SEARCY SCHOOL DISTRICT Arkansas Comprehensive School Improvement Plan REVIEW COPY ONLY 2014-2015 MISSON The SEARCY SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT seeks to prepare responsible, productive, and adaptable citizens in schools where the abilities of every child are understood, nurtured, and developed. Grade Span: Title I: Not Applicable School Improvement:

SEARCY SCHOOL DISTRICT Arkansas Comprehensive School ... · REVIEW COPY ONLY 2014-2015 MISSON The SEARCY SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT seeks to prepare responsible, productive, and adaptable

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Page 1: SEARCY SCHOOL DISTRICT Arkansas Comprehensive School ... · REVIEW COPY ONLY 2014-2015 MISSON The SEARCY SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT seeks to prepare responsible, productive, and adaptable

SEARCY SCHOOL DISTRICTArkansas Comprehensive School Improvement Plan


The SEARCY SPECIAL SCHOOL DISTRICT seeks to prepareresponsible, productive, and adaptable citizens in schools where the

abilities of every child are understood, nurtured, and developed.

Grade Span: Title I: Not Applicable School Improvement:

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1 Priority 1: District Level Support 11.1 Goal: Provide leadership, service, and support to each individual school as it strives to provide the opportunities for all students to be

proficient in literacy and mathematics. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1

2 Priority 2: Wellness 172.1 Goal: Provide support for students in making healthy lifestyle choices by implementing systems to increase education of families and the

community in the areas of healthy eating, physical activity, and tobacco-cessation. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

3 Priority 3: English Language Learners 203.1 Goal: Provide support for the English Language Learners Program in the Searcy School District . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

A School Improvement Planning Team 23

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1 Priority 1: District level support will be provided to assist schools in reaching their literacy and mathematics goals using Federal Programs and SpecialNeeds Funding.

1.1 Goal: Provide leadership, service, and support to each individual school as it strives to provide the opportunities for all students to be proficient inliteracy and mathematics.

Benchmark: Federal and Special Needs funding will be utilized to provide materials and services that will increase student achievement across the districtas documented by Norm-Referenced and Criterion-Referenced Test Results.

Intervention D.1. Provide administrative and instructional support for math and literacy programs throughout the Searcy School District.Scientific Based ResearchWiggins, G., et al. Understanding By Design (2nd edition). Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2005.<br><br>The Core Six: Essential Strategies forAchieving Excellence with the Common Core. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2013.<br><br>Danielson, Charlotte. Enhancing Professional Practice: AFramework for Teaching. Second Edition. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2007. <br><br>Willis, Judy. Learning to Love Math: Teaching Strategies thatChange Student Attitudes & Get Results. Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2010.<br><br> Marzano,R. Haystead,M. (2008). Making Stadards Useful in theClassroom. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.<br>

Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsD.1.3. TITLE I- McKinney-Vento Act <BR> Title I funds will be used to

provide materials, supplies, school clothing, extra-curricular expenses, ACT

registration fees, and/or other school-related expenses for students eligible

for MCKINNEY-VENTO benefits. These benefits are available for all

eligible K-12 students including those in non-Title I schools According to the

2013-2014 school year data, at the end of the year we had an average of 130

homeless students. To determine the set aside for homeless students, we took

the average number of students and set aside approximately $50.00 per

student. Christine Harrell, Homeless Liaison, will be responsible for

approving purchases.

Action Type: Equity

Christine Harrell,

Federal Programs Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff


Title I

Materials & Supplies: $6,500.00

ACTION BUDGET: $6,500.00

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Intervention D.1. Provide administrative and instructional support for math and literacy programs throughout the Searcy School District.Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsD.1.18. Academic Improvement Plans (AIP) will be developed and

implemented for all kindergarten through twelfth grade students performing

below proficient. Intensive Reading Improvement Plans (IRI) will be

implemented for students in grades kindergarten through third who exhibit a

substantial deficiency in reading.

Action Type: AIP/IRI

Action Type: Equity

Action Type: Special Education

Dr. Sheena Williamson,

Assitant Superintendent

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff


Performance Assessments


Teaching Aids


D.1.2.Title I Professional Development<br> <br>TITLE I funds will be used

for a math coach that will provide professional development for teachers in

implementation of various instructional strategies to improve student

academic achievement.<br> This position is above the requirements outlined

in state standards. Jackie Starks FTE 1.0<br> <br>Sal: $47,025.00 Ben:


Action Type: Professional Development

Christine Harrell,

Federal Programs Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff


District Staff




continue to be employed. Title I funds will supplement funding for the

coordinator’s professional development expenses, professional materials,

equipment, and office supplies.<br> Christine Harrell .20 FTE <br> Sal:

$13,775.00 <br> Ben: $3,412.47Action Type: Alignment

Action Type: Professional Development

Dr. Randy Byrd,

Assistant Superintendent

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff


Outside Consultants

Title I

Purchased Services: $3,000.00

Title I

Materials & Supplies: $1,002.63

Title I

Employee Salaries: $13,775.00

Title I

Employee Benefits: $3,412.47

ACTION BUDGET: $21,190.10

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Intervention D.1. Provide administrative and instructional support for math and literacy programs throughout the Searcy School District.Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsD.1.16. PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT (17.D) <BR> The Wilbur D.

Mills Education Service Cooperative (WDMESC) will provide professional

development for all teachers in the Searcy School District to improve

teaching skills. Professional development activities will be based on scientific

research and determined for each school after reviewing ACSIP plans. <br>

Professional Development Funds will also be used for professional

development costs including conferences, travel, consultants, professional

materials, and supplies for district staff to improve instructional practices and

early intervention strategies as well as to provide WDMESC with per teacher

costs for professional development.

Action Type: Collaboration

Action Type: Professional Development

Action Type: Technology Inclusion

Amanda Price,

District Instructional Facilitator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015


District Staff

Outside Consultants


PD (State-223)

Purchased Services: $35,000.00

PD (State-223)

Materials & Supplies: $952.83

ACTION BUDGET: $35,952.83


qualified INSTRUCTIONAL FACILITATORS will provide ongoing

embedded professional development to support ACSIP goals throughout the

district. The instructional facilitators will attend meetings and conferences in

order to keep current on scientifically research based programs. These

positions are above the requirements outlined in state standards. <br> (2.30

FTE) <br> Professional Development<br> Christine Harrell 0.80 FTE <br>

Salary=$55,100.00 Benefits=$13,649.85 <br> <br> Patti Kitts 1.00 FTE

<br> Salary=$59,598.57 Benefits=$13,076.97 <br> <br> Amanda Price .50

FTE <br> Salary=$29,274.55 Benefits=$7,413.38<br> <br> NSLA<br>

Misty Parker 1.00 FTE<br> Salary=$53,351.61<br> Benefits=$11,724.50

Action Type: Professional Development

Dr. Sheena Williamson,

Assistant Superintendent

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

Central Office


District Staff

Outside Consultants

Performance Assessments


PD (State-223)

Employee Benefits: $34,140.20

PD (State-223)

Employee Salaries: $143,973.12

NSLA (State-281)

Employee Benefits: $11,724.50

NSLA (State-281)

Employee Salaries: $53,351.61

ACTION BUDGET: $243,189.43

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Intervention D.1. Provide administrative and instructional support for math and literacy programs throughout the Searcy School District.Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsD.1.9 Title I<br> Pre-K Summer School<br> Title I funds will be utilized to

hire staff and implement a pre-kindergarten scientifically research based

summer program. The program will be available district wide for

academically at-risk students having the greatest need for academic

assistance.<br> Funds will also be available for teachers to purchase needed

materials and supplies for the program.<br> <br> Students eligibility will be

determined through their performance on the research based kindergarten

screening assessment held in May.<br> <br> All positions funded through

Title I will be above the requirements outlined in state standards and paid at

an hourly wage of $25.<br> <br> The pre-kindergarten summer school

program will be in session for 5 hours per day, 20 days, at $25.00 per hour

and employee 4-6 highly qualified instructors.<br> Salaries $9,700.00<br>

Benefits $2,100.00<br> <br> The 2015 program will be held at Sidney

Deener Elementary School.

Action Type: Equity

Christine Harrell,

Federal Programs Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff


Performance Assessments

School Library


Teaching Aids

Title I

Materials & Supplies: $200.00

Title I

Employee Salaries: $9,700.00

Title I

Employee Benefits: $2,100.00

ACTION BUDGET: $12,000.00

D.1.19. Student achievement data will be analyzed as it becomes available,

and the district ASCIP Plan will be modified when necessary to meet the

academic needs of the students.

Action Type: Alignment

Christine Harrell,

District Instructional Facilitator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

District Staff


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Intervention D.1. Provide administrative and instructional support for math and literacy programs throughout the Searcy School District.Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsD.1.10. TITLE II-A (13) <BR> TITLE II-A funds will be used for

kindergarten through twelfth grade educators to receive professional

development supporting ACSIP Goals<br> <br> *Including consultant fees,

conference registrations, and travel costs <br> <br> Highly qualified master

teachers and instructional facilitators will provide professional development

in effective instructional practices and training on how to understand and use

data and assessments to improve classroom practice and student learning.

Necessary Supplies will be purchased. <br> The Assistant Superintendent

over Curriculum and Instruction will oversee all professional development

for teachers and administrators. <br> Dr. Sheena Williamson FTE .20<br>

Salary $21,903.50<br> Benefits $5,172.29 <br> *Professional texts,

binders, pens/pencils, and highlighters necessary to conduct professional

development activities. <br> <br> The Federal Programs Coordinator will

attend professional development and purchase materials and supplies needed

to administer the Title II-A program.<br> <br> All professional development

activities will be above the 60 hours required by ADE.

Action Type: Professional Development

Christine Harrell,

Federal Programs Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

District Staff Title II-A

Purchased Services: $25,000.00

Title II-A

Materials & Supplies: $10,000.00

Title II-A

Employee Salaries: $21,903.50

Title II-A

Employee Benefits: $5,172.29

ACTION BUDGET: $62,075.79

D.1.6. TITLE II-A <BR> A literacy instructional facilitator will attend

professional development and facilitate professional development activities

for teachers.<br> <br> Professional development will focus on instructional

strategies for teaching students how to develop skills necessary for academic

success as well as success beyond high school.<br> <br> Materials, supplies,

and professional books to conduct professional development activities will be

purchased.<br> <br> All professional development will be above the

required 60 hours mandated by the state.<br> <br> Amanda Price 0.50

FTE<br> Salary=$29,274.55<br> Benefits=$7,413.38<br> <br>

Action Type: Professional Development

Christine Harrell,

Federal Programs Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

District Staff


Title II-A

Employee Salaries: $29,274.55

Title II-A

Employee Benefits: $7,413.38

ACTION BUDGET: $36,687.93

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Intervention D.1. Provide administrative and instructional support for math and literacy programs throughout the Searcy School District.Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsD.1.25 ALE <br> Two ALTERNATIVE LEARNING ENVIRONMENTS

(located at AJHS and SHS) will be available to students in need of this

service. Students may be recommended for enrollment in the ALE by a

teacher, counselor, principal, assistant principal, or parent/guardian. The

recommendation will be made to the Intake-Referral Committee. The

committee will consist of ALE coordinator, the school counselor, a

parent/guardian, a classroom teacher, the ALE teacher, and the building

principal. The committee will review the recommendation and supporting

documentation and make a decision regarding placement of the student.

Students placed in the ALE will receive instruction in all core content areas.

Students will also receive all mandated support services. The ALE staff will

attend professional development activities in order to keep current with best

instructional practices for students in need of an Alternative Learning

Environment. The success of the ALE Program is determined by the

percentage of students who are able to return to the general education

environmnent and continue to achieve at a proficient level.

Action Type: Alignment

Action Type: Collaboration

Action Type: Parental Engagement

Dr. Sheena Williamson,

Assistant Superintendent

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015 ACTION BUDGET:

D.1.17. Technology inclusion is an essential component of education

throughout the Searcy School District. <br> <br> The district employees an

Instructional Technology Facilitator (Patti Kitts) to provide on-going

embedded professional development to support instructional activities. <br>

<br> Classrooms across the district are equipped with computers, Mimio

interactive whiteboards, ceiling mounted projectors, document cameras, and

SMARTboards. Computers and computers labs are kept updated to meet the

growing needs of our students. The district technology plan outlines the

specific ongoing and future projects.

Action Type: Professional Development

Action Type: Technology Inclusion

Patti Kitts,

District Technology Instructional Facilitator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015 ACTION BUDGET:

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Intervention D.1. Provide administrative and instructional support for math and literacy programs throughout the Searcy School District.Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsD.1.1. Administrator and Teacher professional development and meeting

evaluations will be used to evaluate the effectiveness of this

intervention.<br> during the 2011-2012 school year, teachers and

administrators evaluations of professional development listed the following

as great improvement in district support. *allowing teachers to work in

groups to solve curriculum issues and develop new curriculum<br>

*providing technology professional development that gave teachers time to

actually prepare lessons that implement the CCSS technology standards

while the Technology Instructional Facilitator was on hand to help.<br>

*Vertical teaming across campuses and grade levels<br> *Teacher facilitated

workshops<br> During the 2012-2013 school year, data shows that teachers

and administrators continue to list the previous improvements as positive

characteristics of professional development presented by the district.<br>

2013 summer professional development consisted of TESS training and a

few technology workshops; therefore, there was not a significant number of

evaluations for local professional development workshops.<BR> 2014

Summer professional development consisted of UbD and lesson planning

workshops and Google Camp workshops. The evaluations for the workshops

provided by the district are consistent with previous evaluations. *Teachers

preferred the workshops that allowed for hands-on planning and learning.

*Teachers preferred the workshops that allowed for vertical and horizontal

alignment. *Hands-on technology instruction.

Action Type: Program Evaluation

Patti Kitts,

Technology Instructional Facilitator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

District Staff



D.1.20. The District will verify the implementation of each schools’ ACSIP

Plans and evaluate their impact through surveys and observations.

Action Type: Professional Development

Christine Harrell,

Federal Programs Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015 ACTION BUDGET:

D.1.21. Monthly meetings will be held with building level administrators to

assess progress toward ACSIP goals and objectives. AMOs will be discussed

and monitored throughout the year.

Action Type: Collaboration

Dr. Sheena Williamson,

Assistant Principal

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

District Staff



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Intervention D.1. Provide administrative and instructional support for math and literacy programs throughout the Searcy School District.Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsD.1.22. During the Spring Kindergarten Round Up, parents will be provided

TRANSITION activities on the skills that their child will need upon entering

kindergarten. Daycares will be invited to bring upcoming kindergartens to

tour schools and become familiar with the school environment. Transition

Conferences for children that qualify for special education will be conducted,

and HIPPY is available to help in the transition process.

Action Type: Collaboration

Christine Harrell,

Federal Programs Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015 ACTION BUDGET:

D.1.23. The Searcy School District provides the following Gifted and

Talented Program Options. K-2: Whole group enrichment lessons are

delivered bi-weekly by Highly Qualified Licensed GT Teachers. Grades 3-5:

Students are served by Highly Qualified Licensed GT Teachers in a resource

room for 150 minutes each week. Grades 6-8: Advanced classes in Science,

Social Studies, Language Arts, and Math are taught by ADE trained teachers.

Grades 9-12: Honors, Pre-Advanced Placement, and Advanced Placement

classes in Science, Social Studies, Language Arts, and Math are taught by

ADE trained Highly Qualified Certified Secondary Content Pre-Advanced

Placement and Advanced Placement teachers.<br> <br> Karm Prock, GT

Coordinator, will oversee the K-12 program and ensure it is being

implemented and evaluated.

Action Type: Alignment

Karm Prock,

GT Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015


D.1.24 NSLA<br> During 2014-2015, NSLA funds will be used to purchase

professional services for resource officers. The officers are employed by the

City of Searcy. The city will bill the district and it will be payed as purchased

professional services. Resource officers work district-wide.

Dr. Sheena Williamson,

Assistant Superintendent

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

NSLA (State-281)

Purchased Services: $45,000.00

ACTION BUDGET: $45,000.00

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Intervention D.1. Provide administrative and instructional support for math and literacy programs throughout the Searcy School District.Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsD.1.26 Title I-Part A NEGLECTED INSTITUTIONS<br> Title I funds will

be used to provide materials, supplies, and any basic expenses for students

residing in the Searcy Girls Home (United Methodist Children’s Home).

<br> The Facility serves 8 girls. These girls will change throughout the year,

but only 8 will reside in the home at a given time <br> United Methodist

Children’s Home (Searcy Girl’s Home) is located at 2104 W. Beebe Capps

Expressway Searcy, AR 72143<br> Phone number for the home is

1-501-279-7193<br> August 20, 2014 was the first consultation with

UMCH. At this time we completed a Needs Assessment. The assessment data

showed that the needs of the residents were: basic school supplies,

replacement batteries for calculators, backpacks, basic clothing needs,

wireless printer,and a homework helper device.

Action Type: Equity

Christine Harrell,

Federal Programs Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

District Staff

Title I

Materials & Supplies: $8,894.59

ACTION BUDGET: $8,894.59


meet annually to work in collaboration with the Searcy School District in

order to prepare responsible, productive citizens. The task force will strive to

improve student academic performance and social behaviors through

interventions and strategies focusing on at-risk students.

Action Type: Collaboration

Christine Harrell,

Federal Programs Coordinator/Instructional Support

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

Community Leaders


Title Teachers


D.1.28 NSLA <br> The district will provide materials and supplies for

curriculum and instructional improvement.<br> Purchases will be: <br>

Exemplar Texts, Guided Reading Books, Non-fiction books, CCSS approved

calculators, Math Resources (new calculators, replacement calculators,

batteries, manipulatives), Instructional tools that necessary for

implementation of CGI, Foundations of Fractions, ELLA, ELF, and UbD;

and technology to continue developing strong academic instruction.

Action Type: Alignment

Action Type: Collaboration

Christine Harrell,

Federal Programs Coordinator

Instructional Support

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

District Staff


NSLA (State-281)

Materials & Supplies: $2,825.00

ACTION BUDGET: $2,825.00

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Intervention D.1. Provide administrative and instructional support for math and literacy programs throughout the Searcy School District.Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsD.1.29 NSLA <br> A science facilitator will work with students in 4th grade

allowing them to explore science through laboratory activities.<br> <br> The

science facilitator will provide consulting services to 5th and 6th grade

teachers in implementation of laboratory activities in an additional lab.<br>

Sheryl McKenzie 1.00 FTE<br> Salary $53,975.00<br> Benefits


Action Type: Equity

Christine Harrell,

Federal Programs Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

District Staff


NSLA (State-281)

Employee Salaries: $53,975.00

NSLA (State-281)

Employee Benefits: $11,859.47

NSLA (State-281)

Materials & Supplies: $2,500.00

ACTION BUDGET: $68,334.47

D.1.30 NSLA<br> NSLA funds will be used to purchase technology

(laptops, desktop computers, chromebooks, mice, wireless keyboards,

headphones)to continue to build our instructional technology to better

prepare our students for career and college.<br> <br> Prices will range from

$16.00 up to $2000.00 per item.<br> An evaluation of equipment at each

campus will determine how many and what items will be purchased.

Action Type: Technology Inclusion

Christine Harrell,

Federal Programs Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

NSLA (State-281)

Materials & Supplies: $118,000.00

ACTION BUDGET: $118,000.00

D.1.32 Private Schools<br> All private schools that have students residing in

Searcy Public School District attendance zone will be given the opportunity

to participate in federal programs. If any private school chooses to

participate, a consultation will be held to explain the process and determine if

the private school has eligible students attending. <br> The programs

available are:<br> Title I, Part A Improving Basic Programs Operated by

LEAs<br> Title II, Part A Preparing, Training and Recruiting High Quality

Teachers and Principals<br> Private school students and teachers may

receive benefits, services, and materials from these programs. Private schools

do not receive direct funding from these programs. The LEA always

maintains control of the funds.<br> 2013-2014 No private school participated

<br> 2014-2015 No private school participated.

Action Type: Equity

Christine Harrell,

Federal Programs Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

District Staff



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Intervention D.1. Provide administrative and instructional support for math and literacy programs throughout the Searcy School District.Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsD.1.31 NSLA and ELL<br> Kindergarten through 3rd Grade Summer

School<br> <br> NSLA and ELL funds will be utilized to hire staff and

implement a Kindergarten through 3rd grade scientifically research based

summer program. The program will be available district wide for

academically at-risk students having the greatest need for academic

assistance.<br> The summer school program will be in session for 5 hours

per day, 20 days, and employee 9-12 teachers at $25.00 per hour.<br> <br>

Sidney Deener will host the 2015 Summer Program.

Action Type: Equity

Kim Wilkerson,


Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff


D.1.32 Title VI Rural and Low Income Schools<br> <br> Title VI State

funds will be used to provide projectors as needed throughout the district for

classroom instruction and other educational technology (i.e. laptops,

chromebooks, headphones, wireless mice, and keyboards)

Action Type: Equity

Action Type: Technology Inclusion

Dr. Randy Byrd,

Assistant Superintendent

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

District Staff

Title VI State

Materials & Supplies: $81,768.00

ACTION BUDGET: $81,768.00

Total Budget $742,418.14

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Intervention D.2. Provide administrative support for parental involvement across the district.Scientific Based ResearchFerlazzo, Larry Hammond, Lorie. (2009) Building Parent Engagement in Schools.Linworth Publishing.<br>Constantino, Ed.D., StevenM. The ENGAGE! Series 101 Ways to Create REAL Family ENGAGEMENT.Galax.VA.<br><br>Payne, Ruby (2012)A FrameworkFor Understanding Poverty Pate, P. E., & Andrews, P. G. (2006). Research summary: Parent involvement. Retrieved [date] fromhttp://www.nmsa.org/Research/ResearchSummaries/ParentInvolvement/tabid/274/Default.aspx.<br>

Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsD.2.1. PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT 9.A.1 <br> ACSIP committee

members including parents, community stakeholders, teachers,

administrators, and students will collaborate at least two times per year to

develop, review, and evaluate the effectiveness of the Searcy School District

ACSIP.Action Type: Collaboration

Action Type: Parental Engagement

Christine Harrell,

District Instructional Facilitator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

Community Leaders

District Staff

Outside Consultants


Title Teachers


D.2.6. PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT 9.B.1 <BR> Searcy Public School

District provides training at least annually for volunteers who assist teachers

and administrators. The initial training, which includes a PowerPoint

presentation that provides parental involvement strategies, is conducted early

during the fall semester each year.

Action Type: Parental Engagement

Betsy Bailey,

School/Community Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

Central Office

District Staff



D.2.3. TITLE I<br> PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT 9.A.3 <br> Title I funds

will supplement the HIPPY (Home Instruction for Parents of Preschool

Youngsters) Home Based Program for Preschool Children in the district.

Supplemental instructional materials and supplies will be purchased for use

by instructors, parents, and children participating in the program. Funds will

supplement parent involvement and instructional professional development

activities. The Searcy School District will also provide parental involvement

strategies for other public and private preschool programs.<br> Kelly Ramey

1.00 FTE HIPPY<br> Carolyn Gregg 1.00 FTE HIPPY <br> Ms. Ramey and

Ms. Gregg will be partially paid for by Title I funds during the months of

August, September, October, and November. br> Title I pays for 32% of

their salary

Action Type: Parental Engagement

Action Type: Professional Development

Dr. Randy Byrd,

Assistant Superintendent

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Community Leaders

District Staff


Title Teachers

Title I

Employee Benefits: $2,200.00

Title I

Employee Salaries: $9,800.00

ACTION BUDGET: $12,000.00

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Intervention D.2. Provide administrative support for parental involvement across the district.Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsD.2.7. PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT 9.B.B. and 9.B.C<br>

All teachers will participate in at least two hours of professional development

which will explain the importance of effective communication with parents,

provide a variety of parent resources, give ideas for parental involvement in

the schools, and value the contributions of parents. Each Administrator will

participate in three hours of parent involvement training to enhance

understanding of effective parent participation.

Action Type: Parental Engagement

Action Type: Professional Development

Dr. Sheena Williamson,

Assistant Superintendent

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

District Staff

Outside Consultants



D.2.4. PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT 9.A.4. <br> The District Parental

Involvement Coordinator will distribute a parent survey at the end of each

year to evaluate the effectiveness of Parental Involvement Programs and the

efficient use of academic and non-academic activities. The survey will be

analyzed by the Parental Involvement Committee and changes will be made

to the Parent Involvement Policy as appropriate.<br> <br> 2010-2011

RESULTS: The data remained the same for the 2010-2011 year. Data

continues to remain the same during the 2011-2012 school year.<br>

2011-2012 RESULTS: We have an increase in percentage of parents

receiving information from Edline and school websites, parents still like

receiving schedules and calendars, parents attend activities to watch their

child participate, and about 68% of parents attend at least one of the two

parent/teacher conferences held in the fall and spring semesters.<br>

2012-2013 RESULTS: Preferred Communication Methods - District Website

58.3%, District Newsletters 39.6%, Edline 72.9%, and Notices brought Home

47.9%; Preferred Information - Student Recognition/Honors 17%, Student

Performances 17%, & Calendars/Lunch Menus 20%; Preferred School

Related Events - Student Performances 32% and Parent/Teacher Conferences

27%; Volunteer Participation 32%.<br> 2013-2014 survey results are the

same as the 13-14 results.<br> The district will continue to survey parents

and improve communication using the results from our surveys.

Action Type: Collaboration

Action Type: Parental Engagement

Action Type: Program Evaluation

Betsy Bailey,

District Parental Involvement Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

Community Leaders

District Staff



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Intervention D.2. Provide administrative support for parental involvement across the district.Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsD.2.5. PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT 9.5.a,b,c,d,e,f <br> The Searcy School

District will assist TITLE I SCHOOLS with the integration of the following

components by ensuring teachers, administrators, and staff receive ongoing

embedded professional development. The Federal Programs Coordinator and

School/Community Coordinator will support and monitor the implementation

of the activities. (a) Provide assistance to parents in understanding content

and how to monitor a child’s progress, standards, and academic assessments.

(b) Provide materials and training to help parents work with their children to

improve academic achievement. (c) Educate teachers, principals, and other

staff in the importance of effective communication, value and utility of

contributions of parents. (d) Coordinate and integrate parent involvement

programs and activities. (e) Ensure that information related to school and

parent programs is sent to parents to the extent practical in a language parents

(including disabled parents) can understand. (f) Provide other reasonable

support for parental involvement activities as parents may request. TITLE I

funds will be used for PARENT INVOLVEMENT events and resources at

McRae Elementary School and Sidney Deener Elementary School. <br>

Funds are budgeted at the building level:<br> McRae Elementary

$4,752.23<br> Sidney Deener Elementary $4,752.24<br> Activities will be

related to specific goals promoting the achievement of students in the Title I

Schoolwide Programs. All expenditures will be supplemental and above the

requirements of Arkansas Act 307 of 2007.

Action Type: Parental Engagement

Action Type: Professional Development

Christine Harrell,

Federal Programs Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015 ACTION BUDGET:

D.2.2. PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT 9.2 <br> The Searcy School District

provides support for schools to develop policies and programs to improve

student achievement through on-going embedded professional development.

Action Type: Parental Engagement

Action Type: Professional Development

Dr. Sheena Williamson,

Assistant Superintendent

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

Community Leaders

District Staff



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Intervention D.2. Provide administrative support for parental involvement across the district.Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsD.2.11. TITLE I 12.A <BR> All parents and students at Title I Schoolwide

Schools (Sidney Deener and McRae) will receive an insert in the Elementary

Student Handbook which explains the Title I Schoolwide Program and

includes Parental Involvement Policies as well as the School-Parent-Student

Compact. Parents will sign a receipt indicating they received the handbook.

A PARENTS RIGHT TO KNOW letter will be given to Title I parents at

open house before the start of school. Parents that did not attend open house,

will have the letter mailed to them.<br> The Parents Right to Know

information is also posted on the district website and is included in all student

handbooks in the district.

Action Type: Parental Engagement

Christine Harrell,

Federal Programs Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

Community Leaders

District Staff



D.2.10 TITLE I PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT 9.C. <br> Funds will be

allocated to Title I schools for parental involvement activities that support the

schools’ ACSIP. <br> Searcy School District received a Title I allocation

over $500,000 requiring a set aside of 1% for parent involvement. Of this 1%

set aside, 100% has been distributed evenly between Sidney Deener and

McRae Elementary Schools.

Action Type: Parental Engagement

Christine Harrell,

Federal Programs Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015 ACTION BUDGET:

D.2.8. Searcy Public School Districts school calendar reflects two days in

October and two days in March for schools to hold PARENT/TEACHER

CONFERENCES two times annually.

Action Type: Parental Engagement

Dr. Sheena Williamson,

Assistant Superintendent

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff


D.2.9. TITLE II-A<br> The School/Community Coordinator will provide

each student’s family with a monthly newsletter, UPDATE, which educates

parents on school programs and lists school calendar events as well as

organize parental involvement events such as the ELL open night house.<br>

Action Type: Parental Engagement

Betsy Bailey,

School/Community Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

District Staff



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Intervention D.2. Provide administrative support for parental involvement across the district.Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsD.2.12 PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT<BR> The District recognizes

involvement in many aspects of school life as parental involvement. Parents

volunteer (in making copies, homeroom parents, concession stands,

etc.),attend athletic and fine arts activities, participate in parent/teacher

organizations, eating lunch with their child during the day, working during

math and literacy nights, and many other events. As a district, we are very

fortunate to have many parents involved in all areas of school life.<br> <br>

The district has various communication methods for parents. Below are a list

of some of those methods.<BR> *District Newsletters<br> *Notices sent

home<br> *Calendars and Lunch Menus <br> *Parent/Teacher

Conferences<br> *District and School Websites <br> *School

Messenger<br> *Home Access Center<br> Interpreters are provided for

parents during conferences. Our website and Home Access Center have the

capability of being translated into spanish and when the need arises, will be

updated to included other languages.<br> <br>

Action Type: Parental Engagement

Betsy Bailey,

Parental Involvment Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

District Staff



Total Budget $12,000.00

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2 Priority 2: Students who have the opportunity to practice healthy behaviors at school are better equipped to (1) perform academically, (2) make healthybehavior choices outside the school, and (3) have fewer health consequences than students who do not have this opportunity. Students who are at risk ofbecoming overweight or those who are overweight have health risk indicators that compromise their ability to perform academically. The Body MassIndex (BMI) data presented indicates the percentage of students who may be at risk for poor academic performance. The School Health Index (SHI)scores presented indicate areas of needed improvement to promote a healthy school environment. The percentage of students qualifying for free andreduced meals indicates students who may be at risk for compromised academic performance.

2.1 Goal: Provide support for students in making healthy lifestyle choices by implementing systems to increase education of families and the communityin the areas of healthy eating, physical activity, and tobacco-cessation.

Benchmark: Scores on the School Health Index measuring family and community involvement in the areas of healthy eating, physical activity, andtobacco-cessation will increase.

Intervention W.1. School district and individual schools will implement practices to encourage students to make healthy lifestyle choices byeducating families and the community.

Scientific Based ResearchThe Wellness Impact: Enhancing Academic Success through Healthy School Environments. 2013. http://www.genyouthfoundation.org/wp-content/uploads/2013/02/The Wellness Impact Report.pdf

Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsW.1.2. The school district will inform students and their families about

community-based programs for physical-activity, healthy eating, and

tobacco-use prevention and cessation through the monthly Update newsletter.

Action Type: Parental Engagement

Action Type: Wellness

Betsy Bailey,

School/Community Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Community Leaders

District Staff ACTION BUDGET:

W.1.4. The district food services director will work with committees of

fourth grade students, at Southwest Middle School, to plan menus for their

school for a week during the school year. All students will participate in a

contest to choose their favorite meal that week.Action Type: Collaboration

Action Type: Wellness

Charlotte Davis,

Food Services Director

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

District StaffACTION BUDGET:

W.1.3. School District Child Nutrition Program will continue to host

activities to further increase student and parent involvement in planning

school meals.Action Type: Collaboration

Action Type: Parental Engagement

Action Type: Wellness

Charlotte Davis,

Food Service Director

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

District StaffACTION BUDGET:

September 29, 2014 Priority 2: Wellness Page 17

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Intervention W.1. School district and individual schools will implement practices to encourage students to make healthy lifestyle choices byeducating families and the community.Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsW.1.1. The School Health Index Modules will be used to assess school

effectiveness in providing a pleasant environment and access to health

information and resources. <br> <br>The 2010-2011 School Health Index

Modules showed increases in all areas. <br> The 2011-2012 School Health

Index Module 1 showed a 1% increase over last year, Modules 2 and 4 stayed

the same, and Module 2 had W.1.1. The School Health Index Modules will

be used to assess school effectiveness in providing a pleasant environment

and access to health information and resources. <br> The 2010-2011 School

Health Index Modules showed increases in all areas. <br> The 2011-2012

School Health Index Module 1 showed a 1% increase over last year, Modules

2 and 4 stayed the same, and Module 2 had a 1% decrease and Module 8 had

a 2% decrease.<br> The 2012-2013 School Health Index Module 1 continues

to be 98%, Module 2 remained at 99.5%, and Modules 3 and 4 showed a 2%

decrease. Module 8 showed 79% which is 1% down from the previous year. a

1% decrease and Module 8 had a 2% decrease. <br> The 2013-2014 School

Health Index Module 1 remained at 98%, Module 2 decreased to 97%,

Modules 3 and 4 continue to remain the same as the previous year.Module 8

again showed a decrease from the previous year. 3 percentage points

decrease from 79% to 76%. We have also seen an increase in students

qualifying for free and reduced-price meals.

Action Type: Program Evaluation

Action Type: Wellness

Charlotte Davis,

Food Service Director

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative StaffACTION BUDGET:

W.1.5. Physical education and health curriculum will be aligned with

Arkansas Frameworks.Action Type: Alignment

Action Type: Collaboration

Action Type: Wellness

Christine Harrell,

District Instructional Facilitator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015


W.1.6. NSLA <BR> In partnership with the Searcy Police Department, the

services of two School Resource Officers will be purchased to facilitate

youth drug and violence prevention activities with students.

Action Type: Collaboration

Action Type: Wellness

Dr. Randy Byrd,

Assistant Superintendent

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

Community Leaders



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Intervention W.1. School district and individual schools will implement practices to encourage students to make healthy lifestyle choices byeducating families and the community.Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsW.1.7. The Director of Food Services and District ACSIP Coordinator will

meet with building administrators to monitor progress toward meeting the

Wellness ACSIP goals and objectives during the second semester.

Action Type: Collaboration

Action Type: Wellness

Charlotte Davis,

Director of Food Services

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

Central Office

District Staff


Total Budget $0.00

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3 Priority 3: District Level Support for English Language Learners

3.1 Goal: Provide support for the English Language Learners Program in the Searcy School District

Benchmark: The spring of 2013 ELDA data reflects a 37% growth of students moving up one or more levels. the 2014 ELDA data reflects we fell short ofour goal with only 18% growth of students moving up one or more levels. The spring of 2015 scores will reflect a 4% increase.<br>

Intervention E.1. The district will provide support to address the unique educational needs of English Language Learners.Scientific Based ResearchGoldenberg, C. (2008). Teaching English Language Learners: What the Research Does --- and Does Not --- Say. American Educator,8-44.<br><br>Leki, I., Cumming, A., & & Silva, T. (2008). A Synthesis of Research on Second Language Writing In English. New York:Routledge. Goldenberg, C. (2008). Teaching English Language Learners: What the Research Does --- and Does Not --- Say. American Educator,8-44.

Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsE.1.4. Students who do not speak English as their primary language and who

have a limited ability to read, speak, write, or understand English will be

placed in the English Language Learner (ELL) Program and receive

supplemental services to meet their individual academic needs.

Action Type: AIP/IRI

Action Type: Collaboration

Action Type: Equity

Jessica Martin,

ELL Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

District Staff


E.1.5. An English Language Learner (ELL) Coordinator, who has expertise

related to teaching ELL students and access to ELL experts, is available to

assist schools with ELL students. Data from screening and progress

monitoring assessments are used to make decisions about the instructional

support for English Language Learners.<br> Purchases will be for Placement

books/assessments and assessment resources. Reading and Math materials

necessary for students academic success<br> Jessica Martin 0.50 FTE<br>

Action Type: Collaboration

Action Type: Equity

Jessica Martin,

ELL Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

District Staff


E.1.6. The district will facilitate appropriate ongoing professional

development for teachers and other school personnel.

Action Type: Equity

Action Type: Professional Development

Jessica Martin,

ELL Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

District Staff

Outside Consultants



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Intervention E.1. The district will provide support to address the unique educational needs of English Language Learners.Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsE.1.7. The Searcy School District will communicate district guidelines about

teaching English Language Learners to all administrators, specialists, and

teaching staff.

Action Type: Collaboration

Action Type: Equity

Dr. Sheena Williamson,

Assistant Principal

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

District StaffACTION BUDGET:

E.1.8. The Searcy School District will hold the same learning outcome

expectations for English learners as for all students. District-adopted

standards address academic English at all grade levels, augmenting state

standards as necessary.

Action Type: Equity

Christine Harrell,

District Instructional Facilitator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

District Staff


E.1.2. The Searcy School District will analyze assessment results, including

progress monitoring, to identify needs for intervention strategies and

weaknesses in the curriculum. Based on annual review of learning progress

and needs of the ELL population, the district identifies needs for staff

resources, including ESL teachers and intervention teachers.

Action Type: Alignment

Action Type: Equity

Christine Harrell,

District Instructional Facilitator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

District Staff

Performance Assessments



E.1.3. The Searcy School District will promote family involvement to build

supportive environments at home and home-school connections.<br> Open

house for English Language Learners and their families will be held prior to

the first day of school. The open house will provide basic information about

the school handbook, lunches, special programs, and tips on how to help their

student at home. All of the information will be translated in the families first

language. 2014-2015 is the first year of implementation and held on the

campus of Sidney Deener Elementary School.

Action Type: Collaboration

Action Type: Equity

Action Type: Parental Engagement

Betsy Bailey,

School/Community Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015 ACTION BUDGET:

E.1.1. The effectiveness of this intervention will be evaluated using results

from each schools’ progress monitoring data<br> <br> This is the first year

for this program evaluation.

Action Type: Program Evaluation

Jessica Martin,

ELL Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

District Staff


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Intervention E.1. The district will provide support to address the unique educational needs of English Language Learners.Actions Person Responsible Timeline Resources Source of FundsE.1.9. The ELL Coordinator and district staff will meet when necessary.

Depending on the student(s) this could be weekly, monthly, or quarterly.

Action Type: Collaboration

Jessica Martin,

ELL Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

District Staff ACTION BUDGET:

E.1.11 English Language Learners will have the opportunity to attend

tutoring. The tutors will be trained in working with children that English

language learners.

Action Type: Equity

Jessica Martin,

ELL Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015 ACTION BUDGET:

E.1.13 PARENTAL ENGAGEMENT<BR> The Searcy School District will

provide translators for parents, as needed. The district website can be

translated into Spanish as well as Home Access Center. Other languages will

be added as the need arises.

Action Type: Parental Engagement

Jessica Martin,

ELL Coordinator

Start: 07/01/2014

End: 06/30/2015

Administrative Staff

District Staff



Total Budget $0.00

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A School Improvement Planning Team

SCHOOL IMPROVEMENT PLANNING TEAM MEMBERSClassification Name Position CommitteeBusiness Representative Derek Allen Children/Youth Minister Special EducationBusiness Representative James Carson Ideal Office Machines MathBusiness Representative Nancy Showalter Pharmacist, Stotts Drug Store Parent InvolvementClassroom Teacher Amanda Stewart Intervention Teacher Parent InvolvementClassroom Teacher Cheryl Simmons Teacher MathClassroom Teacher Cindy White 6th Grade Math Teacher MathClassroom Teacher Ginger Bridges Parent Involvement Coordinator, McRae Parental InvolvementClassroom Teacher Jennifer Koch McRae Elemenatry Literacy Coach LiteracyClassroom Teacher Jessica Martin ELL Coordinator ELLClassroom Teacher Julie Brown Intervention Teacher MathClassroom Teacher Katie Lawson SWMS Interventionist LiteracyClassroom Teacher Melanie Barker 7th/8th Grade English Teacher ELLClassroom Teacher Shannon Holeyfield 9th Grade English Teacher LiteracyClassroom Teacher Susie Gooch 5th and 6th Grade English Teacher LiteracyCommunity Representative Amanda McClish First Community Bank MathCommunity Representative Brent Wilson FSB Vice-President/Audit Office MathCommunity Representative Charles Glenn Managing Partner, Sonic, Inc. MathCommunity Representative Kenny Holeyfield Business Owner MathCommunity Representative Linda Benson Board Member WellnessCommunity Representative Marvin J. Moore Board Member MathDistrict-Level Professional Amanda Price District Literacy Instructional Facilitator LiteracyDistrict-Level Professional Betsy Bailey School/Community Coordinator ELLDistrict-Level Professional Charlotte Davis Food Services Director WellnessDistrict-Level Professional Christine Harrell Federal Programs Coordinator and Instructional Support Administrative SupportDistrict-Level Professional Diane Barrett Superintendent Administrative SupportDistrict-Level Professional John Brown Director of Computer Technology Administrative SupportDistrict-Level Professional Patti Kitts Technology Instructional Facilitator MathDistrict-Level Professional Sheena Williamson Assistant Superintendent Administrative Support

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Classification Name Position CommitteeDistrict-Level Professional Stephanie Lawrence Special Education Supervisor Special EducationNon-Classroom Professional Staff Carrie Parsley SWMS Interventionist Parental InvolvementNon-Classroom Professional Staff Heather Burrow District Treasurer Administrative SupportNon-Classroom Professional Staff Jackie Starks McRae Elementary Math Coach MathNon-Classroom Professional Staff Mitizi Cannon Librarian LiteracyNon-Classroom Professional Staff Sarah Blake AJHS Media Specialist LiteracyParent Aimee Porter Parent WellnessParent Amy Tuggle Parent ELLParent Andrea Ireton Parent WellnessParent Angie Stevens Parent WellnessParent Crystal Goff Parent LiteracyParent Guillermo Hernandez Parent ELLParent James Lisenby Parent WellnessParent Kelli Weaver Parent MathParent Kelly Henry Parent MathParent Kelly Lisenby Parent Parental InvolvementParent Kristina Morton Parent LiteracyParent Mark Burton Parent MathParent Mollie Hernandez Parent Special EducationParent Shannon Derrick Parent Parental InvolvementParent Steve Tuggle Parent Parental InvolvementParent Tiffany Evans Parent Parental InvolvementParent Tyonia Beard Parent Parental InvolvementPrincipal Joni Free McRae Elementary Assistant Principal Parent InvolvementPrincipal Kim Wilkerson Sidney Deener Elementary Principal Special EducationPrincipal Richard Denney SWMS Principal Special EducationPrincipal Steve Garrison AJHS Principal MathPrincipal Teri Morris SHS Assistant Principal Parent Involvement

September 29, 2014 Appendix School Improvement Planning Team Page 24