Edgewater Landing The Pelicans Pouch Serving The Community of Edgewater Landing XXiX No. 05 June 2017 Happy FathersDay Photos bt Tom Sanders At the Dances Frank & Peggy Weisent Dan Platts & Lori Burgstahler Gary & Sandra Cox Chuck & Mattie Milligan Jerry Viens Donna Duffy Nancy Dingee Ellie & Ron Hebard

Serving The ommunity of Edgewater Landing XXiX …edgewaterlanding.com/attachments/article/48/PPJune2017.pdf · Serving The ommunity of Edgewater Landing XXiX No. 5 June î ì í7

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Edgewater Landing The Pelican’s Pouch

Serving The Community of Edgewater Landing XXiX No. 05 June 2017

Happy Fathers’Day

Photos bt Tom Sanders

At the Dances

Frank & Peggy Weisent

Dan Platts & Lori Burgstahler Gary & Sandra Cox

Chuck & Mattie Milligan

Jerry Viens Donna Duffy

Nancy Dingee Ellie & Ron Hebard

Pg..2 Edgewater Landing The Pelican’s Pouch

Freedom of the Seas, Royal Caribbean - Jan. 14 - Jan. 20,

2018. Ports- Grand Cayman, Costa Maya and Cozumel. Thir-

teen couples have signed up.

Come join the fun with your friends from the Landing


Carnival Liberty - Feb. 25 - March 1st,

2018. 5 days 4 nights. Port of calls Freeport Grand Lucayan and Nassau. Come join all of the ladies and have some fun.

We have 24 ladies signed up already.

Call Linda Keller (386) 423-9870

Up Tuit Band

Swamp Juice

Photos bt Tom Sanders

At the Dances

Ann Rao & Jan Protasewicz

Dave & Judy Squires

The Garden of the year 2017, is none other than Jules Emerson, 734 Navigators Way

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Which way does the wind blow George, which way does it blow? A new wind sock was installed at the Observation deck to aid all sea farers. Wishing them fair winds and calm seas is Gary Swan.

Women’s Club We had a terrific turnout Thurs-day, April 24th. for the Indian Riv-er Chorus Presentation. The music

director, Cynthia Turner, did an excellent job train-ing her students who did an exceptional presentation of their Hoedown Theme by wearing western clothes, boots, hats and even a charcoal beard. They were so good that $185.00 was donated to the music depart-ment which will be used to purchase new music and themes. They enjoyed the snacks afterwards, the gift coupon from Chick-Fil-A, and they heard all the praise of the audience. We look forward to more en-tertainment from our budding Broadway Stars and Miss Turner, who brought such talent to us. I have to thank Joan Barry, my mentor, and all the volunteers who helped getting the room ready and also cleaned up. I couldn't have done it without you as we had eve-ry available chair being used. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed the concert and look forward to the next one. Nora Meckel


Summer is around the corner and many of our friends and neighbors have returned to their northern homes. The next Women’s Club meeting will be on September 7, 2017 at the usual time of 1 p.m. Gifts of love will be peanut butter. Mary Hood wanted to re-mind us that she will accept pantry dona-tions at any time, however. June’s luncheon will be at the Florida Road-house Restaurant on June 15, 2017 at 12 noon. The sign-up sheet is on the bulletin board outside the ceramic room in the club-house. Any questions, contact Diana Young at 386 690-0308. Our thoughts and prayers continue to go out to Carol Braverman who has had com-plications following her hip surgery. After speaking with Carol on the phone, she con-veyed her deep appreciation for all our acts of kindness. Carol also said that any future cards and calls will also be appreciated. Mary Ann Cummings, Secretary

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Please limit copy for inclusion in the Pelican’s Pouch to no more than 400 words. All articles must be submitted by 5PM, the 18th of the month pre-ceding publication. We reserve the right to refuse potentially offensive material, or that which is deemed in-appropriate. (The editors)

The Pelican Pouch Editorial Staff Editor & Layout – Linda Walsh [email protected] Copy Editor - Nina Vergo [email protected] Distribution -Diana Young [email protected] Calendar - Paul Wright [email protected]

June 2017 Donna Duffy 1 Anthony Korec 1 Billie Mills 1 Douglas Cornell 2 Brad Christopher 2 Larry Schlosser 2 Jim Stachowicz 2 Roy Slingo 3 Josephine David 4 Sandra Denniso 4 Marie Hirschbeck 4 Scott Kempton 4 Doyle Odom 4 Ann Rao 5 Kathy Reinhart 5

Howard Potter 6 Susan Paul 6 Dick Gay 6 Barb Kiernan 6 Penny Breeding 7 Linda Walsh 7 Bob Christiansen 8 Brenda O’Brien 8 Wesley Terry 8 Sam Wohlfort 8 Hazel Ramsey 9 Penny Griffith 9 Thomas Iannone 9 John Murphy 9 Richard Pendleton 9 Charles Shepherd 9

Rebecca Kick 11 Larry Carli 12 Deloris Cotelidis 12 John Kick 12 Lois Turner 13 Lois (Pat) Lavato 13 Ann Mace 13 Diane King 14 Sandra Snell 14 Elizabeth Capria 15 Sally Thompson 15 Jane Burdick 16 Don Cheeseman 16 Joe Wagner 16

Judy Ball 18 Rich Alvord 18 Dale Buzby 19 Ritchie Fuller 19 Walter Hayes 20 Robyn Hensley 20 Judith 20 Wydronkowski Florence Rosen 23 JoAnne Burkey 25 Marlis Stevens 25 Lillisn Molnar 26 Mary Wenderoth 26

Ray Gaskey 27 Hella Oehme 27 Bob Frey 28 Linda Miller 29 Audrey Wagner 30 Pat Wodka 30 Ron Ulip 31

June 2017 Birthdays

Updates– Call Muriel at 423-3821 (Monday-9 to 5pm, Tuesday thru Friday 9 to 1


PLEASE notify the office if you have lost a loved one. It is imperative that the office

is aware so records can be current. I apologize if their names get on the Birthday List, but if we don’t have proof, (ie: death certificate) that someone has passed away, their name goes on the list automatically. I appreciate your help with this matter.

Muriel Office Assistant

E.L. Does Not Allow Items Pictured Below Dennis Vitali


Just because the Kitchen Committee Policies & Procedures are only two-thirds of a page long does not mean the two wonderful residents that presently make up the Committee does not work hard—very hard! The President of the HOA appoints a Chairper-son, who then selects additional Committee Members. The Chair will report to the Board as needed or to obtain approval to fund items not typically purchased or beyond the limits of the HOA Ac-tivities Fund Policies and Procedures. The P&P’s state their kitchen duties as follows: **Keep stocked with supplies likely needed for ANY/ALL Association activities. We are all aware how many activities we have at the Landing—EGGS, Boat & Fish, En-tertainment, Singles, Women’s Club, HOA Board Meetings, and on and on. Not just oc-casionally, but many times a month, month after month. **Maintain a list of available supplies to be furnished to Event Coordinators **Replenish supplies as needed **Pull supplies for Event Coordinators and place in kitchen by the day before the event **Make available such items as coffee pots, etc. when the Multi-Purpose Room is rented **Make coffee supplies available **Check kitchen after all functions for cleanliness **NO SUPPLIES ARE TO BE REMOVED FROM THE KITCHEN WITHOUT PERMISSION OF THE COMMITTEE CHAIR (and UNFORTUNATELY this does hap-pen, creating extra work for the committee) Presently, the Kitchen Committee is made up of two dedicated volunteers, Deloris Cotelidis, Chair, and her right hand person, Jane Burdick. One or the other is available to our community pretty much 365 days a year AND they have both served EL in this ca-pacity for approximately five years. Part of the joy of living at EL is our numerous activ-ities and we are fortunate to have many event planners and many residents that partici-pate on a regular basis—but in this case there are only two of them. We just do not stop to thank the “behind the scenes” people that make all our activities run smoothly. I won-der how many times these volunteers have received a call for, “Help! I forgot to get my supply request to you and our event is tomorrow (or tonight)” or they might hear “but I WANT purple table cloths!” They make our lives better—we must remember to make their jobs easier. Thank you, Deloris and Jane, for all the hard work you put in so that our events run smoothly and we can all have fun!


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WILLIAM & PATRICIA OBERHOLTZER, 713 CHARTER LANE, LOT 395, Previous Owner: H. Oberholtzer Bill and Pat have a home in Aberdeen, Maryland and now own the home in EL that Bill’s father lived in for 19 years. Often visi-tors at the Landing, they are happy to now be residents. Bill retired from the Army and Pat served in the Navy. Pat was involved in troop and family support, counseling and psychiatric support during all the years Bill served and beyond. She served as a con-tractor with the government as a Transition Counselor with NASA, NSA and other areas and when they were stationed in Turkey with NATO. Bill owned a business, Vector Inc., teaching military preparedness for the University of Maryland and wrote a plan on infrastructure preparedness. Pat was an instructor and Acting Dean of the University of California at Barstow and also owned a business contracting with companies on areas of time management and customer service. They may be reached as follows: Bill’s Cell: 443-527-1309 Email: [email protected] Pat’s Cell: 443-527-1308 Email: [email protected] JOEL & BARBARA CARLSON, 800 MASTHEAD LANE, LOT 271, Previous Owner: McCauley Joel and Barbara are originally from Rockford, Illinois, but moved to Orlando 17 years ago to be active with Bible Translation and Campus Crusade. They found Edgewater Landing about 8 years ago and Joel was ready to move, but Barbara wasn’t. Soon her desire to be closer to the ocean and working with an EL Realtor for two years, they found a home they liked and moved. They will be snowbirds splitting time between their home in northern Wisconsin, stopping to visit their 2 children and 2 grandchildren in Illinois, going and coming, and their home in EL. Joel was a plumber and pipe fitter in his first life and Barbara worked at her kid’s school and at home. They may be reached as follows: Phone: 715-542-3530 Cell: 715-605-2249 Email: [email protected]

TOM CLARK & ELLEN RICHARD-CLARK, 512 STARBOARD, LOT 39, Previous Owner: Rorabaugh Tom and Ellen originally come from Connecticut and Massachusetts. Ellen has a Masters from FIT and is a Wildlife Biologist and Tom attended Emerson and is a Computer Analyst. Ellen returned to the US after working in Central America and met Tom un-der the fireworks at the Boston Pops. They moved to Florida about 30 years ago. Upon adopting their daughter and son from In-dia, they purchased Jasmine Breeze Farm in Mt. Dora. Once the kids were on their own, they started looking all over the state for a 55+ community. A musician they met on the beach told them about Edgewater Landing. Their son is autistic and they now own a 501C3 business training Great Pyrenees dogs as service dogs for autistic children. They presently have Winkie and Murphy (great conversation starters when they are walking them). Ellen has joined water aerobics, will join Women’s Club and would like a Zumba class. Tom is active with the Tennis Club and they have attended a Board Meeting. They may be reached as follows: Tom’s Cell: 407-761-4288 Ellen’s Cell: 407-463-0858 Email: [email protected]

DOUGLAS & PAMELA BORN, 700 HELMSMAN LANE, LOT 261, Previous Owner: Shepard Doug and Pamela are from Kingwood, West Virginia, and will be Snowbirds, dividing their time between WV and EL. They found the Landing through four friends that live here; the Shepard and Zino families. They are the proud parents of a son and a daughter and 3 granddaughters, all still living in West Virginia. Before retirement, Doug ran heavy equipment at the Ft. Martin Power Plant and Pam was in Security for Chico Enterprise also working in the bakery. Once they are settled in, they will be look-ing into various activities offered at EL and Pam hopes to join the Line Dancing group. They may be reached as follows: Cell: 681-209-4829 Email: [email protected]


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We’ve had quite a few new folks move in these past months, so we decided it was a good idea to let you know about our ceramics group. We love having new folks join us for socializing and creating our whimsical and/or gorgeous ceramics. We meet each Monday from 1 to 3 p.m. and Tuesday evenings from 6 to 8 p.m., when we try to have an experienced per-son available in case you need assistance getting started. You are welcome to work on your pieces anytime you can. We do ask that you work in the ceramic room, and please do not take any paints home with you. There are people who may be us-ing the same paints as you at any given time, and we need them to be there for everyone. Also, we all pay $5.00 a month to cover costs of the paints and the firing of the pieces. Whenever we work on ceramics, whether in a group or by ourselves, we cover our tables, and clean up after we are done. The room is used for many functions, so it is everyone's responsibility to keep it clean. We hope to see you getting into ceramics soon. It’s a wonderful way to spend some cool time being creative when it is so hot outside. Pat Knollenberg, Penny Griffith, and Janice Hichak

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Quilt and Needlecrafters

Ladies, it was a fun month. We had Pat Hallock teach us all about rotary cutters, cutting boards and selvedge eges and how to get them all straight without pulling our hair out. Thanks Pat. Some projects done by Paula Ruggiero.

Snow birds, please have a safe and fun summer while we, sand birds, enjoy our summer here. See you in September.

Whose that fellow looking through the window? What do you do in your spare time? Here’s Frank Weisent looking through one of the many windows Frank has made while making

doll houses for all his grand daughters and they are beautiful. Miniature tables, miniature beds, and lit-tle people too. Anyone who’s tried to buy a girl’s doll house knows they sell for hundreds of dollars. Frank does a beautiful job and puts a lot of smiles on his grand daughters faces and gets voted #1.