arXiv:1304.0671v2 [hep-ex] 27 Aug 2013 Search for a dark photon in the π 0 e + e - γ decay The WASA-at-COSY Collaboration P. Adlarson a , W. Augustyniak b , W. Bardan c , M. Bashkanov d,e , F.S. Bergmann f , M. Ber lowski g , H. Bhatt h , A. Bondar i , M. B¨ uscher j,k , H. Cal´ en a , I. Ciepa l c , H. Clement d,e , D. Coderre j,k,l , E. Czerwi´ nski c , K. Demmich f , E. Doroshkevich d,e , R. Engels j,k , W. Erven m,k , W. Eyrich n , P. Fedorets j,k,o ,K. F¨ohl p , K. Fransson a , F. Goldenbaum j,k , P. Goslawski f , A. Goswami q , K. Grigoryev j,k,r , C.–O. Gullstr¨ om a , F. Hauenstein n , L. Heijkenskj¨ old a , V. Hejny j,k , F. Hinterberger s , M. Hodana c,j,k , B. H¨ oistad a , A. Jany c , B.R. Jany c , L. Jarczyk c , T. Johansson a , B. Kamys c , G. Kemmerling m,k , F.A. Khan j,k , A. Khoukaz f , S. Kistryn c , J. Klaja c , H. Kleines m,k , D.A. Kirillov t , B. K los u , M. Krapp n , W. Krzemie´ n c , P. Kulessa v , A. Kup´ c a,g,, A. Kuzmin i , K. Lalwani h,1 , D. Lersch j,k , L. Li n , B. Lorentz j,k , A. Magiera c , R. Maier j,k , P. Marciniewski a , B. Maria´ nski b , U.–G. Meißner j,k,w,s,x , M. Mikirtychiants j,k,l,r , H.–P. Morsch b , P. Moskal c , B.K. Nandi h , H. Ohm j,k , I. Ozerianska c , E. Perez del Rio d,e , N.M. Piskunov t , P. Pluci´ nski a,2 , P. Podkopa l c,j,k , D. Prasuhn j,k , A. Pricking d,e , D. Pszczel a,g , K. Pysz v , A. Pyszniak a,c , C.F. Redmer a,3 , J. Ritman j,k,l , A. Roy q , Z. Rudy c , S. Sawant h , S. Schadmand j,k , A. Schmidt n , T. Sefzick j,k , V. Serdyuk j,k,y , N. Shah h,4 , B. Shwartz i , M. Siemaszko u , R. Siudak v , T. Skorodko d,e , M. Skurzok c , J. Smyrski c , V. Sopov o , R. Stassen j,k , J. Stepaniak g , E. Stephan u , G. Sterzenbach j,k , H. Stockhorst j,k , H. Str¨ oher j,k , A. Szczurek v , T. Tolba j,k,5 , A. Trzci´ nski b , R. Varma h , G.J. Wagner d,e , W. W¸eglorz u , A. Wirzba j,k,w , M. Wolke a , A. Wro´ nska c , P. W¨ ustner m,k , P. Wurm j,k , A. Yamamoto z , J. Zabierowski aa , M.J. Zieli´ nski c , W. Zipper u , J. Z loma´ nczuk a , P. ˙ Zupra´ nski b , M. ˙ Zurek c a Division of Nuclear Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University, Box 516, 75120 Uppsala, Sweden b Department of Nuclear Physics, National Centre for Nuclear Research, ul. Hoza 69, 00-681, Warsaw, Poland c Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, ul. Reymonta 4, 30-059 Krak´ow, Poland d Physikalisches Institut, Eberhard–Karls–Universit¨ at T¨ ubingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 14, 72076 T¨ ubingen, Germany e Kepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics, Eberhard Karls University T¨ ubingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 14, 72076 T¨ ubingen, Germany f Institut f¨ ur Kernphysik, Westf¨alische Wilhelms–Universit¨ at M¨ unster, Wilhelm–Klemm–Str. 9, 48149 M¨ unster, Germany g High Energy Physics Department, National Centre for Nuclear Research, ul. Hoza 69, 00-681, Warsaw, Poland h Department of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai–400076, Maharashtra, India i Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics of SB RAS, Academician Lavrentyev 11, Novosibirsk, 630090, Russia j Institut f¨ ur Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum J¨ ulich, 52425 J¨ ulich, Germany k ulich Center for Hadron Physics, Forschungszentrum J¨ ulich, 52425 J¨ ulich, Germany l Institut f¨ ur Experimentalphysik I, Ruhr–Universit¨ at Bochum, Universit¨ atsstr. 150, 44780 Bochum, Germany 1

Search for a dark photon in the $\ pi^ 0\ to e^+ e^-\ gamma $ decay

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v2 [







Search for a dark photon in the π0 → e

+e−γ decay

The WASA-at-COSY Collaboration

P. Adlarsona, W. Augustyniakb, W. Bardanc, M. Bashkanovd,e,F.S. Bergmannf, M. Ber lowskig, H. Bhatth, A. Bondari, M. Buscherj,k,H. Calena, I. Ciepa lc, H. Clementd,e, D. Coderrej,k,l, E. Czerwinskic,

K. Demmichf, E. Doroshkevichd,e, R. Engelsj,k, W. Ervenm,k, W. Eyrichn,P. Fedoretsj,k,o, K. Fohlp, K. Franssona, F. Goldenbaumj,k, P. Goslawskif,

A. Goswamiq, K. Grigoryevj,k,r, C.–O. Gullstroma, F. Hauensteinn,L. Heijkenskjolda, V. Hejnyj,k, F. Hinterbergers, M. Hodanac,j,k, B. Hoistada,

A. Janyc, B.R. Janyc, L. Jarczykc, T. Johanssona, B. Kamysc,G. Kemmerlingm,k, F.A. Khanj,k, A. Khoukazf, S. Kistrync, J. Klajac,

H. Kleinesm,k, D.A. Kirillovt, B. K losu, M. Krappn, W. Krzemienc,P. Kulessav, A. Kupsca,g,∗, A. Kuzmini, K. Lalwanih,1, D. Lerschj,k, L. Lin,B. Lorentzj,k, A. Magierac, R. Maierj,k, P. Marciniewskia, B. Marianskib,U.–G. Meißnerj,k,w,s,x, M. Mikirtychiantsj,k,l,r, H.–P. Morschb, P. Moskalc,

B.K. Nandih, H. Ohmj,k, I. Ozerianskac, E. Perez del Riod,e, N.M. Piskunovt,P. Plucinskia,2, P. Podkopa lc,j,k, D. Prasuhnj,k, A. Prickingd,e, D. Pszczela,g,K. Pyszv, A. Pyszniaka,c, C.F. Redmera,3, J. Ritmanj,k,l, A. Royq, Z. Rudyc,

S. Sawanth, S. Schadmandj,k, A. Schmidtn, T. Sefzickj,k, V. Serdyukj,k,y,N. Shahh,4, B. Shwartzi, M. Siemaszkou, R. Siudakv, T. Skorodkod,e,

M. Skurzokc, J. Smyrskic, V. Sopovo, R. Stassenj,k, J. Stepaniakg,E. Stephanu, G. Sterzenbachj,k, H. Stockhorstj,k, H. Stroherj,k, A. Szczurekv,

T. Tolbaj,k,5, A. Trzcinskib, R. Varmah, G.J. Wagnerd,e, W. Weglorzu,A. Wirzbaj,k,w, M. Wolkea, A. Wronskac, P. Wustnerm,k, P. Wurmj,k,

A. Yamamotoz, J. Zabierowskiaa, M.J. Zielinskic, W. Zipperu, J. Z lomanczuka,P. Zupranskib, M. Zurekc

aDivision of Nuclear Physics, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Uppsala University,

Box 516, 75120 Uppsala, SwedenbDepartment of Nuclear Physics, National Centre for Nuclear Research, ul. Hoza 69,

00-681, Warsaw, PolandcInstitute of Physics, Jagiellonian University, ul. Reymonta 4, 30-059 Krakow, Poland

dPhysikalisches Institut, Eberhard–Karls–Universitat Tubingen, Auf der Morgenstelle 14,

72076 Tubingen, GermanyeKepler Center for Astro and Particle Physics, Eberhard Karls University Tubingen, Auf

der Morgenstelle 14, 72076 Tubingen, GermanyfInstitut fur Kernphysik, Westfalische Wilhelms–Universitat Munster,

Wilhelm–Klemm–Str. 9, 48149 Munster, GermanygHigh Energy Physics Department, National Centre for Nuclear Research, ul. Hoza 69,

00-681, Warsaw, PolandhDepartment of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Powai, Mumbai–400076,

Maharashtra, IndiaiBudker Institute of Nuclear Physics of SB RAS, Academician Lavrentyev 11, Novosibirsk,

630090, RussiajInstitut fur Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum Julich, 52425 Julich, Germany

kJulich Center for Hadron Physics, Forschungszentrum Julich, 52425 Julich, GermanylInstitut fur Experimentalphysik I, Ruhr–Universitat Bochum, Universitatsstr. 150, 44780

Bochum, Germany


Page 2: Search for a dark photon in the $\ pi^ 0\ to e^+ e^-\ gamma $ decay

mZentralinstitut fur Engineering, Elektronik und Analytik, Forschungszentrum Julich,

52425 Julich, GermanynPhysikalisches Institut, Friedrich–Alexander–Universitat Erlangen–Nurnberg,

Erwin–Rommel-Str. 1, 91058 Erlangen, GermanyoInstitute for Theoretical and Experimental Physics, State Scientific Center of the Russian

Federation, Bolshaya Cheremushkinskaya 25, 117218 Moscow, RussiapII. Physikalisches Institut, Justus–Liebig–Universitat Gießen, Heinrich–Buff–Ring 16,

35392 Giessen, GermanyqDepartment of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology Indore, Khandwa Road,

Indore–452017, Madhya Pradesh, IndiarHigh Energy Physics Division, Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Orlova Rosha 2,

Gatchina, Leningrad district 188300, RussiasHelmholtz–Institut fur Strahlen– und Kernphysik, Rheinische

Friedrich–Wilhelms–Universitat Bonn, Nußallee 14–16, 53115 Bonn, GermanytVeksler and Baldin Laboratory of High Energiy Physics, Joint Institute for Nuclear

Physics, Joliot–Curie 6, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, RussiauAugust Che lkowski Institute of Physics, University of Silesia, Uniwersytecka 4, 40-007,

Katowice, PolandvThe Henryk Niewodniczanski Institute of Nuclear Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences,

152 Radzikowskiego St, 31-342 Krakow, PolandwInstitute for Advanced Simulation, Forschungszentrum Julich, 52425 Julich, Germany

xBethe Center for Theoretical Physics, Rheinische Friedrich–Wilhelms–Universitat Bonn,

53115 Bonn, GermanyyDzhelepov Laboratory of Nuclear Problems, Joint Institute for Nuclear Physics,

Joliot–Curie 6, 141980 Dubna, Moscow region, RussiazHigh Energy Accelerator Research Organisation KEK, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305–0801, Japan

aaDepartment of Cosmic Ray Physics, National Centre for Nuclear Research, ul.

Uniwersytecka 5, 90–950 Lodz, Poland


The presently world largest data sample for π0 → γe+e− decays studies con-taining nearly 5×105 events was collected using the WASA detector at COSY.A search for a dark photon U produced in the π0 → γU → γe+e− decay fromthe pp → ppπ0 reaction was carried out. An upper limit on the square of theU − γ mixing strength parameter ǫ2 of 5 × 10−6 at 90% CL was obtained forthe mass range 20 MeV < MU < 100 MeV. This result together with otherrecent experimental limits significantly reduces the MU vs. ǫ2 parameter spacewhich could explain the presently seen deviation between the Standard Modelprediction and the direct measurement of the anomalous magnetic moment ofthe muon.

Keywords: dark forces, gauge vector bosonPACS: 14.70.Pw, 13.20.Cz.

Preprint submitted to Elsevier August 28, 2013

Page 3: Search for a dark photon in the $\ pi^ 0\ to e^+ e^-\ gamma $ decay











Uµe, µe,

Figure 1: Feynman diagrams for a) the lowest order electromagnetic π0→ e+e−γ decay and

a possible contribution of U vector boson to: b) π0 → e+e−γ and c) lepton g − 2.

1. Introduction

Decays of neutral pseudoscalar mesons into a lepton-antilepton pair and aphoton, P → l+l−γ, are among the processes to search for a new light vectorboson connected with dark gauge forces [1, 2, 3]. An extra U(1) boson is pos-tulated in most extensions of the Standard Model. Recent interest in searchesof a light vector boson, in the O(MeV–GeV) mass range, is motivated by astro-physics observations such as the positron and/or electron excesses observed byPAMELA [4], ATIC [5] and H.E.S.S. [6] as well as the narrow 0.511 MeV γ rayemission from the galactic bulge observed by INTEGRAL [7].

In one of the simplest scenarios dark matter particles belonging to an addi-tional abelian gauge symmetry are added to the Standard Model (SM). The newsymmetry leaves the SM particles unchanged [8, 9, 3, 10]. The associated gaugeboson can communicate with the SM through a small mixing in the kinetic termof the QED Lagrangian [11]:

Lmix = −ǫ

2FQEDµν Fµν

dark (1)

where ǫ is the mixing parameter. The gauge boson U (also A′, γ′ or Z ′

d) is oftencalled a dark photon since it can mix with the photon in all processes (examplesare shown in Figs. 1b and 1c). Phenomenological arguments [12, 13, 14] suggestthat the ǫ parameter must be of the order of 10−4−10−2 and the boson mass MU

∗Corresponding authorEmail address: [email protected] (A. Kupsc)

1present address: Department of Physics and Astrophysics, University of Delhi, Delhi–110007, India

2present address: Department of Physics, Stockholm University, Roslagstullsbacken 21,AlbaNova, 10691 Stockholm, Sweden

3present address: Institut fur Kernphysik, Johannes Gutenberg–Universitat Mainz,Johann–Joachim–Becher Weg 45, 55128 Mainz, Germany

4present address: Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of California, LosAngeles, California–90045, U.S.A.

5present address: Albert Einstein Center for Fundamental Physics, Fachbereich Physikund Astronomie, Universitat Bern, Sidlerstr. 5, 3012 Bern, Switzerland


Page 4: Search for a dark photon in the $\ pi^ 0\ to e^+ e^-\ gamma $ decay

below 2 GeV. This estimate is also supported by the astrophysical observationsand the constraints imposed by precision measurements such as the anomalousmagnetic moments (g − 2) of muon and electron [15]. The contribution of theU boson to the (g − 2)l (l = e, µ) (Fig. 1c) is given in [15] by:

∆(g − 2)l =αǫ2


∫ 1



l z(1 − z)2

m2l (1 − z)2 + M2

Uz. (2)

Investigations of the MU vs. ǫ2 parameter space corresponding to the experi-mentally preferred (g − 2)µ value (shifted +3.6σ with respect to the SM value[16, 17, 18]) are therefore of great importance.

For a U boson with mass less than twice the muon mass the total decaywidth is for all practical purposes (neglecting higher-order electric, tiny weakinteraction contributions from the U boson – Z0 coupling, and the decay to lightdark scalars and/or fermions) given by [19, 20]:

ΓU = ΓU→e+e− =1

3αǫ2 MU

1 −4m2




1 +2m2




, (3)

where me is the electron mass.Such a light U boson can be directly produced in particle accelerators, see

e.g. Refs [19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27]. The idea is to search for narrowstructures in the invariant mass spectrum of the lepton-antilepton pair.

The MU vs. ǫ2 region corresponding to the measured (g − 2)µ value ±2σ iscovered by the data from the BABAR [28], MAMI A1 [29], KLOE-2 [30] andAPEX [31] experiments for MU masses above 100 MeV. On the lower end thispreferred region is excluded by the (g− 2)e value for MU < 30 MeV [32, 33]. Inaddition, ǫ2 regions below 10−12 are excluded by experiments which are sensitiveto lepton pairs from displaced secondary vertices (τU > 10−11 s) [34, 35, 36].

Our experiment aims at searching for a short-lived U boson in the π0 Dalitzdecay, π0 → e+e−γ, covering the range preferred by the experimental value of(g− 2)µ for 20 MeV< MU < 100 MeV. In this region, for ǫ2 > 10−6 the averagedistance passed by a boson emitted from a low energy π0 decay should be lessthan a millimeter. The best limit from a previous π0 → e+e−γ experiment withthe origin of the e+e− pair close to the production vertex was obtained by theSINDRUM collaboration more than twenty years ago [37, 38]. The SINDRUMresult is based on a sample of 98400 π0 → e+e−γ decays with e+e− invariantmasses above 25 MeV.

2. The Experiment

The WASA detector setup was built and first used at CELSIUS in Uppsalaand moved to COSY (COoler SYnchrotron) Julich in the Summer of 2005 [39].The detector was designed and optimized for studies of rare π0 meson decaysproduced in pp → ppπ0 reaction [40]. It consists of three main components:The Forward Detector (FD) – covering scattering angles in the 3◦ − 18◦ range


Page 5: Search for a dark photon in the $\ pi^ 0\ to e^+ e^-\ gamma $ decay

used for tagging and triggering of meson production, the Central Detector (CD)– used for measuring meson decay products, and the pellet target system. Thetarget beam consists of 20 – 30 µm diameter pellets of hydrogen, providing anareal target density in the order of 1015 atoms/cm2. The diameter of the pelletbeam is ∼ 3.8 mm.

The CD surrounds the interaction region and is designed to detect and iden-tify photons, electrons, and charged pions. It consists of an inner drift chamber(MDC), a superconducting solenoid providing the magnetic field for momentumdetermination, a barrel of thin plastic scintillators (PS) for particle identificationand triggering, and an electromagnetic calorimeter. The amount of structuralmaterial is kept to a minimum to reduce the amount of secondary interactionsoutside of the detector sensitive volumes. The beryllium beam pipe (diameter6 cm) wall is 1.2 mm thick and the material of the superconducting solenoidcorresponds to 0.18 radiation lengths.

The FD allows identification and reconstruction of protons from the pp →ppπ0 reaction close to threshold. The track coordinates are provided by foursets of straw proportional chambers. Kinetic energies are reconstructed usingthe ∆E information in layers of plastic scintillators of different thickness. Inaddition, the signals are used for triggering. The kinetic energy, T , of theprotons can be reconstructed with a resolution of σ(T )/T ∼ 1.5−3% for kineticenergies below 400 MeV.

The results presented here are based on data collected during one-weekWASA-at-COSY run carried out in 2010. The π0 mesons were produced inproton–proton interactions at a kinetic beam energy of 550 MeV. The beam en-ergy corresponds to the center-of-mass excess energy of 122 MeV with respect toppπ0 threshold (i.e. below two pion production thresholds) with a cross sectionof 1.12 mb [41]. The maximum scattering angle of the outgoing protons for thereaction is 45◦. For detection and for triggering purposes the phase space of thepp → ppπ0 reaction can be divided into three regions:

1. Both protons are measured in the FD. This corresponds to a geometricalacceptance of 19%.

2. One proton is measured in the FD and one in the forward part of the PS(scattering angles 20◦−40◦). This corresponds to a geometrical acceptanceof 42%.

3. Both protons are registered in the PS. This corresponds to a geometricalacceptance of 21%.

Case (1) allows the definition of the most selective trigger condition and thebest resolution in the missing mass with respect to the two protons. Therefore,the main trigger for the experiment required two tracks in the FD. The protonsfrom the pp → ppπ0 reaction have a maximum kinetic energy of 350 MeV andare mostly stopped in the FD. This allows the inclusion of a veto from a thinplastic detector layer placed at the far end of the FD into the trigger condition.In addition, two hits in the central part of the PS (scattering angles 45◦− 135◦)were required, aiming to select the electron-positron pair. An additional, scaleddown, trigger based on case (2) was used in parallel. The WASA-at-COSY data


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acquisition system allowed the collection of more than 104 events per secondand the luminosity was set to optimize the conditions for the main trigger. Theintegrated luminosity of the run was about 0.55 pb−1.

The data quality is illustrated by analysis of the main trigger data sampleand requesting in the analysis two identified (using ∆E/∆E method) FD protontracks. An electron positron pair is selected by requiring two oppositely curvedtracks in the MDC with scattering angles between 40◦ and 140◦. A photonhit cluster in the calorimeter with an energy deposit above 20 MeV is alsorequested. The missing mass squared with respect to two protons (MM2(pp))for the above selection is shown in Fig. 2a. In addition to the pp → ppπ0 reactionsignal one sees also a contribution due to random coincidences of pp → pp andpp → pnπ+ reactions. This background is effectively suppressed by includingelectron and positron identification using the reconstructed momentum and theenergy deposit in the calorimeter. The corresponding MM(pp) plot after thiscut is shown in Fig. 2b. The π0 → e+e−γ decay is independently identified fromthe invariant mass of the decay products IM(e+e−γ) (calculated assuming thetracks originate at the beam target crossing) shown in Fig. 2c. The data arewell described by a simulation of pp → ppπ0 with π0 → e+e−γ and π0 → γγdecays, where in the latter case one of the two photons converts in the berylliumbeam tube.

For Monte Carlo simulations, angular distributions for the pp → ppπ0 reac-tion from [41] were used in the event generation. The π0 → e+e−γ decay isgenerated using the lowest order QED matrix element squared:

|A|2 = Γγγ16π3Mα





1 −q2


)2 (

1 + cos2 θ∗ +4m2


q2sin2 θ∗


|F (q2)|2 (4)

where θ∗ is the angle of e+ in the dilepton rest frame with respect to the dileptonmomentum in the overall π0 decay system, M and me are π0 and e± massesrespectively, Γγγ is the partial π0 → γγ decay width, and F (q2) (with q2 thesquared momentum transfer of the off-shell photon) is the π0 transition formfactor. The form factor close to q2 = 0 is parametrized as: F (q2) = 1+aq2/M2.The value of the dimensionless linear coefficient a is 0.032 ± 0.004 [42].

The matrix element from Eqn. (4) leads to the following unperturbed dΓ/dqdistribution [43] for the standard lowest order electromagnetic decay π0 →e+e−γ of Fig. 1a:

dq= Γγγ



1 −4m2




1 +2m2




1 −q2



|F (q2)|2. (5)

3. Data analysis

The first stage of data analysis is to extract a clean signal of π0 → e+e−γdecays. The results shown in the previous section suggest that in pp interac-tions at 550 MeV electron-positron pairs come nearly exclusively from the π0

meson decays. Therefore, in order to maximize the yield of the π0 → γe+e−


Page 7: Search for a dark photon in the $\ pi^ 0\ to e^+ e^-\ gamma $ decay

a) )2(pp) (GeV2MM-0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1

)2 G












b) MM(pp) [GeV]0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3



(1 M








c) ) [GeV]γ-e+IM(e0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3



(4 M











Figure 2: Detector performance plots for a data sample with two reconstructed protons, ane+e− pair and a photon. a) Distribution of the missing mass squared with respect to thetwo protons registered in the FD before electron identification. Experimental data (blackpoints); simulations: π0

→ e+e−γ and π0→ γγ (broken line), random coincidences of two

events (dotted line), and the sum (solid line). b) Distribution of MM(pp) after electronidentification: experimental data (black points) and sum of Monte Carlo simulations (solidline). c) The reconstructed invariant mass of the e+e−γ system after particle identificationcut.


Page 8: Search for a dark photon in the $\ pi^ 0\ to e^+ e^-\ gamma $ decay

a) ) [GeV]-e+IM(e0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3



(1 M







b) ) [GeV]-e+IM(e0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 0.25 0.3



(1 M







Figure 3: The reconstructed e+e− invariant mass q = IM(e+e−): a) before and b) afterthe cuts for reducing the conversion background. The experimental data are denoted byblack points. Results of simulations for π0 → γγ (blue line) and π0 → e+e−γ (green line)decays are normalized according to the known branching ratios. The normalization of randomcoincidences (dotted line) was fitted in order to reproduce the IM(e+e−) > 150 MeV range.The sum of all simulated contributions is given by the red line.

events we use an inclusive data sample requesting events with (i) at least oneproton identified in the FD, (ii) an e+e− pair identified in the CD. There is norequest of an additional photon cluster and we have included events from bothtriggers corresponding to phase space regions (1) and (2). The distribution ofthe reconstructed invariant mass of the electron-positron pair, q = IM(e+e−),is shown in Fig. 3a. This spectrum is well described by the sum of π0 → e+e−γand π0 → γγ (with photon conversion). The data sample contains 1.8×106

reconstructed events.The π0 → γγ events are efficiently removed by a condition on the recon-

structed position of the e+e− vertex. Fig. 4 shows the distance (R) of the re-constructed vertex from the COSY beam axis. The contributions of the π0 → γγand π0 → e+e−γ decays, simulated according to the known branching ratios,are in very good agreement with the observed distribution and they are wellseparated. In order to further reduce the external conversion background one


Page 9: Search for a dark photon in the $\ pi^ 0\ to e^+ e^-\ gamma $ decay

R [mm]

0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50



(1 m












Figure 4: Distribution of the distance R between the COSY beam axis and the reconstructedpoint of closest approach of e+ and e− tracks: experimental data (black crosses); simula-tions for π0

→ γγ (blue line), the π0→ e+e−γ decay (green line), and the sum of the two

contributions (red line).

uses the invariant mass of the e+e− calculated from the momentum directionsat the points where the tracks intersect the beam tube, IMb, shown in Fig. 5.The selection cut is performed in the IMb vs. R plane (Fig. 5). The cut removes98% of the π0 → γγ events which contribute to IM(e+e−) distribution due toconversion.

The finally reconstructed dN/dq distribution, containing nearly 5×105 en-tries, is shown in Fig. 3b. It is well described by the simulations of the π0 →e+e−γ decay channel alone with a very small (approx. 3000 events) admixtureof background from the π0 → γγ decay. The data in this work represent theworld largest data sample of π0 → e+e−γ events, which is almost an order ofmagnitude larger than the sample used for the previously published results fromthe SINDRUM experiment [37, 44].

3.1. Upper limit for the BR(π0 → γ(U → e+e−))

A distinctive feature of the expected signal of the decay π0 → γ(U → e+e−)(Fig. 1b) is the appearance of a narrow peak (the width being given by thedetector resolution) in the invariant mass distribution of the electron positronpair at the U boson mass. The electrodynamics process π0 → γ∗γ → e+e−γ(Fig. 1a) both represents the irreducible background and is used for normaliza-tion. Due to the expected small decay width of the U boson the interferenceterm is negligible and the signal from the U boson can be tested by constructingan incoherent sum of the two contributions.

The experimental data are described well by the simulation based on Eqn. (4)alone as shown in Fig. 3. The difference between reconstructed experimental qdistribution and the sum of all simulated contributions is given in Fig. 6. Theerrors include both statistical uncertainties of the data sample as well as the


Page 10: Search for a dark photon in the $\ pi^ 0\ to e^+ e^-\ gamma $ decay

R [mm]

0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100













Figure 5: Correlation between R and IMb variables for the experimental data. The selectioncut is shown by the diagonal line. The events below the line mainly come from photonconversions in the beam pipe.

) [GeV]-e+IM(e0.03 0.04 0.05 0.06 0.07 0.08 0.09 0.1



(1 M










Figure 6: Difference between the reconstructed e+e− invariant mass distribution and the sumof all simulated contributions (black points). The resolution and sensitivity for a hypotheticaldecay U → e+e− are illustrated by the superimposed red histograms. They represent thesignals expected for the π0

→ Uγ → e+e−γ process with U boson masses of MU = 30, 50,70 and 90 MeV and BR(π0

→ Uγ) = 10−4 (the corresponding ǫ values are: 0.0077, 0.0088,0.0113, and 0.0169 respectively).


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systematical ones due to the simulation of the detector response. In additionthere are superimposed five example distributions corresponding to the π0 →Uγ → e+e−γ process for U boson masses of 30, 50, 70 and 90 MeV respectively,assuming BR(π0 → Uγ) = 10−4. The plots illustrate both the resolution andthe efficiency expected for the signal. The structure at 60 MeV is most likelydue to a small residual of the conversion events which are not yet understoodby MC.

For a given value of the U boson mass corresponding to the range of thekth bin of the invariant mass spectrum (qk < MU < qk + ∆q, with ∆q =1 MeV the width of the histogram bin) the number of events in the ith binof the reconstructed electron-positron invariant mass distribution, Ni, can bedescribed in the following form:

Ni/NTot =1



Sijηjνj + Sikηkβ (6)

The first term in the Eqn. (6) represents the contribution from the Dalitz decayand the second term from the hypothetical π0 → γ(U → e+e−) decay chain.Indices j and k label the true, unperturbed distributions and i the reconstructedq histogram. NTot is total number of produced π0 mesons, 1/Γ is the π0 lifetime and ηj is the efficiency. Sij is the normalized smearing matrix (for eachj:

i Sij = 1), νj is the unperturbed dΓ/dq distribution for the π0 → e+e−γdecay (Eqn. (5) and Fig. 1a) integrated over bin j:

νj ≡

∫ qj+∆q


dqdq, (7)

and β is BR(π0 → γ(U → e+e−)). The efficiency and the smearing matrixwas obtained from the detector simulation. The U boson decay mechanism indiagram Fig. 1b implies that the efficiencies as a function of cos θ∗ are identicalto the ones of the π0 → e+e−γ decay with q = MU . Note that for the quotedvalues of the branching ratios the intrinsic width (3) of the U boson would bein the eV range and thus very much smaller than the experimental bin size.

The upper limits for the U boson branching ratios, β, as a function of MU

were obtained by repeating for all bins (index k in Eqn. (6)), correspondingto the 20 MeV < MU < 100 MeV range, the least square fits of Eqn. (6)to the experimental q distribution. The results of the unconstrained fits yieldestimators of β values and their standard deviations, which have to a goodaccuracy asymptotic Gaussian distributions. Finally we construct the upperlimits using prescriptions from ref. [45] taking into account the fact that β isa non-negative parameter since the U boson contribution is added incoherentlyhere. Fig. 7 shows the 90% C.L. upper limits for the branching ratio of π0 →γ(U → e+e−) decay as a function of the assumed value of MU . This result iscompared to that obtained from the SINDRUM data [37].

The branching ratio of π0 → γU is related to ǫ2 by [46, 21]:

Γ(π0 → γU)

Γ(π0 → γγ)= 2ǫ2|F (M2

U )|2(

1 −M2




. (8)


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0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12

) 90

% C

U→ 0 π








Figure 7: A 90% C.L. upper limit (smoothed) for the BR(π0 → γU) from this paper (solidline) compared to the result of the SINDRUM experiment [37] (dotted line).

The resulting upper limits for the ǫ2 parameter is shown in Fig. 8 and comparedwith other experiments.

The recent limits for the electron g − 2 are taken from recent QED calcu-lations Refs [33, 32] and a measurement of alpha in atomic physics [48]. Ourupper limit improves the recent combined KLOE limits [47] at low MU . Weuse a disparate experimental setup and different meson decay as source of e+e−

pairs. Together the data significantly reduce the parameter space for mass andmixing strength of a hypothetical dark photon U , if the latter is assumed toaccount for the presently seen deviation between the Standard Model predic-tion and the experimental value of the muon anomalous magnetic moment. Theexperiment presented in the paper if repeated with an order of magnitude largerstatistics would cover the remaining part of this region of interest. The collecteddata can also be used to determine the π0 transition form factor.


This work was supported in part by the EU Integrated Infrastructure Initia-tive HadronPhysics Project under contract number RII3-CT-2004-506078; bythe European Commission under the 7th Framework Programme through the’Research Infrastructures’ action of the ’Capacities’ Programme, Call: FP7-INFRASTRUCTURES-2008-1, Grant Agreement N. 227431; by the Polish Na-tional Science Centre through the Grants No. 86/2/N-DFG/07/2011/0 0320/B/H03/2011/40,2011/01/B/ST2/00431, 2011/03/B/ST2/01847, 0312/B/H03/2011/40 and Foun-


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[MeV]UM20 40 60 80 100




2 ∈




Figure 8: Summary of the 90% CL upper limits for the mixing parameter ǫ2 from WASA-at-COSY (red solid line) compared to SINDRUM π0 → e+e−γ [37] (dotted line) and recentcombined KLOE φ → ηe+e− [47] (dashed dotted) upper limits. The long respectively shortdashed lines (and the corresponding hatched areas) are the upper limits derived from themuon and the electron g−2 [32]. In addition the gray area represents the ±2σ preferred bandaround the present value of the muon g − 2.

dation for Polish Science. We gratefully acknowledge the support given by theSwedish Research Council, the Knut and Alice Wallenberg Foundation, andthe Forschungszentrum Julich FFE Funding Program of the Julich Center forHadron Physics.

We would like to thank Simona Giovannella for providing the KLOE datapoints. The authors thank technical staff at Forschungszentrum Julich for sup-port in preparation of and during the experiment.

This work is part of the PhD Thesis of C.-O. Gullstrom.


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