Viewdeck Productivity Suite Secure Productivity Tooling for the Cloud September 2018 V1.1

Secure Productivity Tooling September 2018 V1€¦ · V1.1. VCL Secure Productivity Tooling for the Cloud Introduction As organisations increasingly adopt the Agile manifesto, the

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Page 1: Secure Productivity Tooling September 2018 V1€¦ · V1.1. VCL Secure Productivity Tooling for the Cloud Introduction As organisations increasingly adopt the Agile manifesto, the

Viewdeck Productivity Suite

Secure Productivity Toolingfor the Cloud

September 2018V1.1

Page 2: Secure Productivity Tooling September 2018 V1€¦ · V1.1. VCL Secure Productivity Tooling for the Cloud Introduction As organisations increasingly adopt the Agile manifesto, the

VCL Secure Productivity Tooling for the Cloud


As organisations increasingly adopt the Agile manifesto, the demand for tools tosupport collaboration across various teams in the organisation increase. To meet thisdemand Viewdeck have developed a series of secure collaboration tools aimed atimproving communication and productivity. - the Viewdeck Productivity Suite.

All of our Agile Project tooling is securely hosted and managed in the UK and provideservices that meet governance and control standards, ensuring GDPR compliance.These tools can form part of an integrated tooling set that can be deployed to aclosed or controlled community, both internally and, with an optional vpn solution,externally.

Supported on a range of devices including laptops, tablets and mobiles these servicesrecognise the increasing need to support mobile working and adopt the “workanywhere” approach.

Secure Productivity Tooling for the CloudOur Key Secure Productivity Tooling Servces are outlined below:

Secure Productivity for the Cloud • Secure Kanban Board as a Service. • Secure Chat and Collaboration Service • Secure Cloud/Desktop Fileshare as a Service. • Secure Web Git Service • Secure Wiki as a Service • Secure Project Management Tooling as a ServiceAdditional Information • Terms and Conditions • Support • Why Viewdeck?Document: VCL-Secure-Productivity-Applications-Sept18-1.1Date: September 18Status: Final ReleaseTitle: Secure Productivity Tooling for the Cloud

● Secure Kanban Board as a Service (VSKB) - Our web based Kanban Boardis a secure agile project management and development tool for managingthe creation of digital services. It provides a light-weight online collaborationzone for teams to work together more effectively across Private, Public ormixed communities. This service helps to manage work in secureenvironments using very familiar card-based task and to-do 'boards'.

● Secure Chat and Collaboration Service - Our web based Chat Service is asecure collaboration and communication tool for improved productivity. TheService provides a collaboration environment for teams to work togethermore effectively. This service allows individuals and teams to discuss andshare ideas, projects and files with real-time or asynchronous team chat.

● Secure Cloud/Desktop Fileshare as a Service (with calendaring andcollaborative edit) – Our Service provides a simple and efficient securecloud File-Share that provides a synchronised file repository forteams/projects to securely work together. The Service works from either abrowser or natively from a local directory to share documents and files. WithDesktop and Mobile clients, it provides a collaborative co-editing webinterface for Office documents.

● Secure Web Git Service (including CD/CI and Version control) – OurSecure Web based Git as a Service is a distributed cloud based enterprisecode development environment that supports code management and

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Page 3: Secure Productivity Tooling September 2018 V1€¦ · V1.1. VCL Secure Productivity Tooling for the Cloud Introduction As organisations increasingly adopt the Agile manifesto, the

VCL Secure Productivity Tooling for the Cloudconfiguration control , in a DevOps implementation, using Git Repository. Italso provides the capability to plan and manage code development, test andassurance, package releases and the monitoring of releases.

● Secure Wiki Service - The Viewdeck Web Collaboration and Wiki Service isan Open Source based collaboration Wiki. It provides an enterprise projectwebsite ideal for intranets, extranets or cross organisational working. Thepower of the Wiki allows teams to share content across domains andlocations in a flexible and secure way.

● Secure Project Management Tooling as a Service - Our leading web basedGantt Service is a secure agile, collaborative project management toolaiming to support users throughout the entire project life cycle. The Serviceintegrates a large number of features, such as Gantt charts, issue tracking,resource scheduling and time/cost tracking in an intuitive, collaborativeformat.

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VCL Secure Productivity Tooling for the Cloud

SS-SPA-SKB1: Secure Kanban Board as a Service (VSKB)

Our web based Kanban Board is a secure agile project management anddevelopment tool for managing the creation of digital services. It provides a light-weight online collaboration zone for teams to work together more effectively acrossPrivate, Public or mixed communities. This service helps to manage work in secureenvironments using very familiar card-based task and to-do 'boards'.

Features Visualised Kanban Boards, that can be used across distributed teams. Wide range of Agile and collaboration techniques to support Digital Projects. Set WIP, identify bottlenecks, establish Subtasks. Allocate activities to individuals or groups. Filter activities, identify recurring tasks and completed tasks by date. Enable attachment of project assets including documents and files. Secure service, can used for internal, external or mixed teams. Integrates with other Agile collaboration tools (Chat, Wiki etc.). Email Alerting to task status changes.

Benefits Easy to Visualise your project, work allocation and current activity. Limit work in progress, focus on workflow. Self administered. Practice continuous improvement, focus on continuous delivery. Join large, virtual and dispersed teams together in Agile Delivery. Integrates into your existing Web, Social and Corporate tools. Secure UK hosted and managed Server environment, suitable for Public or

Secure environments. Managed, patched, supported Service, suitable for mainstream operational

needs. Suitable for Public, Private and Shared Cloud environments. Supports Digital Service delivery process (Discovery, Alpha, Beta, Live). Either Standalone or part of a project suite of collaboration services.

Service DescriptionThe Viewdeck Secure Kanban Board uses the leading Open Source Kanbanapplication, WeKan. The service provides secure and manageded access to a Kanbanboard, totally under your control. This allows secure collaborative working fordistributed teams and individuals, with the confidence that the board contents arenot open to compromise. Your Kanban boards are maintained in a secure, hostedinfrastructure. WeKan is an Open Source Kanban board which provides you withcard-based task and to-do management, similar to tools such as WorkFlowy or Trello.

Our Service allows you to create Boards, on which Cards can be moved around

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VCL Secure Productivity Tooling for the Cloudbetween a number of Columns. Boards can have many members, allowing for simplecollaboration, you just add everyone that should be able to work with you onto theBoard. You can assign coloured Labels to cards to facilitate grouping and filtering,additionally you can add members to a card, for example to assign a task tosomeone.

What is special about WeKan?WeKan is simple to use and wholly intuitive allowing anyone to easily work with it andmodify it. The Viewdeck Service is perfect for any organisation that needs a slickKanban board that requires a secure service wrap. You have full control over yourdata and no one else has access to it. Your Kanban board is there for you , when youwant to use it, secure and backed up.

Viewdeck Secure Kanban Board provides you with the ability to tailor a Kanbanboard to represent the task that is being tracked as well as setting up recognisableuser Avatars to allow users to be easily identified. The Kanban user interface allowsdrag and drop providing an ideal board for you to track Agile project sprints,especially in situations where the team are forced to work virtually. You can alsoimport documents directly to a task and create links to other documents. TheKanban board allows you to customise swimlanes and allows item tasks to becreated. You can add detail such as checklists to support the correct completion oftasks.

Kanban boards are recognised as a significant contributor to improving productivity.They are seen as an industry standard method for supporting Agile delivery and weuse this service for internal and client project delivery. The interface is browserbased (no software installation is required) and the tool can be shared across multipleorganisations if required. It also supports Mobile and Tablet devices whereappropriate.

Why Use Kanban ?Kanban boards offer a way to manage your work visually. Many of us have used post-it notes to remind ourselves to do something. This is Visual Management. VisualManagement allows teams to see work in progress and understand complexinformation like processes, task relationships and risks related to a team’s ability tocomplete work on time.

But Kanban is not just for IT people, many other types of business managers andproject teams have adopted Kanban as a way to work smarter.

With Kanban boards, you can: Visualise work in progress. Immediately recognise and understand issues, and therefore delays, and

take steps to mitigate them. Improve communication between all team members

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Page 6: Secure Productivity Tooling September 2018 V1€¦ · V1.1. VCL Secure Productivity Tooling for the Cloud Introduction As organisations increasingly adopt the Agile manifesto, the

VCL Secure Productivity Tooling for the Cloud Empower teams to self-manage visual processes and work flows. Support and inspire team collaboration.

Kanban Boards are VisualMost of us prefer visual representations as it makes it easier for us to processinformation. A Kanban board is the perfect tool to help teams instantly recognise andunderstand every part of a project.

Kanban helps project managers and team members sort through work in progress byproviding visual cues for the team members involved in doing the work. As Kanbanboards are visual, users don’t need to work through email correspondence to find thepiece of information they need to get started on a task. There is no need to decipherthe information on a spreadsheet to determine whether a task or project has beenstarted or completed.

Kanban Boards are Flexible and Easy to UseUsing a Kanban board is like pasting a note to a whiteboard, and anyone can usethem for just about any purpose. As a Kanban board user, you can the method thatworks the best for you and your particular project/organisation. You can adopt theKanban methodology, or leverage the visual nature of Kanban boards to help keeptrack of your daily work.

Anyone who has ever managed a project will appreciate the benefits of using aKanban board as an optimal way to collaborate. Managers will spend less timecommunicating status updates because the Kanban board provides transparency.Team members working either on-site or remotely can see the status or a project inreal time, increasing productivity across the organisation.

The need for Secure KanbanThe information held within a Kanban board needs to be secure. Control over accessto content is an imperative both within an organisation and perhaps moreimportantly externally. Kanban boards have leaked into the public domain causing,as a minimum, significant embarrassment. Our Secure Kanban service is hosted andmanaged in a UK-based secure environment providing real peace of mind.

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VCL Secure Productivity Tooling for the Cloud

SS-SPA-SCS1: Secure Chat as a Service (VSKB)

Our web based Chat Service is a secure UK hosted and managed, collaboration andcommunication tool for improved productivity. The Service provides a collaborationenvironment for teams to work together more effectively. This service allowsindividuals and teams to discuss and share ideas, projects and files with real-time orasynchronous team chat.

Features Secure capability for distributed teams, Audio and and optional video conferencing, Provision of guest access, Screen sharing collaboratively, Ability to share files collaboratively, LiveChat with colleagues, teams or guests, LDAP Group Sync, Optional Two-factor authentication (2FA), E2E encryption, single sign-on, Access from Android and IOS mobile devices.

Benefits Secure, team/group orientated messaging. Optional individual and team video calls and screen-sharing. A range of predefinded user role-sets with various permissions with the

option to create you own role-presets. Off the record chats, allowing encytped sensitive information to be

exchanged. Integrates into your existing Web, Social and Corporate tools. Secure Server environment, suitable for Public or Secure environments. Managed, Patched, Supported Service, suitable for mainstream operational

needs. Suitable for Public, Private and Shared Cloud environments. Supports Digital Service delivery process (Discovery, Alpha, Beta, Live). Either Standalone or part of a project suite of collaboration services.

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Service DescriptionThe Viewdeck Secure Chat Service uses the leading Open Source Rocket.chatapplication. The service provides secure and controlled access to a simple, easy touse communication platform. This allows secure, collaborative, communications fordistributed teams and individuals, with confidence that the service operates in asecure, hosted infrastructure.

Optionally, our service provides the ability to switch to video or audio calls withscreen sharing for more efficient teamwork. You can further improve productivity bydiscussing and sharing ideas, projects and files with real-time or asynchronous teamchat. The service provides a safe workspace with username restriction and admintransparency. You have the ability to remove bad actors by adding moderators andprovide admins with additional controls.

The service can be configured to provide a transcript of all chats, ensuring completetransparency across the team. It can also be configured to support videoconferencing allowing remote team members to collaborate seamlessly. Documentscan be easily distributed around the community wihtout the need to check email andthe like.

Individual team members can be “tagged” to ensure inclusion and miantain thecollaborative ethos.

The service integrates with other productivity tools to increase collaboration,efficiency and effectiveness. It provides the ability to establish channels, privatechannels, direct messaging and it also recognises that not all chat can be shared andallows for “off the record” conversation with another user. All messages are end-to-end encrypted and Are deleted after the session. This is perfect if you need toexchange some sensitive information with another member of the team.

The need for Secure ChatThe information held within a chat solution needs to be secure. Control over accessto content is an imperative both within an organisation and perhaps moreimportantly externally. Various chat services have been compromised in the pastcausing,as a minimum, significant embarrassment. Our secure chat service is hostedand managed in a UK- based secure environment providing real peace of mind.

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VCL Secure Productivity Tooling for the Cloud

SS10-SPA-SCF1:Secure Cloud Fileshare as a Service (VSCF)

Our Service provides a simple and efficient secure cloud File-Share that provides asynchronised file repository for teams/projects to securely work together. TheService works from either a browser or natively from a local directory to sharedocuments and files. With Desktop and Mobile clients, it provides a collaborative co-editing web interface for Office documents.

Features Secure private cloud filestore service similar to DropBox/GDrive etc. Shareable controlled cloud storage for all filetypes, with simple migration. Supports Windows, MAC, Linux, Android, IOS natively, Optional web

interface. Optional Web collaboration model to enable collaborative editing of Office

documents. Strong RBAC controls to enable fine control to files and data. File versioning and editing log to provide history, file recovery. Self administered via easy web based admin access. Easy URL sharing with other collaboration applications, to pass files. Fully supported and managed environment available. Works with UKCloud, AWS, Azure and private cloud architectures. Part of our Productivity Suite to support collaborative and distributed

working. Supports onshore, offshore and mixed working teams.

Benefits Safe secure resilient distributed storage, meets security and regulation

requirements. Supporting agile development, requiring flexibility and agility, on an offline,

local and remote – securely. Can be setup in minutes to support projects and initiatives. Enables collaborative working on key documents on dispersed teams. Works Internally, Externally or in a hybrid model, with files remaining on site. Optional installation of client software to provide local offline file editing. Self administer via Web interface, or fully managed service. Unlimited Storage provision easily and quickly increased on request. Enhanced security in line with HMG Standards. Collaborative working to support reducing time, lower costs, improve service.

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Service DescriptionThe Viewdeck Secure Cloud Fileshare as a Service uses a leading Open Source, cloudbased, file management platform. This platform is used by thousands oforganisations to secure information and improve productivity. Our secure UK hostedand managed service delivers security and peace of mind.

The service provides secure and controlled access to files across the organisation. Itimproves efficiency with search and filtering features, as well as the ability to sharefiles internally and externally. Highly configurable the service adapts to changes inbusiness processes and allows the client to configure the service to meet the needsof the business. The Service is designed to ensure compliance providing security andinstant availability wherever your team members are. The Service can protect, controland monitor data and communications across your organisation. It can help toguarantee compliance with business and legal requirements ensuring there are noleaks.

Viewdeck Secure Cloud Fileshare Service provides the ability to share files allowingteam/organisations to collaborate. The easy and highly configurable administrativeinterface allows the user to create group based access to folders partitioned in astructure that can be as granular as the administrator requires. The Service is aboutproductivity allowing transparent access to data on any storage.

The service supports drag and drop upload/download of files and is accessed via aweb based interface therefore requiring no installation of software to utilise theservice. The service maintenance and security patching is fully supported andundertaken with virtually no downtime and client disruption.

GDPR legislation requires: Security and Encryption. Availability and Access. Transparancy and Auditability.

The Service supports GDPR compliance through the provision of: Configurable imprint and privacy links for your login page Optional Data Request app to allow users to request data deletion or

modification from their user settings. Delete Account app to allow users to delete their account. Optional Terms of Service app that only gives access to Nextcloud after

users read and agreed to terms (handles updated terms as well).

The Services provides the ultimate security through powerful server and client sideencryption for sensitive documents. It also includes advanced data access controlswith extremely powerful monitoring and logging capabilities. These services aresuitable for Private, Community or Public Cloud hosting, on the Internet, and in Tier 1or higher environments.

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SS10-SPA-SGS1:Secure Web based Git as a Service (including CD/CI and Version Control)

Our Secure Web based Git as a Service is a distributed cloud based enterprise codedevelopment environment that supports code management and configurationcontrol , in a DevOps implementation, using Git Repository. It also provides thecapability to plan and manage code development, test and assurance, packagereleases and the monitoring of releases.

Features Agile Project configuration management, test automation, and CDCI tool. Designed to support digital and infrastructure teams. Resilient and High Availability Solutions, deployable in Master/Slave formats. Includes simple Web-based interface for browsing of versions/updates. SSH integration into wide range of development or service workstations. Works with wide range of Open Source Client software. Capable of self administration through Web interface. Works with UKCloud, Azure, etc. Also internal private cloud architectures. Ability to support Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery through the

development lifecycle. Based on leading Open Source Gitlab solution.

Benefits Provides the full range of Git version control. Web based version control , enabling remote teams aligned. Integrates into Change, Test and Release management processes,

continuous delivery. Agile, delivering greatly reduced development time, by co-ordinating teams. Great web based visibility of code progress. Automated testing, Automated deployment, Continuous Integration

Deployment platform. Secure Server environment, suitable for Public or Secure environments. Available for Web, Tier 1 or Tier 2 services. Suitable for Public, Private and Shared Cloud environments. Supports Digital Service delivery process (Discovery, Alpha, Beta, Live).

Service DescriptionThis service provides a component virtualisation, continuous delivery continuousintegration service that enables the development team to control the deployment. Byabstracting from system dependencies, it provides simplicity, increased virtualisationand optimisation in agile solution delivery.

As part of your Agile delivery, it enables you to package an application and itsdependencies in a virtual container, that can run on any Docker Linux server.

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VCL Secure Productivity Tooling for the Cloud

Docker can be integrated into various infrastructure tools, including Amazon WebServices, Ansible, CFEngine, Chef, Jenkins, Microsoft Azure,OpenStack Nova,Puppet,Salt, Vagrant, and VMware vSphere Integrated Containers.

Hence you can have a consistent delivery target from local, to development, to test,and then to live, while moving across different cloud solutions.It also helps simplify the deployment update cycle by using lightweight images, withonly layer updates need to be propagated. It also provides a high level API to supportlightweight containers that run processes in isolation.

Why Continuous Delivery? “Delivery at Velocity”: Continuous Delivery enables the “Agile Organisation”,

and “Compliance at Pace”. Continuous Delivery is not just about agility in delivery, but an ethos across

the delivery lifecycle. Organisational transformation, that provides a step change in Change

delivery, speed and accuracy. Knowledge sharing and transfer: Part of the “Infrastructure as Code”

practice, it simplifies and reduces the effort needed to meet delivery goals.

The DevOps Space There is a wide collection of Continuous Delivery/ Continuous Integration toolingavailable these days. We support an extensive range of popular and stable tools,deployed into either Public or Private Cloud environments. Working with our clientswe help you to embed these enablers into your development, project and serviceteams, to help break down the blockers, and greatly improve the efficiency of theservice provisioning lifecycle (including key areas such as elasticity, assurance etc.) aswell as the deployment/ delivery chain.

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SS10-VMP-WIK1:Web Collaboration and Wiki Service

The Viewdeck Web Collaboration and Wiki Service is an Open Source basedcollaboration Wiki. It provides an enterprise project website ideal for intranets,extranets or cross organisational working. The power of the Wiki allows teams toshare content across domains and locations in a flexible and secure way.

Features Project Portal, Intranet, Extranet website for Teams or Projects. Works across a wide range of platforms, devices and browsers. All Users can edit content directly, no internal/client plugins required. Simple to use, very easy to pick up. Rapid use. Great as a central hub/project website to wider project URL’s. Full RBAC, auditing and version control, integrates into existing

infrastructure. Full Text Searching, Email Notifications, Structured and Unstructured

Content. Wide range of Components available to extend and enhance capabilities. Works with UKCloud, AWS, Azure and private cloud architectures. Secure Open Source Web Collaboration capability based on TWiki®.

Benefits Rapid Collaboration environment for Project Teams, Investigations,

Developments, Operations. Easy to use, simple functionality, wide range of existing training content. Able to support large diverse teams. Capable of self administration through the Web interface. Integrates into your existing Web, Social and Corporate tools. Secure Server environment, suitable for Public or Secure environments. Managed, Patched, Supported Service, suitable for mainstream operational

needs. Suitable for Public, Private and Shared Cloud environments. Supports Digital Service delivery process (Discovery, Alpha, Beta, Live). Either Standalone or part of a project suite of collaboration services.

Service DescriptionThe Web Collaboration service is based on the leading TWiki product, provided fromthe Viewdeck Secure Server platform. Twiki is a flexible, powerful, and easy to useenterprise Wiki, providing an enterprise collaboration platform and web applicationplatform. It is a structured wiki, typically used to run a project development space, adocument management system, a knowledge base, or any other groupware tool, onan intranet, extranet or the Internet. Users without programming skills can createweb applications. Developers can extend the functionality of TWiki with Plugins.

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Page 14: Secure Productivity Tooling September 2018 V1€¦ · V1.1. VCL Secure Productivity Tooling for the Cloud Introduction As organisations increasingly adopt the Agile manifesto, the

VCL Secure Productivity Tooling for the CloudTWiki fosters information flow within an organisation, lets distributed teams worktogether seamlessly and productively, and eliminates the one-webmaster syndromeof outdated intranet content. TWiki is used daily by millions of people in over 100countries. Some larger deployments have over one million pages and over 10,000users.

Our Service provides a wide range of team collaboration and project team workingfacilities, including:

Revision control - complete audit trail, including attachments and access control settings.

Fine-grained access control at site, micro site, or page level based on user groups.

Extensible Wiki markup language, or TinyMCE based WYSIWYG editor. Dynamic content generation. Forms and reporting - capture and report on structured content, with

searches embedded in pages. Built in database - users can create simple web applications using the TWiki

Markup Language ( Surveys, reports, etc ). Customisable and easily branded. RSS/Atom feeds and email notification. Many Plugins and Extensions to provide database, spreadsheet, charts, tags,

searching capability.Why you should use a Wiki?

Wiki’s do have powerful benefits. Documents are edited in a very visible way, whichadds accountability as team members have to justify any chnages they make to therest of the team. Wikis' inherent version control means you never have to worryabout losing a document again or worry several weeks into a project that you nolonger have a version written at the beginning of the project that is better than thecurrent one.

By storing documents in the Wiki Service, you do not have to worry whether or notsomeone is in or out of the office to be able to access their documents. Wiki’s canalso save time by letting groups within your organisation share documents forcollaborative editing and quicker approval. The larger the team the greater thebenefit

These services are suitable for Private, Community or Public Cloud hosting, on theInternet, and Tier 1 or higher environments. Collaboration tools provide a quick andeasy way for joint teams, investigations, joint agency working, caseworkers ordiscovery teams to work together.

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SS10- SPA -SPP1:Secure Project Management Tooling as a Service

Our leading web based Gantt Service is a secure agile, collaborative projectmanagement tool aiming to support users throughout the entire project life cycle.The Service integrates a large number of features, such as Gantt charts, issuetracking, resource scheduling and time/cost tracking in an intuitive, collaborativeformat.

Features Integrated Project Planning and Scheduling with Gantt charts, work

packages and Calendar. Helps to plan and communicate Product roadmap and release planning to

the team and stakeholders. Task management and team collaboration all in one place. Secure Agile and Scrum tool. Accurate time tracking, cost, reporting and budgeting. Up to date Bug Tracking. Secure Server environment, suitable for Public or Secure environments. Managed, Patched, Supported Service, suitable for mainstream operational


Benefits Easy to organise your project and plan your work. Supports your scrum teams by helping to create, prioritise and assign tasks

in short development cycles. Collaborative user interaction, supports mobile. Documents , shares and maintains your valuable information. Delivers precise time tracking, ensuring efficient resource uitlisation and task

management. Enables accurate cost estimation. Integrates easily into your existing Web, Social and Corporate tools. Suitable for Public, Private and Shared Cloud environments. Supports Digital Service delivery process (Discovery, Alpha, Beta, Live). Either Standalone or part of our Productivity collaboration suite.

Service DescriptionThe Viewdeck secure Project Management Tooling Service uses a leading web basedapplication, OpenProject. The Service provides secure and controlled access to theGantt Chart, tasking and resources tools, completely under your control. The Servicesupports secure agile, project management as well as tradtitional projectmanagement for your teams and individuals, with total confidence that the Project

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VCL Secure Productivity Tooling for the Cloudcontents are not open to compromise. Our Service allows you to easily define the project objectives, specify the work to bedone, analyse the required activities and create a detailed plan showing how andwhen the project will provide the deliverables defined in the project scope.

What is special about OpenProject?Our secure OpenProject Service offers excellent project management transparencyin a secure, intuitive and easy to use format.

It allows virtual project teams in multiple locations to connect and co-ordinate their work packages.

Tasks are easy to generate with customisable fields. Gantt charts are utilised to monitor single and multi-hierarchy projects. Time tracking is possible for each project. Offers excellent data security.

Viewdeck Secure Project can be integrated into collaborative tools such as Slack,Rocket, Mail etc. The tool is designed for all types of projects to assist project teamsfor the duration of the project.

Secure Productivity ToolsWe support an extensive range of popular and stable tools, deployed into eitherPublic or Private Cloud environments. Working with our clients we help you to embedthese enablers into your development, project and service teams. This helps to breakdown the blockers, and greatly improve the efficiency of the service provisioning life-cycle. This includes key areas such as elasticity, assurance etc. as well as thedeployment/ delivery chain, through “collaboration, communication andparticipation”.

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VCL Secure Productivity Tooling for the Cloud

Appendix 1Summary Terms and Conditions

1. In all products Support is calculated on the basis of a remote (ie not on site)basis, and where necessary, a secure access service to the services isrequired at additional cost. For UKCloud Tier 1 Elevated services, the SecureRemote Access solution provides such a service.

2. Change Requests, Change Boards, and Change Management are notincluded and will be calculated at normal SFIA rates. As a service, patchingand updates will be managed and coordinated by Viewdeck and unless thereis an impact to service, no notification will be provided. Regular, pre-approved change windows for minor outages will be agreed to upfront.

3. Rates do not include ITHC activity. Most components have been checkedpreviously, and where possible information will be made available. Wherepossible, and as required, supporting an ITHC and the outcomes of the ITHCwill be managed as a fixed price (the size depending on your accreditationrequirements).

4. Regular Service Reviews are not included, but can be added as a fixed costpackage, depending on the integration required. Standard 'out of the box'reporting from service management tools will be provided for 2nd and 1stline support packages only. 3rd line support functions are not included(assumed to be part of a 2nd line support function). Where tailored oralternative reporting is required, these will be provided as an additional item.

5. Inline with our Security Policy, Patches will be applied when appropriate, andunless of High Priority (CESG or other body), at the discretion of Viewdeck.We aim to patch all systems within 30 days for Repository or packagedapplications. Third party application software will only be upgraded if majorfailures or issues exist, impacting usability, or on annual renewals. Upgradescan be done at the client's request as a chargeable item.

6. 1st Line support assumes clients can self serve via the Support Portal, andwill always be directed towards email/online support functions.

7. 2nd Line support assumes interfacing and triage is handled by a separate(client) Service desk, with Viewdeck acting as a Resolver Group. Email andOnline Service portal will help manage and coordinate.

8. 3rd Line support assumes all end user management, and investigation isprovided by client’s ICT support function/organisation, and liaison isrestricted to technical, authorised and available resources.

9. Additional Support tasks that are passed down to Viewdeck inappropriatelywill be charged at our standard Rates.

10. Viewdeck takes no responsibility for the functionality or the performance ofthese applications, Open Source solutions or their components. Wherepossible, software functionality will be baselined and agreed atcommissioning. Downstream operational issues will be fixed, and bestendeavours used to maintain service, but responsibility for third party

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VCL Secure Productivity Tooling for the Cloudsoftware does not lie with Viewdeck. Liability is limited to the Value of theTermination of the Contract.

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Appendix 2Viewdeck Support

The Viewdeck Support and Service desk provides a range of options to meet yourspecific needs, based upon the service and business need. Our support channelsinclude telephone, web, Slack and email support to users of the service. This providesan ITIL aligned help desk, with standard reporting, incident management andproblem management processes using an application tool-set, with an SLA reportingback to the customer. Our support helpdesk is available, during normal workinghours, to log support calls for any incidents. Standard support hours can be extendedby agreement. Each customer call is logged, in our remote management system, andthat provides a unique call reference number track the incident, to enable you totrack your issue, providing ease of exchange during incident resolution.

Our fully trained team work directly with our clients to manage and resolve supportqueries using telephone support, remote access and on-site were requested.

Our Standard Support provides clients with monthly reports, remote problemmanagement enquiries and monthly client engagement to provide integration intothe client’s service architecture and federated service models.

Incident ManagementViewdeck follows a traditional P1-P5 problem management prioritisation andresponse model, providing integration and escalation as you would expect to deliverto the agreed service levels.

P1 Total loss of service. P2 Some loss of service. P3 Small loss of service or work around. P4 Tasks are made more difficult, but are not impossible to complete. P5 Interferes with non-operational use.

Urgency of responsePriority

codeUrgency of response Target response (within

core hours)Target

resolution(within core

hours) (M-F x 9-5)

P1 Immediate, sustained effort using all necessary and available resources until service is restored.

Immediate response, actionwithin 15 Mins (Enterprise 24x7) , 1 hour (Outside Support Hours)

4 hours

P2 Immediate response to assess the situation, staff

Immediate response (withincontracted Service Hours),

1 working day

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VCL Secure Productivity Tooling for the Cloudmay be interrupted and taken away from low or medium priority jobs.

action within 2 hour

P3 Response using standard procedures and operatingwithin the normal frameworks

Email notification of call being logged (within contracted Service Hours) 1 hour. Response by email or phone within 1 working day.

2 working days

P4 Response using standard procedures and operatingwithin the normal frameworks as time allows.

Email notification of call being logged (within contracted Service Hours) 1 hour. Response by email or phone within 1 working day.

5 working days

P5 Response using standard procedures and operatingwithin the normal frameworks as time allows

Email notification of call being logged (within contracted Service Hours) 1 hour. Response by email or phone within 1 working day.

10 working days

Our Service Level Objective aims to resolve 90% of incidents within the targetresolution time.

All P1 and P2 events are allocated an Incident Manager to see and manage incidentsthrough to successful resolution. Where necessary, client help desks will be informedand updated as the incident resolution evolves. The Incident Manager will provideSPOC for the client, provide regular reporting back, and coordinate activity betweenvarious resolver groups as necessary to ensure successful resolution.

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Appendix 3Why Viewdeck?

Why is Viewdeck Different? Value - As a specialist SME, we can bring big company/ex Big 4

consultancy experience with niche specialist value. Insight - Having delivered across the Public Sector, Client Side and

Supplier Side, our senior team bring more than just delivery capability, they bring insight and a network of relationships.

Experience - Wide range of technical delivery support to MOD, SIA, Cabinet Office, NCA, Home Office, DVLA.

Win - Our team have delivered £100m’s of savings to HMG in the past few years by re-negotiating ICT contracts.

Diligence - Our team worked regularly in secure government agencies. Our people, processes and capabilities support secure quality and assurable deliveries. ISO 27001 certified.

Energy - Uplift your programme with new skills, new experiences and new insight.

Collaboration - Proven client support, skills transfer. Delivery through client/Viewdeck joint collaborative working.

Knowledge - Specialist in Architecture, Cloud Solutions, HMG Transformation, and Leaders in HMG ICT programmes.

Offering Value for MoneyApproach Outcome

Our team have provided skills and advice to awide range of public and private sector clients.Here is a small selection of them.

Expert skills and resources, Real world experience.

Efficient coherent delivery, with less time reworking or ‘learning on the job’

Strong domain knowledge. Swift subject understanding, minimiselearning and false assumptions

Buddy/duplication of services/capabilities.

Risk reduction of delays through single points of knowledge and absence

Utilise existing staff, skills transfer, embed, upskill,.

Minimise Consultant spend, ensuring timely efficient handovers to client.

Iterative/Agile, rapid reaction to changes

Speedy product creation, less time pursuing wrong directions

Re-use where applicable Less time re-inventing capabilities, best value for money in delivery

Strong Comms, lasting legacy, easy to adopt, real artifacts.

Investments reused create more downstream value for the client

New Ways of working Enthused and interested workforce, more able to rapidly accommodate change and hence increased efficiency

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Viewdeck Consulting Limited 3rd Floor, 207 Regent Street,London,W1B 3HH+44(0)203 384 [email protected]