September 7-8, 2019 3rd-5th NEED TO KNOW Summer is over, and it’s back to school season! Today’s lesson is all about how our identity is rooted in Jesus. So even when we’re unsure of who we are and how we fit in at school or with our friends, we can trust who Jesus created us to be. GAME TIME | 10 Minutes Play a game to see how different and unique we all are. COOL DOWN | 10 Minutes Create sculptures using play-dough. LARGE GROUP | 15 Minutes Respond to today’s big idea through worship and prayer. SMALL GROUP | 15+ Minutes Create “thumbprint” artworks. LARGE GROUP | 15 Minutes Big Question: What’s so special about how God made me? Story: God made people Scripture: Genesis 1-2

September 7-8, 2019 LARGE GROUP | 15 Minutes 3rd-5th GAME ... · Big Idea: God made you, and you are good. How does God feel about us? 3rd-5th September 7-8, 2019 SMALL GROUP Item

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Page 1: September 7-8, 2019 LARGE GROUP | 15 Minutes 3rd-5th GAME ... · Big Idea: God made you, and you are good. How does God feel about us? 3rd-5th September 7-8, 2019 SMALL GROUP Item

September 7-8, 2019



● Summer is over, and it’s back to school season! Today’s lesson is all about how our identity is rooted in Jesus. So even when we’re unsure of who we are and how we fit in at school or with our friends, we can trust who Jesus created us to be.

GAME TIME | 10 Minutes

● Play a game to see how different and unique we all are.

COOL DOWN | 10 Minutes

● Create sculptures using play-dough.

LARGE GROUP | 15 Minutes

● Respond to today’s big idea through worship and prayer.

SMALL GROUP | 15+ Minutes

● Create “thumbprint” artworks.

LARGE GROUP | 15 Minutes

● Big Question: What’s so special about how God made me? ● Story: God made people● Scripture: Genesis 1-2

Page 2: September 7-8, 2019 LARGE GROUP | 15 Minutes 3rd-5th GAME ... · Big Idea: God made you, and you are good. How does God feel about us? 3rd-5th September 7-8, 2019 SMALL GROUP Item


● Say: Welcome to Kids’ Club, we’re so glad you’re here! We want this to be a safe and fun place for you. To do that, let’s all commit to doing a few things:

○ Show respect to each other○ Listen when someone else is speaking○ Have fun!

● Say: Summer break is over, and the new school year is here! Has everyone started school? Are you excited, or not so excited? What’s the best or worst thing about school? (Let kids share.)

● Say: One thing that can be hard about starting school is that you might be in a new place, with a new teacher, and maybe even new friends. Sometimes that can be exciting, but sometimes….it can be kind of scary.

● Say: Let’s check out a clip of a girl who’s at a brand new school, and going through her worst fear!

● Video: Inside Out / Riley’s First Day of School● Say: You don’t have to raise your hand to these next questions, but think

about the answer in your head:○ Have you ever felt like you didn’t belong?○ Have you ever been worried about who your friends are, and if they

like you?○ Have you ever felt like you didn’t fit in anywhere, or that there was

something wrong with you?○ Have you ever felt like you don’t like yourself?

● Say: I’ve definitely experienced those thoughts before. I remember when I was in school, I felt unsure of who I really was. (Expand on this with a personal example of an experience where you felt self-conscious or insecure about who you were.)

● Say: Instead of just having a big idea today, we’re going to have a BIG QUESTION! And hopefully, by the end of today, you’ll know the answer to this big question! Today’s big question is this:

● Slide: Big Question: What’s so special about how God made me? ● Say: It’s tough being a kid, right?! Sometimes you’re worried about what

other people think of you, and we’re nervous about if we’re good enough. But no matter how we feel about ourselves, GOD knows exactly who we are, because he created us! Let’s check out a video to hear about it.

● Video: God’s Story / God Made People● Ask: So what do you think GOD thinks about who you are? Yep, he LOVES

you no matter what. He created you exactly the way he wanted to, and he made you totally unique on purpose!

● Say: Since we’re talking about how God created US, let’s have some fun creating something of our own!

THE BIG IDEA | 10 Minutes

GOD MADE US | 5 Minutes







What’s so special about how God

made me?

Page 3: September 7-8, 2019 LARGE GROUP | 15 Minutes 3rd-5th GAME ... · Big Idea: God made you, and you are good. How does God feel about us? 3rd-5th September 7-8, 2019 SMALL GROUP Item

● Start the 10-Minute Countdown Timer● Stay in small groups.



HAVE YOU EVER...| 10 Minutes






HAVE YOU EVER…?● Say: Let’s play a little game to see how all of us are unique in different ways, and what we have in

common! Everyone spread out in a circle and face the middle (you could have kids sit in their seats and do motions or raise their hand, instead of physically walking).

● Say: I’m going to yell out something. If you HAVE done it, or it applies to you, walk to the middle of the circle, and do the command I tell you. If you have NOT done it, stay where you are. Ready?

○ If you’ve ever climbed a tree, do 10 jumping jacks○ If you have a brother, spin 3 times○ If you’re an only-child, spin 3 times○ If you’ve ever gone skiing, roll across the floor 2 times○ If you’ve ever broken a bone in your body, give a high five to 5 people in the group○ If you like to play sports, act out your favorite sport to play○ If you play an instrument, act out your favorite instrument to play ○ If you like to eat breakfast, do the floss! (it’s a dance move; if kids don’t know it, have them

do the disco, the dab, the lawn mower move, etc.)○ If you prefer salty over sweet foods, skip really fast around the outside of the circle○ If you have a sister, hop on one foot for 10 seconds○ If you prefer sweet over salty foods, act like a robot○ If you have a pet, pretend to act like that pet


● None

Page 4: September 7-8, 2019 LARGE GROUP | 15 Minutes 3rd-5th GAME ... · Big Idea: God made you, and you are good. How does God feel about us? 3rd-5th September 7-8, 2019 SMALL GROUP Item



SCULPT IT! | 10 Minutes





Break into small groups and give each kid a handful of play-dough. ● Tell kids that we’re going to have a play-dough building contest using these materials! ● Give kids 1-3 rounds. During each round, you’ll tell them an object, and they have to create it out

of their play dough in 3 minutes or less. (Depending on the age of your group and how many kids you have, you may want to stick to making only 1 creation. However, if your group needs more of a challenge, let them do multiple rounds!)

● Here are the three rounds (If you want to change it up and have kids make something different, go for it!)

○ Round 1: A snake○ Round 2: A boat○ Round 3: A self-portrait (A sculpture of themselves)

● Keep time on a phone or stop-watch during each round. After the time is up, give kids 1 minute to look at each others’ sculptures and see how they made theirs differently or the same, etc.

● Make sure all the play-dough is packed away for the next service (Kids are NOT taking their creations home.)

● Ask: ○ How do you feel about something that YOU create? Do you like/love it? Why?○ How does God feel about you?



● Play dough (1 handful per kid)

● Start the 10-Minute Countdown Timer● Split into small groups.

Page 5: September 7-8, 2019 LARGE GROUP | 15 Minutes 3rd-5th GAME ... · Big Idea: God made you, and you are good. How does God feel about us? 3rd-5th September 7-8, 2019 SMALL GROUP Item








Play the 10-Second Countdown to redirect kids attention to Large Group.

● Say: If we believe that we’re loved, and we’re good, and we’re made exactly the way God wanted us, it doesn’t matter what other people think! Let’s check out a video that explains this a bit more.

● Video: What is Identity?● Say: Now even though God loves us, and he created us in his own

image….sometimes we forget how special we are. Sometimes, people make fun of us or treat us badly. And that might cause us to forget how important we are to God. We might think our identity is based on other people, instead of God!

● Say: But God has told US that he made us amazing and wonderful. And if we know we’re valuable to the creator of the universe, it doesn’t really matter what anyone else thinks. The most important one adores us!

● Say: When God first decided to create us and give us an identity, he made each of us carefully and purposefully. It’s like when you made your playdough creations: You didn’t just throw it together without thinking about it. You made it exactly the way you wanted it, with thought.

● Say: Let’s look at a verse that explains this. Read it along with me:● Slide: Psalm 139:13-14 You created the deepest parts of my being. You

put me together inside my mother’s body. How you made me is amazing and wonderful. I praise you for that. What you have done is wonderful. I know that very well.

● Say: So when God created you and me, he made us amazing and wonderful. He didn’t make any mistakes! God made you amazing and wonderful, in your own unique way.

● Pray: God, you created us exactly how you wanted to. You love us no matter what we do, or what we don’t do. You will ALWAYS love us, and we ask you to help us remember that when we’re feeling nervous or scared or stressed out about who we are.

● Say: Now let’s worship God for creating us exactly how he wanted, and for loving us no matter what! (Choose from the following videos, or do both!)

● Music Video: Beloved● Music Video: Good Father


Page 6: September 7-8, 2019 LARGE GROUP | 15 Minutes 3rd-5th GAME ... · Big Idea: God made you, and you are good. How does God feel about us? 3rd-5th September 7-8, 2019 SMALL GROUP Item

Go around the group and let every kid answer this question: What are you most excited for at the start of the new school year?

Let’s review today’s big question: What’s so special about how God made me?● Say: Even if you feel like YOU aren’t good enough, or maybe you’re still figuring out where you fit

in at school and with your friends, God loves you no matter what, and he sees you as his amazing, unique, GOOD creation.

● So how would YOU answer this big question?● Why do you think God made us each different?● Have you ever felt frustrated about how you were made? Tell us about it if you feel comfortable.

(This would be a great chance for you to tell kids about a personal experience.)● What is one thing you like about yourself?● What’s the hardest part of going back to school?● If you remember anything from today, it’s this: I am God’s creation, and he loves me no

matter what.


KNOW IT | 5 minutes

DO IT | 10 Minutes




Give each kid 1 piece of blank paper. Set out markers, ink pads and fingerprint example sheets.

● Ask kids: What’s a fingerprint? Why is it special? (It’s a design on our fingers; each person has their own unique fingerprint that’s unlike anyone else's.)

● Tell kids that we’re going to create art using our fingerprints to remind us of how God made us special and unique, and our identity comes from him!

● Let kids look at the example sheets for inspiration:○ Make shapes and pictures using their fingerprints○ Make “people” out of fingerprints by drawing faces, arms, legs etc.○ Set out wipes for kids to clean their hands (and the table!)




● Give kids a maze, or a word-search activity sheet to work on until their parents pick them up.


● Blank paper (1 piece per kid)● Markers ● Ink pads (3 per group)● Wipes

Page 7: September 7-8, 2019 LARGE GROUP | 15 Minutes 3rd-5th GAME ... · Big Idea: God made you, and you are good. How does God feel about us? 3rd-5th September 7-8, 2019 SMALL GROUP Item

Big Idea: God made you, and you are good. How does God feel about us?

3rd-5thSeptember 7-8, 2019

SMALL GROUPItem Usage Details Provided by

Maze sheet - God made people Quantity determined by site.

8.5x11 paper, black & white, Page 8


Word search sheet - God made people

Quantity determined by site.

8.5x11 paper, black & white, Page 9


Markers Quantity determined by site. site

White paper 1 per kid 8.5x11” site

Ink pads3 colors per group,

reusedDiscount School Supply #STAMPADS

or Amazon (*do not provide white)KC National

Fingerprint Example PageQuantity determined

by site,(1-3 per table), reused

Page 10, color, cardstock site

Hand Wipes Minimum 1 per kid Baby wipes, any brand site

LARGE GROUPItem Usage Details Provided by

Adventure Bible1 per large group,

reusedBiblesbythe Case.com site

GAME TIME | Played in small groupsItem Usage Details Provided by


COOL DOWN TIME | Played in small groupsItem Usage Details Provided by

Play dough 1 handful per kid

Page 8: September 7-8, 2019 LARGE GROUP | 15 Minutes 3rd-5th GAME ... · Big Idea: God made you, and you are good. How does God feel about us? 3rd-5th September 7-8, 2019 SMALL GROUP Item

Tell me about Adam and Eve.What is God’s favorite creation?

Read more about creation in Genesis 1-2!

Page 9: September 7-8, 2019 LARGE GROUP | 15 Minutes 3rd-5th GAME ... · Big Idea: God made you, and you are good. How does God feel about us? 3rd-5th September 7-8, 2019 SMALL GROUP Item

Tell me about Adam and Eve.What is God’s favorite creation?

Read more about creation in Genesis 1-2!

Page 10: September 7-8, 2019 LARGE GROUP | 15 Minutes 3rd-5th GAME ... · Big Idea: God made you, and you are good. How does God feel about us? 3rd-5th September 7-8, 2019 SMALL GROUP Item

Fingerprint Art Examples

Page 11: September 7-8, 2019 LARGE GROUP | 15 Minutes 3rd-5th GAME ... · Big Idea: God made you, and you are good. How does God feel about us? 3rd-5th September 7-8, 2019 SMALL GROUP Item

1. KC Logo Slide: for when kids enter the room (All that You Need instrumental; mp3 only; can be downloaded on website)

2. Video: Inside Out/ Riley’s First Day of School3. Slide: What’s so special about how God made me? (Type in large, bold font so it fills

up the screen)4. Video: God’s Story / God Made People5. Video: New 10-Minute Timer ((KC/SM media videos songs>videos>countdowns)6. Video: New 10-Minute Timer (KC/SM media videos songs>videos>countdowns)7. Video: 10 Second Countdown_0908198. Video: What is Identity?9. Slide: Psalm 139:13-14 You created the deepest parts of my being. You put me

together inside my mother’s body. How you made me is amazing and wonderful. I praise you for that. What you have done is wonderful. I know that very well. (Type in large, bold font so it fills up the screen)

10. Music Video: Beloved11. Music Video: Good Father
