White Linen Night Tickets are available now. Come get yours before they are sold out! October 3, 2020 at the Hide-A-Way Lake Pool and Lodge A casual evening of tastings and fun for scholarships. The Scholarship Foundation for Hide-A-Way Lake Students (not a part of Hide-A-Way Lake Club) is proud to present the second annual White Linen Night at the Hide-A-Way Lake Lodge and Pool on October 3, 2020, from 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm. The number of tickets to the event is limited this year. Ticket costs are $50 per person in advance or $60 per person at the door. Join your family and neighbors at this event benefiting scholarships for HAWL graduating high school seniors. Your tax-deductible donation will provide you with an evening of food samplings from local restaurants, refreshments, music, and a silent auction. Donation tickets can be obtained from the following Scholarship Foundation members: Kathy Busco 601-347-9692 Terri Tomlin 504-909-3705 Sue Gibilterra 504-610-5368 Ed Ennis 601-347-2473 Tom Gibilterra 601-213-0703 Beth Ennis 601-347-6666 Ann Graham 985-640-6409 If you have a business or are interested in becoming a sponsor of the event and the scholarship fund, all donations are tax-deductible. Please contact one of the members above for more information. Saturday, October 10, 2020 Dusk (October 9 th ) -12:00 pm (October 10 th ) Hooray! It’s that time of year again! The Fall Rodeo will begin at dusk October 9 th and end at noon October 10 th . This is to provide a chance for families to enjoy fishing in the dark prior to bedtime. Pick up a map of fishing habitat locations from the Lodge, the HAWL website, or the East Marina Pavilion (while the scales are open) to locate some great fishing spots. Underwater structures (fish habitats) have been placed to attract bait fish and game fish. Four areas are located within casting distance: (50 feet) of the dam, both marinas, and other offshore locations around the lake. Weigh-in activities will be located at the East Marina Pavilion by the Lodge. The scales open at 9:00 am and close promptly at noon. Awards will be presented at 12:30 pm. There will be only one weigh-in per fisherman; all fish must be caught by hook and line. As in the past, there will be four fish categories (bass, bream/bluegill, crappie, and catfish) and three age groups (10 & under, 11 – 14, and 15 & older.) 1 st , 2 nd , & 3 rd place prizes for the largest total weight of fish will be awarded to each age group in each fish category. Two separate trophies open to all age groups will be presented for Largest Bass and Largest Total Weight of Grass Carp. (See block below for more information regarding the trophy for Largest Total Weight of Grass Carp.) There is no need to register for this FREE Rodeo. The Lake Quality Committee encourages participants to help collect litter or debris they may see while fishing to help maintain the beauty of the lake. For more information, call the Office at 601-798-1484. Attention: No skiing or tubing will be allowed on the lake during the fishing rodeo. &DWFK WKH /DUJHVW 7RWDO :HLJKW RI *UDVV &DUS DQG :LQ D 7URSK\ 7KLV IDOO WKH +$:/ )LVKLQJ 5RGHR ZLOO LQFOXGH D WURSK\ IRU ³7KH /DUJHVW 7RWDO :HLJKW RI *UDVV &DUS´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t>Ɛ ĮƐĐĂů LJĞĂƌ ĞŶĚƐ ŽŶ ^ĞƉƚĞŵďĞƌ ϯϬ ϮϬϮϬ ^ƚĂƚĞŵĞŶƚƐ ǁŝůů ďĞ ƐĞŶƚ ŽƵƚ ƚŚĞ ĮƌƐƚ ǁĞĞŬ ŽĨ KĐƚŽďĞƌ -RLQ WKH +$:/ 6RFLDO &RPPLWWHH RQ +DOORZHHQ 2FWREHU IRU D &KLOGUHQ¶V 7ULFN-RU-7UHDW 6WUROO DW WKH /RGJH ZLWK FDQG\ DQG FRVWXPHV %H VXUH WR PDUN \RXU FDOHQGDUV IRU WKLV IDPLO\ IULHQGO\ HYHQW

September 2020 Echoes.pub - Publisher · :rz 6hswhpehu lv khuh dqg lv io\lqj 7klv kdv ehhq d gliihuhqw w\sh ri \hdu iru hyhu\rqh , sud\ wkdw hyhu\rqh lv zhoo dqg lv hqmr\lqj wkhlu

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  • White Linen Night Tickets are available now. Come get yours before they are sold out!

    October 3, 2020 at the Hide-A-Way Lake Pool and Lodge A casual evening of tastings and fun for scholarships.

    The Scholarship Foundation for Hide-A-Way Lake Students (not a part of Hide-A-Way Lake Club) is proud to present the second annual White

    Linen Night at the Hide-A-Way Lake Lodge and Pool on October 3, 2020, from 6:30 pm - 9:00 pm. The number of tickets to the event is limited this year. Ticket costs are $50 per person in

    advance or $60 per person at the door.

    Join your family and neighbors at this event benefiting scholarships for HAWL graduating high school seniors. Your tax-deductible donation will provide you with an evening of food samplings from local restaurants,

    refreshments, music, and a silent auction.

    Donation tickets can be obtained from the following Scholarship Foundation members:

    Kathy Busco 601-347-9692 Terri Tomlin 504-909-3705 Sue Gibilterra 504-610-5368 Ed Ennis 601-347-2473

    Tom Gibilterra 601-213-0703 Beth Ennis 601-347-6666 Ann Graham 985-640-6409

    If you have a business or are interested in becoming a sponsor of the event and the scholarship fund, all donations are tax-deductible. Please contact one of the members above for more information.

    Saturday, October 10, 2020 Dusk (October 9th) -12:00 pm (October 10th) Hooray! It’s that time of year again! The Fall Rodeo will begin at dusk October 9th and end at noon October 10th.

    This is to provide a chance for families to enjoy fishing in the dark prior to bedtime. Pick up a map of fishing habitat locations from the Lodge, the HAWL website, or the East Marina Pavilion (while the scales are open) to locate some great fishing spots. Underwater structures (fish habitats) have been placed to attract bait fish and game fish. Four areas are located within casting distance: (50 feet) of the dam, both marinas, and other offshore

    locations around the lake. Weigh-in activities will be located at the East Marina Pavilion by the Lodge. The scales open at 9:00 am and close promptly at noon. Awards will be presented at 12:30 pm. There will be only one

    weigh-in per fisherman; all fish must be caught by hook and line. As in the past, there will be four fish categories (bass, bream/bluegill, crappie, and catfish) and three age groups (10 & under, 11 – 14, and 15 & older.) 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place prizes for the largest total weight of fish will be awarded to each age group in each fish category. Two separate trophies open to all age groups will be presented for Largest Bass and Largest Total Weight of Grass

    Carp. (See block below for more information regarding the trophy for Largest Total Weight of Grass Carp.) There is no need to register for this FREE Rodeo. The Lake Quality Committee encourages participants to help collect litter or debris they may see while fishing to help maintain the beauty of the lake. For more information, call the

    Office at 601-798-1484. Attention: No skiing or tubing will be allowed on the lake during the fishing rodeo.



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  • Check it Out! September 2020 Page 2

    ECHOES is published monthly and distributed to Hide-A-Way Lake Property Owners. The Publication is authorized by the Board of Directors of Hide-A-Way Lake Club, Inc.

    Bruce Devillier, General Manager 601-798-1484 EMERGENCY ONLY ………………. 601-273-0253 Robin Montalbano, President 601-347-1965 Elizabeth Ennis, Vice President 601-347-6666 Jack C. Jensen, Jr., Secretary/Treasurer 504-236-7901 Tom Gibilterra, Director 601-213-0703 Jim Wells, Director 601-798-0621 Kathy Busco, Director 601-347-9692 Fred Emanuel, Director Elizabeth Rancatore, Office Manager/Administrative Assistant James Fretwell, Maintenance Director Ginger Gautrau, Restaurant Manager Ron Eisinger, Security Captain/Site Supervisor 601-798-1247

    HAWL OFFICE: 601-798-1484 HAWL FAX: 601-798-0604 GUARD GATE: 601-798-1247 HAWL EMAIL ADDRESS: [email protected] WEBSITE: www.hawlms.com P.R.C. UTILITY AUTHORITY: 601-799-5259

    The Happenings In HAWL email is a fast and easy way to stay up-to-date on what is happening in your

    community. Don’t miss out on important messages, such as the email newsletter, the newest edition of Echoes, and

    important events in the community delivered to your inbox. Registering is easy; sign up today!

    · Visit the HAWL website at www.hawlms.com. · Select the “Happenings In HAWL Email” tab and follow the instructions given. · You must confirm your subscription through the email you will receive shortly after registering. (Be sure to check your spam folder as well.)

    Contact the HAWL Office if you need assistance signing up for Happenings In HAWL.

    There is a locked payment box conveniently located in the inside

    lane at the main Guard House when you exit the community and temporarily at the Lodge in front of the Restaurant. This is a great way

    to save money on postage and to drop off correspondence for the Office without leaving

    your vehicle. zero seven six eight

    Office Hours:

    Monday - Friday 8:00 am - 4:30 pm Saturday 9:00 am - 12:00 pm (May - July)

    Closed Monday, September 7, 2020, for Labor Day

    Southgate Usage Hours: Monday - Friday (excluding holidays)

    5:30 am - 9:30 am & 2:30 pm - 8:30 pm Closed Monday, September 7, 2020, for Labor Day

    When exiting onto Cooper Rd., please observe 20 mph. These times can be utilized for exit and entry; however,

    only property owners with a valid HAWL decal will be allowed entry, after gate verifies.

    Tuesday - Friday from 10:00 am - 4:00 pm

    · Residents must sign in at the HAWL Office before going to the pool each day.

    · The Property Owner assumes full responsibility for themselves and for their residents to abide by the pool’s policies.

    · A waiver must be signed and on file with the Office prior to using the pool. This waiver is available in the HAWL Office or HAWL’s website.

    · Social distancing must be practiced. · Residents 16 years of age and older can use the pool . · No guests will be permitted. · Parents only may bring children to the pool. · During this time, you will be swimming at your own risk. · Must present a picture ID at time of sign in. · In order to utilize this amenity, HAWL account CANNOT be


    Saturdays & Sundays only through September 7th with three Swim Time Slots:

    11am - 1pm, 2pm - 4pm, 5pm - 7pm

    Labor Day (September 7th) with three Swim Time Slots: 11am - 1pm, 2pm - 4pm, 5pm - 7pm

    Saturdays & Sundays only September 12th - September 27th 11am - 7pm (With no time slots and cleaning conducted while

    the pool is open.)

    This will be on a trial basis and will be adjusted as needed.

    *Hours are subject to change pending usage. *The capacity will remain at 40 people at a time. *For bad weather procedures and complete pool rules, see the HAWL website.

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    September 2020 Page 3 Community News - Bruce Devillier

  • Committee Briefs September 2020 Page 4



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    Community Safety Begins with You September 2020 Page 5



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    Pets on the path must be under control at all times. Please remove ALL pet waste.

    The walking track at the dam is the perfect location to enjoy both exercise and wonderful views of the

    lake. Each lap (from the beginning of the trail to the end of the trail) is 1,185 feet. Six laps would equal

    1.35 miles. Hours are from sunrise to sunset with no overnight parking. Golf carts, motorized vehicles, and bicycles are not allowed past the parking area.

    Motorized wheelchairs and other power driven mobility devices are allowed on the walking path. Skateboards/hoverboards/skates/roller blades

    are not allowed past the parking area. For safety reasons, no trespassing on the spillway. Please

    properly dispose of any waste. As with all common grounds, glass containers are prohibited. Use of the walking path is at your own risk; please stay on the path. Children under the age of 13 must be accompanied by an adult. Walk on the right

    side of the path so that faster walkers can pass slower users on the left. Please be

    courteous and let faster walkers by. Do not stop on the path. Instead, please use the

    available benches so the path may be utilized by other walkers.

  • Wall Papering Texturing Pressure Washing Faux Finishes Sheetrock Repairs Interior & Exterior

    Residential Interior Commercial Free Estimates Specialist Troy Salinger Licensed/References 601-798-3141 Over 25 Years Experience Cell: 601-590-2382


    601-799-5717 SUNDAY EUCHARIST 8:00 AM & 10:30 AM

    WEDNESDAY EUCHARIST 5:30 PM www.stbarny.org

    201 NORWOOD Fr. David Munn


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    Advertising September 2020 Page 6

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    B & B Lawn Care Service

    Pressure Free Washing Estimates

    Full Service Lawn Care

    Michael North 601-749-8312 Owner Cell 504-881-0319


    · Wholesale Granite (8’ Slabs at $138.00) · All Wood Cabinets

    (Less Than Home Improvement Store Cabinets) · 40 Colors Granite and 14 Styles of Cabinets

    · Custom 3D Color Kitchen Layout

    Call Randy Schwaner 985-960-0923

    [email protected]

    Visit us on Facebook for styles and colors!

    Active Building Permits......................................... 28 Covenant Violations .............................................. 31

    Architectural Monthly Recap Information as of August 17, 2020

    Total homes in HAWL: 972

    Nothing shall be erected on any lot without an approved building permit in writing

    by the HAWL Office. ALL permit applications must have the following: · Site/plot plan showing all existing and

    requested improvements · Set of building plans to code · Specification of materials Photos of the property are encouraged as they provide a realistic view of the proposed improvement. Permit requests are reviewed by the Architectural Committee on the 2nd and 4th Thursday of each month. Please ensure that all permit application requests are completed with all supporting documents (as outlined above) attached and submitted to the HAWL Office the Monday before the scheduled meeting by noon.

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    Meeks Professional Painting

    Registered Member of the MS Better Business Bureau

    Locally Owned & Operated Commercial & Residential Fully Insured Over 20 Years of Experience

    HAWL Resident Free Estimates

    Stained or Painted Door Restoration

    David Meeks 601-590-4200 / 601-798-1823

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    Craig Catoire Executive Vice President

    1421 Goodyear Blvd. 601-798-2802


    Holy Eucharist: Sunday at 10:30 am Nursery Available Choir Practice: Wednesday at 6:00 pm

    Advertising September 2020 Page 7

    Need an extra garage/storage building? Call


    Metal Buildings and Supplies 3521 Hwy 43 N

    Picayune, MS 39466

    Buddy Kaul HAWL Resident

    Fully Insured Free Estimates

    Christopher Clark - Owner Dirt Sod

    Lot Clearing Tree Removal Stump Grinding

    601-798-0253 www.affordabletreeservicems.com 601-916-9646

    Would you like to come home to a clean house?

    Let me help you make your life easier by taking care of your Spring Cleaning!

    601-799-0576 504-329-5393

    Painting, Sheetrock, & Home Improvements

    Trusted professionals with 15+ years experience

    Butch Buras 601-569-3037 Jessie Buras 601-215-6162

  • Hurricane Focus September 2020 Page 8

    Should any issues arise with your sewer system (such as your sewer alarm sounding), please contact the PRCUA

    (601-799-5259). The PRCUA would like to remind HAWL residents that their team is on-call 24/7 to resolve grinder pump issues. It

    is important to notify the PRCUA as quickly as possible when your system goes in alarm mode to prevent overflows, restore service, and minimize the chance of destroying a locked pump. This number should be called prior to contacting a plumber since most maintenance issues can be handled by the PRCUA at no cost to the property owner. The

    PRCUA’s number is in service 24 hours a day/7 days a week.

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    26. No sod, soil or trees shall be removed from any Lot for any commercial use. Cutting of trees larger than five (5") inches in diameter measured at breast height shall be done only upon written approval of the Club.

    A tree permit is not needed to cut limbs or trim shrubbery. If a neighbor’s tree has branches that come

    into your airspace, you are allowed to cut them. HAWL STRONGLY advises communicating with your neighbor prior to doing so as working together is recommended.