Client Name: DEFRA Issue N o : 2 May 2002 (revised December 2002) Oxford Archaeology o a The Management of Archaeological Sites in Arable Landscapes BD1701 Final Project Report Supporting Documentation Appendix K: Consultations

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Client Name: DEFRA

Issue No: 2

May 2002 (revised December 2002)

Oxford Archaeology

o a

The Management of Archaeological Sites in Arable Landscapes BD1701

Final Project Report

Supporting Documentation

Appendix K:Consultations

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Appendix KConsultations

1 Consultations and Presentations...................................................................................................2

1.1 Steering Group.............................................................................................................................2

1.2 Seminars and Lectures and Papers..............................................................................................2

2 Respondents to written consultations ...........................................................................................4

2.1 Initial consultation.......................................................................................................................4

2.2 Specific consultation on issues.....................................................................................................5

2.3 Specific work carried out for project .........................................................................................11

2.4 Initial Questionnaire..................................................................................................................14

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DEFRA Management of Archaeological Sites in Arable LandscapesAppendix K Consultations

Oxford Archaeology 2 May 2002 (revised December 2002)


1.1 Steering Group

1.1.1 For the purposes of this project a Steering Group was set up consisting of:Steve Trow Head of Countryside Policy, English HeritageBob Middleton FRCA, Senior ArchaeologistFrances Griffith County Archaeologist, Devon County CouncilJan Wills County Archaeologist, Gloucestershire County

Council and ALGAO andKen Smith Peak District National Parks Archaeologist and


Steering Group meetings held on:• 17th January 2000 - OA offices: George Lambrick, Klara Spandl, Ken Smith, Bob

Middleton, Jan Wills, Steve Trow , Francis Griffiths• 15th May 2000 - OA Offices: George Lambrick, Klara Spandl, Ken Smith, Steve

Trow, Frances Griffith, Bob Middleton.• 17th July 2001 - OA Offices: Bob Middleton, Ken Smith, George Lambrick,

Klara Spandl

1.2 Seminars and Lectures and Papers

PapersNew Methods for Managing Ancient Sites on Farmlands 2000 (for inclusion in MAFFEnvironmental Research and Development Newsletter)

Lambrick, G 2002 Plough Damage, A New Approach to Mitigation, ConservationBulletin Issue 24 - March 2002, 22-23


Paper delivered to Conference: Review of MAFF’s Research and Development onBiodiversity and Conservation Management, 14th July 2000

MAFF Soils Project: National Trust Conference, 10th -12th October 2000

Medieval Archaeology Conference on Archaeology and Agriculture, UniversityCollege London, 4th November 2000

Professional Course on Archaeology and the Rural Environment, Department ofContinuing Education, Oxford, 15th January 2001

Presentation to AGM of Institute of Archaeologists at the Society of Antiquaries, 6th

September 2001

Paper for Preservation of Archaeological Sites in situ Conference, Paris, 13th

September 2001

Presentation to English Heritage East Midlands Region, Northampton 26th June 2002

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Oxford Archaeology 3 May 2002 (revised December 2002)


Presentation/Consultation meeting with staff at English Heritage, at Centre forArchaeology, Fort Cumberland, Portsmouth, 7th February 2001.

At Oxford Archaeology with FRCA Archaeologists and English Heritage CountrysideAdvisors, those present: George Lambrick, Klara Spandl, Bob Middleton (FRCA,Senior Archaeologist) Jeremy Bretherton, (Countryside Archaeology Advisor,Worcester), Dawn Enright (FRCA Archaeologist), Mike Anderton (FRCAArchaeologist), Joy Ede (FRCA Archaeologist), Nick Russell (CountrysideArchaeological Advisor, Gloucester), Paul White, 2nd May 2001.

Presentation (via Bob Middleton) to English Heritage Internal Seminar, 26th April2002.

Seminar: DEFRA Archaeology in Arable Landscapes Project, Stakeholders’Seminar, organised by OA to discuss project. Held at Society of Antiquaries 27thNovember 2001. List of participants invited who agreed to attend (those in italicswere unable to come on day).

Robert Jones Framlingham FarmersRoger Adshead Framlingham FarmersAndrew Clark National Farmers Union (and colleague)Gill Swanton Archaeologist and LandownerFenella Collins Country Landowners AssociationJonathan Wordsworth Council for Scottish Archaeology, Agricultural

AdvisorVarious Wildlife and Countryside LinkA Representative Farming and Wildlife Advisory Group (FWAG)Rob Woodside Archaeological Advisor, National TrustPeter Wade Martins Heritage Management, Norfolk Archaeological

TrustIan Barnes Senior Environmental Advisor, Defence EstatesGeorgina Dobson Council for the Protection of Rural EnglandRichard Brand Hardy Co-ordinator of Research and Development

Projects, DEFRAAnne Davis Head of Countryside Stewardship Scheme, DEFRAAlan Bullivant Agronomist, DEFRAVince Holyoak English HeritageVic Jordan Soil Management InitiativeAndree Carter Soil Management InitiativeColin Stride Soil Management InitiativeMatt Davis Environment AgencyRichard Massey Field Monument Warden, English Heritage and

FarmerMelinda Appleby Advisor in Rural Policy and CommunicationsMelanie Pomeroy Avebury World Heritage Management OfficerMr Cumber FarmerDavid Morgan Evans General Secretary of Antiquities SocietyPeter Halkon Hull University

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Oxford Archaeology 4 May 2002 (revised December 2002)

PROJECT STEERING GROUPSteve Trow Head of Countryside Policy, English HeritageBob Middleton FRCA, Senior ArchaeologistFrances Griffith County Archaeologist, Devon County CouncilJan Wills County Archaeologist, Gloucestershire County

Council and ALGAOKen Smith Peak District National Parks Archaeologist and


PROJECT TEAM/CONTRIBUTORSKlara Spandl Project Manager, Oxford ArchaeologyGeorge Lambrick Director, Council for British ArchaeologyHoward Elliot Reading Agricultural ConsultantsDr. John Boardman Environmental Change Unit, University of OxfordAndy Buckley Research Assistant, Oxford Archaeology


2.1 Initial consultation

2.1.1 At the start of the project a questionnaire (a copy of which can be found at the back ofthis document) was sent to all Local Authority Archaeologists, Universities withArchaeological Courses and Commercial Archaeological Units. The aim was tocontact a wide spectrum of archaeologists for information on the issues concerned.The majority of information supplied was followed up and used throughout the life ofthe project. A list of those who responded to this process has been included in Table1.

Table 1: Respondents to initial questionnaireName OrganisationBennet, M Lincolnshire County CouncilBird, D Surrey County CouncilBlockley, K Cambrian Archaeological ProjectsBryant, J Bristol and Region Archaeological

ServicesButeaux, V Worcestershire County CouncilBrunning, R Somerset County CouncilByrne, J Humber Sites and Monuments RecordCadman, G Northamptonshire HeritageCambell, G Oxford ArchaeologyCampling, N North Yorkshire County CouncilCanham, R Wiltshire County CouncilChapman, A Northamptonshire ArchaeologyCross, R Canterbury Archaeological TrustCrummy, P Colchester Archaeological TrustDarlington, J Lancashire County Archaeology ServiceDavenport, P Bath Archaeological TrustDensem, R Museum of London Archaeology ServiceDickinson, E North East Lincolnshire ArchaeologyEskine, J Avon Archaeological UnitFarr, S, J National Museums and Galleries on

Merseyside, Liverpool MuseumField, N Lindsey Archaeological ServicesFrench, C Department of Archaeology, University

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Name Organisationof Cambridge

Griffith, F Devon County CouncilGurney, D Norfolk Landscape ArchaeologyHardie, C Northumberland County CouncilHartgroves, S Cornwall Archaeological UnitHeslop, D Tyne and Weir Special Conservation

TeamHill, C Glamorgan-Gwent Archaeological TrustHoldsworth, P Cumbria County CouncilHopkins, D Hampshire County CouncilKaner, S Cambridgeshire County CouncilLawson, A Wessex ArchaeologyMacaulay, S Cambridgeshire County CouncilMudd, A Oxford ArchaeologyNewman, R Lancaster University Archaeological

Unit (now Oxford Archaeology North)Niblett, R St Albans District CouncilOake, M Bedfordshire County CouncilPalmer-Brown, C Pre-Construct ArchaeologyPendleton, C Suffolk County CouncilRowe, P Tees ArchaeologySanderson, I West Yorkshire Archaeology ServiceSauer, E Keble College, Oxford UniversityThomas, H O Shropshire County CouncilThompson, D Gwynedd Archaeological TrustThurham, R Gloucester District CouncilTinniswood, K A Hertfordshire County CouncilWalker, W S Earthworks ArchaeologyWaller, C Wilts CCWardle, C Staffordshire County CouncilWelch, C Staffordshire County CouncilWilliams, J Kent County CouncilWills, J Gloucs County CouncilWise, J Buckinghamshire County CouncilWoodcock, A East Sussex County Council(No Name Given) Nottinghamshire County Council

2.2 Specific consultation on issues

2.2.1 Numerous people were also contacted on specific issues throughout the life of theproject. Those that responded have been listed in Table 2.

Table 2: Specific consultationsName Organisation Data/information suppliedAlexander, D Edinburgh Centre for Field

ArchaeologyExcavations in Angus looking at ploughdamage and management

Anderton, M Historic EnvironmentAdvisor, RDS, DEFRA

Remote sensing techniques

Atkinson, R Humber SMR Humber Wetlands ProjectAusten, P English Heritage Management/condition of Hadrian’s Wall

World Heritage Site includingphotos/illustrations

Avent, R CADW CADW information and various Welshprojects

Bachelor, D English Heritage Various on English Heritage/CentralArchaeological Service data and projects

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Oxford Archaeology 6 May 2002 (revised December 2002)

Name Organisation Data/information suppliedBarnes, Ian Senior Environmental

Advisor, MODVarious, including monitoring ploughingconsents, management agreements andcomments on Model

Bennet, M Lincolnshire CountyCouncil

Advice for further consultation

Bethell, P Chedworth, National Trust Issues of chemical changes to the soilBewley, B Royal Commission on

Historic Monuments inEngland/English Heritage

Aerial photographic and National MappingProgramme data

Bleasdale Agricultural Statistics,National Assembly forWales

Farm type statistics

Booth, P Oxford Archaeology Model testing and general informationBowes, J University of Stirling Modelling soil erosion techniquesBretherton, J Countryside Archaeology

AdvisorHerefordshire projects, model testing,arable stewardship

Brinklow, D York Archaeological Trust Advice for further consultationBrown, M Assistant County

Archaeologist, East SussexCounty Council

East Sussex Plough Damage Survey

Brown, N Essex County Council Stour Valley Project and reference torelevant excavations undertaken in Essex

Brunning, R Somerset Levels andMoors Archaeologist,Somerset County Council

Further references to Somerset Levels andinformation on peat issues

Bryne, J Humber SMR Advice for further consultationBullard, M Principal Research

Scientist and SiteManager, ADAS

Papers on Miscanthus research

Burke, A Post-graduate student,University of Stirling

Project looking at modelling survival andcondition of monuments in Scotland

Cadman, G Field Officer,Northamptonshire CountyCouncil

Advice for further consultation

Chambers, B ADAS Soil erosion papers and MAFF soil codeChandler, C Royal Commission on

Historic Monuments inEngland/English Heritage

Information on data held

Coad, V English Heritage, SouthEast region


Cotton, J HerefordshireArchaeology

Model testing

Corfield, M Chief Scientist, EnglishHeritage

Relevant English Heritage projects

Cromwell, T English Heritage Rockbourne survey data/reportCrow, P Forestry Research,

Forestry CommissionInformation and report on energy cropsand trees

Crutchley, S RCHME/English Heritage National Mapping Programme digital dataDarvill, T Bournemouth University MARS data and KnowltonDavis, M Regional Land Quality Co-

ordinatorEnvironment Agency policies

Dorling, P Breacon Beacons NationalPark

Management Agreements

Ede, J FRCA archaeologist VariousEdwards, R Worcestershire

Archaeological Service,Worcestershire County

Marches upland and Offa’s dyke surveys

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Oxford Archaeology 7 May 2002 (revised December 2002)

Name Organisation Data/information suppliedCouncil

Elsworth, J andFrances, M

Archaeological andArchitectural RecordsManager, CADW

Supplied database of Welsh SAMs

Ellis, P English Heritage Information on English Heritage databasesEvans, B Department of Geography,

Anglia PolytechnicUniversity

Use of air photographs in defining,assessing and monitoring plough damageand understanding the processes thatproduce cropmarks. Details oncompaction.

Evans, D,H Archaeology Manager,Humber SMR

Advice for further consultation

Everson, P English Heritage Degradation of earthworks in WestLindsay

Fairclough, G English Heritage Boundary loss in Lancashire and historicalchanges in agricultural populations

Fearn, K English Heritage Model testingFiddes, L Archaeological Records

Officer, CADWAerial monitoring programme and otherCADW projects

Field, N LAS Archaeology North Cockerington and Spilsby reportsand comments

Foreman, S Oxford Archaeology Model testingDr French, C Department of

Archaeology, Universityof Cambridge

Various, OA commissioned survey onWyke Down and meeting

Geake, H Archaeological Unit,Suffolk County Council

Various on metal detecting and ploughdamage, meeting, comments on model andillustrations

George, I Inspector of AncientMonuments, EnglishHeritage - West MidlandsRegion

English Heritage scheme to assesscondition of SAMs from the air

Dr. Gibson, A Fort Cumberland, EnglishHeritage

Walton Basin project

Green, M Down Farm Information on Wyke Down Barrow workHalkon, P University of Hull Excavations at Hayton, OA commissioned

reportHall, D Fenland Evaluation project Fenland projectsHardie, C Conservation team Officer,

Northumberland CountyCouncil

SMR references to plough damaged sitesand comments on Hadrian’s wall

Harrison, S Archaeological andHistorical ResearchServices

Condition Survey of Mortimer barrows

Hey, G Oxford Archaeology Cotswolds Community Centre excavationsHinds, K Norfolk Landscape

Archaeology,Photo illustrations

Hivernal, F Cambridge UniversityAerial photographicdepartment

Information on data held

Holyoak, V Countryside Policy Officer Information on SAMsHopkins, D Hampshire County

CouncilGIS data on landuse and the presence ofbarrows and ring ditches

Humble, J Inspector of AncientMonuments, EnglishHeritage, East Midlands

Scheduled Monuments @ Risk pilot

Hurst, D Worcester County Council Survey of ridge and furrow in West

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Oxford Archaeology 8 May 2002 (revised December 2002)

Name Organisation Data/information suppliedMidlands

Jackson, R Project Manager,Worcestershire CountyCouncil

Work at Ariconium and model testing

James, A English Heritage Model testingJohnson, D Wildlife Countryside Link Contacts at Wildlife and Countryside LinkJones, L National Monuments

CentreCosts re NMR data

Jones, M English Nature Conservation of peat soils reportsJordan, D Terra Nova Proposed Soil and climate change study,

augering and hydrology informationJowitt, A DEFRA World Heritage Site Special Stewardship

ProjectKerr, B English Heritage English Heritage projects liaison and CFA

MARS strategy documentKenny, J Chichester District

ArchaeologistCo-ordinator Worthing Volunteerexcavation and model testing

Knapper, I DEFRA GIS Unit dataLane, T APS Archaeological

Project ServicesFenland Evaluation Survey, Navenby andOA commissioned work

Laws, G Oxford Archaeology Model testingLawson, A Wessex Archaeology Potterne reportLeahy, K North Lincolnshire

MuseumReference to North-west Lindsey survey,and information on Cleatham andSheffield’s Hill cemeteries and generalthoughts on issues

Longley, D Gwynedd ArchaeologicalTrust

Bryne Eryr, Anglesey

Lott, B Lincolnshire CountyCouncil

Support for research at NorthCockerington and Spilsby

Lucas, L Advisor, GI Unit, RDS,DEFRA

ESA and CSS digital data

Luff, M Committee for aerialphotographs, University ofCambridge

Information on aerial photo resource

Macaulay, S Project Officer,CambridgeshireArchaeological Field Unit

Meeting - all issues, OA commissionedfieldwork, model testing and managementagreement information

McAvoy, F Central ArchaeologyService, English Heritage

Details of work at Owmby and meeting

Martin, E Archaeological Unit,Suffolk County Council

Various during meeting and comments onmodel

Massey, R Field Monument Warden Meeting and model testingMay, J Department of

Archaeology, Universityof Nottingham

Deterioration of Coins from Rothwell Top

May, K English Heritage MARS dataMilne, J National Trust

Archaeologist, WestMidlands

Duncote excavations

Morgan, J English Heritage SAM statisticsMoss, A English Heritage Field

Monument Warden Hants.Information on Rockbourne long barrow,Hants.

Murphy, P English Heritage RegionalScience Advisor

Advice for further consultation

Napfer, I DEFRA GIS dept Cropping data

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Oxford Archaeology 9 May 2002 (revised December 2002)

Name Organisation Data/information suppliedNewman, J Archaeological Field

Officer, Suffolk CountyCouncil

Various observations and examples of theeffects of arable

Olivier, A Head of Policy Unit,Archaeology and SurveyDepartment, EnglishHeritage

English Heritage projects and data

Palmer, R Air Photo Services Use of air photos for various aspects of theproject and advice for further consultation


Pre-construct Archaeology Navenby

Parry, S Northants Archaeology Cotton Henge dataPaterson, H Consultant Norfolk Monuments Management

ProgrammePawson, B Agri-environmental policy

officer, CountrysideCouncil for Wales

Tir Gofal

Payne, A Geophysical Survey Team,Archaeometry Branch,English Heritage

Wessex Hillfort Project

Dr Pendleton, C Sites and MonumentsRecord Officer, SuffolkCounty Council

Variety of useful information on topicscovered and meeting

Dr. Pestell, T Centre for East Anglianstudies, University of EastAnglia

Bromhom Priory and Snape

Pickering, D Harpercollins Bartholomew’s digital mapping - used asbase mapping for National Model.

Plouviez, J Suffolk County Council Information on Hoxne and IcklinghamPollard, M Bradford University Archaeological conservation and the

environmentPomeroy-Kellinger, M

Avebury World HeritageSite Management Officer

Model testing, information on Special CSSfor Avebury and Stonehenge WorldHeritage Site

Reynolds, P Butser Ancient Farm Further work at Butser1

Rimmington, N English Heritage VariousRoberts, J Gwynedd Archaeological

TrustTir Gofal

Sanderson, I West Yorkshire SMR Brierlands excavationsShepherd, J Birkbeck College, London Information on National Character

Mapping, produced originally forCountryside Commission

Smith, G Gywnedd ArchaeologicalTrust

Various Trust work

Spencer, S Council for the Protectionof Rural England

Various CPRE documents

Spoor, G Emeritus Professor ofApplied Soil Physics,Cranfield University

Water management and conservation inpeat areas

Swanson, P FRCA GSI Unit, Leeds Digital Agricultural Land ClassificationData

Templeton, Mand Knapper, I

FRCA GSI Unit,Leeds/York

Farm type data - both present and past

Thompson, D Soil Survey and Land Soil Association data for National Model

1 Unfortunately Dr Reynolds was unable to complete this work, ‘Sherd Fragmentation through Time’prior to his sad demise

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Oxford Archaeology 10 May 2002 (revised December 2002)

Name Organisation Data/information suppliedResearch Centre, CranfieldUniversity

Tinniswood, A Archaeological RecordsOfficer, HertfordshireCounty Council

Use of air photographs and managementagreements

Thompson, D Cranfield University Soil Association data and advice onapplications

Van de Noort, R University of Exeter Monuments @ Risk in England’sWetlands

Waddington, C Dept. Archaeology,University of Newcastle

Effects of ploughing on crop-mark sites inthe Milfield Basin and paper oninterpretative model for lithic scatters inploughed environments

Wade, K Suffolk County Council Comments on comparisons betweenploughed and suburban sites

Dr Wade-Martins, P

The NorfolkArchaeological Trust

Details of the Norfolk ArchaeologicalTrust’s conservation and reversion schemeand comments on direct drilling

Wardle, M National Trust Work at SlindonWalker, P English Heritage Fenland Evaluation ProjectDr Watkins, C University of Newcastle DEFRA Attitudes surveyWebb, A WYAS Brierlands excavationsWelch, C Staffordshire County

CouncilWork at Baggot’s Park

White, P HerefordshireArchaeology,Herefordshire CountyCouncil

Impact on Potatoes in Herefordshire andOA commissioned survey and modeltesting

White, R Birmingham UniversityField Archaeology Unit

Wroxeter Hinterlands Project

Williams, T English Heritage Farm survey grants and English Heritageprojects

Wilson, P English Heritage Information on Cawthorne Camps, EHliaison and photographs

Withington, Mand Webb A andRoberts, I

West YorkshireArchaeological Services

OA commissioned work at Brierlands andmodel testing

Woodside, Rob National Trust Copies of National Trust’s Soil ProtectionStrategy, Agriculture Policy, Guidelinesfor Site Monitoring

Wordsworth, J CSA ArchaeologicalAdvisor on Rural LandIssues

Scottish Agri-environment schemes andtheir effectiveness, comments on modeland misc

Yarnell, T Archaeology and HeritageAdvisor, ForestryCommission

Energy Crops

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2.3 Specific work carried out for project

2.3.1 During the course of this project various work was commissioned from externalbodies, a list of which is included in Table 3. Full reports of this work can be found inAppendix J.

Table 3: OA commissioned workName Organisation Task AppendixHalkon, P University of Hull The Effect of Deep Ploughing on Archaeological

Deposits, Hayton, East Yorkshire - A Case Study,Nov 2001


White, P andCotton, J


The Impact of Potato Growing on ArchaeologicalSites (2001) and model testing


Dr French, C University ofCambridge

Effects of past and present ploughing on theprehistoric monuments: in Wyke Down, CranborneChase, Dorset, case study, Dec 2001


Lane, T andHonnor, J

Archaeologicalproject Services

Archaeology, Arable Landscapes and Drainage inthe Fenland of Eastern England, Feb 2002


Abrams, J andMacaulay, S

CambridgeshireArchaeologicalField Unit

The effects of agriculture on selectedarchaeological sites within the CambridgeshireCounty Farms Estate, MAFF/OAU Researchproject, Oct. 2001 and model testing


Roberts, I andMartin, L

ArchaeologicalServices, WYAS

Land adjacent to Brierlands, Garforth, WestYorkshire, Archaeological Evaluation, Nov 2001and model testing


Rollright Trust Re-survey of Whispering Knights Jvii

2.3.2 Appendix J also contains stand alone unpublished currently documents produced byEnglish Heritage specifically for this project:• Appendix Jviii: Tennantry Farm, Rockbourne, Long Barrow (CfA site 236), draft

topographic survey report text by T Cromwell, English Heritage March 2002.English Heritage. Unpublished report, collated for this project

• Appendix Jix: Archaeology beneath and within the ploughsoil: a case study,Owmby, Lincolnshire, by F McAvoy, English Heritage May 2002. Unpublishedreport, collated for this project.

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2.4 Initial QuestionnaireName: Organisation:Question Yes No Comments and referencesGeneral Surveys and Assessment CriteriaDo you know of any generalassessment projects or studiescarried out in your area or by yourorganisation on plough damage toarchaeological sites or monuments?Where did they occur, are theypublished? If not are the resultsavailable?Artefact IssuesDo you know of any studies whichhave been undertaken to assessarchaeological damage related toartefacts within or below the ploughsoil in arable areas (includingdamage to artefacts themselves)?Information on Excavations and Surveys of Plough DamageDo you know of any measuredsurveys carried out in your area orby your organisation instigated bythe threat plough damage to sites orgroups of monuments?

Where did they occur, are theypublished? If not are the resultsavailable?Do you know of any excavationscarried out in your area or by yourorganisation instigated by the threat

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Name: Organisation:Question Yes No Comments and referencesof plough damage?Do you know of any otherexcavations where plough damagewas/is clearly seen to be occurringand would provide usefulinformation about its effects?Where did they occur, are theypublished? If not are the resultsavailableDo you think they fulfil thefollowing criteria which may makethem worth re-investigating toassess recent plough damage:Very good locational dataA very secure basis for makingcomparisons of archaeologicalsurvivalReasonable knowledge of thecultivation history of the site sinceprevious records were madeDo you know of any other siteswhich may be suitable for re-excavation (or survey), even if notinitially excavated due to ploughdamage i.e. if they fulfil the criteriaabove, if the excavation records areavailable and if the site is stillaccessibleManagement IssuesDo you regularly inspect sites forplough damage? If so in whatcircumstances?

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Name: Organisation:Question Yes No Comments and referencesDo you regularly offer advice onmeasures to reduce plough damage?If so through what mechanisms?

Do you have criteria which you useto assess plough damage onmonuments ? If so please could yousend a copy?

Do you have any details on anymanagement agreements whichhave been drawn up to limitcultivation or to use particularcultivation methods for sites in yourarea. If so what forms do thesetake? Could we see copies?

GeneralWe would also be interested toknow your general views andconcerns about the issues involvedin the management ofarchaeological sites in arable areas.