1 Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting March 19, 2014 - 7:00 pm Agenda 1. Devotions Pastor Bill Wong 2. Establish quorum 3. Approve agenda 4. Approve minutes of December 4, 2013 5. Elections and appoint counters a. Bethel Home (elect 2) b. Synod Assembly (elect 4 1 man and 3 women; Pastors and President of the Congregation are automatically voting delegates to the Synod Assembly) c. Omega Board (elect 1) 6. Reading and voting on proposed bylaw changes 7. Approval of annual reports of teams and organizations 8. Financial update Tina Wyneken 9. Call Team report Bob Epperson 10. Financial Literacy Program Sharon Garabedian 11. Closing prayer Congregational Council 2014: Ed Nelson, President; Jacque Haar, Vice President; Tom Wright, Secretary; Tina Wyneken, Treasurer; Jan Forbes; Dorothy Johnson; Janice Kramer; Charlotte Mosqueira; Linda Rogers; Becky Russler; Eric Wheeler; and Garrett Wright. Rod Buck was serving on the council when he passed away in February. Congregational Council 2013: Eric Wheeler, President; Mike Russler, Vice President; Sarah Kutzner, Secretary; Tina Wyneken, Treasurer; Rod Buck; Jan Forbes; Jacque Haar; Linda Lindstrom; San Lucido; Charlotte Mosqueira; Linda Rogers; and Tom Wright. Call Team: Bob Epperson, Chairperson; Teddy Henley; Donna Little; Peter Marhenke; Sara Martin; Bob Stenberg; and Bryan Wulf.

Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting March 19, …...1 Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting March 19, 2014 - 7:00 pm Agenda 1. Devotions – Pastor Bill Wong 2. Establish quorum 3. Approve

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Page 1: Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting March 19, …...1 Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting March 19, 2014 - 7:00 pm Agenda 1. Devotions – Pastor Bill Wong 2. Establish quorum 3. Approve


Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting

March 19, 2014 - 7:00 pm

Agenda 1. Devotions – Pastor Bill Wong

2. Establish quorum

3. Approve agenda

4. Approve minutes of December 4, 2013

5. Elections and appoint counters

a. Bethel Home (elect 2)

b. Synod Assembly (elect 4 – 1 man and 3 women; Pastors and President of the

Congregation are automatically voting delegates to the Synod Assembly)

c. Omega Board (elect 1)

6. Reading and voting on proposed bylaw changes

7. Approval of annual reports of teams and organizations

8. Financial update – Tina Wyneken

9. Call Team report – Bob Epperson

10. Financial Literacy Program – Sharon Garabedian

11. Closing prayer

Congregational Council – 2014: Ed Nelson, President; Jacque Haar, Vice President;

Tom Wright, Secretary; Tina Wyneken, Treasurer; Jan Forbes; Dorothy Johnson; Janice

Kramer; Charlotte Mosqueira; Linda Rogers; Becky Russler; Eric Wheeler; and Garrett

Wright. Rod Buck was serving on the council when he passed away in February.

Congregational Council – 2013: Eric Wheeler, President; Mike Russler, Vice President;

Sarah Kutzner, Secretary; Tina Wyneken, Treasurer; Rod Buck; Jan Forbes; Jacque

Haar; Linda Lindstrom; San Lucido; Charlotte Mosqueira; Linda Rogers; and Tom


Call Team: Bob Epperson, Chairperson; Teddy Henley; Donna Little; Peter Marhenke;

Sara Martin; Bob Stenberg; and Bryan Wulf.

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Pastors - Rev. Bill Wong (Interim Lead Pastor)

- Rev. Adam Knudson (Associate Pastor of Youth & Family Ministry)

- Rev. Michael Rogers (Visitation Pastor)

Director of Children’s Ministry – Janet Lane

Parish Administrator – Pam Campbell

Director of the Learning Tree – Cyndi Gomez

Assistant Director of the Learning Tree – Myra Squeo

Youth Ministry Assistant – Alison Quinn

Administrative Assistant – Jennifer Hurt

Interim Bookkeeper – Mary Smith

Choir Director – Tom Lindstrom

Organist – Ruth Andersen

New Hope Band Director – Wink Farrand

Bell Choir Director – Laura Shaghoian

Audio and Video Technician – John Sander

Nursery Attendant – Mary Cohnselyea

Lead Custodian – Pedro Enriquez


Ariel, David, Jeannette, Maurice and Rebecca Brochu; Emma Jean Cross; Isabelle

Goodman; Harper Victoria Halisky; Hunter Jude Honig; Brayden Keith Jeffcoach; Aubrey

Lea Jensen; Bill & Macy Kerney; Ryan Licciardello; Dan and Barbie Lindstrom; Jim and

Sheryl Miller; Claudia Showalter; Rylie Arianna Wyneken


Clarissa (Kay) Ardern; Ben Bakkegard; Eleanor Edde; Karen Eskelsen; Edna Juhala;

George Kasier; Louise Meineke; Myrtle Otteson; Carmen Phillips; Alvin Quist; Aileene

Stout; Dorothy Verwoest; Orville Wenger

Our Mission – Extending Hope in Jesus!

Our Vision – Hope is a family of faith empowered by the Holy Spirit

in order to know Jesus Christ through the word and sacraments and

sharing God’s gifts and love with hope and joy in the world.

Hope Lutheran Church

(559) 439-4320 364 E. Barstow, Fresno, CA 93710

Email: [email protected]

Website: www.hopelutheranfresno.org

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I. Individual Reports

A) Interim Pastor Bill Wong……………………………………………………….5

B) Pastor Adam Knudson…………………………………………………………7

C) Pastor Michael Rogers…………………………………………………………9

D) Eric Wheeler, President …….…………………………………………………9

II. Personnel, Finance and Administration

A) Personnel……….……………………………………………………………10

B) Call Team…………………………………………………………………….11

C) Mutual Ministry …………………………………………………………..…12

D) Stewardship Team….………..………………………………………………13

E) Hope Endowment Fund (Omega Project)……. ……………………………..13

F) Property, Grounds and Facilities……….……………………………………15

III. Youth, Family and Young Adult Ministries

A) Children’s Ministry……………………………………………………………16

B) Overboard (College/Young Adult Ministry)………………………………….17

IV. Social Concerns

A) Social Concerns Ministry……………….………………….…………………20

B) Reading and Beyond………………………………………………………….23

V. Outreach and Fellowship

A) Outreach Ministry……………….…………………………………………….23

B) Friendship Club……………………….……………………………………….23

C) Wednesday Night Dinners……………….……………………………………23

D) Sunday Morning Hospitality………………….………………………………24

VI. Worship and Music

A) Worship and Music Ministry Team…………………………………………..24

B) Altar Guild Ministry Team…………………………………………………...24

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VII. Small Groups

A) Women of Hope……….……………………………………………….….…25

B) Men of Hope………………………………………………………….……...26

C) Monday Ministers………………………………………………………..….27

D) Quilters………………………………………………………..………....…..27

E) Prayer Shawl Ministry ……………………………………………….….…..28

F) Bicycle Group ….…………………………………………………………....28

G) Book Club……………………………………………………………………29

H) Dining Groups…………………………………………………………....….29

I) Prayer Chain Ministry……………………………………………….………29

VIII. Other Ministries

A) Assist A Family………………………………………………………………29

B) Columbarium Ministry……………………………………………………….30

C) The Learning Tree…………………………………………………………….30

IX. Special Events

A) Taste of Italy…………………………………………………………………..31

B) Crab Feed ……………………………………………………………………..31

X. Minutes

A) December 4, 2013..….….…………………………………………………….32

B) October 9, 2013……..………………………………………………………..34

C) March 20, 2013..……….……………………………………………………..35

XI. Financial Reports

A) Hope Lutheran Church…………………………………………………………37

B) The Learning Tree……………………………………………………………...42

XII. Membership Statistics

A) Membership and Attendance Statistics……………………………………..…44

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A) Pastor Bill Wong, Interim Lead Pastor

Grace and peace to you from our crucified and risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.


As the Interim Lead Pastor, my responsibilities include accompanying and working with Hope

Lutheran Church to prepare this congregation to call and receive its next permanent Lead Pastor.

This is done intentionally through the Five Developmental Tasks for Intentional Interim

Ministry, which are:

1. Understand and accept the congregation’s history

2. Renew the congregation’s sense of mission

3. Manage shifts in leadership

4. Experience and strengthen denominational linkage and relationship

5. Commit to new directions in ministry in preparation for new pastor

Along with these five developmental tasks, I am also responsible for setting a tone, which results

in a stable calm low-anxiety congregational climate. This allows for and provides a supportive

setting for rational decision-making and for the call team to do its work without external

congregational pressure.

A stable calm low-anxiety congregational climate also provides a helpful setting for me to work

with congregational leaders and staff to recommend and make changes, which will prepare the

way for the next permanent Lead Pastor and position this congregation for its future mission and


Along with being an intentional Interim Lead Pastor, I also serve as Hope’s Lead Pastor during

this transition. This means that I preside at worship, preach, teach, visit, lead, participate in

meetings, supervise staff, and provide pastoral care.

I estimate that we are nearing or somewhere around the halfway point of this interim ministry.

We are making good progress. Simultaneously, there is much to be done. The next permanent

Lead Pastor’s first several years of ministry at Hope Lutheran Church will indicate how well I

served as this congregation’s Interim Lead Pastor.


Looking ahead, I recommend that you need to be open to and ready for change. Change is in the

nature of the transition between permanent pastors. When a congregation refocuses its mission

and ministry and welcomes a new pastor, these activities result in change. Openness to change,

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the ability to change, making change happen, and acting on change are qualities, which will

position this congregation for future mission and lay the groundwork for successful ministry.

In addition, I want to point out that now is the time to act. The Holy Spirit is on the move now.

Opportunities to share Jesus present themselves now. Ministry opportunities are available now.

Hope Lutheran Church can incarnate Jesus and be the body of Christ for the surrounding

neighborhood and for Fresno, now.


Here are two thoughts for your consideration.

• Howard Thurman said, “Don’t ask yourself what the world needs; ask yourself what

makes you come alive, and then go do it. Because what the world needs is people who

have come alive.”

• Richard Rohr, from Everything Belongs, wrote, “We do not think ourselves into new

ways of living, we live ourselves into new ways of thinking.”


At this point, I want to thank you for your help, hospitality, support, and welcome. I have

enjoyed being this congregation’s Interim Lead Pastor. I am grateful for this opportunity for

ministry and service.

I am also grateful for folks wearing nametags and introducing themselves. I encourage you to

continue to do this throughout this interim ministry and during at least the first year of the next

permanent Lead Pastor. Nametags and introductions not only help me, this practice also helps

members to become better acquainted with each other, is great preparation for the next

permanent lead pastor, and offers a hospitable welcome for visitors.

I am able to serve and do what I do with the help and support the staff of Hope Lutheran Church.

The staff forms a team and I thank God for their ministries, which facilitates and makes possible

this congregation’s mission and ministry. So I say thank you to:

Ruth Andersen, Organist

Pam Campbell, Parish Administrator

Wink Farrand, Worship Director for the 11:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service

Cyndi Gomez, Director of the Learning Tree

Jennifer Hurt, Administrative Assistant

Pastor Adam Knudson, Associate Pastor for Youth and Family Ministry

Janet Lane, Director of Children’s Ministry

Tom Lindstrom, Choir Director

Alison Quinn, Assistant for Youth Ministry

Pastor Michael Rogers, Visitation Pastor

John (JP) Sander, Audio-Visual Tech

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Laura Shaghoian, Bell Choir Director

Mary Smith, Interim Bookkeeper

Concluding Comments

I look forward to my continued interim ministry with you and to the completion of this ministry

when a new permanent Lead Pastor arrives or when I receive a permanent call. If you have

questions or want to converse about what I have written in this report, about this intentional

interim ministry, or about Hope Lutheran Church, you are welcome to contact me or come by

and visit the church office.

God’s guidance, support, and wisdom be with us all during this time of transition, change, new

beginnings for Hope Lutheran Church.

With confidence and hope in the risen Christ,

Pastor Bill Wong

Interim Lead Pastor

B) Adam Knudson, Associate Pastor, Youth and Family Ministries

Dear Friends,

I continue to be deeply thankful to God and deeply grateful to all of you for the amazing

experience of serving alongside you in ministry. Andrea (my wife) and I rejoice in the

opportunity to bring our children to Hope each week and to see them flourish amidst a

community of people and programs that embraces them and reminds them of the love of God.

Thank you for being a community that has so warmly and honestly cared for me and my family

over these past seven years.

The past year has been an exciting year of ministry at Hope. During the 2013 year our

congregation began a significant period of transition as we said “farewell” to Pastor Roger and

Cheryl Thompson and welcomed Pastor Bill Wong as our interim Lead Pastor. I am grateful for

the large number of members who were willing to make themselves available to serve on the

Call Team. Our congregation elected a great group of people to serve in this capacity and under

the leadership of their chairperson, Bob Epperson, the Call Team appears to be working hard and

making progress. I am grateful to the Synod for sending us Pastor Bill Wong as interim Pastor.

Pastor Bill has worked tirelessly to provide our congregation with compassionate, Christ-

centered, and strategic leadership in the midst of this transition. In the area of Youth and Family

ministry, our program continues to benefit from the presence of Janet Lane as our Director of

Children’s ministries. Janet will complete three years of employment here at Hope in the next

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couple months. With Alison Quinn approaching six years as our Assistant for Youth Ministry,

the program has experienced great continuity in leadership. Our youth and families have

benefited from Alison and her passion and experience. Alison continues to provide leadership

and direction, not only for our youth ministry, but also for Hope’s ministry to college aged youth

and young adults through “Overboard.” In a time when many church’s struggle to offer

meaningful opportunities to “20 somethings,” Overboard has been an effective mechanism for

connecting these young people to the mission and ministry of Hope Lutheran Church.

The ministry here at Hope takes place on a variety of levels. It is rewarding to participate in the

classes, curriculums and weekly programs that offer rhythm and continuity to the lives of our

members, families and friends. In addition to the “regular” and “weekly,” our program seeks to

make use of large events, camps, rallies and retreats to capture the attention and imagination of

some of our young people. This past summer, our high school youth enjoyed an exciting week

of white-water rafting, camping, hiking, and rock climbing. It was a fun challenge and a great

opportunity for our youth to grow in faith and community. In December, I was privileged to

participate in the Mexico Mission Trip with our College and Young Adult Ministry (Overboard).

The trip, led by Alison Quinn, was a meaningful opportunity for me to serve alongside our young

adults and to share my passion for Spanish and for mission. I am grateful for the incredible

memories and moments that my job and position afford me.

Another great joy of this past year has been to see the ways that our young adults have

transitioned seamlessly from “children of the congregation” to “active participants in the mission

and ministry of Hope Lutheran Church.” From teaching Sunday School, helping with VBS,

playing instruments, leading worship, assisting with Audio/Video technology needs to helping

with the food pantry, volunteering in the office and everywhere else, the young people of our

church are making their mark and taking active positions of involvement and leadership in the

life of our congregation. The ministry of Overboard (our ministry for college and young adult),

under the leadership of Alison Quinn, has been a tremendous reason why our young adults have

been able to remain connected to Hope and to reach out to others as well.

I am humbled and energized by the opportunity to lead, train, coach, and encourage such a

talented and devoted group of young men and women and I am eager to see the ways that God

will continue to work in our congregation, in the ELCA and in Christ’s church. While there are

many ways that we must continue to strive together to “Extend Hope in Jesus,” I am a witness to

the fact that the ministry of this congregation is making a difference in the lives of individuals

and making a difference for the sake of the kingdom of God at work in the world.

Thank you for your faithful partnership in this mission and ministry.

Very Truly,

Adam Knudson, Associate Pastor for Youth and Family Ministry

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C) Pastor Michael Rogers, Visitation Pastor

I began the ministry of Visitation Pastor in July of 2013. It was, and is, a great privilege to

extend the ministry of Sharing Hope in Jesus with persons whose health or circumstances make

it difficult for them to attend worship regularly. It is especially challenging to follow a Pastor

who so faithfully performed this ministry for several years. Pastor Warren Nelson’s service was

so appreciated by those who came to love his visits and his humble sharing of the Gospel. I am

often asked to share greetings and best wishes to Pastor Warren.

In the six months that I have been “on the job” I have made 134 visits to members and friends of

Hope. Most, but not all, of them are also visited monthly by the Eucharistic Ministers

coordinated by Sharon Peterson. I currently have 27 people on my list of people to visit.

Occasionally I visit other folks who are hospitalized when our full-time pastors are

overwhelmed. During these six months seven saints have entered the church triumphant; Karen

Eskelsen, Dorothy Verwoest, Eleanor Edde, Ben Bakkegard, Carmen Phillips, Myrtle Otteson

and Louise Meineke. May God bless their memory among us.

If you or someone you know would like to have a regular visit from me, please, let me or the

church office know. We want to make everyone feel they are an important part of Hope’s

mission even if regular worship is difficult. Their prayers for us and our prayers with them are

what makes us the family of God.

In Christ,

Pastor Mike Rogers

D) Eric Wheeler – Council Congregational President

Church Council continues to support the Mission and Vision of Hope Lutheran Church.

Some Highlights from 2013:

Interim Lead Pastor: Pastor Bill Wong was hired to serve as Hope’s Interim Lead

Pastor and to facilitate the healing and growth of our congregation during this Interim


Call Team: As outlined in our Constitution, Council facilitated the process to identify

and elect a Call Team to help the Congregation call its next Permanent Lead Pastor.

Communication: Council continues to host “Open Mic” times at the beginning of each

council meeting, share news in Temple Talks, write updates for “News from Hope” email

blasts, and continually strives to improve communication between Hope and its members

and Hope and the public.

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Pastor Roger Thompson’s Retirement: Council helped coordinate the celebration of

Pastor Roger Thompson’s time at Hope.

Website Redesign: Under the guidance of Pastor Adam Knudson and with the support of

the Omega Board, Hope’s Website was completely redesigned.

Finances: Our Finance, Stewardship, and Fund Raising teams have worked hard to bring

down expenses, increase offerings, raise money, and end the year in the black—all with

an eye toward Hope’s mission, vision, and core values.

Thank you for your continued guidance, prayers, and support as we work together to accomplish

Hope’s mission of “Extending Hope in Jesus!”

Eric Wheeler

Congregation President, 2013



The Personnel Team met regularly throughout 2013.

Membership: Robert Ehn, Marlene Jensen, Stacy Wright, Bryan Wulf, Mike Russler, Interim

Lead Pastor Bill Wong, Eric Wheeler.

Bryan Wulf is currently serving on the Lead Pastor Call Team and has finished his term on the

Personnel Team. We want to recognize his hard work and constant efforts to clarify and fulfill

the role of the Personnel Team throughout his term.

The activities and accomplishments included:

With input from staff, revised job descriptions and reporting structure for 1) Associate Pastor of

Youth and Family Ministries; 2) Director of Children’s Ministries; and 3) Assistant for Youth

Ministry. We also revised the job description for the Visitation Pastor. The Team revised job

descriptions for all salaried and volunteer staff to reflect the changes in reporting structure.

Each year a representative from the Personnel Team meets with each staff and pastors to

facilitate positive communication. The schedule was revised early in the year and the meetings

were accomplished

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There were several changes in pastors and staff during 2013. The Personnel Team initiated hiring

process for two positions: 1) Visitation Pastor and 2) Administrative Financial Assistant. The

team also participated in the interview process for the Administrative Financial Assistant

position. The Personnel Team reviewed exit interviews from Fall 2012 and conducted the exit

interview for the Administrative Financial Assistant in 2013.

The Personnel Team developed a policy (accepted by Council) for all performance evaluations to

be completed in September each year. This was very successful and facilitated salary

recommendations to the Finance Team from the Personnel Team in a timely fashion. The

feedback from staff and evaluators was largely positive regarding the new structure for

conducting the performance evaluations. The Personnel Team also examined the process for

New Employee Orientation to ensure completion and timely feedback to the staff.

Clarified coordination with Mutual Ministry: Eric Wheeler shared the current Mutual Ministry

team membership and activities including evaluation of the pastors.

Goals for 2014

The Personnel Committee will:

Continue to facilitate staff hiring, new employee orientation, and exit interviews as


Work with Call Team

Initiate consistent implementation of yearly Performance Evaluations

Find new members for the Personnel Committee.

Submitted by Mike Russler

B) Call Team

The Call Team was elected at a congregational meeting on October 9

th. The team consists of

Bob Epperson, Chair; Teddy Henley, Secretary; Sara Martin and Bryan Wulf, Publicity; and

Donna Little, Peter Marhenke, and Bob Stenberg. The team met with Bishop Holmerud on

December 6th

for an orientation to the call process. The team has done research on organization

and leadership styles appropriate for congregations of different sizes. It will be interviewing

“mentor” pastors from Christ Lutheran in Visalia and University Presbyterian in Fresno to gain a

pastor’s perspective on the skills and experience required of a Lead Pastor to successfully lead a

congregation similar to Hope in size, challenges and opportunities.

The team developed a survey to gather input from the congregation as it works to develop the

Ministry Site Profile, which will be made available to synod staff to assist in identifying potential

candidates for the position. The survey will be available for all voting (confirmed) members of

the congregation to complete starting on January 24th


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There will be several options for completion of the survey. It can be completed on line from

home computers. Stations will be set up in the Community Center for those who would prefer

some assistance with the survey or who do not have computers available at home. Paper copies

of the survey will also be available for those who would prefer to complete the survey on paper.

Submitted by,

Bob Epperson, Chair

C) Mutual Ministry

The purpose of the Mutual Ministry Team is to affirm, evaluate, and strengthen the ministry of

both the pastoral staff and the congregation. Team members are appointed jointly by the

Congregation President and the pastors.

2013 Team Members: Margaret Baker, Linda Lucido, Mary Smith, Bob Stenberg, Eric Wheeler

(Council Liaison), Pastor Roger Thompson, Pastor Adam Knudson, Pastor Bill Wong

Responsibilities include:

Sharing congregational expectations with the pastoral staff, and serving as a confidential

support to pastors and lay staff;

Listening to the pastors, lay staff and congregation in times of personal/professional


Serving as an open communication channel regarding attitudes, perceptions, and concerns

within the congregation.

The team’s ongoing mission is to support the congregation in fulfilling its mission of Extending

Hope in Jesus.

2013 Highlights:

Performed an Exit Interview with Pastor Roger Thompson

Completed an Annual Evaluation with Pastor Adam Knudson

Shared devotional readings in

o Travelling Mercies by Anne Lamott

o Selling Water by the River by Shane Hipps

Goal for 2014: Continue to grow in our pastoral and congregational support role.

Eric Wheeler

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D) Stewardship Team

It is a pleasure to belong to a congregation that sincerely and joyfully support the mission of

"Extending Hope in Jesus".

Our many ministries are well served by the generous support of time, treasure and talents.


1. We raised nearly $10,000 to go into the youth fund to support 2014 summer camps

and other events as well as the National Youth Gathering scheduled for the summer

of 2015 in Detroit, Michigan. The funds were raised in September at our Taste of

Italy Event.

2. We were able to increase our Horizon Fund by $4,800 while the youth made $2,700

to help with funding their schedule of events. The monies were raised at the Third

Annual Crab Feed held on February 1.

We want to thank the stewardship ministry team and our guest speakers who shared their

experience on select Sunday mornings covering the topics of Time, Talent and Treasure.

Members and visitors were given a copy of our handbook, “Directory of Membership

Opportunities.” We hope everyone finds a place to “plug in” and “Help Hope Happen.”

Looking forward, it is our goal to be able to again keep us on firm financial footing while

supporting our many outreach missions. Keeping in mind that supporting our "Benchmark"

facility is of utmost importance. Hope Lutheran is the core by which all of our ministries thrive.

Our growth continues, with God’s grace, to be very positive. Many thanks to all.

E) Hope Endowment Fund (Omega Project)

Financial Report

Fund balance effective 1/1/13----------------------$107, 329.43

Fund balance effective 12/31/13-------------------$115, 487.98

Distributions of $4,422.00 were made (see below).

Donations to fund:

The fund received three memorial gifts for Dorothy Verwoest, Alvin Quist and Ben Bakkegard

totaling $140.

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2013 Goals/Accomplishments

The board made excellent progress in meeting its 2013 goals which were mainly aimed at fund

management and publicity/education:

After much study and deliberation, we completed the transfer of Omega funds to the

Lutheran Community Foundation (LCF), located in Minneapolis.

With assistance from LCF, a new Omega brochure to include LCF contact information

was designed and distributed.

We also worked with LCF to establish a link to the Omega Fund/LCF on the church

website and began work on designing a bookmark for the pew racks.

To educate the congregation about the Omega Fund and charitable giving, the board and

Thrivent provided several workshops and bulletin/Grapevine inserts throughout 2013.

These covered a variety of topics related to endowment funds and resources to consider

when planning charitable giving.

We submitted updated Omega constitutional by-laws to the church council for approval

and submission to the congregation. The by-laws will be voted on during the first 2014

congregational meeting.

Distributed funds to purchase Sunday school risers ($2,422) and complete the renovation

of the church website ($2,000).

The board has had a very productive and enjoyable year and we are excited about our new

relationship with LCF. LCF will not only oversee our fund management, it will also provide a

myriad of other resources to both the board and members of the congregation who have

questions/concerns about charitable giving.

2014 Goals

Continue building the Omega Fund to assist Hope with its mission of Extending Hope

in Jesus.

Complete the updating of the Omega Fund constitutional by-laws.

Implement the new Omega Fund website link.

Provide an Omega Fund pew bookmark.

Sharon Peterson, 2013 President, Omega Board

“Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to

God.” Hebrews 13:16

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F) Property, Grounds and Facilities

2013 brought changes to Hope when we said “farewell” to Pastor Roger and Cheryl. We

accepted Pastor Nelson’s resignation as our visitation pastor because of his mobility issues.

Ashleigh Wendland left in June for a new position. Jennifer Hurt filled in part-time as

Administrative Assistant and Mary Smith as part-time Bookkeeper.

We also said “good-bye” to some of our longtime members who moved away to be closer to

their children. We miss Joan Peery, Wanda Conboy, Don and Eileen Coleman, Ed and Linda

Cole, and Bob and Eveline Edwards will be moving early 2014. We wish them well!

We were very fortunate to have Pastor Michael Rogers join us as our Visitation Pastor. You can

read in his report the number of homebound members he and our Lay Eucharistic Ministers are

visiting. We were very privileged by being able to move along quickly and welcomed Pastor

Bill Wong as our Interim Lead Pastor. The Call Committee was formed in a very timely manner.

We had normal repairs, supplies, and maintenance expenses with the line item coming in at the

budgeted amount for the year.

Security still remains at the top of our list in making our campus safe. We started getting bids in

2013 for cameras and ten (10) were installed in early 2014.

We were able to upgrade the room used by the Resource Center by converting the front portion

for storage for special events and the back portion as a meeting space.

We upgraded our Conference Room with new chairs, repaired and covered the table and counters

around the sink, added a screen, projector, and surround sound, from a gift given to us by a

former member.

Our 12-Step groups include: NA, GA, AA, Co-Dependents, Overeaters, ACA, Alanon and

Naranon. Survivors of Suicide meets the 3rd

Tuesday of each month, and Caregivers meets the

1st and 3

rd Friday of each month. In early 2014 our Nooners NA group which meets five days a

week at noon will be moving to a new location. The group has outgrown their space. They have

been at Hope for about 27 years.

I’m grateful that I have a wonderful staff to work with, lots of volunteers who serve with their

hearts, hands, talents, and gifts. Hope would not happen without you! I have fun and enjoy

working with all of the different groups and individuals that use our campus for so many events,

fundraisers, seminars, dinners, receptions, and the list goes on.

Serving with you in Christ,

Pam Campbell, Parish Administrator

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A) Children’s Ministry

2013 was a year of fun, growth and change in Hope’s Children’s Ministries.

The year started strong with Sunday School and Prime Time for our children age 2 through 6th

grade, as well as some special activities and events for our 4th

– 6th

graders in “The Way.”

Sunday School, as always, is led by some awesome adults, assisted by incredible High School

“Shepherds,” College “Mentors” and Song Leaders. Hope’s leaders are what makes our Sunday

School amazing, and keeps our children connected with one another and with other generations;

providing a very strong support system for our children and their parents. Our children presented

2 musicals again this year, “Arkeology” in August and our Christmas Musical, “Bows of Holly”

in December. Our children’s talents keep growing, allowing us to do more challenging musicals

each year. Even our youngest have enjoyed learning the songs and movements, and being up

front in the choir for the presentation in worship. They amaze me how quickly they learn!!!!!!!

Our summer musical was presented on Rally Day, making it quite a special day for our children

and their families! The Christmas musical was followed by Hope Family Christmas Dinner

and musical presentations by our children. What a relaxing way to gather together following the

excitement of the Christmas Musical.

We continue to use Augsburg Fortress’s “Holy Moly” for grades K-4 and “Connect” for our 5-6

graders during Sunday School time. Our Preschool teachers, Andrea Knudson and Hannah

Little, have made the Spark Rotational curriculum come to life in new and exciting ways for our

youngest children. We keep hoping for something new and strong to come from Augsburg, and

they promise us, soon……

As our Shepherds and Mentors learn from helping teachers, it has been exciting to see each of

them take on class leadership roles throughout the year when a teacher is unable to be present.

We have so much talent here at Hope, so much passion for Extending Hope in Jesus.

We began using a new program with our Wednesday Night Prime Time children, called “The

Way of the Child.” Tyler Woods, Hannah Little and I are currently providing leadership and

teaching for this program. It really helps having three of us available to assist and nurture the

children throughout the class time. Each child is able to receive the help and encouragement they

need. Our new program has the children working in a variety of stations, pretty much on their

own or with one other child. They journal, play in sand trays, read, do crafts, pray, think about

the world, and then share their thoughts at the end of each session. Some of their discussion gets

pretty deep; it is such a privilege to witness their growth in faith.

Once again Camp Hope was a blast! In 2013 we used “VBS World Tour” for our Vacation

Bible School curriculum. We received a Warner Trust Grant from the Sierra Pacific Synod to

purchase tumbling matts for our Karate classes, sewing machine kits for our sewers, and drum

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pads and sticks for our drum class. When Hope’s adults choose to lead an elective based on an

area of their passion and expertise amazing things start to happen. Hope is extended in Jesus in

new and exciting ways for the children participating and I assure you the Elective Instructors are

so blessed by the experience! Please stay alert to guidance by the Spirit, as we need new and

fresh Electives each year. This might be your year!

Our two major Outreach events targeting children and their families, Back to School and Trunk

or Treat, were once again well received! Our Back to School numbers were down this year, but

we were able to give our extra back packs and supplies to local schools that were in need of

additional materials for their students. God works in God’s ways, and fortunately we heard His

plan! Thank you to everyone who helped purchase, gather, sort and distribute school supplies for

children in our community. Trunk or Treat also served our community well! We had more than

20 trunks and thousands of pieces of candy. The quality of the candy was superb! The

decorations were incredible! This year we again filled the parking lot with trunks and our picture

booth, while serving hotdogs on the patio area. We were able spread people around our campus

in a way that made them feel at home. Thank you to everyone who helped in any way!

Our congregation is increasingly active with the Learning Tree, assisting and leading chapel

twice each week, once each week for the pre-school and once each week for Learning Tree’s

“After School Program.” Pastor Bill, Pastor Adam, Alison Quinn and I each take turns leading

story time in the chapel rotation. These children love to worship God, to pray and to sing! Their

Spirits are vibrant! I also teach a weekly music class to the Private Kindergarten. The children

really are enjoying their music class!

Once again, I thank you for the privilege of extending Hope in Jesus with all of you at Hope

Lutheran Church. The Spirit is active, Christ is alive and God never fails to provide opportunities

and challenges for growth!

Janet Lane, Director of Children’s Ministry

B) Overboard (College/Young Adult Ministry)

We continue to see God use this ministry as a place for Young Adults (college or career) to come

together and be the body of Christ. I have been excited to see the group grow in numbers, as the

average weekly attendance has continued to grow over the past year. Stopping by the Youth

Room on an average Thursday evening (6:30pm) you would find fifteen-twenty, 18-28 year olds

gathered for fellowship, food and teaching/study. We continue to “Extend Hope in Jesus” in a

few different ways, Highlights of this Ministry in 2013 include:

Fellowship Nights – About once each month we take our regular weekly meetings to a

local Starbucks, Jamba Juice, Foster Freeze or other location. These nights are always fun

and allow us to fellowship with each other and take a break from the stress of life as a

college student or career-pursuing young adult.

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Service/Ministry Opportunities – As you look around Hope it’s easy to spot Young

Adults serving within the mission and ministry of Hope Lutheran Church, take a look on

Sunday Mornings our Jr. High Class is taught by two College Students, Sunday School

opening is led by a handful of our college/young adults, shepherds for our Sunday school

and Wednesday night program are being called to Extend Hope in Jesus to the youngest

ones of our congregation. But Extending Hope in Jesus doesn’t stop there for this group!

One of our newest and youngest members of our 2014 Church Council is Garrett Wright

who we elected in 2013 to be a voice and representative of the young people of Hope.

Participants of Overboard continue to be called in many different directions and Hope has

many endless opportunities for our young adults to be plugged into the mission and

ministry of Hope Lutheran Church.

Mexico Mission Trip “Con todo lo que soy” With ALL that I am – 14 Young Adults and 3

Adult Mentors responded to a call into international missions this year. We joined Easton

Presbyterian Church in a joint ministry in Santa Isabel, Mexico. We were able to Extend

Hope to our neighbors, friends, and family in Santa Isabel. Our theme was “With all that

I am” Loving God with all our heart is what He calls us to do and we did this by hanging

out, talking, growing, and listening to those who God loves! We built relationships and

friendships that have changed our lives forever. Check out a few of our team’s

testimonies at: http://www.hopelutheranfresno.org/resources/sermons/

Regular Thursday Night Special Events– Included: Swim Parties, Thanksgiving Feast,

Christmas Party, Movie Night, Ultimate Frisbee in the Park, Gym nights, and much more.

Young adults are always ready for a good time. Our regular Thursday meetings allow us

to see each other, know each other, and grow in our faith together. We have experienced

deep conversations about our faith, our relationship with God, and our understanding of

scripture. This is a time we can be open and honest and allow God to work in our hearts

and lives through conversation, discussion, and learning.

Connecting to a Welcoming Community – Overboard continues to be a place where

young adults can invite their friends who don’t have a “Church Home/family.” God

continues to amaze me each time I see a new face attending on Thursday nights and

return week after week. It has been really encouraging to see those who only attend on

Thursday nights become more active members of our congregations by attending

Worship on Sunday mornings and other special services.

When I asked a few of our Overboard participants “What does Overboard mean to you?” This is

how they responded:

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“Overboard has been an amazing blessing in my life, I have been able to spend time with some

great people who have helped me to grow in my faith, and who keep me on the right path to

follow Jesus. After graduating out of the high school youth group, Overboard is a wonderful way

to move on, but stay connected to the church and these amazing people that God has brought into

my life.” – Tyler Woods (Age 18)

“What does Overboard mean to me? It’s a complicated question. The answer in my heart is it is a

place I go to feel the Holy Spirit with other people of my age and to share in the Word of God. A

place that is safe and fun. I may show up with tears in my eyes but I always leave with a smile in

my heart. The kind of place that really helps my faith grow through interactions and discussions

on what it means to be a Christian. What is Overboard? Overboard is Love.”

– Robert Forbes (Age 19)

Here is a comment from our Facebook Page:

“Every person in this group means so much to me. It’s insane to think that if Mrs. Nakamura

(Member of Hope who told Drew about this group) hadn't hooked me up with this great group of

friends I wouldn't be able to call you guys just that. I will always value my past, present, and

future experiences with this group. I love every single one of you. You guys are so radically Rad

its awesome and it makes my heart and face smile. Mad love you guys rock!!!!”

– Drew Parrish (Age 20)

Clearly, God is doing some amazing and unexplainable work through this ministry. Hope

Lutheran Church is a place young adults can feel at home, where they know they belong. Not

only is this group a ministry of Hope, but Overboard is a ministry uniquely positioned to train,

equip and empower the next generation of Hope’s leaders. In 2014 we will have about 9

graduating high school seniors, and while some will go away to college, some plan to stay local.

I believe that Overboard will offer this graduating senior class of 2014 a place here at Hope to go

and continue their faith journey amidst the high stress, and confusing reality of life in the real


Report by,

Alison Quinn

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A) Food Pantry

The Pantry is open every Tuesday morning from 7:30 – 9:00 am.

We distributed at the Pantry: 8,929 bags of groceries – Families of 1-5 = 1 bag; Families 6

or more = 2 bags

6,929 households (24,472 individual household members, 10,757

are children under 18)

We are receiving at no cost, prepackaged food from Robinson Elementary School from their

lunch program that would otherwise have been thrown out. We also receive food at no cost

from Savemart each week. This has allowed us to increase the nutritional value of each bag that

we distribute because we are now able to include meat products. This is in addition to purchases

of canned goods from the Community Food Bank.

Annual expense $11,688.00 (average cost, $1.31 per bag)

We purchased two small “Acer Chromebooks” to aid us in collecting client data, which entailed

bringing internet access into the Community Center. The Community Food Bank has

implemented an online data base program that all Food Pantries and USDA sites in the Fresno

area are now using. Hope’s Food Pantry was the “Pilot” in this new program. We were the first

food pantry to use it, and had direct input into what data is to be collected and how it is to be


We were the recipients of two grants. We received $1,990 from United Way; and with the

congregations help, $10,000.00 from Thrivent. We also received a small grant at year end from

Thrivent for $833.00. The Food Pantry donated $500.00 to the “Assist a Family Fund”, and

purchased 84 Turkeys at a cost of $1,235.00 for the Christmas Neighborhood Market. Money

received from grants is strictly regulated. We are again applying for a grant from United Way

for 2014.

The Annual Food Pantry Christmas Party was a huge success. Approximately 350 people

attended. We had 35 bicycles, tricycles, & toddler scooters donated and bicycle helmets were

provided by the Fresno Fire Department. They were donated by Doug & Sally Spencer, friends

of our Pantry, and by the congregation. The donations of toys and clothing, and adult type gifts

were amazing. The ham and turkey dinner provided by Barbara Cowart and Margaret Baker was

a huge success. We are extremely grateful for the generosity of this congregation with their time

and talents.

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This year saw the creation of a second Food Pantry Ministry team devoted to the USDA monthly

Distribution. This team is directed by Margaret Baker and Tom Lindstrom. We host the USDA

Emergency Food Assistance Program on the second Tuesday of each month. USDA-EFAP food

is provided free of charge by the U.S. Federal Government. Clients are allowed to receive this

once a month, which is regulated by size of the household and monthly/annual income.

USDA-EFAP program served: 5,388 bags/units – Families of 1-3 = 1bag/unit;

Families 4 or more = 2 bags/units.

3,160 households

14,125 individual household members

(total includes children under 18)


Approximately 20 volunteers on the Food Pantry and USDA Teams spend a total of 60 volunteer

hours per week.

Each sharing the “Four C’s”





They order food, provide vehicles, pick up and deliver food from the Food Bank to the Pantry,

stock shelves, bag food, distribute groceries, provide refreshments, make coffee, greet clients,

pray with them, provide hospitality, interview clients and input data into the computer. If you

have the “Four C’s” call us.

Homeless Ministry

We are attending the Fresno Diocese “Homeless Advocacy Committee” meetings, collaborating

with other churches throughout the city. At the end of February of 2013, a special concentrated

effort was made to survey the homeless population and collect data to determine the actual

number of homeless living on the streets in our community and assess their needs.

Lutheran Hunger Network

This year we saw the creation of the Lutheran Hunger Network, collaborating with local

Lutheran Churches in the Fresno area. We have held “Neighborhood Markets” at Hope Lutheran

(twice), Trinity Lutheran, Immanuel Lutheran (Easton), Our Saviour’s Lutheran (twice), Good

Shepherd Lutheran, and we even enlisted Wesley United Methodist. In November, Lutheran

Hunger Network, hosted by Hope Lutheran, presented the feature documentary “A Place at the

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Table” highlighting hunger, what causes it, and how it effects our society in America.

Neighborhood Markets provide, at no cost, a large variety of locally grown seasonal produce. At

Christmas we held a turkey drive, inviting all Lutheran congregations to provide 14-20 turkeys

per congregation and invited donors personally to distribute them at the Christmas Neighborhood

Market held at Hope Lutheran. All are welcome to volunteer at any one of these distributions.

Watch the Grapevine for information about where and when these Neighborhood Markets will

be held.

Who do we serve?

In the calendar year 2013, with your generosity, we served 10,096 households (38,603 individual

household members). That is an average of 210 households who come to the Pantry each week

at Hope Lutheran Church. The Food Pantry is not just about food. It is about companionship, a

sense of community, and love. We share food and we share the love of Jesus each week. We

serve a very small population of homeless clients and offer them showers at the close of the

Pantry morning. The majority of our clients are not homeless, but live on very limited incomes

that may include some form of Government assistance, and do not qualify for food stamps.

Matthew Mueller Celebration of Life Fund

The Matthew Mueller Celebration of Life Fund is supported with an annual pancake breakfast

that was held in September raising $2,924. Thrivent added another $600 in matching funds. The

Fund is further supplemented through our recycling of plastic, glass bottles, and cans which are

turned into cash year round with a special collection day on Matt Mueller’s birthday in July. This

year a total of just over $400 was raised.

The total amount donated to the Matt Mueller Fund in 2013 was $7,340 and $5,478 was paid out

for school supplies. Project Access of Fresno Unified School District screens children in

homeless situations based on their individual needs and the funds are maintained by Hope

Lutheran church to help meet these needs. Matt was a school teacher who loved children and

was always helping them whenever he could. Donations to the Matthew Mueller Celebration of

Life Fund are always appreciated year round, as the need to these school children is ongoing

throughout the year.

Thank You We are very grateful for your donations of cash, food, and shopping bags. We also appreciate

the time the youth, and others, who volunteer throughout the year have given to the Pantry. The

Food Box in the Narthex is always available for you to drop off food, grocery bags, baby diapers,

formula, and personal items. You may also drop off donations in the church office during the

week. You do “Extend Hope in Jesus”. Thank You!

Respectfully Submitted by: Phil Benner and Joyce Stenberg, Co-Directors

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B) Reading and Beyond

Reading and Beyond provides a service that enables volunteers to "Extend Hope in Jesus”. The

group is a literacy tutoring program for children in our church neighborhood that need extra help

and support in reading. Tutors work with the students in our Sunday School classrooms on

Tuesday and Thursday afternoons from 3-5 p.m. Each tutor works for one hour twice a week

with the same child. The students are kindergarten to sixth grade age. The number of volunteers

from Hope has been declining so I urge you to consider serving in this area of ministry. Training

is provided and it isn't necessary to have had teacher training or experience. All you need is love

and understanding for children. The Mission Statement for Reading and Beyond is "Empowering

Children and families to Achieve Productive, Self-Reliant Lives". Reading and Beyond has been

helping children for 12 years. Visit their website at [email protected] and

then call the church office to volunteer. Serving with you in Christ, Kay Suddath, volunteer.


A) Outreach Ministry

The Outreach Ministry oversees the weekly staffing of the visitor center with friendly volunteers

to welcome, answer questions and present visitors with a gift to show our hospitality. Volunteers

also support other ministries such as our August Back-to-School Event, October Trunk or Treat,

and the Food Pantry Christmas Party.

B) Friendship Club

The Friendship Club is enjoyed by members of Hope and their friends. Some guests are from

other Churches and others are from our neighborhood. The group meets on the 4th Thursday of

each month, except for November and December, when we meet on the 3rd Thursday.

Luncheon (price $4) is served at noon, followed by a program which might include musical

entertainment, travel, or informational topics. We try to gather our final head count by the

previous Sunday which allows Barbara Cowart time to shop and prepare for our special meal,

many of which are "theme" oriented to coincide with holidays of the month. Please call the

church office or Kay Suddath at 437-9072 to make your reservations.

Ruth Andersen and Kay Suddath, Co-Coordinators in this ministry "Extending Hope in Jesus"

C) Wednesday Night Dinners

Everyone is invited to enjoy weekly dinners in the community center between 5:30 and 6:15 pm.

Soups are served during Lent. Various individuals and groups plan the menus, purchase

groceries, and host the dinners. Many volunteers set tables, wash dishes, and help with clean up.

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Please join us whether you want to enjoy a meal after work, take a night off from cooking, or

spend time fellowshipping with friends. Come and meet somebody new! Following dinner,

benefit from one of the many classes or activities offered to youth and adults alike.

Thank you to all of our volunteers who served during 2013. If you have questions or would be

interested in joining this ministry team, contact the office at 439-4320.

D) Sunday Morning Hospitality Volunteers once again blessed us during 2013 by providing coffee and treats during a time of

fellowship between worship services. The people helping with this ministry team will be ending

their service at the end of March. We are currently looking for a volunteer coordinator who

would be willing to organize individuals and/or groups to make coffee on Sunday mornings. If

you or someone you know would be interested, please call the church office at 439-4320.


A) Worship and Music Ministry Team

The Worship and Music Team continues to work towards its purpose of providing meaningful

and creative worship experiences at Hope Lutheran Church as a way of Extending Hope in Jesus.

Our Team includes pastoral and music staff, as well as representatives of the congregation from

both worship services. We have a great Team! And we invite anyone with an interest in

Worship and Music to join us!

We have continued to uphold the goal of increased inclusivity and variety in our worship.

Having two very different worship formats every Sunday allows us to offer the best of worship

in creative ways which meet the worship needs of a variety of people. We are blessed to have

such a wide range of talents in this congregation that allows us to do this.

We have intentionally tried to offer worship experiences that will reach out to our community.

This year, at the Council’s suggestion, we offered an 11:00 pm Christmas Eve service that was

attended by many from our community. In addition, the Choir offered their Cantata on a Sunday

afternoon, which again was well attended by the community. We hope to expand on these kinds

of worship opportunities in the future.

We continue to work closely with staff in seasonal worship planning to create meaningful,

worshipful experiences that speak to a variety of people in a variety of ways while upholding the

heart of our Lutheran heritage.

B) Altar Guild Ministry Team

Under the leadership of Teddy Henley, our worship center is lovingly prepared each week by our

Altar Guild team of volunteers. Four to six people serve each month setting up communion for

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each worship service as well as for baptisms, and occasionally, for weddings and funerals.

Approximately sixty volunteers serve in this ministry. New members are always welcome and

families are encouraged to participate. If you have questions or you may be interested in serving

in this gratifying worship experience, contact Teddy at 250-2481.


A) Women of Hope

Bunko Party – In January, on a Friday night, about 20 women gathered to play Bunko. Patricia

Martin did a wonderful job of planning the event which had a winter/snow theme. A potluck

dinner was provided by the attendees.

WELCA Sierra Pacific Synod Conference 17 – Hope was the host for the annual Spring meeting.

The program began with registration at 8:30 and concluded with lunch. The guest speaker was

Linda Newton, and about 100 women attended from 14 churches participated.

Women’s Retreat was held at ECCO, April 5-7. The spiritual leader was Jan Sickert and the

theme was “Rest in God”. Nearly 40 women attended. In addition to reuniting with Jan, other

highlights of the weekend were a presentation by the Hope Quilters followed by hands on time

with some quilts and the creation of “Jesus Bracelets”. A collection was taken and given back to

the retreat fund. The retreat fund was also bolstered by a “No-Bake” sale which was held in


July Craft Day - In July about 15 women gathered at Michael’s Craft store to make Christmas

ornaments that were intended to be used as package decorations for the Angel Tree presents.

About 20 ornaments were made.

Annual Meeting - Gerre Brenneman from Evangel Home was the guest speaker for the Annual

Meeting and potluck luncheon. Her story of the history and mission of Evangel Home was

inspiring. Sadly, only 15 women attended this Saturday event.

Seven women from Hope attended the Biennial Conference of the Sierra Pacific Synod at St

James Church in Sacramento. President Donna Lippmann is very grateful that the Women of

Hope made funds possible for her to attend.

Bethel Home Birthday Party - Shirley Kreul made the arrangements, and bought cakes, and

many choir members joined in the trip to Selma to help the October babies celebrate. The

residents really enjoyed the music.

ThankOffering Sunday - Spearheaded by Jan Kramer, the ThankOffering Sunday was a huge

success. Linda Rube delivered the sermon and Audry Hansen arranged the music.

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Christmas party - Scheduling issues forced the Christmas Party to be held on a Sunday afternoon,

but still 25 women attended! Nancy Hanson demonstrated a paper craft (making fancy bows

from strips of paper and a cookie exchange was held. New officers Debbie Hurado and Cammy

Johnson were installed as VP for Membership and VP for Missions, respectively. Donna

Lippmann, Nancy Hansen and Jan Kramer remain on the Board from 2012. The Circles are

represented by Darlene McNary and Shirley Kreul.

Evangel Home Stars - Alison Quinn organized an “All Star” tree for the Evangel Home

residents, in a similar style to the Angel Tree project. Items for children and adults were


Submitted by,

Donna Lippmann

B) Men of Hope

2013 marks the 10th

year of our group. We started as a group of six men trying to improve their

knowledge and faith. Don Coleman was our leader and the instigator of our group. Today, Don

has moved out of town and the group continues. We have 36 names on our blanket email

setting. This is roughly equal to the number of people who are active plus the names of people

who were active but who have elected to stay in touch with the group. Our average Friday 6:45

am meeting is attended by 19 people. We have plenty of seating at Denny’s on Shaw near first

street, come join us anytime.

Individually, we each have a goal of improving our knowledge of the bible by sharing our

insights with the insights of others. Collectively, we share of goal of fellowship and service.

Individually we participate in many church activities. As a group we prepare, serve and clean up

after the first Wednesday night supper of each month. We supported Christmas giving to help

with socks and mittens for Robinson School. We supported Flamingos in the yard by the Over

Board young adults. We reach out to the community. This can be deduced from the one to four

non-Lutherans who attend our sessions.

We use the The Master Builders Bible for Men as our main resource. We have covered a wide

range of lessons including such topics for study as, “Spiritual Basics: Becoming Christian”;

“Maturing in Christ: Called to Discipleship”; “Gifts and Calling: What is the Will of God for

My Life”; and “Whol-i-ness: with Myself, Others and God”.

We plan to continue growing in faith for 2014. Our January topic for study is “Growing Older:

Special Needs for Men”.

Respectfully Submitted by Dick Nordstrom

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C) Monday Ministry Team

The Monday Ministry team first met in January 2012 and was created to help follow up with the

weekly communication/attendance cards and enhance contact with congregational members.

During 2013 the team has continued to meet every other week.

The activities have included:

Revision of the Blue Communication card bulletin insert.

Facilitating communication with visitors through the communication cards, guest

register, telephone calls, and letters.

Maintaining outreach to the congregation’s members through systematic telephone

contact including updating the Church Directory and contacting inactive members.

We have welcomed the input of Interim Lead Pastor Bill Wong as we identify and enhance

communication of prayer requests from visitors and congregation members including the home


Current membership includes Karen Benner, Mary Ann Carr, Caryl Chornow, Jacque Haar,

Barb & Norm Hansen, Ed Nelson, Mike Russler, Pam Scheid, Nancy Smith, Kay Suddath, Ardis

Sweeney, Karl Wyneken.

Goals 2014

1) We want members from both services and we encourage you to consider becoming a member

of the team!

2) Enhance contact with inactive members.

3) Continue to listen, watch, and chat with our visitors as well as our church family.

Submitted by,

Mike Russler

D) Quilters

Our faithful group of quilters found delight during the 2013 year in “Extending Hope in Jesus”

by making 138 quilts. The quilts of various sizes were distributed to Project Access, Bethel

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Home, Fresno Rescue Mission, Poverello House, the Christian Fresno Firefighters group, the

Hope Food Pantry, and to a boys orphanage in Colombia, South America (in cooperation with

the Madera Rotary). We also made 14 doll mattresses, quilts and pillows for cradles made by the

Fresno Woodworkers that are distributed at Christmas. Additionally, 15 knitted caps and a

sweater were given to Hope Food Pantry clients. We continue to be grateful to those who

generously donate material for us to work with: fabric, sheets, batting, yarn and various sewing


Our creative workers include: Eileen Linn, Joyce Burns, Inger Lindhe, Darlene McNary, Pam

Reistetter, Doris Lastretto, Betty Green, Daphne Garrett, Linda Lindstrom, Barbie Lindstrom,

Ruth Sherman and Margie Darula. We meet on the first and third Tuesdays of the month at

9am. New members are always welcome.

Lastly, we lost two long standing members this year: Myrtle Otteson and Kay Ardern. We miss

them and their faithful presence.

Respectfully submitted,

Eileen Linn

E) Prayer Shawl Ministry

Our mission, Extending Hope in Jesus, is truly fulfilled by our Prayer Shawl Ministry.

Volunteers deliver prayer shawls to those at home, in hospitals, or nursing homes, that need

comfort and healing. Baby shawls are also presented to the parents at the time of a child’s

baptism. Those who knit or crochet the shawls pray that God will meet the needs of each

recipient. Please call if you know a member of Hope or a friend who would be benefited by a

shawl. If you enjoy knitting or crocheting and would like to become a part of this ministry team

contact Joan Dalgety at 261-1191 or Caryl Chornow at 439-1920.

F) Bicycle Group

The "Bike & Breakfast" Group generally meets on the first Saturday of each month. There

are currently 31 on the email list and we average 7-15 attending each month.

New riders are always welcome. You can just show up for the ride, no need to sign up in

advance. We average about 10 miles per ride and have breakfast following the ride. Our rides

usually start early at 7:30 am and we're done with breakfast by around 10:00 am. Most of our

rides are on Fresno or Clovis trails but we try to do something different a few times a year.

For instance in August 2013 we met at the Bob Jones bike trail with lunch at Avila Beach and

followed up that same day with a Morro Bay ride and dinner in Morro Bay at the Jensen's

home there. In November 2013 we joined the City of Fresno Bike through History public

ride that started at the Tower Theater and enjoyed an early lunch after the ride at

Sequoia Brewing Company restaurant.

Please call Cindy Wiederhold at 974-8618 or the church office for more information.

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G) Book Club

The Book Club is comprised of people who enjoy reading and discussing a wide variety of

books, fiction and nonfiction. Members select a title in advance to read and discuss on the second

Wednesday of each month from 2 to 4 pm except during the summer months and December.

Members of the group also share other titles currently being read and recommended (or not). All

are welcome. Contact Audry Hanson at 431-4257 for more information or a list of the books

discussed over the past 12 years.

H) Dining Groups

Dining groups continue to gather allowing members and visitors of Hope to fellowship in a

casual setting. Groups include: Dine In, Dine Out, and for those with young children. We

encourage everyone to join a group especially people new to Hope. Contact the church office

(439-4320) for more information.

I) Prayer Chain Ministry

The Prayer Chain Ministry is a group of dedicated individuals who pray for the needs of our

congregation. When a prayer request comes in to the office, a group of individuals are notified

by email. Please call Pam Campbell at439-4320 if you would like to join the prayer chain or

know of someone in need of being added to the prayer list.


A) Assist A Family Fund

Jan 1, 2013 Balance: $ 372

2013 Receipts: 1,835

2013 Expenditures: 750

Dec 31, 2013 Balance: $ 1,457

Of the total receipts, $500 was contributed from a grant to the Food Pantry. If you would like to

make a recurring pledge to this fund, contact Pam Campbell in the church office. You may

always give a one-time or occasional gift by indicating “Assist a Family” on the memo line of

your check, or on the outside of a pew envelope. If you have questions regarding how the fund

is administered, please contact Ada Mazzeo, Phil Benner, or Pam Scheid.

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B) Columbarium Ministry

(1 Peter 1:3) “We have been born anew to a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus


This ministry affirms our faith that those who die in the Lord remain in communion not only

with God but also with the living, and revives the tradition of the Church to serve its members

from baptism to death. Our on-site Memorial Grove provides state-of-the-art columbaria with

niches that members of Hope Lutheran may purchase for inurnment of cremated remains of

loved ones, at a cost far less than is available from commercial funeral homes and cemeteries.

We will be installing and dedicating a third niche area that will hold another 42 niches, for a total

of 126. We are also in the process of upgrading the water feature in the Memorial Grove, to be

dedicated at the same time as the new niches in February 2014.

This ministry is supported solely by memorial gifts and sales of niches.

Respectfully submitted by the Administration Board: Bob Stenberg (chairman); Jacque Haar

(secretary); Phil Benner (treasurer); Sharon Nelson; Bev & Dave Little

C) The Learning Tree

The Learning Tree at Hope Lutheran Church is a highly regarded childcare center serving

families in the greater Fresno Area. This ministry includes quality Christian Education programs

for infants, pre-school age children, Kindergarteners, and elementary school children after

school. We have a professional staff of 20, including Director, Cyndi Gomez and Assistant

Director, Myra Squeo, all of whom are CPR certified.

Highlights of the year:

Re-elected Tom Wright to The Learning Tree Board.

Elected Steve Fortner to The Learning Tree Board, effective January 2014.

Thanked Andy Reistetter for his faithful service at the completion of his 3-year term.

Installed new flooring in one Classroom. (Made possible by generous donations.)

Installed 10 security cameras to monitor classroom doors, office areas, and playground.

(Made possible by a Memorial Gift)

Included The Learning Tree Staff in Hope’s Pictorial Directory.

Continued working with Hope Staff to improve coordination of The Learning Tree and

Hope’s children’s programs.

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Ways the members of Hope Lutheran Church support the ministry of The Learning Tree:

Provide Bibles for each of our 3 year olds,

Purchase Enchiladas during our Fundraising Drive,

Use The Learning Tree Shares Card when shopping at Save Mart or Food Maxx,

Make financial donations through designated giving.

We pray that God will continue to bless this ministry of Hope Lutheran Church and the children

and their families whom we serve at The Learning Tree.

Respectfully Submitted,

The Learning Tree Board: Jennifer Jordan, Chair, Kristi Gose, Jacque Haar, Andy Reistetter,

Tom Wright

(See financial report – pages 42-43)


A) Taste of Italy

The “Taste of Italy” event was a great experience and success! This fundraiser helped put our

youth program in a terrific financial position with regard to camps and events for the summer of

2014. Monies will also be used in planning ahead to the summer of 2015 National Youth

Gathering scheduled to take place in Detroit, Michigan. It was held in Hope’s Community

Center on Saturday, September 21. The event raised proceeds totaling just under $10,000. Fun

was had by all! The evening included a wonderful Italian family style dinner. There were areas

for wine, olive oil and sausage tasting, music, silent auction, and a store featuring baked goods,

crafts, and other items.

Thanks to all the volunteers and everyone that supported this event in the way of ticket sales,

donations, time, and talents too numerous to mention! We can’t say it enough times; it takes

many hands to Help Make Hope Happen! Thank you!

B) Crab Feed

The Third Annual Hope Lutheran Crab Feed was held on Friday, February 1. The net proceeds

to the church totaled $4,800 and were used for the Horizon Fund. The youth also raised $2,700.

The event featured great food, dessert auction, live music, fellowship and fun! Thank you to

those serving on the team that planned and coordinated this event! Thank you to those that


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A) Hope Lutheran Church

Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting Minutes

December 4, 2013

Opening prayer – Pastor Wong

Establish quorum

Quorum was over 90 we needed 68

Approve Agenda

Moved by Mary Smith, seconded by Jacob Rangel, carried to approve agenda

Approve Minutes

Moved by Mary Smith, seconded by Rod Buck, carried to approve minutes of March 20,

2013 Semi-annual Congregational Meeting and October 9, 2013 Special Congregation

Meeting to Elect a Call Team


Nominations from the floor

Kay Suddath for the Nominating Team

*Motion to close nominations from the floor made by Mary Smith and seconded by

Jan Forbes, passed and nominations closed

Church Council (2 Year Term)—Elect 7

Dorothy Johnson

Janice Kramer

Charlotte Mosqueira

Becky Russler

Ed Nelson

Garrett Wright

Tina Wyneken

Nominating Team (1 Year Term)—Elect 2

Ellen Elrich

Pam Scheid

Kay Suddath (nominated from the floor)

Learning Tree (3 Year Term)—Elect 2

Steve Fortner

Tom Wright

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Omega Fund (3 Year Term)—Elect 2

Terri Larson

Dick Nordstrom

*Motion made that we waive the requirement that the names of the nominees must be

public ten days before the meeting, for just this time, made by Margaret Baker and

seconded by Mary Smith.


Church Council

Dorothy Johnson

Janice Kramer

Charlotte Mosqueira

Becky Russler

Ed Nelson

Garrett Wright

Tina Wyneken

Nominating Team

Ellen Elrich

Kay Suddath

Learning Tree

Steve Fortner

Tom Wright

Omega Fund

Terri Larson

Dick Nordstrom


Approve 2014 Budget

*Motion made that we approve the 2014 Budget made by Teddy Henley and seconded by

Becky Russler, motion passed.

Report from Call Team

Met with Bishop Mark and he indicated the Sierra Pacific Synod has 38 vacancies

in pastoral positions because of recent retirements

Because we are a large church we should get a more experienced pastor.

There was a chart made that shows the Call Process for the Congregation

A survey will be sent out to the congregation to review the congregation and who

is a part of it.

Closing Prayer

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Hope Lutheran Church Congregational Meeting to Elect a Call Team Minutes

October 9, 2013 Opening prayer – Pastor Wong Establish quorum

Quorum was 80 and we needed 74 Eric Wheeler opens the floor to nominations

Carol Maul motioned to close nominations with a second from Christina Garabedian—Passed. Elections—vote for 7 (ballots with more than 7 are disqualified; ballots with less than 7 are valid), simple majority to elect. Counters: Jan Forbes, Sam Lucido, Linda Lucido, Pat Martin.

Ballot #1 Nominees #2 #3 #4 #5 #6

1. Donna Beavers 2. Caryl Chornow 3. Mike Davis 4. Mark Dodd 5. Bob Epperson 6. Sharon Garabedian 7. Dennis Hanson 8. Nancy Hanson 9. Teddy Henley 10. Donna Little 11. Peter Marhenke 12. Sara Martin 13. Ken Maul 14. Ada Mazzeo 15. Sharon Nelson 16. Alison Quinn 17. Linda Rube 18. Pam Sheid 19. Christa Slater 20. Bryan Smith 21. Don Smith 22. Mary Smith 23. Bob Stenberg 24. George Van Pelt 25. David Willis 26. Nancy Willis 27. Garrett Wright 28. Bryan Wulf

Elected 1. Donna Little

2. Bob Stenberg

None Elected 3. Teddy Henley

4. Sara Martin

Elected 5. Bryan Wulf

None Elected 6. Bob Epperson 7. Peter Marhenke

Motions considered during election:

Motion that for the third and each successive ballot, 1/3 of the bottom (least votes) based on the number of available slots and ties are eliminated from the ballot for the next vote. Motion by Jim Suddath and seconded by Dorothy Johnson. Motion passed

Motion that the top two candidates on the sixth ballot are voted on the Call Team made by Dick Nordstrom and seconded by Bert Baker. Motion did not pass by 2/3 vote.

Closing Prayer by Pastor Wong

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Hope Lutheran Church

Semi-Annual Congregational Meeting Minutes

March 20, 2013

Opening Prayer – Pastor Roger

Establish Quorum

Quorum was established with 80 voting members (74 was needed)

Approve Agenda

Moved by Kara Wright, seconded by Tyler Woods, carried to approve agenda

Approve Minutes

Moved by Sam Lucido, seconded by Jacob Rangel, carried to approve minutes of

November 14, 2012 Semi-annual Congregational Meeting

Approval of Annual Reports of Teams and Organizations

Food Pantry - Phil Benner and Joyce Stenberg shared highlights from their annual


Volunteer Coordinator - Teddy Henley shared highlights from her annual report

Children and Youth - Pastor Adam shared highlights from the past year in our

Youth and Children’s ministries

Overboard – Alison Quinn shared highlights from her annual report

Motion to approve Annual Reports by Ron Marhenke, seconded by Teddy Henley,

carried to approve Annual Reports of Teams and Organizations


Nominees Election Results

Bethel Home Nominations

Jacque Haar

Jim and Kay Suddath

Garrett Wright

Jacob Rangel

Bethel Home Elections:

Jim and Kay Suddath

Synod Assembly

Jan Forbes

Ron Marhenke

Jacob Rangel

Tina Wyneken

Eric Wheeler as required

Synod Assembly (approved by acclamation)

Jan Forbes

Ron Marhenke

Jacob Rangel

Tina Wyneken

Eric Wheeler as required

Financial Report – Tina Wyneken reviewed the financial reports and update provided with the

annual report.

Closing Prayer