Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator’s Viewpoint Zainab KHALLOUF Thesis prepared at France T´ el´ ecom R&D and INRIA Rhˆ one Alpes, Planete project-team Advisors: Prof. Andrzej DUDA Thesis Director (LSR-IMAG) Dr. Vincent ROCA Supervisor (INRIA Rhˆ one Alpes) Eng. ebastien LOYE Supervisor (France T´ el´ ecom R&D )

Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

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Page 1: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure:The Network Operator’s Viewpoint


Thesis prepared atFrance Telecom R&D and INRIA Rhone Alpes, Planete project-team


Prof. Andrzej DUDA Thesis Director (LSR-IMAG)Dr. Vincent ROCA Supervisor (INRIA Rhone Alpes)Eng. Sebastien LOYE Supervisor (France Telecom R&D )

Page 2: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

The Multicast Model (RFC-1112)

Multicast : the sender send the same packet to a set of hostsidentified by a single address.

Requested multicastgroupSending to multicast

Requested multicastgroup




Multicast Routing Protocols Group Management(PIM−SM, CBT) Protocol (IGMP, MLD)

Page 3: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Why This Work?

The security issues preclude the deployment of multicast in theoperators networks.

The multicast routing infrastructure is highly vulnerable to attackslaunched intentionally (by bad guys) or not.

Many theoretically ideal proposals but rarely accepted by theoperators community.

⇒ It’s time to listen to the operator....

Page 4: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Why This Work?

This work aims to:

Understand the operator’s requirements in terms of security(largely different from that of end-users or content providers).

Analyze the multicast routing infrastructure security threats fromthe network operator’s standpoint.

Analyze the existing security propositions and understand why theyhave not been implemented in the operational network.

Propose realistic security mechanisms that can response to theoperator requirements.

Page 5: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator


1 Part I: Who is the Network Operator?

2 Part II: Multicast Routing Infrastructure Security from theNetwork Operator Viewpoint: State of the Art

3 Part III: Our Filtering Proposal

4 Part IV: Experimental Evaluation

5 Part V: Discussion

6 Part VI: Conclusion

Page 6: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Part I

Who is the Network Operator?

Page 7: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

The Various ActorsThe Multicast Deployment in the Operator Network

The Various Actors

The Various Actors


Service Provider

AAA serverNetwork Operator

Aggregation Network

Network Operator Content Provider



Multicast Traffic

AAA Traffic

The Actors

1 The Network Operator(Carrier)

2 The Internet ServiceProvider (ISP)

3 The Content Provider

4 The End User

⇒ The network operator manages the routing infrastructure

7 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 8: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

The Various ActorsThe Multicast Deployment in the Operator Network

The Multicast Deployment in the Operator Network

Authorization Traffic

Multicast Traffic

Group ManagementProtocol IGMP/MLD

Intra−domain multicast routing



Content Provider

Service ProviderNetwork

AAA server



Network Operator

MBGP/MSDP peeringNetwork Operator


8 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 9: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Part II

Multicast Routing Infrastructure Security: theNetwork Operator Viewpoint

Page 10: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

Real Attack ExampleReal Attack Example: Ramen Worm (January 2001) (cont.)Real Attack Example: Ramen Attack (January 2001) (cont.)

A Taxonomy of Possible Attacks of Interest to the NetworkOperator

Their origin:

Internal attacks

Mounted from within the multicast distribution tree of a networkoperator.

Edge attacks

Mounted from the edge of the operator network.

Senders attacks.

Receivers attacks.

10 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 11: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

Real Attack ExampleReal Attack Example: Ramen Worm (January 2001) (cont.)Real Attack Example: Ramen Attack (January 2001) (cont.)

A Taxonomy of Possible Attacks of Interest to the NetworkOperator (cont.)

Their type:

Data plane attacks

Disturb the data forwarding functions in the routers.

Flooding the router with a large amount of multicast traffic.

Control plane attacks

Disturb the signaling functions in the router.

Sending a forged routing messages to change the forwardingtable.

Increasing the amount of multicast states information inrouters above a manageable level.

11 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 12: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

Real Attack ExampleReal Attack Example: Ramen Worm (January 2001) (cont.)Real Attack Example: Ramen Attack (January 2001) (cont.)

Real Attack Example

Ramen Worm (January 2001): triggered an MSDP attack

Source ActiveMessage (S,G)Multicast Traffic







12 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 13: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

Real Attack ExampleReal Attack Example: Ramen Worm (January 2001) (cont.)Real Attack Example: Ramen Attack (January 2001) (cont.)

Real Attack Example: Ramen Worm (January 2001)(cont.)

Is it a Pirate?

The story begun by accident: port-scan a random set of IPaddresses by sending ICMP messages.

A portion of these addresses were multicast addresses.

13 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 14: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

Real Attack ExampleReal Attack Example: Ramen Worm (January 2001) (cont.)Real Attack Example: Ramen Attack (January 2001) (cont.)

Real Attack Example: Ramen Worm (January 2001)(cont.)

Is it a Pirate?

The story begun by accident: port-scan a random set of IPaddresses by sending ICMP messages.

A portion of these addresses were multicast addresses.

13 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 15: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

Real Attack ExampleReal Attack Example: Ramen Worm (January 2001) (cont.)Real Attack Example: Ramen Attack (January 2001) (cont.)

Real Attack Example: Ramen Worm (January 2001)(cont.)

Is it a Pirate?

The story begun by accident: port-scan a random set of IPaddresses by sending ICMP messages.

A portion of these addresses were multicast addresses.

13 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 16: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

Real Attack ExampleReal Attack Example: Ramen Worm (January 2001) (cont.)Real Attack Example: Ramen Attack (January 2001) (cont.)

Real Attack Example: Ramen Attack (January 2001)(cont.)

The number of generated SAs (Source Active) ranges from10000 to 45000 /minute

Melt down the routers.

Source ActiveMessage (S,G)Multicast Traffic







14 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 17: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

Discussion of Possible Attacks

Edge attacks in particular DoS attacksEasily launched and they are not simple to counter.⇒ High probability.

Congestion control attacksMost multicast-enabled applications can trigger this attack,either intentionally or not.

Core attacksRequire generally a strategically placed intruder.⇒ Small probability.

15 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 18: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

Discussion of Possible Attacks

Edge attacks in particular DoS attacksEasily launched and they are not simple to counter.⇒ High probability.

Congestion control attacksMost multicast-enabled applications can trigger this attack,either intentionally or not.

Core attacksRequire generally a strategically placed intruder.⇒ Small probability.

15 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 19: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

Discussion of Possible Attacks

Edge attacks in particular DoS attacksEasily launched and they are not simple to counter.⇒ High probability.

Congestion control attacksMost multicast-enabled applications can trigger this attack,either intentionally or not.

Core attacksRequire generally a strategically placed intruder.⇒ Small probability.

15 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 20: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

Discussion of Possible Attacks

Edge attacks in particular DoS attacksEasily launched and they are not simple to counter.⇒ High probability.

Congestion control attacksMost multicast-enabled applications can trigger this attack,either intentionally or not.

Core attacksRequire generally a strategically placed intruder.⇒ Small probability.

15 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 21: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

A Taxonomy of Existing Mechanisms to Secure theMulticast Routing Infrastructure

Three categories:

Attack Avoidance Approaches (Preventive)

Control the ability of entities (routers/receivers/senders) to takepart in the multicast routing tree for a given group.

Attack Resiliency Approaches (Reactive)

Detect and mitigate the effects of attacks.

Hybrid Approaches

Prevention + Reaction.

16 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 22: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

The Limitations of Existing Mechanisms (cont.)

The Limitations of Existing Mechanisms

Participant authentication and authorization is not alwaysfeasible.

It is not feasible in case of free content delivery services.It is only feasible if a network operator/content provideragreement exists.Nothing guarantees that an authenticated/authorized clientwill behave correctly.

Modifying existing protocols

Operators are reluctant to change their infrastructure.

17 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 23: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

The Limitations of Existing Mechanisms (cont.)

The Limitations of Existing Mechanisms

Participant authentication and authorization is not alwaysfeasible.

It is not feasible in case of free content delivery services.It is only feasible if a network operator/content provideragreement exists.Nothing guarantees that an authenticated/authorized clientwill behave correctly.

Modifying existing protocols

Operators are reluctant to change their infrastructure.

17 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 24: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

The Limitations of Existing Mechanisms (cont.)

The Limitations of Existing Mechanisms

Participant authentication and authorization is not alwaysfeasible.

It is not feasible in case of free content delivery services.It is only feasible if a network operator/content provideragreement exists.Nothing guarantees that an authenticated/authorized clientwill behave correctly.

Modifying existing protocols

Operators are reluctant to change their infrastructure.

17 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 25: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

The Limitations of Existing Mechanisms (cont.)

The Limitations of Existing Mechanisms (cont.)

Inter-domain confidence

Solutions that require collaborations between differentoperators are almost impossible.⇒ Limited (No) trust in other operators.

Simple filtering does not provide differentiation between goodor ill-behaved clients.

18 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 26: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

The Limitations of Existing Mechanisms (cont.)

The Limitations of Existing Mechanisms (cont.)

Inter-domain confidence

Solutions that require collaborations between differentoperators are almost impossible.⇒ Limited (No) trust in other operators.

Simple filtering does not provide differentiation between goodor ill-behaved clients.

18 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 27: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

The Limitations of Existing Mechanisms (cont.)

The Limitations of Existing Mechanisms (cont.)

Inter-domain confidence

Solutions that require collaborations between differentoperators are almost impossible.⇒ Limited (No) trust in other operators.

Simple filtering does not provide differentiation between goodor ill-behaved clients.

18 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 28: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

The Security from the Network Operator Viewpoint


The group communication service provided to its clients (i.e. endusers or other network operators with whom he has peeringrelationships) must be operational at any time.

The security is not the goal, but a mean to achieve the networkoperator’s ”continuation of service no matter what happens” goal.

19 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 29: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

The Security from the Network Operator Viewpoint


The group communication service provided to its clients (i.e. endusers or other network operators with whom he has peeringrelationships) must be operational at any time.

The security is not the goal, but a mean to achieve the networkoperator’s ”continuation of service no matter what happens” goal.

19 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 30: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

The Security from the Network Operator Viewpoint

The priority is for the edge attacks.

The operator wants realistic and simple solutions.

20 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 31: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

In This Work We aim to:

Mitigate edge attacks in particular group management floodingattacks.

Avoid the limitations of the existing proposals.

A cost effective, scalable and transparent mechanism.

Do not rely on authorization and the authentication of clients.

Intelligent solution: protect well-behaved clients againstill-behaved ones.

Our main goal is ”continuation of service no matter whathappens”.

21 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 32: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

In This Work We aim to:

Mitigate edge attacks in particular group management floodingattacks.

Avoid the limitations of the existing proposals.

A cost effective, scalable and transparent mechanism.

Do not rely on authorization and the authentication of clients.

Intelligent solution: protect well-behaved clients againstill-behaved ones.

Our main goal is ”continuation of service no matter whathappens”.

21 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 33: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

In This Work We aim to:

Mitigate edge attacks in particular group management floodingattacks.

Avoid the limitations of the existing proposals.

A cost effective, scalable and transparent mechanism.

Do not rely on authorization and the authentication of clients.

Intelligent solution: protect well-behaved clients againstill-behaved ones.

Our main goal is ”continuation of service no matter whathappens”.

21 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 34: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

A Taxonomy of Possible AttacksDiscussion of Possible Attacks

A Taxonomy of Existing MechanismsThe Limitations of Existing MechanismsMulticast Routing Infrastructure SecurityMulticast Routing Infrastructure Security

In This Work We aim to:

Mitigate edge attacks in particular group management floodingattacks.

Avoid the limitations of the existing proposals.

A cost effective, scalable and transparent mechanism.

Do not rely on authorization and the authentication of clients.

Intelligent solution: protect well-behaved clients againstill-behaved ones.

Our main goal is ”continuation of service no matter whathappens”.

21 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 35: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Part III

Our Filtering Proposal

Page 36: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Our Filtering Proposal: Architectural OverviewDeployment Possibilities

Filter Dimensioning

Our Filtering Proposal

Intelligent filtering approach to thwart some DoS attacks that arebased on IGMP or MLD flooding.

The Filtre





IGMP Filtered IGMP

23 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 37: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Our Filtering Proposal: Architectural OverviewDeployment Possibilities

Filter Dimensioning

Our Filtering Proposal: Basic Architecture


small queuefor client c_1

small queuefor client c_2

small queuefor client c_3

To network

queue of unknown clients

from networkclassification thread


packet capture and

Is the source known?


create a context fora new known client

(round−robin)scheduling thread

Known Clients Contexts2) Creation Module

purging thread

Module1) The packet classification

3) Purging Module

4) Scheduling Module

24 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 38: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Our Filtering Proposal: Architectural OverviewDeployment Possibilities

Filter Dimensioning

Our Filtering Proposal: Other Extensions

Other Extensions are Possible:

IP/MAC addresses spoofing resiliency component.

Use of learning mechanisms.

Group management policy.

Congestion control policy.

⇒ We will discuss these extensions later.

25 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 39: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Our Filtering Proposal: Architectural OverviewDeployment Possibilities

Filter DimensioningDeployment in the Operator Network (cont.)

Two Possibilities: Internal versus External Deployment


IGMP Traffic

The Filter


IGMP TrafficThe FilterThe Filtre

26 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 40: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Our Filtering Proposal: Architectural OverviewDeployment Possibilities

Filter DimensioningDeployment in the Operator Network (cont.)

Deployment in the Operator Network

Example: DSLAM is an IGMP proxy:

IGMP proxy acts in a dual mode as an IGMP router andIGMP client.

IGMP processing is done in the DSLAM and the BRAS.

The Filter



The identification can be done per VLAN ID, MAC/IP addr,interface...

27 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 41: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Our Filtering Proposal: Architectural OverviewDeployment Possibilities

Filter DimensioningDeployment in the Operator Network (cont.)

Deployment in the Operator Network (cont.)

Example: DSLAM is an IGMP snooper:

The snooping DSLAM listens promiscuously to transitionsbetween clients and the BRAS.IGMP processing is done in the BRAS.



The Filter







Adding the filter before/in the DSLAMs in this case isoptional.The identification can be done per MAC/IP addr, interface.

28 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 42: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Our Filtering Proposal: Architectural OverviewDeployment Possibilities

Filter Dimensioning

Filter DimensioningHow to Initialize the Filter?

We identified a set of key parameters:

Some parameters are obtained theoretically via amathematical model.

Other parameters are initialized by the operator.

Scheduling rate for known clients’ packets.Maximum number of groups per client.

They depend on:

The underlying infrastructure (LAN, Point to Point lines).

The timer settings of the IGMP/MLD protocols.

The users behavior: generally modelized by Poisson process.

29 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 43: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Our Filtering Proposal: Architectural OverviewDeployment Possibilities

Filter Dimensioning

Filter Dimensioning:

Dimensioning the UCQ (Unknown Clients Queue): Two trafficmodels:

Constant traffic: D/D/1/K queue model.

Poisson traffic: M/D/1/K queue model.⇒ The parameters of UNQ are chosen according to a wantedacceptance probability P = 1− PK

PK is the probability of having K packets in the system.

Dimensioning the known clients queues

Each client is modelizd by a: M/M/1/Gmax queue model.M depends on the scheduling rate.

30 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 44: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Our Filtering Proposal: Architectural OverviewDeployment Possibilities

Filter Dimensioning

Filter Dimensioning (cont.):

We determine the purging period ∆ as a function of the knownclients number and their activities.

31 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 45: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Part IV

Experimental Evaluation

Page 46: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Experimental EnvironmentTest Scenarios

Filter Parameters ValuesResults


Experimental Environment


Cisco 7500 RSP 12.2Rendez−vous point

The filter

Traffic GeneratorLegitimate + Attack


The DR is a Cisco 7500RSP 12.2, runningPIM-SM.

The PCs are equippedwith IntelPentium/MandrakeLinux v10.0.

The IGMP timers:default values.

We have implemented the filter and the traffic generator withdifferent traffic patterns on Linux.

33 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 47: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Experimental EnvironmentTest Scenarios

Filter Parameters ValuesResults


Test Scenarios

Three tests:

First test

An attacker spoofs 1 source address. It reports over 500 groupaddresses other than those requested by the legitimate clients.

Second test

The attacker spoofs 10 source addresses.

Third test

The attacker spoofs 1000 source addresses.

34 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 48: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Experimental EnvironmentTest Scenarios

Filter Parameters ValuesResults


Filter Parameters

Size of the unknown client queue (K) = 20 packets

Unknown client queue service rate (µ) = 15 pps

Purging period ∆ = 80 s⇒ Obtained via the mathematical model.

Scheduling rate for known clients’ packets (s) = 20 pps

Maximum number of groups per client (Gmax)= 6 packets⇒ chosen empirically.

35 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 49: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Experimental EnvironmentTest Scenarios

Filter Parameters ValuesResults


Results Test 1: Single Forged IP Addresses by the Attacker and IGMP Requests Arrive With Deterministic Rate (cont.)Results Test 1: Single Forged IP Addresses by the Attacker and IGMP Requests Arrive With Deterministic Rate (cont.)Results Test 3: 1000 Forged IP Addresses by the Attacker and IGMP Requests Arrive With Deterministic Rate

Results Test 1: Single Forged IP Addresses by the Attackerand IGMP Requests Arrive With Deterministic Rate

Incoming traffic








0 100 200 300 400 500 600






time (seconds)

Packets from legitimate clients known before the attackPackets from legitimate clients known during the attack

Hostile packets

outgoing traffic






0 100 200 300 400 500pa


s pe

r se


time (seconds)

Packets from legitimate clients known before the attackPackets from legitimate clients known during the attack

Hostile packets

⇒ The attacker receives a significantly lower share than itsincoming traffic rate and new clients are still accepted during theattack.

36 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 50: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Experimental EnvironmentTest Scenarios

Filter Parameters ValuesResults


Results Test 1: Single Forged IP Addresses by the Attacker and IGMP Requests Arrive With Deterministic Rate (cont.)Results Test 1: Single Forged IP Addresses by the Attacker and IGMP Requests Arrive With Deterministic Rate (cont.)Results Test 3: 1000 Forged IP Addresses by the Attacker and IGMP Requests Arrive With Deterministic Rate

Results Test 1: Single Forged IP Addresses by the Attackerand IGMP Requests Arrive With Deterministic Rate (cont.)

Without filter








0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800






time (seconds)

PIM HelloPIM Bootstrap

PIM Join/Prune

With filter








0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000pa


s pe

r se


time (seconds)

PIM HelloPIM Bootstrap

PIM Join/Prune

⇒ The number of PIM Join/Prune messages is significantlyreduced (Maximum of 16 pps versus 105 pps).

37 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 51: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Experimental EnvironmentTest Scenarios

Filter Parameters ValuesResults


Results Test 1: Single Forged IP Addresses by the Attacker and IGMP Requests Arrive With Deterministic Rate (cont.)Results Test 1: Single Forged IP Addresses by the Attacker and IGMP Requests Arrive With Deterministic Rate (cont.)Results Test 3: 1000 Forged IP Addresses by the Attacker and IGMP Requests Arrive With Deterministic Rate

Results Test 1: Single Forged IP Addresses by the Attackerand IGMP Requests Arrive With Deterministic Rate (cont.)

Memory Consumption of the Cisco Router Without/With Filter






0 20 40 60 80 100 120





Time (10 seconds)

Memory used by the IGMP process with filtreMemory used by the IGMP process without filtre

⇒ Router memory consumption is largely improved

38 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 52: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Experimental EnvironmentTest Scenarios

Filter Parameters ValuesResults


Results Test 1: Single Forged IP Addresses by the Attacker and IGMP Requests Arrive With Deterministic Rate (cont.)Results Test 1: Single Forged IP Addresses by the Attacker and IGMP Requests Arrive With Deterministic Rate (cont.)Results Test 3: 1000 Forged IP Addresses by the Attacker and IGMP Requests Arrive With Deterministic Rate

Results Test 3: 1000 Forged IP Addresses by the Attackerand IGMP Requests Arrive With Deterministic Rate

Incoming traffic








0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800






time (seconds)

Packets from legitimate clients known before the attackPackets from legitimate clients known during the attack

Hostile packets

Outgoing traffic






0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800pa


time (seconds)

Packets from legitimate clients known before the attackPackets from legitimate clients known during the attack

Hostile packets

⇒ hostile clients entering the system increases but the DoS attackdoes not impact the whole multicast routing infrastructure.

39 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 53: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Experimental EnvironmentTest Scenarios

Filter Parameters ValuesResults


The Good News...

For the Operator: Service continuity goal is achieved:

Service continuity for clients accepted before the attack.

Total outgoing traffic, leaving the filter and entering therouter, is limited even in the presence of an attack.

Router memory consumption is largely reduced.

The core of the network is protected from being flooded byrouting messages.

Lightweight mechanism.

40 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 54: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Experimental EnvironmentTest Scenarios

Filter Parameters ValuesResults


The Bad News...

Vulnerable to IP addresses spoofing:

When the attacker uses random IP address spoofing:The legitimate new clients arriving with the attack traffic canbe largely affected when the number of the spoofed addressesis large.

When the attacker uses targeted IP address spoofing:The known clients can be largely penalized.

41 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 55: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Experimental EnvironmentTest Scenarios

Filter Parameters ValuesResults


The Bad News...

⇒ No surprise!⇒ Some extensions are possible thanks to keeping a state perclient in the system.

42 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 56: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

Part V

Discussion of Possible Extensions

Page 57: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

IP/MAC Addresses Spoofing Resiliency:Source Addresses Inspection

Source addresses inspection.

Interaction with the DHCP server to protect against unusedsubnet addresses spoofing.

Using DHCP relay option 82 to protect against IP and MACaddresses spoofing.

44 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 58: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

IP/MAC Addresses Spoofing Resiliency:Source Addresses Inspection (cont.)

DHCP relay option 82 associates each IP/MAC with DSL-ID,VC/PVC,...




Addresse IP/MACand Unforgable




client premisesequipment


DHCP Relay Agent



45 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 59: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

IP/MAC Addresses Spoofing Resiliency:Using Unforgeable Identifiers

In the broadband networks some identifiers can be used touniquely identify the end users: VPI/VCI, DSL-ID, VLANtag...

46 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense

Page 60: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

IP/MAC Addresses Spoofing Resiliency:Using Unforgeable Identifiers (cont.)

We distinguish between two cases:

The filter is implemented in the DSLAM:The DSLAM knows these identifiers.

The filter is implemented in the B-RAS:

The DSLAM can know the valid IP address associated tounforgeable identifier thanks to the DHCP server (option 82).The DSLAM drops packets with invalid (source IPaddress/unforgeable identifier).

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IP/MAC Addresses Spoofing Resiliency:Using Unforgeable Identifiers (cont.)

We distinguish between two cases:

The filter is implemented in the DSLAM:The DSLAM knows these identifiers.

The filter is implemented in the B-RAS:

The DSLAM can know the valid IP address associated tounforgeable identifier thanks to the DHCP server (option 82).The DSLAM drops packets with invalid (source IPaddress/unforgeable identifier).

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IP/MAC Addresses Spoofing Resiliency:Using Unforgeable Identifiers (cont.)

We distinguish between two cases:

The filter is implemented in the DSLAM:The DSLAM knows these identifiers.

The filter is implemented in the B-RAS:

The DSLAM can know the valid IP address associated tounforgeable identifier thanks to the DHCP server (option 82).The DSLAM drops packets with invalid (source IPaddress/unforgeable identifier).

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IP/MAC Addresses Spoofing Resiliency:Adding Learning Mechanism

In environments where the use of unforgeable identifiers is notpossible.

Aim to take decisions before accepting an IP address (client)and to determine the lifetime and the priority of known clientsin the system.

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IP/MAC Addresses Spoofing Resiliency:Adding Learning Mechanism

In environments where the use of unforgeable identifiers is notpossible.

Aim to take decisions before accepting an IP address (client)and to determine the lifetime and the priority of known clientsin the system.

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IP/MAC Addresses Spoofing Resiliency:Adding Learning Mechanism (cont.)

Three parameters:

The burst factor of the arriving packets.

The IGMP finite state machine conformity. (Example: aLEAVE message is received without a previous JOIN...)

The proximity of the IP addresses.

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IP/MAC Addresses Spoofing Resiliency:Adding Learning Mechanism (cont.)

These factors are used to take many decisions:

Dropping the arriving packets immediately.

Accepting the new clients.

Classifying the accepted clients into clusters of priorities.Use the K-means algorithm.

Degrading or upgrading the priorities of known clients.

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Discussion of Possible Extensions:Group Management Policy

The maximum number of groups for each clients.

Who can subscribe to what group.

⇒ Adding such a policy can improve the filtering efficiency.

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Discussion of Possible Extensions:Congestion Control Policy

Aim to avoid data plane attacks.

The congestion state of a client determines if he is authorizedto subscribe to a particular multicast group.

To obtain the congestion state of each line DSL or of each VLANthe filter can interact with access network topology discoverymechanism.

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Discussion of Possible Extensions:Congestion Control Policy

Aim to avoid data plane attacks.

The congestion state of a client determines if he is authorizedto subscribe to a particular multicast group.

To obtain the congestion state of each line DSL or of each VLANthe filter can interact with access network topology discoverymechanism.

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Part VI


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ConclusionFuture Works


Our proposal:

Allows the operator to survive IGMP/MLD flooding attacks.

Protects the well-behaved clients against the ill-behaved ones.

Keeps the changes to the current used multicast routinginfrastructure as minimum as possible.

Avoids non realistic assumptions and techniques.

Is easily extensible.

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ConclusionFuture Works

A Few More Words...

Future Works

Implementing the proposed extensions

Using IP addresse spoofing resiliency component.Adding learning component.Adding group management policy.Adding congestion control policy.

⇒ These extensions can help to thwart other IGMP/MLDattacks.

Using the filter with other protocols: MSDP, PIM/SM,...

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ConclusionFuture Works

A Few More Words...

A Few More Words...

The security of the multicast routing infrastructure is achallenging task and a tough problem.

Many open points.

Our proposal solves pragmatically a subset of them withreasonable costs.

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Many thanks for your attention!Questions?

Page 75: Secure Multicast Routing Infrastructure: The Network Operator

ConclusionFuture Works

Our Achievements:

Zainab Khallouf, Vincent Roca, Renaud Moignard, and SebastienLoye, Infrastructure Securisee de Routage Multipoint: le Point deVue de l’Operateur de Reseau, 3eme Conference sur la Securite etArchitectures Reseaux (SAR’04), La Londe, Cote d’Azur, France,June, 2004.

Zainab Khallouf, Vincent Roca, Renaud Moignard, and SebastienLoye, A Filtering Approach for an IGMP Flooding ResilientInfrastructure, 4eme Conference sur la Securite et ArchitecturesReseaux (SAR’04), Batz sur Mer, France, June, 2005.

Contribution to the writing of the deliverable D2.5: Requirements onSecurity in 6QM Project. QM Consortium, 20/6/2003.http://www.ist-mome.org/documents/6qm pp d2 5 v3 1.pdf.

Software (C/AWK/Linux), Implementation of a filtering mechanismto mitigate IGMP flooding attacks.

58 15 March 2006 Thesis Defense