Volume 5 Issue 9 September 2010 La Luz de Cristo para Perú To the Mines | MULTIPLICATION Alfonso works in the mines. He spends 14 days away from his family working long hours in the depths of the Earth. He lives in cramped camp houses with other min- ers. After a long day of mining work, the conversation around the camp circles consists solely of mine accidents and dangers and fears, or turns to drunkenness and argu- ments. Alfonso spends his 14 days working and waiting for the last day of his shift so he can return to Patarcocha and his family for a few days of rest. But those 14 days are so long… Recently, Alfonso was home from the mines for his days of rest... home with his wife Elva and his children. Two of his children (Harry and Cielo) are students in our Kuyay Talpuy program. Elva is the cook for our lunch program. When he is home, Alfonso is all smiles and all work. He works to help in the Kuyay project and serve meals to the students. He works to catch up on chores around the house and take care of the animals and crops. But he never stops smiling. On this particular visit to home, he is extra happy. There is a new shift boss at the mine, and he is a Christian. Alfonso is excited to share this news with the Kuyay staff. When he is home, he participates in the new church plant in Patarcocha, as do Elva and the chil- dren. Even his mother-in-law, Mama Victoria (85 years old), is a new believer. And now, he has the opportunity to work with a Christian in the mines. His excitement is con- tagious! And his thirst for knowledge is unquenchable. He asks if we can help by finding a Bible for him. And he asks if our teaching team can teach him and disciple him when he is home so he can go back to the mines and share with oth- ers what he is learning. Not only is Alfonso excited, but WE are so excited because this is EXACTLY what is sup- posed to occur in discipleship… believers should take what they learn and GO OUT to teach others. This is the whole idea behind multiplication in ministry. And Alfonso is 100% behind this idea. He wants to learn from his teachers, then take his knowledge and teach and share with others, thus making more disciples. He hopes to be a part of transformation. He would like to transform the conversation in the evenings from talk of death and fear and drinking to conversations of life and hope and faith. Alfonso just returned to the mines yesterday for another 14 day shift. But this time, he goes down to the depths of the Earth with a new light in his eyes and a new hope in his heart. And he carries with him The Word and the love of Christ to share with his peers. Please stand with us in prayer as we work to teach Alfonso and send him off to teach others. Each time he returns to us and to Patarco- cha, our team will work to teach him enough biblical teaching to carry him through the next 14 days. And we have a responsibility to teach him well enough so that he can share and teach the men of the mines during his 14 days away. Pray for Alfonso and for the men of the mines as they hear the Good News and the message of hope in Christ. A mineshaft in Peru.

September 2010

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Drum´s Newsletter - September 2010

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Page 1: September 2010

Volume 5 Issue 9 September 2010

La Luz de Cristo para Perú

To the Mines | MULTIPLICATION Alfonso works in the mines. He spends 14 days away from his family working long hours in the depths of the Earth. He lives in cramped camp houses with other min-ers. After a long day of mining work, the conversation around the camp circles consists solely of mine accidents and dangers and fears, or turns to drunkenness and argu-ments. Alfonso spends his 14 days working and waiting for the last day of his shift so he can return to Patarcocha and his family for a few days of rest. But those 14 days are so long… Recently, Alfonso was home from the mines for his days of rest... home with his wife Elva and his children. Two of his children (Harry and Cielo) are students in our Kuyay Talpuy program. Elva is the cook for our lunch program. When he is home, Alfonso is all smiles and all work. He works to help in the Kuyay project and serve meals to the students. He works to catch up on chores around the house and take care of the animals and crops. But he never stops smiling. On this particular visit to home, he is extra happy. There is a new shift boss at the mine, and he is a Christian. Alfonso is excited to share this news with the Kuyay staff. When he is home, he participates in the new church plant in Patarcocha, as do Elva and the chil-dren. Even his mother-in-law, Mama Victoria (85 years old), is a new believer. And now, he has the opportunity to work with a Christian in the mines. His excitement is con-tagious! And his thirst for knowledge is unquenchable. He asks if we can help by finding a Bible for him. And he asks if our teaching team can teach him and disciple him when he is home so he can go back to the mines and share with oth-ers what he is learning. Not only is Alfonso excited, but WE are so excited because this is EXACTLY what is sup-posed to occur in discipleship… believers should take what they learn and GO OUT to teach others. This is the whole idea behind multiplication in ministry. And Alfonso

is 100% behind this idea. He wants to learn from his teachers, then take his knowledge and teach and share with others, thus making more disciples. He hopes to be a part of transformation. He would like to transform the conversation in the evenings from talk of death and fear and drinking to conversations of life and hope and faith. Alfonso just returned to the mines yesterday for another 14 day shift. But this time, he goes down to the depths of the Earth with a new light in his eyes and a new hope in his heart. And he carries with him The Word and the love of Christ to share with his peers. Please stand with us in prayer as we work to teach Alfonso and send him off to teach others. Each time he returns to us and to Patarco-cha, our team will work to teach him enough biblical teaching to carry him through the next 14 days. And we have a responsibility to teach him well enough so that he can share and teach the men of the mines during his 14 days away. Pray for Alfonso and for the men of the mines as they hear the Good News and the message of hope in Christ.

A mineshaft in Peru.

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We were recently blessed to have the opportunity to host the Community Health Evangelism training workshop in which we trained 16 people in how to inte-grate aspects of physical health and spiritual health for the trans-formation of entire communities. Whew! That’s a mouth-full, isn’t it?! What does it mean? Well, basically, the rural communities we work with have issues… issues with clean/unclean water, hygiene, illnesses and diseases, living conditions, abandonment issues, etc. CHE (Community Health Evangelism) is a best practices model for integrating evangelism and discipleship with community-based development. CHE helps to teach health (both physical health and community health) with a biblical basis, thereby teaching spiritual health in the process and bringing the community into a relationship with Christ. This model has been proven around the world and works to lift communities from cycles of poverty and disease. It’s transformational, for both the community and for individuals. We have felt God calling us to work with the CHE plan for many years now, but we haven’t ever been able to attend the train-ing in the USA… so we brought the training to us in Peru!!! After examining the cost, it was actually more cost-effective to bring the trainers to Peru and host our own training workshop here, and we were able to train 16 others in the process! Thank you for making this possible!

“WOW!” We passed out new Bibles, still sporting their cellophane wrapping, to the 20 students of the fifth and sixth grade class in Tinyari. They gingerly took the new books into their hands and examined the covers, but did not open them. “Do you want to read them”, I asked? “YES!” was the unanimous reply. “Then let’s open them,” I said as I demonstrated how to break the cellophane seal and open up a whole new world for these students. Even their teacher opened her new Bible with excitement, yet also with tender care. For several minutes, there was a gentle rumble as the students explored their newest “textbook” and began to read parts of it for themselves. From that moment on, it was pure magic. I found myself back in my element… teaching in a classroom set-ting and igniting a passion for learning in children. I found my rhythm, my God-given gift, my passion for teaching was still there inside my heart and it was being used again, but in a new way. The students were engaged, actively learning and participating in the lesson… but this time, it was His lesson and He was speaking to these children for the first time, directly through His Word. And His Word was so alive!!! I wish I could adequately describe the atmosphere in that room at that moment…. all of those students reading and learning for the first time about The Beginning and about how much God loved them and how they are God’s

creation. And my favorite part was at the end of each section that we read that morning—”And God looked at His creation and said that it was good” - because the beauty of that statement was in the sharing with each and every student in that room that they are part of God’s crea-tion, and because God made them, He looks at them and declares them “good”. It was a wonderful moment, watching the faces of chil-dren who were hearing this for the first time. Thank you for being a part of making the ministry in the school of Tinyari happen. Thank you for supporting us and for providing Bibles for 80 students. The teachers and students thank us every time we walk in the door, but we know that the thanks do not belong only to us—the gratitude belongs to our supporters and to God.

New Bibles, New Life — Sharing Christ in Tinyari

Pray! You can diligently pray for the ministry initiatives in Peru. You can pray for provision for the ministry and for missionaries who serve here. And you can pray about how God wants you to be involved. Give! You can give of your re-sources… money, time, prayers, services. It takes the gifts of people like you to buy Bibles, feed students, teach classes, train community leaders and to allow missionaries to stay in ser-vice. Go! You can serve with us here in Peru. You can come with a short-term team, you can come as a missionary intern, or you can just come to explore and visit and see for yourself what God is doing in Peru.

Community Health Evangelism

Meeting the needs of the community as a whole


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Pray for the current efforts to fol-low-up with new believers who came to know Christ during the recent medical campaigns. We have a HUGE job to do, trying to visit with new Christians and get them into relationships with others so they can grow and learn more. Pray for the Kuyay Talpuy school projects and for the communities of Iscos, Patarcocha, and the new project in Tinyari. Pray for our teachers as they strive to teach and help people to apply Godly principles in their lives. Pray that they find new and exciting ways to make the Bible come alive and become relevant in the life of the communities we serve. Praises for provision of a house to live in while we will be home on furlough!!! Thanks to Trinity Lu-theran Church for stepping up to the plate in this incredible way!!! Pray for our sons in Texas, Ryan and Miles. Ryan has begun a new semester at Texas A&M Kingsville (Biology—Herpetology). Miles has begun a new job in College Station. Pray for God to continue to move and do mighty things in their lives. We continue to pray for all of YOU as you continue to support us through your prayers and your financial support. Thank you!!!

Prayers and Praises




DEAR BILLY AND LAURIE, I will pray for you. Please send me your newsletter

by e-mail: ____________________________________ As God provides, I plan to partner with you by giving

$ _________ Per month / quarter / year for _____ years. I would like to donate a one-time gift of $ _________ I would like to sponsor a child’s education for $25/mo. ($300/

year). (Please write Special Project on your check) Name (PLEASE PRINT) ______________________________________ Address _________________________________________________ City____________________ State__________ Zip _______________ Phone _____________________ Home Church __________________ Email Address: _________________________________________


The Mission Society

PO Box 922637 Norcross, GA 30010-2637 USA


"You can give without loving. But you cannot love without giving." -- Amy Carmichael, missionary to India

"We must be global Christians with a global vision because our God is

a global God." -- John Stott

Meet Meghann! Meghann is here in Peru serving with us as a missionary intern. Meghann has a degree in Biology and Business from Boston University and is currently studying for her MCAT and preparing to enter med school. While in Peru, Meghann has been serving on medical mission teams, work-ing with children in our Kuyay program, helping with teaching Bible lessons in the Tinyari schools, and has attended the Community Health Evangelism training workshop. She ar-rived in Peru with no Spanish background, but is already holding fluent conversations in Spanish after 6 weeks! She has been a huge help to us by organizing all of our curriculum materials and creating a check-out system for our teaching team so they can come to the house and browse the lessons and materials with ease. We’re so pleased to have Meghann with us until mid-October. She has already blessed the peo-ple of Peru (and us) immensely!

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Coming Soon to the USA: Calendar for Speaking Engagements and church visits

Laurie & Billy Drum

3907 Old Oaks Bryan, Texas 77802 USA PRESRT STD US POSTAGE


PERMIT #102 E-mail: [email protected] [email protected]

Nov. 22, 2010—Drums return to USA for furlough Dec. 2010— Speaking dates still available Jan. 2011— 15-17th Lafayette, LA United Methodist Church 23rd First Presbyterian Church—Shiro, TX 26th FUMC women’s bible study—Hearne, TX 27th FUMC men’s bible study—Wheelock, TX (other dates still available) Feb. 2011 - 2nd First Presbyterian Church—Navasota, TX 4th-7th Halltown Baptist Church—Halltown, Missouri 28th Drums return to Peru (other dates still available) Don’t see your church / group / school represented? It’s not too late to get on the calendar! Give us a call at 979-985- 5268 (rings in Peru) or email us and we’ll find a date for you!

Special thanks to all who support the Kuyay Talpuy Project and the children and families of Iscos, Patarcocha, and Tin-

yari. Click here for a video thank you...