Yr Wyddfa Services Pack for Cylchoedd Meithrin 2020- 2021

Services Pack for Cylchoedd Meithrin 2020- 2021...140 ‘Helpwr Heddiw’ stickers x Charity Trustees Liability Insurance x Translation and proof reading service (by e-mailing [email protected],

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  • Yr Wyddfa

    Services Pack for

    Cylchoedd Meithrin

    2020- 2021

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    Mudiad Meithrin Services Yr Wyddfa

    Access to a legal helpline (DAS) administered through the Commercial Legal Protection insurance policy to advise on a number of issues relevant to the life of the provision.


    Support from a designated Support Officer who will offer support, advice, leadership and pastoral care. At least 6 visits per year can be expected.


    Support from a team of Support Officers, a Deputy Regional Manager and a Regional Manager within your area, who will provide specialist advice on a wide variety of subject areas.


    Opportunity to apply for a grant through Mudiad Meithrin’s Re-opening and Re-building Fund Grant Fund.


    Start-up grant for any cylch that is established as a new provision.


    Opportunity to apply for an emergency grant if the cylch is facing financial difficulty (please note that £500 is the maximum).


    Access to a wide variety of formal and informal training opportunities through academi (locally, regionally and on-line).


    Invitation to attend conferences, academi training days and the Annual General Meeting.


    Invitation to local support surgeries on a variety of subject areas such as human resources, finance, cylch meithrin management.


    ‘Llyfr Mawr Piws’ (Large Purple Book).


    Comprehensive newsletters providing information on developments in the early years, training opportunities, good practice.


    Advertising the cylch on Mudiad Meithrin’s ‘Find a Cylch’ section on the website, promoted on social media and the cylch's social media accounts promoted.


    Wide supply of marketing and publicity resources x

    Job Vacancy advertising on Mudiad Meithrin’s website.


    Accident Book, Incident Book, Accounts book and Children’s Register.


    Yr Wyddfa

    Every aspect of the management of the Cylch Meithrin is the legal responsibility of the voluntary management committee. We are here to support you in this work. We will provide you with advice, guidance and encouragement. Sometimes, we will also challenge you as a critical friend. This Service Pack outlines all the services we provide to you as a Cylch Meithrin. Please return your completed registration form us at our usual e-mail address, [email protected], by 24/07/2020.

    Mudiad Meithrin Services for Cylchoedd Meithrin

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    Plaque acknowledging membership of Mudiad Meithrin and Bronze quality achievement (and annual registration certificate).


    Opportunity to apply for Silver and Gold Standards (‘Safonau Serennog’ quality assurance scheme). x

    ‘Llyfrau Bach Piws’ (Little Purple Books) (e.g. Staffing, Finance, Estyn, Child Protection)


    Access to Mudiad Meithrin’s intranet and E-learning resources.


    Language improvement and training service.


    Property Insurance (protection against loss or damage to property) and Loss of Revenue Insurance.


    Public, Products and Employers Liability Insurance.


    An opportunity to win an award that recognizes the successes of volunteers and cylchoedd in various categories.


    Assistance and training when registering for the ‘uCheck’ Disclosure and Barring Check Service (DBS).


    Variety of hard copy learning resources (CD, occasional training packages etc.).


    140 ‘Helpwr Heddiw’ stickers x

    Charity Trustees Liability Insurance x

    Translation and proof reading service (by e-mailing [email protected], annual allocation of 1,000

    words). x

    Support to establish the cylch as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO).


    Cost for 1 year (September 2020 - August 2021)


    Register ‘Cylch Ti a Fi’ £0

    Attractive ‘Cylch Meithrin’ or ‘Cylch Ti a Fi’ banner for your site £30

    Total £30

    Mudiad Meithrin Services Yr Wyddfa

    • You can purchase an attractive ‘Cylch Meithrin’, ’Cylch Ti a Fi’ or ’Cylch Meithrin/Ti a Fi’ banner (design below) for £30.

    • Remember to return your completed registration form to [email protected] by 24/07/2020

    50cm x 90cm

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    Support from the Regional Team of Staff The cylch will be able to receive extended

    support from a Regional Manager, a Deputy

    Manager and other Support Officers that

    specialise in the following matters:

    • Child Protection • Marketing / Publicity • Fundraising / grant applications • Staff training and development • Inclusion • Language / Progression to Welsh

    education • Ti a Fi • Human Resources / Employment • Leadership and Management • Quality and Assurance (CIW, Estyn,

    Flying Start, Mudiad Meithrin Quality Assurance, ‘Safonau Serennog’)

    • Foundation Phase • Business Management • Finance • ‘Cymraeg for Kids’ team expertise

    Support from Mudiad Meithrin

    ‘Support Officer’ Support

    A dedicated Support Officer will be assigned to

    the cylch to provide support, advice, guidance

    and pastoral care. The Officer will:

    • visit the Cylch Meithrin at least once per

    half term to observe all the cylch’s

    activities in order to recognise its needs,

    challenges, concerns and good practice.

    • visit Cylchoedd Ti a Fi and Day Nurseries

    at least once every term.

    • respond to general enquiries via telephone

    and email.

    • attend occasional Committee meetings to

    provide induction training and encourage

    good management within the cylch.

    • participate in the recruitment process for

    cylch Leader and attend the interview

    panel for other staff members as required.

    • As part of a team, assist the cylch to

    prepare for

    inspections (CIW/

    Estyn/Mudiad Quality

    Scheme - Safonau


    • As part of a team,

    develop and extend

    Cylchoedd Meithrin and Cylchoedd Ti a Fi

    services, and develop new provisions

    where gaps have been identified.

    Further explanation on the services offered

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    Financial Support

    Mudiad Meithrin Grant Fund There will be an opportunity for each Cylch to apply for a grant from the Re-opening and Re-building

    Fund. Criteria and terms and conditions to follow soon.

    Mudiad Meithrin Start-up Grant New Cylchoedd Meithrin and Cylchoedd Ti a Fi will receive a start-up grant (£200 for Cylchoedd Meithrin and £100 for Cylchoedd Ti a Fi). The purpose of this grant is to assist the cylch in purchasing the necessary equipment when establishing a new provision.

    Mudiad Meithrin Emergency Grant Any Cylch Meithrin which is facing a financial crisis can apply for an emergency grant. When applying the cylch will be expected to present the short and long term plans that confirm the proposed schemes to transform the financial situation of the cylch. These grants are only awarded once and £500 is the maximum possible.


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    Training There are opportunities to increase skills through Academi. The cylch is able to take advantage of training, development and learning opportunities through Academi.

    The learning opportunities offered under the Academi banner will cover all aspects of the Mudiad’s work - from linguistic, educational and care issues to administrative and management issues. This training will also be delivered in a variety of ways, combining traditional face to face courses with modern online courses, where the individual can learn at a time that suits them. It will also be possible to share information, good practice and ideas with the whole Mudiad Meithrin community through the intranet.

    Conferences/training days The cylchoedd are invited to attend training days which will provide varied and relevant information about early years work. Practical activities and resource packs will be available.

    Advice Surgeries There will be an opportunity for the cylchoedd to attend sessions occasionally to receive advice on a variety of issues including staff management, budgeting issues, cylch man-agement and development/business issues.

    National Training Scheme - there is an opportunity for students to qualify for the relevant

    Level 3 Childcare qualification through our apprenticeship scheme.




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    Online digital resource - a resource for voluntary

    management committees.

    Visit: http://www.meithrin.cymru/for-committees/

    ‘Llyfr Mawr Piws’ Folder

    This folder provides comprehensive information on all

    the elements of Cylch Meithrin management. It includes

    general information on all aspects of a Cylch Meithrin’s

    work in addition to comprehensive appendices providing

    information on the following:

    • Constitutions

    • Arranging and conducting committee meetings

    • Various policies that comply with legislative and statutory requirements

    • Forms and guidelines for parents and cylch staff on elements of health

    and safety, human resources and parental consent

    • Recruitment and Employment of staff pack which includes job

    descriptions, interview guidelines and employment contracts

    • Information and templates on conducting risk assessments

    • Little Purple Books (‘Llyfrau Bach Piws’)

    Termly Newsletter

    Mudiad Meithrin will send each cylch a termly

    newsletter which will include useful

    information e.g. development in early years

    and childcare, fundraising opportunities,

    examples of good practice etc.


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    Marketing / Publicity


    Advertising the services of the cylch

    All Mudiad Meithrin childcare provisions are advertised on our website

    through the ‘Find a Cylch’ page. Parents and prospective parents can

    search for childcare provision through using our interactive map. The cylch

    details are provided describing the services offered by the cylch, opening

    times and contact details. This is a fantastic opportunity to market and

    publicise the cylch. The cylch must inform us of any change to your service

    for us to update the website.

    Marketing and Publicity resources

    An extensive supply of marketing and publicity leaflets are available either through your local

    Support Officer or by contacting Mudiad Meithrin’s marketing department. Cylchoedd can also

    advertise any local events by sending information to the marketing department to include on

    Mudiad Meithrin’s Facebook and Twitter accounts.

    Job vacancy advertising

    There is an opportunity to advertise any job vacancy on Mudiad Meithrin’s Jobs site. 250 job

    vacancies were advertised last year with 76,633 visitors accessing the website.

    Accident, attendance and accounts Books A hard copy of Accident and Incident books, Visitors Book, Accounts Book and Register will be supplied to each Cylch Meithrin.

    Plaque acknowledging membership of

    Mudiad Meithrin (as well as a certificate) A plaque confirming that the cylch is a member of

    Mudiad Meithrin and conforms with the required

    standards will be supplied. Each new Cylch Meithrin

    will automatically receive a bronze standard and has

    the opportunity to apply for a Seren Arian (silver star)

    and Seren Aur (gold star) as part of Mudiad’s quality standard ‘Safonau Serennog’.



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    Learning Resources E-library

    Access to thousands of various resources are available through Mudiad Meithrin’s intranet.

    Siop Dewin a Doti

    Siop Dewin a Doti sells resources that are unique to Mudiad Meithrin and can

    be found at www.meithrin.cymru.

    Educational Resources

    Mudiad Meithrin produces a variety of educational resources for cylchoedd.

    The Intranet This is a very useful resource providing useful information for cylchoedd staff and committees

    including documents and information on data protection, staff management, health and safety,

    language, marketing etc.

    Legal Structure Reminder Service All cylchoedd with an income of £5,000 or more are required to register as a charity with the

    Charity Commission. It is the responsibility of all charities to inform the Charity Commission of

    their income and expenditure, on time, each year ( by the end of January for most Cylchoedd

    Meithrin). It can affect the charity’s reputation, block grant applications, influence contracts and

    tenders etc. if the Cylch does not comply. We will send a reminder in February (via email) to any

    Cylch Meithrin that has not fulfilled its financial reporting duties to the Charity Commission.

    Establishing the cylch as a Charitable Incorporated Organisation Mudiad Meithrin recommends that each cylch establishes itself as a Charitable Incorporated

    Organisation, which is different to a normal Charity. The structure provides more protection for

    trustees and committee members, especially if the cylch has to close and if the cylch is insolvent.

    Mudiad Meithrin can help to establish the cylch under this structure with the Charity Commission.

    This will include:

    • A pack which includes the constitutional model and essential forms that need to be completed and signed by the Committee (Mudiad Meithrin's administrative department will input the initial application on behalf of the cylch).

    • An information pack that provides a detailed explanation of the structure and the expectation for correct compliance.

    • Induction training for the Committee which provides an explanation on the structure, the safety it provides and how to comply with the requirements (e.g. annual account, accounts audit).


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    Insurance Employers Liability Insurance Indemnity for injury to employees including volunteers, work experience etc. and/or damage to their property. Limit of Indemnity: £10,000,000 Maximum Any One Occurrence.

    Public Liability Insurance Indemnity for injury to members of the public (anyone other than employees) and / or damage to their property. There is a £10,000,000 limit of Indemnity Maximum any one occurrence and an excess of £100 in respect of each and every loss. Charity Trustee Liability Insurance Indemnity for financial losses incurred as a result of a wrongful act on the part of a trustee, governor or manager. Including defence costs incurred by the “entity”. There is a £100,000 limit of indemnity any one event and in total in any one period of insurance and an excess of £1,000. Commercial Legal Protection Insurance Legal costs of up to £ 250,000 in dealing with a dispute of agreement, employment disputes and HMRC investigations, including professional fees. Access to various legal aid lines via DAS. If there is a human resource problem refer it to the helpline.

    Product Insurance

    Indemnity against injury to the public (anyone who is not an employee) and / or damage to their property arising from a supplied product (eg food poisoning from a sandwich in a coffee morning). There is a limit of £10,000,000 for any one event in any one period of insurance. There is an excess of £100 for each loss.

    Loss of Revenue Insurance Indemnity to members for loss of or reduction in income resulting from a Property Damage loss, i.e. if there is a fire or flood. No excess applies.

    Employee Dishonesty Insurance Indemnity for loss of property, including money, sustained solely and directly as a result of acts of fraud or dishonesty by any employee /committee member. Limit of indemnity is £25,000. An excess £500 applies in respect of each and every loss.

    Property Cover (Excess: £100)

    • General Contents/ Tenants Improvements: £30,000 Sum Insured – Premises only

    • Temporary Buildings: £5,000 • Computer Equipment: £2,000 Sum Insured

    – Premises only • Laptop Computers: £700 Sum Insured (All

    Risks cover anywhere in the UK) • Money: Out of Business Hours in locked

    safe - £2,500 Out of Business Hours not in locked safe - £500

    • Glass: Unlimited • Storage containers: £3,000 including

    contents within locked container


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    Mudiad Meithrin Awards Each cylch will have the opportunity to be nominated for an award

    that recognises the achievements of staff and volunteers of

    cylchoedd within specific categories. Those who have reached the

    top 3 will be invited to attend the

    annual Awards Ceremony to

    receive a special award and recognition.

    At the ceremony there will also be an opportunity to reward staff

    and volunteers who have completed 20 years service to the

    Mudiad, as well as announcing the winners of the main grants.

    Disclosure and Barring Verification (DBS/previously

    CRB) Mudiad Meithrin has reached an agreement with

    ‘uCheck’ to process all DBS checks for cylchoedd (see

    full details in the attached information sheet). Through

    this agreement, the registration fee for the service has

    been waived for every Cylch Meithrin. Your local

    Support Officer will be available to offer advice and

    support as usual on the registration process for the

    service, and the administration support officer for the

    region will be on hand to offer local training on how to

    conduct the checks. It is quick and easy to register, by

    filling in a short form (see opposite) and it is possible to

    carry out checks on a laptop or a tablet:
