Security and Privacy-preserving Applications minus the Pain Mohit Tiwari, Andrew Osheroff, Neel Rao, Prashanth Mohan, Eric Love, Elaine Shi, C. Papamanthou,

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  • Security and Privacy-preserving Applications minus the Pain Mohit Tiwari, Andrew Osheroff, Neel Rao, Prashanth Mohan, Eric Love, Elaine Shi, C. Papamanthou, Dawn Song, Krste Asanovi UC Berkeley 1
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  • Security for Users Benefit: Contexts Users ACLs are natural. But on what? (posts, tweets, photos, spreadsheets,) Contexts: real-world events that data clusters around Developers want to partition apps to provide rich functionality. But security labels? App design pattern System Info flow control desired. How to use simple, legacy mechanisms? Mandatory ACLs + Layout generators + Integrity checking 2
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  • App-centric Security: Problematic Permissions are complex SD Card, File systems, 51 of 100+: dangerous Statically assigned. App owns users data 3 What a Dope!
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  • Information Flow Control: Problematic Data X Principals Policies on Labels 4
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  • NSF Proposal Security Course Files Camera Microphone Wifi Apps Contexts System resources Users Problem: User maps Contexts to Policies 5
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  • Bubbles: Context-centric Security Data clusters around real-world contexts. Privacy policy as access control on contexts. Apps run in Bubbles; cannot affect privacy. NSF Proposal Security Course 6
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  • 8 Messages Events Data from current bubble only ACL for the bubble Simple Permissions (7/51 dangerous ones)
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  • A Bubble is the Minimum Unit of Sharing Untrusted code can arbitrarily mix data inside a bubble Hence, sharing one item == sharing any item Have to limit cross-bubble declassification So that user has flexibility of re-sharing, e.g. meeting notes Bubbles have to be very light-weight contexts when in doubt, just create a new bubble. Work/Personal very coarse 9
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  • Challenges in implementing Bubbles Lots of bubbles UI for navigating bubbles Apps dont own data API for developers System implementation Infer dangerous permissions, and create light-weight containers 10
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  • 11 Predict bubbles: current location, time, contacts, calendar Search by tags by contacts
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  • 12 filter by location
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  • Bubbles App Design Pattern Developer Updates, Ads, Developer Zone User Marin Hike Bday Party Public profile info 13
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  • Application Design Pattern: 3 components App one app instance per bubble app component examples to follow Viewer developer provides Layout file. system generates the viewer, assigns per-bubble data into layout elements Storage deduplication, replication, caching, 14
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  • Message board 15
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  • Calendar 16
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  • Remote Medicine 17
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  • App Component Most user-visible functionality one app instance per bubble App can write data snapshots into tiles on bubble home page What about cross-bubble functionality? 18
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  • 19 Layout by developer + putData(), flushData(), chooseBubble() Transfer to App component to edit New events: trusted UI to select bubbles
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  • Storage Component Untrusted apps need unencrypted data from multiple bubbles deduplication not efficient otherwise performance: a shared memcached instance legacy code: couchDB storage backend Untrusted applications can leak data across bubbles how to declassify output of such applications? Cross-bubble functionality hidden behind storage abstraction put get (data): Integrity check data and declassify. 20
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  • ComponentAPI CallsBubbles Actions Application POSIX/Android put,get_to_storage_chk register_app_interface( wsdl_file ) Linux syscall API. No compiler/runtime or hardware support required. Bubbles Storage checker stores a hash of put data, and uses the hash to declassify output of get. Bubbles uses wsdl_file to connect application with presentation layer. Storage put,get_frm_storage_chk Bubbles lets Storage components access plain text data from multiple capsules with different ACLs key to storage optimizations like deduplication. Bubbles uses integrity checking to ensure data isnt leaked across capsules outputs can be declassified safely. Viewer Layout Template (HTML/js subset) wsdl_function_call( func, data) Bubbles uses template to generate HTML views; and ensures that data across capsules are mutually isolated. Bubbles ensures that data is sent only to data s bubble- specific Application instance data can thus be declassified safely. Bubbles API API based on functionality, not security labels Benign apps see no security exceptions. Malicious behavior terminated
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  • Application-initiated sharing Recommendation engines, Spam filters Differential privacy, k-anonymity, User-initiated sharing Storing, sharing, and editing docs Real-time communication (voice, video) Pseudonymous: Not tied to real identity Games, flashlights, wallpapers, Browsing news, reviews, recipes, Many Android Apps fit inside Bubbles Percent (of 700 top apps) 22
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  • Data-centric Security policies = User-initiated sharing (this talk) + Anonymity (Link privacy, GUPT) Many Cloud-based Applications too fit Bubbles app initiated sharing pseudonymity user initiated sharing
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  • System Design and Implementation Mandatory Access Control (MAC) for isolation, and Bubble control and search Viewer Layout Inflater Sharing service: distributed database (use like sqlite) modified android middleware: IPC, virtualized system logs per label System uses ACLs and API to infer detailed policy Bubbles apps cover a lot of functionality of secure DIFC-based apps Robust Declassification: Integrity checking (storage) and layout language (viewer) Minus the pain: users, developers dont work with security labels 24
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  • Context-centric Security Bubbles Project Context = data clustered around real-world events minimum unit of sharing data. Is working in contexts intuitive? Learnable? Does API support all useful functionality? 25