Fl#e»0tf

fwwisfcecf down v^OBi A jlielpi'iattf t» ftejlainaid- tiier ocet •tfeldiig of pp«er adi in£ttienc& ^icto- ^t«e jipre&_ W PpBdJtoafti

ta 'to a&n to be a l e a ^ o f iiien|F. Ottasfaerty.

JtmMti to ones w h | ^ we wilf do wdl

fdfew: . i. Character. Character must

be supreme in our hfe. Charac­ter has its foundation in tKought and as the Bibl0 says "As.a man thinketh in bis heart so is he." Love the things that are good and yoa will grow to be like thcan. 2. Have an all-prevaiBng purpose' iaiife. This is essential if y<Mir life is to be a 80cc«^, ff. f^*^ * good preparation so that in what­ever ftdd of usefoliMss yoa are called yoa Will b« aUb to render effet^rve service. 4 Detotaine to be.q< qerviee to Qod and your feUow-num. Tlua is men should get £f t ^

Christianity. TKg eVAiiiigV

a vitjoi wortd

oall n t o

Us" aitf Miag-Portier anci Mw.

iKsioKA.TKD OaresnKMiT OF THB UflirJLU. EfTATaB;' AXfi ' b m V i u i s


0 1 8C

?tff: - D U t S C T O S * -

Cl L.BOOTHK. lt.B.BAKLOW. 0. K V A K P i x L s . I. r. M m , WATXKSOBKltTa. m B A S L i m

DOO«kiaS STDAST Prompt in iaUia ^l isa «* a n bMtaaW, I

cmdlaceoUact' '^


Biaamner reoderldg very sweetly thftdoer, "BKk. HaxMty&atl" iif. Sbc^ pfoftooiioed the'

pimpwufl WIS at ap wiKUkY xxtasaua

Ooeof theevfli^of cammmce-ment mek was tbe ev«iing of song given Qo Monday eveniBg by the voeit-p^Ala of Ma. 4, C. DwwH, • BBsistedKby Mf. Q. W.

sma-Paci fk EzpoaMioa, Sao Fraa-CaL —Orently reduced round trip

1% .Si-«ih«m N^ii^aT fmrr. ^ 'Ashmtf-r . «T)d »;] pr ntn »onth. on oaip d»jT _ , "le V ixr-

Moaiier.violimBt, and Miss Ernes­tine Mozer, accocnpaniat To the "Bridd Chorus" from Wag-

^The^proggamdosed with Vrm i"Wi

THBf avc0

Pianoforte and Voice Depart­ments was given. The concert opened with a two-piano piece, "Romance from Concerto D minor" by Mozart, the first piano part of which was played very artistically by Miss Margaret K. Roop, daughter of President and

Low Prices Miss Jones played again.-tfais

time two solos which showed much temperamental treatment at the hands of the player. The! ^ concluding number of the pro-1 gram was "Concerto, G minor"! UNDERWEAR by Jileftdeissohn. This, the most , i^^„-„ Hakmir fan rtiuns and Uraw-pretentious number on the pro- -'-. uu= :;.ak. 40t ami 5Uc

. . . ,; . .Men's H, V. D, S>:ir!sarHi nrawi-rt^ fiOc gram, was played m an excellent; _\)j.„s i,. v D iruon suit.s *i oo


m a n n e r by Miss Curtis, first piano and Prof. Gorrell, second

Miss DorothyJohnsOff o l lmb. W E D N E S D A Y MORNINft

The concluding exercises of the sixteenth aunud commencement of Eastern College were held Wednesday morninf Beginning

TU ing at the cpnc)u8ion_of_hifl fine rendition ol "Toreador's Song" from the opera, "Carmen." His voice is well suited' to the rendi--tion of operatic numbers and he always'proves a great favorite. Miss Porter played very prettily two solos, and then Miss Nettie Curtis, of Warrenton, gave the naost .skillful exhibition of liiBJ evening ; when she_ played^tise S0i&s,'in eacK of "which" her tech­nique and fine setise of' harmony atood out >s,dominant charactCT-

at ID iL iff. Sk^m mtifflcar selections were given during

Continued on Seventh P a ^ 2 ;

istics. Miss Mabel L. Jones, with

Prof. GloSn C. Gorrell at the second piano, played well "Le Matin" by C. Chaminade, Hiss Margaret Roop played another wlo, Mtel> Edttft Porter sang two

Gow Peas and Soya Beans sown together make one of the. largest yJLeWinjL, mojt, nutritious and best of sum­mer fofrage crops. The Soja Beans helpr to hold up Ihe Cow^ Peas, enabling them to be cjit ana hafvesteid to bet­ter advantage; at the same time, owi i^to their oif and fat prodUcii^ qualities,, ad-

~'ding' cons fuel f eeoingr valu^.

In addition to producing the crop of forage, this crop

• • - a r t * improves the coBdltiDn ao^''wilfi~mucB~8\^«tn^BTrai3' tiien Alfred Prescott, with bis eharafcteristlc good control, his forceful Bianner aind his good sense pt mdbdjr, gave the aiii^-enoe two weU-eocecuted *>lefl. • • ' • ' ' . ' " '

jptfoductivenesa o f tiite so i l . Write for WOCi fi' • eW4

SFCCML, gfvfaiE information and



S. Lion stM^fed' Me ^MsH to tiie f aeuMar and jgaduMtiatf d h t o o f E—Iwiiw Odlttge; Tamta i p | ) i » -

Hsapi Prof. GoUUi l ' / f t^vv .S i As., ^

gisni. jpBigtt^^^ta^b^^^eK EnMstise' Maoer;' iirtR> {WMEdad,

foHowed by the reading^ of th^ claas hjstery by Wajt Forter. Miss G^kzb^ver wtd thd das^ inv^^ey, several r^aiks in which elicited much applause, and~Mrs. Baumner read tiie class 'd^Lj _5'' S 9di5L? the pleadn^ program was ;^e presentation oF ffotesque and bomoroos giifts to tire members of the etasa. jfeaea Jones and Landis had the honor ^4 ttwit-ing- t l i n pyn«»1«t«<HnTia

iWhite the C EW Day progrttaa. wjtf goiqg' on fa IBSffTof'ffie boys* dormitory Mrs, J. & Jor-(hm Was entertaiafnsf hei:' daas of liiuQ tots ID oikc Ox iBO rooftis of tSie buikttnr. A bounteous ^reafl ewiHlaliiig of suawbeif/ iea oeam. cake4>f many varietiay -(attd 80 tax aatbe writer tasted'of excdieast variety), ba'nanas, l oEti fraiir waa*

hBQnghtto<dowwithtWQ.nwte:«««?««fi. ete., mirie aH prteaeat ttlU(lQal suttlbers, tSJC djfoite ^df ptfiticnlaily fbitunate in he-clasa singfidg "Patfi«a; Oft JSW' i * Mni Jor&h's gltesCS

Aftef the serving' of the t^ fiesKhenta Mrt. JPrtte B atoWed' in a gradocs oobintrtlie mddtfa ahd prised of* the -jiit. Wto. HOI

ajitt l rown eadi reiRJved medals ffif ablit^ffalUp ifi' thdr respcsf-tivte elfcttW. WiB. Hin Diuwiu

nth* frrtm

had the etfviable meatd of oof missing a day or of being late to class during the entire year. "Books w'tare given as ptizes for ^(icdlence in w<»ic te Fannie Ransdell, Vera Lucas, Benjamin Lucas and Gordan Morgan, and other tokens of e.steemwere given

memBers of \ to -JSP:

r Tf

^.r ?*tj*jt* : inlorma" on a« ItiiPsi r-i;,e«, ? ..iriiar. -•*««mi-yoarnssrss: ae^nt or v n t s C. . general a^ot . Soathern Baii-

» » j , Waabin^ton, U. C. 2-19-^ HOTM

*t<. of chorus class entered and took, ' ' ° •"-•th«reeats^««nth*sta«e. Th^y:^,.;,;^ ragblv enjoyable_to both

y>*a sang jeaongr after whteh^t^ c )fj,.cn^^n4-s few niikr paiii PM'tor and OttA dctiirhtediggns who were-se fwtunate aai*

the audience with ' Rarcerolle" froar "Tales of HoflniH'- '" The

'Lordey GleStCrabfoTfevetf with

be present "> TOESDAY KVKNUW

AnoAtai^ lafjtfe crtWff wii ipres-

' • •s^a

' /

•v» i Mi'.r.voyy.'*

"Niyw Serving tmsm Homes*


Ybu'ir~s«5 Her in the winiJqwi* --and on the cdnntcfa of Iwm^aic,'— furniture and dei>artmait stores

"cvgrywhSfeT S h e s t a n d s ^ o r t h e N E W ' P E R F E G T I O N O I L COOR-STOVE —the simplest, most' cftleicrttf 041 Cook

Men's Wainnook I'/ilori .Suits f>Oc Men's Balbriggaii s h i r t s antl Draw­

ers • , '^'f B o y s ' NninmKjk Union >>uila, 2&c oriu oOc B o y s ' Nainsook Shu ts and Drawers , ii5c

SHIRT9 Mjia'a Liun Braiul S h i r t s , $1, lX> Men's K. hpse S h i r t s . . . / 1 . 0 0 and $1.60 Men's MarihatUn Shirta »L.6& 0 . W. Sliirts, the bes t shirt on the ,.

market for . 50c Bl(? Bill Wbi'k Shirts, 3»-lncne9 lon|r • •

fuii cut ,b lue Chambrey and Khuki, •• the b e s t work shirt w « have ever s h o w n for the price . . . . . ^ 4( C

WORK PANTS AND COATS Mien's Cottonade, Dutchess make fl.OO Men's Khuki Pante, Swaet Orr

make $1.00 and $1.50 Men's Riding Panta, Khaki $2.00 Men's Khaki Norfolk Coats lS-00 Pants to match Coat for $1.00

O V E R A L L S "Sweet Orr BTijeDenTm Apron Ovei^ . aUo .....$i.0O'

SUMMER P A N T S Men's White PlBnnel Panta $8.60, $4.60 Mm'a WUte Dt>ck Panta $1.50

At Less Than Cost "Boys' Sho?t Fantf

Suits that have been on hand for two seasons. Also- a lot of Waoh Suita that we arft'

to Hoflg mrt for 1 ^ c6st7

Straw I^ts We have ^1 the ,new stKlegj. Panuaas from $3.001« $5.00

Ccwjiplete steick of KoFrectf

•i -smpn^TB^Eeg&^ie^


Already i t ha» made cook ing easier aiM kitchens cleaaer for over 2,Q0dy00O housewives: Made in f ^ J a<n4 sizes; also NEW PERFiSCtlON'

—stosei with fii^des^cookmffo^uL siuSBcnca;

or X9i i i imnRr to fiibtth the ^k«t

aa OTt

itiMikr ik d l ' 4 U « w ^ B«M«Y« a«4 L«aiv«<

OIJ \m


RimdowiittdOver-worked Pecatm

There arl certain times of the year when everyone is racr« or less oat of eonditktt and We reeooUBMid


IretToeie This invmloable nerve baiklAr will aid in restoriner all the (^gkoa of the body to m healthy state, toniB«r up aad invigoratinsr the system, and citing new energy to the spMtii: itai. HOT Dl tc«r M M S ^ BKK If" MM


tOLOi Oi«LY BY 09

- * ^ iiTTin i t t y -

^fyoQ need a plow. re^. ~8*MBww txurt toe OUTBI QiiHed is sopericff to any

GARDEN MAKfNG M-ifflc^sary g a r d e n

Conic here fur

S T A N D A R D »AN^ ClMrfolte, N. C.

.. nades, takes, hoes, cut tivators, etc. Pull ^ock



« >

.xc '*'»» BAtSAM

Page 3: sEssffiifs mai era) ms^m.eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · Dr. H. M Clarks(». M^ r Geo. Tyler^_and_Jtobt^: &Ht u^ed aa judges. Th debatere s showed marked ability

~:e^^-^wf'''jf^ •



0 Entertni ut the i'u^i (irliit' at ^fonubiiiu, Vii ginia, as S«ooixI Ciaaa Mall Matter

S U B S C R I P T I O N , $ 1 . 0 0 A YEAR IN ADVANCE


A i l i u n i ' i ' rhan^ . formAl r«BolutiofiB, ubiUury aotJc«s othflr than UM ujiuaJ deuUi uoiiieK jEid alk iiiattor of mtt ftdvtrtislns cb^ractvr. liiflwi dir«cUy or indirectly, will be publUh«d »t th* rate of Tw«ii^^T« Qsitiaii fcieh. 1 • - ~ » -


JUST A BEGINNING The "clean iip" of Jaat jreek ahouid be the i e -

ginning of » eootinnpua atwi p rmitn«>t\f 'W^n up" for the town of Manassas. We ahouid stop to think of the enormous amount of unburnable trash that was hauledjwifr^f town last week; at the same time we must realize that equally as much if not more rubbish than was hauled out yet remains in Manassas—for many citizens said that they had not gotten their unburnable trash together w hen the league's team x»lled. Besides this there is a great quantity of burnable trash scattered in small quantities here and there which could ea»ly be sent up in smoke if the people would only go to the trouble. The above statements are not con-

s^ousiy consider. The proposition is presented to each board and to that board artd that commu­nity which manifests the greatesi interest will fall the good fortune of receiving the campaign for their county.

As explained in the article referred to the S.tat« Board of Health is going to conduct a campaign in <me more county this summer for the riddance of hookworm disttfi$rior the eradication of fly-borne typhfiid and for tfatfimproyementafli^Beral bealfE The expense to the county receiving the campaign •will be, according to-4he State Boacd of HeaUh^ about $2&& whereas appruximstety |£tfi06~wUt t » spent through the State Board.

The Board of Supervisors of Prince William county are An nwuduu Unhu and tUia laupeaitiwi ia

jectomi an our part; we arel^econting our own observations and we are trywg to i Maent the facte jjuat as they are, not at ^ colored by scptimen-

being presented _the body. It is hoped that tfaey will act favorably on tb*-<i^roposition. It faet, we hope they will foecome^entfaaaiastie in Tbeir iqn>ii' cation for the campaign, for we feel confident that the popular vote of the county would bring in .the verdict: "Accept the offer in the most enthusias­tic manner possible.''

ARE WE GETTING OUR MONEY'S WORTH? "Little drops of water, little grains of sand,

make the mighty ocew and the wondrous land." Bat how u t the_4nbs .that are being paid put every month on our roads, are they makiag better roads for the coun^? Bad asoada age a dingracfe

IL x \ JLJ IT'

The accumulation of wealth is merely a queitionV>f — iaxmginon^aiid putting it iu a safe place.

This liank will welcome your account whether hx^t or small.

4^Caiit biteresl OB Savings Accoimt ^ G>mpounded Semi-Aimually

The Nadonat^B ofiMaDassas falism. —Xteeiact in jfqpttd=) ^lear-cut and indelible, L e^, the town iUeff vutat inaugurate at its own txpertee (wkdeh loiU be^at the titizena') some method of removing at regular itUer" pals thewttburnable traah. It's easy enough for a man who has a \jeaA. of his own to say that every property owner should remove Tiis own trarii, but ask that man to name a aipgle community where

to any boi a peverty-^toiokeB commiiaJtyyand Prinoe William has aever > been nuiked as poVerty>-.atricken. , , . . _ , — : — _

-TMC BANK O F F E ; R 8 0 I M A I . 8 E R V i G E

To rivet yoQT atteatien ujxm what we axe vbovt-i!» 8a7 we wlgh lu piuwuC K taMe showing fee

every citiz«i, none excited, remov« his own 4arash at his own expense. We daresay thai he woulf avoTo"fiimt a long I$me tojnd « single

dNDKnot of moaegrailDwed-'from the eoonty roatf fpnds at twelTe consecutive meetings of the Bear^ of Supervisors of Prince William county. The figures given helowHp-no tnstanbe include the amounts allowed out f the joint state and eotmi^ fund, neither ia they include any amfounts yiowe^ out of any fnod savejhe road foods ^f the digee"

^$(namunit7 iil wMdi -Us pton WM^' We eamot

eQt districts, tibue apesni rcHMi foad and the apwiad road"tax fund. _ ^- .

Pie table aa carefdUy ggi wn up by as:

i ispTwhere expect ft to wQufc bare, i^it ttaa l^lfld eiae.

No» its the town's hosinesa tohutli Therexpetaae tathe town will be very 1 Itot fifty dcdkrs a -year,- and any-t afford tn spend fifty dollars a year for the sake of

Board Mee^i^«^^ Jone 25,1104....... J>jly27,l?J4.......

health and ci^uuiness is indeed in~ a bad way. Anyone who sav t^e great kMKJift of tin cans and other thrown-away r^ptacU8,many of whi<^fi^ee partly full of water befosp they wore throwi^ mto

DBCMiilier 17. 1914.

jftmownt aXnmad Froa&

v . . . . 11,574 »

~ . . . . i ;«6M . . . . . . TM41

January 4, 1915 F4bntv7 18, 101s. MareMl, iSKlrr, A|nil 1.1915 U»g^ l a u . . . . . . :

1,564 22

. 2ii_ao 349 77 476 84

^ e ws^ptm, w31 tell you 9 iat t i ie i»wn by all spsxaf should see ^hac this ntbtuati is nft aljfwed to c^lect.

Totel taxtwehremeetings..v........ tl8>14S 98

my nat^iral fcw^njg phuiea We see J&roan this tatrfeiiiat at twelve tneetinga

to remove f t t#te aviMlMBl i>A«i

the board spent- $13>I43.9g pf H^ cQj<nty's monay ^

The ywDlWiy CJHwp U^gm %l^ mm iipbtic. spirited aiHiwBi y.ep» tMEcili foMfi • ^ i f ^ re­cent "<$m^ 9gt*' tSffUm^ J v P T P«°°7 o t this m<»ey « Q testa |M«a vei l aigft^ if ^ tfgw^ will igtow ^ke . over 1^» iM^iiir and «f« tibat reptby Vnwjing »•* 4are, mf dseut once a jffontk (prob­ably not over a day at j | j^^e will ^ r^uired Ip cover the whole ^eva) , «Hie wffsiaB'I'tn^ fl, an !he Q faer hapd.jtka.airttagja4ii

quite expensive. ." The town opnot count <m the Ifaqaatna Civic

to adt bow mudh of tfiis baa beeftq;>ei>t for pegma* nent roMI imptovm^t: 7^ JQVWUi. daea not desire fa appear vol^tninr m ^ maiter imt we muat^mdidlyswrthatinaafaranJiwiiMew {mith the excQ^tioo ef luiwsjitp «peqt en penament hridges) none of 4he moaer a» spcHtean Ibeeooiited; upon as l^ingin«» poHnancBt reaalta. We reftet exceedingly that smidl amounts are being spent have w d there ^c>aaa, if tiK w b ^ amoont w i s

each yeu, in tbe c o u r p e ^ twenty or twentj-fiye .years we could e^tpect aOme good roada for the county. The way Unnga-are now the rfiaarMc

Lea^ne's haolaig eat ntUnah. -ffae ieagoe i s too: foor an (organization, but were it Mt it is 5ionhtfnl

patdwd^np each year only to be tcra to ^ecea tiie following winter.—No reni coaatargcyve

whether it would take up the tnsctter, for it ia tiie nnanimnpfi o^jjl^ cf A*i }>nd(f fj^ jjt's the tOWP'S

bong done witb tiie eooaty'a finds. The urgent need of the coontv. if it Wiaheri gnad

tosincaa and drty to atjtairf 4 e tihia p^merr—It|jo>dMa the aerrieeaof an~ei}(iitiJoi«lhe'fineB of county road boildiog. We have no doubt l>ut wbata good mas ean be a!q>k>yed fiat about |I,00& for nine months eitdi year mxtitwe find hiaaerviceB B o i o n g a r n e ^ ^ No Jtoaineaa t^yjpnrfvfii y i th odC r>o4«M)BacemRit.iJBither cap xiannanant roa^s



"T Select yoi^ aceat luid cwnpaniea aa you woidd your B M A M , L a w f r or Dofchw, ainee yttw fiuancial c a i i F eace naay depeaJ mk thia «nd A e best coato-ao more

-thimthepooreaL -s ;..-»-• ,-s C-'^a'--' a-••- -sf-- --'-s-



to laBf it ovmt /my rates ;; n »*-«• aa: SSSi


f Pifkes on firfliaiies ^ Meats

Owingto A e d e d i n e i n the jparketi jp mealai we are ai^iiin tn "jiSijpaWIBwern

KJgfat atae be and d>at *ibm leacaa has a»ny otiter flatters awaiting its attrition, and aa it bc^cs to deo^istrate in the fattoe, it can in no wiaa beoso* aMerad mereigr a ''dean up" leafcne.

fhcBefaierit behOovaa each aBember of the town, -e<<a>cil lad^ the bpnorahia mayor, of the town Manaasaa te aaoat Barioarir ooBsider tbii aiattor ^ 4rasted to a Aeaaogfaiy ezparienced expert in rpe^

Th# mmtar wiH annriffr nr ^ataraiPBto i^atywungtheitttoraBta of thrcitizenrof thecal And it l bfipy-es egc^ stoifj tdanpiaie asst 7igs)T-imif to* nvaaiwigi aeokaal and tatJMr faur of

ptorva^ Ajif maa er Trnaaa who anplApii ^ f[uaBtiec fnom the stand poio^ of

fyinfii PiUiani could well afford to take out hfpds far «ed improvement, bat unb1 sodi time

tKe«$iVP»dtoarriveatthiaeoBelaaienj|ifcto«4*!-^****^ its paaper attention let ue

J> muHSl wl*»y^gWctraafc q^jfa citizen*.

MS what Money we ipead ia sat being wasted. In other werds let us try to get oar aKiBef'ilrartli In xoedhitfttlng as we try to do in everything else. k sa«^ partion eT real conatructtvelwork done

AM Q r M K g 2 n i ! r f D E D _ O i J g _ 9 U P g t y O O ^ e a c h j g y will, ip the eourae of a f e w y ^ r a , give On th»fitatpagt af »his iaaae yenwitt-wa Mi\*iA ^nff>Kity f ^ * m r w^ ftsa jwiat'ffifh pride

article beaded - H i -

'Makes Good P r o p o s i t i o n . "

direcu the attentioe of th« boards 9^ p^nSW?^ e l the state to a V£i7 imvortaat propenitiae. «se w h t ^ (hey, aa aervaaito U ^ jp^^f^tuifk very

a sian to aufi^^riae its zqa4 b^iidiag, ^ t ^ tha haitir. k o ^ iMadaUy aad ia Hi Wb*

Be who aaaa 0 ^ talent wisely can often aceoi pliah more than hn neighbor who S()uaader8 ten.

IffUX ia BOW eegaged ia wa^ng war vef«n Aaa-tria. It renains to be seen, however, aa to |nBt hewe£e«^vely Italy can ase its *>oot"

Q)oice G^ling Mea^ _ €hmcm Roasl»| per potioid.

—lUwiul S "

IV>rter House, per

lOc 14e to 15c . r l«c

20c » . . < > _

^Misage,pffir poi


1 ^ pcrp<Mmcl_. l5c to 20c

warn A fllU. UNE OF (MOOES aaaa pnoe. at a


^n^grVMarket^^ SOIf l n V m G l N I A

h#M»<<M»»»*<aaai»»aa#a#»#»#»#»#<^»t jQt t t t t l t tS t t t

Page 4: sEssffiifs mai era) ms^m.eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · Dr. H. M Clarks(». M^ r Geo. Tyler^_and_Jtobt^: &Ht u^ed aa judges. Th debatere s showed marked ability

~T^ -".'.., -i» ui-u i«,f ;« ^nii


• : ^

Juantsif superviaort are holdinK a specjAl called mectinfir to-day


- —-Mr. Ljmn from EG vaid Griffith last week his farm ; ear Sudley.

—gervJcfcs-at-'iriBity EpiseoptJ church Sunday at U a. m. Sun­day school meets promptly at 9:45 a. m.

-Miaa Katharine Lewia enter­tained the five-hundred club at her home on West street yester-day afternoon. , _ - ,

—Rev. E. A. Roads delivered the address to t^e nraduates of

^ —Next lioBdsy evening at 8 o'clock Manassas Civic League will meet at Dixie Theatre. Pjease note change in place of meeting. Ail are urged to be on hand as scane very important matters will be considered. A


the Remington High School yes-Wwiay

—Drj^H.Ij, Quarles last evening delivered -the baccalaureate ad­dress to the high school at Hills-boro, Loudobn county.'

—Yostorday a week ago Harry

—TKE JOURNAL acknowledges receipt of an attractive prospect­us of the University Summer School of Art Connected, with the School of Art are ibuncan Smith and F. Graham Cootes, both famous artists of New York, and both alumni of the T T » » j « > A » i g » » w .,. .. ^

T h e iffo frfawn a^wial »rt-^ha

—Mrs. J. M. Bell, who was ABOUT PEOPLE operated upon in a WashinKton!-hospital about ten days ago, will return to Manassas this after­noon much improived in health. Mr. Bell and Miss CaUie Bell will also return this afternoon.

—As we go to press we learn that the Board of Supervisors have j^sged favorably Jipon the p r o p o s i t i o n made them by the State Board of Health. They will make immediate application for the campaign.* Let us try to "land'* it for dd Prince William.


iieldatSuff oer building this even­ing ihould draw a good-sized crowa; TECTS

Miner had the misfortune to run a nail dear through his right foot He is -fceitij^i around on crutches this w«e^

—Dr. Morgan Chambers, of Washinjgton, will preach in As-bury M. E. Ohurcn on Sunday. May 90, at 3 p. m. Everybody is curdiaOy in^ted to atteni

-^H:8.Ramloli>h>of thgHabwgi Seminary {|«ulty. has baen elect-

wim>e a short program of songs and recitations after which ice cream and candy will be for sale. Be sure to at­tend for the athletic association needs your patronage.

—The Manassas District School^ Board met on Saturday last and decided that if a clear t i t^ c * n . ^ ^ ^ ^

Miss May Leachman was Washington visitor Monday.

Mr. A. A. Hooff spent Monday in Warrenton on legal business.

Jack Da vies. ofCulpeper, spent Sunday with relatives in Ma nassas.

Miss LucFSaffer has returaed" from a three weeks' stay in Oc-coquan.

Rev.and Mr8.S.V.Hilderbr8nd, of Upperville, were town visitors Tueiday^

Chas. R. McDonald, of Cat-4MdrpiB, was «^ Manassas •mtor

—Catharpin got even with Eastern on Tuesday afternoon when they hardy won a 12 to 11 -game p l a y e d oa Catharpin's grounds. The Eastern boys re­ported a most enjoyable time and eipwssed—themselves—ar highly pleased n A the hot^ •wjntjrttf'ra^r^WWistlftO JWWJHC; ~

-Rwv. Hwirt E. nUMji. of Catifaniia, wID preach «t the fPresbyteriMiditeeh Sunday at^ll

—All members of the Demo­cratic County Committee are urged to be in attendance upon the meeting to bd htiA itt the MT I. C. building to-morrow al 11 a; ror-

—Dr. R.E.GUB8. of Richmond, will speak at the Baptist chureh Sunday at ^1 a.ln. Dr. Gains will also speak to tile Scmday school on "Child HtHtate aitd the Nurture Thatftm.**'

—C. D. Patdy, of Washington, is on a visit to fara parents iirt Manassas: A dioFt while ago Mr. Fately was^)erattd updn at George Washington Hospital and now he is mcnperating fpea-the effects.

- A six-pound baby giri was bom to Representative and Mrs. Hal D. Flood,' IB Wuhlb^ton, on Saturday. TiGnsLtlood befok-e her

lot and sufficient additional land secured without cost to the dis­trict, that Groveton is the most suitable place xo erect the pro­posed new school buildiu^' as soon as sufficient funds are in hand for that purpose.

—R. E. Mims, son of H. B. Mims, of Lfiray, was married to Miss Josie NicholB, of Page coun­ty, yesterday. The ceremony was performedJj^S'JMv. G, F. Cook, ot^Jjfifti^ Mr. Mims is thejBMttfager of the New Priia^

liam Hotol in Miinasaas. Tiffi JouBNAL extends its congratukp tion t o the newly-wed coaj;ie _ __ and vJBh, t;hem many ywirs nfjhcr gi"»«* ^hjn week_ W aunt.

Mr. Grover Armstrong, of Midland, is visiting relatives in Manassas. ^

Prof.M.M. Hargrove, of Wash­ington, is visiting in Manassas this week.-—~ =^ ' " - :~

Mr. James Birkett, of Alex­andria, was in Manassas the first part of the week.

Mrs. Smith and son. Edgar, and Mrs. G. D. Hiner «t>ent yes-t^day at Mt. Vernon. \

Hpn. Geor L. BrowhinS: of Orange, visited at the home of Hon. C. J. Meetze this w

Mrs. Harry P. Davis has

WE KNOW Mrs. Harry Griffith, nee Nellie ! Petzer, formerly of our town, was the jfuest of Miss Othello Williams from Friday of last week through Tuesday of this week.

Prof. C. H. Yarborough re­turned home from Richmond last Friday. Mr. Yarborough, who is now able to be about, will soon be entirely recovered from his

l^ecent operation. ~^ Mrs. Wood and Mrs. Dickinson,

who for some time past have been guests of Rev. and Mrs. J. F. Burks, left for a visit to Brandy yesterday afternoon before they return to their respective homes, Bedford county and Buena ^ s t a .

Mr. P. A. Arthur and motner, Mrs. Ida Arthur, on Wednesday, returned to their Richmond home aftsr a pleasant visit of a-week 'a dnration at tne home of Mf. and

Mri. F. A. fiAwia. Mr. Arthur was for a vhite recto?- of Trinity Episcopal church, Manassas.

Mr. and Mrs. M e r i w e t h e r , who hav« been the g-uestsof Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Smith, of Manas­sas, this week, go from here to visit at Catharpin and Warren­ton. On their way home they will pay Manassas anut:her viiiit. Mrs. Meriwether is a sister to Mr. Smith.

Mrs. Henry Camper and her two littlQ children, "Billy" and Mary Ann, returned Saturday from a fortftigbt's visit to Mrs. Camper's parents. Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Merchant, in Richmond. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Wright, of Rich­mond, who were,giie8t.s of Mr. and • M ra -Camper for the week-mat. '




«. m. and Sp . m. Rev. Bfr. j^il-lary is a graduate of the Uqfyer-sity of California, and has Just comi^eted a post graduate coarse in Nflw York CSty. All are cwr-

invited. to-atteod' tibd aer-

HrTJ. P. Leaehman icceive± 1'^V^O'^uile 0>d CorgLoKua Wck-a t ^ ^ j a m On Sunday »My[tMtiT ting him with th^fact that once Miain he is a grandfather. A fine son was b o n n R n ^ d a ^ ^ MrTand MIS. ABen L. Ottvw, of Om>e Girardeu^' M& 7MrB. - Oliver be-tum heMnanriigea few yean ago was M^ OHvia Lea^man. of Briatow. - _ ^ ^

-At a naocting of theFVtuquier Mutual t'ire insurance Company held at Midland on Saturday Mr.

happy married Hfe.

— -The closing exercises of MH-nassas Industrial School are un-4er way BOW. Hie conunence-ment address will be delivered on Monday by Thos. Kwing, Jjp.j

y^n. Pamelia Ish, of Loudoun.

Miss Marie Latimer, of Wash-Ington, was the week-end guest t>f Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Larkin;

ersbam. The exercises will bi?; hdd in the school grove Ytefpit-ning at 1:30 p. m. Ailfrieni^ tjf tiSB-Be^6l a n r m v i t ^ to be present.

—Joseph JP, Gulidc'who has been a stadent at the Theologicah Seminary at Hamiltoii, N . Y,"

Edward Gaiitiii of Washington, TTcs /» • • ^ .e T, . ._J1?»*' th« «"«8t of his aunt, Mrs. U. S. Commission^of Patentei"jrE. Jordan, several days this Other promment guests expected, , as a»m»unced last weakt are Pa»^ r


-Mrsi JameaBi liMkitti^^ffasfa-^ - ' -^ ington, spent Sunday nere. as the guest of Capt and Mrs. James E. Herrell. '

Miss Eleanor Soffa* l ^ t l i Smith were goeate of Hiaa ^iadys Sanden, inBaeklftDd.

Mrs. L L. ShacUett, of Wa^-I w the pa8t_ session, returned tgi^f^^ striked in "Mani^iaa

marriage <vasMist A-wwt^ Ptw . ner, of MafiSBB, Va,, and WartF ington, D. C,

—The Ladies' Aid Society of Grace Methodist chon^ will bold an ice cream festival on ib» lawn to the east of the New Prince William Hotd next Pri&Qr even­ing, June 4. Ice ereaiBr and candy wiUPbe on saleT

-This mcmting at 11 o'titoelcT ' fiag plantahffi' is taking plfi&e at the Manassas spot =whwe= Texas chapter of U. D.' C; re­quested thatia Texas flay whien *" sent be ptaeed on the spot.

-There is a proqteet of a oen-oCthe CeatrmI MntaaT

Tel ' the; pin.C'

Joitt) M. jB line, of near Manxu-sas, who was in attendtmce, was eledted a direcCSr. Mr. XHnc

at Uiu CMmpany « uMaag very rapid gruwxh tern eaail


Ttfanaasas last .Saturday for % UtayjO^twt* 6r three weeks, bek fore he goes to Chicago Unive^

aUon ne Co., of Manaflsas aad mea* ; isSpoaaible that patrons trf

eachliine would reodve better I in ¥rTr tTijMitirn i niiiwihiii

consolidated. ' . —Decoratiim 'Gtly faUii« -on

Sunday^his year wiU be obaerved as'a holidaif.on Mqodi7J~,Tbe htankstwill 3w ctoacd, tho. office win m i ^ defivaiy from ^ window from $-18 and frott'6-&

=gfe ma wml holiday hour . ^ _J

—Miss Gretta Hopkins was taken iU bst Satorday while Dractidnglber bupUs tat a playT She was takeolhoaae and ia quite ill yet. The i^y was to have been given th i^even^ bqt has been postponed untii Friday aing. June 11th.

—To-day is beinglobserved-ftt on ft' -rateJiDecoration Day in

.ManH- ..- The line is to form at thr- cr>T:: rfaousf at 1 p. nt., and ;,,•> •,*«rtfifm>* proper will- begin promvtiy at 2 p. m. at the ocme-

vorth, witi-deliv«r the addcaas.

and only a , were rmorted -^""ty

- A L6tila?]

'newcoooer, Marie isdeu, Decame a meooh

^Washington, liaweU-

berof Uiel Tbos.N: <» Sunday. known m Manassas a^d vidnity, his hiMne until recently. Mrs. Ransddl before her nuuriage was iCias AAparo Rivero, daus^ter ottiie Cnhtn MJnhrtor to Itidy.

—anef DelM, Oe aeven-tAfler fKia Oaffie tha BBual hour | the past week with Mra. Redd's old daugUtar uf Mr:

Lather Deihl. of Nokesville, was takensuddenly ill Wedaesday and died witiioat having her easediag-noaed <m Tluiniday minning; Burial aervicea wiH be hdd seivtcea wiu be hdd at Valley View diureb at 2 p. m. this af tonoon li^ Rev. J.T. Flmr,

cemetery there.

—After-knoeking-off a boardlSS! ^^^ bieb was jlarnd nvarn t u i ^ M l " " ^ ! - ^ ^

pane of jj aaa hi of Daind Airington, faiiaves en-tet«i ^ f t j t ee VedBoaday xdgbt

sioiia. Gatting a <inan1^ of 8aoaage,_ powibly a ham aad

M~imta In-pwaiea, noat~ -ms rington eatimatea his k n at .foam ten to Ifteen dollars.

—CommanderWaatwood Huteb-iaon tim nwming r«ceiv«d~^£r cial Botifieatian from the General Agent, Southern RaiHray, that a special coach for Manassas will be attached to the special traiirwhidi leaTca Manassas Honday at 11:47 a. m. aad arrives in Richmond, without chaise, at 3 p. m. This' aiTangOTilSit wiff insure a very^

t. iwk vfifj^y*^*^" <*«*.J

otliofs WIK» leave Manassas Men

sity where he will ctuitinue hi!; s t u ^ ^ dipring the suiom^r. Mr. GuHck hijaeCTH^pted-tiie neces-

w a ^ at tap Thcelogici^ SeB^ULiyioie the Doctor of Di«

and with ^ wuamgrjs work at'Chicago he will bave met the etMaditioiiBTe j [uired for the Maator «rf /(rts. quired rm

degroo 01


ITfaieago ilnivehiillL

Ml*. B^wiidt Entertains Cliilk.

Fairview Good Houaeke^pang' club mefr-afr the home o l its pres id^tr Mrs. G. D. Bra&c^ Saturday, May 15. Ash<Ht bos^ nea meetintg was foHowed by a nice little tonp^mnee prograoL

wmen was mgtar eiqoyed by a l present.

A few musical selections were renderel .aftSELSbJeb our host­ess, assisted by her charming yoottg tfiughterKMiaa DorotEy^ MiflB Elizabeth moat and Miss Edith Merchant. acTved deligfafr ^refreafainents. ^ a^buraed' tb,en to meet at thie home f f M n . Eppn ComweiroB

Wzs z:' t l » stara-dsori ^ . ^ ^ ^' ^-^


•Rie younger students of The jifterxMon. Temt^e gehopTof Hnaic win pr*». aenc a fourHJ^^dpae^Tin Con

i r Inas's O p e n -fiooar on ftMay evening. Jime 11th. "Cin^erei-la," the oki favorite among itify |U«I, wm MtthMehtedmanew ^ersioa, under the title of "Cin­derella in Flowerlaad." Thia is the moat pretentioas affair ever attonpted by k>eal talent, and no one should k)ee the (qsportonilfy «f hearing these youngmosiciKa. The cast will include about thirty childroi.. whoae agea m a from -four to twelve yeaxsi, ~

The commencement wedc wit! ' ibsfi^ Juhie mh. ~ ; ' ~"

yes-t^day afternoon for a visit jE her faUitti, W.^J. Walkw. = — =

The Ready-Money Mao

commands opportunitiesTor profita­ble investment that are beyond tiie

-of tho man whohasn t save,d. . Any man can be a ready-money ^" man who will lay ^ide a few dof-^Mfeirernow-snd tlren,_ih this strongT"

safe bank, and his mnnp.y WTI alwavs be ready when he vm^ it

No expense—pjasa book, ^fck books and om* services in handling your account are free.

Come in and let us show you how a bankilecoutit wm iielp^ yoa to save. Come in to-day.

-; -

- Miss B o ^ Round, who hasbeen a student lA Columbia University, New Yoric City, this session, rsr tiimwl jinme this week.——^^-^

Captain Qias. Fargubar is in. Washington tiiis w e ^ in attend' inee upon die annual conference <s weignts and Measures.

Messrs. J. LDawaon and Wal-tcg Opp, botk of Wnndhridga, motored to Manaflsaa Tuesday in Mr. Dawacm's new Ford car.

Mns Evdyn Chapman, who makes h ^ h<»ne witii relativea Bsnr "Hie Plains, has retumad, a f t » a visit to ber pairents here.

Mrs. Piwce Redd and Ma^«r Taytor Redd, of Catlett, q;>ent

sister, Mn. AAk LhiviA, ML Grant avenue;

MrB. A. E. Smith and litUe soB^ of U(s>KBtttown,-W. Va., visited Mrs. Smitfa's aister, Mrs. G. D. Hiner. last week.

of near Manawnas,

igf a fowwOT Mntho. dist minister of Manassas, was m town Wedpeaday in attendance upnt Eastern 'a c jmniei wement exereiaes, ~ ' "

C E. Ruffner, a former resi­dent and sehool teacher of Ma­nassas, bat who now reaidea in Washington, was in town Iftihday

of Baltimore, who bave .been, viatiog -relatives in Manassas this week, ratomed to Baltuame lastevming.

tery. CoJ. R. E. l*eer^ Ravens--day m i n i n g fbt-the Richmmidl Subscribe ioc THE JOUMJAL

reomoo. Sl.O&'tiie year in advaike.

Rev. Flohr and family of Hebron Soninary leave to-day for a vacation with relatives in Penn­sylvania. They will r s t a ^ to the Soninary about Aug. 1.

W. > , H«i«, M«U.ia € . Baseiv, H. W^ Herrtng, ;w:T5:*Be, and 'Dtos. H. Lion^ttended a mat ing of the Miller Control Corporation « Stamiton Wednesday.

. Miss Tillie DeBell. of near*, Centerviile. returned hcsne Tuea-. day evening. She was accom­panied by her little nephew,' AabcS^Yming.^ of High Podnt;


Tlut »ao of yonr. has got ta be win irnof and damft pmof Itmurt gtond the frosto of Atttimia> tfte aoam aad cold in \^Ster. It BHist be a Butet^Jis lI i ic phyp In 111 iif nil and mice caonot gnaw thnraiA.

—tto kind made with Ukifk PorUamd Ommmt. . " " ' ' * •

Leh%h jgtrtm eoocreta aU the qoaUUet amatei abor* .nd . . o «

Talk H ortr Witt iaTodiy:~XK

Ve kare a lifl h e af Tena Cdtb PIM, Patat Phslcr IJM. Brick, Saul, StMUMkr, n Wwk, Gahauztd RMi^ = = BROWN ft HOOFF

/rr for VIRGINIA C.,/,./o-'«e


(f?f^ -T"

^«rs«nj\>yti ,(uui^ udober Ii-i2-i5-i4ri5-i6

U e / fioi^r/\j'



Page 5: sEssffiifs mai era) ms^m.eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · Dr. H. M Clarks(». M^ r Geo. Tyler^_and_Jtobt^: &Ht u^ed aa judges. Th debatere s showed marked ability

^•^^^w. l . i f l l l J .Jl !'" '' " " ' ^ "!W^ ^^PKPllwpi




Continued Krom Kirst Page

Contrihutions of much worth to the projfram in the way of short addresses wore Riven by Hon. C. J. Meetze and Lieut. Geo. C. liound. To climax the program of Ihu «vuiiing caifM lh« addrese of Hon. Geo. L. Brov^ing, of OrariKe, who carried his hearers into the sublime thought of life's possibilities.

Yesterday, the last day of finals, was the best of alL The program opened with music. Four orations were deltvdred, the




J. G. Kmcheloe Iqjiursd.


whegls vt Uie -—Beahm, Ililda I. Plohr luid Wm. M.Beahm. An essay on "Growth of Stdnegr^phy" was read by W. S. Hinegardner. Hon. C. J. Meetze delivered the prizes and

jnedak and President I. N. H. — Beafam presented the diplomas.

Hon. Lewis M. Machen, of Alexandria, delivered the annual commencement address.- He had as his subject "Will of the Peo­ple." With fine oratory and deep tbpught be^coittraated the will of the people and the will of the state, and he inspired a closer study of the workings of the state and ita people. With other mwfr

•ical numbers tlie proffram was concluded hy »hort addresses by

"W. FTHsae and^Sereflritlg pre^f«>tdd -be- set m ident. Prof. L N. H. Beahm.

Winners of prizes and medals: The Hon. H. Ti Daviea prize of

|10 WSB awarded by Messrs. W. R. Hooker, E.S. Boon and©. W. Boyer jointly to Mabel Harley andR. G. West

The Hon. llios. H. Lion prize of $16 was awarded by the facalty to D. C. Hollinger. — —

The Hon. C, J. Meetze prize of $10 was awarded by the faeoMy toParme<MHmr _ " Xbe Hot C. E. Nicof <fei»ter'B medal was awarded^ tiie^Nkot literary Sodet^ tt> Wnium U. Beahm- ^ ^ 1

RanadeUtoMr. CStpaa, «f W. Va., Met iHtii a scanous acadeht in Alaska a 8h<»t wlule

DiiifcBaas ware awarfe^asfot "^^ , ^ - ?*'***^*^«*»^«*^. lows: *15ai8emfe"C6tfr8^-2^:tx

Flohr. I tray-

•ewnadthe large wooden -bbclt jui •Ae soathwest ocoser of Centiv and Battle Btrooto, where Ma-

Ena^h gq^tifie Course-Sara ihm and W. M. Beahm,

~ usic Teasers' Course—Eva A. Flohr and Esther Beahm.

'l'yrewnQn«r and Stenography —W. S. Hin^iardn^.

Vmw CiUtore Coi»^ L. 5tray«r.

ReadiDff Contoat at GraTtfton.

-TBe intatives of the Oroveton neifi < 'Catharpin~aiid

boriioods met at the pavilkm on Wedneaday, tiie 19th instant, to take part in Uie second reedtog

^ contest. Eoar clasBea w»»^rep-resented. The third and fifth icrades from G r o v e t o n read against same tpam Catharpin.

_ Hje third claift was' ccmpSiBed of ^——fmir of miT Tmnrnr frwrhnm, nnd


T ^ = ^

the fodrth of the married fc^ks of both Sections.

The prizes w&s awarded by pnpalay yftt«—awi* rwrn in thft

aadimce casting one b a l l o t Harold Moos won out eanly in grade three, Alma Cross in g ^ e fiye, bsth «f GiPBfB»n, but Cat barpin -became at once the favor­ite whm. IGss ESeaiuMr ^TUkins read Ri l^s "Home Again WHh Me."

The next-class was ccoapoaed of Mrs. Davenport Wheeler, Mrs. C. R. McDoaakl, Mra. King, Mrs. Wallei 3aud«ni,Mn>. SamSWaftT Mrs. Harry Hnndly. Mrs^ Sam MoBB nsd" Mrs "Arthnr-H^aryrt meet of whom had trained voices accustomed to <»al reading. Each read a portion of "PoUyanna"




would have been a hard qufiStio& toe judges to decide bat popular vote gave a decided noiuority to Mra. Deb. Wheeler. ^Shoa}d ther -mfcti berwie jWjoUg.» womd gat a grmt impMuLiA eisl raadiag. Z. Y. Z.

Sckocd Bowd Meetinc.

Yesterday afternoon about 5:30 Joseph G. Kincheloe, of Manas­sas, was seriously injured when a louued lumber wagon ran over his left.leg, breaking and Tjadly bruising it juatbeiow-the knee and >ust-abov« the ank4e. ^e^ Kincbeloe was hauling some lum­ber out of the woods near Blooms when some laths which he was carrying on top of the load of lumber began to slide off. He jumped in an endeavor to save himself but in jumping his foot got entangled in the lines and

UIK ,uf wagon

thi -nmt passed over Mr, KK teb-

eloe's left leg. Mr. Hanback, who was driv­

ing a team right Jbtehind Mr. KinCheloe's, came to his assist­ance at_CTre -bttt he saw that means^^~getting Mr. Kincheloe under medical treatment were im­perative. H«44^en went in search of Mr. Dave Yates, who in a •short while came in his' automobile and brought the in­jured man to his home in Ma­nassas..

Medical attention was given thpi injiired map but it was thought wise to carry him to a hospital where tiie lm>ken*leg

morning Mr. Kinehetoe tndn Ko; ried on

Honutal present tile oui

was car-14 to

Washington. At to predict

it is hoped ^ t B arise in

Fotnier WSE

Marts $eriow Accklent.

Mr. Earl Blossom, who bom at "The Highlands," pmsetty reoentiy -sold by

tun of the Bo«rd o{ Soperriaon of Prao* Wiiliun oonnty, will mwiTe sealed bids for one tractor to be need for oona^ porpoaw,

oy aix. | S * J B i». ifllfi. If nbo^ued on A M

was the Mr.

tOrpf^^t "Zw, addreaa nMKUt 6»x» of ttw OI«rii ot - -'LJ* ^ QoilitJWtiitaHW.,VaL; if poo: to Oat dita,

Hajmai at, Va.. 0. C. HOTCH180N,

5 14-4t Comauttee'.

nassas' great tire started in 1905, and who—-rfwrtiy—afte moved to Wasluiigtoo state, has been successfully engaged in bos-incsa iir Seattle. ~ " -^.

N(rt; loan ago young Bh)saom was engaged iir Alarica on a con- -tract when a sudden actsMent de-4^ved hiffi of eneef his l^iTand a part of his other foot At last oeoounto he la doing as well as can be expected, and wUl in tbe coorae of a few weeks return to his parents' home in Seattle.

Earl Kossom will be remem­bered by many of Manassas' cit­izens as a small sehod boy of tbe town from ten to fifteen years htgo. THE Joxmsjo. joins tiie uiau^ Ma^ af_tfae fmiBy.in exte£i£zig'Bympathy to Iir. BtoB-* aomaadfMi^yr—^- *——

ABaf ScoirtB Troop OrganmBg.

- i f r . R. 0« BiM> is BOW organ­izing a troopof boy scouts. Last Friday and Saturday %•. Bibb carried -a number of boys who have, signed the pledge of mrao-borship on a camping trip to Bland's ford Inndge. Aivlica-tJODS for membership shodtd be made to Mr. Bfbb at an eaziy date if tite boys wish toget tbe most goodootof theOTgamaation

underway for the tivitieB.

Bummcr'a SO­

D A vis* CARRIAGE PAINTS are colors groond in toug*, elastic CoaclT Vamiah and one coat will make your faded aatomotnlc SF'«BTHig« J o * Ttt*

Tft*' Manaaaas Distriet -SeilOoJ* m^. Ihty are e—y <* amly *ad djfy BoanwUWtouSaturday J . n e . ^ ^ ^ , ^ - ^ ^ ^ g ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ 19, 1915. for the porpoee of ap- tear. — -

po^nu^g t«>Thi.rs fhrth^ t rm of - ^ ^ ^ v y A C E N E R —

5-28^t D. J. ARRLNGTON. Manawt, Va.


For Siile,—iin&imtfftand 2 farm horses. Cheap. A. Carr, Bristow. 5 28-8t-*

For Sale.-work mares.

-One pair of heavy J.R.B.Davi8.5-28-tf

Second hand buggy harness bought and sold by Austin.5 28-tf

FwSale —Registered Holatein bull of DeKol and Komdyke blood. Sire's brother $15,000 bull. Sire's dam 40 pound cow. Twenty months old. and gentie. H. Itf. Art7, ristharpin.Va. S.28.tf

Eighteen month's-oW-brood sow for Bryan Gordon;


Oil Stoves.-We sell allsizM of Perfection oil cook stoves as ad­vertized elsewhere in this pap^r. Prices reasonable. W. C. Wage-ner, Manassas. 5 - ^ ^ '

For Rent.—Six room house on Battle St. Immediate possession. Mrs. D. J. Arrington. 5-21-ef

Cow peas—Whippoorwiil, Clay, Red Bippin and mixed—Sorghum seed ana millet €ret our prices before buying. Plentv of early and late tomato and cabbage

Slants, also sweet jpotato slias. . H. Burke & Co. S-14-tf

Apply to 5-28.2t-*

^K your cattle » e rundown wi in an unhealthy c<mditaoo* try »

of Salvet Maddox &

For Sale.—Two mules and 3 E. R. Conner.

goodwyk .work hors^

8-ld-tf For Sale.-Ban-ed PtirooUth

Rock eggs—15 for 50c. Mrs. .8. S. Stultz. Nokesvaie. Va. g-lg-tf . Our seed potatoes are

in daily—g«i our prices.' M« dox&Byrd. 3-12^


• I

•AUTOMOBIl£S>-The Ford ear B weH "* known and well-liked, and it ha3 proved,its

duster, Between Aug. L 1914, and Aug. 1,191^ ieveiy purchaser of a Ford is

r' 'en a rebate, am receiving a ear-

load of Fords tms w e ^ After June 1st I will be s^le to make d^very of aiy type of car firotinive to ten days after order

MdCOY Centre Street, Manassas, Va.

^Estiiitates cheerfuUyj^il '"" forinsfaOatioiD ibi^

fixtores. s


Reedtt^jb Wine


Omcaop STATB HIOHWAT CoHMissi^ir RJehmond. Va.. Iky 22, 1S1£.

Bids are to b« raecired at the Clerk'a Office mt Manaaaas. Va.. at 11 e'cloek &. m., T' ffi yday jnn«i_ tO 191R, for

J gr»ding abbot 3^ grilM nf wig^twawi ^^m # M . . iUnaaaaa and MiUwd, » P*iM» W ^ M • . • aa and MiUwd, » Priaw W ^

liam ooonty, Va. Plana and apecifkatkms on file at the

K icrk a OffiBm Mtnmm.'ia^jai thia office. ^ Spsfflcatlrms fumialiad no tppthat' _ tiottta the BBd«r»ignwt, t l -< - ^^J

Certified cbeok for S2S0 to kceoopaiiy " ^ ^ ^ "Elsht » reseived to reject any or iH

bida. G. P. COLEMAN, 6.2ii-2t State iiighKsy Oanmiaaiaoer. L

Younger people are better dressers than older people because they have ft better sense of style.

If they have to p i ^ more for slyte they wfil ^ 2 s m a pmat aad d&^it, M they can pay fat and get style they welcome the chance.

Stykplus dt 17 Clothes


have «H the cieygr slyfe puiuta Of hi^-prioe^clothea because they are VT designed fagr <Hie' of the ^ l e s t iashkm the cCHintry. J}:Z _ ^

Full ayection of the up-to-date modeb and falmes. Cloth of eacjt suit guanmteed to wour.

St».ylf» in nfta>n pnwtJy Tt in nrlrprg gp«.^aHa»nn

STVI£FLUS and in this wi^ pxoduoe sfyfe pliia values for $17. Big adedion tor oldat naen, too.


*We SeR It GiMmer^


miMl&^l^^ Wei caft your atteniioii to a beaotfid Ime ofiMhiaaab


Qjfgandiet . . , _ • • > ,' •'-."". - , - • . Gc^poiEU • • . . . • . • • $eed Yo3e» S ^ i ^ Voi^ Fla3 iivTc*^^ t ^<*^

Rioe CIOMI . • • • • • A Wondorfol Kn of Emhroidered

50c 75c

Linens in a l c OTs


Doin't: overkKJc our^vacatkMiIjIioes. ^^^kmds from the TennkrOagft

*' Efli for McHQitain Resorts

•JiHfflei^ "TTie Elacc Where You Will Eyentually

Page 6: sEssffiifs mai era) ms^m.eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · Dr. H. M Clarks(». M^ r Geo. Tyler^_and_Jtobt^: &Ht u^ed aa judges. Th debatere s showed marked ability


.il!3£L.^^lx3i^M^ ™^y>j»y

Engagement 11 X JoEide^

J Arrived^ GMdrM

• » . « • • » «n* c m , If he doamt v s a t t*' eoaltaoe the toui.'; protMtad Dorioda

; eagerly "J ma do nnrrtiDff of the sort miss,"]

rSoned ibi- B-KJim bltterb. Tber*

vilijtv i &ud 1 alui £otug tu 'Xuio, Lhck and iliury «JB^ iii£ '«Ha to bu/ tiie mert-:

• > g*Kf ou lOT tjuuse—uot U I l««e U. T<M I (orgt^ tbat I wa» a Uod^:"

4 ^^^k^ jroa're m-Uiag me for tb« muii-l , caser* Uui^bed UorioAn mlrtiiJessl.T. j

aa: Lzss:

S B . LAUSSA MAcauc ^ '

v U d i Be ulbUctf PHOTOGR

Tu< kL>.i b&rdware stone Lem cane au. ..; . J tn ttie dooryaj. tooklng 4<Mr iurr wlLb a BMK IrtltatiNg air of gnt-iced itmenhif. Dociada ^ jUooed at ti)e abac out of t t e tall g r J k s t l i n a r ^ e and ahe had aefa Utet haTerlBg

**Btop duit uooaeaae.- -UorliMla. Voa . k>ow you like L«m Tuckby. Why. j • • » MCB conmiybcTV fui alk 'flMMxtha, i aod j'ov've pjayed t - ^pump ft cj ^ Xgr t l t t vrUie tw «aw«d airaj- om that «14 JMdle ot Ua. ajid Dobodj- can M j ^ r h l n U he thioka rou mra nt'jim liked

••""^h ate mmv9Bt to ^klpr bj ami •ToU a greetliiK. ahe knew that Laat WW ^Bi l twy there. «»d ahe hated h t e for tt.

' " i i e a l^ekhr « • • aiitdAe ^ e d ^tt fat and aathaatic. asd Ooriada was tweoty-two and aliia and Tcry prettr In a fiir. delicate wayT A i d "they Were eogasFd to be mairled. At least that vaa vbat L<em Tackbj toid hia Crtesda, aad it r a * mmored that the Widow Kerr, I>ariB<]a's mother, W M about to anaoaaoe the msageownt by wnOtfliif all the QntoCT Barber <Mfcs.

Bvt DflCiBda still jaaintaliMd. that tbet* was so truth tm t h e « > t M i e u . —

"Motherr she cried that afteraod*. as she hnrried into the eoay sUtlag room with the red ( w a a l n u j B a the window safe-

"Uotber, I reaUr nerer dreamed ha

prorested Ltorteida. "Why did you think be called, e h f Dorloda Mashed fuiioinlr. iwt she

loakQt her atoitter stniixtit in C ^ eyea.

coostaatij. And at Ibis rrry mi:>aieDt Lbe aroata .

a£ t»^ij«wBuiit «a« pRw^Miac Lrtn Op i f f XSV 9 H K , tiie frtiut waik aiKl aruuiiU to th* side e ^ Cr^mt door, wbicb Lem cuaaid«rMl the i>r".4«tr , "^^ ' • • ^ » » entiaix-e (or the soa^o-law elect of tlM { boose; the front door wac eaUrelr too fonnol.

Ivetu (arripd his iioUs m 'tf hl»'"t; I box. aod bis roaud fac« gluwed «itb \ autk iiiated jileaMire as be tiiou^bt of < tbe pleai«aiil eveoluf ba wouUl e u ^ j He adminMl liorinda Kerr vrrj mu'U. tmt "be bad berer sappooed tbat she Mould dfcaai ot taairjiitg a •»»'»«<»» aged chap like himself.

'•OMv. tipt I put some of tbeae , Brlns: Or Send your Kodak Work yonfig dudea ou the ran.'' triampbed , ^ _ ^ . ^ ^ _ ^ ^ Lem Tuckbj. as he opened lbe side ', ~" d o ^ aud ealcced the Widow Kerr'a BU

dc. We make u specviily of such vork and guarantee satuifac­tion. AppotoQnents made on short notice. For price call on or write

Hannao' Studio


l i A N S B U R G H & BBG; 420-26 Seventh S u Washington, D. C.

£atat>tiahed in 1860 LeadeH Then—Lea<iers Now.

Mrs. iverr and Alrina Tobj bad been .ftMnr sit8[>icloaa(7 dose to the parlor dnof. Wbeu thcT ssw Lem Tudibr the widow nunblqd ai deep note of cooster-

Tnekkr- Hn looUaa jMt n if-4M «F-f -TeiT In him ia^iend «r ^ n . " tossed hsr and d K W o S



(Man* Podida

Tonr own Doriada

face of tiie Sed eyes. ^

'Too say I a t «ii||iiaed t» You aceejKed htmtm.mmT' *l vriih a stariefc.

•Yes. And returuS B ^ "Yoa'II Dot cut 9

miss: Lem TWkhgr^ the I .vera erer had, hardair ttSf Bill.T Lane to a gjii In Us'

Dorinda very white.' mother.

"Lem 11 bciac the ^ued Mrs. Kerr with a cntiflad "Tt -wras tdS'iBDi'

^ai tf amethyst —mafliKT


^ A doll red settled orer l b s . Kerr^s aallow eonotenance. She eoold not m.-Plata to Dorinda tbat she. herself, had beUered the same tUnc—tbat Lem was &in!tts to coart bb'—nor cofdd she teO the girl how bitter had been her disap­pointment wtaa t t e taanlwaie dealer had declared that Dorinda was as the acf^le of fate eye.

"I hope—I hope I Jtare too raocfa re-qtect for yonr poor pa erer to look at a ^ man asaln." cried Ann Kerr wlld-tF, Corln moments ot tmotioa shn W M went to refer to ber long BvOetif^ hnsband as a paragon among men. -

'^—i totem, moctaer—hat—byC^JBagr ^oriidJa. remembering ber deaztr loved 4Mher. broke into sodden teS9-

Kerr's thoe dai^eaed. ^l^ ahe iatp the kKeben and tmm^ to

Lem wear k." The girt sboddered.

sbe seen /he l^m's. red hand,

Many tiaaea had laise;. ahbwy ttmg m

"HI not manr htan, a^—yon canit I don't want

E p a r

CtT-Ann Kerr looked actaaat at O r Btlte

spltlire. whom aha acareetj

ai^P7 arith hsBvair Cir U j a XPCfchr woold iMk at imOe « Anah jotafg t i a a u t a ha 'ibo-itnda ID attract his admiring eye. A * i

A an mnwttyuUj "— iMtaeir w«iM siMT tavie adi

3o -Bother tftA daasfiter ate t ^ t e in d e n e e ^ a a d when the amal

waa eoncinded Dortida went and Jf t hi the aittlns room wtth a look «C attter daapUr on her fair yoons CaksBL •

Tti^V aoon be rii of t > B t ^ y « t f M cntatiKtb look at htm Jik« that.** Inph-«d her-mather aardo^callj. ' ^ -

f M r eaaw ta. a Bttie rad ahewi hrfd .rlipily a r a n d lier't^tai. aaOow face.

"Bop* I a i a t mwaiooM,"


We desire to caJtyoor atteatioo to the

Extraordinary Assortments __ofSiiininer Merchandise

Tsnn^ -Tho wayio maice two blades of

grasa grown where one does now: Buy the celebrated Magnesium lime fr(»n Leesburg Lime Co., the lime that has been aold in IxHidoun and Fairfax for the past twoity-fire years, and out pro­duced them all and the reason for it is because it contains Mag-Desiam and Ojdde of Iron in right propartion to Calcium Carbonate, L and the United States Agiieul-f tural Department in Year Book 1901. page 161. states that Mag-naauiu is abaolubdy necessary to tint growth aaftnoiiufig elae v r n t i ^ ite {dace. SeodiadMs

¥».. or £rtet to as a D d f l w i ^

Never have we been so cornpietely prepared to meet the requirements of our taitri> patrons as we are at the present lime

4ate»« aevckiea direct fn>m N"e* York i the Style Centre ef . .^sa^ci) are hefe awaiting your inspection. » l^ousands of pieces of the new wash materials, both

white and cok>red. The IMW aiUu in all their gtory. Ready to wear soita, draaaaa, coata aad akirto in ntMiw<rUiwv» Hie Mttgja* aaeorfanepts of aiilinf ry and aBdermusttM in the city.




garltlir .mai lira in tha ttt^ mrlxhe-

t f f Iff tilt red. bat Dadada was sMtU'


leeshss UM Co., he.


her teeth Veech. ' _J!S]iy-.dn yoa net ao

saaped Ann Ketc T i m dsfet here;'' sriaaed Vm

•AIi%ai IM]^ toGi stfmiLhl'at

at the pailw duug.

arited gmntedly. p u i o r kia8lnsi>orii idar'

aat wfH^oft cmmfK. y lip &il3a«iA aa# Otnw |pj|te j f i

ad qaito ptalaly to AtTtaa t a ^ s d the sbrl areir palec

n>adpda acta awfal J tn-Xcfi-'

4**P«. -She i n i * ^ hare heea engaced to

T&ere In the middle of the' 4taod handupBse ^Hiy I^ane amaa i tNia^ D e c t ^

S C H E P U i ^

Tn pfffTf ^iiril4JV4fl1fr

• - D a i l y local, 8 : » a. a . Dsli. at Otaage daily aa^pt

a O . lor QankwaTilU SH) ~ ' Ko.43—Xm^thxtngh Ui l7* .aa . wM ship at M M — ^ ^ a..a "

«a. 17- iBm»t8ayhffTl | riiipslSh" L to Warieiston. g g i i

Iwraan im snd way stalioBs. iai* a. • s n Parior Oar to W, '

fato^rihsr f U -

aad to take on

HOBriSBocnx: Ho. 18—EsBBSt Ssad^loeal fyaft W ^

asaon so WsaUaaton, IMO a. a . m, W-^i^r «fcro! !>*«

To, W— - ^ ^ ^^^ M S

hawe the contract for the Edison JMknbElectnc Light Bulbs. The




• « • • •

m ^ BQABD OF U9(0aW]RITSK$ APni |p¥E OUR •i • > - •imii. I. WQKK.--#IIOgnBptlilG"YDU

-^ -. > • _ .

at -ewi COiiPiinT: fn^ocKr 393

^ ^

^•'TB tbrre and behare I ' uuiuianded sfaarpty.

;.r aootber vord OBt of ..arrytng Lc3B Ta^iiy.

•^ t.n blBL aad If ysa roar ninIX' WB he

w B . ! • • ' • « y r r a . thari aB! Y>et«'8 a beat oat ta Ohio aad a waiting for yaa t» h a ^ i fuibiutra. n4—what's Oatrr* Hat c r y h «

OoctlMla was crying « T Mrrer bet n ao happy

•rtfl berselt. as ber EH Bmyi i etmt


hesi-1 tag nearly an of Its food from "noai Ms asttvas know notbiar whs'

the tbovt ^pVTiltnne, Nm tb*-:**r., has flnaBy iv< astri^ « tract of land

t eaaM V^afa lao^sm farmnn# triu fat - c&aMhgthi diratttoii OT utwakal

Ub > ^ ,8h*X. -^=»- i »--is all ber We.


III h i Cni(y»lit m Hediie fa^JUirUhU


— i — " - * n a w « F « # > ^ - ' * * y a x « . ^ j D E I T U S T

Henry K. Field & Co., Uker, SMes, Ladis, DOOR,


Office: No. 115 N. Union Sl»«et. t O. W i , ^ Ma».«,.¥a.iR*t<„: No. Ill if. i«Stn*t^- - ALEXANDRIA. VA.


Page 7: sEssffiifs mai era) ms^m.eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · Dr. H. M Clarks(». M^ r Geo. Tyler^_and_Jtobt^: &Ht u^ed aa judges. Th debatere s showed marked ability

^r^T • 1 ^ _ [mrmt^pm •^m^

ASSAS JGHTgyAL, Ff&Sk\ w • . - . . - i , .

MWEEKATE^TIRN ''TwioirT METimi^imcm imrrkmsi Continued Kroiri St-txinJ Fsige.


A SeotatJoaaJ Exptoitatioa of

T w i l i g h t SkKp'' ia hiawmg

_ nctnoeK

( Look to Necessitie* First. T h e « A

Money Crop—Avotf-Aq^^—f the coLirse uf ihe* eAercist*. The iiivucatiou wa< iu>k«Mi l>y Dr. B. f. l>augherty, o f Lebanon, Pa. 1 Lonor o r a t i u li s were delivert-d by ihree members of theiiradUitCirii' clttss. The (^ratore and their subjects were as fol­lows. Mrv E. W

Bruthtrrhuod of Man;" Miss Er-1 promiAe it. Tbe motioQ pictures ia the cuuaei»*tive txtftneas m^n iiBBtine Muztr, ' 'Music aa a Fac- are reported to contrast the sup- i that avoids speculatimi'who aue-lor in Education." «nd Miaaipoaed agqpjeg of a woman injceeda in the end. The same ia E3ith H. Otto, '"i'be Value o f ! labor under normal conditions {true in farmins:. The farmer Early 1 raining." ^ ] with the quiet somnolence which | ^ h o raises enouflrh c o m and hay

Br itoop introdaced Dr. S. P. is M H H V M ^ tn rharaffgrita frhnjf , lijn 1, , . tl-Tl"'-—f'^TfTT***^ Capeo, U . S . Spwiaiittf i n Higbflr ^ woman under JCQBQiiimin-mor- ai«d hurtrr. raiam >>*f ^ ^ " nwnl j

[ J o u n u i of AmerieaB Medical Aaaoeia- L S. L-cpmrtiaeux of A^fneakara]

'•" J There is no get-hch-quick crop. "Twiliifht sleep" has gone tu xhe youa« fanner should grasp

such an exteirt that even'the nK>- this ideA and hold to i t Anyone-Baumner, "The: tion picture has been called on ti :rop system is a speculation. It

Education, who defivoed the commencement orat ion. His subject was "The Odlege and the New Education." ffi» ad­dress showed a th(»ough mastery of his subject and valoaUe points to educators were laid down. TBe oration failed to enthuse the aodienoe, however; it seemed to be somewhat too technical to make a popular appeal

The conferring of d^^ees and the presentation of diidomaa can^now when Dr/ Roop, after a short address to the Kzadaatihg dass, called the members of the class forward in their tarn snd gave them tfaeir di|Jom«n After this the aodienee adjoomedfrom itie audiUigiiMi to tlw nsw g»tp

I^n anesthesia: The ^tpaaaxt advertised to accompany the pie-turea with • "8(A>" tm the pains of childiHtih ia one £^. Kurt E, Schlossingk, announced as a dis-cifde of Preiburtr who has'eome as the Messiah of pregnant women promised by McClure's, Ladies' Worid. Metropolitan and various nemp^pegn. Whoi Dr. Schlossingk. whose medical his­tory is short, arrived in this

iof Eaatem^ gtbonds.

Standing at gi/Usmv. tine gift D|. 'Boofi aeeepted it o# Eastern College, tiaie maUiiff ^k^iie

•Ml' I if QMB gateway THUff t^ fpfr '^ *%> gnph..ri»|f


Thnscame to adatfi^tte

sixtesrith amnad of Eastern Gdk^e.

Thefriae of iftgr doUiMgivcd Man^Ky bry E n a t s ftr tkrberit|wilb"tlie wKtak done tlie aca^my. was woo jvintig Ig; Iftass. Kianun and Elstea. A

^ h o r v t e v tar rx K T.

m not bcgivett

errtfi awarded to« ^En^S.

vertue grading i MdewanLf Grant an " :. V*.

to the v. T.; nara«9» & Urn, Ma-Helea C. LOOM.. AMO. Va.;

Ber. ^ i N p a e . Fk.; Bfitk ,WahiiMiwurg.Ffc.;Cfe.PBWPe«,

Qkcaia FUIB. N . T . BMCOBM <W LnnuTCTB—C E .

K. D. Marine, Bntiknem, iCl : W. E. MeK«»ey. Sjaide, Va.;

I C Raytend, Bone, M. T.; Heien C Roop,

BMas^uoK or rntiiiaimi fiiaiix L

a K a a n i O i t i . Va. ' . BACHiLoiror S e m e s oi B o n Koo-

New York hospital whidi has been poshing the method, and was ao(Hi lionized by-enthosiaatie ladies ^da a few tJlywrians who

anxiomi to repose in tJie t of this late acqoiaition.

-ayBK on so(9olaaunHaoi|diin

befixe the Qiicago Medical Society and the evening was givoi over to hi |^ pxajses of the method and its tnptntntit by a fetF leeal a&erieats. 'Rns wi th»'oceaiiBo of Dr. Si^omia^B

* - w « a9o^ says 1n»fe- JoBH«al of the

Medieai Awwriarinn^

and woiii; stock, rnses potatoes and truck crops, helps his wife and (children with the ehiekena, dodcs and tnrk«]«, keapo • few stands of bees^and a small orch­ard, plants peas and pomi^DS in the com and raises turnips, cab­bage and beans before he tarns his labors to a money en^ will Uve and be able td buy school books, aebooi shoes, ck>thin£raiid Cbristmas toys and pay his talBea

country he jmned the staff of a IK> mffltiT WlaB IttOiSllty cnp

time in Us xole mf '^hettOJii^^

eensgc4M«9, Jort pcevioqa to thefirst matiiwy, the

tifie and paUie." l l i e v w d ^

to Ihe

opuuon of CffieajBo no bfttfT

tnf^tnubin tne yuBwihocK. A week's advertising paid for tad

plaee! An svpeal was taken to. thejmayor—who reliised'te dig­nify the eaUhit even hr bokiaig stit.

f t

Mr > H^-nsc-. f..-~ y .-' Man&.' -.»*. tx.; whi-> for ; > -; 36 y e a n h i s r p p r p ^ r e c th* Mf-; o i i tan Life In-s- j» iK> Oo. in WaiiuzKctaa, D . C . h a s ! ^.^••^Ti p;»r«i a? a T^rrr,untBt aCCBt £rfr ' • * * Off itMJ!> "tr *taTas«.<!. *

. fte company labuc; i. . kirKls ol .d • --.ira: •~p. f>rdmar> • i iTr.t-r-, ir><T .>-

• - - '-• - »r»? in- .-«rr»> .TT»pp<-f« -:,."~.i - .suit K r ;.>-.w)r wrbo •»••"' K'B-r xpWitnB tsm^n pHiUiiiiian ri--..ft - isurance. CommnnieatKMi w i t h : V- f. ~ rime can be had br l e a r i a f 'word I trxfee gfeye of i . H. B«B*e A €fc, Ma-t


Law rf Pfaw York


T*i€ P L A f N B . ViRGlNiA

may be. Cattle and hogs will make the

best money crop. A 9aod fat sieer wiU bringr fram siiety to «ie hundred, d(AMC Eegi wffl grow into doflaia. now qoieker than any "Wi" iiltiml iii niiirt if yon wOl oae sewim U) pwUiet them againstdMleca. Bogif afnd cattle are not pocfaAtibie Hke sonieof tbe farm prpdoets. They can bamwkated at a v t i n e ^ Ate yekr. If thv iHti^ ir hi# wnen Vaty MM resQy W maww; ^ eaH Bie^ t l i ^ for f ,Uttttr

tM fai III BJusdoeta.

Ctoke Meals

When you want a choice cut of meat give me a eaU. I Handle xmly the be^ and cleanest* and I am WDfrdeat you will h& pleased with my ser­vice and {Hnees.

Fresh and Salt Mea Piflii, a u d-

t Meats.

F. R. SAUNDERS Fakw'a OU Stad.

START tmm: if you want the big money out ol



OAK LUMBER Tclegrapk aikd Tele>

• >

^enty of atodc andeitfwi the fami. iHth oorb, gniB. bay,

to fKtten i^ aiMl tile savtBfl tooahiftBO, wiu i

bettttr etdpi MUS lw>w(Wt iiie vaUeoftteladd.

f!isy& OF VAU7ABLS

REAi^ESTATi: UMieraad b^Tiitaeen


BABT CmCKS t«C Xr. Frad Tluj-er, enr expert yoal-

(rymaa f ron Coraell rjil»»T«tr. mtitti year Baby CUcks tor r»a. Voa «1U n n • n a t y aad r«a win aliw be poattJve ol

CMiB#~«h» >»«»* »aa daataa. Wa aaaaaa > aab arrtaal *m4 fall <-o«Bt of atroac.

fcaatffcy. nrtls lUtla tborooBkbmla.

PMCBB RaWT g " < y ^ 1. c. Bar Oniia«toa«...HJa »m n&at BarndPtoaBoatk B»rka 4jM 7 i » 14JK

CLY :t

This <»e!i k n o w n milling institution, recently r»-bi»iii and set in first class coauj-tion, IS liow be ng upertttd by a miller of > cars' of ex­perience. T.'ie i-'nqr ,<betng made at thiH mill , F i P y and Straight grade, la g n l n g sat­isfaction wherever vsed, and is | ! ^ d l y attractinir new cus-

It is made of the b e s t w h(L a t and grrnin-

(a noBnay, in au.^' [lings and ether feed for


irUto Wraadottea 4.0* 7M • G O B F C A H A T C H B H l Caa ha seat hr Parod

ra for 7 poua(

ara trnUw aptecuat peas «r tharavckbrpd faarla. Witia far pricea.

POCI^TBT SBCmETS If tbM« 919 a a f coadltoaa exlidiia wttk

r«ar tawlm (M' ia j»ar ^uMrr l i i a i a i vfciek Toa do aat koaw b « ^ to oiareoaa. arlta aa and roa wlH vaadTr oar a a a o f a •dvlea aad aagiraWaaa by ratara B a S — >ca af a a r charvc

uftflntuonoH BOOK TVBB Our l a n e IMS Poattrr aad PoaHrr Baa

Mr Catalwaa eaatataa Taloabla lafiiiwa tloa boi^ tor tfea bcd:laaer aa~ Mriaaaed paaltrr ralaac Sea l lan tadar. -

Fnra DOU^ARB IK Car tbe beat car at corn dcj itofa oa ar befora Octob b o a Bolgtaaa'a OaBferaU ^ trx O w i H f la S a n r ' Com, H l K « i l B .ia % a i a l i i f a l eoaib&attoB of Om Boaey Baaar Cats a sd Hm .

qja l l i Mia. CoaM >aa BoeiAlr

made of No. I corn, constant-,j-r,. ^ 9P. s*t<j,*Pd is second to tt:^- "" none. £tim^ oroers promptfy

filled aat^dtelfvered toneu^ merdiliiB if desired.

tnrhi'miH -laonqA att«iti<«.

maricet prices paid for




m. I a0TTu MAN ASiSAS. VA.

tf 12 o ' d o c k a . . n b o a t « ( d a Coatt HoBw. tke t o a a a l

Oolea i) iMiiC~ aSanaiid oa tha B r a a t e n B a D m .

Harins determined to devote oor whofe tia« to the Beal Estate and Inauranee business, we herehiy aoucit' aiz property'for sale and 'Bqoest thoae hayingproperty to Hst the same with as pranottyii

We are kt We are keenng up oar sto^ of wall- paper and can supf^yoQ with any-thii^ ^ n may ^!H4 ' ^ " ^ ' my file :: JShrflJ

fMh'iWaEV^* - • - "Oa

Twci (MkaaS^

tXMM sums AVAaJUK taoata . l i a O O

la «• Virgiaaa ata4aa«a ia tba jaiiaieala. -Stad far eataioaae

aowAaf wmiffuK, Bauw Aa, Cataaraty, Va.

ADMINISTRATOR'S NOTICE AQ prror** iDrMaadu^tlieeaaapo'SaDioe!

F b r i n p ^ •iiii aaai rt wiB plaaM oa^e far-ward tod M-nit moat -wtlk tbe aarkiaiiiai i1 uaTiaiiarr ja mmim%m>Siai wnem !•*-ias-el^Baa«i^aa>d li l i i K a aalalaaiU^

aaaaad Oa aU

My lixK embraces Staple and faa^F GroecrieB " TiiL



REAL ESTATE ^ f i ^ U R A N ^ ^


ftias teuwiilr mH Sifc-— ^ I ^ V


. J . A R R m G T O f M i t h e eonreet news d tte time: 'or it and jna

widl infaned on tofiea

o f ]

We have j«ki<eeifv«d of'BbW Rftbon

and one CBiaad of the famoiK •f the

Tcry^est material ayaikble, hiw^r in the wMte wood a a j

as per

' Also aH kinds of



- X»ASS SEED % -

Itwfll be worth y - A V ^ inspect our ^;.- ^ \

Manattat, Ya. I

Page 8: sEssffiifs mai era) ms^m.eservice.pwcgov.org/library/digitalLibrary/News... · Dr. H. M Clarks(». M^ r Geo. Tyler^_and_Jtobt^: &Ht u^ed aa judges. Th debatere s showed marked ability



. - ; / •

.:.:-::.;^f^£^r£^L!Ji^- ;...t.i;

-There wiJlJlEL'a.cIiiIdreK& day tern: erature,'85; service at Epworth Cb*pei Sun-

ttUQhxuiin Uii perature, day, May 30, at 2 p. m. Every'

.36 inch >n 2Qth .v" 7 We ate (juite glad to welcome 'OO 22nd an(S 'D it!ehoij25th: Mr. Thurnton and family in our feu- Week, 12^ uches. neighborhood" hope they will re-

• ,• .; IJiiSERViB. 'main. : i £ ^ , — • — -r-X..'^ I The Methodist Sun<Jay School .^bc l t tv) Grove FMtnAl.i,. p i « give a atrawberry festivcl iii

t t e i l a d i e s - U. D. C. vi^l ^M^f^^ «trawl and ice creapa f e s t i ^d in the j : w hall at Hick*

-^nr-6rove Tm 1 tcsday, June^ , beginninjr at 4 p. -n and contin-

' until 10 or 1; is most cora pablic"

;7. TO. The .iliy invited.

Co:>iikUx: SEL..

Fefttival Wednesday at Sudley.

^ n ice cream and .-!travs berry (fegitival will be ^iven on Wednes-b ^ y evening, June 2, at the home of Mi's. M. E. Willtins by the Ladles Aid Society of Sad ley W. E. church. Everyone is invited to come. COMMITTKE.

Hickory Grove Meeting Very Ejijoyable. ~ • --

The Hicfery Grove Good House­keepers' Club held its monthly meeting May 15 at **Egypt," the hospitabfe home of Mrs. G. A. Hutchison. Two members were aBSent—Migs Mildred'Ewell and

..Mrs. J»-D»i4oQre. .Misa Georgie Arnold,' our honorary member, was present "and Mrs. James Cal­loway, ^ " ^ n e a s ^ , and Miss Isjh^ ^^sakt'^v^ also guests

- I f ^ M ^ l u b . - ' <c> 'Etiquette in the Horae,"'th«

Pfee*s Halt on Monday, May ai. ' MUSIC will be furnished by the Nokeasille Cornet Band. Re-frBshrnentjj of alj kinds wiil h^. served by the ladies, if it rains

.Tuesday evetiuuf. iitiiryi. - Wa«h welcome. Admi^ion free, i

\j|if«s Pauline Manuel, who lias 4fee 4l *?»fh fever, is irfow-

Droving. LouiM - Atten was the

guesWj^ Miss Jessie Manuel the past $i|b>d&7.

Eveiyone had quite an enjoya­ble tim'if^it the festival that the Nokesvl|le Cornet Band g^ave recently.'.,

Mrs. Sittirt, of Middletown, ib visiting hljp son, Mr.: Sibert, of ^okesville.^. ' MrsrW. Yf D»yey has returned

to her hon*^»t Johnson City, Tenn., after ^bntiog her brother, Mr. T. B. Flicta«rer. -


taiTof a b u i out ^t town..,.


beat the dog with a ftteb and left ! the animal for dea3 in tMhvoods. Later the d i ^ came to and went home, where he is-recovering

ifrom his se t i re *featperience. Wh«n the etory there was sothe'taTk among tb«' townspeople of taking the law into their own hand*, but better

^ coutidi ..jorevailW and the affair was aired in justice court.

Mr. Doak is a sheep-breeder been [and has been active m urging

stricter control of dogs so as to ren<x>i«"age she^p-breeding. He : has written much on the dog j queetTon and other agricnftnral subjects and is well known

(throughout Fairfax and Prince William counties, for his activity

:in the Farmers' Institutes.

i Ey Pi Hl ''' ' J i ^ ^ Wi|-1 1 1 _J_| £J

Plumbers'S bires-



Extract. Fro„, Fifteen Ut ter , showio . H A Y M A R K E T S C H O O L E N D S | R x K K K X K X X K K K K I K K H K K X X K K K K K H





Miss iottie Bow(ft__of New Yorl^s visiting at ' BeU-ljsven.''

Bob Foley aaJHUiiwJJar^ ^S^ et Foley, f WiMttbn; are

e guests i^^irS; ^ufp^j|n^;^

Mr. WllfiBni C^ett, whp h&s 4th

I w a s g r e a t l y surprised to lind that y.jur beautiful V a c u u m C l o l h e i Washer Weighed only t w o puunds. —Mrs. L. B, John­son. Tenn.

I am a pract ical mechanic and took p leasure in Jookhig over the construct ion of your machine . I can^ see thnr it"'K marit. i^i ?oo(I a n j 1)y men ^ h o k n e w their

s iness . —L. J . J o n e s , III.

topic for the day, proved to b e > ^ ' L ' ? ^ appendifl^ at wide one and after liAteaUig'tt?:

.gq^fRtfl>-|i^ tphlB borne hcrc^Wtf ject and much gSDe^ discussion by the meml rs, it was agreed that etiquette in the hfaaei (as well as abroad) cannot bfe tearo^d-by a study of books dir hfOmAag a given set of ruiea, ttii^J|.ti|b6 nati2ral outflo^^ng of 4 Ivfiiig heart atidlgewBe spirit

The social hour was. yery en­joyable. Oa» Jiostass, a^^tgd

. by_ Mia. iSkinner. sprvHiTHainfr

<3reorge WaafaingtOB llospiti^ iias

wish faim a apeedy recovery. Mesant. G, A. and:|fL R. 0 ^

som bave j-ecee^j^^u:* Hodaon and Stuid^biftQ' cfct», Tesped^vely.

Mr. Willu|a pUson, of Bieh' mond, g«Vei;r'tt &lei^tins^ talk 0n State Hi^^ha t o ^ apsi;'i»cia-tive

ro^resbments,-aa-ture of which waa a deUckxui cake, representing' the clni) colors—gold and brown. TSie Sub wOri^l^ irith

aftgrnoon. MiiM irgng" frwi

n";.'''iiii, S-..','?.'•'

gaaoUile engine (Mmri t te


lie 4iia8 Mildred Rebecca. Ui. s a ^ l n . W.4f.Tole^ and ldrdttB|iiiirt the wedcead with

, - • * < * : •


%X^' >sS^^^

^aiuable Aid to Beauty

h e a l t h - a T f i . . .

r .and ::-• ,. ^ •

"'d ,'our ;;jv.


. OU 1 r*


ley, «* "Oakafaade," has returned to Warren ton. ^ _

Mr. and M%iMlM#^^^eU coHgratulaU^pa tar

- ; ^ . : ; :?* . • •

liife arrival erf a itne d*"yhtkf, lit.



' A Jtiien H ^ will be given oo June Zpx the benafit trf Holy Trinity i^ordi. It w. hoped that evet^ofie wilFeoB*e. - i ' ^

We are pleased |D hear that Mr. t C. HoweJf is improvtog^

Idowijr. Mr. Jasper Fletcher, of New

York, visited his parenta, 'llr. and Mrs. Abniftr Fletcher; thi« wedc.

Mr. J. W. Ganrett, yie. are pleased to report, is b<»ne again fTMn^e hospital.

Mrs. Dr. CJaggett, i » visiting frieads in Mtu^land.

Mr. Wm. H. Lanham, of Wash­ington, was the guest «f Mr. B. F. Jenkins cm Suixiay.

With the assistance of some good people of Hay market our Sunday school is progreaibig

inic^iy. \.. For the secjiiU ...Ti.. .& a. y+Aj-

a notorioua chiCKer. :;iief w,is ,.i;*tured in this, neighboihood Sunday ^»ght. T« officer B. P. Jfibkin^ aodIG-. G. Dwdj is given the praise. X. M.

gooc busi

I waiTt to "teil you that I washed a tub of wMt*! clothea in iust three minutes by the clock and they came out perfectly.—Mrs, Eiza Stanton, N. Y;

I faave seen lots of washing ma­chines used but yours is the first •ne that cleaned goods irtthout ivbbing and did not nm the colow.—Pay F«x, MJan.

I take go nmch pleaaure in put-^=ar g»y~ *h)lhw TBfpqBfi~tHe

' Mueiag

! ..- t ! CoiiiinueiJ Fruni l-'irsf Pag-e j ^

. I'KoMl)Tl()KSTuFlfTH(;RAl)K -CowaV i • • ' Sei ' ley. Aibart1tobir:sur;, Nim.'-ud Light- ' I , ner, \\'h^.atley Lig^htiier. Tho;nas Gar-; l i t t t , iJaney Wine, .Mary But l er and • iujsai ie Hector.

I P R O M O T I O N S TO S I X T H G R A D E Henry

But ler , l i e r b e r t Beaie , Wil l iam Larkin", J o e Allen Osbourne, Edward Wine

- • • tma• ijaujell,—AT7rta""9hujriate^ ClBfff ' " U t t e r b a c k , Ada Will is , D o r o t h y Rector

,and Al i ce Dimbar . — P R O M O T I O N S TO S E V E N T H G R A D E -

Joseph ine Peters .


S C H O O L -^ Raymond Pearson, Jphn S w e e n e y , Will iam S w e e n e y , Nannie Oab^wme, Clara Wine and Bertha Watts .

PaeillOTIONS TO ^ C O N D YEAft~.OF H u » ScBOOi. — Cr Patwms Rector, ^Buoa ^•ters, Margarfit Watts, Phoebe

r/yaH*c» Shamste and Julian


acnuin. —Caroline Bftiley,

My husband works in a snachine al I aup and h» over aUs get so dirty

.annoat rub my ftngers off clean-^ them. Todaf Iwa^ed thera itfa yoar machine and it waa

-*• ? BBe anS" ao easy.—Mrs'. yJ,:.._Opy,Pa.-

b e a i d i f u l laces and irir. broi-h a y e - a l w a y ? been washed

atts. ^ l^twonoNS TO CLASS A or SECOND

jfEASr-rEUen F;2jQtterback _ a n d N . phr@Sn«r5r^g.

The exercises were brought to a dose by. a recitation, *' Fare-wefl," by Miss Julia G a m e t t i n d i

^°y [the school song by the school. The school acknowledges with

hanks tne assistance given by

Virginia Candy Kitcherf ^ n ideal place to go when thqtights of lee trCTHi, tlie lOu per cent.pui"^ Jund,'©!* some* " thing cold to drink drift oefore your mental vision. For a real treat try Strawberry

- Cream, made with r i^J jer r i^ , direct., from the growers. When your sweet tooth insists this is the place for sweetmeats—the kind that makes 'satisfied customers.

• Jack Coombs may be a ''come-back,", but if you once come in, it's a 10 to 1 bet that you

Try our Milk Shakes and Root Beer for thirst Yours for Better Sweets





I h a v e n e v e r been success fu l washing c o m f o r t e r s ; they g e t so iarc....aLc4 pu l i ed-apar* . 4 - uac i -jour m a c h i n e on them and they >lwa\-a ri-im<» nnr hconi-ify" cfeaned. —Lucy Morton. Okla,

I invught your s ^ e s m a n w a * i J^fK-g when h e said I could w a s h n a b o f djJMjealn three m i n u t e s * ., . = ~ _ ^ 3 T ^ m y i e l f last" wae'K • a a d j l a d m f j l a g - w a s h i n g out or

UHmmi at fiUlf-fflliar^ 'i'omp-" k h » , Ohio. I IjHve 'a . .vayvh«sitaLe,: I-.I.L usmg^' a waahi i f e m a c h i n e ai t h o u g h they p u l e a and tore •.

« A A I | p l o t h « s o . Eut fewaot to • " \ » ? * * ? 1 ^ ^ « « * * y o u r ma-

tilineJI* t h r e e m^^lths'without , the a a c h t e s t t-TiuMe.—Mrs. P

B a d f i M ^ Minn . . . . .

I w a s surpr i sed ,>hen 1 <iJ5 iny ' w a s h i n g yesiterda^. r fcrft m y

^ ^ a r m the o t h e r day so m y Kttle l i u B twe lve -year -o ld girl used the i

W a s f a a . I t -was sc ea«r s h e '• ht it w a e fine.-Mr?, N e l -

' • ATk.

. unless t h e y ar>

i v e studied the op, aH


HOD, n g f t t I

t o x v **** ° * y*""" W * * ! " * »nd .jio' B mv t h a t y o u h a v e e x a c t l y the right

pr inc iples . Compress ion and . w t o u m w o r k e d wi th h o t w a ^ r

. w a l c l ean « a y t h i a g . — P n ^ . WiX KUU PenneU, Maine.

A f t e r using your Warner for s evera l m o n t h s T can see w h e r e

» . i t ' a ^ o i n g to last m e for \ e a r s . I S a I a m del iphted with it and" think

it the b e s t buv for the money 1 e v e r n » a d e . - l & r t h i | C'Reffly. V a .

I h a v e tneown a^iiy ;,,..i -ar^ee .-^ny machin.- ••ih

; - io vh€ work y o u r s has . and s: i 4 t n up th*- w a y it has d. r. t need

g u a r a n t e e T am go ing to : all our fnenHs about i t . - V. • I>r A . Klj'. Wi«.

W A S H i N G T O N .

Come to Washington-Come toKann's

The Only Department Store on Pennsylvania Avenue. H|lf-way B^^een the White House and the Capitol

it\tx) and Iron Tonic Ask as to $ad , lbiSt]^Book

yoB 1 ^

• - r " * - B , • - — - * t K .

:« tt<'7 api"*' fp

•iy t o

rp. t o give bet-

— • ---Tt.- •*» •

S1.<K) t h e Bottle

S O t D OMi.V BY t S


\ • f « . W . A <

B. Rich s Sons Tea-Osf "St.. C«f. idtfc

i u i n f t M

Y<Ht »re -act *tker^ t - -rty -•— iKtTtj M v Ajkie.m^r - -.- -ff,.--i a n d » - i i i i n g ; • p i a c ^ • - •,- '.' .-«» m a c K i n « . t r -rni-.r '^•rr.r '.» frr^ <iay.' trtal i..t}...ij! M^m'. -•- OT

• a the he t i l o( be l iev i - f thjit .at-isBed w r s m a k e the l>««t a^Tar-tu^mwit . SaMfi foroA^brPaMa^; Poat. j

Pnce, $1.50 : - ' - ? ; a f e \ ' r . -ore .1 u s t i e r * :

r t r r e s m t m^ Wrrt-e n r r a t i I Of p r o p o s i h o n .


Home and Dress Needs • * ^ * i » i

The DepartTi.efit Stc-re tn which t«-vTce is the warcaword. Your ^ .e is ar^ticipated; and a way provided to make every p h a s r x f your sh^ r> interest and pleasure to you.

=snt - Af

" A Restroom. l e d vv >tiitioner\- : . our use W-ltlViUt CL<x:,:v.

D. C

''Tli^JteaaaJtdca.'' | . £ . . i r j « f r . b t J I $1.00 a : ear

- ^ , ' , . ! . •

'ux I H £ . Jotraxju., 1 a adyanee i

The Franklin Saics >lMiager

w *. ;• • - - - _ . - , - . . ^ ' • , 1 - — J r . • 'y\,'.. i i . '' / i '. H f .> ..

TeJ*»v-.hon^ 3ooth.» Po,-. Ol'fice. ana c Colonial R« 'Service to Sb -•ppera."

"^•1"-:•.", =1 n d . v f •_• • , . ; • ; - • ; . - • • . : ' : '

, - • , . - ' : . - • : , • ' " . V ,•;:•• ' , L1 - • " . " i ^ ' " ; rw^trc c ;v , , •

r r w a > w . - ^ * * . W W J**^a, iAdai

(ir-: re. thf Vf^v I*'.. i C - ..;;£:',: ;-^-^'-titles ^r

^7:^. .in a £ f e


iniornr^.ttor, hurp-au. Telegraph Station.

;^ifureproft-:;-.-.:-:,,. ;„.

^A niuttriak;

V a C e tlie T-foMje of K a n n '

'i}Sl_iicw we ai^tt04>wjrtg partieaiariy Vacations and Vour Expedition Trip'.

Headquarter* for your Shopping- the ygar rouisd,

and inviting lines for OuV :