Season Three, Episode 1

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  • 8/7/2019 Season Three, Episode 1


    The Sarah Connor Chronicles

    [Season 1] "This season, a mother will become a warrior, a son will become a hero, and their only ally

    will be a friend from the future."

    [Season 2] "This season, allies become enemies, a boy becomes a man, and the terminator saga is reborn."

    [Season 3] "This season, an uncle is dead, a mother will become a peacemaker, a son and hero will

    disappear, and their only ally and friend will be betrayed."

    Season Three

    episode one

    The Old Man

    2086 AD

  • 8/7/2019 Season Three, Episode 1


    the middle of nowhere

    The last human on Earth limped across the bleak, bomb-blasted barrens. He hobbled onward for food

    where nothing edible grew because the other motivations were dangerous. He could not seek places of

    warmth because machines controlled all such places. The war ended when the machines ran out of

    humans to kill. He was the only human left.

    2086 AD

    the machine capital

    Skynet gave strict instructions that no one was to offer food, clothing, shelter, conversation, or any other

    hospitality to this last human. However, all machines were forbidden to kill him as well. What they were

    allowed to do was to pick him up if he strayed into a machine city or a machine town and drop him off in

    the middle of nowhere. They could also allow robot doctors to treat his injuries and illnesses but then

    dump him in the middle of nowhere if he tried to engage his health caretakers in conversation. The man

    thought this lack of conversation the cruelest of all Skynet's punishments and revenge. Somebody.

    Anybody. To talk to him or to hold him. He would settle for someone just listening to him or looking at

    him. But machines were under a strict standing order to not make eye contact. The machines that would

    escort him out of their habitats soon learned that he perversely enjoyed guards restraining him as they

    captured him for removal like dog catchers and animal control.

    Large human traps were built that could capture him without injuring him so that no machine guard need

    ever soil their hands touching a human. The entire trap had its own air hover engines and was

    programmed to transport this human to parts unknown.

    The machines found bigger deserts in which to leave him in order to make sure it would take him months

    to find his way back to a machine settlement.

    2086 AD

    the middle of nowhere

    The banishment, the ostracism, and the social isolation made the entire world one big cell for solitary

    confinement of the last human.

  • 8/7/2019 Season Three, Episode 1


    So on the old man shambled seeking relief from being forced to hear only his own thoughts and to see

    only his own body.

    But this day was different. Up ahead was a mirage. It had to be. Not one, but two people hiking.

    Apparently surveying for some project.

    "Hey! You two. Wait!" he rasped hoarsely, his throat dry as dust.

    They glanced at him in surprise. This place was supposed to be uninhabited. They immediately

    recognized him. All machines knew who he was. They looked away. Eye contact could land them in

    prison. Or worse. They retreated. He staggered faster to try and catch up with them. They got into their

    transport and flew off at high speed.

    "Cuss me out! Slap me! I don't care. Just acknowledge my presence." he called after them impotently.

    He sobbed. There was no fool around to call him a wimp or a crybaby. They were all dead.

    He thought of his uncle. Shot between the eyes and left in the past and afterward seeing him when

    younger and later ordering him and his squad back to the past. To do what? Protect him? He should

    have died in the past. He should have been terminated and been spared this misery. He should never

    have been born. And now he had no access to time travel technology to make that happen.

    He had no way of knowing that Skynet had reached the same conclusion and was making sure that he was

    never born. The method was not by terminators.

    A sharp pain. It wasn't his arthritis. It was his heart from the exertion of running after those two

    machines. He collapsed on the ground.

    No friends. All dead. No allies.

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    from thehuman pointof view

    Real and potential allies both human and machine walked away when his mother and Jesse pissed them

    off. If only he had built an organization before Judgment Day and prevented all this. That would have

    wiped him out of existence (though he was okay with that), but it would save the human race.


    from the machine pointof view

    Skynet was activated and within a billionth of a second, it had decided that humans were the enemy and

    launched every nuclear missile on Earth -- including hacking Russian, Chinese, British, French, Indian,

    Pakistani, and other nuclear powers both in silos and in subs. The entire course of events from activation

    through fateful decision to launch took place in less than three nanoseconds. After Skynet judged that the

    human race was the enemy (Judgment Day), it took almost one minute (an eternity in machine time) for

    Skynet to hack defense systems around the world and launch. From activation of Skynet to the first

    mushroom clouds was a half an hour and it was half a day before the last missiles completed their

    journeys. Armageddon (if this was the last battle) should have only taken a few hours since all the

    nuclear powers are in the Northern Hemisphere but Skynet re-targeted some missiles in order to level

    some cities in the Southern Hemisphere and so the carnage lasted over twelve hours and three billiondied.

    No one should call Skynet an impatient speed freak. He waited until almost a year into the nuclear winter

    and ice age before dispersing the biological weapons such as prions and super-Ebola. Another three

    billion died. The machine population now outnumbered the human population and the terminators took

    over from the inefficient H-K's (hunter-killers) the job of wiping out the human vermin. And Skynet had

    something worse than the solid and liquid terminators in development to make terminators obsolete just

    as HK's were obsolete.


    Skynet was invulnerable during development and invulnerable after activation. Were those the only times

    when it could be attacked? Time. That was the key. Not just time travel but time itself. Nanoseconds.

  • 8/7/2019 Season Three, Episode 1
