P S Rev. Paul Jaroszeski Pastor 763.323.7044 [email protected] Deacon Randy Bauer Business Administrator 763.205.1528 [email protected] Troy Bauer Director of Youth Ministries/Faith Formation 763.323.7012 [email protected] Todd Flowerday Director of Liturgy and Music 763.323.7032 [email protected] Amanda Lutes Coordinator of Children s Faith Formation 763.338.0206 [email protected] P O H Mon Thurs 9:00 a.m. 4:30 p.m. Fri 9:00 a.m. 12:30 p.m. 763.323.4424 Email: [email protected] Web Page: www.stkdcc.org Fax: 763.323.7040 Parish Council Chair Terrie Newstrom [email protected] Parish Trustees Mike Stuedemann [email protected] Kathy Reed [email protected] M S Saturday Liturgy: 4:30 p.m. Sunday Liturgy: 10:00 a.m. Daily Liturgy: Wednesday Friday: 9:30 a.m. Reconciliation: Saturday 3:00 3:30 p.m. and by appointment call :Fr. Paul Emergency: 612.270.9831; 612. . 781.1490 7101 1 43 A NW S G· R, MN 55303 O 10, 2021 V. 15, N. 49 See Christ In All and Be Christ To All

See Christ In All and Be Christ To All

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Page 1: See Christ In All and Be Christ To All

P����� S��

�Rev. Paul Jaroszeski�


�763.323.7044 � [email protected]

�Deacon Randy Bauer�

�Business Administrator�

�763.205.1528 � [email protected]

�Troy Bauer�

�Director of Youth Ministries/Faith Formation�

�763.323.7012� [email protected]

�Todd Flowerday�

�Director of Liturgy and Music � 763.323.7032�

[email protected]


�Amanda Lutes�

Coordinator of Children’s Faith Formation� �

763.338.0206 � [email protected]

� �

P����� O�� H�����

�Mon � Thurs �

�9:00 a.m. � 4:30 p.m. �

�Fri �9:00 a.m. � 12:30 p.m.�

�763.323.4424 �

�Email: [email protected]� �

�Web Page: www.stkdcc.org �

�Fax: 763.323.7040�

Parish Council Chair�

�Terrie Newstrom�

[email protected] ��

Parish Trustees�

�Mike Stuedemann � [email protected]

�Kathy Reed � [email protected]

M��� S�� �! �

�Saturday Liturgy: 4:30 p.m. �

�Sunday Liturgy: 10:00 a.m. �

�Daily Liturgy: Wednesday � Friday: 9:30 a.m. ��


Saturday � 3:00 � 3:30 p.m. and �

by appointment call :Fr. Paul �

Emergency: 612.270.9831; 612..781.1490

7101 143�� A� NW � S���� G· R�����, MN 55303 �

O������ 10 , 2021 � V�". 15 , N�. 49 �

See Christ In All and Be Christ To All�

Page 2: See Christ In All and Be Christ To All

The Catholic Church of St. Katharine Drexel / October 10, 2021 / Page 2�

Welcome Guests & New Parishioners�

Whether you’re a first time guest, occasional visitor, contemplating becoming a registered parishioner or already a member of this

community, we’re glad you’re here! If you would like more information about joining the community here at St. Katharine Drexel,

please talk with one of our staff members today, 763.323.4424, check out our website at www.stkdcc.org or complete one of the

“Welcome” cards found at the entrance to the worship space and give it to one of our ushers. Thanks much for celebrating

with us; your presence is both gift and grace.~ Father Paul Jaroszeski, Pastor�

Stewardship Prayer�

St Katharine Drexel is composed of people like me. I help make it what it is. It will be friendly, if I am. It will be holy, if I am. �

Its pews will be filled, if I help fill them. It will do great work, if I work. It will be prayerful, if I pray. It will make generous gifts

to many causes, if I am a generous giver. It will bring others into worship, if I invite and bring them. It will be a parish of loyalty

and love, of fearlessness and faith, of compassion, charity and mercy, if I, who make it what it is, am filled with these same hings. �

Therefore, with the help of God, I now dedicate myself to the task of being all things that I want St Katharine’s to be. Amen.�

From the Desk of Deacon Randy�

Stewardship and the Joy of �

Opening Our Hearts to Christ �

Fall is a time when we refocus our lives. We get back to school, shut down our summer cabins, and

get back into a regular routine. It is also a time to look at our priorities and what is important in our

life. The recent International Catholic Stewardship Conference in Orlando Florida was opened with

a homily by the Most Reverend Thomas Wenski, Archbishop of Miami. He pointed out the �

importance of stewardship in our lives.�

In Saint Mark’s Gospel we have witnessed the beginning of Jesus’ ministry when he gathered a group of disciples to himself,

and he went about Galilee doing good through some remarkable miracles. Jesus didn’t start off talking about the cross. He

started off by first making friends, establishing relationships with people; people whom he met at their level, speaking their

language. I think this is perhaps the genius of Pope Francis. He understands that evangelization is first about an encounter.

“Come and see,” Jesus tells those first disciples. They come, they spend time with him and they follow him because his per-

sonality, his words, his deeds are attractive. In a word, they experience the joy of the Gospel. �

“Restore our Joy!” This is a wonderful theme for the ICSC conference this week, especially as you prepare for a �

transformational future beyond this current Coronavirus environment. But I would be remiss if I did not thank you, not only

in my name, but also in the name of all the bishops for gathering together to pray, reflect and strengthen each other for the

task ahead and for all that you do for the Church to promote stewardship. �

All of our parishes and dioceses have experienced some financial pain during these past several months in which the �

normality of our lives has been disrupted. Our diocesan stewardship offices around the country have done great work in

encouraging people to give online, not only to help our parishes but to help our people who also were hurting financially

because of this virus. Even if it did not infect all of us, it certainly has affected every one of us. �

Of course, stewardship is not about increasing the Sunday offertory collection. It is not about fundraising. Stewardship is

not a program. It is a way of life. It is the way of life for those who have opened wide the doors of their hearts to Christ. �

The road map towards a transformational future and the restoration of our joy lies in presenting Christ as he really is. For

to be a Christian is not a burden but a gift, having encountered him is the best thing that has happened to us and to share

him with others by the gifts of our time, talent and treasure, even at the cost of our very selves, is good stewardship. And it

brings us joy. �

Please join us for the third public Rosary on Saturday, October 16th at NOON.

This is in reparation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of

Mary. Thank You, Joanne Gerlach

Page 3: See Christ In All and Be Christ To All

The Catholic Church of St. Katharine Drexel / October 10, 2021 / Page 3�

Please pray for:

Please pray for Rose Mary Havel, Mother of Par ishioner Paul

Havel, David Harry Soltis, Father of Parishioner Jay Soltis and

for all deceased parishioners, relatives and friends. “Eternal rest

grant unto them O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.

May their souls and the souls of all the faithful departed, through

the mercy of God, rest in peace.” Pray also for those listed be-

low who have asked for the support of our prayers. Thank

You! �

�� Susan Anderson�

�� Patrick Aumer�

�� Nate Baggett�

�� Lucas Baker�

�� Carl Beckenbach�

�� Marlys Borstad�

�� Nicole Borstad�

�� Nadine Brimeyer�

�� Bob Crane�

�� Madeline Edwards�

�� Tom French�

�� Tom Gerlach�

�� Kelly Hill�

�� Jerry Lien�

�� Galina Jaruch �

�� Ivan John�

�� Violet John�

�� Don Jostock�

�� Carey Kucera�

�� Patrick Lampert�

�� Jaxon Lila�

�� Dennis Madison�

�� Wallace, Anna, Otho

and Angela McLeroy�

�� Jean Neilson�

�� Kathryn Patchen�

�� Del and Wilma Pechan�

�� Bob Peterson�

�� Greg Powers�

�� Liz Powers�

�� Luke Schmitz�

�� Patty Serbus �

�� Theresa Skelly�

�� Maryellen Trimble �

�� Bob Teachman�

�� Anne Valerio�

�� Bernie Waldorf�

�� All those serving in the


If there is someone you know

in need of prayer, please call

the office and let us know.

Also, in an effort to keep this

list updated, please let us

know of any names that could

be removed. �

Use Scrip at Kwik Trip and Double Dip�

When you purchase a scrip card at St Katharine Drexel,

you get the full value of the card and the parish earns 4% of

the purchase value as a rebate from our scrip program ven-

dor. But Kwik Trip offers a bonus, once a quarter we re-

ceive a rebate of 10% of all purchases made with a Kwik

Trip scrip card purchased through SKD. You can even re-

load your card at any time by using the convenient Raise

Right app. Stop by the scrip table after Mass and find out

more about this super deal that can work for you along with

raising money for SKD.�

Fall Bible Study

The Fall Bible Study topic will be Angels in the Bible. We

will begin that study Wednesday, November 3. There are

two times offered for Bible Study, 10:00 am following the

Wednesday morning Mass or 7:00 pm. The Bible Study

sessions will have the option of in�person or participate by


The registration form is on the bulletin board outside the

worship space. �


OVER? ���

It doesn't have to be! �A Marriage En-

counter weekend can rekindle the ex-

citement and romance in your relationship. This is a private

weekend away from life's distractions that allows a husband

and wife to focus on each other. The next Worldwide Mar-

riage Encounter Weekend is Feb 11�13, 2022 in Buffalo,

MN. Early registration is highly recommended. �For more

information visit our website at: twincitieswwme.org or

contact Brent & Tracy at �

[email protected]

[email protected] �or 612.756.8720.�

October Food Drive�

Our October Food Drive is for the Fran-

ciscan Brothers of Peace. We will be col-

lecting non�perishable food, personal care

items and household items for them dur-

ing the month of October. There is a col-

lection basket for financial donations in

the front of the Worship Space. Checks

should be made payable to the Franciscan Brothers of

Peace. Donations of items can be left on the table in the


Enduring Faith: The Story of Native American

Catholics. Available for all to watch at kofc.org/

enduringfaith. This documentary film on the faith, perse-

verance and inspiring example of Indigenous Peoples

across North America dives deep into the rich contribution

of Native Americans in the tapestry of the Catholic faith.

Produced by the Knights of Columbus �

Last week, we cited a statement from Pope�now Saint

Paul VI. here is a prayer on the topic of witnessing to the

faith: “(M)ay the world of our time, which is searching,

sometimes with anguish, sometimes with hope, be enabled

to receive the Good News not from evangelizers who are

dejected, discouraged, impatient or anxious, but from minis-

ters of the Gospel whose lives glow with fervor, who have

first received the joy of Christ.” If you haven’t done so al-

ready, please take time to join us this Wednesday after 9:30

Mass or at 6:30. Perhaps we are “dejected” and so on not

from faith but from upheaval in the world around us. The

small group synod practices prayer, listening, discussion,

and responding. Doing it together will help. Hope to see

you this week!�

Page 4: See Christ In All and Be Christ To All

St. Katharine’s Delivers!�

If you or someone you know who is sick or homebound and

are/is unable to attend Mass and would like to receive Holy

Communion please call Carol Jantunen at 612.819.4079.

Arrangements can be made for Holy Communion to be �

delivered to your/their home once a week by a Eucharistic

Minister. Eucharistic Ministers are volunteers who donate

their time for this very special ministry. Anyone who �

wishes to receive these weekly visits is welcome. Our �

Volunteers would love to meet you/them. A number of our

parishioners are already receiving the Eucharist in this

manner and have expressed gratitude for this opportunity to

stay connected to the community of faith through this min-

istry. �

Financial Gifts�

The Catholic Church of St. Katharine Drexel / October 10, 2021 / Page 4�

$6,535.00 �

$ 25.00�

$ 25.00�

$ 40.00�

$ 80.00�

$ 90.00�


$ 210.00�

$ 11.00�

$ 525.00�

$ 10.00�

$ 100.00�

$ 803.73�


$ 180.00�


Building for Eternity � NOW�

October 3, 2021�

Sunday Envelope (Including Loose)�


Mass Intentions�

Building Fund�

Family Promise�

Building Fund�

Total October 3, 2021�

October 3, 2021 Online�


Donation for Credit Card Fees�

Building Fund�

Flower Fund�

Mass Stipends�

Total September 26�

Auto Withdraw September 30/

October 1�

Regular Offeeroing�

Building Fund�

Total Auto Withdraw�

Stewardship Corner��

Jesus offers a hard lesson regarding wealth and pos-

sessions in today’s Gospel. The rich man whom he

encountered could not part with his possessions as a

condition to becoming a disciple of Jesus. Would

our response be the same as the rich man? Do we

place our trust in our money and possessions instead

of trusting in God’s generosity? Do we seek security

in our possessions? Good stewards realize that their

possessions must not possess them, lest those pos-

sessions block their relationship with the Lord.

Recent Events in Dollars and Cents�

SKD Finance Council invites every parishioner to go to

STKDCC.org web site and under the heading ABOUT

click Finance Council and see our monthly Scorecards

showing SKD's financial monthly status.�

We are running behind budget and last year's Revenues, but

Prayerfully we can overcome our deficit. ��

Thank you for your commitment to SKD and your greater

community. �Your gifts help us live our mission "See

CHRIST in All and Be CHRIST to All."�

White Mass for Healthcare �


Saturday, October 23, 5:15 p.m., �

Cathedral of Saint Paul, St. Paul ���

Healthcare workers, along with their spouses and families,

are invited to this special Mass in honor of our patron Saint

Luke. Reception will follow in Hayden Hall (Cathedral,

lower level).�

Panentheism: �A Way of �Seeing �

God's Presence in the World�

Colossians 3:11 tells us "There is only Christ. He is every-

thing and he is in everything." �Panentheism views God as

present in the universe yet more than the universe. �It under-

lies Fr. Richard Rohr's "Universal Christ." �It is also found

in the writings of Muslim Sufi mystics, Celtic spirituality,

and has recently found favor with many in the science and

religion dialogue. �What would a panentheistic God imply

for our salvation, creation, and God's agency in the world?�

Friday, October 22, presentation from 9am �1pm, Emmaus

Hall, Saint John's University, Collegeville. Synchronous

Event. Free event. Registration is required:

www.collegevilleMN.com/theologyday, 320.363.3560 or

[email protected]

Archdiocesan Youth Day 2021 (AYD21�

Saturday, October 16, 6�10 p.m., Mary, Mother of the Church,

Burnsville, and St. John the Baptist, New Brighton ��

Archdiocesan Youth Day connects our youth with our Lord, our

bishops and other teens. The evening will include great music,

Mass, adoration,inspiring talks, conversation with the bishops and

more. Visit archspm.org/ayd21 for registration and more info.�

Page 5: See Christ In All and Be Christ To All

The Catholic Church of St. Katharine Drexel / October 10, 2021 / Page 5 �

Sunday 10/10�

10:00 a.m. Mass � David Soltis+�

In Person and Live Stream �

Monday 10/11�

7:00 p.m. � SKYM�

7:00 p.m. � Stewardship Council�

Tuesday 10/12�

9:30 a.m. Mass � Severin Dogbe�Semanou+�

6:30 p.m. � Choir�

Wednesday 10/13�

9:30 a.m Mass � Albert Lindenfelser+�

10:15 a.m. � Synod Small Groups�

6:15 p.m. � 1st Reconciliation�

6:15 p.m. � Faith Fusion�

7:00 p.m. � Synod Small Groups�

7:00 p.m. � Confirmation�

Thursday 10/14�

9:30 a.m. Mass � Sister Gwendolin Konair, OSF+�

5:30 p.m.� Technology Committee�

7:00 p.m. � Social Justice�

Friday 10/15�


9:30 a.m. Mass � Sister Lois Wasielewski, OSF+�

Saturday 10/16�

3:00 p.m. � Sacrament of Reconciliation�

4:30 p.m. Mass � John Kotzenmacher+�

6:00 p.m. � October Fest�

SKD Calendar October 10, 2021�

Readings for the Week of October 10�

Holiday Drama/Concert/Pageant

We have a parish event scheduled for Sunday the

12th of December. Would you like to be part of it?

*Kate's Christmas *is envisioned as a presentation of

Advent/Christmas based on events in the real life of

Katharine Drexel.��

Who is needed? Singers, musicians, actors, a direc-

tor, dancers, a choreographer, stage crew, �

costumer, the usual drama needs. The personnel we

get will determine the level of detail in the production.

Right now, it's looking like mostly a concert with some

narration. But the involvement of children, teens, and

adults of all skills will allow us to make a memorable

and unique holiday experience. ��

Contact Todd at;�

816.838.6579 or �

[email protected] �for more information.�


Article from St. Mary’s Mission

Article from St. Mary’s Mission School News

March 2021 Volume 4, Issue 1 � �

Fr. Jerry’s letter.��

One day they might cuddle up to you and whis-

per in your ear that you are the greatest Mom and

the best cook in all the world, while the next day they ac-

cuse you of poisoning them with all the food they hate.

They claim that they are responsible and that you treat them

like babies, yet when it comes to responsibility, they more

often than not handle it as if they have heads full of helium.

And how their moods change…one moment you marvel at

how they demonstrate the “Wisdom of Solomon,” while the

next moment they act as if they gave up all thinking and

reasoning for Lent. One moment they treat you as if you are

their best friend, the next can find them flooded with the

mixture of emotions that come with budding adolescence

and you wonder when you invited aliens for dinner.�

Sunday: � Wis 7:7�11/Ps 90:12�13, 14�15, 16�17 [14]/�

� Heb 4:12�13/Mk 10:17�30 or 10:17�27�

Monday: � Rom 1:1�7/Ps 98:1, 2�3ab, 3cd�4 [2a]/�

� Lk 11:29�32�

Tuesday: � Rom 1:16�25/Ps 19:2�3, 4�5 [2a]/Lk 11:37�41�

Wednesday: Rom 2:1�11/Ps 62:2�3, 6�7, 9 [13]/Lk 11:42�46�

Thursday: � Rom 3:21�30/Ps 130:1�2, 3�4, 5�6 [7]/�

� Lk 11:47�54�

Friday: � Rom 4:1�8/Ps 32:1�2, 5, 11 [cf. 7]/� Lk 12:1�7�

Saturday: � Rom 4:13, 16�18/Ps 105:6�7, 8�9, 42�43 [8]/�

� Lk 12:8�12�

Page 6: See Christ In All and Be Christ To All

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