Serving Paraguay Flyer 2013

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  • 7/27/2019 Serving Paraguay Flyer 2013


    Serving Paraguay

    Striving to transform the lives of children with the love of Christ and change the future of a nation

    Serving Paraguay strives to transform

    the lives of hurting children with the love ofChrist and change the future of a nation

    suffering the consequences of poverty. HogarGANAR is a facility for abandoned childrenthat offers hope and healing.

    While there are many institutions for

    neglected and orphaned children around theglobe, Hogar GANAR is unique in that westrive for the children in our care to

    experience the transformational power of a

    loving, Christian family. At Hogar GANAR,

    there are ten houses located on forty acres. At

    this time, christian couples serve as parents inthree of these homes and ten children are

    placed in their care. The facilities also

    include: a private school, counseling office,

    mission team housing, soccer field, basketball

    and volleyball court, track, garden, dairy

    cattle, pigs, tilapia ponds, chickens, a citrus

    fruit grove, and an administrative building

    with a medical and dental clinic and a

    professional bakery.Hogar GANAR receives children who have

    been abandoned, orphaned, or removed from

    their parents due to abuse or neglect. Thechildren participate in daily devotions with

    their house parents. Every child has regular

    counseling sessions with a Christian

    counselor. Each child attends our private

    school located on-site, and older children are

    able to participate in vocational training in ourgarden, farm, or bakery.

    With our family model, HogarGANAR feelsfar more like a neighborhood than an

    institution. The goal is that these amazing

    children who were once overlooked by

    society will become the Christian leaders who

    transform the future of Paraguay.

    Forming a Family

    Our children and house parents from House 3.

    Cristina, Ever, Carlos, Nilda, y Rocio

    When brought to Hogar GANAR siblings are kepttogether in the same house, maintaining important

    family relationships and building new ones.

    Hogar Ganar Children's Home

  • 7/27/2019 Serving Paraguay Flyer 2013



    donations can be

    mailed to:

    Serving Paraguay

    4353 E. McNeil Street

    Phoenix, AZ 85044

    Join with us in prayer for the

    following needs:

    Spiritual, emotional, and psychologicalhealing for the children in our homes

    and school

    Salvation for every child in our careProvision of workers to serve andeducate the children in our programs

    Strength, wisdom, discernment, andpatience for every employee working

    in our childrens home and school

    Financial provision for our ministries,currently just over $15,000.00/month.

    In order to equip our children for the future, we opened the ItauguChristian School in 2011 providing quality education to the childrenof Hogar GANAR as well as those from the surrounding,impoverished community. In our inaugural school year we had 89children attending. In 2012 we opened 9th grade and had a total of116 students in attendance. Now, in 2013, we have 190 students inattendance from pre-school through 10th grade. Next year, we will beopening 11th grade, and will have our first graduating class in 2015!

    Through the sponsorship of a local Paraguayan grocery store andrestaurant, we are able to offer every elementary student a snackduring their school day, providing an important source of nutritionfor each child. Our middle and high school students receive a freefull lunch in school, prepared by a team of volunteer mothers. All of

    the teachers in the school are Christians and dedicated to not onlyteaching the curricular basics to the children, but also to teachingthem the importance of a relationship with Jesus Christ, having dailydevotionals in each class and weekly chapel services.

    Our children have English classes three times a week and studycomputers, equipping them for success in their future professions.Through an integrated Christian education, we strive to reach notonly the children in our school with the good news of our Savior, butalso their families. With quality education and character formationwe know we will see an entire community, city, and country changed

    for the glory of the Lord.

    Itaugu Christian School

    Tape Pyahu (A New Path)


    E-mail: [email protected]


    On Facebook: Serving Paraguay