September 26, 2021 Feast of St. Gabriel—September 29 Come celebrate the weekend of October 2 & 3 I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and I was sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news. ~Luke 1:19

September 26, 2021 Feast of St. Gabriel—September 29 Come

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September 26, 2021

Feast of St. Gabriel—September 29 Come celebrate the weekend of October 2 & 3

“I am Gabriel, who stands in the presence of God, and I was sent to speak to you and to bring you this good news. ~Luke 1:19

Pastoral Staff

Deacon Ronald Adkins……………………………………………………………………………………… Deacon Mrs. Allison Capella………………………………………………………………………….Volunteer Coordinator Deacon Daniel P. Clavin …………………………………………………………………………………….Deacon Mr. Kevin Donahue…………………………………………………………………….Music Ministry Coordinator Ms. Maureen Dowd………………………………………………………………………………Pastoral Associate Reverend Eric Garris………………………………………………………………………………...Parochial Vicar Deacon Robert Grgic………………………………………………………………….Deacon/ Pastoral Associate Mrs. Paula Haumesser…………………………………………………………….……..Administrative Secretary Mrs. Alicia Henrikson ……………………………………………………………………….Marketing Coordinator Miss Linda Hlebak……………………………………………………………… …………….. Business Manager Mr. Paul Kelly……………………………………………………………………………………. Pastoral Associate Mr. Robert Kumazec………………………………………………………………………………..School Principal Reverend Frederick F. Pausche …………………………………………………………….…………… …Pastor Mrs. Ann Silvester……………………………………………………………….Learning Loft Preschool Director Reverend David Stavarz…………………………………………………………………………….Parochial Vicar Mr. Michael Ulrich ……………………………….……… ..Supervisor of Maintenance, Buildings and Grounds

Parish Phone Numbers Parish Office ………...(440) 352-8282 School Office ……….(440) 352-6169 PSR Office …………..(440) 354-7551 The Learning Loft …...(440) 354-7574 Parish Fax …………...(440) 354-7558 Website ……………….www.st-gabriel.org New Parishioners: Welcome to our parish! Please call the Parish Office for an appointment to register. Baptism: Parents are required to attend a preparation class. Next dates at St. Gabriel: Nov. 10, 2021. Please call the parish office or visit our website (Sacraments/Baptism page) to register. During January, May, and September the classes are held at St. Mary Church in Chardon, 401 North Street. Call 440-285-7051 for times and to register. Reconciliation: The sacrament of Reconciliation is celebrated every Saturday from 3:45 - 4:30 pm, or by appointment.

Marriage: Diocesan policy directs couples to arrange for marriage at least six months prior to the intended wedding ceremony. Please call the priest or deacon of your choice for an appointment to make arrange-ments. Holy Orders and Vowed Religious Life: Anyone interested in ordained or vowed religious life is invited to talk to one of the parish priests, pastoral staff members or Fr. Michael McCandless, Director, Diocesan Vocation Office (440-943-7660). Hospitalized and Homebound Parishioners: In case of emergency, call the Parish Office immediately. If you or someone you know would like a friendly visit and/or communion brought to the hospital or home, please call the parish office. Funerals: Please call the Parish Office to make arrangements before any publication in the newspaper. Catholic Information and Referral Service: (CIRS) refers persons to the Catholic and Commu-nity services that best respond to your church, personal, or life crisis needs. “Help is just a call away” 1-800-869-6525

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Thank you so much to our dynamic committee planning our Community Day of Service on November 6th. I know that is over a month from now, but now is the time we need to call forth volunteers. Thank you to our great leaders who are making the call this weekend at all our Masses. Even greater thanks to those who are responding and letting us know that you will be a part of this. Again, this is a wonderful opportunity for families to serve together. What a great example this is for our children. It sends the clear message that we are called to be a community of service—not just on this day, but always. Please sign up soon. We are in the process of firming up our part in the diocesan Heart of the Shepherd Campaign. This effor t to raise thir ty million dollars to accomplish a much needed major renovation of the Center for Catholic Leadership, to fully fund the priest retirement fund (which will help each parish greatly), and to help some of our younger priests who are carrying heavy tuition loans incurred in their training to respond to God’s call. In the end, we all benefit greatly from this, not only from the parish share of what we are able to raise, but by raising the importance of God’s call to serve the Church in many ways, and especially what it means to truly have the “Heart of the Shepherd”. We will certainly be sharing much more with you about this, but for now, our planning committee is working with our diocesan leaders to organize and lay the foundation for this. I promise you, this will be a “soft approach”, and one that can benefit all of us in many ways. Our parish feast day, the feast of the Archangels Michael, Raphael and Gabriel is actually this Wednesday, September 29th, so we will celebrate it next weekend at all our Masses. Perhaps the best thing you could do is to reach out and invite someone back who we have not seen for a while, or to extend a sincere welcome to someone who may be searching for a vibrant and welcoming faith community. Do something special for yourself and your family. You are the biggest reason this is such a great parish. Calling all pets. Next Saturday evening, we will be hosting our annual Blessing of Pets in honor of St. Francis of Assisi (Feast is actually October 4th) out at the pavilion after the 5 pm Mass. We usually start @6:15 pm so that you have time to go home to get your beloved pet. This beautiful tradition is beautiful, brief, and appreciated by all—especially we humans. October is in sight. Autumn is here. I pray this will be a beautiful season weather-wise and spiritually, as this season reminds us that we must die with Christ in order to rise with Him, as well as a time that we are always called to be a people of “Thanksgiving”. Enjoy this season. Embrace the changes not only with the weather, but in our lives. Celebrate and experience the goodness of God—now and always. God loves you. Be at peace, In God’s love,

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My Sisters and Brothers, So, which is it, Jesus? First, it is a beautiful expression of tolerance for the disciples who only saw things one way—their way. “Do not prevent them. There is no one who performs mighty deeds in my name who can at the same time speak ill of me”. In other words, there is more than one way to spread the Good News of the Gospel, and not every person sees or does it the same way. Let God deal with it. If their efforts are sincere and they speak the truth, God will do good things with their efforts. Jesus said to all of us, “Stop judging”. However, it was a very different Jesus when it comes to how we influence “little ones”, especially our children, by our bad example, mixed messages that cause confusion within them, or even at times the lack of proper guidance and discipline. When Jesus used very severe images like consequences that are as serious as tying a millstone around our necks and being thrown into the sea, or cutting off our extremities or plucking out our eye if that is the source of sin, He was serious about how important our influence and example is to our children. Children learn what they live, and we speak the loudest through our actions. They see our true priorities, and how important elements like faith, charity, community, Eucharist, and the impact of God’s Word on the decisions and priorities of our lives truly are. Our ultimate goal is to lead them to Christ and what it means to become a disciple of the Lord. The answer is, be tolerant to different expressions of understanding and sharing the Gospel message, but faithful. At the same time, be very aware and vigilant about how we share the message with our children. Just a quick word about my health, since I know seeing me back on the scooter has evoked some questions. I am fine and my left foot and ankle that I dealt with for over six years is fine. Now it is my back and dealing with some stenosis, arthritis, and a cyst on the spine that sends intense pain down the front of my right leg whenever I stand or walk. So, I am grateful for the gift of wheels and use them whenever I can. I am also most grateful for the gift of your prayers, which I believe are helping to lead me in the right direction and to the right people who can help me get this fixed. I will be seeing the surgeon before you read this to understand more about what will be required, and hopefully get this fixed ASAP. I will keep you up to date with how this progresses. This Monday is an important evening for us as we celebrate the Sacrament of Reconciliation communally at 7 pm in the church. We pray together, reflect on God’s Word of mercy, individually confess our sins and receive absolution, then together, as a community, celebrate the new life God gives us because of His unconditional love and total forgiveness. We celebrate this Communal Penance in September each year especially for families, and to help keep all of us refreshed and renewed in God’s love and mercy. So, if it has been a while, come. This is a good way to show our children how important this sacrament is. Parents, you are the leaders and primary teachers, especially when it comes to faith.

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Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September 26, 2021

MONDAY - September 27—St. Vincent de Paul, Priest 7:00AM Mary Formolo—The Lee Family 11:00AM Ray Youdath—Family 7:00PM Communal Penance TUESDAY - September 28—Weekday 7:00AM Patricia Corrigan—Sue & Dale Simmons 7:00PM For the Intention of Ruthie Jackson—Ruthie Jackson WEDNESDAY - September 29—Sts. Michael, Gabriel, and Raphael, Archangels 7:00AM Donald Drasler—Jan Drasler 10:00AM John Kaleal—Mary Ann Kaleal THURSDAY - September 30—St. Jerome, Priest and Doctor of the Church 7:00AM Larry Martis—The Dickinson Family 7:00PM Eleanor Koenig—Kenney Family FRIDAY - October 1—St. Therese of the Child Jesus, Virgin and Doctor of the Church 7:00AM For the Intention of Louise Benz—Thames Family 11:00AM George Leonard—Kay Leonard SATURDAY – October 2—The Holy Guardian Angels 8:30AM For the Intention of Thomas Greiner—Haumesser Family 12:00 PM WDG : Ryan VanDyk & Candace Monacelli 5:00PM Daniel Covert—Rita Covert SUNDAY –October 3 —Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30AM Mr. & Mrs. James Telzrow—Joann 9:30AM Alfred Zappitelli—Mary & John Baniewicz 11:30AM Terry Gravens—Bob & Jane Williams 5:00PM For the Health & Well Being of our Parish Family

St. Gabriel Community welcomes

Leo Vincent Bowens Nathan Andrew Carroll Benjamin Paul Cavell Haisley Rose Dragar

Amelia Michelle Leciejewski into our parish Community.

III. Ryan VanDyk & Candace Monacelli

I. J.J. Miller & Christine Jablonski

Please remember Irma Endredy, Michael Bobik, Ronald Obergefell, Carolyn Phillips, Raymond Butara and their

families in your prayers.

Upcoming Marriage Encounter Enrichment Overnight Seminar held in Solon. Upcoming Dates: Oct 15-17, 2021.

Attendees’ personal testimony—”Mary and I have been married for 25 years and we thought we communicated like pros—or at least better than our friends. Thanks to our Worldwide Marriage Encounter Weekend, we have improved our communication enormously—and it has helped us relate better with our children, too”. It’s a positive, private experience between husband and wife that revitalizes marriage. Make a weekend! Application fee $75, scholarships available. Contact: www.GreatMarriagesOhio.org or call Chris & Lisa at 330-305-9963 to see how your marriage could benefit.

Mason Leciejewski

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This Monday, September 27, at 7:00pm we’ll be having

our annual Fall Communal Reconciliation. The Sacrament of Reconciliation is an extremely important sacrament and all Catholics should take advantage of its healing powers. God forgives all who come to Him openly and repent of their sins. This sacrament has a long biblical tradition as Jesus told His disciples that those whose sins they forgive will be forgiven, those who they retain will be retained. Make plans to join us this Monday to take advantage of the opportunity to receive this sacrament with your fellow parishioners. There is great comfort in coming together and praying for each other as we walk our journeys of faith! As always, we will have additional priests available and the priests and penitents will be socially distanced. Experiencing the healing mercy and forgiveness of Jesus in this powerful sacrament is a wonderful way to ground us in the message of the Gospel. Please plan to join us in prayer!


We continue to encourage you to come and

pray during our time of Eucharistic Adoration on Friday mornings. Every Friday we have a particular intention that we will silently offer our prayer for. On October 1, we will pray for our parish family as we celebrate our feast day. Please take advantage of this prayerful, peaceful time.

9/21/2021 A message from the Most Reverend Edward C.

Malesic, bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Cleveland, on the passing of Bishop Emeritus Anthony M. Pilla.

It is with deep sadness that I share with the Catholic community of the Diocese of Cleveland the news of the passing this morning of Bishop Anthony M. Pilla. Bishop Pilla died peacefully at his personal residence. In my short time as the bishop of Cleveland I came to know Bishop Pilla as a very warm, kind-hearted and deeply faithful shepherd, always dedicated to the people of the diocese. He was generous with his time and sharing his knowledge and concern for the diocese with me. As a leader in the national Church, Bishop Pilla was an inspiration and example to me throughout my priesthood and in my years as a bishop. I felt so welcomed by him when I came to the Diocese of Cleveland, a Church that he loved so much. As a leader in the community and a friend to so many, he will be greatly missed. Please join me in offering prayers for Bishop Pilla and his family. May Bishop Pilla rest in the peace of Christ.

RCIA Sessions have begun, but it’s not too late! Our weekly RCIA sessions began last week, but it isn’t too late to inquire, for those interested in finding out more about the Catholic Church. The process is for those unbaptized, those baptized in another faith tradition, or baptized Catholics who never received Eucharist or Confirmation. If you know anyone who might be interested, please call: Maureen Dowd at 352-8282 or [email protected] for more information and to set up an appointment to talk about the process. It’s not too late. Don’t delay!

ALTAR SERVER TRAINING – We will be having Altar Server training for the next couple of weeks for children in grades 5 and higher. Please see the website to sign-up.

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Readings for the week of September 26, 2021

Sunday: Nm 11:25-29/Ps 19:8, 10, 12-13, 14 [9a]/Jas 5:1-6/Mk 9:38-43, 45, 47-48

Monday: Zec 8:1-8/Ps 102:16-18, 19-21, 29 and 22-23 [17]/Lk 9:46-50

Tuesday: Zec 8:20-23/Ps 87:1b-3, 4-5, 6-7 [Zec 8:23]/Lk 9:51-56

Wednesday: Dn 7:9-10, 13-14 or Rv 12:7-12a/Ps 138:1-2ab, 2cde-3, 4-5 [1]/Jn 1:47-51

Thursday: Neh 8:1-4a, 5-6, 7b-12/Ps 19:8, 9, 10, 11[9ab]/Lk 10:1-12

Friday: Bar 1:15-22/Ps 79:1b-2, 3-5, 8, 9 [9]/Lk 10:13-16

Saturday: Bar 4:5-12, 27-29/Ps 69:33-35, 36-37 [34]/Mt 18:1-5, 10

Next Sunday: Gn 2:18-24/Ps 128:1-2, 3, 4-5, 6 [cf. 5]/Heb 2:9-11/Mk 10:2-16 or 10:2-1

Music Notes In this Sunday’s Gospel, Jesus is very clear about how our actions here on earth impact what happens to us after death. The Lord says when you act in a way that imitates Him, you will be rewarded in heaven. Conversely, if your actions cause harm to another or prevent another from learning about Jesus, the consequences are severe. What we do on earth has standing in heaven. So when we serve others in Jesus’ name we step closer to the Kingdom. “May your kingdom come that justice may reign.”

September 19, 2021


YOUR GIFT TO THE PARISH Last Sunday Year To Date Electronic Giving 18,208 148,051 Total Sunday Collection 35,034 366,682 Operating Budget 34,231 410,772 Collection Over/(Under) Budgets 803 (44,090) Number Amount Children’s Envelopes 1 1.00

If you are struggling with a sickness or ailment in body or mind, please consider joining the Healing Prayer Ministry in the Chapel after Mass to encounter the transformative power of God’s love and mercy.

October 2—9am

October 15—11:30am

St. Gabriel Day School Substitutes needed! If anyone is interested in subbing at our school during this upcoming school year, please reach out to Carmen DeSantis at: [email protected]. Being a substitute teacher is a fun and rewarding way to work with our teachers and students! Teachers will leave lesson plans and directions for you to follow. Once you go through a day-long orientation, you can specify the grade levels that interest you. Your name will be placed on a list and you will be contacted whenever we have an opening. This could be for planned absences or "day of" needs. Feel free to pass this information along to others who may be interested.

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Please pray for the ill and hospitalized members of our Parish, their families and caregivers. Pray for an end to abortion and for

the respect of all life. God bless our elderly and homebound.

Please pray for those serving in the armed forces here and abroad including US Army Spc. Sean McIntyre, SSGT Alexander Skorupski, USAF, SSGT Nathaniel Galecki, USAF, US Army, 2nd Lt. Patrick McDonnell, US Army, Sgt. William McDonnell, USMC, Captain Steven Convery, US Army, Lt. Colonel Sean Huss, USAF, Captain R. Andrew Iafelice, USMC, 2nd Lt Nel-son Liuzzo, Spc. Nicholas Lemmo, Major Michael Ficzner, Capt. Matthew Convery, US Army Jag Corp. Sgt. Stephen Calderone, US Army, US Army Jag Corp. William Bruce Speirs, Captain, U.S. Navy, Sgt. Joseph A. Wilder, US Army, Private Eric Myllyoski, Maj. Kristine Yearwood CNP, Phd. US Army, US Army, PFC Tim Lazuka, 1st Lt. William Patterson, US Army, USMC Lt. Col. Kevin Walsh, Sgt. Sebastian Beck, US Army, ME3 Markus Beck, US Coast Guard and US Army, 1st Lt. Jeffery Zivkovic.

September Brandon Uren Margaret Routt Kathryn Thomas Renee Brickman Colleen Wilson August Susan Alise & Jerry Brys Kirsten Pirc July, 2021 Otis Garner D. Anderson Jayden June, 2021 Leila Brinton Dan Gaskill Dan Doerr Sharon Wade David Doman Nita & Kenny Brickman Ron Brickman Monica Maslyar May, 2021 Louis Vrhovnik Allen Goryance Steve Donnally Charles Joy Charles Joy (son)

April, 2021 Kathleen Hribar Lucia Braca Tim Zmecek March, 2021 John Canney Emelia Hegrat Mark Nighman Angelica Albek John Phelps February, 2021 Carolyn Kaim January, 2021 Sam Michael Lipphardt Max Sumer December, 2020 Larry Dean November, 2020 Tony October, 2020 Evelyn Kiffmeyer

The Other Vaccine Much attention is currently on the COVID vaccine but don’t forget about the flu vaccine. Now is ideal timing to be vaccinated, in September or October, to protect against the flu before it becomes prevalent. The flu vaccine can be easily administered through a physician’s office, health department or local pharmacy. The four strain composition of the vaccine is adjusted each year to match the strains predicted to be circulating. Last year was light as far as flu numbers but due to low activity since the spring and consequent low immunity, this year’s flu season may be more severe. An average of the last 10 flu season statistics showed 442,000 hospitalizations and 35,900 deaths on average per season. The CDC has stated that the flu vaccine and COVID 19 vaccine can be given at the same visit. Defer getting the flu vaccine if you are positive for COVID until you have completed the isolation period and are no longer acutely ill/symptomatic. Vaccinations are important in helping you stay healthy this winter and year round! Here’s to our health! Pam Lewis, Parish Nurse

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