Corpus Christi-Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Salesians of Don Bosco March 26, 2017 Parish Offices 136 S. Regent St. Port Chester, NY 10573 914-939-3169 / 914 939-0547 / Fax: 914-939-7249 Web: Portchestercatholicchurch.org

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Corpus Christi-Our Lady of the Rosary Church Salesians of Don Bosco

December 4, 2015

Second Sunday of Advent

Corpus Christi-Our Lady of the Rosary Parish Salesians of Don Bosco

March 26, 2017 Parish Offices

136 S. Regent St. Port Chester, NY 10573

914-939-3169 / 914 939-0547 / Fax: 914-939-7249

Web: Portchestercatholicchurch.org

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Mass Intentions Saturday, March 25 8:00AM (HR) +Teresa Chou & Valentin Gu—Wu Family 4:00PM(CC) +Deceased Members of the Federici Family—Jerry & Kathy 7:00PM(HR) El Divino Niño y el Señor de la Misericordia—Maria & Joshua Sunday, March 26 7:30AM(CC) +Daniel Ferretti—Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Lanzetta 8:45AM(HR) +Luzmila Bucalo Navarro—Hijos 9:00AM(CC) (Aniversário) Renata e Erlete 10:15AM(HR) (Birth) Kimberly Peña—Sus Papás 11:00AM(CC) +Bruno & Govina Ponterio—Bruno & Joann 11:45AM(HR) +Guillermo Escobedo—Hija María 12:30PM(CC) (Salud) Germán Garcia & Delia López — Familia 1:15PM(HR) (Salud) Iván Gemio—Sus Padres Monday, March 27 6:30AM(HR) Seniors Celebrating a Birthday This Week 6:45AM(CC) For the People 12:00PM(CC) +Marilyn Alonzi—Mom & Daddy 7:30PM(HR) +Mary Marino—Nick & John Mecca Tuesday, March 28 6:30AM(HR) Special Intentions 6:45AM(CC) +Linda Gliatta—Children 12:00PM(CC) +Lalla & Summa Families—Bea Lalla 7:30PM(HR) +Ana Rosa Basantes—Hijas & Nietos Wednesday, March 29 6:30AM(HR) +Agostino Sena—Mother & Father 6:45AM(CC) +Leo Gliatta—Children 12:00PM(CC)+Timothy Robert Ryan—Toni Zaccagnino 7:30PM(HR) +César Valdez Saavedra-Ramón & Familia Thursday, March 30 6:30AM(HR)+Andy Feliz—Parents 6:45AM(CC) +Steven Joseph Piccolo—Mom & Dad 12:00PM(CC) +Antonio Rinaldi—Lisa DiTullio 7:30PM (HR)+Enrique Santabibiana—Salesian Comm. Friday, March 31 6:30AM(HR) Honor of the Sacred Heart of Jesus—Nick Mecca 6:45AM(CC) +Florence & Teresa Yozzo—Stephanie & Paul 12:00PM(CC)+Eileen Cronogue—Tim & Angela 7:30PM(HR) +Vicente & Amparo Camacho—Hija Saturday, April 1 8:00AM (HR) Honor of the Sacred Heart —Nick Mecca 4:00PM(CC) +Marilyn Alonzi—Mom & Dad 7:00PM(HR) Intenciones Especiales-Fam. Novillo Salazar Unannounced Mass Margaret B. Reilly—Mary & Peggy Sunday, April 2 7:30AM(CC) +Dom Carlucci, Sr.—Pam 8:45AM(HR)+Rosa Peralta Y Carlos Guiracocha—Fam. 9:00AM(CC) Pelo Povo 10:15AM(HR) (Birthday) Diana Bockino—Brother 11:00AM(CC) +Carmine Boccarossa—Carmela Sirena 11:45AM(HR) +Peter Chovanec—Fanilia 12:30PM(CC) +Silvia Zapata—Hijos 1:15PM(HR) +Luis Alberto Ochoa—Patricia Pantoja

Please pray for our Troops Por Favor recen por nuestros soldados

Robert Gleason, Daniel Ceccarelli, Michael Perez, Doug Doros, Julian Di Donato & Michael Perez


Blessed Mother Candle March 26 through April 1, 2017 In Memory of: Giuseppe Castaldo Requested by: Virginia Castaldo —————————————- Host & Wine March 26 Through April 1, 2017 In Memory of: Marylin Alonzi Requested by: Mom & Daddy

Please Note: Tuesday, March 14, the Snowstorm Day, ALL the Mass intentions were celebrated by the Salesian priests at Masses in the Adoration Chapel. Your loved ones were remembered! ———————————————— Nota: El martes 14 de marzo, día de la tor-menta de nieve, todas las intenciones de las Misas fueron celebradas por los sacer-dotes salesianos en las misas de la Capilla de la Adoración. Sus seres queridos fueron recordado!

Mass Announcements

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This weekend we take another break from Lent and celebrate the Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord—the day on which Jesus took flesh in the womb of the Virgin Mary. At the word of an angel and by the power of the Holy Spirit the Son of God took on a human nature like ours! You and I live in a world in which the dignity of the human person is being sidelined more and more. Indeed, I re-cently read of the website of the “Voluntary Human Extinction Movement!” which favors the extinction of humans in order to allow “other” species to develop without the violent interfer-ence of human people! Many of us often see and experience this in the growing mentality in our country that now attempts to equate the rights of animals with those of people! Often it is the very same people who violently and angrily fight for the protection of “animal rights” who are silent about or even strongly support the killing of unborn babies in their mother’s wombs. There is something very messed-up about a society, a culture that supports the life of an animal over the life of a ba-by. Still, we hear outcries like this in our country every single day! In the pagan world, the scheme of life was: god(s).. the world...the person. The feast of the Annunciation changed all of that! Believers recognize the scheme of things is God…. the human person… the world. The world was created for the hu-man person and not the human person for the world! The hu-man person alone, was made in the image and likeness of God! All creation exists for our sake and is subject to us—this is what God’s Word in Genesis reveals to us and the Incarnation of Jesus proclaims to us: the human person is the crown of crea-tion. The Annunciation—the Son of God becoming a man—reminds us of the superiority of the human person over the rest of creation. Realizing this is of paramount importance. Why? Be-cause the more we marginalize and sideline the importance of the human person, and his place in creation, the more we mar-ginalize and sideline Christ! When we look at some of the things that are going on in our society, the fact is that we are living in a pre-Christian atmosphere and, in many cases, seeing a return to “paganism”. We are a society that is losing a sense of God because we are losing a sense of ourselves: our human dignity as persons creat-ed in the image and likeness of God. We share in divine life! The world is not “self explanatory” and we are not the “result of change” —we were created out of the love of God for us! As human persons we are finite; we are sinners; we fail; we are limited. Yet, as persons, we can ask for forgiveness and receive it from a Father who created us and loves us. Lent is a time to reflect on our sinfulness but, more importantly, to realize God’s great love for us in sending His Son as our Savior and Redeemer. We are saved by the Blood of Christ. Jesus was able to die on the Cross because He had a human nature like ours! The feast of the Annunciation offers us a deep Lenten reflection:...in the Psalms we read “what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals, that you care for them?” The more we come to understand our human dignity and God’s great love for us, the more we will change our hearts and our lives to love Him in return! This is the purpose of Lent! God bless you!

Este fin de semana tomamos otro descanso de la Cuares-ma y celebramos la solemnidad de la Anunciación del Señor -el día en que Jesús tomó cuerpo en el vientre de la Virgen María a la pa-labra de un ángel y por el poder del Espíritu Santo, el Hijo de Dios tomó ¡una naturaleza humana como la nuestra! Uds. y yo vivimos en un mundo en el que la dignidad de la persona humana está siendo marginada cada vez más. De hecho, recientemente leí de la página web del "Voluntary Human Ex-tinction Movement! (¡Movimiento Voluntario de la Extinción Hu-mana!), lo cual favorece la extinción de seres humanos para permi-tir que otras "especies" se desarrollen ¡sin la interferencia violenta de la gente humana! Muchos de nosotros a menudo vemos y expe-rimentamos esto en la creciente mentalidad en nuestro país que ahora intenta equiparar los derechos de los animales ¡con los de las personas! A menudo son las mismas personas que luchan violenta y enojadamente por la protección de los "derechos de los animales" se callan o incluso apoyan fuertemente la matanza de los bebés no nacidos en el vientre de sus madres. Hay algo muy desordenado sobre la sociedad, una cultura que apoya la vida de un animal sobre la de un bebé. Y sin embargo, escuchamos gritos como éste nuestro país ¡todos los días! En el mundo pagano, el esquema de la vida era; dios(es) ..el mundo...elhombre. ¡La fiesta de la Anunciación cambió todo eso! Los creyentes reconocen el esquema de las cosas es: Dios .... la persona humana ... el mundo. ¡El mundo fue creado para la persona humana y no la persona humana para el mundo! ¡Sólo la persona humana fue hecha a imagen y semejanza de Dios! Toda la creación existe para nosotros y está sujeta a nosotros -esto es lo que la Palabra de Dios en Génesis nos revela y la Encarnación de Jesús nos proclama: la persona humana es la corona de la creación. La Anunciación -el Hijo de Dios convirtiéndose en un hombre-, Nos recuerda de la superioridad de la persona humana sobre el resto de la creación. Realizar esto es de suma importancia. ¿Por qué? ¡Porque cuanto más marginamos y ponemos al lado la importancia de la persona humana, y su lugar en la creación, ¡tanto más marginamos y ponemos al lado a Cristo! Cuando vemos algunas de las cosas que suceden en nues-tra sociedad, el hecho es que vivimos en una atmósfera pre-cristiana y, en muchos casos, vemos un retorno al "paganismo". Somos una sociedad que está perdiendo un sentido de Dios porque estamos perdiendo un sentido de nosotros mismos; nuestra digni-dad humana como personas creadas a imagen y semejanza de Dios. ¡Compartimos la vida divina! El mundo no es "auto-explicativo" y nosotros no somos el "resultado del cambio" -nosotros fuimos crea-dos ¡por amor de Dios para nosotros! Como personas humanas somos finitos; somos pecadores, fracasamos; somos limitados. Sin embargo, como personas, pode-mos pedir perdón y recibirlo de un Padre que nos creó y nos ama. La Cuaresma es un tiempo para reflexionar sobre nuestra pecami-nosidad, pero, lo que es más importante, para darnos cuenta del gran amor de Dios para nosotros cuando mandó a Su Hijo como nuestro Salvador y Redentor. Somos salvos por la Sangre de Cristo. ¡Jesús pudo morir en la Cruz porque tenía una naturaleza humana como la nuestra! La fiesta de la Anunciación nos ofrece una pro-funda reflexión cuaresmal: ... En los salmos leemos ¿qué son los seres humanos que eres consciente de ellos, los mortales, que te preocupas por ellos?” Cuanto más comprendamos nuestra digni-dad humana y el gran amor de Dios, ¡tanto más vamos a cambiar nuestro corazón y nuestra vida para devolverle el amor! ¡Éste es el gran propósito de la Cuaresma! Que Dios los bendiga!

Pastor’s Corner Desde el Escritorio del Párroco

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Nesse fim de semana interromperemos o quaresma para celebrar a Solenidade do Anunciação do Senhor – esse é o dia da concepção de Jesus, dia em que o anjo Gabriel anunciou a Maria que ela iria ser a mãe de Jesus, exatamente nove meses antes do Natal. Nos dias de hoje, a dignidade humana está perdendo cada vez mais o valor. Recentemente vi numa website o movimento dos ‘voluntários da extinção humana’. Eles pregam a extinção dos humanos para não interferir nas outras espécies. Já podemos constatar mais amor a animais de estimação que a pessoas. Há movimentos que defendem os direitos dos animais com ‘unhas e dentes’ e apoiam o aborto humano. Há cabeças muitos confundidas valorizando mais os animais do que as pessoas. Para os pagãos a ordem era: deuses, o mundo e os humanos. A festa da Anunciação muda isso, primeiro Deus, os humanos e o cosmo. O mundo foi criado para servir aos humanos e não o contrário. Só os humanos foram criados à imagem e semelhança de Deus. Com a Anunciação Jesus se fez humano para salvar os humanos. Quanto mais depreciamos os humanos mais depreciamos a Cristo também. Podemos observar como algumas coisas vão acontencendo em nossa sociedade, ela está perdendo a atmosfera cristã, e em muitos casos, retornando ao “paganismo.” A nossa sociedade está perdendo o sentido de Deus porque estamos perdendo o sentidos de nós mesmos, estamos perdendo nossa dignidade e esquecendo que somos imagem de Deus. Partilhamos a vida dinina! Nós somos frutos do amor de Deus. Como humanos somos finitos, pecadores, falhamos, somos limitados. Contudo, podemos pedir perdão a Deus e recuperar a nossa dignidade. A quaresma é tempo para refletirmos em nossos pecados e perceber o grnde amor de Deus por nós, entregando seu filho como nosso Salvador e Redentor. Nós somos salvos pelo Sangue de Cristo. Ele pode morrer na cruz porque se fez humano como nós. A Festa da Anunciação nos oferece uma profunda reflexão quaresmal: quem são os mortais humanos para merecer a atenção e o amor de Deus? Quanto mais entendemos a nossa humanidade, mais entenderemos quão grande é o amor de Deus por nós e mais seremos capazes de demonstrar nossa gratidão a Deus. Deus te abençoe!

Please Pray for Vocation Br. Lenny Carlino Writes : "I will sing to the LORD all my life; I will sing praise to my God while I live." `Psalm 104:33 "God called me to my vocation because He loved me so much as to let me love Him in return." ————————————————— El Hermano Lenny Carlino escribe: “Al Señor quiero cantar toda mi vida, salmo-diar para mi Dios mientras yo exista. ‘ Salmo 104:33 “Dios me llamó a mi vocación porque Él me ama tanto como para dejarme amarle a Él en cambio. " —————————————————— O seminarista Lenny Carlino escreve : "Eu cantarei ao Senhor toda a minha vida; cantarei ao Senhor enquanto eu viver" Sl 104,33 "Deus me chamou a essa vocação porque Ele me ama tanto e permite que e corresponda ao seu amor".

Da mesa do pároco Men in Formation Hombes en formación

Seminaristas em formação

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God of history and God of all nations,

We praise and thank you for your presence and work in our Port Chester Parishes in the past, the present and the future.

You created us all differently. We are amazed by your wonderful work creating different cul-

tures, Different traditions, different languages and different faces. As we now prepare to become ONE new

parish: Grant us the courage to accept our differences Grant us the strength to resist our prejudices

Grant us the love to care for each other. Grant us spiritual eyes to see your will for

Port Chester/Rye Brook. Grant us the grace to become One family in God.

Grant us the faith to work together to build your Kingdom Port Chester/Rye Brook.

Amen. ————————————————————————

The first hour of work each week is for the Lord. Stewardship: sharing the gifts we have been given.

————————————————— La primera hora del trabajo cada semana es para el Señor. Co-responsabilidad: Compartiendo los dones que hemos recibido.

—————————————————————- A primeira hora del trabalho de cada semana é para o Senhor,

Coresponsabilidade: parailhando os dons que recebemos

Come and spend a few minutes with the Lord at Our Ho-ly Rosary Adoration Chapel, 23 Nicola Place, Port Ches-ter, NY. The Chapel is open Monday—Friday from 7:00AM to 9:00PM, Saturdays 8:30AM-9:00PM and Sun-days 8:00AM-9:00PM. We hope to see you there. ————————————————————- Vaya y pase unos minutos con el Señor en Nuestra Capilla de Adoración de Holy Rosary, 23 Nicola Place, Port Ches-ter, NY. La Capilla abrimos de lunes a viernes de 7:00AM a 9:00PM. Sábados de 8:30AM a 9:00PM y los domingos de 8:00AM a 9:00PM. Esperamos verlos. —————————————————————-

Venha passar alguns minutos com o Senhor na capela de Adoração ao Santíssimo, 23 Nicola Place, Port Chester, NY. A capela fica aberta de segunda a sexta-feira, das

7:00am às 9:00pm, sábado, das 8:30am às 9:00pm, e vvv-domingo das 8:00am às 9:00pm. Esperamos ver vloce lá

Today’s Second Collection is for Catholic Relief Service. Please be generous!

——————————————————- La segunda colecta de hoy es para el Servicio

Católico de Ayuda. Por favor, ¡sean generosos!

——————————————————- Hoje teremos a segunda coleta para Serviço

Católico. Pede-se generosidade.

Adoration Chapel

Today’s Second Collection


Dios de la historia y Dios de todas las naciones, Te alabamos y te damos gracias por tu presencia Y trabajo en nuestras parroquias de Port Chester

En el pasado, el presente y el futuro. Tú nos creaste a todos de manera diferente.

Por eso estamos sorprendidos de Tu obra maravillosa creando diferentes culturas,

Diferentes tradiciones, diferentes idiomas y diferentes rostros. Ahora que nos preparamos para ser en

una nueva parroquia: Danos el valor para aceptar nuestras diferencias

Concédenos la fuerza para resistir nuestros prejuicios Concédenos el amor para cuidarnos los unos a otros.

Concédenos ojos espirituales para ver tu voluntad para Port Chester / Rye Brook.

Danos la gracia para ser una sola familia en Dios. Danos la fe para trabajar juntos para construir tu Reino Port

Chester / Rye Brook. Amén.


ORAÇÃO DA UNIDADE Ó Deus da história e Deus das nações,

Nós vos louvamos e agradecemos pela sua presença E ação na nossa Paróquia de Port Chester

No passado, presente e futuro. Vós nos criastes todos diferentes.

Nós admiramos sua maravilhosa criação de diferentes culturas Diferentes tradições, diferentes línguas e deferentes rostos. Enquanto nos preparamos para ser UMA nova paróquia:

Dai-nos coragem para aceitar as diferenças Dai-nos forças para vencer nossos preconceitos

Dai-nos amor para que cuidemos uns dos outros. Dai-nos olhos espirituais para enxergar a vossa vontade para

Port Chester/Rye Brook Dai-nos a graça de nos tornarmos uma única família na Fé. Dai-nos fé para trabalharmos juntos na construção do seu

Reino em Chester/Rye Brook. Amém.


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Danny Bochicchio, Kay LoParco, Patricia Gallo Perez, Rocco Morabito, Jr, Ryan Williams, Rose Petro, Janet Crisi,

Fr. John Masiello, Fran Ferretti, Lena Ceruzzi, Peter Sotter, Anthony Rappoccio, Raul Aguilera,

Rubicenda Reyes, Christian Ramirez, Ramona (Lidia’s Mother), Fr. Peter Granzotto,

Jerrie Cusumano, Marlen Medina, Jose Amarillo, Jaxon Williams,

Angela Caracuel, Jennie Armeno, Virginia Drago, Maria de Quespe,

Virginia Castaldo, Steven Jiamundo, Luis Lozada, Vicky Guillen, Michelle,

Ahn Riess, Tanita Hairston, Luz Isaura Lopez, Rocio Guaman, Justo Cabrera, Santiago Guzman, Carlos Saez,

Massimo Zazzara, Kathleen Geretty, Marie Gianguzzi Ariana Martinez, Herbert Reimann, Julia Bruzzese, Donald Gioffre, Joseph Goldman,

Patty Cantrell, Herman Bentimilla, Marie Santos,

Charles Opara, Mercedes Montoya, Anthony Guastella, Rocio Valerio,

Rose Ahanekut, Victoria Grosse, Ana Tapia, Henry Bast, Joan Van Dyke, Anthony Staiano,

Julian Alonzo, Cathy & Tom Malarkey, Charlene Farina, William Giangrande,

Bonnie Soria, Michael Smith, Samantha Nespolini , Felicita Mack, Walter Mallinson, Constance James,

Antoinette Fritz, Joseph & Marion Pavone,& Christian John

Let us remember in our prayers the sick of our parish:

If you have anyone you would like to include in our Prayer List, please contact Arlete at the

Parish office at 914-939-3169

Stations of the Cross during Lent Every Friday. After the 12:00 noon Mass in Corpus Christi Church in English. 7:00PM at Holy Rosary Church in Spanish Fol-lowed by the 7:30PM Mass.

Vía Crucis todos los viernes durante la Cuaresma. Después de la misa de las 12:00PM en la Iglesia de Corpus Christi. 7:00PM en la Iglesia de Nuestra Señora del Rosario seguida por la misa de las 7:30PM .

Nós teremos a via-sacra todas as sextas-feiras da quaresma. Após a missa do meio dia na Corpus Chirsti e das 7:00PM em Igreja do Santo Rosário em espanhol Seguido pelo 7:30 Missa .

We have FREE ESL Classes, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. from 9:30AM to 11:00AM, in the Don Bosco Community Center. For those with children we also have free babysitting available. —————————————–———— Tenemos clases de inglés GRATIS, lunes, martes y miércoles por la mañana de 9:30AM a 11:00AM , en el Centro Comuni-tario de Don Bosco. Para las personas con niños pequeños, también tenemos niñera. —————————————————— A nosa paróquia oferece aulas de inglês grátis, de segunda, terça e quarta-feira pela manhã: das 9h30am às 11:00am, no Don Bosco Community Center. Há babysitter pa-ra cuidar das crianças enquanto as mães as-sitem às aulas

Stations of the Cross

Vía Crucis

Estações da Cruz


Stations of the Cross

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CONGRATULATIONS to all of our Don Bosco Religious Educa-tion Program and Corpus Christi Our Lady of the Rosary students who made their First Reconcilia-tion on March 13th and 16th. Let us raise up our prayers for all these students that they contin-

ue to encounter Jesus and receive His Mercy by continuing to go to confession!

CRS Rice Bowls Lenten Program We are in the fourth week of our CRS Rice Bowl Program! Please continue to focus on this journey you are taking as a family to help the needy and grow in faith this Len-ten Season. Students please plan on re-turning your Rice Bowls to the Religious Education Office or the Parish Rectory before Easter. God Bless You! Religious Education Office: 914-937-6301

¡FELICITACIONES! A todos nuestros Programas de Educación Religiosa Don Bosco y Corpus Christi Nuestra Señora del Rosario que realizaron su Primera Reconciliación los días 13 y 16 de marzo. ¡Levantemos nuestras oraciones para todos es-tos estudiantes que continúen encontrando a Jesús y recibiendo Su Misericordia continuando a confesarse! Programa CRS Rice Bowl para esta Tempo-

rada Cuaresmal ¡Estamos en la cuarta semana de nuestro Pro-grama CRS Rice Bowl! Por favor continúen en-focándose en este viaje que están tomando

como una familia para ayudar a los necesitados y crecer en fe esta Temporada Cuaresmal. Los estudiantes planean regresar sus Tazones de

Arroz a la Oficina de Educación Religiosa oa la Rectoría Parroquial antes de Pascua. ¡Dios te

bendiga! Oficina de Educación Religiosa: 914-937-6301

The Corpus Christi-Holy Rosary senior meet-ing will be on April 2, 2017 from 2:00PM to 4:00PM. Special guest speaker is Bea Conetta.

Our Lenten Soup Supper are every Wednesday, during Lent. Please join us at 6:00PM in the Holy Rosary Church hall. If you would like to donate a soup, please call Ann Carrieri at 937-2825. _______________________________________ Nuestras cenas de sopa cuaresmal son todos los miércoles durante la Cuaresma. Por favor únase a nosotros a las 6:00PM en el Salón de la Iglesia de Holy Rosary. Si desea donar una sopa, por fa-

vor llame a Ann Carrieri al 937-2825.

——————————————————- Teremos a sopa todas as 4as feiras da quar-esma as 6:00pm no basemant da Holy Rosary. Venha tomar sopa conosco! Se quiser doar sopa ligue para Ann Carrieri no 937-2825

In Memory of:________________________ ____________________________________ Requested by:________________________ ___________________________________ Donation $___________________________

Reserve your Easter Flower Pot In Memory of a Loved one!

Religious Education

Educación Religiosa

Lenten Soup Suppers


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Corpus Christi Preacher: Fr. Thomas Ruekert, SDB English 7:00PM each evening

Monday 7:00PM Mass Fr. Tom Ruekert Confessions 7PM-9PM (Various Priests

of the Parishes)

Tuesday 7:00PM Mass Fr. Tom Ruekert Confessions 7PM-9PM (Various Priests of the Parishes)

Wednesday 7:00PM Mass —Celebrant Fr. Tom Ruekert with the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick

Holy Rosary Preachers: Deacon Buenaventura Almanza, SDB Spanish and Deacon Vladimir Estrada, SDB

Monday 7:30PM Mass – Celebrant Fr. Miguel Followed by Mission Conference

Confessions 7PM-9PM (Various Priests of the Parishes)

Tuesday 7:30PM Mass – Celebrant Fr. Tarcisio Followed by Mission Conference

Confessions 7PM-9PM (Various Priests of the Parishes)

Wednesday 7:30PM Mass —Celebrant Fr. Pat Followed by Mission Conference with the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick

Please Join US! All are invited!

Parish Revive Parishes of: Corpus Christi-Our Lady of the Rosary

Our Lady of Mercy-Sacred Heart / Resurrection Mission, March 27, 28 & 29

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