News FROM Sri Lanka JANUARY - APRIL 2015 NUMBER 4 SRI LANKA Sendai Framework Actions Disaster Risk Reduction Physiotherapy to the Rescue Beekeeping Reduces Rural Poverty INSIDE Sendai Framework Actions Disaster Risk Reduction Page - 1 Coast Guards Training Page - 2 Water Quality Competency Page - 3 Garbage to Organic Fertilizer Page - 4 Beekeeping Reduces Rural Poverty Page - 5 Sri Lanka Moves to Man- age Sanitary Landfills Page - 6 Remote Sensing Technol- ogy Analysis for Disaster Management Page - 7 New Project Raises Water Quality in Anuradhapura Page - 8 Physiotherapy to the Rescue Page - 9 Musical Persuasion Page - 10 Recent Photo Memories Page - 11 Journalists Visit Upper Kotmale Hydro Power Project Page - 12 Identifying the best practices to adopt for the post 2015 framework for Disaster Risk Reduction was the focus of the Japan hosted third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) held this past March in Sendai, Japan. e Government of Sri Lanka weighed in with the Government of Japan and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to promote the concepts of “Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction,” “Build Back Better” and “Importance of Prior Investment towards disaster” to contribute to the Sendai Framework for Action. e Sri Lankan delegation headed by the Minister for Disaster Management, Public Order and Christian Affairs (MoDM) used this opportunity to visit the JICA Headquarters and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT). e delegation met Mr. Kuroyanagi, Vice President of JICA. e Secretary, MoDM expressed appreciation of past cooperation and also exchanged views on current projects and future prospects to strengthen Sri Lanka’s Disaster Management Capacity. JICA assured that they would continue to work closely with Government of Sri Lanka to strengthen the Disaster Management Capacity under the Sendai Framework for Action. e Secretary also met with the Vice Minister for Engineering of MLIT to discuss the proposed Training Institute for Disaster Management in Sri Lanka. - Cont. on Page 02 - Sri Lankan delegation at the discussion with MLIT officials

Sendai Framework Actions Disaster Risk Reduction...Sendai Framework for Action. The Secretary also met with the Vice Minister for Engineering of MLIT to discuss the proposed Training

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Page 1: Sendai Framework Actions Disaster Risk Reduction...Sendai Framework for Action. The Secretary also met with the Vice Minister for Engineering of MLIT to discuss the proposed Training



OM Sri Lanka

J A N U A R Y - A P R I L 2 0 1 5 • N U M B E R 4 • S R I L A N K A

Sendai Framework ActionsDisaster Risk Reduction Physiotherapy to the


Beekeeping ReducesRural Poverty


Sendai Framework Actions Disaster Risk Reduction

Page - 1

Coast Guards TrainingPage - 2

Water Quality CompetencyPage - 3

Garbage to Organic Fertilizer

Page - 4

Beekeeping Reduces Rural Poverty

Page - 5

Sri Lanka Moves to Man-age Sanitary Landfills

Page - 6

Remote Sensing Technol-ogy Analysis for Disaster Management

Page - 7

New Project Raises Water Quality in Anuradhapura

Page - 8

Physiotherapy to the Rescue

Page - 9

Musical PersuasionPage - 10

Recent Photo MemoriesPage - 11

Journalists Visit Upper Kotmale Hydro Power Project

Page - 12

Identifying the best practices to adopt for the post 2015 framework for Disaster Risk Reduction was the focus of the Japan hosted third UN World Conference on Disaster Risk Reduction (WCDRR) held this past March in Sendai, Japan.

The Government of Sri Lanka weighed in with the Government of Japan and the Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) to promote the concepts of “Mainstreaming Disaster Risk Reduction,” “Build Back Better” and “Importance of Prior Investment towards disaster” to contribute to the Sendai Framework for Action.

The Sri Lankan delegation headed by the Minister for Disaster Management, Public Order and Christian Affairs (MoDM) used

this opportunity to visit the JICA Headquarters and the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism (MLIT). The delegation met Mr. Kuroyanagi, Vice President of JICA. The Secretary, MoDM expressed appreciation of past cooperation and also exchanged views on current projects and future prospects to strengthen Sri Lanka’s Disaster Management Capacity. JICA assured that they would continue to work closely with Government of Sri Lanka to strengthen the Disaster Management Capacity under the Sendai Framework for Action.

The Secretary also met with the Vice Minister for Engineering of MLIT to discuss the proposed Training Institute for Disaster Management in Sri Lanka. - Cont. on Page 02 -

Sri Lankan delegation at the discussion with MLIT officials

Page 2: Sendai Framework Actions Disaster Risk Reduction...Sendai Framework for Action. The Secretary also met with the Vice Minister for Engineering of MLIT to discuss the proposed Training

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Coast Guards TrainingJICA focus on environment protection

Thirty-five Sri Lankan Coast Guards were trained recently to effectively respond and manage an oil spill incident at sea under JICA’s New Technical Cooperation Project on Maritime Disaster Prevention and Marine Environment Protection. The Japan Coast Guard (JCG) carried out the tactical training at the Colombo Port, led by Lieutenant Commander Tanaka, Team Leader of the National Strike Team of JCG, and Response Officer Mr. Sasaki.

They worked in close coordination with the Colombo Port Fire Brigade.

The marine environment protection course was conducted from 26 January to 16 February 2015. The Sri Lanka Coast Guard Director General, Rear Admiral S.S. Ranasinghe and Captain Ishizuka, Director, Marine Environment Protection and Disaster Prevention Division, Guard and Rescue Department of JCG inaugurated it.

The Sri Lanka’s Disaster Management Centre has an approved budget for founding the Institute and Japan’s help was sought to develop curricula and for training of trainers. The Sri Lankan delegation also engaged in a lively discussion on the emergency management operation of the Great East Japan Earthquake with particular interest in the institutional arrangement of emergency management and assistance for the victims in the post disaster period.

Following this discussion the delegation made a study visit to the Emergency Operation Center of MLIT to learn about the information collection and sharing system. MLIT gathers information and summarizes intelligence by creating a common operational picture among stakeholders that is used to dispatch a Tec-Force (Technical Emergency Control Force) to assist local governments to conduct rapid disaster assessment, and to conduct a post disaster needs assessment.


M E D I ATsunami early warning systems in southern seas vandalized

The Island12-Jan-15

JICA Supports Disaster Risk Management Programme


Our Stance is to Support The New Government and The People

Daily Mirror3-Feb-15

Within 3 years Upper Kotmale Hydropower project covers 50% of construction costUpper Kotmale Hydro Power Project SL-P100


JICA role in Transport Master Plan for Colombo City Urban Transport Development Project for Colombo Metropolitan Region and the suburbs

Daily Mirror05-Mar-15

Japan funds BIA, electricity projects BIA development Phase II - SL-P 104

Daily News09-Mar-15

Rs 30b slash on Outer Circular Highway Greater Colombo Urban Transport Development Project - SL-P89

Daily News04-Feb-15

Drinking water for Anuradhapura needyAnuradhapura North Water Supply Project SL-P 110

Daily News24-Apr-15

CALENDERMay – August

Signing of Grant Agreement for the Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS)

Signing of 45th Loan package

Handing over of 11 Volunteers from 27/1 Batch

- from Page 01. -

Page 3: Sendai Framework Actions Disaster Risk Reduction...Sendai Framework for Action. The Secretary also met with the Vice Minister for Engineering of MLIT to discuss the proposed Training

The three-year Water Quality Monitoring Project commenced under the Technical Cooperation Scheme of JICA on 3 March 2015. The Central Environmental Authority (CEA) officials, JICA experts and staff, and other stakeholders convened on 12 March 2015 to hold the first Joint Coordination Committee meeting.

The purpose of the project is to strengthen the enforcement capacity of the CEA on water quality management of the Kelani River basin. However, the overall goal of the project is for the CEA to gain

competency to implement methodically, water quality management of major water bodies in the island. Japanese experts will be working with CEA officials for achieving this purpose of the project.

Eng. Nihal Rubasinghe, Secretary Ministry of Mahaweli Development and Environment and Mr. Hiroyuki Abe, Senior Representative of JICA Sri Lanka Office participated at the meeting.

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Water Quality CompetencyJICA CEA join to test water supplies

Page 4: Sendai Framework Actions Disaster Risk Reduction...Sendai Framework for Action. The Secretary also met with the Vice Minister for Engineering of MLIT to discuss the proposed Training

Mr. Kiyoshi Amada, Chief Representative of JICA Sri Lanka Office, inaugurated the first stakeholder meeting of the “Recycling Project of Organic Garbage and Agricultural Waste by Screw Type Composting Plant,” at Kundasale, Kandy on 28th January 2015. This verification survey comes under JICA’s assistance for utilizing and disseminating private sector technologies globally.

Under this survey, a screw type composting plant will be established in Kundasale, Kandy, to produce good quality organic fertilizer. “JICA expects that this scheme will contribute to reduce large amount of garbage at dumping

sites in and around this area,” Mr. Amada said. “I would like to request all stakeholders specially the officials of both Kundasale and Pathadumbara Pradeshiya Sabhas and Central Provincial Council to commit to fulfill all the measures required to successfully implement this Project,” he added.

The local leaders and officials at this stakeholder dialogue were able to address many concerns of local residents. At the completion of this one year survey, a business model utilizing technologies adopted by the Kawashima Company Ltd. of Japan will be established. This venture then may be replicated in other areas in Sri Lanka to address an ever growing issue of garbage disposal.

The JICA assisted verification surveys are based on proposals from Japanese companies and disseminate methods of production and useful technologies worldwide. These surveys are conducted through verification activities that enhance the capabilities of partner countries, so that the products and technologies will be utilized to solve socio-economic issues in developing countries.

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Garbage to Organic FertilizerJICA presents new technology to Kundasale

Page 5: Sendai Framework Actions Disaster Risk Reduction...Sendai Framework for Action. The Secretary also met with the Vice Minister for Engineering of MLIT to discuss the proposed Training

The rural communities in the Dry Zone of Sri Lanka living below the poverty line blot Sri Lanka’s commendable record of poverty reduction. JICA has initiated special income generating schemes to change this statistic, through a technical cooperation project with a Long Term Expert on Rural Development (LTERD) in the Southern and Uva Provinces of Sri Lanka. The project targets the large number of people in these provinces who are in need of skills development, training and support so they can move out of the poverty cycle.

The project promotes apiculture, commonly known as beekeeping in the Dry Zone. The catalyst selected by the Project for this intervention is Mr. Sarath Subasinghe and he has been equipped and

supported to produce boxes for beekeeping according to standards set by the apiculture promoting authorities in Sri Lanka. Bee boxes produced are provided to carefully selected capable beekeepers at a concessional price. Mr. Subasinghe‘s wife Mrs. Sriyani Dhammika works closely with him and says, “The income generated by producing bee boxes is sufficient to cover our monthly family expenses and at present there are four

carpenters from the same village working with us.”

The project also provides technical guidance and monitoring of Mr. Subasinghe’s work as a regional collector and agent for marketing of pure bee’s honey in the Southern region. Mr. Subasinghe, a producer of bees honey for the last 20 years, works together with beekeepers in Ihalakumbukwewa village and says, “The demand for pure bee honey is an increasing trend in the Southern region.” Other beekeepers in the region not only receive technical guidance and supply of bee boxes from him but also marketing advice. 721 beekeeping families in the Southern area are now grouped into 48 beekeeping community organizations functioning in the Sooriyawewa region. The demand is high for bee boxes and so is the thirst for knowledge of beekeeping.

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Beekeeping Reduces Rural PovertyJICA promotes income generating activities in the dry zone

Page 6: Sendai Framework Actions Disaster Risk Reduction...Sendai Framework for Action. The Secretary also met with the Vice Minister for Engineering of MLIT to discuss the proposed Training

Managing the disposal of garbage in an environmentally friendly manner is a crucial necessity for the well being of citizens. The JST-JICA Science and Technology Research Partnership for Sustainable Development (SATREPS), has been helping the Government of Sri Lanka to establish and manage sanitary landfills in the country. SATREPS’ experts have identified five stages towards the better management of landfills. The first stage is a socio-economic analysis on solid waste management and the second is defining the methodology appropriate for the selection of sites for new landfills. The next phase is the environmental monitoring of existing landfills to be followed up by developing pollution control techniques. The last stage is the preparation of guidelines for those activities.

The Joint Coordination Committee (JCC) under the

JST-JICA SATREPS, held an assessment meeting at the University Grants Commission in Colombo chaired by Mr. Piyasena Ranepura, Secretary of State Ministry of Higher Education on 13 March 2015. At this meeting Mr. Amada, Chief Representative, JICA Sri Lanka Office, pointed out that first three phases have been almost completed and that the last two are on track to be fulfilled. “The most important component is the formulation

of a set of guidelines for sustainable design construction of waste dumping sites and we expect these to be adhered by all local authorities across the country in the future,” he said.

The necessary environmental research for managing landfills is being conducted at the new Environmental Engineering Laboratory at the University of Peradeniya established by SATREPS and houses LKR 158.3 million worth of modern equipment.

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Sri Lanka Moves to Manage Sanitary LandfillsJICA–SATREPS project on track

For more information: http://www.jst.go.jp/global/english/kadai/h2205_srilanka.html

Page 7: Sendai Framework Actions Disaster Risk Reduction...Sendai Framework for Action. The Secretary also met with the Vice Minister for Engineering of MLIT to discuss the proposed Training

Staff from government and non-government organizations as well as academia was introduced to “Remote Sensing” and how it can be used to increase awareness of the stakeholders during a disaster and for post disaster situation analysis at a seminar recently.

The speakers at the seminar shared their experiences in both Japan and Sri Lanka in applying the remote sensing technology in Disaster

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Remote Sensing Technology Analysis for Disaster ManagementSeminar explores opportunities of utilization

Management. Dr. Takeo Tadono from The Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA) lectured on the application of Satellite Images for Disaster Management. Dr. Go Sato, Associate Professor, Teikyo Heisei University spoke on “Sample Introduction: Utilization of Satellite Image for Landslide Disaster Risk Analysis.” Experts of the JICA technical cooperation project on Landslide Mitigation presented the introduction of sample application on

Post Disaster Survey of the Koslanda Landslide.

The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA), with the collaboration of the Ministry of Disaster Management, the Disaster Management Center and the National Building Research Organization managed the event.

For more information: http://www.jica.go.jp/srilanka/english/office/topics/150121.html

Page 8: Sendai Framework Actions Disaster Risk Reduction...Sendai Framework for Action. The Secretary also met with the Vice Minister for Engineering of MLIT to discuss the proposed Training

The National Water Supply and Drainages Board (NWSDB) will construct a new water supply system for Anuradhapura North to provide safe drinking water and increase supply coverage to an area where there is a high

prevalence rate of Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD).

Various surveys indicate that a considerable section of the population in Anuradhapura depend on unsafe contaminated ground

water that causes CKD, dental and skeletal fluorosis. The project hopes that the better quality of water will contribute to improve the hygienic status and health of the people in the area.

The four-year project has a priority status due to the grave decline of health of Anuradhapura residents attributed largely to water borne diseases such as CKD. Phase 1 of the project will supply treated pipe borne water from Mahakanadarawa Reservoir to approximately 60,000 residents of Medawachchiya and Rambewa Divisional Secretariat Divisions in the Anuradhapura District. The current, urgent demand for safe water is met by NWSDB delivering water to the most needy in eleven bowsers procured under the Project.

The project is supported by JICA with a loan of 5,166 Million Yen in LKR 7,458 Million. JICA is a long-standing development partner of Sri Lanka and supports the reconstruction and reconciliation activities of the North and East of the country.

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New Project Raises Water Quality in AnuradhapuraJICA prioritizes project to serve CKD affected areas

Page 9: Sendai Framework Actions Disaster Risk Reduction...Sendai Framework for Action. The Secretary also met with the Vice Minister for Engineering of MLIT to discuss the proposed Training

Ms. Rie Okahara, JICA Volunteer working as a Physiotherapist, attached to Mulatiyana Divisional Secretariat in Matara has gained much recognition and praise from the residents in the community. She is helping 20 Public Health Midwives (PHM) in the area and conducts physiotherapy exercises in the antenatal and post-natal clinics at the office of the Medical Officer of Health (MoH). Benefits accruing from the therapy have made her very popular with a group called ‘Diriya’ Mothers Health Society. They gather every week, at the MoH office, Mulatiyana to see their “Apey Miss Rie”. The word “Apey” in

Sinhala signifies belonging and to be considered “as one of us” is a sincere compliment that the community has bestowed on this committed volunteer.

The Mulatiyana Divisional Secretariat in Matara has a

population of more than 50,000 people. Mrs. Daya Mahanama from Beragama East attends her classes without fail, often ignoring her other family commitments. “The exercise helped a lot to reduce my weight and I was able to stop medicines I was taking,” Ms. Mahanama said. Mrs. P L Sunethra, Social Services Officer at Mulatiyana Divisional Secretariatis another satisfied patient. “I was suffering from a pain in my hand and had to take medicines continuously without any relief. But with Rie’s exercises I have completely recovered.”

In addition, Ms. Okahara spreads her knowledge with regular visits to Deiyandara and Pallewela hospitals to conduct physiotherapy classes.

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Physiotherapy to the RescuePlaudits for ‘Apey Miss Rie’ (our Miss. Rie)

Page 10: Sendai Framework Actions Disaster Risk Reduction...Sendai Framework for Action. The Secretary also met with the Vice Minister for Engineering of MLIT to discuss the proposed Training

Ms. Makiko Kido is the 6th Japanese volunteer attached to the Maheweli National College of Education (MNCE), as a western music teacher. She not only transfers skills and expertise, but also sets an example to her pupils by being

a dedicated and disciplined worker.Ms. Kido’s main musical instrument is the piano and she holds a Bachelor of Arts Degree in Education, and a Japanese High School Teachers’ License. At MNCE she provides

practical training in various important aspects of western music with a focus on piano playing and vocal exercises. “I would like to see my students practice more intensively with the aim of perfecting their skills, and becoming confident teachers,” Ms. Kido says. She also supports the development of text books and curricula which is vital for setting and maintaining proper training standards.MNCE conducts a 3 year Western Music Diploma Program for teacher trainees.

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Musical Persuasion

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Recent Photo Memories

JICA volunteers make the Galle Literary Festival fun

National Safety Day to commemorate the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami

JICA conducts Stakeholder Consultation Meeting for Formulating Water Sector Development Project III

Mr. Masao Kiba, renowned former Japanese professional player holds a football clinic

JICA links Japan and Sri Lanka to educate the young on Disaster Risk Management

Two new volunteers strengthen Early Childhood Education in the Northern and Eastern Provinces

Page 12: Sendai Framework Actions Disaster Risk Reduction...Sendai Framework for Action. The Secretary also met with the Vice Minister for Engineering of MLIT to discuss the proposed Training

A team of electronic and print media journalists visited the “Upper Kotmale Hydropower Project (UKHP)” in Talawakelle, to see first hand one of the largest infrastructure projects undertaken by the Ceylon Electricity Board. The construction of the 150MW Hydropower Plant was supported by JICA with a concessionary loan of JPY 37 billion.

The two-day visit to the project site in Talawakele and Niyamgamdora, Kotmale

enabled the visitors to see also the humanitarian side of the project -- the resettlement of displaced persons in 524 newly constructed housesas well as the positive transformation of the Talawakelle town. The new facilities include a school, a market and religious places of worship such as Kovils and churches.“The number of students in school has increased with the construction of new buildings and the improvement of other facilities by the project, enables us to improve the

quality of education,” Mr. R. Krishnaswamy, Principal of Tamil Maha Vidyalaya, Talawakelle, said.

The Project Power Plant was commissioned in 2012. The project staff met with media at a press briefing held at St. Clair’s viewing gallery constructed under the project at Talawakelle. “Fifty percent of the total project cost has been recovered from the generation of electricity during this three year period,” Project Director of UKHP Mr. T. Selvjane said at this briefing. Hydro Power generation is vital for the growth and development of Sri Lanka and the media team was grateful for this opportunity to observe a major infrastructure project and learn the real facts of the project.

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Journalists Visit Power ProjectTakes a closer look at developments at Talawakelle

Contact UsEditor for JICA News from Sri Lanka Kiyoshi Amada.Chief Repersentative, JICA Sri Lanka

JICA Sri Lanka Office 10th & 13th Floors, DHPL Building,No. 42, Nawam Mawatha, Colombo 02, Sri Lanka

Tel: (+94) 011-2300470Fax: (+94) 011-2303692E-mail: [email protected]: www.jica.go.jp/srilanka/english/index.html


For more information: http://www.ukhp.lk