technology at your own pace


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Document about SeniorLab, a project of Citilab-Cornella

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Page 1: SeniorLab

technology at your own pace

Page 2: SeniorLab

SeniorLab The project is an initiative of Citilab-Cornella, i2CAT Foundation, Universitat de Barcelona and the Universitat de la Gent Gran Cornella. It aims to explore the possibilities of development and  capacity of innovation among persons aged 50 years  or more to design and contribute to the knowledge society, especially in a context of innovation regarding technology.

The project hypothesis is that older people can contribute, in an innovative way, to the design and construction of the knowledge society, digital society, contributing their experience and their memory.

Social Media Lab and SeniorLab have prompted a joint project to create their own channel. To achieve this, the aim is to provide fundamental knowledge of the participants (both technically and in terms of content).


Page 3: SeniorLab

At Social Media Lab, or Visual Media Laboratory, we believe that people can innovate thanks to the new social media tools. What happens when we lend devices such as video cameras, mobile phones, a television set or an online platform to various citizen groups? Researching in this field if how we came up with the SeniorLabTV project, which tries to merges the concept of involving the elderly with new media and the idea that this social group can perform audio-visual products for themselves.

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TECHNICAL TEAMThe technical team use Citilab-Cornella's facilities for their sessions. During these meetings, we looked at the different stages of the process of creating an audiovisual program from a technical point of view.

Thus, during the sessions, the Social Media Lab team has provided the basics of camera workflow, how to organize the set and use illumination, how to work from the control room or edit an audiovisual piece.

Therefore, the members of SeniorLab are in charge of recording the programs that are made at the studio and edit them afterwards.

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CREATING CONTENTThe other team, which handles the content creation, has focused in the developement of the necessary techniques to create quality programs with the help of Social Media Lab. First of all, in order to get used to interacti with the cameras,  the SeniorLabers have performed a series of videos in which they present themselves. Once this first stage is over, they have agreed on which kind of programs they want to perform: this has been done in several debate sessions. At this point, we worked on seeking information to properly conduct a debate and also the realization techniques for a debate at the studio.

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With this bilateral training, the objective is that each participant acquire a role in the dynamics of production and that each one of them specializes in a specific function. At the same time, we aim to ensure that the working group is able, in future,  to build  and manage their own Online IP TV channel. Finally, the joint project between Social Media Lab and the participants of SeniorLab looks forward to creating fully qualified trainers in order to stablish a feedback relationship with new participants.