2012 Martin Cake, Murdoch University Shared under Creative Commons Licence (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project Sectioned Horse Head

Sectioned Horse Head - OVAM · For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project! Sectioned Horse Head . Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view . Sectioned Horse Head

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Page 1: Sectioned Horse Head - OVAM · For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project! Sectioned Horse Head . Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view . Sectioned Horse Head

2012 Martin Cake, Murdoch University!Shared under Creative Commons Licence (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)!For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project!

Sectioned Horse Head

Page 2: Sectioned Horse Head - OVAM · For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project! Sectioned Horse Head . Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view . Sectioned Horse Head

Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view

Page 3: Sectioned Horse Head - OVAM · For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project! Sectioned Horse Head . Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view . Sectioned Horse Head

Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view

dorsal nasal concha (straight fold)

nasal septum


ventral nasal concha (basal fold)

dorsal nasal meatus

common nasal meatus

ventral nasal meatus

hard palate palatine venous plexus

nasal diverticulum

incisive bone



angle of mouth

canine tooth

canine tooth (unerupted) deep maxillary labial vein

vomeronasal organ

lingual vein

venous sinus of tactile hairs

fat in mandible

Page 4: Sectioned Horse Head - OVAM · For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project! Sectioned Horse Head . Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view . Sectioned Horse Head

Sectioned Horse Head Section C - rostral view

Page 5: Sectioned Horse Head - OVAM · For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project! Sectioned Horse Head . Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view . Sectioned Horse Head

levator labial maxillaris muscle

levator nasolabialis muscle

lateral nasal artery and vein

vomeronasal organ

premolar 2

buccinator muscle ventral buccal nerve premolar 2

genioglossus muscle

mandible (fat)

intermandibular symphysis

dorsal concha

middle nasal meatus

ventral concha nasal septum

infraorbital nerve

ventral nasal meatus

body of maxilla major palatine a. & v.

deep lingual artery

maxillary labial vein

mandibular alveolar nerve

deep lingual vein

hard palate

Sectioned Horse Head Section C - rostral view

Page 6: Sectioned Horse Head - OVAM · For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project! Sectioned Horse Head . Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view . Sectioned Horse Head

Sectioned Horse Head Section D - rostral view

Page 7: Sectioned Horse Head - OVAM · For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project! Sectioned Horse Head . Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view . Sectioned Horse Head

levator nasolabialis muscle

buccinator muscle

hard palate

ventral nasal meatus

adipose tissue

ventral concha

dorsal concha

dorsal nasal meatus

median nasal septum

premolar 4

premolar 4

common nasal meatus

middle nasal meatus

mandibular labial artery

levator muscle of upper lip

genioglossus muscle

Sectioned Horse Head Section D - rostral view

Page 8: Sectioned Horse Head - OVAM · For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project! Sectioned Horse Head . Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view . Sectioned Horse Head

Sectioned Horse Head Section E - rostral view

Page 9: Sectioned Horse Head - OVAM · For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project! Sectioned Horse Head . Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view . Sectioned Horse Head

dorsal nasal meatus cavity of the dorsal nasal concha

nasolacrimal duct


rostral maxillary sinus nasal septum

buccinator muscle

infraorbital nerve ventral nasal concha

premolar 4

premolar 4

nasal venous plexus

common nasal meatus

masseter muscle

buccal branches of facial nerve

body of mandible

frontal bone

zygomatic bone

labial vein

lingual vein

geniohyoid muscle

genioglossus muscle

mylohyoid muscle

hard palate (caudal limit)

Sectioned Horse Head Section E - rostral view

Page 10: Sectioned Horse Head - OVAM · For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project! Sectioned Horse Head . Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view . Sectioned Horse Head

Sectioned Horse Head Section F - rostral view

Page 11: Sectioned Horse Head - OVAM · For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project! Sectioned Horse Head . Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view . Sectioned Horse Head



soft palate molar 3


upper eyelid

lower eyelid

frontal sinus

masseter muscle

maxillary sinus


facial crest

buccinator muscle

middle nasal concha

nasal septum

dorsal conchal sinus

intrinsic lingual muscles

proper lingual muscle

genioglossus muscle mylohyoid muscle

dorsal buccal gland

buccal vein

facial vein

transverse facial a. & v. deep facial vein

digastric muscle

Sectioned Horse Head Section F - rostral view

Page 12: Sectioned Horse Head - OVAM · For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project! Sectioned Horse Head . Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view . Sectioned Horse Head

Sectioned Horse Head Section G - rostral view

Page 13: Sectioned Horse Head - OVAM · For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project! Sectioned Horse Head . Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view . Sectioned Horse Head

zygomatic process of frontal bone

frontal bone

labyrinth of the ethmoid bone

frontal sinuses

lens of the eye

infraorbital nerve

transverse facial artery and vein

soft palate (palatine muscle) tunica mucosa of soft palate isthmus faucium

root of the tongue

mylohyoid muscle

masseter artery and vein

masseter muscle

facial vein


sublingual vein

omohyoid and sternohyoid muscles

medial pterygoid muscle

zygomatic arch

optic nerve

mandibular alveolar n., a. & v.

medial rectus muscle

dorsal oblique muscle

dorsal rectus muscle


cartilage flap over pharyngeal opening of the auditory tube

trochlea of dorsal oblique muscle retina

basihyoid bone (lingual process)

Sectioned Horse Head Section G - rostral view

Page 14: Sectioned Horse Head - OVAM · For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project! Sectioned Horse Head . Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view . Sectioned Horse Head

Sectioned Horse Head Section H - rostral view

Page 15: Sectioned Horse Head - OVAM · For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project! Sectioned Horse Head . Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view . Sectioned Horse Head

zygomatic arch

masseter muscle

masseter muscle (superficial)

temporal muscle

maxillary a. & v.

medial pterygoid muscle

omohyoid & sternohyoid muscles

masseteric a. & v.

dorsal sagittal sinus

falx cerebri

parietal bone

tensor muscle of soft palate

thyrohyoid muscle


sphenoid sinus


cartilages of the auditory tube

pharyngeal cavity

soft palate

medial pterygoid muscle

Sectioned Horse Head Section H - rostral view

Page 16: Sectioned Horse Head - OVAM · For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project! Sectioned Horse Head . Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view . Sectioned Horse Head

Sectioned Horse Head Section I - rostral view

Page 17: Sectioned Horse Head - OVAM · For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project! Sectioned Horse Head . Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view . Sectioned Horse Head

dorsal sagittal sinus

lateral ventricle

third ventricle (dorsal)

mesencephalic aqueduct


guttural pouch (medial compartment) guttural pouch

(lateral compartment)



pharynx thyropharyngeus m. cricoid cartilage

arytenoid cartilage

thyroid cartilage

rima glottis

vocal folds mandibular lymph nodes

sternohyoideus & omohyoideus muscles (fused)

sternothyroideus muscle

linguofacial vein

maxillary vein

internal carotid artery in cavernous sinus

cerebral hemisphere

medial ptergygoid muscle

temporal muscle

petrous temporal bone


temporomandibular joint

mandibular gland

Sectioned Horse Head Section I - rostral view

Page 18: Sectioned Horse Head - OVAM · For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project! Sectioned Horse Head . Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view . Sectioned Horse Head

Sectioned Horse Head Section J - rostral view

Page 19: Sectioned Horse Head - OVAM · For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project! Sectioned Horse Head . Sectioned Horse Head Section B - rostral view . Sectioned Horse Head

cranium temporal muscle

cerebral hemisphere

cerebellum (vermis)

falx cerebri

facial nerve

larynx linguofacial vein

longus capitis muscle

fourth ventricle

external auditory meatus

parotid gland

guttural pouch


cricoid cartilage

fused sternohyoideus & omohyoideus m.

mandibular gland

occipitomandibularis muscle jugular vein

cricopharyngeus muscle

glossopharyngeal nerve

internal carotid artery

petrous temporal bone

Sectioned Horse Head Section J - rostral view

2012 Martin Cake, Murdoch University!Shared under Creative Commons Licence (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0)!For the OVAM (Online Veterinary Anatomy Museum) project!