r THE INTERIOR JOURNA STANFORD Ky JULY 17 IQoo E C WALTON BUSINESS MANAOEI THIS boat materials combined wltb care skill and accuracy Insure good result No othor methods are over used In our prescription work Penny Drug Store PERSONALS W A OARSON la ill MR E T BEAZLEY wont to Vcr Bailies Saturday MRS J II WONER and Miss Suo Woncr are both III Miss IJKTTIE PAXTON Is vleltlng tbo v Misses Logan In Louisville j WALKER PINKERTON returned from Richmond and other points Saturday MISSES RllODA LUNSroRU and Nan Tile VanDevcer aro visiting In Mt Vet non Miss SARAn BAUOHMAN wont to Danville yesterday to visit Mrs Monti 1Fox I I1SS MAOOIE McIlARDY of McKIn noy has gone to Canada to visit roll tlve ItMI88 LILLIE PEYTON returned trot Green Normal School yet tcrday MRS W A TRIUIILE and son Jamo Plckctt are visiting her parents InI I Mason county- JAColl t UUMMELSTflN of Somerset Waif hero shaking hands with old friends Saturday LITTLE Miss ANNA WILHOIT of Lexington has boon tbo guest of tills LcGrando Jones MISSES MAMIE PICKLES and Sui I Dcathorago of Richmond are vlsltlni Miss Anna Cover Mlt AND MRS WILL TODD of Chi cago are visiting Mrs W T Stoni and other relative MR W A DAVIS county attornej M of Woodford was hero Saturday wits Hon Harvey Helm MRS BENEDICT SPALDINO who hal- f been at Crab Orchard Springs return ed homo yesterday Miss PEARL BURNBIDE returned yesterday from a visit to Mist Jennie Buroslde Iq Garrard Miss CARRIE PEAK who hat beet the eueet of Mr Martha Severance e has returned to Louisville MR THOMAS M OWBLEY of Bow Unit Green spent a few day at bit father Hon J S Cwiley Sr REV R D MAIIONY Is at the Beaz ley Hotel Crab Orchard Rli wlfo and children spent Sunday with him hilts M E DAW80N and daughter Mist Ruth of Ash Grove Mo have been guests of Mr Eliza Dawson R ED HALE I oletking at Goo H FarrU it Coi while John H Shanks take bis place at Warren it Shanks Miss BLANCHE NEWKIRK who hat been trimmer for Mis Annie Phillip has returned to her home In Louisville MISSES MARY CONKWRIOHT and Susie Yantt have returned from a very pleasant visit to friend In Lan- caster Miss J ULIA STAGU will be a value ble addition to the faculty of Central Christian College Uustonvlllo next session 0 B SAMPSON of Mercer who II up- I seeing after LI farm tell ua his crop of wheat threshed only 322 1bushel t Miss OPHELIA CHANCELLOR return ed from Mlllcrsburg Saturday Mlsi Maggie Chancollor camo with her and is now her guest MRS WR MANIER Will Owsloy Mary and Miller Manier of are with non J S Owaloy NashvilleI Mr M J Miller MR AND MRS CALEII BROWN of Casey wore hero Saturday lo see Mr and Mrs Josh Brown off to Missouri after their visit to them t MR WILSON RICE and Misses Halite Rice of Marktbury and Bertie Liv ¬ ingston of Cilnton Mo are visiting Mies Margaret Livingston MRS MARY J GOODIN of Liv- Ingston camo down with Dr John S i Cooper yesterday to seek the benefits of JoMipnPrlco Infirmary MANAGER J B OWENS of Cumber ¬ land Falls writes that ho caught one catfish weighing 35 and another 40 Ibi He also writes that ho has a good crowdJOE FARMER tho old Kentucky democrat aa ho sign himself has sent us a number of subscribers since he has been at McLean III and Satur ¬ day sent ua some more MRS NANNIE HARPER and ton Jag P Harper of the West End spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr and Mrs C Lt Pruitt who have recently moved to tbe East End MR JULIAN BOURNE II juit back from Yale where he graduated wltb distinction In the law and Is with hi aunt Miss Florence Truebeart He will likely locate Lexington MR J W JAMES and bride nee Buchanan of Crab Orchard who wore r married In this city two weeks ago are at the Grand returning home from an Eastern tour Cincinnati Enquirer 14 MR W H MURPHY Misses Belle Roots Sue Wbliloy and Nellie Mur ¬ phy went up to Dripping Springs Sunday where Miss Nellie will stay a week or two with the hope of getting well and strong MR ELLERSON PADGETT who la 80 years old was over with his son R D Padgeit from Waynesburg yesterday The old gentleman ta getting feeble ana said It was probably his last visit to the county scat Miss MARY REID of Danville has been spending two wools In tbo city with MUaca Jano Todd Watson and Anno Cook Huffman and left for her home Saturday Miss Reid la a very pretty and charming young girl and was much admired while berLax Ington Loader ds LOCALS Go to Crab Orchard Springs and g et well W l- ion 1000 Addrell Lock Box 192 Stanford Ky 3t I SunritiBES onour cleaning up cow ter every week Severance it Sons A FEW weeks sa Crab Orchard Springs will help you L GOOD faro and excellent waters are two features at Crab Orchard Springs W exchange for hay corn and oats Higgins Sims Phon 44 PUKSS FOR SALE New Gor- don press for sale cheap Address W P Walton StMMFH shirts ndere and neck wear In boundless profusion at Cum mini ft McClary B FAUMEIIS are requested to call In and tee our Old Hickory and Brown wag ons Best made W A Carson STOltE your wheat with us at 1 cent per bushel per month and yet tho ben efit of aqy advance J II Boughmai S CoS Youn account le I add ready for you Call In and settle and save us the trouble of coming to you for the money 11111l Deck Tim Lincoln county democracy I thoroughly united In the belief tha Black Is the best man to be nominate for governor i TUB various privileges of the bus tonvlllo fair Aug 1 2 and 3 will boson at auction Saturday July 21 If not toll prlvatgly before TilE tax books are now ready and those who desire to pay will please cal at my office and do so as it will be gladly received S M Owens The the Christian church aL Uustoovllle have the dining room privileges of the fair Aug 13 losleai of the C W B M Society M stated McKiNNEY has a oestore Lot True of Falmoutb has opened a stool of general merchandise In the store- room recently vacated by G M Com best AT HU8TONV1UB J Bcechcr Ad ami asks us to say that the State or ganlzer of the Red Men will lecture at Elustonvlllo next Thursday night 19th Admission free SALE Mr V H Traylor ha bought of James A Dudderar and Mrs Anne Dudderar Dudderara Dlx River Mill and 00 acre of land adjoining for 10000 There Is a good dwelling on the taet BOYLE county delegates instructed for lion James B McCrcary at Dan vllle yesterday with non James D Black second choice Resolutions de- nouncing republican assassination fraud So wero adopted who have pretty fables night make them help pay expenses by showing them at the Ilustonvllle fair where there are three baby rings sows jour chance to find out what other people think of your offspring AUVEKTIBINO space iho dally to be gotten out by this office during tho Hustonvlllo fair Aug 1 2 3 Is going rapidly It will be a splendid means to make your wants known to the thous mode who will attend that popular fair Tilt Stanford Co has dis iolvcd and Mr Gold and Mr BIckotT Till for the present do business eopa ulely They have put a good deal of nosey In circulation since they came mere by buying things nobody else roofs THE nustonvlllo fair catalogue 44 sages and 2000 In number was gotten ml bv this Doles in three days In addi- tion to other job work With every acltlty and with willing workers this itUce Is almost boundless in Its accom illshmenta THE meeting of the South Eastern Kentucky Medical Association at Crab irobard Springs Friday was both a profitable and pleasant one Some 35 doctors wero present representing a dozen or more counties and an exten live program was Carried out Stan urns M Ds wore there In full force Toe malls aro out of joint J A IcRoberta at Lebanon Junction says he never Rots the INTERIOR JOUUNAL ho same day it Is printed though promptly mailed on 24 of the days of asue and often not for several days Patrons on the CS South and North of McKinney ought to get their papers ruble a few hours after they are print- ed but dont half the time A letter ailed at Hubblo on the 11th got to tanvllle oo tho 12th and reached here la the McKlnney mall at 0 p M on tbo 13th and yet Hubble ta but six miles from here The mall men must Itet a move on themselves or move out IN his speech before tbo democratic unventlon yesterday Col Welch apt Iy said that the Issue In Kentucky IsI self preservation and tho triumph tbo lawgiver the murderoua tactics f- tbe republicans and their policy of as 18lna lon It overshadows the tariff 16 to 1 or any other question In Ken flaky and every democrat and other loneBt noun should stand shoulder to boulder against the party which baa ellboratelv endorsed the outrageous acts of their BOfCalled governor who not only apparently aided and abetted jsasslnatlon but set at defiance all ivll Uw sod established martial law 10 times of His re marks were 10u1lyapplauded and there woro cries of go on go on when ho bad concluded HAMILTON for good watch work CRAII OnciiAtiD SPIUNOB now open You will be by clay at Crab Orchard Springs WHY go elsewhere when Crab Ore ard Springs will do you more good CLOTHING and Oat Stock will bo closed out at cost for cash G II Far rlsCo DONT be deceived We furnls you life sized pictures for less than any agent can Magglo Sacray MASHED TO DEATH The torrlbl mutilated body of James Graves was found on the C S railroad track yet terday morning whore It passes tbrc the farm of Col nail Anderson It I supposed that ho sat down on tho track fell asleep and was killed by the laat train North about 4 oclock A coron ora jury wee summoned by Squlro Cof- fey as follows D S Rifle W H Hughes F L Board James Lamb J A butler and G A Hughes who re- turned Verdict In accordance with the circumstances as there was no wltnes to the accident Graves was about 21 and worked for Mrs Black Givens lie formerly lived In Stanford and staid at Judge Alcorna nil legs wero cut off his arms mangled and his face mashec to a jelly EXACTLYEx Inspector Les ter has tiled suit against tho Stanford JOUIINAL for alleged damages by rea too of the publication of ati cruel stating that Lester had sent cortali telegrams to Noukes etc The lien was taken from the dallies and aasooi as Mr Walton discovered his error he made hot baste to correct It The ony way In which a country paper can go general news Is to cull it from the dal lies which Is taken from the most reli- able of them All papers aro ready 0 make amend for any Injustice they do and when an error la corrected Itaeem that this ought to settle It A newspa per man hasnt the cub to employ a Plnkcrton detective to run down over Item ho gets He has to shoot In thi dark frequently and the wonder iatba more errors do not occur Louis Lan dram In Lancaster Record THE healthgiving watere at grant old Crab Orchard Springs are drawing a good crowd to that delightful sum nor resort and Manager Gus J Hof mann thinks by Aug 1 the largest Bath ring In year will be there While II II not the intention of Manager Hot mann to have hope an occasional dance will be enjoyed aa was the one of Frl lay nltfht He Is negotiating for a- baod Mr A Addams and family of Lebanon and J W James and bride have taken rooms there for the Bum- mer Capt William Henry and wife who la Mr Josephine K Henry of Versailles Foster Ray and wife of Lebanon G C Webster and daughter Miss Nellie Webster of Indianapolis lire some of the congenial guests wh ire there for the season A party or jroung ladles la booked to como thli week and the beaux of Stanford and idjolnlng towns aro hereby notified ol the fact fl INSTRUCTED FOR BLACK DID ALL HUT ONC OF rUE PRECINCTS Tbo democrats did not turn out very argely Saturday but those who did rcro very enthusiastic for the lion lames D Black for governor who re erred Instructions from the following ireclncu At tho court house R L Hubbli ailed the convention to order Johi C Robinson was mado chairman and J M Alverson secretary Delegates rere appointed aa follows TP Hill atteraon Underwood A G T Smith Bnd T C Bankln In the Mackavllle prcclbct Col W G Welch was called to the chair and W S Hurch mado secretary Hons R O Warren and W G Welch delegates Engine House Judge J P Bailey chairman E C Walton secretary elegatea S H Shanks Wm Beck and J S Hooker R R Goofy alter ateStanford No4 Rowland G S Car peuter chairman John Barnett secre- tary Ltlburn Gooch and J 1 Jones Delegates Hustoovllle No1 Josh Swope was bairman and James Frye secretary elevates T H Wright J D Swope else Carter and Samuel Reid Huatonville No 2 M F North chair man E D Kennedy secretary Dole gAteS M F Nortb James Walker Glv enl and G D Wcatherford At Turnersvllle G L Carter pro Idcd and J L Vanhook was secreta ry Delegates S M Owens J M Car- ter ¬ and W A Coffey Alternates O J Crow Jerry Brlacoe and F M Ware Crab Orchard No1 J C McWhor ter chairman W D Wallln secretary Dele atea J D Petlua Andrew Buch iuan W D Wallin Alternates Wm ituart Larkin Wells Wm Garner Crab Orchard No 2 J P Chandler balrtuao J H Stephen secretary Delegates W T Tucker O P New land J P Chandler Alternates J H Stephens Calvin Whllt and W E erklnaWayneaburg No2 Klngavllle J A McKee chairman Dr J W Acton eoretary Delegates W L McCarty aod W C Alford- Waynesburg No 3 Highland T W lutchlnson chairman John Baugb ecretary T W Hutohlnson delegate THHEEKOR I1ECKHA- MWayneaburg No1 W F Camden halrman L C Gooah secretary Del- egated H H Singleton M G Hey olds J B Dilgh This precinct In ¬ truded for Deckbam who got 20 votes to Blacks 13 P B Twidwell appeared as the iroxy of George D Woatherford and G B Cooper of Patterson Underwood itherwlso all the delegates wero pres ut aerr i ak COUNTY CONVENTION INSTRUCTS FOR BLACK AND ADOPT RINGING RESOLUTIONS- On behalf of the countv chairman John W Ilolmef Hon R C Warren called the convention to order and sug Bested Hon bL F North for chair man He was elected and on furtbei motion W P Walton was selected all secretary The chair ordered a call of the precincts which showed nearly every delegate named present On mo- tIOn the chair appointed the following committee on resolutions R C War ren J W Givens Jesse Carter Saral Held W L McCarty M G Reynoldi and W D Wallin who retired and whllo they were atotfnt calls were mado on MrJ S Hooker who brleflj responded and Col W G Welch wbc spoke at greater length and thorough- ly enthused the audience by his elcdgc hammer blows at republican method and their attempt at government bj asaaaslnatlon When Col Welch had concluded Mr Warren reported the resolutions as followsRESOLVED by the democracy of Lin coIn county In convention aaembled 1 We fervently and without reser vation approve tho inaunitJuent plat form of American principle recently declared by the National democratic convention at Kansas City and not lest do we approve the nominations there mado for the great otllce of president and vice president of these United Slates Platform and ticket are each worthy of the other and together should constitute a resistless appeal to the conscience and sober judgment of tbo nation 2 We declare however that the paramount laaue to Kentuckians at the approaching election Is in our deliber- ate judgment a local one It In single and fundamental It la whether the law the sovereign will of the people expressed through their legislature ac ¬ cording to the ancient and orderly usage of English speaking people la to be our rule of action the measure of our rights and the remedy for our wrongs or whether murdermnrder from ambush to grow Into precedent take the place of court and jury and become the accepted arbiter of all disputes and whether oura la to be In the future a governmental by Ilunll the guns of the militiaman and the gun of the private aasaaain All else if naught until this supreme question la answered by the lawloving to tbe law ¬ less by the democracy to organized rufQanlftm under whatever political banner and upon this wu are ready to put ourselves upon the country 3 rune and trial of our present elec ¬ tlon law has shown It to be defective and unacceptable to tbe people of our State It Is the chief mission and highest duty democracy to remedy laws that bear unequally on any part of the people We earnestly recom mend therefore that the democratic Legislature be reassembled u soon as practicable to the end that an election law so amended that it shall be so just that a way faring man though hiding In tbe bush with his rifle may be fore ¬ ed to see It and unable to lie about It 4 We appoint as delegates to the convention called to meet at Lexington tbe 10th the following named gentle- men ¬ Lewis G Goocb John S Owa ley Sr J M Carter S M Owens J H McAllsterJ D SwopeM F North W A Coffey Jesse D Hooker Rowan Sautloy Wm Landgraf J F Boldam W L McCarty Andow Thompson R C Warren and W G Welch und In the selection of a nominee we Instruct them locaal the entire vote of Lincoln county for Hon James D Black of Knox and to use every leglllmalo and honorable effort to effect his nomina lion 5 Upon all questions coming Jefore the convention the Lincoln county del- e ¬ atlon shall vote as a unit Tbe resolutions were unanimously adopted and after listening to a speech from Mr Warren who heartily favors a fair and just amendment of the elec- tion ¬ law and is strongly for Black the convention adjourned M F NORTH chmn W P WALTON secy A DISTURUANCE on the street about he time of the democratic and republ- ican conventions hero Saturday drew a larger crowd than either of them Jim Tall was raising a row In his household and an attempt was made to arrest him when he drew a knife Marshal New and called J B Mershon to assist him and both armed with axe handle stood aloof while Will Lovelace and a slater of Tall wrestled with the irate Negro aod kept him from using the weapon xjvelaco finally got the best of Tall and the obstreperous fellow was landed In jail When Tall was taken before Judge arson yesterday to answer for wife seating tbo woman swore that he was just playing and that charge was llamlssed For creating adlaturbancc lowover he caught It for 10 and coats NEWS cornea from Casey that Sheriff lames Brown baa thrown up his olllce Ho got tangled up In his accounts It Is aid and the trust company which waa arraying him refused to do so longer aDd a Mr Combest was appointed In bll stead Mr Brown la a clever gen leman and his are glad to kuoY that thero la nothing criminally wrong FAITVBeDlak wllk neon and FP Combeat told aa I J porter at Danville yesterday that Lib- erty would hold a fair between Sept 1- and 15 and tbat those Interested will feet next Monday 23rd to decide on tbe exact date This will bo good new 8 to tbe many who think there la no fair Ike tbat held at Liberty SEE our new goods Including a beau Iful and elegant line of cut glassware redding presents novelties So Wil lIam Hamilton r BUCKSKIN Bills wild west show will be In Danville July25- READY4IADEskirts I and fancy petti coats In our cut price sale this week J P Jones FRUIT CANS Frlgenitur Ico Chests Fly Paper and Water Coolers at War ren d Shank No marring innn tho Ub 0- 1Julysaid County Clerk Cooper with a sigh this morning IT terrifically hot night and day tbe mercury ranalng away up In the DOa tOot of tbe time- HRIGOSWllham Hurrla Brlgga oldest son of Mr and Mro J R Briirga died this morning at 7 oclock of par alysl Advocate TUE multiplication of papers does not Interfere with the tpreud of the IN ¬ TERIOR JOURNAL Our biiilofci man tiger got 10 new tines VL tcrday ut Dan vllie where evf rvh Kly tNnrs It N NEWSY NOTES It 11 etllniMUd that the mimier of Germans nod their dt ecenUuuU In the United Stntei is 15000000 Two teen ituppo ell to have pirtlcl pbttd lu the Illinois Central train rob ¬ bury near Wlokliffe have ben caught The flew census show that the Die rclct of Columbia has n population 273 7ii an increase of 43 320 since the cen sue Of 1390 A dispatch from Versailles says that a COpound cat lUh caught near Tyrone bad a well developed white Infant in Its intestines SALE OF LAND AND STOCK IuorJ rlo JlilJf tbe estate of the late Mn Mirth singleton I will otter for ate on the prow Iva ueir Crab Urcbard on Saturday Sept 1st 1900 her fuu eoutalntog- T = setae Of good bluigrm Und well Improiel with brick booofseven room well tprlnj jirJsn S- cTaatieIfalrashbalsnteln 12 month with Inicrui tolulllyu KMO u Urmi are com ¬ plied wltb Alums Lime I will sell soma Uont and Cows BUanOAlbaCTH SINGLETON Admr Drs Slavin PhillipsO- STEOPATHISTS Will be In Danville Moodays Wednesdays mod Fridays Will be In II tan ford Tuesdays Thundajri and Sat urdijt Office la the IVnalnfton HulWIng Stanford 01 Gee hours 9 w 13 A u I to 4 r Y- OSTEOPATHY Thli Science originated and developed by Dr A T Still of Klrnrlllo Mo depends on tbe principle of Anatomy and 1hytlologjr for Ita re suits no rubbing no suq icaloIKntlonsandclaims hlog supra naturalhteopalhyrlewetun u a machine ofao many parts lit When all rant ire properly adjusted and not overworked uralUi U the mult Some of the diseases treated us Nervous 1rottraUon Headache Neuralgia llbeuniatUm Catarrh Granulated Lids lioltre Hurt Aver and Lung Diwaac Constipation Illw Oall Stones Enlarged 1rottiat all blow acb and of Nona std Joint uatureeVltlocUon daJointa incontinence of Urine Locomotor Alas U emits Dlwawi a ipevlalty Consultation Free The GreenStore HUSTONHILLe New Stock of Dry Goods Notions Gents Fur- nishing ¬ Goods Shoes Clothing Hats Carpets Mattings c They were all bought before recent ad ¬ vances and consequently tbe prices are lower than other stocks bought since goods went See m new line of not- WeatberClothlng Low Cut Shoes and raW Hats JAMES FRYE tMN- drSTYLISH RELIABLE Recommended by Leading Drcaamaktri f They Always Flair IM CALL l ANVPIUCBI clly and town In lh 1every l k teen atiil j ut Oscmamparadnd ltHa tert I polnli r FrancUco o sad- I MS CALL S- MAGAZINE I IPrllhtt Magazine Published DeautKul Colored rialei I illustrates latest Patterns Fash- Ions Fancy Work I In tntj aatilalpnmrumiiotalltde Writs lor urini Svbtcrlpilonoly 30o pr ytar I IIOCIiI FILEK THE McCALL CO 146 W ith St New York I nnwIlmmlmI W1HmW j O I I Hare Located in Stanford on Depot St Near Main for tlio purpose of selling SecoJd JiaJd jew GJot itig At BARGAIN PRICES I am Celling Clothing Cheaper than It was ever fj sold in tbe town of Stanford before I also carry a Complete Line of Gents Furnishing Goods Come and Got My Prices i THE CINCINNATI BARGAIN STdRJE 1 ct IF YOU ARE Through painting your house hanging your curtains washing your windows piper Ing Ac please RETURN OUR STEPLADDER And Oblige Higgins McKinneY P s Also bring our Monkey Wrench Screw Driver Hatchet Hammer and Saw with youComfort I 0 Is What You Want This lot Weather Then Go To HJMcRobertsFor Silk Or Madras Shirt Low Out Shoes nil Serge Coats and Vests TIi tS7VTILZai l6eLi11taloiil9i7Ti I I 1 I II ii fi RemnantCounter I Full of Bargains Dimt wilt until the best are gone Remnants of Percales Lawns Calicoes Remnant Corsets and Skirts Shirt Waists c Buy a pair of our Bargain Shoes or Slippers Gentlemen look at our New Sh- irtsSEVERANCE k A SONS Opposite Court House e BH EWII ReadyMade Skirts il Fancy Petticoats Go this week in our Out Price Sale Any garment In the house will be offered you this week for lese money than you cau purchase the material We have some yery nice things left in Dress Skirts made of v I Covert U Piques And Crack t 0 Also a nice line of Underskirts made of Mercerized Moretn Hatered Taffetaa and Imported Baleen Theto will be I Genuinel Bargains As we are determined to make prices in our weekly Bales that competition will nut tackle I JOHN P JONES Stanford Look Out For Next Weeks Ad- z J A ALLEN A CO Oorrtractors Arid IBuildrs STANFORD KY complete stock of Building Material Yellow Pine Flooring CeIiun 000 r- Sash line now u funds and all kinds of Pressed and Hough Lumber Shingles Hoofing Loa Bust totta < c We maku uUmiitel on any kind of work wanted Office opposite DrL al CoukV

Semi-weekly interior journal.. (Springfield, KY) 1900-07 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7brv0cwf5h/data/0254.pdf · Miss Anna Cover Mlt AND MRS WILL TODD of Chi cago are visiting Mrs W T Stoni

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Page 1: Semi-weekly interior journal.. (Springfield, KY) 1900-07 ...nyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7brv0cwf5h/data/0254.pdf · Miss Anna Cover Mlt AND MRS WILL TODD of Chi cago are visiting Mrs W T Stoni





THIS boat materials combined wltbcare skill and accuracy Insure goodresult No othor methods are overused In our prescription work PennyDrug Store


W A OARSON la illMR E T BEAZLEY wont to Vcr

Bailies SaturdayMRS J II WONER and Miss Suo

Woncr are both IIIMiss IJKTTIE PAXTON Is vleltlng tbov

Misses Logan In Louisvillej WALKER PINKERTON returned from

Richmond and other points SaturdayMISSES RllODA LUNSroRU and Nan

Tile VanDevcer aro visiting In Mt Vetnon

Miss SARAn BAUOHMAN wont toDanville yesterday to visit Mrs Monti

1FoxI I1SS MAOOIE McIlARDY of McKInnoy has gone to Canada to visit rolltlve

ItMI88 LILLIE PEYTON returned trotGreen Normal School yet

tcrdayMRS W A TRIUIILE and son Jamo

Plckctt are visiting her parents InII

Mason county-JACollt UUMMELSTflN of Somerset

Waif hero shaking hands with oldfriends Saturday

LITTLE Miss ANNA WILHOIT ofLexington has boon tbo guest of tills


I Dcathorago of Richmond are vlsltlniMiss Anna Cover

Mlt AND MRS WILL TODD of Chicago are visiting Mrs W T Stoniand other relative

MR W A DAVIS county attornejM of Woodford was hero Saturday wits

Hon Harvey HelmMRS BENEDICT SPALDINO who hal-

fbeen at Crab Orchard Springs returned homo yesterday

Miss PEARL BURNBIDE returnedyesterday from a visit to Mist JennieBuroslde Iq Garrard

Miss CARRIE PEAK who hat beetthe eueet of Mr Martha Severance

e has returned to LouisvilleMR THOMAS M OWBLEY of Bow

Unit Green spent a few day at bitfather Hon J S Cwiley Sr

REV R D MAIIONY Is at the Beazley Hotel Crab Orchard Rli wlfo and

children spent Sunday with himhilts M E DAW80N and daughter

Mist Ruth of Ash Grove Mo havebeen guests of Mr Eliza Dawson

R ED HALE I oletking at Goo HFarrU it Coi while John H Shankstake bis place at Warren it Shanks

Miss BLANCHE NEWKIRK who hatbeen trimmer for Mis Annie Philliphas returned to her home In Louisville


Susie Yantt have returned from avery pleasant visit to friend In Lan-

casterMiss J ULIA STAGU will be a value

ble addition to the faculty of CentralChristian College Uustonvlllo nextsession

0 B SAMPSON of Mercer who II up-

Iseeing after LI farm tell ua his crop

of wheat threshed only 322

1bushelt Miss OPHELIA CHANCELLOR return

ed from Mlllcrsburg Saturday MlsiMaggie Chancollor camo with her and

is now her guestMRS W R MANIER Will Owsloy

Mary and Miller Manier of

are with non J S Owaloy NashvilleIMr M J Miller


Casey wore hero Saturday lo see Mrand Mrs Josh Brown off to Missouriafter their visit to them

t MR WILSON RICE and Misses HaliteRice of Marktbury and Bertie Liv ¬

ingston of Cilnton Mo are visitingMies Margaret Livingston


Ingston camo down with Dr John Si

Cooper yesterday to seek the benefitsof JoMipnPrlco Infirmary


land Falls writes that ho caught onecatfish weighing 35 and another 40 IbiHe also writes that ho has a good

crowdJOEFARMER tho old Kentucky

democrat aa ho sign himself hassent us a number of subscribers sincehe has been at McLean III and Satur ¬

day sent ua some moreMRS NANNIE HARPER and ton Jag

P Harper of the West End spentSaturday and Sunday with Mr andMrs C Lt Pruitt who have recentlymoved to tbe East End

MR JULIAN BOURNE II juit backfrom Yale where he graduated wltbdistinction In the law and Is with hiaunt Miss Florence Truebeart Hewill likely locate Lexington

MR J W JAMES and bride neeBuchanan of Crab Orchard who wore

r married In this city two weeks ago areat the Grand returning home from anEastern tour Cincinnati Enquirer 14

MR W H MURPHY Misses BelleRoots Sue Wbliloy and Nellie Mur ¬

phy went up to Dripping SpringsSunday where Miss Nellie will stay aweek or two with the hope of gettingwell and strong


years old was over with his son R D

Padgeit from Waynesburg yesterdayThe old gentleman ta getting feebleana said It was probably his last visitto the county scat

Miss MARY REID of Danville hasbeen spending two wools In tbo citywith MUaca Jano Todd Watson andAnno Cook Huffman and left for herhome Saturday Miss Reid la a very

pretty and charming young girl andwas much admired while berLaxIngton Loader



Go to Crab Orchard Springs and getwell

W l-ion 1000 AddrellLock Box 192 Stanford Ky 3t


SunritiBES onour cleaning up cowter every week Severance it Sons

A FEWweekssaCrab OrchardSprings will help you


GOOD faro and excellent waters aretwo features at Crab Orchard Springs

W exchange for haycorn and oats Higgins Sims Phon44


don press for sale cheap Address WP Walton

StMMFH shirts ndere and neckwear In boundless profusion at Cummini ft McClary B

FAUMEIIS are requested to call In andtee our Old Hickory and Brown wagons Best made W A Carson

STOltE your wheat with us at 1 centper bushel per month and yet tho benefit of aqy advance J II BoughmaiSCoSYoun account le

I addready foryou Call In and settle and save us thetrouble of coming to you for the money11111l Deck

Tim Lincoln county democracy I

thoroughly united In the belief thaBlack Is the best man to be nominatefor governor iTUB various privileges of the bustonvlllo fair Aug 1 2 and 3 will bosonat auction Saturday July 21 If not tollprlvatgly before

TilE tax books are now ready andthose who desire to pay will please calat my office and do so as it will begladly received S M Owens

The theChristian church aL

Uustoovllle have the dining roomprivileges of the fair Aug 13 losleaiof the C W B M Society M stated

McKiNNEY has a oestore Lot

True of Falmoutb has opened a stoolof general merchandise In the store-room recently vacated by G M Com


AT HU8TONV1UB J Bcechcr Adami asks us to say that the State organlzer of the Red Men will lecture atElustonvlllo next Thursday night 19th

Admission free

SALE MrV H Traylor habought of James A Dudderar and MrsAnne Dudderar Dudderara Dlx RiverMill and 00 acre of land adjoining for10000 There Is a good dwelling on the

taetBOYLE county delegates instructed

for lion James B McCrcary at Dan

vllle yesterday with non James D

Black second choice Resolutions de-

nouncing republican assassinationfraud So wero adopted

who have pretty fablesnight make them help pay expensesby showing them at the Ilustonvlllefair where there are three baby ringssows jour chance to find out whatother people think of your offspring

AUVEKTIBINO space iho dally tobe gotten out by this office during thoHustonvlllo fair Aug 1 2 3 Is goingrapidly It will be a splendid means tomake your wants known to the thousmode who will attend that popular fair

Tilt Stanford Co has disiolvcd and Mr Gold and Mr BIckotT

Till for the present do business eopa

ulely They have put a good deal of

nosey In circulation since they camemere by buying things nobody elseroofs

THE nustonvlllo fair catalogue 44

sages and 2000 In number was gotten

ml bv this Doles in three days In addi-

tion to other job work With everyacltlty and with willing workers thisitUce Is almost boundless in Its accomillshmenta

THE meeting of the South EasternKentucky Medical Association at Crab

irobard Springs Friday was both aprofitable and pleasant one Some 35

doctors wero present representing adozen or more counties and an extenlive program was Carried out Stanurns M Ds wore there In full force

Toe malls aro out of joint J A

IcRoberta at Lebanon Junction sayshe never Rots the INTERIOR JOUUNAL

ho same day it Is printed thoughpromptly mailed on 24 of the days of

asue and often not for several daysPatrons on the C S South and Northof McKinney ought to get their papersruble a few hours after they are print-

ed but dont half the time A letterailed at Hubblo on the 11th got totanvllle oo tho 12th and reached here

la the McKlnney mall at 0 p M ontbo 13th and yet Hubble ta but sixmiles from here The mall men must

Itet a move on themselves or move out

IN his speech before tbo democraticunventlon yesterday Col Welch aptIy said that the Issue In Kentucky IsIself preservation and tho triumphtbo lawgiver the murderoua tactics f-

tbe republicans and their policy of as

18lna lon It overshadows the tariff16 to 1 or any other question In Kenflaky and every democrat and otherloneBt noun should stand shoulder to

boulder against the party which baaellboratelv endorsed the outrageous

acts of their BOfCalled governor whonot only apparently aided and abetted

jsasslnatlon but set at defiance allivll Uw sod established martial law

10 times of His remarks were 10u1lyapplauded and thereworo cries of go on go on whenho bad concluded

HAMILTON for good watch work

CRAII OnciiAtiD SPIUNOB now open

You will be by clay atCrab Orchard Springs

WHY go elsewhere when Crab Oreard Springs will do you more good

CLOTHING and Oat Stock will boclosed out at cost for cash G II FarrlsCo

DONT be deceivedWe furnlsyou life sized pictures for less than anyagent can Magglo Sacray

MASHED TO DEATH The torrlblmutilated body of James Graves wasfound on the C S railroad track yetterday morning whore It passes tbrcthe farm of Col nail Anderson It I

supposed that ho sat down on tho trackfell asleep and was killed by the laattrain North about 4 oclock A coronora jury wee summoned by Squlro Cof-

fey as follows D S Rifle W HHughes F L Board James Lamb JA butler and G A Hughes who re-

turned Verdict In accordance with thecircumstances as there was no wltnesto the accident Graves was about 21

and worked for Mrs Black Givens lieformerly lived In Stanford and staid atJudge Alcorna nil legs wero cut offhis arms mangled and his face mashecto a jelly

EXACTLYEx Inspector Lester has tiled suit against tho Stanford

JOUIINAL for alleged damages by reatoo of the publication of ati cruelstating that Lester had sent cortalitelegrams to Noukes etc The lienwas taken from the dallies and aasooias Mr Walton discovered his error hemade hot baste to correct It The onyway In which a country paper can gogeneral news Is to cull it from the dallies which Is taken from the most reli-able of them All papers aro ready 0make amend for any Injustice they doand when an error la corrected Itaeemthat this ought to settle It A newspaper man hasnt the cub to employ aPlnkcrton detective to run down overItem ho gets He has to shoot In thidark frequently and the wonder iatbamore errors do not occur Louis Landram In Lancaster Record

THE healthgiving watere at grantold Crab Orchard Springs are drawinga good crowd to that delightful sumnor resort and Manager Gus J Hofmann thinks by Aug 1 the largest Bathring In year will be there While II

II not the intention of Manager Hotmann to have hope an occasional dancewill be enjoyed aa was the one of Frllay nltfht He Is negotiating for a-

baod Mr A Addams and family ofLebanon and J W James and bridehave taken rooms there for the Bum-

mer Capt William Henry and wifewho la Mr Josephine K Henry of

Versailles Foster Ray and wife ofLebanon G C Webster and daughterMiss Nellie Webster of Indianapolislire some of the congenial guests whire there for the season A party orjroung ladles la booked to como thliweek and the beaux of Stanford andidjolnlng towns aro hereby notified ol

the factfl



Tbo democrats did not turn out veryargely Saturday but those who didrcro very enthusiastic for the lion

lames D Black for governor who reerred Instructions from the followingireclncu

At tho court house R L Hubbliailed the convention to order JohiC Robinson was mado chairman andJ M Alverson secretary Delegatesrere appointed aa follows T P Hill

atteraon Underwood A G T SmithBnd T C Bankln

In the Mackavllle prcclbct Col WG Welch was called to the chair andW S Hurch mado secretary Hons RO Warren and W G Welch delegates

Engine House Judge J P Baileychairman E C Walton secretaryelegatea S H Shanks Wm Beck

and J S Hooker R R Goofy alter

ateStanford No4 Rowland G S Carpeuter chairman John Barnett secre-

tary Ltlburn Gooch and J 1 JonesDelegates

Hustoovllle No1 Josh Swope was

bairman and James Frye secretaryelevates T H Wright J D Swope

else Carter and Samuel ReidHuatonville No 2 M F North chair

man E D Kennedy secretary DolegAteS M F Nortb James Walker Glvenl and G D Wcatherford

At Turnersvllle G L Carter proIdcd and J L Vanhook was secretary Delegates S M Owens J M Car-


and W A Coffey Alternates O JCrow Jerry Brlacoe and F M Ware

Crab Orchard No1 J C McWhorter chairman W D Wallln secretaryDele atea J D Petlua Andrew Buchiuan W D Wallin Alternates Wm

ituart Larkin Wells Wm GarnerCrab Orchard No 2 J P Chandler

balrtuao J H Stephen secretaryDelegates W T Tucker O P Newland J P Chandler Alternates J H

Stephens Calvin Whllt and W E

erklnaWayneaburg No2 Klngavllle J A

McKee chairman Dr J W Actoneoretary Delegates W L McCartyaod W C Alford-

Waynesburg No 3 Highland T W

lutchlnson chairman John Baugbecretary T W Hutohlnson delegate

THHEEKOR I1ECKHA-MWayneaburg No1 W F Camden

halrman L C Gooah secretary Del-

egated H H Singleton M G Hey

olds J B Dilgh This precinct In ¬

truded for Deckbam who got 20 votesto Blacks 13

P B Twidwell appeared as theiroxy of George D Woatherford and

G B Cooper of Patterson Underwooditherwlso all the delegates wero pres


aerr i ak



On behalf of the countv chairmanJohn W Ilolmef Hon R C Warrencalled the convention to order and sugBested Hon bL F North for chairman He was elected and on furtbeimotion W P Walton was selected allsecretary The chair ordered a call ofthe precincts which showed nearlyevery delegate named present On mo-

tIOn the chair appointed the followingcommittee on resolutions R C Warren J W Givens Jesse Carter SaralHeld W L McCarty M G Reynoldiand W D Wallin who retired andwhllo they were atotfnt calls weremado on MrJ S Hooker who brlefljresponded and Col W G Welch wbcspoke at greater length and thorough-ly enthused the audience by his elcdgchammer blows at republican methodand their attempt at government bjasaaaslnatlon

When Col Welch had concludedMr Warren reported the resolutions as

followsRESOLVEDby the democracy of Lin

coIn county In convention aaembled1 We fervently and without reser

vation approve tho inaunitJuent platform of American principle recentlydeclared by the National democraticconvention at Kansas City and not lestdo we approve the nominations theremado for the great otllce of presidentand vice president of these UnitedSlates Platform and ticket are eachworthy of the other and togethershould constitute a resistless appeal tothe conscience and sober judgment oftbo nation

2 We declare however that theparamount laaue to Kentuckians at theapproaching election Is in our deliber-ate judgment a local one It In singleand fundamental It la whether thelaw the sovereign will of the peopleexpressed through their legislature ac ¬

cording to the ancient and orderlyusage of English speaking people lato be our rule of action the measure ofour rights and the remedy for ourwrongs or whether murdermnrderfrom ambush to grow Into precedenttake the place of court and jury andbecome the accepted arbiter of alldisputes and whether oura la to be Inthe future a governmental by Ilunllthe guns of the militiaman and the gunof the private aasaaain All else ifnaught until this supreme question laanswered by the lawloving to tbe law¬

less by the democracy to organizedrufQanlftm under whatever politicalbanner and upon this wu are ready toput ourselves upon the country

3 rune and trial of our present elec ¬

tlon law has shown It to be defectiveand unacceptable to tbe people of ourState It Is the chief mission andhighest duty democracy to remedylaws that bear unequally on any partof the people We earnestly recommend therefore that the democraticLegislature be reassembled u soon aspracticable to the end that an electionlaw so amended that it shall be so justthat a way faring man though hidingIn tbe bush with his rifle may be fore ¬

ed to see It and unable to lie about It4 We appoint as delegates to the

convention called to meet at Lexingtontbe 10th the following named gentle-men


Lewis G Goocb John S Owaley Sr J M Carter S M Owens JH McAllsterJ D SwopeM F NorthW A Coffey Jesse D Hooker RowanSautloy Wm Landgraf J F BoldamW L McCarty Andow Thompson RC Warren and W G Welch und In theselection of a nominee we Instructthem locaal the entire vote of Lincolncounty for Hon James D Black ofKnox and to use every leglllmalo andhonorable effort to effect his nominalion

5 Upon all questions coming Jeforethe convention the Lincoln county del-



atlon shall vote as a unitTbe resolutions were unanimously

adopted and after listening to a speechfrom Mr Warren who heartily favorsa fair and just amendment of the elec-


law and is strongly for Black theconvention adjourned


A DISTURUANCE on the street abouthe time of the democratic and republ-

ican conventions hero Saturday drew alarger crowd than either of them JimTall was raising a row In his householdand an attempt was made to arrest himwhen he drew a knife Marshal Newand called J B Mershon to assist him

and both armed with axe handle stoodaloof while Will Lovelace and a slaterof Tall wrestled with the irate Negroaod kept him from using the weaponxjvelaco finally got the best of Talland the obstreperous fellow was landedIn jail

When Tall was taken before Judgearson yesterday to answer for wifeseating tbo woman swore that he

was just playing and that charge wasllamlssed For creating adlaturbancclowover he caught It for 10 and coats

NEWS cornea from Casey that Sherifflames Brown baa thrown up his olllceHo got tangled up In his accounts It Isaid and the trust company which waa

arraying him refused to do so longeraDd a Mr Combest was appointed Inbll stead Mr Brown la a clever genleman and his are glad to

kuoY that thero la nothing criminallywrong

FAITVBeDlak wllkneon and F P Combeat told aa I Jporter at Danville yesterday that Lib-

erty would hold a fair between Sept 1-

and 15 and tbat those Interested willfeet next Monday 23rd to decide on

tbe exact date This will bo good new 8

to tbe many who think there la no fairIke tbat held at Liberty

SEE our new goods Including a beauIful and elegant line of cut glassware

redding presents novelties So WillIam Hamilton

rBUCKSKIN Bills wild west show will

be In Danville July25-


andfancy petticoats In our cut price sale this weekJ P Jones

FRUIT CANS Frlgenitur Ico ChestsFly Paper and Water Coolers at Warren d Shank

No marring innn tho Ub 0-

1Julysaid County Clerk Cooper witha sigh this morning

IT terrifically hot night and daytbe mercury ranalng away up In theDOa tOot of tbe time-

HRIGOSWllham Hurrla Brlggaoldest son of Mr and Mro J R Briirgadied this morning at 7 oclock of paralysl Advocate

TUE multiplication of papers doesnot Interfere with the tpreud of the IN ¬

TERIOR JOURNAL Our biiilofci mantiger got 10 new tines VL tcrday ut Danvllie where evf rvh Kly tNnrs It


It 11 etllniMUd that the mimier of

Germans nod their dt ecenUuuU In theUnited Stntei is 15000000

Two teen ituppo ell to have pirtlclpbttd lu the Illinois Central train rob ¬

bury near Wlokliffe have ben caughtThe flew census show that the Die

rclct of Columbia has n population 273

7ii an increase of 43 320 since the censue Of 1390

A dispatch from Versailles says thata COpound cat lUh caught near Tyronebad a well developed white Infant in

Its intestines


LAND AND STOCKIuorJ rlo JlilJf tbe estate of the late Mn

Mirth singleton I will otter for ate on the prowIva ueir Crab Urcbard on

Saturday Sept 1st 1900her fuu eoutalntog-

T = setaeOf good bluigrm Und well Improiel withbrick booofseven room well tprlnj jirJsn

S-cTaatieIfalrashbalsnteln 12 month with

Inicrui tolulllyu KMO u Urmi are com ¬

plied wltbAlums Lime I will sell soma Uont and Cows


Drs Slavin PhillipsO-

STEOPATHISTSWill be In Danville Moodays Wednesdays mod

FridaysWill be In II tan ford Tuesdays Thundajri and Sat

urdijtOffice la the IVnalnfton HulWIng Stanford 01

Gee hours 9 w 13 A u I to 4 r Y-

OSTEOPATHYThli Science originated and developed by Dr

A T Still of Klrnrlllo Mo depends on tbeprinciple of Anatomy and 1hytlologjr for Ita resuits no rubbingno suq icaloIKntlonsandclaims hlog supra

naturalhteopalhyrlewetun u a machine ofao manyparts lit When all rantire properly adjusted and not overworked uralUiU the mult

Some of the diseases treated us Nervous1rottraUon Headache Neuralgia llbeuniatUmCatarrh Granulated Lids lioltreHurt Aver and Lung Diwaac ConstipationIllw Oall Stones Enlarged 1rottiat all blowacb and of Nona stdJoint uatureeVltlocUon daJointa

incontinence of Urine Locomotor AlasU emits Dlwawi a ipevlalty ConsultationFree




New Stock of

Dry GoodsNotionsGents Fur-nishing


GoodsShoesClothingHatsCarpetsMattings c

They were all bought before recent ad ¬

vances and consequently tbe prices arelower than other stocks bought sincegoods went See m new line of not-WeatberClothlng Low Cut Shoes andraW Hats



Recommended by LeadingDrcaamaktri fThey Always Flair

IM CALLlANVPIUCBIclly and town In lh1every l k teen atiil

j ut Oscmamparadnd

ltHa tertI polnli r

FrancUcoo sad-




IPrllhtt Magazine PublishedDeautKul Colored rialei

I illustrates latest Patterns Fash-Ions Fancy Work

I In tntjaatilalpnmrumiiotalltde

Writs lor uriniSvbtcrlpilonoly 30o p r ytar


146 W ith St New YorkI nnwIlmmlmI W1HmW


O II Hare Located in Stanford on Depot St Near Main for tlio purpose of selling

SecoJd JiaJd jew GJot itigAt BARGAIN PRICES I am Celling Clothing Cheaper than It was ever

fjsold in tbe town of Stanford before I also carry a

Complete Line of Gents Furnishing GoodsCome and Got My Prices i



IF YOU AREThrough painting your house hanging your curtains washing your windows piper

Ing Ac please


Higgins McKinneYP s Also bring our Monkey Wrench Screw Driver Hatchet Hammer and Saw




Is What You Want This

lot WeatherThen Go To

HJMcRobertsForSilk Or Madras Shirt

Low Out Shoes nil Serge Coats and Vests

TIi tS7VTILZai l6eLi11taloiil9i7Ti I I1I





Full of BargainsDimt wilt until the best are gone Remnants of Percales Lawns


Remnant Corsets and SkirtsShirt Waists c

Buy a pair of our Bargain Shoes or Slippers Gentlemen look at ourNew Sh-


A SONSOpposite Court Housee BH EWII

ReadyMade Skirts il

Fancy PetticoatsGo this week in our Out Price Sale Any garment In the house will be offered you

this week for lese money than you cau purchase the material We have some yery

nice things left in Dress Skirts made ofv


Covert U Piques And Crackt


Also a nice line of Underskirts made of Mercerized Moretn Hatered Taffetaa andImported Baleen Theto will be

IGenuinel Bargains

As we are determined to make prices in our weekly Bales that competition will nuttackle

I JOHN P JONES StanfordLook Out For Next Weeks Ad-


J A ALLEN A COOorrtractors Arid IBuildrs


complete stock of Building Material Yellow Pine Flooring CeIiun 000 r-

Sashline now u

funds and all kinds of Pressed and Hough Lumber Shingles Hoofing LoaBust totta < c We maku uUmiitel on any kind of work wanted Office opposite DrLal CoukV