Semantic Web 0 (0) 1 1 IOS Press 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7 7 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 15 15 16 16 17 17 18 18 19 19 20 20 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 24 25 25 26 26 27 27 28 28 29 29 30 30 31 31 32 32 33 33 34 34 35 35 36 36 37 37 38 38 39 39 40 40 41 41 42 42 43 43 44 44 45 45 46 46 47 47 48 48 49 49 50 50 51 51 Squerall: Virtual Ontology-Based Access to Heterogeneous and Large Data Sources Mohamed Nadjib Mami a,* , Damien Graux a , Simon Scerri b , Hajira Jabeen b and Sören Auer c a IAIS, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, Germany E-mails: [email protected], [email protected] b Bonn University, Germany E-mails: [email protected], [email protected] c TIB Leibniz Information Center Science and Technology & L3S Research Center, Hannover University, Germany E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. During the last two decades, a huge leap in terms of data formats, data modalities, and storage capabilities has been made. As a consequence, dozens of storage techniques have been studied and developed. Today, it is possible to store cluster- wide data easily while choosing a storage technique that suits our application needs, rather than the opposite. If different data stores are interlinked and queried together, their data can generate valuable knowledge and insights. In this study, we present a unified architecture, which uses Semantic Web standards to query heterogeneous Big Data stored in a Data Lake in a unified manner. In a nutshell, our approach consists of equipping original heterogeneous data with mappings and offering a middleware able to aggregate the intermediate results in a distributed manner. Additionally, we devise an implementation, named Squerall, that uses both Apache Spark and Presto as an underlying query engines. Finally, we conduct experiments to demonstrate the feasibility, efficiency and solubility of Squerall in querying five popular data sources. Keywords: Distributed Query Processing, Data Lake, OBDA, Heterogeneous Data Access, NoSQL 1. Introduction For over four decades, relational data management was the dominant paradigm for storing and managing structured data. Use-cases such as storing vast amounts of indexed Web pages and user activities revealed the relational data management’s weakness at dynamically scaling the storage and querying to massive amounts of data. This initiated a paradigm shift, calling for a new breed of databases capable of storing terabytes of data without deteriorating querying performance. Google BigTable [1], for example, a high-performing, fault- tolerant and scalable database appearing in 2006, was among those first databases to dis-adhere to the rela- tional model. Since then, a variety of non-relational databases has come to existence, e.g., Cassandra, Mon- goDB, Couchbase, Neo4j, etc. * Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected]. This development also correlated with the beginning of the new Big Data era of data management. The lat- ter is characterized with three challenges: storing large volumes of data, processing fast paced flux of data – velocity, and embracing the ever increasing types and structures of data – variety. NoSQL databases, collec- tively with Big Data frameworks, such as Hadoop[2], Spark[3], Flink[4], Kafka[5], etc. efficiently handle storing and processing voluminous and continuously changing data. The support for the third Big Data di- mension though, i.e., facilitating the processing of het- erogeneous data, remains relatively unexplored. Semantic Web standards for heterogeneous data in- tegration. For almost two decades, semantic tech- nologies have been developed to facilitate the inte- gration of heterogeneous data coming from multiple sources following the local-as-view paradigm. Local data schemata are mapped to global ontology terms, using mapping languages that have been standardized 1570-0844/0-1900/$35.00 c 0 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved

Semantic Web 0 (0) 1 IOS Press Squerall: Virtual Ontology ... · feasibility, efficiency and solubility of Squerall in querying five popular data sources. Keywords: Distributed

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Page 1: Semantic Web 0 (0) 1 IOS Press Squerall: Virtual Ontology ... · feasibility, efficiency and solubility of Squerall in querying five popular data sources. Keywords: Distributed

Semantic Web 0 (0) 1 1IOS Press

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Squerall: Virtual Ontology-Based Access toHeterogeneous and Large Data SourcesMohamed Nadjib Mami a,*, Damien Graux a, Simon Scerri b, Hajira Jabeen b and Sören Auer c

a IAIS, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft, GermanyE-mails: [email protected], [email protected] Bonn University, GermanyE-mails: [email protected], [email protected] TIB Leibniz Information Center Science and Technology & L3S Research Center, Hannover University, GermanyE-mail: [email protected]

Abstract. During the last two decades, a huge leap in terms of data formats, data modalities, and storage capabilities has beenmade. As a consequence, dozens of storage techniques have been studied and developed. Today, it is possible to store cluster-wide data easily while choosing a storage technique that suits our application needs, rather than the opposite. If different datastores are interlinked and queried together, their data can generate valuable knowledge and insights. In this study, we presenta unified architecture, which uses Semantic Web standards to query heterogeneous Big Data stored in a Data Lake in a unifiedmanner. In a nutshell, our approach consists of equipping original heterogeneous data with mappings and offering a middlewareable to aggregate the intermediate results in a distributed manner. Additionally, we devise an implementation, named Squerall,that uses both Apache Spark and Presto as an underlying query engines. Finally, we conduct experiments to demonstrate thefeasibility, efficiency and solubility of Squerall in querying five popular data sources.

Keywords: Distributed Query Processing, Data Lake, OBDA, Heterogeneous Data Access, NoSQL

1. Introduction

For over four decades, relational data managementwas the dominant paradigm for storing and managingstructured data. Use-cases such as storing vast amountsof indexed Web pages and user activities revealed therelational data management’s weakness at dynamicallyscaling the storage and querying to massive amounts ofdata. This initiated a paradigm shift, calling for a newbreed of databases capable of storing terabytes of datawithout deteriorating querying performance. GoogleBigTable [1], for example, a high-performing, fault-tolerant and scalable database appearing in 2006, wasamong those first databases to dis-adhere to the rela-tional model. Since then, a variety of non-relationaldatabases has come to existence, e.g., Cassandra, Mon-goDB, Couchbase, Neo4j, etc.

*Corresponding author. E-mail: [email protected].

This development also correlated with the beginningof the new Big Data era of data management. The lat-ter is characterized with three challenges: storing largevolumes of data, processing fast paced flux of data –velocity, and embracing the ever increasing types andstructures of data – variety. NoSQL databases, collec-tively with Big Data frameworks, such as Hadoop[2],Spark[3], Flink[4], Kafka[5], etc. efficiently handlestoring and processing voluminous and continuouslychanging data. The support for the third Big Data di-mension though, i.e., facilitating the processing of het-erogeneous data, remains relatively unexplored.

Semantic Web standards for heterogeneous data in-tegration. For almost two decades, semantic tech-nologies have been developed to facilitate the inte-gration of heterogeneous data coming from multiplesources following the local-as-view paradigm. Localdata schemata are mapped to global ontology terms,using mapping languages that have been standardized

1570-0844/0-1900/$35.00 c© 0 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved

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for a number of popular data representations, such asrelational data, JSON, CSV or XML. Data of multiplesources and forms can then be accessed in a uniformmanner by means of queries using a unique query lan-guage: SPARQL, employing terms from the ontology.Such data access, commonly referred to as Ontology-Based Data Access (OBDA) [6], can either be physicalor virtual. In a physical data access, the whole data isexhaustively transformed into RDF [7], based on themappings. In a virtual data access, data remains in itsoriginal format and form; it is only after the user issuesa query that relevant data is retrieved, by mapping theterms from the query to the schemata of the data.

The pool of heterogeneous data residing in its orig-inal format and form is commonly referred to asData Lake [8]. It can contain databases (e.g. NoSQLstores) or scale-out file/block storage infrastructure(e.g. HDFS distributed file system). Our goal is to fa-cilitate accessing large amounts of original data storedin a Data Lake, i.e., without pre-processing or physi-cal data transformation. A problem here, however, isthat data in different representations can not be linkedand joined. We, therefore, build a virtual OBDA ontop of the Data Lake, and call the resulting concept aSEMANTIC DATA LAKE. Although the term has beenused before in [9], we have previously introduced theconcept in a scientific publication in [10].

Challenges of OBDA for large-scale data. Imple-menting an OBDA on top of Big Data poses two majorchallenges:

– Query translation. SPARQL queries must betranslated to the query dialect of each of the rel-evant data sources. Depending on the data type,the generic and dynamic translation between datamodels can be challenging [11].

– Federated Query Execution. In Big Data scenar-ios, it is common to have non-selective queries,so that joining or possibly union can not be per-formed on a single node in the cluster, but have tobe executed in a distributed manner.

Contributions. In this article, we target the previouschallenges and make the following contributions:

– We propose an architecture of an OBDA that layson top of Big Data sources. Thus, we enablequerying large heterogeneous data using a singlequery language: SPARQL[12].

– We extend the SPARQL syntax to enable declar-ing transformations, using which users can alterjoin keys and make data join-able, when it is notoriginally so. As we are targeting data that is pos-

sibly generated using different applications, datamight not be readily join-able. Hence, allowingusers to declaratively transform their data is ofparamount importance.

– We introduce an approach for the distributedquery execution, with focus on the multisourcejoin operation.

– We implement an instance of the proposed ar-chitecture using state-of-the-art query engines(Apache Spark and Presto), which provides wrap-pers for several databases with SQL access. Wetherefore create a tailored SPARQL-to-SQL con-verter. We call this Mediated OBDA, as SQL isused as a mediator middle-ware between the dataand the SPARQL interface.

– We build a NoSQL ontology, to classify NoSQLdatabases and related concepts and use it as partof the data mappings.

The remainder of the article is structured as follows:Section 2 suggests an architecture for the SEMAN-TIC DATA LAKE. Section 3 introduces our proposal ofextending SPARQL syntax to enable data joinability.Section 4 details our approach of querying heteroge-neous data with a special focus on the join. Section5 we describe our implementation of the SEMANTICDATA LAKE architecture. Section 6 is where we re-port on our evaluations of the implementation. Section7 gives an overview of related work. Finally, Section 8concludes and discusses future directions.

2. A Semantic Data Lake Architecture

2.1. Preliminaries

We define the following terms:– Data Attribute: comprises all concepts used by

data sources to characterize a particular storeddatum. It can be a table column in a relationaldatabase (e.g. Cassandra) or a field in a documentdatabase (e.g. MongoDB).

– Data Entity: comprises all concepts that are usedby different data sources to group similar data to-gether. It can be a table in a relational or a col-lection in a document database. A data entity hasone or multiple data attributes.

– ParSet: refers to a data structure that can be par-titioned and distributed among cluster nodes.

– Parallel Operational Zone (POZ): is the paral-lel distributed environment where the ParSets liveand evolve. In practice, it can be represented by

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Fig. 1. SEMANTIC DATA LAKE Architecture.

disks or main memory of a physical or a virtualcluster.

– Mapping: a relation linking data with its equiva-lent semantic description. We are only interestedin mappings at the schema level, e.g. (first name,foaf:firstName).

– Data Source: any source of data, be it a databasee.g. Cassandra or MongoDB, a raw file e.g. CSV,or a structured file format e.g. Parquet. In thepresent study, we do not consider unstructuredand streaming data.

2.2. Architecture

A SEMANTIC DATA LAKE adds a semantic layer ontop of a Data Lake, by mapping different data repre-sentations to the unified RDF data model and suitablevocabulary and ontology terms. Once the original datarepresentations are mapped, SPARQL queries againstthe mapping ontologies can be translated and executedon the original data. However, different parts of a querycan be satisfied by different data sources in the DataLake, which requires the careful joining/reconciliationof retrieved data. To do so, we envision a SEMANTICDATA LAKE architecture comprising five components(depicted in Figure 1):

– Query Catalyst: As commonly found in manyOBDA and query federation systems, this catalystdecomposes the BGP part of a SPARQL queryinto a set of star-shaped sub-BGPs, or stars forshort. A star is then a set of triples that share thesame subject. Figure 2 (a) shows an example of a

BGP of a SPARQL query having six stars, eachidentified by its subject variable.

– Data Mapper: One key concept of OBDA sys-tems is the mappings. We use mappings to (1)abstract from the differences found across dataschemata, and (2) provide a uniform query inter-face above heterogeneous data. The Data Mappertakes as input a set of mappings and the list ofstars generated by Data Catalyst, and identifies aset of matching data sources. The method will befurther explained in section 3.

– Data Connector: This component is responsiblefor connecting data from its storage inside theData Lake to the POZ. In order for relevant dataentities to be loaded as a ParSet inside the POZ(in response to a query), Data Connector requiresthat each data source be accompanied with meta-data containing minimal information needed toaccess it, e.g., credentials and host of the contain-ing database.

– Distributed Query Processor: The intermediateresults of (multi-)join or potentially large unse-lective queries on top of heterogeneous big datasources can overflow the capacity of the singlemachine. As this is our case, queries have to beexecuted in a parallel and distributed manner. Weexplain our approach for a distributed query pro-cessing in section 3.

– Query Designer: In such a disperse environmentwith high schema variety and richness, provid-ing an interface for plain-text SPARQL query cre-ation would elevate the barrier of entry to SE-MANTIC DATA LAKES. Many companies and in-stitutions1 have the need for a SEMANTIC DATA

LAKES, but neither have the knowledge aboutSPARQL, nor want to invest in it. Therefore, aguided query designer is a necessity.

We here have presented the general architecture ofSEMANTIC DATA LAKE. However, the current studyconcentrates on the aspect of enabling intra-source dis-tributed query processing with special focus on join-ing those data sources. This involves multiple compo-nents of the architecture, mainly the Data Mapper andDistributed Query Processor.


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Fig. 2. (a) BGP of a query, six stars and four joins (b) Left-deep join plan.

Query := Prefix* SELECT DistinguishWHERE{ Clauses } Modifiers?

Prefix := PREFIX “string:” IRIDistinguish := DISTINCT? (“*” | (Var|Aggregate)+)Aggregate := (AggOpe(Var) AS Var)AggOpe := SUM|MIN|MAX|AVG|COUNTClauses := TP* Filter?Filter := FILTER( Var FiltOpe Litteral )

| FILTER regex( Var , “%string%” )FiltOpe := = | != | < | <= | > | >=TP := Var IRI Var .

| Var rdf:type IRI .Var := “?string”Modifiers := (LIMIT k)?


Fig. 3. Grammar of the supported SPARQL fragment.

3. Extended SPARQL Syntax to Enable DataJoinability

In this section, we extend the current SPARQL syn-tax so we enable joining data coming from various datasources. First, in Figure 3, we describe the supportedSPARQL fragment of the current study. It mainly con-sists of the popular conjunctive fragment –the so-called BGP– plus various aggregating operators andsolution modifiers.

Transformations. As data can be generated by differ-ent applications, which is typical in Data Lakes, theattributes to join on might e.g., have values formatteddifferently, lying in different value ranges, have invalidvalues to skip or replace, etc. Hence the join wouldyield no results, or yields undesirable ones. In order tofix the data and bring it to the joinable state, we incor-porate transformations into the SPARQL query; sim-ilar in spirit to ETL transformations [13]. We suggest

a new clause: TRANSFORM(), which is located at thevery end of the query, used in the following way:



?book schema:author ?author ....TRANSFORM(?book?author.l.replc("id","1")


This reads as follows. Refer to the needed join byplacing its two operands (star IDs) together: ?bk?a;we call it join reference. Next, to instruct that weneed to make changes on the variable of the leftoperand, which is schema:author, use the denom-inator [.l] on the join reference, i.e., ?bk?a.l. Then,we list the needed transformations dot-separated:replc("id","1").toInt.skp(12). When thereis no pattern detected between the join keys of the twotables, or the keys are radically different, like they arein one side numeral auto-increments while in the otherrandom auto-generated textual codes. Consequently,data is declared unjoinable and has to be transformedand regenerated by its provider.

4. Distributed Query Processing

Here we describe our approach of enabling and per-forming distributed query processing in the SEMAN-TIC DATA LAKE. Three steps are involved:

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4.0.1. I. Data Mapping.In order to enable finding and querying data in the

Data Lake, data entities have to be mapped to ontologyterms. Three mapping elements need to be provided asinput:

– Predicate mappings: associates an attribute to anontology predicate.

– Class mapping: associates an entity to an ontol-ogy class - optional.

– Entity ID: specifies an attribute to be used as anidentifier of the entity.

For example, a Cassandra database has an entity (table)Author containing the attributes: first_name,last_name and its primary key AID. In order toenable finding this table, the user has to provide thethree mapping elements. For example, (1) Predicatemappings: (first_name, foaf:firstName), (last_name,foaf:lastName) (2) Class mapping: (Author, nlon:Author),and (3) Entity ID: AID. foaf:firstName andfoaf:lastName are predicates from the ontologyfoaf and nlon:Author is a class from the ontol-ogy nlon.

4.0.2. II. Relevant Entity Extraction.Once all SPARQL query stars are extracted (by the

Query Catalyst), each star is looked at separately. Astar can be typed or untyped. It is typed if it con-tains a triple with the typing predicate: rdf:type.In Figure 2, stars k, a, e and r are untyped, whilestars in and c, are typed. The Data Mapper checksthe mappings for the existence of entities that haveattribute mappings to each of the predicates of thestar. If a star is untyped, all found entities, regard-less of which data source they come from, are re-garded as the same. Reciprocally, if the star is typed,the entity space is reduced to only those havingthe type of the star. For example, suppose a querywith two joint stars (?x _:hasAuthor ?y) (?yfoaf:firstName ?fn) (?y foaf:lastName?ln). There exist, in the data, two entities aboutauthors and speakers, with the two attributesboth, mapping to the predicates foaf:firstNameand foaf:lastName; and an entity about books.As star y is untyped, and as both authors andspeakers entities have attributes mapping to thepredicates of star y, both will be identified as relevantdata, and, thus, be joined with star x about books. Se-mantically, this yields wrong results as speakershave no relationship with books. Hence the role of thetype in a star. Additionally, the availability of type in-formation in the entities can enable incorporating more

Fig. 4. ParSets join links. Star a joins stars b and c.

semantics, like the hierarchies between classes. For ex-ample, if all authors and professors are researchers,then querying researchers would return results fromauthors and professors.

4.0.3. III. Distributed Join.As we are querying multiple data sources, the em-

phasis in query processing is put on the join operation.

Star-to-Parset. Each star identified by the Query Cat-alyst will generate one ParSet at the end. The QueryProcessor takes the entity relevant to each star andloads it into a ParSet. When there are multiple rele-vant entities for a star, their respective ParSets will beunion-ed into one ParSet.

Joining ParSets. The links between the stars identi-fied by Query Catalyst will be translated into joins be-tween the ParSets. Joins can be formulated as follows:

On(Join(s1, s2), pred) ={∃(s1, s2) ∈ S2, s1 ./


}Where S is the set of all stars, e.g., in Figure 2 (a),S = {k, a, in, e, c, r}, pred1 is a predicate from s1,and pred2 can either be the entity ID of s2 (right sideof Figure 4), or a predicate from s2 (left side of Fig-ure 4).

Next, we proceed to join the ParSets, produc-ing at the end the results ParSet – see algorithm 1.The join algorithm we currently use is nested-loopjoin, hence, the most suitable execution order isa deep-left [14]. The input to our algorithm is ahashmap, called joins map, containing the ParSetpairs of each identified join, with their join variables:((parset1,join_variable1) -> (parset2,join_variable2)).Initially, we start by joining the first pair of the joinsmap, the results of which will constitute the first el-ements of results ParSet (line 3). The two ParSetsof the join just computed are added to a list calledjoined ParSets (line 4). Then, we iterate through eachjoin pair from the remaining joins map (loop of line 5starts from 1), and check which ParSet of the twohas not yet been added to joined ParSets (line 8 to

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line 15), i.e., joined before with results ParSet. If oneof the two exists, then join the non-existing ParSetwith results ParSet using the join variable of the non-existing ParSet and the join variable of the existingone ( line 9 and line 12). Then add the two ParSetsto joined ParSets (line 10 and line 13). If none of thetwo ParSets has been found in joined Parsets, then itis impossible to join, and the pair at hand is added toa queue (line 15). We iterate till the end of the joinsmap. Now, we visit the queue and do exactly as we didwith the pairs in the above for-loop (line 8 to line 15),with one addition: after each successful join, de-queuethe added pair, till the queue is empty (line 21).

Algorithm 1: Building final results ParSet.Input : joins_mapOutput: results_ps

1 ps1←− joins_map[0].key;2 ps2←− joins_map[0].value;

3 results_ps←− ps1. join(ps2).on(ps1.var = ps2.var);4 joined_parsets.add(ps1).add(ps2);5 for i← 1 to joins_map.length do6 ps1←− joins_map[i].key;7 ps2←− joins_map[i].value;

8 if joined_parset.contains(ps1) and¬ joined_parset.contains(ps2) then

9 results_ps←−results_ps. join(ps2).on(results_ps.(ps1.var) =ps2.var);

10 joined_parsets.add(ps1).add(ps2);11 else if ¬ joined_parset.contains(ps1) and

joined_parset.contains(ps2) then12 results_ps←−

results_ps. join(ps1).on(results_ps.(ps2.var) =ps1.var);

13 joined_parsets.add(ps1).add(ps2);14 else if ¬ joined_parset.contains(ps1) and

¬ joined_parset.contains(ps2) then15 pending_ joins.enqueue((ps1, ps2));16 end17 while pending_ joins.notEmpty do18 join_pair ←− pending_ join.head;19 ps1←− join_pair.key;20 ps2←− join_pair.value;

/* Check and join like in lines 8to 15 */

21 join_pair ←− pending_ join.tail;22 end

This will leave us with one big ParSet joiningall the ParSets, as depicted in Figure 2 (b). All the

joins are computed in parallel, inside the POZ. Notethat in order to solve attribute naming conflicts be-tween stars, like two stars having foaf:firstNamepredicates, we encode the names in the ParSet us-ing the following template: {star_pred_namespace},e.g., a_firstName_foaf for the author star andr_firstName_foaf for the reviewer star.

5. Realizing the Semantic Data Lake

We present in this section an instance of the SE-MANTIC DATA LAKE architecture, called Squerall(from semantically query all), built using the followingtechnologies: RML2 to express the mappings, ApacheSpark[3] and Presto3 to implement the Data Connec-tor and Distributed Data Processor, and SPARQL querylanguage used as an interface to the outside. Our im-plementation is openly available under the terms ofApache-2.0 from4.

5.1. Data Mapping

Our mapping language of choice is RML. With min-imal settings, RML enables us to annotate entitiesand attributes following the model explained in sec-tion section 3. Although we use the exact terms pro-posed in RML, our end-goal, at least for this imple-mentation, is different. We do not intend to generateRDF triples, neither physically nor virtually. We ratheruse them to map entities, and use these mappings toquery relevant data given a SPARQL query.

Figure 5 shows how we use RML to map the entityAuthor. (1) rml:logicalsource used to spec-ify the entity source and type. (2) rr:subjectMapused only to extract the entity ID (in brackets).(3) rr:predicateObjectMap, used as many at-tributes as the entity has; it maps an attribute us-ing rml:reference to an ontology term usingrr:predicate. Note the presence of the propertynosql:store from the NoSQL ontology (see nextsection), it is used to specify the type of the entity, e.g.,Parquet, Cassandra, MongoDB, etc.

NoSQL Ontology. The ontology was built to fill a gapwe found in RML, that is the need to specify informa-tion about NoSQL databases. The ontology namespace


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<#AuthorMap>rml:logicalSource [

rml:source: "../authors.parquet";nosql:store nosql:parquet

];rr:subjectMap [

rr:template "http://exam.pl/../{AID}";rr:class nlon:Author

];rr:predicateObjectMap [

rr:predicate foaf:firstName;rr:objectMap [ rml:reference "Fname" ]


Fig. 5. Mapping an entity using RML.

is http://purl.org/db/nosql# (prefix nosql). It containsa hierarchy of NoSQL databases, and some relatedproperties. The hierarchy includes classes for NoSQLdatabases, KeyValue, Document, Columnar, Graphand Multimodal. Each has several databases in sub-classes, e.g., Redis, MongoDB, Cassandra, Neo4J andArangoDB, for each class respectively. It also groupsthe query languages for several NoSQL databases, e.g.,CQL, HQL, AQL and Cypher. Miscellaneous cate-gories about how each database calls a specific con-cept, e.g., indexes, primary keys, viewers; and what isan entity in each database, .e.g., table, collection, databucket, etc.

5.2. Connecting and Querying Data

The Semantic Data Lake concepts are general andthus not tied to any specific implementation. Anyquery engine with wrappers allowing to transform datafrom external data sources to its internal data structureon-the-fly is a valid candidate. For the current study,we implemented and experimented with two popularengines: Apache Spark and Presto. The former is ageneral-purpose processing engine, while the latter isa distributed SQL query engine for interactive analyticquerying, both dealing with heterogeneous large datasources. Both engines base their computations primar-ily on memory, so they improve upon disk-based pro-cessing engines, like Hadoop. We chose Spark andPresto because they offer the best compromise be-tween: the number of connectors available and easeof connecting, flexibility and possibility to implementSquerall techniques (efficient intra-source joins and

val dataframe =spark.read.format(source_type)

.options(options).load// format: data source type, e.g.

CSV, MongoDB, Cassandra, etc.

Listing 1 Spark connection template

transformations–particularly true for Spark), and per-formance [15, 16].I. SQL Query Engine: The internal data format thatthe selected query engines adopt is tabular and, thus,the adopted query language is SQL. For Spark, priorto querying, data from external data sources has tobe first (possibly partially) explicitly loaded, by users,into in-memory tabular structures called DataFrames.Presto also loads data into its internal native data struc-tures in memory, however, it does it transparently, sousers does not interact with those data structures, butdirectly issues SQL queries. In either case, we gener-ate SQL queries after analyzing and decomposing theSPARQL query. In SparK, we run portions of SQLqueries on DataFrames, then incrementally build a fi-nal DataFrame by joining the sub-DataFrames and,if needed, sorting or grouping using Spark methods(transformations). Presto however accepts directly oneself-contained SQL query, we construct and run a sin-gle query containing all the references to the (relevant)data sources, column projection, selection and group-ing.II. Data Source Wrappers: We leverage Spark’s andPresto’s concept of Connectors, which are wrappersable to load data from an external source into the in-ternal respective data structures. There are dozens con-nectors already available for many data sources see,e.g., Spark5 or Presto6. Spark and Presto make in-terfacing and using connectors very convenient. Theyonly require providing values for a pre-defined list ofoptions. Spark requires building DataFrames, howeverthis is simply by passing those options to a connectiontemplate (see Listing 1).

6. Evaluation

We evaluate Squerall’s effectiveness in fulfilling itspurpose: querying Data Lakes using Semantic Webstandards.

5Spark: https://spark-packages.org6Presto: https://prestodb.io/docs/current/connector

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Product Offer Review Person Producer

Generated Data (BSBM) Cassandra MongoDB Parquet CSV MySQL

# of tuples Scale 0.5M 0.5M 10M 5M 26K 10K

# of tuples Scale 1.5M 1.5M 30M 15M 77K 30K

# of tuples Scale 5M 5M 100M 50M 2.6M 100K

Table 1Data sources and corresponding number of triples loaded.

6.1. Setup

Datasets: In order to have full control over the scaleand nature of data, we opted in this evaluation for syn-thetic data. Our survey of the literature revealed thatthere was no suitable benchmark for our exact needs.Namely a benchmark that has (1) a data generatorable to produce data under a format that can easily beloaded into the (supported) data sources (e.g., comma-separated values), (2) a set of queries in SPARQL for-mat. For example, [17][18] provide SPARQL queries,but generate data only in RDF; [19][20] generate datain supported format but does not provide SPARQLqueries. Therefore, we opt for BSBM benchmark [21],and generate three scales: 500k, 1.5M and 5M (num-ber of products) 7. In addition to RDF data, BSBM alsogenerates structured data as SQL dumps. We pick fivetable dumps: Product, Producer, Offer, Review, andPerson tables, pre-process them to extract tuples andsave them in five different data sources, as shown intable 1.Queries: Since we only populated a subset of the gen-erated BSBM tables, we had to alter the initial queriesas to discard joining with tables we did not consider,e.g., Vendors. Instead, we replace those tables withother populated tables 8. The queries have variousnumber of joins, from 1 (between two tables) to 4 (be-tween 5 tables). Queries with yet unsupported syntax,e.g. DESCRIBE, CONSTRUCT, are omitted for thetime being.Metrics: We evaluate results accuracy as well as queryperformance. In the former we store the same data ina relational MySQL database, create equivalent SQLqueries, run them and compare the number of results.We used a fully ACID-compliant centralized relationaldatabase as a reference for accuracy, because it repre-

7To give a sense of the size of data, the 1,5M scale factor wouldgenerate 500M RDF triples, and the 5M 1,75b triples. As we took5/10 tables, the actual number is smaller. However, the taken tablescontain most of the data.

8To enable reproducibility, used queries are made available at:https://github.com/EIS-Bonn/Squerall. In addition, we also offer aDockerFile to provide a running implementation of the completebenchmark.

sents data at its highest level of consistency. In the lat-ter we measure the query execution time. For Squerall,we use Unix time function to measure the entire pro-cess from the query submission to showing the results,which includes data preparation (for Spark), loading tomemory and query execution. In MySQL, we recordthe time returned when the query is finished. We runeach query three times and retain the fastest executiontime. The timeout threshold is set to 3600 sec.Environment: We ran our experiments in a clus-ter of three machines each having DELL PowerEdgeR815, 2x AMD Opteron 6376 (16 cores) CPU, 256GBRAM, and 3TB SATA RAID-5 disk. We used Spark2.1, Presto 0.204 MongoDB 3.6, Cassandra 3.11 andMySQL 5.7. All queries are run on a cold cache withthe default settings of the query engines. Spark 2.1 isused instead of the latest version (currently 2.3), be-cause not all data source connectors support the newerversion.

6.2. User Interfaces

In order to facilitate the use of Squerall, we havebuilt three interfaces9:

– Query Designer: In order to build queries that(potentially) return results, this interface auto-suggests predicates and classes from the underly-ing mappings. By visualizing the concept of stars,guided by the interface, users can easily and pro-gressively build an image of the data that theywant, and build the query accordingly.

– Data Connector: It lists Spark and Presto op-tions needed to load and manipulate data usingSpark and Presto wrappers (connectors), e.g. cre-dentials, host, ports, etc.

– Mapping Builder: It facilitates providing thenecessary mapping elements (predicates, classand ID). It extracts attributes from the datasources, by connecting to the data using the op-tions collected by the Data Connector. I providesontology terms and classes from the Web.

6.3. Results and Discussion

In absence of a contender allowing to query all thefive data sources we support, we resort to comparingthe performance of the two underlying query enginesof our same work: Spark and Presto.

9Screencasts available at: https://goo.gl/YFVNup

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Accuracy. We run queries against Squerall and MySQL.The number of results returned by Squerall was alwaysidentical to MySQL, i.e. 100% accuracy in all cases.MySQL timed out with data of scale factor 1.5M, sothen we compared the returned results from the eval-uation of both engines, Spark and Presto, and resultswere identical.Performance. The results (cf. Figure 6) suggest thatSquerall overall exhibits reasonable performance through-out the various queries, i.e., different number of joins,with and without filtering, ordering and grouping.Presto-based Squerall exhibited significantly betterperformance that Spark-based, up to an order of mag-nitude. In data scale 0.5M, query performance is su-perior across all the queries, with an increase of upto 800%. In data scale 1.5M and 5M, Presto-based issuperior in all queries besides Q1, with and increaseof up to 1300%. This is attributed to the fact that adhoc querying is a core contribution in Presto, while itis a partial contribution in Spark. Presto’s data flowand data structure are built, following MPP princi-ples, specifically to accomplish and accelerate analyti-cal interactive querying. Spark, in the other hand, is ageneral-purpose system, basing its SQL library on itsnative tabular data structure, called RDDs, which werenot originally designed for efficient We note that wehave not applied any optimization techniques in bothPresto and Spark cases, both engines offer a numberof configurations that may improve the query perfor-mance. ad hoc querying. Increasing data sizes did notdeteriorate query performance, which demonstratesSquerall’s ability to scale up.

In order to evaluate the effectiveness of the TRANS-FORM method, we intentionally introduce varia-tions to the data so it becomes unjoinable. In tableProduct, we decrease the column pr values by 71, intable Producer, we append the string "-A" to all val-ues of column pr, and in table Review we prefix the val-ues of column person with the character "P". We addthe necessary transformations to the query, for exam-ple TRANSFORM(?rev?per.l.replc("P","")to enable joinability between Review and and Person.The results show that there is a negligible cost in themajority of the queries in the three scale factors of thedata. This is attributed to the fact that both Spark andPresto base computations on main memory. In addi-tion, those transformations to records are executed lin-early and locally, without transferring results acrossthe cluster. Only a few queries in scale 5M in Presto-based Squerall exhibited a noticeable but not majorcost, like Q1 and Q10. Due to the insignificant differ-

(a) Scale 0.5M.

(b) Scale 1.5M.

(c) Scale 5M.

Fig. 6. Query execution Time (in seconds). The labels on top ofPresto’s columns show the ratio between Presto’s and Spark’s ex-ecution times, e.g. in (a) the ratio is 178 on Q2, which means thatPresto-based Squerall is 175% faster than Spark-based.

ences and also to improve readability, we only add re-sults of the TRANSFORM cost in the scale 5M Fig-ure 6c.

As a side benefit, the results of this experimentalevaluation can also be taken as a useful recent bench-marking of the two engines, Spark and Presto, whichhas little been addressed in the literature [15, 16].

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7. Related Work

There is a large body of research about mappingrelational databases to RDF [22]. Although we sharethe concepts of ontology-based access and mappinglanguage, our focus goes to the heterogeneous non-relational and distributed and scalable databases. Onthe non-relational side, there has been a number ofworks, which we can classify into ontology-based andnon-ontology-based.

For non-ontology-based access, [23] defines a map-ping language to express access links to data in NoSQLdatabases. It proposes an intermediate query languageto transform SQL to Java methods accessing NoSQLdatabases. However, query processing is neither elab-orated nor evaluated; for example, no mention of howdata across databases is joined. [24] suggests that per-formance of computations can be improved if datais shifted between multiple databases; the suitabledatabase is chosen based on the use-case. Although itdemonstrates that the overall performance–includingthe planning and data movement–is higher when us-ing one database, this is not proven to be true withlarge volumes of data. In real large-scale settings,data movement and I/O can dominate the query time.[25] allows to run CRUD operations over NoSQLdatabases. Beyond, the same authors in [26] enablejoins as follows. If the join involves entities in thesame database, it is performed locally. If not or if thedatabase lacks join capability, data is moved to anothercapable database. This implies that no intra-source dis-tributed join is possible; and similarly to [24], movingdata can become a bottleneck in large scales. [27] pro-poses a unifying programming model to interface withdifferent NoSQL databases. It allows direct access toindividual databases using the primitives: get, put anddelete. Join between databases is not addressed. Au-thors in [28] propose a SQL-like language contain-ing invocations to the native query interface of rela-tional and NoSQL databases. The learning curve ofthis query language is higher than other works suggest-ing to query solely using plain (or minimally adapted)SQL or JSONPath or SPARQL. Although their archi-tecture is distributed, it is not explicitly stated whetherthe intra-source join is also distributed. Although inter-esting, the code-source is unfortunately not available.A number of works, e.g. [29–31], aim at bridging thegap between relational and NoSQL databases, but theydemonstrate their approaches with only one database.Given the high semantic and structural heterogeneityfound across NoSQL databases, a single database can

not be representative of all the family. Among those,[31] adopts JSON as both conceptual and physical datamodel. This requires that query intermediate resultsare physically transformed, which has the engine to af-ford the transformation cost. This limitation is foundwith few other works as well. Further, the prototypeis evaluated with only small data on a single machine.[32] presents an ambitious exhaustive study proposinga general query language, called SQL++. It is basedon SQL and JSON and covers a vast portion of thecapabilities of query languages found across the var-ious NoSQL databases. However, the focus is all puton the query language, and the prototype is only min-imally validated using a single database: MongoDB.[33] considers the case of same data being stored inmultiple heterogeneous data sources. It studies the bestdata source to send a given query to. However, no joinis supposed between the sources.

For ontology-based access, the Optique Platform [34]emphasizes the velocity aspect of Big Data by support-ing streams in addition to dynamic data. We, on theother hand, emphasis the variety aspect of Big Databy supporting as many data sources as possible. In ad-dition, the source is not publicly available. [35] con-siders simple query examples, where joins are onlyminimally addressed. The distributed and parallel im-plementation of the paper features are left to the fu-ture. We note here that although we classify our workas ontology-based, we do not have a separate globalschema to maintain, but rather an implicit one encodedin the mappings.

In all the previous work, the support for the vari-ety of data sources is limited or faces bottlenecks. Ineach observance, few data sources (1-3) are supported,and the wrappers are manually created and/or hard-coded. Squerall, on the other hand, does not reinventthe wheel and makes use of the many wrappers of ex-isting engines. This makes Squerall the work with thewidest support of the Big Data Variety dimension interms of supported data sources. Also in contrast toprevious work, from our own experience, Squerall isthe most open and easiest to get started with.

8. Conclusion and Future Work

We presented an architecture for a SEMANTICDATA LAKE, and a realization using two popular en-gine able to query up to five different data source types(and even more leveraging the engines connectors).Our primary goal was enabling users to accurately

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query heterogeneous data on-the-fly, i.e. without hav-ing to physically transform or move the data, using asingle query language. We, thereby, set the foundationsfor the SEMANTIC DATA LAKE concept, then we planto expand on a couple of directions. Firstly, design cus-tom similarity joins to enable joinability automaticallyon query-time, by exploiting both syntactic and seman-tic similarities. Secondly, we would like to add supportfor RDF data sources as well streaming data sources.Also, in the current implementation, we adopted a tab-ular representation during the process of query pro-cessing, so only SQL is used given a SPARQL query.However, in the general context of querying hetero-geneous data, we are interested in exploring how dothe various semantics of each query language under-stood by the various data sources impose restrictionson the covered SPARQL fragment. Finally, in such aheterogeneous environment, there is a natural need forinvolving provenance retention both in data and queryresults levels.

In the long run, we are interested in exploring towhat extent can we support the variety dimension ofBig Data while still efficiently dealing with volumeand velocity at the same time.


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Appendix A. Benchmark Queries

We list here the 9 SPARQL queries used during ourexperiments. Please, note that, they are also availablefrom the Github repository of the project and onlyadded in this Appendix for the review process.

Used Prefixes:

PREFIX rdfs: <http://www.w3.org/2000/01/rdf-schema#>PREFIX rdf: <http://www.w3.org/1999/02/22-rdf-syntax-ns#>PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/spec/>PREFIX schema: <http://schema.org/>PREFIX rev: <http://purl.org/stuff/rev#>PREFIX edm: <http://www.europeana.eu/schemas/edm/>PREFIX dc: <http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/>PREFIX gr: <http://purl.org/goodrelations/v1#>PREFIX dcterms: <http://purl.org/dc/terms/>PREFIX xsd: <http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#>PREFIX bsbm:<http://www4.wiwiss.fu-berlin.de/bizer/bsbm/v01/vocabulary/>



?product rdfs:label ?label .?product bsbm:productPropertyNumeric1 ?value .?product rdf:type bsbm:Product .?product bsbm:producer ?producer .?producer rdf:type bsbm:Producer .?producer foaf:homepage ?hp .?review bsbm:reviewFor ?product .?review rdf:type schema:Review .?review rev:reviewer ?pers .?pers foaf:name ?fn .?pers edm:country ?cn .?offer bsbm:product ?product .?offer rdf:type schema:Offer .FILTER (?value > 102)

}ORDER BY ?labelLIMIT 10TRANSFORM(?product?producer.r.replc("-A","")

&& ?review?product.r.scl(+71))


SELECT ?label ?comment ?producer ?price?propertyTextual1 ?propertyTextual2 ?propertyTextual3?propertyNumeric1 ?propertyNumeric2 ?propertyTextual4?propertyTextual5 ?propertyNumeric4

WHERE {?p rdfs:label ?label .?p rdfs:comment ?comment .?p bsbm:producer ?producer .?p dc:publisher ?ps .?offer bsbm:product ?p .?offer bsbm:price ?price .?p bsbm:productPropertyTextual1 ?propertyTextual1 .?p bsbm:productPropertyTextual2 ?propertyTextual2 .?p bsbm:productPropertyTextual3 ?propertyTextual3 .?p bsbm:productPropertyNumeric1 ?propertyNumeric1 .?p bsbm:productPropertyNumeric2 ?propertyNumeric2 .?p bsbm:productPropertyTextual4 ?propertyTextual4 .?p bsbm:productPropertyTextual5 ?propertyTextual5 .?p bsbm:productPropertyNumeric4 ?propertyNumeric4 .


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SELECT ?product ?label ?p1 ?p3WHERE {

?product rdfs:label ?label .?product bsbm:producer ?producer .?review bsbm:reviewFor ?product .?review rdf:type schema:Review .?product bsbm:productPropertyNumeric1 ?p1 .?product bsbm:productPropertyNumeric3 ?p3 .FILTER (?p1 > 1800)FILTER (?p3 < 5 )

}ORDER BY ?labelLIMIT 10TRANSFORM(?review?product.r.scl(+71))


SELECT DISTINCT ?label ?c ?propertyTextual ?p1WHERE {

?product rdfs:label ?label .?product bsbm:producer ?pcr .?pcr edm:country ?c .?pcr foaf:homepage ?h .?offer gr:validFrom ?vf .?offer bsbm:product ?product .?review bsbm:reviewFor ?product .?review rev:reviewer ?pers .?pers foaf:name ?fn .?pers edm:country ?cn .?product bsbm:productPropertyTextual1 ?propertyTextual .?product bsbm:productPropertyNumeric1 ?p1 .FILTER (?p1 > 630)

}ORDER BY ?labelLIMIT 10TRANSFORM(?product?pcr.r.replc("-A","")

&& ?offer?product.r.scl(+71)&& ?review?pers.l.replc("P",""))


SELECT DISTINCT ?productLabel ?simProperty1 ?simProperty2WHERE {

?product rdfs:label ?productLabel .?product bsbm:productPropertyNumeric1 ?simProperty1 .?product bsbm:productPropertyNumeric2 ?simProperty2 .?product bsbm:producer ?producer .?review bsbm:reviewFor ?product .?review rdf:type schema:Review .?offer bsbm:product ?product .?offer rdf:type schema:Offer .FILTER (?simProperty1 < 120)FILTER (?productLabel != "wineskins banded crc")FILTER (?simProperty2 < 170)

}ORDER BY ?productLabelLIMIT 5TRANSFORM(?review?product.r.scl(+71))



?product rdfs:label ?label .?product rdf:type bsbm:Product .?product bsbm:producer ?producer .?review bsbm:reviewFor ?product .?review rdf:type schema:Review .?offer bsbm:product ?product .?offer rdf:type schema:Offer .

FILTER regex(?label, "%prelate%")}TRANSFORM(?review?product.r.scl(+71))


SELECT ?productLabel ?price ?vendor ?revTitle?reviewer ?rating1 ?rating2 ?product ?revNameWHERE {

?product rdfs:label ?productLabel .?product rdf:type bsbm:Product .?offer bsbm:product ?product .?offer bsbm:price ?price .?offer bsbm:vendor ?vendor .?offer bsbm:validTo ?date .?review bsbm:reviewFor ?product .?review rev:reviewer ?reviewer .?review dc:title ?revTitle .?review bsbm:rating1 ?rating1 .?review bsbm:rating2 ?rating2 .?reviewer foaf:name ?revName .?reviewer a foaf:Person .FILTER (?price > 5000)FILTER (?product = 9)


&& ?review?reviewer.l.replc("P",""))


SELECT DISTINCT ?title ?text ?reviewDate ?reviewer?reviewerName ?rating1 ?rating2?rating3 ?rating4 ?product

WHERE {?product rdfs:label ?label .?product bsbm:productPropertyTextual1 ?pt .?product bsbm:producer ?producer .?producer edm:country ?c .?producer foaf:homepage ?h .?review bsbm:reviewFor ?product .?review dc:title ?title .?review rev:text ?text .?review bsbm:reviewDate ?reviewDate .?review rev:reviewer ?reviewer .?review bsbm:rating1 ?rating1 .?review bsbm:rating2 ?rating2 .?review bsbm:rating3 ?rating3 .?review bsbm:rating4 ?rating4 .?reviewer foaf:name ?reviewerName .?reviewer a foaf:Person .FILTER (?product = 9)

}ORDER BY DESC(?reviewDate)LIMIT 9TRANSFORM(?product?producer.r.replc("-A","")

&& ?review?reviewer.l.replc("P",""))


SELECT DISTINCT ?price ?deliveryDays ?date ?cWHERE {

?offer bsbm:product ?product .?offer bsbm:vendor ?vendor .?offer dc:publisher ?publisher .?offer bsbm:deliveryDays ?deliveryDays .?offer bsbm:price ?price .?offer bsbm:validTo ?date .?offer bsbm:producer ?producer .?product rdfs:label ?label .?product bsbm:productPropertyTextual5 ?pt .?producer edm:country ?c .?producer foaf:homepage ?h .

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FILTER (?product > 9)FILTER (?deliveryDays <= 7)FILTER (?c = "DE" )#FILTER (?date > "2008-07-02 00:00:00" )

}ORDER BY ?price

LIMIT 10TRANSFORM(?offer?product.r.scl(+71)

&& ?offer?producer.r.replc("-A",""))