SecureKeeper: Confidential ZooKeeper using Intel SGX Stefan Brenner TU Braunschweig, Germany [email protected] Colin Wulf TU Braunschweig, Germany [email protected] David Goltzsche TU Braunschweig, Germany [email protected] Nico Weichbrodt TU Braunschweig, Germany [email protected] Matthias Lorenz TU Braunschweig, Germany [email protected] Christof Fetzer TU Dresden, Germany [email protected] Peter Pietzuch Imperial College London, UK [email protected] Rüdiger Kapitza TU Braunschweig, Germany [email protected] ABSTRACT Cloud computing, while ubiquitous, still suffers from trust issues, especially for applications managing sensitive data. Third-party coordination services such as ZooKeeper and Consul are fundamental building blocks for cloud applica- tions, but are exposed to potentially sensitive application data. Recently, hardware trust mechanisms such as Intel’s Software Guard Extensions (SGX) offer trusted execution environments to shield application data from untrusted soft- ware, including the privileged Operating System (OS) and hypervisors. Such hardware support suggests new options for securing third-party coordination services. We describe SecureKeeper, an enhanced version of the ZooKeeper coordination service that uses SGX to pre- serve the confidentiality and basic integrity of ZooKeeper- managed data. SecureKeeper uses multiple small enclaves to ensure that (i) user-provided data in ZooKeeper is al- ways kept encrypted while not residing inside an enclave, and (ii) essential processing steps that demand plaintext ac- cess can still be performed securely. SecureKeeper limits the required changes to the ZooKeeper code base and re- lies on Java’s native code support for accessing enclaves. With an overhead of 11%, the performance of SecureKeeper with SGX is comparable to ZooKeeper with secure commu- nication, while providing much stronger security guarantees with a minimal trusted code base of a few thousand lines of code. CCS Concepts Security and privacy Distributed systems security; Keywords Cloud Computing, Intel SGX, Apache ZooKeeper Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal or classroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributed for profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citation on the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than the author(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, or republish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permission and/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected]. Middleware’16, December 12 - 16, 2016, Trento, Italy © 2016 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM. ISBN 978-1-4503-4300-8/16/12. . . $15.00 DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2988336.2988350 1. INTRODUCTION Cloud computing has become ubiquitous due to its bene- fits to both cloud customers and providers [1]. Using public cloud resources, however, requires customers to fully trust the provided software and hardware stacks as well as the cloud administrators. This forms an inhibitor when sensi- tive data must be processed [2, 3]. With Software Guard Extensions (SGX), Intel recently re- leased a new technology [4] for addressing trust issues that customers face when outsourcing services to off-site loca- tions. Based on an instruction set extension, it allows the creation of one or more trusted execution environments— called enclaves —inside applications. Thereby, the plaintext of enclave-protected data is only available for computation inside the CPU, and it is encrypted as soon as the data leaves the CPU. This way enclave-residing data is even guarded against unauthorized accesses by higher privileged code and attackers with administrative rights and physical access. While enclaves were originally designed to host tailored code for specific tasks, e.g. digital rights or password man- agement [5], Baumann et al. [6] proposed Haven that ex- ecutes unmodified legacy Windows applications inside en- claves. These application enclaves are convenient for secur- ing entire legacy applications but have two significant draw- backs: (i) current SGX-capable CPUs restrict the maximum memory footprint of all enclaves to 128 MB. If an applica- tion has a larger memory footprint, an SGX-specific form of in-memory paging between trusted and untrusted memory is required, which requires costly re-encryption of enclave pages with a substantial performance overhead; and (ii) by placing whole applications and associated system support in- side an enclave, the resulting large trusted code base (TCB) poses a risk of including security relevant vulnerabilities [7]. Based on these observations, we argue that application enclaves that contain entire applications are a poor fit for legacy services if tailored solutions are easy to implement and integrate. In particular, this applies to existing data- handling services that receive, store and return data on be- half of clients while performing limited data processing. Ex- amples include simple key-value stores [8], web servers [9– 11], and, as highlighted in this paper, coordination services such as ZooKeeper [12]. For such services, data confiden- tiality and basic integrity can be preserved using small spe- cialized enclaves, which can be integrated with the original code base with only few changes. © ACM, 2016. This is the author’s version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in the proceedings of the 17th ACM Middleware conference (2016). http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2988336.2988350

SecureKeeper: Confidential ZooKeeper using Intel … Confidential ZooKeeper using Intel SGX Stefan Brenner TU Braunschweig, Germany [email protected] Colin Wulf TU Braunschweig,

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SecureKeeper: Confidential ZooKeeper using Intel SGX

Stefan BrennerTU Braunschweig, Germany

[email protected]

Colin WulfTU Braunschweig, Germany

[email protected]

David GoltzscheTU Braunschweig, [email protected]

Nico WeichbrodtTU Braunschweig, Germany

[email protected]

Matthias LorenzTU Braunschweig, Germany

[email protected]

Christof FetzerTU Dresden, Germany

[email protected]

Peter PietzuchImperial College London, UK

[email protected]

Rüdiger KapitzaTU Braunschweig, Germany

[email protected]

ABSTRACTCloud computing, while ubiquitous, still suffers from trustissues, especially for applications managing sensitive data.Third-party coordination services such as ZooKeeper andConsul are fundamental building blocks for cloud applica-tions, but are exposed to potentially sensitive applicationdata. Recently, hardware trust mechanisms such as Intel’sSoftware Guard Extensions (SGX) offer trusted executionenvironments to shield application data from untrusted soft-ware, including the privileged Operating System (OS) andhypervisors. Such hardware support suggests new optionsfor securing third-party coordination services.

We describe SecureKeeper, an enhanced version of theZooKeeper coordination service that uses SGX to pre-serve the confidentiality and basic integrity of ZooKeeper-managed data. SecureKeeper uses multiple small enclavesto ensure that (i) user-provided data in ZooKeeper is al-ways kept encrypted while not residing inside an enclave,and (ii) essential processing steps that demand plaintext ac-cess can still be performed securely. SecureKeeper limitsthe required changes to the ZooKeeper code base and re-lies on Java’s native code support for accessing enclaves.With an overhead of 11%, the performance of SecureKeeperwith SGX is comparable to ZooKeeper with secure commu-nication, while providing much stronger security guaranteeswith a minimal trusted code base of a few thousand lines ofcode.

CCS Concepts•Security and privacy → Distributed systems security;

KeywordsCloud Computing, Intel SGX, Apache ZooKeeper

Permission to make digital or hard copies of all or part of this work for personal orclassroom use is granted without fee provided that copies are not made or distributedfor profit or commercial advantage and that copies bear this notice and the full citationon the first page. Copyrights for components of this work owned by others than theauthor(s) must be honored. Abstracting with credit is permitted. To copy otherwise, orrepublish, to post on servers or to redistribute to lists, requires prior specific permissionand/or a fee. Request permissions from [email protected].

Middleware’16, December 12 - 16, 2016, Trento, Italy© 2016 Copyright held by the owner/author(s). Publication rights licensed to ACM.ISBN 978-1-4503-4300-8/16/12. . . $15.00

DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1145/2988336.2988350

1. INTRODUCTIONCloud computing has become ubiquitous due to its bene-

fits to both cloud customers and providers [1]. Using publiccloud resources, however, requires customers to fully trustthe provided software and hardware stacks as well as thecloud administrators. This forms an inhibitor when sensi-tive data must be processed [2, 3].

With Software Guard Extensions (SGX), Intel recently re-leased a new technology [4] for addressing trust issues thatcustomers face when outsourcing services to off-site loca-tions. Based on an instruction set extension, it allows thecreation of one or more trusted execution environments—called enclaves—inside applications. Thereby, the plaintextof enclave-protected data is only available for computationinside the CPU, and it is encrypted as soon as the data leavesthe CPU. This way enclave-residing data is even guardedagainst unauthorized accesses by higher privileged code andattackers with administrative rights and physical access.

While enclaves were originally designed to host tailoredcode for specific tasks, e.g. digital rights or password man-agement [5], Baumann et al. [6] proposed Haven that ex-ecutes unmodified legacy Windows applications inside en-claves. These application enclaves are convenient for secur-ing entire legacy applications but have two significant draw-backs: (i) current SGX-capable CPUs restrict the maximummemory footprint of all enclaves to 128 MB. If an applica-tion has a larger memory footprint, an SGX-specific form ofin-memory paging between trusted and untrusted memoryis required, which requires costly re-encryption of enclavepages with a substantial performance overhead; and (ii) byplacing whole applications and associated system support in-side an enclave, the resulting large trusted code base (TCB)poses a risk of including security relevant vulnerabilities [7].

Based on these observations, we argue that applicationenclaves that contain entire applications are a poor fit forlegacy services if tailored solutions are easy to implementand integrate. In particular, this applies to existing data-handling services that receive, store and return data on be-half of clients while performing limited data processing. Ex-amples include simple key-value stores [8], web servers [9–11], and, as highlighted in this paper, coordination servicessuch as ZooKeeper [12]. For such services, data confiden-tiality and basic integrity can be preserved using small spe-cialized enclaves, which can be integrated with the originalcode base with only few changes.

© ACM, 2016. This is the author’s version of the work. It is posted here by permission of ACM for your personal use. Not for redistribution.The definitive version was published in the proceedings of the 17th ACM Middleware conference (2016).


ZooKeeper is a crucial building block for many distributedapplications, e.g. used as naming service, for configurationmanagement, general message exchange and coordinationtasks. It therefore manages sensitive application informa-tion, i.e., including access tokens and credentials when usedfor configuration management. Albeit typically not user fac-ing, ZooKeeper constitutes a key component in public cloudinfrastructures that must be secured against attacks, espe-cially data theft carried out by insiders.

As a data-handling service, ZooKeeper features a simplefile system like API, with some data processing functional-ity. Thus, data managed by ZooKeeper can be processed inan encrypted state most of the time and only occasionallyplaintext access is necessary. This functionality needs to befactored out and executed under the protection of SGX. Incontrast to application enclaves, this way all data handlingcode that does not perform data processing is removed fromthe TCB. For ZooKeeper, this includes the entire OperatingSystem (OS), the Java runtime environment as well as mostof the original service implementation itself. Furthermore,as data stays encrypted most of the time, it can be storedoutside of enclaves, only adding to the memory footprintof the enclave when required. This leads to substantiallysmaller enclaves, staying within the bounds of the 128 MBlimit of total enclave memory resulting in good performance.

We describe SecureKeeper, an SGX-based ZooKeeperextension that demonstrates how a complex data-handlingservice can be secured using SGX. SecureKeeper preservesconfidentiality and provides basic integrity of service data,even against privileged code and attackers with physicalaccess. These security guarantees are enforced through aminimally-invasive integration of two enclave types: (i) anentry enclave is instantiated for each client and responsiblefor protecting the client-replica connection and the data se-curity of the ZooKeeper data store; (ii) a counter enclave isinstantiated only once at the leader replica of the ZooKeepercluster, and handles special write requests of sequential no-des that perform data processing. Clients do not need toknow the key used by enclaves for encryption towards theZooKeeper data store. This also allows the exclusion ofclients due to misbehaviour.

Based on this design, the remaining ZooKeeper code baseand any system software can be excluded from the TCB. Se-cureKeeper therefore features a small TCB of 3795 SourceLines of Code (SLOCs) apart from the trusted system sup-port provided by the Intel SGX SDK [13]. Besides its smallTCB, SecureKeeper only changes three lines of the originalZooKeeper code base, making it easily upgradeable to futureZooKeeper versions. The memory demand of the enclavesstays within small bounds, which avoids costly SGX-specificpaging with a high client load.

We compare SecureKeeper to ZooKeeper with and with-out secure communication between replicas and clients on acluster of SGX-capable Intel Skylake machines. SecureKee-per only adds an average performance overhead of 11.2%to ZooKeeper when secure communication is enabled, whileenforcing stronger security guarantees.

In the next section, we describe the background and de-sign considerations that led to the design of SecureKeeper.After that, we introduce its design in Section 4, followedby implementation details in Section 5. We present evalu-ation results in Section 6 and discuss the obtained security

Replica3,LReplica2Replica1 Replica4 Replica5

Client2Client1 Client3 Client4 Client5 Client6 Client7 Client8

Agreement Agreement

Figure 1: General architecture of ZooKeeper.

guarantees and limitations in Section 7. Finally, we discussrelated work in Section 8 and draw conclusions in Section 9.

2. BACKGROUNDTo motivate the design of SecureKeeper, we first give a

brief introduction to Apache ZooKeeper thereby discussingits nature as a data-handling service, second we provideessential details of SGX and finally outline an SGX-awarethreat model.

2.1 Data handling in Apache ZooKeeperApache ZooKeeper [12] is a coordination service, allowing

distributed applications the easy implementation of coordi-nation primitives. Such primitives may be naming, configu-ration management, leader election, group membership, bar-riers and distributed locks. This exposes ZooKeeper to han-dle potentially sensitive application data, especially whenused for distributed configuration management.

As shown in Figure 1, ZooKeeper is implemented as afault-tolerant service, typically featuring at least three repli-cas. Clients connect to one of these and switch over to an-other in case it crashes. ZooKeeper-managed data is orga-nized hierarchically as a tree that is accessed via a simple filesystem like Application Progamming Interface (API). Thisdata tree is composed of znodes, resembling a mixture offolders and files: znodes can have payload data and otherchild znodes at the same time.

ZooKeeper globally orders all write requests via the leaderreplica (marked L in Figure 1) using the ZAB [14] agreementprotocol. Additionally, ZooKeeper guarantees FIFO order-ing of all requests of one client, allowing replicas to answerread requests from clients connected to them directly.

Most operations provided by ZooKeeper are dedicated to-wards data handling: In order to retrieve and change thepayload of a znode, the GET and SET operations are used.New znodes can be created using the CREATE operation, anddeleted via DELETE. Also it is possible to access a list of chil-dren of a specific znode using the LS (getChildren) operation.

An exception to the data handling nature of ZooKeeperbuilds a variant of the CREATE operation that instantiates asequential node. Here data-centric processing is required: Ifa new sequential node is created, a sequence number is addedto the user-provided znode name. This sequence number ismonotonically increasing and managed by the parent znode,thus the name of the new znode depends on the internalstate of the parent znode.

Since all operations are executed affecting one specificznode in the data tree of ZooKeeper, request messages willusually contain a path to that znode. The payload of a znodewill usually be contained in the GET response, and the SETand CREATE requests. The LS operation is the only operationthat contains paths in the response message – the paths ofall child znodes. Application data managed by ZooKeepercomprises the payload as well as the pathnames of znodes.In many cases, the pure existence of a certain path steersprocessing in a distributed application.


In summary, ZooKeeper primarily performs data handlingfor clients with the exception of sequential nodes, were ac-tual data processing takes place. Furthermore, payload andpath information are relevant to security considerations.

2.2 Intel SGX in a nutshellSGX [4] is a processor instruction set extension that al-

lows the creation of so called enclaves. The enclave memoryrange Enclave logical range (ELRANGE) is an isolated rangeinside an application’s address space which is confidentialityand integrity protected by the CPU package. Pages of theELRANGE are backed by the Enclave Page Cache (EPC):a reserved range of system memory of at most 128 MB, usedto store all enclave pages.

Basic protection model. SGX prevents to jmp or di-rectly call to the ELRANGE, instead the enclave must beentered explicitly. Once inside the enclave, the CPU canexecute arbitrary code, except for a few instructions thatare prohibited inside enclaves. The enclave is allowed toaccess data outside the ELRANGE, however, it cannot exe-cute untrusted code. Even privileged code is prevented fromreading and altering enclave memory: illegal accesses resultin CPU exceptions and read access to enclave memory willalways return 0xFF.

Confidentiality of enclave memory is protected by trans-parent memory encryption done by the CPU, i.e., plaintextis only available inside the CPU package. Valid interactionwith an enclave is possible via Enclave calls (ecalls) to en-ter an enclave and Outside calls (ocalls) to call out of theenclave. An ecall comprises an explicit entering of the en-clave and switching to a trusted stack located inside theELRANGE, as well as moving call parameters into the en-clave and calling the according trusted function’s code. Re-turning from an ecall and ocall, equally, requires switchingthe stack back, moving return values or parameters out ofthe ELRANGE and an explicit enclave exit.

Memory management. If enclave applications do notfit into the 128 MB of EPC, a special form of EPC-pagingmust be done. Enclave pages residing in the EPC can bemoved out to normal system RAM, similar to paging mem-ory to disk. However, as enclave pages are encrypted by theCPU, first a re-encryption happens to protect the contentsof the pages removed from EPC. Then, the page can bemigrated to normal RAM and afterwards, is qualified forbeing paged to disk if required. The procedure of EPC pag-ing involves a mechanism that prevents replaying paged-outenclave pages by generating a so called “version array” thatis required to migrate the page back to EPC later and onlyworks once. EPC paging allows enclave applications to usemore than 128 MB of memory, however, implies a significantperformance impact as we discuss later.

System limitations. As enclaves can be only operatedin user space, SGX-based applications still depend on theunderlying operating system to cooperate. For example,memory management of the EPC memory is done com-pletely by the untrusted operating system. Hence, SGX nat-urally cannot prevent denial of service attacks by privilegedcode. The in-memory state of enclaves is protected againstreplay attacks, as it is managed by SGX, even if paged outto normal system memory. For persistent state and in thecontext of application or OS restarts no specific protectionis provided.

Intel SDK provided system support. Beside SGX-aware hardware, additional system software support for life-cycle management of enclaves and memory management tohandle the EPC is required to operate SGX-enabled applica-tions. Intel offers an Intel SGX SDK to handle these tasks,and on top, provides an interface definition language calledEnclave Description Language (EDL) that allows the spec-ification of the ecalls and ocalls an enclave should support.The Intel SGX SDK also comprises a tool called “Edger8r”which is a code generator supporting developers on the re-curring task of writing stubs for ecalls and ocalls as well asparameter passing between the enclave and the untrustedcode. Enclaves are finally compiled and linked together withthe generated code to a shared object, which is loadable bythe Intel SGX SDK as an enclave.

2.3 An SGX-aware Threat ModelWe assume a typical threat model for SGX enclaves,

specifically in an untrusted cloud environment [6, 15]: anattacker has full – even physical – control over the serverhardware and software environment. This includes that theattacker can control the OS and all code invoked prior tothe transfer of control into the SGX enclave. The attacker’sgoal is to break confidentiality or integrity of code runningin the SGX enclave.

Availability threats, such as crashing an enclave, are not ofinterest: by design, the hosting OS is able to stop executionof enclaves at any time. Nevertheless, from a fault-tolerancepoint of view, SecureKeeper – analogous to ZooKeeper, cantolerate a limited number of node crashes.

We do not consider side-channel attacks [16] and assumethat enclaves do not possess any security relevant vulner-abilities that may lead to leakage of data or breach its in-tegrity. The latter can be addressed by applying software-hardening techniques that are orthogonal to our approach.We also fully trust the design and correct implementationof the CPU package and the SGX instruction set extensionincluding all cryptographic operations done by SGX.

Finally, clients can read, modify and delete service-provided data and therefore are considered to be trustedin this regard.

3. DESIGN CONSIDERATIONSThe design of SecureKeeper is determined by (i) security

considerations but also (ii) performance and (iii) applicabil-ity aspects play an important role.

Two basic design variants are compared: using an appli-cation enclave, which hosts whole ZooKeeper instances, andtailored enclaves, as featured by SecureKeeper, used to onlyprotect ZooKeeper-specific sensitive data and its processing.

Application enclaves are attractive for complex legacy ap-plications because they can instantly profit from the SGX-provided security guarantees without additional changes.As a downside, such large enclaves pose a security trade-off (Section 3.2) and may lead to substantial performancedegradation (Section 3.3).

3.1 Protecting ZooKeeper dataZooKeeper as a coordination service is the backbone of

many distributed applications, storing essential and sensi-tive data for their operation. As detailed in Section 2.1,this data is split into path and payload tuples, stored in atree-like hierarchical database. At least the plaintext of the








0 5 10 15 20


of w




of cl





Usage [M


Run Time [s]

Leader Follower 1 Follower 2

Figure 2: Memory usage of ZooKeeper over time.

path and the associated payload information must alwaysbe inaccessible to external entities to enforce confidential-ity and additionally guarded to ensure integrity. Thus, thisdata either needs to be put under the protection of an en-clave or stored and processed in an encrypted form. Theformer is straightforward when using application enclaves,the latter is possible for most core functions with the excep-tion of sequential nodes that require local processing (seeSection 2.1). As a consequence, SecureKeeper takes a mid-dle ground and stores and processes data in encrypted formwhere feasible and redirects plaintext processing to enclaves(see Section 4).

3.2 Security considerationsSince ZooKeeper is implemented in Java, an application

enclave software stack would comprise the library OS, an en-tire Java Virtual Machine (JVM) and the whole ZooKeepercodebase. The library OS of Haven alone comprises millionsof code lines [6]. In addition, OpenJDK itself is composedof roughly 4.5 million SLOCs, and was subject to severalremote exploitable vulnerabilities in the recent past [17–20].Furthermore, ZooKeeper is a complex service with severalthousand lines of code (see Section 6.4). From a securitypoint of view, such a large TCB is at odds with basic secu-rity considerations [7], and therefore a tailored enclave ap-proach, as implemented by SecureKeeper, is more attractivedue to its smaller TCB.

In addition, the number of possible ecalls and ocalls com-posing the enclave interface is of security relevance. Fewerinterface functions with a limited number of well defined pa-rameters decrease the attack surface of the enclave. For ahosted system with an application enclave, the application-specific user interface calls and the ocalls that implementsystem call functionality must be protected. The latter aregeneric, thus hard to validate, and they have to be guardedby additional checks [6]. In case of tailored enclaves, theinterface depends on the provided functionality. For Secure-Keeper, we aim for a narrow and minimal interface, enablinga targeted and context-specific parameter validation.

3.3 Resource and performance considerationsAnother important aspect is the memory consumption of

the JVM and ZooKeeper. As mentioned in Section 2.2,the EPC size is limited to 128 MB, and memory require-ments beyond this amount require costly paging from se-cure SGX memory to untrusted memory after reencryptionof the data. Figure 2 shows the memory usage of an un-modified ZooKeeper instance. For this measurement, weapplied a realistic workload according to the original Zoo-Keeper paper [12] to our test cluster which is described inSection 6: asynchronous GET and SET requests with a 70:30






92 2561 8 64

L3 c





nd P

age A



/ s

Allocated Enclave Memory [MB]

random readrandom write

Figure 3: Performance impact of enclave memory size onrandom reads and writes on a Xeon E3-1230 v5 CPU.






1MB 4MB 16MB 102MB 512MB 3GB0








s / s


ed d



Size of enclave memory range


normed diff.

Figure 4: Performance of a key-value store in an enclavefor a randomized request pattern.

ratio. The measurement proves that a standard ZooKeeperinstance easily exceeds the EPC memory limit, even in idlestate. After starting the above workload, the memory usageof ZooKeeper increases significantly. Even though we onlyadd four standard-sized nodes to the initially empty Zoo-Keeper instance and repeatedly call GET and SET using fourclients, the memory demand rises to more than 400 MB.

To form an intuition regarding the impact of EPC paging,we measure the performance of random reads and writeswith variable enclave sizes. Figure 3 shows the perfor-mance of accessing single bytes from random pages of a largebuffer allocated inside the enclave. By measuring the maxi-mum possible page accesses per second, we find two turningpoints, as visible in the figure: the first when reaching theL3 cache limit at 8 MB; the second when exceeding the limitof the EPC. As can be seen from the figure, users cannotuse the complete 128 MB of the EPC, which we assume isdue to the overhead of SGX management data structures.Overall, the performance decreases 5.5× when exceeding theL3 cache, and decreases another 200× when the EPC is ex-hausted, i.e. the paged-EPC is more than 1000× slower thanthe L3 cache.

We also implemented a key-value store (KVS) that we ex-ecute inside an enclave to obtain a more realistic intuitionregarding the performance impact of EPC paging on a realapplication. We increase the size of the enclave that runsthe KVS and limit the maximum number of key-value pairsstored. We then measure the throughput of the KVS by ran-domly accessing key-value pairs from a remote machine and



Cnt. Encl.

RequestProcessor Replicated



Entry Encl.4Read

Txn Txn


Cnt. Encl.

RequestProcessor Replicated

DatabaseEntry Encl.2

Entry Encl.1

Entry Encl.3



Txn Txn


Cnt. Encl.

RequestProcessor Replicated

DatabaseEntry Encl.d

Entry Encl.5

Entry Encl.6



Txn Txn

Trusted C CodeTrusted Java Code Untrusted Java Code







Figure 5: Architecture of SecureKeeper.

find a similar behavior as previously in Figure 3. Essentially,this leads to random memory access to the enclave memoryrange, which is indicated on the x-axis of Figure 4. As soonas the size of the enclave holding the KVS reaches the EPClimit and the EPC paging starts, the performance drops sig-nificantly. The measurements of this experiment are shownin Figure 4, starting at 102 MB a huge performance impactcan be seen, which is also visualized as normalized differencebetween native and SGX in the figure. We explain the dif-ference to Figure 3 with pages that were initially allocated(e.g., stack pages) but never used and after being paged outonce, never paged in again.

In summary, EPC paging starts with an enclave memorysize larger then 92 MB and reduces the performance of coderunning inside an enclave significantly. Additionally, an un-modified ZooKeeper instance uses 120 MB in idle state andmore than 400 MB of RAM for a realistic workload on asmall data set of znodes. These insights support our designdecision to implement SecureKeeper using tailored enclavesand only move critical code sections into enclaves as well asaiming at a low memory footprint when processing data.

3.4 Execution Environment ConsiderationsAs our approach uses SGX enclaves, integrated via Java

Native Interface (JNI) into ZooKeeper, SGX support is re-quired on all replicas. In addition, access to so called archi-tectural enclaves from the Intel SGX SDK and the Intel SGXdriver is required in order to successfully launch and attestenclaves. The use of hardware virtualization technology isorthogonal to using SGX.

4. SECUREKEEPERNext, we present the design of SecureKeeper that is driven

by the earlier outlined security considerations and the goal tocraft an efficient solution taking advantage of current SGX-equipped CPUs.

4.1 Basic architecture of SecureKeeperFigure 5 illustrates how our design integrates into the orig-

inal ZooKeeper architecture. For each client we have an in-dividual enclave running on the replica as long as the clientis connected to which we call entry enclave. This enclavemaintains the client connection and the encryption of allmessages between the client and the enclave.

As we did not want huge changes at the client side, we de-signed the client-to-replica communication as a simple con-nection encryption alike Transport Layer Security (TLS).TLS encrypted connections have recently been added to Zoo-Keeper, thus, the client infrastructure for this already exists.However, for SecureKeeper the endpoint of this secure con-nection is located inside the entry enclave. The entry enclaveuses standard cryptographic functions to decrypt the mes-sages from and to the client with a client-specific session key.Only if this enclave has been remotely attested by the Se-cureKeeper administrator, the secure key for all encryptiontowards ZooKeeper is given to the enclave. This key is thesame for all enclaves and also the only state held by the en-claves apart from the session key for the client connection.Vice versa if a client can establish a secure connection basedon a previously out-of-band received public key, he can trustthe entry enclave.

Since the entry enclave exists once per client, there is noneed for the enclave to distinguish multiple clients, whichhelps keeping the enclave’s code base low. However, it needsto be able to “understand” the messages exchanged, i.e., beable to serialize and deserialize them. This is required inorder to encrypt the sensitive fields of a message towardsZooKeeper with a secret key shared by all enclaves.

Our approach also allows to exclude specific, previouslytrusted, clients from the cluster in the future, as the clientsnever see the encryption key used by the enclaves to protectall data stored in the ZooKeeper data store.

In order to support the demands of the aforementionedsequential nodes (see Section 2.1), we designed the counterenclave. Even though this enclave is only used on the cur-rent ZooKeeper leader replica, it exists once on each replica.This is due to the fact, that on failure ZooKeeper may needto elect a new cluster leader, and thus, a previous followerreplica may become new leader. Inside this enclave, the en-crypted path and the plaintext sequence number determinedby ZooKeeper is merged together into one ciphertext. Wedescribe the implementation details of the counter enclavein Section 4.4 and the consequences regarding our securitygoals in the discussion section (see Section 7).

All other components of ZooKeeper are untrusted and willalways only see the encrypted path names of znodes and theencrypted payload. However, we exploit that they can han-dle the ciphertext as a blackbox, i.e. the same as plaintext.

4.2 General Message ProcessingAll messages from clients to the SecureKeeper cluster

must pass through the entry enclaves for processing and re-encryption. By this, all sensitive information is encryptedbefore being stored in the untrusted ZooKeeper database.

We distinguish two notions of encryption: Between clientsand the entry enclaves we apply transport encryption to thewhole messages (cf. TLS). After processing the message,the entry enclaves encrypt sensitive parts towards the Zoo-Keeper database; we call this storage encryption.

In general, for all requests from a client we first decryptthe transport encryption hull. Then, we deserialize theplaintext message and determine which fields contain sensi-tive information. This usually affects the payload field of theznode and its path name (see Section 4.3). However, not allmessages contain both: While SET requests always containa path and a payload and result in an empty response, theGET requests contains only the znode path and the response


message will contain the respective payload. After all sensi-tive fields have been encrypted, we serialize the message andforward it to the untrusted ZooKeeper message processingpipeline. Special treatment is required for creating sequen-tial nodes, involving the counter enclaves (see Section 4.4).

Responses are basically implemented the same but in re-verse order: First the message gets deserialized. Then, wedecrypt all fields that contain previously encrypted sensi-tive data. Finally, we apply the transport encryption andforward the buffer to the client via the ZooKeeper messageprocessing pipeline.

ZooKeeper response messages do not contain the opera-tion type of the request they belong to. Hence, in order todetermine the operation of a request, we store the opera-tion and request ID for each request. For this purpose wemaintain a FIFO queue inside the entry enclaves, becausethe ordering of all requests of one client always guaranteesthat the responses arrive in the same order as the requests.

4.3 Path and Payload EncryptionZooKeeper allows storage of arbitrary data in the payload

field of each znode. Since ZooKeeper is never processing thisdata, it is considered as a blackbox by ZooKeeper and wecan just encrypted it.

The encryption of path names of znodes must be donetransparently to ZooKeeper. Firstly, the encrypted pathmust be a valid ZooKeeper path, i.e., it must not containillegal characters. Also, ZooKeeper must be able to operateon the encrypted path names in all cases. Individual pathelements are encrypted separately, retaining the hierarchyof znodes in order to support the getChildren operation.

In our design we split paths at each slash (/) and processthe chunks one after another We first encrypt each chunkthe same as for payload encryption. As an InitializationVector (IV) we compute a hash of the path starting from thetop level hierarchy until (and including) the current chunk.This ensures that we never reuse the same IV 1 The IV andthe Keyed-Hash Message Authentication Code (HMAC) ofthe current chunk are both concatenated with the encryptedchunk, and form the encrypted version of this chunk.

We have to include the current chunk’s plaintext in thecomputation of the hash that we use as IV, because other-wise all child nodes of one parent would use the same IV.However, the decryption of a path clearly requires knowl-edge of the used IV which is not available from the requestmessage of LS requests, as we need to decrypt the paths ofthe children of the requested znode. Hence, we have to ap-pend the IV that we used to the encrypted chunk in order tosupport the LS operation, even though for most operationsthis would not be required.

We need to tie the encrypted payload of a znode to onedistinct znode path. This is due to the ZooKeeper databaseresiding in the untrusted execution environment. The at-tacker could mix and switch payloads and znode namesarbitrarily otherwise. For example, an attacker could setthe admin password (if for example stored as payload of anode /admin-credentials) to the password of his own non-privileged user. The binding is done by appending the hashof the znode path to the payload before payload encryp-tion. By this, a specific payload is only valid for one specificznode path, and the entry enclave can easily validate this

1assuming no SHA256 collisions.

constraint when processing the response from ZooKeeperbefore forwarding it to the client.

4.4 Supporting Sequential NodesDuring creation of a znode with the sequential flag set

in the request message, ZooKeeper will append a monoton-ically increasing number to the given znode name. Afterthe sequential node has been created, it is stored in theZooKeeper database the same as any other node, and is in-distinguishable from regular znodes. If we applied the pathencryption as described above for sequential nodes, Secure-Keeper would try to decrypt the whole pathname later on.In the case of sequential nodes the path decryption wouldfail, as it would contain the sequence number appended tothe given name. If we divided the pathname from the se-quential number using an escape character we would changethe behaviour of ZooKeeper and violate assumptions of ex-isting applications regarding ZooKeeper’s behaviour.

In order to solve this problem, we introduce the counterenclave running once on the ZooKeeper leader replica. Thecounter enclave decrypts the previously encrypted pathnameby the entry enclave, appends the given sequence numberand encrypts the whole altered path again. This only hap-pens during the creation of sequential nodes, all other oper-ations will just bypass the counter enclave.

A flag in the payload field marks whether or not a nodewas created with the sequential flag, which is required forthe verification routine. If a node was created as a sequentialnode, the verification must compare the hash of the znodepath without the sequence number to the hash stored in thepayload section. This in turn forms a problem to our bindingof paths and payload: If the inputs to the counter enclaveget replayed, it is possible to forge the sequence numberappended to a certain node. We discuss this, and the sub-sequent integrity properties in the discussion in Section 7.

4.5 Deployment and Key ManagementIn our design, entry enclaves are not intended to commu-

nicate with each other. This reduces complexity, and thus,the TCB of the enclaves according to our security goals. Ingeneral, all entry enclaves are equivalent and use the samesecret key for cryptography towards ZooKeeper. This is re-quired in order to allow one client’s entry enclave to decryptdata created by a different client’s entry enclave.

The above design prevents the clients from requiring thekey used for encryption towards ZooKeeper, and allows in-dividual session keys for each client connection. However,it is important that entry enclaves verify valid clients andblock any communication if the client seems malicious.

This is a common problem of all SGX applications andcan be solved easily using bidirectional TLS certificate ver-ification. In order for this to work, a special deploymentand bootstrapping procedure is required. The storage en-cryption key will be provided to the entry enclave only aftersuccessful remote attestation [21]. Once the key is received,the correct entry enclave can seal the key and store it per-sistently on the replica. Other entry enclaves on the samereplica can unseal this secret without another remote attes-tation, as only valid entry enclaves will be able to get thesame sealing key. This remote attestation and sealing mustbe done at least once for each replica.

The TLS private key and the public key of the clients, orthe Certificate Authority (CA) key that signed the clients


enclave {trusted {public size_t ec_request([in, out , size=buffer_size] char *buffer ,size_t msg_len , size_t buffer_size , int id


public size_t ec_response([in, out , size=buffer_size] char *buffer ,size_t msg_len , size_t buffer_size , int id



Listing 1: EDL interface of entry enclave.

keys must be provided to the entry enclaves in the same way.Thus, the entry enclaves can verify correct clients and provetheir identity to the clients via TLS.

5. IMPLEMENTATION DETAILSIn our implementation description we describe i.) the in-

tegration of enclaves into the code base of ZooKeeper andii.) the cryptographic operations inside the enclaves.

5.1 Enclave IntegrationSecureKeeper is implemented with minimal changes to

the Java code of ZooKeeper. Basically, we are interceptingthe message processing pipeline (for requests and responses)of ZooKeeper and forward byte buffers of the messages tothe entry enclave. The enclave then applies processing tothese buffers and hands them back to the request processorwhere the message will walk through the remaining stages asusual. From ZooKeeper’s perspective, the whole message isencrypted before entering the enclave, and is returned fromthe enclave in decrypted form, such that ZooKeeper is ableto process the message without noticing the encrypted pathand payload field. The counter enclave is integrated intothe message processing pipeline in the same way but at aposition that is only executed on the leader replica.

To integrate both types of our enclaves with ZooKeeper, atransition between Java and C-code is required. This is im-plemented using JNI which allows the transition from Javato a JNI interface written in C followed by an entry into theenclave also written in C. In the ZooKeeper code base weadded a Java class that wraps all this, and offers an APIthat can be conveniently used from the message processingpipeline of ZooKeeper.

From the JNI code we call the enclave’s ecalls which aredefined by a EDL file that is used to generate the codeimplementing the ecalls stub code. As shown in Listing 1the interface of the entry enclave comprises two ecalls thathandle the request messages from a client and the responsemessages from ZooKeeper respectively. Both ecall signa-tures comprise a pointer to the buffer and the length of thisbuffer, as well as the length of the message which is differentfrom the buffer length as we describe below. In addition tothe generated code, the Intel SGX SDK libraries for crypto-graphic operations and a specialized stdlib for enclaves arelinked to the final enclave shared object file. The counterenclave is only required for the creation of sequential nodes,so its EDL interface is similar but comprises only one ecall.

Byte buffers containing the transport encrypted messagefrom the clients have to traverse the path through the JNIinterface and via the generated code as an ecall to the en-

clave. Unfavorably the message length usually increases in-side the enclave due to appending the HMAC and the path’shash to the payload and the Base64 encoding. A decreaseof message length inside the enclave is not a problem, as theused buffer is larger than required. However, if the length ofthe message increases inside the enclave, the buffer can nottrivially be copied to the outside.

Even though the Intel SGX SDK supports copying buffersin and out of enclaves, increasing a buffer inside an enclaveand copying the larger buffer out is currently not supported.This is due to the fact that the enclave is not allowed to ex-ecute code outside an enclave, and thus, can not allocatean untrusted memory range outside. An allocation insidethe enclave does not help, as the memory range will not beavailable outside of the enclave. One approach would be toallocate a large buffer outside, and allow memory manage-ment of this buffer only by the enclave.

In our case we can predict the amount of additional mem-ory that will be required inside the enclave. Thus, we allo-cate a slightly larger buffer before executing the ecall, andby this, allow the enclave to append additional data to thebuffer. Using an additional length parameter, we indicatethe number of bytes actually used for the message in thebuffer. By this approach we achieve efficient resource usage,and avoid the usage of a memory allocator for untrustedmemory in the enclave at the same time.

5.2 Enclave CryptographyFor cryptographic operations inside the enclaves we use

library support as provided by Intel SGX SDK. Amongstothers, it supports AES-GCM-128 encryption which is suit-ing our purposes best, as it is considerably secure and of-fers additional integrity protection of the ciphertext. As weused the cipher for both, the transport and the storage en-cryption, all ciphertext is integrity protected by the HMACwhich we always append in the end and verify during thedecryption. By appending the HMAC to the ciphertext, thesize of the payload field increases by a constant overhead.This requires us to update the metadata of the accordingznode, such that it reflects the correct size of the payload.

The concatenation of the encrypted chunk and the HMACmay contain invalid characters if interpreted by ZooKeeperas a Java String. Thus, we encode the whole chunk witha Base64 encoding scheme variant for URL applications, toalso avoid the “/”-character in the encrypted path names.Using this encoding causes an increase of the encryptedpathnames of about 33%, which we discuss in Section 6.2.

6. EVALUATIONIn this section we evaluate the performance of SecureKee-

per and compare it against a vanilla ZooKeeper cluster anda version that provides TLS encryption between clients andthe replicas as a baseline. All experiments were performedon a cluster of four identical machines2, where one machinesimulates clients while the three remaining machines hostZooKeeper replicas.

6.1 MethodologyIn general, the evaluation is along the lines of the origi-

nal ZooKeeper paper [12]. For each experiment we compareSecureKeeper against a vanilla ZooKeeper and ZooKeeper

2Core i7-6700 @3.4GHz, 24 GB RAM, 256 GB SSD, 4x GbE










0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1,000



Client Threads



(a) Synchronous requests.










2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16



Client Threads



(b) Asynchronous requests.

Figure 6: Throughput of 70:30 mixed GET and SET requests for various number of clients and 1024 Byte payload.











0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500



Payload [Byte]

Vanilla-ZK syncTLS-ZK sync

SecureKeeper syncVanilla-ZK async

TLS-ZK asyncSecureKeeper async

Figure 7: Throughput of sync. and async. GET requests.

with TLS enabled3. The three variants are denoted as Se-cureKeeper, Vanilla-ZK and TLS-ZK in all graphs. The ex-periments are performed using only asynchronous and againusing only synchronous requests. Also we experimentedwith a wide range of typical payload sizes between 0 and4096 Bytes. Our evaluator uses various numbers of clientthreads connected to ZooKeeper replicas issuing requests asfast as possible. We explicitly distribute the clients equallyon all replicas, in order to get most stable and reliable re-sults. Only for the fault-tolerance experiment we must allowclients to randomly choose a replica from a list of all replicas(see Section 6.3).

We determine the optimal number of threads (i.e., numberof connections) for throughput measurements for a realisticworkload, according to the original ZooKeeper paper [12],consisting of a 70:30 mix of GET and SET requests by grad-ually increasing the number of clients: For asynchronousrequests the maximum performance is reached with 5 clientthreads (see Figure 6b) and 200 pending requests (simul-taneous unanswered requests in flight). In contrast, syn-chronous requests perform best between 200 to 400 clientthreads (see Figure 6a). As the maximum throughput forsynchronous requests is reached at a number of 300 clientthreads, we consistently used this number for all other syn-chronous experiments.

3https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZOOKEEPER-2125, accessed 5/10/2016.








0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500



Payload [Byte]

Vanilla-ZK syncTLS-ZK sync

SecureKeeper syncVanilla-ZK async

TLS-ZK asyncSecureKeeper async

Figure 8: Throughput of sync. and async. SET requests.

6.2 Throughput of SecureKeeperIn Figure 7 we show the throughput of GET, and in Fig-

ure 8 the throughput of SET requests. These are answeredby the replica the client is connected to directly, in contrastto SET requests, that are forwarded to the leader replicaand passed through the agreement protocol. Initially, forboth GET and SET we create one znode for each client threadand then continuously read and write their payload with theGET and SET respectively. As can be seen from the graphs,the performance of SecureKeeper is close to the TLS-basedZooKeeper variant with an average overhead for all mea-sured payload sizes of 7.89% and 10.34% for synchronousrequests and 3.12% and 9.85% for asynchronous requests.While the encryption overhead is more visible for low pay-load sizes, with increasing payload size the throughput ofSecureKeeper and TLS-ZK converges. This behavior is dueto the constant encryption and enclave entering overheadfor each message which gets insignificant for higher payloadsizes. The details of the encryption overhead are illustratedin Table 2 and detailed below.

Figures 9a and 9b show the performance for creating zno-des in ZooKeeper. We distinguish the creation of regularand sequential nodes here, as we have a second enclave en-try on the leader replica for the latter (see Section 4.4). Forall three variants the throughput is a bit lower than the SETthroughput, as the internal ZooKeeper state size increaseswith the growing number of znodes. The overhead of CREATErequests compared to TLS-based ZooKeeper is 9.76% forregular and 11.82% for sequential nodes with synchronous










0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500



Payload [Byte]


SecureKeeper (reg.)SecureKeeper (seq.)

(a) Synchronous requests.









0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500



Payload [Byte]


SecureKeeper (reg.)SecureKeeper (seq.)

(b) Asynchronous requests.

Figure 9: Throughput of CREATE requests.









0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100



Payload [Byte]

Vanilla-ZK syncTLS-ZK sync

SecureKeeper syncVanilla-ZK async

TLS-ZK asyncSecureKeeper async

Figure 10: Throughput of sync. and async. LS requests.

requests. Asynchronous requests show an overhead of 8.15%for regular and 14.97% for sequential nodes.

We also evaluated the LS or getChildren operation, listingall child nodes for a specific znode. Listing the children of aznode leads to the decryption of all paths of all child nodesof the znode in question. With our approach the high num-ber of path decryption operations has a notable impact onthe throughput of the LS operation depending on the num-ber of child nodes. The results are illustrated in Figure 10.Synchronous LS requests have an overhead of 12.82% andasynchronous requests 21.38%.

We also evaluated DELETE requests, however, as both therequest and response messages do not contain payload inthis case, we omit plotting a graph. Compared to TLS-based ZooKeeper, the overhead of synchronous DELETEs is15.16% and for asynchronous requests 9.08%.

Table 1 summarizes our evaluation for all operations andfor both synchronous and asynchronous requests. We pro-vide the overhead of SecureKeeper and TLS-based Zoo-Keeper compared to vanilla ZooKeeper in percent, as well asthe delta of these numbers. Finally, the table summarizesthe overall overhead of our approach as a global averagevalue of 11.20%.

The added confidentiality and integrity guarantees of ourapproach clearly do not come at no cost when comparedwith vanilla ZooKeeper. However, our evaluation showsthat the throughput of SecureKeeper is scaling and perform-ing similar to TLS-enabled ZooKeeper. The payload andpath encryption cause the length of exchanged messages be-tween clients and replicas to increase compared to vanilla

Operation TLS-ZK SecureKeeper ∆



GET 55.71 % 63.60 % 7.89 %

SET 9.12 % 19.46 % 10.34 %

LS 43.17 % 55.98 % 12.82 %

CREATE 6.53 % 16.28 % 9.76 %

CREATESEQ 7.04 % 18.86 % 11.82 %

DELETE 14.48 % 29.64 % 15.16 %

Average 22.67 % 33.97 % 11.30 %



GET 41.50 % 44.62 % 3.12 %

SET 8.45 % 18.30 % 9.85 %

LS 49.58 % 70.97 % 21.38 %

CREATE 3.70 % 11.86 % 8.15 %

CREATESEQ 3.50 % 18.47 % 14.97 %

DELETE 9.04 % 18.12 % 9.08 %

Average 19.30 % 30.39 % 11.09 %

Read average 47.49 % 58.79 % 11.30 %

Write average 7.73 % 18.87 % 11.14 %

Global average 20.98 % 32.18 % 11.20 %

Table 1: SecureKeeper overhead comparison.

Request Response

Transport −HMAC −IV +HMAC +IV

Path +relative Overhead −relative Overhead

Payload +HMAC +IV −HMAC −IV

Table 2: Comparison of encryption overhead.

ZooKeeper. This increase is essentially due to the HMACsand IVs used for the decryption and encryption operations.Also, messages are lengthened due to the Base64 encodingof the path, as well as the added hash of the znode path tothe payload field. Finally, in our approach there is a con-stant overhead due to the enclave entries and exists, whichis clearly not required for TLS-based ZooKeeper. Hence,in general the throughput of our approach is below, thoughclose to, TLS-based ZooKeeper.

Table 2 provides an overview of the message lengthchanges due to our approach. As can be seen, the transportencryption between clients and the entry enclave, causes aconstant decrease of the length of requests and a constantincrease for the responses. For path encryption the differ-ence in length depends on the “depth” of the path (i.e., thenumber of slashes in the path): for each chunk of the path,we apply an individual encryption step, that adds an HMACand IV (see Section 4.3). Paths in requests (specifying whichnode the operation is applied to) will be increased in lengthfor each request. For response messages the contained paths









0 500 1,000 1,500 2,000 2,500 3,000 3,500 4,000 4,500



Payload [Byte]



Figure 11: Throughput of synchronous GET and SET oper-ations, performed using the YSCB benchmark suite.

will get the same amount shorter (only in the case of thegetChildren operation). Finally, the overhead due to theencryption of the payload is exactly the same as for thetransport encryption, as we use the same cipher.

In addition to measurements with our own workloads,we also performed throughput experiments using the YCSBbenchmark suite. We compiled a mixed workload of syn-chronous read and write requests, and used 35 threads toconnect to our ZooKeeper cluster. Then, for various differ-ent payload sizes, we performed 500k operations each. Ascan be seen from the results in Figure 11, all three variantsscale similarly well and SecureKeeper’s performance is veryclose to the TLS variant. The lower baseline of the YCSBbenchmark compared to our own, is due to YCSB not ableto perform a warmup phase as we do with our evaluatorfor all experiments. In addition, with YCSB we have muchhigher client-side CPU load during the measurement, whichrequires us to decrease the number of simultaneous clients.

6.3 Fault ToleranceAs ZooKeeper can tolerate replica faults, we evaluated

the capability of our system to maintain the fault-toleranceproperties of original ZooKeeper. In order to achieve this,we simulated faults of replicas while a constant client loadis applied. In all cases we measured the total throughput ofall clients on the cluster executing asynchronous GET and SETrequests with a fixed payload size of 1024 Bytes every 250 msand visualize it grouped by timeslots of 1 s. We executedseparate experiments for a failure of the leader replica anda failure of one of the follower replicas. After starting aclean cluster, we let the system warmup for a few secondsand inject the fault after 30 s from the cluster start. Then,we keep the cluster running without restarting the replicafor another 30 s. We explicitly distribute the clients equallyon all replicas in the previous experiments for improvingstability of the results. In contrast, for fault tolerance weprovide each client with a list of all replicas and let theclient choose one replica randomly. Otherwise, automaticfailover of clients to another replica is not possible.

As can be seen from Figure 12, most importantly, in allcases SecureKeeper shows the same fault-tolerance as vanillaZooKeeper. Also, in all cases, the missing replica reduces thetotal throughput by approximately one third. However, ona leader failure, a leader election is executed by ZooKeeper,which causes the total throughput to drop to zero for a cer-tain amount of time until a new leader has been elected.








0 5 10 15 20 25 30



Time [s]



(a) Leader failure.








0 5 10 15 20 25 30



Time [s]



(b) Follower failure.

Figure 12: Fault-tolerance behavior of ZooKeeper variants.

Component Language SLOC


(De-)Serialization C 2514

Counter and entry enclave C 985

SDK-generated code C 572

Total trusted 4071untrusted

ZooKeeper Server Java 33851

Enclave interfaces Java 154

Enclave management C 296

SDK-generated code C 262

Total untrusted 34563

Total SecureKeeper 4783

Total 38634

Table 3: Size of code base of SecureKeeper components.

After the leader election has finished, throughput remainsat about two thirds as expected, as still the cluster runswithout a third replica.

6.4 Size of Code BaseTable 3 compares the size of the original ZooKeeper code

base to SecureKeeper. The overall TCB of SecureKeepercomprises about 4,000 SLOCs. More than 62% of this codeis used for (de)serialization of messages and taken fromthe original ZooKeeper C bindings. The remainder of thetrusted code base implements parameter passing and gluecode for the message flow through the enclaves. The totalamount of trusted code of SecureKeeper is roughly 12% ofthe complete ZooKeeper code base, while we added less than100 SLOCs to the ZooKeeper client code base. We could notmeasure the size of the code base of the Intel SGX SDK-provided libraries, such as the libstd and the cryptographiclibrary, but we mention their binary size in Section 6.5.

The untrusted code of SecureKeeper comprises creation,initialization and maintenance of the enclaves, parameterpassing across the enclave boundary and the JNI interface.Only three lines of the original ZooKeeper code base havebeen changed, all others have been added, thus, we call ourapproach minimally-invasive to ZooKeeper.

6.5 Memory ConsumptionThe total memory footprint of an enclave composed EPC

memory and SGX-internal metadata depends on the enclave


code, one stack region for each thread and the heap. Eachenclave thread maintains its own stack (default 64 KB), andSGX data structures holding thread metadata and state.The enclave code is basically the compiled and signed sharedobject which is copied to the ELRANGE during the enclavecreation using the Intel SGX SDK API. Finally, configura-tion of the heap size can be done with an enclave configu-ration file that is used by the SGX signer tool of the IntelSGX SDK.

The largest and most significant component of enclavememory consumption is the heap and code of the enclave.Due to the cryptographic operations, the heap must be ableto hold the largest possible message twice as source and des-tination of the encryption or decryption is the same size. Inaddition the list of request types requires space for all pend-ing requests, which can be up to 200 requests in our ex-periments, but should be negligible as the size of one entryis only a few bytes. In total, based on the above outlinedconstraints and our enclave shared object size of 436 KB,the required memory for each of our entry enclaves is about580 KB. This allows more than 150 enclaves to fit into theEPC of each ZooKeeper replica without EPC paging.

The counter enclaves memory layout is essentially thesame, except for the heap size, which can be a lot smallerbecause we only process the path of znodes. Hence, thecounter enclave with a binary size of 325 KB requires anadditional amount of 397 KB memory on the leader replica.

As a result, we can keep the enclave memory consump-tion below the EPC threshold of 92 MB for each replica,even for high client loads. If necessary, the memory footprintcould be further decreased by co-locating multiple or even allclients to one enclave. However, this would increase the codecomplexity of the entry enclave, i.e. for client session man-agement and add additional synchronization points, whichcould harm performance. Lastly, enclaves as of this versionof SGX cannot dynamically increase their ELRANGE al-located memory size, thus a conservative allocation for themaximum number of clients has to be performed upfront atservice startup time.

7. DISCUSSIONIn this section, we discuss the security guarantees that Se-

cureKeeper provides and other guarantees that are beyond aminimally-invasive integration with SGX. Furthermore, weexplore the general applicability of the proposed methodol-ogy to other services.

7.1 Confidentiality and Integrity GuaranteesOur approach ensures the confidentiality of all user-

provided data stored in the ZooKeeper database. This com-prises the plaintext payload and path names of all znodes.However, operation types, the znode tree structure, as wellas node access frequencies and access times are still visible.In this regard, SecureKeeper provides similar protection asfilesystem-level encryption [22].

As mentioned, SecureKeeper ensures the integrity of plainznodes and their associated path names. This is achievedby secure authenticated communication between clients andentry enclaves, and also data encryption once znodes arepassed to Zookeeper for further processing. This is imple-mented by an HMAC over the encrypted payload of a znode,which is verified during decryption. Any modification to the

payload—be it purposeful or accidental—can be detectedduring the verification before the data is passed to the client.

Another aspect of integrity is the link between the znodepath and the payload. As we encrypt a hash of the pathname with its associated payload, the path is bound to thepayload. This enables the entry enclave to detect whethera payload belongs to a certain path name or not, before thedata is forwarded to the client. Thus, an attacker cannotexchange the payload of a node for that of another node.

This approach, however, does not suffice for sequentialnodes. Here the counter enclave receives untrusted inputfrom the ZooKeeper base code in the form of an incrementedcounter value stored in the metadata of the associated par-ent node. The passed value can be validated to be a num-ber, but it may be arbitrarily chosen by the outside code.A malicious attacker can choose the tail part of sequentialnode path names that stands for the sequential node numberaccording to the format convention. In this limited scope,SecureKeeper is susceptible against naming attacks, i.e. nonew znode payload information can be crafted nor existingpayload information can be modified but only overwrittenby payloads with the same sequential node path name prefix.

We considered protective measures but all of them lead toa system design that has to be resilient to rollback attacks ofexternalized state or even resilient to Byzantine faults [23].Both aspects, as outlined next, would require substantialarchitectural changes and, since the primary goal of Secu-reKeeper is the protection of confidentiality, we do not con-sider this issue as severe and leave this as a direction forfuture work that may result in an entirely different servicearchitecture.

7.2 Replay and Denial of Service AttacksThere are two kinds of replay attacks that can be dis-

tinguished: first, the communication between a client andthe entry enclave may be replayed, but this can easily beprevented using replay-safe encrypted communication (i.e.TLS); second, the inputs provided to the enclaves from theuntrusted ZooKeeper data store may be stale and/or re-played, which leads to the clients reading stale values. SGXitself offers no means to prevent replay attacks regardingstate that is external to enclaves, be it volatile or persis-tent [6, 24]. One option would be the use of a Byzantinefault-tolerant agreement protocol [23], but this requires sig-nificant changes to the ZooKeeper architecture, which is in-compatible with the design goals of SecureKeeper.

7.3 Wider Applicability of the ApproachThe general idea of SecureKeeper is the minimally-

invasive integration of SGX to achieve confidentiality andintegrity under the above outlined restrictions. Despite thecomplexity of ZooKeeper as a replicated and fault-tolerantcoordination service, this is possible due to the fact thatZooKeeper performs only limited data processing. Thus,it can be assumed that other services that mostly handledata but do not process it can be protected similarly. Sim-ple KVS and blob storage may be a good fit because theyaccess data by a unique identifier. If a query API beyondan exact match needs to be supported, e.g. range queries,further enclave support may be needed. This could be ad-dressed, however, by storing keys or a subset of keys insidean enclave, which only would require hosting a fraction of


the service state in the enclave and thus limit performancedegradation (see Section 3).

8. RELATED WORKThere have been a number of approaches targeting the

protection of applications from unauthorized access. Manyof these solutions so far rely on additional system softwarelayers in the absence of appropriate commodity hardwaresupport. Examples are NGSCB [25, 26] and Proxos [27],which feature the idea of an untrusted and a trusted operat-ing system, running on the same machine isolated by a vir-tual machine monitor. As a consecutive step several systemsproposed a trusted virtualization layer guarding the appli-cations from unauthorized operating system access [28, 29].All of these approaches come attached with a much largerTCB and if performant typically feature a more coarse-grained partitioning than what SecureKeeper requires.

There has been a large number of systems that uti-lized trusted hardware to partition software in trustedand untrusted parts. Previous examples are secure co-processors [30] and Trusted Platform Modules (TPMs) [31],both offering protection from certain types of physical ac-cess. While on the one hand, secure co-processors offer quitelimited performance due to thermal problems and are ratherexpensive, they are primarily used in niche markets. Nev-ertheless, with TrustedDB [32] there exists an approach forsplitting a database between an untrusted commodity sys-tem and a secure co-processor.

On the other hand, TPMs are too restricted in their ca-pabilities, e.g. remote attestation, to be useful in complexshared environments. Basing on the functionality of theTPM a number of systems aimed to achieve trusted exe-cution with a small additional TCB [33, 34]. However, theyeither suffer from the bad performance of the TPM chip [33]or require a larger TCB (i.e., a virtualization layer) and pro-tect systems at a more coarse-grained level.

ARM TrustZone [35] distinguishes only two levels of trust:a secure world and a non-secure world. In essence one hasto trust the complete code of the secure world which mightinclude substantial system code. To achieve a more fine-grained trust scheme, Santos et al. [36] proposed so calledtrustlets hosted by a managed runtime inside the secureworld. In principle SecureKeeper could be deployed on-topof this framework, but TustZone offers no memory encryp-tion and so far it is mainly supported by embedded systems.

As previously described, SGX features fine-grained de-ployment of trusted execution environments (TEEs), so asingle application can even host multiple enclaves. So farthis has been marginally exploited due to the lack of freelyavailable system software and hardware. Baumann et al. [6]proposed Haven, a system that enables execution of unmodi-fied legacy applications inside an enclave. This was achievedby porting a library OS to the enclave and the shielding ofsystem calls that need to be processed by the untrusted hostoperating system. The consequence of this convenient wayto execute legacy applications on top of SGX is, as outlinedin detail in Section 3, a considerable performance overhead,and, more importantly, a rather large TCB. VC3 [15] tooka different direction by focusing on the secure execution ofMapReduce applications. Only the actual data processingtasks are executed inside enclaves while the framework iskept unchanged in the untrusted environment. To protectthe execution inside the enclave, compiler-based hardening

techniques have been applied. Finally, the distribution ofdata is integrity-protected, in order to ensure a malicioushost cannot exclude data from a computation without be-ing detected. While SecureKeeper shares the fine-grainedpartitioning using SGX with VC3, it targets the protectionof confidentiality of ZooKeeper as a networked-service. Sofar neither Haven nor VC3 has been evaluated on top ofproduction hardware, which SecureKeeper has.

Strackx et al. [37] proposed to use of SGX to implementthe idea of an inverted cloud. Instead of maintaining hugeclusters with machines on low load, mini providers are used.The cloud provider takes CPU power from those mini pro-viders and executes work on them. This leads to the effect,that computing resources can be used more efficiently. How-ever, their work focuses more on conceptual level and doesneither address ZooKeeper nor data-handling services.

While the previously mentioned related work focused ongeneric approaches towards securing applications from unau-thorized access, there are systems that specifically targetto secure the processing of sensitive data, e.g. in scope ofdatabases or a file system.

One option is to move query processing to the clientside [38, 39] or an intermediate proxy [40]. While this can ef-fectively preserve data confidentiality, it demands data stor-age and query processing at the client side [38, 39]. In apreliminary workshop paper, we proposed the ZPP [40], atrusted proxy intercepting requests between clients and Zoo-Keeper replicas. Compared to this work, SecureKeeper fol-lows a different direction by integrating secure data process-ing into ZooKeeper itself. The result is a much leaner TCBas we do not rely on a trusted network stack and need notrusted operating system underneath. It offers better perfor-mance as an additional hop that was demanded by putting aphysical machine in between the clients and the ZooKeeperinstance can be avoided.

Popa et al. [41] proposed the execution of queries over en-crypted data. However, the proposed query support is lim-ited and the approach incurs a large performance penalty.

9. CONCLUSIONTrust issues still impede the use of cloud infrastructures

when sensitive data needs to be process. In this paper weshowed how ZooKeeper, a central component of complexdistributed workloads, can be efficiently secured using SGX.The resulting SecureKeeper demonstrates how tailored en-claves can be integrated minimal-invasively to ensure confi-dentiality of all managed user data and integrity for plainznodes. Due to its lightweight integration of enclaves theinduced performance overhead is comparable to using Zoo-Keeper with TLS encryption enabled.

AcknowledgmentsThis project received funding from the European Union’sHorizon 2020 research and innovation programme under theSERECA (Grant agreement No. 645011) and the Secure-Cloud (Grant agreement No. 690111) project.

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