Indirect interactions between alien and native Senecio species as mediated by insects Evelyn White (B. App. Sci. Hons) PhD candidate 2008 School of Natural Resource Sciences Queensland University of Technology

Senecio species as mediated by insects Evelyn White (B ...eprints.qut.edu.au/16580/1/Evelyn_White_Thesis.pdf · Senecio madagascariensis and S. pinnatifolius occur in a similar geographic

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Page 1: Senecio species as mediated by insects Evelyn White (B ...eprints.qut.edu.au/16580/1/Evelyn_White_Thesis.pdf · Senecio madagascariensis and S. pinnatifolius occur in a similar geographic

Indirect interactions between alien and native

Senecio species as mediated by insects

Evelyn White (B. App. Sci. Hons)

PhD candidate


School of Natural Resource Sciences

Queensland University of Technology

Page 2: Senecio species as mediated by insects Evelyn White (B ...eprints.qut.edu.au/16580/1/Evelyn_White_Thesis.pdf · Senecio madagascariensis and S. pinnatifolius occur in a similar geographic
Page 3: Senecio species as mediated by insects Evelyn White (B ...eprints.qut.edu.au/16580/1/Evelyn_White_Thesis.pdf · Senecio madagascariensis and S. pinnatifolius occur in a similar geographic


Statement of original authorship

To the best of my knowledge and belief, the work contained in this thesis has not

previously been submitted to meet requirements for an award at this or any other

higher education institution. The thesis contains no material previously published or

written by another person, except where due reference is made. All chapters

presented are published or submitted manuscripts, each of which has multiple

authors. The roles of the co-authors on the manuscripts, which vary from project

supervision through to active data collection, are acknowledged at the start of each




Page 4: Senecio species as mediated by insects Evelyn White (B ...eprints.qut.edu.au/16580/1/Evelyn_White_Thesis.pdf · Senecio madagascariensis and S. pinnatifolius occur in a similar geographic
Page 5: Senecio species as mediated by insects Evelyn White (B ...eprints.qut.edu.au/16580/1/Evelyn_White_Thesis.pdf · Senecio madagascariensis and S. pinnatifolius occur in a similar geographic



The studies described in this thesis investigate the role of indirect effects in

invasion biology. The Introduction provides a brief overview of indirect effects and

an outline of the thesis structure. The role of indirect effects in the context of

invasion biology is addressed in an in-depth published literature review that

comprises the second chapter, providing a theoretical background for the

subsequent empirical studies. Chapters Three to Six are comprised of manuscripts

that have been published or are under review or in press, which describe studies

that investigate the importance of indirect effects in invasion biology using a model

system consisting of the alien Asteraceae Senecio madagascariensis, a closely-

related native, Senecio pinnatifolius, and the insect species with which they

interact. Senecio madagascariensis and S. pinnatifolius occur in a similar

geographic range in eastern Australia and these studies were conducted in mixed

and pure populations of the two species. The herbivore and floral visitor

assemblages of the two Senecio species at seven field sites in South-east

Queensland were compared using sweep-net sampling, manual searching and

floral visitor observation techniques. The floral visitor assemblages were similar

between the two species, comprised largely of species of Syrphidae and the

European honeybee, Apis mellifera. Herbivore assemblages, however, were highly

variable both between species and between sites, with greater herbivore

abundance and diversity recorded on the native S. pinnatifolius than its alien

congener. The most commonly recorded herbivores were sap-sucking species

such as Myridae. The magpie moth, Nyctemera amica was the most common

folivore on both Senecio species and laboratory studies demonstrated a clear

preference by ovipositing females and feeding larvae of this species for the native

Senecio species, over the alien. Field surveys supported these findings, recording

Page 6: Senecio species as mediated by insects Evelyn White (B ...eprints.qut.edu.au/16580/1/Evelyn_White_Thesis.pdf · Senecio madagascariensis and S. pinnatifolius occur in a similar geographic


greater leaf damage on the native species than the invader. Herbivory levels were

lower, rather than higher, in mixed populations than in pure populations, thus there

was no evidence that the presence of one species enhanced herbivory in the other.

Field pollination trials were conducted to determine whether competition for

pollinators or facilitation of pollination occurred in mixed Senecio populations. The

presence of the native S. pinnatifolius affected pollinator visitation rates to the alien

Senecio; bee visits to S. madagascariensis were significantly reduced by the

presence of S. pinnatifolius, whilst syrphid visits increased. However, altered

visitation rates were not reflected in seed set. The presence of the alien species

had no impact on pollinator visits to the native. Surprisingly, S. pinnatifolius seed

set was higher in mixed populations than in pure populations. This might be due to

abiotic factors, lower rates of herbivory at these sites or transfer of pollen between

species resulting in the production of hybrid seed (if S. madagascariensis has

greater male fitness). Hybridisation in the field was investigated using AFLP

techniques. No mature hybrid plants were recorded in mixed populations, but

hybrid seeds were produced by both species. Senecio pinnatifolius maternal

parents produced higher numbers of hybrid seed than expected based on the

relative frequencies of the two species, whilst hybridisation in S. madagascariensis

was lower than expected. This may indicate greater male fitness of the invader.

A range of complex indirect interactions can occur between invasive and native

species, with these interactions having the potential to influence the success or

failure of the invader and its impacts on co-occurring natives. The Discussion

addresses the findings of the studies described here in the context of invasion

biology theory.

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Exotic; herbivory; higher order interactions; hybridisation; indirect effects; insect-

plant interactions; invasion biology; invasive species; pollination; weed.

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Page 9: Senecio species as mediated by insects Evelyn White (B ...eprints.qut.edu.au/16580/1/Evelyn_White_Thesis.pdf · Senecio madagascariensis and S. pinnatifolius occur in a similar geographic


Table of Contents

List of Tables and Figures.....................................................................................13


Chapter 1 - Introduction ........................................................................................17

1.1 Description of research problem investigated ........................................19

1.1.1 Background ...................................................................................19

1.1.2 The role of biotic indirect effects in invasion biology.......................20

1.2 Overall objectives of the study..............................................................22

1.2.1 A model system: alien and native Senecio .....................................22

1.2.2 Specific aims of the study ..............................................................24

1.3 Thesis outline and presentation.............................................................25

1.3.1 Thesis presentation........................................................................25

1.3.2 Account of research progress linking the research papers.............26

Chapter 2 - Biotic indirect effects: a neglected concept in invasion biology ....27

2.1 Abstract .................................................................................................29

2.2 Introduction............................................................................................29

2.3 Mechanisms for indirect effects in biological invasions ..........................33

2.3.1 Apparent competition .....................................................................33

2.3.2 Indirect mutualism / facilitation .......................................................44

2.3.3 Exploitative competition .................................................................45

2.3.4 Trophic cascades...........................................................................47

2.4 Discussion.............................................................................................48

Chapter 3 - Diversity and abundance of arthropod floral visitor and herbivore

assemblages on alien and native Senecio species .............................................55

3.1 Abstract .................................................................................................57

3.2 Introduction............................................................................................58

3.3 Materials and Methods ..........................................................................60

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3.3.1 Study species................................................................................ 60

3.3.2 Study sites .................................................................................... 61

3.3.3 Survey Methodology...................................................................... 62

3.4 Results.................................................................................................. 65

3.4.1 Floral visitor assemblages and abundance.................................... 65

3.4.2 Herbivore assemblages and abundance ....................................... 69

3.5 Discussion ............................................................................................ 72

3.5.1 Conclusions................................................................................... 74

Chapter 4 - A test of the enemy release hypothesis: The native magpie moth

prefers a native fireweed (Senecio pinnatifolius) to its introduced congener

(S. madagascarensis)............................................................................................ 77

4.1 Abstract ................................................................................................ 79

4.2 Introduction........................................................................................... 80

4.3 Materials and Methods.......................................................................... 82

4.3.1 Larval Feeding and Survival .......................................................... 82

4.3.2 Larval Preference.......................................................................... 83

4.3.3 Oviposition Preference .................................................................. 84

4.3.4 Foliage damage ............................................................................ 84

4.3.5 Plant characteristics ...................................................................... 86

4.4 Results.................................................................................................. 86

4.4.1 Larval feeding and survival............................................................ 86

4.4.2 Larval preference .......................................................................... 87

4.4.3 Oviposition preference .................................................................. 87

4.4.4 Foliage damage ............................................................................ 88

4.4.5 Plant characteristics ...................................................................... 88

4.5 Discussion ............................................................................................ 89

4.5.1 Conclusions................................................................................... 92

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Chapter 5 - Plant-pollinator interactions in sympatric exotic and native

Senecio species: Is facilitation or competition for pollinators occurring?........93

5.1 Abstract .................................................................................................95

5.2 Introduction............................................................................................95

5.3 Materials and Methods ..........................................................................98

5.3.1 Study species ................................................................................98

5.3.2 Study sites .....................................................................................99

5.3.3 Methods.......................................................................................100

5.4 Results ................................................................................................104

5.4.1 Quantity of pollen on insects ........................................................104

5.4.2 Vegetation structure.....................................................................104

5.4.3 Visitation rates and plant characteristics ......................................106

5.4.4 Pollinator visits.............................................................................106

5.4.5 Seed set ......................................................................................109

5.5 Discussion...........................................................................................110

5.5.1 Conclusions .................................................................................112

Chapter 6 - Can hybridisation cause local extinction: the case for

demographic swamping of the Australian native, Senecio pinnatifolius, by

the invasive S. madagascariensis? ....................................................................115

6.1 Abstract ...............................................................................................117

6.2 Introduction..........................................................................................118

6.3 Materials and Methods ........................................................................121

6.3.1 Study species ..............................................................................121

6.3.2 Study sites and sample collections ..............................................121

6.3.3 Reciprocal crossing experiments .................................................123

6.3.4 Relative densities of plants and flowers .......................................125

6.3.5 AFLP profiling ..............................................................................125

6.3.6 Data analysis – population level...................................................126

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6.3.7 Data analysis – individual level.................................................... 126

6.3.8 Risk posed by hybridisation......................................................... 128

6.4 Results................................................................................................ 129

6.4.1 Reciprocal crossing experiments................................................. 129

6.4.2 Relative densities of plants and flowers....................................... 129

6.4.3 Genetic diversity and population differentiation ........................... 130

6.4.4 Risk posed by hybridisation......................................................... 134

6.5 Discussion .......................................................................................... 137

6.5.1 The incidence of hybridisation and fate of hybrids ....................... 137

6.5.2 Long-term population impacts of hybridisation – genetic diversity

and differentiation ....................................................................................... 138

6.5.3 What does the future hold for S. pinnatifolius? ............................ 139

Chapter 7 – General Discussion........................................................................ 143

7.1 Pollinator-mediated indirect interactions.............................................. 145

7.2 Herbivore-mediated indirect interactions ............................................. 149

7.3 Implications for management of invasive species................................ 151

7.4 Conclusions ........................................................................................ 154

Appendices.......................................................................................................... 157

Appendix A..................................................................................................... 157

Appendix B..................................................................................................... 161

Appendix C..................................................................................................... 165

Appendix D..................................................................................................... 167

References........................................................................................................... 169

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List of Tables and Figures

Figure 2.1: Number of published studies focussing on indirect effects involving alien flora &

fauna. ………………………………………………………………………………………………..


Table 2.1: Studies documenting indirect effects between invasive & native species.…………. 39

Figure 3.1: Mean number of floral visitors per plant per five min time period……………………. 67

Figure 3.2: Mean floral visitor species richness per plant ………………………………………….. 68

Figure 3.3: Dendrogram: Hierarchical, average linkage cluster analysis for floral visitor



Table 3.1: Sørenson similarity indices for floral visitor & herbivore assemblages between

populations of Senecio pinnatifolius & S. madagascariensis………. …………………………


Figure 3.4: Mean number of herbivores per plant in four Senecio pinnatifolius populations …. 71

Figure 3.5: Mean herbivore species richness per plant……………………….…………………….. 72

Figure 3.6: Dendrogram: hierarchical, average linkage cluster analysis for arthropod herbivore



Figure 4.1: Mean proportion of feeding Nyctemera amica larvae on two Senecio species…….. 89

Figure 4.2: Mean proportion of damaged leaves per plant in each population type………… 90

Table 4.1: Vegetation structure in pure & mixed stands……………………………………………. 91

Table 5.1: Vegetation structure in pure & mixed stands……………..……………………………… 106

Table 5.2: Results of stepwise regression analyses for (i) amount of time spent per plant & (ii)

visitation rate, by bees & syrphids to Senecio plants in mixed & pure stands. ………...........


Figure 5.1: Bee visits per plant in pure & mixed stands……………………………………………. 109

Figure 5.2: Syrphid visits per plant in pure & mixed stands………………………………………… 110

Figure 5.3: Seeds set per capitulum in pure & mixed stands………………………………………. 111

Table 6.1: Population locations & relative densities of plants & flowers of Senecio pinnatifolius

& S. madagascariensis……………………………………………………………………………..


Table 6.2: Seed viability & amount of seed produced from reciprocal crosses between Senecio

pinnatifolius & S. madagascariensis. …………………………………………………………….


Figure 6.1: Unrooted neighbour-joining phenogram based on pairwise FST distances among

AFLP profiles for Senecio in sympatric & allopatric sites……………………………………….


Figure 6.2: Clustering of Senecio pinnatifolius & S. madagascariensis in sympatric & allopatric



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Figure 6.3: Percentage of plants of each species, capitula produced by each species & hybrid

& non-hybrid progeny produced by Senecio pinnatifolius & Senecio madagascariensis …


Figure 6.4: Annual viable seed production of Senecio pinnatifolius & S. madagascariensis in

sympatric sites……………………………………………………………………………………….


Table 6.3: Annual viable seed production by Senecio pinnatifolius & S. madagascariensis in

sympatric populations for a range of hybridisation scenarios…………………………………..


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Thanks to postgraduate students and staff from the QUT School of Natural

Resource Sciences, particularly: Mike Duffy, Liz Dunlop and Alexis Wilson, for

assistance with fieldwork, as well as Nikki Sims, Amy Lawson, Helen Nahrung,

Mark Schutz and Peter Prentis for their great contribution to lab work and

assistance in the field. Thanks also to landholders and their families: the O’Reillys,

Helen Hall, Ernest Diamond, Sue Gordon, Ken Hack, Phil Curtis, Ray Cavanaugh,

Paul and Kylie Stumkat for granting me permission to work on their land and

assisting with locating plant populations. Ailsa Holland (Queensland Herbarium,

EPA), Ian Radford (Department of Environment and Conservation, WA) and

Rachel McFadyen (Weeds CRC) provided information and advice about Senecio

species and study sites. I gratefully acknowledge suggestions and comments made

on thesis drafts by Tanya Scharaschkin and Peter Mather (both of QUT) and on

submitted manuscripts by Rachel McFadyen (Weed CRC), Michael Bull (Flinders

University), Andy Shepherd (CSIRO) and several anonymous reviewers.

In particular I am very grateful to my supervisors, John Wilson and Tony Clarke for

their support, advice, and constructive input at every stage of the project.

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Chapter 1 - Introduction

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Chapter 1 – Introduction

1.1 Description of research problem investigated

1.1.1 Background

Increasing numbers of species are invading new environments worldwide. In

addition to having an economic impact on agriculture, invaders often have adverse

impacts on the biodiversity and functioning of ecological systems (Mooney and

Cleland 2001). In order to improve our understanding of invasions, thereby

allowing us to better predict, prevent and manage invasions, many workers have

addressed the questions: What makes a species invasive? What makes a system

invasible? And which species are likely to have the greatest impact on the native

biota (Crawley 1987; Mooney and Cleland 2001; Crooks 2002; Chornesky and

Randall 2003; Levine et al. 2003; Ricciardi 2003)?1

Various authors (starting with Darwin 1859) have argued that alien species more

distantly related to the native species in an area should be more successful as

invaders than aliens closely related to native species. This is in part because the

former are likely to be different in their resource utilisation, thereby avoiding

competition with natives (Simberloff 1986; Rejmánek 1998). In keeping with this

view, most empirical studies that have addressed biotic interactions associated

with invasions have concentrated on the more ‘obvious’ direct interactions between

alien and native species, such as competition (Fogarty and Facelli 1999; Jensen et

al. 2002; Cadi and Joly 2003; Kolb and Alpert 2003; Corbin and D’Antonio 2004;

Miller and Gorchov 2004) and predation (Savidge 1987; Dickman 1996; Wilson et

al. 1998; Kinnear et al. 2002; Kinzler and Maier 2003).

1 Terminology varies somewhat between the manuscripts comprising this thesis. Within these

manuscripts the terms ‘invasive species’,’introduced species’, ‘exotic’ and ‘alien’ all refer to any species that has established outside of its natural range and whose presence results in environmental or economic damage (Csurhes 1995; Davis and Thompson 2000, 2001).

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However, Richardson et al. (2000) argue that mainstream ecology over

emphasises the role of negative interactions, particularly competition, in invasion

biology. They provide empirical examples in support of the view that positive biotic

interactions are of greater importance than competition, and that alien species

closely related to native species are more likely to be successful than

taxonomically isolated invaders, due to their ability to utilise local mutualists,

including pollinators, dispersers and mycorrhizal fungi.

There is, therefore, a lack of consensus on the factors that determine a species’

invasion potential and the impacts of an invader on native species. Clearly the

search for a single, simple explanation (for instance the competitive ability of a

potential invader in a certain situation; or a simple set of species traits) is unlikely to

provide a full elucidation of the invasion process or the subsequent impacts on

native biota (Mack 1996; Lavorel et al. 1999). Several workers have suggested that

the mechanisms of invasion are far more complex than has been acknowledged to

date, involving interactions between multiple species traits and multiple features of

the new system (Schierenbeck et al. 1994; Richardson et al. 2000; White et al.


1.1.2 The role of biotic indirect effects in invasion biology

There is increasing empirical evidence in support of the view that both the invasion

potential of a species, and its impacts on native biota, are influenced by a range of

complex biotic interactions, including those collectively termed ‘indirect effects’ (or

indirect interactions). Little is known about the role of indirect effects in structuring

communities, and even less is known about their role in invasions. Indirect effects

involve more than two species and are generally defined as ‘how one species

alters the effect that another species has on a third’ (Strauss 1991). Specifically, an

indirect effect is occurring when the presence of one species alters the abundance

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or behaviour of a second intermediary species, which in turn has an impact on the

abundance, per capita growth rate, or genotype of a third species (Strauss 1991).

Such interactions include trophic cascades, apparent competition, indirect

mutualisms and some kinds of exploitative competition, all of which have been

documented in plant-herbivore and plant-pollinator systems.

Plant-herbivore interactions can affect both invasion success and the impacts of an

invader on a system. For instance, selective herbivory on one plant species can

give another plant species a competitive advantage (Brown 1994; Carson and Root

2000; Centre et al. 2005). When a native species is grazed in preference to a co-

occuring alien species, an invasion can be indirectly facilitated (Cross 1981;

Edwards et al. 2000). Conversely, native plant species may benefit through

preferential grazing of alien plants (Zancola et al. 2000). Furthermore, established

native plant-herbivore interactions in a system may be altered by the presence of a

new plant species, with potentially negative consequences for native plants. This

can occur via ‘apparent competition’, which occurs when a predator or herbivore

becomes more numerous or more effective at consuming one species in the

presence of another (Holt 1977). This topic is discussed in detail in Chapter Two.

Plant-pollinator interactions can also influence invasion success, and the impacts

of an alien plant species on a system. Richardson et al. (2000) argue that

invasions are rarely constrained by lack of required mutualisms (e.g. by pollinator

limitation), since most such relationships are generalised rather than being tightly

co-evolved. However, as yet, little research has been directed towards this area of

invasion biology. There is no doubt however, that once an invasive plant species

has established in an area, pollinators can mediate indirect interactions between

the alien and co-occurring natives. For instance, alien species can compete with

natives for the services of pollinators (Chittka and Schurkens 2001); interspecific

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pollen transfer can result in reduced seed set for one or both plant species (Brown

and Mitchell 2001); and when pollen is transferred between closely related alien

and native species, hybridisation may occur (Vila et al. 2003), resulting in a range

of consequences for native biota.

Only in the last decade or so, have researchers begun to recognise the importance

of indirect effects in structuring ecological systems, and the potential role of these

complex interactions in invasion biology. Further work is required for us to gain a

more complete understanding of indirect interactions in invasion biology, and to

improve our ability to predict the full range of impacts of an alien species on natives

in its new range. The studies described in this thesis address indirect interactions

using a model system comprised of a native and an alien Senecio species, and the

insects with which they interact.

1.2 Overall objectives of the study

1.2.1 A model system: alien and native Senecio

Senecioneae is one of the largest tribes in the family Asteraceae, containing

around 150 genera, and over 3,000 species. The Senecioneae, described in detail

by Thomspon (2006), are herbs or shrubs with distinctive involucral bract

morphology. Around 50% of species in this tribe are currently assigned to the

genus Senecio (Pelser et al. 2006). Senecio species tend to be cosmopolitan,

inhabiting disturbed areas (Lawrence 1985), and are found as weeds in various

parts of the world (Fernandez and Verona 1984; Marohasy 1989; Garcia-Serrano

et al. 2004, 2005).

A number of studies have addressed interactions between invasive and native

Senecio species, investigating relative competitive abilities under different levels of

abiotic resources (Garcia-Serrano et al. 2007), comparative life-history traits

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(Radford and Cousens 2000; Sans et al. 2004; Garcia-Serrano et al. 2005), and

habitat requirements (Garcia-Serrano et al. 2004). However, to my knowledge, no

published study has thus far explicitly addressed the occurrence of indirect effects

between an invasive and native Senecio species.

In Australia, the genus Senecio is represented by 87 native, and ten alien species

(Thompson 2006). Senecio madagascariensis Poiret (fireweed) is a widespread

weed in Australia, which invades arable land and grassland (Sindel et al. 1996). A

herbaceous annual or short-lived perennial, native to South Africa, S.

madagascariensis was first recorded in Australia in the Hunter Valley, New South

Wales (NSW) in 1918 (Radford et al. 1995a). In the last thirty years it has

increased its range to include all regions of coastal NSW, as well as southern

Queensland, and is still spreading (Radford and Cousens 2000). Senecio

madagascariensis also occurs as a weed in Hawaii (Le Roux et al. 2006) and parts

of South America (Fernández and Verona 1984). Research concerning S.

madagascariensis has focussed largely on basic biology and life history

characteristics (Fernández and Verona 1984; Sindel and Michael 1992, 1996;

Sindel et al. 1998), as well as control using herbicides (Anderson and Panetta

1995) and biological control agents (Marohasy 1989; Radford 1997).

Senecio madagascariensis is closely related to the native Senecio pinnatifolius A.

Rich, an herbaceous perennial (Ali 1966) which occurs in a similar range to S.

madagascariensis in south-eastern Australia. The native S. pinnatifolius tends to

form small scattered populations, in contrast with the large continuous populations

of alien S. madagascariensis (Radford 1997). Senecio pinnatifolius ssp.

lanceolatus, the focal subspecies in this thesis, inhabits a narrow border along the

edges of rainforest and wet sclerophyll forest in southeast Queensland. It is often

found within several metres of, and sometimes partially mixed with, S.

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madagascariensis populations (Radford 1997). Senecio pinnatifolius spp.

lanceolatus (henceforth referred to simply as ‘S. pinnatifolius’) and S.

madagascariensis have coinciding flowering periods, S. madagascariensis

flowering from March to December in south eastern Australia and S. pinnatifolius

flowering between January and June (Radford 1997). The two species are

morphologically similar: both produce similar-sized yellow capitula which occur in

clusters on the plant, although mature S. pinnatifolius are often larger than S.

madagascariensis. Previous studies suggest that both species are self-

incompatible and are likely to rely on insects as pollinators (Ali 1966, Lawrence

1985). They are also known to share a number of insect herbivores (Holtkamp

and Hosking 1993), but neither plant-herbivore, nor plant-pollinator interactions in

these species have been studied in detail.

The two Senecio species and their associated invertebrate fauna provide an ideal

model system in which to investigate indirect interactions between an invasive and

a native species. Combined factors including the existence of sympatric

populations of the two species, their close relatedness, their overlapping flowering

periods, and the fact that they are likely to share insect pollinators and herbivores,

all create the potential for the occurrence of a range of indirect effects mediated by

their associated insect fauna. As illustrated by the examples provided in Chapter

Two, these interactions can be highly variable and difficult to predict, and as such

their outcomes might include positive, negative or neutral effects for either the

native or alien species. These indirect effects are the focus of the studies

contained in this thesis.

1.2.2 Specific aims of the study

The specific aims of this study are:

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1. To synthesise the current published information on indirect interactions

between invasive and native species in a published literature review.

2. To determine the degree to which S. pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis

share insect herbivores and pollinators and to identify the insect species

that are most likely to act as mediators of indirect interactions between the

two plant species.

3. To investigate herbivore preference and apparent competition between the

two Senecio species, focussing on one of the most important shared

folivores, Nyctemera amica (White) (Lepidoptera: Arctiidae).

4. To determine whether either plant species either facilitates or competes for

pollinator visits to the other in mixed populations, and if so, to determine

whether altered visitation rates have an impact on seed set in either


5. To determine the degree of hybridisation occurring between the two species

in sympatric populations, as a result of transfer of pollen between species.

1.3 Thesis outline and presentation

1.3.1 Thesis presentation

The structure of this thesis follows QUT rules for a PhD by publication, which

allows thesis examination to be based on the presentation of a body of related

published or submitted works, linked together with abbreviated introduction and

discussion chapters. Rules can be found at www.rsc.qut.edu.au. Only minor

formatting changes have been made to the published or submitted works

comprising each chapter for the sake of consistency. These include:

standardisation of numbering of headings, tables and figures, standardisation of

citation style, incorporation of figures and tables into text, and compilation of all

cited works into a single reference list at the end of the thesis.

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1.3.2 Account of research progress linking the research papers

The occurrence of indirect effects, mediated by insects, is, by definition, dependent

on the two Senecio species sharing insect herbivores and pollinators. The degree

of sharing of these faunal groups between the species has not been previously

quantified. Following the literature review (Chapter Two), the third chapter

addresses this issue and identifies the insect species that are most likely to act as

mediators of indirect interactions between S. pinnatifolius and S.

madagascariensis. Chapter Four focuses on N. amica, one of the more important

shared folivores identified in Chapter Three, and investigates herbivore preference

and apparent competition between the two Senecio species. In addition to

identifying shared herbivores, Chapter Three also identified a number of common,

shared floral visitors. Competition for pollinators between the alien and native

Senecio potentially could have a negative impact on seed set in either species;

alternatively the presence of one species might facilitate pollinator visits to, and

seed set in, the other. This subject is investigated in Chapter Five, whilst Chapter

Six examines the individual and population-level consequences of hybridisation

occurring between the two species in sympatric populations, as a result of transfer

of pollen between species. The concluding discussion (Chapter Seven) addresses

the outcomes of the current project in the context of invasion biology theory and

recommends directions for future research.

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Chapter 2 - Biotic indirect effects: a neglected

concept in invasion biology

The following chapter was recently published as:

White, E., Wilson, J.C. and Clarke, A.R. (2006) Biotic indirect

effects: A neglected concept in invasion biology. Diversity and

Distributions 12: 443-455.

The roles of co-authors are as follows:

E.M. White: Responsible for conceptual basis of the chapter, conducted the

literature searches and wrote the paper.

J.C. Wilson: Project supervisor, made comments on drafts.

A.R. Clarke: Project supervisor, assisted with writing later drafts of the manuscript.

Copyright 2006 Blackwell Publishing The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.com http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1366-9516.2006.00265.x
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Chapter 2 – Biotic indirect effects: A neglected concept in invasion biology

2.1 Abstract

Indirect effects involve more than two species and are defined as how one species

alters the effect that another species has on a third. These complex interactions

are often overlooked in studies of interactions between exotic and native species

and their role in influencing biological invasions has been rarely considered. Based

on a comprehensive review of the invasion biology literature, we examine the

evidence for the occurrence of four of the most commonly documented indirect

effects (apparent competition, indirect mutualism/commensalism, exploitative

competition and trophic cascades) in the invasion process. Studies investigating

indirect effects in the context of invasion biology were found to be rare, but there

are sufficient examples to indicate that this kind of interaction is likely to be more

common than is currently recognised. Based on the known role of indirect effects

in structuring ecological communities, it is highly likely that indirect effects may

influence the course of a biological invasion. Whether indirect interactions are

mediated by an exotic or a native species, and whether they occur between

ecologically similar or dissimilar exotic and native species, depends in part on the

type of interaction considered and no predictable patterns were detected in the

literature. Further research is required in order to determine if any predictable

patterns do exist and whether knowledge of such may lead to a better

understanding of the potential impacts of an invasive species.

2.2 Introduction

Colonisation of new areas by plants and animals is a naturally occurring process.

However, this process has been accelerated by anthropogenic activities over the

last century with increasing rates of invasion of ecosystems by new species (i.e.

aliens, sensu Pysek et al. 2004). In many cases such invasions result in alterations

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to the biodiversity and functioning of ecological systems (Mooney and Cleland


Many studies have investigated the impacts of alien species on native biota but the

mechanisms by which the impacts occur, although frequently speculated upon,

often remain unconfirmed by rigorous testing. Levine et al. (2003) reviewed 150

papers examining the impacts of alien plants. Approximately half of the studies

reviewed investigated effects on community structure (species diversity and

composition), while the remainder examined effects on ecosystem processes

(nutrient cycling, hydrology etc). Surprisingly, Levine et al. noted that fewer than

5% of studies confirmed the mechanism (e.g. competition, allelopathy) responsible

for the impacts, although competition was often hypothesized to be important.

Documented impacts of aliens include their direct negative effects on native

species via mechanisms such as predation (Savidge 1987; Dickman 1996; Wilson

et al. 1998; Kinnear et al. 2002; Kinzler and Maier 2003) or competition (Fogarty

and Facelli 1999; Jensen et al. 2002; Cadi and Joly 2003; Kolb and Alpert 2003;

Corbin and D’Antonio 2004; Miller and Gorchov 2004), as well as system-level

impacts, which alter abiotic processes (e.g. nutrient cycling, fire frequency,

hydrology) (Crooks 2002; Chornesky and Randall 2003). However, a native

species can also be affected if the presence of an alien species results in changes

to interactions between the native species and a third (either native or alien)

species within the invaded system. Such interactions are known as indirect effects.

In Simberloff and Von Holle’s (1999) review of 254 studies providing evidence of

facilitative interactions between alien species, only three papers discussed indirect

effects, the remainder focussed on direct interactions.

Indirect effects can be complex and difficult to predict, detect and quantify. These

interactions involve more than two species and are defined as ‘how one species

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alters the effect that another species has on a third’ (Strauss 1991). The term

‘indirect effects’ has been used to refer to a variety of interactions described by a

range of names including apparent competition, trophic cascades, indirect (or

apparent) mutualism / facilitation, exploitative competition and interaction

modifications (Strauss 1991; Wootton 1994). Interactions arising through changes

in an abiotic resource (‘ecosystem engineering’) are also often described as

indirect effects (Strauss 1991; Lenz et al. 2003). There is no doubt that abiotic

resource modification can have major impacts on an invaded system, as

demonstrated by numerous recent studies (e.g. Fogarty and Facelli 1999; Lenz et

al. 2003; Standish et al. 2001; Wolf et al. 2004; Yelenik et al. 2004) (see Crooks

(2002) for a comprehensive review of this topic). The current review, however,

focuses on purely biotic indirect effects which, as defined above, require the

presence of a third species through which they are mediated. The third species,

which may be either native or alien, is henceforth referred to as the mediator or

mediating species.

Based on a comprehensive review of the invasion biology literature, this paper

examines the evidence for the occurrence of indirect effects between alien and

native species and their potential impacts on the invasion process. Literature

searches for publications released between the years 1994 and 2005 were

conducted using a wide range of search-terms including combinations of ‘indirect

effects’, ‘indirect interactions’, ‘higher-order interactions’, ‘multi-species

interactions’, tri-trophic interactions, ‘biotic interactions’ ‘exotic’, ‘alien’, ‘invasive

species’, ‘invader’, ‘trophic cascades’, ‘apparent competition’, ‘herbivory’,

‘competition’, ‘mutualism’, ‘indirect mutualism’, ‘indirect commensalism’,

‘facilitation’ and ‘pollination’. Searches were performed using databases ‘Biological

Abstracts’, ‘Ovid’, ‘Current Contents Connect’ and ‘Web of Science’, then cross-

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searches were conducted to locate relevant papers published earlier than this


The core of the paper focuses on the four most commonly documented types of

indirect effect: apparent competition, indirect mutualism / facilitation, exploitative

competition (in situations in which the limiting resource (the mediator) is another

species, such as a prey species, rather than an abiotic resource) and trophic

cascades. Each of these interaction types is developed to present theoretical

examples of how such interactions might modify the invasion process and are

supported, where available, by one or two illustrative examples drawn from

empirical studies involving alien species. A comprehensive list (Table 2.1) of

documented biotic indirect effects from the invasion biology literature further

supports this section of the review. The discussion focuses on major patterns

concerning indirect effects and invasions which emerge from a synthesis of the

literature and stresses the importance of directly testing for indirect effects in future

invasion biology studies.

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Plant (animal)-mutualist


Plant-herbivore & predator-prey













of stu



Indirect effect


Alien fauna

Alien flora

Figure 2.1: Number of published studies focussing on indirect effects involving alien flora and fauna

in different system-types. Indirect effects: AC, apparent competition; EC, Exploitative competition;

IM(F), Indirect mutualism / facilitation; TC, Trophic cascades. ‘Plant-herbivore and predator-prey’

have been combined as a single category for when the two are inseparable in the case of trophic


2.3 Mechanisms for indirect effects in biological invasions

2.3.1 Apparent competition

Apparent competition has most frequently been documented between alien and

native fauna in predator-prey and host-parasitoid systems and between alien and

native plants in plant-herbivore systems (Figure 2.1). Apparent competition occurs

when a predator, herbivore, parasite or pathogen (henceforth referred to

generically as ‘consumer’), becomes more numerous or more efficient at attacking

one species (the ‘prey’) in the presence of another (Holt 1977). This interaction

can be considered to be indirect because the impacts would not occur without the

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presence of the consumer mediating the interaction, which may itself be either

alien or native. Apparent competition could occur between an alien and native

species in a number of ways:

1) Co-occurring alien and native species provide different types of resource for the

consumer mediating the interaction.

a) An alien species provides a consumer with a non-food resource, such as

shelter, allowing the consumer population to increase or spread in

distribution subsequently having a negative impact on native prey species

(e.g. Sessions and Kelly 2002, Table 2.1).

b) The alien species provides a food-limited consumer with a food resource

which is required at a particular stage in the consumer’s lifecycle, allowing

the population to increase or spread in distribution and have a negative

impact on a native prey species which is utilised at a different stage in the

consumer’s lifecycle. For example, adult moths might be attracted to the

nectar of an alien plant species, but oviposit on a neighbouring native

species, which thus experiences increased larval herbivory in the presence

of the alien plant. This type of interaction has been demonstrated to occur

between native insect and plant species (Thomas 1986; Karban 1997). It

has not, to our knowledge, been recorded between an alien and native

plant species, but we see no reason why it could not occur, given the ability

of many invertebrates to use alien plant species as hosts (e.g. Louda et al.

2005; Russell and Louda 2005).

2) Co-occurring alien and native species both provide a food resource to a food-

limited consumer. The increased resource availability (provided by the alien),

allows the consumer mediating the interaction to increase in abundance and

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consequently have a greater negative impact on sympatric native prey. This

could occur in the following situations:

a) Differential attack rates: The native species experiences a proportionally

greater attack rate than the alien (e.g. Settle and Wilson 1990; Benson et

al. 2003). This is likely when the mediating consumer species is native and

exhibits a preference for prey with which it evolved (Settle and Wilson 1990;

Meng and Orsi 1991; Schierenbeck et al. 1994; Brown et al. 1995; MacNeil

et al. 2003; Gamboa et al. 2004). Differential attack rates might also be

observed if one prey species is more easily captured than the other

(Courchamp et al. 2000) or via prey-switching. An example of the latter

may arise if the alien prey population (the presence of which has permitted

the consumer population to increase) experiences a dramatic decline in

abundance, resulting in the consumer switching to an alternate native prey

species (e.g. Norbury 2001, Table 2.1).

b) Different levels of tolerance: Attack rates are similar between the two prey

species, but the addition of a similar amount of new mortality has a greater

impact on one species than the other. This could occur if the native and

alien species differ in life history characteristics (Taylor 1979; Roane et al.

1986; van Riper 1986; Smith and Quin 1996; Courchamp et al. 2000;

Roemer et al. 2002; Holt and Barfield 2003; Grosholz 2005). In fact it is

common that native species have relatively low fecundity or growth rates, or

higher mortality rates compared to related or ecologically similar co-

occurring aliens (Noble 1989; Byers 2000a; Gamboa et al. 2004; Roemer et

al. 2002; Siemann and Rogers 2003) and thus may suffer differentially due

to increased predation. As an example, feral pigs in the California Channel

Islands have had an indirect negative impact on the native island fox by

acting as an abundant food resource for golden eagles, enabling them to

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colonise the islands (Roemer et al. 2002). The eagles also preyed on the

native island fox, driving it towards extinction. The authors concluded that

the differential impact of predation between the pigs and the fox was due to

life history differences, the feral pig having higher fecundity and a larger

body size than the native fox.

There is sufficient evidence to indicate that apparent competition between alien

and native species has the potential to have significant negative consequences for

native species (see examples given above and Table 2.1). Because the outcome

of apparent competition can be the same as that of competition, it is possible that

the impact might be attributed to competition if alternative potential mechanisms,

including the involvement of a mediating species, behind the impact aren’t

investigated. It is vital to know whether apparent competition (as opposed to

resource competition) is occurring, as management strategies will have to take into

account the role of the consumer. Management is likely to vary depending on

characteristics of the consumer, for instance the issue may be complicated if the

consumer is a native species of conservation importance.

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Table 2.1: Studies documenting indirect effects between invasive and native species. Alien* = alien to the local region; -ve? = probable but untested negative impact. Indirect

Effects: AC, Apparent competition; IM(F), Indirect mutualism / facilitation; EC, Exploitative competition; TC, Trophic cascades. System type: P-H, Plant-herbivore; P-P,

Predator-Prey; H-P, Host-Parasitoid (or pathogen or epiphyte); P(A)-M, Plant (or animal)-mutualist. Related/Similar?: refers to whether alien species is related (same genus) or

ecologically similar (has similar resource requirements or occupies the same “functional group”) to the native species affected by the indirect interactions.

Indirect effect

System type

Invader Mediator Native species Related/ Similar?

Impact on native

Reference Examples

AC P-H Agrostis capillaris (grass)

Alien invertebrate Botrychium australe (fern)

No -ve Sessions & Kelly 2002

AC P-H Cardus nutans (thistle)

Alien invertebrate Cirsium undulatum (thistle)

Yes -ve? Rand & Louda 2004

AC P-H Medicago polymorpha (forb)

Alien invertebrate Lotus wrangelianus (forb)

Yes -ve Lau & Strauss 2005

AC P-H Myrica faya (tree) Alien invertebrate Metrosideros polymorpha (tree)

Yes -ve? Lenz & Taylor 2001

Lower survival/ reproduction in fern linked to spread of herbivorous slug facilitated by grass (provides suitable habitat for slug) Sessions & Kelly 2002)

AC P-P Oryctolagus cuniculus (rabbit)

Alien vertebrate Oligosoma spp. (skink)

No -ve Norbury 2001

AC P-P Oryctolagus cuniculus (rabbit)

Alien vertebrate Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae (parakeet)

No -ve Taylor 1979

AC P-P Oryctolagus cuniculus (rabbit)

Alien & native vertebrates

Conilurine rodents Yes -ve Smith & Quin 1996

Reduced skink density due to increase in predator (cat) density in response to rabbits. When rabbit population crashes cats switch to skinks (Norbury 2001).

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Indirect effect

System type

Invader Mediator Native species Related/ Similar?

Impact on native

Reference Examples

AC P-P Oryctolagus cuniculus (rabbit)

Alien vertebrate seabirds No -ve Courchamp et al. 2000

AC P-P Sus scrofa (feral pig) Alien * vertebrate (golden eagle)

Urocyon littoralis (Island fox)

No -ve Roemer et al. 2002

AC H-P Erythroneura variabilis (leafhopper)

Native (?) parasitoid

Erythroneura elegantula (leafhopper)

Yes -ve Settle & Wilson 1990

AC H-P Nursery stock Alien pathogen Castanea dentata

(American chestnut)

Yes -ve Roane et al. 1986

AC H-P Pieris rapae

(butterfly) Alien parasite Pieris napi

oleracea (butterfly) Yes -ve Benson et al.

2003 AC H-P Oncorhynchus

mykiss (Rainbow trout)

(?) pathogen Bufo boreas (Western toad)

Yes -ve Kiesecker et al. 2001

AC H-P mosquito Alien pathogen Bird spp. No -ve van Riper et al. 1986

AC H-P Sciurus carolinensis (Grey squirrel)

Alien pathogen Sciiurus vulgaris (Red squirrel)

Yes -ve Tompkins et al. 2002

AC H-P Avena fatua (grass) (?) pathogen Elymus glaucus (bunchgrass)

Yes -ve Malmstrom et al. 2005a; 2005b

Reduction of native leafhopper (LH) due to increase in parasitoid abundance when alien LH is present (parasitoid is more efficient at attacking native LH) (Settle & Wilson 1990)

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Indirect effect

System type

Invader Mediator Native species Related/ Similar?

Impact on native

Reference Examples

IM(F) P-H Rhododendron ponticum (shrub)

Alien vertebrate Shrub spp.

bryophyte spp.





Cross 1981

IM(F) P-H Lonicera japonica (vine)

Native invertebrate spp. & alien vertebrate spp.

Lonicera sempervirens (vine)

Yes -ve Schierenbeck, et al.1994

IM(F) P-H Cirsium arvense (thistle)

Native vertebrate Grass spp. No -ve Edwards et al. 2000

Grazing of native plants by Sika deer allows the growth of bryophytes, an ideal seed bed for R. ponticum giving it a competitive advantage over natives (Cross 1981).

Without herbivory native L. sempervirens has a competitive advantage but with herbivory alien L. japonica has compensatory response = increased biomass = competitive advantage over the native (Schierenbeck et al. 1994).

IM(F) P-P Rana catesbeiana (bullfrog)

Alien vertebrate Amphibian spp. Yes -ve? Adams et al. 2003

IM(F) P-P Gemma gemma (clam)

Alien invertebrate Nutricola spp. (clam)

Yes -ve Grosholz 2005

Alien fish facilitates bullfrog invasion by reducing native dragonfly nymph density, thereby increasing tadpole survival. Bullfrog invasion associated with native anuran decline (Adams et al. 2003).

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Indirect effect

System type

Invader Mediator Native species Related/ Similar?

Impact on native

Reference Examples

IM(F) H-P Harmonia axyridis (ladybird)

Native parasitoid Coleomegilla maculate (ladybird)

Yes +ve Hoogendoorn & Heimpel 2002

Oviposition of parasitoid on alien ladybird = high parasitoid mortality. Alien ladybird may act as sink for parasitoid eggs, resulting in increase in native ladybird density

IM(F) H-P Gammarus spp. (amphipod)

Native (?) Parasite

Gammarus duebeni celticus (amphipod)

Yes -ve MacNeil et al. 2003

IM(F) P(A)-M Centaurea maculosa (forb)

Native fungi, alien invertebrate

Festuca idahoensis (bunchgrass)

No -ve Marler et al. 1999, Callaway et al. 1999

IM(F) P(A)-M Codium fragile (algae)

Alien epiphyte Laminaria saccharina (kelp)

Yes -ve Levin et al. 2002

IM(F) P(A)-M Carpobrotus spp. (succulent)

Native invertebrate spp.

Cistus salvifolius & Anthyllis cytisoides (shrub)

Yes +ve Moragues & Travaset 2005

Competitive effects of C. maculosa on F. idahoensis (reduced native biomass) are indirectly enhanced by mycorrhizae (Marler et al. 1999) & by insect herbivory on the alien (Callaway et al. 1999).

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Indirect effect

System type

Invader Mediator Native species Related/ Similar?

Impact on native

Reference Examples

IM(F) P(A)-M Anoplolepis gracilipes (ant)

Alien invertebrate spp.

Canopy tree spp. No -ve O’Dowd et al. 2003

EC P-H Batillaria attramentaria (snail)

Native periphyton spp.

Cerithidea californica (snail)

Yes -ve Byers 2000a, 2000b

Alien snail has better resource conversion efficiency (=higher growth rate & fecundity) than native snail & can potentially reduce diatom density causing native snail to decline (Byers 2000a, 2000b).

EC P-P Hemidactylus frenatus (gecko)

Native invertebrates

Lepidodactylus lugubris (gecko)

Yes -ve Petren & Case 1996

EC P-P Orconectes rusticus (crayfish)

Native invertebrate spp.

Orconectes virilis (crayfish)

Yes -ve Hill & Lodge 1999

EC P-P Coregonus albula (vendace)

Native zooplankton

Coregonus lavaretus (whitefish)

Yes -ve Bøhn & Amundsen 2001

EC P-P Osmerus mordax (Rainbow smelt)

Native zooplankton

Perca flavescens (Yellow perch)

Yes -ve Hrabik et al. 2001

Alien gecko is better at catching insects than native gecko Lepidodactylus lugubris. Reduced insect resources = lower native fecundity & survival (Petren & Case 1996)

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Indirect effect

System type

Invader Mediator Native species Related/ Similar?

Impact on native

Reference Examples

EC P(A)-M Lythrum salicaria (herb)

Alien & Native invertebrate spp.

Lythrum alatum (herb) & other herbaceous spp.

Yes -ve Grabas & Laverty 1999; Brown et al. 2002

EC P(A)-M Impatiens glandulifera (herb)

Native invertebrates.

Stachys palustris (herb)

Yes -ve Chittka & Schurkens 2001

EC P(A)-M Chromolaena odorata (herb)

Native invertebrates

Dipterocarpus obtusifolius (canopy tree)

No _ Ghazoul 2002, 2004

Alien flowers more attractive to pollinators than native Lythrum = lower native seed set (Brown et al. 2002). Also alien pollen transferred to native = reduced seed set in

TC P-H & P-P

Sus scrofa (feral pig) Alien * vertebrate Spilogale gracilis amphiiala (skunk)

No +ve Roemer et al. 2002

TC P-H & P-P

Pacifastacus leniusculus (Signal crayfish)

Native invertebrate

Periphyton spp. No +ve Nyström et al. 2001

TC P-H & P-P

Salmo trutta (Brown trout)

Native invertebrate spp.

Periphyton spp. No +ve Flecker & Townsend 1994, 1996; McDowall 2003

Golden eagles colonised new area = heavy predation on island fox & increase in skunk population due to release from predation by fox (Roemer et al. 2002).

Crayfish reduce biomass of grazing snails resulting in increase in periphyton biomass (Nyström et al. 2001).

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Indirect effect

System type

Invader Mediator Native species Related/ Similar?

Impact on native

Reference Examples

TC P-H & P-P

Micropterus salmoides (Largemouth bass) & Lepomis macrochirus (bluegill)

Native periphyton, & zooplankton spp.

Invertebrate spp. No +ve Maezono & Miyashita 2003, Maezono et al. 2005

TC P-H & P-P

Cyprinus carpious (carp)

Native zooplankton

Phytoplankton spp.

No +ve Khan et al. 2003

TC P-H & P-P

Ceropagis pengoi (cladaceran)

Native zooplankton

Phytoplankton spp.

No +ve Laxson et al. 2003

TC P-H & P-P

Oreochromis niloticus (tilapia)

Native phytoplankton & cyanobacteria

Phytoplankton spp.

No +ve Figueredo & Giani 2005

TC P-P Carcinus maenas (green crab)

Native invertebrate spp.

Polychaete spp. No +ve Grosholz et al. 2000

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2.3.2 Indirect mutualism / facilitation

Indirect mutualism / facilitation has been recorded in a range of system types, and

can occur between either alien flora or fauna and other resident native or alien

species (Figure 2.1). Whilst apparent competition results in a negative impact on

the focal species, the contrary effect can also occur, with the presence of one

species having a positive indirect effect on another species, usually as a

consequence of direct negative impacts on a third mediator species. Indirect

mutualism (or facilitation) - the positive indirect effect of one species on another

(Schoener 1993) – has been hypothesised to be extremely important in structuring

some communities (Levine 1980; Bascompte et al. 2003). Two of the main ways in

which it can occur include:

1) In consumer-prey interactions via mechanisms such as prey switching,

consumer satiation (Abrams and Masuda 1996), or by a consumer targeting

a more abundant prey species, ignoring the less abundant prey (Abrams

1987). Indirect mutualism or facilitation could benefit either a native or alien

species involved in the interaction; for instance in Ireland invasion by the

alien sika deer indirectly benefits the alien shrub Rhododendron ponticum.

The mediating species in this interaction are native shrubs and bryophytes.

Disturbance to native vegetation caused by preferential grazing by deer

allows the establishment of a bryophyte carpet, an ideal seed bed for

Rhododendron (Cross 1981). Thus interactions between the deer and the

native vegetation indirectly benefit alien Rhododendron, allowing it to

outcompete native vegetation. This kind of indirect interaction is probably

quite common in invaded systems.

Although positive indirect effects of an alien on a native species are less

frequently reported, this does not mean they do not occur. Hoogendoorn

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and Heimpel (2002) demonstrated that the presence of an alien ladybird

benefits a native ladybird in a host-parasitoid system, by acting as a sink for

parasitoid eggs, resulting in increase in native ladybird density.

2) Indirect mutualism / facilitation can also occur between competing species

when one species benefits another by suppressing a third shared

competitor (Miller 1994; Stone and Roberts 1991). This has been

demonstrated between co-occurring native species (Levine 1999; Callaway

and Pennings 2000), and there is the potential for such a scenario to

involve alien species though to our knowledge this not yet been


The most frequently documented scenario of indirect mutualism / facilitation

between alien and native species involves one alien species indirectly benefiting

another by interfering in some way with native species, altering the existing

competitive dominance hierarchies. In order to implement appropriate

management strategies it is important to understand the role of all species involved

in such interactions – for example in Ireland, attempts to control Rhododendron

would greatly benefit by simultaneous control of the deer population which

facilitates Rhododendron invasion.

2.3.3 Exploitative competition

Competitive interactions are often not acknowledged as indirect effects (Strauss

1991; Wootton 2002). However, because exploitative competition can involve the

effect of one species on another mediated through changes in abundance of a third

species (as in indirect mutualism, the mediator is usually a shared prey species) in

many cases it is, by definition, an indirect effect. Numerous studies have focussed

on competition for abiotic resources between alien and native plant species (e.g.

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Fogarty and Facelli 1999; Blicker et al. 2003; Kolb and Alpert 2003; Vila et al.

2003; Corbin and D’Antonio 2004; Fehmi et al. 2004; Miller and Gorchov 2004) and

between alien and native fauna (e.g. Bryce et al. 2002; Jensen et al. 2002;

Landwer and Ferguson 2002; Wauters et al. 2002; Cadi and Joly 2003).

Surprisingly though, whilst exploitative competition is often hypothesised to be the

mechanism behind the impacts of alien species (Eguchi and Amano 1999; Kido et

al. 1999; Talman and Keough 2001; Lorenzoni et al. 2002; Kane et al. 2003; Mistri

et al. 2004; Raikow 2004), relatively few studies have quantified the impact of an

alien on a native species mediated by changes in abundance of a shared prey

species. Perhaps this is due to the difficulties associated with manipulation and

quantification of population dynamics of three interacting species, which are likely

to make this type of experiment more complex than an investigation of competition

for an abiotic resource.

If an alien is more efficient than a native competitor at finding or utilising a biotic

resource, the native may experience an indirect negative impact as a consequence

of the reduced density of the shared resource. The superior ability of an alien to

exploit a resource can be a result of:

a) Better harvesting ability: For example, the alien gecko Hemidactylus frenatus is

larger and faster and therefore better at catching insects (the mediating species)

than the sympatric native gecko, Lepidodactylus lugubris. This results in a

reduction in the prey resource, which has a negative impact on native gecko

survival and fecundity (Petren and Case 1996).

b) Superior resource conversion efficiency. The alien snail, Batillaria attramentaria,

can out-compete the native snail, Cerithidea californica, because of its superior

growth response at any given level of the mediating prey species (diatom species)

(Byers 2000a). The larger body size translates to higher fecundity, thus the alien

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eventually reaches a higher density than the native snail. Byers’ model predicts

that this will result in the diatoms being driven below the equilibrium density set by

the native snail, causing the native to decline and be replaced by Batillaria.

For exploitative competition to be considered a true biotic indirect interaction, it

must be mediated by a third species, thus situations that involve competition for an

abiotic resource cannot be considered to be an indirect interaction. It might

therefore be expected that this type of interaction will be restricted to cases of alien

fauna (consumers). However competition among alien and native plants for

mutualists - namely pollinators - has also been documented (Rathke 1983) (see

Table 2.1 and Figure 2.1). It is this kind of scenario that may be particularly

challenging to identify since interactions between plants and their associated

mutualists may not be as immediately obvious as consumer-prey interactions.

2.3.4 Trophic cascades

Trophic cascades occur with the introduction of a new consumer into a food-web

system (Figure 2.1). The term ‘trophic cascades’ describes the way in which a

species at a lower trophic level (usually a plant) is indirectly affected by the

predation of its consumers (the mediators of this interaction) by species belonging

to higher trophic levels (Strong 1992). Most documented examples of trophic

cascades come from relatively low-complexity freshwater and marine systems

(Strong 1992; Shurin et al. 2002), for example in New Zealand the alien brown

trout Salmo trutta reduces the abundance of grazing invertebrates in rivers,

resulting in an increase in algal biomass (Townsend 1996; Simon and Townsend

2003). It has been argued that trophic cascades are more important in aquatic than

terrestrial systems because the link between consumers and primary producers is

stronger than in terrestrial systems (Strong 1992; Shurin et al. 2002). Wootton

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(1994) however suggests that relatively few examples of trophic cascades come

from terrestrial environments simply because experimental manipulations of top

consumers are more difficult in such systems. A rare example of a trophic cascade

in an invaded terrestrial system comes from the California Channel Islands.

Roemer et al. (2002) recorded colonisation of the islands by golden eagles (a

species that was alien to the area), which preyed heavily on the island fox,

resulting in an increase in the native skunk population due to release from

predation by foxes.

Trophic cascades, initiated by the introduction of a new faunal species into aquatic

systems have been relatively well-documented, but virtually nothing is known about

the importance of trophic cascades when alien animals invade terrestrial system

invasions. Considering the potential for wide-ranging impacts on multiple trophic

levels, this is an area that warrants further investigation.

2.4 Discussion

As yet we don’t have a definitive set of generalisations to enable us to predict the

full range of impacts an alien may have on a new system. The difficulties

associated with predicting invasion success and impact may arise from the fact

that researchers have often sought a single explanation (e.g. a simple set of

species traits, or the outcome of pair-wise interactions between species) when

mechanisms of invasion and impact are likely to be far more subtle and complex

than we realise (Mack 1996; Lavorel et al. 1999), involving interactions between

multiple species traits and multiple features of the new system (Schierenbeck et al.

1994; Richardson et al. 2000). Many studies have successfully identified a range

of impacts of alien species, but far fewer have ascertained the major mechanism(s)

behind the impacts (Levine et al. 2003). A more thorough understanding of the

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mechanisms will give us better predictive ability in regards to the potential impacts

of alien invaders.

There has been much discussion regarding the importance of indirect effects in

structuring ecological systems (Holt 1977; Holt 1984; Holt and Kotler 1987; Bonsall

and Hassell 1997; Strauss 1991; Wootton 1994; Cheng and Xu 2003), with some

authors arguing that indirect effects may in some cases be the most important

factor influencing the success of a species, allowing species ‘not only to feed

efficiently and protect themselves from predators, but also to modify their

community in ways that loop back beneficially to them’ (Wilson 1986). Many

empirical studies have demonstrated the occurrence of indirect effects between

sympatric native species (e.g. Levin and Anderson 1970; Campbell 1985; Thomas

1986; Mothershead and Marquis 2000; Veech 2000; Adler et al. 2001; Morris 2002;

Webster and Almany 2002; LoGuidice 2003; Lombadero et al. 2003; Rand 2003;

Rooney and Waller 2003; Morris et al. 2004), but until recently few empirical

studies had investigated such interactions in the context of invasion biology. If

these interactions are as important in structuring communities as is speculated by

some authors (Holt 1977; Wilson 1986; Holt and Kotler 1987; Miller 1994; Bonsall

and Hassell 1997; Lortie et al. 2004), they are likely to play a vital (though as yet

little known) role in influencing invasion success as well as determining the impact

of an alien invader on a system.

Many authors (starting with Darwin (1859)) have argued that potential invaders that

lack closely related (or ecologically similar) native species at a site should be more

successful than those which are similar to natives, partly because the former are

likely to be different in their resource utilisation and will therefore more easily

escape competition with natives. In contrast, Richardson et al. (2000) argue that

species that are similar to natives have a high chance of successful invasion

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because they can easily utilise native mutualists. This raises the further question:

Once an invasion has occurred, how will indirect interactions and their impacts vary

depending on the degree of similarity (or relatedness) between the alien species

and natives with which it is interacting?

Aliens that are ecologically similar or related to native species should quickly

develop interactions with mutualists such as pollinators, dispersers and mycorrhizal

fungi (Richardson et al. 2000). The development of these direct interactions

provides the alien not only with the opportunity to establish successfully and

interact directly with native species, but also to interact with natives via indirect

effects. Certain types of indirect effect are more likely to occur between closely

related or ecologically similar species. In seven of the eight papers reviewed here

which demonstrated the occurrence of exploitative competition (Table 2.1), the

alien and native species between which the interaction occurred were either

related or could be considered to be ecological equivalents. It seems likely that the

greater the degree of similarity between two species, the more probable it is that

they will utilise the same resources, creating the potential for exploitative

competition to occur. Indirect effects are also more likely to be observed between

similar rather than dissimilar species when occurring between two hosts, mediated

by a parasite or pathogen, due to the relatively specialised nature of this type of

interaction. Apparent competition and indirect mutualism / facilitation have been

demonstrated to occur between alien and native species, mediated by parasites or

pathogens and the majority of cases (8/9 papers reviewed here, Table 2.1) are

reported between similar or related host species.

On the other hand, invasion by a species which lacks ecological equivalents

among the existing natives might also have a large impact on natives via other

indirect mechanisms. It has been suggested that the impact of some alien species

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might be due to the novel mechanisms of interaction they bring to a system which

lacks indigenous related or ecologically similar species (Callaway and Aschehoug

2000; Ricciardi and Atkinson 2004). This is likely to be particularly pronounced for

alien fauna; for example the introduction of a top predator to a system that

previously lacked such species can have dramatic consequences for species at all

trophic levels via trophic cascades or apparent competition, in addition to the

obvious direct effects of predation (e.g. Roemer et al. 2002). By definition,

multitrophic interactions such as trophic cascades occur between ecologically

dissimilar species (because they occupy different trophic levels) and are restricted

to predator-prey and plant-herbivore systems (Figure 2.1). This type of interaction

has been relatively well documented in aquatic environments between alien and

native species and is usually reported to be mediated by a native, rather than alien

prey species.

Other types of interaction, namely apparent competition, mediated by a shared

herbivore or predator, seem equally likely to occur between similar or dissimilar

alien and native species.

Some types of indirect interaction are more frequently reported to be mediated by

an alien, rather than native species. In thirteen of the fifteen papers reviewed here

which investigated apparent competition (Table 2.1), the interaction was mediated

by an alien predator, herbivore or parasite species. This offers support to the

invasional meltdown hypothesis (Simberloff and Von Holle 1999; Ricciardi 2001),

which suggests that facilitative interactions between alien species are a common

occurrence (predicted to result in an accelerating accumulation of introduced

species and their impacts). In most, if not all, reported cases of apparent

competition between an alien and native species, the alien has particular life

history characteristics, such as greater fecundity or lower rates of mortality, than

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the native species, allowing it to withstand higher rates of predation and support

higher densities of the predator or herbivore than would normally be supported by

the native prey. This may be a result of co-evolution between an introduced prey

species and its introduced predator (the mediator of this interaction).

In contrast to apparent competition, interactions in which the alien species

occupies a higher trophic level than the species mediating the interaction – i.e.

exploitative competition and trophic cascades – are more frequently reported to be

mediated by native species than aliens. The reason for this is unclear, but may

simply reflect the approach of the studies, which initially focused on direct

interactions between the alien and native species.

Invasion biology studies are commonly designed to determine the impact of one

species on another, but not to determine the mechanism responsible for the

impact. Thus indirect effects – if identified at all - may be discovered incidentally in

studies which weren’t originally designed to detect them (e.g. Sessions and Kelly

2002). As a result, indirect effects might be presumed or hypothesized to be

responsible for an observed effect (e.g. Sessions and Kelly 2002), but are rarely

directly tested for. Conversely, there are studies in which the potential mechanism

of an indirect effect is detected but the impact remains untested (Adams et al.

2003; Lenz and Taylor 2001). The abundance of leafhopper Sophonia rufofascia,

for example, is shown to be higher on the native Hawaiian tree Metrosideros

polymorpha where the exotic tree Myrica faya is present (Lenz and Taylor 2001)

but the resulting impact (if any) on the native tree species is unknown. Future

studies designed to determine both the impact and the mechanism behind the

impact of an invader on a native species will provide an insight into the relative

importance of direct and indirect effects in structuring ecological systems.

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Empirical evidence is mounting to suggest that indirect effects may be important in

influencing the outcome of invasions and the impacts of an invader on native

species. It is likely that in some cases observed impacts that are attributed to more

obvious direct interactions (such as interspecific competition) might in fact be

caused by other indirect effects (e.g. apparent competition), and these more

complex interactions should be taken into consideration when conducting

experiments designed to investigate impacts of exotic on native species. Further

investigation of indirect effects will give us a better understanding and predictive

ability of the range of potential impacts of an invasive species and might assist us

in designing management strategies both for invasive and native species.

Furthermore, from a theoretical viewpoint, a system that has experienced a

species addition can provide the ideal opportunity to investigate the importance of

indirect effects in structuring ecological systems.

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Chapter 3 - Diversity and abundance of

arthropod floral visitor and herbivore

assemblages on alien and native Senecio


The following chapter is currently in press as:

White, E.M. and Clarke, A.R. (in press) Diversity and abundance

of arthropod floral visitor and herbivore assemblages on alien

and native Senecio species. Plant Protection Quarterly

The roles of co-authors are as follows:

E.M. White: Designed the experiment, conducted all fieldwork, and data analysis

and wrote the manuscript.

A.R. Clarke: Project supervisor, provided advice on experimental design and data

analysis and assisted with writing drafts of the manuscript.

Copyright 2008 Plant Protection Quarterly Author version reproduced in accordance with the copyright policy of the publisher. The published version is available at: http://www.weedinfo.com.au/ppq_subs.html
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Chapter 3 – Diversity and abundance of arthropod floral visitor and herbivore

assemblages on alien and native Senecio species

3.1 Abstract

The enemy release hypothesis predicts that native herbivores prefer native, rather

than exotic plants, giving invaders a competitive advantage. In contrast, the biotic

resistance hypothesis states that many invaders are prevented from establishing

because of competitive interactions, including herbivory, with native fauna and

flora. Success or failure of spread and establishment might also be influenced by

the presence or absence of mutualists, such as pollinators. Senecio

madagascariensis (fireweed), an annual weed from South Africa, inhabits a similar

range in Australia to the related native S. pinnatifolius. The aim of this study was

to determine, within the context of invasion biology theory, whether the two

Senecio species share insect fauna, including floral visitors and herbivores.

Surveys were carried out in south-east Queensland on allopatric populations of the

two Senecio species, with collected insects identified to morphospecies. Floral

visitor assemblages were variable between populations. However, the two Senecio

species shared the two most abundant floral visitors, honeybees and hoverflies.

Herbivore assemblages, comprising mainly hemipterans of the families

Cicadellidae and Miridae, were variable between sites and no patterns could be

detected between Senecio species at the morphospecies level. However, when

insect assemblages were pooled (i.e. community level analysis), S. pinnatifolius

was shown to host a greater total abundance and richness of herbivores. Senecio

madagascariensis is unlikely to be constrained by lack of pollinators in its new

range and may benefit from lower levels of herbivory compared to its native

congener S. pinnatifolius.

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3.2 Introduction

It is widely accepted that biotic interactions between alien and native species can

influence the success (or otherwise) of an invasive species (Colautti et al. 2004;

Richardson et al. 2000; Stastny et al. 2005). The enemy release hypothesis (ERH)

(Darwin 1859; Elton 1958; Keane and Crawley 2002) posits that alien plant species

benefit in their area of introduction because they have escaped their natural

enemies (including herbivores, parasites and pathogens). This hypothesis is based

on the assumptions that: (1) natural enemies regulate plant populations; (2)

enemies prefer native over alien species; and (3) plants introduced to a new area

benefit from reduced attack by enemies (Keane and Crawley 2002). In contrast,

the biotic resistance hypothesis (Elton 1958; Keane and Crawley 2002) states that

many potential invaders fail to establish because of strong interactions, such as

competition, parasitism and herbivory, with native species in the new area.

Evidence in support of the ERH has been provided by a number of studies that

have shown that: (i) alien plants host fewer species of insect herbivore than do

congeneric natives in their new range (Olckers and Hulley 1991; van der Putten et

al. 2005); (ii) alien species experience lower rates of herbivory than do congeneric

or ecologically similar natives (Dietz et al. 2004; Olckers and Hulley 1991;

Schierenbeck et al. 1994; Siemann and Rogers 2003; White et al. in press); (iii)

invaders are better able to compensate for the effects of herbivory than are

congeneric natives (Rogers and Siemann 2002); and (iv) invaders host fewer

species of phytophagous insects in a new range than in their native range (Wolfe

2002). Other studies, in contrast, have supported the biotic resistance hypothesis,

showing that: (i) the abundance of insect herbivores on alien plants to be equal to

or greater than that on congeneric natives (Burki and Nentwig 1997; Frenzel and

Brandl 2003; Novotny et al. 2003; Torrusio et al. 2002); (ii) some invaders

experience levels of herbivory equal to or greater than that of related native

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species (Agrawal and Kotanen 2003); and (iii) herbivory can have a strong

negative effect on invader establishment (Levine et al. 2004).

Whilst the enemy release and biotic resistance hypotheses focus on negative

interactions, other authors have highlighted the importance of positive biotic

interactions in influencing invasion success or failure (Larson et al. 2002; Parker

1997; Parker and Haubensak 2002; Parker 2001; Richardson et al. 2000). The

establishment and spread of an invasive plant might depend in part on the

presence of mutualists, including seed dispersers (Constible et al. 2005;

Richardson et al. 2000), mycorrhiza (Parker 2001), or pollinators (Byers et al.

2002; Larson et al. 2002). The spread of an invader may be limited by the lack of

pollinators at the edge of its new range (Larson et al. 2002; Parker 1997; Parker

and Haubensak 2002), although given the generalist nature of many plant-

pollinator interactions (Herrera 2005; Vazquez and Aizen 2004), this is probably

the exception rather than the rule (Herrera 2005; Richardson et al. 2000; Vazquez

and Aizen 2004). In fact, several studies have implicated a relationship between

the presence of generalist pollinators (often alien honeybees, Apis mellifera, which

are widespread and abundant in many areas) and the spread of invasive plant

species (Goulson and Derwent 2004; Hanley and Goulson 2003; Stout et al. 2002;

Turner and Conran 2004).

Since generalist pollinators are common in natural systems (Richardson et al.

2000), it seems probable that an invasive species will be visited by a similar suite

of pollinators to that visiting the flowers of native species. As demonstrated by the

conflicting results of studies of herbivory on alien species however (e.g. Burki and

Nentwig 1997; Frenzel and Brandl 2003; Olckers and Hulley 1991; van der Putten

et al. 2005), it can be more difficult to predict the degree of utilisation of alien plants

by native herbivores. Owing to subtle physical and chemical differences in plant

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tissue, or learned behaviour in insects, even two closely related, morphologically

similar plant species can vary in their relative attractiveness to arthropod

herbivores (Cunningham and West 2001; Foss and Rieske 2003; Ladner and

Altizer 2005; Olckers and Hulley 1991).

Several studies (as mentioned above) have compared herbivore assemblages and

impact of herbivory between invasive and native plant species, whilst others have

focussed on pollinators shared by invasive and native species. However, to our

knowledge, no single study has simultaneously compared these two faunal groups

between an alien and native species. The aim of this study is to determine the

degree of similarity in arthropod herbivores and floral visitors between native

Senecio. pinnatifolius A. Rich and the closely related and morphologically similar

alien S. madagascariensis Poiret, in eastern Australia. Sharing of arthropod

herbivores and pollinators may have implications for the spread of the invasive

species, as well creating the potential for the occurrence of indirect interactions,

such as competition for pollinators, hybridisation and apparent competition,

between the two species.

3.3 Materials and Methods

3.3.1 Study species

Senecio madagascariensis (fireweed), an annual weed from South Africa, was first

recorded in Australia in 1918 and has since invaded large areas of farmland and

grassland in south-eastern Australia (Radford 1997; Radford et al. 1995). In south-

eastern Australia, S. madagascariensis flowers between the months of March and

December (Radford 1997).

Closely related to S. madagascariensis is a group of sub-species belonging to the

Australian native S. pinnatifolius complex. Senecio pinnatifolius is a herbaceous

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perennial (Ali 1966), which is found in a similar range to that of S.

madagascariensis in Australia but generally occurs in smaller, more scattered

populations than the exotic (Radford 1997). Senecio pinnatifolius ssp. lanceolatus,

the focus of this study, inhabits disturbed areas and pasture usually close to the

edge of rainforest or moist eucalypt forest and flowers between January and June

in south-eastern Australia (Radford 1997). There is a four month period of overlap

between the flowering periods of the exotic and native Senecio. Senecio

pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis are both believed to be self-incompatible

and are likely to rely on insects as pollinators (Ali 1966; Radford 1997).

3.3.2 Study sites

Insect sampling was conducted at seven locations in south-east Queensland,

encompassing four populations of S. pinnatifolius and three populations of S.

madagascariensis. Populations of the former were Swanfels 1 (28o 07’S, 152o

23’E), Swanfels 2 (28o 08’S, 152o 23’E), Bunya Mountains (Bunya) (26o 53’S, 151o

35’E) and Hampton (27o 22’S, 152o 10’E), while populations of the latter were

Springbrook (28o 11’S, 153o 16’E), Tamborine (27o 58’S, 153o12’E) and Beechmont

(28o 07’S, 153o 10’E). All sites, with the exception of Bunya, occur within an

approximately 120 km length of the “Border Ranges”, a group of linked mountain

ranges running along the eastern portion of the Queensland/NSW state border.

The Bunya Mountains are approximately 200 km north-west of the nearest

neighbouring site (Hampton) and are separated from the Border ranges by farmed

plain-lands. All populations, regardless of site, occurred within a similar altitudinal

range (between 550 m and 700 m ASL), had similar types of neighbouring

vegetation (pasture and moist eucalypt forest or rainforest), and were surveyed

between March and May when both species were flowering.

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3.3.3 Survey Methodology

In order to collect as wide a range of insect species as possible, three different

collection techniques, described below, were used on all plants.

Floral visitor observations

Thirty random plants per population were used for floral visitor observations. Two

observers each monitored one plant at a time, recording the species, where

possible, and number of insects visiting flowers on a plant during a five minute

observation period, before moving to another plant. Each observer conducted a

total of six, five-minute observations per hour, between the hours of 8 am and 4

pm. This process was repeated over two days at each of the seven sites on sunny,

windless days during which the temperature in the shade ranged between 17 and

23oC. The height of each plant was also recorded as an index of plant size.

Manual search

Thirty random plants per population were searched by hand. For each plant, stems

and upper and lower surfaces of the newest 20 leaves on 10 randomly selected

branches were examined and identity and abundance of all arthropod species

occurring on the plant was recorded. When identification was impossible in the field

insect specimens were collected for later identification. The height of each plant

was again recorded.

Sweep-net sampling

Using the same 30 plants per site as were surveyed during the manual search,

arthropods were collected with a sweepnet using three sweeps per plant. Insects

were held in specimen jars for later identification.

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Specimen identification

All specimens collected were initially categorised to morphospecies level and then

identified to family using keys in Naumann et al. (1991). Except for very common

species, e.g. Apis mellifera, formal species identification was not undertaken. Since

this experiment was conducted as part of a broader study requiring continual

monitoring of floral visitors, which would have been disrupted by collecting every

individual that landed on a plant, specimens were not collected for some of the less

common floral visitors. Consequently, some morphospecies of uncommon

lepidopteran floral visitors were identified only to ordinal level. For similar reasons,

individual syrphid (Diptera: Syrphidae) species were identified only to family level

as accurate morphospecies identification for flies on the wing was found to be

unachievable. Despite our efforts to include as many arthropod groups as possible

by using a range of sampling procedures, some of the groups of smaller

arthropods (e.g. aphids) may have been under sampled.

Data analysis

Data analyses were performed with SPSS Vs 12.0.1. When data were not normally

distributed, variables were log (n+1) transformed. In order to test whether sites

varied in terms of herbivore abundance and species richness, one-way analyses of

variance (ANOVA) were performed using morphospecies abundance (or species

richness) per plant as the dependent variable and site as the independent variable

(Fowler and Cohen 1990).

Sørensen’s similarity indices, using presence/absence data were used to assess

the degree of similarity in arthropod assemblages between sites, and dendrograms

were created using hierarchical, average linkage cluster analyses based on

Sørensen’s similarity coefficients.

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Senecio madagascariensis and S. pinnatifolius differ in size, with the latter species

generally being larger: within sites, there is also variation in individual plant size. In

order to determine if we needed to correct for size variation prior to analyse,

spearman rank correlation was performed on herbivore abundance and floral

visitor data for all sites to determine whether there existed a relationship between

plant size (using height as an index) and herbivore or floral visitor abundance. We

found no significant correlations between plant height and herbivore abundance at

any site, and a significant correlation between plant height and floral visitors for

only two sites, one of each Senecio species (authors’ unpublished data). We

therefore concluded that plant size was not a driver of invertebrate abundance in

this system and we did not correct for plant size in subsequent analyses.


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3.4 Results

3.4.1 Floral visitor assemblages and abundance

The mean number of floral visitors per plant per five minute observation period,

varied between sites (df=6; f=55.24; p<0.01). A post hoc Tukey test identified that a

greater number of floral visitors were recorded at the Bunya site than any other site

(Figure 3.1). Similar numbers of floral visitors were recorded between the

remaining three S. pinnatifolius populations, as well as one S. madagascariensis

population (Tamborine). Senecio madagascariensis populations at Springbrook

and Beechmont received significantly lower numbers of floral visitors than did any

of the S. pinnatifolius populations.












fels 1


fels 2













ral v






s. p




b bb


c c

S. pinnatifolius

S. madagascariensis

Figure 3.1: Mean (+2se) number of floral visitors (all morphospecies combined) per plant per 5min

observation period in four Senecio pinnatifolius populations (Bunya, Hampton, Swanfels 1 and

Swanfels 2) and three S. madagascariensis populations (Beechmont, Tamborine and Springbrook),

South-east Queensland. Columns surmounted by the same letter are not significantly different

(p<0.05) from each other.

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Species richness of floral visitors (mean number of morphospecies visiting flowers

per plant per five minute observation period) varied significantly among populations

(df=6; f=18.3; p<0.01). A post hoc Tukey test identified that species richness of

floral visitors was similar between S. madagascariensis populations and, with the

exception of the Hampton site, was lower than S. pinnatifolius sites (Figure 3.2).

Within the S. pinnatifolius sites, Hampton had significantly lower species richness

than the other three sites, but was still significantly higher than two of the S.

madagascariensis sites.















fels 1


fels 2
























S. pinnatifolius

S. madagascariensis

Figure 3.2: Mean species richness (number of morphospecies +2se) of floral visitor per plant per five

minute observation period in four Senecio pinnatifolius populations (Bunya, Hampton, Swanfels 1 and

Swanfels 2) and three S. madagascariensis populations (Beechmont, Tamborine and Springbrook),

South-east Queensland. Columns surmounted by the same letter are not significantly different

(p<0.05) from each other.

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The majority of floral visitors at all sites belonged to the orders Diptera,

Hymenoptera and Lepidoptera (see Appendix A). All seven Senecio populations

were similar in the respect that all shared the same two most common floral

visitors: Apis mellifera, which comprised between 43 and 83% of all floral visitors at

each site; and syrphid species, which comprised between 8 and 37% of floral

visitors at each site. Rarer species however, were variable between sites, with

many taxa recorded in very low densities, and often only at a single site.

A hierarchical cluster analysis of presence/absence data showed two large scale

clusters, with the geographically close S. pinnatifolius populations Swanfels 1 and

Swanfels 2 forming one cluster, and the remaining five sites forming the other

(Figure 3.3). Within the larger group, smaller terminal clusters could not be

explained by either geography or plant species. For example, although the

terminal pair of Bunya and Beechmont had very similar faunas (Table 3.1), they

represent different plant species and, of all sites, are the furthest geographically


Figure 3.3: A hierarchical, average linkage cluster analysis (using Sorensen’s similarity coefficients)

for floral visitor assemblages in four Senecio pinnatifolius populations (Bunya, Hampton, Swanfels 1

and Swanfels 2) and three S. madagascariensis populations (Beechmont, Tamborine and

Springbrook), South-east Queensland.

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Table 3.1: Sørenson similarity indices (above the diagonal) and species overlap (below the diagonal)

for floral visitor and herbivore assemblages between four populations of Senecio pinnatifolius and

three populations of S. madagascariensis in SE Queensland. The number in bold on the diagonal is

the number of floral visitors, or herbivores, recorded at a particular site.

























Bunya 8 0.59 0.40 0.42 0.77 0.46 0.50

Hampton 4 9 0.40 0.42 0.71 0.43 0.46

Swanfels 1 4 3 12 0.52 0.35 0.35 0.38

Swanfels 2 4 4 6 11 0.50 0.38 0.40

Beechmont 5 5 3 4 5 0.60 0.67

Tamborine 3 3 3 3 3 5 0.67


ral vis


Springbrook 3 3 3 3 3 3 4

Bunya 10 0.35 0.26 0.50 0.43 0.43 0.00

Hampton 3 7 0.20 0.24 0.55 0.55 0.00

Swanfels 1 3 2 13 0.61 0.24 0.24 0.13

Swanfels 2 5 2 7 10 0.29 0.29 0.17

Beechmont 3 3 2 2 4 1.00 0.00

Tamborine 3 3 2 2 4 4 0.00




Springbrook 0 0 1 1 0 0 2

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3.4.2 Herbivore assemblages and abundance

Mean herbivore abundance (number of individuals) per plant varied among sites

(Figure 3.4) (df=6; f=29.43; p<0.01), as did species richness (mean number of

herbivore species per plant) (df=6; f=38.44; p<0.01) (Figure 3.5). Post hoc Tukey

tests identified that both mean herbivore abundance and species richness were

similar between all three S. madagascariensis populations, while the four S.

pinnatifolius populations recorded higher herbivore abundance and species

richness than the S. madagascariensis populations. Mean species richness was

similar between S. pinnatifolius populations. Abundance was also similar between

S. pinnatifolius populations, with the exception of Swanfels 2, which recorded

higher herbivore abundance per plant than any other site.














fels 1


fels 2




















b b



c c c

S. pinnatifolius

S. madagascariensis

Figure 3.4: Mean number of herbivores (+2se) (all morphospecies combined) per plant in four

Senecio pinnatifolius populations (Bunya, Hampton, Swanfels 1 and Swanfels 2) and three S.

madagascariensis populations (Beechmont, Tamborine and Springbrook), South-east Queensland.

Columns surmounted by the same letter are not significantly different (p<0.05) from each other.

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fels 1


fels 2




















a a

b b


S. pinnatifolius

S. madagascariensis

Figure 3.5: Mean species richness (number of herbivore species +2se) per plant in four

Senecio pinnatifolius populations (Bunya, Hampton, Swanfels 1 and Swanfels 2) and three

S. madagascariensis populations (Beechmont, Tamborine and Springbrook), South-east

Queensland. Columns surmounted by the same letter are not significantly different (p<0.05)

from each other.

There was considerable variability in herbivore assemblages among sites. Four

Mirid taxa, for example, comprised a large proportion (60-90%) of the herbivore

assemblage recorded in two of the four S. pinnatifolius populations and two of the

three S. madagascariensis populations, but were rare or completely absent from

the remaining sites (see Appendix B). Similarly taxa of Cicadellidae comprised a

large proportion (50-90%) of herbivores recorded in one S. madagascariensis and

two S. pinnatifolius populations, but were entirely absent from other sites.

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Figure 3.6: A hierarchical, average linkage cluster analysis (using Sorensen’s similarity

coefficients) for arthropod herbivore assemblages in four Senecio pinnatifolius populations

(Bunya, Hampton, Swanfels 1 and Swanfels 2) and three S. madagascariensis populations

(Beechmont, Tamborine and Springbrook), South-east Queensland.

Hierarchical cluster analysis of presence/absence data showed grouping of two of

the S. madagascariensis populations, Beechmont and Tamborine (Figure 3.6),

indicating very similar herbivore assemblages (comprised mainly of mirids (see

Appendix B)). However, the third population, Springbrook, was quite distinct from

any other site. This can be explained by the fact that only two morphospecies were

collected from this site, one of which (“Cicadellidae 3”) was also recorded in two of

the S. pinnatifolius populations. Similar herbivore assemblages (comprised largely

of cicadellids) were recorded between the geographically close S. pinnatifolius

populations, Swanfels 1 and Swanfels 2 (Table 3.1). Cicadellids were not recorded

at the other S. pinnatifolius sites, Bunya and Hampton, whose herbivore fauna

comprised mainly of mirids. Folivores, including lepidopteran larvae and

orthopterans, were recorded in low numbers in all S. pinnatifolius populations and

one S. madagascariensis population, the most frequently recorded being arctiidae

larvae (“Arctiidae 1”, which was identified as Nyctemera amica).

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3.5 Discussion

Although the data showed a trend towards a higher floral visitation rate and higher

floral visitor species richness in S. pinnatifolius populations, this was not consistent

for all sites and the differences observed may be partially explained by factors such

as variability in number of flowers per plant between sites, or between the exotic

and native species. At all sites hoverflies and honeybees were the most common

insect groups recorded. Our data therefore support the prediction that the flowers

of exotic S. madagascariensis would be visited by a group of generalist floral

visitors similar to that which visits native S. pinnatifolius.

Whilst the most common floral visitors were similar between all populations,

distributions of the rare species were highly variable with many taxa recorded in

very low densities and only at single sites. Similarities and differences among

species assemblages at different sites could not be explained entirely by

geographic location, nor did sites consistently cluster based on plant species,

indicating that in this system other factors, perhaps abiotic variables at a landscape

or microsite-level, may play a more important role than intrinsic plant features in

influencing pollinator assemblages. Similar findings were recorded by Herrera

(2005), who found that at a regional level the pollination system of the insect-

pollinated shrub Lavandula latifolia was generalised, but at both the individual and

population levels generalisation was highly variable.

Ornduff (1960) described the pollinations roles of hoverflies and honeybees in the

New Zealand subspecies of S.lautus (closely related to S. pinnatifolius) and it is

probable that these species act as important pollinators for Senecio in Australia.

This is further confirmed by the fact that examination of the bodies of both

hoverflies and honeybees using scanning electron microscopy techniques, shows

that both groups of insects carry large quantities of Senecio pollen (E. White,

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unpublished data). The fact that S. madagascariensis receives frequent visits by

the same floral visitors as S. pinnatifolius indicates that it is able to utilise local

(albeit introduced, in the case of A. mellifera) generalist pollen vectors. It therefore

seems highly unlikely that the spread and establishment of the invasive Senecio is

restricted by lack of pollen vectors, at least in this part of its range.

Sharing of floral visitors by two sympatric plant species creates the potential for

indirect interactions, which could have a negative or positive impact on one or both

species involved. Documented indirect interactions between invasive and native

plant species that share common pollinators include competition for pollinators

(Ghazoul 2002; Gross and Werner 1983; Lavergne et al. 2005; Moragues and

Travaset 2005), facilitation of pollination (Moragues and Travaset 2005), and

transfer of pollen between species which may result in either reduced seed set due

to foreign pollen interference (Brown and Mitchell 2001; Galen and Gregory 1989;

Grabas and Laverty 1999) or hybridisation (Abbott 1992; Ayres et al. 1999; Bleeker

2003; Huxel 1999; Shibaike et al. 2002). Given that the two Senecio species share

pollinators, overlap in flowering period, sometimes occur sympatrically (Radford

1997), and have the ability to hybridise (Radford 1997), potential exists for any one

of these interactions to take place in this system. We are currently undergoing

further work to determine whether such interactions are occurring.

When considered at the morphospecies level, herbivore assemblages showed

even greater variability than did floral visitor assemblages among sites, with

particular taxa (largely sap-sucking mired and cicadellid morphospecies)

comprising a large proportion (60-90%) of the herbivore assemblage at some sites,

whilst being rare or apparently absent from others. Although our data would

indicate that some taxa are restricted to S. pinnatifolius and absent from S.

madagascariensis populations, the extremely low density of the majority of taxa

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within-sites, combined with the very high between-site variation in species

assemblages, makes it impossible to identify a clear pattern with regards to the

preferences of individual herbivore taxa for either Senecio species. As with the

floral visitors, the degree of similarity between the herbivore assemblages of

different populations could not be entirely explained by either geographical location

or by plant species.

When herbivores are considered as a group, rather than at morphospecies level, a

clear pattern does become evident however: S. pinnatifolius populations show

consistently higher herbivore abundance and species richness than do the exotic

S. madagascariensis populations. Senecio pinnatifolius has been shown to be

more attractive than S. madagascariensis to ovipositing females and feeding larvae

of the magpie moth, Nyctemera amica (White et al. in press). The current study

offers further evidence of the greater attractiveness of the native species to a range

arthropod herbivores, providing support for the enemy release hypothesis. The

profiles of the most common secondary chemicals found in Senecio species, the

pyrrolizidine alkaloids (Rothschild et al. 1979), vary between the two Senecio

species here (Sims 2004) and may play a role in determining the species’ relative

attractiveness or palatability to phytophagous insects.

3.5.1 Conclusions

At the morphospecies level, arthropod herbivore assemblages are highly variable

within and between populations of exotic and native Senecio species and this

variability cannot be adequately explained either by plant species or by geographic

location of populations. However, as a group, herbivores are more abundant on

the native S. pinnatifolius both in terms of number of taxa and number of

individuals per plant. Like the herbivores, most of the less common floral visitors

are also highly variable among sites, with a tendency towards increased number

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and richness on the native species. However, the most abundant floral visitors

recorded in S. pinnatifolius populations, hoverflies and honeybees, are also the

most frequent visitors recorded on S. madagascariensis. The success of invasive

S. madagascariensis may be explained in part by the fact that it is unlikely to be

disadvantaged by the absence of positive interactions (namely plant-pollinator

interactions) in its new range, while at the same time (as predicted under the ERH)

having the advantage of being less attractive to native herbivores than is its native

congener S. pinnatifolius.

Page 76: Senecio species as mediated by insects Evelyn White (B ...eprints.qut.edu.au/16580/1/Evelyn_White_Thesis.pdf · Senecio madagascariensis and S. pinnatifolius occur in a similar geographic
Page 77: Senecio species as mediated by insects Evelyn White (B ...eprints.qut.edu.au/16580/1/Evelyn_White_Thesis.pdf · Senecio madagascariensis and S. pinnatifolius occur in a similar geographic

Chapter 4 - A test of the enemy release

hypothesis: The native magpie moth

prefers a native fireweed (Senecio

pinnatifolius) to its introduced congener

(S. madagascarensis)

The following chapter was recently published as:

White, E.M., Sims, N.M. and Clarke, A.R. (2008) A test of the

enemy release hypothesis: The native magpie moth prefers a

native fireweed (Senecio pinnatifolius) to its introduced congener

(S. madagascarensis). Austral Ecology 33: 110-116.

The roles of co-authors are as follows:

E.M. White: Largely responsible for the experimental design, wholly responsible for

the fieldwork and most of the data analysis and writing.

N.M. Sims: Conducted laboratory studies, and performed associated statistical

analyses, and contributed to first draft of manuscript.

A.R. Clarke: Project supervisor, provided advice about experimental design and

statistical analyses, assisted with addressing reviewers’ comments.

Copyright 2008 Blackwell Publishing The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.com http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1442-9993.2007.01795.x
Page 78: Senecio species as mediated by insects Evelyn White (B ...eprints.qut.edu.au/16580/1/Evelyn_White_Thesis.pdf · Senecio madagascariensis and S. pinnatifolius occur in a similar geographic
Page 79: Senecio species as mediated by insects Evelyn White (B ...eprints.qut.edu.au/16580/1/Evelyn_White_Thesis.pdf · Senecio madagascariensis and S. pinnatifolius occur in a similar geographic


Chapter 4 - A test of the enemy release hypothesis: The native magpie moth

prefers a native fireweed (Senecio pinnatifolius) to its introduced congener

(S. madagascarensis).

4.1 Abstract

The enemy release hypothesis (ERH) predicts that native herbivores will either

prefer or cause more damage to native than introduced plant species. We tested

this using preference and performance experiments in the laboratory and surveys

of leaf damage caused by the magpie moth Nyctemera amica on a co-occuring

native and introduced species of fireweed (Senecio) in eastern Australia. In the

laboratory, ovipositing females and feeding larvae preferred the native S.

pinnatifolius over the introduced S. madagascariensis. Larvae performed equally

well on foliage of S. pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis: pupal weights did not

differ between insects reared on the two species, but growth rates were

significantly faster on S. pinnatifolius. In the field, foliage damage was significantly

greater on native S. pinnatifolius than introduced S. madagascariensis. These

results support the enemy release hypothesis and suggest that the failure of native

consumers to switch to introduced species contributes to their invasive success.

Both plant species experienced reduced, rather than increased, levels of herbivory

when growing in mixed populations, as opposed to pure stands in the field, thus

there was no evidence that apparent competition occurred.

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4.2 Introduction

The enemy release hypothesis (ERH) (Darwin 1859; Elton 1958; Keane and

Crawley 2002) posits that introduced plant species benefit in their area of

introduction because they have escaped from their natural enemies. This

hypothesis is based on the assumptions that: (1) natural enemies regulate plant

populations, (2) enemies prefer native over introduced species; and (3) plants

introduced to a new area benefit from reduced attack by enemies (Keane and

Crawley 2002). Empirical support for the ERH is equivocal; some native herbivores

prefer or have a greater negative impact on native than co-occurring introduced

plant species (Olckers and Hulley 1991; Schierenbeck et al. 1994; Keane and

Crawley 2002; Lankau et al. 2004), others show no preference (Frenzel and Brandl

2003; Tamayo et al. 2004) or a preference for introduced plants over co-occurring

natives (Agrawal and Kotanen 2003; Parker and Hay 2005; Parker et al. 2006).

Even when herbivores prefer a particular plant species, neighbouring species

might also be impacted by herbivory as a result of apparent competition (Noonburg

and Byers 2005). Apparent competition occurs when a herbivore becomes more

numerous or more efficient at consuming one species in the presence of another

(Holt 1977). The altered spatial or temporal patterns of resource availability

provided by one plant species can result in altered abundance or behaviour of

herbivores, consequently having a greater negative impact on a second plant

species (Holt 1977). Apparent competition has been documented between

sympatric native species (Hämback and Ekerholm 1997; Rand 2003) but is less

commonly reported between introduced and native species (White et al. 2006).

Such an interaction could potentially have an adverse effect on either an invader or

a co-occurring native species, depending on the population dynamics of the plant

and herbivore population.

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Host plant switches and range expansions by specialist herbivores are more likely

to occur when the native and introduced host plants are closely related (Connor et

al. 1980). Senecio madagascariensis Poir. (fireweed), an introduced Asteraceae, is

closely related to a group of native subspecies belonging to the S. pinnatifolius

Rich. complex. Senecio madagascariensis, an annual or short-lived perennial from

South Africa was first recorded in Australia in 1918 (Radford et al. 1995a) and has

since invaded large areas of arable land and grassland in eastern Australia

(Radford and Cousens 2000). Senecio pinnatifolius is an herbaceous perennial (Ali

1966), generally found in smaller, more scattered populations than the introduced

S. madagascariensis (Radford and Cousens 2000). Populations of the two species

are often found close together or intermixed, with S. pinnatifolius growing along the

borders of disturbed areas or pasture occupied by S. madagascariensis (Radford


The two species share a number of insect herbivores, one of the most common

folivores being the magpie moth, Nyctemera amica (Holtkamp and Hosking 1993),

a pyrrolizidine alkaloid specialist that is restricted to Senecio species (Common

1993). Female N. amica, oviposit on Senecio leaves, which provide a food source

for the developing larvae (Singh and Mabbett 1976). The close relatedness of the

introduced and native Senecio species and the overlapping geographic range of

the two species make this an ideal system in which to study herbivore preference

and apparent competition between a native and an invasive species.

We test one of the assumptions underpinning the ERH: that native herbivores

exhibit a preference for native plant species over an introduced species. We aim to

determine whether (a) N. amica larvae and adults prefer native Senecio

pinnatifolius, and if so, whether this is reflected in (b) greater larval growth and

survival and (c) higher damage levels in the field. Furthermore, this study aims to

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determine whether either Senecio species experiences altered damage levels due

to herbivory as a result of growing in mixed populations with the other species.

4.3 Materials and Methods

Adult Nyctemera amica were collected in Lamington National Park (28o08′S,

153o06′E), as well as suburban areas of South East Queensland. The majority of

the adult females had already mated and laid eggs without further access to a male

moth. Eggs are laid in batches of between 2-50 eggs. Larvae from these egg

batches were used in three laboratory experiments, whose methods are

subsequently described. Adults were sexed by their antennal morphology, with

males having more distinctly plumose antennae than females. Fresh stems of S.

pinnatifolius ssp. lanceolatus and S. madagascariensis were collected regularly

from Binna Burra (within Lamington National Park) and Hampton (27o15′S,

152o04′E). Branches were stored in a cool room at approximately 6oC until use. In

areas where S. pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis co-occur, plants were

identified by leaf morphology and bract number. Senecio pinnatifolius has 12-20

bracts compared to S. madagascariensis’ 19-21 bracts (Radford 1997; Radford

and Cousens 2000). Leaves of S. pinnatifolius tend to be serrated and larger than

those of S. madagascariensis, whilst S. madagascariensis usually has entire leaf


4.3.1 Larval Feeding and Survival

Neonate larvae (< 24 hrs old) were placed individually into plastic Petri dishes

(85mm diameter). Approximately half of the larvae (n = 37) were reared on S.

pinnatifolius leaves, whilst the remainder (n = 30) were offered S.

madagascariensis: each larva was offered the same wet weight of leaf material

throughout its life. The weight of leaves offered to larvae was doubled each week

after their hatching date, with the weight of leaf first offered to neonates being

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0.2g/larva. Leaf material was replenished daily and available leaf material was

always in excess of daily consumption. Larvae were kept in a controlled

environment of 25 ±1oC and L12:D12. Pupal weight was recorded 48 h after

pupation and the number of days from hatching till pupation began was also

recorded. Pupal weight and number of days till pupation of larvae reared on each

species were compared using one-way ANOVA. The numbers of surviving larvae

were compared using a chi-square test for association. Larvae which did not

survive through to pupation were excluded from these analyses.

4.3.2 Larval Preference

To determine the feeding preference of larvae throughout their life, choice tests

were conducted in the laboratory. Between five and 10 newly hatched neonate

larvae were placed in round plastic containers (approx. 113 cm2) with an equal

weight of leaves of both S. pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis. The weight of

leaves provided for larvae varied with each instar, however, there was always

excess of each plant species to ensure apparent preference did not change due to

the lack of a particular species. The number of larvae feeding on each species was

recorded hourly for six hours, for one day in each larval instar. Larvae not on either

plant species at the time of observation were excluded from the analysis.

Independent cohorts of larvae were used for each instar so that learnt preference

or avoidance did not confound results. The mean proportion of larvae feeding on

each species across all instars was analysed using a one-sample t-test, comparing

the proportion to a test value of 50 (which assumes an equal preference for each

plant species). A one-way ANOVA on each host species was used to determine

whether larval preference changed across instars.

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4.3.3 Oviposition Preference

To determine oviposition preference of N. amica, mated adult females were placed

in groups of three into 30 cm x 30 cm x 30 cm mesh cages. Three moths were

used to ensure that sufficient eggs were produced for each replicate. The moths

were offered similar sized (assessed by visual observation of total leaf area and

height), non-flowering branches of both plant species, as well as a sugar-water

source for feeding. Branches were approximately 20 cm long and all bore young

leaves. The branches were placed in water and positioned at opposite sides of the

cage with the sugar-water in the middle. After a 48 h period, the total number of

eggs on each plant species was recorded. The trial was replicated 16 times, with

fresh branches used for each replicate. Due to high variance in the total number of

eggs laid between replicates, data were analysed as the proportion of eggs laid

(per replicate) on each host plant. A significant preference for either plant species

was judged according to the highest proportion of eggs laid on a particular species,

as analysed by a t-test performed on arcsine-transformed data.

4.3.4 Foliage damage

Leaf damage was assessed in pure and mixed stands of the Senecio species.

Three pure stands of S. pinnatifolius, isolated from S. madagascariensis, were

located near Swanfels (28o 07’S, 152o 23’E and 28o 08’S, 152o 23’E, respectively)

and Hampton (27o 22’S, 152o10’E). Three pure stands of S. madagascariensis

were located near Springbrook National Park (28o11’S, 153o16’E), Mt Tamborine

(27o 58’S, 153o12’E) and Beechmont (28o 07’S, 153o10’E). Three mixed stands

were located just west of Queen Mary Falls (28o 20’S, 152o 21’E), near Killarney

(28o18’S, 152o 21’E) and on private land neighbouring the O’Reilly’s section of

Lamington National Park (28o13’S, 153o 07’E). Senecio pinnatifolius tends to grow

along the edge of open areas, bordering on forest, whilst S. madagascariensis

grows throughout the entire open area (including along the edge). There is

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therefore considerable mixing of the two species at the interface (and some degree

of mixing throughout).

All sites occur within an approximately 120 km length of the “Border Ranges”, a

group of linked mountain ranges running along the eastern portion of the

Queensland/New South Wales state border. All sites, regardless of location,

occurred within a similar altitudinal range (between 550 m and 700 m ASL), had

similar types of neighbouring vegetation (pasture and moist eucalypt forest or

rainforest), and were surveyed between 25 March and 3 May 2003 when both

species were flowering.

At each site 30 haphazardly selected mature plants were selected to conduct

foliage damage assessments. In sites that contained both species, 30 plants of

each species were used. For ten random stems on each plant we determined the

proportion of damaged leaves per plant by examining the 20 newest leaves and

recording whether or not each leaf had signs of damage consistent with

lepidopteran larval feeding. In 18 months of regular field sampling, Nyctemera

amica was the only folivore regularly collected causing gross leaf damage to

Senecio in the study area (White 2007). Because N. amica populations are patchy

in time and space, accumulated leaf damage is a more consistent measure of

herbivore activity and, because other folivores are rare or absent (White 2007), leaf

damage can be attributed to N. amica with a high level of confidence. The

proportion of leaves damaged per plant was arcsine-transformed before analysis,

using a two-way ANOVA with factors being species and population type (mixed or

pure) and the replicates being site.

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Simple linear regression analyses were used to determine whether a relationship

existed between plant height (data were log-transformed) and percent damage

(data were arcsine-transformed) for either species.

4.3.5 Plant characteristics

Plant density and height of S. pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis were

determined by the Point Centred Quarter method (Krebs 1989), using 30 random

plants of each species at each site as ‘centre points’. Height of each of these

plants was also measured.

All statistical analyses were conducted in SPSS 12.0.1 with the exception of chi-

square analyses, which were performed using Microsoft Excel 2003. Data are

presented as mean + 1 standard error.

4.4 Results

4.4.1 Larval feeding and survival

Survival rates of larvae reared individually were greater than 83% and did not differ

significantly between Senecio species (χ2 = 0.13, df = 1, P =0.71). Similarly, mean

pupal weight did not differ between individuals reared on S. pinnatifolius (0.23 ±

0.01 g) and S. madagascariensis (0.22 ± 0.01 g) (F1,45 = 1.54, P = 0.22). However,

larval host plant did affect the time taken to reach pupation. Larvae on S.

pinnatifolius reached pupation on average three days sooner (X̄ = 19.05 + 0.15

days) than larvae on S. madagascariensis (X̄ = 22.10 + 0.20 days) (F1,45 = 58.71,


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4.4.2 Larval preference

Magpie moth larvae strongly preferred S. pinnatifolius. Four-hundred and sixteen

larvae were observed over five larval instars. Overall, larvae demonstrated an

obvious preference for S. pinnatifolius (t = 5.92, d.f. = 72, P< 0.001) (Figure 4.1).

The proportional preference for S. pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis did not

change across instars (F4,411 = 1.33, d.f. = 4, P = 0.27).










1 2 3 4 5

Larval instar






n o

f fe





e ..

S. pinnatifolius

S. madagascariensis

Figure 4.1: Mean (+ 1 SE) proportion of feeding Nyctemera amica larvae on two Senecio species in

five larval instars. Sample size: Instar 1 = 83; Instar 2 = 118; Instar 3 = 107; Instar 4 = 57; Instar 5 =


4.4.3 Oviposition preference

In choice experiments, 1,530 eggs were oviposited by adult females on the trial

branches offered. Approximately seven times more eggs were laid on S.

pinnatifolius (X̄ = 0.80 + 0.05 of all eggs laid) than S. madagascariensis (X̄ = 0.17 +

0.04) (t = 7.72, d.f. = 28, P<0.001).

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4.4.4 Foliage damage

A two-way ANOVA found a main effect of species (F1, 8 = 8.30; P=0.02), with S.

pinnatifolius recording significantly higher levels of leaf damage than S.

madagascariensis. There was no effect of population type (pure or mixed) (F1, 8 =

1.74; P=0.224) indicating that no greater or lesser damage occurred in mixed

versus pure populations (Figure 4.2). No significant interaction existed between

population type and species (F1, 8 = 0.17; P=0.694).

There was a very weak but significant positive relationship between damage levels

and plant height for both S. pinnatifolius (r2= 0.07; F1, 139=11.04; P=0.001) and S.

madagascariensis (r2= 0.06; F1, 135=9.02; P=0.003).









Sp Pure Sp Mixed Sm Pure Sm Mixed

Population type




n d







r p




. tr





Figure 4.2: Mean (+ 1SE) proportion of damaged leaves per plant in each population type for the two

Senecio species (Sp = Senecio pinnatifolius; Sm = Senecio madagascariensis).

4.4.5 Plant characteristics

Plant density did not differ significantly in any population type (F3, 8=3.38; P=0.074),

although S. pinnatifolius density in mixed stands was substantially lower than other

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sites and S. pinnatifolius plants were taller than S. madagascariensis plants in both

mixed and pure populations (F3, 8 = 48.53; P<0.001) (Table 4.1).

Table 4.1: Vegetation structure of native S. pinnatifolius and introduced S. madagascariensis

populations in pure and mixed stands (mean + se (n = 3)). Letters in superscript denote groups

(within columns) that are not significantly different from one another (P<0.05).



Height (m)

S. pinnatifolius 0.46+0.20a 0.72+0.07 b Mixed stands

S. madagascariensis 0.11+0.03 a 0.35+0.04 c

S. pinnatifolius 0.73+0.20 a 1.08+0.04 a Pure stands

S. madagascariensis 0.65+0.09 a 0.44+0.03 c

4.5 Discussion

The ERH predicts that native herbivores will exhibit a preference for and/or cause

greater damage to native, compared to introduced plant species. Our results

support this prediction: in the laboratory, both ovipositing adult females and feeding

larvae of the native magpie moth, N. amica, preferred the native S. pinnatifolius

over the introduced S. madagascariensis. Field surveys reflected this preference,

with S. pinnatifolius experiencing significantly higher leaf damage levels associated

with N. amica larval feeding. These findings contrast with those of Parker and Hay

(2005) and Parker et al. (2006), who demonstrated that native plants are better

adapted than introduced plants at repelling generalist herbivores. The ERH is

probably more applicable for specialists like N. amica, than for generalist

herbivores (Parker et al. 2006).

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Host preference by ovipositing moths can be influenced by plant characteristics

such as height (Nowicki et al. 2005) and stem density (Badenes-Perez et al. 2005).

However given that preference for S. pinnatifolius was evident in laboratory studies

which controlled for these factors, as well as in the field, it is likely that N. amica

preference is determined by other plant characteristics. Host preference is believed

to represent the suitability of hosts for larval survival (Singer 1983; Courtney et al.

1989). Our results suggest that the native Senecio is a more suitable host for

magpie moth larvae than the closely related introduced S. madagascariensis.

Although larvae exhibited similar survival rates and similar mean pupal weight

when reared on the two Senecio species, growth rates were slower, with pupation

being reached later by individuals reared on S. madagascariensis. Retarded

development times in Lepidoptera larvae can be associated with increased risk of

mortality due to parasitism (Benrey and Denno 1997), as well as reduced size

(Leather et al. 1998) and fecundity (Elkington and Liebhold 1990) in adults.

Slower growth rates of larvae reared on the introduced Senecio might be due to

the lower foliar nutrient concentrations of this species (Sims 2004), as low nutrient

levels (in particular N) have been linked to poor larval growth in other Lepidoptera

species (Rausher 1981). Ovipositing female Lepidoptera have also been shown to

demonstrate a preference for plants that are higher in nitrogen (Mattson 1980;

Chen et al. 2004), and plants that are higher in nitrogen may experience higher

rates of folivory by insects (Xiang and Chen 2004). These factors might explain the

female preference for S. pinnatifolius and the higher levels of folivory of this

species in the field. The profiles of the most common secondary chemicals found

in Senecio species, the pyrrolizidine alkaloids (Rothschild et al. 1979), also vary

between the two Senecio species (Sims 2004), and are known to play a role in

host plant selection and larval development (Lill and Marquis 2001).

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Competitive interactions between introduced and native plant species have been

reported to be altered by the impacts of selective herbivory (Brown 1994;

Schierenbeck et al. 1994; Edwards et al. 2000; Scherber et al. 2003). For instance,

Scherber et al. (2003) investigated the effects of herbivory and competition on

growth, survival and reproduction of Senecio inaquidens, an introduced plant in

Europe, and concluded that populations of this invader gain a competitive

advantage over native species due to selective herbivory of the surrounding native

vegetation by vertebrates. Further research is necessary to determine whether

selective herbivory of S. pinnatifolius has an impact on its competitive interactions

with S. madagascariensis, as knowledge of a plant’s resource acquisition and

allocation is vital to explaining its response to herbivory (Chapin et al. 1987).

However Louda and Potvin (1995) predicted that it is species like S. pinnatifolius –

i.e. short-lived perennials with heavy dependence on current seed production for

regeneration – which will be most negatively affected at the population level by

damage caused by specialist herbivores. Although Senecio species are generally

not killed by defoliation (Obeso and Grubb 1994; Vrieling et al. 1996), damage to

foliage may result in reduced seed production (Crawley and Gillman 1989),

potentially having population-level impacts.

Herbivore populations might be expected to be enhanced in areas inhabited by the

attractive native S. pinnatifolius, resulting in increased herbivory on neighbouring

S. madagascariensis. Apparent competition by such means has been

demonstrated in other species (e.g. Rand 2003). However there was no evidence

that this was occurring in our system, with neither elevated herbivory in mixed

stands or interaction effects between species and stand type. Apparent competition

may never occur if there is very strong herbivore preference for S. pinnatifolius,

providing that abundant native foliage is available. Since we only sampled at one

time of year these results should be interpreted with caution. The situation may

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differ at different times of year or in a situation in which herbivores are more

abundant (or plants more scarce). Controlled experiments are required to ascertain

under what conditions (if any) apparent competition may occur in this system.

4.5.1 Conclusions

This study provides evidence that specialist native herbivores may be better

adapted to utilise native plants than introduced plants even when an introduced

species is taxonomically and ecologically similar to a native. Herbivore preference

for native species could have implications not only for the control of the introduced

species, but also for competitive interactions between the introduced and native

plant species.

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Chapter 5 - Plant-pollinator interactions in

sympatric exotic and native Senecio species:

Is facilitation or competition for pollinators


The following chapter is currently in press as:

White, E.M. and Clarke, A.R. (in press) Plant-pollinator

interactions in sympatric exotic and native Senecio species: Is

facilitation or competition for pollinators occurring? Plant

Protection Quarterly.

The roles of co-authors are as follows:

E.M. White: Designed the experiment, conducted data analysis and wrote the


A.R. Clarke: Project supervisor, provided advice about experimental design and

data analysis and contributed to the writing of the manuscript.

Copyright 2008 Plant Protection Quarterly Author version reproduced in accordance with the copyright policy of the publisher. The published version is available at: http://www.weedinfo.com.au/ppq_subs.html
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Chapter 5 - Plant-pollinator interactions in sympatric exotic and native

Senecio species: Is facilitation or competition for pollinators occurring?

5.1 Abstract

The role of indirect interactions in invasion biology has rarely been addressed.

Indirect interactions between two plant species may be mediated by shared

pollinators: the presence of one plant species can have either a negative impact on

pollination (and seed set) in another by competing for pollinators, or a positive

effect by facilitating pollinator visitation. We investigated whether facilitation or

competition for pollination was occurring between the closely related native

Senecio pinnatifolius (A. Rich) and exotic S. madagascariensis (Poiret) in

Southeast Queensland. Visitation rates by honeybees and syrphid species, as well

as seed set in each Senecio species, were assessed in naturally occurring mixed

and pure stands. The exotic S. madagascariensis did not affect visitation rates to

the native, but seed set of the native species was higher in mixed populations. The

presence of native S. pinnatifolius caused a reduction in honeybee visits and an

increase in syrphid visits to the exotic plant, but altered visitation patterns were not

reflected in a change in seed set in the exotic.

5.2 Introduction

The colonisation of new areas by invasive species is a major conservation issue,

as in many cases it results in alterations to biodiversity and ecosystem function

(Maron and Vila 2001; Agrawal and Kotanen 2003; Scherber et al. 2003). Various

studies have investigated the impacts of invasive species on a system, generally

focussing on direct mechanisms such as predation (Dickman 1996; Wilson et al.

1998; Kinnear et al. 2002) and competition (Cadi and Joly 2003; Kolb and Alpert

2003; Corbin and D'Antonio 2004; Miller and Gorchov 2004), or system-level

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impacts, which alter abiotic processes (Crooks 2002; Chornesky and Randall

2003). However, an exotic and native species can also affect one another via

indirect interactions, i.e. when changes to interactions between two species occur

as a result of the presence of a third (in this case invasive) species (Strauss 1991;

Wooton 1994; White et al. 2006). The impacts of such interactions might be

positive, negative or neutral, for either or both of the species involved.

Mutualistic interactions, including plant-pollinator relationships, can be important in

shaping natural systems and influencing the outcome of introductions (Richardson

et al. 2000; Bruno et al. 2003). In self-incompatible, animal-pollinated plant

species, plant-pollinator interactions can potentially be altered via indirect effects

caused by the addition to the system of a new, simultaneously flowering plant

species. Such indirect effects might occur via (i) competition - which includes both

(a) competition for pollinators (exploitation competition), and (b) improper pollen

transfer (interference competition) resulting in pollen interference or loss of

conspecific pollen; or (ii) facilitation of pollination (Rathke 1983).

Plant species competing for the services of shared pollinators (exploitation

competition) may or may not be closely related and may have similar or very

different floral structures (Levin 1970; Rathke 1983). Several studies have shown

decreased pollinator visitation rates to natives in the presence of more attractive

exotic species (Chittka and Schurkens 2001; Ghazoul 2004; Moragues and

Travaset 2005) (note though, that reduced visitation rates do not necessarily

translate into reduced seed set, Ghazoul 2004). Alternatively, flowers of an

invasive species may be less attractive to insect pollinators than flowers of native

species, potentially limiting the establishment or spread of the invader. To our

knowledge, no study has directly investigated the impact of the presence of a

native species on pollinator visitation rates or seed set in a sympatric invasive

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species, although, in an analogous system, studies have shown that native species

can compete with crop species for pollinators (Free 1963; Holm 1966).

Richardson et al. (2000) suggest that pollen limitation is rarely a constraint on the

success of an invader because of the widespread distribution of generalist

pollinators, which visit exotic as well as native plant species. Even in the absence

of pollinator limitation however, the presence of one species can have a negative

impact on another through improper pollen transfer (interference competition). This

can result in reduced seed set either through pollen interference (when

heterospecific pollen on a stigma interferes with fertilisation of the ovules by

conspecific pollen) (Galen and Gregory 1989; Brown and Mitchell 2001), or

conspecific pollen loss (Campbell and Motten 1985; Bell et al. 2005).

Whilst negative impacts are the focus of the majority of studies, the presence of

one plant species may instead have a positive facilitative effect on another by

attracting greater numbers of pollinators to the area (Feldman et al. 2004; Moeller

2004). Facilitation is more likely to occur in plant populations of low density or of a

small size (Rathke 1983) and has been recorded between sympatric native species

(Campbell and Motten 1985; Moeller 2004, 2005). However, facilitation has rarely

been shown to occur between exotic and native species. One exception is a study

which demonstrated that the presence of an invader, Carpobrotus spp., had a

facilitative effect on pollination in two co-occurring native species, Cistus salviifolius

and Anthyllis cytisoides (Moragues and Travaset 2005).

The aim of this study is to determine whether facilitation of, or competition for, visits

by shared pollinators is occurring between two species of Senecio, the native S.

pinnatifolius and the invasive S. madagascariensis, in south-eastern Australia.

Previous studies indicate that both species are self-incompatible, rely on insects for

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pollination, and share the same common floral visitors (Ali 1966; Radford 1997;

authors’ unpublished data). This creates the possibility for pollinator-mediated

indirect interactions which, if present, may have the potential to affect both the

invasion process and the impacts of the invader on the native species. This study

took place in the middle of the flowering season of the native S. pinnatifolius, which

coincides with the early stages of the S. madagascariensis flowering season. At

this time of year, S. pinnatifolius plants and flowers are likely to occur at a greater

density than S. madagascariensis plants and flowers, so we predict that the

presence of the dominant native S. pinnatifolius is more likely to impact the

invasive S. madagascariensis, than vice versa.

5.3 Materials and Methods

5.3.1 Study species

Senecio madagascariensis, fireweed, is an annual weed from South Africa that

was first recorded in Australia in 1918: it has since invaded large areas of farmland

and grassland in south-eastern Australia (Radford et al. 1995; Radford 1997). In

south-eastern Australia, S. madagascariensis flowers between the months of

March and December (Radford 1997).

Closely related to S. madagascariensis is a group of sub-species belonging to the

Australian native S. pinnatifolius complex. Senecio pinnatifolius is a herbaceous

perennial (Ali 1966) whose geographic range overlaps with that of S.

madagascariensis in Australia, but generally occurs in smaller, more scattered

populations than the exotic (Radford 1997; Radford and Cousens 2000). Senecio

pinnatifolius ssp. lanceolatus, the focus of this study, inhabits disturbed areas and

pasture usually close to the edge of rainforest or moist eucalypt forest and flowers

between January and June in south-eastern Australia (Radford 1997). There is a

four month period of overlap between the flowering periods of the exotic and native

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Senecio. Previous studies have indicated that both species are self-incompatible

and are likely to rely on insects as pollinators (Ali 1966; Radford 1997). The two

species are morphologically similar; both produce similar-sized yellow capitula

which occur in clusters on the plant, and floral visitors move freely between the two

species when they grow together in the field (E. White, personal observation).

5.3.2 Study sites

This study was conducted using four ‘population types’, each represented by three

replicate populations in south-east Queensland:

(1) Three ‘pure S. pinnatifolius stands’: These were S. pinnatifolius populations

which were at least five km from the nearest known S. madagascariensis

populations. Two sites existed near Swanfels, (located at 28o 07’S, 152o 23’E and

28o 08’S, 152o 23’E respectively) and one was east of Hampton (27o 22’S,


(2) Three ‘pure S. madagascariensis stands’: These comprised three populations

of S. madagascariensis which were at least five km from the nearest known S.

pinnatifolius populations. One was near Springbrook National Park (28o11’S,

153o16’E), a second at Mt Tamborine (27o 58’S, 153o12’E) and a third, just south of

Beechmont (28o 07’S, 153o10’E);

(3) ‘Mixed S. pinnatifolius stands’: Three populations of S. pinnatifolius existing in

close proximity (within 50 m) to S. madagascariensis populations. These included

one just west of Queen Mary Falls (28o 20’S, 152o 21’E), one near Killarney

(28o18’S, 152o 21’E) and one on private land neighbouring the O’Reilly’s section of

Lamington National Park (28o13’S, 153o 07’E).

(4) ‘Mixed S. madagascariensis stands: Three populations of S. madagascariensis

existing in close proximity (within less than 50m) to S. pinnatifolius populations.

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These were in the same locations as those described for the mixed S. pinnatifolius


All sites occur within an approximately 120 km length of the “Border Ranges”, a

group of linked mountain ranges running along the eastern portion of the

Queensland/New South Wales state border. All sites, regardless of location,

occurred within a similar altitudinal range (between 550 m and 700 m ASL), had

similar types of neighbouring vegetation (pasture and moist eucalypt forest or

rainforest), and were surveyed between March and May when both species were


5.3.3 Methods

Quantity of pollen on insects:

Honey bees (Apis mellifera) and hoverflies (syrphid species) are the two most

common floral visitors to both S. pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis at study

sites in southeast Queensland (authors’ unpublished data) and so it seemed likely

that these species play an important role as pollinators. To confirm that these

species were not only visiting flowers, but also carrying pollen, the following

procedures were carried out.

Pollen grains of both S. pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis were collected from

flowers growing in the field, mounted on stubs, gold coated, examined and

photographed under a scanning electron microscope at 800x magnification. Twelve

specimens of A. mellifera and 13 specimens of syrphid flies found visiting Senecio

flowers were collected from pure and mixed S. pinnatifolius and S.

madagascariensis populations in south east Queensland. Specimens were

mounted individually on stubs (ventral side facing up), gold-coated, and examined

under a scanning electron microscope at 400x magnification. Since it was difficult

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to determine exact number of pollen grains on an insect (particularly when pollen

grains were extremely abundant and lying one on top of another) we recorded

simply whether an insect was carrying <10; 10-50; 50-100 or >100 Senecio pollen

grains. Body parts on which the pollen grains were found were also noted. Pollen

contained in pollen sacs was visible on bees but was not included in the count

because it was considered unlikely that the majority of these pollen grains would

be transferred between plants.

Pollinator visits

Thirty random plants per population were used for floral visitor observations and

observations were made on sunny days during which the temperature in the shade

ranged between 17 and 23oC and wind gusts did not exceed 15 km/hr. Two

observers monitored individual plants, recording the number of bees and hoverflies

visiting flowers on a plant during a five minute observation period, before moving to

another plant. Since there were often several insects at a plant at any one time it

was not possible to record how many flowers were visited by each insect.

Each observer conducted six, five-minute observations (as described above) per

hour, between the hours of 10am and 3pm (it is during this time period that

hoverflies and honeybees are most active on Senecio at this time of year, E. White,

unpublished data). This procedure was performed by the two observers for one

day per site for each of the six pure stands and two days per site for each of the

mixed populations, in which one observer worked on one plant species and the

second observer worked on neighbouring species simultaneously. Thus for each of

the four population-types (i.e. for each treatment), a total of 13-15 hours of

observations were conducted over a three-day period.

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For each plant the following data were also recorded: height, number of open

capitula, distance to nearest neighbour of same species, and whether or not the

plant was in sun or shade during the time of observation. Plant density data were

also obtained for each population-type using the PCQ method (Krebs 1989), using

each of the 30 random plants per population-type as centre-points. Number of

open capitula per plant for the four nearest neighbours to each of the 30 random

plants was also recorded.


From each site, six or seven mature capitula (i.e. with shrivelled ray florets,

containing mature seeds which were just about to be released) were collected from

seven random plants, a total of 42-48 capitula per site. This was repeated for both

species in mixed populations. Collections were made approximately two weeks

after the pollinator observations were carried out. Seed set was determined by

counting number of developed seeds per capitula.

Statistical analyses

All analyses were performed in SPSS v. 12.0.1. When variances were unequal,

data were transformed by log10. Because data from individual sites were treated

as a replicate of population-type, the factor “site” was not included in any analysis.

Quantity of pollen on insects: Using categorical data (categories were <10; 10-50;

50-100; and >100 pollen grains) a chi-squared test for association was performed

to determine whether bees and hoverflies carried different amounts of pollen on

their bodies.

Effect of plant characteristics on visitation rate and time spent at plant: A range of

variables can influence the attractiveness of a plant to floral visitors. One-way

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ANOVAs were used to determine whether population-types differed in regard to

density of plants, number of open capitula and plant height. In order to determine

whether it was necessary to standardise the data to take into account any of these

factors, multiple linear regression analyses (using the stepwise method) were

performed for each of the four population-types separately, and for each of the two

pollinator taxa within each population type. Dependent variables used were (i)

number of visits per plant per five minute observation period (henceforth referred to

as ‘visitation rate’) and (ii) time spent per insect per plant, and independent

variables were: number of open capitula per plant, plant height and distance to

nearest neighbour as independent variables.

Insect activity can also be influenced by micro-environmental variables, including

level of sun or shade (Verma and Rana 1994; Kirchner et al. 2005). In order to test

whether sun/shade was a factor that might explain differences in floral visitor

activity between population-types, Pearson chi-squared tests were used to

determine whether the number of observation periods conducted in a sunny

position differed between population types. Independent-samples t-tests were

performed for each population-type separately to establish whether bee/syrphid

visits were more likely to occur in the sun or shade.

Pollinator visits: One-way ANOVAs, followed by post-hoc Tukey tests, were used to

determine whether (i) bee and (ii) syrphid visits per plant per five minute

observation period varied between population types.

Seed set: A one-way ANOVA was used to determine whether differences existed

in number of seeds set per capitulum between population types.

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5.4 Results

5.4.1 Quantity of pollen on insects

Pollen grains of the two Senecio species were extremely similar morphologically,

making it difficult to distinguish with any degree of certainty between the two

species. However, both hoverflies and honeybees collected from mixed stands, as

well as pure stands of each Senecio species, carried Senecio pollen on all body

parts including legs, abdomen, thorax, head and mouthparts. Both of these insect

taxa are therefore likely to act as pollinators for both Senecio species. Bees carried

greater quantities of pollen than did hoverflies (df=2; χ2=18.32; p<0.01).

5.4.2 Vegetation structure

Plant density was slightly lower in mixed S. madagascariensis stands than in other

population-types (Table 5.1), but this difference was not significant (df=3; f=3.98;

p=0.05). Number of open capitula per plant and plant height did vary, however,

between population types (df=3; f=205.76; p<0.01 and df=3; f=398.54; p<0.01

respectively), with plants in the S. madagascariensis population-types being

smaller and having fewer open capitula than did S. pinnatifolius plants (Table 5.1).

Table 5.1: Vegetation structure of native S. pinnatifolius and exotic S. madagascariensis populations

in pure and mixed stands (mean + se (n)). Letters in superscript denote groups (within columns) that

are not significantly different from one another (P<0.05).

Stem density/m2 Open capitula/plant Height (cm)

S. pinnatifolius 0.20+0.05 (80)a 19.31+1.69 (317)

a 72.28+2.27 (107)

b Mixed

stands S. madagascariensis 0.03+0.01 (80)

a 3.77+0.26 (307)

b 33.53+0.93 (118)


S. pinnatifolius 0.53+0.13 (90) a 25.65+3.11 (360)

a 107.54+2.01 (120)

a Pure

stands S. madagascariensis 0.39+0.10 (90)

a 7.57+0.44 (360)

b 42.65+1.18 (75)


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Table 5.2: Summary of results of stepwise regression analyses for (i) amount of time spent per plant and (ii) visitation rate, by bees and syrphids to Senecio pinnatifolius and S.

madagascariensis plants in mixed and pure stands. Independent variables include capitula number, plant height and distance to nearest neighbour (N.N. dist.). Values for non-

significant variables, which were excluded from the stepwise analyses are not presented. * =non-significant at the 0.05 level; Coef = coefficient; R2 = overall R


Mixed stands Pure stands

S. pinnatifolius S. madagascariensis S. pinnatifolius S. madagascariensis

Capitula no. N.N. dist. height Capitula no. N.N. dist. height Capitula no. N.N. dist. height Capitula no. N.N. dist. height

Coef 0.09 0.07 0.31 0.23

t 3.60 3.54 2.56 2.46


p <0.01 <0.01 <0.05 <0.05

R2 0.11 0.08 0.01* 0.04

Coef 0.34

t 2.07

p <0.05 Tim

e s









R2 -0.05* -0.02* 0.02* 0.09

Coef 0.46 0.35 -0.21 0.18 0.24 0.20

t 6.27 3.83 -2.29 2.40 2.48 2.04

p <0.01 <0.01 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 <0.05 Bees

R2 0.21 0.05 0.03 0.12

Coef 0.23 0.20 0.39 0.27 0.29

t 2.96 2.49 5.51 3.76 3.55

p <0.01 <0.05 <0.01 <0.01 <0.01


itation r





R2 0.10 0.22 0.04* 0.08

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5.4.3 Visitation rates and plant characteristics

Significant linear relationships existed between visitation rate and capitula number

and/or plant height for both bees and syrphids. These relationships were weak

and highly variable among population-types, however: overall R2 values were low,

ranging from 0.03 to 0.22, indicating that these variables accounted for only a small

amount of the observed variation (Table 5.2). No significant relationship was

detected between visitation rate and distance to nearest neighbour (for bees) or

visitation rate and plant height (for syrphids) in any population-type. Relationships

between time spent at a plant by bee and syrphid visitors and number of open

capitula, plant height and distance to nearest neighbour were also extremely weak

or non-existent and highly variable among population-types (Table 5.2). Since we

detected only weak and highly variable relationships between the measured

individual plant characteristics and pollinator visitation rate and time spent at plant,

per-plant visitation-rates data were not standardised to take into account any of

these variables in subsequent analyses of results.

5.4.4 Pollinator visits

Bee visitation rate varied between population-types (df=3; f=14.43; p<0.01) (Figure

5.1). A post hoc Tukey test identified that S. pinnatifolius plants experienced a

similar visitation rate regardless of whether or not S. madagascariensis grew

nearby. Therefore, there is no evidence for either a facilitative or competitive effect

of the exotic species on pollinator visits to the native in mixed populations. The

visitation rate to pure S. madagascariensis stands did not differ significantly from

the visitation rate to S. pinnatifolius in mixed stands. However, mixed S.

madagascariensis stands recorded a significantly lower bee visitation rate than did

pure S. madagascariensis stands and recorded a lower visitation rate than that

recorded for S. pinnatifolius plants in either mixed or pure stands. This indicates a

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preference for the native S. pinnatifolius and possible competition for bee

pollinators by the native Senecio.










S. pinnatifolius S. madagascariensis



its p




Mixed stands

Pure stands

a ab



Figure 5.1: Bee visits per plant per five minute observation period for native Senecio pinnatifolius

and exotic S. madagascariensis in pure and mixed stands. Bars represent mean +2se. Columns

surmounted by the same letter are not significantly different (p<0.05) from each other.

Syrphid visits per plant also varied between population types (df=3; f=4.05; p<0.01)

(Figure 5.2). Like bees, syrphids visited S. pinnatifolius plants at a similar rate

regardless of whether or not the exotic species was present, indicating that the

exotic species was having neither a facilitative, nor a competitive effect on

visitation rates to the native in mixed stands. Visitation rates to S.

madagascariensis plants in mixed stands were similar to those to the neighbouring

S. pinnatifolius plants. However, in contrast to patterns of bee visitation, S.

madagascariensis received lower visitation rates by syrphids in pure stands than

when growing with the native S. pinnatifolius, indicating a potential facilitative effect

of the native on visitation to the exotic.

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S. pinnatifolius S. madagascariensis



its p



nt .

Mixed stands

Pure stands





Figure 5.2: Syrphid visits per plant per five minute observation period for native Senecio pinnatifolius

and exotic S. madagascariensis in pure and mixed stands. Bars represent mean +2se. Columns

surmounted by the same letter are not significantly different (p<0.05) from each other.

Some evidence was obtained that pollinator visitation rates were higher in the sun

than the shade for S. pinnatifolius, but not for S. madagascariensis, population-

types (for bees in mixed S. pinnatifolius stands: df=139; t=5.25; p<0.01; and pure

S. pinnatifolius stands: df=170; t=3.45; p<0.01; and syrphids in pure S. pinnatifolius

stands: df=129; t=-3.57; p<0.01). In addition, different numbers of observation

periods occurred in the sun between population-types (df=3; χ2=94.40; p<0.01),

with a greater number of observations periods being conducted on plants in the

sun in S. madagascariensis population-types than in S. pinnatifolius population-

types. However, between-population-types variation in number of observation

periods conducted in the sun does not adequately explain differences in floral

visitor activity since the sunniest population-types (pure and mixed S.

madagascariensis stands) recorded visitation rates similar to or lower than the less

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sunny population-types (pure and mixed S. pinnatifolius stands (see Figure 5.1 and


5.4.5 Seed set

Seed set per capitulum varied between population-types (df=3; f=75.24; p<0.01). A

post-hoc Tukey test identified no difference in seed set between the two S.

madagascariensis populations, and these set significantly more seeds per

capitulum than did either S. pinnatifolius population type. Senecio pinnatifolius

seed set was lower in pure stands than in mixed stands (Figure 5.3).











S. pinnatifolius S. madagascariensis




s p





Mixed stands

Pure stands

a a



Figure 5.3: Seeds set per capitulum for native Senecio pinnatifolius and exotic S. madagascariensis

in pure and mixed stands. Bars represent mean seeds set per capitulum +2se. Columns surmounted

by the same letter are not significantly different (p<0.05) from each other.

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5.5 Discussion

We found no evidence therefore, that exotic S. madagascariensis was either

competing for, or facilitating, pollinator visits to the native S. pinnatifolius at this

stage in the flowering season. Native plants received similar numbers of bee and

hoverfly visits regardless of whether or not the exotic species was present in the

area. This most probably is due to the relatively low densities of S.

madagascariensis flowers (compared with S. pinnatifolius flower density) during

the study period.

Surprisingly, seed set in S. pinnatifolius was higher in mixed populations than when

growing in isolation from the alien species. This is clearly not due to facilitation of

pollinator visits by the presence of the alien species, but there are a number of

possible explanations: (1) This may be due to abiotic factors not measured in this

study, (2) Higher levels of herbivory have been recorded in pure populations of S.

pinnatifolius (White et al. in press), which could have consequences for

reproductive success in these plants, (3) seed set may be enhanced indirectly in

mixed populations via hybridisation. Senecio pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis

are known to hybridise (Radford 1997; Prentis et al. in press). If one species has

greater male fitness (i.e. higher pollen germination rates) than another with which it

is capable of hybridising, seed set can be increased in the latter species when it

receives pollen from the former (Anttila et al. 1998). If S. madagascariensis has

higher male fitness than the native Senecio, seed set could be increased in mixed

populations via this mechanism. Molecular studies show that S. madagascariensis

does in fact, have a hybridisation advantage, siring significantly more progeny to S.

pinnatifolius maternal parents than expected based on proportional representation

of the two species in sympatric populations (Prentis et al. in press). Further genetic

work is currently underway to investigate this in greater detail.

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Bees are likely to play a more important role than syrphids in pollination of Senecio

species, since they carry significantly greater quantities of pollen and visited

capitula more frequently than did syrphids. The presence of the native S.

pinnatifolius affected pollinator visitation rates to the alien Senecio, having opposite

effects for bees and syrphids: bee visits to S. madagascariensis were significantly

reduced by the presence of S. pinnatifolius, whilst syrphid visits increased. This

may be due simply to differential responses of these two insect taxa to the

presence of the native Senecio, with syrphid visits to S. madagascariensis being

facilitated, whilst competition is occurring for bee visits. It is not uncommon for

response to ecological variables to vary between pollinator species (Mitchell et al.

2004). However, interference competition between syrphids and honeybees might

also be partially responsible for differences in visitation rates. Gross (2001) noted

that Australian native bees were less likely to land on flowers of the shrub Dillwynia

juniperina when honeybees were present. If, like native bees, syrphid activity is

reduced by the presence of honeybees, syrphid visits to S. madagascariensis may

increase in response to lower bee numbers when bees are attracted away from the

alien to the more abundant flowers of the native species. If this were occurring, one

would expect that syrphid visits to S. pinnatifolius plants would be reduced, relative

to those to neighbouring S. madagascariensis plants. This was not the case here

however, so this interaction probably does not fully explain differential syrphid

visitation rates between mixed and pure S. madagascariensis stands.

Changes in pollinator behaviour, such as we have recorded, can have important

consequences for plant reproduction and flowering patterns (Rathke 1983). In this

case, however, altered visitation rates did not affect seed set in the exotic Senecio,

indicating that either the facilitative and competitive effects cancelled each other

out, or simply that S. madagascariensis is not pollen limited at these sites or at this

point in its flowering period. Ghazoul (2004) also reported that although butterfly

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pollinator activity on the canopy tree species Dipterocarpus obtusifolius was

significantly reduced in disturbed areas, this did not translate into a seed-set effect.

He suggested that visits by other pollinator species probably compensated for

reduced butterfly pollination. Given the generalist nature of plant-pollinator

interactions and the widespread integration of exotic plants into the native plant-

pollinator visitation web (Memmott and Waser 2002), it may be commonplace for

reduced activity by one or two major pollinator taxa to be compensated for by visits

from other generalist pollinators.

Depending on the point in the flowering season for the two Senecio species (e.g. at

the end of the S. pinnatifolius flowering season, when exotic S. madagascariensis

flowers are dominant), different scenarios might be observed than those which we

report. Species such as the exotic and native Senecio, which have staggered

flowering times, may indirectly act as mutualists by jointly maintaining pollinator

populations at high levels over a longer time span than would otherwise be the

case (Waser and Real 1979). Alternatively, competitive interactions may be altered

or reversed at different points in the flowering season, as pollinator preferences

change in response to altered relative abundance of two or more plant species

(Kephart 1983).

5.5.1 Conclusions

The presence of the exotic S. madagascariensis had no effect on pollinator activity

in the native S. pinnatifolius at the stage in the flowering season during which this

study was conducted. This is not surprising considering the relatively low density of

exotic flowers at this time. However, seed set in the native species was higher in

mixed populations. Hybridisation, if it is occurring, might have an impact on seed

set and this issue warrants further investigation. In contrast, the presence of the

native S. pinnatifolius did affect pollinator visitation rates to the exotic species, with

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bee visits being less frequent, and syrphid visits being more frequent (perhaps as a

result of reduced interference competition with bees), though this did not result in

alterations to seed set. In addition to commonly studied interactions such as

competition, potential indirect interactions between invasive and native plant

species should be taken into account when considering both management

approaches for invasive plants and conservation strategies for native plant species.

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Page 115: Senecio species as mediated by insects Evelyn White (B ...eprints.qut.edu.au/16580/1/Evelyn_White_Thesis.pdf · Senecio madagascariensis and S. pinnatifolius occur in a similar geographic

Chapter 6 - Can hybridisation cause local

extinction: the case for demographic

swamping of the Australian native,

Senecio pinnatifolius, by the invasive S.


The following chapter was recently published as:

Prentis, P.J., White, E.M., Radford, I.J., Lowe, A.J. and Clarke,

A.R. (2007) Can hybridization cause local extinction: the case for

demographic swamping of the Australian native, Senecio

pinnatifolius, by the invasive S. madagascariensis? New

Phytologist 174: 902-912.

Roles of co-authors are as follows:

P.J. Prentis: Conducted molecular laboratory work, part of the data analysis, and

wrote final draft.

E.M. White: Responsible for conceptual basis of project, experimental design, part

of the data analysis and writing of initial drafts.

I.J. Radford: Conducted the reciprocal crossing experiment, contributed data

comprising Appendices C and D, and made comments on manuscript.

A.J. Lowe: Assisted with data analysis and writing.

A.R. Clarke: Project supervisor, assisted with experimental design and writing.

Copyright 2007 Blackwell Publishing The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.com http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1469-8137.2007.02217.x
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Chapter 6 – Can hybridisation cause local extinction: the case for

demographic swamping of the Australian native, Senecio pinnatifolius, by

the invasive S. madagascariensis?

6.1 Abstract

Hybridisation between native and invasive species can have several outcomes,

including; enhanced weediness in hybrid progeny, evolution of new hybrid lineages

and decline of hybridising species. The latter largely depends on the relative

frequencies of parental taxa and viability of hybrid progeny. We investigated

individual and population level consequences of hybridisation between the

Australian native, Senecio pinnatifolius, and the exotic S. madagascariensis, with

AFLP markers and used this information to estimate the annual loss of viable

seeds to hybridisation. A high frequency (range 8.3-75.6 %) of hybrids was

detected in open pollinated seeds of both species, but mature hybrids were absent

from sympatric populations. A hybridisation advantage was observed for S.

madagascariensis, where significantly more progeny than expected were sired

based on proportional representation of the two species in sympatric populations.

Calculations indicated S. pinnatifolius would produce less viable seed than S.

madagascariensis, if hybridisation was frequency dependent and S.

madagascariensis reached a frequency between 10-60 %. For this native-exotic

species pair, prezygotic isolating barriers are weak, but low hybrid viability

maintains a strong postzygotic barrier to introgression. Due to asymmetric

hybridisation, S. pinnatifolius appears under threat if S. madagascariensis

increases numerically in areas of contact.

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6.2 Introduction

The importance of hybridisation in the evolution and speciation of plants has long

been recognised (Rieseberg et al. 1995; Arnold, 1997; Rieseberg et al. 2003;

Abbott and Lowe 2004; Hegarty and Hiscock 2005; Buggs and Pannell 2006).

Hybridisation can result when divergent lineages, or species formed in allopatry,

change ranges and come into reproductive contact, potentially forming a zone of

secondary contact (Anderson 1949; Lagercrantz and Ryman 1990; Cruzan 2005;

Hoskin et al. 2005). The formation of hybrid zones can be promoted by biological

invasions, if introduced species are sufficiently closely related to native species.

As global trade and passenger travel continues to accelerate (Hanfling and

Kollmann 2002), it seems probable that alien plant invasions will continue at an

alarming rate, leading to increasing contact and hybridisation between previously

allopatric species (Abbott 1992; Abbott and Lowe 2004). In contrast to natural

range changes, biological invasions are more likely to form extensive zones of

contact, potentially accelerating the eventual outcome of hybridisation (Wolf et al.


Hybridisation between natives and exotics can have several outcomes, including;

enhanced weediness in hybrid offspring (Ellstrand and Schierenbeck 2000; Morrell

et al. 2005; Whitney et al. 2006), evolution of new hybrid lineages (Lowe and

Abbott 2004) and decline or even extinction of hybridising species (Levin et al.

1996). The latter is the most potentially destructive outcome of interspecific

hybridisation, and can occur via two main potential mechanisms (Wolf et al. 2001).

First, introgressive hybridisation, the transfer of genes between species via fertile

or semi-fertile hybrids, may produce hybrid derivatives of superior fitness that

displace one or both pure conspecifics, defined as genetic assimilation (Wolf et al.

2001). Secondly, if hybrids are sterile or display reduced fitness, the population

growth rate of the hybridising taxa may decrease below that required for

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replacement of one or both parental species, termed demographic swamping (Wolf

et al. 2001).

The potential for introgression is regulated in part by the strength of chromosomal

or genic sterility barriers that prevent the formation of fertile interspecific offspring

(Arnold 1997; Lowe and Abbott 2004; Erickson and Fenster 2006). This can be

particularly true for triploid hybrids resulting from crosses between diploid and

tetraploid species (Lowe and Abbott 2000; Husband 2004). A combination of both

genetic assimilation and demographic swamping may also result in the decline of

hybridising taxa, making it difficult to discern the true causative process. In many

cases molecular methods can be applied to demonstrate the potential for

introgression and distinguish between processes.

Senecio, one of the largest genera of flowering plants, is known worldwide for its

globally important weed species (Holm et al. 1997) and the widespread occurrence

of interspecific hybridisation between native and introduced taxa (Abbott 1992;

Lowe and Abbott 2004; Kadereit et al. 2006). Senecio madagascariensis

(fireweed), a native of southern Africa and Madagascar, was introduced to

Australia more than 80 years ago and is now an aggressive weed in its invasive

range (Radford 1997; Radford et al. 1995a; Sindel et al. 1998). In Australia,

molecular genetic and morphological studies have demonstrated a close affinity

between fireweed and Australian native Senecio species, including S. pinnatifolius

(formerly S. lautus) (Scott et al. 1998). Although S. madagascariensis (2n = 2x =

20) and S. pinnatifolius (2n = 4x = 40) differ in ploidy (Radford et al. 1995b),

empirical and experimental crossing studies have established that both species

can serve as paternal and maternal parents of synthetic hybrids (Radford 1997).

Under greenhouse conditions, synthetic triploid hybrids between the two species

exhibit low viability and are highly sterile (sterile pollen, low pollen production, no

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stigmatic viability, Radford 1997). Despite low fertility, triploid hybrids can still act

as a genetic bridge between diploid and tetraploid taxa, as demonstrated by Lowe

and Abbott (2000). Thus despite low fertility, F1 triploid hybrids could enable

introgression of S. madagascariensis genes into S. pinnatifolius (or vice-versa), but

this remains untested in the field.

Populations of S. madagascariensis exist in sympatry with populations of the native

S. pinnatifolius across many regions of Australia’s east coast. Within this area, S.

madagascariensis and S. pinnatifolius grow in close physical proximity, have

flowering periods that overlap and are pollinated by the same insect species

(Radford 1997; Radford and Cousens 2000; White 2007). Hybrid formation has

also been observed in sympatric populations of the two species in the field

(Radford 1997; Scott 1994), but may be restricted to certain variants of S.

pinnatifolius, such as the varieties tableland, headland and dune (Radford 1997).

To examine in greater detail the outcome of hybridisation between the native S.

pinnatifolius and the invasive S. madagascariensis, comparisons were made at

population (in sympatric vs allopatric populations) and individual (in sympatric

populations) levels to investigate contemporary and long-term outcomes of

hybridisation. Amplified fragment length polymorphisms (AFLP) were used as

molecular markers in this analysis. Three primary questions are addressed in this

paper. (i) What is the viability of hybrids in the field? - Comprising a comparison of

the frequency of hybrids in open pollinated seed of both species and incidence of

adult stage hybrids in sympatric populations. (ii) Does hybridisation influence the

level of genetic diversity or differentiation within sympatric compared to allopatric

populations of these hybridising species? (iii) Can we estimate the likely outcome

of hybridisation between this native-invasive species pair under a number of

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hybridisation scenarios and is S. pinnatifolius at risk of genetic assimilation and/or

demographic swamping in sympatric populations?

6.3 Materials and Methods

6.3.1 Study species

Senecio madagascariensis (fireweed), a diploid annual weed from South Africa,

has invaded large areas of farmland and grassland in south-eastern Australia

(Radford et al. 1995a; Radford 1997). Senecio pinnatifolius is an herbaceous

perennial tetraploid (Ornduff 1964; Ali 1966; Radford et al. 1995b, 2004), and

exhibits a similar geographic range to S. madagascariensis in the eastern states,

but generally occurs in smaller, more scattered populations than the exotic

(Radford 1997; Radford and Cousens 2000). Senecio pinnatifolius (var. tableland,

formerly known as Senecio lautus ssp. lanceolatus), the focus of this study,

inhabits disturbed areas and pasture usually close to the edge of rainforest or

moist eucalypt forest and flowers between February and June in south-eastern

Australia (Radford and Cousens 2000, Appendix C). There is a four month period

of overlap between the flowering periods of the native and exotic Senecio, the

latter flowers between the months of March and December in Australia (Radford

and Cousens 2000). Previous studies have indicated that both species are self-

incompatible and insect-pollinated (Ali 1966; Lawrence 1985; Radford 1997). The

two species are superficially morphologically similar (differing in plant size, bract

number and time to senescence), both producing similar-sized yellow capitula

which occur in clusters on the plant: floral visitors move freely between the two

species when they grow together in the field (White 2007).

6.3.2 Study sites and sample collections

To assess genetic diversity in allopatric populations of each Senecio species, leaf

material was collected from approximately 45 (minimum 42) flowering plants from

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each of three allopatric populations of S. pinnatifolius (var. tableland) and three

allopatric populations of S. madagascariensis.

To determine the number of mature hybrid plants, as well as genetic diversity for

each species when they grow in sympatry, leaf material was collected from

approximately 45 plants (minimum 43, maximum 47) from two sympatric sites

across the morphological range of flowering plants of each species. Plants from

which leaf material was collected were identified as either S. pinnatifolius or S.

madagascariensis using morphological features, including bract number and leaf

morphology, following Ali (1969) and Nelson (1980). Despite repeated searches

over two consecutive flowering seasons, no obvious hybrids (ie. plants with

intermediate morphology) were observed in the field. In addition, ~ 20 seeds per

plant were collected from a random selection of 10 plants of each species from

which leaf material had been collected (a total of ~ 200 seeds per species for each

of the two populations).

All allopatric and sympatric populations sampled occurred within the “Border

Ranges”, a group of linked mountain ranges running along the eastern portion of

the Queensland/New South Wales State border (population locations are indicated

in Table 6.1). All sites, regardless of location, occurred within a similar altitudinal

range (between 550 m and 700 m ASL), had similar types of neighbouring

vegetation (pasture and moist eucalypt forest or rainforest), and were surveyed

during May when both species were flowering. Allopatric populations were

separated by at least five km from the nearest known population of the other

species. In sympatric populations, S. pinnatifolius grew along the rainforest edges,

and in nearby creek beds, while S. madagascariensis inhabited adjacent pasture,

with considerable mixing of the species at the interface.

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All leaf samples from allopatric and sympatric populations were transported on ice,

then frozen and stored at –80 oC until DNA extractions were performed. Seeds

were germinated on moist filter paper until they reached approximately 20 mm in

height, at which point they were removed, frozen and stored at –80 oC.

Germination percentages for S. pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis from both

sympatric sites were generally quite low; particularly for S. madagascariensis (< 35

% at both sites), and numbers of resulting progeny for each species for each site

are shown in Table 6.1. Low seed germination was not the result of seed

dormancy, as neither species exhibits dormancy when grown on filter paper

(Radford 1997), but rather due to the collection relatively immature fruiting capitula.

6.3.3 Reciprocal crossing experiments

A reciprocal crossing experiment was undertaken to examine the viability and

number of seed produced from interspecific and intraspecific crosses. Plants were

germinated and grown using the methodology described in Radford and Cousens

(2000). Once plants reached reproductive maturity, inflorescences to be used in

the reciprocal crossing experiment were bagged prior to flowers opening. Once

flowers opened, bags were removed and crosses performed. Hand pollinations

were performed by applying mature anthers from pollen donors to the stigmatic

surface of pollen receivers with forceps. This procedure was repeated for all florets

on an inflorescence. Inflorescences were rebagged until maturation of capitula as

indicated by the exposure of mature pappus. Bags were then removed, and the

number of seed produced for both interspecific and intraspecific crosses was

recorded. To assess the viability of seed produced from crosses, seed were

germinated according to the protocol of Radford and Cousens (2000). ANOVA was

used to determine if differences existed in the number and viability of seed

produced from interspecific and intraspecific crosses.

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Table 6.1: Population locations and relative frequencies of plants and flowers of native Senecio pinnatifolius (Sp) and exotic Senecio madagascariensis (Sm) used in the

current study.

Population Location Relative densities


Sample sizes

Plants Capitula Parents Progeny

Hampton East of Hampton, Northern Darling Downs (27o 22’S, 152o10’E) 45

Swanfels 1 North of Killarney, Southern Darling Downs (28o 07’S, 152o 23’E) 42




Swanfels 2 North of Killarney, Southern Darling Downs (28o 08’S, 152o 23’E)

100 : 0 100 : 0


Beechmont Near Beechmont, Gold Coast Hinterland (28o 07’S, 153o 10’E) 45

Tamborine Mt Tamborine, Gold Coast Hinterland (27o 58’S, 153o12’E) 45




Springbrook Springbrook Plateau, Gold Coast Hinterland (28o 11’S, 153o 16’E)

0 : 100 0 : 100



Mary Falls

Near Queen Mary Falls section of Main Range National Park,

Southern Darling Downs (28o 20’S, 152o 21’E) 0.77 : 0.23

0.96 :


Sp: 45;

Sm: 45

Sp: 109; Sm: 49




O’Reillys’ Near Lamington National Park, Gold Coast Hinterland (28o13’S,

153o 07’E) 0.84 : 0.16 0.97 :


Sp: 43;

Sm: 47

Sp: 72; Sm: 41

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6.3.4 Relative densities of plants and flowers

Relative plant and capitulum densities of each species at each site were

determined using the Point Centred Quarter (PCQ) method (Krebs 1989), using 30

random plants of each species at each site as ‘centre points’. A Chi-square test

was used to determine whether the proportion of hybrids produced in the progeny

of each species was concordant with capitulum densities of each species at each


6.3.5 AFLP profiling

Total cellular DNA was extracted from 0.1 g of plant material per sample according

to the protocol of Doyle and Doyle (1987) with slight modifications. DNA was

quantified visually on ethidium bromide stained agarose gels and samples were

diluted with 0.5 TE buffer to obtain concentrations between 100 and 200 ng/µL.

AFLP restriction/ligation was performed following the protocol of Prentis et al.

(2004). AFLP PCR was performed following the method of Zawko et al. (2001),

using two primer pairs: E-AAG/M-AG and E-AAG/M-GA, where the selective EcoRI

primer was Hex labeled (Geneworks). The fluorescently labeled amplified products

were analysed by gel electrophoresis (5% acrylamide gels), using a Gelscan

GS2000 (Corbet Research) with a TAMRA 500 size standard (Applied

Biosystems). To confirm reproducibility, five adult samples of each Senecio species

were run blindly six times from different extractions for both primer combinations

and loci that were ambiguous were not scored in the full analysis. This information

was also used to produce an error rate of fragment mis-scoring for both primer

combinations. At an individual locus, bands of similar size and intensity were

considered to be homologous, following previous studies of closely related species

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(Rieseberg 1996; O'Hanlon and Peakall 2000). AFLP profiles were scored for the

presence and absence of bands between 50 and 500 base pairs in size.

6.3.6 Data analysis – population level

Genetic diversity within each population was quantified by calculating Shannon's

index of diversity (Shannon 1948), as this diversity measure has been used

previously to obtain accurate estimates of genetic diversity in polyploid plants with

AFLP markers (Abbott et al. 2007). Shannon’s index was calculated using the

following equation; H = −∑(pi ln pi), where pi is the frequency of a band at a

particular locus, and this value was then averaged over all polymorphic loci. A t-test

was used to compare whether levels of genetic diversity were similar in sympatric

and allopatric populations of both species.

Global FST and pairwise FST, used to characterize the extent of population

differentiation among all population pairs within each species separately, were

estimated in SPAGEDI (Hardy and Vekemans 2002). This program was chosen as

it can estimate F statistics in both diploids and polyploids with dominant marker

data. PHYLIP (Felsenstein 2005) was used to construct a neighbour-joining (NJ)

phenogram in TREEVIEW (Page 1996) from the pairwise FST matrix.

6.3.7 Data analysis – individual level

Principal coordinates analysis (PCOA) was used to examine clustering of individual

S. pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis genotypes from both sympatric and

allopatric sites using GENALEX (Peakall and Smouse 2006). To assign individuals

to their most likely species of origin, or hybrid status, the assignment method of

Duchesne and Bernatchez (2002) in AFLPOP was used. The assignment method

utilises multilocus AFLP data to test the likelihood that an individual genotype (G) is

a pure species or interspecific hybrid based on population-level allele frequencies.

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If the frequency of an AFLP fragment was 0, log(0) was replaced by log(ε), where ε

was chosen as 0.001. Individuals are assigned to species or hybrid populations

displaying the highest log-likelihood for G; however allocation of genotypes were

only made if minimal log-likelihood difference (MLD) was ≥ 1 for mature individuals.

This means a genotype is 10 times more likely to originate from a particular

population than any other candidate population. A MLD of 0 was used to allocate

progeny genotypes to parental species or hybrid swarms, as many individuals were

unassigned at higher MLD stringency levels. The MLDs chosen here are similar to

most previous studies (Potvin and Bernatchez 2001; Campbell et al. 2003; He et al.


To determine the probability of incorrect assignment the AFLPOP simulator was

used. The simulation technique produces 1000 random samples from the source

population file and calculates the proportion of allocations (P) to the second

population. When P is small the incorrect assignment of individuals is highly

unlikely. If P-values for an individual were < 0.001 for both species and all possible

hybrid populations, then the individual could not be assigned.

First generation, F1 parental backcrosses and F2 hybrid populations were

simulated in AFLPOP between all pairs of allopatric populations of S. pinnatifolius

and S. madagascariensis. Mature sympatric individuals of the two species were

then assigned to either allopatric populations or simulated hybrid swarms. Progeny

raised from seed collected from sympatric sites were also allocated to their species

of origin or simulated interspecific hybrid status using the same assignment method

as above.

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6.3.8 Risk posed by hybridisation

We estimated the number of non-hybrid adults of each species that would be

produced from seeds in a single year under various rates of F1 seed production.

We incorporated data from other studies for the following parameters; monthly

capitulum production for both species in allopatric sites (see Appendix C) to

estimate the proportion of total capitula produced per year during synchronous (Pr

S) and non-synchronous (Pr N) flowering, annual seed production (A), percentage

germination under field conditions (G), survival transition to maturity of both

species in S. pinnatifolius (var. tableland) habitat (E), and hybridisation rate (H)

(see Appendix D for values). Annual viable seed production (AVSP) was then

calculated for both species using the following equation; AVSP = ((Pr S x A) x (1-

H) x G x E) + ((Pr N x A) x G x E). Hybridisation scenarios examined with the

equation were; no hybridisation, maximum hybridisation (all seeds produced during

synchronous flowering were hybrids), fixed level hybridisation (based on actual

levels of hybridisation observed in field-collected progeny in this study), and linear

frequency dependent hybridisation. The hybridisation rate (H) was calculated for

each month, based on flowering synchrony data from field observations (Radford

and Cousens 2000, Appendix C). The proportion of S. madagascariensis (Pm) in a

population is used to estimate the proportion of hybrid seed produced separately

for both S. madagascariensis and S. pinnatifolius using linear frequency dependent

relationships outlined below. Linear density dependent relationships were fitted

based on the assumption that H = (1 – observed H) at Pm = (1 – observed Pm), for

each site and species independently (Equations for lines of best fit, O’Reillys’: S.

madagascariensis y = (-0.101(Pm)) + 0.103, S. pinnatifolius y = (0.739(Pm)) +

0.13; Queen Mary Falls: S. madagascariensis y = (-0.532(Pm)) + 0.766, S.

pinnatifolius y = (0.894(Pm)) + 0.053). Estimates were calculated independently for

each sympatric site based on the actual levels of hybridisation recorded in open

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pollinated progeny at that site for the fixed rate hybridisation scenario. The principal

simplifying assumptions of our estimates include (1) flowering time in sympatric

populations is similar to allopatric populations (2) rates of hybridisation are

frequency dependent and (3) all hybrids are not viable.

6.4 Results

6.4.1 Reciprocal crossing experiments

Achenes were successfully produced for both interspecific and intraspecific

crosses, regardless of which species was the pollen or seed parent. Although the

mean number of seeds produced from interspecific crosses was lower than that

recorded for for intraspecific crosses, differences in seed production were not

statistically significant (see Table 6.2). Similarly, no statistical difference in

percentage seed germination (viability) was found between the seed produced

from interspecific and intraspecific crosses (Table 6.2).

6.4.2 Relative densities of plants and flowers

The native S. pinnatifolius was the dominant species at both sympatric sites, both

in terms of plant and flower frequency: it had more than three-fold the plant

frequency and approximately 19-fold the flower frequency of S. madagascariensis

(Table 6.1). At both sites the rate of hybrid seed production by S. pinnatifolius was

significantly higher than would be expected if it was occurring proportionally to the

relative frequencies of S. pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis flowers (O’Reillys’:

χ2 = 5.43, df = 1, p < 0.05; Queen Mary Falls: χ2 = 102.48, df = 1, p < 0.01).

Senecio madagascariensis contributed only five percent of capitula in each of the

sympatric populations, but approximately 15 and 8.5 % of S. pinnatifolius progeny

were identified as F1 hybrids at Queen Mary Falls and O’Reillys’ sites respectively.

In contrast, the rates of hybridisation in S. madagascariensis seed were

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significantly lower than expected from floral frequency (O’Reillys’: χ2 = 57.76, df =

1, p < 0.05; Queen Mary Falls: χ2 = 1375.14, df = 1, p < 0.01). Senecio pinnatifolius

makes up 95 % of capitula at both sites, but only 10 and 75 % of S.

madagascariensis progeny were recognized as hybrids at the Queen Mary Falls

and O’Reillys’ sites, respectively.

Table 6.2: Seed viability (% germination ± s.e.) and amount of seed produced (mean seed

produced/capitulum ± s.e.) from intra and interspecies reciprocal crosses between Senecio

pinnatifolius and Senecio madagascariensis.



Number of



Mean seed


(± s.e.)

% Seed


(± s.e.)





Within species 10 46 (± 9.09)



13 26 (± 7.19) P = 0.180

Seed viability

Within species 8 70.4 (± 6.07)



11 75.2 (± 11.9) P = 0.502

6.4.3 Genetic diversity and population differentiation

The two AFLP primer pair combinations produced 176 fragments for the 718

individuals screened, of which 88% were polymorphic between the two species.

The error rate of mis-scoring estimated from blind running of five individuals of

each Senecio species six times from different extractions was 1.7% and 1.9% for

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the primer pairs 33-49 and 33-55, respectively. Mean genetic diversity within S.

madagascariensis and S. pinnatifolius populations was H = 0.257 (± 0.007) and H

= 0.277 (± 0.014), respectively. Genetic diversity was similar between allopatric

(0.283 ± 0.013) and sympatric (0.270 ± 0.015) populations for S. pinnatifolius (T3 =

0.648; P > 0.5). However, a significant difference in genetic diversity between

allopatric (0.271 ± 0.003) and sympatric (0.239 ± 0.010) populations of S.

madagascariensis was detected ( T3 = 3.968; P = 0.02).


B (Sm)A

S (Sm)A

T (Sm)A

O (Sm)S

QM (Sm)S

QM (Sp)S

O (Sp)S

S2 (Sp)A

S1 (Sp)A

H (Sp)A



Figure 6.1: Unrooted neighbour-joining phenogram based on pairwise FST distances among AFLP profiles for a)

Senecio pinnatifolius (Sp) and b) Senecio madagascariensis (Sm) in sympatric (S) and allopatric (

A) sites, i.e.

Hampton (H), Swanfels 1 (S1), Swanfels 2 (S2), Beechmont (B), Tamborine (T), Springbrook (S), Queen Mary

Falls (QM) and O’Reillys’ (O).

Global FST analyses detected pronounced differentiation among populations of both

species, with FST values of 0.271 (P < 0.001) for S. madagascariensis, and 0.162

(P < 0.001) for S. pinnatifolius. The NJ phenograms (Figure 6.1) illustrated that for

each species, sympatric populations were more similar genetically to each other

than they were to allopatric populations (S. pinnatifolius: sympatric – allopatric

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comparisons FST = 0.18, P < 0.001, sympatric – sympatric comparisons FST = 0.15,

P < 0.001; S. madagascariensis: sympatric – allopatric comparisons FST = 0.30, P

< 0.001, sympatric – sympatric comparisons FST = 0.23, P < 0.001), although the

pattern was more pronounced in S. madagascariensis. This pattern of clustering

was also confirmed in the individual PCOA (Figure 6.2), where the first two axes

accounted for 81.1 % of the total variation, with the species differentiating axis 1

explaining greater than 73.7 % of the total variation. Separation of conspecific

individuals from sympatric and allopatric populations of both species was unrelated

to introgression, as individuals did not occur intermediate between the species

differentiating axis (1), but parallel to PCOA axis 2.

Coord. 1



. 2

S. pinnatifolius A

S. pinnatifolius S

S. madagascariensis A

S. madagascariensis S

Figure 6.2: Principal coordinates analysis depicting clustering of Senecio pinnatifolius and Senecio

madagascariensis in sympatric and allopatric sites.

Principal coordinates analysis (Figure 6.2) and assignment tests indicated a total

absence of mature hybrids in the field. All mature individuals sampled from the two

sympatric populations were assigned to either pure S. pinnatifolius or S.

madagascariensis groups, and not to simulated hybrid swarms between the two

species. The probability of incorrectly assigning mature individuals was extremely

low, since all allocated individuals had simulation P values of < 0.001.

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The assignment method detected F1 hybrid progeny amongst seed collected from

S. pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis plants in each of the sympatric sites. The

level of hybrid progeny in the seeds differed quite markedly between the species at

O’Reilly’s (% F1 hybrids: S. pinnatifolius = 8.3%; S. madagascariensis = 75.6%;

Figure 6.3 a), but was more similar at Queen Mary Falls (% F1 hybrids: S.

pinnatifolius = 15.6%; S. madagascariensis = 10.2%; Figure 6.3 b).

Table 6.3: Annual viable seed production produced by Senecio pinnatifolius (Sp) and Senecio

madagascariensis (Sm) in sympatric populations in tableland variant habitat for a range of different

hybridisation scenarios, abbreviations as follows; Queen Mary Falls (QM) and O’Reillys’ (O). The

values reported for density dependent linear hybridisation are the range of viable seed produced in a

year when the proportion of S. madagascariensis in sympatric populations is 0.05 and 0.95


Species Total seed

Post germination

Post establishment

Maximum hybridisation

Fixed rate (O)

Fixed rate (QM)

Linear (O)

Linear (QM)

S. p 505 338 274 85 259 244 256-141


S. m 422 304 252 81 124 235 133-208


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plants capitula Sp progeny Sm
















plants capitula Sp







Figure 6.3: Percentage of plants of each species, capitula produced by each species and hybrid and

non-hybrid F1 progeny produced by Senecio pinnatifolius (Sp) and Senecio madagascariensis (Sm)

plants in two sympatric populations; a) Queen Mary Falls and b) O’Reillys’.

6.4.4 Risk posed by hybridisation

Estimates of the annual viable seed production (AVSP) were found to favour the

native S. pinnatifolius under all hybridisation scenarios (Table 6.3), except under

linear frequency dependent relationships where the proportion of S.


(b) Perc


t (%


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madagascariensis in sympatric populations strongly influenced the outcome

(Figure 6.4). The number of seeds to become viable adults of each species in a

year estimated under no hybridisation was greater for S. pinnatifolius (274) than for

S. madagascariensis (252). Senecio pinnatifolius also produced a greater amount

of viable seed than S. madagascariensis, when estimates were based on the fixed

hybridisation rates observed in this study, but this trend was stronger at O’Reillys’

(259:124) than QM Falls (244:235). Estimates of maximum possible hybridisation

also indicated S. pinnatifolius (85) would produce more viable seed than S.

madagascariensis (81), but only by four seeds in a generation. Calculations based

on linear frequency dependent relationships produced estimates for seven different

proportions of S. madagascariensis (5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90 and 95 %) in both

sympatric sites (see Figure 6.4 a and b). At the QM Falls and O’Reillys’ sites, the

proportion of S. madagascariensis in a mixed population needed to reach 10 %

and ~ 60 % respectively, for S. madagascariensis to produce more viable seed

than S. pinnatifolius in a generation.

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0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0











Proportion of S. madagascariensis in populations

0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0




eds p













S. pinnatifolius

S. madagascariensis


Figure 6.4: Annual viable seed production of Senecio pinnatifolius (closed symbols) and Senecio

madagascariensis (open symbols) in sympatric sites derived using linear density dependent

hybridisation relationships a) at O’Reillys’ and b) at Queen Mary Falls. Calculations based on linear

density dependent relationships produced estimates for seven different proportions of S.

madagascariensis (5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90 and 95 %) in both sympatric sites.

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6.5 Discussion

6.5.1 The incidence of hybridisation and fate of hybrids

Hybridisation between S. madagascariensis and S. pinnatifolius occurs very

frequently in the wild, with a large number of F1 hybrid seed produced by both

species in sympatric sites. Observed levels of hybridisation in this study were in the

same range as those reported previously between S. madagascariensis and S.

pinnatifolius (Radford 1997). In fact, the level of hybridisation recorded in open

pollinated seed is four orders of magnitude greater than that recorded between

another well characterized native-exotic Senecio species pair, S. vulgaris (2n = 4x

= 40) and S. squalidus (2n = 2x = 20) (Marshall and Abbott 1980). It is also an

order of magnitude higher than between S. vulgaris and the recent neo-species S.

eboracensis (2n = 4x = 40). Lowe and Abbott (2004) suggest that the low

frequency of hybridisation between S. eboracensis and S. vulgaris was influenced

by niche separation, differences in flowering phenology and the greater attraction

of S. eboracensis to pollinators. Given that habitat differentiation between S.

madagascariensis and S. pinnatifolius is weak, there is a substantial overlap in

their flowering time, and that they are pollinated by the same insect species, the

high level of hybridisation observed here is not unexpected. The frequency of

hybridisation in our study suggests that prezygotic barriers are weak and do not

prevent gene flow between the species.

Despite the high proportion of hybrid seed collected from both species, mature

hybrids were totally absent from sympatric populations sampled in this study.

These results suggest that there is a very strong postzygotic reproductive barrier

between the study species. Effects of interploidal hybridisation on offspring fitness

can be severe, often resulting in progeny that are highly sterile (Hardy et al. 2001;

Lowe and Abbott 2004; Pannell et al. 2004; Buggs and Pannell 2006). However

sterility cannot be the only consequence of interploidal hybridisation for the study

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species, since no hybrids, sterile or otherwise, developed to maturity in sampled

populations. A lack of mature hybrids indicates that the viability of interspecific

hybrids must also be much reduced. Given that in this study hybrid seed

germinates at the same percentage as non-hybrid seed, the reduced viability of

hybrids must occur after germination but before maturity. Further study is required

to estimate the exact life history stage at which hybrids are selected against.

Hybrids grown in pots were found to be of low vigor compared to either parental

species (Radford 1997), suggesting out-breeding depression, which may explain

the absence of mature hybrids in the field.

Since the rapid spread of S. madagascariensis, hybrid zones between S.

pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis have formed in many areas of eastern

Australia (Radford 1997). An absence of mature F1 hybrids in sympatric

populations indicates that contact zones formed between S. pinnatifolius and S.

madagascariensis may represent tension zones. Theoretical tension zone models

assume hybrid fitness is independent of environment and intrinsically low as the

result of genetic incompatibilities, but that low hybrid fitness is balanced by the

continual dispersal of parent types into areas of contact (Barton and Hewitt 1989).

Tension zones may also be maintained by positive frequency-dependent selection

(Buggs and Pannell 2006). Areas of contact between diploid and tetraploid

Centaurea jacea in Belgium (Hardy et al. 2000, 2001), and diploid and hexaploid

Mercurialis annua in northern Spain (Pannell et al. 2004), appear to be other good

examples of tension zones in mixed ploidy plant populations.

6.5.2 Long-term population impacts of hybridisation – genetic diversity and


Overall levels of genetic diversity (HE) were higher in the native S. pinnatifolius

compared to the exotic S. madagascariensis. Genetic diversity was significantly

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lower in allopatric compared to sympatric sites for S. madagascariensis, but no

significant difference was detected for S. pinnatifolius. The level of differentiation

among populations within species was pronounced (S. madagascariensis FST =

0.271, S. pinnatifolius FST = 0.162). Although there were no immediately obvious

impacts of hybridisation on differentiation, populations in areas of sympatry showed

increased differentiation from conspecific allopatric populations and this pattern

was more pronounced in S. madagascariensis.

The pattern of increased differentiation between allopatric and sympatric

populations appears unrelated to introgression, since the PCOA axis of

differentiation was perpendicular to the axis differentiating the two species. A loss

of alleles in non-viable hybrids of early flowering S. madagascariensis, or late

flowering S. pinnatifolius genotypes, might change allele frequencies in sympatric

populations and may be responsible for the observed pattern of differentiation.

Similarly a loss of alleles in non-viable hybrids may also explain lower genetic

diversity of S. madagascariensis at sympatric sites however further work is

warranted on this topic.

6.5.3 What does the future hold for S. pinnatifolius?

In areas of contact between S. pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis, calculations

demonstrated S. pinnatifolius was not at risk from demographic swamping when no

hybridisation occurred or when levels of hybridisation were constant and not

affected by the proportion of S. madagascariensis. However, S. madagascariensis

displays a hybridisation advantage at both surveyed field sites, where it sires

significantly more progeny than expected based on capitulum frequencies, and S.

pinnatifolius significantly less. Thus hybridisation between the species is

asymmetric, a phenomenon commonly reported in hybrid zones (Rieseberg and

Wendel 1993; Arnold 1997; Burgess et al. 2005). Estimates based on frequency

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dependent asymmetric hybridisation between the species, indicate that the

proportion of S. madagascariensis need only reach between 10 - 60 % to produce

more viable seeds than S. pinnatifolius in sympatry (Figure 6.4). Under these

circumstances, an invasive species does not necessarily have to outnumber a

native to have an impact on the demography of an interfertile native through

hybridisation. In fact, invasive species may be rare relative to a native plant, but

may nevertheless pose a threat to the native due to superior male fitness (e.g.

production of a greater number of pollen grains), resulting in the invader siring a

disproportionately higher proportion of progeny (Anttila et al. 1998). As a result,

asymmetric hybridisation in favour of an invasive species can contribute to the

decline and extinction of native species (Wolf et al. 2001). Thus, if S.

madagascariensis increases numerically in areas of contact, it may cause the

decline of S. pinnatifolius from east coast areas of Australia.

Three factors may impede the decline of S. pinnatifolius. First, S.

madagascariensis may be driven to local extinction in areas of contact during

colonisation, if it cannot establish within a few generations. Given that S.

madagascariensis can reproduce in the absence of S. pinnatifolius for six months

annually and the O’Reillys’ contact zone has existed for between 14-25

generations (first recorded by Scott 1994), this outcome is unlikely. Second, natural

selection against maladaptive hybridisation may lead to reproductive character

displacement (eg. flowering time divergence) and “avoidance” of the negative

consequences associated with interspecific fertilizations. Reinforcing natural

selection is most likely when contact zones are extensive, exposing a high

proportion of individuals to selection (Pannell et al. 2004; Hoskin et al. 2005). As S.

pinnatifolius and S. madagascariensis form extensive contact zones, reinforcement

may act to impede displacement of S. pinnatifolius. Third, S. pinnatifolius variants

may have physiological and morphological adaptations to specific environments,

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which allow variants to out perform S. madagascariensis in their native habitat

(Radford and Cousens 2000).

The destructive force of interspecific hybridisation is not uncommon in hybridising

plant species (Wolf et al. 2001; Buggs and Pannell 2006). However, adequate

molecular data from open pollinated progeny and/or mature individuals are often

lacking, meaning the actual level of hybridisation and its impact on native or rare

species are underestimated. Without this information conservation strategies for

the protection of hybridising species cannot be effective. In combination with

ecological approaches, we encourage the use of molecular data to provide a

baseline for comprehensive long-term studies into the consequences of

hybridisation on native species.

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Chapter 7 – General Discussion

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Chapter 7 – General Discussion

The studies described in this thesis focus on some of the more subtle, complex,

and less-frequently-studied biotic interactions that can occur between an invasive

and native species. The two Senecio species investigated here have overlapping

populations, coinciding flowering seasons, and similar suites of insect pollinators

and herbivores, thus they provide an ideal model system in which to investigate the

occurrence of insect-mediated indirect effects. In this system such interactions

could potentially be mediated by either insect pollinators or insect herbivores and,

depending on the nature of the interaction, might have either a positive, negative or

neutral effect on either or both plant species. This discussion focuses on the

pollinator and herbivore mediated indirect effects identified within the thesis, and

highlights the importance of taking this type of interaction into account when

assessing impacts of, and designing management strategies for, invasive species.

7.1 Pollinator-mediated indirect interactions

Invasive species often require mutualistic relationships in order to successfully

invade new environments. For the majority of self-incompatible plant species,

insect-pollination is a key mutualism without which population establishment and

spread could not occur (Hanley and Goulsen 2003). It is hypothesised that, owing

to the generalist nature of many plant-pollinator interactions and the widespread

naturalisation of highly effective generalist pollinators such as the honeybee, Apis

mellifera, plant invasions are rarely limited by lack of pollinators (Richardson et al.


Empirical studies have also demonstrated the ability of invasive plants to utilise

local native or alien pollinators in their new range (Jesse et al. 2006; Liu et al.

2006). This is apparently the case for S. madagascariensis in its naturalised range

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in eastern Australia. Senecio madagascariensis receives frequent visits from a

similar suite of generalist insect pollinators - dominated by Apis mellifera and

syrphid species - to those that visit the native S. pinnatifolius. Interaction with this

group of pollinators not only allows successful spread of the invader in its new

range, but also creates the opportunity for pollinator-mediated indirect interactions

to occur between S. madagascariensis and native species such as S. pinnatifolius.

Within their native range, pollinators have been shown to demonstrate a

preference for the pollen of particular species (even among closely related,

morphologically similar plant species) (Hersch and Roy 2007). Pollinators may

demonstrate a preference for species with which they have coevolved and this

association may be maintained when both insects and plants are moved outside

their native range, resulting in a positive synergistic relationship between alien

plants and alien pollinators (Hanley and Goulsen 2003). Conversely native

pollinators may develop a preference for a novel species, choosing attractive

flowers of an alien plant species over less appealing native flowers (Chittka and

Schurkens 2001). Invasive plants have been demonstrated to thus compete with

natives for the services of pollinators (Chittka and Schurkens 2001; Moragues and

Travaset 2005).

Such an effect is not apparent in my Senecio system. Visitation rates to S.

pinnatifolius by the two dominant pollinator groups, honey bees and syrphids, were

not reduced in populations that occurred in sympatry with S. madagascariensis. In

fact, contrary to the hypothesis that alien pollinators prefer the flowers of alien

plants, the results of this study suggest that in areas of sympatry, it is the native

Senecio that competes with its alien congener for bee visits. Syrphid visits to the

invader, on the other hand, increase in sympatric populations. Syrphid visitation

rates are possibly indirectly facilitated by the presence of the native Senecio due to

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elevated syrphid populations in regions inhabited by the native plant. Alternatively

syrphid visits may increase in response to reduced bee visitation rates (and

subsequent reduction in interference competition from bees) in overlapping


Altered pollinator activity in sympatric populations apparently has neither a positive

nor negative impact on seed set in S. madagascariensis, suggesting that, like

many other successful invasive plants (Richardson et al. 2000; Jesse et al. 2006),

the spread of this species is probably not constrained by pollen-limitation, at least

in this part of its naturalised range. Pollinator visitation patterns (Hersch and Roy

2007) and pollen limitation (Liu et al. 2006) are known to vary widely depending on

a range of biotic and abiotic variables, so this situation may differ in other regions.

Surprisingly, S. pinnatifolius seed set was higher, rather than lower, in populations

growing in sympatry with S. madagascariensis. There are a number of possible

explanations for this. Firstly, abiotic factors which were not measured in this study

may explain differences in seed set. Secondly, seed set in pure S. pinnatifolius

stands may be lower than in mixed stands owing to the effects of some other biotic

interaction such as plant-herbivore interactions. Herbivory has been shown to

result in both reduced pollen production (Hersch 2006) and seed set (Crawley and

Gilman 1989; Juenger and Bergelson 1997; Hersch 2006) in other species. This is

consistent with the findings presented in Chapters Four and Five of this thesis,

which demonstrated both higher rates of herbivory and reduced seed set in

isolated S. pinnatifolius populations. A third explanation may be that if S.

madagascariensis has higher pollen germination rates and thus higher male fitness

than S. pinnatifolius, seed set may be higher in mixed stands due to interspecific

pollen transfer and hybridisation (see Chapter Six). If this were the case, enhanced

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seed set will clearly not translate into greater fecundity, since the increase in seed

set is attributable to hybrid seeds, which are unlikely to survive to maturity.

Pollinators can mediate indirect interactions between plant species by transferring

pollen between species, which can have consequences ranging from gametic

wastage (Levin 1995), through to dilution of the native gene pool due to

introgression (Wolf et al. 2001), or production of hybrid offspring that may be

capable of out-competing (Vilà et al. 2003), or dramatically altering indirect

interactions between the parent species (Vilà and D’Antonio 1998; Whitham et al.

1999; Hersch and Roy 2007).

At the time of year during which the study reported in Chapter Six took place, up to

75 percent and 16 percent of seed produced by S. madagascariensis and S.

pinnatifolius maternal parents respectively were hybrids produced as a result of

cross-pollination. Few, if any, of these hybrids are likely to survive to maturity, thus

this represents gametic wastage for both species. The long-term population-level

impacts of this phenomenon in sympatric populations are unknown. However,

given that S. madagascariensis has a six-month window of opportunity in which to

reproduce during which S. pinnatifolius is not flowering it seems unlikely that the

invader will experience any dramatic negative impacts. Due to asymmetric

hybridisation S. pinnatifolius may be under threat if S. madagascariensis increases

numerically in areas of contact. Further work is necessary to investigate the

reasons for the higher-than-expected rates of hybridisation observed in S.

pinnatifolius, to assess variation in rates of hybridisation throughout the flowering

season, and to determine the likely long-term consequences of hybridisation in this


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7.2 Herbivore-mediated indirect interactions

Plant-herbivore interactions can affect both invasion success and the impacts of an

invader on a system. For example, selective herbivory on a particular plant species

can give other plant species a competitive advantage (Brown 1994; Carson and

Root 2000; Centre et al. 2005). Invasions can be facilitated indirectly when native

species are preferentially grazed upon (Cross 1981; Edwards et al. 2000), or native

plant species may benefit through preferential animal grazing of alien plants

(Zancola et al. 2000). As outlined in Chapter Two, positive indirect effects (indirect

mutualism) in such plant-herbivore systems can occur via host plant switching,

herbivore satiation (Abrams and Masuda 1996), or by a herbivore targeting an

abundant host-plant species, ignoring the less common plant (Abrams 1987), whilst

established herbivore-plant interactions can be negatively impacted through

apparent competition.

Whilst S. madagascariensis receives the benefits of pollinator services in its

naturalised range, it does not appear to experience the potentially negative

consequences associated with insect herbivory. The invader attracted neither the

numbers nor the diversity of insect herbivores hosted by the native Senecio.

Laboratory trials demonstrated that although larvae of a common native arctiid

moth, Nyctemera amica, could successfully survive when reared on foliage of

either Senecio species, both ovipositing females and the larvae show a preference

for the native species. The native Senecio also incurs significantly greater

herbivore damage to foliage than does its alien congener in the field. Results

therefore lend support to the Enemy Release Hypothesis which predicts that

invasive species may be successful, in part, because they escape from their

natural enemies in their new range.

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Food quality for herbivores is determined by the nutrient and water content of the

plant material, as well as by the concentrations of secondary metabolites (Slansky

and Rodriquez 1987). Specialist herbivores are often unaffected, or even attracted

to higher levels of certain plant defence compounds (Bowers 1984; Leimu et al.

2005). Herbivore preference for S. pinnatifolius could be explained by the higher

nutritional content of the native species, or by differences in levels of secondary

compounds between the two species.

Theory predicts that a less preferred host – in this case S. madagascariensis - may

experience apparent competition if herbivore populations are limited by food

availability or if herbivores aggregate on preferred host patches and spill over onto

secondary hosts nearby (Holt 1977; Abrams and Masuda 1996). In the context of

invasion biology, several studies have demonstrated the occurrence of apparent

competition between an invasive plant species and a native plant species mediated

by an introduced biocontrol agent, which damages the native plant in the vicinity of

its alien host (e.g. Rand and Louda 2004; Russell et al. 2007).

To date there have (to my knowledge) been no published studies demonstrating

such negative indirect impacts of a native plant on a sympatric alien species,

although this scenario could conceivably occur, mediated by a native (or alien)

herbivore. No evidence was found here, however, for the occurrence of apparent

competition between the two Senecio species. In fact both species experienced

lower, rather than higher levels of herbivory in sympatry than when growing in

isolation. If the herbivore population is not food-limited, the reduced damage in

overlapping populations may be due to a dilution-effect of herbivore damage in a

larger mixed population containing both plant species, thus in sympatry the two

species may be having a facilitative effect on one another. Similarly apparent

competition may not occur if the herbivore is not food-limited. Of course the

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situation may be different at different times of the year or in a situation in which

herbivores are more abundant or foliage of host plants more scarce.

7.3 Implications for management of invasive species

This research, focussing on a model plant-herbivore and plant-pollinator system,

highlights the potential significance of indirect effects in invasion biology, as well as

the importance of understanding the mechanisms behind the observed population

dynamics in invaded systems. Indirect effects can range from the (arguably) trivial

and harmless, such as when the presence of one species alters pollinator visitation

rates to a second species whilst seed set remains unaffected (Chapter Five in this

thesis; Ghazoul 2004), through to the dramatic impacts of the introduction of a new

species precipitating a trophic cascade that alters an entire food web (Flecker and

Townsend 1994, 1996)

These complex interactions should be taken into account not only when assessing

an alien’s ecological impacts, but also when developing control strategies for

invasive species. For instance, Pearson and Callaway (2003) emphasise the

importance of identifying likely non-target indirect effects of biological control

programs, and suggest that interaction strength between a biocontrol agent and its

host is at least as important as host specificity in determining ecological impacts of

the potential agent. Biocontrol agents can have a range of unintended indirect

effects on co-occurring species, as illustrated by Callaway et al. (1999) and

Ridenour et al. (2004). Studies by these workers showed that herbivory by the root-

boring biocontrol moth Agapeta zoegata on the invasive forb Centaurea maculosa

in North America had a negative indirect impact on co-occurring native grass,

Festuca idahoensis. Insect herbivory on C. maculosa failed to reduce biomass of

the alien, instead having the unexpected effect of reducing reproduction in the

native grass. The authors hypothesise that this may be due to a number of possible

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mechanisms: (1) A strong compensatory growth response to herbivory by C.

maculosa might result in increased resource competition with the native; (2)

Herbivory might stimulate production of harmful root exudates which negatively

impact the native; (3) the negative effect of herbivory on F. idahoensis may be

mediated by complex indirect interactions involving mycorrhizal fungi. These

findings emphasise the importance of looking beyond the most obvious direct biotic

interactions when determining the effect of one species on others, particularly

when dealing with species additions or removals within a system.

Unintended effects on non-target species may occur even without the introduction

of biocontrol agents, simply as a result of the removal of an alien species from a

system. For instance, control of weeds that support large populations of insect

herbivores can result in the migration of the herbivores to the crop species (Barnes

1970; Geddes et al. 1992). Although the study of this phenomenon has been

largely restricted to agricultural systems, it is likely that in some situations removal

of alien species from natural systems will have similarly negative consequences for

native biota.

It is widely accepted that direct biotic interactions, such as herbivory, can be

manipulated to assist with control of invasive species: this principal forms the basis

of biological control theory and practice. However, deliberate manipulation of biotic

indirect interactions by land managers rarely occurs. Exceptions exist in the control

of insect pests in agricultural systems. The establishment of ‘beetle banks’

(overwintering habitats for invertebrate predators of cereal aphids), puts into

practice apparent competition (see Chapter Two), for the purpose of controlling

aphids in crops. Beetle banks allow predator populations to be maintained over

winter, allowing them to more effectively control aphid populations early in the

season (MacLeod et al. 2004). Similarly the use of ‘trap crops’ (plant stands grown

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to attract herbivorous insects away from target crops), takes advantage of indirect

facilitation to control herbivores in agricultural systems (Shelton and Badenes-

Perez 2006). The intentional use of indirect interactions is however rarely, if ever,

used as part of an integrated management strategy for invasive plants, nor is there

documented use of such techniques in natural systems. This is probably due in

part to our thus-far limited understanding of these complex interactions, as well as

the lack of an economic incentive to develop novel management strategies for

invasive plant species in natural systems.

With an improved understanding of indirect interactions, perhaps they could be

used to our benefit when designing integrated weed management strategies.

Apparent competition might be used to our advantage through the planting of a

native species that provides shelter or an alternative food source for a herbivore,

thereby allowing it to more effectively attack a neighbouring invasive species. Such

a strategy might be used as part of an integrated management approach, as an

adjunct to a biocontrol program or other control methods. Clearly an in-depth

knowledge of the interactions occurring in the system would be required in order to

utilise such a strategy.

Pollination by insects is essential for the successful invasion of many alien plant

species (Hanley and Goulsen 2003). The study described in Chapter Five provides

evidence that the native S. pinnatifolius competes for bee visits with the alien S.

madagascariensis in areas where the two species coexist. In this system, seed set

in the alien is not reduced as a consequence of competition for pollinators. Under

particular circumstances, however, pollen limitation may be a key factor in

determining rates of spread of invasive species (Parker and Haubensak 2002).

With a greater knowledge of multispecies interactions, it may be possible to

manipulate these mutualisms by planting a native species which is highly attractive

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to pollinators and effectively competes for their services. Before such a strategy is

possible, it would be necessary to acquire some predictive ability of under what

circumstances competition for pollinators is likely to occur. It would also be

necessary to determine whether the alien species has the potential to be pollen-

limited and if so in what situations? Since pollen-limitation is more likely to occur in

small populations (Lamont et al. 1993; Agren 1996), manipulation of plant-

pollinator interactions is more likely to be effective in satellite populations of an

invader or recently colonised areas.

Although the vast majority of studies that investigate interactions between alien

and native species focus on the negative impacts of alien species on natives,

rather than vice versa, indirect interactions with natives also have the potential to

negatively impact invasive species. The deliberate manipulation of indirect effects

to reduce the impact of pest species has been clearly demonstrated in agricultural

systems for the management of insect herbivores. It is therefore conceivable that

such interactions might be similarly manipulated to assist in the control of invasive

flora (and fauna) in natural systems. Due to the complex nature of indirect

interactions, the whole suite of interactions occurring in a system may never be

easily predicted and it is likely to be very difficult to make generalisations that apply

across species, regions and ecosystems. As such, at least until we have a deeper

understanding of indirect interactions, this kind of approach may have to be

designed on a system-by-system basis.

7.4 Conclusions

The studies outlined in this thesis provide evidence that indirect interactions

mediated by insects (specifically competition for visits from bee pollinators,

facilitation of syrphid visits, and interspecific pollen transfer resulting in the

production of sterile hybrid seeds) are occurring between the invasive S.

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madagascariensis and the native S. pinnatifolius. However, there is no evidence

that either species, as a consequence of these interactions, is experiencing either

negative or positive population-level impacts at this point in time, although

theoretical modelling suggests this could happen under some scenarios.

Increasingly, empirical evidence is pointing towards the importance of indirect

effects in influencing the outcome of invasions and the impacts of an alien invader

on native species. It is likely that in some cases observed impacts that are

attributed to more obvious interactions (such as interspecific competition) might in

fact be caused by other indirect effects (e.g. apparent competition). Further

investigation of indirect effects will provide us with a better understanding and

predictive ability of the range of potential impacts of an alien species and might

assist us in designing management strategies both for alien and native species.

Furthermore, from a theoretical viewpoint, a system that has experienced a species

addition can provide the ideal opportunity to investigate the importance of indirect

effects in structuring ecological systems.

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Appendix A

Arthropod floral visitor assemblages in four Senecio pinnatifolius populations and three Senecio madagascariensis populations in SE Queensland, showing

mean + se visits per 5min observation period per plant. Numbers in bold represent the contribution (percent) of each morphospecies to a site’s total

documented floral visitor assemblage. For each site the three most abundant floral visitors are indicated by values highlighted in grey. * = Apis mellifera

Senecio pinnatifolius Senecio madagascariensis

Order /


Morphospecies Bunya




Swanfels 1


Swanfels 2








X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se %

Order: Coleoptera

Coccinellidae Coccinellidae 1 0.01+0.01 0.7

Order: Diptera

Bombyliidae 1 0.06+0.03 3.7 Bombyliidae

Bombyliidae 2 0.01+0.01 0.6

Calliphoridae Calliphoridae 1 0.04+0.02 2.7

Conopidae Conopidae 1 0.11+0.04 8.3 0.05+0.03 9.3

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Senecio pinnatifolius Senecio madagascariensis

Order /


Morphospecies Bunya




Swanfels 1


Swanfels 2








X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se %

Drosophilidae Drosophilidae


0.04+0.02 2.5 0.03+0.02 2.2 0.01+0.01 0.8

Empididae 1 0.05+0.02 2.9 Empididae

Empididae 2 0.01+0.01 0.6

Syrphidae Syrphidae spp. 0.87+0.37 12.1 0.14+0.04 8.6 0.64+0.09 36.5 0.27+0.06 17.5 0.17+0.04 22.5 0.15+0.04 11.7 0.14+0.04 27.9

Order: Hemiptera

Miridae Miridae 6 0.03+0.01 1.9 0.10+0.04 6.6

Order: Hymenoptera

Apidae Apidae 1* 5.92+1.86 82.2 1.21+0.17 76.2 0.79+0.10 45.3 0.67+0.09 43.1 0.51+0.09 69.0 1.03+0.13 78.3 0.31+0.07 60.5

Apidae 2 0.03+0.02 0.4 0.05+0.02 3.3 0.01+0.01 1.4 0.01+0.01 0.8

Apidae 3 0.02+0.01 1.3

Apidae 4 0.01+0.01 0.2

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Senecio pinnatifolius Senecio madagascariensis

Order /


Morphospecies Bunya




Swanfels 1


Swanfels 2








X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se %

Order: Lepidoptera (adults)

Arctiidae Arctiidae 1 0.01+0.01 0.1

Danaidae Danaidae 1 0.01+0.01 0.7

Hesperiidae Hesperiidae 1 0.25+0.10 3.5 0.09+0.03 6.0 0.10+0.03 5.7 0.22+0.05 13.9 0.04+0.02 5.6 0.01+0.01 2.3

Lycaenidae Lycaenidae 1 0.08+0.04 1.2 0.01+0.01 0.7 0.11+0.05 7.3 0.01+0.01 1.4

Nymphalidae Nymphalidae 1 0.01+0.01 0.6 0.01+0.01 0.7

Pieridae 1 0.02+0.01 0.3 0.08+0.03 4.4 Pieridae

Pieridae 2 0.01+0.01 0.6

Unid. Lepid. 1 0.01+0.01 1.3 0.02+0.02 1.5

Unid. Lepid. 2 0.01+0.01 0.7


Unid. Lepid. 3 0.01+0.01 0.6

Order: Orthoptera

Acrididae Acrididae 1 0.01+0.01 0.6

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Appendix B

Arthropod herbivore assemblages in four Senecio pinnatifolius populations and three Senecio madagascariensis populations in SE Queensland, showing

mean + se insects recorded per plant. Numbers in bold represent the contribution (percent) of each morphospecies to a site’s total documented herbivore

assemblage. For each site the three most abundant herbivores are indicated by values highlighted in grey.

Senecio pinnatifolius Senecio madagascariensis

Order / Family Bunya




Swanfels 1


Swanfels 2








X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se %

Order: Coleoptera

Chrysomelidae Chrysomelidae


0.03+0.03 0.98

Order: Hemiptera

Cicadellidae 1 0.03+0.03 1.0

Cicadellidae 2 0.03+0.03 1.0 0.03+0.03 0.6


Cicadellidae 3 2.70+0.46 79.4 4.70+0.81 89.2 0.03+0.03 50.0

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Senecio pinnatifolius Senecio madagascariensis

Order / Family Bunya




Swanfels 1


Swanfels 2








X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se %

Cicadellidae 4 0.03+0.03 10.00 0.04+0.03 14.3

Eurymelidae Eurymelidae 1 0.10+0.06 3.2 0.03+0.03 0.6

Flatidae Flatidae 1 0.07+0.05 2.0 0.06+0.05 1.3

Fulgoridae Fulgoridae 1 0.03+0.03 0.6

Lygaeidae Lygaeidae 1 0.37+0.19 11.6

Membracidae Membracidae 1 0.03+0.03 1.1

Miridae Miridae 1 0.60+0.18 19.0 0.20+0.07 10.9 0.17+0.14 50.0 0.07+0.07 28.6

Miridae 2 0.07+0.07 2.1 0.03+0.03 0.6

Miridae 3 0.37+0.10 11.6 0.07+0.05 3.6 0.07+0.05 2.0 0.03+0.03 0.6 0.07+0.05 20.0 0.03+0.03 14.3

Miridae 4 0.10+0.06 2.9

Miridae 5 0.17+0.07 9.1

Miridae 6 0.30+0.12 9.5 1.30+0.22 70.9 0.07+0.05 2.0 0.13+0.09 2.5 0.06+0.05 20.0 0.10+0.07 42.9

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Senecio pinnatifolius Senecio madagascariensis

Order / Family Bunya




Swanfels 1


Swanfels 2








X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se % X̄ +se %

Miridae 7 1.10+0.32 34.7

Miridae 8 0.03+0.03 1.8

Miridae 9 0.03+0.03

Nogodinidae Nogodinidae 1 0.03+0.03 1.8

Order: Lepidoptera (larvae)

Arctiidae Arctiidae 1 0.20+0.09 6.3 0.13+0.06 3.9 0.17+0.07 3.2

Geometridae Geometridae 1 0.03+0.03 1.0 0.03+0.03 0.6

unid. Lepid. 4 0.03+0.03 1.0 unknown

unid. Lepid. 5 0.03+0.03 1.0

Order: Orthoptera

Acrididae 1 0.07+0.07 2.0 Acrididae

Acrididae 2 0.03+0.03 1.1

Gryllidae Gryllidae 1 0.03+0.03 50.0

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Appendix C

Bar graph depicting the monthly proportion of annual capitulum production (%) in

Senecio pinnatifolius and Senecio madagascariensis based on Radford,











time (months)




e o

f to

tal an


al cap









S. madagascariensis

S. pinnatifolius

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Appendix D

Values for demographic variables used to parameterize the simulation study and

the source of reference of this data



S. pinnatifolius S. madagascariensis Source of reference

Annual seed

production (A)

505 442 Radford & Cousens


Germination under

field conditions (G)

0.67 0.72 Radford & Cousens


Survival to maturity

in Senecio

pinnatifolius habitat


0.81 0.83 Radford (1997)

Hybridization rate


Variable Variable This study; Radford



flowering (S)

0.69 0.68 Radford (1997)


flowering (N)

0.31 0.32 Radford (1997)

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