THE JEFFERSONIAN, TOWSON, MARYLAND. June 26, 1920—Page 3 Local Correspondence JABRETTSVILLE. Mrs. M. J. Tipton is spending- some time with relatives in Stewartstown, Penna. The Alumni of Jarrettsville High School held its annual banquet on Wednesday evening in the K. of P. Hall. The Jarrettsville Grange will meet on Tuesday evening, June 9, at the K. of P. Hall. MisU Emma Street has returned home after visiting relatives in Bal- timore . Mrs. N. O. Merryman has returned from Baltimore, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Charles Taylor. Miss Mamie Pennington, of Wash- ington, D. C-, spent the week-end with her sister, Miss Catherine Pen- nington. Mr. and Mrs. John Tipton and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kurtz attended class exercise^ at Towson High School on Tuesday eveningj. Their niece, Mi sis Eleanor Hess, is a graduate. Mr. and Mrs. George Brookhart and family are Spending some time with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tay- lor. PORK. Fork M. E. Sunday School, if noth- ing happens to prevent it, will be re- organized on Sunday morning. All members of the Sunday School board which consists of the officers and teachers of the Sunday School and the Sunday School committee are request- ed to be present. The regular mis- sionary service will be held and preaching by Dr. Armstrong at 11 A. M. Rev. and Mrs. E. H. Showacre paid a short visit to some of their friends on Wednesday. The schools are now closed and we wish all teachers, and especially those of Fork School a pleasont and profit- able vacation. The farmers are now busy hauling peas to the shellers and many report a yield of 1500 pounds to the acre. The wind and rain of last Thursday wa^ especially severe in this section. Four young fruit trees were uprooted in the orchard of Mr. Theo. Formwalt. HYDBS. The annual Fourth of July picnic on the lawn of Fork Christian Church will be held July 3rd, beginning at 3 P. M., lasting until 10.30 P. M. Gamesi Of all kinds for children; ice cream cake and peanuts for sale. Come and enjoy the evening. Young Peoples' Meeting at Fork Christian Church tomorrow night at 8 o'clock. The Children's Day service at Fork Christian Church was! well attended. Miss Julia Matthews and Miss Rose Marshall trained the children. The trimming of the church was beautiful, with wreathes and crosses of rofles, and the windows with baskets of roses and daisies. SHASTE. Misis Hazel Starr, of Loch Raven, is spending her vacation with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Starr. The heavy storms the past week did mucn damage in this section. Mr. Jeremiah Six still continues on the sick list. Our tomato growers are quite busy setting out plants. The recent rains gave them an excellent season for this work. Mr. Joseph Yates, of Baltimore, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wright. Those who visjted Mrs. D. H. Starr last Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Leon- ard Wright and children. Mr. and Mrs. George Edie and daughter, Mr. Nelson Wilson is on the sick list. FREELAND. Mr. J. W. Gemmill, Superintendent of the county roads of the Sixth and Seventh, districts, is shaping; y* the Sfte lio^-riioin this place to Middle- town, which the traveling public ap- preciate very much. G'n account of the wet month of June our farmers; will have a much heavier crop of hay than was antici- pated earlier in the season. What in- terests them most at present is good weathtr to save the crop, as clover is now about ready to be cut. The grain Legal Notices Michael P. Kehoe, Attorney-at-Law, 412 Equitable Hid ft., Balto., Md. ORDER OP PUBLICATION. The object of this suit is to procure a divorce a vinculo matrimonii by the plaintiff, Florence E. Canfield, from the defendant, Charles E. Canfield. The Bill recites that the parties were married in the City of Chicago, in the State of Illinois, on April 3rd, 1915, by the Reverend Dr. Clemens, a Minister of the Gospel, and lived to- gether up to the first day of Septem- ber, 1915, when he deserted her in the City of Chicago, State of Illinois; that the plaintiff has been a resident of the State of Maryland for more than two year's prior to the filing of this bill of complaint, while the defendant, Chas^E. Canfield, is a nonresident of the State of Maryand, his last known place of res- idence being the City of Chicago, State of Illinois; that there was no issue as the result of the said marriage; that though the conduct of your oratrix to- ward her siaid husband has been af- fectionate and above reproach, the de- fendant Charles E. Canfield, her hus- band, has without any just cause or reason abandoned and deserted her, and declared his intentions to live with her no longer; that said aband- onment has continued uninterruptedly for more than three years, is deliber- ate' and final, and the separation of the parties, is beyond any reasonable hope or expectation of reconciliation. It is therefore ORDERED by the Circuit Court for Baltimore County, this 26th day ,of May, A. D., 1920, that the plaintiff by causing a copy of this Order to be in- serted in some weekly newspaper, pub- lished in Baltimore County, once a week for four, successive weeks be- fore the 2Sth day of June, 1920, give notice to t e said non-resident defend- ant, Charles. E. Canfield, of the object and substance of this suit, and warn him to be and appear in this Honor- able Court either in person or by so- licitor On or before the 15th day of July, 1920, to show cause if any he may have why a decree should not bo passed as 1 pray- ed. WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test: WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 5-29-5t. William JJ. Galvin, Attorney. ORDER NISI. IN THE ORPHANS' COURT OF BAL- TIMORE COUNTY. ORDERED, By the Orphans' Court of Baltimore County, this 1st day of June, 1920, that the sale of the lease- hold estate of Patrick Keough, de- ceased, made by William L. Galvin, the Administrator of the said deceased, and this day reported to this Court by the said Administrator be ratified and confirmed, unless cause be shown to the contrary On or before the 28th day of June, 1920, Provided a copy of this order be in- serted in some weeky newspaper, printed and published in Baltimore County, once in each of three succes- sive weeks before the said 28th dav of June, 1920. N The report states the amount of sales to be $200.00. True Copy—Test: WILLIAM J. PEACH, Register of Wills for Baltimore County. JAMES B. BENTZ, JOHN HOFF, LUTHER M. B. WILLIAMS, 6-5-4t. Judges. WANTED. Want to buy a farm—10 to 100 acres. Kindly give Location, Price and Terms Box 817, 6-5-4t. Baltimore, Md. fields are beginning to look yellow and the crop, in some instances, promises to be an average one. Some of our farmers say there is more money in tomato raising than in any other crop. The canners at New Freedom have agreed to pay 75 cents a bushel for this year's crop. The fruit crop in this section is not very promising, especially is this the case with stone fruit. With sugar at 25 cents a pound the house-wife thinks that probably it will be well for less sweets for the table supply than form- erly. Some of our people took in Chil- dren's Day exercistes on last Sunday night at Middletown M. E. Church and enjoyed it very much. ' \ Mr. Eli S. Bortner has purchased six acres from James S. Zimmerman for $800. On the 18th inst. the Rev. James J. Restfi, who has made the subject of buds quite a study, gave a very inter- esting lecturt to the pupils of Oakland Public School on the topic. Prof. Resh is quite a naturalist and has taken a very valuable medal along this line. He demonstrated how the buds develop and thus outlined to the pupils how the mind is susceptible of great de- velopment. JACKSONVILLE. Mrs. Sobheimer and daughter, Bes- sie, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. JistephLins on Sunday. Mrs. Anna Klein is much improved after being sick for several weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holloway en- tertained a number of friends last week. Mrs. Anna Fielding is spending some time with Mr£(. Henry Zinkhan. Miss Denalia Nash spent last Sat- urday with friends in Baltimore. Mrs. Philip Lins is much improved after haying the measles. Mr. Lawrence Ward, of Baltimore, spent Sunday with Mr. Henry Kline. Mr. and Mrs(. Henry Zinkhan spent Sunday with the former's parents. KINGSVILLE. Misses P. M. Hutton, Grace Mann and Rost Gilbert will attend the John's Hopkins summer school. Mrs. Stephen Muller and Miss Alice Muller «are on the sflck list. Mr. Charles Green has greatly im- proved his dwelling by adding a new coat of paint. Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor were sere- naded on last Saturday night at the home of Mrs. Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Miller. Miss Catherine Chapman, who was> operated on at the Maryland Univer- sity Hospital, is much improved. Mrs. A. A. Chapman has rented her home and will spend the summer at Blue Ridge. Mr. John Thompson is suffering with a gathered thumb. BUTLER. There will be preaching at Dover M. E. Church Sunday. The annual entertainment and fes- $1395 Chassis , J. o. b. St. Louis Some Traffic Features | Red Seal Continental 3%x5 motor; Covert transmission; multi- ple disc clutch; Bosch magneto; 4 - piece cast shell, cellular type radiator; drop forged front axle with Timken roller bearings; Russell rear axle, internal gear, roller bearings; semi-elliptic front and rear springs; 6- inch U-channel frame; Standard FIsk tires, 34x3^ front, 34x5 rear; 133- inch wheelbase; 122- inch length of frame behind driver's seat; oil cup lubricating system; chassis painted, striped and varnished; driver's lazy-back seat and cushion regular, equipment Pneumat- ic cora tire equip- ment at extra cost. TrafficTgmck The Lowest Priced 4,000-lb. Capacity Truck in the World. The Traffic answers the truck question for those who figure trans- portation costs with care and consider economy in hauling as vital as profits in relationship to business. It costs hundreds of dollars less to buy a Traffic; it costs hun- dreds of dollars less to maintain a Traffic; it costs one-half less to haul with a Traffic than itdoes with teams. The Traffic is proving its economy by daily performance every- where. Its specifications reveal the saving presented in its price of $1395, made possible by quantity production. See the Traffic today. Seaboard Sales and Service Company 1109-13 Cathedral St., Baltimore, Md. Taffic Motor Truck Corporation, St. Louis, Mo., largest exclusive builders of 4,000-lb. capacity trucks in the world tival will be held this evening at But- ler School. Mrs. Rebecca Bruehl, of Centerville, is visiting her son, Mr. Bennie Bruehl, of Belfast. Mrs. Gus Bruehl, Mrsv J. W. Turn- baugh, Walter and Gordon Turnbaugh and Mr. Arthur Bruehl spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Carr. Real Estate LIST YOUR PROPERTY WITH US IF YOU WANT TO BUY Let Us Show You Our List Of Farms. Village Property, Also Building Lots. WHEELER & COLE, Inc., FRANK I. WHEELER) Towson, Maryland. 3-15-ly I In the Lighting Studio :: jjf Second Floor ; | I LEXINGTON BUILDING ;; «> « :: :: * > < > < > < > Gas and Electric floor lamps, desk and table lamps, piano lamps, and an unusually beautiful selection of light domes, gas and electric fixtures and light shades. CONVENIENT TERMS The Gas & Electric Co. BRANCHISTORES Tc»;son Catonsville Hamilton Highlandtown :7-52w * 11=11=11=11=1^^=11=11=11=1^1=)^ i=li=l r=l i=l [=J[=J=i[=J[=ir=ir=ir=i[=Ji=Ii I 1 1 0 1 H a a A i ii i i A l i A A B MOTORTRUCKS BUILDERS gf BUSINESS Mean Assured Transportation For The Farmers.' can Quickly /ix Have you ever tried to repair one of the kind of pumps that has to be removed "bodily" from the well every time it is necessary to fix a leaky valve or any other little trouble, and that requires a mechanic and a kit of tools for the operation? If so you'll appreciate PB»OTMKJ SO EASY TOW0RK30EA3YTO FIX When anything does go wrong any one can fix itand a monkey wrench is the only tool needed. They save money by savingtime and trouble. We've been building pumps for 40 years and when we build one for you it is right. Send for catalogue. Handled by Dealers. Put A New Honey Comb In Your Radiator EXPERT! oiAr ^Standard Radiator and Fender Works \^v ropm ~ 2 2 2 N Greene street> Baltimore> Md REPAIRS! C. ROBIE GRAFTON, Proprietor. Formerly of the York Road Garage, Towson, Md". Cadillac Core $48.50 Hudson " 46.75 Packard " 6.50 White " 59.00 Paige V " 58.00 Dodge " 33.50 Chevolet" ..' 27.50 Maxwell " 28.50 Vim " 26.00 Price on any size Core given upon request. Ford Honey Comb Radiator for $19.50 and vour old one. 4-24-16t NOTE the increased number of F A R M E R S , who are now using SERVICE MOTOR TRUCKS to bring their products direct from the farm to the city markets. Every day you can see new faces driving up to the commission houses -with a new truck, loaded heavily with fresh vegetables, getting exceptional prices for them, due to their quality. The farmer with a horse and wagon is looked upon as one of the old days, when rapid transit meant practically nothing. This means of transportation is steadily passing away and the SERVICE MOTOR TRUCK is taking its place. N O W I S Y O U R T I M E , MR. FARMER, to get into the new way of doing business and buy a truck. We have one of the largest service stations in the East, which is at your disposal day and night. This department is well supplied with every part needed in adjusting your truck and in charge of only the very best motor experts. Buy Now and Get Immediate Delivery Preparedness Means Everything When Seitz Says Ifs Right, If s Right SEITZ AUTO jfl 2 TO 8 NORTH AVE. I Mt. Vernon 3980 1 Some good territory open to live dealers H njir=ir=Jr=Jr=ii rpr=Jr=Jr=^r=^r^r=^r^r=^r^^r=^r^ BALTIMORE RIVAL GARDEN PLOWS Original and Best of the Type Price Complete with all Attachments, $4.50 Do not compare with Lig-ht and In- ferior Imitations, that can not stand the strain and go to pieces.^Just re- ceived another shipment fronrfactory. Going- rapidly. ROOFING For Dwellings, Garages, Barns, &c Also Roof Coating, Rex Strip Shingles in Green and Red Slate Surface. Write fcr particulars. Let us [know your needs, and [we'wilf£make special quotations. liSIh~^&i£ii$?«v fep"* te Distributors of CERTAIN-TEED PAINTS, Ac. Get our prices. Have you our Catalog? Ff not, writefor copy—FREE. Complete slock BLATCfi FORD'S Meal for Calf, Pig, Lamb or Colt BLATCHFORD'S Mills Mash, FILL-The-Basket Egg Mash, Bone Grits, Chick Grower, Granulated Milk, &c. fcfi. Roup Cure, Lice Killer, and Hatchetf s Gape Cure. Sharpless Cream Separators, Spray Pumps and Spraying- Material. Wire Fencing and Gates ; also Manure Spreaders. Seeds, Far,m Garden, Dairy and Poultry Supplies. GRIFFITH & TURNER CO., 205-215 N. Paca Street and 366)N. Gay Street, * BALTIMORE, MD. RAISE MORE HOGS AT LESS COST BY USING HOG FEED The most valuable pig for a b, eeder to raise is the one^that will give h^m^the most money for the feed consumed. Spring Garden Hog Feed is all food, no waste. The protein content is practically all digestible as compared with 70 % digestibility inborn. It is made from corn germ or hearts, corn oil meal, corn bran and partjjof the crown portion of the kernel. Thoroughly kiln-dried and sterilized; packed clean by machinery; free from dust and adulterants. Guaranteed to keep pure and sweet and do all we claim for it or money back. Spring Garden Hog Feed is the most economical pork producer on the market. Superior feeding value proven by Agricultural Station tests. Farmers who raise both cereal crops ana stock can profitably sell their corn and use Spring Garden Hog Feed. This can be readily dem- onstrated by breeders who will compare results. Write for samples and prices if your dealer cannot supply you with "Spring Garden" Brand. BALTIMORE PEARL HOMINY CO. SEABOARD CORN MILLS HOWARD STREET PIER BALTIMORE, MARYLAND OTHER "SPRING GARDEN" FEEDS TO CORN DEALERS AND SHIPPERS We buy White and Yellow Corn either shelled or on cob delivered at our mill Horse Feed, Dairy Feed, Flaked Oats, Hominy Feed, C. & O. Feed, Cracked Corn, .Chick Grits, Dry Poultry Mash. or at your station. * lo-e-is aryland State Archives mdsa_sc34io_i_63-oi75.jj

SEITZ AUTO - mdhistory.net index.htmlmdhistory.msa.maryland.gov/msa_sc3410/msa_sc3410_1_63/... · 2013-05-02 · Mrs. M. J. Tipton is spending- some time with relatives in Stewartstown,

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Page 1: SEITZ AUTO - mdhistory.net index.htmlmdhistory.msa.maryland.gov/msa_sc3410/msa_sc3410_1_63/... · 2013-05-02 · Mrs. M. J. Tipton is spending- some time with relatives in Stewartstown,


Local Correspondence JABRETTSVILLE.

Mrs. M. J. Tipton is spending- some time with relatives in Stewartstown, Penna.

The Alumni of Jarret tsvi l le High School held its annual banquet on Wednesday evening in the K. of P. Hall.

The Jarret tsvi l le Grange will meet on Tuesday evening, June 9, at the K. of P. Hall.

MisU Emma Street has returned home after visit ing relatives in Bal­timore .

Mrs. N. O. Merryman has returned from Baltimore, accompanied by her daughter, Mrs. Charles Taylor.

Miss Mamie Pennington, of Wash­ington, D. C-, spent the week-end with her sister, Miss Catherine Pen­nington.

Mr. and Mrs. John Tipton and Mr. and Mrs. Martin Kurtz attended class exercise^ at Towson High School on Tuesday eveningj. Their niece, Mi sis Eleanor Hess, is a graduate.

Mr. and Mrs. George Brookhart and family are Spending some time with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Tay­lor.

PORK. Fork M. E. Sunday School, if noth­

ing happens to prevent it, will be re­organized on Sunday morning. All members of the Sunday School board which consists of the officers and teachers of the Sunday School and the Sunday School committee are request­ed to be present. The regular mis­sionary service will be held and preaching by Dr. Armstrong a t 11 A. M.

Rev. and Mrs. E. H. Showacre paid a short visit to some of their friends on Wednesday.

The schools are now closed and we wish all teachers, and especially those of Fork School a pleasont and profit­able vacation.

The farmers are now busy hauling peas to the shellers and many report a yield of 1500 pounds to the acre.

The wind and rain of last Thursday wa^ especially severe in this section. Four young fruit trees were uprooted in the orchard of Mr. Theo. Formwalt .

HYDBS. The annual Four th of July picnic

on the lawn of Fork Christian Church will be held July 3rd, beginning at 3 P. M., last ing until 10.30 P. M. Gamesi Of all kinds for children; ice cream cake and peanuts for sale. Come and enjoy the evening.

Young Peoples' Meeting at Fork Christian Church tomorrow night at 8 o'clock.

The Children's Day service a t Fork Christian Church was! well attended. Miss Jul ia Matthews and Miss Rose Marshall trained the children. The tr imming of the church was beautiful, wi th wreathes and crosses of rofles, and the windows with baskets of roses and daisies.

SHASTE. Misis Hazel Starr, of Loch Raven, is

spending her vacation with her par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. D. K. Starr.

The heavy storms the past week did mucn damage in this section.

Mr. Jeremiah Six still continues on the sick list.

Our tomato growers are quite busy set t ing out plants. The recent rains gave them an excellent season for this work.

Mr. Joseph Yates, of Baltimore, spent last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Wright.

Those who visjted Mrs. D. H. Starr last Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Leon­ard Wright and children. Mr. and Mrs. George Edie and daughter,

Mr. Nelson Wilson is on the sick list.

FREELAND. Mr. J. W. Gemmill, Superintendent

of the county roads of the Sixth and Seventh, districts, is shaping; y* the S f t e l io^- r i io in this place to Middle-town, which the traveling public ap­preciate very much.

G'n account of the wet month of June our farmers; will have a much heavier crop of hay than was antici­pated earlier in the season. What in­terests them most at present is good weath t r to save the crop, as clover is now about ready to be cut. The grain

Legal Notices

Michael P. Kehoe, Attorney-at-Law, 412 Equitable Hid ft., Balto., Md.

ORDER OP PUBLICATION. The object of this suit is to procure

a divorce a vinculo matrimonii by the plaintiff, Florence E. Canfield, from the defendant, Charles E. Canfield.

The Bill recites tha t the par t ies were married in the City of Chicago, in the State of Illinois, on April 3rd, 1915, by the Reverend Dr. Clemens, a Minister of the Gospel, and lived to­gether up to the first day of Septem­ber, 1915, when he deserted her in the City of Chicago, State of Illinois; that the plaintiff has been a resident of the State of Maryland for more than two year's prior to the filing of this bill of complaint, while the defendant, Chas^E. Canfield, is a nonresident of the State of Maryand, his last known place of res­idence being the City of Chicago, State of Illinois; that there was no issue as the result of the said marr iage; that though the conduct of your oratr ix to­ward her siaid husband has been af­fectionate and above reproach, the de­fendant Charles E. Canfield, her hus­band, has without any just cause or reason abandoned and deserted her, and declared his intentions to live with her no longer; that said aband­onment has continued uninterruptedly for more than three years, is deliber­a te ' and final, and the separation of the parties, is beyond any reasonable hope or expectation of reconciliation.

It is therefore ORDERED by the Circuit Court for

Baltimore County, this 26th day ,of May, A. D., 1920, that the plaintiff by causing a copy of this Order to be in­serted in some weekly newspaper, pub­lished in Baltimore County, once a week for four, successive weeks be­fore the 2Sth day of June, 1920, give notice to t e said non-resident defend­ant, Charles. E. Canfield, of the object and substance of this suit, and warn him to be and appear in this Honor­able Court either in person or by so­licitor On or before the 15th day of July,

1920, to show cause if any he may have why a decree should not bo passed as1 pray­ed.

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. True Copy—Test:

WILLIAM P. COLE, Clerk. 5-29-5t.

William JJ. Galvin, Attorney.


TIMORE COUNTY. ORDERED, By the Orphans' Court

of Baltimore County, this 1st day of June, 1920, tha t the sale of the lease­hold estate of Patr ick Keough, de­ceased, made by William L. Galvin, the Administrator of the said deceased, and this day reported to this Court by the said Administrator be ratified and confirmed, unless cause be shown to the contrary On or before the 28th day of June,

1920, Provided a copy of this order be in­

serted in some weeky newspaper, printed and published in Baltimore County, once in each of three succes­sive weeks before the said 28th dav of June, 1920.

NThe report s ta tes the amount of sales to be $200.00.

True Copy—Test: WILLIAM J. PEACH,

Register of Wills for Baltimore County. JAMES B. BENTZ, JOHN HOFF, LUTHER M. B. WILLIAMS,

6-5-4t. Judges.

WANTED. Want to buy a farm—10 to 100 acres. Kindly give Location, Price and Terms

Box 817, 6-5-4t. Baltimore, Md.

fields are beginning to look yellow and the crop, in some instances, promises to be an average one.

Some of our farmers say there is more money in tomato raising than in any other crop. The canners a t New Freedom have agreed to pay 75 cents a bushel for this year 's crop.

The fruit crop in this section is not very promising, especially is this the case with stone fruit. With sugar a t 25 cents a pound the house-wife thinks that probably it will be well for less sweets for the table supply than form­erly.

Some of our people took in Chil­dren's Day exercistes on last Sunday night at Middletown M. E. Church and enjoyed it very much. ' \

Mr. Eli S. Bortner has purchased six acres from James S. Zimmerman for $800.

On the 18th inst. the Rev. James J. Restfi, who has made the subject of buds quite a study, gave a very inter­esting lecturt to the pupils of Oakland Public School on the topic. Prof. Resh

is quite a natural is t and has taken a very valuable medal along this line. He demonstrated how the buds develop and thus outlined to the pupils how the mind is susceptible of great de­velopment.

JACKSONVILLE. Mrs. Sobheimer and daughter, Bes­

sie, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs. J is tephLins on Sunday.

Mrs. Anna Klein is much improved after being sick for several weeks.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Holloway en­tertained a number of friends last week.

Mrs. Anna Fielding is spending some time with Mr£(. Henry Zinkhan.

Miss Denalia Nash spent last Sat­urday with friends in Baltimore.

Mrs. Philip Lins is much improved after haying the measles.

Mr. Lawrence Ward, of Baltimore, spent Sunday with Mr. Henry Kline.

Mr. and Mrs(. Henry Zinkhan spent Sunday with the former's parents.

KINGSVILLE. Misses P. M. Hutton, Grace Mann

and Rost Gilbert will at tend the John's Hopkins summer school.

Mrs. Stephen Muller and Miss Alice Muller «are on the sflck list.

Mr. Charles Green has great ly im­proved his dwelling by adding a new coat of paint.

Mr. and Mrs. John Taylor were sere­naded on last Saturday night a t the home of Mrs. Taylor's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Miller.

Miss Catherine Chapman, who was> operated on at the Maryland Univer­sity Hospital, is much improved.

Mrs. A. A. Chapman has rented her home and will spend the summer a t Blue Ridge.

Mr. John Thompson is suffering with a gathered thumb.

BUTLER. There will be preaching at Dover

M. E. Church Sunday. The annual entertainment and fes-

$1395 Chassis

, J. o. b. St. Louis

Some Traffic Features | Red Seal Continental 3%x5 motor; Covert t ransmission; mult i­ple disc clutch; Bosch magneto; 4 - piece cast shell, cellular type radiator; drop forged front axle with Timken roller bearings; R u s s e l l rear axle, internal gear, roller bearings; semi-elliptic f r o n t and rear springs; 6-inch U - c h a n n e l f r a m e ; Standard FIsk t i res , 34x3^ front, 34x5 rear; 133-inch wheelbase; 122-inch length of frame behind driver 's seat ; oil cup lubricat ing system; c h a s s i s painted, striped and varnished; driver 's lazy-back seat and cushion r e g u l a r , equipment Pneumat­ic cora t ire equip­ment a t ex t ra cost.

TrafficTgmck The Lowest Pr iced 4,000-lb. Capaci ty T ruck in t he Wor ld .

The Traffic answers the t r u c k question for those who figure t rans ­

por ta t ion costs wi th care and consider economy in haul ing as

v i ta l as profits in relat ionship to business.

I t costs h u n d r e d s of dol lars less to buy a Traffic; i t costs hun­

dreds of dollars less to main ta in a Traffic; i t costs one-half less

to haul wi th a Traffic t h a n i tdoes wi th teams.

The Traffic is p roving i ts economy by dai ly performance every­

where . I t s specifications reveal the saving presented in i ts pr ice

of $1395, made possible by q u a n t i t y product ion . See the Traffic

today .

Seaboard Sales and Service Company 1109-13 Cathedral St., Baltimore, Md.

Taffic Motor Truck Corporation, St. Louis, Mo., largest exclusive builders of 4,000-lb. capacity trucks in the world

tival will be held this evening at But­ler School.

Mrs. Rebecca Bruehl, of Centerville, is visiting her son, Mr. Bennie Bruehl, of Belfast.

Mrs. Gus Bruehl, Mrsv J. W. Turn-baugh, Walter and Gordon Turnbaugh and Mr. Arthur Bruehl spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Bradley Carr.


IF YOU WANT TO BUY Let Us Show You Our List Of Farms.

Village Property, Also Building Lots.


Towson, Maryland. 3-15-ly

I In the Lighting Studio :: jjf Second Floor ; |


« > « •


:: * > < > < » < > < >

Gas and Electric floor lamps, desk and table lamps, piano lamps, and an unusually beautiful selection of light domes, gas and electric fixtures and light shades.


The Gas & Electric Co.

BRANCHISTORES Tc»;son Catonsville Hamilton

Highlandtown :7-52w


11=11=11=11=1^^=11=11=11=1^1=)^ i = l i = l r= l i = l [=J[=J= i [=J[= i r= i r= i r= i [=J i= I i


1 1 0 1 H a a A

i ii

i i A l i A A B


Mean Assured Transportation

For The Farmers.'

can Quickly /ix Have you ever tried to repair one of the kind of pumps that has to be removed "bodily" from the well every time it is necessary to fix a leaky valve or any other little trouble, and that requires a mechanic and a kit of tools for the operation? If so you'll appreciate

PB»OTMKJ SO EASY TOW0RK30EA3YTO FIX When anything does go wrong any one can fix itand a monkey wrench is the only tool needed. They save money by savingtime and trouble. We've been building pumps for 40 years and when we build one for you it is right. Send for catalogue. Handled by D e a l e r s .

Put A New Honey Comb In Your Radiator EXPERT!

oiAr ^Standard Radiator and Fender Works \^v ropm ~ 2 2 2 N G r e e n e s t r e e t > Bal t imore> M d

REPAIRS! C. ROBIE GRAFTON, Proprietor. Formerly of the York Road Garage, Towson, Md".

Cadillac Core $48.50 Hudson " 46.75 Packard " 6.50 White " 59.00 Paige V " • 58.00 Dodge " 33.50 Chevolet" ..' 27.50 Maxwell " 28.50 Vim " 26.00 Price on any size Core given upon request.

Ford Honey Comb Radiator for $19.50 and vour old one. 4-24-16t

N O T E t h e i n c r e a s e d n u m b e r of F A R M E R S , w h o a r e n o w u s i n g S E R V I C E M O T O R T R U C K S to b r i n g t h e i r p r o d u c t s d i r e c t f rom t h e f a r m t o t h e c i t y m a r k e t s . E v e r y d a y y o u c a n s ee n e w faces d r i v i n g u p to t h e c o m m i s s i o n h o u s e s -with a n e w t r u c k , l o a d e d h e a v i l y w i t h f resh v e g e t a b l e s , g e t t i n g e x c e p t i o n a l p r i c e s for t h e m , d u e t o t h e i r q u a l i t y .

T h e f a r m e r w i t h a h o r s e a n d w a g o n i s l o o k e d u p o n a s o n e of t h e old d a y s , w h e n r a p i d t r a n s i t m e a n t p r a c t i c a l l y n o t h i n g . T h i s m e a n s of t r a n s p o r t a t i o n is s t e a d i l y p a s s i n g a w a y a n d t h e S E R V I C E M O T O R T R U C K is t a k i n g i t s p l a c e . N O W I S Y O U R T I M E , M R . F A R M E R , to g e t i n t o t h e n e w w a y of d o i n g b u s i n e s s a n d b u y a t r u c k .

W e h a v e o n e of t h e l a r g e s t s e r v i c e s t a t i o n s i n t h e E a s t , w h i c h is a t y o u r d i s p o s a l d a y a n d n i g h t . T h i s d e p a r t m e n t i s w e l l s u p p l i e d w i t h e v e r y p a r t n e e d e d i n a d j u s t i n g y o u r t r u c k a n d in c h a r g e of o n l y t h e v e r y b e s t m o t o r e x p e r t s .

Buy Now and Get Immediate Delivery Preparedness Means Everything When Seitz Says If s Right, If s Right


jfl 2 TO 8 NORTH AVE. I Mt. Vernon 3980

1 S o m e good t e r r i t o r y

o p e n t o l i v e d e a l e r s

H njir=ir=Jr=Jr=ii rpr=Jr=Jr=^r=^r^r=^r^r=^r^^r=^r^

BALTIMORE RIVAL GARDEN PLOWS Original and Best of the Type

Price Complete with all Attachments, $4.50

Do not compare with Lig-ht and In­ferior Imitations, that can not s tand the strain and go to p ieces .^Jus t re­ceived another shipment fronrfactory. Going- rapidly.

ROOFING For Dwellings, Garages, Barns, &c

Also Roof Coating, Rex Strip Shingles in Green and Red Slate Surface.

Write fcr particulars. Let us [know your needs, and [we'wilf£make special quotations. liSIh~^&i£ii$?«v fep"* te

Distributors of CERTAIN-TEED PAINTS, Ac. Get our prices. Have you our Catalog? Ff not, writefor copy—FREE. Complete slock BLATCfi FORD'S Meal for Calf, Pig, Lamb or Colt

BLATCHFORD'S Mills Mash, FILL-The-Basket E g g Mash, Bone Grits, Chick Grower, Granulated Milk, &c. fcfi.

Roup Cure, Lice Killer, and Hatchetf s Gape Cure. Sharpless Cream Separators, Spray P u m p s and Spraying- Material.

Wire Fencing and Gates ; also Manure Spreaders.

Seeds, Far,m Garden, Dairy and Poultry Supplies.

GRIFFITH & TURNER CO., 205-215 N. Paca Street and 366)N. Gay Street, *




HOG FEED The most valuable pig for a b, eeder to raise is the one^that will

give h^m t̂he most money for the feed consumed. Spring Garden Hog Feed is all food, no waste. The protein content

is practically all digestible as compared with 70 % digestibility inborn. It is made from corn germ or hearts, corn oil meal, corn bran and

partjjof the crown portion of the kernel. Thoroughly kiln-dried and sterilized; packed clean by machinery; free from dust and adulterants. Guaranteed to keep pure and sweet and do all we claim for it or money back.

Spring Garden Hog Feed is the most economical pork producer on the market. Superior feeding value proven by Agricultural Station tests.

Farmers who raise both cereal crops ana stock can profitably sell their corn and use Spring Garden Hog Feed. This can be readily dem­onstrated by breeders who will compare results.

Write for samples and prices if your dealer cannot supply you with "Spring Garden" Brand.



SHIPPERS We buy White and Yellow Corn either shelled or on cob delivered at our mill

Horse Feed, Dairy Feed, Flaked Oats, Hominy Feed, C. & O. Feed, Cracked Corn, .Chick Grits, Dry Poultry Mash. or at your station.



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