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1. PRESENT SIMPLE TUTORIAL 2. When do we use the presentSimple? 3. 1-Facts, thing that are always or generally true. 4. EXAMPLE The weather is hot in summer. 5. EXAMPLE Europe is continent. 6. EXAMPLE I study in Sin Gurb. 7. EXAMPLE I have a sister. 8. 2- Situation that are moreor less permanent. 9. EXAMPLE We are Catalan. 10. EXAMPLE We go to our high school five days a week. 11. EXAMPLE Our clasroom is white. 12. EXAMPLE There are thirty days in one month. 13. 3- Thing we do regularlyhabits or routines. 14. EXAMPLE I go to school in eight oclok. 15. EXAMPLE I dont go to school in coach. 16. EXAMPLE She really likes football. 17. EXAMPLE He doesnt like tennis. 18. 4- To describe feelings andthoughts. 19. EXAMPLE Basketball is very nike. 20. EXAMPLE I love Catalonia. 21. EXAMPLE I dont like tomato. 22. EXAMPLE I like cycling. 23. END Laia Pujol Compte Queralt Codina Ausi Jordi Violas Galobardes Younes Laanaia Mellagu