A.A B.B C.C D.D i - i t Assess your agreement with the following statement: The United States government acted morally in its acquisition of the land of the present-day continental United States. A. Strongly agree B. Somewhat agree C. Somewhat disagree D. Strongly disagree

Section 3-Polling Question

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Section 3-Polling Question. A B C D. Assess your agreement with the following statement: The United States government acted morally in its acquisition of the land of the present-day continental United States. A. Strongly agree B. Somewhat agree C. Somewhat disagree D. Strongly disagree. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Page 1: Section 3-Polling Question

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 3-

Polling Questi


Assess your agreement with the following statement: The United States government acted morally in its acquisition of the land of the present-day continental United States.

A. Strongly agree

B. Somewhat agree

C. Somewhat disagree

D. Strongly disagree

Page 2: Section 3-Polling Question

Chapter 12 Manifest Destiny (1818-1853)

Section 3 War With Mexico

Page 3: Section 3-Polling Question

How did Mexican lands in the West become part of the United States?

Page 4: Section 3-Polling Question

The New Mexico Territory• Early 1800- New

Mexico was a vast region between Texas and California territories

• Including present day states- New Mexico, Arizona, Nevada, and Utah

• Also parts of Colorado and Wyoming

• The Spanish conquistadores made it a Spanish colony in the late 1500s

• In 1610 the Spanish founded Santa Fe

• Missionaries followed soon after

Page 5: Section 3-Polling Question

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D

Section 3




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How did the rancheros treat their Native American workers?

A. Like family

B. Like well-paid employees

C. Almost like slaves

D. Rancheros did not have Native Americans working on their ranchos.

Page 6: Section 3-Polling Question

Santa Fe• Mexico inherited New Mexico

from Spain after their independence

• The Spanish tried to keep Americans away from this area fearing they would take it over

• The Mexicans welcomed American traders hoping to make money

• William Becknell reached Santa Fe in 1821 with a supply of goods

• The route from Independence, Missouri to Santa Fe became known as the Santa Fe TrailSanta Fe Trail

• The Santa Fe Trail was a busy trade route

• Trade increased and Americans began to settle in this area

• Many saw New Mexico as part of Manifest Destiny

Page 7: Section 3-Polling Question

California• Spanish explorers and

missionaries settled California in the late 1700s

• A chain of missions were built from San Diego to Sonoma

• The missions were used to convert Native Americans to Christianity

• Native Americans also farmed the land and worked at weaving and other crafts

• When Mexico won its independence, Mexican settlers bought mission land and set up huge estates called ranchosranchos

• Native Americans worked the land for food and shelter

• The RancherosRancheros treated the Native Americans almost like slaves

Page 8: Section 3-Polling Question

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D




0% 0%0%0%

How did the rancheros treat their Native American workers?

A. Like family

B. Like well-paid employees

C. Almost like slaves

D. Rancheros did not have Native Americans working on their ranchos.

Page 9: Section 3-Polling Question

Americans Reach California• 1840s- More Americans

reached California• John C. Fremont, an

army officer, wrote about the region’s mild climate and vast natural resourcesresources

• Americans started talking about adding California to the Union

• With California we would have a safer border (Pacific Ocean rather than a foreign country)

• Shippers also hoped to build ports for trade with East Asia

Page 10: Section 3-Polling Question

Polk• Polk saw New Mexico and

California as belonging to the US

• Mexico refused to sell the land

• Polk plotted war, but wanted to provoke Mexico to strike first so he could justify a war

• Mexico and the US disagreed on the Texas-Mexico border (Plus Mexico still claimed Texas as its own)

• The US said the Rio Grande formed the border

• The Mexicans said the border was 150 miles north along the Nueces River

Page 11: Section 3-Polling Question

Conflict Begins• Polk sent John Slidell to Mexico

to propose a deal• He could offer $30 million for

New Mexico and California and have the Rio Grande as the border

• The US would take over Mexico’s debt owed to American citizens

• The Mexican government refused and said they were going to reclaim Texas

• Polk ordered General Zachary Taylor to the disputed border

• April 24, 1846- Mexican soldiers attacked Taylor’s force

• “Hostilities may now be considered as commencedcommenced”

• May 11- Congress passed a declaration of war against Mexico

Page 12: Section 3-Polling Question

Polk’s War Plan• Had three parts• 1. American forces

would drive Mexican forces out of the disputed border region of Texas and secure the border

• 2. The US would seize New Mexico and California

• 3. American forces would take Mexico City

• The first part worked• Americans then

captured New Mexico’s capital, so the second part worked

Page 13: Section 3-Polling Question

A. A

B. B

C. C

D. D




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Which of these was NOT part of President Polk’s plan in Mexico?

A. To capture Mexico City

B. To seize California

C. To drive Native Americans into Mexico

D. To secure the Texan border

Page 14: Section 3-Polling Question

The Bear Flag Republic• June 1846- A small group

of Americans captured the town of Sonoma (North of San Francisco)

• They proclaimed it the independent Republic of California

• Called the Bear Flag Republic

• John C. Fremont and mountain man Kit Carson also met in Sonoma

• Fremont declared that he would conquer California

• Many CaliforniosCalifornios (Mexicans living in California) were outraged

Page 15: Section 3-Polling Question

The Bear Flag Republic Continued• July 1846- The US Navy under

Commodore John Sloat captured the ports of Monterey and San Francisco

• Sloat declared California was annexed to the US

• Sloat sailed for San Diego with Fremont and Kit Carson and captured it

• Then moved north to Los Angelas

• Some revolted in San Diego, but General Kearny put down the revolt

• By January 1847, California was fully controlled by the US

Page 16: Section 3-Polling Question

The Capture of Mexico City• Polk told General Winfield

Scott to capture Mexico City

• The army captured Veracruz after three weeks

• Then marched (and fought) their way 300 miles south to Mexico City

• September 1847- The Americans took Mexico City

• The Mexican government surrendered

• Mexico gave up half of its territory

Page 17: Section 3-Polling Question

The United States Expands• The Treaty of Guadalupe Treaty of Guadalupe

HidalgoHidalgo was signed in February 1848

• Mexico gave up Texas and agreed on the Rio Grande as the border

• In what was called the Mexican Cession, Mexico cededceded California and New Mexico to the US for $15 million

• 1853- The US paid Mexico $10 million for the Gadsden Gadsden PurchasePurchase

• A strip of land along the southern edge of present-day Arizona and New Mexico

• The US mainland reached its present size

Page 18: Section 3-Polling Question

How did Mexican lands in the West become part of the United States?

-Most were gained in treaty following war

-Final piece gained through Gadsden Purchase

Page 19: Section 3-Polling Question

Chapter 12 Section 3 Quiz

Page 20: Section 3-Polling Question

When Mexico lost the war with the United States, it lost half its territory.





50%50%A. True

B. False


Page 21: Section 3-Polling Question

What was the third part of James K. Polk's war plan?

to c


re M


o City

to s





to d




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25% 25%25%25%A. to capture Mexico City

B. to seize California

C. to drive Mexicans out of borderlands

D. to seize New Mexico


Page 22: Section 3-Polling Question

What did the United States insist was the border between the United States and






es R






ico C


25% 25%25%25%A. Rio Grande

B. Nueces River

C. the Alamo

D. Mexico City


Page 23: Section 3-Polling Question

What town in California was seized by a small group and renamed the Bear Flag










a Vis




25% 25%25%25%A. San Francisco

B. San Diego

C. Buena Vista

D. Sonoma


Page 24: Section 3-Polling Question

Under whose presidential administration was the United Stated at war with Mexico?








25% 25%25%25%A. Harrison

B. Tyler

C. Polk

D. Taylor


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Participant Scores

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