THE RANGER A forum of free voices serving San Antonio College since 1926 Single copies free Vol. 84 Issue 2 Sept. 18, 2009 NO CONFIDENCE NO CONFIDEN 90%+ 90% WHAT’S NEXT? 7-9 SPC FACULTY SEEK RESIGNATION CHANCELLOR TRIES TO GAG FACULTY

Sept. 18, 2009

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Sept. 18, 2009 issue of The Ranger, San Antonio College's student newspaper.

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The RangeRA forum of free voices serving San Antonio College since 1926 Single copies free

Vol. 84 Issue 2 Sept. 18, 2009





Page 2: Sept. 18, 2009

2 • Sept. 18, 2009 The Ranger

Page 3: Sept. 18, 2009

The Ranger • Vol. 84 • Issue 2 Sept. 18, 2009 • 3

4 Blotter

5 Criminal Justice Association formsBy Lorraine Gomez

6 News

7 What’s next?By Vanessa M. Sanchez

8 Trustees commit to Leslie despite oppositionBy Jason B. HoganPhotos by Destiny Mata

9 St. Philip’s calls for resignationBy Vanessa M. SanchezPhotos by Destiny Mata

9 Faculty: “We can no longer afford to remain silent”By Vanessa M. Sanchez

15 Magic Closet dresses women for successBy Erika TorresPhoto by Priscilla Reyna-Ovalle

10 Premiere

10 KSYM’s morning showBy Henry A. ChavarriaPhotos by Destiny Mata

11 Calendar 12 EditorialsEditorial CartoonGag orderDonate bonusOnline comments

14 People

Only online @ theranger.org

Photo slideshow ofKSYM’s morning show

Photo slideshow of board meeting with story

Handgun incident in parking lot at NVC

Community leaders’ reaction to faculty’s vote of no confidence

Empowerment Center houses nontraditional, women’s programs

Free parenting workshops

Editorial No confidence in chancellor, board

Viewpoint: Ramadan teachescompassionby Zahra Farah

When you see this symbol,

go to www.theranger.org

for more info.

A forum of free voices serving San Antonio College since 1926The RangeR


Page 4: Sept. 18, 2009

4 • Sept. 18, 2009 The Ranger

Chancellor: Dr. Bruce H. Leslie201 W. Sheridan, Bldg. B, San Antonio, TX 78204-1429Work: 485-0020 Fax: 208-8149E-mail: [email protected]

District 1: Dr. Bernard Weiner929 Manor Drive, Ste. 7, San Antonio, TX 78228 Work: 735-9151 E-mail: [email protected]

District 2: Denver McClendon3811 Willowwood Blvd., San Antonio, TX 78219 Work: 281-9141 E-mail: [email protected]

District 3: Anna Bustamante511 Ware Blvd., San Antonio TX 78221Work: 882-1603 Fax: 927-4557E-mail: [email protected]

District 4: Marcelo S. Casillas115 Wainwright, San Antonio, TX 78211Home: 922-6815 Fax: 923-3167 E-mail: [email protected]

District 5: Roberto Zárate4103 Buffalo Bayou, San Antonio, TX 78251E-mail: [email protected]

District 6: Dr. Gene Sprague14722 Iron Horse WayHelotes, TX 78023Work: 567-5544 Fax: 520-9185E-mail: [email protected]

District 7: Charles Conner13306 Hunters Hollow, San Antonio, TX 78230Home: 493-7176 Fax: 493-7909 E-mail: [email protected]

District 8: Gary Beitzel15403 Forest Mist, San Antonio, TX 78232Home: 496-5857 E-mail: [email protected]

District 9: James A. Rindfuss109 Laburnum, San Antonio, TX 78209Home: 828-4630 Work: 375-2555 Home Fax: 832-8292 Office Fax: 375-0301 E-mail: [email protected]


San Antonio College, Dr. Robert E. Zeigler486-0959, [email protected]

Northeast Lakeview College, Dr. Eric Reno486-5484, [email protected]

Northwest Vista College, Dr. Jacqueline Claunch486-4900, [email protected]

Palo Alto College, Dr. Ana M. “Cha” Guzman486-3960, [email protected]

St. Philip’s College, Dr. Adena W. Loston486-2900, [email protected]



Sept. 1 – An officer reported

adult male lying on the side-

walk at West Park and San


Sept 2 – An individual report-

ed damage/vandalism to per-

sonal vehicle.

An individual reported a dis-

turbance on the second floor

of Moody.

An individual reported illness

in Candler. EMS arrived, no


Sept. 3 - An individual report-

ed a suspicious person in the

construction site near Nail.

Suspect located and issued a

criminal trespass warning.

An officer reported an indi-

vidual starting a vehicle with

wires located under the steer-

ing column. Individual found

to be registered owner.

Sept. 4 - An individual

reported damage to personal

vehicle while on campus to

pick up her child at day care.

An individual reported seeing

a bike on campus which they

had reported stolen a week


An individual reported an ill-

ness in Chance. EMS arrived.

Transport not needed.

An individual reported a fight

in progress in Lot 7. Officer

made scene; subjects depart-

ed area.

Sept. 5 - An individual

reported suspicious person in

Moody. Suspect was located.

An individual reported their

vehicle was on fire in lot 26.

SAFD arrived on scene and

extinguished fire.

Sept. 8 - An individual report-

ed a disturbance on second

level of parking garage.

An individual reported

harassment from an exboy-

friend, which occurred off


An officer observed vehicle

with windows open in Park

Place lot. Vehicle checked;

came back as stolen.


Sept. 1 - An individual

reported suspicious persons

between courtyard and stu-

dent services area.

Sept. 3 - An individual

reported a disturbance in the

applied technology build-

ing. Report taken; everything

found to be OK.

Sept. 4 - An officer stood by

to watch facilities cut a wall

locker padlock.

An individual reported theft

of personal property.

An individual reported almost

being struck by another


Sept. 8 - An individual report-

ed theft of district property.


Sept. 2 - An individual was

issued a citation for playing

loud music on campus.

An individual reported found

property. Item placed in

property locker.

An individual reported vehi-

cle being stolen.

An individual reported a

suspicious person. No one


Sept. 3 - An officer reported

a disturbance in Lot 20.

Everything found to be OK.

An individual detained for

traffic violation and found to

be operating vehicle with no

drivers license.

An individual reported dam-

age to vehicle while parked

in Lot 10.

Sept. 8 - An individual report-

ed theft of district property.

An individual reported theft

of personal property from



Sept. 1 - An individual report-

ed missing district property.

Sept. 2 - An individual report-

ed a disturbance related to a

recent breakup of a relation-


Sept. 3 - An individual report-

ed theft of district property.

An individual reported graf-

fiti in men’s restroom stall

Building 1, Section C.

An individual reported miss-

ing personal property.

An individual reported miss-

ing district property.

An individual reported a tool-

box taken from the back of a


Sept. 4 - An individual report-

ed missing district property.

Property found.

Sept. 8 - Individual reported

burglary of vehicle.


Page 5: Sept. 18, 2009

The Ranger Sept. 18, 2009 • 5

By Lorraine Gomez

Twenty-seven students interested

in careers in criminal justice formed the

Criminal Justice Student Association Sept. 3.

“The goal is to give students the oppor-

tunity to interact for career development

and opportunities through criminal jus-

tice professionals and community ser-

vice,” said Tiffany Cox, faculty adviser and

criminal justice instructor.

The association is open to students in

any major who are interested in criminal

justice careers.

San Antonio Police Officer Rick Olivares

described the police department’s training


Professor Marshall Lloyd, criminal jus-

tice coordinator, said he believes in the

future of the association. “I want this to be

successful, and it will be; I will guarantee

that,” he said.

The organization is designed to intro-

duce students to the various professions

within criminal justice so they can decide

on a career.

The association elected criminal justice

freshman Christopher Garcia as president

and criminal justice sophomore Ginger

Ulloa as treasurer. Additional officers are

expected to be elected in future meetings.

Members also are creating a logo that

they will use later on T-shirts.

The San Antonio Police Officers

Association awarded the Criminal Justice

Student Association $500 to help the group

get started.

Students must have up to six hours

completed and a 2.0 GPA or higher to join.

Qualifying students may sign up with Cox

in Room 310 of Chance Academic Center.

“If you’re interested, even if you don’t

want to be a police officer, come to the

meeting and see what it’s all about,” Cox


The next meeting will be at 1 p.m. Sept.

30 on the second floor of Loftin Student


For information, call Cox at 486-0991

or Lloyd at 486-0989.

Students form Criminal Justice AssociationNorthwest Vista


Sept. 1 - An individual

reported damage to dis-

trict property. Report

taken; no further informa-


Sept. 2 - Individual report-

ed illness in Juniper Hall.

EMS arrived and treated

individual on scene.

Sept. 3 – An individual

reported damage to per-

sonal vehicle.

Sept. 4 - An individual

reported lost personal


An individual reported

found property. Item

placed in property locker.

Sept. 5 - An officer report-

ed graffiti at North Ellison


Sept. 8 - An officer report-

ed graffiti in Juniper Hall

Room 212.

Northeast lakeView


Sept. 2 - An individual

reported a minor vehicle

accident in Lot 7.

Sept. 4 - An individual

reported illness at 1201

Kitty Hawk. EMS arrived

and transported the indi-

vidual for further treat-


An officer reported a street

sign lying on the ground

adjacent to Lot 6. Item

placed in patrol office.

Page 6: Sept. 18, 2009

6 • Sept. 18, 2009 The Ranger

By Mario anguiano

Face-to-face and online tutor-

ing are available by appointment

for any students, faculty and com-

munity members who need help

with their writing through the writ-

ing center in Room 203 of Gonzales


Writing Center Director Frances

Crawford said with a laugh,

“Writing is hard.”

Crawford said the center pro-

vides an “engaging” process, as

opposed to merely an editing ser-

vice. Tutoring sessions are a part-

nership, with tutors using a “peer-

tutoring concept.” Depending on

where the student is with their

work, they receive necessary feed-

back and advice to get the best

possible piece of writing.

“(Tutors) are always ready

and waiting,” political science

freshman Jonah Thompson said

Tuesday. He appeared ready to get

work done, laptop out, pulling dif-

ferent items to work on out of his

bag. Thompson said he comes to

the writing center as an alternative

to the library, to work on “any and

all essays,” or just to do research in

a quiet atmosphere.

“I expect it to be quiet and

peaceful, where I don’t have to

worry about being interrupted.”

Thompson said there should be

more “environments focused on

writing” throughout the campus.

Crawford said faculty and stu-

dents both have asked if the cen-

ter could have longer hours. The

center is open 8 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.

Monday through Thursday and 8

a.m. to 12:15 p.m. Friday. The com-

puters lining the walls, and the

slew of tutors readily available, are

just keeping up with the demand

for the center’s services, she said.

Jon McCarter, writing center

assistant director and English lec-

turer, said the center expects to get

busier as the semester progresses.

While scrolling through the never-

ending appointments on his com-

puter screen, he said appointment

times were filling fast.

McCarter said he has seen a pos-

itive response in his own English

1301, Freshman Composition 1,

students who he knows to have

visited the center.

“Look at the results,” he said,

indicating research done earlier

in the year over the pilot center

that preceded the current writing


The results of the research,

according to an Aug. 28 e-mail

from Crawford to the campus

faculty, indicate that if a student

comes to the center three or more

times in a semester and that if at

least one of those visits was early

in the semester, the writer has a

strong chance of seeing a signifi-

cant improvement in grades.

In the same e-mail, Crawford

wrote that “online tutoring is based

in Second Life, a virtual world pro-

gram that allows students to create

an avatar and meet with our tutors’

avatars online, in real time, with


Assistants in the writing center

can help students create their ava-

tars and help them get the Second

Life software downloaded to their

home computers.

To schedule an appointment,

visit the writing center in Room

203 of Gonzales or call 486-1433.

Writing center helps students polish their prose

Page 7: Sept. 18, 2009

The Ranger Sept. 18, 2009 • 7

James Rindfuss-9

Gene Sprague-6

Denver McClendon-2

Roberto Zarate-5

Charles Conner-7

Marcelo Casillas-4

Anna Bustamante-3

Gary Beitzel-8

Bernard Weiner-1

By Vanessa M. sanchez

After announcing votes of no confidence

in the chancellor at Tuesday’s board meeting,

Faculty Senate chairs say they are deciding

what to do next after trustees responded with

a unanimous vote of confidence.

Jeff Hunt, this college’s Faculty Senate

chair, said he is undecided. “I don’t know; I

don’t have anything yet. We made our stance

and represented ourselves with great profes-

sionalism,” he said Wednesday.

Senates of this college and St. Philip’s, Palo

Alto and Northwest Vista reported more than

90 percent of faculty who voted at their respec-

tive colleges expressed no-confidence in the

leadership of Chancellor Bruce Leslie.

Mary-Ellen Jacobs, Faculty Senate chair of

Palo Alto College, said Wednesday, “We are try-

ing to formulate the next steps now.”

Alex Bernal, English department chair and

senate member at this college, said he is disap-

pointed that the board ignored the fact that all

the accredited colleges opposed the chancel-

lor’s progress.

As far as what is to come, Bernal said, “It’s

premature to say what the next steps are. It

needs to be thought out. That’s the way we

work, and we will continue to work with the


Northwest Vista’s Faculty Senate Chair Paul

Martinez said that they will make plans to

further ensure “we’re not wasting too much

money on consultants” because that money

“represents opportunities for students.”

Martinez also said he wants to work with

the senate to make sure that the colleges have

power to say what the curriculum is.

Hunt said he would bring up what is best

to do next at the next meeting of this college’s

Faculty Senate at 2:30 p.m. Oct. 7 in Room 120

of the visual arts center.

“It will be on the next senate agenda but

until then, this is unusual,” he said.

Efforts to reach George Johnson, St. Philip’s

College’s Faculty Senate chair, Wednesday

were unsuccessful.

At Tuesday’s Staff Council meeting at this

college, discussion and action on satisfaction

with the chancellor’s job performance was

not on the agenda, though council members

questioned its absence.

President-elect Anthony Perez said staff

shouldn’t “jump on the bandwagon,” but

administrative specialist Edward Diaz of

admissions and records said the staff mem-

bers encouraged him to bring up supporting

the faculty.

Parliamentarian Veila Tovar said she want-

ed the council to poll staffers on conducting a

vote for staff on supporting the faculty resolu-


Staff Council President Geraldo Guerra

said, “It’s too late,” but members disagreed.

President Robert Zeigler joined the council

at this point and when questioned on the pos-

sibility of supporting the faculty resolution, he

cautioned careful consideration.

“You need to decide as staff leaders what

those issues are” concerning the no-confi-

dence resolution. “Try to understand what’s

going on and what’s happened to get us where

we are.”

After the meeting, Guerra told The Ranger

that he learned of the Faculty Senate resolu-

tion a week earlier but felt it was too late to

rally Staff Council.

The chancellor continues in his post with

the trustees’ Tuesday night vote of confidence,

a $30,000 bonus on the horizon and a new

three-year contract.

Faculty: It’s too early to say what’s next

Board declares its satisfaction with chancellor’s performance

while staff mulls joining the fray.

Photos by Destiny Mata

Page 8: Sept. 18, 2009

Sept. 18, 2009 • 9

By Vanessa M. sanchez

Chancellor Bruce Leslie has “overex-

tended his role by ignoring faculty, not

adhering to policy and shows a lack of con-

cern for the mission and fac-

ulty,” said Jeff Hunt, Faculty

Senate chair of this college,

during Tuesday’s board

meeting. Leslie’s undermin-

ing of academic freedom at

this college shows Leslie dis-

regards the faculty at all the

district colleges, he said.

Leslie has “removed

curricular authority and

monopolized that author-

ity at the district level,”

Hunt said, adding that faculty members

were disappointed to issue “a resolution

of no confidence to the chancellor.”

Palo Alto Faculty Senate President

Mary-Ellen Jacobs said, “As faculty from

Palo Alto College, we speak out in one

voice to provide students with the high-

est quality in education. We can no

longer afford to remain silent.”

The chancellor undermines student

support, new administrator positions

have been created and student success

has been compromised, she said.

Jacobs said student support services

have failed and labs and tutoring hours

have been shortened, and for these rea-

sons, “we have no confidence in the

leadership of Bruce H. Leslie.”

Paul Martinez, Northwest Vista

Faculty Senate chair, said that his faculty

also voted no confidence.

He said the chancellor

has “squandered taxpay-

ers’ money” by increasing

the financial burden on

students. Martinez said

“9.9 percent of the budget

decreased and 5.3 percent of

that is for student services.”

He said the lack of

understanding of students

and district mission forced

them to vote no confidence.

Laura Miele, allied

health instructor at St. Philip’s, put recent

district changes of name, logos, tele-

phones, Web and e-mail addresses into

perspective by comparing to President

Obama telling Texas officials they could

no longer use the Texas seal on any docu-

ments and could no longer fly the Texas

flag at the same level as the American flag.

Loud whispers filled the room as the

crowd reacted to the hypothetical exam-

ples. She said she hopes her children will

one day attend a district college but that

they will have the freedom of thought,

research and conclusion to consider coop-

erative transparency and shared gover-


By Jason B. hogan

Board Chairman Denver McClendon

declared his unwavering confidence in

Chancellor Bruce Leslie Tuesday Faculty

Senates of three district colleges showed an

unprecedented vote of no confidence in the

chancellor’s leadership.

The board approved a new three-yeear con-

tract for the chancellor and a vote of confidence.

The balloting at this college drew 75 percent

of tenured and tenure-track faculty who voted

97 percent in no confidence for the chancellor’s


At St. Philip’s College, 70 percent of eligible

faculty voted with 91 percent expressing no


Palo Alto’s faculty, with 91 percent participa-

tion, voted 99 percent no confidence. Northwest

Vista’s faculty had an 85 percent eligible turnout

and 96 percent claimed no confidence.

Senate representatives called the chancel-

lor fiscally irresponsible in their resolutions,

questioning his motives for the proposed new

headquarters at the site of Playland Park, failure

to recognize principles of accreditation speci-

fied by Southern Association of Colleges and

Schools, ignoring faculty input on academics

and curriculum, and a disregard for district hir-

ing policies.

Those practices, the resolutions state, are

a direct link to the more than doubling of the

number of district personnel while the number

of full-time faculty at district colleges is being

reduced and class sizes are increased.

NVC did not draft a resolution, but Faculty

Senate president Paul Martinez represented his

college’s faculty at the citizens-to-be-heard ses-

sion at the board’s Tuesday night meeting.

Martinez focused on the growing institu-

tional support, which is the second highest

budgetary item among this district’s peer col-

leges, and a shift in requirement of student-

focused services.

He said the chancellor’s efforts have delayed

projects like Banner, use of nonstandard hiring

practices and a waste of tax dollars on specula-

tive projects such as Playland Park, a proposed

district headquarters.

Dr. Gene Sprague, District 6, said he contin-

ues to tell the chancellor how much he hates

administration, but if the hiring of new officials

can be justified, it leaves little cause of concern

for him.

“I’m a faculty member at a medical school,”

he said. “I deal with the same things they do.”

There is no such thing as a faculty member

that is in love with their administration, Sprague


“Faculty generally are suspicious of admin-

istration and they should be,” he said. “But they

are not in a unique situation.”

This college’s Faculty Senate chair, Jeff Hunt,

said the large voter turnout at each of the col-

leges spoke volumes.

“He (Dr. Leslie) can claim we’ve had a collab-

orative process with shared governance, but to

us, it is merely smoke screen,” Hunt said.

Leslie continually ignores faculty input on

academics, Hunt said. For that reason, and the

fact that the colleges are accredited, and the

district is not, Hunt said the chancellor has

overstepped his bounds.

But McClendon denies charges there is not

sufficient communication.

“The board has made itself available to fac-

ulty,” he said. “In fact, I made myself available

on Friday” during a Super Senate meeting.

“We’re available to them,” he continued.

“We’re not trying to hide. If they see a need for

more communication between board and fac-

ulty, we are certainly available to do that.”

Sprague considers Leslie a willing partici-

pant in open communication, but said there are

some things the chancellor just cannot cave to.

Sprague said some of the faculty charges are


He said aligning core curriculum pertains to

courses that crossover to multiple colleges. Any

programs that are unique to a specific campus

are to be maintained. Sprague said, more spe-

cifically, colleges that are unique to their com-

munities earn grant money for their services,

and they are an aid to the district, individually.

Hunt said, “Faculty are very sickened as

well that the board will so quickly disregard our

opinion when it comes to the students.”

McClendon said he believes that the objec-

tives of the board and district administration

correlate to the faculty and staff’s goals, but he

hopes it will become more harmonious.

But, realistically, he said everyone does not

agree the district is moving in the right direc-


Efforts to reach other trustees Tuesday after-

noon were unsuccessful.

Trustees commit to Leslie despite oppositionResolution cites fiscal

irresponsibility, disregard of policy and top-down management.

By Vanessa M. sanchez

George Johnson III, Faculty Senate president at St. Philip’s

College, asked on behalf of that college’s faculty for Chancellor

Bruce Leslie’s resignation during the citizens-to-be-heard por-

tion of Tuesday night’s board meeting.

He said Leslie has lost his credibility and “represents a

threat to our history and future.”

“Morale has diminished,” Johnson said. “We, therefore,

present this vote and ask for his resignation as chancellor of

the Alamo Colleges.”

Ninety-one percent of votes cast by 70 percent of the fac-

ulty called for the chancellor’s resignation. A total of 149 of 209

faculty members participated in the vote Sept. 11.

Johnson said if St. Philip’s faculty voted only no confidence

for the chancellor, then “he’ll just come in tomorrow knowing

that we have no confidence in him.”

St. Philip’s does not come forward on anything unless it is a

heavy situation, Johnson said.

In the past, Leslie has asked each of the colleges to send

him information on what is unique about each college.

St. Philip’s is the only college in the nation to be both a

Hispanic-serving institution and a historically black college.

Johnson said the institution graduates many at-risk stu-

dents and are “rich in student success.”

“Bruce H. Leslie has refused to see that,” he said, noting

that Leslie “does not find anything unique about the colleges

under his control. He has had the opportunity to establish

trust and shared governance but has not.”

Leslie has no contact hours and teaches no classes, he said.

He has forgotten that St. Philip’s was founded in 1898 and has

survived two world wars, the Great Depression and leadership

changes. “We do what we do best by putting our students first.”

St. Philip’s calls for resignation

Faculty Senate Presidents George Johnson III of St. Philip’s, Mary-Ellen Jacobs of Palo Alto and Paul Martinez of Northwest Vista address the board of trustees Tuesday.

Faculty: ‘We can no longer afford to remain silent’

Photos by Destiny MataPhotos by Destiny Mata

www.theranger.orgGo online for gag order,

new hires, student protest and community reaction.

For board meeting video, go to www.alamo.edu/district/


News8 • The Ranger

Page 9: Sept. 18, 2009

10 • Sept. 18, 2009 The Ranger

By Henry CHavarria

The morning talk show “The

Sauce” on college radio station KSYM

90.1 FM will observe its 100th show

Sept. 28.

And college President Robert

Zeigler has begun joining the three

hosts from 7:30 a.m.-8 a.m. Thursdays

to answer students’ questions.

Questions will be gathered from stu-

dents around campus, and students

also can call in at 486-5796.

The morning talk show, which

hit the airwaves May 11, airs from 6

a.m.-8 a.m. weekdays with the simple

purpose to give the audience straight

news and music.

The hosts are radio-television-film

majors. Freshman Robert Medina and

sophomores James Velten and John

Basham “try their best not to give their

personal opinion on local, national

and world news,” Medina said.

While most morning talk shows

consist of 20 minutes of music and

20 minutes of news, the three hosts

decided it would be more appeal-

ing to have 20-minute segments of

news and 40 minutes of


“The music during

the show has become a

blend of blues, rock and

country alternatives

since we do not play

much of those genres in

the rest of our regular

programming,” Velten said.

The show features traffic, weath-

er reports, sports high-

lights, today in history

and birthdays, which

come from a news

feed from USA News

Network, the nation’s

award-winning college

fax news service, which

provides news from

ABC News, CNN, ESPN, USA Today

and other major sources.

Immediately after one show

ends, the guys start planning for the

following day. “The best way for me

to prepare for each show is to stay on

my feet,” Basham said pointing to the

San Antonio Express-News, which he

keeps nearby for local news.

“Hosting a morning talk show

takes a lot of commitment,” Medina

said, “but it’s not too bad once you

get used to waking up at 4:30 in the


Medina handles most of the pro-

motions and audio production dur-

ing the show — running the board,

cueing music and sound effects. On

top of going to school full time and

hosting a morning show, Medina

hosts “The Party” radio show from 9

p.m. to 11 p.m. Fridays.

Last spring Velten proposed

bringing a morning show to KSYM.

He is a part-time student and

works a graveyard shift at a gas

station at the edge of downtown.

“Sometimes, I won’t sleep and just

head to the station right after work,”

Velten said, “but the best way to

manage my time is to suck it up and

deal with what needs to be done.”

The station is taking applications

for promotion, music and graphics.

For more information, call 486-1371.

‘The Sauce’ covers talk that mattersPresident Robert

Zeigler plans to join DJs on the air once a week.

Sophomores James Velten and John Basham and freshman Robert Medina — radio-

television-film majors — host the morning talk show “The Sauce” on the college’s radio

station KSYM 90.1 FM at 6 a.m. weekdays.

Leda Garcia

By Lorraine Gomez

Health issues facing San

Antonio Latinos, such as diabe-

tes, obesity and high teen preg-

nancy rates, are the focus of this

year’s Hispanic Heritage Month

essay contest.

Noon Oct. 2 is the deadline

to enter the essay contest, which

is sponsored by the Hispanic

Heritage Month Committee, stu-

dent financial services and the

English department.

Scholarships will be awarded

to the writers of the four best

essays. The first-prize winner will

receive $400, second place will

receive $300, and two third-prize

winners will receive $150 each.

To participate, students must

have a grade-point average of at

least 2.0 and be enrolled in at

least six credit hours.

Winners will be notified by

Oct. 9. An awards ceremony is

set for 7 p.m. Oct. 13 in Koehler

Cultural Center.

For guidelines and more

information, call English faculty

members Liz Ann Baez Aguilar at

486-0650, Mariano Aguilar Jr. at

486-0651 or Patricia Portales at


Contest on Latino health

Tanya Martinez, vocalist for the band Bocastria, performs for the opening celebration of

Hispanic Heritage Month Wednesday in the Fiesta Room. Martinez is originally from San

Antonio and received a bachelor’s degree in cultural anthropology at UT-Austin. For more

events celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month, log onto www.theranger.org.

Destiny Mata

www.theranger.orgSee photo slide show of

KSYM’s “The Sauce.”

Page 10: Sept. 18, 2009

The Ranger Sept. 18, 2009 • 11Calendar


SAC Event: Mayor Julián Castro Hispanic

Heritage address 10 a.m.–10:30 a.m. in

the Fiesta Room of Loftin. Call 486-0125.

SAC Performance: “Azul Barrientos”

11 a.m.–1 p.m. in the Fiesta Room of

Loftin. Call 486-0125.


SAC Event: Salsa dance lessons from

11 a.m.–1 p.m. in the Fiesta Room of

Loftin. Call 486-0125.

SAC Meeting: Society of Mexican-

American Engineers and Scientists 2:30

p.m.-3:30 p.m. in Room 144 of Chance.

Call 486-0125.

SAC Transfer: Schreiner University infor-

mation table 1 p.m.-3 p.m. on first floor of

Chance. Call 486-0864.

SAC Transfer: Texas A&M University

8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. in the transfer center

on the first floor of Moody. Call 486-0864.

SAC Transfer: Our Lady of the Lake

University 9 a.m.–2 p.m. on the first floor

of Chance. Call 486-0864.


SAC Recital: Terry Muska and Madalyn

Blanchett at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium

of McAllister. Call 486-0255.

SAC Transfer: Our Lady of the Lake

University 4 p.m.–6:30 p.m. on the first

floor of Chance. Call 486-0864.

SAC Transfer: University of Incarnate

Word 9 a.m.–1 p.m. on first floor of

Chance. Call 486-0864.

SAC Transfer: Texas A&M University

1 p.m.–4:30 p.m. in the transfer center on

the first floor of Moody. Call 486-0864.


SAC Meeting: Teaching Academy

Program Peers 1 p.m.–2 p.m. in Room

128 of Gonzales. Call 733-2539.

SAC Event: “Cooking with Mama” 12:15

p.m.–1:15 p.m. in the craft room of Loftin.

Call 486-0125.

SAC Meeting: American Institute of

Architecture Students 4 p.m.–5 p.m. in

Room 251 of Chance. Call 486-0125.

SAC Workshop: “To Google or not to

Google ... That is the Question” 2 p.m.-3

p.m. in the auditorium of McAllister. Call



SAC Event: Presidents Round Table

2 p.m.–3 p.m. in the Craft Room of Loftin.

Call 486-0125.

SAC Transfer: University of Texas at San

Antonio 9 a.m.-11 a.m. on first floor of

Chance. Call 486-0864.

SAC Transfer: Texas A&M University

from 8:30 a.m.–4:30 p.m. in the transfer

center on the first floor of Moody and

noon to 7 p.m. on first floor of Chance.

Call 486-0864.

Fotoseptiembre: SAC and UTSA Ar-

chitecture Alumni and Students exhibit 5

p.m.-8 p.m. at Schiebel-Richardson Gal-

lery, 626 Ave. E. Call 228-9921.

For coverage call 486-1773 or e-mail [email protected] two weeks in advance.

Calendar LegendSAC: San Antonio CollegeNVC: Northwest Vista CollegeSPC: St. Philip’s CollegeSWC: South West CampusPAC: Palo Alto CollegeNLC: Northeast Lakeview College

www.theranger.orgComplete calendar online.

Page 11: Sept. 18, 2009

The Ranger 12 • Sept. 18, 2009 Editorial

The Ranger, the student newspaper at

San Antonio College, is a laboratory project

of the journalism classes in the Department

of Media Communications, published Fri-

days except during summer, holidays and


News contributions accepted by tele-

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The Ranger is a member of the Texas In-

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Guest Viewpoints: Faculty, staff, stu-

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Writers should focus on campus or cur-

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All viewpoints must be published with a

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Letters Policy: The Ranger invites

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the paper to limit letters to two double-

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Jason B. Hogan

Managing Editor

Vanessa M. Sanchez

Calendar Editor

Henry A. Chavarria

Photo Editor

Priscilla Reyna-Ovalle


Leda Garcia

Destiny Mata

Production Manager

Laura Garcia

Production Assistant

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Newsroom Assistant

Zahra Farah


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©2009 by The Ranger staff, San Antonio College,

1300 San Pedro Ave., San Antonio, TX 78212-4299. All

rights reserved.

No part of this publication may be reproduced with-

out permission.

The RangeR

Melissa Ann Rodriguez

Page 12: Sept. 18, 2009

The Ranger Sept. 18, 2009 • 13Opinion

Faculty leaders say Chancellor Bruce Leslie has forbidden them from distribut-ing their own notes from meetings, such as the District Chair’s Council and Super Senate.

Instead, annotation of meeting minutes is the express responsibility of district rep-resentatives.

Members of the ad hoc Accreditation Committee are not allowed to discuss the progress of their study of combining all five of the district colleges into one college to attain a single accreditation.

How odd that an administration that says it prizes transparency limits others’ efforts to share information gleaned from meetings.

One of the five district shared values designates communication as a top prior-ity and lists it as a district responsibility to “engage in open and transparent com-munication, information sharing and col-laboration.”

This gag order must be a reaction to criticism of the board of trustees, chancel-lor and district administration that advis-ing bodies of the five colleges have shared over the last two years.

The District Council of Chairs’ letter sent to Leslie in November 2008 held lack of planning, communication and trans-parency accountable for district failures.

Faculty Senates — this college and Palo Alto College — called the district and board of trustees “fiscally irresponsible” after they bought the Playland Park prop-erty and proposed building a $131 million district headquarters.

Groups have openly criticized the chan-cellor for changing the name of the district twice and the ripple effect of the adoption of new logos, all without consultation from college employees.

The incremental move toward single accreditation — a common core curricu-lum, course alignment and rumored com-mon learning outcomes and the appoint-ment of a committee to study the con-solidation of the colleges — has raised the most objections.

The chancellor has reneged on the promise of transparency by openly refus-ing to allow anyone other than his assis-tants to disperse their observations of what goes on in meetings.

His assistants and public relations offi-cials give accurate, if limited, information on proceedings. But as many people have pointed out, the “official” version is not the whole story.

This district can’t represent constituen-cies with academic freedom and pretend to prize transparency, if it squelches the free and open exchange of ideas.

Chancellor Bruce Leslie should be noble enough to donate his $30,000 bonus to the students of the Alamo Community College District.

The chancellor’s origi-nal contract promised him $30,000 if he stayed in the job three years. On Nov. 1, he will fulfill that obli-gation, and he’s doing it with an annual salary of $313,633.84

The district budget was in such dire straits this year that no one got across-the-board raises although trustees prom-ised to consider a 2 per-cent raise mid-year if dis-trict financial objectives are met. College budgets have been slashed, forcing mergers of departments, cutbacks in student ser-vices, an increase in class sizes and greater reli-ance on adjunct faculty. Although $30,000 wouldn’t go far in adding teachers or keeping labs open, the chancellor should donate his bonus to the Alamo Community College District Foundation.

With the rise in tuition, textbooks, child care and taxes along with the fluc-tuating price of gas and utility bills, 120 students could benefit from a $250 scholarship or 15 deserv-ing students could receive a $2,000 scholarship.

That’s a good deed that would make a big differ-ence to some students.

Chancellor: Donateyour bonus money to scholarships

Gag order inappropriate at academic institution

Viewpoints, Letters & Comments

Log onto www.theranger.org for reader opinions such as comments on the

no-confidence vote on the chancellor.


Page 13: Sept. 18, 2009

14 • Sept. 18, 2009 The RangerPeople

Priscilla Reyna-Ovalle

Priscilla Reyna-Ovalle

Destiny Mata

Destiny MataLeda Garcia

Sing a long: Economics

sophomore Daniel Having

belts out “Whole Lotta Love”

by Led Zepplin during a kara-

oke performance Monday in

the Fiesta Room of Loftin.

Karaoke takes place from

11 a.m.-1 p.m. every other

Monday. The next one is

scheduled for Sept. 28.

Pool Champs: Liberal arts freshman

Timothy Hernandez and pharmacy sopho-

more Robert Reyes battle it out in an 8-ball

pool tournament Monday. Hernandez won

an iPod Shuffle for first place and Reyes a

SAC T-shirt for second.

Friends: Psychology fresh-

man Raja Anthony Abu-

Nakha Bal makes a new

friend, theater sophomore

Daniel Lerma, during New

Friend Tuesday in the mall.

Bal was cooling off after jog-

ging class and was happy to

meet friendly people.

Entertainment: Music sophomore Gilbert Abundis, a member

of Danglewood, performs Sept. 11 in Loftin. Joshua Fuentes, St.

Philip’s College music sophomore and former student of this col-

lege, and Matthew Garcia formed the band with Abundis in 2000.

This is their second time performing in the Fiesta Room.

Breathe out: Freshman Arthur Nino, elec-

trical engineering freshman, concentrates on

exercising his arms in Candler Sept. 10. The

physical conditioning room hours are 3:15

p.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Wednesday,

3 p.m. to 5 p.m. Thursday and 2 to 4 p.m.


Page 14: Sept. 18, 2009

The Ranger Sept. 18, 2009 • 15

By Erika TorrEs

The grand opening of the Magic Closet, a program that provides pro-

fessional women’s clothing for low-income students, will be Thursday.

Even before the grand opening, some students already have received

help informally from the closet, which is located in the lower level of the

Catholic Student Center, 312 W. Courtland Place.

Dr. Alice Johnson, dean of learning resources, said the program is for

students who have a job interview or are starting a job and do not have

appropriate clothing.

Debbie Middleton, continuing education specialist, said, “It’s defi-

nitely going to benefit low-income students. It’s going to do a lot to

encourage them and build their self-esteem.”

The closet first opened its doors in 2001. It moved to St. Philip’s

College in 2005, but closed there and returned to this college early this

year on an informal, referral basis.

Middleton said two board members of the Network Power/Texas

organization, a support group for area businesswomen, started the Magic

Closet because they felt there was a need for it. The program got its name

from the Magic Time Machine, which was where Network Power/Texas

first met. At the onset, donations for the closet were housed in spare

bedrooms, offices and the trunks of cars, Middleton said.

A collection of women’s professional clothing items in various sizes

has been donated, but Johnson said clothing in larger and plus sizes is

especially needed.

“It’s such a crowded place,” Johnson said. “There is a lot of work to be

done, but it’s worth it.” She also said she hopes to take pictures of all of

the clothing and put it in an online database.

Recipients must be students at colleges in the Alamo Community

College District, Johnson said. Students make an appointment, go

through the racks of clothing, try on outfits and pick something.

“Normally, it’s one outfit per person.”

The motto of the Magic Closet is “dressing today’s students for tomor-

row’s success.”

“Let’s face it, sometimes you are judged on your appearance,”

Johnson said.

To schedule an appointment for access to the closet and to make

donations, call 486-0904 or 486-0903.

Magic Closet dresses women for success

Clothes, purses and shoes are stored Wednesday in the Magic Closet in the basement of

the Catholic Student Center. The closet’s grand opening will be Sept. 24.

Priscilla Reyna-Ovalle

Page 15: Sept. 18, 2009

16 • Sept. 18, 2009 The Ranger