1 + Climate Change Chapter 16 + Section 16.1 Our Dynamic Climate + The Greenhouse Effect A natural process in which greenhouse gases absorb heat and release it slowly back into the atmosphere Greenhouse effect is good! We would freeze without it! Did You Know? Greenhouse gases absorb heat and release it slowly, while an actual greenhouse traps warm air inside a structure. + Greenhouse Effect Gasses Main Gasses: Water (H 2 O) Carbon Dioxide (CO 2 ) Methane (CH 4 ) Others Gasses: CFCs (in aerosol cans) Nitrous Oxides (NO) Ozone (O 3 ) We enhance GHE by increasing amount of gasses

Section 16.1 Climate Change Our Dynamic Climate · PDF file1 + Climate Change Chapter 16 + Section 16.1 Our Dynamic Climate + The Greenhouse Effect! A natural process in which greenhouse

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Climate Change

Chapter 16

+Section 16.1 Our Dynamic Climate

+The Greenhouse Effect

n A natural process in which greenhouse gases absorb heat and release it slowly back into the atmosphere

n Greenhouse effect is good!

n We would freeze without it!

Did You Know? Greenhouse gases absorb heat and release it slowly, while an actual greenhouse traps warm air inside a structure.

+Greenhouse Effect Gasses

n  Main Gasses: n  Water (H2O) n  Carbon Dioxide (CO2) n  Methane (CH4)

n  Others Gasses: n  CFCs (in aerosol cans) n  Nitrous Oxides (NO) n  Ozone (O3)

n  We enhance GHE by increasing amount of gasses


+The Effect of Latitude

•  Latitude is a measure of a place’s distance from the equator.

• Horizontal Lines

• Cold at poles

• Warm at equator

•  The seasons are caused by the changing angles at which sunlight strikes Earth.


n  Caused by convection currents

n  Rising warm air

n  Falling cool air

n  Transports moisture and heat

n  Warm air moves away from equator, toward poles.

n  Cold air moves from poles toward equator.


The Oceans and Climate

n Ocean currents caused by:

n unequal heating of water

n unequal salinity

n Currents affect climate by transporting heat.

n El Niño and La Niña:

n disruptions to normal climate patterns

n caused by variations in interactions between ocean and atmosphere.

Did You Know? The ocean absorbs a lot of carbon dioxide, causing a global cooling effect. The ocean can hold 50 times more CO2 than is found in the atmosphere.


+Other Factors That Affect Climate

• Topography:

• Higher altitudes have cooler temps

• Mountain ranges affect rainfall

• Volcanoes:

• Ash clouds can temporarily block sunlight

• Causes air to cool

• Vegetation:

• Plant life promotes cloud formation

• Absorbs carbon dioxide. Did You Know? Ice ages are at least partially caused by changes in Earth’s orbit and axis.

Mount St. Helens

+Climate Change

n All of these factors cause climate to fluctuate (go up and down) over time.

n But what we are seeing now is MUCH greater than normal.

+Let’s Review!

+Section 16.2 Climate Change


+Studying Climate Change

n Direct measurement is used to study today’s climate.

n Proxy indicators, such as patterns in tree rings, give clues about past climates.

n Models are used to make predictions about future climates.

Cross-section of a tree trunk

+Evidence of a Warming Earth

n Rising global surface temperatures

n Changes in precipitation patterns

n Melting ice (glaciers, polar ice)

n Rising sea level

Did You Know? Since 1986, the Larsen Ice Shelf near Antarctica has lost an area more than 3 times the size of Rhode Island.

Both photos show Sperry Glacier in Montana’s Glacier National Park. Top: 1913: Bottom: 2008

+Snow Data


+Ice Data

+Ice Cover: 1979 vs. 2003

2003 1979

+IPCC 2007 Report n GHG é from pre-industrial levels

n Air and sea temps é

n Ice and snow ê

n Sea level é n Hurricane intensity é

n Predictions: n CO2 levels doubling will cause 3 degree temp é n Dry regions dryer, wet regions more wet n Coastal erosion é n Coral bleaching é n Ecosystem degradation = carbon sinks ê


+Cause of Climate Change

n Increases in greenhouse gases are the primary cause of climate change.

n The increase in greenhouse gases is mainly due to: n Burning of fossil fuels n Coal n Oil n Natural Gas

n Changes in land use

+Coal (Fossil Fuel) n Pictures of Coal Today

n Fossilized plants from millions of years ago

n Seams of coal in strata between rock

n Burnt to provide heat or produce electricity

•  Advantages: •  High supply •  Easy to transport •  No processing needed •  Cheap

•  Disadvantages: •  Non-renewable •  Releases CO2 when burnt,

often sulfur too •  Smog and lung disease •  Degrades land after mining •  Less energy per unit mass

than other fossil fuels

+Oil (Fossil Fuel)

n Liquid found in porous rocks

n Extracted by oil wells, some under ocean

n Advantages: n High heat n Many uses n Cheap to mine

n Disadvantages: n Limited supply n Oil spills n CO2 Emissions

+Natural Gas (Fossil Fuel) n Methane and other hydrocarbons trapped

between seems of rock

n Extracted by drilling: Fracking

n Used directly in homes

n Advantages: n Clean n Cheap n High heat released

n Disadvantages: n Limited supply n Emissions


+Section 16.3 Effects of Climate Change

+Effects on Ecosystems

n Locations of biomes could shift

n Animals will shift territories n Some animal populations staying

high throughout winter

n Plants will begin to germinate in different latitudes n May not be fast enough to prevent extinction n Plants are blooming earlier

n All polar species may go extinct

n Migrations start earlier in the spring.

Did You Know? Robins arrive on a Colorado mountaintop about 2 weeks earlier than they did in 1970.

+Effects of a Changing Ocean

n Increase in ocean temperature à coral bleaching

n Algae living within corals die.

n Without the algae, coral dies

n Changes in ocean acidity

n Caused by increase in dissolved CO2

n Affects shell formation

The color of healthy brain coral comes from algae. When the algae die, coral bleaching occurs.

+Effects on Us

n Rivers and lakes may dry up

n Water supply also reduced by melting glaciers

n Increased heat waves and disease

n Environmental refugees

n Countries could gain or lose resources à GDP n Easier to mine and navigate in north


+Future Effects of Climate Change

n Diseases: Warmer temperatures can promote spread of diseases transmitted from animals to people.

n Sea level: Low-lying populated coastal areas may flood as sea levels rise.

n Water supply: Saltwater contamination of aquifers resulting from rising sea levels and a decrease in glacial ice may threaten freshwater supplies.

Did You Know? In the United States, 53% of the population lives in coastal areas.

Black-legged ticks, known to spread Lyme disease

+Section 16.4

Responding to Climate Change

+Use and Production of Electricity

n Carbon footprint: The amount of carbon dioxide for which an individual or group is responsible

n Most electricity is generated by burning fossil fuels.

n Reducing electricity use reduces carbon footprints.

n Ways to reduce electricity use: n Use energy-efficient technologies, which

lessen the electricity needed to do a job. n Reduce the use of electrical devices and


+World Energy Sources


+How much longer for fossil fuels?

n Common Estimates of Fossil Fuel Supplies: n Oil à 50 years (2/3 in Middle East) n Natural Gas à 70 years n Coal à 250 years

n Depends on rate of use, other tech, how efficient we are at using and extracting more.

n But we WILL run out. (non-renewable)

n As we develop we use more fuel n If less developed countries use oil at the per

capita rate at we do, we will run out in 17 years or less

n We have the most coal left but it’s the dirtiest

+ R&D Spending as a Share of Sales

+Alternate Sources of Electricity

n Alternative Sources of Electricity

n Nuclear power

n Solar power

n Wind power

n Hydroelectric power

n Geothermal power

Wind turbines

+Nuclear n Uranium mined n Atoms split n 80 years worth left n Could get more from ocean

n Advantages: n Cheap once reactor is built n Huge release of energy n No pollutants unless accident

n Disadvantages: n Nuclear waste n Risk of nuclear weapons



n Solar panels (Solar-photovoltaic Cells) n Converting sun to energy via chemical energy

n Advantages: n  Infinite supply n Safe n High energy output n On your own house

n Disadvantages: n Expensive (May change soon) n Doesn’t work in the dark

+Wind n Wind turbines n Usually on wind farm

n Advantages: n  Clean

n  Little Maintenance

n Disadvantages: n  Need wind

n  Windy sites often not near population

n  Expensive

n  Noise pollution

n  Disruptive to birds?

n  Ugly?

+Hydroelectric Power

n Get energy from movement of water

n Water powers turbines which generate electricity

n Advantages: n  Lots of energy

n  Water reserves

n  Good safety

n Disadvantages: n  Expensive to build

n  Flood Risk

n  Eco impact of dams

+Geothermal n Cold water pumped into the earth

n Comes out as steam n Used as heat n Power turbines

n Advantages: n  Infinite supply

n  Currently being used successfully

n Disadvantages: n  Expensive to set up

n  Only works where there is volcanic activity and therefore high heat in the earth

n  Underground gasses must be disposed of properly


+Advances in Vehicle Technology

n Transportation is the second largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the United States, second only to electricity.

n Alternatives to fuel-only cars include:

n Electric vehicles

n Gasoline-electric hybrid vehicles

n Alternative fuels such as compressed natural gas

n Vehicles that use hydrogen fuel cells.

+Reducing Dependence on Cars

n Biking, walking, and using public transportation are all ways to reduce fossil fuel use.

n Many communities lack good public transportation.

Did You Know? The average American family makes 10 trips by car each day.

+Strategies for Reducing Greenhouse Gases n Agriculture / forestry: Reduce soil erosion

and replace cut trees, to curb CO2 emissions

n Cap-and-Trade: System of emission allowances that can be sold or traded, gives companies incentive to reduce emissions

n Carbon tax: A tax per unit on emissions

n Carbon offsets: Companies can make a voluntary payment to a group that reduces greenhouse gases.

n Carbon sequestration: Technology is used to trap and store CO2 emissions.

+Cooperation Among Nations

n The Kyoto Protocol is a binding international effort to reduce greenhouse gases to below 1990 levels.

n Decided 1997…ongoing

n The United States did not sign the Kyoto Protocol.

n Nations are still trying to come to a consensus on how to deal with climate change