Select v Sensio - Complaint

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  • 7/29/2019 Select v Sensio - Complaint




    Select Brands, Inc., )


    Plaintiff, )v. ) Case No. ___________________


    Sensio, Inc. )


    Defendant. )

    Plaintiff Select Brands, Inc. (Select Brands or Plaintiff) for its complaint

    against Defendant Sensio, Inc. (Sensio or Defendant) alleges and states as follows:


    1. Jurisdiction over this action is founded upon and 28 U.S.C. 1331 and 1338.

    2. Venue is proper in this judicial district under 28 U.S.C. 1391(b) and (c) and 28

    U.S.C. 1400(b). Sensio sold the products accused of infringement in this judicial district and

    has directed sales and marketing efforts toward this judicial district. Venue is additionally proper

    pursuant to 28 U.S.C. 1391(c), as an alien may be sued in any district.


    3. Plaintiff Select Brands is a corporation organized and existing under the laws of

    Kansas and having its principal place of business at 10817 Renner Blvd., Lenexa, KS 66219 and

    doing business within this judicial district.

    4. Based upon information and belief, Sensio is a corporation organized and existing

    under the laws of Canada, with a business address of 1175 Place du Fere Andre, Montreal,

    Canada H3B3X9. Sensio also has offices located in the United States at 1410 Broadway, 34th

    Floor, New York, New York 10018.

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    5. Select Brands is in the business of designing, manufacturing and selling kitchen

    appliances. Select Brands sells its products under its own trademarks as well as manufactures

    private label products.

    6. On October 30, 2012, U.S. Patent No. D669,731 (the D731 Patent), entitled

    Multiple Crock Buffet Server, was duly and legally issued by the United States Patent and

    Trademark Office. A true and correct copy of the D731 Patent is attached as Exhibit 1 and

    incorporated herein. Select Brands owns all right, title, and interest in and to the D731 Patent,

    including full rights to recover past and future damages thereunder.

    7. On February 12, 2013, U.S. Patent No. D675,864 (the D864 Patent), entitled

    Multiple Crock Buffet Server, was duly and legally issued by the United States Patent and

    Trademark Office. A true and correct copy of the D864 Patent is attached as Exhibit 2 and

    incorporated herein. Select Brands owns all right, title, and interest in and to the D864 Patent,

    including full rights to recover past and future damages thereunder.

    8. Select Brands is informed and believes, and therefore alleges that Sensio on its

    own, or through inducement of others, is making, using, selling or offering for sale multiple

    crock servers that infringe upon the designs of and embody the subject matter claimed in Select

    Brands D731 and/or D864 Patents. Sensio models that infringe include, but may not be

    limited to the following model numbers: 13557; 13595; and 90036. (These products will

    collectively be referred to as Sensio Accused Products). Select Brands reserves the right to add

    models as they are inspected during discovery. True and accurate copies of photographs of the

    Sensio Accused Products are attached as Exhibits 3, 4 and 5, and incorporated by reference.

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    9. Sensios offering for sale and sale of the Sensio Accused Products is without any

    license from Select Brands and Sensio is thereby infringing Select Brands D731 and D864


    10. Sensio has received written notice of Select Brands proprietary rights in its

    D731 Patent by way of a letter sent to Sensios counsel dated October 31, 2012 from counsel for

    Select Brands. A true and correct copy of that letter is attached as Exhibit 6 and incorporated


    11. Sensio has received written notice of Select Brands proprietary rights in its

    D864 Patent by way of a letter sent to Sensios counsel dated February 12, 2013 from counsel

    for Select Brands. A true and correct copy of that letter is attached as Exhibit 7 and incorporated



    (U.S. Patent No. D669,731)

    12. The allegations of Paragraphs 1 -11 are incorporated by reference and re-alleged.

    13. Sensio, through its respective agents, employees and servants, has been and

    currently are committing acts of direct infringement of the D731 Patent by making, using

    importing, selling and/or offering for sale the Sensio Accused Products and/or committing acts of

    indirect infringement of the D731 Patent by actively inducing and/or contributing to the

    infringement of the D731 Patent. In particular, the design claimed in the D731 Patent and the

    Sensio Accused Products are substantially the same such that an ordinary observer, giving such

    attention as a purchaser usually gives, would be deceived into believing that the Sensio Accused

    Products are the same as the design claimed in the D731 Patent, therefore inducing an ordinary

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    purchaser to purchase the Sensio Accused Products supposing them to be the design claimed in

    the D731 Patent.

    14. Select Brands has been, and continues to be, greatly damaged by reasons of these

    acts of infringement.

    15. Upon information and belief, Select Brands claims that Sensio has willfully

    infringed upon Select Brands exclusive rights under the D731 Patent, with full notice and

    knowledge thereof.

    16. Upon information and belief, Sensio, from its infringing activities, has received

    and will continue to receive gains, profits and advantages, in an amount not presently known to

    Select Brands.

    17. Select Brands has suffered and will continue to suffer irreparable harm in its trade

    and business as a result of Sensios infringement of the D731 Patent, for which Select Brands is

    entitled to both preliminary and permanent injunctive relief pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 283.

    18. Select Brands has suffered and will continue to suffer monetary damages, in an

    amount not yet presently known, as a result of Sensios infringement of the D731 Patent.

    19. Select Brands is entitled to monetary damages pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 284 in an

    amount to be proven at trial as well as Sensios profits on the Sensio Accused Products pursuant

    to 35 U.S.C. 289.


    (U.S. Patent No. D675,864)

    20. The allegations of Paragraphs 1 - 19 are incorporated by reference and re-alleged.

    21. Sensio, through its respective agents, employees and servants, has been and

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    currently are committing acts of direct infringement of the D864 Patent by making, using

    importing, selling and/or offering for sale the Sensio Accused Products and/or committing acts of

    indirect infringement of the D864 Patent by actively inducing and/or contributing to the

    infringement of the D864 Patent. In particular, the design claimed in the D864 Patent and the

    Sensio Accused Products are substantially the same such that an ordinary observer, giving such

    attention as a purchaser usually gives, would be deceived into believing that the Sensio Accused

    Products are the same as the design claimed in the D864 Patent, therefore inducing an ordinary

    purchaser to purchase the Sensio Accused Products supposing them to be the design claimed in

    the D864 Patent.

    22. Select Brands has been, and continues to be, greatly damaged by reasons of these

    acts of infringement.

    23. Upon information and belief, Select Brands claims that Sensio has willfully

    infringed upon Select Brands exclusive rights under the D864 Patent, with full notice and

    knowledge thereof.

    24. Upon information and belief, Sensio, from its infringing activities, has received

    and will continue to receive gains, profits and advantages, in an amount not presently known to

    Select Brands.

    25. Select Brands has suffered and will continue to suffer irreparable harm in its trade

    and business as a result of Sensios infringement of the D864 Patent, for which Select Brands is

    entitled to both preliminary and permanent injunctive relief pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 283.

    26. Select Brands has suffered and will continue to suffer monetary damages, in an

    amount not yet presently known, as a result of Sensios infringement of the D864 Patent.

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    27. Select Brands is entitled to monetary damages pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 284 in an

    amount to be proven at trial as well as Sensios profits on the Sensio Accused Products pursuant

    to 35 U.S.C. 289.


    Wherefore, Select Brands requests entry of judgment in its favor and against Sensio as


    A. Enter judgment that Sensio has directly and/or indirectly infringed the claims of

    the D731 and D864 Patents:

    B. Enjoin Sensio and its officers, agents, servants, employees, and those persons in

    active concert or participation with them who receive actual notice of the order by personal

    service or otherwise, from any infringement of the D731 and D864 Patents, whether direct or


    C. Award to Select Brands the total profits realized by Sensio on the Sensio Products

    that infringe the D731 or D864 Patents, pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 289;

    D. Award damages to compensate Select Brands for Sensios infringement of the

    D731 and D864 Patents pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 284;

    E. Award to Select Brands enhanced damages pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 284;

    F. Award to Select Brands pre-judgment and post-judgment interest and costs in

    accordance with 35 U.S.C. 284;

    G. Award to Select Brands its reasonable attorneys fees pursuant to 35 U.S.C. 285;


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    H. For any such other relief as the Court may deem just, proper and equitable under

    the circumstances.


    Select Brands respectfully demands a trial by jury on all claims and issues so triable.

    Dated: March 1, 2013 Respectfully Submitted,

    s/ Scott R. Brown

    Scott R. Brown, KS Bar #23,395

    Michael Elbein, KS Bar #23,317Matthew B. Walters, KS Bar #23,514


    10801 Mastin Boulevard, Suite 1000

    84 Corporate Woods

    Overland Park, Kansas 66210

    T: (913) 647 9050

    F: (913) 647 9057

    [email protected]

    [email protected]

    [email protected]



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    Exhibit 1

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    111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111

    c12) United States Design PatentEndres et al.

    (54) MULTIPLE CROCK BUFFET SERVER(75) Inventors: W. Eric Endres, Olathe, KS (US); Mark

    T. Krasne, Kansas City, MO (US);William S. Endres, Leawood, KS (US)(73) Assignee: Select Brands, Inc., Lenexa, KS (US)(**) Term: 14 Years(21) Appl. No.: 29/383,204(22) Filed: Jan. 13, 2011(51) LOC (9) Cl. .................................................. 07-02(52) U.S. Cl. .......................................... D7/364; D7/362(58) Field of Classification Search ................... D7/323,D7/352-366, 391, 402, 505, 538-545, 552.1,D?/554.3-554.4, 560, 566, 585-588, 601-602,

    D7/610-615, 628-629, 675; 99/324, 339-340,99/347,422-426, 446; 219/387,417, 433;220/23.2-23.8, 23.86, 573.1-573.3, 574-575,220/657,780-806, 912; 249/117-119, 121-122,

    249/126, 134; 248/292.13See application file for complete search history.(56) References Cited

    U.S. PATENT DOCUMENTSD97,530 s * 1111935 Knapp ........................... D7/364D101,329 s * 9/1936 Cory .............................. D7/364D107,453 s * 12/1937 Preston .......................... D7/364D132,252 s * 5/1942 Faunce ........................... D7/353D167,077 s * 6/1952 Gunther ......................... D7/357D171,000 s * 12/1953 Levine ........................... D7/357

    2,662,717 A * 12/1953 Johnson ................... 248/292.132,731,539 A * 111956 Pavelka, Jr. ................... 219 /4174,145,603 A * 3/1979 Mackayet a!. ............... 219/387D260,958 s * 9/1981 Nishikawa ..................... D7/357D272,978 s * 3/1984 Gremponrez et a!. ......... D7/3574,850,556 A 7/1989 Otani et al.5,203,257 A 4/1993 GoadD420,246 s * 212000 Alonge et al. ................. D7/360D425,360 s * 5/2000 Dobson eta!. ................. D7/360D437,181 s 2/2001 ParkD481,264 s 10/2003 MorganD488,670 s * 4/2004 Chan .............................. D7/357D507,452 s * 7/2005 Chan .............................. D7/357

    USOOD669731 S

    (10) Patent No.: US D669,731 S** Oct. 30, 201245) Date of Patent:

    D511,643 S *D513,151 S *D537,670 S *D541,585 S *D566,459 S *D567,016 S *D575,579 SD607,266 S *D610,395 S *D610,867 S *D614,909 S *D617,134 S *D642,424 S *D645,298 S *D648,981 S *D651,039 S *D651,845 S *D655,972 S *8,242,415 B2 *2007/0221667 A12008/0169280 A12009/0272749 A1* cited by examiner

    1112005 Ball et a!. ............... ........ D7 36012/2005 Curr ie ......................... ... D7 3643/2007 Genslak et al ................. D7 3545/2007 Lee ................................ D7 3644/2008 Doo ............................... D7 3644/2008 Chan .............................. D7 3648/2008 Ball112010 Picozza eta!. ................. D7 354212010 Perkins ................ .......... D7 3643/2010 Chan .............................. D7/3645/2010 Lavy .............................. D7/3556/2010 Perkins .......................... D7 3648/2011 Lavy eta!. .................. ... D7 3649/2011 Saboe et a!. ................... D7 3661112011 Lavy eta!. .................. ... D7 36412/2011 O'Neill eta!. ................. D7 364112012 O'Neill eta!. ................. D7 3643/2012 Foy ................................ D7 3648/2012 Tippmann eta!. ............ 219/4339/2007 Xu7/2008 Barnes et a!.1112009 Romandy et a!.

    Primary Examiner- Ricky Pham(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm- Hovey Williams LLP(57) CLAIMThe ornamental design for a multiple crock buffet server, asshown and described.

    DESCRIPTIONFIG. 1 is a front perspective of a multiple crock buffet serverembodyingmy design, with an intermediate oval server bowlinsert being shown in broken lines so that the claimed designcovers a buffet server with two or more oval server bowlinserts situated adjacent opposite ends of the heated serverbase unit housing, with top and bottom housing sections ofthe heated server base unit housing, server control knobs,server lid holders, oval insert lids received by the bowl inserts,oval liners that receive the bowl inserts, and outer handlesurfaces and a radial groove of each bowl insert being shownin broken lines for illustrative purposes only and forming nopart of the claimed design;FIG. 2 is a rear perspective of he multiple crock buffet servershown in FIG. 1, with the top housing section, includingbosses that receive the lid holders, and the bo ttom housing

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    US D669,731 SPage 2

    section, including an intermediate rear-facing opening, beingshown in broken lines for illustrative purposes only and forming no part of the claimed design;FIG. 3 is a top view of he multiple crock buffet server shownin FIGS. 1 and 2, with the lid holders being removed;FIG. 4 is a front elevation of the multiple crock buffet servershown in FIGS. 1-3, with multiple housing feet of he bottomhousing section that project downwardly from the body of hebottom housing section being shown in broken lines for illustrative purposes only and forming no part of the claimeddesign, and with the lid holders being removed;FIG. 5 is a right side elevation of the multiple crock buffetserver shown in FIGS. 1-4, with the lid holders beingremoved;FIG. 6 is a rear elevation of the multiple crock buffet servershown in FIGS. 1-5, with the lid holders being removed;FIG. 7 is a left side elevation of the multiple crock buffetserver shown in FIGS. 1-6, with the lid holders beingremoved;FIG. 8 is a front perspective of a multiple crock buffet serverembodying my design, with the buffet server being depictedas intermediately fragmented along its length so that theclaimed design covers various buffet server housing lengthsand covers a buffet server with two or more oval server bowlinserts, with top and bottom housing sections of the heatedserver base unit housing, server control knobs, server lidholders, oval liners that receive the bowl inserts, and outerhandle surfaces and a radial groove of each bowl insert beingshown in broken lines for illustrative purposes only and forming no part of the claimed design;FIG. 9 is a rear perspective of he multiple crock buffet servershown in FIG. 8, with the top housing section, includingbosses that receive the lid holders, being shown in brokenlines for illustrative purposes only and forming no par t of theclaimed design;FIG. 10 is a top view of he multiple crock buffet server shownin FIGS. 8 and 9, with the lid holders being removed;FIG. 11 is a front elevation of he multiple crock buffet servershown in FIGS. 8-10, with the lid holders being removed, andwith multiple housing feet of he bottom housing section thatproject downwardly from the body of the bottom housingsection being shown in broken lines for illustrative purposesonly and forming no part of the claimed design;FIG. 12 is a right side elevation of the multiple crock buffetserver shown in FIGS. 8-11, with the lid holders beingremoved;FIG. 13 is a rear elevation of the multiple crock buffet servershown in FIGS. 8-12, with the lid holders being removed;FIG. 14 is a left side elevation of the multiple crock buffetserver shown in FIGS. 8-13, with the lid holders beingremoved;FIG. 15 is a front perspective of a multiple crock buffet serverembodying my design, with an intermediate oval bowl insertbeing shown in broken lines so that the claimed design coversa buffet server with two or more oval server bowl inserts, withone of multiple identical oval insert lids for corresponding

    bowl inserts being shown in broken lines for illustrative purposes and forming no part of he claimed design, and with twooval inserts situated adjacent opposite ends of the heatedserver base unit housing, with top and bottom housing sections of the heated server base unit housing, server controlknobs, server lid holders, oval liners that receive the bowlinserts, and outer handle surfaces and a radial groove of eachbowl insert being shown in broken lines for illustrative purposes only and forming no part of the claimed design;FIG. 16 is a rear perspective of the multiple crock buffetserver shown in FIG. 15, with the top housing section, including bosses that receive the lid holders, and the bottom housingsection, including an intermediate rear-facing opening, beingshown in broken lines for illustrative purposes only and forming no part of the claimed design;FIG.17 is a top view of he multiple crock buffet server shownin FIGS. 15 and 16, with the lid holders being removed;FIG. 18 is a front elevation of he multiple crock buffet servershown in FIGS. 15-17, with the lid holders being removed,and with multiple housing feet of he bottom housing sectionthat project downwardly from the body of he bottom housingsection being shown in broken lines for illustrative purposesonly and forming no part of the claimed design;FIG. 19 is a right side elevation of the multiple crock buffetserver shown in FIGS. 15-18, with the lid holders beingremoved;FIG. 20 is a rear elevation of the multiple crock buffet servershown in FIGS. 15-19, with the lid holders being removed;FIG. 21 is a left side elevation of the multiple crock buffetserver shown in FIGS. 15-20, with the lid holders beingremoved;FIG. 22 is a front perspective of a multiple crock buffet serverembodying my design, with top and bottom housing sectionsof the heated server base unit housing, including bosses thatreceive lid holders, server control knobs, oval liners thatreceive the bow I inserts, and outer handle surfaces and a radialgroove of each bowl insert being shown in broken lines forillustrative purposes only and forming no part of the claimeddesign;FIG. 23 is a rear perspective of the multiple crock buffetserver shown in FIG. 22;FIG. 24 is a top view of he multiple crock buffet server shownin FIGS. 22 and 23;FIG. 25 is a front elevation of he multiple crock buffet servershown in FIGS. 22-24, with multiple housing feet of thebottom housing section that project downwardly from thebody of the bottom housing section, being shown in brokenlines for illustrative purposes only and forming no par t of heclaimed design;FIG. 26 is a right side elevation of the multiple crock buffetserver shown in FIGS. 22-25;FIG. 27 is a rear elevation of the multiple crock buffet servershown in FIGS. 22-26; and,FIG. 28 is a left side elevation of the multiple crock buffetserver shown in FIGS. 22-27.

    1 Claim, 28 Drawing Sheets

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    U.S. Patent Oct. 30, 2012 Sheet 1 of28 US D669,731 S

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    U.S. Patent Oct. 30, 2012 Sheet 22 of 28


    US D669,731 S

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    U.S. Patent


    Oct. 30, 2012


    I II





    Sheet 23 of 28 US D669,731 S

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    U.S. Patent Oct. 30, 2012 Sheet 24 of 28 US D669,731 S--------

    --- - - - -- - - ~ - ~ - - -

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    U.S. Patent Oct. 30, 2012 Sheet 25 of 28-11" I]------- --fl ""1")\

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    US D669,731 S

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    U.S. Patent Oct. 30, 2012 Sheet 26 of 28 US D669,731 S

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    U.S. Patent Oct. 30, 2012 Sheet 27 of 28-11" I]------- ---rr""

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    US D669,731 S

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    U.S. Patent Oct. 30, 2012 Sheet 28 of 28 US D669,731 S

    ' " ' " ' ' ' ' ~ -~ - - - 1 ....-rn ._ I rTll'-fl


    'I11 111 00rl 111'1 1 N11 111 "1 1111 111Ill: IIll:1 111\ \ ~ "rII

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    Exhibit 2

    Case 2:13-cv-02108-KHV-GLR Document 1-2 Filed 03/01/13 Page 1 of 9

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    Case 2:13-cv-02108-KHV-GLR Document 1-2 Filed 03/01/13 Page 2 of 9

    I IIII 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111c12) United States Design Patent

    Endres et al.(54) MULTIPLE CROCK BUFFET SERVER(75) Inventors: W. Eric Endres, Olathe, KS (US); Mark

    T. Krasne, Kansas City, MO (US);William S. Endres, Leawood, KS (US)

    (73) Assignee: Select Brands, Inc., Lenexa, KS (US)(**) Term: 14 Years(21) Appl. No.: 29/429,230(22) Filed: Aug. 8, 2012

    Related U.S. Application Data(63) Continuation of application No. 29/383,204, filed onJan. 13, 2011, now Pat. No. Des. 669,731.(51) LOC (9) Cl. .................................................. 07-02(52) U.S. Cl. ............................ D7/364; D7/354; D7/362(58) Field of Classification Search ................... D7/323,

    D7/329-332, 337-339, 346-347, 350.1-350.4,D7/353-367,391-395,402-406, 538, 542-543;99/324-325, 330-332, 337-340, 369, 400-418,

    99/422, 425, 444, 483; 126/37 R, 41 R, 261,126/378.1; 206/501-505, 507-508; 219/387,

    219/400, 405, 429-442, 452.11, 620-624,219/725, 730--735; 220/315, 573.1-573.5,

    220/912; 426/438, 441See application file for complete search history.


    (10) Patent No.: US D675,864 S** Feb. 12, 201345) Date of Patent:

    (56) References CitedU.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS

    D635,818 S *D666,454 S *D667,680 S *2002/0033390 A1 ** cited by examiner

    4/2011 Tse ........... ............ ......... D7 3579/2012 Lavy eta!. .................. ... D7 3649/2012 Bock .............. ............. ... D7 3543/2002 Von Mossha im ........ 219/452.11

    Primary Examiner- Ricky Pham(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm- Hovey Williams LLP(57) CLAIMThe ornamental design for a multiple crock buffet server, asshown and described.

    DESCRIPTIONFIG. 1 is a front perspective of a multiple crock buffet serverembodying our design;FIG. 2 is a rear perspective of he multiple crock buffet servershown in FIG. 1;FIG. 3 is a top view of he multiple crock buffet server shownin FIGS. 1 and 2;FIG. 4 is a front elevation of the multiple crock buffet servershown in FIGS. 1-3;FIG. 5 is a right side elevation of the multiple crock buffetserver shown in FIGS. 1-4;FIG. 6 is a rear elevation of the multiple crock buffet servershown in FIGS. 1-5; and,FIG. 7 is a left side elevation of the multiple crock buffetserver shown in FIGS. 1-6.The broken lines showing the heated server base unit housing,server control knobs, oval insert lids received by the bowlinserts, oval liners that receive the bowl inserts, outer handlesurfaces of each bowl insert, and a radial groove ofeach bowlinsert are shown for illustrative purposes only and form nopart of the claimed design.

    1 Claim, 7 Drawing Sheets

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    U.S. Patent Feb.12,2013 Sheet 1 of7 US D675,864 S

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    U.S. Patent Feb.12,2013 Sheet 2 of7 US D675,864 S

    ~ ' t . :!!'-...

    ,,: . : .:t

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    U.S. Patent Feb.12,2013 Sheet 3 of7 US D675,864 S

    .,p kt. . } ~ !--------1

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    U.S. Patent Feb.12,2013 Sheet 4 of7 US D675,864 S

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    U.S. Patent Feb.12,2013 Sheet 5 of7 US D675,864 S

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    U.S. Patent Feb.12,2013 Sheet 6 of7 US D675,864 S

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    U.S. Patent Feb.12,2013 Sheet 7 of7 US D675,864 S

    :!$"r ~ s t ~ f : : ~

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    Exhibit 3

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    Established 1929




    Scott R. Brown(913) 647-9050 Ext. [email protected]

    October 31, 2012

    Via email (edward.manzo) and First Class Mail

    Edward D. Manzo, Esq.

    Husch Blackwell

    120 South Riverside Plaza, Floor 22

    Chicago, IL 60606-3912

    Re: U.S. Design Patent No. D669,731 / Sensio, Inc.s Triple Oval Slow Cooker

    Dear Mr. Manzo:

    As you may recall from our prior correspondence, this firm represent Select Brands, Inc. (Select

    Brands) in connection with intellectual property matters. In our prior correspondence, I advised

    that Select Brands had applied for a patent that will cover its multi-element slow cooker. Select

    Brands has now been issued U.S. Design Patent No. D669,731 (the D731 patent), which is

    directed to a multiple crock buffet server. A copy of the D731 patent is enclosed for your


    It has come to our attention that your company is selling multiple slow cooker products with

    features that appear to be identical to those disclosed and claimed in the D731 patent. These

    products include, at least, the following Bella brand slow cooker model numbers:

    Bella Slow Cooker Model Numbers from






    Bella Slow Cooker Model Numbers from





    T-913-647-9050 F-913-647-9057


    Case 2:13-cv-02108-KHV-GLR Document 1-6 Filed 03/01/13 Page 2 of 3
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    Edward D. Manzo, Esq.

    October 31, 2012

    Page 2





    13576 13581






    The D731 patent gives Select Brands the right to exclude others from making, using, selling,

    offering to sell and importing products that infringe the D731 patent. This includes selling or

    offering to sell infringing products over the Internet, in stores, in catalogs, etc.

    Select Brands is willing to resolve this matter amicably by making the D731 patent available for

    licensing. If Sensio Inc. wishes to explore a licensing arrangement for the D731 patent, please

    let me know by November 14, 2012.

    This letter is written without prejudice to any rights or remedies Select Brands may have with

    regard to its D731 patent.

    Very truly yours,



    Scott R. Brown



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    Exhibit 7

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    February 12, 2013

    Via E-Mail ([email protected])and UPS DeliveryEdward D. Manzo, Esq.Husch Blackwell120 South Riverside Plaza, Floor 22Chicago, IL 60606-3912

    Scott R. Brown(913) 647-9050 Ext. [email protected]

    Re: U.S. Design Patent No. D675,864 I Sensio, Inc.'s Triple Oval Slow CookerDear Mr. Manzo:

    As you may recall from our prior correspondence, this firm represents Select Brands, Inc.("Select Brands") in connection with intellectual property matters. In our prior correspondence, Iadvised that Select Brands had applied for a patent that will cover its multi-element slow cooker. Inour letter ofOctober 31,2012, I advised that Select Brands had been issued U.S. Design Patent No.D669,731 (the "D'731 patent"), which is directed to a multiple crock buffet server. I now write toadvise you that Select Brands has been issued U.S. Design Patent No. D675,864 (the "D'864patent"). A copy of the D'864 patent is enclosed for your convenience.

    We understand you still represent Sensio, Inc. It has come to our attention that your clientis selling multiple slow cooker products with features that appear to be identical to those disclosedand claimed in the D'864 patent and/or the D'731 patent. These products include, at least, thefollowing Bella brand slow cooker model numbers:

    Bella Slow Cooker Model Numbers from entertaining.html 13408 13422 13490 13491 13493


    OVERLAND PARK, KANSAS 66210T-913-647-9050 F-913-647:9057


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    Case 2:13-cv-02108-KHV-GLR Document 1-7 Filed 03/01/13 Page 3 of 11

    Edward D. Manzo, Esq.February 12, 2013Page 2

    Bella Slow Cooker Model Numbers from 13408 13490 13493 13551 13557 13576 13581 13582 13583 13595 13666 90035 90036 90040

    The D'864 patent gives Select Brands the right to exclude others from making, using, selling,offering to sell and importing products that infringe the D'864 patent. This includes selling oroffering to sell infringing products over the Internet, in stores, in catalogs, etc.Select Brands is willing to make the D'864 patent and D'731 patent available for licensing.

    If Sensio Inc. wishes to explore a licensing arrangement for these patents, please let me knowimmediately.

    This letter is written without prejudice to any rights or remedies Select Brands may have withregard to its D'731 patent or its D'864 patent.


    Very truly yours,HOVEY WILLIAMS LLP

    By: ~ V B r o w n

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    Case 2:13-cv-02108-KHV-GLR Document 1-7 Filed 03/01/13 Page 4 of 11

    I IIII 111111111111111111.1111 11111111111111111111 11111111111(12) United States Design Patent


    (75) Inventors: W. Eric Endres, Olathe, KS (US); MarkT. Krasne, Kansas City, MO (US);Will iam S. Endres , Leawood, KS (US)

    (73) Assignee: Select Brands, Inc., Lenexa, KS (US)(**) Term: 14 Years(21) Appl. No.: 29/429,230(22) Filed: Aug. 8, 2012

    Related U.S. Application Data( 63) Continuation of application No. 29/383,204, filed on

    Jan. 13, 2011, now Pat. No. Des. 669,731.(51) LOC (9) CI .................................................. 07-02(52) U.S. Cl. ............................ D7/364; D7/354; D7/362(58) Field of Classificat ion Search ................... D7/323,

    D?/329-332, 337-339, 346-347, 350.1-350.4,D7/353-367,391-395,402-406, 538,542-543;99/324-325, 330-332, 337-340, 369, 400--418,

    99/422,425, 444, 483; 126/37 R, 41 R, 261,126/378.1; 206/501-505, 507-508; 219/387,

    219/400, 405,429--442,452.11, 620--624,219/725, 730--735; 220/315, 573.1-573.5,

    2201912; 426/438, 441See application file for complete search history.


    (10) Patent No.: US D675,864 S** Feb. 12, 201345) Date of Patent:

    (56) References CitedU.S. PATENT DOCUMENTS

    D635,818 S +D666,454 S D667,680 S 2002/0033390 AI+*cited by examiner

    4/2011 Tse ................................ D?/3579/2012 Lavy et al ................... ... D7/3649/2012 Bock .............................. D?/3543/2002 Von Mosshaim ........ 219/452.11

    Primary Examiner- Ricky Pham(74) Attorney, Agent, or Firm- Hovey Williams LLP(57) CLAIMThe ornamental design for a multiple crock buffet server, asshown and described.

    DESCRIPTIONFIG. 1 is a front perspective ofa multiple crock buffet serverembodying our design;FIG. 2 is a rear perspective of he multiple crock buffet servershown in FIG. 1;FIG. 3 is a top view of he multiple crock buffet server shownin FIGS. 1 and 2;FIG. 4 is a front elevation of the multiple crock buffet servershown in FIGS. 1-3;FIG. 5 is a right side elevation of the multiple crock buffetserver shown in FIGS. 1-4;FIG. 6 is a rear elevation of the multiple crock buffet servershown in FIGS. 1-5; and,FIG. 7 is a left side elevation of the multiple crock buffetserver shown in FIGS. 1-6.The broken lines showing the heated server base unit housing,server control knobs, oval insert lids received by the bowlinserts, oval liners that receive the bowl inserts, outer handlesurfaces ofeach bowl insert, and a radial groove of each bowlinsert are shown for illustrative purposes only and form nopart of the claimed design.

    1 Claim, 7 Drawing Sheets

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    U.S. Patent Feb.12,2013 Sheet 1 of7 US D675,864 S


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    U.S. Patent Feb.12,2013 Sheet 2 of7 US D675,864 S


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    U.S. Patent Feb.12,2013 Sheet 3 of7 US D675,864 S

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    U.S. Patent Feb.12,2013 Sheet 4 of7 US D675,864 S

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    U.S. Patent Feb.12,2013 Sheet 5 of7 US D675,864 S



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    U.S. Patent Feb.12,2013 Sheet 6 of7 US D675,864 S

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    U.S. Patent Feb.12,2013 Sheet 7of? US D675,864 S