September 2011

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Missions to Verona Italy

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Page 1: September 2011
Page 2: September 2011

Reasoning Beyond the Self Center

Ro 12:3 For I say, through the grace

given unto me, to every man that is among you,

not to think of himself more highly than he

ought to think; but to think soberly, according

as God hath dealt to every man the measure of


In well over 17 years of ordained min-

istry, I have experienced many things in the

development of God’s people. Most impor-

tantly, I am learning that we, as leaders must

deal with God’s people in His stead and on His

behalf, having no interest of our own. Their

development and furtherance cannot be about

us. Consequently, we must constantly strike

balance in engaging God’s people, because

they have all kinds of issues that seem to never

cease; no matter how seemingly mature we

think they are or should be.

The greatest hindrances to the advance-

ment of God’s people are not overt demonic

activities or maneuvers, nor is it com-

plex to see and understand. It is simply




Isa 1:18 Come now, and let us

reason together, saith the LORD………

Some believers are so selfish,

and self centered that it impairs their

ability to reason properly. Subse-

quently, it undermines their ability to

have legitimate, loving, whole, rela-

tionships with others. When their ex-

pectations of negative outcomes are not

met by external factors, they find a

way to create those outcomes through


When a person fails to reason beyond

the self center, God cannot use them, because

GOD IS LOVE and love is the abandonment

of self for the advancement, deliverance,

health, well being, and wholeness of others.

Believers, it’s time to move from the self cen-

ter, to the CHRIST center.

Dr. Mark T. Jones Sr.

Dr. Mark T. Jones

Apostle & Founder

Manifestations Worldwide Inc

Page 3: September 2011
Page 4: September 2011

The Voice of Manifestation

(VOM) Newsletter is to inform partners

and the community of the various events.

It is also a way to evangelize, encourage,

build & lift up. Our prayer is that God is

touching someone's life through this

newsletter. Our desire is to be obedient to

the commission God gave us; to go and

spread the gospel. All we need is an audi-

ence; someone interested, a listener, a

heart ready to receive. Many go door to

door; but VOM goes email to email across

the country and around the world seeking

the heart that is in need of a word.

As you flip through these pages, we

desire to minister to you, your friend, and

families. It is also our desire to continue to

reach the community and our partners in

Africa, Asia & Europe.

For the month of September, VOM is

featuring the mission’s trip to ―Verona

Italy‖. Listen to Catina & Terrance Smith

voice the events associated with the Mis-

sions’ initiative the remainder of this year

and what is upcoming for 2012. The

team, along with Dr. Jones, will be going

on a KNEU Italy Crusade from September

5th through September 13th, 2011.

Additionally, do not miss Dr. Jones’

words of reflection. The spotlight article

highlights Alan Thompson and his work

with the Benevolence Ministry.

New to this issue are two areas— The

Lighted Path, ―Where in the World Is….‖

page, whereby Teacher Eva Johnson chal-

lenges us with bible questions.

Lastly, we invite you to visit page 10,

―Redemption‖, where a simple prayer ac-

cepting Christ as your Lord and Savior

will cause you to receive eternal life. Or,

do you desire to reconcile your life with

Him? God is a God that forgives; always

giving us another chance with the greatest

love, His love!

We, The Voice, encourage you to take

a moment and allow the Lord to speak to

you. Remember, share with your friends

and family; knowing that some plant,

some water and God will give the in-


Join Dr. Jones every Wednesday @

2:30am, hosting the ―You and Me‖ pro-

gram on CTN!


Yesmin Negron VOM Newsletter Dept Leader

Page 5: September 2011

The needs of the lost are waiting! When

you are a part of Missions, you are extending

yourself out to the world through your gifting,

prayers, time and financial seed. The Missions’

initiative is a biblical mandate not a proposition,

―Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing

them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and

of the Holy Ghost‖ (Mt. 28.19). Let’s embrace

Worldwide Missions willingly and fervently.

―Also, I heard the voice of the Lord, saying,

whom shall I send, and who will go for us? Then

said I, Here am I; send me‖ (Isaiah 6:8).

Through Manifestations Worldwide Mis-


Purchase land to advance the Kingdom

Church building in India

Assist with Church building in Africa

Assist Pastors in the strengthening and devel-

opment of their churches locally and in-

ternationally to advance the Kingdom of


Acquisition of scholarships to send students to

Bible College for 2 years (in Africa)

Mentor and develop church leaders

Motivate the European church to obey the

Great Commission

Feed the homeless locally

Train believers

Fund Emerge Student Orphanage India (30 +


We need:

Child Sponsors

Corporate Sponsors

Government / International Grant Writers

Writing & Submitting Sponsorship Letters

Marketing Material (DVD, Pictures, Bro-

chures, etc.)

Phone Marketing to Churches & Corporations

If you would like to support the ministry finan-

cially there is a sign up form on line @


for reoccurring billing (MWSRB.doc) or donate

your Missions seed @

www.centerformanifestation.com/eg.html . If you

would like to learn more about Missions you can e

-mail [email protected] or

please see Terrence or Catina Smith.

Upcoming Event: Trip to Vicenza, Italy September 5-13, 2011

Team: Apostle Mark Jones

Apostle Bennie Fluellen Prophetess Michelle Guess

Evangelist LaConya Williams Dr. Bacer Baker

Pastor Isaiah Armstrong Morning sessions Afternoon: purpose training and counseling Evening Crusade Graduation of KNEU students Live radio program to millions

The next Worldwide Missions Night is

on Sunday Oct 2 and Sunday Dec 11,

2011. Stay tuned for 2012 Mission


Page 6: September 2011

"...I am fearfully and wonderfully

made; your works are wonderful, I

know that full well” (Psalm

139:14).Who ever told you that you

weren't good enough? Whoever it

was, even if that includes yourself,

we're taking authority over that warped mentality

right now. God is setting your mind free. He's los-

ing the shackles of depression and bondage that

keep you confined and locked up in the prison of

small thinking. Best of all, the Lord is going to

confirm His anointing on your life with signs fol-

lowing, so you will never doubt that you are indeed

His chosen and elect. I want you to put a smile on

your face and view yourself through different eyes

from this day forward! Stop thinking so lowly of

yourself. Begin viewing your contribution to this

world through the eyes of God, and I guarantee

your outlook will change! I leave you with some

Bible verses to get you started but do some search-

ing and add your own to the list:

You are not a mistake, you were chosen

Just as He chose us in Him before the foundation of the

world, Ephesians 1:4

You are pure and Holy

That we should be holy and without blame before Him in

love, Ephesians 1:4

You are no accident, you were specifically designed.

I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully

made; Psalm 139:14

You are VERY beautiful to God

So the King will greatly desire your beauty; Psalm


You are loved

We love Him because He first loved us. 1 John 4:19

You are free

And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make

you free. John 8:32

You are the apple of His eye

Keep me as the apple of Your eye; Psalm 17:8"

And the Lord will make you the head and not the tail;

you shall be above only, and not be beneath..." Deuter-

onomy 28:13.

Labor Day! Ah; the smell of hot

dogs and ribs on the grill, the tingling of

beach sand upon your feet and a wondrous day off

from work! One can even sense the season change

in the air – the hot days of summer will soon be

over! A sense of excitement fills the air as we wait

with expectancy for this day.

Yet, as I consider the word labor, I’m drawn to

the verse in Hebrews 4:11, Let us labour therefore

to enter into that rest, lest any man fall after the

same example of unbelief.

Looking back within Hebrews 3, we understand

that the Israelites didn’t believe God; even though

His mighty acts were seen on a frequent basis.

They provoked the Lord and continued to sin. Not-

withstanding, being grieved with this generation,

God said they have not known my ways. So I sware

in my wrath, they shall not enter into my rest.

Consequently, the author of Hebrews cautions

us to take heed that we don’t fall into a similar trap.

For we that believe, embrace and have faith in the

gospel; have entered into the rest of Christ. There-

fore, we can cease from our own works, because the

work was finished through Jesus before the founda-

tion of the world.

Believers, how many of you can honestly say

you’ve ceased doing your own works? How many

can say you are actually abiding in the Anointed

One? Some believers continue to wrestle with iden-

tity issues; while others grapple with performance

issues. They have not entered into that place of rest

through Christ Jesus. Additionally, some believers

yoke themselves and choke on the bondages within

their minds.

Jesus implores us to come unto Him; all that are

heavy laden. He is calling unto you today. He is

reaching His hand out to you. Allow the shackles of

defeat, chains of despair and the irons filled with

burdens to shatter as you enter into His loving arms.

Surrender ALL as He embraces and whispers ―You

are mine. I love you.‖ So, today, as you anticipate

the upcoming holiday, labor to enter into rest. Dili-

gently and deliberately seek Him with your whole

heart! Isn’t it time you rest in Him and cease your

workings. For then, it will truly be Labor Day!

Gail Boles Wilma Weems

Page 7: September 2011

More than once, Jesus pointed to children as exam-

ples. Jesus pulled a nearby child into the circle of his

disciples, and said, have faith like a child, or come to

me like a child. He told us that we were children of

God (1 John 3:1).

So it seems that we who get to observe children

should consider the possibility that they might have

something to teach us.

What God says about your children…..

Make a Joyful Noise unto the Lord !!

―If children spend five minutes a day wor-

shiping and adoring Almighty God, it will

become part of who they are and who

they grow to be. They will fall in love. It

will begin the lifelong process that will

forever glue them to God.”

It's important to that

you know that we value

and treasure the volun-

teers who have been

chosen to share their

lives with children. I

would like to take this

opportunity to recognize

our volunteers.

And he gave some, apostles; and

some, prophets; and some, evangel-

ists; and some, pastors and teach-


Ephesians 4:11KJV

Did you know He was speaking

about your children and not just




Page 8: September 2011

The Holy Spirit is a living source

Deep within us He takes His course

Without His presence our spirituality is paralyzed

Then, in steps the spirits of fear, doubt and compro-


We no longer strive to see His face

Instead we are succumbed to the enemies' pace

In reality our life is but a loss

Ignoring His sacrifice at all cost

Making vex the Holy Spirit

Disabling His purpose for our lives

While loosing our spiritual benefits

The enemy sends his fiery darts

Being spiritually paralyzed is not God’s plan

We have to open our spiritual eyes and let our hearts


We have to re-visit our Heavenly therapist

Allowing our mind and body to be His patient

There is no other appointment we need to keep

But for our soul to be among His sheep

PARTNERS: If you’ve noticed a part-

ner that’s been missing, please email

Pastor Antonio Miranda his/her infor-

mation. Pastor Miranda will contact

this partner.

[email protected]

Page 9: September 2011

This morning started out like any other

morning. I woke up to plan my day and got into the

Word of God for direction, instruction, and inspira-

tion. Before I got into it, I started thinking about my

children and wondered about what kind of deci-

sions they would make in life as they grew up. The

Lord guided me to Matthew 6: 25-34. I immedi-

ately felt comforted.

It’s amazing how we can see some of our

traits in our children. As I reflected on the misdeeds

of my youth, that’s when anxious thoughts crept in.

There are those who try to sweep their misdeeds

and crimes under a rug hoping no one will ever find

out. We all have done things in our lives to one de-

gree or another that we are ashamed of. But, I’ve

found that it’s best that I be transparent when

speaking to others about my past in order to show

God’s power to redeem a person from such a low

state. I refuse to be like those who ―live in glass

houses and throw stones at others‖, looking down

their nose at people who have different back-

grounds or life experiences.

While doing sales a while ago, a nice, well

meaning business man asked, "Why should I sup-

port the cause of someone who openly admits he

used to be a con?‖ I simply answered, ―Because

people change.‖ Society has conditioned us to cate-

gorize people; put them in a box and write them off

as if they have no more value. Society is divided

along so many lines; age, race, social class, political

party affiliations. You name it and we’ll divide over

it. Those who commit crimes only widen the rift.

During my crime enterprise, I sold people dreams

and brought people together. My organization was

tight and I operated well undetected. Law enforce-

ment knew something big was going on, but didn’t

know the face of the man who was pulling the

strings behind the scenes. Everyone kept secret the

identity of the man who was putting the cash in

their hands.

I wasted the best and most productive

years of my life to sin. But I thank God for redemp-

tion. I thank God for giving me a second chance to

serve Him, my family, and others. So before you

start your busy day, think about the many ways you

can show God appreciation for redeeming you.

I am sitting at the nail salon getting a pedi-

cure, when a lady walks in. My first thought

is…..what on earth is she wearing?

Okay, here’s the situation. Here is a middle

aged ―sistah‖ with short shorts that are totally

inappropriate; over accentuating her abundant

blessings. (I am being careful with my verbiage.)

Her t-shirt reads ―hot and ready‖ and looks like

her teenager may be missing it from her closet.

She then looked my way; probably, to my dis-

approving growl. She smiled, wishing me a good

day as she passed by. Immediately, I was con-

victed, as the Holy Spirit said; Judge not lest ye

be judged by the same measure of faith.

(Matthew 7:1-2)

Instead of witnessing to this open spirit, I was

busy judging her. Thus I was closing a door that

could change her thinking and, eventually, her

habits of dressing.

Consequently, I learned a lesson that moment;

it is not what is on the outside of a person that

makes them, but the inside. God sees us the same

way by what he sees in our heart.

Now, as Christian women, we must uphold

higher standards of our walk to include dress and

appearance. You can still maintain your feminin-

ity and even sexiness without being over the top

or showing too much.

It is merely by the Holy Spirit that I am writ-

ing this; as Apostle Mark is conducting a series

today on ―Vanity Fair‖. To reiterate a part of

what he said today, if you dress for someone

else’s approval, that is a form of vanity.

If you feel like something is too tight or inap-

propriate, it probably is. Nice clothes are a matter

of opinion. Represent yourself in how you dress

and how your clothes make you feel. Dress how

you like to look and feel because anyone who

loves you for you will accept you just the way

you are anyway!

Page 10: September 2011

Many time the issues you go through in life will cause you to become tire, hard in your heart,

sad or angry. You are expose to experience depression, or become anxious. Your mind gets distracted,

your eyes closed to the truth. Goals, desires, visions begging to fade away. Then you ask your self,

What happen? It seems like no one understands, no one wants to help, no one can hear your cry out or

see what you are going through. You are ready to throw the towel and want to give up. Life does not

have a meaning anymore.

Today I want you to know that there is One that can change your life and offers you the op-

portunity to born again and give you eternal life. His name is Jesus! Do you know that He gave His

life for you? To born again is to be brought into life, is a spiritual rebirth and salvation. Many times

we don't know how to start, what to do or what to say and all it takes is a simple prayer by faith and


If you want to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior or would like to rededicate your life to

Him, repeat this prayer out loud with all your heart:

Father, I come before you as humble as I know how. I repent of all my sins, known and un-

known. I confess that I am a sinner. I am asking you to forgive me of all my sins. Jesus, I believe that

you died for me. Come into my heart. Wash me, show me your ways, teach me your statutes and fill

me with your Spirit. Make your ways my life; in Jesus name, Amen!

If you are seeking for prayer, would like more information on how to study the word of God and/or

are looking for a church home, please call 813-241-6919 ext. 13 or 813-900-0104. You can also visit

our web site: www.centerformanifestation.com

Page 11: September 2011

In this series, Dr. Jones explains the dif-

fering dimensions of the realm of the

Spirit, and what it means to access and

operate in the Kingdom.

The Realm of the Spirit

Page 12: September 2011

Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto

Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own under-standing. In all thy ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct thy paths. Proverbs 3:5



Sheila Johnson

And we know that all things work to-gether for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28


With all the things going on in the world today, people

have a tendency to disbelieve what they know to be

true. In this day and time, it’s important that we place

all our trust in the Lord. No matter what you see, you

have to lean not unto your own understanding.

This verse imparts joy and peace to me and helps

me to understand that we can all be used by the Fa-

ther no matter how messed up and/or twisted we

think we may be. Our good, bad and ugly are all

working to bring us into the fullness of God. He is

sovereign and The Restorer of man, He takes our

foolishness and flaws into account and uses it all to

His glory. Only God can take your mess and bless.

Love God and then rest in Him and watch His


Nadia Etienne


Page 13: September 2011

I choose this particular recipe, because

of my mother. Mom passed on January

24th, 2009. My mother loved to cook,

and she loved the 7-up-cake. Missing

my mother as I do, I feel it is important

for the first recipe I share with Center

for Manifestation Worldwide partners

who read the newsletter to be the 7-up-



Three sticks of butter

Three cups of sugar

Five eggs

Three cups of cake flower

Two tablespoons of lemon extract

Three/fourth cups of seven up

One tubed pan

Pre-heat your oven to 325 degrees.

Cream sugar and butter together, and

beat until light and fluffy. Add one egg

at a time, and beat well. Continue this

until all eggs have been beaten. Begin to

add flour, one or two tablespoon at a

time until you have incorporated all into

the mix. Now, it is time to add the

seven up. Stir in the seven up. Grease

and flower your tubed pan . Pour your

batter in the tubed pan, and place in

center of your oven for one hour and

fifteen minutes. When the cake is done,

please remove from oven and leave in

the tubed pan until the cake has cooled.

When cake has cooled, turn the pan up

side down and remove the cake from


If you want to share your favorite recipe, e-mail Sis Wendell Norton at [email protected]

Page 14: September 2011

As a man thinketh in his

heart, so is he.”

When you hear the

phrase, Social Media

Marketing or Viral Mar-

keting, Alan Thompson is

somewhere in the midst.

A successful business-

man, author, ex-radio per-

sonality, life-coach, li-

censed realtor, anointed

teacher, plus much more,

only touch the surface of

his life. However, proud

father of 3(two boys and

a girl), loving husband to

his beautiful wife Ann and sold out for God, are

more accurate in presenting you to the real Mr.

Alan Thompson.

Born in Pittsburg, Pennsylvania, he came from

a lineage of ministers on his father’s side. He left

his parents’ home to be raised by his beloved

grandmother. She was a very anointed woman and

a church mother of Church of God in Christ. She

impacted his life enormously and set his founda-

tion in Christ.

His mother was a Jehovah witness, his brother

was a Muslim and his grandmother was Pentecos-

tal. He claimed with sincerity, that while he really

did not know Jesus as a Savior, he knew there was

something more. His grandmother prophesied that

he would be a preacher. It’s no surprise then that

the first time he did minister was after she was

deceased, exactly on her birthday. Additionally,

he held the office of Deacon at Church of God in

Christ prior to his present church.

I would be remiss, if I did not note that grand-

parents are very influential in so many of our lives

and are to be continually honored and respected

by us all.

At this point in his life, Mr. Thompson stepped

down from his clergical duties to pursue a radio

announcer career that he main-

tained on the side. He felt that

secular music and the party

scene, typical industry norms,

were not conducive with God’s

work. Long story short, one day

as he was in the station, two

songs were played that changed

his life; ―Say Amen‖ and

―Tomorrow‖. In his own

words, the entire control room

was filled with the Holy Spirit

and therein started his quest. To

this day, these songs still bring

him back to that moment of im-

pacting spiritual experience.

Even in the military, he had a

quest to find himself and his

reason for existence on this

earth. He recalled sitting in a playground on the

monkey bars with his friends discussing what they

wanted to be. He specifically pointed to a build-

ing, stating that he would work there one day. It is

no surprise then that he ended up being an execu-

tive training representative in that very building!

Speak things into existence and believe!

Mr. Thompson knew success, but he yearned

for significance! Although he played football for

the University of Hawaii, he ended up with a hurt

knee and in traction for thirty six days. This time

gave him the opportunity to think - If he never

walked again, what would he do with his life?

Everything that Alan attempted seemed to have

God’s favor on it. He realized that he was an en-

courager and this initiated the idea of providing

instruction. He became the only licensed instruc-

tor and completed his Bachelor’s degree. He knew

at that moment God would never put a glass ceil-

ing over his head. Consequently, he and his wife

had various ventures and kept training at the fore-

front of it all. Together they wrote a training man-

ual titled; ―Camp, Champ or Chump, Where

the Difference is You”! Haves and have not was

their theme and answered the questions how peo-

ple in a saved household can have different out-


Page 15: September 2011

but they did not have God in their lives then as

much as they do today.

Every time there is a call on your life, there

will be trials and valleys to walk through. Thus,

things took a turn in the opposite direction; as

their son was incarcerated. What started as a dis-

agreement with another young man ended in an

accidental death. This was a turning point be-

cause their entire lives changed almost overnight.

Five attorneys and two trials later, a second de-

gree murder was downsized to manslaughter and

a fifteen year sentence. There were a lot of ups

and downs with God holding them together as

things pulled apart. Also, there was a separation

and eventual rejoining due solely to God’s grace

and mercy.

―People see Christ in you‖, he said. ―They

gravitate towards the Christ in you.‖ This experi-

ence became an anchor that they had to let go.

From this point, social media was birthed.

Working as a consultant and with past associates,

he built a ―Golden Rolodex‖. He then started giv-

ing public speaking courses to churches. What

was intended for youth ended up being for adults,

as well. He, still to this day, teaches leadership to

youth (teens) and his wife teaches children’s


He met our beloved Deacon Danny Vickers at

LA Fitness as they utilized the same gym. There

was an instant spiritual connection and a kindred

spirit encounter as the gym sauna became their

temporary pulpit to onlookers. They connected

and what God ordained was more than a kinship

between them and he became Deacon’s personal

mentor and still is to this day.

What does the future hold for this multi-

talented man of God? The possibilities are end-

less; but empowering people is one of his ulti-

mate goals. He aims to show the love of God in

everything that he and his family embark in.

Social media marketing is the new trend in the

way of mass communication via internet. He has

developed a self-contained portfolio type website

that promises unimaginable ways to penetrate the

market. Mr. Alan also plans to work on some

upcoming ventures at CFM to equip the saints

with tools to empower themselves. He also has

some exciting ways for churches to be more mar-

ketable and use technology better in an evangel-

istic manner.

He plans to write a book with his family

called ―How to Soar above the Pains of your

Past‖. This will be a book written to help people

overcome the hard times with encouragement

and hope. He plans for his family to minister to-

gether to hurting families in need. His son is now

home with them and restoration is transpiring at

the moment. According to Alan, as certified mas-

ter life coaches and having gone through inner

healing themselves, they plan to assist individu-

als in finding their passions and identifying God

given gifts. In addition, their family mission is to

help families heal from the pains of their past, as

outlined in their upcoming book the story of how

one fatal punch changed their lives forever. ―If

you do not forgive yourself, you are not forgiven.

It’s time to change perspectives for at risk

kids. If you change your thoughts, you can

change your things.‖

You can find out more about Mr. Thompson at

www.richesr4u.com .This is only the beginning

of our encounter with this phenomenal man of

God. It was a sheer pleasure interviewing him

and according to him… the best is yet to come!!!

Written by: Denise L. Griffith

Page 16: September 2011

Bashan? Where is this place?

Have you ever wondered where certain

places were in the Bible and what their sig-

nificance was?

Well, here’s your chance to find out. Find

Bashan in the Bible and list the scriptures

where it is found. Use a Bible Concordance

or Bible Index to help you.


Og - Who is this person? No, not

Oz, as in the Wizard of Oz, but Og! He’s in

the Bible too! Use a Bible Dictionary to

help you. Find all scriptures where he is

mentioned and list who he is and why he is



Uggggggggggghhhhhhh – Have you ever

heard this?

“The race is not given to the swift nor the

battle to the strong but he that endureth to

the end.”

I am sure you have heard this quoted,

preached and shouted over many times by

many people but it is a misquote of two ac-

tual scriptures. Using a Bible Concordance,

find the actual scriptures that make up this

saying. Hint one is in the Old Testament

and the other one is in the New Testament.

Then, please cross this off your ―Christian

cliché‖ list! Next month, we will review

another common misquote.


Singles with Purpose (SWP) is a ministry that

uplifts, encourage and help with the development of the

single believer. Our purpose is threefold:

1. Reach out to those who believe they are called to sin-

gleness for a season.

2. Impart sound biblical based instruction in order to pro-

duce men and women who are well balanced in spirit,

soul, and body before being joined with a spouse.

3. Reach out to those who have chosen to remain single,

thereby equipping them with the proper tools and instruc-

tion necessary to succeed in their lives as a single be-

liever, while fulfilling their divine purpose.

SWP also believes in keeping single believers

busy with various outings, fellowshipping with other be-

lievers, as well as open services to all singles

I thank God for allowing me to lead SWP. SWP

has not only given me a chance to get to know other sin-

gles at CFM, but has also allowed me to mature more as a

single believer and to be an encouragement to others as


SWP meet at CFM on the 2nd and 4th Friday of

each month. You can also find out more about us on our

ministries page online at

www.centerformanifestation.com. We look forward to

seeing you soon!

Page 17: September 2011

Vicenza, Italy

September 3-17, 2011

Dr. Jones & Team

KNEU Crusade

Cincinnati, Ohio

September 21-22, 2011

Dr. Mark T. Jones

Overflow Ministries

Spring City, Pennsylvania

October 6, 2011

Dr. Mark T. Jones

Restoration Deliverance Church

Spring City, Pennsylvania

October 6, 2011

Dr. Mark T. Jones

Restoration Deliverance Church

Tampa, FL

October 7, 2011

Dr. Mark & Lisa Jones

“Marriage Mixer”

Charles H. Ferguson Center

Orlando, FL

October 14 & 16, 2011

Dr. Mark T. Jones

Leadership Training

Your Place Health Inc.

Thonotosassa, Fl

October 13, 2011

Dr. Mark T. Jones

16th Pastoral Anniversary

People for Christ Ministries

Brandon, Fl

October 19, 2011

Dr. Mark T. Jones

Pastor’s Appreciation

Shiloh Restoration Tabernacle


Page 18: September 2011


1. Hold sheep accountable to the fold

3. "Sent one", transposing kingdom logic

4. Vocal gift: speak language you haven't


7. An Apostle has the ________ mantle

10. ________ of spirits: look beyond the human


11. Revelation gift: God's "know how"

12. This is the season for the manifestation of the

_____ of God.

13. Ministry gifts are for the Body's _______ &


14. Focus is Jesus Christ is son of God; you need


15. Classification of gift: do something

18. Commit to use gifts for his ______


2. Power gift: him believing himself through you

5. Classification of gift: say something

6. A favor which one receives without merit

8. Exhortation, confirmation, correction

9. Guard the Body against doctrinal error

16. Spiritual gifts are ________ of the Spirit.

17. Gifts are due to divine ____ operating on you

by the Holy Spirit

19. Revelation gift: no prior learning

20. Classification of gift: reveal something


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Our Vision

Proverbs 29: 18 “Where there is no vision, the people perish”

Our vision is to teach the end-time church of the essence of Kingdom life, and

to communicate deep, spiritual truth in a simplified manner.

The Center for Manifestation was released from the heart of God to be a

refreshing force to the body of Christ. While the central theme and essence of

this ministry is to prepare the way for the second coming of the Lord Jesus

Christ, in part, this purpose is accomplished by retraining the saints as to what their

God-given roles and responsibilities in the church are. It is also the vision of this

ministry to bring healing and deliverance to those who have been hindered

from moving into position for the latter rains.

This is the season for the manifestation of the sons of God!

3102 E. Lake Ave, Tampa, FL 33610, Ph: 813-241-6919, Fax: 813-217-5460
