Seeing with new eyes

Seeing with new eyes. A missional re-engagement with society

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Page 1: Seeing with new eyes. A missional re-engagement with society

Seeing with new eyes

Page 2: Seeing with new eyes. A missional re-engagement with society
Page 3: Seeing with new eyes. A missional re-engagement with society
Page 4: Seeing with new eyes. A missional re-engagement with society

A missional A missional re-engagementre-engagement

with societywith society

Page 5: Seeing with new eyes. A missional re-engagement with society


10% of adults think its religiousmeaning is the most important thing.

Children’s Society, NOP survey of 1000 people,2010

4% for 25-34 year olds13% 55-64 year olds20% of 60+ year olds

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Four questions about the Christmas story.

12% adults got all four correct

18-24 yr old = 7%55-64 = 18%

Com Res for Theos, survey of 1000 adults, Dec 2010

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The average age of an Church of England member is


50% of those in the pews are pensioners

Research and statistics of the Archbishops Council January 2010

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82% of people see religionas a cause of division and tension

ICM Poll for Guardian, 2006

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0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Age in 2005










under 15

monthly9% monthly

26% De Churched

65% Non Churched

This section of the population is older and decreasing over time

Church attendance 2005Church attendance 2005

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“ “ this majority (66%) presents a major this majority (66%) presents a major challenge to churches. Most of them are challenge to churches. Most of them are

unreceptive and closed unreceptive and closed to attending church; churchgoing isto attending church; churchgoing is

simply not on their agenda.”simply not on their agenda.”

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How have we defined a ‘searcher’?

► Someone who has had cause to reconsider their core values, or think about the big issues like ‘the meaning of life’, in the last year

2000 interviews with a nationally representative sample of UK adults, conducted 24-27th April 09

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Are People Searching and why?

► 73% of people are searching►All ages, male and female, all but the

lowest of social grades

► 70% of people are searching because of either the credit crunch, concern about personal finances or job insecurity

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Are people considering prayer, the church or the

Bible?► YES … a third of those who say they are

Christian at all► And, the research shows that it is the most

helpful thing to do (after turning to family and friends)

► NO … if they do not belong to any religion► These do not even feature on the ‘spiritual

search map’► It is not that they are being considered but

people haven’t got round to it yet, or that they have been tried and reject

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For those without a religion, where do they

look? (after family and friends)► Reflective time alone

► Under 35s, Social grade C1, female

► Voluntary or community work► Under 45s (part. 35-44), Social grade


► Artistic or musical hobby► Under 45, Social Grade ABC1 (very C1)

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‘ It is becoming clear that many ofthe people for whom Christ has

died are unlikely to be drawn to ourexisting churches howeverspiritually alive, hospitable

and attractive they are.’

Bishop Graham Cray

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‘ as culture has become incessantlymore spiritual and adamantly lessreligious we are convinced that the primary meeting place with ourunchurched friends is now outsidethe church building. Worship must finally become more life than event.

Sally Morgenthaler

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A re-imaginationA re-imaginationof what church isof what church is

(and could become) (and could become)

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‘We are seeing what corporate formsof life actually happen when people

meet Jesus.’

Rowan Williams

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‘The illiterate of the 21st century will notbe those who cannot read or write,

but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn.’

Alvin Toffler

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‘ rediscover roots in the person of Jesus and to reshape Christian communityin the light of his radical understanding of

discipleship and the Kingdom of God.’

John Drane

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A fresh expression is a form of church for our

changing cultures established primarily for the benefit of people who are

not yet members of any church.

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This is not new but fresh

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It matters……..

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Questions for discussion?

•How do you feel about this ?

•What are you hoping to gainfrom this intensive?

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1. Context is king

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‘ I have become all things to all people,so that I might by any means save some.

I do it all for the sake of the gospel,so that I may share in its blessings.’

1 Corinthians 9;16f

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2. Church is multi level

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‘listening to the space openedup by Jesus.’

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•Culture based communities•Postmodern/Gen X emergent churches

•New monastic orders•House church/simple church

•Cyberchurch•Alt worship/new liturgical

•Pub/café churches –Third Spaces•Contemplative Prayer

•Social enterprises/new communities•Churchless Christians

Andrew Jones 10 types of emerging church

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•church viewed as a verb

•importance of leadership

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Page 32: Seeing with new eyes. A missional re-engagement with society

•church viewed as a verb

•importance of leadership

•recovery of church as domestic

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3. Church/Community is central

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“An unchurchy mission is as much a

monstrosity as an unmissionary church.”

Leslie Newbigin The Household of God

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“To live in one place no longer means to

live together and living togetherno longer means

to live in the same place.”

Ulrich Beck

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4. Discipleship not attendance is the


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5. There is NO one size fits

all model of church

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The seed and soil

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Questions for discussion?

•Which of these points struck you? Why?

•What might it mean for your context?

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Some dangers

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We have too many churches

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Beware of the default position

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The danger of domestication

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Change of language does not

necessarily mean a change

of mindset

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“Faith means trusting in advancewhat will only make sense

in reverse.”

Philip Yancey

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