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y an empirically derived method that may be used by a

services organization to improve service quality.

y a perceived service quality questionnaire survey


y multiple-item scale



ity involves a comparison of expectationswith performance

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y Developed by Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry


22-item expectations scale

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The Five Key Service Dimensionsy TANGIBLES - the appearance of physical facilities, 

equipment, personnel and information material

y R ELIABILITY - the ability to perform the serviceaccurately and dependably

y R ESPO NSIVENESS - the willingness to help customers

and provide a prompt service

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y ASSUR ANCE - a combination of the following

y Competence - having the requisite skills and knowledgey Courtesy - politeness, respect, consideration and friendliness

of contact staff 

y Credibility - trustworthiness, believability and honesty of 

staff y Security - freedom from danger , risk or doubt

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EMPATHY - a combination of the following:y Access (physical and social) - approachability and ease of 


y Communication - keeping customers informed in a language

they understand and really listening to them

y Understanding the customer - making the effort to get to

know customers and their specific needs

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What are the Servqual Gaps?y Service Gap: The difference between a customers

expectation and the perception of the service quality

delivered.y KnowledgeGap : The difference between management

 perceptions and service quality specifications - the

standards gap

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y Standards Gap : The difference between service quality

specifications and actual service delivery - are standards

consistently met?

y DeliveryGap :The difference between the quality

standards set for a service delivery and the actual quality

of service delivery

y Communications Gap: The difference between the actual

quality of service delivered and the quantity of service

described in the firm¶s external communications

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y Conducting a sample survey

y Customers are asked to answer numerous questions within

each dimension that determines:-The relative importance of each attribute.

-Ameasurement of performance expectations that would

relate to an "excellent" company.

-Ameasurement of performance for the company inquestion.

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y This provides an assessment of the gap between desired

and actual performance, together with a ranking of the

importance of service criteria

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Servqual Data - How Useful is it?y We can assess service quality from the customer¶s


y We can track customer expectations and perceptions over time and the discrepancies between them

y We can compare a set of Servqual scores against those of 

competitors or best practice examples

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y We can compare the expectations and perceptions of 

different customer groups - this is particularly useful in

the public sector 

y We can assess the expectations and perceptions of internal

customers - eg other departments or services we deal with.

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MODELSER VQUAL provides detailed information about:

y Customer perceptions of service (a benchmark established by your own customers)

y Performance levels as perceived by customers

y Customer comments and suggestions

y Impressions from employees with respect to customersexpectations and satisfaction

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y the use of difference scores in calculating SER VQUAL 

contributes to problems with the reliability, discriminant

validity, convergent validity, and predictive validity of themeasurement.

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y The results of market surveys are accurate. The

validity of the model is based around the results of 

empirical studies.A number of academics have since performed further empirical studies that appear to

contradict some of the original findings.

y Customer needs can be documented and captured, and

they remain stable during the whole process

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y 1982, McCleary and Weaver :indicated that good service

is defined on the basis of identification of measurement behaviors that are important to customers.

y Zemke andAlbrecht (1985) suggested that service plays

an important role in defining a restaurant¶s competitive

strategies and identified systems and strategies for managing service

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y In 1988, Parasuraman, Zeithaml and Berry developed a

multiple-item scale for measuring service quality calledSER VQUAL.

y The researchers also identified that there are five

dimensions to service quality





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Customer Expectationsy Predicted Service

y Desired Service

y Adequate Servicey Zone of Tolerance

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Gapsy Service Gap

y Knowledge Gap

y Standards Gapy Delivery Gap

y Communications Gap

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y SERVQUAL is widely used within service industries to understand theperceptions of target customers regarding their service needs. And to provide a

measurement of the service quality of the organization.

y SERVQUAL may also be applied internally to understand employees'perceptions of service quality. With the objective of achieving serviceimprovement.





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SERVQUAL @ SBTy Study @ 9 Branches in Trivandrum.

y Objectives : To diagnosis Gaps in service.

y Set to 3 groups based on Performance-

High Medium Low

 A B C

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Resultsy 3 Factors continue with SBT

y Service dependence.

yBank dependence.

y Customer dependence.

y Factors for Dissatisfactiony  Waiting time for service delivery 


Confusions at Countersy Lack of Co ordination bw employees

y Problems in ATMs

y Lack Of information

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Results of Studyy Performance attitude

y Grahak Mitra a good step

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ConclusionDefining and measuring the quality of service has beena major challenge in any service industry. The service

quality measurement scale (SERVQUAL) has been widely used in research to measure quality of service.Quality of service is maintained in all sectors of serviceindustry mainly telecommunication, health, transport,retail, restaurants, banking industry etc. SERVQUALcan be used effectively in these fields.

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