FROM PASTOR RON.... SEPTEMBER 11, 2013 All of us no doubt remember just where we were and what we were doing when we first heard the shocking news that an airplane had crashed into one of the towers of the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001. As the events of that day unfolded we soon became aware that it was no accident. Suddenly, we were filled with questions and fear. Most of all, we knew that life had taken a serious and sinister turn. In their fear and confusion many people turned to the church. Special services and candlelight vigils were held as people tried to make sense out of the sobering turn of events. Sadly, it was short lived. As all too often happens, when the moment of crisis passed, we fell back into the old patterns of life and returned to our former securities. I find myself thinking often of those days that followed 9-11 and realizing that we, the church, failed when given a golden opportunity to point people to our God who is bigger than anything that can occur on planet Earth. The world needed to see a God they could trust, be confronted with his claims, and be given the choice to follow him. We may have missed that opportunity after 9-11 but we are given fresh opportunities daily as we walk through our world. Everywhere you set your feet there are people who need to hear about Jesus Christ. You are there to be His messenger. Of course, to share the message, you need to know and understand the message. That is why it is so important that you study His word, both privately and alongside your brothers and sisters of the church. I know there are many voices calling you and many opportunities available for you on Sunday morning, but I would suggest that not one of them is more important than gathering with your church family in worship, prayer, fellowship, and study of the Word. As Hebrews reminds us, “do not forsake the assembly…” (Hebrews 10:25). Make a new, fresh commitment to make church attendance your highest priority. Another 9-11 will come. It is inevitable. Let’s be prepared to give the world the life- saving message of salvation in Jesus Christ. They will be looking. Will we be ready? EEFC CONNECTION THIS SATURDAY! When: Sept. 14 th , 9:30 am Why: To connect with each other Where: Kristi Packer’s home Who: Women of EEFC & Friends SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT… There was an important job to be done. Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it. Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it. Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job. Everybody thought that Anybody could do it, but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it. It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody when Nobody did what Anybody could have done. LADIES’ FALL COFFEE

SEPTEMBER 11, 2013 EEFC CONNECTION - Bandzooglecontent.bandzoogle.com/users/EEFC/files/91113-Newsletter... · 2013. 9. 11. · EEFC Ministries & Missionaries EEFC Mexico Mission Trip

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Page 1: SEPTEMBER 11, 2013 EEFC CONNECTION - Bandzooglecontent.bandzoogle.com/users/EEFC/files/91113-Newsletter... · 2013. 9. 11. · EEFC Ministries & Missionaries EEFC Mexico Mission Trip


SEPTEMBER 11, 2013

All of us no doubt remember just where we were a n d w h a t w e were doing when we first heard the shocking news that an airplane had crashed into one of the towers o f t h e W o r l d Trade Center on September 11, 2001. As the events of that day unfolded we soon became aware that it was no accident. Suddenly, we were filled with questions and fear. Most of all, we knew that life had taken a serious and sinister turn.

In their fear and confusion many people turned to the church. Special services and candlelight vigils were held as people tried to make sense out of the sobering turn of events. Sadly, it was short lived. As all too often happens, when the moment of crisis passed, we fell back into the old patterns of life and returned to our former securities.

I find myself thinking often of those days that followed 9-11 and realizing that we, the church, failed when given a golden opportunity to point people to our God who is bigger than anything that can occur on planet Earth. The world needed to see a God they could trust, be confronted with his claims, and be given the choice to follow him.

We may have missed that opportunity after 9-11 but we are given fresh opportunities daily as we walk through our world. Everywhere you set your feet there are people who need to hear about Jesus Christ. You are there to be His messenger.

Of course, to share the message, you need to know and understand the message. That is why it is so important that you study His word, both privately and alongside your brothers and sisters of the church.

I know there are many voices calling you and many opportunities available for you on Sunday morning, but I would suggest that not one of them is more important than gathering with your church family in worship, prayer, fellowship, and study of the Word.

As Hebrews reminds us, “do not forsake the assembly…” (Hebrews 10:25). Make a new, fresh commitment to make church attendance your highest priority.

Another 9-11 will come. It is inevitable. Let’s be prepared to give the world the life-saving message of salvation in Jesus Christ. They will be looking.

Will we be ready?


THIS SATURDAY! When: Sept. 14th, 9:30 am Why: To connect with each other Where: Kristi Packer’s home Who: Women of EEFC & Friends                                                    


There was an important job to be done.

Everybody was sure that Somebody would do it.

Anybody could have done it, but Nobody did it.

Somebody got angry about that because it was Everybody's job.

Everybody thought that Anybody could do it,

but Nobody realized that Everybody wouldn't do it.

It ended up that Everybody blamed Somebody

when Nobody did what Anybody could have done.


Page 2: SEPTEMBER 11, 2013 EEFC CONNECTION - Bandzooglecontent.bandzoogle.com/users/EEFC/files/91113-Newsletter... · 2013. 9. 11. · EEFC Ministries & Missionaries EEFC Mexico Mission Trip

A ladies’ retreat, “Reach, Relax, Refresh” is coming in November!

This overnight is for our church women (of course you may invite a friend!) and will take place at Peter Retreat Center, Grace Lutheran Camp, in DeWitt, IA.

All women (teen gals included) from Erie E. Free are invited to come for all or part of the event starting Friday night 6 pm November 15th and going through 1 pm Saturday the 16th.

Highlights include: Speaker & writer Jenny Ferrell from Davenport, worship, prayer, appetizers galore, a little foot and hand pampering, chatting and laughing, sweet breakfast, and a delicious salad bar lunch.

Cost will only be $15 per person. Contact Mary Wellman, Debbie Lanzen, Kristi Packer, or Erin Gapinski with questions.


The Elders, Executive Board, and Missions Committee of Erie E. Free have approved a plan to pursue a possible missions work trip to El Monte, Mexico this coming winter. The first step is to find out how many people would be interested in taking part.

The trip will involve approximately 8 days and a cost of approximately $1000. The team will be doing construction work, painting and repair work, etc on the El Monte mission.

Time is at a premium. We will need to have the team approved and chosen by early October to allow for members to acquire passports and to make all necessary travel plans.

If you are interested, please contact Jason Norman or Pastor Ron.


Just a reminder….. We need your Background Check forms ASAP!

SEPTEMBER 11, 2013


Throughout September we are spotlighting the work of Stewart and Patti Humphry in Hungary. The Humphrys have been in Budapest Hungary since August 2003, planting churches in Budapest and seeking to plant other churches throughout Hungary. Stewart and Patty's ministry emphasizes discipleship of the men and women in church, as well as various outreach activities such as English classes. The Humphrys are part of the EFCA Reach Global Missions program.

For more information on Stewart and Patty, visit their website at www.humphry.ministryhome.org


HELPERS NEEDED …We have no one to serve in the Nursery during this week’s worship service. If you would be interested in stepping in, please let the office know. Thanks!

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Wed. 9/11 Linda VanZuidenFri. 9/13 Ben Calhoun Concert - 6:30 pm @ Clinton Riverfront Band Shell

Sat. 9/14 Ladies’ Fall Coffee - 9:30 am @ Kristi’s Kent & Beth WirthSun. 9/15 Worship Celebration / Sunday School for ALL AgesWed. 9/18 Josiah Mitchell

COMING UP... Sept. 21st “Walk for Life” to support Pregnancy Resources of the Quad Cities Sept. 25th “See You At The Pole” / Fall Ministries Kick-Off Nov. 15th Ladies’ Retreat


Greeter Brian & Debbie LanzenScripture Kenny MillerFellowship Lori NormanWorship Nursery Need a Volunteer!S.S. Nursery Jan UnruhP.P / Sound Kylie & Jason

PRAYER CONCERNSSusie KnickelSam MeltonDave Calcote Adalene Norman Dorothy SlaydenCora Peters (friend of Pastor & Judy)Steve Heun’s MomKevin Johnson’s Dad, BryanJan Unruh’s Dad & MomLuke Brands - Serving in the ArmyOur Expectant Mom: Missi MarsdenEEFC Ministries & MissionariesEEFC Mexico Mission Trip


AWANA, our Kdgn. thru 5th grade ministry, under the leadership of Shae Stewart, will kick-off the new year on Wed., Sept. 25th.

Helpers are still needed. If interested, please talk to Shae.

KFC, our ministry to 6th - 8th graders, will also begin their new year on Sept. 25th.

Anyone interested in helping with this group should talk with Kevin Johnson, Kindyl

Weber or Julie Norman.


“I prayed for faith, and thought that someday faith would come down and strike me like lightning. But faith did not seem to come.

One day I read in the tenth chapter of Romans, "Now faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God". I had closed

my Bible, and prayed for faith. I now opened my Bible, and began to study, and faith has

been growing ever since.”

(D.L. Moody)

SEPTEMBER 11, 2013

Receipts Expenses

Aug. 2013 $11,819.66 $11,748.59 Year-To-Date 101,492.96 101,538.13