f InTHE STANTOW Kv Jru 11 1001 t TRY tho Judge Tnft clear for a choice smoke ui 1ounyn Druj Store prescription work la unsurpass us and be coavlnccil Ionnyu IQUit PERSONALS KUJAII MOORR of Liberty was here yettenluy Miss STHLLA MCCUAUY Is visiting friend at Plat Lick Miss IJBSsm MATTIUS It gpinding a few doe In Louisville 0MJ68 NANSMM PiiKLiS of Fujrttto It with Mrs It 0 Hooker Cur W G WKLCII was conUned t- his ° room several days by lllnea MU IL M BALLOC wife and child ren of Lancaster were guest at Kid Joseph Hallouf- MK I E N UrNDUtv of Springfield pent several day with hit brother Mr J S Hundley- MASTBKSGBOKOK 1 GIVHNB Samuel avid Jamo UarrU ipont last week with relative at Mlddlciboro ONo B PHUITT W C Greening I lid D C Allen of the Wet End hav- I returned from Cincinnati t MK A TUIHIILB of Junction City pent several days at Mlddlotboro I mingling with old friend MHS ANNB DCNS and MU Mabel Doan of Noblodvlllo Ind are guests at Mr Bed 011 Chancellor I MISS Plant BtMisSIDB und J W I Ilout Jr pont Sunday afternoon with MM Hugh Murray at Lebanon j ATTOKNBY GKKUKAL R J BHRCK isRioutt was here Sunday to sea Col i W 0 Welch wbo hili b en 11- 1MK AND OIIlA IL S SCLDDKK Of I McKlnney attended tbo banquet trivet by the alumni of Georgetown Colic MK J V AHVOID I ipendlng week with tit purest at Boston Joe t t Kewlaod of Crab Orchards le Oiling ieao hi plane at the deHt during hi ab Miss CLARA VAX AKSUAtit of liar rodtburg hay returned home after a I pltotnat visa to Mhea Flora and Byrd 01IMRS W T MEKKIMRH of Llvloge i tot well known here Ares two ho fro et a burglar but unfortunately did not kill him t Mit Jolty MAURB and wife of Llv faction wore here Friday en rout I M Laaoaitor to attend the burial o Mitt Lolta Ward- S Miss MARY CAHI KNTKR wbo hn been intending school In Kama City If at home with her parent Mr am Mrs T t Curpuntor- DR It It IJOCKIOAN one of Ma ¬ rbn4 good oiilsen and kitueol demo I eras Joined bit wile und children nt Mr U 0 Ilupleys Saturday t BOKN to the wife of B F Ferrell Monhiwl a mipound boy Tbenrc parenu have named him for Kentucky e Artyred eovernor William Goebel IllS Lot LKWIS oDd granddaugh ter little Currie Edward of Sao An > boob TexHi who have been rbltlag elaitvM at Huttoavllle bare returned home STBCLE BAILKY of this place will be editor Inchief of the Oentra Co 1w Ifge Canto next year Alfred A111 gins also of Stanford trill be bUillneld manager MK T II BODEK of LouUrtlle one of the tnott accommodating and skill ¬ ful of piano tuners sueni a week here anJ restored harmony to raaay an in etrutnenuMK K B MARKSIIUKY of Gar ¬ 1card found the pookotbook of Mrs W P Walton lost between narrod bur and Danville and hm her thanks for Its return GBOKUK A MCROHKKTS who has been prescription olork for W B Me Roberta hue given up hU position n Is resting up with hili wifes parents Garrard preparatory to taking a simi ¬ tt lar position with G L Penny Mlt A B McKlNNKY and handsome daughters Misses Emma and Nunn McKlnnsv of Lynnvlllc III aro vlsi log hid mother Mrs U B MoKinnoy In tho Wast End We are glad to eta o that Mr McKlnney Is prospering in h adopted homo PitOK AND MRS J W DAVIS of Mlddleburg Normal College were hero Friday and left at this olllco n largo order for catalogues They aro leaking a splendid Institution of learning out of 4their school apd wo aro glad to know they are being liberally patron ¬ zed Mir UOHEIIT U BROWN ono of Mt Varnons bet lawyer has entered tho law firm of Wesley Brown of Som t erect and tho firm name hue boon changed to Wesley Drown A Drown These three wldeawako young mon tcuko a strong team and will undoubt- edly ¬ get their part of the legal bUll ¬ ness of tbo town and county AMONU tho 23 graduates of Cent re r College and high upon the roll of hon ¬ or Is young Kenkrlck 5 Alcorn ° Stanford son of lion J W Alcorn and grandson of tbo late J S JCenclrlclc of this city We onco heardan elderly lady to whom Kendrick had paid so polite attention say of him That tlib nicest boy I eyer know and no will certainly make his mark In the world for I sea greatness In his soul throu his honest eyes Somerset Journal clorklngIn I MRS J W BRYANT of Versailles Is with Mrs E 11 BcaJoy Mu AND MRS II C FARUIS horn taken rooms at the college for tho sum ¬ mar MR R WALTON EASTLAND of Ow onion U with his brother Mr A G Kastlnnd Tun Fancy Work Club will meet gulch Mrs C K Tutcat Bald Thursday aftarnoon MR MAX SAUNOHK was with Mana ¬ ger T D Runny In the Louisville Store yesterday Mil JACOII GiNSliURO and wlfo and lire Joseph Glnsburg spoof Sunday in Cincinnati MR LKWIS ROSBKIL who U Si years old Is very low und tear aro entertain ¬ I ed thus he can nut recover I Miss SUSAN VANARSDALK will en ¬ tertain tho senior sinus of Stanford Fc main College with n Flower Party this afternoon from 1 to 7- MR Jolla IL KsaLKMAN and wife spent Sunday with Mr C Butler Un gletnan of Paint Lick who Is very low of heart trouble MnymoIty Frank of Danville were with Mr and Mrs John Bright Jr ste Harding who has made Doyle county a capital attorney for nearly 23 years Among outer good things about him tho paper soya Mr Harding Isa Christian gentleman over true to prin clpleclcan and upright In all his walk In life and his many friends are urging him for Congrefc for the circuit judge hip and other political honor It LOCALS I lira FINISH at Craig Hooker ODD pant at costJ tiV Porrln wa GO to Craig t Houkarn for perfect lifting spectacles j NBW things In neuk wear at Cum ¬ min McClary LOT new reouldlng for picture fram M Baa lay Hays V ANT D to rent a onehorto grai e tripper Edward Carper TO- G KNCINH Dearlng Fixtures for sale by D S Carpenter Huttonvlllo candelabrasf olor Wn have just marked all our ladles Wad gents Tan Shoos at cost This Is your chance John P Jones W L MCCARTYS toro at Kings villa was broken Into last night and a considerable haul mode oflfift nit RKNT Residence due rooms on Danrtlle Avenue S1 acres of land Splendid location II CCCb 90000 SWBKT IOTATO plant for sal e Bermuda lOo 100 Southern Qneon m Bratlllan J5o W S Wlgham Moralaod Ky 0 MKN WASTED T6 able bodied work on the Danrllla sewere Steed y niilovm ent for six months at 91 1 IIJ L PaU rOB A Co eontrac- orll PROP M E PituiTTs school at Maryland closed Friday evening with appropriate 8xarelt eA at tha Methodist church In the presence of a largo and I enoe TllK next examination for white teacher will bo hold nt the courthouse rlday and Saturday June 21 and 22 Supt Garland Singleton sake us to state MlSSKS ADAMS Hustonvlllc will sell their millinery stock on reasonable moIn ¬ on them thehlnd toST and will convert it late a sod bulldlt tono am InContrnlKontucky leSTOCK nFDUCTJOAboUL ssoooo LincolnNational duco tho capital to 50000 and curt JB ¬ tbodirectors Rollags capitalStanford as of Heavytaxes great reduction AltItRSTfUGeorgoSLopbenBon JosupbWbltlo blLlnllheen broughint ed was arrested several weeks ago and likely thathoth will be tried at fthis term of court Stepheoson mar ¬ ried soar Fulton and snored to Tex but came buck some six or ser en months ago and engaged In farming whore ho was doing well and making caelIs y r Fishs arrest for the crime and also that ho was being hunted The re whogh ed ch up the case will got a good share EXTRA Clean Red Top Cane Seed Ulgglns McKlnney patentViol NEW mounts and carbon finish plot ¬ urea and everything new Miss Sa cray FOR tbo revI teat Idea 1 Kid shoes for ladle and gents to to J P Jones Ruth iitltlt that our terms arc cash kld8J KICKED nv A Mcus Louis little non of Jatns T Jones was kicked In tho taco bII mule Saturday Fortu ¬ nately bo escaped serious Injury WALTER C GRKEXINO will make a Iettlnl storebouse next to his store there and hill commenced on a nice cottage on his lot on thIs ofhank for which let us gore thanks Those o our patrons wbo have been putting oil tbo payment of their accounts because revenued J W PBRRIN thinks there is oil un ¬ der his store Every now and then th pavement just in front of his door Is covered with a treaty fluid that comes up between the bricks Thero Is little doubt that there is oil In and around Sanford and If It is found In quantities MO may all bFrich yet TUG will of Mr David W Vandc probated ¬ a property real and personal to his wlfo equally C Varnon lira Mattle Kirby nod Nannie Vaodeveer at her scorn Craig Jaekmans will leaving MH probatedTbls extent of yesterdays business In tba county court FAIR DATB CIIA UIWThe Huston vllle fair date bne been changed from July 21 25 26 to July 31 and Aug 1 and 2 when the best fair In Contra Kentucky will be held Those who hove enjoyed the hospitality of our Wct End friends during fair time or any other time as fir at that Is con ¬ cerned aro looking forward with pleat urn to the above date and will bo on hand from early till late Paper tba kayo mentioned the Huslonvlllo fair will oblige us by making mention of the change of date ACTINO on our suggestion that the people of Stanford make some preparet tion for the coming of Mayor r and tbo board of trade of Louisville on tbo 18th a meeting was held at the Hx coun ell bad appointed Mr Varnon and May- or ¬ Monafeu a committee to confer with our busies men and make some ar ¬ rangements for the entertaining of on distinguished guests during tbelr few hour stay hereavid last night Dr W1M ° to act them These gentlemen were request viat I ¬ they d remain with us tie and report at a meeting to be held at the courthouse at T10 tomorrow Wednesday evening when it Is hoped scarp citizen of Stan ¬ ford wbo can will be prevent and lend a band in preparing a program that t- will all be glad to carry Into execution CIRCUIT COURT Circuit court bo gun yesterday nod for three long 4 weeks Judge Saulley will bo found In his seat in the circuit court room dill ¬ pensing justice Ills charge to tho outu every point and have been printed in full had not the adver ¬ floors taken so much of our space Jobng ° Anse1p r ¬ C Cover W A Cash B F Vowel M B Eubanks and Alfred Davis These gentlemen compose tho pot Wall John Stone R L Hublle J H McAl later J B Gllkereon D B Flint Ed Under ¬ wood W A Carson W S J II Boone A D Root R G Collier L G Hubble J E Bastln II C An ¬ derson and W U Parsons Of the 2tt Indictments principally misdemeanors on the flrsi days doe et 10 were continued until tbo no term The case against Dudley Vuught for murder committed nearly 20 years ago was dismissed tho witnesses foil lug to appear The murder case against Thomas Fish and Geo Stephenson was set for Monday next The caso against Mace Scarborough charged with hOI stealing was dismissed Charles Brown was acquitted on the charge of Was ¬ loco WulU for the samo offense was toed 325 and given 10 days in tall Tho proceeding to require of J T Adams n peaco bond was continued until next Monday Matilda Daugher ty wbo had sued herr husband Daniel dlillmlsiicd hereafter CONCERNING TURNPIKES heldJuno pnsldtng With till following JUktl- ce IJ W A Coffey und W U Wallen It U ordoreil by the court that tho turn dlvldfdInto magitMtt08 da red that th amount kind quality and Uiintltj of metnl to bo spread upon each turnpike or section thereof be advertised papersrUb mend shall bo spread upon the turnpike or suction thereof It Is further that llio metnl shall ho placed by tho contractor upon the margin of the turnpike or section thereof In caudltlnn to be measured the ntHglstrato In whose district the turnpike or section thereof U located and nhun M> men ¬ certl0edby UN regular October and April terms In ouch year und when approved bv gold court tax ty per cent of thu voice thereof shall bo LieCohn whenr have been spread upcn the turnpike or magictrace ald metal shall be spread and the thickness thereof No motel shut be spread before litSealed tho court nut later than IS oclock noon standard behe personaking The clerk of till + court Is directed to have printed copies of this order together with ande thereof Att GEO II Council Clerk A Copy gTANIOUI DISTRICT >0 I Stanford and Lancaster lanetG Sec 2 from Wm Logan to Oarraril line 5 rods rock and II rods gravel Hush branch pike pIkEto l1ubbtoJt Danville and Lancaster pike IS roes rook Stanford and Danvlllo pike lIopperhluoo 1I0yloII Stanford and Knob LIck pike rl1teto IC x from Hanging Pork creek to Dan ¬ lravelLIncoln Stanford and Mllledgevllle Dike r1keto See 2 from 3leQbrmucks Church to Mll ledguvlllo It 13 tats gravel CHAH OIICIIAKD DISTRICT NO S Crab Orchard and ChappellD pap pike 20 rods gravel plkoSec Orchard IS rods rock Sec t from G W Evens to Garrard Rue IS rods rock pikeSec Orclmra pike to Wilkinson Ilrnnch II rods rock Soc 3 from WilkInson Itninch to Crush Orchard und Lancaster pike 10 rods gravel pikeSec Ilaugh moos lane S rods rock lIyaten Sec 8 from liywaten gate to Grab Orch ¬ ard 34 rods gravel pikeSec pike to J G Lynns liouo S rods rock Sec 2 from John G Lynns house to lloones blacksmith shop S rod rock Sec a from lloone bluckstnlth shop to Ottcnhvlm 30 rods gravel Stanford Dlx River Our rard County and piker AN railroad to mouth of Duddernr mill road J II Illiitfs 12 rods gravel IfV Stanford und Lairnos Creek pike T rods grmvel VAYNESnUIta DISTRICT NO 3 piketiff pike 10 cols tuck 1 Irom Cttunhelm pike to Maywoodcoon ¬ ty road at foot of sap M rock a Front MnywootI road foot of gap to Carters store 10 rods rock 4 From Carters store to Hutchisons rockv schoolhouse to huts store 0 rods rock- s llutf store to Klngsvllle pike H rods rock houseOt s Geo Guinea house to G W Cleft house C cola rock u Prom O W Clefts house to Waynes burg II rods rock- Klngsvllle and Pleasant Point Pike Sec 1 from Waynesburj pike to county rood loading to Ocuey county 10 rasa rack 3 Prom Cusoy county road to Klog vllle 10 rods rock Turnlllke15rOlh Turnersvlllo McKinnoy Station and Cot toys IIII ltket rockC McKlnney to toll house 15 3 From toll homo to old Vm Pair house 15 rods rock lntersec1t ¬ tale rock MlilS plkot2 TunplkatS lols house 10 rods gruvel and S rods rock 31te HUSTONVILLE DISTRICT SO i- Hustonvlllo and Ilradfordvlllo pike 25 rods gravel Hustonvlllo Llburtyplko M rods gravel plkeiSec Sta ¬ tion 10 rods gravel 2 From Moroalnd to Bnyle county line 40 rods gravel- Carpenters Station und Moroland Station CravelTurnerlvllle pike 10 rods at gravel McKinnoy and Turn rsvllIo pike from J S gravelStanford Eel I from Stunford to Tornersvllle ao rods rock Turnersvlllo to Hustonvlllo 5 rodsgrnvuS pikeSec house 8 roJ gruvel 2 From Sam Helm to 0 HUhopg i rods gravel a From C l shopa to Stanford and Knob Lick pike 10 rod grouchI Attest This Space Has Been Engaged For One Year by John Bright Jr Co- W I llM mM M III Who Succeed the Firm of Warren Shanks and Through this Medium will TILL THEJPSPLE What They Have ToSell We are still showing A Splendid Assortment Of Linen Lawns Persian Laws Egyptian Tissues White and I Colored Piques Brown Dress Linens Duck Etc And The Best Line Of Embroideries Laces Hosiery and Kid Gloves ever shown in Stanford Our entire stock consists of the cream of thei market Buy of us and you get good goods only JOHN P JONES Stanford E r I We have just freshened our Midseason StockOF Sun ner Dress Goods And Notions with new dimities lawns piques ginghams tissues lace bands in black and whitv Val laces plearl buttons belts ties collars fans and umbrellas We are showing an immense line of Dry Goods and Small Notions Our line of Ladies Oxfords and Slippers is compl- eteSeverance Sons j I f i I We have one of the largest and best selected stocks of Vehicles I 1 Ever brought to Central Kentucky and aro prepared to show you i lylow Farming IDJpJel1lelltsI Including Farm Wagons Tooth and Disc Harrows Plows Rollers Etc in everything in tho implement line used on the farm We have our own Rubber Tire can replace your old Rubber TiresI Much cheaper than you can send to the city and Lave it done and also save you freight charges Call when you aro In town Bruce Bright Danville s New Goods New FirmJ And Every Day la Bargain Day Where You Find Everything Perfectly FreslAn- dlyou I have a Nice New Stock to select from Your patronage wills J bo appreciated Goods delivered promptly Call andsco usN a W W SAUNDERS CO i Phone 88 HO West Main Street ri F t k

Semi-weekly interior journal.. (Springfield, KY) 1901-06 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7n028pdg50/data/0635.pdf · rodtburg hay returned home after a I01Ipltotnat visa to Mhea Flora and Byrd

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Page 1: Semi-weekly interior journal.. (Springfield, KY) 1901-06 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7n028pdg50/data/0635.pdf · rodtburg hay returned home after a I01Ipltotnat visa to Mhea Flora and Byrd

f InTHESTANTOW Kv Jru 11 1001


TRY tho Judge Tnft clear for achoice smoke ui 1ounyn Druj Store

prescription work la unsurpassus and be coavlnccil IonnyuIQUit


KUJAII MOORR of Liberty was hereyettenluy

Miss STHLLA MCCUAUY Is visitingfriend at Plat Lick

Miss IJBSsm MATTIUS It gpinding afew doe In Louisville

0MJ68 NANSMM PiiKLiS of FujrtttoIt with Mrs It 0 Hooker

Cur W G WKLCII was conUned t-


room several days by lllneaMU IL M BALLOC wife and child

ren of Lancaster were guest at KidJoseph Hallouf-

MKI E N UrNDUtv of Springfield

pent several day with hit brotherMr J S Hundley-


avid Jamo UarrU ipont last week withrelative at Mlddlciboro

ONo B PHUITT W C GreeningI lid D C Allen of the Wet End hav-

Ireturned from Cincinnati

t MK A TUIHIILB of Junction Citypent several days at Mlddlotboro

I mingling with old friendMHS ANNB DCNS and MU Mabel

Doan of Noblodvlllo Ind are guestsat Mr Bed 011 Chancellor

I MISS Plant BtMisSIDB und J WI

Ilout Jr pont Sunday afternoon withMM Hugh Murray at Lebanon


isRioutt was here Sunday to sea Col

i W 0 Welch wbo hili b en 11-


McKlnney attended tbo banquet trivetby the alumni of Georgetown Colic

MK J V AHVOID I ipendlngweek with tit purest at Boston Joet t Kewlaod of Crab Orchards le Oiling

ieaohi plane at the deHt during hi ab

Miss CLARA VAX AKSUAtit of liarrodtburg hay returned home after a

I pltotnat visa to Mhea Flora and Byrd

01IMRS W T MEKKIMRH of Llvlogei tot well known here Ares two ho fro

et a burglar but unfortunately did notkill him

t Mit Jolty MAURB and wife of Llvfaction wore here Friday en rout

I M Laaoaitor to attend the burial o

Mitt Lolta Ward-SMiss MARY CAHI KNTKR wbo hn

been intending school In Kama CityIf at home with her parent Mr amMrs T t Curpuntor-

DR It It IJOCKIOAN one of Ma ¬

rbn4 good oiilsen and kitueol demoI eras Joined bit wile und children nt

Mr U 0 Ilupleys Saturdayt BOKN to the wife of B F Ferrell

Monhiwl a mipound boy Tbenrcparenu have named him for Kentucky e

Artyred eovernor William GoebelIllS Lot LKWIS oDd granddaugh

ter little Currie Edward of Sao An >

boob TexHi who have been rbltlagelaitvM at Huttoavllle bare returned

homeSTBCLE BAILKY of this place will

be editor Inchief of the Oentra Co1wIfge Canto next year Alfred A111gins also of Stanford trill be bUillneldmanager

MK T II BODEK of LouUrtlle oneof the tnott accommodating and skill ¬

ful of piano tuners sueni a week hereanJ restored harmony to raaay an in

etrutnenuMKK B MARKSIIUKY of Gar ¬

1card found the pookotbook of Mrs W

P Walton lost between narrod burand Danville and hm her thanks forIts return

GBOKUK A MCROHKKTS who hasbeen prescription olork for W B Me

Roberta hue given up hU position n

Is resting up with hili wifes parentsGarrard preparatory to taking a simi ¬

tt lar position with G L PennyMlt A B McKlNNKY and handsome

daughters Misses Emma and NunnMcKlnnsv of Lynnvlllc III aro vlsilog hid mother Mrs U B MoKinnoyIn tho Wast End We are glad to eta o

that Mr McKlnney Is prospering in hadopted homo

PitOK AND MRS J W DAVIS ofMlddleburg Normal College were heroFriday and left at this olllco n largoorder for catalogues They aro leakinga splendid Institution of learning out of

4their school apd wo aro glad to knowthey are being liberally patron ¬

zedMir UOHEIIT U BROWN ono of Mt

Varnons bet lawyer has entered tholaw firm of Wesley Brown of Som

t erect and tho firm name hue boon

changed to Wesley Drown A DrownThese three wldeawako young montcuko a strong team and will undoubt-



get their part of the legal bUll ¬

ness of tbo town and countyAMONU tho 23 graduates of Cent re

r College and high upon the roll of hon ¬

or Is young Kenkrlck 5 Alcorn °

Stanford son of lion J W Alcorn andgrandson of tbo late J S JCenclrlclc of

this city We onco heardan elderlylady to whom Kendrick had paid so

polite attention say of him Thattlib nicest boy I eyer know and no willcertainly make his mark In the world

for I sea greatness In his soul throuhis honest eyes Somerset Journal

clorklngIn I

MRS J W BRYANT of VersaillesIs with Mrs E 11 BcaJoy

Mu AND MRS II C FARUIS horntaken rooms at the college for tho sum ¬


onion U with his brother Mr A GKastlnnd

Tun Fancy Work Club will meetgulch Mrs C K Tutcat Bald Thursdayaftarnoon

MR MAX SAUNOHK was with Mana ¬

ger T D Runny In the Louisville Storeyesterday

Mil JACOII GiNSliURO and wlfo andlire Joseph Glnsburg spoof Sunday inCincinnati

MR LKWIS ROSBKIL who U Si yearsold Is very low und tear aro entertain ¬

Ied thus he can nut recover


tertain tho senior sinus of Stanford Fcmain College with n Flower Partythis afternoon from 1 to 7-

MR Jolla IL KsaLKMAN and wifespent Sunday with Mr C Butler Ungletnan of Paint Lick who Is verylow of heart trouble

MnymoItyFrank of Danville were with Mr andMrs John Bright JrsteHarding who has made Doyle county acapital attorney for nearly 23 yearsAmong outer good things about himtho paper soya Mr Harding IsaChristian gentleman over true to princlpleclcan and upright In all his walkIn life and his many friends are urginghim for Congrefc for the circuit judgehip and other political honor It


lira FINISH at Craig HookerODD pant at costJtiVPorrlnwaGO to Craig t Houkarn for perfect

lifting spectacles j

NBW things In neuk wear at Cum ¬

min McClary

LOT new reouldlng for picturefram M Baa lay Hays

VANT D to rent a onehorto grai e

tripper Edward CarperTO-

G KNCINH Dearlng Fixtures for saleby D S Carpenter Huttonvlllo


Wn have just marked all our ladlesWad gents Tan Shoos at cost This Isyour chance John P Jones

W L MCCARTYS toro at Kingsvilla was broken Into last night and aconsiderable haul mode

oflfift nitRKNT Residencedue rooms on Danrtlle Avenue S1

acres of land Splendid location II

CCCb90000 SWBKT IOTATO plant for sal eBermuda lOo 100 Southern Qneonm Bratlllan J5o W S WlghamMoralaod Ky

0MKN WASTED T6 able bodiedwork on the Danrllla sewere Steed y

niilovm ent for six months at 91 1

IIJ L PaU rOB A Co eontrac-orll

PROP M E PituiTTs school atMaryland closed Friday evening withappropriate 8xarelt eA at tha Methodistchurch In the presence of a largo and I


TllK next examination for whiteteacher will bo hold nt the courthouse

rlday and Saturday June 21 and 22Supt Garland Singleton sake us tostate

MlSSKS ADAMS Hustonvlllc willsell their millinery stock on reasonablemoIn ¬

on them

thehlndtoST and will convert it late a sodbulldlttono am

InContrnlKontuckyleSTOCK nFDUCTJOAboUL ssoooo

LincolnNationalduco tho capital to 50000 and curtJB ¬

tbodirectorsRollagscapitalStanford asof

Heavytaxesgreat reduction


JosupbWbltloblLlnllheenbroughinted was arrested several weeks ago and

likely thathoth will be tried atfthis term of court Stepheoson mar ¬

ried soar Fulton and snored to Texbut came buck some six or serenmonths ago and engaged In farmingwhore ho was doing well and makingcaelIs y

rFishs arrest for the crime and alsothat ho was being hunted The rewhogh ed


up the case will got a good share

EXTRA Clean Red Top Cane SeedUlgglns McKlnney

patentViolNEW mounts and carbon finish plot ¬

urea and everything new Miss Sacray

FOR tbo revIteatIdea 1 Kidshoes for ladle and gents to to J PJones

Ruth iitltlt that our terms arc cashkld8JKICKED nv A Mcus Louis littlenon of Jatns T Jones was kicked Intho taco bII mule Saturday Fortu ¬

nately bo escaped serious Injury

WALTER C GRKEXINO will make aIettlnlstorebouse next to his store there andhill commenced on a nice cottage onhis lot onthIsofhankfor which let us gore thanks Those oour patrons wbo have been putting oiltbo payment of their accounts because

revenuedJ W PBRRIN thinks there is oil un ¬

der his store Every now and then thpavement just in front of his door Iscovered with a treaty fluid that comesup between the bricks Thero Is littledoubt that there is oil In and aroundSanford and If It is found In quantitiesMO may all bFrich yet

TUG will of Mr David W Vandcprobated ¬

aproperty real and personal to his wlfoequallyC Varnon lira Mattle Kirby nod

Nannie Vaodeveer at her scornCraig Jaekmans will leaving MH

probatedTblsextent of yesterdays business In tbacounty court

FAIR DATB CIIA UIWThe Hustonvllle fair date bne been changed fromJuly 21 25 26 to July 31 and Aug 1and 2 when the best fair In ContraKentucky will be held Those whohove enjoyed the hospitality of ourWct End friends during fair time orany other time as fir at that Is con ¬

cerned aro looking forward with pleaturn to the above date and will bo onhand from early till late Paper tbakayo mentioned the Huslonvlllo fairwill oblige us by making mention ofthe change of date

ACTINO on our suggestion that thepeople of Stanford make some preparettion for the coming of Mayor rand tbo board of trade of Louisville ontbo 18th a meeting was held at theHxcounell bad appointed Mr Varnon and May-


Monafeu a committee to confer withour busies men and make some ar ¬

rangements for the entertaining of ondistinguished guests during tbelr fewhour stay hereavid last night DrW1M° to actthem These gentlemen were requestviat I ¬

they dremain with us tie and report at ameeting to be held at the courthouseat T10 tomorrow Wednesday eveningwhen it Is hoped scarp citizen of Stan ¬

ford wbo can will be prevent and lend aband in preparing a program that t-

will all be glad to carry Into execution

CIRCUITCOURT Circuit court bogun yesterday nod for three long 4weeks Judge Saulley will bo found Inhis seat in the circuit court room dill ¬

pensing justice Ills charge to thooutuevery point and havebeen printed in full had not the adver ¬

floors taken so much of our spaceJobng °


C Cover W A Cash B F VowelM B Eubanks and Alfred Davis

These gentlemen compose tho potWallJohn Stone R L Hublle J H McAllater J B Gllkereon D B FlintEdUnder ¬

wood W A Carson W SJ II Boone A D Root R G CollierL G Hubble J E Bastln II C An ¬

derson and W U ParsonsOf the 2tt Indictments principally

misdemeanors on the flrsi days doeet 10 were continued until tbo noterm The case against Dudley Vuughtfor murder committed nearly 20 yearsago was dismissed tho witnesses foillug to appear The murder case againstThomas Fish and Geo Stephenson wasset for Monday next The caso againstMace Scarborough charged with hOIstealing was dismissed CharlesBrown was acquitted on the charge ofWas ¬

loco WulU for the samo offense wastoed 325 and given 10 days in tall Thoproceeding to require of J TAdams n peaco bond was continueduntil next Monday Matilda Daugherty wbo had sued herr husband Daniel



heldJunopnsldtng With till following JUktl-ceIJW A Coffey und W U

WallenIt U ordoreil by the court that tho turndlvldfdIntomagitMtt08

da red that th amount kind quality andUiintltj of metnl to bo spread upon each

turnpike or section thereof be advertisedpapersrUbmend shall bo spread upon the turnpike orsuction thereof It Is further thatllio metnl shall ho placed by tho contractorupon the margin of the turnpike or sectionthereof In caudltlnn to be measured thentHglstrato In whose district the turnpike orsection thereof U located and nhun M > men ¬certl0edbyUN regular October and April terms In ouchyear und when approved bv gold court taxty per cent of thu voice thereof shall boLieCohnwhenrhave been spread upcn the turnpike ormagictraceald metal shall be spread and the thicknessthereof No motel shut be spread before

litSealed tho courtnut later than IS oclock noon standardbehepersonakingThe clerk of till + court Is directed to haveprinted copies of this order together withandethereof Att GEO II Council Clerk

A Copy


Stanford and LancasterlanetGSec 2 from Wm Logan to Oarraril line5 rods rock and II rods gravel

Hush branch pikepIkEtol1ubbtoJtDanville and Lancaster pike IS roes rookStanford and Danvlllo pikelIopperhluoo1I0yloIIStanford and Knob LIck pikerl1tetoIC x from Hanging Pork creek to Dan ¬

lravelLIncolnStanford and Mllledgevllle Diker1ketoSee 2 from 3leQbrmucks Church to Mll

ledguvlllo It 13 tats gravelCHAH OIICIIAKD DISTRICT NO S

Crab Orchard and ChappellD pap pike 20rods gravelplkoSec OrchardIS rods rock

Sec t from G W Evens to Garrard RueIS rods rockpikeSec Orclmrapike to Wilkinson Ilrnnch II rods rock

Soc 3 from WilkInson Itninch to CrushOrchard und Lancaster pike 10 rods gravelpikeSec Ilaughmoos lane S rods rocklIyatenSec 8 from liywaten gate to Grab Orch ¬

ard 34 rods gravelpikeSec pike toJ G Lynns liouo S rods rock

Sec 2 from John G Lynns house tolloones blacksmith shop S rod rock

Sec a from lloone bluckstnlth shop toOttcnhvlm 30 rods gravel

Stanford Dlx River Our rard County andpiker AN railroad to mouth ofDuddernr mill road J II Illiitfs 12 rodsgravelIfVStanford und Lairnos Creek pike T rodsgrmvel


piketiff pike10 cols tuck

1 Irom Cttunhelm pike to Maywoodcoon ¬

ty road at foot of sap M rocka Front MnywootI road foot of gap to

Carters store 10 rods rock4 From Carters store to Hutchisonsrockv schoolhouse to

huts store 0 rods rock-s llutf store to Klngsvllle pike H rods

rockhouseOts Geo Guinea house to G W Clefthouse C cola rock

u Prom O W Clefts house to Waynesburg II rods rock-

Klngsvllle and Pleasant Point PikeSec 1 from Waynesburj pike to county

rood loading to Ocuey county 10 rasa rack3 Prom Cusoy county road to Klog vllle

10 rods rock

Turnlllke15rOlhTurnersvlllo McKinnoy Station and Cot

toys IIII ltket

rockC McKlnney to toll house 15

3 From toll homo to old Vm Pair house15 rods rocklntersec1t ¬

tale rockMlilSplkot2TunplkatSlols house 10 rods gruvel and S rods rock31teHUSTONVILLE DISTRICT SO i-

Hustonvlllo and Ilradfordvlllo pike 25rods gravel

Hustonvlllo Llburtyplko M rods gravelplkeiSec Sta ¬

tion 10 rods gravel2 From Moroalnd to Bnyle county line 40

rods gravel-Carpenters Station und Moroland StationCravelTurnerlvllle pike 10 rods at

gravelMcKinnoy and Turn rsvllIo pike from J

S gravelStanfordEel I from Stunford to Tornersvllle ao

rods rockTurnersvlllo to Hustonvlllo 5

rodsgrnvuSpikeSechouse 8 roJ gruvel2 From Sam Helm to 0 HUhopg i rods

gravela From C l shopa to Stanford and Knob

Lick pike 10 rod grouchIAttest

This Space Has Been Engaged For OneYear by

John Bright Jr Co-W


Who Succeed the Firm of Warren Shanksand Through this Medium will


We are still showing

A Splendid Assortment Of

Linen Lawns Persian LawsEgyptian Tissues White and I

Colored Piques Brown DressLinens Duck Etc

And The Best Line Of

Embroideries Laces Hosieryand Kid Gloves ever shown inStanford Our entire stockconsists of the cream of theimarket Buy of us and youget good goods only




We have just freshened our

Midseason StockOF

Sun ner Dress Goods

And Notions with new dimities lawnspiques ginghams tissues lace

bands in black and whitv Vallaces plearl buttons belts

ties collars fans andumbrellas

We are showing an immense line ofDry Goods and Small Notions

Our line of Ladies Oxfords andSlippers is compl-

eteSeverance Sons






We have one of the largest and best selected stocks of

Vehicles I

1Ever brought to Central Kentucky and aro prepared to show you ilylowFarming IDJpJel1lelltsIIncluding Farm Wagons Tooth and Disc Harrows Plows RollersEtc in everything in tho implement line used on the farmWe have our own Rubber Tire can replace your old

Rubber TiresIMuch cheaper than you can send to the city and Lave it done andalso save you freight charges Call when you aro In town

Bruce Bright Danvilles

New Goods New FirmJAnd Every Day la Bargain Day Where You Find

Everything Perfectly FreslAn-



have a Nice New Stock to select from Your patronage wills Jbo appreciated Goods delivered promptly Call andscousN a


Phone 88 HO West Main Street riF
