Semantic Web e Big Data Applicazioni per l'Information Retrieval e il Knowledge Management Lorenzo Verna M: [email protected] W: tykli.com

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Semantic Web e Big Data!Applicazioni per l'Information Retrieval e il Knowledge Management

Lorenzo Verna M: [email protected] W: tykli.com


Tykli _ New ICT Trends _ 27/05/2014

Le problematiche dell’Information Age

Espansione dei Volumi!

Varietà / Velocità!


Interoperabilità !


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La sfida dell’Information Age

In 2002, digital data storage surpassed non-digital for the first time. By 2007, 94 percent of all information on the planet was in digital form.!!!!Source: Researchers at the University of Southern California took four years. "Credit: Todd Lindeman and Brian Vastag/ The Washington Post!!!!

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“There was 5 exabytes of information created between the dawn of civilization through 2003, but that much information is now created every 2 days, and the pace is increasing.” !Eric Schmidt – Google CEO !

Every two days now we create as much information as we did from the dawn of civilization up until 2003.

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!Huge amount of data come from Industries and Organizations activities. -  Health Care and Clinical Data -  Scientific Research

(astronomy, engineering, genetics) -  Finance, Stock exchange -  Market analysis -  News and Editorial Contents -  Applications Logs -  TLC, mobile networks providers -  IoT, sensors -  Public Administration (OpenData) -  Security and Surveillances -  E-commerce: Amazon.com, ebay.com

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Big Data

2008 "Big Data" caught on quickly as a blanket term for any collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using on-hand database management tools or traditional data processing applications. 3V: •  high volume, •  high velocity, •  and/or high variety

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3V Model

•  Volume (amount of data),

•  Velocity (speed of data in and out),

•  Variety (range of data types and sources)

•  Veracity

(data inconsistency, incompleteness, ambiguities, noise vs signal)

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Big Data

4/28/13 Bill Howe, UW 3

# of



# of data sources



LSST (~100PB; images, spectra)

PanSTARRS (~40PB; images, trajectories)

OOI (~50TB/year; sims, RSN) IOOS (~50TB/year; sims, satellite, gliders,

AUVs, vessels, more) CMOP (~10TB/year; sims, stations, gliders,

AUVs, vessels, more)

SDSS (~400TB; images, spectra, catalogs)

n-body sims




cruises, CTDs flow cytometry


ADCP satellites


Ocean Sciences

3 V’s of Big Data Volume Variety Velocity

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Big Data

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"Data is the new oil" Ann Winblad


l'Information Retrieval !

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Le problematiche dell’Information Age

Espansione dei Volumi!

Varietà / Velocità!


Interoperabilità !


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Information Retrieval

Information retrieval is the activity of obtaining information resources relevant to an information need from a collection of information resources. Searches can be based onmetadata or on full-text (or other content-based) indexing. Automated information retrieval systems are used to reduce what has been called "information overload". Many universities and public libraries use IR systems to provide access to books, journals and other documents. Web search engines are the most visible IR applications.

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Information Retrieval

“L'IR è un campo interdisciplinare che nasce dall'incrocio di discipline diverse. L'IR coinvolge la psicologia cognitiva, l'architettura informativa, la filosofia, il design, il comportamento umano sull'informazione, la linguistica, la semiotica, la scienza dell'informazione e l'informatica.”

Information Retrieval Models

 the source of that image is: !Dominik Kuropka: Modelle zur Repräsentation natürlichsprachlicher Dokumente. Ontologie-basiertes Information-Filtering und -Retrieval mit relationalen Datenbanken, ISBN 3-8325-0514-8!

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Cognitive models of IR

Berrypicking (Marcia Bates)

Cognitive models of IR

Exploratory Search

Exploratory search: from finding to understanding  Gary Marchionini - CACM April 2006/Vol. 49, No. 4

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Strutture gerarchiche di categorizzazione e classificazione. !Troppo onerose da mantenere e troppo complesso orientarsi.!

Ricerca full-text.!! - Quale domanda fare! - Troppi Risultati! - Zero Risultati!

Tykli _ New ICT Trends _ 27/05/2014

Graph Data Model

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Google Knowledge Graph


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Google Knowledge Graph


Its semantic network contained over 570 million objects and more than 18 billion facts about and relationships between different objects.

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Facebook Open Graph

Mark Zuckerberg, CEO of Facebook, spoke about his vision for the "open graph" . – September 2011 !

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Facebook Open Graph

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Linked Data

Insieme di standard W3C per la pubblicazione, condivisione e correlazione di dati strutturati: RDF come modello dei dati, SPARQL per l’interrogazione.

Dati “sparsi” e semanticamente interconnessi attraverso diverse sorgenti:

Da silos di dati al Web of data.

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Web of Data

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Global Data Space

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Linked Open Data Cloud

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PREFIX abc: <http://example.com/exampleOntology#>

SELECT ?capital ?country


?x abc:cityname ?capital ;

abc:isCapitalOf ?y .

?y abc:countryname ?country ;

abc:isInContinent abc:Africa .


SPARQL Protocol and RDF Query Language

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Raw data now

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Semantic Web

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Network Science

Source: http://barabasilab.neu.edu/networksciencebook/!

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Problema dei ponti di Königsberg

Nel 1736 Eulero ha enunciato il seguente teorema:!Un qualsiasi grafo è percorribile se e solo se ha tutti i nodi di grado pari, o due di essi sono di grado dispari; per percorrere un grafo "possibile" con due nodi di grado dispari, è necessario partire da uno di essi, e si terminerà sull’altro nodo dispari.!Tykli _ New ICT Trends _ 27/05/2014

Cammino minimo ecc.

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Scale-free network

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Node Centrality

Alcuni nodi che sono più importanti di altri per la configurazione della rete.

Ci sono diverse misure di centralità che colgono diverse peculiarità dei nodi nella rete.

•  Degree Centrality

•  Betweenness Centrality

•  Eignevalue Centrality

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Degree Centrality

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Betweenness Centrality

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Community Detection

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Network Analysis

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Network Analysis

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Relationship Rank®

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Semantic Network

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Le problematiche dell’Information Age

Espansione dei Volumi!

Varietà / Velocità!


Interoperabilità !


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La Risposta

•  Abbiamo più strumenti per affrontare grandi volumi di dati (horse power);

•  Possiamo modellare i dati su strutture a grafo;

•  Possiamo integrare frammenti da sorgenti eterogenee;

•  Possiamo analizzare le reti che ne derivano;

•  Possiamo generare delle mappe di esplorazione;

•  Possiamo rendere semplice e intuitiva l’interfaccia utente;

•  Possiamo garantire la migliore esperienza di fruizione, esplorazione, scoperta.

Tykli _ New ICT Trends _ 27/05/2014

Value lies in relationships


Lorenzo Verna M: [email protected] W: tykli.com