Secularism secMyth or Reality

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  • 7/27/2019 Secularism secMyth or Reality


    Secularism Myth or Reality

    Secularism is viewing a matter without a predetermined religious mindset or bias

    one should arrive at a decision based on the merit and demerit of issue and not based on

    religious affinity or repulsion. Thus secularism reinforces the concept of Live and Let


    Secularism is a universal Reality and in no way can it be discounted as a mere

    Myth. Secularism is thread which bounds the world together and keeps humanity alive. If

    it were to be a myth then the earth would have long ago been destroyed due to religious

    clashes and ethnic wars.

    Secular attitude makes a person humane, compassionate towards others

    irrespective of their religion or belief.

    Atheism should not be equated to secularism in any way. Atheism is total negation

    of good and religion but secularism is serving your religion by the way of serving

    humanity irrespective of which god they believe in.

    Secularism in Indian Context

    The concept of secularism becomes all the more important in case of a

    multilingual, multicultural, multi religious and multiethnic county like India.

    Therefore the founding fathers of our constitution wanted to constitute India into a

    Sovereign, Secular, Socialist, Democratic & Republic.

    The legacy of secularism in India can be traced back to several countries rather

    several millenniums. Several thousands of years ago Buddha and Mahavira preached

    tolerance and love towards all, not only human but also animas.

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    Asoka, the great through his inscriptions preached amity and respect to all religions to the

    common masses.

    Even the foreign invaders who invaded India, could not maintain their orthodox

    idea and gradually became part and parcel of secular Indian culture.The base of our freedom struggle was liberal secularism in which people of all

    religions, castes, colours, creeds joined hands to throw the tyrannical imperial rule out of


    Need of the Hour

    Secularism is externally necessary for full fledged growth human being and his


    Only when a person is secular he will look at others with respect accept others ideas and

    work in a coordinated manner for the completion of work. Only when the citizens work

    in an unified and integerated way can a nation achieve its good of development.

    If we look at the present scenario, we can definitely conclude that secularism is

    only solution to the fast spreading religious intolerance and hatred.

    With the bombing of Twin Towers, the world has stepped into a new era of

    global terrorism based on name of religion. The terrorists who call themselves true

    Jihads and sincere Mussalmans are in reality mere pawns in the hands of individuals

    who project religion and wear the garb of orthodoxy to achieve their own selfish ends.

    The so called War on Terror campaign launched in retaliation to the so called

    Jihad movement is equally fanatic. The Abu Gharib incident and Guatanamo bay

    episode are enough to prove this.

    What we actually need is a True Secularisation Movement without any veil or

    hidden interest for the welfare of the society, nation and entire human mankind.

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    Causes of Insecularism

    Whole issue to find out the spread insecular attitude and internet behavior, we can

    arrive at some major causes

    1. Vested InterestNo person basically hates other person. But almost all people believe in

    their god and this is that belief that some unscrupulous men utilize to achieve their

    own goals. Such elements use the name of god and turn long time friends and

    neighbours into rival enemies.

    There can be other better and bitter than the saga of our Indian Partition.

    2. Lack of EducationA persons ignorance can also make him land in a fanatic group who exploit his

    religious feelings and make him insecular. He then starts looking at other religious as

    rival groups and acts violently and inhumanly.

    3. Selfish NatureSome human beings due to their greed and selfish nature turn hostile to others and

    treat them as enemies.

    4. Revengeful feelingAny victim of a tragedy may also lose his rationality and turn into a insecular

    Element inflicting similar injuries which he had suffered on innocent people. Such people

    they to justify their act based on religion and gain support.

    5. Media and PressMany a times the media and press knowingly or unknowingly sows the seeds of

    religious intolerance with its biased coverage of news items, without showing the whole

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    aspect of the issue.

    6. PoliticsPolitics is the arena in which all Vested Interest Stalwarts combine to form

    a gigantic insecular, religiously intolerant society. Politicians give religious shade

    to many issues which is not all related to faith or god.

    They play the game of Vote-bank politics with all sections of the society.

    Measures to be taken

    All the above discussions when in present context may make one think that

    secularism has become a thing of past and today it is just a myth. But this is not so.

    Today also we can see Muslims condemning Jehadi terror, Christians supporting

    victims of War on Terror, Hindu giving shelter to victims of Gujarat violence or Anti-

    Sikh riots. This shows that human secularism is not dead.

    To ward off the evil intentions of spreading insecularism and religious intolerance,

    certain concrete measures need to be taken.

    1. Promote EducationSpread of education is a major prerequisite to eradicate ignorance as Aristotle

    correctly said

    Education is the process to develop mans faculties, especially his mind, so that

    he may enjoy the contemplation of supreme truth, knowledge and beauty

    Education will create awareness and take man towards higher values and


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    2. Economic UpliftmentThe rise in living standards of the poor will gives them access to knowledge

    and keep them away from vested interest groups. He may be able to differentiate

    his needs from beliefs and see things as they are and not as they are shown to him.

    3. Political WillFinally any policy cannot succeed without proper will at higher levels.

    Unless the Politicians throw off their religiously coloured glasses and work

    towards proper implementation of welfare schemes no change can be effectively


    4. Media SupportMedia can also can play an effective role in creating awareness, exposing

    scrupulous ideas educate people and inculcate secular beliefs.


    Secularism can never be a myth, it is a reality. If we arrive that secularism

    is a myth by first looking at some recent gruesome incidents then it is a grave


    As they say

    Beauty of a person lies in the eyes of the beholder

    So is the opinion we form. If we look at just one aspect and become

    demotivated, then that will lead to further degeneration. We should remain

    optimistic and rigorously work to make it possible only right attitude is necessary.

    Attitude Determines Attitude

    If we see an act of fanatism then we also see an act of secularism

    corroborating it. No religion supports fantism and terrorism and similarly neither ..

    a true follower of the religion.

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    Today we live in a closely knit society and secularism is the thread which

    binds it. For mutual development we have to stand together, work together and

    achieve the ultimate goal. As the saying goes

    United We Stand, Divided We Fall.For universal peace, progress and protection we have to adopt the concept

    Vasudev Kutumbakam for which Universal Secularism is the Founding Stone.