International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 3, Issue 1, page 88 - 99 Zambrut Zambrut.com. Publication date: March 20, 2019. Kencana, L. 2019. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Importance Performance ............ 88 Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Importance Performance and Cartesian for Marketing Strategies Lingga Kencana Lingga Kencana Research Consultants for Data Research and Analysis East Java, Indonesia Abstract: Competition is getting tougher between travel service companies because many aspects support accelerated change, but consumers are getting smarter. Tour and Travel Managers on Bali Island must be oriented to service quality and customer satisfaction in improving marketing strategies. Survey research was conducted to obtain benefits for descriptive purposes and compare existing conditions. The population is consumers who use travel and tourism services on the island of Bali. Sampling used in this study is 1) Non probability; 2) Mutistage sampling; 3) Proportional Sampling; 4) Accidental sampling. The research sample was 100 people using 7 travel and tourism companies which were relatively widely used on the island of Bali. The measurement in this study uses a Likert scale and modification. The data analysis used is Importance Performance Analysis. An assessment of the level of importance and the results of a performance evaluation will produce a calculation regarding the level of conformity. The level of conformity is the result of a comparison between importance and performance scores. Another analysis used is the Cartesian diagram. The Cartesian diagram is a coordinate divided into four parts which are limited by two lines that intersect perpendicular to the points X and Y. The results of the study are; 1) Quadrant A, consumers strongly demand an increase in service quality from employee competency and responsibility, good service, willingness of employees to help consumers difficulties, and employees can look after consumers while traveling. The four elements are considered important by consumers, but in their implementation and performance they are still not in accordance with the wishes of consumers; 2) Quadrant B, consumers demand that the company continue to maintain the dimensions of service quality from existing elements. These twelve elements are considered important by consumers and in performance or implementation are in accordance with the wishes and expectations of consumers; 3) Quadrant C, consumers demand the company to be able to provide an important value from the performance or implementation carried out. These three elements, are considered less important by consumers and in performance or implementation are also not in accordance with the wishes and expectations of consumers; 4) Quadrant D, consumers demand that the company not be too excessive in services intended for consumers, because consumers can actually feel satisfaction from the simple performance of the element. These three elements are indeed less important for consumers, even though in performance or implementation they can provide satisfaction to their customers. Keywords: Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Descriptive, Importance Performance, Cartesian Diagram, Marketing Strategies, Bali Island, Tour & Travel.

Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Importance ...€¦ · The five dimensions of service quality consisting of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy, and physical

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International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 3, Issue 1, page 88 - 99


Zambrut.com. Publication date: March 20, 2019.

Kencana, L. 2019. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Importance Performance ............ 88

Service Quality and Customer

Satisfaction: Importance

Performance and Cartesian for

Marketing Strategies

Lingga Kencana

Lingga Kencana

Research Consultants for Data Research and Analysis

East Java, Indonesia

Abstract: Competition is getting tougher between travel service companies because many aspects support accelerated

change, but consumers are getting smarter. Tour and Travel Managers on Bali Island must be oriented to service quality

and customer satisfaction in improving marketing strategies. Survey research was conducted to obtain benefits for

descriptive purposes and compare existing conditions. The population is consumers who use travel and tourism services

on the island of Bali. Sampling used in this study is 1) Non probability; 2) Mutistage sampling; 3) Proportional

Sampling; 4) Accidental sampling. The research sample was 100 people using 7 travel and tourism companies which

were relatively widely used on the island of Bali. The measurement in this study uses a Likert scale and modification. The

data analysis used is Importance Performance Analysis. An assessment of the level of importance and the results of a

performance evaluation will produce a calculation regarding the level of conformity. The level of conformity is the result

of a comparison between importance and performance scores. Another analysis used is the Cartesian diagram. The

Cartesian diagram is a coordinate divided into four parts which are limited by two lines that intersect perpendicular to

the points X and Y. The results of the study are; 1) Quadrant A, consumers strongly demand an increase in service

quality from employee competency and responsibility, good service, willingness of employees to help consumers

difficulties, and employees can look after consumers while traveling. The four elements are considered important by

consumers, but in their implementation and performance they are still not in accordance with the wishes of consumers;

2) Quadrant B, consumers demand that the company continue to maintain the dimensions of service quality from existing

elements. These twelve elements are considered important by consumers and in performance or implementation are in

accordance with the wishes and expectations of consumers; 3) Quadrant C, consumers demand the company to be able

to provide an important value from the performance or implementation carried out. These three elements, are considered

less important by consumers and in performance or implementation are also not in accordance with the wishes and

expectations of consumers; 4) Quadrant D, consumers demand that the company not be too excessive in services

intended for consumers, because consumers can actually feel satisfaction from the simple performance of the element.

These three elements are indeed less important for consumers, even though in performance or implementation they can

provide satisfaction to their customers.

Keywords: Service Quality, Customer Satisfaction, Descriptive, Importance Performance, Cartesian Diagram,

Marketing Strategies, Bali Island, Tour & Travel.

International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 3, Issue 1, page 88 - 99


Zambrut.com. Publication date: March 20, 2019.

Kencana, L. 2019. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Importance Performance ............ 89

1. Introduction

Companies generally want their customers to be maintained forever. This requires marketers to

develop a strategy that is capable of achieving sales growth targets, increasing the portion of the company's

market, and achieving capabilities as the basis for sustainable growth (Ferdinand, 2000:3). Determine the

right strategy so that it can survive amid competition and can increase its profitability. But in carrying out

its strategy, the company will experience failure without being supported by both internal parties and

outside parties. Choosing a target market and serving it well, the company must determine the target

market because it really helps the company in determining its marketing opportunities. Kotler (2002:292),

target marketing requires marketers to take three steps; (1) market segmentation that is identifying and

forming different customer groups that might request products; (2) the application of the target market,

namely choosing one or more market segments to enter and; (3) the determination of market position,

namely differentiating, communicating the main benefits that distinguish products in the market.

Increasingly intense competition between companies that provide travel and transportation services

is caused by aspects that support accelerated change, but consumers are increasingly smart, aware of

prices, many requests, and more alternatives. In a situation of increasingly fierce competition, causing

competition in tour and travel services on the island of Bali is getting tougher because there are many new

companies popping up and old companies must still exist in improving their services so that customers do

not move to other tour and travel services on the island of Bali. The tour and travel provider company on

the island of Bali which is widely used by tourists is H.I.S. Travel Indonesia, Bali Purnama Tour, Bali

Pandu Tour, Dikta Bali Tour, RR Bali Tour, Bayu Buana Travel & Bali Wisata Travel. Tour and Travel

Managers on Bali Island must be oriented to customer satisfaction in improving marketing strategies. The

company's survival is important to be able to create customer satisfaction.

Problems in research;

a. What is the level of customer satisfaction with the quality of service based on Importance Performance

Analysis on several tour and travel services in Bali?

b. What is the position of quadrant service attributes based on the evaluation of Importance Performance

Analysis service quality on some tour and travel services in Bali?

2. Literature Review

Marketing is the process by which companies create value for customers and build strong

relationships with customers in order to capture the value of customers in return (Kotler, 2008:5).

According to Zeithaml in Tjiptono (2004:14), service quality includes five dimensions, namely;

a. Physical evidence. Associated with physical facilities, employee appearance, equipment and technology

used in member services, equipment and technology used in providing services will contribute to the

speed and accuracy of services.

b. Reliability. The ability to produce promised service performance accurately and surely. This means that

the service must be on time and in the same specifications, without errors, whenever the service is


c. Responsiveness. The ability of employees to help customers and provide responsive services. This is

reflected in the speed, accuracy of services provided to customers.

d. Guarantee. Associated with the ability of employees to instill trust in customers, and knowledge and

courtesy of employees in providing services to consumers, knowledge, knowledge, politeness, and

ability of employees will lead to trust and confidence in the company.

e. Empathy. Ease in making relationships, good communication, personal attention and understanding

customer needs. This is related to the attention or concern of employees to customers.

In general, satisfaction is feeling happy or disappointed someone who comes from a comparison

between his impression of the performance (or results) of a product and its expectations (Kotler, 2003:36).

Day in Tjiptono (2000:146), satisfaction or customer dissatisfaction is the customer's response to the

evaluation of the perceived incompatibility between the previous expectations and the actual performance

of the product felt by the wearer.

International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 3, Issue 1, page 88 - 99


Zambrut.com. Publication date: March 20, 2019.

Kencana, L. 2019. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Importance Performance ............ 90

3. Conceptual Framework

The quality of a service product will affect consumer satisfaction, namely how the company can

develop and make use of any changes. Determining the position of the company aims to maximize the

capabilities possessed, is very important for success in the future.

The five dimensions of service quality consisting of reliability, responsiveness, assurance, empathy,

and physical evidence are used as determinants of the quality of services provided by H.I.S. Travel

Indonesia, Bali Purnama Tour, Bali Pandu Tour, Dikta Bali Tour, RR Bali Tour, Bayu Buana Travel &

Bali Wisata Travel in handling tours on the trip. Importance performance analysis is the result of

evaluation of importance (level of importance) and the results of the assessment of performance

(performance) then a calculation will be made regarding the level of conformity. The level of conformity is

the result of a comparison between importance and performance scores. An important performance

analysis tool for the five dimensions of service quality, can be expected to know the ratio between the level

of consumer interest (importance) and company performance (performance) provided by the Travel and

Tour company on Bali Island, the results of the comparison will be known. Then, the performance score

and importance score will be included in the Cartesian diagram, so that the position of service attributes

can be known. The position of service attributes on the Cartesian diagram, can be seen what must be

maintained and what should be improved in order to be able to retain customers and be able to attract new

consumers. The conceptual framework in this study is as follows :

Figure 1: Conceptual Framework of Research

4. Research Methods

4.1 Research Design

Descriptive research using survey methods. Survey research is research conducted to obtain

benefits for descriptive purposes, comparing existing conditions with predetermined criteria. Primary data

is data derived from questionnaires distributed to respondents and the results of interviews conducted with

respondents. Primary data includes respondents' answers through questionnaires and data obtained from

interviews with consumers using several tour and travel services in Bali.

The population in this study are consumers of tour and travel service users on the island of Bali and

consist of 7 companies managing tour and travel services in Bali, namely H.I.S. Travel Indonesia, Bali

Purnama Tour, Bali Pandu Tour, Dikta Bali Tour, RR Bali Tour, Bayu Buana Travel & Bali Wisata


The sampling used in this study is to use; 1) Non probability sampling for one time selected

respondents; 2) Mutistage sampling for objects used; 3) Proportional sample for the distribution of the

number of respondents in the object; and; 4) Accidental sampling for selected respondents because it is

very difficult to find respondents who often use tour and travel services.


Importance Analysis

Cartesian Diagram

Quality Dimension






Consumer Satisfaction

Levels of Conformity

Main priority

Maintain achievement

Low priority


International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 3, Issue 1, page 88 - 99


Zambrut.com. Publication date: March 20, 2019.

Kencana, L. 2019. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Importance Performance ............ 91

Sampling uses the opinion of Roscoe (in Sekaran, 2006: 160), that the sample size of more than 30

and less than 500 is appropriate for most studies. A sample size that is too large (more than 500) can be a

problem because it is susceptible to Type II errors, that is, when you accept the research findings, in fact

we should reject it. Sample sizes that are too large or too small will not help the research project. The

samples taken in this study were 100 respondents.

Measurements in this study, using a Likert scale and modification. Criteria in the Likert scale used

are ordinal, that is in the form of numbers that contain levels 1 - 5, which are very insignificant - very

important and very dissatisfied - very satisfied.

Variables and indicators are used;

a. Physical evidence. Indicators: 1) Condition of the vehicle; 2) Vehicle facilities; 3) Neatness of

employees; 4) Consumption.

b. Reliability. Indicators: 1) Competent employees; 2) Service of employees; 3) Professional employees.

c. Responsiveness. Indicators: 1) Information needed; 2) Employee assistance; 3) Friendliness of


d. Guarantee. Indicators: 1) Comfort; 2) Mastery of travel routes; 3) Safety.

e. Empathy. Indicators: 1) Employees are on good terms; 2) Employees understand consumer desires; 3)

Employees respond to consumer complaints.

4.2 Data Analysis

4.2.1 Importance - Performance Analysis

Assessment of importance (level of importance) and the results of the assessment of performance

(performance) will produce a calculation regarding the level of conformity. The degree of conformity is

the result of a comparison between importance and performance scores (James in Supranto, 2001:239). In

this study there are 2 variables represented by the letters X and Y, where X is the performance or service

performance of Tour and Travel on the island of Bali that can provide customer satisfaction, while Y is the

importance or importance of travel consumers. The formula used to declare the degree of conformity is to

compare or scale the rating of performance with the scale of rating of the importance of the consumer

(Supranto, 2001:241) :

Tki = Xi/Yi x 100%

Information :

Tki = the level of suitability of the respondent.

Xi = performance travel rating score.

Yi = score assessment of the importance of consumers.





Information :

X = average travel performance score.

Y = average score of importance.

n = number of respondents.

4.2.2 Cartesian Diagram

The Cartesian diagram is a wake divided into four parts which are limited by two lines that

intersect perpendicular to the points X , Y where X is the average of the average score of performance

of all service attributes. While Y is the average of the average score of importance of all service attributes.

The formula used is (Supranto, 2001:242):

International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 3, Issue 1, page 88 - 99


Zambrut.com. Publication date: March 20, 2019.

Kencana, L. 2019. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Importance Performance ............ 92













Information :

K = number of service attributes

Furthermore, the service attributes will be elaborated and divided into four parts into the Cartesian


5. Research Results

5.1 Characteristics of Respondents

The total number of respondents is 100 respondents who use tour and travel services on the island

of Bali. The highest age range of respondents is the age range of more than 25 years which is equal to

62%, the age range of respondents from 22-25 years which is equal to 21% and the age range of 18-21

years which is equal to 17%. The highest number of respondents is male, 64%, and women 36%. The

respondents' profession was mostly entrepreneurship, which amounted to 53%, employees 23%,

government employees 16%, and students 8%.

5.2 Performance Importance Analysis

The five dimensions of service quality that consist of reliability, responsiveness, assurance,

empathy, and physical evidence are used as determinants of the quality of the services provided by H.I.S.

Travel Indonesia, Bali Purnama Tour, Bali Pandu Tour, Dikta Bali Tour, RR Bali Tour, Bayu Buana

Travel & Bali Wisata Travel in handling tours in travel, using the importance performance analysis tool.

Importance performance analysis is the result of the assessment of importance (importance) and the results

of the assessment of performance (performance) then a calculation will be made regarding the level of

conformity. The level of conformity is the result of a comparison between importance and performance

scores. The level of conformity, in Table 1 as follows;

Table 1. Levels of Conformity, Importance and Performance Levels

Dimension Performance










Level of



Evidence 1807 1761 4,40 4,51 20,07% 102,61%

Reliability 1242 1349 4,50 4,14 20,53% 92,07%

Response 1244 1256 4,19 4,15 19,11% 99,04%

Guarantee 1296 1345 4,48 4,32 20,44% 96,36%

Empathy 1313 1305 4,35 4,38 19,85% 100,61%

Average 4,38 4,3 100% 98,14%

Based on Table 1, results were obtained and it was stated that the dimensions of physical

evidence and empathy had conformity values, namely 102.61% and 100.61% ≥ 100%, indicating that

the consumer's interest in the dimensions of physical and four proofs could be fulfilled by performance

or consumers satisfied with the performance. While the dimensions of reliability, responsiveness, and

assurance have a value of conformity, which is 92.07%, 99.04%, 96.36% ≤ 100%, indicating that

consumers' interests in the dimensions of reliability, responsiveness, and assurance cannot be fulfilled

by the existence of performance or consumers are not satisfied with the performance.

International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 3, Issue 1, page 88 - 99


Zambrut.com. Publication date: March 20, 2019.

Kencana, L. 2019. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Importance Performance ............ 93

5.3 Cartesian Diagram

a. Quality Value in Performance and Interest Level Indicators

To determine the suitability between the level of performance and interests and to determine the

midline separating each quadrant in the Cartesian diagram and also to find out the position of the

quadrant of each factor from the five dimensions of service quality consisting of physical evidence,

reliability, responsiveness and assurance, it is necessary known the quality value on the level of

performance indicators and importance in each dimension of service quality. The following are the

quality values of the performance and interest level indicators presented in Table 2;

Table 2. Quality Value in Performance and Importance Level Indicators

Dimension Indicator Performance Importance

Physical Evidence

Condition of the vehicle 4,61 4,63

Vehicle facilities 4,55 4,54

Neatness of employees 4,45 4,19

Consumption 4,46 4,25


Competent employees 4,08 4,54

Service of employees 3,97 4,48

Professional employees 4,37 4,47


Information needed 4,00 4,03

Employee assistance 4,07 4,44

Friendliness of employees 4,37 4,09


Comfort 4,45 4,53

Mastery of travel routes 4,23 4,36

Safety 4,28 4,56


Employees are on good

terms 4,54 4,45

Employees understand

consumer desires 4,08 4,10

Employees respond to

consumer complaints 4,51 4,50

Average 4,31 4,39

b. Variable Position Dimensions of Service Quality

The Cartesian diagram is a wake divided into four parts which are limited by two lines that

intersect perpendicular to the points X , Y where X is the average of the average performance

scores of all service attributes and Y is the average of the average score of importance of all

service attributes (Supranto, 2001:242). Cartesian diagram is used to find out the position of

quadrant dimension variable quality of service that has been assessed by consumers. In the

quadrant, it can be seen the satisfaction criteria and service performance criteria according to the

level of consumer interest. The following is presented in the cartesian diagram as the positioning of

service quality dimension variables in Figure 2:

International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 3, Issue 1, page 88 - 99


Zambrut.com. Publication date: March 20, 2019.

Kencana, L. 2019. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Importance Performance ............ 94

Figure 2: Variable Position Dimensions of Service Quality

The results of measurements on the elements of service quality are carried out using a Cartesian

diagram based on importance and performance. The following is an explanation in the cartesian

diagram regarding the position of the elements of service quality;

1) Quadrant A (Main priority)

In the position of quadrant A shows that the elements that determine the level of customer

satisfaction need to get priority because the existence of these elements can be assessed to

determine and get the most important attention from consumers, and at the level of

implementation or performance can not provide satisfaction to consumers. Elements that must

be considered in quadrant A are as follows;

a) Employees are competent in their fields and are responsible for carrying out tasks in certain

occupations (Reliability 1).

b) Employees serve users seriously and well (Reliability 2).

c) Travel employees want to help the difficulties of consumers in encountering problems and

employees must always be ready to provide assistance to consumers (Response 2).

d) Employees maintain consumer comfort while traveling (Guarantee 3).

Based on the explanation in quadrant A, consumers strongly demand an increase in service

quality from employee competencies and responsibility, good service, willingness of employees

to help consumers difficulties, and employees can look after consumers while traveling. The

four elements are considered important by consumers, but in the implementation and

performance they are still not in accordance with the wishes of consumers.

2) Quadrant B (Maintain achievement)

At the position of quadrant B shows that the elements that determine the level of customer

satisfaction must be maintained, because at the position of this quadrant the level of

implementation has been in accordance with the level of interest and expectations of consumers,

so as to be able to provide satisfaction to consumers. Elements that must be considered in

quadrant B are as follows;

International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 3, Issue 1, page 88 - 99


Zambrut.com. Publication date: March 20, 2019.

Kencana, L. 2019. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Importance Performance ............ 95

a) The condition of the vehicle has been secured and is feasible to use so that it reduces the

user's concern during the trip (Physical Evidence 1).

b) Facilities in the vehicle function properly (Physical Evidence 2).

c) Professional employees in carrying out their duties and fully aware of the ways in which they

must be carried out towards achieving their goals (Response 3).

d) During the trip the consumer feels safe (Guarantee 1).

e) Travel employees are polite during the trip and maintain good relations with consumers

during the trip (Empathy 1).

f) Travel employees respond to consumer complaints patiently and patiently accept criticism

and consumer suggestions (Empathy 3).

Based on the explanation in quadrant B, consumers demand that the company continue to

maintain the dimensions of service quality from existing elements. These twelve elements are

considered important by consumers and in performance or implementation are in accordance

with the wishes and expectations of consumers.

3) Quadrant C (Low priority)

At position C quadrant shows that the elements that determine the level of customer satisfaction

are still considered less priority and less attention by consumers, and the level of performance or

implementation is also considered still considered lacking, so it needs immediate improvement

or improvement in performance to provide an important value to consumers . Elements that must

be considered in quadrant C are as follows;

a) Travel employees provide information that consumers need clearly and always provide the

latest information about travel (Response 1)

b) Travel employees master travel routes and alternative routes in the event of traffic jams or

problems (Guarantee 2).

c) Travel employees can understand consumer desires (Empathy 2).

Based on the explanation in the C quadrant, consumers demand the company to be able to

provide an important value from the performance or implementation carried out. These three

elements, are considered less important by consumers and in performance or implementation are

also not in accordance with the wishes and expectations of consumers.

4) Quadrant D (Overdone)

In the position of quadrant D shows that the elements determine the level of customer

satisfaction are considered excessive in its implementation, consumers can assume that this is

less important, but the service provider still provides excellent service, so consumers as service

users can still feel excessive satisfaction with the services provided. In overcoming this,

performance improvements need to be done immediately to provide satisfaction in accordance

with consumer expectations. Elements that must be considered in quadrant D are as follows;

a) Employees dress clean and neat (Physical Evidence 3)

b) The consumption provided is sufficient so that consumers are comfortable on their way

(Physical Evidence 4)

c) Travel employees are always friendly when giving service (Response 3).

Based on the explanation in quadrant D, consumers demand the company not to overdo it in

services intended for consumers, because consumers can actually feel satisfaction from the

existence of simple performance in these elements. These three elements, indeed, feel less

important by consumers, even though in performance or implementation they have been able to

provide satisfaction to consumers.

6. Discussion

The results of testing the level of conformity of the physical evidence dimension using the

importance-performance analysis tool indicate that the physical evidence dimension as the basis for

determining the level of customer satisfaction of travel has been fulfilled by performance or consumers

International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 3, Issue 1, page 88 - 99


Zambrut.com. Publication date: March 20, 2019.

Kencana, L. 2019. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Importance Performance ............ 96

are satisfied with the performance of travel services. This can also be seen from the existence of

quadrant positions of variables and indicators from the physical evidence dimension in the cartesian

diagram that are in the B and D quadrants. In quadrant B, service performance shows that the elements

that determine the level of customer satisfaction must be maintained, because it can be known the level

of implementation has been in accordance with the level of importance and expectations of consumers,

so that it has been able to provide satisfaction to its consumers. This is indeed highly expected by

consumers, because the elements contained in it are the main needs in creating comfort in travel,

adequate and usable vehicles adequate facilities, are needed because they can provide comfort and

tranquility to their use during the travel process. In the D quadrant, service performance shows that the

elements that determine the level of customer satisfaction are considered excessive, but the resulting

performance is very giving satisfaction with consumers, because it can be seen the level of

implementation has been excessive and exceeds the expectations of consumers. This is indeed

considered excessive by consumers, because the items contained in quadrant D are secondary needs

during the travel process and these items are considered less important and excessive, employees use

clean and tidy and the consumption provided is not needed by consumers because consumers need more

elements which is primary in the process of travel.

The results of testing the level of suitability of reliability dimensions using the importance-

performance analysis tool indicate that the dimensions of physical evidence of reliability as the basis for

determining the level of customer satisfaction of travel cannot be fulfilled by performance or consumers

are not satisfied with the performance of travel services. This can also be seen from the presence of

quadrant positions of variables and indicators of the dimensions of reliability in the cartesian diagram

which are in quadrants A and B. In quadrant A, service performance shows that the elements that

determine the level of customer satisfaction need to be given top priority, because it can be known the

level of implementation has not been in accordance with the level of interest and expectations of

consumers, so that it has not been able to provide satisfaction to its customers. This is indeed expected

by consumers, because the elements contained in it are also a major need in creating comfort in travel,

employees who are competent and responsible and can serve well, are highly expected by service users

because they can provide a feeling of satisfaction with their customers. In B quadrant, service

performance shows that the element that determines the level of customer satisfaction must be

maintained, because it can be known the level of implementation has been in accordance with the level

of interest and expectations of consumers, so that it has been able to provide satisfaction to consumers.

consumers. This process really needs to be maintained and improved in its management process,

because the elements in it are things that are highly expected by consumers, employees who are

professional in working will have a good impact on comfort during the journey and with professional

employees working, consumers can submit things that are needed to employees with a sense of calm

and do not need to feel worried about the occurrence of errors in the work application.

The results of testing the level of suitability of responsiveness dimensions using the importance-

performance analysis tool indicate that the dimensions of responsiveness as the basis for determining

the level of customer satisfaction of travel cannot be fulfilled by the performance or consumers are not

satisfied with the performance of travel services. This can also be seen from the presence of quadrant

positions of variables and indicators of the dimensions of responsiveness in the cartesian diagram which

are in quadrants A, C and D. In quadrant A, service performance shows that the elements that determine

the level of customer satisfaction need to be given top priority. because it can be known the level of

implementation has not been in accordance with the level of interest and expectations of consumers, so

it has not been able to provide satisfaction to consumers. This is expected by consumers, because the

elements contained in it are the main needs in creating customer satisfaction in facing problems during

the trip, employees who want to help difficulties with consumers by using their ability to work are

needed by service users because of the assistance, service users who have difficulty. certain during the

travel process can feel more service from service providers during the trip. In C quadrant, service

performance shows that the element that determines the level of customer satisfaction is less important

International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 3, Issue 1, page 88 - 99


Zambrut.com. Publication date: March 20, 2019.

Kencana, L. 2019. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Importance Performance ............ 97

by consumers and in performance or implementation is also not in accordance with the wishes and

expectations of consumers, because it can be known that the level of implementation has not been

considered in accordance with the level of interest and expectations of consumers able to provide

satisfaction to consumers, because it can be seen the level of implementation has not received attention

from consumers. This is very necessary to improve or improve performance to provide an important

value to consumers, because the elements in it are things that are considered less important by

consumers, employees who provide information about travel less direct attention to the draft or

schedule of trips made so that consumers tend feel that this is not in accordance with the level of

interest of consumers whose service performance shows that the elements that determine the level of

customer satisfaction are considered excessive, but the resulting performance gives satisfaction to

consumers, because it can be seen that the level of implementation has been excessive and exceeded the

expectations of consumers. This is indeed considered excessive by consumers, because the elements in

it are secondary needs during the travel process. This is very necessary to evaluate and improve

performance to provide an important value to consumers, because the elements in it are things that are

not too important for consumers, employees who are friendly to their customers are very good in

service applications, but consumers tend to want it become a natural thing and have a reasonable value

and in accordance with the level of interest of the consumers.

The results of testing the level of conformity of the collateral dimensions using the importance-

performance analysis tool indicate that the dimensions of responsiveness as the basis for determining

the level of customer satisfaction of travel cannot be fulfilled by the performance or consumers are not

satisfied with the performance of travel services. This can also be seen from the presence of quadrant

positions of variables and indicators of the dimensions of responsiveness in the cartesian diagram which

are in quadrant A, B and C. In quadrant A, service performance shows that the elements that determine

the level of customer satisfaction need to be given top priority. because it can be known the level of

implementation has not been in accordance with the level of interest and expectations of consumers, so

it has not been able to provide satisfaction to consumers. This is expected by consumers, because the

elements contained in it are the main needs in providing comfort to consumers, employees maintain the

comfort of consumers during the trip is indeed very desirable by consumers because of the comfort

during the trip provides a real good impression of the use of transportation equipment. B, service

performance shows that the element that determines the level of customer satisfaction must be

maintained, because it can be known the level of implementation has been in accordance with the level

of interest and expectations of consumers, so that it has been able to provide satisfaction to consumers,

because it can be known the level of implementation has received responses from consumers. This

process really needs to be maintained and improved in its management, because the elements in it are

things that are highly expected by consumers, during the trip consumers feel safe so that they will give a

good assessment of the performance that has been done, because consumers will feel calm about

luggage and not afraid there will be loss of luggage. In the C quadrant, service performance shows that

the element that determines the level of customer satisfaction is considered less important by consumers

and in performance or implementation is also not in accordance with the wishes and expectations of

consumers, because the level of implementation has not been known considered in accordance with the

level of interest and expectations of consumers. This is very necessary to improve or improve

performance to provide an important value to consumers, because the elements in it are things that are

considered less important by consumers, employees who master the travel routes and alternative routes

during the trip, will have an important impact on consumers if they occur traffic jams or passengers in

the vehicle also do not know the road or route in the journey, but in this case service users on average

know the route in the trip.

The results of testing the level of suitability of the empathy dimension using the importance-

performance analysis tool, shows that the empathy dimension as the basis for determining the level of

customer satisfaction of travel has been fulfilled by the performance or consumers are satisfied with the

performance of travel services. This can also be seen from the existence of quadrant positions of

International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 3, Issue 1, page 88 - 99


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variables and indicators from the physical evidence dimension in the cartesian diagram in the B and C

quadrants. In quadrant B, service performance shows that the elements that determine the level of

customer satisfaction must be maintained, because the level of implementation can be known. has been

in accordance with the level of importance and expectations of consumers, so that it has been able to

provide satisfaction to consumers, because it can be known the level of implementation has received a

response from consumers. This process really needs to be maintained and improved because the

elements in it are capable of providing more value to customer satisfaction, polite employees and

maintaining good relations during the process of traveling with service users and receiving complaints,

suggestions and criticisms that are very constructive and value satisfaction to its consumers, so that with

good performance it will give more comfort to the users of their services. In the C quadrant, service

performance shows that the element that determines the level of customer satisfaction is considered less

important by consumers and in performance or implementation is also not in accordance with the

wishes and expectations of consumers, because it can get less attention from consumers, so it can be

considered less important for consumers. This needs to be improved on the performance that has been

carried out during the process of the journey, employees who understand the desires of consumers

actually exist in the travel draft before the departure of the trip, if it is not in accordance with the wishes

of consumers, consumers will feel disappointed.

7. Conclusion

The results of the study can be concluded, as follows;

a. Consumer assessment of the quality of services provided by travel based on importance and level

of performance, physical evidence variables and empathy shows that the interests of consumers

towards the dimensions of physical evidence and empathy can be fulfilled by performance or

consumers are satisfied with the performance. The variables of reliability, responsiveness and

assurance indicate that the interests of consumers towards the dimensions of reliability,

responsiveness and guarantees cannot be fulfilled by the performance or consumers are not

satisfied with the performance that has been done.

b. The position of service quality service dimension attributes can be summarized as follows;

1) In the position of quadrant A indicates that the elements that determine the level of customer

satisfaction need to get top priority. These elements are competent employees, employees are

good at providing services, employees want to help the difficulties of service users and

employees can maintain consumer comfort during the trip.

2) In the position of quadrant B shows that the elements that determine the level of customer

satisfaction must be maintained. The element is the condition of a vehicle that is suitable for

use, facilities function well, professional employees on duty, consumers feel safe during the

trip, employees who are polite and maintain good relations to their customers, and employees

want to receive complaints and suggestions from service users.

3) In the position of quadrant C shows that the elements that determine the level of customer

satisfaction are still considered less priority and less attention by consumers. Element is the

provision of information by employees to consumers, employees master the route on the trip,

and employees can understand the wishes of users of his services.

4) In the position of quadrant D shows that the elements that determine the level of customer

satisfaction are considered excessive in its implementation. These elements are clean and neatly

dressed employees, adequate consumption, and employees are friendly during the trip.

8. Recomendations

Based on the results of the study it can be suggested, as follows;

a. The travel agency is expected to be able to provide a performance tie to the physical evidence

dimension by prioritizing the availability of adequate and feasible vehicles so as to reduce user

concerns during the trip, prioritizing providing vehicles that have well-functioning facilities,

International Journal of Economics & Business ISSN: 2717-3151, Volume 3, Issue 1, page 88 - 99


Zambrut.com. Publication date: March 20, 2019.

Kencana, L. 2019. Service Quality and Customer Satisfaction: Importance Performance ............ 99

simplifying employee uniform attributes, and providing adequate consumption for users. The

dimension of empathy by prioritizing polite behavior and maintaining relationships between

employees and service users, prioritizing responses to complaints and suggestions from service

users and still trying to understand the desires of service users.

b. The travel party is expected to be better able to provide quality performance on the dimensions of

reliability by prioritizing the existence of competent and responsible employees, prioritizing the

existence of employees who are able to serve service users well, and prioritizing professional

employees in serving the purpose or tour of service users. On the dimensions of responsiveness by

prioritizing the existence of employees who want to help the difficulties of service users during the

trip, prioritizing the existence of employees who are able to provide information about tour trips,

and still provide employees who want to be friendly to service users. In the guarantee dimension by

prioritizing the existence of employees who are able to maintain service users during the tour

process, prioritizing the existence of employees is able to meet the expectations of service users so

that service users feel comfortable and provide employees with the route during the trip.

c. Subsequent research is expected to provide additional orientation in setting research objectives that

can be used to determine consumer ratings of service quality based on importance and level of

performance, giving a broad period of time in determining research samples that will be

respondents in the study and providing hypotheses in research done can provide better results.

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