COMING Marqul* Chlldi, trUr- mO eort«»> pondtnt. i Im U • new colnmn In the Tlme*- Ncw* tomorrnir. A Regional Newspaper SmlnR Nine IrriKntcd [dubo Counties VAR BULLETIN Al,I.IEI> HEADQUARTERS, Kaplti. y<b. 29 iUP>-Arier n IslI of 10 daya the (irnnan.^ faring the allied troops on (ha Antio beatlihtad opened up with a (enliia nrUlltrr bamge Ute lo<)a7 which b u r precede ansllier naxl altempt lo break the allied trip on their shore poslUons It was Unk-iti \htu»ts wen Ihnnni batk. VOL. 26, NO. 272 TWIN FALLS. IDAHO. TUiCSDAY. Fi^BRUARY 20, I9-H PRICE 6 CENTS ‘^Attacking Yanks Destroy 29 Jap Planes, 36 Ships By DON CASWELL ALLIED HEADQUARTERS. SoulhwoHt Piicific, Vch (U.R)— American airmen, nidcd by navy I>T-boat; 29 rur ..inff battle off Bougn on thp heleiiKuered Jnpntif cific Snturdny. dCHtroyinjr and two car^.'o ship.", it w The Sfi.sps in thiK hnmb«ri« hit n«l (<* lUc IM ion* of b..ml I the riri d<'livoro<i another sma.shing blow p Ihrniijchniil the nouthwf-st Pn- r damiifrinK 29 planrs, 34 bnrc<>« s anno.inc'ci t-Klay, i cvntcred on Now Briuin niul Tioiitrnlizp the enemy's lar^r-i 14 Ships Sunk ^SH^NOTO^!, Ptb. 10 '"P' Itnck. Fo.irir,.n .. and «I> nmnit dpstroyrd or dar rranclsco. clRlmtd tlinl Jnpanpse loTctt, "rppuked” 158 cnrrlcr-bfl-iccl and flshtcr pImim in u-q aitockn Sunday on Rnbni Kiiojt rclcujKl a navy coir iilquc at Ills ntws conltrcnci wlileh llie tollo«mt! Japunese ahlll^ ncrc listed mi sunk by our sub< marlnrs: A'lnrgt tanker, a merilum trmisDort. « small cargo vessel. 11 mertliim »lr<d carBO canlrra. Tliexc ulnkiiigt raised lo 481 tlie nunil>er of JapMir*? (ililps *i*nl (n llir twllom by ilio U. S Mibini.rlnr^ In aHdlllon tn 3C ll'tfcl i\ » prnbnlilv ^iK.k i>ncl IM dnm.Rod, Points Cost Slashed For Pork, Some Beef Feb. 29 (/V» — SIn.rp ret I of pork and many bcof c WASHINGTON, ration point vnluei effect Stindny. But tho ration vnUtes of veul. hinib, inutton, liiiHei lard and AV, other fa»-'and d^iry products M'ifi' romni: :ii go iiU( changed through March, the REVIEWOF DRAFI " 4-FS DEMiOEi WASHINOTON, Vctt- 20 1 ,1 ’,—Di mands Uint drnltliifi of fntlicrs 1. hulled pcndliiK li review of 5,000.000 occupatloiinl dc newed today by Itnged ft mcdlcal bllQUld wall U plo-A ercrt. lanriiit noi bctoB met. ScnaUjrs Jo!> cnio., and Whpcler. D.. Mo Idrrd l>olh the jihyBlcnl s and the contlnuliiii falher 'Tlie armed forces." jun, “have llielr mniu>ow 100 hlRh. - "When I «cc <-Fs phiyl ' ball nml buiCbBll and doliiL , , other tlmt require phy.slcul jvmiglh and endufunce. I can’t tx \ny much lniprefisc<l wllh iJi' I «uindards under aldeli they are cx MTptcd from Renlcc." P Wtiri'ler. noltliiR tnm n rlviev ol 5,000,000 occuiialloniLl deferment: liai been ordered, tuld: •mic leiwt they cun do l.s sU>i (Ira/llnK fntJicrs now—as J ajked Ihcm to do rnrly liLsl -........ . .. til Ihli review of defprmenu in iii- diiEirlal p\(tnla and olhci •'You don't have to be an expert lo know that there are many tliou- kniids or men clnuiricd al 4-r for phyjltai.. ilfteei- ' could bo UK«d by the nrmy If would take Ih '■ It's deferred yoi nnduloi n the V thc« . IK men of 18 t they Im' r plav .....................fiinuh— Selective servicc dircotora Uirougi; out Uie country reported nlmoi general (allure to meet quotiu. / IcMl nine states, nn Prtss eonipilntlon showed, have railed U) meet goota by amo ' ranging from 10 to SO per i nic.« Includo Utahjind Idaho. Victory Lauded . By Mountbatten Y N W / DELHJ. Itt. » tU-to-Adm. ^rd Louis Mountbatten Isiucd an order of the day lo bis forces in Durni* today dcclarinff that iheir complete victory, on ' Uie Arakan frcnt had “given lh« Japiinew one crwk they wlU remember." In his tin t order or the d»y to the BrltLth I4th army. Uie allied cistern air command. »nd Araknn na«»l lorces. he toW ittcm that by r their flrsl batUe Uiey had itrated a "spirit of tcnaclly or ’ lo the enemy and the the AruKftn victory . aclng ..... y»t«rday srtcr Ihrco weeks i hecvy righUns around NsakjedaUk I southeast Asia command . .^andum said tlie 14lh uiny. by attoac ulr aupport, had ra«ul«J,» force or 8,000 Japanese. nkUllng more than l.OOO and wound- - -j twice that number. ifficc of price ndmir id today. » aciieral reduction of Tlie cui* raiwe trom IKJliit.v hrlnghiK tl vnllir’ or i>ork t Tlie point value of c The rcductloM came us n furprluc since the OPA had Inilknlpd point values would be boosied at 11y during tiis next few moi Uie principal reiitoii for tin n ie over-all ftvcrage ralli... ____ 01 mepl in March will be points a iwund nji compared with an aver BRe of npiiroxlmalely 5 points li Febrimry. The new point value cliart IlsU mosv popular bacon cula at one point a iJound, down two and three polnt--< from February. Mwt pork roa-Ms are cut t points, with loin roasla. for examj IC.nlil.grt ru . ». C.I.I...I. T> . Hagler Convicted On Draft Charges UOISK. Feb, 25 (U.P.w-Bimore Hag. ler. Twill FiilLv will be wntenced tomorrow by rederol Judge C A. aack on-a-chHSc of iBllvit report for rinal type i>hy!lcal' of"the Tliree oiJier men. aiso fouiid ullty or violallon of telecllve serv- :e rcsulalloii* will be senleiieed at he same time. Meanwhile; the trial of two other* on ilmllar cliarges be- fiarj today before a federal court Jury in Boise. DETAIL FOR TODAV It'a a new Army comic that will lielp you under- stand your favorite soU dler when he »ay«-~ "G. t." "Bormofd" "Ztbio" "iSwcohBsU'OuP' "Bunk Fatigue" "PX" Drawn by a soldier who knows his Army lin£»>- Sgt. Dade B. EpHteln. Jr. STARTS TODAY. ^ le Italian l}attIefronl Senate Approves Shift in Primary for Soldier Vote Red Assaults R ip Dofeiise.s /Vrouiid Pskov .M o s c o w . l'Vl>, 2!i (U.R) - iilf ''"'ho' . throUKli the •■MM '.-; of P.skl.V ^-.>r<- helit'M'.l a'in>i hf Maltii- fn.til s (A Loiiiinn bni. h(- R u s s i a n s v iK'lK of Pskov.) r\x<t {«.!! <>! Psko%. 1 lELlEVED SIUOYl PEACE LONDON. Fob. ::0 ( Finnish piirllament sCMlon today, prp.stuni cavi Finland's chnnre.n ccptable sci’sratc ix'iici with nus. Tlie offldftl German now* ncency DNB said Premier Fxiwln Unkonllca reported ou the ",«ltualion" la a half-hour sprecli, nftcr which a debate bcftan. Recr.'s for lunch was laken at 12:30 p. m, A eommuniaue was expocte<l to be Issued aJtrr the aftcnioon te.viloii. Tlie Thiiilsh radio siild parlla- ment dLicus.'ed only "routine mat- ters" at the mornlns scs.'>inn, but a Stockholm dkpalch reported well- Inrormcd sourccs there atlll ex- jwcKd nn importiuit government stater cither diirint ....... sessloi........... party mectlng.i'.'schcduted nlic parliamentary se.'uloii- It was believed that Juh Paaslkivi, former premier wh turned to HeWnki la.st week .. . reportedly conlacUng I^u.^sllln dlplo- malic reprcsentatlvM nl Slock' Holm either directly or through i third party, would uddrcM parlia- ment. TJie London Dally Express sale. PaaalVlvl. who helped arrange the Ru.i»ian-FWnl»h peace In 1040, probably would return to Stockholm to resume peace negotiations and perhaps aubmlt counter-propoaals loUowlng the parilameiiUry sealon. A Stockholm dlspaicli to the Lon- don Daily Mail reported confldrnct in Sweden tin t parliament would "set In- motion moves which will about an tat\y pta« wltb Staiin Confident Of 'Victory Soon WASHINOTON. Feb, S9 I/P, - Marshall Sl*»n of Bu.«la today un- derscored the allied undemanding reached at Moscow and Telieran late last year, and advised President Roosevelt he wa* convinced Uie tlmi 1s near when eoOpcratlng forces o; ;he Soviet CJnlon, the United SUtej and Oreal Dritain bring about “the final defeal of our common inemy. Hitlerite Oerroany." •A message made public by lh« White House, acknowledged Uw PrtaWenVa caWe ol Peb. » eon- gratuIaUng the red army on lu 2flth anniversary and expressed Stalin's belief in victory. ALLIES IP R O V E AN/IO P O S l I i i, 1.1 i-;i» HKAIKH AH S, Nuplps, F.-l., 2!' fU.P).. .Tiean liiv^. boinh.T idcd (loimau i Milnirlis ..f Knmu for ih lid straiirht dnv, .i o-ni iiid foi mV' hipplitl, off n A-36 fnv, Ir limit' I Bill ders speiir- u airfield In if Home iind BilllllO Ik-ItU r the cllv. irio beiich- i (iffi'ii.slvc tti anil .''nuthwesl rt a -itendv arUllerj’ ushtil di)v,n IhrouKh' :i nii7l mii.viin( Hrf lUip.s, troops !nuiichcil t Isli lliriiMirK<-i ind RLlncrt \ nml rock c ptwUlons :hc rn derlng the rlvi r. On the Cn.v.liii) ■ntrenchcd wiihli ,, , ards of the rutucd Moiitc Cn.vlno ibbey mopped up lioIni<xl Oi filtrated 1 It, BrltlPh units lower Gnrlg .St flnnk of t ne clashed i klrnilshera. Two Magic Valley Sailors Wounded .. [INOm\', Tk‘0'Idahoans linvi In action, the ws Oliver Zane Coupe, avli dloman.-sccoml ciais.-iiiiva Jerome. His s\ ic Mrs. Cecil E. Collide of tl CliarlM Haruy Graft, coast gunrd. a husbniid Genevieve Otatlt, Barley. ird-h niiiiii|uc iioI ck! tiuil uvick InrKcls Iwice ittnckcd ill la.st weeks dayliKlil nf. lu-ci in.liiMn.s" mbtv III ii\- flKhlrr -ni.n rd Into a ri IiKhlrr-bom lirii nny hiive iCOURIACIION NCAfifAIALlIY •eelpy. • ISvere collision Invnhixl n truck parked at thn .Idc of Ihe roiul by D- n. Off. a. Arlroiift. nml ii llfihl club roui» driven by Clyde Shilter, IntVirr ni DnrreU 61att( . foil killed who moiilli.s the tl ick Ui Dt^cavilon of cliarRfs pos.'ilbly li\8 5llfrt OH sre-*- o" an iiiKl<-r>lnncllnF; that the wrcck occurred later In the fvenliiB aeenird lo be llie caM after 1: Ugatloii. • Ofdcee* Mowliy niBht dcteniMi\- ed that unllRhied cars were vlslhl for several hundred yard.s n l th time of evening when the wrec must have occurred," said SwpoIpi Tlte condition of Uie sU Irijurrd the wreck. Including both Its of. the dead baby, was dr: ... as "fair" Tutsdny aftenioc Twin FalLi county general hew; vherc they were taken atter :rasli. COM.MIKBIONKIt IlKSIONS BOIHE. Feb.-?9 (4’r—J. C. Arm slron*. Boise, rtslgutd Stondny as member of the tiate vricraiis’ 've fare commMon. Governor Dotlolf- ippointed J. N, Jer Boise and a fomifr member commls.Mon. to ttpl&ce him. 0 of Resif] IIS SIAIEFUiSFOR SCHOOLS OPPOSED imo plico. In lliui o[ eclili-allciiul OlllchiU lold a joiiil neuuvrallc.Reiiiib- 1 I10U^P caucii!, Insi iilKhl they iv<l llie W coivilder a -lerm ri'ornanlrjillon. Including i>Ull;illiig,ol small dl}t/klv They ihr i)ri-.-.riil refjiie.n for about ,000 In Mnle lumb wsi only an HOJSl-;, toilay niui Rj JOHN COIU.KTT v\ k 2!I (U.RI—'I'lic srmil.- of llie Idiiho IcKisiaturo imously i.axM-d ami sent to tlic hoti.'^o one of tho 0 bills wliicli miivps tin- primary election dal® ^ \U .Iniifl miikcs other technical allo«’ on cliiys lor ■^.•mliiiK of tb.' K<-nfnil election II th.- |-h.h,KIMS io r hilt vvhirli l.'Vitlizcs siil( pi-iMU-r uiMil.k' ■nut.' until ilii.-< a f l i ‘rni.r I- bills wi'n- umnm war fund drive Wcdnc.Mliiy, o^kliiK rlUutlon.H from 'rvpvy rp>l'Init le area to jupport warilnif Urd CraM iicllvltlp.n on fiir-fluiig piiltlp ly 1..MS men of tJio t:. S I y oliiUiUnl i» OITOSKI) nv Mils iclldh, today Hire sho\ iIrf d lor school Wlcts. ' If the law Myer Branded Incompetent; Committee Urges Dismissal IIrd of r clisihle iiK<' ^hould he serving the flii« Instead of obtaining delemients In a so-ciilled e.-v'eiitlal hiditsirv," •'Here Is an opportunity lor Indi- vidual jllsirlci^ and litdlvldiial com- munlllM to exerche the rcsiion.-!!- bmile.'! o! local Boverniiii-nl ol which wc .spciik when crlilcl/e the bu- reiiucriitlc control In centralized Wn.slilnslon, D. C„ Mrs. Wicks wild. She braiulrd as “untrue'' reiwrla t h n l leartier.i arp lcn\liiK nr will nn’ouTKU iNwriKn SAI.T U\KK CUT. 1-V l). 29 (,V>— Arniaiul I,, nird, einplojc of the Rot^c tmrenu of the AMueletcd Press, arrivrd here today to nilcr Marquis Childs Column, Signed by Times-News, Already Broke Records belecud as iDcte.'ssor M> Itaymoiid lapper by the bte columnist's ofcn syndieat«. Marquis W. Childs will bo added lo U>e Tlme.s-New.t sUff of special coirmicnia- tora icinorrow. Mr. Chlld.s. vet- eran Wiuibingioii correspondent for IheBt. Louis Post- Dbsxilclx. Istiletn. peralo. annlyllcsli penetraling wtU- ine." is stnrtin? on a tiat4onwldo basU w i t h me greatest acclama- tion in history. I^Bdlnu ncwsi>apeni Uiroiu;hout llie ec............. ........ “Washington Calimg' Wint manner of m Irroke In odvgiice records? Prom Uie Ume Marquis- Wrniam OhUda voa 13 ycani old bis No. 1 amblUon In life «-»a to be a news- l»pcrBii.ii. And new. cllaiaxlns 20 years In U cnu-us •Itincd ;|ght unseen. I Is this who II syndicate with hla new aaalgnment as a nynrticaied ^Va.^ll. ington coluimilst. hr stDl d o o n l know wiml prompU'd his early urge hla lallitT ■KMa Sswytt ivnri all forebears, from his grandfather back, b id been fannen. Mi'rfiulf> blniself was bom In the Missl.-giippl rivri town of Clinton. la. Chlldi'. locroal weer wr h news- had a premat' In* In 1023. shortlj' after hr left the Onlveriliy of Wliontln with a B.A. degree, He weiii lo work for Uie United P^c.^s Ui CUI curo tuid sevewl oUier m!d-«esl«m cltlea. but before very long he was back al college- teachlng English cbin|>0(ailoii a t the University of lows. He left loa-a wiUi a master'* denrte Iji 1025 and look up his iiewiiMper career again, once more wlUi the Unlled Preas. but this lime in New York. The following year found cnildi back In Uic middle west, on Uie staff or Uia St Louij poat-Dispatch However, bis duUes as feature writ er for Uie Poii.DljpaUh didn't keep him Ucd down iti one place for loug. He covered .s|)fclal niorleJ all over the country and Is doing » was probably linpreRnaled wltli the trnvel Impulse which lias since sent btin on .so many trips ouWd* the United Siales-each irip Improving larnlng hi--^ knowledge nf the of polilieal procedi omlc r Ibe peopti CniW.s made Ihe fIrU of hb for elKii educalioiial Mllle* In IWO. when he look a leave of absencc rroni the Past-Dl.smtdi lo attend a houslnw cxpailtlon hi Sweden, He remained long enough to write a series ot dlspaiehea on Uie social and economic improvement there, and later eoiulensed his flndli artk-lc for Harper's called, '«> Where Capllulbm Is Coiiln...... Tw-o yeani later Uie mlgnitcfy Mar- quis went back to Europe and Ibij Uinc stayed Ull IDM when he re- turned-home to'joiiiThe'PosliDla. potch’8 Waslilngton suiff. In 193(1 Clilids graUIIed Uiat luiiclamentnl wLih of most (Oi.Ud«W M I'tll t. UltBi Names or Uie Tv,ln Palls w. volumeerlns lowillclt Ihf residi lets •were rclPnAcd Tui'.-«lii R, VV. Carpenter, ciiiilmn __ women's ralicltlns connnlitee. All women pnrtlclpaUn« in Uir dr; wlU meet a t 7:30 p. m. Tuesday Iho Idiiho' Power uortitorium fur i itnicilons aiid working maicrli iho said. Twelve toim capt. Irnd i: L. C. Cr>-f Scott, .Mr«. A. C^derfji Mrs. H. N. gpl. Mr*. » Mrs. ari-r .Mr >. Oonlii e Wlllli.ms, .Mrs. J, dr.s. A. C. rrai er. Mr.s, C. H, Kt s and rrllol ixiviiieiiU. me .-.onnK- ne|mb!lcaivi caucuse<l Ihe quc.silun tbi:i nionilng, buC iTCcy prevnlle*!. It wiiB lennifd. however, that tha iiiite RppubllciiiL'i were coiHder- i; the |)o.'v-lblllty or ralilns Uia .ixiniiim levy llmltailoD for .school sUicl nnrt iipnroprlalhig a .lum not .iriT (ll^l^lc•l,^ In liicreiwlng s.il- »•>. Sniiic .M-iiiitors. tl «ii.< learned, •ir np|in-.Vrt in iMc rtliicntlonal ap- New Plan Delays Coiij^^ress Action lING'fON ■nil war bii oiKX'.al, oflered by be coimied only ■Klvlch bav« alg- Uve session that proiirlnilun. hut would agrea to pro- viding uddltloual funds for relief. II wa»* not auihorltatively learned RhrU'J'r' the scivita Jlepubllcaai had j.sri-Pd to reqiiritlng the governor to enll a second se.s-'Ioii. Sfn, Gporge Doiiart, D.. WaiU- liiKlon, .spniiip minority leoder. said tiie spiiiite Di’inocmtK "will not at- tempt to iLvurp the nitlhority of the e.ucutlvp. rf the govortior <Ie»lrc.i t» alt a -.-cnnd he.iilQii,-we will be glad 10 consUirr nnd deb.ite the Icgtsln- lIoirrMjuc.stcd-" By n. w. i)irr.MK W A S I I iN t n ’O N . Feb. 20 lU.Rl—T\v. mail Difs investifrating cominiUcc re Dillnii S. iMyiT, director of Ibe war ri R. R. Best, bead of the WHA Tule (ii,-; FLASHES of f Tir* 5'T As.»oclaled Lilr Jci WAIINING ST. LOUIS, Kel), 20-Flremcn al ready had cxtlnKuLihed the bla?c li n .storeroom when thp owner frim tlcnlly telephoned the lire siallui for them to be careful, fn the roon bo explnlnod, were 37 Mirks o dynamite nnd 83 pcrciissloii cap ii.scd in dctnobllltlon work. AITI.ICATIOS CiCm'SBUHG. Penn. Feb. 2S- Ai\ U> Ibf lw:»l tmto bonrd for a child','. *peci»l shoe slami carried Uils Invlintlont "She waits one, and a half mile lo sehiKil. Come out and sec Ihl rond anrt yow'll kno»' ■J.by sbe litvd FIRE • BU>TAtO. Feb. 29-Hcr dolb « cold. M. ninp-ycar-nld Maiildo E placed It In the oven. -tesults: Smoke, flromen a irred dolly. Georgia Quints Turn out to Be Just One Child TRENTON, Ga. Feb. 29 (-tV- Ari over-L*nthiis|a.stlo suwnilll worker w ith .* flair for exagRer- iitJon wni. credited today witli cnaslng h .ibori-Uved report that quintuplet.'t had been bom in north Oeorgla. J. O, Orny, tcleplionc oixrator ut Trenton.' aald lie . received word of qtUntuplet boys at Uie remote f&mi home ot Mr. and Mra. Harold Oiuv. but upon Ble I Had occurred. I sin- told _____ ____ - ................. wiu Ihe fHUier of five babies, bom on lonel>'-S«nd-MounUUir SundiT n ish u Many persou la the vicinity hail heaul Ute re* port. bike, C eil for r.s of a tlu'cc- Il 'c I today Hint autlioi'ity,-and ilif.. camp, be “compiete in- ice." ■stlKailon wiw nrdered by D1C .S eomnilttee on un- ictlvllic.s iirtcr the Nov. I- tlie Tule lake camp for (Itliiyal Anierlcaiu ot Japane.so an- v, horc Dr, Ree.se M, Pedicortl, Dhvhlciiii ihrop II s held I half ii s by Iho iu- roiLvrioii.s of Uic lack of firmness «1U> 'Ahkh vbr tcnu-r wrui beliiB uilniliiLMcn-d, .‘icircd iliwa IhLiweak- iiw aiid by the use of sinkes, in- llmldiitlun and .'tninK nnn method.s, •oixhl to direct the • operation'of II Pre.sldenl . wriA to Jurls- dlcllon of the di-pnrtmcnt of m- a.% "11 L>elat^ recognition of :i»nl<;cl rfemiuMis ot this com- ; that a change be made In .Imintstrnllve policy of Uio au- thora>’.” niul made tho foUowJns .-^|)fclflc recommendations: I.Tliai Mj'ec and Best be <Us- ilvwl "bccnu-'e of their evident In- blllty lo copc wiui the problem of disloyal J»pnne.se.” J, That the Tule lake center "b* - .liiccd under the lurtsdlclloti and adniinlstruUvc control of the de- p.-iriment of Justice." Ttint the names of JapaneM IC.nllna«d » P.i. t. C«l>u » Self-Styled. Nazi Agent Surrenders NEW YORK^ Feb. 23 tA*>-A man. In tiie uniform of a British teaman. Informed police here Monday h* was a captiiln in Uic Oerman'sesl* . apo and asked to be turned over to lli« PB. "My n\luSon tn Amtrba. ij complete." lie toid. . . . > police booked him .on a chuv*.' of violation of the ImmlffraUoQ Jaws. , • The FBI took him In custody for fuiilter queaUQnlnc.'H«-tQld.paUfia .. hli name nnw Altred X4Uay. bora i»i Oennaoy but wtueatM.ln a&ibmd..- He came .tor^e«e» thre«.manihi-'‘ ago. ha e*w,;•nd;tandod,oq:leI^f...:r- l»land from s whmarlne. -.,- PoUco aakJ he told them h«;h8d.- „-nt Inrormation obtained here to Qcrrnany, but dccUned to m eal hOV this waa done.

Senate Approves Shift in Planes, 36 Ships Primary for Soldier Votenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · COMING Marqul* Chlldi, trUr- mO eort«»>

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Page 1: Senate Approves Shift in Planes, 36 Ships Primary for Soldier Votenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · COMING Marqul* Chlldi, trUr- mO eort«»>

C O M IN GMarqul* Chlldi, trUr- mO eort«»>pondtnt. i Im U • new colnmn In the Tlme*- Ncw* tomorrnir.

A Regional Newspaper S m ln R N ine IrriKntcd [dubo Counties


y<b. 29 iUP>-Arier n IslI of 10 daya the (irnnan. faring the allied troops on (ha Antio beatlihtad opened up with a (enliia nrUlltrr bamge Ute lo<)a7 which bur precede ansllier naxl altempt lo break the allied trip on their shore poslUons It was

Unk-iti \htu»ts wen Ihnnni batk.


‘ Attacking Yanks Destroy 29 Jap Planes, 36 Ships


A L L IE D H EA D Q U A RT ERS. SoulhwoHt Piicific, Vch (U.R)— American airmen, nidcd by navy I>T-boat;


..inff battle off Bougn on thp heleiiKuered Jnpntif cific Snturdny. dCHtroyinjr and two car .'o ship.", it w


Sfi.sps in thiK

hnmb«ri« hit n«l (<* lUcIM ion* of b..ml

I the riri

d<'livoro<i another sma.shing blow p Ihrniijchniil the nouthwf-st Pn- r damiifrinK 29 planrs, 34 bnrc<>« s anno.inc'ci t-Klay, i cvntcred on Now B r iu in niul

Tioiitrnlizp the enemy's lar^r-i

14 Ships Sunk^SH^NOTO !, Ptb. 10 '"P'

Itnck. Fo.irir,.n .. and «I> nmnit dpstroyrd or dar

rranclsco. clRlmtd tlinl Jnpanpse loTctt, "rppuked” 158 cnrrlcr-bfl-iccl and flshtcr pImim in u-q aitockn Sunday on Rnbni

Kiiojt rclcujKl a navy coir iilquc at Ills ntws conltrcnci wlileh llie tollo«mt! Japunese ahlll^ ncrc listed mi sunk by our sub< marlnrs: A'lnrgt tanker, a merilum trmisDort. « small cargo vessel. 11 mertliim »lr<d carBO canlrra.

Tliexc ulnkiiigt raised lo 481 tlie nunil>er of JapMir*? (ililps *i*nl (n llir twllom by ilio U. S Mibini.rlnr^ In aHdlllon tn 3C ll'tfcl i\» prnbnlilv iK.k i>ncl IM dnm.Rod,

P o i n t s C o s t S l a s h e d

F o r P o r k , S o m e B e e f

Feb. 29 (/V» — SIn.rp ret I of pork and many bcof c

W ASHINGTON, ration po in t vnluei effect Stindny.

But tho ration vnUtes of veul. hinib, inutton, liiiHei lard and AV, other fa»-'and d^iry products M'ifi' romni:

:ii go iiU(

changed through March, the


" 4-FS DEMiOEiWASHINOTON, Vctt- 20 1,1’,—Di

mands Uint drnltliifi of fntlicrs 1. hulled pcndliiK li review of 5,000.000 occupatloiinl dc newed today by Itnged ft mcdlcal


U plo-Aercrt.


noi bctoB met. ScnaUjrs Jo!> cnio., and Whpcler. D.. Mo Idrrd l>olh the jihyBlcnl sand the contlnuliiii falher

'Tlie armed forces." jun, “have llielr mniu>ow100 hlRh.

- "When I «cc <-Fs phiyl ' ball nml buiCbBll and doliiL , ,

other tlmt require phy.slculjvmiglh and endufunce. I can’t tx \ny much lniprefisc<l wllh iJi'

I «uindards under aldeli they are cx MTptcd from Renlcc."P Wtiri'ler. noltliiR tnm n rlviev ol 5,000,000 occuiialloniLl deferment: liai been ordered, tuld:

•mic leiwt they cun do l.s sU>i (Ira/llnK fntJicrs now—as J ajkedIhcm to do rnrly liLsl -........ . ..til Ihli review of defprmenu in iii- diiEirlal p\(tnla and olhci

•'You don't have to be an expert lo know that there are many tliou- kniids or men clnuiricd al 4-r for

phyjltai.. ilfteei- ' could bo UK«d by the nrmy If

would take Ih'■It's

deferred yoinnduloi

n the V

thc« .IK men of 18 t

they Im'

r plav.....................fiinuh—

Selective servicc dircotora Uirougi; out Uie country reported nlmoi general (allure to meet quotiu. / IcMl nine states, nn Prtss eonipilntlon showed, have railed U) meet goota by amo ' ranging from 10 to SO per i nic.« Includo Utahjind Idaho.

Victory Lauded . By MountbattenY N W / DELHJ. I t t . » tU-to-Adm. ^ rd Louis Mountbatten Isiucd an order of the day lo bis forces in Durni* today dcclarinff that iheir complete victory, on ' Uie Arakan frcnt had “given lh« Japiinew one crwk they wlU remember."

In his t in t order or the d»y to the BrltLth I4th army. Uie allied cistern air command. »nd Araknn na«»l lorces. he toW ittcm that by

■ r their flrsl batUe Uiey had itrated a "spirit of tcnaclly or ’ lo the enemy and the

the AruKftn victory. aclng .....y»t«rday srtcr Ihrco weeks

i hecvy righUns around NsakjedaUk I southeast Asia command

. .^andum said tlie 14lh uiny. by attoac ulr aupport, had

ra«ul«J,» force or 8,000 Japanese. nkUllng more than l.OOO and wound- - -j twice that number.

ifficc of price ndmir id today.

» aciieral reduction of Tlie cui* raiwe trom IKJliit.v hrlnghiK

tl vnllir’ or i>ork t

Tlie point value of c

The rcductloM came us n furprluc since the OPA had Inilknlpd point values would be boosied at 11y during tiis next few moi

Uie principal reiitoii for tin

n ie over-all ftvcrage ralli... ____01 mepl in March will be points a iwund nji compared with an aver BRe of npiiroxlmalely 5 points li Febrimry.

The new point value cliart IlsU mosv popular bacon cula at one point a iJound, down two and three polnt--< from February.

Mwt pork roa-Ms are cut t points, with loin roasla. for examj

IC.nlil.grt ru . ». C.I.I...I. T> .

Hagler Convicted On Draft Charges

UOISK. Feb, 25 (U.P.w-Bimore Hag. ler. Twill FiilLv will be wntenced tomorrow by rederol Judge C A. aack on-a-chHSc of iBllvit report for rinal type i>hy!lcal'

of"theTliree oiJier men. aiso fouiid

ullty or violallon of telecllve serv- :e rcsulalloii* will be senleiieed at he same time. Meanwhile; the trial

of two other* on ilmllar cliarges be- fiarj today before a federal court Jury in Boise.


It'a a new Army comic that will lielp you under- stand your favorite soU dler when he »ay«-~

"G . t."


"Z tb io "

"iSwcohBsU 'OuP'

"B u n k Fatigue"

"P X "

Drawn by a soldier who knows his Army lin£»>-

Sgt. Dade B. EpHteln. Jr.


^ le Italian l}attIefronlSenate Approves Sh ift in

P rim ary fo r Soldier Vote

Red Assaults R ip Dofeiise.s /Vrouiid Pskov.M oscow . l'Vl>, 2!i (U.R) -

iil f ''" 'ho '. throUKli the

•■MM'.-; of P.skl.V -.>r<- helit'M'.l a'in>i h f Maltii- fn .til s

(A Loiiiinn bni. h(- R u s s i a n s v iK'lK of Pskov.)

■r\x<t {«.!! <>! Psko%. 1



Finnish piirllament sCMlon today, prp.stuni cavi Finland's chnnre.n ccptable sci’sratc ix'iici with nus.

Tlie offldftl German now* ncency DNB said Premier Fxiwln Unkonllca reported ou the ",«ltualion" la a half-hour sprecli, nftcr which a debate bcftan. Recr.'s for lunch was laken at 12:30 p. m,

A eommuniaue was expocte<l to be Issued aJtrr the aftcnioon te.viloii.

Tlie Thiiilsh radio siild parlla- ment dLicus.'ed only "routine mat­ters" at the mornlns scs.'>inn, but a Stockholm dkpalch reported well- Inrormcd sourccs there atlll ex- jwcKd nn importiuit governmentstater cither diirint....... sessloi...........party mectlng.i'.'schcduted nlic parliamentary se.'uloii-

It was believed that Juh Paaslkivi, former premier wh turned to HeWnki la.st week .. . reportedly conlacUng I u. sllln dlplo- malic reprcsentatlvM nl Slock' Holm either directly or through i third party, would uddrcM parlia­ment.

TJie London Dally Express sale. PaaalVlvl. who helped arrange the Ru.i»ian-FWnl»h peace In 1040, probably would return to Stockholm to resume peace negotiations and perhaps aubmlt counter-propoaals loUowlng the parilameiiUry sealon.

A Stockholm dlspaicli to the Lon­don Daily Mail reported confldrnct in Sweden tin t parliament would "set In- motion moves which will

about an tat\y pta« wltb

Staiin Confident Of 'Victory Soon

WASHINOTON. Feb, S9 I/P, - Marshall Sl*»n of Bu.«la today un­derscored the allied undemanding reached at Moscow and Telieran late last year, and advised President Roosevelt he wa* convinced Uie tlmi 1s near when eoOpcratlng forces o; ;he Soviet CJnlon, the United SUtej and Oreal Dritain bring about “the final defeal of our common inemy. Hitlerite Oerroany."•A message made public by lh«

White House, acknowledged Uw PrtaWenVa caWe ol Peb. » eon- gratuIaUng the red army on lu 2flth anniversary and expressed Stalin's belief in victory.

ALLIES IPROVE AN/IO P O S l I ii, 1.1 i-;i» H K A IK H AH S, Nuplps, F.-l., 2!' fU.P).. .T ie a n liiv ^ . boinh.T idcd (loimau iMilnirlis ..f Knm u for ih lid straiirht dnv, .i o-ni

iiid foi mV'

hipplitl, off

n A-36 fnv,

Ir limit'I Bill

ders speiir-

u airfield In if Home iindBilllllO Ik-ItUr the cllv. irio beiich-

i (iffi'ii.slvc tti anil .''nuthwesl rt a -itendv arUllerj’ ushtil di)v,n IhrouKh':i nii7l mii.viin(Hrf lUip.s,

troops !nuiichcil t

Isli lliriiMirK<-i ind RLlncrt \

nml rock cptwUlons

:hc rn derlng the rlvi r.

On the Cn.v.liii)■ntrenchcd wiihli ,, ,ards of the rutucd Moiitc Cn.vlno ibbey mopped up lioIni<xl Oi

filtrated 1 It, BrltlPh units lower Gnrlg

.St flnnk of t ne clashed i klrnilshera.

Two Magic Valley Sailors Wounded.. [INOm\',

Tk‘0'Idahoans linvi In action, the w s

Oliver Zane Coupe, avli dloman.-sccoml ciais.-iiiiva Jerome. His s\icMrs. Cecil E. Collide of tl

CliarlM Haruy Graft, coast gunrd. a husbniid Genevieve Otatlt, Barley.


niiiiii|uc iio Ick! tiuil uvick InrKcls Iwice ittnckcd ill la.st weeks

dayliK lil nf.

lu-ci in.liiMn.s"mbtv III ii\-

flKhlrr -ni.n rd Into a ri IiKhlrr-bom

liriinny hiive



•eelpy.• ISvere

collision Invnhixl n truck parked at thn .Idc of Ihe roiul by D- n. Off. a. Arlroiift. nml ii llfihl club roui» driven by Clyde Shilter, — IntVirr ni DnrreU61att( . foilkilled who


the tlick Ui

Dt^cavilon of cliarRfs pos.'ilbly li\8 5llfrt OH sre-*- o"an iiiKl<-r>lnncllnF; that the wrcck occurred later In the fvenliiB aeenird lo be llie caM after 1: Ugatloii.

• Ofdcee* Mowliy niBht dcteniMi\- ed that unllRhied cars were vlslhl for several hundred yard.s n l th time of evening when the wrec must have occurred," said SwpoIpi

Tlte condition of Uie sU Irijurrd the wreck. Including both

Its of. the dead baby, was dr:... as "fair" Tutsdny aftenioc Twin FalLi county general hew; vherc they were taken atter :rasli.


slron*. Boise, rtslgutd Stondny as member of the tiate vricraiis’ 've fare commMon. Governor Dotlolf-

ippointed J. N, Jer Boise and a fomifr member commls.Mon. to ttpl&ce him.

0 of

Resif] IIS



imo plico.

In lliui o[ eclili-allciiul OlllchiU lold a joiiil neuuvrallc.Reiiiib- 1 I10U P caucii!, Insi iilKhl they iv<l llie W coivilder a-lerm ri'ornanlrjillon. Including i>Ull;illiig,ol small dl}t/klv They ihr i)ri-.-.riil refjiie.n for about

,000 In Mnle lumb wsi only an

HOJSl-;, toilay niui


■v\k 2!I (U.RI—'I'lic srmil.- o f llie Idiiho IcKisiaturo imously i.axM-d ami sent to tlic hoti.' o one of tho 0 bills wliicli miivps tin- primary election dal® \ U .Iniifl miikcs o the r technicalallo«’ on cliiys lor ■ .•mliiiK of tb.' K<-nfnil election

II th.-|-h.h,KIMS io

r hilt vvhirli l.'Vitlizcs siil( pi-iMU-r uiMil.k'

■nut.' until ilii.-< a f l i ‘rni.r I- bills wi'n-

umnmwar fund drive Wcdnc.Mliiy, o kliiK

rlUutlon.H from 'rvpvy rp>l'Init le area to jupport warilnif Urd

CraM iicllvltlp.n on fiir-fluiig piiltlp

ly 1..MS men of tJio t:. S I

y oliiUiUnl i»

OITOSKI) nv Mils

iclldh, today Hire sho\iIrf d lor school

Wlcts. ' If the law

Myer Branded Incompetent;

Committee Urges Dismissal

II rd of r

clisihle iiK<' ^hould he serving the flii« Instead of obtaining delemients In a so-ciilled e.-v'eiitlal hiditsirv,"

•'Here Is an opportunity lor Indi­vidual jllsirlci^ and litdlvldiial com- munlllM to exerche the rcsiion.-!!- bmile.'! o! local Boverniiii-nl ol which wc .spciik when crlilcl/e the bu- reiiucriitlc control In centralized Wn.slilnslon, D. C„ Mrs. Wicks wild.

She braiulrd as “untrue'' reiwrla th n l leartier.i arp lcn\liiK nr will

n n ’ouTKU iN w riK n SAI.T U\KK CUT. 1-Vl). 29 (,V>—

Arniaiul I,, nird, einplojc of the Rot^c tmrenu of the AMueletcd Press, arrivrd here today to nilcr

M a rq u is C h ild s C o lu m n , S ig n e d b y T im e s -N e w s , A lre a d y B r o k e Records

belecud as iDcte.'ssor M> Itaymoiid lapper by the bte columnist's ofcn

syndieat«. Marquis W. Childs will bo added lo U>e Tlme.s-New.t sUff of special coirmicnia- tora icinorrow.

Mr. Chlld.s. vet­eran Wiuibingioii correspondent for IheBt. Louis Post- Dbsxilclx. Istiletn. peralo. annlyllcsli penetraling wtU-

ine." is stnrtin? on a tiat4onwldo basU w it h me greatest acclama­tion in history. I^Bdlnu ncwsi>apeniUiroiu;hout llie ec............. ........“Washington Calimg'

Wint manner of m Irroke In odvgiice records?

Prom Uie Ume Marquis- Wrniam OhUda voa 13 ycani old bis No. 1 amblUon In life «-»a to be a news- l»pcrBii.ii. And new. cllaiaxlns 20 years In U


•Itincd ;|ght unseen.I Is this whoII syndicate

with hla new

aaalgnment as a nynrticaied ^Va. ll. ington coluimilst. hr stDl doonl know wiml prompU'd his early urge

hla lallitT ■KM a Sswytt ivnri all forebears, from his grandfather back, b id been fannen. Mi'rfiulf> blniself was bom In the Missl.-giippl rivri town of Clinton. la.

Chlldi'. locroal weer wr h news- had a premat'

In* In 1023. shortlj' after hr left the Onlveriliy of Wliontln with a B.A. degree, He weiii lo work for Uie United P c. s Ui CUIcuro tuid sevewl oUier m!d-«esl«m cltlea. but before very long he was back al college- teachlng English cbin|>0(ailoii at the University of lows. He left loa-a wiUi a master'* denrte Iji 1025 and look up his iiewiiMper career again, once more wlUi the Unlled Preas. but this lime in New York.

The following year found cnildi back In Uic middle west, on Uie staff or Uia S t Louij poat-Dispatch However, bis duUes as feature writ er for Uie Poii.DljpaUh didn't keep him Ucd down iti one place for loug.

He covered .s|)fclal niorleJ all over the country and Is doing » was probably linpreRnaled wltli the trnvel Impulse which lias since sent btin on .so many trips ouWd* the United Siales-each irip Improving

larnlng hi-- knowledge nf the of polilieal procedi

omlc r Ibepeopti

CniW.s made Ihe fIrU of hb for elKii educalioiial Mllle* In IWO. when he look a leave of absencc rroni the Past-Dl.smtdi lo attend a houslnw cxpailtlon hi Sweden, He remained long enough to write a series ot dlspaiehea on Uie social and economic improvement there, and later eoiulensed his flndli artk-lc for Harper's called, '«> Where Capllulbm Is Coiiln......Tw-o yeani later Uie mlgnitcfy Mar­quis went back to Europe and Ibij Uinc stayed Ull IDM when he re- turned-home to'joiiiThe'PosliDla. potch’8 Waslilngton suiff.

In 193(1 Clilids graUIIed Uiat luiiclamentnl wLih of most

(Oi.Ud«W M I'tll t. UltBi

Names or Uie Tv,ln Palls w. volumeerlns lowillclt Ihf residi

lets •were rclPnAcd Tui'.-«lii R, VV. Carpenter, ciiiilmn

__ women's ralicltlns connnlitee.All women pnrtlclpaUn« in Uir dr; wlU meet a t 7:30 p. m. Tuesday Iho Idiiho' Power uortitorium fur i itnicilons aiid working maicrli iho said.

Twelve toim capt.Irnd i:L. C. Cr>-f

Scott, .Mr«. A. C^derfji Mrs. H. N. gpl. Mr*. »

Mrs.ari-r .Mr

>. Oonlii e Wlllli.ms, .Mrs. J, dr.s. A. C. rrai er. Mr.s, C. H, Kt

s and rrllol ixiviiieiiU. me .-.onnK- ne|mb!lcaivi caucuse<l Ihe quc.silun tbi:i nionilng, buC

iTCcy prevnlle*!.It wiiB lennifd. however, that tha iiiite RppubllciiiL'i were coiHder- i; the |)o.'v-lblllty or ralilns Uia .ixiniiim levy llmltailoD for .school sUicl nnrt iipnroprlalhig a .lum not

.iriT (ll l lc•l, In liicreiwlng s.il- »•>. Sniiic .M-iiiitors. tl «ii.< learned, •ir np|in-.Vrt in iMc rtliicntlonal ap-

New Plan Delays Coiij^^ress Action

lING'fON ■nil war bii

oiKX'.al, oflered by

be coimied only ■Klvlch bav« alg- Uve session that

proiirlnilun. hut would agrea to pro­viding uddltloual funds for relief.

II wa»* not auihorltatively learned RhrU'J'r' the scivita Jlepubllcaai had j.sri-Pd to reqiiritlng the governor to enll a second se.s-'Ioii.

Sfn, Gporge Doiiart, D.. WaiU- liiKlon, .spniiip minority leoder. said tiie spiiiite Di’inocmtK "will not at­tempt to iLvurp the nitlhority of the e.ucutlvp. rf the govortior <Ie»lrc.i t»■ alt a -.-cnnd he.iilQii,-we will be glad 10 consUirr nnd deb.ite the Icgtsln- lIoirrMjuc.stcd-"

By n. w. i)irr.MK

W A S II iN tn ’ON. Feb. 20 lU.Rl—T\v. m ail D ifs investifrating cominiUcc re Dillnii S. iMyiT, director of Ibe war ri R . R. B est, bead of the WHA Tule


FLASHES off Tir* 5'T As.»oclaledLilr Jci

WAIININGST. LOUIS, Kel), 20-Flremcn al

ready had cxtlnKuLihed the bla?c li n .storeroom when thp owner frim tlcnlly telephoned the lire siallui for them to be careful, fn the roon bo explnlnod, were 37 Mirks o dynamite nnd 83 pcrciissloii cap ii.scd in dctnobllltlon work.


Ai\ U> Ibf lw:»l tmtobonrd for a child','. *peci»l shoe slami carried Uils Invlintlont

"She waits one, and a half mile lo sehiKil. Come out and sec Ihl rond anrt yow'll kno»' ■J.by sbe litvd

FIRE •BU>TAtO. Feb. 29-Hcr dolb «

cold. M. ninp-ycar-nld Maiildo E placed It In the oven.

-tesults: Smoke, flromen a irred dolly.

Georgia Quints Turn out to Be

Just One ChildTRENTON, Ga. Feb. 29 (-tV-

Ari over-L*nthiis|a.stlo suwnilll worker w ith .* flair for exagRer- iitJon wni. credited today witli cnaslng h .ibori-Uved report that quintuplet.'t had been bom in north Oeorgla.

J . O, Orny, tcleplionc oixrator ut Trenton.' aald lie . received word of qtUntuplet boys at Uie remote f&mi home ot Mr. and Mra. Harold Oiuv. but upon

Ble I Had occurred.I sin-

told _____ ____- .................wiu Ihe fHUier of five babies, bom on lonel>'-S«nd-MounUUir SundiT n ishu Many persou la the vicinity hail heaul Ute re* port.

bike, C

eil for

r.s of a tlu'cc- Il'cI today Hint autlioi'ity,-and i li f .. camp, be “compiete in-

ice."■stlKailon wiw nrdered by D1C.S eomnilttee on un- ictlvllic.s iirtcr the Nov. I- tlie Tule lake camp for

(Itliiyal Anierlcaiu ot Japane.so an- v, horc Dr, Ree.se M, Pedicortl, Dhvhlciiii

ihrop IIs held

I half ii s by Iho iu-

roiLvrioii.s of Uic lack of firmness «1U> 'Ahkh vbr tcnu-r wrui beliiB uilniliiLMcn-d, .‘icircd iliwa IhLiweak- iiw aiid by the use of sinkes, in- llmldiitlun and .'tninK nnn method.s, •oixhl to direct the • operation'of

II Pre.sldenl. wriA to Jurls-

dlcllon of the di-pnrtmcnt of m- a.% "11 L>elat recognition of

:i»nl<;cl rfemiuMis ot this com- ; that a change be made In .Imintstrnllve policy of Uio au-

thora>’.” niul made tho foUowJns .-|)fclflc recommendations:

I.Tliai Mj'ec and Best be <Us- ilvwl "bccnu-'e of their evident In- blllty lo copc wiui the problem of

disloyal J»pnne.se.”J, That the Tule lake center "b* -

.liiccd under the lurtsdlclloti and adniinlstruUvc control of the de- p.-iriment of Justice."

Ttint the names of JapaneM IC.nllna«d » P.i. t . C«l>u »

Self-Styled. Nazi Agent Surrenders

NEW YORK^ Feb. 23 tA*>-A man.In tiie uniform of a British teaman. Informed police here Monday h* was a captiiln in Uic Oerman'sesl* . apo and asked to be turned over to lli« PB. "My n\luSon tn Amtrba. ij complete." lie toid. . . .> police booked him .on a chuv*.' of violation of the ImmlffraUoQ Jaws. , • The FBI took him In custody for fuiilter queaUQnlnc.'H«-tQld.paUfia .. hli name nnw Altred X4Uay. bora i»i Oennaoy but wtueatM.ln a&ibmd..- He came .tor^e«e» thre«.manihi-'‘ ago. ha e*w,;•nd;tandod,oq:leI^f...:r- l»land from s whmarlne. -.,- •

PoUco aakJ he told them h«;h8d.- „-nt Inrormation obtained here to Qcrrnany, but dccUned to meal hOV this waa done.

Page 2: Senate Approves Shift in Planes, 36 Ships Primary for Soldier Votenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · COMING Marqul* Chlldi, trUr- mO eort«»>

Page Two TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Tuesday, February 29, 1944

READY 10 STARirnii r>fi Ob.i

O, I.nilterbafti and Mra. ChnriM K Blrtjcr.

Solk-llnre on Uit Uiim hcailcl by Mr* Cn-As me Mu. HiitH PIUlMix-i. Mra.J.O Hwlrn.MrvII H - ' Imrl, Mrs Ji>tm Ilcn'nu'r. Mr.'. Tlinmr.^ Mr< I.vnil. .SmlUi nn.l Mn<.

Oriiv. Mr» A«lici 11. ......... . Mis.Mlllfm Puivdl. Mr.v Vlcwr Miicljplh. Mrs. WUllnm Scoll, Mrs. O . M. Hikll, Mrs. Hnrrj’ Htnoll, Mrs, Joliii IK*, eruoii .mil Mrj. C. V. Illukle.

Tliwc n-vilFiml to Mrs. Nc^mnn's team ore Mr.«. Helen Swan. Mrs. A. L. Hnlvrr.^oii, Mr. . ,1. » . ScaviT. Mr.s. Iwrr>- Hrrd .Mrs Voric Nolnii. Mrs. F/lvinrri C'«.i»T Mrs I. K. Knlliuliiy. Mrs R..V r.iliUfr. I.ln nillliir,

Mr IjiI-tI nrp Mrs. C. O Jrllbnn, FantL . Mr.' O C. DoiiK

■. Mrs Vrni Mrs. Pn\il Mii'lry. Mr.r i Mrs J. il.Whcniul.Mrs. •XT On Mrv Slrt>cr'» tea Kiirl nirltfiird, Mrs, C. ; ton, Mrs. ,t K Hill. Mrs,

•• Mrs. H A I’uviin-r.

c Hnii Hohpr

IJow A. Hiisliili

Wnrbcn? mid Mrs. t„ H.Spcclnl solicitors to cnnviisa 1'aln

Pnll.i school) iiro Mls.i jpsn'lHne Throckmorlnn, hlKli school: Mrs. Vrra C. O'l.Mr ’, Jimlor hl«h: Ml.' s Phyllis McQupon, Wnshlnttton; MLvs Eniniii Wminrr, lUclccl; .Mro. Gladys IXimoKnllii tiiwl Mr.s Hi'lni TnyU)r, Lincoln. Solicitors lor ilic R-xl Cro.'-.i motor con« urc .\Ir.v E. W. McUob- crl* nml Mrs. Ilnro' A. Elccxjk.

m m m m

‘TAG” REMOVALJERO.ME. Feb. M-MfetliiR In the

dLsirlci coiiriroom here last nliihi members of ihc Snnkc Rlvpr Vtillpj Pnlrol. which li comiia ed t)f pcnc< olflcers of llic Mniric Valley,

flow thrrc u'ltl\out ( Tulllc riciiih in nur Mau'<





nrconil m il fur the » whni the IcKLslaiiire pcu>.suBe of the ..ilill I>nilinl>ly l.-ilc loliiy.

T^vin Falls News in Brief

niDuiiiwi by Dr.

1 Mrs Murphy Dlack,

Allhouich they Iralled tIiroui:haiit. le lied Devils icfasrd to ylcit] tu IB Orlulle.i unlll tho Ilnnl kiid

ended the Rnme nnd the toumn- . Alwnyfl Uiey were In shool-

InR riLitancc of the lend ts the rirM qiinrttT which ended, 8-T, In th>' Trl7;.llr.<- tiiviir. Ed. n IriiKi he lend to 1K-I'J nt the bi>ir iiiid till tnrlhcr, ader thr.T i-r-lod.'i, Ilowi-ver. in Uie rinnl h.- Hrd Devll.H miisrornl Ihe lr« Iilnr ))Olnt.' to five Iml vli lnry

I ninck.

K T F I Radio Schedule

J t:!! '.’-I Cl??':"" '

old r tivl license pliii.

r> doiipotliiK Vt> t'nlk, ;

il 01 all

c H(i;ry Mciipiin, WnBonneville rmiti .............Preston, ,<hirlll of Krnnkllii They met wltli the MukIi offtcer.i for dl.sciLsslon of both the llcenic t«K iirolilem and n jiroiick.pd effort for IfKl.iIatlnn to alter ihi $2,000-u-yrnr lliiillstion on the snl urj’ of sheriffs In sccond cla.s. coun. tics. All Mnglc Valley couiules ex- ccptliiB Twin Fnllj would bo nffected by such leolsltiilon, It was said.

Approximately 30 |)ersoii:« : ttend- «J Ulc mcetlnK, with lunch follow. Iflg the biislrif s se.'.'lon.

The Hospital

Bjiersency beds only were avail ttble tit tho Tnin Fnlls county bcii eml hospltnl Tue.'day

ADMITTKI)Mrs, B. noimdtrcp. Miss Dnhlln

DcWltt. Mrs. C, 0, Cii- e, Jop Oln- , vnrrla. Mlw Nina Mtirphv nnd Mr*.

LaVern Pollijnot, nil of Twin Fall*; Mr,<, Dclorls Sallndny, Ml.ss Pearl Faddla and Fred Hnrnc.s. nil of Jer­ome. nnd Clifton Lawo nnd II, H,

boUi of Kimberly.DI8M1SSKI)

Mrs. Clarcnce Carter, CnsUeford, nnd Mrs. Luelsno Utla. Ooodinff,


6LATTER—Puntral ten’lccs for r>arrcll Dunne Slniier will be heUt nt 2:30 p. m. Friday In the Reynolds funeral home chapel, Tlie Rev. Mark C, Croiienberger will offlclmc. nislst- ctl by the Hev. L, 8. Oliver. nurW wlU be in the Filer I. O. O. F. eem- ctcry.

OKn.BERHY — Puncrnl senlees for Jerald T. Okelberry, H-year- ola Murtauah boy, will bo held at 1:30 p. m, Wedneiday, March 1, In the Murtaugh high school audi­torium. The H«T. Hsrold I . Jack*. Payette, wlli offlcUtc. He wlU be naalsKd by Bishop Clifford Tolman. BtiriiU will be In the island ceme­tery near Oakley wider the aiuplcea ot the White nortuur.


>ri<r>U mm. ButOr •e'rk.


BLASTS AT K Rwho fttinfkc<l Peill.ori! and I the Nov, 1 riot, as wcllasar.'i the dl,'ch)hnary .irtlon Ih'Iiik HKalnst them, be -‘iiibtnlllcd

4. Tlml all Inteinnipnl ciiil llclng be done bv Ciiiicn,sbiL' in suftlclenl r

•ctlon ti llie 11of all . ........................

Tlie report nas »li;n«l by the .Mibconimlttof chalniinn. Hep, John M, Co.'lello. D.. Calif,, and Krp. Karl E, Miindt, R , S IJ„ blit nol by third member. Hep. lierniDn P, Eb.

who s, will.■submit It minority ii-s I can obtiiln a copy of the ma­jority report,"

Co.it.'lIo and Miindt, lie s«lJ, "re- to let me have a copy of It,

In effect they vranlid me to slcn nil Indictment wltlioiil the oppor­tunity nf really kiinwlnn altli what crime the iiccused k rharced,"

He said the two majoiliy mem- bera appeared "to have npproai-hcd the subject with bla.?, and destruc­tively critical flndlnns could be ex- pecteil without glvliift proper ron- •slileratlon to the complexUlej of the problems which confronted the WRA."

WEATHERMostl; eoudy tonight and Wed­

nesday »llh occailonjil II,ht .novr. Iligh yesterday 41; low ynlerday '*■' ’MW Ihb morning 31.


;■ E-,;

WendeU Play to Be Staged Friday

WENDELL. Feb, 29 — Presentn- un of "Nine Girls" by the Wendell

lil^h.'chool r.enlor cln.s.s In the school miclltorliuii lias been postponed lM.-.-d«y to Friday at 0:15 p, r U.-1U. announced today by Mlu Uils t'l.scher, couch of the play. .

n ie porlpoiienicnt, MLss Fischer lid, was nrccv.ltutf(l by the non- ■rival of ri'cord.' tiee>U‘d for sound

tffectj In the mystery dratnn.

^ W A N T E D —

SALESMENTo Specialize In S a le s of

Insulation and Roofing*

'Guaranteed S a la ry

and C o m m iss io n ^

r t n / v n )

)ll I,r,i%r,\Ir rui.l Mr.; liiilph Ralirh and

r.ii, r.iiil Mr, nnd Mrs,.riK.n nil of Haielton,l-ltc»l rucrntly at the home of Mr. ml Mrs, Harry Balach. Mr. Pat- ,'k, a phamiaclst's mfttc third cins.'i. , on a 13-day Irave from Fnrrncul ml will report back to camp this

llifjh Interest in

Vets' Work Meet

Two Filer men havr recorded honorable dl'fliarncs from the army. Tliey arc Wlllism S Devull, private.

ni uSilip T

rromolni.. Ja',. ph IxiCIalr I . ihiii th.'lr f-on, Lloyd t>cen promoted from

blliHlixl Iv, till' luhl;; CwchliiK- c.ir, ncoordhi); :c report «I ihe tolll-sK

“Just Missed It,”3 Babies Chortle

I :tii o! Mr


BROKE RECORDSlapermen—lie wrote n best seller, t wai enlled, "Siveden: Tlie Middle Viiy." a study of the coopcrallvo iwiuiuuul—tU-Sttcdm-juul Its ei-.I Ti on iiniliii'llon. di.strlljuUon aod i):iMini|)tl-n 'nn.s book received in-h will.' iind iiimnlnious acclaim lint It pnmiptrd Die government to

tiHh- cwiicTattve systems tn Europe. M:iiiy iie'i-.'.[)apcr writers receiving

II llie literary biidaUon Uial eaprd on ClilIcH nilatlt hav«Hdr ijcrsryviive and decided Ihot i.'lr-w6rW »7rT loo prefloii iibllcatlon nnv»lirre lnii between ivrti < overs. but riillils, true to I rhrlnul ulin In IKe, remalnwl ,.»..,piv|-.riiian, nnd later that y,

rsL novel, waa

t -tln'Unx

Schoolmen Probe Wealcnesses,

Remedies of Idaho EducationWenkneaacB of Idaho’s educaUonal

lystem «nd remedies for Improve­ment irere the subjects for dLscus- slon by members of the South Cen­tral Idaho Schoolmasters' club which met In T-*-ln l^ills Monday c; cning. Between 30 and HO adtidn- latrator.i and teacher* throughout the seven counties in southern Ida­ho attencSed, with John D, FUtt.

Fiilla high scliooi principal esldcot of tile group, pre.sld-

ii:f(v nnd oth. M. .Seniitor Ouf Miounci-d Chllcb on the floor IC senate, Chlltl IlicreU|)on Illcd lit for .Hander nnd rventii.'xlly fore- I a full nnd complete apology from le Pcnnslvania senator.

Oilier Writings Since 1934 he has been Waihlntr-

ton correspondent tor the St, Lonls

I with willlani I

Ll fI.'W i„ Ktigh d both

• also 11 his

i-.trri In <ieb.i'« on the scnnti

• r.Ur-h,Mr.-(l Childs 1* abou c'.'t 10 , liirlii,.! mil nnd weigh:■Kind.v Hr- lives -Allli hli wifi w„ r'.iMrrii in what he calls

I nrlch

I', tlji

Wife of Suspect Seized Here Held

i! noiSK Fei :: ; Klllhi Hnllcy, uifrot J„ . j ''y who l.s l;e;iii; helil

SiKikane Imnk r()t)lvr>-, \ til fibtody bv f S ; nnrtl Hryan .\|oi;il:iy iv


Mrs. Hiilley ea:iie here from he) inmi- in Klaraaih Falls. Ore,Dnlley was nne.'trd In T^^ln Falls

Stickers on SaleJEROME, Feb. :i - The IliH

ioimc«1 In

I llcen.'c 1.

•UV WAR •OHMl..Thf.*-hcfc,B PMUb, C - w . H. Y. WbU.y, t i p«of.-40% c » . peedvA M.trol


tilDlol Uie best In the U. S.

mo B-eacncsa lies In tho fact tJial It tend,* to encourage amall. uneco­nomical un ltj to continue. Educators ihroughoul the state an educauonni organlzattorut drawing plans to reorganize Idsno school rttfJtrlei* to eliminate

Sn«Il Unit* Costlyneportlng on reorganization

dlstrlnt/i, Uie committee brought facts proving that continuanci Bmnll uiilUH was cosUy. It wm point­ed mil t)iat the state office of de. friu* tran-iporiallon had agreed U Ktvi. sildlilnnnl bines and addition­al mll-aK" to dUitrlrU reorgnnlilng lnu> lnri:>T units. .Stale ODT offlc.

h educilahly di-clar.ough bll.

’>>Uld b


: iind influentl

every teacf and profr.^^liinalh' Interested Jn Uie organuntlon. It was agreed that ttie I, E. A,A executive secreUry, John I. HlUman. Bolie, would need more help In carrying on his work,

Hynim D. Fry. CMtlclord. led the dlscusfllon on the I. E. A.; and a round-table symposium follored, ftfter which Oeorgo E. t>emnnn. Burley, reported on activities gioie.


OR PORK, BEEbelna listed at threi- iwlnts a pound.

1 two. Moat pork steaks and n arc reduced two points, while kies. Jowls, and plates are given

Klb Ho«l* nnmi nong llie heef cul. both the inch a:Kl seven-inch rib rl».su ri'duced one point, being Ihted X snd seven iwlnu, respectively.

all beef rut.i generally used


er. lard

Just about equalled nation of these products

February. "tJnw making It ii .sary to revise point vah Mnrch,-

"The March butter nlloci t great enough to aHow a point lue reduction," the agency said.

te .B S E O C A B S

J tYou can't select wllhoat a telec- tIoTu You’ll find irlse buyi for

(he wise car buyer herel




Many Olhen

■41 Special Duick Sedanett#■41 Pontiac Torpedo Coupe •41 Buick 60 8-PaM. Coupe • « Bulek Special Pordor 8dn '41 Plymouth Tudor Sedan *41 Pontiac Deluxe Pordor 8dn 41 Chev Spec Dlx Twn Sedan '41 Plymouth Convertible S coupe •41 Mercury Deluxe Sedan '42 PU'mouth Spcc Dlx Sedan •43 Ford Deluxe Tudor Sdn •’« Lincoln CTub Coupe '45 StudeboVer SkjTsay Sedan '41 Dodge Beauty Winner Sedan •40 Ford Deluxe 'Tudor Sedan ■40 Plymouth Coach '39 Ford Tudor Sedan ■39 Chev Maater 'Twn Sedan •39 Stude Commander Sdn .•3S Rird Deluxe Coupe

liberal Tenni



Ing out of lome of the recent auta I. E A. meetings at Boise.

Denman suggeated that teaching as a profe.vslon might b« popuUxU- ed by use of niBgozlncs, newspapers, the radio and moving pictures.

In a comparLson of Idaho teach- en- salaries with those of surround­ing stales, It WO.S shown that sal­aries averaged »200 more per year In oUicr states and thut the^ same slates, for the most part, luivj retirement plor a while Idaho h£s

A report on cerllflcatlon brought out by ainimltlee.s at Boise Imll- cated Uiat one plausible plan might be to recmploy fomitr teacher*." • however, «howe<l

It only n I 50 p t ot s. . . . ...id been succes-sful. ; . masters did not go on record a-s »i erally favoring ihls plan; thoy that triaho should mnlnUiln certjflcatinn sliintlHrds In -■•I'lK- present warlline condlllons.

ved, too, tliat a•al I

of Iwith only twn

illrgn tralnhig r-frr inoo control pupils,»6oo,ooo and vtoonoo

pproxlmately 1 Idaho for th ccordlng lo I

Seen Todayfe proprietress In a huddle with nan over uniforms in ciiUiloRue

. Stars and stripes showing In city clerk's office flag after trip to the cleaners . . . Half x>f court house stenogi wearing nonTatloned shoes, colors ranging from emerald

I to bright red . . . Prcnchy tz shuctlnr his eyes against •swlried dust, nnd grlmoclni as lions with all otlierpedc.it

ituff .1 high gocKl 1

lc.,trlapv - Bollii^^

Jllcy . . . Ray Balmforth haile-v nnd overcoatleas In-

. of the -wphyr- - . . And e Waller Johnson sniilchlnc

nt Jiist the psyi-hnloRlrsl to avoid departure of *ntd

*111 oiipfKe OnviT .0 has already rniidldacy.




m w m





Cary Grant John Garfield


O R P H E IIM4 Days Stortin?



HitmVlnsoD ilrthorTfMCli«r Helta Broderidi htrieKonles lEdwirdBroflibert

Page 3: Senate Approves Shift in Planes, 36 Ships Primary for Soldier Votenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · COMING Marqul* Chlldi, trUr- mO eort«»>

Tucsdny, February 29. 19-M TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Page ThreS

CII! 10

SiWALK NEEDSWalWnit "I!1C simlBlil and nar-

«ll! be morr mnfortnblr In Tv.ln r;ilK nftiT tlip war, when Uie flly InieiHl* to unrtpslakrr an ei- trinivf prcurnlii of sirtowivllc rcpnlr.•nrouBlU up fit Mondny nlRlil'*

mtclliis «S ihc by CoutvclUnmn Truiimii T. GrrrnhnlKh. .itrctia

^ ;'ncl »»tfni-orKn comml.v<lcincr, who ^'fcallpcl n rpcommcndntlon of the

city plunnlns board, dl.icu.sslon of slclfunlk condition!' showed »trGHR ''TillmPtH oa U»e coiinrll In fi"'or nf immrdlatf siirvcyn to determine 'Mr rxirnt of rrpnif iind rcplnct-

Siirvry Orilcirri Cllv BiKlnc<T Joliii f. Ht»ye.s

Iii5lniclf<i to bcKlii n ."iurvpy

Carrier Pair

KroMliiK 111 tfi<- viciiim '-r lh«- roiirt« alri nch fniiM riirt I'li

nic ili'iwriinMit iils<i i.ii pn-imrinKto Iny » Wilier llni.' two bloclu In Icimlli 10 MTvn the fnur-ncrc trtict Bomh of lilt South Park nddltinn which wa.? nrcjvilrrd by the city last ycftr lor # puTk.

Mayor Bert A. Swccl nppolnlctl Mr.v niLvtil Potter. 13:o Mnpln iive. niip. to thp Uliriiry board in plncf of Mr\ Mnrtlin C. FVl.v. H4 Ti'iilh

f.iM 111 hrnllh aa.-: civrn

,1 r>t ft liuUrtlrsa p

Troop 32 Holds

Court of Honor

T Wflllvrr Miller a/ coiitliictrd llic op.-i ar i rriDnir . Hcotil i.-ti’d ill. nrarrly

Tlie fnlln'A'lii« W' llip rank »r llr.nt c ii«iird(-<l of III

liiirK'.' Hus

1 iiiici Dlliy Riro rcia,

ndv;mr--d .IS Scout.'» j lit nilllc: Ciar)-


^ Tliiirc lulvniicfxl to .tctond class f^oiit* ami awarilfd badnp.i of that rank wcir- Sainiiiy Iirl«hl. Rny- rnonri Crals, Donnid Shaw ond ncn- Ilk Tate.

A rdulliiK on tlie life of Wu.ih- UiKton was Ktvi'ii by Seoul Clilbrrl J’lerscn aiitl nobi-it, CralK. Junior rt-sslstani Scoiitiiiuster. rend Wn.^h inRton* farewell ntldri-.v., Mr. Bnlm. Jonh Rave n (iliort nddrp.ss.

Magic Valley Boys

Accepted by NavyBOISE, Feb. 39 ((P>-Seven \1-

yr»r-oM youths volunlcered their K'rvlces 111 llic U. S. navy Monday. Tlicy Inelmlcd:

Rccd A. Duller, son of Qmer H, Butler, Olfntw Ferry; Wllllnm L. ArmRs. son of WlUlutn c. Armsft. TTi.1n Pallj. nnd Jnmt* At. Pitch- ford, son of Gnyford T, Pitchford, T»ln F.111V

•^Son Killed; Word

Causes Dad’s DeathCASTLEFORD, Feb. » — Word

ha.i bren received here of Uic death of Omnt Stevens. CentercviHe. In.. n ftw mlmitcs after reccivlnB word of the dc*th of his son, Cnrl Stcvenj,

Carl had enlisted before Pearl Jiarbor mid was klUctl in-nctloii Romctthtre in the Pocific, Mr. SUv- rns had be«n in 111 lienlth lor about a year,

■nie Btevens fiunlly tonncrly lived In CasUefonl and Carl had attended grade «hool here. '

Oral R. Smith RitesGLENNS PERRY. Ftb. 29— Oia\

It. Sinlih. wn of Mr. anti Mrs. W. O. Smith, King HIU. di«J auddenly from t, heart attack auffered in portlund,'The body wai brought Jicre for burial, and Interment was 1» Olcnn neat ccmetcry followluR wr lccs at the Zacher-Bey cliapc! Sunday.


'^ Icy Joncj wu electcd president o: the Commereiflt dub at the regu- Jnr metUng of that ttroup this week. Vlcc-preildent Is n . K . Johnson, and n. L. Cllne WM re-elected »«reUry. C. T. Mosgrore U retiring president.


Qaylord Thomu U now officially, eradusted from high school.

Wehart ■ Pitner. neajuw seeona elau, k former high school pupil, was wounded * *hort time ago while fighting iome*here In the' south PacUlc.

Earl Hudion. Oherie Hudson. Mr. Mid Mn. 8tere Hudson visited re­cently it 'th i Fcmon 'Ahl>chlA«er home. Boise.

Cpl- RoUnd Scnftcn, Cnmp .... _____ 1

Bucking Snow Is Part of J?)b for Times-NewsBoys

Ukc to buck Jiiow? Tlicti you should Imvc n Job ns Tlnic.s-Ncw.i ciiiTlcr in llic Sawloolh nio'iiilain


WASHINGTON. Ft\>, 2' Ciialrniaii Donnlil M. NeUopoclrd Minrlb' 'o -''I'l up In I productiontt-hlrh hr 1.....................'rf^oiivrrsloii of liidiistr>' to iwact-tlme production.

•nils .pn-dlcllon, timilr by ni- lomiKl WPi) -lourcM. I,>lln»«l V- suiincc of an apwnillx to Ueniartl M. Uiinich'* rciwrt of ixul-rar a<U JiiMiiient [lollclc.v nlvlnj WPH [xil- Irv-niaklnR authority over »lu>t u»r ciiutract.*! should t>c c*aiicclli'<l mid tt’lint clvllimi gooils should lir rf- .KWri-d a* war nnrds l«ix-r olf.

TlK- n.'iv nPIK'nillx Biiimr.'iillv cllnrhH for \STU the kUldlnK roli' 111 iiip iiidii.sinnl pfiW of tne pi i>- iinmir trnVllRnmein, n rol» whivi-i

imiilled in ihf main I'-xt

Meet a Native B usv T im e on


report t 'eh 18.

<lr.--lRniiii-(l or icl up ovpi liiiina«c llie rpcoiiver '

nillect II scroiid-ratP

Sailor Took Part In Island Capture

Nfu.piiprr delbvry in !>hliv. in

I- a n understand; wliy Ken imwlc-i ln.1, electrician’s nmte third clMS, iiilKiit have b«cn iifrald hl-1 par- I'liUi, Mr, ami Mrs. Cnrl Hawkins, 172 nine Ijike.s wjuth, wouldn’t know

Deck for Vet loh-Finders

|> I..Ill Iiini are looKlng for- ...... . nnivity nf. part

■f.i- ■ •IrfMvr .rrvlfe

. V Iir,. () ii''col(^i''m'^'nd T^i-I 1 itiriihaluli. niembrm of

•UV i-ciiiuil, «h<. are i.1m> Ule :iiovinc-iii iiaiiinlttitiiipn for

iriii.'ii.iiii pari of tJic wlectlvc r .'rliin Ihey rxpliiln, Ui Ulc

ii.oviiifia (I1V1.-IOI1. uhlch under- 1.1 fi icuirulnn velcmt\

111' r.>'ivt('i' hiterrMimou m Job ;i.;iuly ii.n iKis-'lble.

New Caledonia's Native Tots Are

Cute, Yank Says

num.. ivh.I'd In liuhl Suii(lii> 1,<iii1m- MeCii

liiiport Chiircties

Hold Prayer Day•Hi world day

,it ;hi- .MrilioiliM ehiircli l)v n union iiiciuut; 111 i-hurclii'.s with Mrs. D. K All.'n, leader,ThU day Ls siHinsorcd by Uie Unlt-

M Council (if Church Women. Tlie |>ro,;riim wn.s complied from .sUitc- mciit.i iiml rrnup. t.s lor spcclai lit.tyer piv.si'iite<l nt an a-siemlily

iM'ii.mtl- i-‘jijitrl,il''(l niKsionariPs

:r.y. FKTKi)Mrs .SKoilev Iter-

Kwrra uerf' icr.s of Uir Melody

G o w e n C ra s h K i l l s

H u h ) W o m a n ’s K i n

.1 r.nvk-i-n itelii IPS M n-|Ji- and Mcnliy Joined

Detail for Today G. I.

O. I. tnenns government Kiue. of- fldaliy. To the soldier. O. I. means the army and anything even re­motely connected with It. A soldier li B O, I, If hcjnarrlcs a girl she Is Q. I. . . . a a, 1, wile. Soldiers dream of Uie day when Uie army issues wedding rings, to make tho mBrrlaKo ceremony completely O. I. ■ lUto painted olive drab bccomfs

. I. car. Everything a soldier icats. tRl*. drlnis . , . even the letters he writes . . . are a . I . Ho lives In » O. I. world!

U S E O lC A 8 5

’41 Mercury 8-pass. Cpc.. low mileage, l£ > ^ owned.

■41 Plymoulh, S-door sedan •41 Poni. 4-i!oor deluxe, lo­

cally cmntd ■» Mercury 4-door '39 Bulck. 3-door, locally


! ctilisli'd men saw Mr. Par- d Roll im pay iiioiipy (rom

. , liiiid. \Vc n miiiipy for ammuni­

tion and IraliilnR Him.', llip state fiinil. lip.' 11 111,lie lit drill, and en­listed nieiih uiilfi'rm.s and Mjulp- mcnt. Tlie Rimrd U .subjwt to call lor stale cnitTFtiiclts, linrt lor na­tional (lflcn.se In time of ncpd."

T5ie U'Klon troop one of the Boy Srout.% were rupsI.s at the potluck dinner, and emiriulned the fls.'cm- blngc wtlh rojie ilcInK denioimrn- ISoi^s, Scout slsnnU »«d & Munt piny calletl. .■’Hol Nr«s.“ •

Mrs. O.'cnr JohiL'on had charge of the proRram. W. It. John. oii, Leslie Striicknian and H. W. Slaple.i, Scout executive from IVln 'nlls, were Inirtxliiced a.s Kue.sts, ’The LeRion and auxillao- met separately In bu.'ilnc.u ecssloni at the close of the progrtun.

Fellowship SupperRUPERT, Pi'b, 2D—One hundred

or more members of the Methodist church held a fellowship tupper and social evenliiK. — —

Ladles of circle three of the W. S. C. S, dlr«ted by Mrs, H. E. McMll- ls\n nnd Mrs. liu-'aeU Acock ■j.trt \n chftTRe.

District Supt. Dr. aeorRe 0, Itefie- berry of TR'ln Falls, a formtr pastor of Uie Rupert church, spoke during the social hour. •

help prevent many

OOLDS{ram developing[\it .1 few dro;« of V.-i-tro-nol up rich nastril attlic very linnniflle or snceso. luK juIck action aidsNiiture’sdcfcnsesa)!..lnsc colds. Follow VICKS/ :S S ‘ VA-TRO-MOl

Don’t Forget. . .

The Grange. Dance In

Burley, IdahoThe date is


trs RUSS PIKE(Radio's Slnjlnic Cowboy)

and his Prairlp Knights (Idtho most popular danc« bond). You\e heard them on radio itiil rccordlngs-now a n them In person and done* lo their music. Old ttai# and Modem

Action? Plentyillon win lell you it’s thi

.1 the world; Uio fourth marine* ■wiH nis'iH' Viiln . . , but rtlherl.i anatlieina in Tojo's Jops.

Coi|»inl Morlpy look part In the Oiiadaloainil, Midway. Makln and UoiiKaliivllle camp.-xlJtna. But u far 05 lies eoneernpd. nium'i Uie word aliouL them kU until nfte.r the war.

Tlie e.Ment of 111,- InJurtps, he ad- Iiilt.s. WJI.S a ia.se of malaria and

' -'fttmc

K i i h l S a i l o r H o m e

l''o r I- 'irst I 'u r lo u s r h

But, Tojo,-That— Glare Will Not Scare Us a Bit

KEW YORK. m . 29 (/PI — Premier Ocn, Hldckl Tojo 'df- mandod nt a conference of Jap­anese Judges and public'pro,?#- cutors today ttint resolute mea­sures be taken ngalmt "persons who <ll.iturb solWnrtty within the nation.” the Tokyo radio report­ed tonlRht In > broadcast to JapoiiMU areas.

Tlie theme of th« discussion, ■aid tho broadcast, recorded by U. S. Bovernment monltora, was ’’the prMcnt critlcnl period." ToJo >ald he Mp<-ct»*d Japanese of- Ilcliils to act •’iiierclle.vily" to­ward All who failed lo toe tli« mark, the Tokyo broadcast de­clared.

Another To'nyo broaacnst. re­corded by the FCC. after rr- countiPB the Amprlcnn attack on the Mnrlonas liuit wrek, luiked; -What •■'liall we <lo now?” This an.swi-r wiu provided:

"Nqw la th*' time Umt the IM,- 000,000 po<iple (of Japan) should stand up with re.viliile determl- nation, Klnrlnc at the enemy,"



321 Serond Ave. S. rhone 51-1V

A i l tlie w id e world o v e r ..

To th e wounded marine in N ew Giiinca, the R ed Croai

sends blood p lasm a— and life.

T o th e ilycr iu a G ctin ;m prison camp, brings good,

nou rish ing food from home— 11 pounds a week o f it .

T o th e sailor nsliore in Glasgow or Cairo or Sydney , the

Red C ross provides enterta inment, comfort and cheer.

W herever y o u r , hoy m ay go— wliencvcr he needs you

most— th e Red Cros« i* at his side.

A n d th e Red Cross is YOU. I t ’s YOUR blood and YOUR

handngcs aiul YOUR sweaters and YOUR gifts. A n d now

ic needs your money, urgently.

G iv e generously to th e 1944 Red Cross W ar F und . G ive

gladly— every p e n n y you can spate. The Red Cross never

has needed your he lp as m uch— i t ’s never needed so m uc ii

money. S o please dig deeper than you have ever dug

before. O u r soldiers, sailori and marine* will b lew you.

T he R ED CROSS is at his side

a n d fJie Ret/Cross is YOU!

J - iS i

Page 4: Senate Approves Shift in Planes, 36 Ships Primary for Soldier Votenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · COMING Marqul* Chlldi, trUr- mO eort«»>

Page Four TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Tuesday, Februnry 29, 19U

-MAI) K)If M OttA I.K "

Inr complacciiry. Now. npparniUly, i.niu Irowncd-upon complaccncy is being prolecl- cc! ngalnst, the ruilc shock of gloom.

Back of thl.s paradox Is undoiibteclly .m e fam iliar offlclnl argument that th is, that, or the other Is “bad for morale,” The feeling ficems to be that complacency is bncl for m o­rale. and so is pe.-yilml.sm. So also any pub- iln su.splclon of rinniestlc liris In the fatnliy of the United Natlon.s w h ich accounts for th>‘ recent report, of new. t.lghtf'r Brltl.sh censor­ship of American corre.sponrirnW storle# loiichlns on American foreign relation.^—a censorship bn.sed on policy, not .srciirlty.

Probably the worsi th in g for morale is in- con.sl.stency, and we have had a good bit of th a t recently. Wc have h eard the Anzlo s itua­tion described by President Roo.sevolt a.s tense. We have been to ld by Mr. Churchill that all was going well; coun.ieled by Secre­tary of War Stlmson to "keep our sh ir i on"; a.ssured by General Alexander ih a i the beachhead invaders woiiJd ,<imash throuRh t Rome without help from the army at Cas-

Klm1 Eisen-

ermany will be home does his iy.s, "V ictory is

a broader field there Is Gei bower’s announcement th a t Oerr beaten In 1944, if everyone p fu ll part. Field Marshall D ili certain, but none can estimate the time, th( effort or the .lacriflce t h a t will be needed,’ Vice-President Wallace te lls uk we are "ovei the hump," Wc can atlll lose the w ar in the Pacific. Admiral Yales S tir ling declnre.t.

Naturally, the ,?iirfacr temperature of m o­rale changes wUh (he hot-nnd-cold proBre.s.-- of events and pronotmcemenLs. This l.s irevlt- able. Many official statements are aimed to turn public feeling In the direction mo.st de­sirable at the moment, Contradlctlon.s may arise from spcclalttccj Interest, Insufflctent knowledge; or probably, on occasion, the state of the speaker’s Uver.

Moat Americans, despite the few an d well- publicized exceptions, are confident of vic­tory, ready to sacrifice for It . prepared for the slow and bloody process o f achievinR it. To tell them the whole trulh, bitter or not, may hold lU dangers. But it l.s preferable to telling them only what.is "good fo r morale."

BLUE NOTKON .A n U 'E J ’R IN T One small blue note o f di.sappolntment

m igh t be sounded in the wake of Bernard M, Baruch's blueprint tor industrial dem obiliza­tion. I t has nothing to do w ith Mr. Baruch’s exceUent ^ecommtndntlons. but raUner w ith Its first reception by conpircss, And, nt the ri.sk of borrowing trouble. I t might be fcivft'd th a t other group,? may react In a s im ilar way.

. . Obviously, somebody’s blueprint mu.st be used before we .start bu ild ing any m achinery to demobilize and reconvert. S tructural changes can and will be m ade once the m a ­chinery Is under coii.structlon, but there Is little point In arguing mechanical nlcetle.s be­fore a basic model can be decided on.

Senator George of Oeorgla, one 'of th e chief objectors to the Baruch p la n , would not a d ­m it, of course, that his objections come under

• the head of mechanical nlcetle.s. He feels that Mr. Baruch wants to put th e country’s eco­nom ic destiny at the mercy of executive d i­rectives, rather than under the guidance of the people’s elccled repre.'icntatlves.

’’That Issue Is so basic,’’ th e senator states, “ tha t the two viewpoints c a n never be recon­ciled.”

Senator George says th a t the senate post­war committee, of which he is cha irm an, would create an agency responsible to the President, but required to carry o u t broad general pollclcs laid down by congress. Mr, Baruch's plan would set u p demoblHzation machinery among the agencies that m obiliz­ed us for war, but would have a program of legislation and operations workcfteout by un i­fied executive and congressional groups. •. There are. ol course, dozens of post-war

p lann ing committees. The house as well as •the senate has one.

B ut It Is most llkDly th a t a ll these commlt- teea are hampered either by special interest or Insufficient knowledge, o r both. Congress’ wholesome Jealousy of its prerogatives Is cur­rently swollen to acute distrust, o fter a pe­riod of subservience.

I n Mr. Baruch we have a man of demon- fitratect experience and wisdom, and w ith no discernible'axe to grind. Few. if any . will- doubt hl3 statesmanship, h Ja sincerity, or his hum an ity . He saena to be a s good a person as could be found to draw t h e post-war blue­p r in t. We hope that congress and a l l others concerned m a y p u t th e ir t r ^ is t In the draughtsman, and settle t h e ir differences a f ­ter a s tart has been made toward th e hope­fu l conclusion o! a Job o f unprecedented ii ig n ltu d e . I


W H I R L I G I GDISTOJtT—AllIM cnmminrtfr* who tiav* clampfrt

«n irniicln.l rriwr.ililn on »»r CQtTP*potiiienW on Ijpnclihfnd.s brio'* i^«m» a« well n« thtlf approving

M.prrlorA 111 Wa.^Tiln7iSn-|in Loii-

Arlhiir-for-Pre.MilPia b< loiLi RURRP.'itlons llml tile C. Mnrstinll. chirt of ji


of Ihl- .• ■y charge. mdenbprR'.s

thru IIII'V lvit» othrr 11K» poL«oi-lllli-.l .av 'Xliv, nli-r foilr v.-i •V a;i* wliv hr tMrk.'rllow Btltl why hr »-lil prnhJblv r

Irlrntl. naiikliii D.


In olhpr rvnrdfl, John Ix i iirnUiR F D R 10 the \lc-fp:illiiK Alf lomlon Vrt

Is There Any Rule About Changing Riders?



a :

V I E W S OF O T H E R Si.KST KNTrni’ii rilvUliinl {'oncpclf.' S Tor Ihp stak h:

:licil cvpii thl. tnippflfcl M.tIc of hcalllj ca ■nt utid convineinit proof of thr ticcp ■\J• c .iplrli of phy.ilclnn, haplml nnd pailent r

conir to look upon Ihrlr hrv'iiilBl (pr from wliicli ciirf nnd iii Birs rnihpr iJi.m n plncp suffer. If iill ihosp who are nf the

ivhkh JIIIOIIJ :bl(> for


ncl. will K ml iindrr

p adi•Ithoiii the hojpli.Tl pfi

'nningp of tvpr>' opportunity for R. n rnn be developed In ■iio nffd hosi>uall7.rition Uuib rp- t all (on (rrquuncly disturbs tlie

thv minds of IlcvliiB Him ( mlncU of the

..-Mil for Ihp nllpvlailon of this f«ar ot hos- plint.i due to Uip hpnlth prwfnms thiil nre being imroducpd into the public schools nmi artuli com-

by the public hcnlih cpnlors the Amcrl- Cro.u chaiilcr.i. Much credit iilso Is due to

doctorK.The modern ho,'plinI hw & jreaUr .vnlc» to offer

its community than aru- other fntcrprls*?. Bccauae of the coat of this s« y1cc which now includes labornlory, bn.»oi metabolUm test, X-rny. cardiograph. pluMother- aphyund other dlagnMile anti curative mtan.i. hoii- pital care haji Rona beyond the reach o£ iti&ny wlw have grpttl need of Uiese healln* dcvlccs. Thli. great human need Is proving to bt one of the mo.«t difficult tftsks that llip mortem ho.'plial has ever bcDJi con­fronted wllh. Coh Ifbe lald tfuit wc nre Uvlng In the greatest democracy that the worjrt hn.n ever known when only the prlvUeBed can obtain th.nt care nec­essary to malnuinjiealth or even life Itself?

II our democratic way of life Li to be prc-*prv-ed In the great post w»r period every Institution Mthln It must be uuly of a democratic admlnlslratlon. This u-lli necejsltatc a plan that will ennble all ho.-ipltnli to bring ever)-department, everj- piece of .wlentiflc equipment, every source of scientific knowledRc that It [lOMe.wes Into we for all who have need of medical science. This Is what we mean by the prcsrrvatlon of the American way of life. If tills ti not made a real- Ijlle fact wa have failed in our purpose and duty to

and file of our cltlMno’. Equal opportunity 10 Uic benefit ot all miderlal and scientific research that ate wUWn Iht ho*plUl will then be wWiin rcach of the common man. Then and only then can we boast

- democratic Institutions and Idcnls.—West«m Hospltnli News Letter (article by H. C. Jeppesen. su-' perlntendent of Uie T*ln Palls county tcncral hoj- pllal U)d president of Ch* Idaho St«t« Aasoclatioa of UOipitalO

■ Rpfore Indujtry can talk al>oti Irlnif postwar hands.'■ d^lared Vkf*. tr. Npw Yrrt "ll,ii.M know whflhff II Is KOln

(oothbruJhP5. SO billion dollars-

be dumtwd o;

Rtwwls IftT Mmi nnrmn\ prlc^!ihrnwl ( rpsulo

p of f<pp<

ikriipicy.Trade a,'soclallonj I 1 (hat such mprcha)

from falling Into the interest. and

Irculatlon of Ihe surplu.^es operators should have an reak with the bis fellows. Hahn, gfiisral monaRrr nf

Ihp National Rcfall Dry Goods n.'«.York, propwed the

forming nf a large brotteraRe cor- through which Individual could pool their orders

fnr military auppllfj. It would 150:- funds from the Rrcowtructlon nc9 corporatloD find chnrgo a

nirrnAT — Moimtnlna are aii.'» nf trouble.' for Oeiieral Clr ■h're "hniiid bP jnmc .'atl.'tnn 1 knowlns that ihp fame lyjif rrrnln L< ansravatlng the difli;- lea of th» Germans in deallnR »

nd French patriots.\Vhnt * to

. . . . ,ich Hame-15 ono bordiTlng the Swiss and KH frontiers •Waquls”—Hie v len hldlnu out from the f, ibor drafts—nilB the peaks

•inLvilon from htm:ed ra po-bwa befor

Ilceman.Smnll bandi of disciplined It.-i! n troops. led by offlcprs, are stil

. slstlnE In th< .■now-capped Alp! Though often suffering privation: the (ruerrlllas continue to sabotai; Oerninn communication lines.

. ilsregardlng lni»rita (lonnl law. deny them the itntai n bflllgcrenta. The San Vlltorl Jnll ii Milan is crowded with patriot.'. Thi (jnderground in New York ha.s re celvrd reporta that a prisoner wa. bound to the stake for four day,

:hout food bcrause bs refuted u ray military aecreW.


Sl.Uh I eait, « ndldutrill4 mayor, and of T. J.

Douglas, 8« Ftourth avenue north, and Thoma* Sanderson, 137 Tenth

ie north, candlilates for mom* of Tft’ln Fall* city commLislon. filed yesterday In the office nf tly clerk, for submlwion to the

voters at the municipal elecUon April 2.

Miss .Helen l i ^ t s , whose proacWnE marriage has been the Inspiration for several charming nf. 'airs, was again honored Thursday ifterrtoon with a bridge tea at the Dickpy . party houje presided over by Mrs. C. A. Bailey and Mrs. Frank UueL

27 YEARS AGO, rea . w, 151: One of the Intejeatins affaire of

the past week waa the I o'clock luncheon given by Mm. B- B, Spaf- ford on Saturday. Pink carnations and pretty place cards «(1omcd the

?. A dainty 5lx course luncheon *-aa served to the following.; Mrs, Eaaley, Mrs. T, A. Heed. Mrs. 6h:om, Mrs. Hamilton, Mra. pmeit White, Mrs. Skeela, Mr». Wrighl. Mrs, Hill.

It the high school Parent.’Teachec iMoclatlon Friday night after a llscusslon In which the character if ML-a TcTTMlthore Jlven a thorough overlituilng.

;r the frdKhte 11. Geurge Wt; SMvmcd t^ ’J.l


I I was young ant

My lover.

Ala.'s you tell me I can go Where It will nover. never snow.- And that’s the reason now I know

—Jack Richer


Deur Pot Shot*:Tlie Krente.n ob.it.->cle I ran up

asnlnot iti the latest war loan drive vns 0 ccnalji fellow selUng bond* at a certftin place In your (own,

I made out the usual application, handed It to him and he says. "Here this won’t doll" I wondered why. of course, nnd he went on to ex­plain that he had to have my name, 1 ln.sl.-itcd that It waJ ray name and he Insisted that It couldn't be nilnp bpc.iusc It was a man's name.

After a very heated verbal ping• betwi

i: Just I.d said: "Let me ask y<...ore question. Is this your name or your husband’s?”

■■'Ine!"- I (almost), shouted. _....ll I 80 set my birth certificate?"

lie shook his head and tatd. " I never heard of auch a thing,’"

—The “Female" Kennelh P. S.—Ho sold me the bond.


1 for yoii-Dear Pot*le

That's a 1..... — „...I look for no sustained appli No Shriu W-o-o W-o-o'* from mw

becauseI chance to wear » dress thaf* new; Yet, on the other hand, I do Deplore the fact that when I wear A dress I '

■hueand lhreadt»f«,

kime rnart will yelp, "Another new oiiel" • .

—Just Another Female

FAMOUS LAST LINE . . Leap day of leap jear -

did yoQ do yourself any fMO,Ablfaii?


P E G L E R ’S A N G L EKANSAS CrrY , Mo.-About a

. tar ago these dlspatche.s revealed another disgraceful rackct. In the fjnelly hjpocrlay of tho American FederaUon ot La­bor. Thl.i wna the compulsory insur-

■ bxislneas of Bollprmakers'>n of Ki

.. Kan., w .• Harold ri

goodFrankJln.............dent of Uio union, received wtwlw prenilun

Ject«i by skeptical frderal Ju :tlon, tiiat he had h enormou.Oy proflti

d exploltjitlon ol unlc cau,ied a stir In thp imloi number of homy-hanclcd union boilermakers were

I w«* to record their dUapprova] of e handout after It had been paaa- .. which tliey did amid the booe of e Franklin mob.Onp of the old-tlmera, R, C. Me .iiclmn. Wlflnlpcg, was not crea lowed to lake hU seat as the elect- 1 delegate of his local. Ha wa* irned dcrATi by the credentials com- Itipc, which anUclpoted hU pro-

in. urance racketthe pcn-Mo lonever. 1

enounce "the damn- ilch has crept Into ance" before he waa ic chairman, B. M.

aid Brother McCutrh- 5t from that line of i-,-,pnper reporters wera

"f tJir IhKp mnntlily Jr>umol, V .Icvril-d in prril.ip of the mii-

hoi>[>r<l from 15,100 to

Uiilipd States govemmpnt I on the.« tawdry procefdlnst

pcr.v)n.'5 of Dan Tracy, for- liri'sldrnt of the ElKtriclons' of AFL and now an assistant

>r and Ray C. Klrk-r of 1

V. both of ornllona

)l»l '•rmjii'V

p pension



Ively, (hp sI>eechc. of those vho, Inspired solely by the hlghfst if motives, have put personal am- jlUon to one side in order to save ;helr country.

No one party ha. a comer on thLi nalirkey. If you have the Idea that Jie Republicans are dIXhlnR out nore demagoeuery than (he Demo- :rau. that's simply becau.se there 'ppear to ba more Republicans run- ilnt! for hlsh offlcp, Thtis fnr. Henry Wallace hns been dolnR moM of the open field ninnlng for his side, as sgalnst a half-dozen oppo- nenu - Dewey. Wlllkle. Bricker. “ Itkien, and the party spokesmen, andon, Bud Kellanri. Joe Martin nd Chairman Harrison Spangler.

Examples? Paste the.ie on the drlpplnj leaves of your scrapbook if recipe* en how to make apple-

J!enr>-Wallace nt Seattle; •'Amer­ican foAclats (arei those who believe Jiit Wall street comc.n llrst nnd the rountry second and who arc wllllnK 10 B<i to any length . . . to keep Wall street jlttlng on top of (he countrj'."

V. John W. Brlckcr of Ohio at Washington: ‘”TJie Republican party

the liberal party In America. 'Die !W deal Is reacUonary."Wendell WUlkle at Pnrtland; -I n sick—sick a t heart— nt our

irarulertlnB our problems to one who by Ifgerdemnln has rrcftted the

rsilon that he Is able to handle

Th e P u b lic F o r u m

WEED ^SOLUTION- Editor Times-Nows:

Hem* like that worry la rtin- ninj rampant now doyi.

First we worry about our boys havlni employment when the war

(r and they come back home. Next » • worry about the noxious .,'etdi uklng our beautiful Magic VaUey farms.

Wtiy worry about either? Put a price on the roots of such weeds that (hey can make a llvlns wage gathering them, put a screen at each headgate to catch the seeds, and see how quick these weeds wUJ disappear. Keep raising the price as they grow scarce until everybody wlU become interested and wlU stop and get (he roots of such weeds if H Is only one weed.

And 1 liked tQ said hang the first lon that tries to raKe (hem.

J . W., CYPHER • (Twin Palis) .


5 thepmotlons- Maybe thoao q ft political speech do liven up a cnmpalBn and make It bteresilna.

It Is still comforting to think, however, that the American people are smarter than their polltlclaw and ace through Illogical utterance Uke an X-ray {indlng tat In B baloney.


W. S. Day and his sister, Mrs. W. , C. Pond, left the middle ol ihe week for Los Anitplps. Caltf th.r« ' /

Mrs, R. A. Franlch, the former Jean Qoodhue, and son, left for their home In Tacoma, after a thre* weeks’ vLilt with her parenta, Mr. nnd Mrs. J. C. Qoodhue,

J. n. Bennett has .«old his forty acrp.s southwest of Buhl to H. L. Clark, who plans to Lake possession at once. Mr. Dervnett will be aiso- dated with the Rankin Rutherfortf Sheep company for Uie summrr.

LouLse Lellch and Ellen Kodesh have returned to los Angeles after .•ipcndlnjt a few day* with their p&r- enl. . Mr. and Mrs. William Lellch and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Kodesh.

V. C, Burnett and J. R. CiawfonJ, who arc employed In war work In Wendover. spent the week-end *1th their families In Buhl.

New officers of the Hovrer Loven* club, which met for elecUon ot of. fleers, are Mr*. Roy Wood, presi­dent; Mrs. Amanda Howard, vlce- pre.sldent, and Mrs. Frank Marion - Southwick, secretary-trcasurer.


Revival meetings are being con­ducted for two weeks at th» As- sembly of Ood chureh by the R«r. and Mrs. Leslie I*. Hodges. They con­ducted meetings In Rupert two yeari - ago and returned by populsr re­quest.

N, C. Lowry, who hai been ill at his home, has been Uken to Rupert general hospital for care.

M r and Mrs. W. P. Newcomb left for' Portlond, Ore-, where they will visit their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Atrs. H. A. Young, and family. They will also vUlt In Cor- vftilU, Ore.', »1th their son, Gerald Newcomb, and family,

Etwood Hedrick, son ot Mra. Wal> ice Hedrick, has been advanced

from a second lleuteniujl to flnt lieutenant. He is sUtlaned at ~ Needles, Calif. HU wife. Uie former ML s Dorothy McKevltt, ii with

Page 5: Senate Approves Shift in Planes, 36 Ships Primary for Soldier Votenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · COMING Marqul* Chlldi, trUr- mO eort«»>

Tuesday. February 29, 19M TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS. IDAHO Page Five'

P a n e l D i s c u s s i o n I s

F e a t u r e a t P T A M e e tA p.mel discussion on "The

^ the hiKhliKht of the proffrarn ^ o f tlic Junior-Senior hiRh

Bchool r.T.A.Hflrt in hlsh- liool

bii.Mnp.vi RMSion. Folloa-lng & report o[ itif. educational meeting Rrld m T^-in h'nii!, tn« msn 'chooi p.t.a. vot«l 10 «nd a K-lfgram lo Oov, C. A. BolloHsen urslng nn extra ses- «lQn of legKlaliirn lor the conslricr-Btton of aptiroprloling emrrsfncy

Fnmily L iv in « ToffPther' for the Mnnduy ni;;ht meotinR

Guest Speaker for Women of GOP

hcf. Smith, n <!'Bnlscti, ojirt three Juiilnr hiKh acliool fitiidtnis. Sl.'s PlivVlto Dutkhftiv. Phillip Durkhnrt and Byron Sny-

lc:lt't;r:i|>lJ Oovi-rnnr Bottpllfcn ni Sen. F. W. Nciilc to rpcommrnd su porl of the cmcrKoncyJpglsUnon.

Frontier RidingC lu b Has Banquet

Candlelighting Installation for

Beta Gamm is

lliiUon cprcmony of ihr Bei ma club of the V. W. C. A. hd 1ny nigm In tlif "Y ’ room.1.

Vivliiii He.itbeck vnt Ir ■d M prpaldent. MIm Irri: y u vlce-preMdent; Mls.i Till: aa M^rrUiO' «nd MIm Ju«nli

Queen ('linsen for Richfield M.l.A,

aichik'iiI’llfCl II

nr IM4 nllCllV.'

iht Gold'And Ore«n ball held rc- ccn;ly li\ ihc nich(l?l<i Kymnnilum,

Gold niicl (rrc'en dccoratlatw and profirnnvi for the jfml-fomml dnncc forro«{ the bnckground tor n jprlng Barden MttlnR on the sym stncc

i hn

tronHly Wlc'vcd t|i nr VdiiiiK Klrl' •x'li'K iinKllng for pick-uix-


. Th? Em»non club will mrri PrI- riay nflornoon nt tlie home of Mrs I^vl sijson for Red Crw scvlng.

if ShnnMi'cV. v! m. Tliur.'diiv i , Vada G»lmi.

The Klmlxrly Road club mrft at 2-30 p.m. Wednc.-Klay 111-- Imme nl Mr.'. J i. Long, Klmbcily rend.

¥ ¥ ¥The fB oa Wom.'ns club will

tneet st 2:30 p.m. Tlnirsdny #t the Bchoolhotue. HaMejscs a-lll br Mrs. John Berger and Mrx. Orn Creed.

>f.Exi'cuttvp bo;iril nt the W.S.C.S.

Ti ill meet In thr rliurrh nindy ni 3:30 p.m. TluirJiIiiy. Mnrch 2. All member* hnve'befn urged to bo present.

^ Thr nfiemoon Kulld of the Ascen- ' uloti Eplfrop;i1 church v.111 meet

Tlnir.«lny m the home of Mrs. C. R. Weaver for o 2 p.m. clc.'.«crl lunch,- eon In honor of Mrs. Claud Davis, district president.

♦ ¥ if Womens council ot the ChrUtUn

cpiirch will holil Rroup ratctlngi nt 'ar.TO pjn. Tlmr.'tiny.

Group No. 1 will meet *t the homo of Mrs. R. E. Porter. 1328 AddLson

Group No. 3 will meet iit the home of Mrji. Matk C. Cronenbergcr. 137 Seventh avenue cnjit.


BUHL, Feb. 25-Biihl Senior Bua- Iness and Profejilonnl Women's clul m'^t for n ‘ black muiilc” party nt the homn of NJrs, Olen Wyalt, wWi Mrs. Wyutl and Mrs. Emily Nancolas u hostcMcs- Tlie Junior club and Mrs. Clinrles Hunt, of Wooster. O.. i:iic.its. The evening wa* upent lii enmcs and atunUi. nnd t^e hostesMS served refreshmenM.


BUHL. Feb. 29-nvUU M«svtOT club enwrtfllned at n tea al the home of Mrs. R. Brannon, honoring Mrs. V. B. Frost. Blio Is Having soot* for CHcney. Wasli. Mrs. Frost was pre- sented with a lo ’ely gift from the group.

State President to Pay Rebekahs Visit

aOODINO, Feb, a-Mn, Floy Nnylor, Mos«row. atal*. prejldent of tha Idaho Rebcfciih AumWy. «.-lU

Kinjr H ill Church N n iilia l Weds Pair

Morch 1. Preceding the lodge en>, alon a dinner will be ser 'td In the I dining lioll at 8:« p. m. There islll j be InlUatlon at the meeUng.4 R«eekah Jnember* anfl Uitlr hus- I b»nds are Invlled to Oi» dlnner-»nd- j reservaUena should be mad# »1th fiM ia, Bay Albaa



Kcttlni! on. n ils piut month had a lot of trouble with him. He

'chool: hr helped him-aycd I 1 aU

nlRht nnd w didn't know wher< wii..; h f run nwiiy yp.stfrday. We Juit don't. .<ietni lo be Betllnj along with him."

I looked at the fathc thb, UilnkUiR he must be smiling and wondering whnl In the world he wn.i smiling at. But he wm quite gravr. qimc> ninttpf-ot-faft. He worried about hh boy and he felt .•slnccrfly that he wn^n'l quite hltUi It oil with him AS he might.

'■VVhni dops the boy aay about his behavior? Give any reason for It?"

"Na. HP J»iflt,nys,'0 1elrot»bne,‘ when w^ scoltl him."

••h he .sick? Dop.? he eat well? Is he growlnK fn.n? Got any special interc.it. nnyihlng he wania to ' verj- much?”

8uppofir<l to Jusl "Grow Up- ••I wouldn't sny he was sick. He

ent.'! pretty well. If he comes In for meals, tlint l.s. Yp.s. he la growing fii. t, I in*ver heard him say much about what he wanted to do except for one crarj- notion that he’d Jlke to own a clrcu.^, Ja't fnr the animals. He's btg enough to behave I should Bay. When 1 was his nge. I was ea Ing a llvlnK nnd hrlplng al home.

Tlil.i boy had grown four Inches 1 a little le.vs than a year. He

twenty pouncLi underweight. He ___first stascs of lubereulosU of

the lung.s. He had enough trouble to do for a Ilfrtime but until his queei behavior mndc his lamlly uneom' fortable. U^cy did not give him i second thouRht. He was supposed to

up and when he dldnt <lo that. qutelly. It Kurpclstd Uls p*op\t into'

■dug they weren’t getting on with

Need Exihim.

Every adolescent boy and girl should bfr examined by a phj'Jlclan who has hod experience with sdolej- cenl cWldren. They are subject to severe stmXna that do not show out­wardly but which are registering In­wardly nlRht and day. They dt itrange IhlnBs becwise they have itranne feeJlnsB that they cannot ..eil about because they are un> defined. Feelings drive people Into -■rtJon. When children misbehave in

sw and frightening ways, one .can be fairly certain that they are under stress and seeking relief from thr.te troublesome bi:t undefined feelings.

Rearing children It a dUtlcull un- dcrtaklnu made mere 'so by the fact that growth Is hidden. ^VlJen In doubt about a child ask the cx- pert. Prevention Is belter than cure.

rhlM. 0I» 1>S0M Miint KtblU hm» a fin. >nn for a >u<n<4ful

r«lrt l|« Ullt ui .bookkt^a_aQa_-‘E<Ilnr.” rliUlntkl< hr

Hailey Girl Is Bride of Sailor

.shier C. Pen :t.it;e Irm

Pink Riul «

MlM You on Wo<vt ;Hallev huh

Since 1 stayed at 1 «-orluni! ns I ney store r cafe.

Mr. Scott was bom in New Hithlrc, moving to aucapo wltl.......pirents where he attended (rriide and high school He 'vas •■'ent lo Sur Valley nnvnl hnsplmi Inst Oclobei after jeeliiK artlon In the south Pa. clJIr. HP I' Ihf M>n of Mr.-i. RuUi Scott, ClilCiigo,

Eng-agementToId for Former Local YouthWendell , fci..

A. p. Iij-de. Wrndrll. am .............engagtiiienl of tlirlr ton. Air C.idet Alan a, Hyde, to MIm Dorothy BleaXney. daughter of the Rev, j , S. Bleaknej’, Baptist minister, Boston, Mass.

The roupip met at WnynfsburK college, Penn., whrrp Mr. Hydp wa; ■n air cadct .student ajKl Ml.vs Bleak'ey Is a senior.Cartel Hyde has been transferred

to Nnfhville, Tcnn., for flight train­ing. He was formerly a.«oclaied with tha Tlmes-Newa advertising depart­ment.

No date no.'s been set for Uie wed' ding,

¥ ¥ ¥

Castleford Faculty Is Feted at Party

CASTL33XDBD. Feb. 29 — Mrs. Uo Peterson and Mrs, Friincls Eg- ben recently entertained the fac­ulty of Uie Ca.' tleford schools at a party.

Progressive games were In play throughout the evening. H. D. Pry won high score and Mrs. B. E. Zeter won low.

A delldoua lunch was served by lh» late In Iht evening.

¥ ¥ ¥

Birthday P artyMore than 20 guuta from T*1n

Falls. Buhl, Han.nen\and Sden ga­thered Sunday at tlie horne of Mr. and Mrs. Paul PulaW lor a blilh.

parly honoring Mr. pufaW. le afternoon was spent visiting playing games.freshmeiiui were set 'ed by the

Two B irthdaysSHOSHONE. Feb. » —The Re-

btliahs recently celebrated Wash- Inglon’s birthday with Rames, mualc and cherry pie. following a regular lodge meeting.

An angelfood cake also celebrated (he birthday of Mrs. Callle Nyberg. who has a birthday only once every four jean, oa Feb. a .

London and the WACS

O v e r s e a s \\'/\(-S K n o w n

F o r D e v ( ) 1 i ( ) 7 i t o D u t y

Senior Mothers

Entertain Class

At Annual EventOI.ENNS FERRY, F<b. 20-&

mottiers rnlfrtiilnp^l At an ai upi for membrr* of Ihp *In the hlKli M-hool aiirtlto

SuiKlAy cvnnni;.rnnKPinenti. were luidpr th iUt ot M.v A<m, Hnll. in

Itollord luid Mrs. -t. Oxr

H.Vi >1 O "Wivirt, w»>

WAVE and Marine Wed in Sun Valley

WAVE I^rnthv n Npx inruiP Pl<-. H.UI1 E Ajiio.ly IV nin;>1nln .1 \V .‘Iw.irlJ'*

look pliirr ftt Ihr fnmoii.' Npith<T Kkl tnjs nor evrnir.K

ns werp in pvldfiifp le brldp and groom wpr* dre.wM inlfomi aJ'd Hip audience


TANAKIA The 'nmakia camp Flro group met

Friday night for a buslnrss meet>

The glrli completed requlremtnti for Trail Seeker rank and Mrs. Har­old C. Schutt pused them oo ibelr rank.

ODAKOThf Odsko Camp Hro fiTOUP meti th« hom# ol ihdr guardian. Mra.

Uniiel Dean, for election of officer*.Tliosi! chown «et« Nancy Lath­

am, prfAldent: Nsncy Moor«, t1c*» pre. ldenl: Dorothy Vance, leera* tar '; Virginia Bracken, treasurer, and BubarR Hinilli, ncrlbe.

A pftrlv felfbriMfd the birthday* of Dsrlfne Mink and Dailena Pftftle.

¥ • ¥

Class Gives DinnerCASTI.FTOilD. Ffb. 20—Mtu M.

.T and mernbera of the high

.■c-lioni hnnie rrnnnmlc* clojui rpcent- W fTiiPTUlnrrt ihp school board and H 1) Fry >i t dinner In the horn# •'■nnnml'' rCK'ms.

Hnme mnde plute cards wer» d»- 'Irf'.-d hy M1.V< Jnvfp Ea.'trrday andllir lnt)l’ wn» cnlfrcd by red «»r-

AVACS are in EnKland. north Iteir .tkill, (icvotion to diH.v ur ard work i.'5 .spcedinff the day

.Imre.” -While the great majority of the

membiTS of the Women's Army Corps are serving at army past.s nnd camps w ith in the contlnenlal

i Stalef. others In rniisldpr-

.•apucity fu

HS.-;lBnmpnt In the psy- iirfiirp dlvlstuii. Anollicr ina Rae. wils the first I .M;cri'tary to Oeiieral

I'Vu'uity I ’reseiit?

( '()iiie(]y to P.T.A.

I ( 1

In ()!)sor\


inj>' L.voiit

Join in

Fob. 22 ProgramF.-1J

Wnxhin«U lUR prOhTfl

Group £

:9—Thi ir ami JoD's DiiURhtcrs oili- pnvrAin In honor ol 's blnhtiay. Tl>c lollcw* 1 wiw presented: iRlng; .lolo. Mrs, William

Oppllger;; play

"thr ■

Amerlcan'fl Creed was written by WIN Until 'lyicr Page, Clerk of the U, S. House of R<liri-hptitiitlvps, In 1017. and adopted fyr pio- niulgatlon by the Committee on Publication. 11 was ocwpted by the House of Representa­tives on betifllf of you, the American people, April 3, 1P18. As a way of living for Amerl- rans 11 Ls unsurpasicd and wortty of every Alnerlciui’s attention.

" I believe in t h e U n ite r l S ta te ? o f A m erica as G o v e rn m e n t o f

the people, by t h e peop le , fo r the p eop le ; w hose ju s t p o w e rs are

derived from t h e con sen t o f the g overned ; a d em ocracy in a re­

pub lic ; a sove re ig n n a t fo n o f m an y soverign S ta te s ; a p e rfe c t

un ion , one an d in s e p a r a b le ; es tab lished upon those p r in c ip le s o f

freedom^ e q u a lity , ju s t ic e a n d h u m a n ity fo r w h ich A m e r ic a n

patrio ts s a c r if ic e d th e ir lives a n d fo rtunes .

“ f therefore be lie v e I t Is m y d u ty to m y covw try to liv e i t ; t o sup-

■ sport its C o n s t i t u t io n ; to obey its la w s ; to respect its f l a g , an d

to defend 'it a g a in s t a l l e n e m ie s .” ■

Each week, the baken ot BulUr-Krust bread will bring

t« you bits of philosophies which have come from our

nation's leaden . . . thinking which has determined the

course of our nation., Knowing what others-have thought

may make our thinking clearer In rcspect to our country.


T he H e w 1 9 4 4


N o w A t C a ta lo g

* S a le s D e p t . *

WHat You Need Is Available, The

Chances Are Y o u

Can Get it at Sears

Tou can purchase a wldo Tati* cly of merchandise at Sears! Most everything now avollabl# to civilians wUl be found among the 100,000 Itenis in our big, new 19« Spring and Summer General Catalog, or on the counter! of our retail store, Every article U

backed by Bears famous gtur- nntee. And lo simplify shopping today, under wartime condiUons, we’ll supply you with the latest authentic priority and ratlotilng Information about Hems, the sals of which I. now resu-lctcd. Yes, you'll find hiiylng at Sears <os> let . . . and muth qultlccr.

lent In ■ Auction

employmi war production plants.

Retail or Catalog ptirchasea of $10 or more may be made on Sear* Ea*y Payment Plan.

SEARS Catalogue Sales Department

Sears, Koebuck and Company

' Phone 1640

Twin F a lb

YOUR ONErSTOP:shopping s t o r e

W w .

a n d o W ^

Page 6: Senate Approves Shift in Planes, 36 Ships Primary for Soldier Votenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · COMING Marqul* Chlldi, trUr- mO eort«»>

— ^Page Six TIMES-NEWS. TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Tucsdny, February 29. 1044

Hai lem Tommy Murphy Was

Champion of Near Cham])ionsFlflrrB rn n X Y IIOCHK ------

r»mou. U«frrr« «nd Mnnntrr

Hiirlom Tommy J^Iuri'lO' was the chjiniiiifni tn' Ion of boxing. Too heavy for thp ffutli.-nv.'iKlit .................

too light tor the liRhlwciKbts. Murphy .h'v.-lupi'cl in io the touRhest workhorse in both cl cnnmnlOM slrcrcd clfnr of hli

EDEN BEATS HAZELTON IN PLAYOFF GAMEB a d g e r s ’ S t a r H u r t ; -

G r i z z l i e s O p e n F a s t

P a i r i n g s M a d e f o r F i r s t R o u n d

O f C l a s s A C a g e T o u r n e y H e r e

K IM B E RL Y , l-'o.h. 29 - The ICden foiUKi themselves in the snmc position h is t Saturday eveninj:— one victory awj siib-tiihtrict. to iinijunent chiimpionshiji (iiHtrict toiini!iment to ho held next '

The Grizzlies defeated Ha?;- elton here last iiiRht in the

Grizzlies early today th a t they were early

•y friim the south side entry into the

•eek a t Wendell.

Pacific Coast Norllicrn Group

Drops Conference S|)ring SjjorlPU LLM A N , W ash., Frl], 25 iim lhm i division o

the Pacific Coast confiTeiU'f is druiiiiitiK ail sluing sporl: as conferrnco activities, Kurl \'. l-'r)StcT, of \V:ishiii>,’l(jn Sluli collofre, ciiairmnn of the divisioti's Ki'.uhi.’ilo nianiii.'.-i>, sair tonifjht.

A nieetin;,' to work oiit n spring’ schedule had hci'ii iilainird tentativciv for March IT), hut Fostc-r said n-studv nf rocom-

_______________________I mendnlions frc.m ’nlldi'lic

Siin Valley Navy Man Former U. S,Amateur Champ

SUN VALLEV. Fi'b. 29-AUhoimh lie hod three slilps suiik iimlcr him. S. H. SleilRC. a Millor iil the imvni

much ntlvp nnd to hLn old love-boxliig.

aiwlRe L' n fnrninr nnlloniil Rold- en rIoves cliiimploii iiiicl liiis sparrrrt llh some of the world's Krnitosl

boxers In Stlllmim'.'i Rjiiiiin.siiim lu Kew Yorlt City. AmoiiR them whs Barney Ro.vi. lormiT llKhtKdRht wid wtUcrwlght clmmplon wlio t«- conic n World v,nr horo wlUle flsht- las with the mnrlnes on Gundnl- cana).

Sledge WB5 r boxlnB Instructor nt TrcBsure blnnd before Rolng to sen ■board tlie Vorktown, He wns on thU ship ns boxloR In.stnictor when It went dovn In the battle o( Mid­way. He then went to Honolulu for two weeks ontl bnck to . ea on the Rlrcrftft carrier. Hornet, which wns sunk at Gundnlciinnl. His next *hlp. the Hammond, w'os Also sunk, nnd after this he wa.s dubbed "Nine Lives- Sledge. He Is the holder of the presidential cltntlon nnd k-v. eral admlrob’ eommendntlon.i.

He U looking forward now to ting bnck to Now York City vi his wife ond family re.'ilde.

ltd llie .vliools W.T peclPd'to contlmic nii n ■•locn bnsl.i tt-llh some Aporls.

Idnho, WnshliiKloii Klnto possibly Whltmnn, the Intlor division mcmbfr, will c«mi>ctc ciirtnllfd bnsrbftll nnd lennls Rrnm nnd |>ossiblj' In other s Poster said.

Ho snlil It wn.1 e.xiwcted OrcKon and Ori'con Sinte, ixrliiips Join by Wlllnmelte nnd otlitr schools thnt nrca, would cnrr>’ on In • o or more fleld.i. WnslilnBtois wns e peeled to field a bsjcbnll tcnni compete with tenms In the Pngct sound region.

Stealers Down Kearns Quint

BALT I^K E CITY. Feb. 23 (U.B — Tlie Provo Stcelers tlowiied the Ktam.1 Eagles. 73 to 60, In a Utnli Service league basketball K»nie ln.it night that sow three members of each tensi ejected from the game on fouls.. The Eteclers were led by Jei who tolUed 23 points, followed by Brooks with 20 and GUcs with 18, Holmes topped the Kearns scoring with 14 points.

Members of the Ben'lce loop teams wlU be guests tonight' at a banquet celebintlnc the nenr end of the first season of the league. Tlie Salt Lake alrbase Wings will bi awarded Uie 11)44 trophy.

McAnwhUe, one of the top-rank' Ing league teams, Ecker Studio of Salt ZAke City, uinounccd )t has scheduled a game here Thursday night with the Broncos of Ft. War­ren. Wi-o, on# of the few undefeat­ed MTvlH teams In the natJozi.


Jac c. an a to 5 farorit« to wblp Bob MoDtgoaiery In tbelr “rubber" 15- rousd lisbtwdgbt tttl« bout Prlday,

................... the. ^ e f - ftt 136

ChctLaahs to

E n te r Service"ST.'Lbtns7Ftb, iralSvIOutflcld. er Chet Lanbs. nmner-up to Vcrnoi ijtephriw ns the Ixst home-run hit­ter of the St, Loiils BrowiiJS Insl 5en.son, hi« notified Vice-President Din De Witt he pa.Med his prc- Induction phy-'Icat exnmUmtlon Ir Detroit and expect-i to be cnllcU for

? jcrvlce .'ooii.


MnnoKer Eddie Collin.i of the Boston Red Sox wns informed by Cecil "Tex” HuRhson. his ncc pitcher, In a long-dLMance telephone call to­day That he hud Joined the navx

Hugh.ion. sixth of the Red Sox regular hurlers to enter the service, •was the American league’s lending pitcher In 1B4J when he won 22 and lost six gomes.


Babe •'Blimp" Phelpj, the husky catcher for whom tJi« PUladelphla Phillies traded first bueman Bab« Dahlgren to the PltUburgh Pirates, has notified the Phillies thnt he wlU not play basebaU UiU lummer.

S P O T C A S HPar Dead or Worthless Borses,

Mule* and Covi

Can Collect 0M8-JJ, Twin r*D i MABT AUCB TBOUT FABM

Madigaii to Coach

Hawkeyes in 1944IOWA cm * , li... Frb. 23 {,Pr-

E:<ltt’urd P. (Sllpi MiKllRnn has acrced to conch ;iie 19-H’ tJnli'crsliy ot lown footbaU tciini and will conn hrrp Sunday to sIkh an tieht' mouth contract. President Virgil M. Hiincher Biinuiiiiceil fotlny.

Mntllgiin. former mentor at ... Mary'.s (Calif.) coMcbc. conchi-il lowu last .'cnson after Dr. Etlwnrd N._Anderson. cnt£red Uic army.

Hno.oon.iN i*i;itsES CHICAGO, Feb, M (A’t-A total

of *<30,000 In added money for 34 ."itiikos was annotmced Inst nlRht for tlip combined Arlington pnrk-Wnsli ' iRton park 70-day horse mee'mpet IR opening at the WnshlnRton park

track June 10 nnd running through Sept. r


for• H ID ES • PELTS


Coll us—We will also pay cash for old, worthless or dead

► horses, cows, sheep, hogs. CALL COLLECT

. Twin Falls 311: Goodlni <7( k BopeH 63

r IDAHO HIDE & Tallow Co.

At New York, Col. Matt Winn, fl3- enr-old hrnd ol CTinrcliIll Dhwiu, aid he wo.h thomunlilv In iieeord

with tlie DDT restrictions and that they would be enfnrcrd to the letter, thoiiRli he doubted flint they would reduce •ailendance.

He Jftld he believed the crowd would exceed sreatly the 62.000 at­tendance In.st year because of the heavy Influx of population into the Louisville WftT boom area. He e.stl- mnted that the crowd would be near the all-time rccord derby of iW.OOO established two years nRO.

uil tiiu' rs, runs b;iln-<l-ln nnd slolcii

Iti' lSIt, he p:urd the Anier leai:uo 111 nil thc.'.c except li runs, niul then he tr,'>lU'(l only 'Honie ituii" linker by a slnul.- f. Ja. c blow m thnt dcpnrtmciit- tcr hiid i\liie. Cobb led In clrcull imashe.s nt amnticr titvr-.

flAKSI TO BOX SAVOLU •fiEW YORK. Feb, 2D (,1^-Proi

moler Mlko Ji«obj announced that lie had matched Joe Dnksl, Kiilp- mont. Penn,. henv)-welKlit. and Lee Savold. Pnt«nwn, N. J,. for a 10- round bout n t Madison Square gar­den March 10. Bnksl outpointed Tnml MnuricHo lut Friday.

Chamaco Leading U. S. Cue Artist

CUICACO. Fib, 29 (UP) — Jt Chninnco. Mexico City, cliuinplt. Latiii-Amerlran billiard pliivcr, n rtnytned Jnck Sclinefer^CltiVcl-mlr 100-li)-78,-nt^hi^rmrol the srcoiiil block ol their 600-polnt exhibition match.

Chnniiieo won botli of the open. InR blocks last night. He took, the ipcncr. 50 to 40. In S4 Innlnss. and he second. SO to 38, In 51 Innlngj.

ONION GROWEIiSW e Have a Limited Amount of

Imported Argentine






PUBLIC SALEAs I nm leavinjr thj.s part of the country nnd cnnnot take any livestock with me I' w ill aoll the following nt public auction n t n iy place, hotter known as the (',i'orjre Rettijr plncc, locntcd as follows: 4 m iles west, Vi mile north of South Park in Tw in Fall.s, or ju s t niile south of. C urry Btore.



1 red cow, 4 yrs. old, 3 gal., fresh April 15

1 Oucmsey, 4 >ts. old, 3'.i gal., fresh April 23

1 Short Horn, 'i Guernsey, i yrs. old. 4 (,’nl., fresh April 10

1 Ouemsey, # yr*., 3 gal., fresh April a

1 Guernsey cow. 4 yrs.. 3 gal., freslv May 1

1 Guernsey, H Holstein. 4 yrs, J',» gal,, frcih

May 10

1 Jersey eow. 8 yrs., JH gal., fresh April «

I Guernsey. 3 yrs, 1 gal., fresh March »

1 Guernsey, « yrs, 3*4 gal., fresh July 1

1 good Ouemsey bull. 18 montlu old

> he*d heUers, 18 months old

T heifer Mires.

Herd tested for abortion and Bangs

A T 1 P. M.HORSESmooth mouth

. ....... . 0 years old1 blnck horse. 9 years old

CHICKENSSome good producing New Hampshire pullcta.


MACHINERY1 Moline side rske 1 Big 4, McCormick horse mower I aet of bean cultivator discs.


W. E. DURHAM, OWNERW. J. Hollenbeck, Auctioneer Mrs. Hollenbeck, Clerk

Page 7: Senate Approves Shift in Planes, 36 Ships Primary for Soldier Votenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · COMING Marqul* Chlldi, trUr- mO eort«»>

Tuesday, Febniarj’ 29, 1944 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO

RED CROSS DRIVE - S tF O R IftS S ift jHURLtY. K>b. » - Wednesday

ni .ir.ing. March 1. Uic tiiimia! fund 'Ifive lor ihr Anierlctn B«l Crosa »U1 bfgln In cajali county, with the loal i«l nt 110,000. Just doubli Ihr IS43 quou.

CharltJr. McDonald. Durloy n , nr, will bt drlVD cli«lrm#n iMi.i >

ty rhftpKr cnalrmnn, HisiTM met »i Ulc Nauanil hotel for Instruellnni »nd «iipplie» »n<l l>ep ulkA with Mrs. M»rUi« E- 8lower« of UiB San Fr»ncUco »r*» offlcc ot 111. Red croj.. outlining the typo nl M-nlrc (loni- by the B«d Croat In

A heBrt(]U»rttr» nlllce Inr the rtrlv* been m i up In the Paulaon

....Jlnff OB North Overland, »rlolunieer worker will hr there '

Flak Downs Flying Fortress


R/iwlanrt aie.l-T, ilcxt Crou field riiri'ctor Irf*h Iroin U nionlhs ov- iTseaj nt t^e {amnns R«d Ctom Rainbow club for jervli-e men In li^ndon »1ll «pe»k »t Burley high >rhnnl ludltorlum. Thiirsdsy — tiing, March 3, Ifll hnw the on..... — ipunQi 90 pet ten' ol

»rmedMuds for



miAiui to defeat."The olficfr wu* MnJ

Stowe. pcr»on»l rtpreaen Ofn. Clayicn Bl»ae«. »»»'»

Fads, Fallacies

Topic «f Speech2D—"Tood Jlshb

»r'» theme of , »\50ivv)!t<5 hv


riind In rlir amount of »63.3< In fa- viir of the r'Hinty Auditor for ir»nj- l«>rt4iUon <'i intllKeni.t A wnrriuit

also ni 'inird drawn on'Ciirrtnt lixppnie 111 (iiviirnl Vrrcla WlI»on In vlK smmiiK i>l US DO III poymenl of enirt or.:.-r In Crlmii.ul No.

he hiul aticlltfd th" luxes for norl :reek Highway Dlilrlft tnd fouiii rrors In the records of ihf Ts ;oll»rinr, and re>'omni'iidPd tha

»3 3l b» debited frr»ii Hock Crrel

»lil rflt*rt Buklifii)'

S f S , . . i S f f m i a i

Elmore’s Re l Cross Campaign ScheduledOLENNS rERRY, Feb. JB-Plan:'

for the annual Red Cros.' drive for funtl will jUrt here W|.<lnej<ln:

f E. Pearl l» chslrnum of th( more county chupt.T, and .hnlrmnn for tha drive. O. A. X .'.nn. Mountain Hnme, ll co rhnlrtnan and r*llx Bay, also M< inln Home, la general chairman for ihn western half of the county, • ' (V R. Jones, Bruncau, In clinrt that vicinity. Mrs T. H. Foster ho* King HUl and .Mra. B. T. Taylor. HammetL .

. G r a n g e

G l e a n i n g sRy J, I

■ KAIR HITLATIONMcmbi-rs of tlie Twm falls coun

ty fair bodrt with ihelr aecrelan Tom ParlM, met Pomona Maaie Hoy Dtiric and masteri of the sub ordinal* Oranges for a dlscusslo: or the fnlr Jor IS». Orunnea reprc ^ •nted were Kimberly, T •ln ralli Uuhl, Falnlew, Lucwie and Deep Creelt. Mayor Ben A. Sweet of Twin Falla w-u also on hand. No defliUte Action vaa token. A round-Uble dlS' ciiMlon WB* entered Into by aJl pres- i nt. All agreed that liie Oranges nnc larmcra would be unabli- tn suppor' thD fair at Uiey had in the ycon p.i.tt. It waA Lhoufhl tiiat It nilRlH be po&slble to hold a county 4-K fall with a rodM #t nlghu It also wob rif;reert that n fnlr could not be

•ctcd VKln the othcoff, because of tht

pre.ient condltlona. It was brought out that iia far as the youngsteri were concerned they had done Lheli part In t.he Inst fair, which waA n 4-H fair, but Uint U hid lacked Uie support of Bdulta. The fnlr board

L, will meet luter and \rtll cxplnln the ncllon taken at Ihe next Pomona mceilng. March II.

WEST POINT • it Point Orniigp mot at it.< haU.

Plan : miidefor the denning and redr<ornlins Ihn hall. The lecturer's progri roti.'lst«l of; "The Life of Oeoi

__WMhlngtnn.'i-^tra,.P-C^Pow; tlentHriRs by Bioihcr GoWe on i— life of Lincoln": soio. Mra. Hast, and txo numbers by four boys. Fifty dol- Inrs WHS received from ilie Oranffi (.upply banquet nt Wendell. Thirty- .•.i-t members were prc.scnt. Refresh- mtnU 'Kert ttr/tO.

KlMBEnLV Kimberly Orans# wna prcsentet

with a certificate for qusUfylng u nn honor Orange at lt« last m ' ing. A victon’ h«ne food supjily tillcMe vfM »lv) wtWtd at Uils time, Mrs. Lea Smith presented c Valentine program which Induded: Opening song, "Love's old Sweet Sfmg"; wlo, Mnrtha Teague. "Let Me Call,You SweetJieart"; readlnff, Mr», WlSbtr Loucto; •'proBTtsrtve Parodies 'of Four Years." and skit by two men and two women, "Iloncy moon •peclal.” In this latter ntunber

t the men were dressed as ft'omen and rthe ladles aa men. A contest of

tnMchlt\8 on htirti v u held bo- tween two men and two Isdlea. part*

• neri for refruhmrnl* wera chosen by matching Valentines. Guests were Mr. and Mr|. Rank Lomne, MotmUln Roct

At the prrrtat^. niMUti*. tnoUon plcturea were shown by the Sinclair OU cwnpany.The pictures were both liiteresUns and educational. No biu- tneu meeting was held aad af(«r the piuurea tha drill (eamt pncUc- «d th* thUd lou:^


Sar.tr CUM C«l. rii aal IntUUrf

St BENTON’S CLAna lUDiATon snop

<u In« BI. Can FiiMK <l>*W

<iHTT\i.n nntl-aUrraU artlllrf pUnp was htt »how» pl rp.N rl plane- Bottom picture ihow. I stroyed, pluiiglrif to firth from AAT)


■ll* Fljlnr Kortrraa -Ladyreri-lvrd a dlr-^l hit from niMir a •^v at\'t^rallrrrd ahnut brlilnt] thr

Sgt. Linzy Sets New Rifle Mark

Rotary Observers Farmers’ N isht

.IURI.Ly, Fcl. :o _ Kiif. for .Mra. Maiy Ann Ler.

of H<>yl>i!

.VAMF.I1 Dl'in. niAIII.MA.VLOS ANon.ES.Fi-b :ti-Thc Hr

Miirl M. Joupj. mliilMer of the FirChrl chu;[)polnt(!d t

in Hull), Ida., for u‘ie ihoIhiimiic for spiritual Ideals. It wn aiinoun' ed by Dr. James W. Fifidcl, Jr., ni tional dlroctor of the niovement.


R. L. "Bob" Penc<-. Incnl benn aler nnti .secretary of thr .Elk.s )b, hiKl hb appendix removed nt


Mrs. Manual Kerbt an-........... he birth of h dnughter on

Feb, 23. Cottage hospllnl.Mr. nnd Mrs. L. J. Thiir.iton are le parents of a dnuchter bom

Feb. 23.Mrs, aprnltl Barton nnd daugl

/'l.l___ __1____, Chic 1 formonths vblt with her parenlt

Mr. and Mra. J. E. Wood.Dr. and Mrs. O, O. &p« returned

Feb. 23 from a two week vacntlon I Um A ijrcIpj!.DotiKln.-i Parke. !-on of Mr.'. EHm-

bcth Pnrke, niid fonner Burley nnd Twin PalLi _jijlnter._arflt«!-herD Jram AnchrirflRe, Alnakn, for a vwt

or two yenr.s he Im.s been employed 1 -n-.c Anchornce Dully Times." A marrlaKC llcrit*'' w.i.s Ksucd to

Weston Alma ruwson. 23, and Ruth Oencvlcvc Buhr, 31, both of Ru­pert,

Pearl E. Marseille received a de- •ee of divorce from Fred Mniirlce

Maraelllr. In district courts for men* f»l cruelty.

Daujrhter’s Illness Calls Cunninghams

ittie hy >i mes.'.i '* th’it tlflr daugh- er, Hll(!u-.l. u .. vrloti-ly 111 with :omplU-ntinns rPMiltlni; from nn nt.inrk of fin.A later m- "'..:" rr '-lvrd by iiclgh.

aid t s coiislderablv


Nnvnl AvInlKiii V-12 Student Jnhn Kornher, UnlvcrMty of Colorado. Boulder, ts siKnfiliig his leave at the homo of hl parents. Mr. nnd Mrs. John KoriiMer.

Pfc. Hnrolil Crasthwnlte hnj re­lumed in FrcMW, Ctillf., n»tr nend- liiK some' time licre n fthe home of Ms pRretiU-". Me. nnd Mrs. E. E. Cro.sthwnUe, niitl with Ills wife In Poise,

Pvt. Drucc Eubanks. Camp Fan­nin. Tex., rcccmly vL.Klied hLi par- inti, Mr, nnd Mrs, Ira Eubank.i. ■

Ucui. Ocorse ScUtnlH. who lia-s been stationed at the nrmy nlr field

■ icrotncnto, Calif.. Is vhltlng hLs mother, Mrs. Cnwln Schmitt and his sLster, Mrs. Ruth Awcndnip,


RED CLOVER SEEDSmall or large lots. East­ern farmers need your clover seeij, and prices are good. I f y o u have seed, get In touch with us quick.

Glolie Seed & Feed Go.Twin Fails, Id a h o

I'icliires of Men ! In Service Shown

;ir« of scivice men dbpl.iv.., he window of tllC local I<lnli, er company office, F. E. Pearl nger of the office here, report, the picture.s have flooded tli

low and are beliiR placed Itl th. y Dakery window, abn. Mor

been hroiicht li1 this



Proceedings of the Hoard of County (’nmmissionors

Twin n.ll.-. fo iin ty , Wnho

H.rrl,'On who .m!xT <T,i.-h In imoUier of Ski.

ri <| mK'lnr In n it Pacific Nov. I

irtfrt mU'tng In i

Last Tribute for ! Mrs. Mary A. Lee'

lowiiiR s innB llln

nunrtut,.1 An.'.-

, LiiVi........... Harold Mooi. ..Wllc-ix; William B. Chrlct.'aMT Rail' the Invprntlon, niul Unrnlii iirul Rla Moon •:inK -Ci.;! Thy Urcari Uwn the Water."

Bishop Burch reart thr ol)itiiHiv and Paul W. Wilcox wu-s Jlrst sprn'K. er. Mrs. Dniscllla Lw nuis "Beautl- ful Isle ol Enmewhere."

•J- .Melvin Toonc, pre.slrteiit ..1 Minidoka stnke. spoke, niirt Siin.li nnd Mnrsarct Wilcox .sang -Soiiii'- tims We'll Vnaerstnml." Parley n Bailey gave the benediction. J. W Sorenwn dedicated the grave, be­side thst of her husband. In the family plot, In the Hevljurn ceme­tery. Burley (uuernl home dlrectliiK.

ra«bcnnis vken- )„.r .-.oni, nnd flower'clr^ aere unil.-r the dlrec- tlun of Mr. .ind Mr.',. A llun.snkcr of Ileyburn.

Castleford Play Will Be March 3

' CASTLm)RD, Feb. 3D — A new play. "Mni. Unrle Rnm." will bo PWMWed In the CR.-.tlefor<\ whool ;ym March 3 with the Identity of he title cbAriictcT n .lurprl^c for

tha'o attcndliig.Other role-, will he enacird by

Jeroma Zach. Belle Murphy, D^^lclit Brou-n, MtWml Ban\Ph. I\n 6:implp -ltd Don Ilniirv, Other chnrncttr-s •111 be pUjrtI bv Carol Hiik-y. rhnl- « Ret'e, Hciie Coiir;.(l, Norma ikelm, Ckoii Virgin .-md Irene Moii-

EX-60LniER TO DIF.I-nTLETOK, Colo., Feb. 23 f,rp

-Frank M. Martr, 34. ex-soldlrr ijffm Fort Logan, coiivlrtfil of mur­der In the dcnth of Knthleen Ann Qtlsl. aa. at Ensltwood. IilM De­cember, was sentenced by District Judge, Osmer E. Smith Monday to ........................ prl-son ga.i



C A L E N D A R'k

SALE DATESMARCH 2W . E . nurh iim

AdvcrlisemcnI. I 'fh . 2H

MARCH 6Hun(-Lnm! and Livestock Co,

Advcrtipcnu'nl March

MARCH 7Pearl Sallcrw ltilc

K lacksm ilh nnti fJaraRe Efltiipmcnl

Advcrti.somctil. ,March .■>


PUBLIUUCTION SALEleeatlon: * Mile* sooth. 4 "tTeat, M mile south of Jerome

THURS., M A RC H 2 a t 12 NOON

Lunch Ser>-ed on Grounds

27-Springer Cows-27Some Heifcra



F a y C o x , o w « e rBill HolIcnbeck, Auctioneer Heb-n Wilson. Clerk

bfrr u-A.s m.,i,

Oto. A. Ch;

1 Clough

Cnunty AsseMor, lion of 1D4S tAxes

on P,«ctlpl No. UIJ, NWii Sec 9. TuT). II S n IS B B M In the amount of Sl.03 to correct error Cancellaiton wna ordered made ai

In r Repair

.lu;>;up nnd have a fuw roiigli ,»l2’s to moko your hny .sllp.s. The lock ol composition roofing la

•nil.- willrcrilly m»ke >o .Msny farmfrii lire ii.'liiK that In biillrtms their tcnsnt house.s nnd chicken houses.

The bridge plnnk has been golns out rapidly bu t there's still n good ilimnilly In the yard. 'Ilieso nre 3; 12'/. lu OreKon coast fir. Wi- have i llmlifd Quniitlty of hardwood floor Ing. We alio' have step ladders li 4, S nnd S and 8 foot lengUia. Thesi bdrtprs may be extended so they will reiich twice iheir helKht by leaiilnx i-Kiiinst. the building or the may be U'od n-s slop ladders In tli lem;th!. mentloiiod.

Mr. Shrepiniiii. how about you wool baR.?7 We have a limited <iuamity of four [wund. c uuKli' Bool Mifka on uhlch wc made n wcinilcrliil buy. We’ro going to liais that siivli!'.' on lo you luid nre offcrliiE thc.'.f V.001 bags nl 75o ench In .buiifllc.s ol 50 or 89c for thiule bags. I talked to several sheepmen who u?ed this aams type of bag. They told me they paid $1,00 for them last ycur.

We received a new shipment of kalsoiiilrie and paint. Mow l.s the time to pnlnt those Implements nnd get them reudy for aprlng use. We have Implement paint In nioiit of the ottracilvo colors. ThU paint will cover eitiicr wood or mcial sur- laccs. Wc also Huve Un.«ed oil nnd turjxntlnc and enamel for Inside woodwork, our stock of linoleum b going out but we get In a new ahlp- mant nearly ev*ry week. W» have a tev galvanucd soring* caos aod rope halters. Honoj sued gaaoUna can* and a limited number of Irri­gating &hovcls. We have a good quantity of pre-war sisal rope Ir sites ’i, % and 1 Inch. Also coma cotton TOP# in amaller lUea, WeVt most widths and weight* In canvas far Irrigating and iheep (h«di. New'i Ihe time to get your Irrlgatln* canvas while we have It In atock.

We have another car of that Utah lump coal oa the track. It m iut b« unJoailed today ana Wednesday. If Tou need c«al youll save the ooit of unloading b]r getting It off the car. Bring your truck or trailer, or phone your order to M l.


On Uie aoad to (he Uotpltal

iccept«d. a .. . Clerl thorlled '

C. Krtmor . Putil ACCOM

Ohio Chemlral * Mfg. Co.. stirRlcal aupplles, <27,63; Physlclnns Hos- pltiil Supply, surgical supplies. {3.13;

claiLi Supply Co.. equipment, ry, J710.0.1; Mildred Rymnn. s nldr, 8J3J0; Homer Baxon. :al 8tip|ihe.v 17.60; Sharp

Hmlt :ul Div., rgkaltis«04; O. P. Bkaggt System, ii.mv « 6.02; o. p. Skiiggi 8yi- provt-slonji. I128.S1; Elhabclh ', nurse, Sin; standard Brands,

provLiions. J19; Standard UiK Co. printing, HVM; Sur- Kii|i(>lv Cfhler, surgical sup-

. Ttroy, nursfi. J24 33-

i Coc* CoU Bott. CO.. - -0; Tu.in Falls Co.

■n.h fivript.v H50.I9; rt iiiul Ice Co, pro- Tuin F»lbi Lumber ■ 'i, Vosel’s. provls-

ilsrecii Drug Co.. berg Bros., dray- Ward, upkeep, ifl.


M DJ 1310.18;

Ahboll Plumb- , Br.iuoii Coil .■i: lUihl Phai-

Mrs. Amia

■ 11330; hurrouciu, Adding Mnohlii* :o, ribbons. |fl«0; Jrn A nrown, nileage and expend-. JOflM. W C. 3rown, c».'h rFcripti, n.B3; D T. 3ollnBbroke, cnsh tecrlptt, $3.05;

A. D. Dobler, repair, IS88.00; Burk­holder Furniture Co.. court room

nse. M3I.55.m A. Chapin, In.virance and

bond premliun, »l73i7; City of Ta in water. tlD.13; Geo. A. Childs.

Ileiiiif nnd expense, J3iHfi: cioi mk store, office .iippMcs, 11.M5;

*3 87; »1M

« fPf. M 12; -Ipt.r 50 34.: r. H»ll, ca

mrs. HM10: Jrjpphlnrsalary. JBSBfl; Tdnhn Co. records and sup- nlen O Jenkins, car

'; Klmlierly Advertiser,

»ery, pr!«nner« bnnrd.


. 13.12;ephoni

service, JIOTO. T, PHrkln«oii. fnlary. IlSn.fitl;

H. 8, Post. saUry. JflflOO; W tl Prleb*. rrpnlr, 11050; Hen E. Potter mileage nnrt expenae, *1020; Pea- vey-Tiiher Co., Insurance and bond premium, 138000: Lol.« J Rudv. ex­tra help. J3150: Wlllls V Kvvlser. nssc.'ohie, glOa.OS; Slicrwond T\pe- wrller Exch.. repair, >400; Sinclair Refining Co., car expenie, I1.B8; atandard Oil Co. of Calif., car ex­pense. JI7.4.V Soper's Gt-nlcr, re- pair, IMOO; Standard Printing Co., printing, JS005; Doris Blradlev, mtleafie. Ml.XB; Salt Lake Stamtt Co., stamps, $9.07: Sweet Fumltiirr Store, repair, M.'Sl.«7| Lee Shaver Ux refund, 11 TOO.

Ttmes-News, prlntlnR and piih- llshlng. S77 55: TlKnieti! Top A: Rudy Works, court. c>n'''nse. S<0"5 Twin Falls Co-op Oil Co., rnr ex ppnse. S7R0; Twin Fnll.s Feed ,V Icc Co.. snll, $5.00; Troy Laundry, Inrnv dr>'. Ill.^l; Stuart It. Taylor, bond premlumi, 8SS.OO; The Te; par expense, »l<3,76'. Twin FitU OlaM t paint Co.. repair. IS.8S.

Utiih Oil Refining Co.. car ex. pen.se, KJ1; Union Ol! Co. of Calif., car expen-'f, 15.25: Unlm Motor Co., car expeas<>, M5.00: L. E. Ward, Jus- ttce fee*, 13.00-, WrlRhtruelCo.,cncl. *562.89: WnrberK Bros., conl, I3.';3 ; Kyle M, Wnllc Co., repair, J«3'.; no.ve , J. Wilson, cash tccelin.s, $108,00.

Mrs. Joyce Wells, extra help, *107A0; Wtlgrecn Drug Co., dniRS. $0.74: Western Union. iclcRram. <0c. Weed Eradication Claims Approved

Weed erndlcnllon proved nnd warmnLs were ordered drnwn In pnymciit thereof iia lol lows'.

Richard Baggs, refund. $::.30; Tli Buhl Herald, printing, 135; Rnrea Nox Weed Control,'ca.sh receipt, $3; Bureau Nox Weed Control, pelt C0.S1). IM; CIos Book Store, offic .supplies. »l9.9i; Roj Date, «xtr help, 127.90; Mtn. States Tel. and Tel. Co, Tel, jervlce, M.40; L. E. Nlcholi, watchman, MJO: RayT Texaco Stntlon, car Exp., f5awtooth Co.. repair, »4i5: Skl:i. nei’s Repair Shop, lepaSi, Si.M; Tlmes-New.s. publication, *13.20. Iloaptut Expense Clalmi Approved

Hospital expense claim.? were ap­proved and warrants were ordered drawn as follows In payment there­of-..

Acme. Sanitary Supply Co., H. H. suppllea. tJ39.90 Other G. Ander­son, upkeep. t333.S0; Lurelle Dean, nurses aide. IU.S3; Harry W. Barry, repair. 131.03; Benson Coal & Ser­vice, lutl. i\«M; BuW UTOdTy, laundry-, »1,024J0.

Rule Calder, nurse. »I8; .Cnrler’.s Ind. Mfttkcl. provisions, *500.05:' City of Tft'ln Falls, walw. »75.74; CIos Book Btort, offlea luppllea. M9.W; DeVWBtter Bi«a. Ini:., « . H. •upplleg, ♦JB.7S; Electric Bekery, provUloiu. t69JI8; Mae Herron, nurse. |22,M: Wm. O, Harbour, pair. SIBO; Mas Herron, nurse. 1.40; Idaho Creasierle*. provltloiu. «3US: ifiiho Sept. Store, Ino. as> algned elalm: Lois M. Tlmko, nurie, »T8J0; Idaho I3ept. Store, fne, R. H. fuppUes. 100.79; Idaho] Power Co.. Sec. and repair, iH l ll; IL 0. Jeppesen-'jnlleicond Sxpn Jenone OO'Op Crcameif,-- -—

fuppUet, I1U.7S: MoKtmn * Bob. Mna, Inc.. dm**, M7J8; Mtn. SUtei Tel. & TtL Co., Tel. MTrtc«, (Sl.tO;

mt : Koy Flilli i

clp. *5.W.Idiilio Ocpt. Store, Inc., farm sup- Ucs. Jia<; lilalio Power Co., «I#e- ■IcHy, tiS.eS; Klngsbuiv's, flnigs,

*2B.37; Uduni Drlvo In Market, pro- • • ns, *53.63; McKccu Mllllnj

Ice, Kfnln, SC.75; Marketerla. 1.S11III.S, S20 30; Mutts Ser -lco Ion. car <-xp„ 139.81: Mtn. Slates

Tvl. Co., ul, Mtvict, W.Oi; . States Tcl. TeL Co., t«L ICC. ja.85.

lolds fMnorul Home, amb. serv- U200. OarWiid Stnnipa, salary. XI, Almu Slnmps. aalarj', 120.04; er Nu\oii. liul. expense, 113.33: .IViUuuMiN llusiill.ii.1, T. B. llosp., B8; Troy Uiindry, laundry,

. . . 1); Jeff Tliackcr. cow, JUO.OO; Troliiiger^ Plmrmac^, drugs, *19.01;

s Mortuary, Ind burial, in Falls CO. Gen, Hos- Ind.. JI13Q.15 Twin FalU

[’iiiiu Co, rcp;ilr. »3J)0; Fecil A; Ice, feed. J334.M; :ii- farm sJpplles, I9.8S; Bros., coal. *101.57;

louse rent, *10.00; Wrlghl Fuel Ci>. coal. J75.5H; White SWtie

,V C;.Ie. cuic of Ind., *131.(15;aim I Co., . *2,47.

ICENStS GRANTKD r tha aalB of bottled nted to H. F. Thoroi-

berry W. E. QilSSllh.Rniiiliic bijsliic«.s wti-s traiuacted itll the hour of 5:00 o'clock p ni. iril a renv«.-s t.iken unlll I0;00 lock a, in. i’ubruarv Id, 1044.

E. V, .MOLANDER. io*f. Chatvmaj .

A. BULLSS, Clerk.

Tivin h'nlls, Idaho, 1-Vhr.mry IB, 1944, 10:00 o'clock a. m,

nKOVLAll FEIHIVAHY 8E3310H nrd of County Commli- d at this time pursuant Comml.'slfin' r nnd the t



3reen absenttan.sncUrt

e hour of 5:00 o'clock p. m. recess waa taken until 10;00 a. m. Febniary 18. 1M4.

E. V. MOLANDER.Chairman.

BULLES, Cleih.

AMKNDKD PETITION In the District Court of the Elev­

enth Judicial Dustrlct of the State of Idaho, In and for Tw’ln FalU county,IN THE MA-nnt or -nic


COMES NOW the above named James Willlnm Hinton and Jennl*

Spafford, the mcilhet of wV4 lu-.s Willlnm Hinton and re- ctliilly »-hu«-;

•hat Jfimcs Wlillam jrintoif waj n at Tttin Fnlls, Idaho, Novem- B, I0:e. nnd Iw tvo'),' tc t Ses at

Twin Fnlls. ■

Tliiit 'tlltloncII,


Jennie S. Himoti) of itie said James

William KWton end now ytiSdfj at PnlLs, Idaho. Tlint WllUam

Frnnk Hinton Is the father of the ibove named Jnnie. William Hln- un and his l^ct t:iwv,ii ixldicis wat Jrass Valley. Cnllforjiln.

111.Petitioners mnke this application

or the purpose of having tha name )f aald Jamea William Hinton ■hanged te Jnrhe.s Henry Spafford nr ilie rtiu.on thul for several yenra a;,v‘ paM the saW James WUUam ilhton ha* nantmcd the name of lame.n Henry Spafford and has been :nown nnd IdentUled by said name.WHEREFORE, Petltloneri pray

.or nn Order of the above enUtled CQvn-i changlns the nane of James wilUnm Hinton to Jamea Henry Spafford.


FRANK L. STE3>HAN,Attonny lor PeiWoner*Re.Mrtence and Office Twin Falls. Idaho.


JAMES WILUAM HINTON and JENNIE B. 8PAPTORD. belni lint duly iwom. depoia and tay:

That tliev are the PetlUonera . oamed In (he foregoins Amended PetlUon: that they have read th#

sUtemenU tisenla contained fra

ftiWmiwT, .

{b e a u f r a n k l . n * m nNotarr Publia lor 14aba. -

ReiWlni a t Tirtn faU l Idaho., Publish: Feb. IS. 23, Uarch 7, '

/ •> ' - .““v

Page 8: Senate Approves Shift in Planes, 36 Ships Primary for Soldier Votenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · COMING Marqul* Chlldi, trUr- mO eort«»>

— ■ ■ ■ ■ L--:--Pap:e EIgh!

1, t € M O I 5 K € W r A i cS if (s )m ip ts u i d ia h is d

i, Wl.irr.-- I.l.<ri*»*r<. IM«, HHA I-*


-niry don'l kiuiu- rt -'h*|i Ksltf Dm coinfnrtliiKlv. n-i llirnik'n 1 hf llioiiElit Hint mncic- i Ii Iiik miirli

• bcttrr.

roa.M ovi'rclnnr and loiiKh tlip

n rr.siiU Pec Inrliirtrd hrrsrll in tlif

• "1 4-onlrt miirdr: Collin.' nump " I j . . "I IMoiiKlii \oii »rrr iiiiKl

htre Ur L-."-I coiiirt nnirclfr liiai.' niuli'-rr.l

1] PfK with flcrrr inc lii-lvotir..,, -forfVeO'lhlliK. Why duln l hr- irlr-plinnr?'Wlini d he to Inrn np

lliU Cm M'rt ini- to

U\cllni.t to .1.1 (•..;lln.-, k.'pl llir ftlnia.I 1.X<.11IM'.-Iy ma.- nhi>r . .invrr.'.ali.m KolnK. inl--rjr. lim; all tl.r iiiorr Ju- rl.l l..>t Ir.».i !)>.■ lior.MM iniailh K<v;.|p hr-,| ptrkrd iiP In Wn.-hlli«- t.,11 Pi k- ...... .iopi..d li.-L'nini; lo

1.1 lirr n|.,nl..n tlirv wrif

■Thftiicht nf It II'') I" " I him on thr iniin " _ ^ tlii.ir ^li'lo'i..': y:v.r of prn|>ortl.iti

TIMES-NEWS, TW IN FALLS, IDAHO Tuesdny, Tebruftrjr 29, 1D4I

Kilty Minl.'hrd a nH kliill ticiii bun

miin'j clutch iil fiK nv ciipr'.-i Imlr. Collttis i\nrt Mnr Kfrp clLscvj.'.'.liiK t''t prOspcct-1 of ft nnyi otfoiislve In Hiis- Rln *iid siibmnriiic on Ihc AllmillK c.oMl llkp nny two cliaiicc met triu- rlfK on A Iralii. '

Ben knew lliorr nns no IrMiiR (o rrnri Collins' (ucc If Cnllin» hiid round liLi m-r|)lion sliiilliii;; li*-

f>irrmil' Bf-n iilwrivs rii liiKr n nlRli! of/

Coltlll.1 nlttin.' Irui;;!

dnrknrss n( liu own kium l OccMloi\«lU, Hi*' ilM- iMnokp from a vnli Clvfx mriiKcr pulil irmnl combiiMiiiii llittiK Imimlslvp, /I ilonH In llif kl


Brn. «Vfn 4iin>i’l '-il if> 'ill rtlwlly thf ohnrt of ■ llfr [>cak«I lip .nul r lih niiirr .riiM i,f in.

ilcjl nvTl in ft pr;icii liiiDltM by |y.i|ilr 'III'* ipn iin nlDi. 1)11! II I llnDlllty rtpvp|ti|ic<l t)>

<>! iiilMiiKlcn.tandtnK I

niid siicfdrn fiirv hitd lc<[ tn Ipiili oiii Aiit'i had Miiinprd It dnnn a to KItly an nrn c<rn Iind read w di-intprr .

Similarly, «l ihf i: thougli ^hr tliniiElit llltlP nuccr (iroiinil tlip KCrnirt to fncp lipi "111 l>o.surp ttmt liKllntUd did—IncltidliiR (riUiil i

■ {rlfMK-bollicrrd him

wiiriylnK nimul Collins being np.'-«> nlxiut ;nr.”

"»oa- can sou toll wliol iip ftJ Collltw iind wlial tloc.Mi'1?"

"Yoii ciin'l. n KclJ.—tlrrr omi (Tr> Ho Conlliiuntl

2 S c h o o ls J o i n in

I ’ a n - A n ie r ic a n M e e t

ml:.|i. Iclllni: »l thr l.h <-ii<-li oil.' rri.:rs,nl(

Al' AtOIOIIKtJ sen

H(H.r) K V K RV T n iN i;

■ f .

/ ■ i

■ X " - ^

I \

, s A

....... .

()y ^

"Do It Rood Job in ihr cornersl"




ANSWER.: Randolph Rtld. Tex.


o r r o n i { \v a y \u w h . i j a m s

lO F.'Ou R£ OOf-'P

■OjCiliLF AS IT DOl-: TO riMDr-u: n-iAT otheB J

M F r S L I K K T M A ’r I’.y NEHEI i

nr tiinl Mrs. Morgan nrxt iluc

S ID E ( ; l a n c e s

out Uiih n ni’« lur loal."


-I V,




•niENlOOESr VA b. A ^ 1D^iEA?Xl>PAPS_;



( AN' 1 'TlL’l&Ke Hit'll NSCK-- 1.‘


SOOW UETRAtNlKJ') [[ (UlLL eWD )--- ' .ff-'

t i T



Page 9: Senate Approves Shift in Planes, 36 Ships Primary for Soldier Votenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · COMING Marqul* Chlldi, trUr- mO eort«»>

Tuesday, February 29, 1911 TIMES-NEWS, TWIN FALLS, IDAHO Page Nind

" S ' " M a r k e t s a n d F i n a n c e

srausioips * « « «


CKICAOO, Feb. 29 (,7V-Aftcr dli- iiUvvta: "onNr r.trfnath nt l.hc open-

>lira( itiicl TVO (utiirr.4 eiucd wwiiiiiK rricournaed by weak Aim piitmti iimrlceis wlicr«

wi'iii ri'fordi.'d In connec-sllli II f.tal<'iiiPiii by SUain iiiiK c'liriy .irfrnl (if Ocrmnny,

Page 10: Senate Approves Shift in Planes, 36 Ships Primary for Soldier Votenewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/Times-News_TF... · 2014-12-12 · COMING Marqul* Chlldi, trUr- mO eort«»>

Pape TenTIMES-NEWS, t w in f a l l s , IDAHO Tuesday, February 29, 19-1-i


mimimCinCAGO. Fi'b. JS -r.-A

mission of iHQulry lin-« liirii n to conduct 1 iwo-yrnr siiidy • stntus of freedom of the i thf Onlli'fl Stntos, iM- Hutchins ol tlip tiiiivri ChlrnKti nnii(>uiii-'''l M<’1h1:iv

Hiilctiliw. ahn -aUI tc rvr if i jnnn of thp croiiii. n'li'incii u Qlllr>- ans mndr Ixi-H'l'- In >• of Iiinrt.tof • . Ulr I

K.-I)«‘kah O fl'ic ia ! to

\‘ isil (Monns I'orryI'KK.


Iiln., nrb''ki*li is i inljl.v [iir'klciit, Kill pay lirr nf- Kin] vl.'ll In Ihr Allrrn lifboknli «li;r Miirch n, when n no-litv.!

will l)u .Horvod 111 till* (lining if tlip Mrltindlst iliiircli by

of tl.r WSC.S

clmrni' of kc'iplli

Iry Jonrs. nlKlil


niiiiWiinl with llic (IriiliinU''

Krciiti'M Iiiriii Inlx'r |>rrii;i iiiii

iminlty niol)iIjrntl<i

M.W I’OWKi: I,INKWJNK KKiiny. Koi). :;!I 1 I'dwrr KdiiK Li biilldliiK i' Hc-j, n fnrm!> ur.'t at Glpim.s FVrry, 1 will furnish clprlrlclty to llip

I)oOtir«n, Solo«nl)iil • nnd Kcilt>sp Inrrrj.



M A R ^ J U I S

Sound and fomporato, b o ls to ro d always wHh unassallablo facfs

g loanod from jourcos accQ ssib lo to few outside of official circlos,

M arquis Childs has a n a t io n a l re pu ta tio n as a top»notcli roportor

covorifig Washington a n d os a co m m o n ta to r whoso outlook is chcor*

fu l and whoso criHctsm is po no tra flng an d consfroctfve. H e Ilkos

people, but ho llkos, as h a occasiona lly dislikes, with d iscrim ination .

H e Is fho author o f s eve ra l b e s t sellers on political subjec ts — an

. au tho r you will flfid rew o rd ing t o road daily . Beginning




is this selection from the

9M o 2 ) , m e m S io r e

2 a o d 3 P n e c e S n i i 5 t , ^//// o f l l i r Month!

S I I .

■\ Sen' Slii[)ni«'n( of

. l O I I X {{. S T C T S O N


5 :1 5 .0 0$19.50

N F W A N P N F A V S ’

, $ 7 . 5 0

Ullirr SIflimii Hu{» S8J0. SIO. S12.50 MAIN ri.OUIl MKN'S STOIIK


C O A 'I 'SWc uoii'i iiiM'miil I,) ilii- si‘lfcli(iri. lull iii>'<' v,,ii 111

ihcm for vtmrsoli! A ll styk'.s — Hiui a w.-al!h ol' iiiii(cn'ii/s.

to § 4 7 .5 0

A N<‘\ \ , I 'n liiip d , H iif f <m

J A C K E T '

$ ^ 9 0

' $ 2 . 9 8



3.98..4.98: PKtfnt lrii(l\pr fornbliicd

with Kiiljarclliiff — nil put.

rut - (ir Rrnhi lr;,tlicr.

Ulnck. imvy. brcnvn mid

. Inn. Top hiiiullM. uiidiT.

nrm and fnvclo|ip slyle.v

New Sprinff


A >mncihir! S'lunteil nuny hfri nml l..r, ,.ilh r^r/jif. roomy

■allr,l S,sU;lilrM! lUrl.Sfl/'CIMe. frlM -i-'ll'I* u.iM.tJ

98c. Hllll^fll fubrlc kIqit:. —

Duvlone simlc fubrlc. Hip- ' on style. 0-biitton IniKtli .1 cuff. Clille (iicfii — Vililtc

, . _ wliltc orctilcl - blue Jnckcl — nijcrly red —

r ; pctnl pink — iiiipc uold — ■1 blnck.s _ licri) 1)Uip.

Slzca 8 to 8.



. ■ $2.98

Fine qimllty wlln

. iftJlored or with fanfioiliig

, trims. Tea rose and white.

I Slaa 32 to

Ai.tfN- yinon

DRY couus

CompUl* el iliai oxd WiVrlii

VIlBlllr Opin lt»d IhVn

Imr OvtdMC and Compgt Witi, >5.}0 «f<il U

fit tliel’ictory Tempo!

Shoes with a bright anti busy fu tu re !

Yotj’Jl wear thcfti crery^viierc, dottWy

---- tb a iik fu l for their iiccl’grippingrrcslful- iitr-

S pring through suninicr, count ou gallant

V ita l i l j Shoes fur the Victory Tempo!


I.iir^o Siii|)mi!iit



Men’s .l.nticklc (nll- Itubbor)

(’bildreir.s Giiioshcs

Women's Galoshes





•mv W«r lone/*

Pu.stcl btraw.i niid fplti — -New! -NOVflty-trlmS'nml-: -

deslRtus - off-tlic-fnce nncl ' turbaii ihnpei.


New! !


f $ 1 0 .9 0 i

fictiirfprrlly^' Ofrn-iindr.l, . /Inlleting lia...good iil nil Anrirj.

for uvi’ifii In ifie/uihioii'liiow.

l^tticiouj, /lirialioui pump iril/r .prrlljr bow and capliialinf

cp^n iw. r«f)<o4(p./I«iMp. comforlobltt Ntuiplotiic tolt.

I Shown in the Main Floor Shoe Department

■ $12.90;; Jusl arrived In nev pinid*. <■ r plnln and pn.sltl jtiades— i

Uncd, fitted and chesKr- •i Held Btylef. MM of the*e -|, arc SOr wool fabrtci. ’


ID A H O D E P A R T M E N T STORE“I f I t Isn’t R ight, Bring It Back"