Sequence stratigraphy of paralic coal-bearing strata: an overview Michael Holz a, * , Wolfgang Kalkreuth a , Indranil Banerjee b a Instituto de Geocie ˆncias, Univ. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Av. Bento Gonc ßalves, 9500, 91501-970 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil b 7324-61st Avenue NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T3B 3W8 Abstract Sequence stratigraphy arose in the late 1980s to fundamentally change the science of stratigraphy. Former practice of labeling formations and erecting stratigraphic columns gave place to a dynamic genetic stratigraphic analysis, where the main concern is about understanding the history of sedimentation and to establish models able to predict facies. Born and mainly applied to an environment of petroleum prospecting and exploration, sequence stratigraphy has gained entrance to other branches of sedimentary geology. The present paper gives a short introduction to sequence stratigraphic concepts and shows an overview of its application on coal-bearing strata. Two case studies, one from the Early Permian coals of the Parana ´ Basin, Brazil, and one from the Lower Cretaceous coals of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin illustrate the concepts. D 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. Keywords: Sequence stratigraphy; Coal petrology; Permian; Cretaceous; Parana ´ Basin; Western Canada Sedimentary Basin 1. Introduction: sequence stratigraphy—what is it about? Sequence stratigraphy focuses on the understand- ing of the genesis of the sedimentary strata rather than on description and labeling, as was the case with li- thostratigraphy, the most popular ‘‘stratigraphy’’ until the 1980s. Insofar, it provides a descriptive and pre- dictive framework for subdividing strata. To understand sequence stratigraphic thinking, one must remember that four geological variables control sedimentation and the variation of the base level: cli- mate, sedimentary input, tectonics and eustasy. Cli- mate is an important factor for weathering and erosion control and will determine the type of sediment made available. Climate, together with the rate of tectonic uplift, controls the rate of sedimentary influx. However, for the sequence stratigraphic model, tectonic movements—uplift and subsidence—com- bined with eustatic variations, are the most important parameters. The tectonic effect combined with eustatic variation results in relative sea level change (Fig. 1A), creating the so-called accommodation, which is the ultimate space available for deposition of sediment. Sea level ( = base level) variations leads to modifica- tion of the accommodation space: if sea level falls, space creation is minimum or nil; if sea level rises, space is created in an increasing manner. Near the in- flection point of the rising limb of a sea level curve is the maximum of accommodation (Fig. 1B). The rate of accommodation combined with the sedimentation rate controls the deposition of sediment. If the rate of creation of space is less than the sedi- mentation rate, progradation will occur on the shelf, if 0166-5162/02/$ - see front matter D 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V. PII:S0166-5162(01)00056-8 * Corresponding author. Tel.: +55-51-3316-6836; fax: +55-51- 3316-7302. E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Holz). www.elsevier.com/locate/ijcoalgeo International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147 – 179

Seq Strat of Paralic Coal Bearing Strata an Overview Nov2010

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Stratigraphy of paralic coal bearing strata

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  • Sequence stratigraphy of paralic coal-bearing strata: an overview

    Michael Holz a,*, Wolfgang Kalkreuth a, Indranil Banerjee b

    aInstituto de Geociencias, Univ. Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Av. Bento Goncalves, 9500, 91501-970 Porto Alegre, RS, Brazilb7324-61st Avenue NW, Calgary, Alberta, Canada T3B 3W8


    Sequence stratigraphy arose in the late 1980s to fundamentally change the science of stratigraphy. Former practice of

    labeling formations and erecting stratigraphic columns gave place to a dynamic genetic stratigraphic analysis, where the main

    concern is about understanding the history of sedimentation and to establish models able to predict facies. Born and mainly

    applied to an environment of petroleum prospecting and exploration, sequence stratigraphy has gained entrance to other

    branches of sedimentary geology. The present paper gives a short introduction to sequence stratigraphic concepts and shows an

    overview of its application on coal-bearing strata. Two case studies, one from the Early Permian coals of the Parana Basin,

    Brazil, and one from the Lower Cretaceous coals of the Western Canada Sedimentary Basin illustrate the concepts. D 2002

    Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

    Keywords: Sequence stratigraphy; Coal petrology; Permian; Cretaceous; Parana Basin; Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

    1. Introduction: sequence stratigraphywhat is it


    Sequence stratigraphy focuses on the understand-

    ing of the genesis of the sedimentary strata rather than

    on description and labeling, as was the case with li-

    thostratigraphy, the most popular stratigraphy until

    the 1980s. Insofar, it provides a descriptive and pre-

    dictive framework for subdividing strata.

    To understand sequence stratigraphic thinking, one

    must remember that four geological variables control

    sedimentation and the variation of the base level: cli-

    mate, sedimentary input, tectonics and eustasy. Cli-

    mate is an important factor for weathering and erosion

    control and will determine the type of sediment made

    available. Climate, together with the rate of tectonic

    uplift, controls the rate of sedimentary influx.

    However, for the sequence stratigraphic model,

    tectonic movementsuplift and subsidencecom-

    bined with eustatic variations, are the most important

    parameters. The tectonic effect combined with eustatic

    variation results in relative sea level change (Fig. 1A),

    creating the so-called accommodation, which is the

    ultimate space available for deposition of sediment.

    Sea level ( = base level) variations leads to modifica-

    tion of the accommodation space: if sea level falls,

    space creation is minimum or nil; if sea level rises,

    space is created in an increasing manner. Near the in-

    flection point of the rising limb of a sea level curve is

    the maximum of accommodation (Fig. 1B).

    The rate of accommodation combined with the

    sedimentation rate controls the deposition of sediment.

    If the rate of creation of space is less than the sedi-

    mentation rate, progradation will occur on the shelf, if

    0166-5162/02/$ - see front matter D 2002 Published by Elsevier Science B.V.

    PII: S0166-5162 (01 )00056 -8

    * Corresponding author. Tel.: +55-51-3316-6836; fax: +55-51-


    E-mail address: [email protected] (M. Holz).


    International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179

  • M. Holz et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179148

  • the rate of accommodation is greater than the sedimen-

    tation rate, transgression and retrogradation of sedi-

    ments will take place (Fig. 2). In short, answering the

    questionwhat happens to sedimentation if I vary the

    base level?is what sequence stratigraphy is all about.

    Basically, concepts of sequence stratigraphy (e.g.,

    Wilgus et al., 1988) deal with the delineation of

    chronostratigraphic surfaces that represent events of

    rise or fall of relative sea level. These surfaces are

    boundaries for the depositional systems tracts ( = asso-

    ciation of genetically and spatially related depositional

    systems) and for the depositional sequences ( =major

    stratigraphic units bounded by unconformities). Every

    systems tract has a well-defined stratigraphic position

    within the depositional sequence and is the result of a

    particular sedimentation regime, dictated by the com-

    bined influence of sea level fluctuation ( = eustasy)

    and basin tectonics ( = subsidence). Stratigraphers deal

    with systems tracts developing during three distinct

    phases of relative sea level: lowstand systems tract

    ( = some progradation and mostly aggradation of sedi-

    ments), transgressive systems tracts (retrogradation of

    sediments) and highstand systems tracts (some aggra-

    dation and mostly progradation of sediments).

    While the basic model (Exxon model) predicts

    only three systems tracts (e.g., Wilgus et al., 1988),

    several workers later recognized formation and pres-

    ervation of parasequences also during the falling

    phase of sea level. Among the first to draw attention

    to this fact were Hunt and Tucker (1992), proposing

    the concept of stranded parasequences, followed by

    Plint (1996) who proposed the term falling stage

    systems tract. The basic difference of the Exxon

    concept and the concept of these works is that one

    excludes the possibility of creation of accommodation

    during sea level fall, while the latter predicts sedi-

    mentation, not only in the distal setting of the basin

    (the basin floor fan of the Exxon model), but also in

    paralic settings.

    During lowstand times, progradation and aggrada-

    tion of fluvio-deltaic and shoreface sediment is char-

    acteristic. During times of transgressive systems tract

    development, an overall retrogradation occurs until a

    maximum flooding epoch, when the basin area rea-

    ches its maximum extent. At this time, almost all

    sediments are trapped near the coastline so that over

    most of the basin floor, only fine-grained sediments

    are deposited, forming a thin layer of muddy sediment

    called the condensed section. The phase of maximum

    flooding is followed by times of stationary and

    regressive shoreline positions, due to progradational

    regime during highstand systems tract deposition.

    Therefore, the events of rise and fall, and the subse-

    quent conditions of sedimentation (aggradation, pro-

    gradation or retrogradation), are mapped and put

    together in a chronostratigraphic framework, which

    is the essence of sequence stratigraphy analysis.

    From the viewpoint of methodology, the sequence

    stratigraphic analysis is based upon the concept of the

    so-called parasequence, which is defined as a con-

    formable succession of genetically related beds or

    bedsets bounded by marine-flooding surfaces (Van

    Wagoner et al., 1988). The stacking pattern of para-

    sequence sets is an important criterion for delimiting

    systems tracts, as shown in the previously mentioned

    Fig. 2, where the bounding surfaces between the

    sedimentary units are flooding surfaces delimiting


    The triumphal march of sequence stratigraphic

    concepts in geology since the 1980s and its popularity

    relies on three main facts:

    contrary to the seismic stratigraphy of the 1970s(e.g., Payton, 1977), sequence stratigraphy is

    available for everyone who has stratigraphic

    data, since it is applicable, not only to seismic

    data, but also to outcrops and well logs; it is applicable at almost every scale, from

    basinwide to flume; it is predictive, meaning that one can poten-

    tially predict the occurrence of certain facies

    within the sequence stratigraphic framework.

    Fig. 1. (A) A cartoon showing the concept of accommodation, which is the space between the basin floor and the base level ( = approximately

    the sea level). If sea level rises eustatically and/or if tectonic subsidence is active, the space available for sedimentation increases. (B) A single

    eustatic sea level cycle illustrating that the inflection points F and R of the cycle correspond to the maximum negative and positive rate of

    eustatic change, hence corresponding to the time of minimum and maximum creation of space (modified from a concept by Posamentier et al.,


    M. Holz et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179 149

  • The latter fact is the reason for the rapid develop-

    ment and worldwide interest of sequence stratigraphy:

    for the first time in geological research, stratigraphers

    had a predictive tool that really workssomething

    like find the sequence boundary, follow it basinward,

    find the lowstand fan, and you have a reservoir, told

    in simple words. The new stratigraphy made fame

    and fortune for a generation of oil consultants by

    Fig. 2. Progradation, aggradation and retrogradation of sedimentary units ( = parasequences, see discussion ahead in the text) is a function of

    accommodation space. If the rate of deposition is larger than the rate of space creation, the incoming sediments easily fill up the space available

    and prograde basinwards, resulting in shoreline advance. A rate of deposition smaller than the accommodation results in retrogradation and

    shoreline retreat. If both rates are equivalent, aggradation will occur, and the shoreline will stay relatively stationary (modified after Posamentier

    et al., 1988).

    M. Holz et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179150

  • using the sequence stratigraphic concepts to develop

    new oil fields or to recover or enhance production in

    oilfields close to exhaustion.

    And the coal geologists?

    2. Coal geologists doing sequence stratigraphy

    how it began

    Coal seams form in a broad spectrum of deposi-

    tional systems, from alluvial fan setting to strand-

    plains and subaqueous deposition. Although the

    dynamics of coal accumulation in these setting have

    been well understood since the beginning of the last

    century, the dynamics of the allocyclic controls evi-

    dent in many or almost all coal basins of the world

    were not so clear to coal geologists.

    Looking a few decades back, we see that in the

    1960s and 1970s, the focus of coal research was on

    the role of depositional environment on peat forma-

    tion, and the main goals of most coal geologists were

    to understand aspects such as facies studies and plant

    community reconstitution (e.g., Murchison and West-

    oll, 1968; Horne et al., 1978). The knowledge of ba-

    sinwide transgressiveregressive cycles, and the fact

    that coal seams were cyclically appearing within the

    rock successions, led to attempts towards developing

    a large-scale model of coal formation and distribution.

    The most famous and popular attempt to explain

    coal cycles was the cyclothem concept of the North

    American school of stratigraphers (e.g., Weller, 1930;

    Moore, 1964), staying popular until the late 1960s.

    The cyclothem concept was based on the assump-

    tion of a single transgressiveregressive cycle formed

    by a facies framework with 10 rock units in coal-

    bearing strata (Fig. 3). The position of these units

    within the cyclothem was determined by the prevail-

    ing state of marine regression or transgression. Dis-

    crepant facies successions and contrasting deposi-

    tional environments interpreted within the cycles led

    to a profusion of variations from the basic model and

    revealed the rigidity of the concept. For instance, the

    cyclothem model positions the turning point from the

    regressive to progressive ( = transgressive) cycle above

    the coarsest clastic fraction of the cyclothem, without

    considering if this coarse facies represents a fluvial

    (i.e., regressive facies) or a tidal channel or a washover

    fan (i.e., transgressive facies).

    The cyclothem concept was a very rigid template.

    Even the attempt to quantify and predict the facies

    succession by means of Markov chain analysis (e.g.,

    Duff and Walton, 1962) was not sufficient to diminish

    the fact that the concept was not practical for the day-

    to-day coal geologists who needed answers to ques-

    tions like:

    why does the coal seam occur in this particularlevel within the rock succession?

    what are the roof and floor conditions of thestudied coal seam?

    why does the coal seam pinch out or split in acertain direction?

    how do the lithology of the splits and the roofrock vary locally or within the basin?

    why are the coal properties not constant withinthe same seam and how do they vary?

    Some of these questions can obviously be

    answered without sequence stratigraphy, only by

    control of the depositional system. However, the most

    important questionshow the coals seams are posi-

    tioned within the succession and how their properties

    vary vertically and horizontallyare only answered if

    petrographical and geochemical signatures of the coal

    seams are integrated to a sequence stratigraphic

    framework, as we comment later in this paper.

    Analyzing the research papers on coal geology

    published in the last 20 years, one can note a clear

    shift from a time of depositional process-orientated

    coal research (until the late 1970s, e.g., Horne et al.,

    1978) to an epoch where allocyclic control of the

    coaly rock record was investigated. This was at the

    beginning of the 1980s, when coal researchers began

    to understand that basinwide processes also play an

    important role in controlling the formation and

    regional distribution of coal seams.

    Factors such as climate (e.g., Parrish et al., 1982),

    tectonics (e.g., Fielding, 1987) and eustasy (e.g., Ryer,

    1981) were investigated and integrated with coal

    research and helped to clarify certain aspects of coal

    accumulation and preservation, which before were

    never properly understood.

    The role of transgressiveregressive cycles in coal

    formation, as recognized since the pioneering cyclo-

    them concept, continued to attract the attention of

    stratigraphers. Ryer (1981), for instance, showed that

    M. Holz et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179 151

  • Fig. 3. A coal-bearing succession showing several cyclothems (Moore, 1964). Note that the eustatic control and the unconformity surfaces now

    used to delimit depositional sequences are clearly indicated, but were never used properly to make coal seam correlation and basin analysis,

    because that aspect was eclipsed by the strong facies-predictive aspect of the concept (discussion in the text).

    M. Holz et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179152

  • the thickest and most extensive coals occur within

    stacked deltaic sandstones in the vicinity of the trans-

    gressive maximum of a basin. Using this concept, he

    built up a predictive model for the Cretaceous coal-

    bearing strata of the Western Interior of the United

    States. Subsequent work (e.g., Aitken and Flint, 1995;

    Flint et al., 1995) confirms the implication of increas-

    ing base level for coal formation. However, Fasset

    (1986) shows that the models based on the coals of

    some part of the Western Interior of USA are not

    applicable in other areas. The latter author presents

    research results on two coal-bearing formations (Fruit-

    land and Lower Menefee) in the San Juan Basin of

    Colorado, New Mexico (USA). Fasset (1986) draws

    attention to the fact that, although both formations

    form part of a huge transgressive cycle, one developed

    thick and extensive coal seams (as predicted by the

    model of Ryer and others), while the other formation

    has almost no thick coal beds.

    This kind of apparent discrepancy or nonfunction-

    ability of the coal-forming models of the 1980s was

    only solved in the 1990s, when stratigraphers under-

    stood that it is not the absolute amount, but the rate of

    change of accommodation that is the important vari-

    able, as will be discussed later.

    However, base level change as a control of coal-

    forming environments continued in the coal strati-

    graphers mind, but the shift of the focus of research

    from the depositional system scale to a basinwide

    scale lasted the whole decade of the 1980s. The

    change in the manner of thinking in coal geology

    was neither easy nor quick. For instance, from the 16

    papers in the special volume on coal-bearing strata

    published by the Geological Society of London (Scott,

    1987), none focuses on sequence stratigraphic princi-

    ples, although concepts such as punctuated aggra-

    dational cycles (Goodwin and Anderson, 1985) and

    parasequences (Van Wagoner, 1985) were already

    available for application, besides the entire framework

    of seismic stratigraphic concepts from the late 1970s

    (e.g., Payton, 1977).

    Another example is the Geological Society of

    America 1988 Centennial Meeting and the subse-

    quent publication of papers on distribution and qual-

    ity of Cretaceous coals (McCabe and Parrish, 1992).

    In this publication, only in 1 paper out of 23 some

    aspects on parasequences and coal formation are dis-


    This indicates that oil and gas-orientated sequence

    stratigraphy evolved more quickly and spread more

    readily in academic circles than the sequence stratig-

    raphy applied to coal-bearing strata.

    Insofar, papers on theoretical concepts (e.g., Cross,

    1988, focusing on the importance of accommodation

    balanced with progradational sediment input to form

    thick, vertically stacked coaly sequences) and regional

    key studies (e.g., Arditto, 1991, showing a sequence

    stratigraphic analysis of the Late Permian coals of the

    Sydney Basin, Australia) are benchmarks in the recent

    history of coal geology.

    3. Sequence stratigraphic models for coal-bearing


    3.1. Introduction

    The new stratigraphy was formally presented to

    coal geologists by Diessel (1992), who was the first to

    make a comprehensive integration of coal formation

    and preservation with the concepts of the above-des-

    cribed Exxon sequence stratigraphic model. In his

    renowned textbook, the author dedicates a 52-page

    chapter to coal formation and sequence stratigraphy,

    discussing the chemical and mineralogical signature

    of regressive and transgressive coals as depicted by

    sequence stratigraphic analysis, and links coal devel-

    opment to the systems tracts of a depositional se-

    quence (Fig. 4).

    Since then, sequence stratigraphy has enabled coal

    geologists to reinterpret and solve old problems by

    looking at different angle and thinking in a different

    manner about coal seam formation and the strati-

    graphic record. A good example of this new think-

    ing is that of the formation of very thick coal layers,

    known from different basins and different ages world-

    wide. Some coal seams have up to 90 m of total

    thickness. No modern peat-forming environment can

    explain such huge thickness of peat accumulation

    (e.g., Shearer et al., 1994; Banerjee et al., 1996).

    Investigation of base level variation and the rec-

    ognition of key surfaces within the stratigraphic

    framework of coal-bearing basins provide a clue to a

    reasonable explanation for the formation of thick coal

    layers. Studies from several authors have shown

    conclusively that most thick coal beds are composed

    M. Holz et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179 153

  • of several amalgamated paleo-peat bodies separated

    by events of remarkable drops of water table (e.g.,

    Shearer et al., 1994). Within this new view of coal

    seam development, organic degradative or inorganic

    partings are the stratigraphic signature of basinwide

    base level falls and thus the thick coal seams may

    represent amalgamation of a number of high-fre-

    quency depositional sequences under the sequence

    stratigraphic viewpoint (Banerjee et al., 1996).

    Sequence stratigraphic approach permits reinter-

    pretation of well-known coal-bearing strata, solving

    some of the problems regarding coal formation and

    cyclicity. For the Australian Gunnedah and Bowen

    basins, for instance, the traditional deltaic model

    could not satisfactorily explain the thick, laterally

    continuous and low-ash coal seams. Arditto (1991)

    postulated a sequence stratigraphic model for these

    basins, where coastal ponding during transgression

    lead to the development of the thick coal seams.

    Michaelsen and Henderson (2000) recognized a cli-

    matic overprint on the stratigraphic signature of the

    coal-bearing succession in the north-central Bowen

    Basin. There, the geometric and facies relationships

    indicate that sedimentation was controlled by climatic

    and sea level cycles, the prime factors of facies


    3.2. The role of accommodation in coal formation

    Bohacs and Suter (1997) discussed in detail the

    controls of coaly rock formation, emphasizing what

    Cross (1988) modeled: the fundamental control on

    coal formation and preservation is the accommodation

    rate in relation to peat production. As previously

    pointed out by Gastaldo et al. (1993), Aitken and Flint

    (1995), and others, Bohacs and Suter (1997) showed

    that the most important coal formation (in regard to

    thickness and regional extent) occurs within the trans-

    gressive systems tract, where creation of accommoda-

    tion is large. The authors predict symmetrical pairs of

    thickness-geometry attributes throughout the cycle, as

    mires should respond mainly to the rate of change in

    base level and not to the direction of that change. Fig. 5

    summarizes the predictive model of coal thickness/

    geometry as depicted by Bohacs and Suter (1997):

    . During the deposition of the lowstand systems

    tract, the small accommodation rate creates space that

    is promptly filled vertically. Then, the mire extends

    Fig. 4. Diessels (1992) diagrammatic model for the development of transgressive and regressive coal seams within a depositional sequence,

    drawing attention to the fact that minor sea level drops can lead to regressive coals within the transgressive systems tract, and may result in

    transgressive coals within the overall progradational highstand systems tract.

    M. Holz et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179154

  • horizontally, forming continuous coal layers with a

    dulling upwards trend (i.e., from ever wet at the base

    to dry at the top), a fact historically observed in many

    coal seams (e.g., Smith, 1962; Teichmuller, 1962).

    Hence, the coals of this depositional phase are mod-

    erately thick and continuous.

    . During late lowstand and initial transgressive

    systems tract deposition, the increasing accommoda-

    tion rate permits the peat to accumulate to its full

    capacity in place, hence the mire does not need (or

    may not be able) to extend laterally, and thick but

    relatively isolated, laterally discontinuous coal seams

    are formed.

    . In the middle transgressive systems tract, the

    high accommodation rate precludes mires accumula-

    tion until the space available has been filled, and only

    thin, discontinuous and scattered coals are formed.

    Mires are stressed and eventually inundated, and pre-

    servation decreases. A few isolated peats may accumu-

    late in domed mires located in areas of high rainfall.

    . In the late transgressive and initial highstand

    systems tract, the contrary situation occurs: first, the

    Fig. 5. The coal geometry-and-thickness predictive model of Bohacs and Suter (1997). Lowstand and highstand coals are similar in geometry

    and thickness since the rate of space creation of the lowstand systems tract is a mirror of that of the highstand systems tract. Compare the

    illustration with Fig. 1B.

    M. Holz et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179 155

  • Fig. 6. The basic sequence stratigraphic model and the occurrence and distribution of paralic coals, as depicted by Bohacs and Suter (1997).






  • Fig. 7. The concept of Galloway (1989): marine flooding surfaces are the boundaries of the genetic stratigraphic sequences. For some coal stratigraphers, coal seams are the landwards

    correlative surfaces of these flooding surfaces. Note that the genetic sequence boundaries correspond to the maximum flooding surfaces of the Exxon-type depositional sequence.






  • accommodation rate permits the formation of thick

    and isolated coals, then laterally more continuous coal

    seams are formed.

    Within a depositional sequence, normally repre-

    sented as a basinwards-extended clinoform, the occur-

    rence and distribution of paralic coals are clearly

    predictable. Fig. 6 shows the optimal occurrence and

    distribution of paralic coals within a complete depo-

    sitional sequence.

    The authors draw attention to the fact that, for a

    given peat production rate, the occurrence of paralic

    coals may vary significantly due to local rate of

    change in accommodation. Lower accommodation

    rates favor initiation of mires earlier in the lowstand

    systems tract and later in the highstand systems tract,

    while higher rates would delay or even prevent wide-

    spread peat accumulation.

    Local variation in sediment supply may alter com-

    pletely the sedimentation regime (e.g., local progra-

    dation in an overall retrogradational setting due to

    fault-controlled alluvial sedimentation), constraining

    the above-mentioned model. Keeping that in mind,

    the Bohacs and Suters (1997) model is one of the

    most advanced theoretical approaches to sequence

    stratigraphic analysis of coal-bearing strata.

    3.3. Genetic stratigraphy and flooding surfaces

    While some coal researchers favor the concept of

    unconformity-bounded depositional sequences, gener-

    ated by base level falls; others prefer to work with the

    genetic stratigraphic sequences of Galloway (1989).

    That author, building on the concept of the depositio-

    nal episode of Frazier (1974), proposed a stratigraphic

    unit bounded by surfaces of maximum transgression,

    enveloping what he called a genetic stratigraphic se-

    quence (Fig. 7), a unit that is readily recognizable in

    shallow marine and marginal settings, but hard to

    recognize in nonmarine settings. Hamilton and Tadros

    (1994) proposed that major, regionally extensive coal

    seams can function as genetic sequence boundaries

    because they have the attributes of genetic sequence

    boundaries as depicted by Galloway (1989), such as

    Fig. 8. The twin coal sequence stratigraphic model of Banerjee et al.

    (1996): the formation of transgressive regressive coal couplets

    with a basinwards split is controlled by base level variations and

    leads to formation of thick and apparently homogeneous coal seams

    landwards. (a) Sea level and water table rise and peat accumulation

    takes place ahead of rising sea level. (b) Peat is drowned by

    advancing sea. (c) Sea level is at its maximum (maximum flooding

    surfaceMFS), followed by prograding land-derived sediments,

    sea retreats followed by formation of regressive peat layer. (d) Sea

    level continues to fall causing subaerial erosion of regressive peat

    layer. (e) Sea level rises again, starting next cycle. W.T. =water

    table; S.L. = sea level; TST= transgressive systems tract; HST= high-

    stand systems tract.

    M. Holz et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179158

  • the absence of clastic influx, which is extremely

    characteristic of times of maximum flooding.

    However, the concept of coals as genetic sequence

    boundaries did not evolve. In a quite incisive reply to

    the paper of Hamilton and Tadros (1994), Aitken

    (1995) showed his reasons why coal seams are not

    genetic sequence boundaries. The main argument is

    similar to that discussed by Shearer et al. (1994): coal

    seams are frequently not single, but multi-episodic bo-

    dies, hence do not represent a single surface and can

    thus not be taken as maximum transgressive surfaces.

    However, this does not invalidate the usage of

    flooding surfaces to study coal-bearing strata. Pashin

    (2000) used flooding-surface bounded depositional

    cycles to make 3D models of accommodation space.

    Diessel et al. (2000a,b) also used flooding surfaces to

    identify accommodation trends in coal seams, includ-

    ing nonmarine flooding surfaces correlative with

    marine-flooding surfaces.

    It seems that sequence stratigraphers working with

    coal-bearing strata repeat the methodological paradox

    of their colleagues from other branches of sequence

    stratigraphy: although the depositional sequence is

    defined and bounded by some type of regional un-

    conformity, the main conceptual tool for correlation

    and study of the coal seams are the flooding surfaces.

    The landwards amalgamation of several coal coup-

    lets can lead to the formation of very thick coal beds,

    which may contain sequence boundaries and flood-

    ing surfaces.

    3.4. A comprehensive model

    In a geological model presented by Banerjee et al.

    (1996) in their study of Lower Cretaceous coals in the

    Western Canada Sedimentary Basin (Fig. 8), several

    aspects of the sequence stratigraphic model of coal

    deposition were dealt with:

    1. Typical signatures of transgressive and regres-

    sive seams based on vertical in-seam variations.

    2. Interpretation of split coal seams as trans-

    gressiveregressive coal couplets and high-

    frequency sequences (fourth-order).

    3. Progressive basinward splitting of regional

    thick seams over progradational platforms in-

    dicating landward amalgamation of high-fre-

    quency sequences.

    3.4.1. Typical coal seam signatures

    Although Diessel (1992) dealt with geochemical

    and organic petrological coal seam signatures in

    detail, an added dimension of the new model is the

    addition of palynological signatures in the vertical

    profile of coal seams to distinguish between trans-

    gressive and regressive seams (Fig. 9). Parallel zona-

    tion of plant communities in vegetated coastal low-

    lands that would be reflected in a progradational or

    retrogradational vertical coal-bearing succession in

    the geological record (Casagrande et al., 1974; Coates

    et al., 1980) has earlier been recognized. Banerjee et

    al. (1996) identified five plant communities on the

    basis of the relative proportions of terrigenous pollens,

    spores and aquatic cysts including dinoflagellates, and

    their contrasting vertical succession define either

    transgressive or regressive seams (Fig. 9).

    3.4.2. Transgressiveregressive coal couplets

    The interpretation of coal seam splits as trans-

    gressiveregressive coal couplets marking fourth-

    order sequences, presented by Banerjee et al. (1996),

    is a key to the model for coal-bearing stratigraphic

    sequences because it integrates the geochemical, paly-

    nological and petrological signature of the coal seams

    with the sedimentation regime.

    According to Diessel (1992), a split coal seam

    might represent a transgressiveregressive coal cou-

    plet separated by a wedge of marine sediments. Flint

    et al. (1995) also noted that landward amalgamation

    of flooding surfaces produce split coal seams. A

    progressive basinward splitting pattern of regional

    coal seams found in this study is consistent with these


    3.4.3. Progradational platform

    The enigma of thick regional coal seams can be

    solved by the approach adopted in this model. A

    prograding platform advances basinward by the addi-

    tion of successive wedges of coastal plain sediments.

    Each of these wedges, in all probability, represents a

    high-frequency (fourth-order?) sequence. Landwards,

    these sequence boundaries merge, amalgamating the

    sequences into thicker units. Therefore, regionally

    thick coal seams might contain a number of sequence

    boundaries, probably of different orders, growing over

    a prograding platform through multiple sea level (or

    base level) cycles.

    M. Holz et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179 159

  • 3.5. Coal petrology and sequence stratigraphy

    Petrological and geochemical signatures of coal

    seams formed in transgressive and regressive deposi-

    tional settings have been studied by several authors

    (e.g., Diessel, 1992, 1998, Diessel et al., 2000b;

    Banerjee et al., 1996; Petersen and Andsbjerg, 1996;

    Petersen et al., 1998; Holz et al., 1999; Banerjee and

    Kalkreuth, in press). According to these studies, petro-

    graphic parameters such as vitrinite content and type,

    vitrinite reflectance, fluorescence properties, tissue

    preservation and gelification indices and other coal

    petrographical parameters often show significant var-

    iations from seam base to top (Fig. 9) and can be re-

    lated to the depositional regime (transgressive versus

    regressive) under which the precursor peat accu-

    mulated. The transgressive/regressive nature of coal

    seams is also reflected by chemical signatures such as

    hydrogen and sulphur contents (Diessel, 1992) and by

    variations in palynomorph assemblages (Banerjee et

    al., 1996).

    The phenomenon of reduced vitrinite reflectance at

    seam base and seam top has been observed in many

    brackish and marine-influenced coal seams (Diessel,

    1992, Diessel et al., 2000b; Banerjee et al., 1995) and

    has been attributed to alkine sea water percolating into

    the upper and basal parts of the precursor peats,

    neutralizing the organic acids, which in turn promotes

    an increase in activity of anaerobic bacteria (Diessel,

    1998). Waste products of these bacteria are believed to

    be incorporated in the vitrinite molecular structure,

    increasing the hydrogen content and, consequently,

    reducing the vitrinite reflectance.

    Increase of sulphur values in upper and basal parts

    of brackish and marine-influenced coals is related to

    the availability of sulfate in marine water, which,

    when penetrating peat layers, is used by sulfate

    reducing bacteria to produce H2S, which reacts with

    Fe to form pyrite (FeS2).

    Gelification Index (GI) and Tissue Preservation

    Index (TPI), introduced by Diessel (1986), have been

    used widely in coal petrographic studies to assess

    Fig. 9. Petrographic, chemical (A) and palynological (B) signatures of transgressive and regressive coal seams (from Diessel, 1992; Banerjee et

    al., 1996).

    M. Holz et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179160

  • depositional environment and coal facies. The GI ratio

    contrasts macerals of vitrinite and inertinite groups

    that have undergone gelification with those that have

    not (GI Index = vitrinite +macrinite/fusinite + semifu-

    sinite + inertodetrinite). As such, the Gelification In-

    dex is considered to represent a measure of relative

    humidity during early peat formation, with high

    values indicating relatively high water tables and

    low values the opposite. The TPI ratio contrasts ma-

    cerals of vitrinite and inertinite groups exhibiting ori-

    ginal botanical cell structures with those where no

    botanical cell structure is visible (TPI = telinite + col-

    lotelinite + fusinite + semifusinite/collodetrinite + vi-

    trodetrinite +macrinite + inertodetrinite). As such, the

    TPI ratio is considered to reflect the precursor material

    (woody over herbaceous), but also defines the degree

    of degradation.

    4. Examples of application

    The following two examples of the integration of

    sequence stratigraphic concepts and coal character-

    ization come from Permian coal-bearing strata of the

    Parana Basin, Brazil (Holz and Kalkreuth, in press)

    and from the Cretaceous of the Western Canada

    Sedimentary Basin (Banerjee and Kalkreuth, in press).

    4.1. Example 1: sequence stratigraphy and coal

    petrology applied to the early Permian coal-bearing

    Rio Bonito Formation, Parana Basin, Brazil

    4.1.1. Geographical and geological characterization

    of the study area

    The southern region of Brazil (Fig. 10A), compris-

    ing Parana, Santa Catarina and Rio Grande do Sul

    states, has been known for its abundant and econom-

    ically important coal seams since the beginning of the

    1900s (e.g. White, 1908). These coal occurrences are

    historically assigned to the Rio Bonito Formation, a

    fluvial to marine sandstone and shale-prone lithostrati-

    graphic unit of Early Permian age, approximately

    deposited between 262 and 258 Ma (Artinskian/Kun-

    gurian, using the time scale of Harland et al., 1989).

    The coal seams have characteristics that are indicative

    of an origin in limno-telmatic moors, where pterido-

    phytic arborescent and herbaceous plant material

    accumulated after some transport, promoting hypau-

    tochthonic coal seams, rich in inertinite (e.g., Correa

    da Silva, 1991). Coals in Rio Grande do Sul were

    deposited in a back-barrier depositional setting, an

    interpretation based on regional sequence stratigraphic

    analysis (e.g., Holz, 1998) and tissue preservation and

    gelification indices derived from maceral analysis

    (e.g., Alves and Ade, 1996).

    Here, the results presented by Holz and Kalkreuth

    (in press) are summarized, focusing on conditions of

    coal formation in Early Permian time. The study

    investigates petrographical and geochemical charac-

    ters of coal seams formed in transgressive and regres-

    sive depositional settings, by comparison between a

    fourth-order stratigraphic framework and the vertical

    variation of parameters such as vitrinite content,

    Gelification Index and Tissue Preservation Index.

    The study area is part of a tectonic unit in south-

    western Gondwana known as the Parana Basin, a

    large intracratonic basin (e.g., Milani et al., 1994).

    This basin is located at the central-eastern part of the

    South American Platform (Fig. 10A). The fill of the

    basin is divided by Milani et al. (1994) into six

    second-order depositional sequences (Ordovician

    Silurian to Late Cretaceous). Our study interval,

    focusing on the coal-bearing Rio Bonito Formation,

    is located at the base of the third sequence of Milani et

    al. (1994), namely the Carboniferous/Early Triassic

    Sequence, which forms the thickest sedimentary

    sequence of the basin (2800-m thick at depocenter).

    The base of the Carboniferous/Early Triassic sequence

    occurs only in the depocenters of the basin, specifi-

    cally in Santa Catarina and Parana states. During the

    Late Carboniferous and Early Permian, strata onlap-

    ped the marginal areas of the basin, as in Rio Grande

    do Sul, where the oldest rocks of this depositional

    sequence have a Sakmarian to Artinskian age. At that

    time, the study area was located approximately 41south (Smith et al., 1981). In that location, during

    summer in the southern hemisphere, a low pressure

    cell over Central Africa and the contrasting high-

    pressure center over the Panthaslassa ocean created

    an atmospheric gradient that was responsible for west-

    to-east summer winds, bringing humidity to the east-

    ern margin of the Parana Basin (Holz, 1998). There-

    fore, during the Artinskian and beginning of the

    Kungurian, which is the time of formation of the main

    coal seems, the climate was very cold and ever-wet

    (e.g., Patzkowsky et al., 1991).

    M. Holz et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179 161

  • Fig. 10. (A) Location map of southern Brazil and the Parana Basin. (B) Detailed map of the Candiota area, showing location of the correlation

    section and borehole control for the study area.

    M. Holz et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179162

  • Geographically, the study area is located in the

    southwestern region of Rio Grande do Sul state (Fig.

    10A), and covers about 2000 km2, including Brazils

    most important coal deposit, the Candiota Coal Field,

    developed in the 1970s by the Brazilian Agency Cia.

    de Pesquisas de Recursos Minerais (CPRM). The well

    logs and cores from this exploration program and data

    obtained from outcrop locations constitute the base for

    the stratigraphic and petrographic analysis of the cur-

    rent study.

    4.1.2. Facies and depositional systems of the coal-

    bearing succession

    An overview on the general stratigraphy of the

    coal-bearing succession is given in Fig. 11A, which

    shows the entire Early Permian (Sakmarian to Kun-

    gurian/Ufimian) interval in southernmost Brazil. This

    interval comprises the lithostratigraphic units Itarare,

    Rio Bonito, Palermo and basal Irati, and records a

    second-order transgressive cycle that began at the time

    of deposition of the topmost Itarare unit and has its

    maximum flooding surface within the Palermo For-

    mation (e.g., Milani et al., 1994; Holz, 1999). This

    second-order cycle is punctuated by important third-

    order base level falls, with generation of several third-

    order depositional sequences. The two coal-bearing

    intervals of the Rio Bonito Formation are linked to

    third-order sequence 2 and the base of third sequence

    3 (Fig. 11B). In Rio Grande do Sul state, most of the

    coals occur within the transgressive systems tract of

    sequence 2, as detailed by Holz (1998) and Holz et al.

    (2000), where the reader also finds a detailed facies

    framework that permits the recognition of four main

    depositional systemsalluvial fan, delta, lagoonal

    estuary and barrier/shoreface. According to these

    studies, the coals are linked to swamps and marshes

    in a lagoonal estuary setting.

    4.1.3. Sequence stratigraphy of the studied interval

    In order to establish the sequence stratigraphic

    framework of the coal-bearing interval in the Candiota

    area, we used a data set acquired from 56 well logs

    (gamma ray and resistivity logs), core description

    from 14 boreholes and 6 outcrop sections. Fig. 12

    shows a dip-orientated correlation section and Fig. 13

    highlights a representative well log to illustrate facies

    distribution and stratigraphy of the studied interval.

    The regional correlation of the above-mentioned

    lithofacies within the different depositional systems

    led to a high-resolution third-order sequence strati-

    graphic framework. The sequence boundaries, para-

    sequence limits, systems tracts and major flooding

    surfaces for the third-order sequences S2 and S3 are

    shown in Fig. 11B.

    Sequence boundaries SB1 (between the crystalline

    basement and the Permian succession) and SB2 (flu-

    vial sediments overlying marine shales and sand-

    stones) are easily recognizable throughout the study

    area and delimit third order sequence 1, where no coal

    seams occur. Sequence boundary 3 (SB3) has a differ-

    ent signature reflecting differential subsidence: some

    areas clearly experienced temporary regression and

    basinward shift of facies, while in others, the trans-

    gression rapidly reworked the regressive sediments

    and left only a thin veneer of pebbly sandstone, the

    typical signature of a transgressive surface coinciding

    with a sequence boundary. The total coastal encroach-

    ment during the transgressive movement recorded by

    sequence 2 reached about 70 km (Holz, 1998).

    Within depositional sequence 2, seven parasequen-

    ces are recognized (Fig. 11B), two forming the low-

    stand systems tract of the sequence, four forming the

    transgressive systems tract and one parasequence

    forming the highstand systems tract.

    Depositional sequence 3 is topped by boundary SB

    4 (Fig. 11A). As this sequence has only a few coal

    layers at its base ( = the lowstand systems tract LST3),

    the stratigraphic overview of Fig. 11B shows only the

    basal portion of this sequence.

    Every parasequence begins with a flooding event

    and turns progressively progradational. Therefore,

    during initial times of parasequence development,

    the associated peat-forming environments are strongly

    transgressive. Towards the top of each parasequence,

    the coals were formed in a progressively more regres-

    sive depositional environment, since the sedimenta-

    tion is prograding toward the basin.

    The parasequences mapped in the study area have

    a variable thickness (312 m) and the boundaries are

    marked by fine-grained sandstone with a wave-domi-

    nated or wave-influenced origin (hummocky cross-

    bedding or wavy and lenticular bedding), passing

    upwards to more current-originated facies (fine to

    coarse-grained sandstones with trough and planar

    cross bedding), capped by coal layers. Within our

    M. Holz et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179 163

  • Fig. 11. (A) Stratigraphic overview of the coal-bearing Early Permian succession. The dotted rectangle indicates the stratigraphy of the study area (from Holz et al., 2000). (B)

    Detailed sequence stratigraphy of the study area. The most important coals occur within the transgressive systems tract of sequence S2, within the parasequences PS4 to PS8.






  • Fig. 12. Depositional dip orientated correlation section, for location, see Fig. 10.






  • Fig. 13. Description and interpretation of a representative well log (HV-60), showing the succession of depositional systems from deltaic to

    shoreface and offshore settings. For location, see Fig. 10.

    M. Holz et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179166

  • stratigraphic framework, as abridged in Fig. 11B, the

    bases of parasequences PS 2 and PS 9 are erosional

    transgressive surfaces, as indicated by the occurrence

    of Glossifungites ichnofossils (base of PS2) and an

    intraclastic veneer composed of nodules (chert?),

    shell fragments and muddy rip-up clasts (base of

    PS 9).

    The coals are rare in the lowstand systems tracts of

    both sequences 2 and 3. The relationship of systems

    tracts and coal geometry and thickness predicted by

    Bohacs and Suter (1997) is not observed, probably

    because the lowstand systems tract of sequence 2 is

    strongly progradational in the beginning, due to

    tectonic reactivation of source areas that is observed

    not only regionally, but even on a basinwide scale

    (e.g., Milani et al., 1994). Few coals were formed in

    the deltaic environments of that systems tract due to a

    low rate of accommodation combined with high

    clastic input. The presence of the erosional trans-

    gressive surface is an indication that the late lowstand

    systems tract and its thicker coals might not have been

    preserved, hence up to 20 m of strata are missing

    because of the erosional transgressive surface, as

    shown by correlation of the parasequences (see sec-

    tion in Fig. 12).

    For the transgressive systems tract of sequence 2,

    some of the geometric relationships between systems

    tracts and coal layers, as predicted by the Bohacs and

    Suters (1997) model, have been observed. As

    depicted by the model (Fig. 5), the thickest coal seams

    occur within the transgressive systems tract of

    sequence 2, with cumulative thickness up to 12 m.

    The initial transgressive systems tract (parasequences

    2 to 4, Fig. 14) has thick but relatively isolated coal

    layers, including the most important of the Candiota

    mining area (coal seams Candiota InferiorCCI

    and Candiota SuperiorCCS, Fig. 14). In the late

    transgressive systems tract (parasequence 5, Fig. 14),

    the coals are thinner and somewhat scattered.

    The difference in coal thickness and continuity

    between the late and the early transgressive systems

    tract is explained by the fact that in the late trans-

    gressive systems tract, the high accommodation rate

    precluded peat accumulation within mires until the

    space available was filled, and only thin and scattered

    coals were formed; whereas in the early transgressive

    systems tract, the accommodation rate permitted the

    formation of thick and less scattered coals, because

    the peat accumulation kept pace with the increasing


    The highstand systems tract of sequence 2, as well

    as the lowstand systems tract of sequence 3, are thin.

    Both systems tracts have only a few coal layers (Fig.

    14), which are relatively thin (0.1 to 0.5 m) and

    confined to the extreme northnortheastern part of

    the study area. This is due to reduced accommodation

    space and to the fact that the systems tract is domi-

    nated by marine facies (lower shoreface).

    4.1.4. Coal seam characteristics in the study area

    For the present study, 17 coal seams were analyzed

    from a shallow coal exploration borehole of the

    Candiota Coalfield (SGQ-26, for location see Fig.

    10B) representing the entire coal-bearing strata of

    the Rio Bonito Formation as defined in Fig. 11A,B

    (parasequences 3 through 8). By the time the major

    coal seams were formed, the paleo-shoreline was

    located approximately 40 km southsouthwestwards.

    The coal seams were sampled as (a) full seam

    channel samples and (b) as seam subsections (for the

    thicker seams in 30-cm intervals each) to study in-

    seam petrographic variations. Petrographic characteristics of full seam

    channel samples. Coal distribution in borehole

    SGQ-26, along with petrographic characteristics and

    sequence stratigraphic interpretation (limits of para-

    sequences, third-order sequence boundary and sys-

    tems tracts) is shown in Fig. 14. According to

    sequence stratigraphic interpretation, the top seams

    (seam S3, S4, S5, S6 and S7) form part of third-order

    sequence 3 (parasequences 7 and 8 in Fig. 14). Third-

    order sequence 2 has thin coals developed at the top

    (parasequences 4 and 5, seams S8 and S9) and in

    parasequence 3 (seams I4 and I5) at the base of the

    coal-bearing interval. Maximum coal development

    occurs in parasequence 4 with the Candiota Superior

    (CCS) and Candiota Inferior (CCI) seams.

    The petrographic composition of the coal seams is

    shown in terms of organic matter types (content of

    vitrinite, liptinite and inertinite groups) and mineral

    matter content (Fig. 14). There appears to be an

    overall trend to decreasing vitrinite content from the

    base of the coal-bearing interval of third-order

    sequence 2 to the top (parasequences 3 to 4), paral-

    leled by an overall increase in inertinite content. This

    M. Holz et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179 167

  • Fig. 14. Sequence stratigraphic interpretation of the coal-bearing strata in borehole SGQ-26, Candiota Coalfield and coal petrographic characteristics of enclosed coal seams. Maceral

    groups and mineral matter in vol.%. GI =Gelification Index; TPI = Tissue Preservation Index (for explanation, see text); SB3 = lower limit of third-order sequence 3. Legend: see Fig.







  • trend is shifted in parasequence 4, where the thick

    seams have somewhat higher vitrinite contents, asso-

    ciated with a decrease in liptinite and inertinite mac-

    erals. The sharp increase in inertinite macerals in

    parasequence 4 is caused by a high contribution of

    fusinite in BL seam (55 vol.%) and by a combination

    of high fusinite, semifusinite and inertodetrinite con-

    tents in S9 seam (total 79 vol.%). In coal seams above

    parasequence 4, a return to higher vitrinite and lower

    inertinite content is indicated (Fig. 14).

    Mineral matter contents (volume basis) are highly

    variable, ranging from 4 to 30 vol.%. In regard to

    sequence stratigraphic position of the coal seams,

    there does not appear to be a relationship between

    mineral matter content and stratigraphic position,

    although in parasequences where multiple seams have

    been analyzed (parasequences 3, 4 and 8), subtle trends

    of increasing and decreasing mineral mater contents

    can be noted.

    Vitrinite reflectance values follow roughly the

    trend shown by the inertinite contribution (parase-

    quences 3 to 4), indicating that slightly increased

    reflectance values are associated with higher inertinite

    content and vice versa (Fig. 14). In the top part of the

    studied interval (parasequences 5 to 8), the relation-

    ships between vitrinite reflectance and petrographic

    and/or stratigraphic position are not well defined.

    When applying the GI-TPI concept (Diessel, 1986)

    to Candiota coals, it is apparent that the GI values

    roughly parallel the vitrinite contents determined in

    the samples, suggesting successively drier conditions

    during peat accumulation (from basal coal seams in

    parasequence 3 to top of 4). For the same interval,

    there is also a trend to higher TPI values, suggesting

    higher input of woody material and preservation, in

    particular in the fusinite-rich seams BL and S9 of

    parasequence 4. The trend to relatively high TPI va-

    lues actually continuous into parasequences 5, 7 and 8

    (Fig. 14), with the exception of S5 and S6 seams,

    where greater amounts of structureless collotelinite ac-

    counts for lower TPI values. Petrographic characteristics of seam sub-

    sections. Petrographic characteristics of seam sub-

    sections are discussed for seams developed in

    parasequences 4 and 5 (Fig. 15), which comprise

    seams L1, CCI and CCS at the base and seams BL

    and S9 at the top of parasequence 4.

    The first coal to develop in parasequence 4 is a

    0.30-cm-thick seam (L1), characterized by low vitri-

    nite content that increase upward (Fig. 15). Liptinite

    contents, mainly in form of sporinite, are 15 and 19

    vol.%, respectively. The remainder is made up of

    inertinite macerals, mainly fusinite and inertodetrinite.

    The overlying thick coals (CCI and CCS) show a

    significant increase in vitrinite macerals, with both

    seams indicating a very similar pattern in terms of in-

    seam maceral distribution, namely highest vitrinite

    contents at seam base, followed by decreasing vitrinite

    contents towards the seam center and increasing

    values towards the seam top, except in the uppermost


    A return to low vitrinite contents is indicated for

    the coal seams developed in the top of parasequence 4

    (BL, S9). The three subsections from seam BL indi-

    cate successively lower vitrinite contents from seam

    base to seam top, with relatively high liptinite con-

    tents (1727 vol.%), mainly in form of sporinite. The

    remainder are inertinite macerals, predominantly in

    the form of fusinite (22 to 53 vol.%). The trend of low

    vitrinite and high inertinite content continuous

    towards the top of parasequence 6, where seam S9

    is characterized by a very low vitrinite content (6

    vol.%) and high inertinite content (55 vol.%).

    Vitrinite reflectances show a distinct pattern in the

    three major seams (BL, CCS, CCI) developed in

    parasequence 4, namely a trend to higher values in

    the central part of the seam, with decreasing values

    towards seam base and top. As discussed earlier, this

    may reflect influence of brackish or marine water at

    seam base and top during accumulation of the pre-

    cursor peat.

    TPI values in seams CCI and CCS show a simi-

    lar trend, with little variation in the basal part of the

    seam (Fig. 15), followed by a maximum in the up-

    per part of the seam and lower values at the very

    top. At the level of the BL seam (parasequence 4),

    the very high fusinite contents are the reason for the

    high TPI values reaching 8.0 in the top part of the

    seam (Fig. 15).

    The GI values in seams CCI and CCS run essen-

    tially parallel to the trend shown for vitrinite contents,

    with peak values at seam base, followed by reduced

    values in the central parts of the seams and a return to

    higher values in the top part except for the uppermost

    seam subsection. At the level of seam BL, GI values

    M. Holz et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179 169

  • are extremely low as a response to the high inertinite

    content of that seam. Petrography of full seams and sequence

    stratigraphic framework. Comparison of petro-

    graphic coal characteristics, as discussed above, with

    the sequence stratigraphic framework of the enclosing

    strata shows that coal characteristics are, to a large

    part, controlled by depositional setting. During the

    initial phase of the TST (Fig. 14), peat accumulation

    took place associated with relatively high water tables,

    favorable for the preservation of organic matter in the

    form of vitrinite (seams I4 and I5). From there on is a

    trend to successively drier conditions up section, as

    depicted by decreasing vitrinite and increasing iner-

    tinite contents (seams I3 to L2).

    The upper part of the initial TST is characterized

    by formation of a thin seam at the base (L1) followed

    by two thick seams (CCI, CCS) in parasequence 5.

    The overall petrographic features suggest relatively

    stable conditions during peat formation for the CCI

    and CCS seams, in which plant growth and preserva-

    tion was in equilibrium with basin subsidence, and

    probably records an epoch of sea level stillstand and

    Fig. 15. Petrographic characteristics for coal seam subsections in parasequences 5 and 6, borehole SGQ-26, Candiota Coalfield. Maceral groups

    and mineral matter in vol.%. GI =Gelification Index; TPI = Tissue Preservation Index (for explanation, see text); PS = parasequence (from Holz

    and Kalkreuth, in press).

    M. Holz et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179170

  • mostly aggradational sedimentation. Insofar, within

    the overall transgressive trend as recorded by the

    TST, the main Candiota seams CCS and CCI were

    formed during a phase of relative stillstand.

    The petrographic features of BL and S9 seams,

    within the late TST, strongly suggest a regressive

    setting of the seams (Fig. 14), as indicated by the

    high inertinite content (fusinite and semifusinite

    account for 4449 vol.%). It has been suggested

    (Diessel, 1992) that coals of this type may have been

    formed as back-barrier coals in a regressive phase of

    an overall transgressive period. The sequence strati-

    graphic analysis of the BL and S9 seam interval in-

    dicate in contrast a predominantly transgressive phase

    during peat formation, with the unlikelihood of a

    larger regression. In that case, the high amounts of

    fusinite macerals would have had their origin in forest

    fires at or near the mire margins followed by trans-

    portation into the mire by wind and/or water (hypau-

    tochthonous to allochthonous origin). However, the

    absence of greater amounts of inertodetrinite (genet-

    ically linked to fusinite and mechanically degraded by

    transportation processes) in the BL and S9 seam

    supports the interpretation of in situ origin of the inert


    The petrographic composition of the single coal

    seam (S8) developed in PS 5 indicates a return to

    more moist conditions in the topmost late TST.

    The variations observed in vitrinite and inertinite

    contents for seams developed in PS 3 to 5 are also

    reflected in vitrinite reflectance values and GI and TPI

    values (Fig. 14), all suggesting in general a drying up-

    ward trend in the upper part of third-order sequence 2.

    Coal seams developed in the LST of sequence 3

    (parasequences 7 and 8 in Fig. 14) show relatively

    high vitrinite contents at the top (PS 9) and at base and

    top of the coal-bearing interval of PS 8, with some-

    what drier conditions in seam S4 (39 vol.% fusinite).

    Although these LST coal seams were deposited in a

    prograding depositional environment, as opposed to

    the retrograding Initial and Late TST, petrographic

    characteristics are similar and at this point do not

    allow pinpointing of individual coal seams as belong-

    ing to specific system tracts. Petrography of seam subsections and se-

    quence stratigraphic framework. The in-seam char-

    acteristics for CCI, CCS and BL seams (Fig. 15) show

    petrographic characteristics reported elsewhere for

    transgressiveregressive coal seams (Diessel, 1992;

    Banerjee et al., 1995; Banerjee and Kalkreuth, in


    The CCI and CCS seams of the Candiota area have

    strikingly similar petrographic characteristics to the

    marine/brackish-influenced Greta seam of the Sydney

    Basin, Australia (Diessel, 1992). Similar features

    include highest vitrinite content at seam base (Fig.

    15), and decreasing vitrinite contents towards seam

    center, after which vitrinite contents return to higher

    values up seam. The very top of the seam is charac-

    terized by a significant decrease in vitrinite content.

    The similarity of petrographic characteristics in CCI

    and CCS seams suggest that the precursor mires were

    experiencing similar wet to dry cycles during their

    lifetime (Fig. 15).

    Influence of brackish/marine conditions during

    early and late peat formation are also reflected by

    vitrinite reflectance and GI and TPI values (Fig. 15).

    In transgressive seams, vitrinite reflectance is typi-

    cally highest in the center of the seam and lower

    towards seam base and seam top. The lower vitrinite

    reflectances in those parts of the seam affected by

    brackish/marine water have been explained by the

    incorporation of degraded algal and/or bacterial waste

    material into the vitrinite and increased bacterial

    degradation (Diessel, 1992), causing a suppression

    in reflectance of the associated vitrinite. The GI values

    also suggest a transgressive setting of the two seams

    (Fig. 15), with GI values highest at seam base and

    seam top (except for the uppermost sample) and drier

    conditions during accumulation of the central part of

    the peat. The changes observed for TPI values are not

    that striking, however, both seams show a slight trend

    to lower TPI values at seam top, a fact related to

    deposition of increasing amounts of detrital macerals

    prior to drowning of the mire.

    The three subsections of BL seam (PS 4) suggest

    successively drier conditions from seam base to seam

    top (Fig. 15) during a regressive phase as indicated by

    very high inertinite contents, dominated by fusinite

    and semifusinite macerals (3658 vol.%). This high

    content of structured inertinite is reflected in the high

    TPI values (2.48) and very low GI values (0.11

    0.58). The depositional model suggested for accumu-

    lation of the precursor peat is that of a back-barrier

    mire where the organic matter occasionally was

    M. Holz et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179 171

  • exposed to oxidation processes during periods of low

    water tables. Alternatively, the fusinite may have had

    its origin from forest fires at mire margins or nearby

    areas, although larger inertodetrinite contents, consid-

    ered to indicate hypautochthonous/allochthonous ori-

    gin of organic matter in coal seams, are absent in the

    seam subsections of BL and S9 seams.

    4.2. Example 2: Lower Cretaceous Mannville coals in

    Alberta, Canada

    An integrated case study of the stratigraphy, sed-

    imentology, geochemistry, organic petrology and

    palynology of coal and coal-bearing strata of the

    Lower Cretaceous Mannville Group over a 9000

    km2 area in the subsurface of south-central Alberta,

    Canada, led to the construction of a sequence strati-

    graphic model of a thick paralic coal. The database of

    this study consists of geophysical logs (550 wells),

    examination of cored intervals (a total of 1500 m), and

    petrological, geochemical and palynological analyses

    of samples of coal and associated rocks (Banerjee et

    al., 1996; Banerjee and Kalkreuth, in press).

    The study area is located in south-central Alberta

    and forms part of the Western Canada Sedimentary

    Basin (Fig. 16). The regional stratigraphy of the

    Mannville Group suggests shoreline sedimentation

    in a prograding barrier coastline. A carbonate interval

    containing three limestone beds (Fig. 16) located close

    to a second-order maximum flooding surface (MFS)

    divides the lower Mannville transgressive strata from

    the prograding, coal-bearing upper Mannville strata

    (Fig. 17). Towards the top, a large number of incised

    valley-fills interrupt regional coal seams, indicating

    increasing fluvial influence. Regionally, five major

    coal seams ( > 2 m thick) can be traced for more than

    100 km (Fig. 17).

    The unconformity-bounded Mannville Group in

    Alberta is a 100300 m thick, siliciclastic depositional

    sequence of a second-order based on the hierarchical

    system suggested by Embry (1995), consisting of six

    third-order sequences (Fig. 17). Coal seams are con-

    fined to the highstand systems tract and the thickest

    and the most extensive seam (the Medicine River or

    the MR seam) lies above the maximum flooding sur-

    face of this second-order sequence (Fig. 17). Most coal

    seams overlie third-order sequence boundaries that

    generally coincide with transgressive surfaces.

    The following geochemical and petrographical

    properties of coal were used to determine transgres-

    sive or regressive origin of the coal: sulphur content

    (S); hydrogen index (HI); maceral content and derived

    Tissue Preservation Index (TPI), Gelification Index

    (GI) and vitrinite/inertinite ratio (V/I); and vitrinite


    4.2.1. Glauconitic coal seamtransgressive signa-


    According to the coal depositional model, the

    glauconitic coal seam (or the precursor mire, in the

    strict sense) was formed in a transgressive environ-

    ment. The stratigraphic evidence is provided by the

    fact that the seam is overlain by marine shales.

    The coal seam was sampled in seven consecutive

    column samples and was analyzed petrographically by

    image analysis for gross petrographic composition

    (maceral groups and mineral matter) and reflectance

    variations from seam base to seam top. Additionally,

    conventional maceral analysis was carried out to

    determine type of macerals and to calculate facies-

    critical ratios such as TPI and GI indices.

    The seam shows elevated sulphur and hydrogen

    indices at seam top (Fig. 18) related to the marine roof

    rock caused by the enrichment in lipid-rich degraded

    components and availability of sulphate in marine

    water. Sulphur and hydrogen indices are also elevated

    at the seam base, suggesting a brackish influence

    during early seam formation.

    Tissue Preservation Indices (TPI) range from 0.5 to

    2.8 and show a definite trend to lower values towards

    the seam top (Fig. 18). The trend indicated by the

    range in Gelification Indices (GI) follows essentially

    that of the overall vitrinite content, suggesting wetter

    conditions in the mire at the seam base and top (Fig.

    18). Vitrinite reflectances show a trend to lower values

    at seam top and base, consistent with previously

    described characteristics of a transgressive seam (Die-

    ssel, 1992).

    4.2.2. Medicine river coal seam, upper leafregres-

    sive signatures

    From this seam, 13 spot samples were collected to

    study the in-seam variations from the base to the top

    of the seam (Fig. 19).

    The regressive nature of the seam is indicated by a

    number of coal petrographic parameters: a general

    M. Holz et al. / International Journal of Coal Geology 48 (2002) 147179172

  • Fig. 16. Location of the study area within Alberta, Canada and generalized lithostratigraphic northsouth cross-section of the Mannville Group investigated in this study (modified

    from Banerjee and Kalkreuth, in press).






  • Fig. 17. A sequence stratigraphic interpretation showing the hierarchy of sequences within the Mannville Group. SBI is a first-order sequence boundary and SBII a second-order one.

    Coal seam splits define fourth-order sequences boundaries marked a, b, c. These are arranged within subhorizontal third-order sequences as stacked progradational wedges marked 1

    to 6. Most coal seams overlie third-order sequence boundaries or drape over incised-valley fills. Larger sandstone bodies have been interpreted in terms of barrier islands, flood tidal

    deltas and incised-valley fills. For location of section AAV, see Fig. 14 (modified from Banerjee and Kalkreuth, in press).






  • Fig. 18. Profile of coal properties in transgressive glauconite seam. Note high vitrinite/inertinite ratios at seam base and top. Seam base and top are also characterized by slightly lower

    vitrinite reflectance, increased sulphur contents and hydrogen indices (modified from Banerjee et al., 1995).






  • Fig. 19. Petrographic profile of the Upper Medicine River coal seam formed in a regressive setting. Note in top part of the seam very low tissue preservation indices as a result of high

    vitrodetrinite and inertodetrinite contents, low vitrinite/inertinite ratios and corresponding low gelification indices and a trend to slightly elevated vitrinite reflectance values (modified

    from Banerjee and Kalkreuth, in press).






  • upward decrease in vitrinite content (Fig. 19) and a

    predominance of detrital macerals (inertodetrinite and

    vitrodetrinite), > 60 vol.% in all samples. As a con-

    sequence, TPI is typically low throughout the seam

    except at the very base. GI decreases and vitrinite

    reflectance increases towards the top (Fig. 19).

    The transgressiveregressive nature of the coal

    seams is also reflected in the palynomorph assembla-

    ges (see also Fig. 9). In the Lower Cretaceous (Mann-

    ville) coal seams of the WCSB, the palynological

    analysis led to the reconstruction of five plant com-

    munities. This was done on the basis of terrigenous pol-

    lens and spores and aquatic cysts, including dinofla-

    gellates (Banerjee et al., 1995). In a transgressive seam,

    the vertical succession of palynomorphs shows increas-

    ing marine influence and decreasing tree cover, from

    forested swamps at the base to salt marsh at the top. In

    a regressive seam, a reverse trend is found (Fig. 9).

    A common feature of these coals is the basinward

    progressive splitting pattern demonstrated by the re-

    gional coal seams as recognized elsewhere (Coates et

    al., 1980; Fielding, 1987). Each of the individual splits

    seems to represent a transgressiveregressive twin

    coal couplet (Banerjee et al., 1996; Diessel, 1992).

    5. Conclusion

    The models and examples discussed in this paper

    conclusively show that coal geologists must consider

    that the new stratigraphy is a powerful tool, not

    only for the complete understanding of coal formation

    and preservation in the different sedimentary environ-

    ments, but also because it permits prediction of coal

    seam thickness, continuity and quality. Sequence

    stratigraphy may be used to understand and to explain

    variations of coal parameters; but high-resolution

    analysis of coal parameters may also be a helpful tool

    to the sequence stratigrapher. With a high-resolution

    sequence stratigraphic framework of a coal basin

    followed by detailed petrographic analyses of the coal

    seams, one may predict coal quality and provide

    guidelines to optimal exploitation.

    Coal geologists have to deal with a large amount of

    variables. Aside from the factors controlling sedimen-

    tation (climate, eustasy and tectonics), coal formation

    also depends on the type of flora, peat accumulation

    rates and groundwater table, i.e., aquifer hydrology.

    This results in the development of conceptually differ-

    ent models of sequence stratigraphy and the interpre-

    tation of sedimentary regimes and coal characteristics,

    as discussed in this paper.

    Concerning the case studies, we conclude that coal

    geology and coal petrology interpretations benefit

    from sequence stratigraphic analysis in spite of the

    different geological settings (e.g., foreland basin in

    Canada versus intracratonic basin in Brazil) and the

    differences in the tectonic and eustatic signature of the

    sedimentation. The concept of parasequences and

    systems tracts as the building blocks of a depositional

    sequence is an important aid for the analysis and the

    understanding of coal genesis. In the Brazilian case

    study, the eustatic signature is stronger than the tec-

    tonic one. The parasequences are commonly topped

    by coal seams, and there are almost no coal splits or

    amalgamation controlled by tectonics, as in the Cana-

    dian example.


    M. Holz and W. Kalkreuth acknowledge the

    Brazilian National Research Agency (CNPq) for

    research support (grants 352887/96-6 and 300971/

    97-4RN). FAPERGS (97/1537.9) and the Brazilian

    Ministry of Science and Technology (PADCT/

    FAURGS/FINEP 87.98.0749.00) are acknowledged

    for providing research grants to carry out the coal

    characterization in the context of this study. We

    acknowledge Dr. P. Michaelsen (James Cook Uni-

    versity, Australia) and Dr. M. Gibling (Dalhousie

    University, Canada) for their constructive comments

    on the manuscript. The revised manuscript was also

    critically read by Dr. C. Scherer (UFRGS, Brazil). Dr.

    M. Silva (UFRGS) was contracted to carry out the

    maceral analyses on the Parana Basin coals and M.

    Kern (UFRGS) is thanked for technical help to pre-

    pare many of the figures for publication. CPRM (Cia.

    de Pesquisas de Recursos Minerais) and CRM (Cia.

    Rio-Grandense de Minerac ao) are thanked for pro-viding access to sample material and well cores.


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