TRADE AND SHIPPING. *vyßE'" TT.'ESfIAT. PorMand, Jun- 10, m. yct&ie*i*T?&*'\u25a0\u25a0 ? r "3rty #-x*^n*ry. U. S- PA OLE, > r f DEPART".!ENT OF TUBE WEATHER EI'REAU. dailt BULLETIN. J-tiri« V. IMK. p 7 r Wsn4. 2 < 2r« 1 8 = ; c tr Ii 1 | I'si * PLACE r- | , j ; | ? I ;! fap7 fj | V An«»U». V».1" S4 )W 2? V '"*>ar jL.s' i»- ...\u25a0 N. *4 . f oCJl^a.r " K "" M AnC'torfy «,T* w...:r- «< »< v 34 .<» pte.ty >rr< \wl .. \u25a0\u25a0\u25a0'\u25a0 "' T. N*V. w.O n**r EL-wr* ..!-\u25a0? ?> "? XW » .«» Pt<-.,1r « ,4a . ' »- f '* XW 14 .^Cloudy l; > B **- « ''-XV. JC .flr>Clear .. 2- «' «' v, W « .9> PTCSdy i,; K""-»n. M S Or»Clf»ar WM«r.s .;?>"»? - ??» X L.i Jtf-PiCt&r ??'?"Lakf..\u25a0?» W»? X C .®>CleeJP "il y F«tli" 9"X W 6 L.*S/ ofy.PtC^>ir ?_? ? ? \u25a0 fA ,-V > J 4 -'CCWar ? "o ,»t va'.lons r»k»-r» at all ata ? na at I , m nth time C 5 p. m. PaclOc Ot><»r»erv«r In Charja. at Ilnrl»or Today. Hxh Low Tide. T-- ?:? ? --?« i 1.0 ! a.ts "ETi At Port Trrwnernrl 84 »fc lyris t 0.71 3 nf> g.4 Beattle, June 10. w*t E*«har.*o* at Seattle, and Portland clearing houses today -were: Clearance*. Balances. 'ie 06 »13.7^('>7 facouii !*{.»» «l ».»& l\>r' :»nd W 44.fab uO car* > of pitxtuoo 'rult which arri/ed <*! the m«irrwf front California *a.- con»hV-rah4e o»f a dfoctppoinunent tn Qualify, f- ; <1 the automat th««i w .at. Amociic < (wrmtodltifw on hoard w#r» ca''i«Mf?:«, rKrtaLoea. cxnioria, b*an«, a>rlc<»ta, I*>jiu«)« and orang»e. Ts« bwvt had h*»es* ux> konir on Che way far t!v» j" portion of the cargo. cabiMif* w«« panttcjlarly poor a:, i ar« havtos a at am »«!*;. The b»-ir,<i rw«l»e«l w-re t»iao |>w, hui rh* j>otarorn b.A onions, i«-j« periahabie, a ere ki a fair mnditlon. Th<- California i ucunr*>f«r* are very good, at I- a >V'X- Tiie; aprMb aro 111 very (?jo-1 001 istion and are ifuaticd at |L Pesas are in (rood auf.piy at S.jc. :ie tmtter was elvel also, but the |«> il and Ea.sitern brau<fc» ruk- the, market. A var lo*'l of Ceiitral ban an an canK- yeeter i»iy via New orl«»jis in j>rttne o>.>nditiiKi- To nwke the trip they must be very Rreen and aro rtpwved by a sp*'- «tel pr<*:«ws afier rewhlng here. The pr.." quoted if a Ininch. Strawberries art' coming in more freely. . rw*:y of them from Vashon. They are 4«»s-n to J" 2T. analiu Aiiotiier car will tar: East todav. Nsth-e rhubarb In good supply at 1011*6. fckirs oonttJmue s.-arce and are quot> d \u25a0t m-ltc, the firmer receiving 14c. The chicken supply Is fair and fylly equal to the derniOi'l. with no el»ange In quota- tkwJ. l>rtini.AM> GRAIN MARKET. Portland, June la- Wheat?Walla Wal- k. valley, 53<ui4c per busheL "AN KHAN CISCO MARKETS. Breadstuff's and firoln*. San Francisco, June 10? Wheat? No. 1. choice. SC .c per cental; lowr fralss, Bt*&«>7V; extra choice for milling. Kcstl. Flour-Family extra?. 4." per bar- rel. bakers' extras, J.".40y3.a0; superfine, JJ -HJ2.50 per barrel. Barley-Dull and weak. Feed. M%®«c for ordinary and possibly a small advance for choice bright, brewing nominal at £*4 fcc per cental Oats Milling. sl.«ei.l3lfc; fancy feed. $: iC's'-id.Oft per cental. good to choice. 97'*c fcJl'Oj, common to fair. DOCiific; red. 90Cu I. gray, Surprise. Jl.l'^il.lo. Wool and ilops. Wool Spring, year s fleece. San Joaquin, t*r pound. six to eight months do, Fi* six to eight months Calaveras and fiothill. free. V<floc; do, defe<^|ve, northern, good to choice. &ii*l2e; do defec- tive, :.,<*c. Ne%ada spring, light and choice, M 10c: heavy, title. Hopa?4jy6c per pound. « losing Quotation". Wheat? Faster; December Barley Easy; December, 63\c. Corn-41.0&. Bran-414. Trodiice. Potatoes?lYtces have a wide range, ac- cording to quality. Burbank*. JiOo^l; Petri, ss, *wjv,>; new potatoes In sacks, - >. nrw Farly Rove In boxes, 4<>if7r>c: Oregon Hurhanks. 4<>, <i63c per cental. Puttf r?F-iirly steady at Saturday's Jri il * Sto-ks are smaller. Creamery, fan } 1: ii:\ \u25a0, feennds, llii 114e per pound. dairy, fancy, llfjllV per pound; Pd to choice. '»' a lie; medium grades, "H*V Store. 7'i;;Sc. ? \u25a0 - Fancy mild. new. So; common ' > s<> 4.; V; y .»ung America. .Sft 'c; East- #rn. ll' i .ii;'.,c. Western, T! \u25a0< market «:is higher again to- Dt. W Hi 27c per doxen; store *K«. Hiil' , ranch WrlT^c. KUmii :ar:cr sicks, 3*».742. Oregon. '? Washington, 7.«»3: wheat. cental*, harlry. cental*. 7-V». oats. centals. Oregon. :b. ins, sacks. 274; corn, 'als. j. itoes. sa/*ks. - 4*' oats, Oregon. cwtals. V'.l; onions, sacks. Ul; Vr*:i Ore.: .in sack?. 1. >'»**: middlings, ?a* ks. ~:s, w me. gallon*. 35,3j0. Financial. bars v. . ?, D'aft* -Sight «-\u25a0*. doiiar? '.l do Telegraph.. .& Minlnv: A' r a V", tulia oe A,,*.* 0»M. i Justice 12 U) \ f i:\t- k i\»t> «C {, i** r »? I. tlv Wash. Oo«. «M li.-'i' &v. ? r _ s* Mer; -an 3f |W" Con 2-M'. MM*. is ? '*?»»\u25a0. i bviial Con... 17 1 « » ?.£ \u25a0« t'on ... 3ftO\erman IS ? V l'-<t.*t M 7: Savag* ' ' * \ ?<. *? sierra Nevada ... « CrMrn rotnt... . VtStiver Jit 11 «» r, .r 5 **"' rt ' Fnton CVw iV \ C-irrte .. s I'Mrti Orm ***** & Son r .s~ NX r«Uov Jacket.... » M W yuuk MARKETS. Th« <>tock Fichanae. »w J':re 10.?Tha * eek opened on * *'\u25a0\u25a0- «*xi' i"in excellent tone, and ?"*\u25a0' Uri.>n throughout the day rt rr trlth an up* ird tendency. Amor* .* oilier os »'h!<'h assisted to develop "*. ???:?.« rt were the favorable char- -52* °* '- e crop nt«r| from the WMt, « ?.nnn»>«s of American securities In :1 " 1 *** * 1 I bnylnjf re for the for- -41 " l ' '"\u25a0 ! tve ?-»»a.vlne'««» of sterling «*char. g« # o , h ? buns. Th-r» «r* j r»-a>-tions dne to reaJlaa- *r' ?i, ' # fillers and a few other , * fe " J f't t ni<-ipat« In the rener.\l -\u25a0rrn\>m<>nt hit in the main the final *''?'* * f or »< »r the best price* re- e Co.il an 1 Iroa advanced JV Ati«hi*nn. Manhattan and Northern , ' br» '-'?rred ", ar, 5 the (Granger* ?%»» c rvc ®n r! i-'ne is down I*4 per cent. ( «»*«» guaranteed f»4l off 1 per cent, to \u25a0.: ever touched. hut re- ??rrVf <0 * marsJ,lt cloaed jrencrally v ? , r ? . < .j ? r1 ftronjf with no *\u25a0'f .i':.-r»*. The salog were J1.196.- '?overr»ir,er.t h«n ;s -F^rro. f'*'* bon<»*_ trsacti\ e -Rwiroarf bonds-Strorir financial. t ' rr! ". '--v at l per cent.: last r~- j- 1 r . .-lit v i yr r r-nt. Trtme «r P-** -'\u25a0 * per rent. **? "«? »\ »nge? sjcr. v.u& actual mt U ** «?- ra*e* li w "* for W P'wt'd Commercial b'lla M.I7VJ. Sinrer W, tTTV .. Bonds. U 6*J*»2L Wr ** * R o ....U?i f 5 Frv .-rs &vi t" 8 k B* Ecse BwWa «F 3 U S 5' 2? p '-.-\u25a0«? C H. 4 8 A. to. * * V k ti' 2* ?lU\ B«y«bi 14 vs £ Zu* - I }} u 4T- c - «? \ "JX""',*«? lsMii aL: r%L. f -- * K T. ** -? Ala. *< - O *£! Second 4s S> » iu 1 V^y.T,? :ff7 Matcai Ua.ua 45.11* AU ' VwT 9,7 S J c «*- «a.l*n» L^V.^" 7 ' 57 N p !«\u25a0 HSfc uh, N '" Con. 4b W Scoon*, K cJil!l-|." ,W Northwest 00r...1C ?\u25a0?**** « r D* 6*. ..u-i ~ I<Jt 14 r > w i*t».... :?;% ?W 22L-El** 1 - 9«- P»"l <"*«r 7*. 128 F v»'« r CV'* V> *??»»* T-nV i. Kn *' I**l MWn '* T* V* <wl * L«s F.O*rv *.112 ? B2 T«* IMS... »1 *? 73SU P law of « .** f-' p . West Sftore 49...M4 v. r. iki of '*. us Stock <Juotat ion*. A-eh'jon l>SfN West t dtv JC A^T s -r F:x J >r***14 I Pref-rred 1< 4 I- H *> In. Y.'Central....Wl* Amer. ErpresN. ii? K- y&\ y. 42' i - « t J f >»tar»o 4k W ... iv\ Carafla 80u'4»... &3\3or. Xav 2v ! Cwrsat Pacific . IS}. t< AU.N\ 7" .7** * isKmc Mall 2*-, I- A Altonlso I'ewia. D A K.. f * ?. J3S P. tsburg .IV 4 yrtUA *o ir%» 7, Prdl-rsan Paku-^/57; J . 0 " -? i- WfS Reading 1«H y.j < ?*.«<? o. %v iv, i-2h A. V Preferre.il 44 t.2i &U 1 * r --- 27 Ro*k Island '-*vS' Paul «^S t> L'"V?r ..I<l Pre-?e>rr*«i IT. fi. w\B: J' AO »r, *'<>? - ,; 4 Preferred ' ??\u25a0;\u25a0? HU«r.utM Pacific.... 34 x tT? ??? 2V. »? igar Rertnery. .lt?v ? V- v 2. 5,n " ????IST T*nn. r». *? 1 £? T'-P 1 ?-? --13* PactfV ... 15 V, E I pfd !'»'«* TAO. C. pfd... ra, \u25a0Hocking?% alley. Pa-lft- .. ll- 4 Illinois Cen'rai.. v.C (' fs F.*rr~<*~ .. 40 f; r^:11 * D » W «\u2666. LAP.. r, Kan. A Tm. pfd t > 1?C L. E. A W 24< t Wefia FVt*o !?* Prefer re 1 «i?W.TVee»sri t'nlon.. L«ke »iore 147 V, W. A U F. 11 I**»d Triwit r.\ Pr*-ferred 44 L A N 6M. M A H- L., new. IV^ LAX A «4-\ D. A R. a 14\ J! an hart an Con.l!f,On. EVe.-rrl>-> y.\ .Memphis* c... y, Nat. 1 ?? , Mi -h Cen'ral ...lfs» Col. F A T 3*'* Missrruri Pa-dfl. . 3KJ, MoMV A C*h'o . W 2 ft A T <"?»?»? ral. 2 Nashville Chatt. r. T A. A A N. M 3->4 Nat. Cordw!.... IST St. L A K. C. « I*referr«»i S*» Prefemeid N J Central ... R R !*% N AW. pfd J4"< Preferred K A. Co 'AiAmer TV'^acco..ll3 North. r, p r <*'<^ r '»l lUT* "Preferred lf'i St. P M. A M ..114 T*. P., D. A « ... 5~ Total Halo*. The total sales of stocks today were IX.XI shares. Including: American Kuirar. 19.300; Atchison. «v<K*); Atchison, first assessment paki, 4.4« v»; Burlington, 20,700, Chicago Gas, R.<»o; instilling, 6.9»i". Ht. Paul. 11.3W); Tenn<»ss«»e Coal and Iron, 12,409; Western I nion, 3,7<y». The c»raln Supply. The visible, supply of grain Saturday. .Tune 8. as compiled by the New York produi*» exchange. as follows: V\"rt«-at 49,7u."»,f1»W bushels, decrease, 2.4*4.090. <"orn?ll.rjC.'**) bushels; Increase. Cl.- 000, Oats?S 751.0nn bushels; Increase. 13 W. Rye?l27.lol) busheia; decrease. S.ono, Barley?lM.ooo bueheis. decrease, 6.000. yiour. Flour?Beceipts. 3'.. exports. 11.7<V) barrels; sale®. Market held at old but buyers were g*n- erally holding off for the government re- port. Bye Hour?Firm. Wheat. Wheat Receipts. 23.100 bushels: ex- ports. IC.SOO bushels. sales, «,S»w>,o(iO bushels futures. Spot, dull; No. 2, red. store and elevator, <C<'; afloat, S3. ; f. o. b.. S4V*c atloat: No. 1 northern, delivered. No. l.hard, 87\»c, deliv- ered. Options wr-ro weak aH day. except for a '*c rally at the close under big Rus- sian shipments, heavy rains and fears that th«- bureau report might not be as bullish as anticipated. Foreigners sold, and It is said are now heavily short. A large incnuse afloat for Europe and a disappointing reduction In the visible sup- ply added to the depression; c4oso<l Vtf Ho off. -No. 2. red. June closed i<-, July. JC 9~H»'tfs4 11-Me, closed Mc; August. Kl'dS4N« > . cloeed KtV: September, M%c. closed s4o; October. H4- 4 '(MSc, closed December, S-16c, closed &%?'\u25a0 Hops. Hops?Slow. . Wool. Wool?Firm. Metals. Pig iron?Steady; American. sloffi2 3T>. Copper?Quiet, exchange price, 10.80. Lead?Firm; exchange price, |3.32^M1 3.35. Tin?Weak: Straits. $13.90$ 14 ; plates, market steady. Spelter?Firm; domestic, }3.7553.50. < oiTee. Coffee ?Options cloeed dull, unchanged to 10 points decline; December, SU.S.\ SjK>t coffee?Rio, dull; No. 7. 15"iic; mild, quiet. Sugar. Sugar-Raw, active; centrifugal. D 6 test. 3 5-160. Petroleum. Petroleum Flrmor. clos.-d |1.42 bid. CHICAGO MARKETS. Th«* Board of Tnulc. Chicago, June 10.?'Wheat opened wry weak comparM with Saturday. TTie rrowd had July for <"* l* ?* from 80% c down to SOiyT, (nst-.id of MV. *# on Saturday afternoon. Kansas', Nebraidca and Mis- souri. besides the sprins wheat country, had waived plenteous rains since Satur- day, and the f*ar of the bulls was that the government in its crop report today would not make the condition of wint«r what as bad as the daily reports of total failure in many p!* ' 5 have led j*op!e generally to expect. The foreign reasons f,»r bearing the market were in <v>nnec- tion with the extremely liberal shipments for th* week from Russia, which, accord- ing to one report, amounted to the morm- ons quantity of fi.000.000 bushel*. There * s selling on every bulge, which was the policy pursued by the crowd Aft. r a f<»* minutes around »V «t the opening. July wheat slid do*n to B&V*. but gradually rose from that to »ln ins.de the ne\» half- hour. The pri-e tumbled twV* aft»r that to *v? Th* pri" of July dragging close around for about an hour In the middle of the s»s«lon. hut about minutes from the clo««. the price was p\c for July. The closing cables were firm. B.it the weakness continued to tha end. Julv finishing at *te. July corn, which closed on Saturday at v*v" ©p<*ned Irregular this nwrrfn* at to W»4\ and kept within the range ot 53c to KTHc all day but closed at &k6ZZ\. July oats started from Sic to ST\c. sold at Jl'jc, weakened to S ! *c and closed a; The provision markst was dull. Tie prices about the opening were at from >it 7 1 -?'" Improvement over Saturday s clos- ing f«r pork and about TV* gain for lard and ribs At the close the rw* result pork with a loss of S'yc. lard and Til* un- changed from Saturday. (Mooing Quotations. Wh^at-June. 75'-;c: July. *>-. Corn ?June, M\~. Julv, .«!?*{??\u25a0» *<v Oats?June, Sic; Julv. 3lc. Pork?Jtine. 11- o July, SI-- 1 ard-June. **.75: July. f* «5 bA Ribs*?June, fc. J7. July, J* 37. Barley?s3c. Rve?7*Vr. Flax M * Timothy?*s*- N. W. HARRIS & CO. BAN<ER3,_ 163-165 De«rfcorn*st.. Chldt"- , j vtalt-st.. N<-» Vorts. 70 *-iate-»t- Ho#tao. SBONDS Ccaght a«v» Sc- - wsa.i»»ea MMtMtt. Live stock. la cattle, although the arrivals today were estimated a: only 12.*** "head. tfse nippJT was ei -«*«ive, and the market opened 3 F-c lo*fr. inferior to fancy tsativa f'-erg. p. 9r*s4. fair to rood. *4 *>#? S; extras, .5» earners' oo*». fl.TT*#2 ?; Iv»* h»r» . C calves, U57.75; ?tak- ers and feeders. |? **34, Texas canle. C ® &S ®. .Hogs were I've higher than Saturday, Heavy. P 4"<?4 *>; bclk, *4 ©64 a>: light* » » C; b ilk lirhta. »4 mixad, *4.r.a« ?. The »fc**p ma rite? was in bad for ef»mmon and Inferior grades, wh?!e the good to eh*h*»-p ar.d lambs were In good demand at stmrsg prices. Natives. IXjt.S. Texara yearlings, fc ? spring lambs. J3.W/-^. Receipts?Cattle. ealvea. #??, hogs, a,'**, ahe-p, »,em). fOSKION MARKETS. Financial. London. Jun» M? 3" *-l*d. Con- sols. J ws-s. of England rate of inter- est. 2 per cent. New York. June jo ?The K%eninr Post's London cablegram says: The stoek mar- k«"fc were r;ulet b : :t firmer todav. The set- tlemeni day dlm losod a generally reduced sperulative Contangoes on Amer- i<~ans were only per cent., money hav- ing gone from the Kaffir market into Americans. Americans clo-ed firm and abeve the pari'y. but dealings were purely professional. Prices closed under the best. The atock liquidated by the operator men- tioned last week was merely spread out and not absorbed. The bullish speculative tendency is ch*<~ked hv the uncertainties of politics. There is a n'rnog feelln* about the Russo-Chinese loan. It is said press- ure was hrouaht to bear in China to pre- vent the r!nal completion of the Irian. BrwwlßufTV and Grain*. Liverpool, June I*>?lVh«*' ?Spot, firm: demand poor. No. 2 red winter. Ss lPyl; No 2 red» spring, <?s 4d No. 1 hard Mani- toba, 6s 3d, No. 1 California. 5s 10d. Fu- tures closed quiet, with near and distant positions '?jd higher. June. Is: July. 6s Aujrust. 6s Id; September, 6s I'j.d: October, is November, 6s l^d. Corn?Spot, steady; American mix*d. n»w. 4s iP2 d. Fvitures closed quiet, H#%d higher; June and July. 4s 7 l »d. August, 4s 7\d; September. 4s October. 4s B'^d; November. 4s S' 4 d. Flour?Firm: demand moderate; St. I>>uls fancy winter, 7s 9d. Hops?At Pacific coast, £2 sa. MARINE NEWS. Port Plakeiey. June 10.? Special.?Vessels In fort and loading are: Bk Carro4ton. Iquiqui. Chile, bk Nonantum, Australia; bk Cavour. Callao; bk Hesper, Port Pirie; bk Oregon, lquiqui, «'hile; sh Invincible, repairing: sh Sterling, Philadelphia; bk C. C. Funk. Fnga island, Alaska; bk Kate I>a\eni»ort. San Francisco: C. S. Holmes, San Pedro; sehr Fanny Putard. San Frai»ds»'o. Vessels bound and due are: Earl of Burgess, for United King- dom; bktn M<xioc. Shanghai: bktn Rol>ert Sudden, for Shanghai: bk J. B. Brown, Sydney; bk Oscar Herrera; bk Paclfloo; t schr William Bowden. Port Pirie, t>k" Thermopylae; bk Mercury. San Francisco; bk Columbia. San Francisco; sclu* Ex- celsior, San Pedro. San Francisco, June 10?Arrived?Ore- gon. I'ortlatid: sh Cyrus Wakefield, Nanal- mo; schr Gotama. Coos bay; Australia, Honolulu. Freights and charters?Am bktn Klh kitat. n<>w at Port Gamble, lum- ber thence to Honolulu; Am bk Margaret, lumber from Puget sound to Sydney, Am schr Sadie, lumber from Tacoma to Guay- maa. The harkentine Klickitat loads lumber at Port Gamble for Honolulu; bk Marga- ret lumber on the Sound for Sydney, 32s Hd. prior to arrival; schr Sadie lumber at Tacoma for Guaymas. Hoquiam, Wash., June 9,?Sailed?Schr Cath Sudden. Aberdeen, for San Fran- cisco: schr W. F. Witaerman, lloquiajn, for Honolulu. WATER FRONT NOTES, Central wharf Is receiving new piling throi*gh»uL Scoamer Rosalie took four car loads of flour a.al f(«-<i to V'icoorla. The Mohican will mil this morning to British Cohimwia u> tejit cckU. Fishiiig hooner Alcedo arrived j-estor- day with 2,'<00 pounds of hajfbut. Stenrrwer Ska«l't Chief IwougSit 'J*> crates of etrawberrW* from V'a-shoir Island. Tag ISeaver had her b.-*llers washed yes- terday and Is cm the grldlroo for rejmint- to*. S. tlfaig (t- hoasier Erland !s re- oeivlug rojsiJns ar.d wiii yail for Bering tomorrow. Tomorrow 1e etoanishlp day. The Mex- ico .«ai!w for San Fra«ctocx>b the City of Puebla la due from that port, ar.d tho Queen eaiis f«>r Alaska. Steamer City of made a spe- oial trip ycs:orday for this city. She ha 1 forty tone* of merchandise, this being the rentiUndcr of -rhe Victoria's cargix Ship Sparlan comv»lot>d her cargo of 2.S *0 t its of Black Diamond ov>al and was towed to s «» by 'he ttig War. ser-r. Bark Gatherer takes the Spartan's place un- der the chute*. HOTEL ABRIVAI>. IIOTKL. XORTHHIIN. J N"*" York. <». W (lowland. Nana! m", B. C. Mr*. (kttism), Nanafrnio. R. C. V H Tronia Marsh Atk. <ar>r Chattanooga. J M. DouK-tn. TVcoma R P Cotfax. Cap* J J. Olympta. II W Ambrose. Sfpokane. !F O DavMge. Victoria. >1 J Victoria. A 1.. B»'!ye>a. N Icioria. J,'uis Wood. San KYar.«i®?o. G. Smith. Tacosna. i' H McKenny, Snohomish. Mrs McK-'W Snoh'-mistu S l. Urlttih. Da*»>-/. K Mai: ?VT'\ l»»i '\u25a0»>"? J Slvtßetb. CS<*\ land. !: t; : ,-l. S ill 1 *\u25a0?«»'»» t ' :y. M C N*i !<"n. K?.->::«» i U'ah y .t !V> inter. Cedar Oh y, I "tab j !?* Flshf. MwDw, I'tah f'Ox .1 \u25a0 " ' v s 1. ke t';;y. Mrs H. 1, Ra.lsper. Ar.acortea. \ttEor. \J»ttCOf? \u2666 J M Brow: N -h Y Otima. \ V> (" <r t Honol du. t\ \ Wi'.-ums. lVr:Unl %! K Wiir'on. Tscotna. j li Johnso«». City. X B Tavlw. Ta \V > W ?*;» V tr.a. Byr-»r wvHe. Taccsna. H". Cartrtrus. c«y p T Ni -V < f y \u25a0 c" 11 r*r*n<» city, c. s Ft»y. City. Vri «k J Curt 5 < v <>K srles V" Pa* ' Cry. \lex Jamieeon. CT v. T A City, jl h. iltnte. city. r, K FK-ana fry. T S Bra -> *'?*. ' *> y K H Enge»b«ck. iHtrpJ, RtTT/FTR. J R SCaKtntCTi Wharv om. B. l?.»k«r. Ifnmmot H l S- H .or* ar 1 wtfe. A ar. ">u"ier. K S»*noir. Ta -or t. P «; Tiffy ?}) v Myer*. Oa*«*rport. V \ Cl ayT*o®l- - T. W ik-ox .i'-nw. \«-« <5 1 Ba«lger, AnwirM. p.' r->w»>rs. San PIMCIMk \ M H«'-rma >t i, Ore*n. M.l«a« k- e. f «"v U vi<li *\u25a0 P'"" ajwl. T V W'u-'i. S: '*'? J >j,,y ptrv T.i wa. «7eorr- R '' rv - T W. T'afTrell, Rvere' . p v. CriMo'k. Kv<»re*'_ V K Everett- S - v ?- f »-.rv*--v ? ? -rett. j y. H«ma er*>t * S»-"hail. E\-w W. J- ParreU. An».»r» G. V- R- I'mwinpment, «{»->kane. The Great Northern railwa; , en June ?. Ift and 11. will have on sale for the ahcve o- -as! n round trip ti.:Ve»s «t t*;e rats ot ©re ar 1 ©re-fi*th fare f«r »h- round trip. Overland flyer iea%es Seat: **t T p . m . a* 1 arrives at Spokare a* ? a. n-. This rste is not b*s»-1 ? 7-.tj any num- ber. but open to ail desinn* to attend th» er> smpment T.cket off «, No. sjj Front atreet. lVpot. foot of Manon Btre?t. THE SEATTLE POST-IXTELLIGEyCER. TUCMIAY, JUNE It, tm Seattle Will Celebrate s 4th Upon the most ex- tensive scale ever known in the North- west. The programme will include Sham Battles, Street Parades, Regattas, Pyrotechnic Display, Racing, Tug-of-War, Athletic Sports, Etc., Etc. A cordial invitation is ex- tended to all neighboring towns and cities to join us in making this celebration an event worthy of the day. The active co-operation of all citizens of Seattle is earnestly requested. By order EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. I K<. VI. NOTICE. JTOTfCE TO CREDITORS?CtrruIt court o' :he United Ninth circuit, Dis- tr "t of Washington, Newt hern division. A I'- Filler. compi iiain;, u Rainier Power v Company and Union Trust Company of New York, defend- - No. £J4. N i* here-Vy sr.*. *a 'o all p«r«on«, flnr.s or corpora-lons holding claima ajsainat the Rahiser Power Railway CoTj)»r* to present tali claims to the ifrslgßtd. its receiver, at hla office, 6*7 bull is *2 a. Seattle, Wish., duly ver- ir. >i bv the affidavit of « i h p-r*on, or a iri-m'-er of auch firrr. or an officer, attor- ny or agent oT au corporation. or be? the 1"..h day of July. is». In de- fa f « h cialm be:ry pr-sen'ed and \t-ri! *l. afore*®:!. s.ich person, firm crt >rp*>rat!on shall l>e debarred from any cia.:n » >' s m the hands of th« receiver and from disturirtu# the poa- of the rect.ver la any assets by him heid. _ _ FIU£DL2IICIi EATSUAN. Receiver. T g MET? TO ALL POINTS IN THE WORLD via the following popular routes: Qliacta Through Oregon and Oall- uUaolti fornia, p»??ip.g ML OffH on Sacnmtnta, Salt Lake City and Denver. Qnncaf ?' Thronjrh Los Angeles, KX Paso and New Orleaca. Only all rail line to CALIFORNIA Low Rates, Quirk Time, Best Kqalpnn For general Information concerning rates or sleeping car reservations, call on or address THOMAS A. GRAHAM. Dlst. Pass, and Freight Agent. Starr-Boyd Building. E. P. ROGERS, A. G. F. & P. A. Portland. Canadian Pacific By. Company Minneapolis, St Panl St Sanlt Ste. Marie Railway. (Soo Line). Dulnth, Sonth Shore & Atlantic Railw'av. m . I (Martjuetta Routs). OVEREAND TRATV3? Leave Seattle daily 9:18 a. BL for tht East. Arrlva Seattle dally 5 .90 p. m. from tha East. THROUGH TOURIST CARS. Steamship Warrimoo leaves Vancouver June 16 for Honolulu, FIJI and Australia. Steamship Empress of Japan leaves Vancouver June for China and Japan. Canadian Pacltlo Railway ticket office, 609 Front street. TIOL F. fak«t, Burr C. PITH fletrr C. Rea*. NORTHERN PACIFIC ?RUNS?- rCLLMAXRLKPIXO CAB LLEt' A NT MINING CAR*. IOIBUI SLEKfINO CARS ?TO? At. Pasl Mlaneapoll* Daltth, F«r(o, (irand forks, Crookttan, Wlaulp«(, Hclt'ua. Audßntt* Through Tickets to Chlcaga, Philadelphia. W»ahla»ton, New York, KOKIOU and all polata hast and South. TIME SCHEDULE IX EFFECT JUNE 2, IS9&. Trains Leave Seattle: Fo>r St. Paul and East, 4:30 p. m. For Portland. Gray's Harbor cities and South Bend, 12:30 p. :n. For Olyinpia, 7 :10 a. m. For Ta 'oma ar.d local, 7:10 a. m., 12 20, 4:20 and 6:00 p. m. Trains Arrive at Seattle From St. Paul and East. 2 35 p. tn. From Portland, Gray's Harbor cities and South Bend, 6:.V) p. m. From Olympia, 6:50 :>. m. Frc»m 'i'a.c*>m«t. and Vocal, 8.40 and 11:30 a. in.. 2:36 and 6:; V) p. m. This card subject to change ?without no- tice. For rat<*s. routes and oth*r Information call on or address I. A. NADEAU. General Seattle. City Ticket Office, corner Yesler avenue and Front street. Depot Ticket Office, corner W»«t and Co. lumbia streets. A. D. CHART/TON. Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt., No. 250 Morrison atrect, corner ThtM. Portland. Or. ffil.ll THE Shortest and Quickest Liue -BETWEEN- PUQET SOUND POINTS. ST. PAUL AND THE EABI, Create* both the Cascade aa4 Keckr Mountains ia DAT* LIGHT, affording paaaensers TEE OPrOSTUNHT OF TIIWW The Grandest Scenery XX AMEKICA. Runs superb equipment. consisting of dining <-ars. buffet library car, palace and upholstered tourist sleeping cars. Overland train, ".-is: boisr..l, leaves S»- e'tle 7:10 p. m. "W>.st bound tralr.« ar- rive 1:45 p. m. Coast line tr»ln. north hound, leaves Sd- a trie, 9:15 a. m.. arrives o:30 p. m. For tlcke-s and general information re- carding this line call on t address R. O. STEVENS. G*n. Ait'.. 212 Front street. S<*attle. Wash. J. W. TOUKQ. r P * T A. o. R. & N. CO. ...AND... /\u25a0 S / PiETQf^ fißiu Pilie* Sleepers, IpUkimd TiJrisl Sl'fpen i2i Free Reclining Chii? Cin PORTLAND TO CHICAGO Low Rates! Quick Time! For t*n«rai Information <»il on ®r ad« A.. C. MAKT*N. G#n'i Af't. 61S Frftnt St.. or W. H. HURLBOET. S«n'l PiiMujar Af«n*, *54 Wa»*infto« MrNi, F«rtia**- <Jr*goa. Burlington Route : i NEW SHORT LINE CHICAGO \u25a0*» F. Banton. Pujwt Bound Afwt, Sfta*» Ya«i«r tTtttM and Front rt>m FAN K«4. PFOPT FTS J< VVTNOS BANK. Occidental block. Seattle, Wash. Capital 777777 SlOO.m ?OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES? Jacob Furth Freald»nt Arthur A. Denny... Vic* Fr»»sldent John Learr, Vit-ft President James R. Vfayden..Man'*r. <" , aeh'r. Sec y Frank L Blodaett Assistant Cashier Sismunl Sen«al>acber. John Collins. E. C. Neufelder, F. W. Wiimana. T**nsaet» a savtnc bank business ex- clusively. Deposits r<velved fmm *1 to Interest allowed per annum. Six per j cent, on term depoalta. 4 per cent, on or- dinary deposits. , Dividends last days of May arr November. Loans made on real estate or approved collaterals only. DEXTER lIORTON A CO.. BANKERS. Incorporated 1887. Capital 777777 rw>NT> Surplus tloo.<**> Fre«ldent A. A. !>enny Vice President W. M. I^idd Manager N. H. I^tlmer Cashier F. R Van Tuyl Sljtht exchange and telegraphic trans- fers on New York. Chi*stro. St. Paul. Ban Franclaoo. Portland and various points in Ofton and British Columbia. Sight bills of exchange on I»ndon avail- able elsewhere In Europe. Collections mads at all points on favor- able tprms. Bonis, stock,* and other valuables re- ceived on deposit for safe keeping. BANK Or BRITISH GQCjUMBML Pai l up capital. $3,000,400; reserve. $1.13.- ftXi. Head don. Branches. Portland. San Francisco, Seattle. Tacoma, Victoria. w Westmin- ster. Nanaimo. Kamloops, Nelson, Van- couver. B. C. A general hanking and ex- change business transacted. Loans made. Bills discounted. Commercial credits granted. Deposits received on current ac- count subject to check R. LKA BARNB& Manager. THE PUOET SOUND NATIONAL BANK UF SDATTL*E. Capital stock paid In £>2f,OfiO Surplus *150.600 Jacob Furth : President F.. C. Neufelder Vice President R, V. Ankany Cashier "DIRECTORS. E. C. Neufelder, J. R. Hayden, 6. Frauenthal, Jacob Furth, Slgmund Schwabacher. Correspondence In all the principal cities in the United States and Europe. THE KIS '-ST \.VT;"W!, iI.VNK OF SEATTLE. Paid tip capital sl;V>.o(*t Surplus SISC.Qto) J. H. Mcflraw President Maurice McMicken Vice President Lester Turner Cashier General banking business transacted Bight and telegraphic exchange payable In all the principal cities of the United States and Europe. THE GUARANTEE U \\ AND TRUST COMPANY. Incorporated 18*7. Capital, Bailey Building, Second and Cherry Sta Transacts a GENERAL BAN'KIXG XND SAVINGS Business. Deposits received ir. any amount from J1 upwards and interest allowed thereon. NATIONAL BAN K' iW COlfimCE Corner Commercial and Yesler ave. Paid up capital.. .. 1300,000 Transacts a general banking business. M. D. Ballard s President H. C. Henry Vice President R. R. OpM er.. Cashier STEAMERS. TO ALASKA And *he Yttkon River Gold Fle]d»-fltj\ Exoebrtor will leave Sea-ttle about July 5 Miners and others en route *o the geM fields will he transferred at Bt. Michaels Isljtnd \u25a0to <h» North American Trauspora- tion and Trading Oo.'s stnamer P. R TVeare. -which will 1and pamen«era at a'i points on the Yukon rfver befow Frwt Cudahy. For rates of peasag** address J G. C * RRALL Sc-htva.'bacher's W:*arf, Beat Je. wash. OLYMPIA TAOOMA AND 8 CATTLE) BOiAT. Th» fast a~d com«K>dlous steamer Mon- ti ello leav<*s Perclval's wharf. Olympia* Sam. dally. »*c<^> ! Sunday. Tim* Oai-d Going: Leaves Olympia. « a. m.; leaves Ta'-oma, It a m.: arrives S*-a "le, 1 p m. Returning: Leaves Seattle, 2p. m.; I«>evA« Tatoma. 4:10 p m : arrives Olympia, 7 t'» p m. l^aridlngs?Oiympla. Per«*ivai's wharf; Taooma. N. P. R. R. wharf; ?>. Yeeler wharf. Fa-« be>nreen BeatMe and Ta<«W!«, Meaif and s'«*»rrw»m*. Tne MorvtJcello Is fast, ard hr far *h* be#t on the route. In ef r ***! Monday, May latto, rsS6. HATCH BltOfl. i*ort onnfAP.n and t-ort wash. IKGTON ROUTE. Steamer A- K. Robiraon. <e<rr>-sntr U. PL matl. Hvm City /look, foot of Main St., a* »:!«<» a. m. arrive# at Sidney at 10:15 a. in.: arrive® a - SiH'erdale at 12 m, Sjlverdale a r 12 15 p. m.; leaves Kidney on 'irn a' 2 p. m. to Port Orcftard ? -4. TV. Dally exrem Sunday*. E. N mbinwn, m«*'«r. Lilly. Lk*ardua A Co., a*«mta Trtejj#» «ie 533. Sieuser op- n for rharter <>n Sunday. FOR ALASKA. STEAMER r!H ILJECAT Leave* J ine 1j«. Jftkhif Two Trtpg a MonUi. For freight and of E. E. CAZNIX Railroad avenue, foe* of bprlrr itmt Telephone 70S. ______ U 3 DRY DOCK. PORT ORCHARD AND SIDNEY ROfTK. Three round trlj« daily. STBAMTSR DEI.TA Rvtnev « « and 11 SO a m. and ?;» n m. Leaver Seattle 9a. m. and 4 ar d » p m. from Harrington At Smith'# wharf, valline at all way pott?: fp*a to Anderson*# landtn* at 12 m. A i> TRor raxN, Max sr. A C. V. BERRY. Ajrent. Teleplione l'». EVERETT AND SNO«OMI»H RTV"ER ** ROTTE Clan McDonald leave* Ci'v A.ric daily. e*eept Saturday, at. 12 mt*u riebt for Richmond. SMmoatte, MukDteo, V ?>? >r Everest, i!aryavlHaEa-« Ev*-r» t. Low«ll and Snoh >mi»h. eottn \u25a0clnjr a? Bn>> v. rn j«h wi*h ooatt for «'nerry Valley, T , * a: d all iiP river pofnte. lea.*** Snote«lU#h »:» a tn. daily, except- U - g B uI.LY. BOG KP.DT-S *CO . Inc.. Crur n *r* and M a r.a<»»ra THE VANCOUVER ROITH-A TRIP THROUGH THE 13EANIJS. <?-earr.«r Utopia J. A. Clirltn, MaMttr. i ' Ta-'orna 12 noon, Sea4«lf, Cen- tral wb«rf. i p tr.. Monday# and Tlmra- rt',,l for Port TOWT Mwnd. Anacorte*. Ktur- baven. New Whatrnm. BSalne arwi Friday ! Harbor, lorougn to Vancouver on Thursday trip »"are to Rials>«*. R. *»"? o »-'-wr *L f.>r f ir-hec tafomwioa #4-,-rty to Cen- tral wtoarf. t STF. \MERS. FLT ON THE "FLYER." REATTLE TO TAOOMA. round tr-.m daily exoep* snH«y. la one hour and twerirv-Ive mtmneft. THE "FLY ER." R**rular daily tn.*a, Seattle-Tacam* rc-jte, #.» follows Tak'nc effect mat a. ttvp: card. Leave P-W**' -. : - A. m.; t:4*. 115 r tn. Leave Tacccu*?? JO a. m.. l.tW 4uA', si* p. m. Sunxaaya? L*wv« {Vnttle?7-flfr a. m., s<w p. m. I«v» M a. TO-. i :3O. T:3*p. m. lamdinc *? N"o>r*bem IVw wharf Ts- <*oma. and dotk, t<xA of Mar- ion *-rv>ff, Sewttfe. Sunday*. «v y rates en r«imfr Fleet ftrw>d; tare, L-iV. skvgit river noum. steamer crry op c: f VION 1 eaves O y <S> k S-> > I\*rtiT, J ' 1! n. m.. Th-..r*-? -\. Juno IX u mm: S«;;'May. J-n« 1 1 MotiM A -"nn»>?J -><n 'i, \u2666 jv ir , l-'rt Jny, Jur* 14. i> w. J<ir» l\ 9 n m. C\l!lT-*g d* VM'tKWWjR, t<tftr- wood. Jlivunr \>rw;i ftjni Avo«i. <*or»- r<*ri-><r at Mo' n: Vernon a*' t r*tet»m« - Indiana f/>r \\ -oM' \. Ha.n'4iton and Sa*:k. Farv> sl. r n ??\u25a0?«! t? ' >. LILLY. rS v CO.. Inf., o*r.<*rs ar I Ma ;<-r«. Seattle. THS AL \SKA VM.s -UP COS PTF3AM l Tft WUd.AFA. Cap ain George Ho»Wt». T/«avtn* Seattle 'v \U*K» J una to and Juna as a*>d *v«rr 14 lisvn t\f freight and * a*"** k ; ,r a :»'.s HPP?y to J. G. CARSOU, Ac»m. Scbt>v bacher JVx«k. "IVI. (TL CHAP K. PKAJ-IODY, General Manager. Seattle. U. S PRY DOCK, SIHNKY. CII Alll-Va. TON AND BREMERTON ROUTE. T>ftlTv yx.-<vp( S'jmlxy. Thft Fast ar<l (~wmo\U* <a t>'rAmeT GKX CANBY Kl.lney ju B.l* «. -n. i <«\u25bc*? Al* « ? 4 p. nu irwa C<whiirf, I>Bie- rkb«->>M« 813. TJJfGMAM LINK Of Str«uii«-s »nti Ship* F'tpft dtr**n «*> l>Ucr* Bay, c«r- r>ln« good* xt thrcmrh r«?«« from o«*i- and atll!lat»i t!i«r»*o. via X'v.fwt ScutiU to ltay. and (hw.-* by :'h> N«jy*rlan«lß railway of South African rej>ublla to Pretoria and Jotwai- n<«hunr. Foil.twine TtrttUtoHi and to «ail &Nmt May th«< Kte«Mraliiu Solvoic, of 3.4 ft) ton-"*, from S»*in<i (Port Blakfify), to fr»!low*\i Ny othor *teamwrs «nd *ait!riff cilpp«i-s from <dta or otli«»r porta on t>outi.-JL For terms apply to: Wiw»h. ? Nortfwrn Faol!>o railway, Taeoma and 6eaCU«. M. B. Mafirnesen. 406 Frorst »tre«t. Ban FraiwiSt-o. F. K. O. F. New*n« A Co.. gM -rnl Fn*\ls»i ?*enti\ 61 Gnueeohun h I*>tnlon. E. C. OLYatPI.% T.UVtM A AND SF2ATTIUS ROUTE. S. WUlw Navurai ion Co.'» Steanver iLULTNOMAiL DAILY TLMIS CARD. L<»a.v«v j .Virlvft. Olympta at.. « Taroma at.. fl *>a»n Tiuxima. >l. ni +.1...13 M n\ S<niu]« at.... 1 "? t>n.Tftooma at... S:<iO pm TiLcvma at.. 3:») ptilOlympla CITY OF AJIKRDEk&N. l >u!ly except ttaoday. Leave. ! .Vriiva Beatile a tn Paco«na ..... 9:*) am Taa'onm 1O:00amOlymv(!a ...» 1 Olymrta .... 2:(*>p m Taoorna f»:30 n m SeftMle 7:30 p m Kara cf.iis. Ijiindinar at foot of Main CITY DOCK CO.. A*ent«. Capt. L,. \Vll!«y, Mana««r. T"l*phot>e^!.V PACIFIC CX>Afc5T BTHAMBMUP CO. D'.?«paU:h ateamem* from Pe«tU« aa fol- '°F*>r Sun TYanci* % o v!a Port TVjwnaend an 1 Victoria. nlUm. (paMMMB on tKMffd H-t 7 a. m.) Juu# -\u2666 F\>r Aluiuta ? June 7, 12. 23 «nd 27 at 9 San Fm.n<*two for A'Vorta and PukK Sound porta at 9 a. tn.. Juc« 4. », 14. 19, 24 and -J. Ticket* may be obtained at th« office ol 1 Ve<v San F r ®,P c^? p ®i J. F. TROWBRIDGE. U P. S. Smpt., Seattle. SAN JUAN IBIMNDB STEAMER LY- wa TUnMreos, CnrrvtlW UnttM State* mail. 'eave«Clty .i-'w k <£* of Main «trvet. Monday. and Friday ' %I°* fi* New TVwneend, San Juan Island* iuii New "VVhatoom. ~ »*,/-»»» ,< TIME CARD. IN EFFECT MARCH IS. North Roun<t-L?ve S«»Wl« 2 00 a- m.i leave Port Town send «.0O a- m., «»j FriJar Harbor 11:30 a. J-J^\vh Ltooin Harbor 12:30 p. m.; arrive New \S n*UC«aa 'fc!»W- 'i n? \u25a0 m ? leave Roi-tie Harbor iw a. *n., leav# Friday Harbor 10:00 Port Townseral 4.00 p. m-1 #rrtv# Seattle "j'. ?t. Thompson. manawlnc owner. J. A. Ha t field. #*«?»*? PL'GET SOT "NT) AND AJJABKA 9TJ3AM- -1 SHIP COMPANY. VICTORIA ROUTS*. aifntMSlirP CtTY <">F KINGSTON. STFJAATMiiii ?Taenia..Jll°'Art 4:4f«m J5 pt! ?wnard.l H'Ar UiJlpm ?DaMy except Monday. \u25a0 1 ?ac?BW» S. O. YERKRB. A**"*. Y<«l«r "'straitb steamship company, btrs. garland and evano®l ev,ul« ft tld ToWIUHwI-NMi Bay Rerita s?^<X&!r *rZi VS&St- «&?S day*. , n Port William*. * m. for P<£t puiwretw**". J Pay Swi Bay ; !*a»#* ** R| * altprn *t * A* >V ip'H-nrrr ROirPMTR ORHit HOUND FALI.r.TJR> * 4 T?v£ **-e« 7 Seattle U x m. L~v*. Everett IP- ®v. trip, ft.®; S A* Ta and ftno- ***? foot ° f Mart °" SStm r.«»W»W "r> "EANIC frrBAM^LPCOOO»ANT. stn FrdfrJro t/ Z^a n t. Ste am N. / . and Sy<*> lulu, Pamf*/. w wfoout Cbepra- J TH«*i GRAttAM. AGHNT. Starr- **«*? VWM* >UT* r * B i C D * Co - f»U _ 2f«SSr <*pt U 1 ttlwil k MarymrlU*. CVrtineodinc at Snr,lv«nUh wttM up rtver J. Ajteot. " J»ACTFIC NAVTOATON CO. Time *nd Whas"»?n IwPe?- ",:r' ?? «,«< «??»««. " 7~*" "r 4 :. y|r~TT>RTA ROI'TB. ST/lAMER nOSAI-TT:. Afltiwfm <lo- k. tor «n<J Port Town send ''ally, Sunday, at 11 u m ? reruntlne. leave# \ Won* » m Steamer I,Ubo leave* for lv«rt Towneend and way dagy. t- i»Ur, at 7 a. m. ; Sunrtay. dtiw-'. 9 * m ; To*ra»er.4 at 4 p. m. Ttlepbona ilO.

SEATTLE TRADE AND Seattle - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 21. · fckirs oonttJmue s.-arce and are quot> d \u25a0t m-ltc, the firmer receiving 14c. The chicken supply Is fair

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Page 1: SEATTLE TRADE AND Seattle - Chronicling America · 2017. 12. 21. · fckirs oonttJmue s.-arce and are quot> d \u25a0t m-ltc, the firmer receiving 14c. The chicken supply Is fair


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T-- ?:? ? --?« i 1.0 ! a.ts "ETiAt Port Trrwnernrl

84 T» »fc lyris t 0.71 3 nf> g.4

Beattle, June 10. w*tE*«har.*o* at Seattle, and

Portland clearing houses today -were:Clearance*. Balances.

'ie 06 »13.7^('>7

facouii !*{.»» «l ».»& W»l\>r' :»nd W 44.fab uO

car* > of pitxtuoo 'rult whicharri/ed <*! the m«irrwf front California*a.- con»hV-rah4e o»f a dfoctppoinunent tnQualify, f- ; <1 the automat th««iw .at. Amociic < (wrmtodltifw on hoardw#r» ca''i«Mf?:«, rKrtaLoea. cxnioria, b*an«,

a>rlc<»ta, I*>jiu«)« and orang»e.Ts« bwvt had h*»es* ux> konir on Che wayfar t!v» j" portion of the cargo.

cabiMif* w«« panttcjlarly poora:, i ar« havtos a at am »«!*;. The b»-ir,<irw«l»e«l w-re t»iao |>w, hui rh* j>otarorn

b.A onions, i«-j« periahabie, a ereki a fair mnditlon.

Th<- California i ucunr*>f«r* are very good,at I- a >V'X- Tiie; aprMb aro 111 very

(?jo-1 001 istion and are ifuaticd at |LPesas are in (rood auf.piy at S.jc.

:ie tmtter was r« elvel also, but the|«> il and Ea.sitern brau<fc» ruk- the, market.

A var lo*'l of Ceiitral ban an ancanK- yeeter i»iy via New orl«»jis in j>rttneo>.>nditiiKi- To nwke the trip they mustbe very Rreen and aro rtpwved by a sp*'-

«tel pr<*:«ws afier rewhlng here. Thepr.." quoted if a Ininch.

Strawberries art' coming in more freely.. rw*:y of them from Vashon. They are

4«»s-n to J" 2T. analiu Aiiotiier car willtar: East todav.

Nsth-e rhubarb i» In good supply at1011*6.

fckirs oonttJmue s.-arce and are quot> d\u25a0t m-ltc, the firmer receiving 14c. Thechicken supply Is fair and fylly equal tothe derniOi'l. with no el»ange In quota-



Portland, June la- Wheat?Walla Wal-k. valley, 53<ui4c per busheL


Breadstuff's and firoln*.San Francisco, June 10? Wheat? No. 1.

choice. SC .c per cental; lowrfralss, Bt*&«>7V; extra choice for milling.

Kcstl.Flour-Family extra?. 4." per bar-

rel. bakers' extras, J.".40y3.a0; superfine,JJ -HJ2.50 per barrel.

Barley-Dull and weak. Feed. M%®«cfor ordinary and possibly a small advancefor choice bright, brewing nominal at £*4fcc per cental

Oats Milling. sl.«ei.l3lfc; fancy feed.$: iC's'-id.Oft per cental. good to choice. 97'*cfcJl'Oj, common to fair. DOCiific; red. 90CuI. gray, Surprise. Jl.l'^il.lo.

Wool and ilops.Wool Spring, year s fleece. San Joaquin,

t*r pound. six to eight months do,Fi* six to eight months Calaveras andfiothill. free. V<floc; do, defe<^|ve,northern, good to choice. &ii*l2e; do defec-tive, :.,<*c. Ne%ada spring, light and choice,M 10c: heavy, title.

Hopa?4jy6c per pound.« losing Quotation".

Wheat? Faster; DecemberBarley Easy; December, 63\c.Corn-41.0&.Bran-414.

Trodiice.Potatoes?lYtces have a wide range, ac-

cording to quality. Burbank*. JiOo^l;Petri, ss, *wjv,>; new potatoes In sacks,- >. nrw Farly Rove In boxes, 4<>if7r>c:Oregon Hurhanks. 4<> , <i63c per cental.

Puttf r?F-iirly steady at Saturday'sJri i l* Sto-ks are smaller. Creamery,fan } 1: ii:\ \u25a0, feennds, llii114e perpound. dairy, fancy, llfjllVper pound;Pd to choice. '»' a lie; medium grades,"H*V Store. 7'i;;Sc.

? \u25a0 - Fancy mild. new. So; common' > s<> 4.; V; y .»ung America. .Sft 'c; East-#rn. ll' i .ii;'.,c. Western,

T! \u25a0< market «:is higher again to-Dt. W Hi 27c per doxen; store

*K«. Hiil' , ranch WrlT^c.KUmii :ar:cr sicks, 3*».742. Oregon.

'? Washington, 7.«»3: wheat. cental*,harlry. cental*. 7-V». oats. centals.

Oregon. :b. ins, sacks. 274; corn,'als. j. itoes. sa/*ks. - 4*' oats,

Oregon. cwtals. V'.l; onions, sacks. Ul;Vr*:i Ore.: .in sack?. 1.>'»**: middlings,?a* ks. ~:s, w me. gallon*. 35,3j0.

Financial.bars v. . ?, D'aft* -Sight

«-\u25a0*. doiiar? '.l do Telegraph.. .&

Minlnv:A'r a V", tulia oeA,,*.* 0»M. i Justice 12

U) \ fi:\t- k i\»t> «C{, i**r »? I. tlv Wash. Oo«. «Mli.-'i' &v. ? r _ s* Mer; -an 3f|W" Con 2-M'. MM*. is? '*?»»\u25a0. i bviial Con... 17

1 «

» ?.£ \u25a0« t'on ... 3ftO\erman IS? V l'-<t.*t M

7: Savag* 3»' ' * \ ?<. *? sierra Nevada ... «

CrMrn rotnt... . VtStiver Jit 11 «»

r, .r 5 **"' rt ' Fnton CVwiV \ C-irrte

.. s I'Mrti Orm '«*****& Son r .s~ NX r«Uov Jacket.... »


Th« <>tock Fichanae.»w J':re 10.?Tha *eek opened on

* *'\u25a0\u25a0- «*xi' i"in excellent tone, and?"*\u25a0' Uri.>n throughout the dayrt rr trlth an up* ird tendency. Amor*

.* oilier os »'h!<'h assisted to develop

"*. ???:?.« rt were the favorable char-

-52* °* '-e crop nt«r| from the WMt,« ?.nnn»>«s of American securities In

:1" 1 *** * 1 I bnylnjf h» re for the for--41 "l ' '"\u25a0 ! tve ?-»»a.vlne'««» of sterling

«*char. g« # i»o , h? buns. Th-r»«r* j r»-a>-tions dne to reaJlaa-

*r' ?i, '# fillers and a few other,

*fe" J f't t ni<-ipat« In the rener.\l

-\u25a0rrn\>m<>nt hit in the main the final*''?'* *f or »< »r the best price* re-

e Co.il an 1 Iroa advancedJV Ati«hi*nn. Manhattan and Northern

,' br» '-'?rred ", ar, 5 the (Granger* ?%»»

c rvc ®n r! i-'ne is down I*4 per cent.(

«»*«» guaranteed f»4l off 1 per cent, to

\u25a0.: ever touched. hut re-

??rrVf <0*

marsJ,lt cloaed jrencrallyv ? , r ? . < .j ? r1 ftronjf with no

*\u25a0'f .i':.-r»*. The salog were J1.196.-'?overr»ir,er.t h«n ;s -F^rro.f'*'*bon<»*_ trsacti\ e-Rwiroarf bonds-Strorir

financial.t ' rr! ". '--v at l per cent.: lastr~- j-1 r . .-lit v i yrr r-nt. Trtme«r P-** -'\u25a0 * per rent.

**? "«? »\ »nge? sjcr. v.u& actual

mt U ** «?-

ra*e* li w"* for W P'wt'd

Commercial b'lla M.I7VJ.Sinrer W, tTTV.. Bonds.

U 6*J*»2LWr** * R o t»....U?if 5 Frv .-rs &vit" 8 k B* Ecse BwWa «F 3

U S 5' 2? p '-.-\u25a0«? C H. 4 8 A. to. **

V k ti' 2* ?lU\ B«y«bi 14vs £ Zu* - I}} u 4 T- c- «? i»\ "JX""',*«? lsMiiaL: r%L. f -- * K T. ***» -?

Ala. *< - O *£! Second 4s S> »

iu 1 V^y.T,? :ff7 Matcai Ua.ua 45.11*AU

' VwT 9,7 S J c «*- «a.l*n»L^V.^"7 '57 N p !«\u25a0 HSfcuh, N'" Con. 4b W Scoon*,

K cJil!l-|.",W Northwest 00r...1C?\u25a0?**** « r D* 6*. ..u-i

~I<Jt 14 r > w i*t».... :?;%

?W 22L-El**1- 9«- P»"l <"*«r 7*.128F v»'« r CV'* V> *??»»*

T-nV i. Kn *' I**lMWn '*T*V* <wl *° * L«s F.O*rv *.112

? B2 T«* IMS... »1

*? 73SU P law of « .**

f-' p . West Sftore 49...M4v. r. iki of '*. usStock <Juotat ion*.

A-eh'jon l>SfN West t dtv JCA^Ts

-rF:x J >r***14 I Pref-rred 1< 4I- H *> In. Y.'Central....Wl*Amer. ErpresN. ii? K- y&\ y. 42' i- « tJf>»tar»o 4k W ... iv\

Carafla 80u'4»... &3\3or. Xav 2v !Cwrsat Pacific . IS}. t< AU.N\ 7".7** * isKmc Mall 2*-,I- A Altonlso I'ewia. D A K.. f *

?. J3S P. tsburg .IV 4yrtUA*o ir%» 7, Prdl-rsan Paku-^/57;J . 0" -?

i- WfS Reading 1«Hy.j < ?*.«<? o. %v iv,i-2h A. V Preferre.il 44

t.2i &U1 *r --- 27 Ro*k Island'-*vS' Paul «^S

t> L'"V?r ..I<l Pre-?e>rr*«i IT.fi. w\B: J' AO »r,

*'<>? -,;

4 Preferred' ??\u25a0;\u25a0? HU«r.utM Pacific.... 34x tT? ??? 2V. »? igar Rertnery. .lt?v? V-

v 2.5,n " ????IST T*nn. r». *? 1£? T'-P 1?-? --13* PactfV ... 15V, E I pfd !'»'«* TAO. C. pfd... ra,\u25a0Hocking?% alley. Pa-lft- .. ll-4Illinois Cen'rai.. v.C (' fs F.*rr~<*~ .. 40f; r^:11 * D » W «\u2666. LAP.. r,Kan. A Tm. pfd t > 1?CL. E. A W 24< t Wefia FVt*o !?*

Prefer re 1 «i?W.TVee»sri t'nlon..L«ke »iore 147V, W. A U F. 11I**»d Triwit r.\ Pr*-ferred 44L A N 6M. M A H- L., new. IV^LAX A «4-\ D. A R. a 14\J!an hart an Con.l!f,On. EVe.-rrl>-> y.\.Memphis* c... y, Nat. 1 ?? ,

Mi -h Cen'ral ...lfs» Col. F A T 3*'*Missrruri Pa-dfl. . 3KJ,MoMV A C*h'o . W 2 ft A T <"?»?»? ral. 2Nashville Chatt. r. T A. A A N. M 3->4Nat. Cordw!.... IST St. L A K. C. «

I*referr«»i S*» PrefemeidN J Central ... R R !*%N AW. pfd J4"< Preferred T»K A. Co 'AiAmer TV'^acco..ll3North. r, p r <*'< r̂ '»l lUT*

"Preferred lf'iSt. P M. A M ..114T*. P., D. A « ... 5~

Total Halo*.The total sales of stocks today were

IX.XI shares. Including: AmericanKuirar. 19.300; Atchison. «v<K*); Atchison,

first assessment paki, 4.4« v»; Burlington,20,700, Chicago Gas, R.<»o; instilling,

6.9»i".Ht. Paul. 11.3W); Tenn<»ss«»e Coal and Iron,12,409; Western I nion, 3,7<y».

The c»raln Supply.

The visible, supply of grain Saturday..Tune 8. as compiled by the New Yorkprodui*» exchange. i» as follows:

V\"rt«-at 49,7u."»,f1»W bushels, decrease,2.4*4.090.

<"orn?ll.rjC.'**) bushels; Increase. Cl.-000,

Oats?S 751.0nn bushels; Increase. 13 W.Rye?l27.lol) busheia; decrease. S.ono,Barley?lM.ooo bueheis. decrease, 6.000.


Flour?Beceipts. 3'.. exports. 11.7<V)barrels; sale®. Marketheld at old but buyers were g*n-erally holding off for the government re-port. Bye Hour?Firm.

Wheat.Wheat Receipts. 23.100 bushels: ex-

ports. IC.SOO bushels. sales, «,S»w>,o(iObushels futures. Spot, dull; No. 2,red. store and elevator, <C<'; afloat, S3. ;

f. o. b.. S4V*c atloat: No. 1 northern,delivered. No. l.hard, 87\»c, deliv-

ered. Options wr-ro weak aH day. except

for a '*c rally at the close under big Rus-sian shipments, heavy rains and fearsthat th«- bureau report might not be as

bullish as anticipated. Foreigners sold,and It is said are now heavily short. Alarge incnuse afloat for Europe and adisappointing reduction In the visible sup-ply added to the depression; c4oso<l VtfHo off. -No. 2. red. June closed i<-,July. JC 9~H»'tfs4 11-Me, closed Mc; August.

Kl'dS4N« >. cloeed KtV: September,

M%c. closed s4o; October. H4-4 '(MSc, closedDecember, S-16c, closed &%?'\u25a0

Hops.Hops?Slow. .


Metals.Pig iron?Steady; American. sloffi2 3T>.Copper?Quiet, exchange price,

10.80.Lead?Firm; exchange price, |3.32^M1

3.35.Tin?Weak: Straits. $13.90$ 14 ; plates,

market steady.Spelter?Firm; domestic, }3.7553.50.

< oiTee.Coffee?Options cloeed dull, unchanged

to 10 points decline; December, SU.S.\SjK>t coffee?Rio, dull; No. 7. 15"iic; mild,quiet.


Sugar-Raw, active; centrifugal. D6test. 3 5-160.

Petroleum.Petroleum Flrmor. clos.-d |1.42 bid.


Th«* Board of Tnulc.Chicago, June 10.?'Wheat opened wry

weak comparM with Saturday. TTierrowd had July for <"*l*?* from 80% c downto SOiyT, (nst-.id of MV. *# on Saturday

afternoon. Kansas', Nebraidca and Mis-souri. besides the sprins wheat country,

had waived plenteous rains since Satur-day, and the f*ar of the bulls was thatthe government in its crop report todaywould not make the condition of wint«r

what as bad as the daily reports of totalfailure in many p!* ' 5 have led j*op!e

generally to expect. The foreign reasonsf,»r bearing the market were in <v>nnec-tion with the extremely liberal shipments

for th* week from Russia, which, accord-ing to one report, amounted to the morm-ons quantity of fi.000.000 bushel*. There * s

selling on every bulge, which was thepolicy pursued by the crowd Aft. r a f<»*

minutes around »V «t the opening. July

wheat slid do*n to B&V*. but gradually

rose from that to »ln ins.de the ne\» half-

hour. The pri-e tumbled twV* aft»r that

to *v? Th* pri" of July dragging

close around for about an hour In the

middle of the s»s«lon. hut about

minutes from the clo««. the price was p\cfor July. The closing cables were firm.

B.it the weakness continued to tha end.Julv finishing at *te.

July corn, which closed on Saturday at

v*v" ©p<*ned Irregular this nwrrfn* at

to W»4\ and kept within the range ot

53c to KTHc all day but closed at &k6ZZ\.July oats started from Sic to ST\c. sold

at Jl'jc, weakened to S ! *c and closed a;

The provision markst was dull. Tieprices about the opening were at from

>it 7 1-?'" Improvement over Saturday s clos-ing f«r pork and about TV* gain for lardand ribs At the close the rw* result

pork with a loss of S'yc. lard and Til* un-changed from Saturday.

(Mooing Quotations.Wh^at-June. 75'-;c: July. *>-.

Corn ?June, M\~. Julv, .«!?*{??\u25a0» *<vOats?June, Sic; Julv. 3lc.

Pork?Jtine. 11- o July, SI--1 ard-June. **.75: July. f* «5 bARibs*?June, fc. J7. July, J* 37.Barley?s3c.Rve?7*Vr.Flax M *



163-165 De«rfcorn*st.. Chldt"-, jvtalt-st.. N<-» Vorts. 70 *-iate-»t- Ho#tao.

SBONDSCcaght a«v» Sc- - wsa.i»»ea MMtMtt.

Live stock.la cattle, although the arrivals today

were estimated a: only 12.*** "head. tfse

nippJT was ei -«*«ive, and the marketopened 3 F-c lo*fr. inferior to fancy tsativaf'-erg. p. 9r*s4. fair to rood. *4 *>#? S;extras, .5» earners' oo*». fl.TT*#2 ?;

Iv»* h»r» . C calves, U57.75; ?tak-ers and feeders. |? **34, Texas canle. C ®

&S ®.

.Hogs were I've higher than Saturday,

Heavy. P 4"<?4 *>; bclk, *4 ©64 a>: light**« » » C; b ilk lirhta. »4 mixad,

*4.r.a« ?.

The »fc**p ma rite? was in bad foref»mmon and Inferior grades, wh?!e thegood to eh*h*»-p ar.d lambs were Ingood demand at stmrsg prices. Natives.IXjt.S. Texara yearlings, fc? spring lambs. J3.W/-^.

Receipts?Cattle. ealvea. #??, hogs,a,'**, ahe-p, »,em).


Financial.London. Jun» M? 3" *-l*d. Con-

sols. J ws-s. of England rate of inter-est. 2 per cent.

New York. June jo ?The K%eninr Post'sLondon cablegram says: The stoek mar-k«"fc were r;ulet b : :t firmer todav. The set-tlemeni day dlm losod a generally reducedsperulative Contangoes on Amer-i<~ans were only per cent., money hav-ing gone from the Kaffir market intoAmericans. Americans clo-ed firm andabeve the pari'y. but dealings were purelyprofessional. Prices closed under the best.The atock liquidated by the operator men-tioned last week was merely spread outand not absorbed. The bullish speculativetendency is ch*<~ked hv the uncertaintiesof politics. There is a n'rnog feelln* aboutthe Russo-Chinese loan. It is said press-ure was hrouaht to bear in China to pre-vent the r!nal completion of the Irian.

BrwwlßufTV and Grain*.Liverpool, June I*>?lVh«*' ?Spot, firm:

demand poor. No. 2 red winter. Ss lPyl;No 2 red» spring, <?s 4d No. 1 hard Mani-toba, 6s 3d, No. 1 California. 5s 10d. Fu-tures closed quiet, with near and distantpositions '?jd higher. June. Is: July. 6sAujrust. 6s Id; September, 6s I'j.d: October,is November, 6s l^d.

Corn?Spot, steady; American mix*d.n»w. 4s iP2 d. Fvitures closed quiet, H#%dhigher; June and July. 4s 7 l»d. August, 4s7\d; September. 4s October. 4s B'^d;November. 4s S' 4 d.

Flour?Firm: demand moderate; St.I>>uls fancy winter, 7s 9d.

Hops?At Pacific coast, £2 sa.


Port Plakeiey. June 10.? Special.?VesselsIn fort and loading are: Bk Carro4ton.Iquiqui. Chile, bk Nonantum, Australia;bk Cavour. Callao; bk Hesper, Port Pirie;

bk Oregon, lquiqui, «'hile; sh Invincible,repairing: sh Sterling, Philadelphia; bkC. C. Funk. Fnga island, Alaska; bk KateI>a\eni»ort. San Francisco: C. S.Holmes, San Pedro; sehr Fanny Putard.San Frai»ds»'o. Vessels bound and dueare: Earl of Burgess, for United King-dom; bktn M<xioc. Shanghai: bktn Rol>ertSudden, for Shanghai: bk J. B. Brown,Sydney; bk Oscar Herrera; bk Paclfloo; tschr William Bowden. Port Pirie, t>k"Thermopylae; bk Mercury. San Francisco;bk Columbia. San Francisco; sclu* Ex-celsior, San Pedro.

San Francisco, June 10?Arrived?Ore-gon. I'ortlatid: sh Cyrus Wakefield, Nanal-mo; schr Gotama. Coos bay; Australia,

Honolulu. Freights and charters?Ambktn Klh kitat. n<>w at Port Gamble, lum-ber thence to Honolulu; Am bk Margaret,

lumber from Puget sound to Sydney, Amschr Sadie, lumber from Tacoma to Guay-

maa.The harkentine Klickitat loads lumber

at Port Gamble for Honolulu; bk Marga-

ret lumber on the Sound for Sydney, 32sHd. prior to arrival; schr Sadie lumber at

Tacoma for Guaymas.Hoquiam, Wash., June 9,?Sailed?Schr

Cath Sudden. Aberdeen, for San Fran-cisco: schr W. F. Witaerman, lloquiajn,for Honolulu.


Central wharf Is receiving new pilingthroi*gh»uL

Scoamer Rosalie took four car loads offlour a.al f(«-<i to V'icoorla.

The Mohican will mil this morning toBritish Cohimwia u> tejit cckU.

Fishiiig s« hooner Alcedo arrived j-estor-day with 2,'<00 pounds of hajfbut.

Stenrrwer Ska«l't Chief IwougSit 'J*> cratesof etrawberrW* from V'a-shoir Island.

Tag ISeaver had her b.-*llers washed yes-terday and Is cm the grldlroo for rejmint-to*.

S. tlfaig (t- hoasier Erland !s re-oeivlug rojsiJns ar.d wiii yail for Bering

tomorrow.Tomorrow 1e etoanishlp day. The Mex-

ico .«ai!w for San Fra«ctocx>b the City ofPuebla la due from that port, ar.d thoQueen eaiis f«>r Alaska.

Steamer City of made a spe-oial trip ycs:orday for this city. She ha 1forty tone* of merchandise, this being therentiUndcr of -rhe Victoria's cargix

Ship Sparlan comv»lot>d her cargo of2.S *0 t its of Black Diamond ov>al and wastowed to s «» by 'he ttig War. ser-r. BarkGatherer takes the Spartan's place un-der the chute*.


IIOTKL. XORTHHIIN.J N"*" York.<». W (lowland. Nana! m", B. C.Mr*. (kttism), Nanafrnio. R. C.V H TroniaMarsh Atk. <ar>r Chattanooga.

J M. DouK-tn. TVcomaR P Cotfax.Cap* J J. Olympta.II W Ambrose. Sfpokane.!F O DavMge. Victoria.>1 J Victoria.A 1.. B»'!ye>a. N Icioria.J,'uis Wood. San KYar.«i®?o.G. Smith. Tacosna.i' H McKenny, Snohomish.Mrs McK-'W Snoh'-mistuS l. Urlttih. Da*»>-/.K Mai: ?VT'\ l»»i '\u25a0»>"?J Slvtßetb. CS<*\ land.!: t; : ,-l. S i l l 1 *\u25a0?«»'»» t ' :y.M C N*i !<"n. K?.->::«» i U'ahy .t !V> inter. Cedar Oh y, I "tabj !?* Flshf. MwDw, I'tahf'Ox .1 \u25a0 " ' v s 1. ke t';;y.Mrs H. 1, Ra.lsper. Ar.acortea.\ttEor. \J»ttCOf? \u2666

J M Brow: N -h Y Otima.\ V> (" <r t Honol du.t\ \ Wi'.-ums. lVr:Unl%! K Wiir'on. Tscotna.j li Johnso«». City.X B Tavlw. Ta\V > W ?*;» V tr.a.Byr-»r wvHe. Taccsna.H". Cartrtrus. c«yp T Ni -V < fy\u25a0c" 11 r*r*n<» city,

c. s Ft»y. City.Vri «k J Curt 5 < v<>Ksrles V" Pa* ' Cry.

\lex Jamieeon. CT v.

T A City,jl h. iltnte. city.r, K FK-ana fry.T S Bra -> *'?*. ' *> y

K H Enge»b«ck.iHtrpJ, RtTT/FTR.

J R SCaKtntCTi Wharv om.B. l?.»k«r. Ifnmmot

H l S- H .or* ar 1 wtfe. A ar. ">u"ier.

K S»*noir. Ta -or t.

P «; Tiffy?}) v Myer*. Oa*«*rport.V \ Cl ayT*o®l-- T. W ik-ox .i'-nw.\«-« <5 1 Ba«lger, AnwirM.

p.' r->w»>rs. San PIMCIMk\ M H«'-rma

>t i, Ore*n. M.l«a« k- e.

f «"v U vi<li *\u25a0 P'"" ajwl.

T V W'u-'i. S: '*'?

J >j,,y ptrv T.i wa.«7eorr- R '' rv -T W. T'afTrell, Rvere' .

p v. CriMo'k. Kv<»re*'_

V K Everett-S

- v ?- f »-.rv*--v ? ? -rett.j y. H«ma er*>t

* S»-"hail. E\-wW. J- ParreU. An».»r»

G. V- R- I'mwinpment, «{»->kane.

The Great Northern railwa; , en June ?.

Ift and 11. will have on sale for the ahcveo- -as! n round trip ti.:Ve»s «t t*;e rats ot©re ar 1 ©re-fi*th fare f«r »h- round trip.Overland flyer iea%es Seat: **t T p . m


a* 1 arrives at Spokare a* ? a. n-.

This rste is not b*s»-1 ? 7-.tj any num-ber. but open to ail desinn* to attend th»er> smpment T.cket off «, No. sjj Frontatreet. lVpot. foot of Manon Btre?t.




Upon the most ex-

tensive scale ever

known in the North-

west.The programme

will include









Sports,Etc., Etc.

A cordial invitation is ex-

tended to all neighboring

towns and cities to join us

in making this celebration

an event worthy of the day.

The active co-operation of

all citizens of Seattle is

earnestly requested.

By order



JTOTfCE TO CREDITORS?CtrruIt courto' :he United Ninth circuit, Dis-tr "t of Washington, Newt hern division.

A I'- Filler. compi iiain;, u RainierPower v Company and UnionTrust Company of New York, defend-

- No. £J4.N i* here-Vy sr.*. *a 'o all p«r«on«,

flnr.s or corpora-lons holding claimaajsainat the Rahiser Power RailwayCoTj)»r* to present tali claims to the

ifrslgßtd. its receiver, at hla office, 6*7bull is *2 a. Seattle, Wish., duly ver-

ir. >i bv the affidavit of « i h p-r*on, or airi-m'-er of auch firrr. or an officer, attor-ny or agent oT au corporation. orbe? r« the 1"..h day of July. is». In de-fa f « h cialm be:ry pr-sen'ed and\t-ri! *l. afore*®:!. s.ich person, firmcrt >rp*>rat!on shall l>e debarred from anycia.:n » >' s m the hands ofth« receiver and from disturirtu# the poa-

of the rect.ver la any assets byhim heid.

_ _



via the following popular routes:

Qliacta Through Oregon and Oall-uUaolti fornia, p»??ip.g ML

OffH on Sacnmtnta, SaltLake City and Denver.

Qnncaf ?' Thronjrh Los Angeles, KXPaso and New Orleaca.

Only all rail line to

CALIFORNIALow Rates, Quirk Time, Best Kqalpnn

For general Information concerningrates or sleeping car reservations, call onor address

THOMAS A. GRAHAM.Dlst. Pass, and Freight Agent.

Starr-Boyd Building.E. P. ROGERS, A. G. F. & P. A. Portland.

CanadianPacific By.

CompanyMinneapolis, St Panl St Sanlt Ste.

Marie Railway.(Soo Line).

Dulnth, Sonth Shore & AtlanticRailw'av.

m . I (Martjuetta Routs).

OVEREAND TRATV3?Leave Seattle daily 9:18 a. BL for tht

East.Arrlva Seattle dally 5.90 p. m. from tha


THROUGH TOURIST CARS.Steamship Warrimoo leaves Vancouver

June 16 for Honolulu, FIJI and Australia.Steamship Empress of Japan leaves

Vancouver June for China and Japan.Canadian Pacltlo Railway ticket office,

609 Front street.

TIOL F. fak«t, Burr C. PITH fletrr C. Rea*.






At. Pasl Mlaneapoll* Daltth,F«r(o, (irand forks, Crookttan,

Wlaulp«(, Hclt'ua. Audßntt*

Through Tickets to

Chlcaga, Philadelphia. W»ahla»ton, NewYork, KOKIOU and all polata

hast and South.


Trains Leave Seattle:

Fo>r St. Paul and East, 4:30 p. m.For Portland. Gray's Harbor cities and

South Bend, 12:30 p. :n.For Olyinpia, 7 :10 a. m.For Ta 'oma ar.d local, 7:10 a. m., 12 20,

4:20 and 6:00 p. m.

Trains Arrive at Seattle

From St. Paul and East. 2 35 p. tn.From Portland, Gray's Harbor cities

and South Bend, 6:.V) p. m.From Olympia, 6:50 :>. m.Frc»m 'i'a.c*>m«t. and Vocal, 8.40 and 11:30

a. in.. 2:36 and 6:;V) p. m.This card subject to change ?without no-

tice.For rat<*s. routes and oth*r Information

call on or addressI. A. NADEAU.

General Seattle.City Ticket Office, corner Yesler avenue

and Front street.Depot Ticket Office, corner W»«t and Co.

lumbia streets.A. D. CHART/TON.

Asst. Gen. Pass. Agt.,No. 250 Morrison atrect, corner ThtM.

Portland. Or.


Shortest andQuickest Liue



Create* both the Cascade aa4Keckr Mountains ia DAT*

LIGHT, affording



The Grandest SceneryXX AMEKICA.

Runs superb equipment. consisting of

dining <-ars. buffet library car, palace and

upholstered tourist sleeping cars.Overland train, ".-is: boisr..l, leaves S»-

e'tle 7:10 p. m. "W>.st bound tralr.« ar-rive 1:45 p. m.

Coast line tr»ln. north hound, leaves Sd-

a trie, 9:15 a. m.. arrives o:30 p. m.For tlcke-s and general information re-

carding this line call on t addressR. O. STEVENS. G*n. Ait'..

212 Front street. S<*attle. Wash.

J. W. TOUKQ. r P * T A.

o. R. & N. CO....AND...

/\u25a0 S /

PiETQf^fißiu Pilie* Sleepers,

IpUkimd TiJrisl Sl'fpeni2i Free Reclining Chii? Cin


Low Rates! Quick Time!

For t*n«rai Information <»il on ®r ad«A.. C. MAKT*N.

G#n'i Af't. 61S Frftnt St..or W. H. HURLBOET.

S«n'l PiiMujar Af«n*, *54 Wa»*infto«MrNi, F«rtia**- <Jr*goa.

BurlingtonRoute :



CHICAGO\u25a0*» F. Banton. Pujwt Bound Afwt, Sfta*»

Ya«i«r tTtttM and Front rt>m

FAN K«4.

PFOPT FTS J< VVTNOS BANK.Occidental block. Seattle, Wash.

Capital 777777 SlOO.m

?OFFICERS AND TRUSTEES?Jacob Furth Freald»ntArthur A. Denny... Vic* Fr»»sldentJohn Learr, Vit-ft PresidentJames R. Vfayden..Man'*r. <", aeh'r. Sec yFrank L Blodaett Assistant Cashier

Sismunl Sen«al>acber. John Collins.E. C. Neufelder, F. W. Wiimana.

T**nsaet» a savtnc bank business ex-clusively.

Deposits r<velved fmm *1 toInterest allowed per annum. Six per j

cent, on term depoalta. 4 per cent, on or-dinary deposits. ,

Dividends last days of May arrNovember. Loans made on real estate orapproved collaterals only.


Incorporated 1887.

Capital 777777 rw>NT>Surplus tloo.<**>

Fre«ldent A. A. !>ennyVice President W. M. I^iddManager N. H. I^tlmerCashier F. R Van Tuyl

Sljtht exchange and telegraphic trans-fers on New York. Chi*stro. St. Paul. BanFranclaoo. Portland and various points inOfton and British Columbia.

Sight bills of exchange on I»ndon avail-able elsewhere In Europe.

Collections mads at all points on favor-able tprms.

Bonis, stock,* and other valuables re-ceived on deposit for safe keeping.

BANK Or BRITISH GQCjUMBMLPai l up capital. $3,000,400; reserve. $1.13.-

ftXi. Headdon. Branches. Portland. San Francisco,Seattle. Tacoma, Victoria. N» w Westmin-ster. Nanaimo. Kamloops, Nelson, Van-couver. B. C. A general hanking and ex-change business transacted. Loans made.Bills discounted. Commercial creditsgranted. Deposits received on current ac-count subject to check

R. LKA BARNB& Manager.


Capital stock paid In £>2f,OfiOSurplus *150.600

Jacob Furth : PresidentF.. C. Neufelder Vice PresidentR, V. Ankany Cashier

"DIRECTORS.E. C. Neufelder, J. R. Hayden,6. Frauenthal, Jacob Furth,

Slgmund Schwabacher.

Correspondence In all the principal citiesin the United States and Europe.


Paid tip capital sl;V>.o(*t

Surplus SISC.Qto)

J. H. Mcflraw PresidentMaurice McMicken Vice PresidentLester Turner Cashier

General banking business transacted

Bight and telegraphic exchange payableIn all the principal cities of the

United States and Europe.


Incorporated 18*7. Capital,Bailey Building, Second and Cherry Sta


Business.Deposits received ir. any amount from J1

upwards and interest allowed thereon.

NATIONAL BANK' iW COlfimCECorner Commercial and Yesler ave.

Paid up capital.. .. 1300,000

Transacts a general banking business.M. D. Ballard s PresidentH. C. Henry Vice PresidentR. R. OpM er.. Cashier


TO ALASKAAnd *he Yttkon River Gold Fle]d»-fltj\Exoebrtor will leave Sea-ttle about July 5Miners and others en route *o the geMfields will he transferred at Bt. MichaelsIsljtnd \u25a0to <h» North American Trauspora-tion and Trading Oo.'s stnamer P. RTVeare. -which will 1and pamen«era at a'ipoints on the Yukon rfver befow FrwtCudahy.

For rates of peasag** addressJ G. C * RRALL

Sc-htva.'bacher's W:*arf, Beat Je. wash.


Th» fast a~d com«K>dlous steamer Mon-ti ello leav<*s Perclval's wharf. Olympia*Sam. dally. »*c<^>! Sunday. Tim* Oai-dGoing: Leaves Olympia. « a. m.; leavesTa'-oma, It a m.: arrives S*-a "le, 1p m. Returning: Leaves Seattle, 2p. m.;I«>evA« Tatoma. 4:10 p m : arrives Olympia,7 t'» p m. l^aridlngs?Oiympla. Per«*ivai'swharf; Taooma. N. P. R. R. wharf;?>. Yeeler wharf. Fa-« be>nreen BeatMeand Ta<«W!«, Meaif and s'«*»rrw»m*.Tne MorvtJcello Is fast, ard hr far *h* be#t

on the route. In efr***! Monday,May latto, rsS6. HATCH BltOfl.

i*ort onnfAP.n and t-ort wash.IKGTON ROUTE.

Steamer A- K. Robiraon. <e<rr>-sntr U. PLmatl. Hvm City /look, foot of Main St.,a* »:!«<» a. m. arrive# at Sidney at 10:15 a.in.: arrive® a - SiH'erdale at 12 m,Sjlverdale a r 12 15 p. m.; leaves Kidney onr» 'irn a' 2 p. m. to Port Orcftard

? -4. TV. Dally exrem Sunday*. E.N mbinwn, m«*'«r. Lilly. Lk*ardua ACo., a*«mta Trtejj#» «ie 533. Sieuser op- nfor rharter <>n Sunday.



Leave* J ine 1j«. Jftkhif Two Trtpg aMonUi.

For freight andof

E. E. CAZNIXRailroad avenue, foe* of bprlrr itmtTelephone 70S.


U 3 DRY DOCK. PORT ORCHARDAND SIDNEY ROfTK.Three round trlj« daily.

STBAMTSR DEI.TARvtnev « « and 11 SO a m. and ?;»

n m. Leaver Seattle 9a. m. and 4 ar d »

p m. from Harrington At Smith'# wharf,valline at all way pott?: fp*a toAnderson*# landtn* at 12 m.A

i> TRor raxN, Maxsr.A C. V. BERRY. Ajrent.

Teleplione l'».


ROTTEClan McDonald leave* Ci'v

A.ric daily. e*eept Saturday, at. 12 mt*uriebt for Richmond. SMmoatte, MukDteo,V ?>? >r Everest, i!aryavlHaEa-« Ev*-r» t.Low«ll and Snoh >mi»h. eottn \u25a0clnjr a? Bn>>v. rn j«h wi*h ooatt for «'nerry Valley,T , * a: d all iiP river pofnte.lea.*** Snote«lU#h »:» a tn. daily, except-

U - g BuI.LY. BOG KP.DT-S *CO . Inc..

Crur n *r* and Ma r.a<»»ra


<?-earr.«r Utopia J. A. Clirltn, MaMttr.i '

Ta-'orna 12 noon, Sea4«lf, Cen-tral wb«rf. i p tr.. Monday# and Tlmra-rt',,l for Port TOWT Mwnd. Anacorte*. Ktur-baven. New Whatrnm. BSalne arwi Friday

! Harbor, lorougn to Vancouver onThursday trip

»"are to Rials>«*. R. *»"? o »-'-wr *Lf.>r f ir-hec tafomwioa #4-,-rty to Cen-

tral wtoarf.




REATTLE TO TAOOMA.round tr-.m daily exoep* snH«y.

la one hour and twerirv-Ive mtmneft.THE "FLY ER."

R**rular daily tn.*a, Seattle-Tacam*rc-jte, #.» follows

Tak'nc effectmat a.

ttvp: card.Leave P-W**' -. : - A. m.; t:4*. 115

r tn. Leave Tacccu*?? JO a. m.. l.tW 4uA',si* p. m.Sunxaaya?

L*wv« {Vnttle?7-flfr a. m., s<w p. m.I«v» M a. TO-. i :3O. T:3*p. m.lamdinc *? N"o>r*bem IVw wharf Ts-

<*oma. and dotk, t<xA of Mar-ion *-rv>ff, Sewttfe.

Sunday*. «vy rates en r«imfrFleet ftrw>d; tare, L-iV.

skvgit river noum.steamer crry op c: f VION

1 eaves O y <S> k S-> > I\*rtiT, J' 1! n. m.. Th-..r*-? -\. Juno IX u mm:

S«;;'May. J-n« 1 1 MotiMA -"nn»>?J -><n 'i, \u2666 jv ir


l-'rt Jny, Jur* 14. i> j» w. J<ir» l\9 n m. C\l!lT-*g d* VM'tKWWjR, t<tftr-wood. Jlivunr \>rw;i ftjni Avo«i. <*or»-r<*ri-><r at Mo' n: Vernon a*' t r*tet»m« -

Indiana f/>r \\ -oM' \. Ha.n'4iton andSa*:k. Farv> sl. r n ??\u25a0?«! t? ' >.

LILLY. rS v CO.. Inf.,o*r.<*rs ar I Ma ;<-r«. Seattle.

THS AL \SKA VM.s -UP COSPTF3AM l Tft WUd.AFA.Cap ain George Ho»Wt».

T/«avtn* Seattle 'v \U*K» J una to andJuna as a*>d *v«rr 14 lisvnt\f freight and *

a*"** k ;,r a :»'.s HPP?y toJ. G. CARSOU, Ac»m.

Scbt>v bacher JVx«k. "IVI. (TLCHAP K. PKAJ-IODY, General Manager.



T>ftlTv yx.-<vp( S'jmlxy.Thft Fast ar<l (~wmo\U* <a t>'rAmeT

GKX CANBYKl.lney ju B.l* «. -n. i <«\u25bc*? Al*

« ? 4 p. nu irwa C<whiirf, I>Bie-rkb«->>M« 813.

TJJfGMAM LINKOf Str«uii«-s »nti Ship*

F'tpft dtr**n «*> l>Ucr* Bay, c«r-r>ln« good* xt thrcmrh r«?«« from o«*i-

and atll!lat»i t!i«r»*o. viaX'v.fwt ScutiU to ltay. and (hw.-*by :'h> N«jy*rlan«lß railway of SouthAfrican rej>ublla to Pretoria and Jotwai-n<«hunr.

Foil.twine TtrttUtoHi andto «ail &Nmt May th«< Kte«MraliiuSolvoic, of 3.4ft) ton-"*, from S»*in<i(Port Blakfify), to h® fr»!low*\i Ny othor*teamwrs «nd *ait!riff cilpp«i-s from <dtaor otli«»r porta on t>outi.-JL Forterms apply to:

Wiw»h. ?

Nortfwrn Faol!>o railway, Taeoma and6eaCU«.

M. B. Mafirnesen. 406 Frorst »tre«t. BanFraiwiSt-o.

F. K.O. F. New*n« A Co.. gM -rnl Fn*\ls»i

?*enti\ 61 Gnueeohun h I*>tnlon.E. C.


S. WUlw Navurai ion Co.'» SteanveriLULTNOMAiL

DAILY TLMIS CARD.L<»a.v«v j .Virlvft.

Olympta at.. « Taroma at.. fl *>a»nTiuxima. >l. ni +.1...13 M n\S<niu]« at.... 1 "? t>n.Tftooma at... S:<iO pmTiLcvma at.. 3:») ptilOlympla

CITY OF AJIKRDEk&N.l>u!ly except ttaoday.

Leave. ! .VriivaBeatile a tn Paco«na .....

9:*)amTaa'onm 1O:00amOlymv(!a ...» 1Olymrta .... 2:(*>p mTaoorna f»:30 n m SeftMle 7:30 p m

Karacf.iis. Ijiindinar atfoot of Main

CITY DOCK CO.. A*ent«.Capt. L,. \Vll!«y, Mana««r. T"l*phot>e^!.V


D'.?«paU:h ateamem* from Pe«tU« aa fol-

'°F*>r Sun TYanci* % o v!a Port TVjwnaend

an 1 Victoria. nlUm. (paMMMBon tKMffd H-t 7 a. m.) Juu# -\u2666

F\>r Aluiuta ? June 7, 12. 23 «nd 27 at 9

San Fm.n<*two for A'Vorta andPukK Sound porta at 9 a. tn.. Juc« 4. »,

14. 19, 24 and -J.

Ticket* may be obtained at th« office ol

1 Ve<v San Fr®,Pc^? p®iJ. F. TROWBRIDGE. A» U P. S. Smpt.,



CnrrvtlW UnttM State* mail. 'eave«Clty

.i-'w k <£* of Main «trvet. Monday.

and Friday ' %I°* fi* NewTVwneend, San Juan Island* iuii New"VVhatoom. ~ »*,/-»»» ,<


North Roun<t-L?ve S«»Wl« 2 00 a- m.i

leave Port Townsend «.0O a- m., «»jFriJar Harbor 11:30 a. J-J^\vh LtooinHarbor 12:30 p. m.; arrive New \S n*UC«aa

'fc!»W- 'i n?\u25a0 m ? leave Roi-tie Harbor iw a. *n.,

leav# Friday Harbor 10:00Port Townseral 4.00 p. m-1 #rrtv# Seattle

"j'. ?t. Thompson. manawlnc owner. J. A.

Ha t field. #*«?»*?



aifntMSlirP CtTY <">F KINGSTON.STFJAATMiiii ?Taenia..Jll°'Art 4:4f«m

J5 pt! ?wnard.l H'Ar UiJlpm

?DaMy except Monday.

\u25a0 1 ?ac?BW»S. O. YERKRB. A**"*.Y<«l«r

"'straitb steamship company,

btrs. garland and evano®l

ev,ul« ft tld ToWIUHwI-NMi Bay Rerita

s?^<X&!r*rZiVS&St- «&?Sday*.

,n Port William*.

* m. for P<£tpuiwretw**". J Pay Swi

Bay ; !*a»#*

**R| * altprn *t* A*>V


4 T?v£ **-e«7 Seattle U x m. L~v*.

Everett IP- ®v. trip, ft.®;

S A*Ta and ftno-

***? foot ° f Mart°"


stn FrdfrJro t/Z^a nt.Ste am N. /.

and Sy<*>lulu, Pamf*/. wwfoout Cbepra-

J TH«*i GRAttAM. AGHNT. Starr-

**«*? VWM*>UT*r*



* Co -

f»U _

2f«SSr<*pt U1 ttlwil k MarymrlU*.

CVrtineodinc at Snr,lv«nUh wttM

up rtver J. Ajteot.



Time*nd Whas"»?n IwPe?-



«,«< «??»««. "

7~*" "r4:.


Afltiwfm <lo- k. tor «n<JPort Town send ''ally, Sunday, at

11 ?» u m ? reruntlne. leave# \ Won* »

m Steamer I,Ubo leave* for lv«rtTowneend and way dagy.t- i»Ur, at 7 a. m. ; Sunrtay. dtiw-'. 9* m ;

To*ra»er.4 at 4 p. m. Ttlepbona ilO.