Second Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday December 4, 2016 11:00 AM

Second Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday am...at your table we gain the steady radiance that comes upon us when grace grows close. ... Gretchen Althen, Greg Mooney, Barb Kaiser, Greg

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Page 1: Second Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday am...at your table we gain the steady radiance that comes upon us when grace grows close. ... Gretchen Althen, Greg Mooney, Barb Kaiser, Greg

Second Sunday of Advent

Communion Sunday

December 4, 2016

11:00 AM

Page 2: Second Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday am...at your table we gain the steady radiance that comes upon us when grace grows close. ... Gretchen Althen, Greg Mooney, Barb Kaiser, Greg

No matter who you are, Communion Sunday No matter where you are On life’s journey, You are welcome here.

Worship begins with chimes. The prelude is a time of reflection and preparation for the worship of God.

Please silence cell phones. Bibles for use during worship are available at each entrance to the Sanctuary.


"How would I know who I am if I didn’t have my enemies?" - Stanley Hauerwas

PRELUDE Variations on The King Shall Come R. Grogan Kevin Dzierzawski, Piano

CHIMES CHORAL INTROIT The King Shall Come When Morning Dawns Kentucky Harmony



* CALL TO WORSHIP One: Thank you, God, for the coming cold. All: The heavy contemplative cold that heralds our jubilee! One: The cold that stirs visions of the stable babe and a baptizing outcast, Zion-awoken! All: The cold that will inspire living things to congregate across flinty landscapes. One: Thank you, God, for the cold! All: For it is imprinted on me to listen in winter, not spring, for the cry of birth! Amen.

*Please stand if you are able to do so.

Page 3: Second Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday am...at your table we gain the steady radiance that comes upon us when grace grows close. ... Gretchen Althen, Greg Mooney, Barb Kaiser, Greg

* HYMN Lift Up Your Heads, Ye Mighty Gates Red Hymnal No. 76 Lift up your heads, ye mighty gates; behold, the King of glory waits; the King of kings is drawing near; the Savior of the world is here! Fling wide the portals of your heart; make it a temple, set apart from earthly use for heaven's employ, adorned with prayer and love and joy. Redeemer, come, with us abide; our hearts to thee we open wide; let us thy inner presence feel; thy grace and love in us reveal. So come, my Sovereign; enter in! Let new and nobler life begin; Your Holy Spirit guide us on, until the glorious crown be won

PRAYER OF CONFESSION Jeff Carlson One: It was cold and Mary and Joseph were fearful. All: But that did not stop the birth. One: They were poor and had no place for their child. All: But that did not stop the birth. One: They were uncertain about what God wanted from them. All: But that did not stop the birth. One: Today we are still cold and fearful, certainly poor in many

ways. All: We often feel we have no place. We are unclear about what God

wants of us. One: These things did not stop the birth of Jesus then, and they will not stop

God now!

All: Come Lord Jesus, be born into our midst again! We are waiting for you. Amen.


Page 4: Second Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday am...at your table we gain the steady radiance that comes upon us when grace grows close. ... Gretchen Althen, Greg Mooney, Barb Kaiser, Greg

RESPONSE Black Hymnal No. 331, v. 1

Come, my Way, my Truth, my Life: such a way as gives us breath; such a truth as ends all strife; such a life as conquers death.

THE BIBLICAL WORD FOR THIS DAY Cindy Ball Isaiah 11:1-10

There shall come forth a shoot from the stump of Jesse, and a branch shall grow out of his roots. And the Spirit of the Lord shall rest upon him, the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. And his delight shall be in the fear of the Lord. He shall not judge by what his eyes see, or decide by what his ears hear; but with righteousness he shall judge the poor, and decide with equity for the meek of the earth; and he shall smite the earth with the rod of his mouth, and with the breath of his lips he shall slay the wicked. Righteousness shall be the girdle of his waist, and faithfulness the girdle of his loins. The wolf will romp with the lamb, the leopard sleep with the kid. Calf and lion will eat from the same trough, and a little child will lead them. Cow and bear will graze the same pasture, their calves and cubs grow up together, and the lion eat straw like the ox. The nursing child will crawl over rattlesnake dens, the toddler stick his hand down the hole of a serpent. Neither animal nor human will hurt or kill on my holy mountain. The whole earth will be brimming with knowing God-Alive, a living knowledge of God ocean-deep, ocean-wide.

Page 5: Second Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday am...at your table we gain the steady radiance that comes upon us when grace grows close. ... Gretchen Althen, Greg Mooney, Barb Kaiser, Greg

* A STATEMENT OF FAITH We believe in God who has created and is creating, who has come to us in Jesus Christ to reconcile and make us new, who works in us and others by the Holy Spirit. We trust God. God calls us to be the Church, to celebrate God’s presence, to love and serve others, to care for creation, to seek justice and to resist evil, to proclaim Jesus, crucified and risen, our judge and our hope. In life and death, in life beyond death, God is with us. We are not alone. Thanks be to God!

(adapted from the United Church of Canada)

* RESPONSE Black Hymnal No. 331, v. 2 Come, my Light, my Feast, my Strength: such a light as shows a feast; such a feast as mends in length; such a strength as makes a guest.

SERMON Matt Fitzgerald

"Would you like to help fund the vegan steakhouse I hope to open?"

* RESPONSE Black Hymnal No. 331, v. 3

Come, my Joy, my Love, my Heart: such a joy as none can move; such a love as none can part; such a heart as joys in love.

GIVING MOMENT Jeff Wagner OFFERTORY O magnum mysterium Morton Lauridsen

Chancel Choir

O great mystery, and wondrous sacrament, That animals should see the newborn Lord lying in the manger!

Blessed is the Virgin whose womb was worthy to bear the Lord Jesus Christ. Alleluia!

Page 6: Second Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday am...at your table we gain the steady radiance that comes upon us when grace grows close. ... Gretchen Althen, Greg Mooney, Barb Kaiser, Greg

O Lord, I heard your prophecy and I was afraid; I considered your works, and I trembled in the midst of the animals.


Praise God from Whom all blessings flow, Praise God all creatures here below, Alleluia, Alleluia! Praise God above, ye heavenly host, Creator, Christ and Holy Ghost. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia! Alleluia, Alleluia! Amen!




Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come, thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory forever. Amen.

Communion will be served to you in the pews.

Please hold the elements until all are invited to partake

* PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING O God, Light of true light, As black iron begins to glow red when it sits near the fire, at your table we gain the steady radiance that comes upon us when grace grows close. Let us carry your glow out of this place and into lives that wait and wait and wait for you. Amen.

* HYMN Good Christian Friends, Rejoice Black Hymnal No. 129 Good Christian friends, rejoice with heart and soul and voice! now give heed to what we say: Jesus Christ is born today:

Page 7: Second Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday am...at your table we gain the steady radiance that comes upon us when grace grows close. ... Gretchen Althen, Greg Mooney, Barb Kaiser, Greg

Ox and ass before him bow, asleep within the manger now. Christ is born today, Christ is born today! Good Christian friends, rejoice with heart and soul and voice! now you know of endless bliss; Jesus Christ was born for this! God has opened heaven’s door, and you are blessed forevermore, Christ was born for this, Christ was born for this. Good Christian friends, rejoice with heart and soul and voice! Now you need not fear the grave: Jesus Christ was born to save! Calls you one and calls you all to gain the everlasting hall. Christ was born to save, Christ was born to save!


Rejoice, Rejoice, Emmanuel shall come to thee O Israel.

POSTLUDE Toccata on The King Shall Come R. Grogan Kevin Dzierzawski, organ

Following Worship, all are invited for coffee and snacks downstairs in the Social Hall

TODAY’S WORSHIP LEADERS: Communion Coordinators: Jana O'Brien, Kevin O'Brien Communion Servers: Carrie Bruggers, Larry Damron, Micki Fayhee,

Mead Gifford, Barb Kaiser, Cheryl Kennedy, Beverly Petrunich, Shirley Rieck, Michael Toomin

Communion bread baked by Marcia Knudson. Head Usher: Beatrice Jaji Ushers: Doug Clark, Cheryl Kennedy, Fred Pearson, Bruce Voice Acolyte Coordinators: Micki Fayhee, Cindy Zinn Ball Head Greeter: Greg Mooney Special Accommodations: Dodd Brown ALTAR FLOWERS WERE DONATED by Dodd and Mary Brown and Mary Mako in celebration of their 40 years of membership at St. Pauls.

Page 8: Second Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday am...at your table we gain the steady radiance that comes upon us when grace grows close. ... Gretchen Althen, Greg Mooney, Barb Kaiser, Greg

Each week during Advent we light another candle in our advent wreath to anticipate the coming of Christ, the light of the world. These candles symbolize the gifts of hope, love, joy and peace that Christ's coming brings. This year our Advent wreath is being lit by St. Pauls Stephen Ministers, lay people who have been trained to bring God’s gifts to people needing someone to walk with them through difficult passages in their lives. Today, Mary Brown lights the candle of peace at the 9:30 AM and 11 AM service.

THE CHRISTMAS TREE IS A CHRISMON TREE - The white and gold ornaments represent the glory and majesty of Christ. Each one is a symbol or monogram of Christ and has been made by members and friends of St. Pauls. The tree itself is a gift to the church from the Crowley and Opp-Ekdahl families. Thanks to Carole Crowley, Walter Crowley, Jan Bail, Kay Bail, Lori Gunn Wirsum, Gretchen Althen, Greg Mooney, Barb Kaiser, Greg Basil, Hope Basil, Lorne Frank, Logan Frank, Elizabeth Raiman, Bev Petrunich, Mary Brown, Fernando Diaz and Jill Minetz for decorating our tree this year.

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Donations to the Birthday Fund support A Just Harvest

We celebrate and give thanks for your life at St. Pauls.

December 4: Katherine Schuller , Mark Smith, Linhard Stepf, Laura Van Zeyl

December 5: Jason Colosi-McCann, Joel Finkle, Christopher McGuire

December 6: Shannon Castle, James Hayes, Margery Johnson

December 8: Greta Schmahl, Maria Schmahl

December 9: Kitty Egan, Vanessa Eldridge, Alex Nagle

December 10: Judy Dorrell, Ginna Gentzen, Karl Howse, Lisa Soard


THANK YOU to our generous congregation for your support of this year's UCAN gift drive! We

collected 150 $50 gift cards for the traumatized youth that UCAN serves.

NEXT SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11 - Our Chancel Choir with brass and percussion from Windy

City Winds will present Gloria by John Rutter during the 11:00 AM worship service. Don't miss

this joyful pre-Christmas musical offering. Bring your friends!

DECEMBER 18 - We will have one worship service at 10:00 AM. Join us for Readings and Carols,

along with the commissioning of four Stephen Ministers.

NIGHT MINISTRY STOCKINGS - We have one more opportunity for our congregation to give

to at-risk youth over the holidays. Our annual stocking stuffer drive for the youth staying at the Crib

shelter begins TODAY. Pick up a stocking to fill or a gift card to donate at coffee hour today. Return

to the church by December 18th.


This family friendly event will start at 4:00 PM with a program in the Sanctuary honoring Dr. Martin

Luther King Jr. and his legacy of peace followed by the 1.5 mile March. The evening concludes with

a cup of soup in the Gym. St. Pauls members and friends are invited to walk, raise pledges for UCAN,

and volunteer on the day of the event. Invite friends, family, neighbors and co-workers to be a part of

your team for this fun and inspirational event. Funds raised will benefit UCAN and its violence

prevention initiative in Chicago. We can make a difference! Register by December 31, 2016 for a

chance to win a $500 Target gift card at www.polarpeacemarch.org. Raise $100 in donations

by January 13, 2017 for a chance to win 4 tickets behind home plate to see the 2016 World

Series Champion CHICAGO CUBS on July 4, 2017. For more information contact Jan Bail

at [email protected]. To volunteer, contact Sheryl Mooney at [email protected].

SYRIAN REFUGEE FAMILY UPDATE - The Karnaba family is adapting to their new life.

However, the parents need employment right away. Aiman, the father, has carpentry/home and

furniture repair skills. Basema, the mother, is interested in working in a hair salon. If you have any

potential leads that do not require strong English skills please contact Pastor Jeff

[email protected].

Page 10: Second Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday am...at your table we gain the steady radiance that comes upon us when grace grows close. ... Gretchen Althen, Greg Mooney, Barb Kaiser, Greg

FIRST WEDNESDAY - Please join us on Wednesday, December 7 from 11:30 AM to 1:00 PM in

the Oscar Mayer Room. This luncheon will be a cooking demonstration and Christmas music sing-a-

long with Pastor Jeff. Cost is $10/person at the door. For more information contact, Leigh

at [email protected], or 773-348-3829 ex. 2040.

COOKIES WITH SANTA - Saturday, December 10 from 9:30 AM to 12:30 PM in the Gym. Come

to have your free picture taken with Santa, decorate cookies, sing Christmas carols and get into the

holiday spirit. Bring your little ones or come as a volunteer. Invite your friends and neighbors. This is

a special day when we invite the whole community to experience the warmth and welcome of St.

Pauls. The event is free but we ask that you consider bringing a box of healthy cereal that will be

donated to the Lincoln Park Community Shelter.

CAROLING AT ST. PAULS HOUSE & DINNER - Saturday, December 10, 4:00 PM. Join us for

the third annual Young Adults Christmas Caroling event at St Pauls House, the senior living and

rehabilitation facility the church supports. We will meet at the facility (3800 N. California Ave.) at

4:00 PM and stay for a pizza dinner afterwards. Carol books will be provided, and all singers of all

abilities are welcome. Friends and guests are always welcome too! Please RSVP to Christie at

[email protected] by December 8.

VIOLIN RECITAL - On Tuesday, December 13, at 6:00 PM, five-year-old St. Pauls member Sylvia

Pine will be giving a violin recital in the Chapel, accompanied by her mother, violinist Rachel Barton

Pine. Her program will include works by J.S. Bach, R. Schumann, and F. Gossec. A post-concert

reception will be held in the Parlor.

WEIGHT LOSS MEETUP - Take charge and make 2017 your healthiest year ever! Join the Chicago

Weight Loss Meetup on Thursday, December 15 from 7:00 to 8:30 PM in the Conference Room. We’ll

develop your personal strategic plan for mind, body and spirit for 2017. We meet the third Thursday

every month. Led by St. Pauls Member and Stephen Ministry Leader, Diana Laskaris. Sign up at

https://www.meetup.com/the-chicago-weight-loss-meetup/ or RSVP Diana at

[email protected].


10:00 AM service. St. Pauls Annual Christmas Market will support the UCAN Polar Peace March®.

If you have items you would like to donate, please drop them off in the office prior to December 13 or

in the Gym before the 10:00 service. New or gently used items are welcome.

ADVENT LABYRINTH MEDITATION - Wednesday, December 21, 6:00 PM in the Gym. Take a

meditative walk into the heart of the Labyrinth on the Winter Solstice. With this meditation we carry

our desires and anticipation of the Light coming into the world into the center of the Labyrinth

(symbolizing the heart of God) and return bearing a lit candle (symbolizing the incarnation of Christ

for our world). Enjoy fellowship and a cookie reception afterwards.

ALL CHURCH RETREAT - SIGN UP NOW - August 4-6, 2017 at the beautiful Lakeside Inn in

Lakeside, MI. A weekend of fun, relaxation and bonding with your church family. All ages

welcome. $300 per room includes 2 nights lodging, 2 dinners and 2 breakfasts. Financial assistance

Page 11: Second Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday am...at your table we gain the steady radiance that comes upon us when grace grows close. ... Gretchen Althen, Greg Mooney, Barb Kaiser, Greg

available. Sign up by December 15 on our website. Contact Pastor Sarah [email protected] for

more information.

CONSTRUCTION UPDATE - We will continue to pass along information in our Friday emails

regarding the CMH Redevelopment. If you would like to receive up-to-the-minute information from

the McCaffrey website, you can do so by visiting mi-cmh.com and clicking on project updates in the

top right corner.

The "Lincoln Common" parking lot (formerly known as the CMH parking lot) is now a pay lot.

However, St. Pauls worshippers are able to park free of charge from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM on

Sundays. The pay terminal has now been installed in the parking lot but will not be monitored

between those hours. We will receive instructions from the parking garage about how to validate

parking for St. Pauls members. If you park in the lot before 8:00 AM or after 1:00 PM you will be

required to pay.

GET YOUR NEW NAMETAG! - Wearing a name tag is one of the most faithful things you can do

on Sunday morning! Forgetting someone's name is so uncomfortable. And when we squirm in church

we don't experience God's love clearly. Help our guests and members get closer to God. Tell them

your name with a Saint Pauls name tag. To get a new name tag sign up on the table in the Narthex or

email Maribell at [email protected] in the church office.

BOOK NOOK - Please help yourself to any of the books on the book case in the Social Hall.

There is no need to return the book after you’ve read it – simply pass it on to someone else. If you

want to donate a book, place it on the top shelves labeled “New Arrivals.” However, we cannot

accommodate more than one bag of books from any one donor. General fiction, broad interest non-

fiction, youth and children books are ideal. Audio and large print books are always appreciated. If

you have any questions or comments, contact Tilly Wilhoite at [email protected]

WANT MORE VARIETY AT COFFEE HOUR? - Sign up to bring it at http://bit.ly/1RtSUuH.

ALTAR FLOWER SIGN UP - If you would like to purchase flowers for the altar please go to our

link at http://tinyurl.com/h55pl82 and sign up. Thank you!


ONE-SESSION NEW MEMBER CLASS - January 29, 2017, 12:30 PM in the Parlor. Learn more

about St. Pauls’ 173-year ministry of Making a Joyful Sound in the City, meet others exploring

membership, find out what we believe and how you can become more engaged. New Members join

on February 12, 2017. Contact Pastor Matt at [email protected] to be registered.


SUNDAYS, 9:30 AM, Adult Faith Formation in the Parlor:

TODAY - Angels: We seem to be surrounded by angels at Christmas. What are they? Who

are they? Can humans become angels? Does the Bible give us any information about angels?

Pastor Jeff explores this topic - a nominee from last year's summer sermon series that didn't

get a Sunday.

Page 12: Second Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday am...at your table we gain the steady radiance that comes upon us when grace grows close. ... Gretchen Althen, Greg Mooney, Barb Kaiser, Greg



2017 and every second Saturday until May 13, 10:00 AM in the Parlor. Marking the 500th anniversary

of the Protestant Reformation, Harvard historian Heiko Oberman’s book helps us gain perspective on

what is enduring about Luther and the Reformation and what is not. Steve Peterson will lead us in a

discussion of music, vitriolic polemic, grace, nationalism, views on Islam, social media, church and

anxiety. Like Lin-Manuel Miranda’s Hamilton, only on Luther and without the dancing. Part I, pp. 1-

110. RSVP to Steve Peterson at [email protected].

SATURDAY BIBLE STUDY- MICAH - This prophet goes barefoot and naked to get the attention

of corrupt politicians, corrupt courts, and corrupt clergy. You're welcome to come fully clothed to our

study of Micah, famous for the words we hear at Christmas that the Messiah would be born in

Bethlehem. Saturday December 17th, 10:00 AM in the Parlor.


Will) - will be reading through Moby Dick and Anna Karenina in 2017, six months with each. First

discussion of Moby Dick will be on Tuesday, January 24. If you'd like to join the group please

contact Pastor Jeff Carlson, [email protected].

FOOD FOR THOUGHT - Visit our Food for Thought blog to find a weekly thought provoking

article at http://www.spucc.org/blogs/food-for-thought.

UCC DAILY DEVOTIONAL - The UCC publishes a daily online devotional that arrives in your

inbox today, tomorrow, every single day! Devotions are short, fewer than 300 words, and feature

some of the UCC's most insightful voices, including our own Pastor Matt. To register for the Still

Speaking Daily Devotional: http://www.ucc.org/daily_devotional


THIRD AND FOURTH GRADE SERVICE PROJECT - Sunday, December 10 from 3:00 to 5:30

PM. Our 3rd and 4th graders and their parents are invited to help prepare and serve

the Sunday afternoon Community Engagement Project meal for people in need. We need families to

sign up to bring ingredients and prepare and serve the food. Contact Pastor Sarah for more

info [email protected].

LITTLE LIGHTS is a preschool program for 2 and 3-year-olds with classes meeting at St. Pauls

Nursery. We are a program built to encourage separation and introduce basic classroom routine to

prepare for further education in a progressive Christian environment. Classes are held Tuesdays and

Thursdays from 9:30 to 11:30 AM. We currently have only 2 spaces available for January 2017. For

more information, or to download the application, visit http://www.spucc.org/littlelights or email me

at [email protected].

WATERPARK WINTER RETREAT – 8-12 graders, February 24 – 25. Meet at church at 5:00 PM

on Friday, February 24. We will return by 8:00 PM the following day. For more information, contact

Pastor Sarah, [email protected].

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For more information contact, Corie Gallemore at [email protected].

ST. PAULS PLAY GROUP for children from birth to 3-years-old in the church Nursery and

Toddler Room. Drop in anytime from 10:30 AM – 12:00 PM Wednesdays.

INFANT MASSAGE CLASS - Monday, December 5 and 12 from 10:00 - 10:45 AM in the

Nursery. Come to this hands-on workshop. Free and open to all expecting parents, and parents or

caregivers of infants. Church member and certified infant massage instructor, Christie Frisch will

be teaching leading this workshop. Contact Christine to RSVP email [email protected].

SERVICE OPPORTUNITIES – December 6 from 10:00 – 11:00 AM. Come help make sack

lunches for the Lincoln Park Community Shelter. We'll prepare the food in the church kitchen and

there will be childcare available in the nursery. RSVP to Pastor Sarah, [email protected].

CHRISTMAS COOKIE EXCHANGE – December 13 at 8:00 PM in the Social Hall. Bring a

batch of cookies and a container to take some home.


A group for fun and fellowship for folks in their twenties and thirties. All are welcome!

Email [email protected] to be added to the mailing list.

CHRISTIANITY 101 – Monday, December 5, 7 PM – Parlor. We're getting ready for Christmas

with some short videos by "Sarcastic Lutheran" Nadia Bolz-Weber on Advent, incarnation and the

destabilizing love that Jesus brings into the world. Join Pastor Jeff and fellow young adults for a lively

discussion of real-life questions. There is no need to prepare in advance. Please contact Hannah Basil

at [email protected] with questions and to RSVP.

MONTHLY BRUNCH – Sunday, January 22, 12:00 PM – Join us for brunch after the 11:00 AM

service. We are resuming our monthly brunches after the holiday season. We will gather during Social

Hour and walk to Hopcat, 2577 N. Clark Street. Contact Hannah Basil at [email protected]

with questions and to RSVP.

FUTURE EVENTS – Volunteers needed! Do you have ideas for an event you'd like to organize?

Maybe it's exploring a new neighborhood, seeing a show, hosting a game night, attending a wine

tasting or completing a 5K. The group needs your help. At this point, no events beyond what you are

currently reading about are planned. Pick a date, coordinate the details, write a description for the

bulletin and newsletters and share with Hannah Basil at [email protected]. She will promote to

the wider group and help make the event a success!


CONNECTORS provide networking and support for members and friends of St. Pauls. We send

cards and care packages, make telephone calls, provide food and meals, give rides to doctor’s

appointments and the store. Membership is open to all who have the time and the inclination to help.

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Meetings are held once a month, except in July and December.

STEPHEN MINISTRY COMMISSIONING - Four new Stephen Ministers will be commissioned

on December 18 at the 10:00 AM worship service. Please come and celebrate with us as we affirm the

call to be God's Love in Action at St. Pauls of these four people: Michael Stensaas, Karin Magnuson,

Peg Wander and Joe Womack. For more information or to find out about becoming a Stephen

Minister contact Pastor Avena ([email protected]).


SPONSOR VIOLENCE PREVENTION - Does your employer make grants to charitable

organizations doing good work in Chicago? We are looking for sponsors for our January 15th Polar

Peace March to support the violence prevention initiatives of UCAN. For more information contact

Jan Bail [email protected] or Pastor Jeff Carlson [email protected].

EMERGENCY DISASTER ASSISTANCE is being solicited to areas affected by Hurricane

Matthew. The UCC Disaster Response Network is helping. If you can contribute go to

https://transactions.ucc.org/CampaignForm/UCChrist/emergency_usa or mail a check to United

Church of Christ, c/o Financial Services Office, 700 Prospect Ave, Cleveland OH 44115.


You aren’t expected to stay up all night: you can choose to sleep or use the late-night time to catch up

on quiet projects. We have several open shifts (9:00 PM - 6:30 AM weekdays, 9:00 PM – 8:00 AM

weekends) in the next few weeks. Contact the Volunteer Manager, Fawn O’Brien, to sign up:

[email protected] 773-549-6111.

FEED THE HUNGRY - Community Engagement Project (CEP) Sunday Supper - Each week St.

Pauls welcomes homeless and hungry people to Sunday dinner. As an outreach program of the

Lincoln Park Community Shelter, this meal is for those on the LPCS waiting list and others struggling

with housing.

St. Pauls provides volunteers to prepare and serve about 40 people every week! If you would like to

cook and serve, contact Brent Carstensen at [email protected]. Volunteers arrive at 3:00

PM, serve at 4:30 PM, and clean up by 5:00 PM - no experience required. Childcare is provided for

those who need it at the church every second Sunday. To sign up for a Sunday with childcare, contact

Pastor Sarah at [email protected].

SARAH’S SISTERS gather every Wednesday morning to make 40 bag lunches to be distributed to

the homeless at the Fullerton Avenue door. Come to the church kitchen at 9:30 AM, no need to



VOLUNTEER? Do you like to be with high school students? Do you remember how hard it was to

get started writing an essay? We could really use you if you have some time to give to the Writing

Center at Lincoln Park High School, where kids learn to do the kind of writing that will help them in

college and in the workplace. Training is available. And the payback comes from the faces of the

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students when they "get it." If you can help with this project initiated by St. Pauls, please contact St.

Pauls member Nancy Brandt, [email protected].


PUBLIC ISSUES THAT MAKE US THINK - Our Faith and Public Issues Task Force

plans Sunday afternoon programs in the fall and spring. If you would like to join the Task Force

and help us plan, please contact co-chair Toby Rogers, [email protected].

PUBLIC ISSUES TO PONDER - Check the Public Issues rack on the bulletin board in the

hallway outside the Sanctuary for articles relating to emergent public issues.


TODAY Second Sunday of Advent - Lighting the Candle of Peace

9:30 AM Church School, Worship & Communion

11:00 AM Worship & Communion

Night Ministry Stocking Stuffer Kick-off

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 7 First Wednesday Luncheon, 12:00 PM, Parlor

Cooking demonstration with Ninon and carols

with Pastor Jeff. RSVP to [email protected]

SATURDAY, DECEMBER 10 Cookies with Santa, 9:30 AM, Gym

Decorate cookies, make crafts, hot chocolate bar and photos with

Santa! Please bring a box of cereal to benefit Lincoln Park

Community Shelter. Contact Pastor Sarah at [email protected]

to volunteer.

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 11 Third Sunday of Advent - Lighting the Candle of Joy

9:30 AM Worship is the 1st & 2nd grade Christmas play in

the Gym.

11:00 AM Worship & Choir Cantata, Rutter’s Gloria

FRIDAY, DECEMBER 16 All Church Advent Party, 6:30 PM in the Parlor and Chapel

An evening potluck and carol sing-a-long with drinks and

merriment. Bring heavy hors d’oeuvres to pass.


SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 SUNDAY, DECEMBER 18 Fourth Sunday of Advent - Lighting the Candle of Love

ONE SERVICE 9:00AM Christmas Re-Gifting Market

Proceeds will benefit the Polar Peace March.

10:00 AM One Service: Reading and Carols

No Church School

Commissioning Stephen Ministers

WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 21 Winter Solstice and Labyrinth Walk, 6:00 PM in the Gym

Page 16: Second Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday am...at your table we gain the steady radiance that comes upon us when grace grows close. ... Gretchen Althen, Greg Mooney, Barb Kaiser, Greg


5:00 PM Christmas Family Service

Homemade Nativity, carols and a chance for

children to become part of the Christmas story.

Invite a friend!

9:00 PM Candlelight Service

Christmas story, carols, candles, sermon and

choir. Invite a friend!

SUNDAY, DECEMBER 25 Christmas Day

ONE SERVICE 10:00 AM One Worship Service

No Church School


ONE SERVICE 10:00 AM One Worship Service

No Church School

SUNDAY, JANUARY 15 Polar Peace March, 4:00 PM in the Sanctuary & Gym


Please send any announcements you would like in the following week’s bulletin to

[email protected] no later than 10:00 AM on Tuesday. Please limit announcements to

70 words. Thank you.

Page 17: Second Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday am...at your table we gain the steady radiance that comes upon us when grace grows close. ... Gretchen Althen, Greg Mooney, Barb Kaiser, Greg


• Lorri Wirsum anticipating surgery on December 7 and hoping for no complications.

• Prayer for Edward Wosylus’ brother, Bill, on the loss of his wife.

• Rob and Shannon Castle at the death of Rob’s father on Thanksgiving.

• Mike Brill and his family as he enters hospice.

• The family of Father Pat Cecil and the parishioners of St. Mary of the Woods Catholic Church at

Fr. Cecil’s passing.

• Cheryl Kennedy’s brother in law, Jim.

• Betty Voice, after additional surgery on her knee.

• Dirk R. and family, uncle of Laura Nowack, who has multiple myeloma.

• Betty Beckers recovering from an infection.

• Abby, granddaughter of Penny Trowbridge’s friend Dorne, who has leukemia and is in hospice.

• Pat Kirby’s homemaker.

• Sylvia Pine’s grandfather, Terry Barton, recovering from strokes.

• Edith, Anita, Kim and all others who struggle with chronic pain and progressive illnesses.

• Carlos and Cynthia Cata’s friend, a mother of three with stage 4 lung cancer.

• Candi Huber's niece, Kathryn, continuing treatments for cancer.

• Juanita Barlow’s aunt, Sol; her grandchildren’s other grandmother, Rose, with cancer.

• Michelle’s friends Michael, Chris and Jerry, all sick with chronic illnesses.

• Diane Massie’s friend, Ashley, battling brain cancer and in need of a miracle.

• Lorri Gunn Wirsum, for her husband, Karl Wirsum, and her brother, Jim.

• Mary Train and her nephew Carl and family.

• Philip Smedley’s father, for health issues.

• Jonah, Sean and Kevin and all homeless individuals with mental illness living in this city.

• For all those touched by violence in Chicago.

• The Renfrow family as they walk with Wayne, in hospice care.

• Ed Zasadil at a care facility after several falls.

• Del Arsenault, in hospice care at home.

• Carole Crowley recovering from a stroke.

• Steve Warsh, undergoing chemotherapy.

• Tom Palkon being treated for cancer.

• The addicts who only find recovery in death and the loved ones they leave behind.

• For young adults as they try to make their way in life moving away (physically) from family.

• For those involved in research trying to find a cure for cancer.

• Those killed and injured in terrorist attacks around the world and all others in need of prayer.

• All service members and their loved ones before, during and after deployment.

(Prayer cards are available in the pew racks. Fill one out and drop it in the offering plate.)


the pastors today for information about mental healthcare advocacy and resources that can help you

and your loved ones. Contact information for the pastors is at the back of this bulletin.

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Page 19: Second Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday am...at your table we gain the steady radiance that comes upon us when grace grows close. ... Gretchen Althen, Greg Mooney, Barb Kaiser, Greg

ABOUT ST. PAULS Making a joyful sound in the city

Saint Pauls UCC has a vibrant history in the city of Chicago. Founded in 1843,

we are one of the city's oldest churches. In 1989 we became one of America's

first congregations to declare ourselves "Open to and Affirming of” LGBT

women and men.

From founding Chicago's largest provider of social services to at-risk children

to starting a home for the elderly, from housing protestors at the 1968

Democratic Convention to hosting Lincoln Park's first MLK day march against

violence on Chicago's streets we are proud to make a joyful sound in the city.

Most importantly, over the past 172 years we are glad to have introduced

thousands of children and adults to the amazing, inclusive, life changing,

uplifting love of God. We do so in worship that is traditional, but far from


St. Pauls United Church of Christ 2335 North Orchard Street Chicago, Illinois 60614

(773) 348-3829 FAX (773) 348-3858


Matt Fitzgerald, Senior Pastor, [email protected]

Avena Ward, Associate Pastor, [email protected]

Jeff Carlson, Associate Pastor, [email protected]

Sarah Garcia, Associate Pastor for Children and Youth, [email protected]

Tom Henry, Pastor Emeritus, [email protected]

Kurt R. Hansen, Music Director, [email protected]

Kevin Dzierzawski, Organist, [email protected]

Brendan Henry, Pianist, [email protected]

Nancy Voigts, Children’s Choir Director, [email protected]

Kecia Waldschmidt, Youth Choir Director, [email protected]

Karen E. Johnson, Joyful Sounds Choir Director, [email protected]

Mark Mosley, Intergenerational Orchestra Director, [email protected]

Kevin O’Brien, Lay Liturgical Administrator, [email protected]

Free Parking is available on Sundays at Children’s Memorial Hospital

2300 Block of North Lincoln Ave. – Vouchers Not Needed

Page 20: Second Sunday of Advent Communion Sunday am...at your table we gain the steady radiance that comes upon us when grace grows close. ... Gretchen Althen, Greg Mooney, Barb Kaiser, Greg


Welcome to those whose hearts are on fire with faith,

and to those who bring their doubt inside our doors.

Welcome to our first time guests and

our longtime members.

Welcome to single people, tiny children,

grandparents and families of all configurations.

Welcome to those who rejoice and to those who grieve.

Welcome to each and to everyone.

We are an Open and Affirming church.

We welcome all.

We are blessed by your presence and

we are glad you are here!